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tv   CNN News Night With Abby Phillip  CNN  April 19, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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an example that we all have that parent dogs within ourselves. we all live on this planet. we all have things that we do, whether we're conscious of it or not, that hurt the environment just by existing in the society. and we're always at odds and that's okay. we can still be at paradox and still want to help and save the environment, right? >> and maybe instead of getting defensive, say maybe there's a better way to fill this want or need exactly in a way that's better for all life, exactly when we bring down the defensiveness, it really opens everything up of more discussions and solutions it's pretty interesting. >> be sure to tune in. cnn film presents blue carbon natures, hidden power at premiere sunday, 9:00 p.m. eastern pacific, right here only on cnn. thanks for your time tonight. hope you have a great weekend. cnn news night with abby phillip starts now well,
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the pressure make the trump hurry crack. >> that's tonight on news nine good evening. >> i'm abby phillip in new york week one of donald trump's historic trial is now etched in the history books, and it ends with a full jury box. when to starts with opening statements and we lead into it with a defining question. can the men and women who've been selected to decide the former president's fate with stand the trump high waves that will swallow their entire existence. for the next six to eight weeks the jurors come from all parts of the city, west harlem, hell's kitchen, chelsea, upper west and upper east sides. some work in sales, others in finance. others are lawyers. and they all say that they can be fair despite what they've read or said about
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donald trump in the past, that juror number 11 quipped at one point i don't like some of my coworkers, but i don't try to sabotage their work. fair enough. >> and from the minute the judge gambled in on thursday morning to the minute the court adjourned today reporters witnessed details, big and small about the jury, about the crucible that they are all in some potential jury members got to pass because they provided a reason to doubt that they could do the job. >> one perspective juror who agreed he couldn't be impartial. i can trump to former italian prime minister serbia berlusconi and just as a refresher, berlusconi through banga bunk parties where he allegedly paid for sex he was dismissed now, one who said that she could be fair, listened to her own social media musings right back to her out loud. tweets in which she labeled trump or racist sexist narcissist anathema to everything instilled in her by her faith she acknowledged that sounded bad. at another point,
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she had to explain the internet to the lawyers. that's a meme. she told them. that was the comedy. and this was the tragedy a wave of potential jurors reckoning with the real stakes of surviving a trial where they're every movement is the subjective national scrutiny today, multiple people broke down in court, succumbing to what one woman called high anxiety one perspective jurors sobbed in full view of the court when she was passed the microphone. i'm sorry. i thought i could do this. she said this is so much more stressful than i thought another confessed for the record and for everyone watching that she had a criminal record the judge, summoned her to the bench, listen to the defect as the defendant, donald trump watched merchan then dismissed her but not before pleading with the lawyers and the reporters in the room please be kind to this person. another seemed on the verge of panic, telling the judge that seeds of self-doubt
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had set in that she simply was not up for this now, it's easy to see why you or me or really anyone could falter under this enormous pressure, the scrutiny and the controversy that comes with any trump trial with opening statements slated to start on monday, the prosecution wants it's witness list to be kept secret. we're not telling him who these witnesses are. the government's top attorney says, because he believes that the second that those names are made public, they'll become victims of a donald trump truth diatribe. a screed like the one that trump gave about the judge moments after he exited court today. >> drought starts and minor, which has long before a lot of vehicle for the judge went to go as fast as possible histories and jennifer, my race former manhattan prosecutor jeremy saland is here to break down the jury box for us. so jeremy, what sticks out to you most people thought, including
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myself, this was going to be a far longer process. >> but thanks, a judge. immer schon, who summarily removed some of the jurors, which works significant numbers, who could not and would not be willing to be a part of this process. we left us with a far more efficient process. what we have 12 jurors now what do we know about these 12 jurors? that the prosecution and the defense felt that they were the right fit for this case. we also have two lawyers. we have a corporate lawyer, we have a civil litigator. and why is that important? routinely, both sides are concerned when you have a lawyer on a jury, why is that? you don't want that lawyer to take what they believe the law is in their training experience and use that to pursue that case. ultimately, there's a concern as well that the other jurors may look to those lawyers and say, what do you think? what is your experience tell you what should we do we all know and they'd been instructed it is not the role of any juror no matter your career, to make that decision. it's listening to the court and listening to the judge. but what's interesting about this? jury is they all or many of them have
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higher educations for example, we have an investment baker. we have a speech therapist, we have a retired wealth manager. i can go on and on with all these different people, but they have higher level of education's, but they also have jobs. for example, the speech therapist. we have that teacher as well. the physical therapists, they have to read people's reactions, read how people behave. so they're using that common sense in addition to that higher level of education to understand the more complex issues that the jury may here during the course of this case. but it's not just the jury that's important because you have the alternates and you'll have some of the same characteristics. but why are they important? well, they're not going to deliberate with the jury if it ultimately gets to that point, but you run the risk that a juror or jurors over the course of this trial will not want to be a part of that process ultimately, there may be an accident, maybe an emergency. there may be a health care issue, and those jurors might be removed, and in that time any one of these people, any one of them could be a part of
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the jury selection. pardon me? could be part of the deliberation where they will make that decision with the rest of that body. to decide the guilt or innocence of the former president. so they play a critical role just as much as all the other jurors of the 12 that were seated. >> fascinating jeremy standby for us. i want to now bring in seeing an anchor and chief legal analyst, laura coates, also with a senior editor for above the law job, patrice, to break all of this down, joe, we went through just really the today was a really emotional de in that courthouse because i guess things were getting very, very real for some of these jurors standardly is it typical to see that kind of emotion as people go into a case like this, you don't know. and i think that's that's still roiling. i think in a lot of jurors minds, but i think a lot of juries don't vocalize it as much in a lot of ways. i think this was the gravity of it being a former president and being historic is bringing that out. and i think in some ways that's a really good thing that i don't think any
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criminal defendant deserves to have a juror who's very, very nervous about the weight, awesome power of what their job is so in some ways, i think it's good that we had this kind of honesty. these people recognizing that they might not be up to it, and helping form a jury of people who hopefully are able to deal with that. as a former federal prosecutor, laura, when you see that what do you see & do you think that this is something that could potentially way on the jury as they are actually deliberating this in a way that that could jeopardize the case. that's a great point. uncertainty is what i think every one who believes in a jack assist system wants a juror to feel when they go into a courtroom because you don't want the deck totally stacked against the defendant presumption of innocence requires people to lower in fat corbyn. thank you've got approved the case to me. i'm uncertain whether the prosecution can carry their burden of proof. what you don't want is the uncertainty that jurors might be feeling of
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well, my anonymity it'd be compromised ibs, more like fear, right? that's now fear. will i be intimidated? what will happen afterwards one question that was asked by the prosecution of the pencil jurors over the course of the week was can you look at this defendant? can you look him in the eye and declare he is guilty? if we prove our case, now you're not going to have that most often happening, but the person the defendant here is a former president of the united states, particularly polarizing figure who has larger than life and places like manhattan and so this is a really unique matter. but the prosecution, they're rude teen proof has to be there still beyond a reasonable doubt, even if it's the defendant, donald trump. >> i'm curious for both of you, think of the presence of lawyers on this jury. i can see it either way, frankly. about yeah. everyone was lawyers everywhere lawyers, no offense or anything i'll be on truth. i actually have been on a jury as a lawyer. i was shocked. i said, i'm a criminal defense
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lawyer and i still was put on a criminal trial. it is weird to be in that room and to have everyone look at you and say, well, you understand all of this stuff and be like, that's not my job. here but but i do think there's a little bit of being the lawyer in the room helping people refocus when people go off on emotional things being like, well now, what remember we had this we had this evan, what's your take learn? i mean, lawyers are supposed to be presumed generalists to have to know a little bit, but everything are these practicing attorney are they law degree? the holding people? it can be that can be distinct, but at the end of the day, what i would want as a prosecutor, i don't want someone turning to another juror and saying, did they get that right? is that what supposed to happen as defense attorney? it's exactly what i want. i want the lawyer to be like, you know what they're missing here. this element of the crime yes. that's exactly if i were a defense attorney, i'd be like, actually this may not be so bad. >> they can deal with some legalistic parts of this as opposed to clinical common sense. everyone hold that thought i want to bring jeremy
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saland back in, jeremy opening statements start on monday. can you give us a preview of what we could be seeing everyone's been waiting for this moment. >> the opening statements leading up to this, we've had jury selection has been a lot of boring, if you will, mundane type of back-and-forth between the parties. but now it's time to hear what we should expect. the fear where is it the case and the narrative? who starts the prosecution starts, and what might they start with? they're not going to say this is the michael cohen and stormy daniels show, but they are going to be relevant to this case and they're going to take this opportunity to say as important as these two are as relevant as they are as much evidence as they have it is not resting on a tour of their shoulders, but yes, there's issues with credibility yes, there's been issues with lying, but stormy daniels and michael cohen, you should listen to them, but not alone. why not? you also have checks, for example, and those checks will show that these payments were in fact made. you have someone like david who can get back a granum context as to
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what was going on about a possible what we call a catch and kill to avoid the election and consequences to it in the event that it was found out that stormy daniels, if true, had an affair with the former president. it's not solely, again, michael cohen and stormy daniels. it's not solely david and for that matter, it's not solely the checks. it's a combination of all these different factors, even if it's shared in a more general context to reach the point that at the end of all this, after all, the fraud was completed, after there was these defrauding of the business records to hide what were they trying to hide this underlying crime? that underlying crime is what? >> that was two cause some disruption in the election to protect the former president to commit that other crime now, you also have the defense and the defense has their opening as well. >> and i would expect there to be more general. it's not going to get into the same degree of the weeds because not only do they have to have it offense, they don't have they have their theory out there and we'll listen and respond to the prosecution as that case
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moves forward. but they're going to take a different approach to these two people. what are they going to say do not trust, they are liars, they are dishonest, they are deceitful, and they are the actual fraudsters who perpetrated crimes not the former president of the united states well, who is the former president? we all know donald trump, but to donald trump know what was going on. was he a passenger, if you will, in this whole ride unaware of what was happening next. was it his intent did he actually take the steps to defraud did he actually take the steps? try to avoid the consequences of his election or what might happen in that election ultimately, will donald trump testify? i don't expect you hear much because it won't be a promise from the defense that yes, you will hear from my client. they may leave that more open, but it'll certainly be lurking in the back of jurors minds as will we hear from the former president, i expect no promise from the defense team as they move forward. >> all right, jeremy, thank you very much for that, lauren, joe or back laura, the prosecutors initially did not, as we said, want to give this witness list
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to the defense, they might give a name on sunday right before opening arguments. is that fair? well, first of all, they likely know who the witnesses are already on the defense and jeremy, did the great job of laying all that out. >> they want the order of the witnesses, though, and that's where the strategy comes in. they want to know who's first because it will shape the theory of the case. are they going to go chronological from say, david, back in 2015, being asked to be the eyes and ears for catch and kill opportunities, then comes karen mcdougal, somebody who is paid a certain amount of money. they say two also hide what she alleges to be a fair that donald trump denies or do you begin with a lead with the so-called trump of a stormy daniels. so the michael cohen that will shape the way you're going to defend and actually present your own defense and your own opening statement. that's why they really want to know so on a separate matter, joe, the new york attorney general, is asking for this bond for trump's hush money trial. i'm sorry. for trump's other trial to be voided. basically saying that the the the company the insurance
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company that backed it, is not actually financially stable. >> this is yet another salvo in this whole thing. >> what do you think, judge engoron is going to do about that? >> yeah. i mean, the bond is a little weird, right let's let's be on it. it's weird and you can contrast it even with the ball on the in the carroll case, that is a bond that has backed by chubb accompany everybody knows and trusts this bond coming from a company. nobody event that is not new york, that nobody really knows. there was some questions whether there was any money behind it. it's it's structured weird as though as though it's actually trump's money as opposed to the surety company's money. there's a lot of reasons to be worried about this bond. >> it's $175 million. so it's not chump change maybe maybe compared to what it could have been. it's jumped change, but it is not chump change. >> and by the way, the reason you want a bond is because on the one hand, you don't want the defendant who's responsible
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for paying it, too, then go through the process of paying the person who they owe the money to and then having the appellate rights go through and they end up not having owed in the first place. it helps defendant if you're the person who's bringing the case in this case, the attorney general's office, if people have new york if you are going to the appellate process, they never had the money or spending it all and not have it in the end. and the people of new york have often lost. and so the bond is supposed to give some level of assurance either way. and if it's not, the money somebody has to have the money. laura coates and joe patrice. thank you both for being here. and don't miss more of laura coates live coming up next at the 11:00 hour eastern time. i'll be there. i'll see you there up next for us though today. a disturbing scene did unfold outside of that courthouse. a man set himself on fire. is security at the courthouse adequate for this trial as a begins on monday plus breaking news out of iraq, we are getting word of explosion sends out a military
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base south of baghdad and you've seen them on hgtv, the property brothers will join me onset to discuss the economy and whether there's a housing bubble in america cnn news night with abby phillip, he's brought to you by. >> so tick to find out if so tick two is the treatment you've been looking for. >> you found it, the feeling of findings, psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only so tick to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe prac psoriasis& the chance that we're are almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your so ready for your close-up, are finding you don't have to hide your skin. just your background one still please don't two was proven better, getting more people clear skin than the leading pill. >> don't take if you're allergic to so take too serious reactions can occur. so ticked, you can lower your ability to fight infection we've including tb, serious
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because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. try risk-free without 30 de fit guarantee at honey 2024. so far nba play in tournaments for these teams make it to the playoffs they got to win to get it display a table when tonight to play in his real spectacular 2024 so far nba play-in tournament it was a historic moment in american history this week. >> and we'll continue on monday as donald trump's criminal trial is set to it officially begin with opening statements so what was it like inside of that courtroom today? let's talk about it with someone who was their
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washington correspondent for new york magazine olivia newsy joins me now, livia you saw it all transpire and we went through a lot of the details of what was happening what was trump doing today in court, like what was his demeanor like? >> i was there for the afternoon session he it's hard to see the way that they have it. you know, his back is turned toward you. there is a feed of his face, but you're really craning your neck when you're in there on those benches trying to get a good look at him. >> when he walked in, he seemed like kind of peppy and he turned any smile to some of us sitting there on the left-hand side and then by the end of the session, which was only about an hour, he was so depleted. he he's sort of popped up when the judge said that they had concluded and the judge has a reprimand him and tell him to sit back down. >> this was news to me, but evidently it's the case that the judge leaves the courtroom first. everybody else sleeves, i guess it was news to donald trump as well as he was walking out. >> i mean, he looked just like he was sort of hobbling. he
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looked very tired and he looked like it had been a very long de, which i suppose it was for him. >> yeah. i mean, the jurors today seem to really kind of the gravity of it all really descended on them what was that like to see that emotion boiling over, maybe the nervousness, the anxiety that was there, like for a lot of these people i mean, in theory, one of these juror said this today, but in theory it seems like one thing. >> and then in practice, the seriousness of it all really dawns on you and just walking into that courtroom as a reporter, walking into that building as a reporter, it is sort of staggered during to be there and observe all of that. so to be there with the former president, with probably one of the most famous men in the world, one of the most powerful people in the world to be being questioned about your biases maybe having to read your mean tweets in public objection to trump. i don't know if you were able to see or observe any of this but did trump have any reaction to those moment. i wasn't able to see him. he did look it to be scowling at different times as he does he
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looked quite bored sometimes. and then other times he looked and it was hard to tell if he was just trying to prove that he was not asleep but he did look to be paying quite a lot of attention and looking up at the judge, looking at his attorney, spent a lot of time whispering to his attorneys and i just looked very, very tired by the end of it all. >> and yet, he leaves the courthouse and once again attacks the judge and the process and he is under a gag order still. yeah. >> but you don't get into the court today? yeah. into the court at this morning. he was posting on truth social, or whether he was are one of his aides were it was it was in his name. >> and then right when the lunch break happened at the same time unbeknownst to us in the courtroom someone was lying themselves on fire outside of the courthouse, which was just horrible as that was all happening. >> he was posting attacking the judge, attacking the prosecutors. so he's violating this gag order left and right? absolutely. and i mean, do you have any sense of does he just not care? does he not care what
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the consequences could be for how the case goes on about it just seems like the order effectively has no effect. >> it seems like that. i mean, it's very difficult to have another interpretation other than he must just not care. i mean, obviously these fines don't mean much to him, although i was thinking earlier today, this is a man spy magazine as a bit once sent him a check for $0.13 and he did cash it the idea that this is some insignificant amount of money and he doesn't care the history refutes that what you think about his lawyers though, how they carry themselves. >> i mean, trump's lawyers publicly & on cable tv, there's a lot of bluster. what are they like in the courtroom and is a different well, it was interesting today during this hearing, the sandoval hearing this afternoon, the lawyers really got reprimanded for fighting the judge on every little thing. the judge said, basically enough is enough if you think that you're going to delay this trial, you are wrong. this trial is going to begin on monday and it was really a smack down moments with this, judge& with trump's attorneys. >> yeah. very notable. indeed,
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olivia newsy. thanks so much your tweets this week have been colorful and entertaining. we appreciate you up next, it is a truly surreal question did cannibals eat president biden's alcohol during a world war ii, we will actually have a fact check for you on that, believe it or not. plus, as biden talks about the economy the property brothers are here to talk about real estate in america and the value of your home. >> you don't want to miss this new ally in the fight against climate change. >> this is blue car business, blue carbon. >> we just need to protect nature will do the rest carbon plus cnn field sunday at nine life is better with the credit god's on your side. >> rewards, ones available to the view are now accessible to the many credit one bank get cashback awards live large,
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safe and healthy at dea is take back day, april 27, i'm zachary cohen in washington in this is cnn while donald trump has been in court, president biden is on the campaign trail and he's
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talking about everything from the economy, two, cannibals. >> and cnn's daniel dale put together a fact check of some of his claims now, bear with me here. first, biden tells us real story about his uncle in world war ii who he says died at the hands of cannibals yes, shot down in new guinea and they never found the body because it used to be a lot of cannibals for real my point biden's account here is just a little different than the pentagon's version of events. >> the defense department says, it's not clear why the plate went down in the first place and that it crashed in the ocean. three men died. another survived, but no mention of being shot down or cannibalism next, there's his claim about war zone trips i was in i think 36, 38 times in iraq and afghanistan as a senator and
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vice president that one's false according to the numbers released by his own campaign, he visited iraq and afghanistan 21 times during those time periods. >> claim number three, this one is about his wealth i hope you're all able to make 400,000 i never did that one's false to that while he made less than that for most of his career, biden is right now at this very moment, making $400,000 a year as president and as a private citizen after the vice presidency, he made millions from speeches and books. >> joint tax filings show the bidens made $11 million in 2017 and more than 4 million the following year next claim about the wealth of other people do you know what the average federal tax rate for billionaires today in america for real 8.3% that one is misleading. >> his economists are factoring
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in unrealized capital gains but that is not how the tax system works. and despite how you might feel about billionaires, the tax policy center says the top 0.1% of households paid an average tax rate of roughly 30% in 2020 next claim lot more to do i guess what during the whole time i've been able to cut the federal deficit at the same exact time over $1 trillion also misleading yes. the deficit was lower in 2023, then 2020, but that is of course, because of emergency covid spending and while biden can argue that his policies have driven a strong recovery some of his initiatives like student debt forgiveness, for example, have eaten into deficits, savings next claim when trump was president in 2020 55 of the largest
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corporations in america on the fortune 500 may 40 billion in profit and paid zero zero in federal income taxes well, i guess what i came along and took care of the sin not anymore. >> thanks to a law i wrote sine big corporations now have to pay a minimum. they should be paying more a minimum of 50% tax not anymore that's false. >> this tax only applies to companies that make at least 1 billion every year. 14 are on that list to be exact so many big companies will still be paying zero and of course, the final claim for example, seniors beginning of 2024, no
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matter how much their prescription drug costs are they'll never have to pay more than 2000 dollars a year. >> no matter what. >> that is also false in two ways the $2,000 cap takes effect in 2025, there is a $3,000 cap in place this year. the white house says that he misspoke on that one, and also he says seniors won't have to pay more than $2,000 no matter what. but the cap is impacted by inflation. so it's likely to end up being higher in the future and speaking of the economy, a new level of pain for potential homebuyers this week, mortgage rates soaring above 7%. that is the highest since last november. and the median price of an existing home is also on the rise. all of that raising the question, is there a housing bubble that is about to burst? well, we have two guests from another part of the parent company, warner brothers discovery to explain it all for you? joining me now, are drew and jonathan
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scott better known as the property brothers from hdtv, their new series is called backed by the bros. jonathan and truth. thank you both for being here. first of all, i should disclose that i've spent amounts of time that i will not amounts i will not specify watching your show. >> i think as borderline style. >> yeah. my husband is sick of me, will always wanted to renovate, but putting that aside the housing market is such a huge part of what's going on in this economy. what is going on there is this kind of bump i mean, it's so so hard to predict what's going on, but i think when we look at the issue right now, there's a housing crisis, there's there's a density issue on top of the rates and people are looking for ways to build a for their house. >> i think that the big thing for us is trying to help homeowners figure out how they can afford to be where they want to be as it makes sense to you, that we would see those trends ends at the same time that we're seeing all these factors that are actually intended to reduce spending on
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big ticket items. >> well, it's because the rates have come down a little bit and so we've seen the rates come down and we've seen a little bit of activity, but even where they are right now, there's still potential to do well and real estate in our cheryl back by the bros. that's what it's about as people who wanted to dive in, some of them didn't calculate because the higher the rates go, the tighter your margins are gonna be. you got to be really, really careful. you got to pad yourself a little bit. but everything so erratic right now because even during covid, nobody expected that things were going to boom the way they did. everyone thought, okay, no one's going to overspend on their home? no one's here. i've never seen more renovations happen then what happened during and post-covid being in the same room as your kids 24/7 isn't a reason to renovate and put up all the flaws in your home? >> doing your your zoom calls with your husband walking naked through the background. there are reasons why people do vince. >> so the national association of realtors, they also have this big shift happening and how people pay for commission, buyers and sellers. that's now being split up. they each have to pay their own way what are you anticipating? that's going
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to in terms of the effect on the housing market and consumer behavior. >> well, we've predicted for a long time that there was going to be a correction when it comes to commissions in some way, there it's one thing frankly, there are a lot of real estate professionals who are not that professional. there are a smaller percentage of people who are amazing and they're worth every dollar, you need somebody who's going to protected. this is the largest investment you're ever going to make. we have never had a problem whether it's something drew representatives on most of our purchases and sales. but also we've worked with other real estate professionals who i am okay. to pay a full rate of somebody who's are doing the work and discount brokers kinda came in years and years ago you didn't see that take over the whole market. you still saw people paint in larger commissions if they had a relationship that was worth it, most buyers they're not thinking about that 15 or $20,000 and they might have to pay a real estate agent for first-time homebuyers. is that a concern for you? >> it's gonna be a huge concern that's going to make it more difficult for a lot of people. and so bundling those fees into the purchase price actually made it more manageable, which is one thing
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that i have have a real hard time with because real estate, the idea of getting into real estate for first-time buyer is already so difficult in this country, it's so expensive. you get an hamas specialty in a large metropolis city end. so all any of those barriers that you put in away, it's just going to make it even harder. so we're going to start to see, i think more creative types of financing come up, which then again pre 2008, that's what you had a big problem with. there were all of these creative financing tools that made people over leverage themselves. that also when there's a blast, everyone lot. and i think i mean, i am a real estate agent. i know commission structure and this is my business and i never i never said any professional you should undercut the value of your business but let's be honest, some of the transactions we do, do i need to have a five to 6% split with the other agent? know it's a lot, but i think if our duty as a real estate agent is to work out or work for our client, our fiduciary duty is to do as best for the client. and is there really a commission? yeah. regardless of commission, and is it really best for us to steer towards things at pay me more is the best for me to go for the highest possible
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commission. not always because a first-time homebuyer like you're saying, it's really going to be tough for people to get into some markets. >> so can you tell us a little bit about this show? i assume we're going to be spending a ton of time watching thank you by the bros. is unlike anything you've ever seen if you've watched a lot hgtv, it's almost like we're coming in and it's a no bs >> look at people who have literally lost everything we have one couple who they've spent their, life, retirement savings, they spent their children's college funds, five children. you've spent everything on a property that it turns out we'll never be zolan for what they intended wasted all that money, and they were on the brink of losing everything. what do they do? >> they call that we come in and every episode we're meeting different investors were hearing their stories. we're putting our reputation, all our resources on the line, bringing our crews and we have a warehouse full of furniture and supplies that we have for our shows this is another part to just what we're talking about with where we are with interest rates. debt is so expensive, right now, people are trying to get creative for how they can afford where they live and that's what we're seeing on
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the show. some of these episodes people have do van without any plan. they didn't realize how much it was going to cost. and when they don't have professionals working with and making sure that their trades are all line that they're getting their permits, line up the way they need to. they enter spending double what they replied in the most maddening part is if you had us at your home, the expertise that we've done, we've done 1,000 homes if you had us there and we gave you advice and said, if you don't do this, it's all going to go to would you listen to us? >> yeah. yeah they don't listen. >> so you hearing yourself. >> i want everybody right there down the lens come to my camera right now. if we are there to help you and we have 20 plus years of experience and all the resources to help you. please take her advice out of your own way. if you're gonna be successful you'll learn something from this show. >> this is so interesting and look, it also just underscores real estate, property ownership is still such a huge driver of wealth in this country. it can be for the smart investors backed by some smart property
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brothers, perhaps. i really good way for families to move into the next some people are just idiots. >> well, that might be it really does i like what you're saying though it is a way to create generational wealth and hopefully this is a way that people can learn from our shows and get into real estate investment as a supplemental part of their income. just don't be an idiot. you don't number one tip, don't be all right. jonathan andrew scott. thank you both for being here so much. it's a sobering question that will define the world for decades to come. is ukraine now losing the war against russia? the alarming new warning from the less. and i'll speak with lieutenant colonel alexander vindman, who just returned from ukraine and says, the war is taking a desperate time the. >> stanley cup playoffs on tnt a tds nothing like i'm just hurricanes maple leaf rulings
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dedicated restoration agent life block, identity theft protection starts here how would really happen? sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn? and then it's the question that could define the world for generations to come. >> is ukraine losing its war against russia top us officials are now suggesting that it is happening and happening fast. just listen to their dire warning things that if ukraine doesn't get american aid, this is what could happen. >> there is a very real risk that the guardians could lose on the battlefield. by the end of 2024, or at least put putin in a position where you could essentially dictate the terms of a political settle. >> i think we're already seeing things on the battlefield begin to to shift a bit in terms of in russia's favor that badly needed aid has been held up by republicans in congress for months now. but now how speaker mike johnson
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has changed course and will have a vote tomorrow on another $60 billion for that war. and tonight, ukraine is making a desperate plea. president zelenskyy says that without more air defense systems, ukraine won't be able to hold off russian attacks. with me now is retired lieutenant colonel alexander vindman. he's the former european affairs director for the national security council and is a senior adviser. now to vote vats, he also has just returned from a trip to you crane kernel vindman, thanks for joining us. you've been to ukraine quite a lot throughout this war. how was the situation on the ground today? different i think this was a bit of a wake-up call this visit you could sense it in the engagements with the armed forces. >> they're having a hard time contending with the russian onslaught the lack of artillery, ammunition being provided by the us and the west has really was one of the contributing factors to the fall of the city of dft in the
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southeast, the country the lack of interceptors, the air defense missiles to shoot down russian cruise missiles to put pressure on russian aircraft. flying bombing runs absence of those systems allows russia to bomb with impunity. lot of the reason that the ukrainians are under pressure is because of the fact that the us cut off support for the past six months. so let's be clear. the republicans are complicit in the condition of this war to date, and the republicans can play a critical role in at least making an adjustment. and enabling the ukrainians to defend themselves more efficiently. so that's why you're hearing the sense of urgency from senior policymakers. this has to happen, that has to happen soon to allow the ukrainians to effectively defend themselves and at least start to position for down the road. not anytime soon in more successful counteroffensive, a more successful push to liberate territory. not it's not all doom and gloom, but it is a very, very tough situation
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right now absent us support. >> i mean, you say republicans in congress are complicit but does that include mike johnson, the speaker who now is saying that ukraine aid is needed. but up until this point had not been at that place yeah. that's very true. i think the fact is that the speaker johnson and the far-right wing of the republican party where you're taking their marching orders from donald trump who was in every way looking to obstruct aid to ukraine he did it resulting into his first impeachment. when i reported as corruption, he's been supporting and cheerleading vladimir putin throughout the years. and i think he was the main factor for the lack of support over the last six months. i think what's changed is that it's now clear that the effects of suspension of us support has resulted in a enormous pressure on ukraine, where russia has seize the initiative. and this could really go badly. and that's not just badly for ukraine. that's badly for europe. that's badly for the us it isn't us
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national security interests that ukraine succeeds and russia loses other wass or russia's emboldened and we'll continue to pursue military aggression and other corners. >> how long can you cranes military whole russia? off at this one i think we accept now that there's $60 will come through that very quickly, additional artillery will flow in. >> f 16s are going to come in. that will alleviate some of the pressure with these cruise missile. and a drone attacks. and russia's ability to bomb along the frontlines with those conditions in place. ukraine has some additional breathing room. ukraine has some things that needs to do its absolutely essential that ukraine mobilizes hundreds of thousands of troops. it has the population to do that needs to follow through with the will to make sure people are not doing n runs and evading conscription. it needs to mobilize its economy. ukraine
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accounted for about 25% the soviet union's military industrial base, it has not fully mobilized. so you has some things to do. and then the us has some things to do. this 60 billion is just the leading edge. the us has to do more with trading. the ukrainians to fight combined arms, the ability to resource artillery, armor, engineers. all of these things bring them together at the exact point in time to make a difference. so we, we both need to work together to achieve our mutual aims. ukraine survival, and western security, just about a minute left. kernel vindman what's more out like right now on the front lines? brian morale is tough. >> i think the fact is that their way too many folks that have been in this war for two years that have not been able to rotate off the front lines because ukraine has secured enough troops so it's difficult. i think absent the support from the us, it looks pretty bleak with a 60 billion
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coming in. i think that's going to boulay morale. and as difficult as i paint the picture for the ukrainians, the russians are performing in lot of ways worse they have more resources, they're mobilizing their economy. but in terms of military performance, the russians are due, are worse. and that's really one of the saving graces for the ukrainians as difficult a time as they're having it's great to have this perspective really straight from the front lines this week where you were and ukraine lieutenant colonel alexander vindman. thank you for joining us thank you that's an explosion at a pro iranian military base and no one is now claiming responsibility as tensions are running high in the middle east, standby there's new ally in the fight against climate change. >> this is new car business blue carbon. we just need to protect nature will do the rest. >> carbon. >> plus cnn filled sunday at
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progress laura coates live next on cnn close captioning brought to you by gilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands. >> hill's house, the design get your heart racing had inside a prices you every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash designer sales that up to 70% or shop today tonight a middle east mystery and a pair of denials explosions rocked iraq just hours ago at the base of an iranian proxy. but right now, there is no clear picture. rob, who did it. the united states says it did not carry out strikes israel also denying that they are behind the fresh flurry of missiles cnn's paula hancocks has latest from beirut will i be we first got word of this in the early hours of saturday, a huge explosion at a military base, just size of baghdad. >> now the military base belonging to the iranian-backed
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pmf, the popular mobilization forces. we understand at least three had been injured. they were five explosions. the images you can see are quite dramatic as we believe that this is at an ammunitions depo at this point. so we know there's an event let's take action on going. there has been material losses and damaged. this is one of the groups that has been carrying out attacks against us forces in the over recent months. now there have been two fairly swift denials of involvement. one from israel, one from the united states, and israeli official telling cnn that israel has no involvement in the reports of this explosion and us central command also saying that they have not carried out any strikes in iraq today. they're not involved in this, but they say that they do remain prepared to support are a partners. and just the fact that they feel that need to deny responsibility really goes
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to show how tense the situation is in the region at the moment, israel doesn't often carry out or give these denials of responsibility. but of course it does come just hours after israel carried out that retaliatory strike against an army base in in iran. so the fact that they felt they did have to publicly deny involvement shows how tense the situation is here. abby paula hancocks. thank you very much for that. and we'll give you those updates as we get them but thank you for watching news night this week. laura coates live starts right now. >> i know there was an historic trial happening today i was standing outside the courthouse 15 stories below the former president of the united states talking to a jury consultant when the unimaginable happened there were screams, people started running because of the times we live in, i thought it was an active shooter


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