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tv   First of All With Victor Blackwell  CNN  April 20, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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whole topic tomorrow at apm eastern pacific only on cnn, also, first of all, with victor blackwell is coming up next. >> what do you have coming up? so we of course been talking about these votes in congress, foreign aid bills to fund several countries. >> one of them is israel will speak to a member of congress at democratic member who plans to vote. no. today, she sees this as a way to prevent more for destruction and the humanitarian crisis in gaza, also which he makes the backlash to pro-palestinian protest this week. plus the crack down on orange crush, not the soda. i know everybody thinks that first the georgia beach party started as an hbcu gathering, has gotten really rowdy and i'll talk to the person who organize the event. he says, tie be island's history has him concerned about the effort to restrict this majority black crowd. now plus how does one celebrate confederate heritage? turns out april is confederate heritage
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month in mississippi, and people are actually being invited to come celebrate at amusia alaska former governor of the state what is going on in mississippi wow. well, we'll be watching for sure. have a great show, but thank you very much. >> let's start it right now. well first of all well, they're really not too many days that we can say congress is getting ready to cast to a consequential vote, especially not on a saturday morning yet today, it will happen next hour. the house gavels& to start debate on foreign aid funding aid to israel in particular is the focus of some passionate debate across the country even how people debated is up for debate. this week we saw calls for crackdown on protesters who blocked traffic. look at this. this is what we saw at the golden gate bridge after her social media posts
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were targeted by pro-israel activists usc canceled a speech by its muslim valedictorian the school said it was concern for safety and now usc says it's also canceling attendance of it outside speakers and honorees i've been pro-palestinian protests on campus also at yale or columbia, where students have been camping out and getting arrested another form of protests though, is the vote aid to israel is ultimately expected to pass when the house votes on it today. but some members want to send a message by voting no. and that includes my first guest this morning think first spoke with her when she became the first jewish member of the house to call for a ceasefire in november today, she plans to vote no on sending weapons to israel. democratic representative beca ballot is joining us. she represents a district in vermont. thank you so much for joining me. let's start with why hi, why are you a no on this israel aid funding as you said yourself, it's
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clear that this is going to pass. >> so this vote is really about sending a message that we understand that if we continue to send offensive weapons to this extremist government to netanyahu. it's essentially sending a green light for an invasion of rafah and to continue this devastating devastating war in gaza. and i believe a no vote is indicative of where most americans are right now. they want to say if and secure israel. they want us to make sure that we are also putting a check on netanyahu's ability to wage this horror verbal war and to escalate tensions with iran. so i know it will pass, but i do believe this is a moment for those of us who do support israel who do believe we need to have a sovereign jewish state. to also stand up and say, we have a role to play as the united states of america in how those weapons, whether their offensive if or defensive weapons are used, you said the
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us has a role to play. let me read a line or two from your statement on social media announcing your no vote. americans will remember this moment. the united states must be firm and demanding a course correction from the netanyahu government do you believe the president president biden, has been firm enough? >> i believe the president and secretary blinken, have been firm i believe that statements from leader schumer have also helped this conversation. what we're trying to do is carve out another lane, alaimo that says you can be both support would've of israel and also understand that we have to use our power to set limits on how these offensive weapons are used.& the american people cannot stomach what is happening in gaza and do not want to greenlight an invasion of rafah. and we need to use our voices and americans need to understand that members of congress are listening to them. >> the wall street journal's reporting that in addition to what's being considered in congress today, that the administration is mulling a
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billion-dollar weapons deal. again, in addition to what will be voted on today, is this the time and we had this conversation several months? to go. but for many the mood has changed around us support. is this the time to add conditions to us aid to these us? deals of additional weapons. >> i believe that we have to have some means of holding this government the netanyahu government, responsible for and accountable to what they're doing. if that means conditions, if it means making sure that we have an ability to set the terms how they're used. and so this is what the american people want. i am not saying anything that is out of step with my constituents right now. they need us to use who's our voices to say this extreme government in israel does not represent the israeli people well and certainly does not represent the beliefs of americans it is important for
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us to keep in mind that netanyahu is extremely unpopular, right now. and israel. and i believe a no vote sends a message to israeli two. we do support who we do want to lend our support in their horrible fight against terrorism. to say to them, you need to do what needs to happen to get rid of this extremist government in israel? >> what did you say to you mentioned you believe you're in step with your constituents. what do you say to those? constituents who agree with everything you just said that the us should send a message. there should be some controls or some checks on the use of the weapons that there's not enough aid and they say for that reason, i'm not voting for joe biden in november. what do you tell them? >> a win for donald trump is a win for netanya, period no question if you want to see a
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safe and secure israel and a safe and secure palestine joe biden is the president that we'll be working tirelessly to bring about a two-state solution as well as peace and security in the entire region. >> i can, i will say it again, a vote for donald trump or a vote that is sitting out you know, this, this election and not voting for president biden is a win for benjamin next tinea, who won more earlier this week, there was a resolution, a bipartisan resolution that declared, the phrase from the river to the sea anti-semitic condemned that phrase. you were one of a few dozen who voted no on that. what informed that vote? >> i will tell you what informed that vote is that we see extremis on both sides. we see hamas using that phrase.
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and it is calling for the annihilation of jews. and we see extremis and the deaths hidden. yehud government using that same phrase to say that this homeland for both the jewish and palestinian people, this region is only for jews. so both sides extremist voices have called for the destruction of the other. and so i want to be just really clear sometimes it is used in an anti-symmetric way and sometimes it is used in an islamophobic way. and so i condemn the use by extremists on both sides. we must do better in our rhetoric. we must do better in our fight to bring about finally peace and security for both these people, because both jews and muslims have a claim to this holiest of lands in the middle east. >> what do you say? to jews who are, are threatened by that phrase, who believed that is it is clear that that is a call for the elimination of the
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state of israel i understand that. >> i do, and i am sympathetic to that the point that the republicans were trying hi to make was not actually in support of jews across this country, but this also was not brought just by republicans. this was sponsored also by democrats. and there were many democrats who voted for it i understand words matter and so when you have a phrase like from the river to the sea being used by extremists on both sides. there is nuance, there is complexity. and we do not. those of us who voted against the resolution do not stand with hamas. we are simply saying we have constituents who are not using it in an anti-symmetric way representative becky ballot democrat of vermont. >> thank you so much for being with me. let's continue this conversation now with nicholas wu. he covers congress for politico balance, opposition to this israel aid bill is not
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really a surprise considering where she he's been up to this point how many democratic votes are expected here against this bill? is there a ballpark? i think it's hard to tell exactly how many democrats are going to vote against the israel bill. but one marker that we have is the discharge petition, the the fast-track process that democrats were trying to use to get the foreign aid bill to the floor. and the first place there were about maybe 15 keen to 20 democrats who did not sign onto that in the first place because of their objections to israel aid and the lack of conditions on so we could certainly expect to see that same group of members today voting against israel bill, if not more, now that it's clear that it has the votes to pass from both republican begins and democrats. >> let me ask about the ukraine bill that's expected to get a vote today. also expected to pass. if that passes, isn't a
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guarantee that marjorie taylor greene will then force a vote on the motion to vacate to get that gavel from speaker johnson all eyes are going to be on her today on how exactly if she could trigger this process she's been kind of circumspect this whole time on what sort of timeline and what exactly what prompt her to really trigger this threat? another republican just signed onto it. this means there's not three republicans publicly backing it. it's not the same number though that he had openly threatened to remove mccarthy back when that came up last fall and with a small group of republicans backing it now. >> and increasing number of democrats signaling that they could step in to save mike johnson if this were triggered, it's not clear if she could bring this. >> if it's not going to succeed. >> yeah, i wonder though, is
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there some kind of cyclical deterioration that if he needs five democrats to keep the gap i've always time. does that make it more likely that he'll lose additional votes on the right if this comes up again, how long are democrats willing to be in this cycle to save a republican speaker? >> it's very possible that the cycle that we could see play out in the house. but democrats, i've talked to are certainly prepared to see this happen. >> it all comes down to how large they were hopkin coalition. >> that's trying to remove johnson is if it's only marjorie taylor greene and others from the right flank of the republican party democrats, i've talked to, seemed willing to help out there and other republicans seemed line to potentially give that a pass if it were just a small minority of their party the question is whether really this starts to wear down on the operations of the house if they if marjorie taylor greene or other
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republicans continue to trigger this motion, will this be something that prompts a rules change by both parties? there's certainly an appetite for it. like johnson publicly so that he did not want to instigate a rule change, but that doesn't stop up. other members from doing so nicholas, who always good to see you. >> thank you, sir. also heads up. opening statements are scheduled to start monday in the first criminal trial of former president donald trump. what cnn for special live coverage start to nine eastern on cnn and streaming on max so frequently ended in atlanta, myrtle beach crackdown on black bike week, miami beach, popular with young black folks say that it's breaking. it was spring break. now, it's the georgia coasts turn orange. crush is coming to georgia's largest public with beach. but the small city of tie be island wants big unruly crowds to stay away. i'm going to speak with someone who helped organize the original celebration meant for hbcu students about why he's worried about this year's
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students, savannah state university at the top of the list but now the crowds have ballooned.& those the number of incidents came to a head last year when the beach was a mess with everything from traffic gridlocked, fights the island's mayor argues that crowds are not made up of mainly spring break students anymore and groups coming in from out of town are causing the chaos they ended it in buckhead when it was going on there, they ended it in myrtle beach. they're ending in miami. we're going to add it to this. this is the reputation of our community we are a place for families to come and have a good time and get away from their work environments and and relax is goingo be miserable experience. and the people that are common should know that they're going to have a hard time getting down here when they get here the things that they paid to do aren't going to happen kind of flow help organize the original orange cross back when he was at savannah state university's with me now, kennedy.
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>> good morning to you. you say you are worried about what is happening this weekend and the city's response, the potential police response, why? >> well, i'm worried because people should have access to water waves, right? people should be able to go to the beach and who i'm worried for mostly is that kit from let's say, knoxville tennessee who does not know the history of type the island. he jumps in a car and drives down the time the island and venae finds out that he's a criminal because he's made a right turn on butler on the on the island so that's an issue right there. criminalized criminalizing our our children, our college students, for simply using the beach now, the mayor says that it's just too much 100 isn't people the estimate from last year come into this town typically of 31 there overwhelmed. >> so that's why they are closing the parking lots and limiting access to the meters.
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there why they're shutting to make setting up checkpoints. why is it more than we just can't accommodate? but eight, this number of people, why is it is more than that well, we're in the situation. >> i mean, they've had 34 years to prepare for it today. and we're in this situation because they've simply tried to wish the event away. and so rather than creating a shovel system where people park off the island and shuttle onto the island for any event on in savannah. so that at 5:00, folks are eagerly trying to get off the island. they just created the scenario where they think, right is might is right and that the more police they have, the less orange crush students will be appearing. let's just not the case. >> what the go ahead i was going to say, there are solutions, but that's only if you embrace the event, right? >> so if you don't embrace the
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event, you get what we have now if you do embrace it, you get something similar. let's the st. patrick's day in savannah. right? they haven't very nice event and it's because it was a nuisance before. and they figured out a way to embrace it and now they have a nice annual event. >> you know what the mayor highlighted and those were the vince he chose he chose atlanta myrtle beach, miami. >> these are places that young black college students, young black people traditionally have gone and all of those cities for different reasons, have said, we don't want this here. what is the relevance of that? and this, i guess continued tradition of limiting these spaces where these, these young black students and for large part non students can go during this time of year well, you it's either the melanin or a coincidence, right? all of those places that all of those events that you're talking about are frequent goodbye
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african americans. so eva, it's the melanin or it's a, coincidence or it's bad management when these folks come to the come to come on the scene and so there has to be a place where young folks can go, right there's plenty bit that's pretty much my county. >> it's also this beach has some some history. >> a group of students in 1960 stage the first weighed in, in georgia when this was a white only beach, and they were just outside the beach a rested. so there's even a marker there for the civil rights history of this beach. this started is something for hbcu students and there's a picture that you have and others i've seen with shannon sharpe in that photograph. comedian read grant here it is from 1989 in the first orange crush you see in the upper left. that's shannon sharpe, the bottom, you see red grant running for there. you've got coaches from all burn here
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what it is today is not what it is absolutely. >> and i'll say they wouldn't let me in that picture because i was just too puny at the time. they didn't want me messing up the mess it up the shot. but but my my greater point is that those folks all grew up and moved into greatness one of them owns major barbershop in savannah and he's much beloved. and so the kids that they are preparing for or not, the kids that are showing up. right. so they call out i call them the national guard. they call it the national guard every time these kids go to the beach because they think the crips and the bloods are coming. but when you see who's actually there, we have a world-class football player current university coach a world-class comedian. yeah, those people, those kids deserve an opportunity to bask in the sun but what you have now coming to the beach of folks that are going to come to the bees, come
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hell, or high tide because they're not the ones who are going to be intimidated by police officer. we should also say that there was an event last year where there was a mother and daughter who according to the type ii alan police department, were robbed i'm going assaulted there on the beach so there are some serious incidents that happen there, but we talk about this as we've talked about miami beach and other cities that are saying we don't want this here. there has to be places where hbcu students can go during this season when there are played this is panama beach and others, four predominantly white institutions where those students are well-served upset accepted. kenneth flow. thank you so much for joining us for the conversation what we honor tells us a lot about what and who we think it's important. so what does mississippi's governors proclaiming april
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confederate heritage month tell us one of the state's former governors is here here are react and explain. next great teammates trust each other. >> we're gonna do a trust falls, stand up before trust what your summary up doc i told you carol, marry me, carrot. about a sale on sky writing important things aren't worth compromising at farmers. we offer both quality insurance and grape savings quick show where the other carrots we are arbors spawn nothing dims my light like a migraine with nortech ott. >> i've found relief. >> the only migrate he medication that helps treat and prevent all-in-one to those with migraine. >> i see you for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine and adults don't take if allergic to merge odi team
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five-star reviews, women everywhere i breaking up with bad bros the white house correspondents, dinner live next saturday at seven eastern on cnn close captioning brought to you by skechers, hands-free slip ends. this tiny homes trend now, this is more like it. >> the same goes for my footwork. so i went hands-free with wide fits. get your slippers dry wipe fits, sketcher slip in april is american heritage month. april is also national poetry month, jazz appreciation month in some states, it's child abuse prevention month in mississippi. law in mississippi, the governor has proclaimed april confederate heritage month, and next saturday, if we're not busy, april 22 specifically was proclaimed confederate memorial day the proclamation was shared by the facebook page of the
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state landmark that jefferson davis home and presidential library check out the caption here. they invite you to come celebrate with us celebrate with you celebrate the heritage of traders who fought to preserve slavery under the fallacy of white supremacy, hard pass this is not the first year this is happening and mississippi, but you have to ask, why does it keep happening? well, let's get perspective now from a former governor mississippi rais may busy was also secretary of the navy under president obama, and is a former ambassador governor. good to see you. let me read first just a bit of the statement that came from governor tate reeves spokesperson for the last 30 years, five mississippi governors republicans and democrats alike, if signed the proclamation recognizing the statutory state holiday and identifying april as confederate heritage month. but this is a choice every time it happens, what's your reaction to this proclamation? >> but first, i didn't do it
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when i was governor. and 2nd confederate heritage really the heritage that i think i can better see is slavery is treason and is losing. so which one of those heritages are we really honore and here but it's all part of that lost, cause narrative, the moonlight and magnolias that came about few years after the civil war in an attempt to reassert white supremacy, it came hand-in-hand with jim crow. and it worked for a long, long time statues were put up this heritage notion. but what it does is incredibly hurtful. it is incredibly harmful. >> and it honors something that we should learn about.
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>> know about but definitely, definitely not honore confederate monuments are one thing they exist. >> and then often they you have to spend some money pass some laws, and ordinances to remove them. this is something that he's proactive about is the confederate constituency in mississippi strong enough that to simply just let this be on the books without signing a proclamation to acknowledge get that there would be some political pushback for the governor well, there's certainly should be some political push back. >> and i think that anyone thinks that this is something that should be done, that this is something that will help in some way just dead solid wrong. there ought to be lots of pushback toward doing things
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like this. >> and when i was governor, when i was running for governor, my slogan was mississippi will never be last again. >> mississippi has been so far down on so many measures. and this is one of the reasons we're trying to look back on something that was truly awful people trying to own other people. and that's the reason the confederate states seceded. all you have to do is read their articles of succession and i did the rapid let me read the first couple of lines from mississippi's justification for its accession. >> this is january 9, 18, 60 one our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery, the greatest material interest of the world. it's labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce on, of the earth. these
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products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions and by an imperious law of nature none but the black rais conveyor exposure to the tropical sun. i mean, this is what the governor of, of mississippi says, that there should be some time to honore those who fought for it and reflect on from the lessons what lessons should we take from this moment, governor we should take the lesson that treason will not be honore. >> we should take the lesson that people who advocated slavery will not be honored and it's all an attempt to rewrite history to make something good or acceptable that clearly definitely is not. and you're seeing it right up to the present time. i mean, the insurrectionist, the rogers who crashed into the capital and
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took it over we're karen confederate flags. they weren't carrying those flags for heritage they were carrying those flags to send a message in. the message was white supremacy. the message was treason. the message was, we will use violence to overturn something. we do not agree with. yeah, it's it's impossible to reconcile a governor who signs a law that limits how race and racism can be discussed in the classroom, but also finds time to sign a proclamation that honors people who fought for this and creates a day to memorialize those who fought for what i just read, mississippi the first to follow south carolina out of the union, former mississippi governor ray mavis. i thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. enjoyed being with you. >> all right. >> hard turn here. all this week, there have been these headlines that have caught my
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eye, but because i was reading about mississippi in congress and everything else, i really didn't have time to get into them. >> good but why does drake in a fight with everybody claims about ai songs? boom a thurman is in this some, how offering to help out plastic surgery allegations lisa france is here to try to explain the historic first criminal trial of donald trump from jury has been selected. now, opening statements began how will each side lay out the case ball cnn for special live coverage opening statements, and the trump hush money trial starting monday at nine eastern only purples gel flex grant passes the raw egg test no other matters. >> cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam, devan come close, get your best sleep guaranteed right now, save up to $400 huller's visit or a store near you so long, pos lidocaine flex
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cnn newsroom is, everybody beefing with drake right now? >> i mean, this has been building for a while, but this week it just got bizarre and over what cnn's lisa france is here to explain, i've seen the headlines and now the names that are coming into this, our surprise. so first how did this start? >> yeah, that's a good question. there's something that apparently people know about jersey drake that we don't. so let me take you back to last year where dre dropped an album and i wanted he had a song with j cole in which j cole references that him & kendrick lamar and drake are the big three, right? o, which is the nice thing, right? yeah. >> well apparently kendrick lamar did not think so. so let's come into this year when three is just me is where he said yesterday, right? right. right. right. so yeah. because what happens is we then have metro boom in the producer and future. who's a frequent collaborator with drake. and let's be clear, a lot of these
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people, all of them are collaborators with jury and they all have become part of this infinity war of rappers. so kendrick lamar is on this future metro booming album and he does the song like that and he says there is no big thing three, there's big me. yeah. and so he takes exception to j. cole seen it. well, j. cole comes back with a song on april 5 in which he takes jazz at kendrick lamar, feels bad about it five days later takes us on down, then later on during a concert kinda apologize. it says he didn't feel good about it, vows out, bowels out. j. coles like i'm out the beef. okay. well metro boomin's and future they doubled down because their album is called, we don't trust you. they come out with a second album. we still we still don't trust you, which i think is a genius title, and it has what a lot of people think are the sneak dices against drake and so of course drake has to respond because every body is now sneak descent drag. it feels like including the weekend of all people ever in anything like anything. so he has this line when he says he's glad he
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didn't sign his life away and people are like, oh, he's talking about drake because drake tried to sign them. rick ross is in it and it rick ross isn't even like he's on the album initially. and you don't think it's problematic. but dreg thought it was problematic because how to pot get into this, this is how to because of course, drake has to come back and drake comes back and he does a diss track where he takes everybody it on like kendrick lamar, he takes on regrowth. then rick ross has to come back and he starts this whole like social media campaign against drake. drake now, we know overnight. now we found out that there's a reportedly a song in which tupac should cool war is resurrected in ai and snoop dogg in ai on this drake track that is coming back to hit it. everybody else. >> so how is uber thurman who is not a wrapper at all involved in this. >> this is like this thing is so layered and this is why the internet is going crazy al gore's internet can't get enough of this obama theorem. and what happens is drake puts up an image of whom a theorem
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in from kill bill surrounded by her enemies, because apparently this is how he feels rightfully so o'mara thurman catches it and so she puts up on social media a picture of her kill bill outfit in storage and says, need this and tags drake. >> oh, my gosh. so oma norman's like i want a piece of that. >> two people are taking sides. their friend frenemies, their phos is just a whole night and i didn't mentioned it. asap. rocky was a part of we still don't trust you because that's where he on his baby dad, he rionda famously data drake, so he's the only part of this that makes sense. the best part of this to me is the first album we don't trust the follow up we still don't trust france. >> thank you so much. thank you. i'm glad we're not even we'd never be coming up. it's a time of the year when folks are figured out how to pay for college. well, we have some new insight into how the loans you or your kids take out now push back home purchases, business launches having kids. >> that's all coming up next
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there is one book that influences almost every aspect of our lives wisdom that shapes the way we measure time. in the fusion of bashing arts, in the strokes that have inspired masterpieces stirred soldiers, written on the hearts that he describes our in the call to action that is ignited revolutions of the bible's impact is all around discover how at museum of the bible. >> he there, brenda. >> it's carroll. exactly. >> so which like are we operating on? >> you mean arm? >> it's all connected asking the right question can greatly impact your future. >> you share your an orthopedist, actually, i'm a sagittarius, specially when it comes to your finances, give a question, or us certified financial planner? >> yes. i'm a cfp professional cop professionals are committed to acting in your best
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carbon plus cnn filled tomorrow at nine closed captioning brought to you by if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 the biden administration is working on new ways to reduce or wipe-out student loan debt. >> last week, the administration announced it's using existing programs to cancel $7.4 billion in debt for 277,000 borrowers the administration says new proposals that could benefit certain groups could go into effect this fall if they're approved and they cannot come soon enough for borrowers who say that they're putting off major decisions. they say paying student loans does not leave enough money to think about buying a house, are retiring let's talk about that with sonya louis, aka the student loan doctor. she's an expert and she had debt and repaid it. so that was really
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makes her an expert. sonya. thank you so much for being with me. this gallup poll shows that we talked about disparities on this show a lot here. there really isn't one blacks, whites, hispanics, all. what about 70% say that these debts pushed back those major life decisions? how should that inform the conversation we have about a loan forgiveness and student loan programs in this country well, thank you so much for having me this morning. i think it's a very, very important conversation as we look to see what the biden administration will be doing very soon in the next coming months with their proposed second chance at forgiveness. sit alone that affects everyone whether we're thinking about homebuying, where we're thinking about marriage the challenge here is that payments are very high, interest is high, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of elif, insight. four americans, particularly those that are in, i would say the age range of 30 years old, the fifth years old, whether you
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are any rais nationality and it really doesn't. >> we're not talking about the hundred thousand dollars balances here. almost two-thirds of people in this survey say that even if they have less than 10,000 they're pushing back some big life decision. so the smaller dollars amounts are impacting two it is. >> and so when we look at stood alone de, it really shows up, particularly when we think about homebuying something that a lot of people should know about what they probably don't know. is that as of july 2020, the hulda ministration actually reformed their policies around student loan debt. so this is really, really exciting because if you're thinking about buying a home, it used to be before that they would calculate whatever the payment would be and they will use that a part of your debt ratio or now it's really exciting is that if you're payments show that is $100, because maybe you're on the new save plan which is a new plane given by the biden administration. that's really affordable it's
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that the interests accruing each month. you can use that number now to buy a home. so we're actually really excited to see what happens in the next year with homebuying as those new rules have been updated, the center for economic policy and research, they released a more detailed study about four-year institution attendees hey, studied black men and women, white men and women hispanic men and women, biracial adults, other racial demographics. and of those demographics, black women, the most likely to have student loan debt at 43% and the highest average loan balance at $11,000. why? >> well, i'll tell you very interesting statistic. and we see it in our community a lot so a black woman is going to attain for her bachelor's degree or master's degree, and even her doctoral degree. but through the entire process, she's going to use a student loan. now the challenge here is she's also going to probably
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make less than her counterpart. so she's borrowing more is probably making less. and so what we see when someone is in there for these, let's say that they're ready to buy a home. it becomes a really big challenge when they're looking to get a nice car is a bigger challenge because it looks looks like they are own and have a mortgage according to their student loan debt. >> yeah. and we know from the urban institute that more than half of blank households, even where there are two incomes, the black woman is the head of household financially. so what impact her pocket impacts the entire family and community? pretty sonya, lewis. >> thank you so much for digging a little deeper with us. >> and we'll be right back riyadh say's new album is breaking records mooney's
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>> free credit building for renters with self smerconish. >> next on cnn identity is often tied to where we are or where we're from well, we'll maxon has many identities and he works with concealed images in his art to reveal a bigger theme. >> identity and belonging and will madsen, i live in houston, texas and i'm a painter so the show is called in the land standstill. >> i can i came up with the title before any of the pieces came together. i think this really just about history and people's existing in space. >> or the lack of existing growing up in biracial family my partners, african american, my mother's wipe, my family is jewish. >> i'm jewish. >> so all of these kind of identities, again, this idea did mess and upward is going and moving across country a
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couple of living in these different environments again, really starts got me thinking about my belongings and got me thinking about like many edges history's never feeling wide enough number, feeling black enough in a lot of these works, you'll see things kind of conceal their hidden rather than like some of the other work that i really about intimacy and familiar relationships interesting line between the two. >> people exist. >> land exist, and we all live in it together our interactions with the land is just other people we'll max ins and the land stand still show is that the uta artist space pop up in new york on west 27th street. >> it's up through thursday thank you for joining me today. i'll see you back here next saturday at 8:00 a.m. eastern. smerconish is up next


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