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tv   The Chris Wallace Show  CNN  April 20, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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mesobook if you were 4,000 well, it's time to break down the big stories with some smart people. >> today we're asking with the jury set for donald trump's hush money case. can the former president get a fair trial in manhattan? then with enemies like these, who needs friends, will dig into how long house speaker mike johnson can survive with the help of democrats. plus day jobs for the duke and duchess this will use sign on for harry and meghan's new offerings. are group is here and ready to go. so sit back, relax and let's talk about it first with opening statements set to begin
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monday in donald trump's hush money trial buyout the former president is railing against the case, the judge and the prosecutors saying and doing things, many lawyers suggest he probably shouldn't i'm just watching. there's donald trump at a new york city courthouse blasting his criminal hush money trial. he's going to have a very corrupt place. >> the former president has reason to worry, given his record and manhattan courtrooms this year in january of jury found him liable for defaming e jean carroll. it damages totalling $83 then in february, a judge fine trump $355 million for fraudulently inflating his empire is worth a fine of $355 million for doing a perfect job this time of jury will decide his fate. and when does his behavior, which range this way from appearing to fall asleep in court to making surprising statements outside of it was
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legal expense. >> that's exactly what it was a claim the sun court observers say makes much of the prosecutors arguments for them that video could be played before the jury. >> no question here with me today or author and podcast host kara swisher rionda salam, president of the manhattan institute and contributing writer at the atlantic, new york times journalist in podcast, toluse, lulu garcia-navarro and jonah goldberg, editor of the dispatch and columnist at the la times. >> welcome back, everyone. so rye khan, can donald trump get a fair trial in manhattan honestly, i don't see how he can. >> of course, finding a jury that it's going to be broad minded and fair is going to be exceptionally difficult, but the bigger issue is it's that this would not be a set of charges brought up against anyone else other than donald trump. you have alvin bragg, the manhattan prosecutor, who is notorious for not
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prosecuting actual crimes. and here he is taking a series of trumped up misdemeanors and then packaging them up as a felony. i think that it's unserious i'm so tired of this argument. i'm really am i don't know. i'm i am this idea that because it's donald trump that he cannot get a fair trial in the biggest city in the united states. government. he does not have a good record in manhattan. >> he has gotten hammered& a couple of these. maybe he's right well, you have a wrong by bias. yeah. yeah. get a fair trial in new york city. yeah. i mean, he of course, you can get a fair trial in new york city. and in fact, i remember at the beginning of this process, everyone was going on and on and on about how this is going to take forever to get this jury empaneled and how he wasn't going to be able to find anyone. and it has happened speedily he this judge has been actually on the ball and what we've seen is that this trial is going to start as scheduled on monday. >> i mean, by the way, just to be clear, judges in new york city, they're elected right
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there oftentimes democratic political contributors. so you're darn right. they see this as an opportunity to make a name for themselves it's different juries all over where he keeps losing every time he does this, i feel like would you like some cheese with the wine? >> he's in court. he's done things either win or not, and he has he's being he has a jury in front of him and you can't assume everyone in new york is the same. i don't know if you've met you live in new york i'm a lifelong new yorker and i will tell you i'm going to take and i grew rep. in manhattan i can take the saleh monic approach to this and cut the baby in half i think ron's absolutely right that this case should not have been brought. >> i think the way they're stacking the charges and strive to bootstrap these things together is not very persuasive to me and his name warned donald trump, this would have been brought that said, i still believe in the jury system i think he's probably gonna get a hung jury and i still think the court system is legitimate and fair, and he can get a fair trial. >> let's let's turn to trump's behavior. so far. this
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week, because it's pretty extraordinary. he does do often cord a couple of dawn's actually, i think three hours of friday, prime asked you to say he's repeatedly violated a gag rule by attacking witnesses and jurors, and he seemed to admit, as we mentioned in the set-up piece, that he marked payments to michael cohen as a legal expense. qarrah it's trump. even in week one, is own worst enemy in this case, always be thinks it works and it works for the base and works for fundraising. >> the idea that he's a victim has the grievance industrial complex will go into place. you're already seeing seeing that in the fundraising and this is how he behaves. it's an impulse control person now, under control and that's got a really hurt and as to the sleeping, he's tired. i don't know what to say. he must be tired we use the line to you to me earlier, which one dawns? normally dorlian? i do. like i have to say, once again, the internet when it just when you think it's over, you're like don store, store leone. i think
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it's what's the other one takes news fakes, news, and stuff like that. i think those are great. >> well, when you're talking about slope, sleepy joe and suddenly can't use that anymore. fortunately for him. but one of the things that i do like is the idea of all these people, the jurors as they're coming forward, say putting up all the social media stuff about him and he's got to listen to it because mostly he doesn't get that incoming of negative and he gets positivity constantly, people constantly licking him up and down and all of a sudden he's seeing what i want to pick up on that because i was talking to norm eisen, who is a distinguished lawyer, knows he actually written a book about all of those. he was in court and he said there was one moment this week where the judge reprimanded trump. he doesn't get a lot of reprimands now. and any sad now, norm eisen is not a fan of trump that he kind of sunk back in his chair in his chin, went down and he looked like a beaten six-year-old. he said, the lack of control for a guy who's always in control has got to be tough.
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>> yeah, it's not just that he's always in control. it's his surrounds himself with an entourage of yes, men and yes women who tell him what he wants to hear, who praise him. he he always flux towards praise. he's never kept waiting. and the problem is this is a very controlled environment and he's, he's used to behaving like an escaped monkey from a cocaine study. and all of a sudden he has to sit sit there and sit there quietly and behave himself. and i think it revs him up and not misbehave more once he gets out of the question, no phones allowed. so that's must be he must be levers that, i think is really worth noting. one thing that donald trump did while in new york, while in manhattan, was go to harlem to visit the bodega where jose aldo was a guy working as a clerk there. he was the victim of a violent crime. he defended himself then 11 bragg brought charges which you immediately dropped because manhattan nights were outraged about the fact that a guy who was defending himself was getting charged while the other guy was likely to get off scot-free. i think donald trump
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is actually using this as an opportunity, whether you like it or not, visited nypd cop who was killed on the job and go to this let me just say from the front page of the new york post getting them in court room. >> anyway, i want to pick up on yet another legal case that donald trump's involved in. this thursday, the supreme court is going to hear donald trump's case for total immunity for a president in involving official akre rayyan how many justices do you think we'll sayyed with trump either for complete immunity or partial immunity. >> it's hard for me to say. i will say that i think that chief justice roberts is going to be open to the argument that the dc circuit used very loose reasoning when issuing there decision here, you could say that no, he is not immune to all criminal prosecutions. but when you're looking at criminal laws that have some bearing on a president's official duties. that's something that you want to be
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very careful about. and that's not coming from donald trump's lawyers. that's coming from walter dellinger, who was president clinton's a solicitor general he made that case way back in 1995. you gotta be really careful when you're risking having criminal laws interfere with the president's official duties. trying to overturn an election that was about to say, then you make a determination based on the specific facts of the case. but i think that there are some cases like going to the justice department and saying, hey baby, we need to investigate something. you might not like it, but that could be within the scope of a president's official duties. >> lulu correctly, how many justices will sayyed with trump that when it comes to officially always know, we always know the same three are always going to take aside and there are neil gorsuch, they are samuel alito and they are his good, good, good powell lauren strong, clarence, thomas owe you all know already i was i was ridiculous. gorsuch is the most pro criminal defendant justice on the court, regardless of the politics of
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it, that's why he votes with liberals all the time. i think there is zero chance that any justice will, will endorse trump's view of complete and total immunity to criminal things. trump will lose that nine zero, whether there's a qualified immunity dependent on specific cases in circumstances, maybe on capitol hills speaker mike johnson with some fancy footwork to win a key vote in the house amid republican threatened just a firearm. so did johnson out fox, the far right then pulling the plug with a big drop in sales we're asking, is tesla in trouble? and later double whammy are tortured poets are ready to dish taylor swift's big albums surprise you know that i you're there's new ally in the fight against climate change. this is new car business bucaram, and we just need to protect sure we'll do
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johnson says, he will press on i'm not deterred by red do the right thing, but there's a lot to break down here, but let's start with johnson's strategy. >> jonah, ten, johnson continue as he has are at least right now to run the house with the aid. the total dependence on democrats no. >> i think this is a well it's not a one-off. it's a four off because they're four bills. but democrats don't want to normally support johnson on anything. republicans than anything that would, that would be abnormal. >> and if he tries to continue to leverage democratic support beyond this specific thing that's happening basically today. >> i think that would spell his demise. >> lulu in a hyperpartisan washington and particularly in a highly polarized house, how sustainable is this for johnson? i mean, he would not have gotten the rule and if he
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passes the vote today you wouldn't have done it without the intercession of democrats. >> i mean, i think it's unprecedented but i also agree with jonathan. it's a one-off. i don't think that this is going to be a new moment of comedy between the democrats and speaker johnson. however, i am impressed with how he has managed this. i mean, this allows very yes factions within both republicans and democrats to vote for the parts of the, of this that they want to vote. so if there are democrats who are uncomfortable with israel aid, they can perhaps not supported if there are republicans who are uncomfortable with ukraine aid, they can perhaps not supported and then they bundle them all together. and so i think actually he's done very well out of this. >> yeah, you know, the house right wing of the house gop was not happy with the way this went down. here is congressman matt gaetz talking about this? >> it seems as though the coalition to proceed onto this foreign aid bill doesn't include house conservatives.
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and i think that's going to rile a lot of republican voters right hassan at least in this case, has the right wing of the house gop been out fox by johnson there in a really tough spot, partly because they do not want to blow up yet another speaker. >> you now have a presumptive republican presidential nominee who does not want the house republicans to continue to embarrass him as he's looking to win another presidential term. so i think that they really are in a really difficult position because they didn't have a clear strategy. when you're looking at these rebels, what exactly is it that they want? what is their discrete realistic ask that they can actually get in a real negotiate? fusion. it's just not clear they want and that's why they can't move the ball forward. they want to blow it up. i mean, i'm the only person who listens to the war room by steve bannon, but she said that on it. she said, i don't give marjorie taylor greene said we could do this all day. we could replace them all day. they want to they want to burn it down. that's
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exactly what they want i don't agree that they want to burn it down. >> i think that they we had a position of power and now they weren't they were saying, hey, look, we will burn it down and they kept having speakers who caved i it seems to me that mike johnson kinda called their bluff, right? >> exactly. i do your worst. >> i can get the votes. and my guess is that there's a move to vacate to throw him out he made win it and then they're finished because you can only threaten someone for so long if you don't deliver what was interesting to me is there is actually his decision. there was a moment of consideration where he was going to try and put in a different level level set for the motion to vacate, meaning that it doesn't just require one person that it might require more people. and that would they actually make it more stable for him to try and govern his coalition. now, what they he decided at the last minute is not to push that through with these four bills. it is a little mysterious to me as to why, but because i think he was going to have a bigger revolt revolt in his hands.
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>> but at the same time, he is left in a position after this that still with the same problem. >> so we're looking at ukraine now. >> we're looking at israel now. but what about the next tranche of money that needs to go to ukraine? this isn't just a one-off. there is still prosecuting a war here. what is going to happen further down the line? and this is what i'm concerned about when you look at the state of the house gop what i'm going to pick up on that because let's get to the bottom line here. i mean, this is we can talk about the politics inside the house, the real issue is, you crane going to get the 60 billion in usa that has been waiting months four and losing on the battlefield. what i haven't gotten that will the us end up showing ukraine the money? >> i think they will and this actually leads the answer. i think lulu is right about this they're not gonna get any more ukraine aid until after the presidential election. well, there's gonna be a new house will probably be a new speaker then. but they don't like mike johnson has this one. you can only fire this bullet once this
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trick of using democrats and the reason why i think he's safe and why i predicted last week on this show that he would be save the perils of prediction. is that anybody remotely qualified to replace him doesn't want the job. and nobody who does want the job can get elected. no one has any appetite to do another. speaker race thing. and so he's, he's there because but i've it seems to me that there's another aspect to this, which is if you end up with another speaker, crisis, it's going to hurt the republicans the republicans, i mean, at a certain point you've got to think voters are going to say it. can anybody here play this game? and we're not that many months from the november election, but have been what's interesting to me is that if you look at the group that is actually at the heart of all this, marjorie taylor greene, matt gaetz, et cetera, there in safe seats. they don't care. >> this isn't a problem for them. this is why, why do you say that you think? >> they want to be in the minority?
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>> yes. >> yes. you do they want to be pundit's? >> they want to make the perfect, the enemy of the good. they're part of a culture of losing where they get to complain and ghraieb about the establishment. it drives them crazy when they have to be held accountable for doing things, right? khan, you got 20 seconds. you agree with that i don't agree with it, but i think that they need a new strategy. >> number one. number two, i'll say another big thing that's happened here is that the czech republic, europe is rallying. they're sending munitions. this is in a way working actually at the conservative saying, we need to put more conditions, we need to get tougher before we give it. its actually elicit the response from europe that we wanted to see anti-war protests spread across the country this way especially on some college campuses and the demonstrations are raising a serious question on the left, abstinence beyond says new album is breaking
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cardia or amazon how it really happens. >> sunday, april 28. at nine on cnn closed captioning brought to you by if you or a. >> loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 protests grew bigger and more disruptive this week on college campuses as pro-palestinian groups expressed outrage at israel's continuing war in gaza but along with the anger comes mounting controversy over how to handle the demonstrations and where to draw the line between what's anti-war and what's anti-semitism at columbia university in new york i'll 50, ten pro-palestinian encampment broken up by police
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and more than 100 people arrested, just one day after those schools, president was grilled on capitol hill. >> does calling for the genocide of jews violate colombia's code of kohn? >> yes, it does pledging to crack down on unauthorized protests and offensive speech by students and professors. you're getting think the message. >> colombia's handling of the issue are stark contrast to harvard's president four months ago, which led do are forced resignation. >> does calling for the genocide of jews violate harvard's rules of bullying and harassment? yes or no? >> it can be depending on the context, fallout from the war also felt at the university of southern california, which canceled as muslim valedictorians commencement speech use citing security concerns afterward, discovered the students instagram link to a website calling for the abolishment of israel an argument she's not buying the university preemptively made a
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decision that i think impedes on my freedom of expression ryan, whether it's in the streets around campus, to get back to my original question, where do we draw the line between anti-war protest and anti-semitism? well, certainly when it comes to private universities, they have wide discretion over which speakers they wanted to champion. this is something that folks on campus as i've been saying, for a great many years now. and i think that i'm talking about student protests. what wind is it just we don't like what's going on in gaza and we oppose it. and when does that become a look when you're dealing with harassment and intimidation, when you're using violent language, when you're disrupting classrooms and the larger student experience at columbia, when you have a large encampment at a place that is meant to be a commons for the larger student community. that is something that in my view, shouldn't be tolerated. and then beyond that, you have a lot more genuine harassment
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that has actually led some classes to say we're not going actually announce exactly where the class is physically located, where it's happening in a text, folks and our before the class war drags on and the outrage grows where is it? and this is a slightly reframing of the question, how do you distinguish between free speech over policy and hate speech against jews? well, unfortunately, that's the problem with all these university i thought i thought the, columbia, the head of columbia, handle that very well in congress. >> and i think she had about two months, right? exactly. and they figured out what the correct thing stay and not write caught in the thing so that that worked out well, i think the way you articulated as if it starts to really disrupt things. i was subject to it when i was doing one of my appearances with gavin newsom and people disrupt did the entire thing. and what was really interesting is he agreed with them and it didn't stop and it disrupted the experience of people there are now i'm very pro protest if people want approach us, they can, but there is a moment where it does tip over into either hate
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speech or uttar disruption of other people's experiences. where are these universities should be able to make these decisions. although i would i have a very wide berth for comics and protesters kind of thing. >> then we've got colombia's president minouche shafik who clearly wasn't going to make the same mistake in front of a congressional hearing that led to the ouster of the presidents of harvard and pen jonah, are these college presidents, have they wised up and are they changing their two? oh, clearly, i mean, they're getting a message to the president of pomona drew a hard lines, has got ten minutes to get to my office. you're not here. you don't have permission& kick them out. i think that's the right thing to do. i think i don't think anybody actually get dressed your question about the antisemitism part i like like the anti-semitism isn't whether it's disruptive or not, you can have disruptive anti-semitism are non-disruptive anti-semitism the question is, like, are people being singled out? american jews being singled out for the actions of another country that they're not, that they don't live in. and you
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see jewish members of the administration being picketed and their homes and singled out there. wait for the anthony blinken's kids again in the car before they say hateful and terrible things, you see people saying things simply about jews, quad, jews. that's he semitism, its collective guilt you safe from the river to the sea is that any semitism? >> it's well, it is a genocide. it is taken literally, it is a genocidal sentiment about a jewish country and people can take it as they want. the point i want to make is if you're going out there and you're you're celebrating hamas, you're wearing hamas and you're waving the hezbollah flag as we've seen, whether or not you're anti-semitic, you are pro terrorist. and there are a lot of people out there at these protests who are celebrating the mass murder of people. terrorist attacks defending a terrorist the terrorist government of iran and the anti-semitism to the bag can detract from, let, let's talk about the other thing that we mentioned in our setup pays lulu, what about the case of the university of southern california? was usc right to
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ban this woman the valedictorian, from speaking next month this case is really interesting. >> actually, because she was chosen by the university of southern california. they had 200 valedictorians and they said, you're gonna be the one to speak. and then there were protests by jewish groups who found this link to the website. there was a witch called to remind people for the abolishment out state of israel. but there was no indication that she was going to address this in her in her statements because there was no it's like a pre crime. >> though. it's like a thought crime there was nothing there that she said, i'm going to go and make this speech. i'm going to say these terrible things there was no indication that that was true. so it was literally being targeted for her religion and for something that was a legend. but because she i mean, she had expressed them, but they are some support for what i mean but you don't weather but what she has said is this is a version of islamophobia. and so you can't say that one thing is
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antisemitism and then another person is, is, is actually being removed from a valedictorian position for something that she made you may not believe and why i don't i think that they have many options to choose from. i think the big mistake here happened in this election process, because i do think that it's a legitimate to try to find someone who's going to bring people together, someone who is not going to endorse hateful sentiments with regard to this situation. i think that look, they had every right to say we want to see a copy of the remarks if you stray from those remarks, we will cut your microphone off, but i think the big, big mistake here was actually not paying really thoughtful about the fact that we're in a fraught moment that anti-semitism is extremely pervasive, that anti-zionism amounts to antisemitism and that you have someone who is endorsing pretty radical and toxic ideas so that was the big screw up in this case. it happened before this decision. >> some american olympians are protesting what they may app to where this summer in paris will show you. plus harry and meghan have new day jobs, but are they
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the panels jam? >> the historic first criminal trial with donald trump? the jury has been selected. now opening statements began how will eat sayyed lay out the case bove cnn for special live coverage opening statements, and the trump hush money trial starting monday at nine eastern dry skin is sensitive skin to and it's natural treated that way, vino daily moisture with prebiotic is proven to moisturized dry skin all day you love our formula for face to avy. >> now okay ready to watch this one second. >> i got it. finished my laundry. yes. it's girls 917. i use rents which rents to the company that will pick up wash, fold, and deliver your laundry, dry cleaning at the touch of a button. >> i do not trust other people my laundry rinse guarantees or satisfaction. >> i've been using it for months now with no issues okay. >> let's watch this.
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family, all protected from scary online stuff protect everything your family doesn't some with aura lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin now good luck and a coal one while watching the game who's willing? >> we are my friend. we are that's how? you make. like it never even happened serve for your mom detect this living with hiv. robert learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why he switched to nevado divider was a complete hiv treatment for some adults no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable, then divide detect this morning to learn that most hiv pills contain three or four medicines devito is as effective with
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ensure max protein, 30 grams protein one frame, shiver, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic make your first move with battery power made by steel right now say $50 on battery lawnmower sets real still by yours i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this is cnn what, once again, it's time to get our groups, the irna on some big talkers up first, olympic sized drama for nike. >> this week, the company released team usa's uniforms for this summer's games in paris. and a number of athletes are criticizing the skimpy
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looking women's outfit with one former female athlete calling it a costume born of patriarchal forces. nikkei says there will be many different styles for athletes to choose from. lulu are you yea or nay, on nike's new uniform, hard nay. >> i mean, this is longstanding complaint of female athletes that a lot of what they're forced to wear is sexist. and i'm glad that this is getting this kind of attention. and i understand that there's a lot of different uniforms with those weren't the uniforms that they were choosing to showcase when they put this out there. and so i think this is a very important dimension. to wear them. yeah not the shot put i really wouldn't want the men to wear them. >> rayyan i mean, it is true that female athletes have complained and not just in the united states female athletes at the olympics have complained for years about that the officials and the outfitters are trying to sexualize women's ward's where are you
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on the nikkei uniforms and i certainly don't want to see you wearing one of those so look, i mean, you have a bunch of different options to choose from. >> that seems totally fair enough. i will say chris, i hadn't realized they're really ugly and i think that that is bad, but i'm still a ye on. come on, guys. you know, like now next the duke and duchess of sussex go to work. this week, we learned what prince harry and meghan markle are doing to make a few bucks she is starting to sell jars of jam as part of her new lifestyle brand called american riviera orchard he has the executive producer of an upcoming netflix series on the world of polo. the prince himself plays the game and is expected to make a few cameos. kara yay or nay, on meghan's jam and harry's polo series. >> i liked jam. okay. sure. why not and polo know that's a nay i was just like for people watching it. >> i suppose bring the game to
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pop nar he's a rich man who plays polo. and this is what he knows i know that you're spending a lot of time one day wondering and worrying about what the duke and duchess are going to do to keep the wolff from the door. >> where are you on all of those? >> i'm a ye because i'm in favor of any pursuits that keep them away from my television set. >> and that makes it no, but up tvs or he's gonna be on nightclubs i have high degree of confidence. i can avoid a netflix series on polo, right? >> now in your algorithm, i guess. yeah. so like i want them to do normal things that don't that aren't constantly chasing being a celebrity i'm not sure that they're avoiding trying to be a celebrity. >> finally, the moment, at least two of our group year have been waiting for taylor swift's expected new album, the tortured poets department dropped friday along with a surprise hi second album that includes 15 songs on instagram's web posted. i'd
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written so much tortured poetry in the past two years it wanted to share it all with you. a little of this. >> isn't really a yay or nay question because we know it's a ye, but have you listen to the other happy listen to all 31 songs and how great is it? >> is it a ye, is it a yea? i think you've you've made an assumption here. i actually think that there can be such a thing as too much taylor and i think gary would now, i think what now? i think when at peak. taylor. >> i think dropping one album is one thing, but then having think the second album also one, did you like the music? i like the music. i'm gonna go. yeah. i think there's never taylor, never to music every, every and wray khan and i were up all last night. listen braiding each other's hair. it was really nice. >> i love that you guys get ot got together off camera. right up next is tesla in trouble. the latest numbers that have gone under the radar every
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system. >> all right, from day, that's thank know, steph. >> one more thing. the team old and gets five minutes again. okay. as rows, i like it. >> i break the klay back like a pro would chase freedom and limits. how do you catch back? jason, make more of what yours all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof. think about this blue jays cardinals, orioles. what's missing? the andean condor know walnut brain pigeons. >> they'd rather naibe team at the socks to be fair, we're not very athletic choosing a treatment for your chronic migraines thank 15 or more headache days a month each lasting four hours or more can be overwhelming. so ask your doctor about botox. dots prevents headaches and adults with chronic migraine before they eat let's it's the number one prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox treatments have been given two over 850,000 chronic migraine patients effects of botox may spread hours two weeks after
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and ask about the bosley guarantee that white house correspondents dinner live next saturday at seven eastern on cnn was so much focus on trump's trial and the drama on capitol hill. there's a major business story that's gone under the radar tesla, the leading manufacturer of electric vehicles releasing its figures for what one analysts called a nightmare first-quarter. and with ev
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demand overall plummeting, the longer-term outlook isn't bride for elon musk's company? check out these numbers first quarter sales dropped for the first time in almost four years. >> its share of the ev market is down from 62% to 51 tesla's market cap, or what the company's worth down by more than half from its one peak in 2021 and this week, the company announced its laying off more than 10% of its global workforce, around 14,000 people. >> qarrah wires tesla in trouble if only someone said this a year ago, it was going to happen. i don't know. i thought this was going to have been because one competition, it was coming increasing and he is he is plowed the field for for these vehicles, evs, but there's going to be competition and good competitions. secondly, he's hasn't made a good product in a while. they haven't. you have to really keep these innovative products cycles when you have recalled all of the signs, right? >> and there's issues around service around even just like
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doorknobs falling off and stuff like that way they haven't kept up with a quality that you expect for these expensive cars. >> cybertruck was a distraction and then the brand itself with elon spending all his time over at twitter. it's a real problem for the brand and the peach whatever. you wants a lot of money, burn block. >> yeah okay. jonah, tesla is one of the worst performers in the s&p 500 this year it they say it's in the same territory as bowen, which i think we know is not good territory. is this a tesla problem is it an ev problem? what's going on? >> yeah, i think it's both. i mean, i agree with everything in the car. i said there's also just been like there's a glut coming from china and also there's been an enormous amount of press about the infrastructure, electrical infrastructure, not being available to do long trips and so you just have bad odor coming on it and then you have
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the mismanagement of the actual company on top of it while tesla is as tanking, lulu he elon musk who doesn't lack for self-assurance is trying to get his 56 pay package three and which was shut down by a judge and delaware are his baggage or his shenanigans. >> do you think they are contributing to tesla's problem? absolutely. i think he's distracted. i think he's been occupied. is kara sad with what's happening at x? and i also think that what we expect of our captains of industry quote on quote, is something a little bit more sober, so to speak. and i think, you know, it's he's he's clearly not really focusing on the things that you should be focusing on, but he's gonna get that money, by the way. they're moving to texas and he'll get that money in this board, which is not a board i'm very relieved about that. >> the panelists back with their takes on hot stories or what will be in the news before
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it's news. >> that's right after the break was out with the move to texas it was all about correct. >> to get out of incorporation and delaware exactly sanity needs a safe space you have a show. >> we're right and left, talk to each other cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tonight at eight on cnn you want to close out. >> should i? >> normally i'd hold, but taking the games as smart here feel more competent. let's dock ratings from jp morgan analysts in the chase app when you've got a decision to make, the answer is jp morgan wealth management arthritis pain. we say not today. tylenol, eight hour or brightest pain has two layers of relief. the first is fast the second is long-lasting. we give you your day back, so you can give it everything tylenol. number one, doctor recommended for arthritis pain. >> okay. ready to washington one second. >> i gotta finished my laundry.
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yes. it's one second. i use rents what's rents to the company that will pick up, wash fold and your laundry, dry cleaning at the touch pad and i do not trust other people with my laundry rinse guarantees your satisfaction. i've been using it for months now with no issues okay. let's watch this weight. >> i'm gonna do my laundry better, hurry. gun. >> i'll schedule sign up for rinsing to get $20 off your first order dry skin is sensitive skin two, and it's natural treated that way. >> vino daily moisture with prebiotic is proven to moisturized dry skin all day feel love our formula for face to a vino the rise relax and do a caribbean's state of mind he's, it's or call one 800 son bills lactate is 100% real melas just without the lactose delicious to just
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ask my old friend kevin. now than like join the call one while watching the game who's willing? >> we are my friend. we are. >> i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks here, i'll take back ensure max protein, 30 grams protein one prim's chapter 25 vitamins and minerals in a new fiber blend with a prebiotic this looks like an actual farm look cute on the app i love it meanwhile, at a vrbo when, other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be dry one where you know what you get to test the toughness of the key is sorrento x pro key
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is sorrento turbo-hybrid we recreated some of the wettest spring hottest summers wendy is false & coldest winter all on one track. to prove these three row suvs was built for the
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18008, 851177. call now i'm kevin liptak at the white house, and this is cnn close captioning brought to you by gilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurrying, they'll be gone in a flash. >> designer sales at up to 70% or so of guilt doc com today it's time for our panels vessel takes on what's happening. >> we're productions of what we should be looking out for that jonah get me with your best shot so there was a big very serious report in the uk
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called the cas report, named after assigns, a medical scientist, hilary caz, that through a lot of cold water on some of the more extreme claims about gender affirming care for kids and it's changing policy throughout europe. >> and i think that that it's, it's spells a sea change that is coming to how we talk about this in the united states. >> and i think it's critic, can't come soon enough. lula you're answering the pressing question, why are so many people moving to south carolina? >> indeed this is a story that caught my eye in the new york times. my paper, because this is about the great resorting of america, how people are moving to places where they want to have like-minded people live next to them. they profile the company called conservative move where her real estate agents have gotten into the business. i'm trying to get people who are in liberal states to move two conservative states, south carolina is the
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fastest growing state in the, united states right now. and so i just found it fascinating and actually frankly quite troubling that this is now moving into the commercial sphere and trying to encourage people to not be with people who might disagree with them. >> wrong. khan got shot when president biden first came into office, he was really hot on resetting the relationship with saudi arabia to say, we're not going to take your shenanigans staying crown prince mohamed bin salman, that look, we are going to take a more aggressive posture towards you, but now president biden's reelection prospects depend on saudi arabia. that's both because this administration is fighting for a saudi israel accord, but also because he's depending on the saudis to hold down energy prices. so this is a big persil for the president& a pretty awkward position for him to be. qarrah. >> bring us all rich, thinking of rich people and he's very rich, are feeling the squeeze, luxury spending is way down. you just saw the results from lvmh, the juggernaut that the luxury juggernaut. and then
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that's due to china inflation and all kinds of things. but at the same time, luxury housing spending in this it's country has gone down considerably. & prices have declined 7% this year. and that was two declines. everyone in the pandemic bid up these rich houses and they were living in their beautiful estates. and now the prices are going down. and so you could get a real bargain on mole. the question i want to dollar, he is kara, are you personally doing what you can? >> to reverse this trend? and put spending on luxury items up. >> you've got a very successful, get that, but i'm not quite in your group, but i for the rest of us here, let me just put that out there anyway, i think it's interesting to see what happens here and the prices were elevated and now because of a lot of reasons down, it'll be interesting to see where it goes. but the economy kind of hangs on and spending maybe not how i'm spending. ending is pretty strong. >> i think it just the price has got out of line with what they were actually worse. and that's really going back there, going back to i think


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