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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 21, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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to sierra's family or to investigators. they wanted the case to go to trial. they have no doubt this revolutionary piece of dna technology would have put blake russell behind bars for a long, long time. quaal: the nice thing about this is that it will create a picture of this person, and not based on someone's memory, but actually based on the dna in the case, which doesn't change. mancuso: it was everything. it was her fighting and giving us the evidence. it was the coroner swabbing the dna. it was our analyst monica running the dna and staying on it. i'm just very proud that we have people that are dedicated like monica who are willing to challenge new technology. to challenge new technology it's still sometimes unbelievable how awesome technology and scientists and how we were able to solve this
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case with dna from under a fingernails that someone can make into a perfect picture hello, and welcome to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada, and all around the world. >> i'm kim brune who bird this is cnn newsroom on this vote, the asia 311 and the naibe, are 112. >> the bill is passed you're watching the moment aid for ukraine, israel, and taiwan passed in a high-stakes vote in congress, bonds, not everyone's cheering ahead the backlash the right and the left facing those who led the charge. >> ukraine says it desperately needs the help to hold russia at bay on the front lines will take you live to kyiv to look at how the country plans to put it to use. plus recent arrests,
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dual doing little to silence pro-palestinian demonstrators at new york's columbia university. >> what they're demanding and how the schools responding live from atlanta this is cnn newsroom with kin brunhuber vote in washington is over but the political fallout is just getting started. $95 billion in us aid for ukraine, israel and us allies in the indo-pacific approved by the house. now heading to the senate with a vote expected on tuesday, then to the white house where president biden says, he'll sign it about the price tag, doesn't include the potential cost to republican speaker mike johnson, who after months of infighting and bitter division in the republican party, could only advance the bills with the help of democrats that has some members on the right flank of his party threatening to introduce a measure to remove him from his post. we'll look at that in a moment along with whether aid to israel could
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hurt present binwidth grasses. cnn has reporters all across a story. i'll let gotkine is in london for us with the reaction in israel, the first i want to go to clare sebastian with more on what this means to ukraine and clear those billions of dollars in aid can't come too soon for soldiers on ukraine's front lines yeah kim, i think if palpable sense of relief and ukraine today, even with the understanding that this delay in getting this vote passed has cost ukraine extremely dearly. >> we're hearing, of course, from president zelenskyy this morning, an overnight with it really strong gratitude, unequivocal, praise for his american allies. take a listen we appreciate every manifestation of support for our state and independents are people in our lives which russia wants to bury in ruins america has shown its leadership from the first days of this war well, so i mean, he did also warn that without this aid, the war could expand beyond ukraine, which has been
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a critical argument. >> i think the question now, and ukraine is how quickly can this aid calm the pentagon? saying in a briefing last week before this vote that it could come very quickly. they're poised to move. they say they'd been previously able to move within days. obviously, we still have the vote in the senate to come and then the president's signature. but those are expected to happen relatively quickly. we could see an immediate impact on the ground if ukraine tries to spend more ammunition rations, a little less stringently in the anticipation of more artillery ammunition coming. for example. but equally, russia may also i've tried to exploit this narrowing window that is certainly the assessment, the assessment of us think tank, the institute for the study of war, that they may step up attacks given that the new aid is now expected relatively quickly. as for the russian response to this we did hear from the foreign ministry spokeswoman maria as or wherever roundly criticizing not only usa ukraine, but also israel and taiwan. she said the allocation of us military aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan will exacerbate global chrissy.
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these military aid to the kyiv regime. she said is direct sponsorship of terrorist activity. this along the lines of rhetoric, we do typically hear from russia. look without this, it's clear that ukrainian hopes victory was severely dimmed. president zelenskyy has admitted that himself, but this is not a silver bullet. we know, for example that russia is using aerial guided bombs to significant effect on the frontlines. that is how they were able to take over the town of avdiivka in mid february, ukraine is still waiting for essex deans, which could help to combat those. and of course they are grappling with significant damage. the loss of territory, the loss of countless lives because of the delay in passing this vote to kim. >> all right. clare sebastian standby. i want to go down to elliott gotkine for reaction from israel. so elliott, the house passed 26 billion in aid for israel and gaza. we should note that not all of it goes to israel's military, just 17 billion. so what's the reaction in israel unbridled gratitude, kim, i suppose is
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what we're seeing on the surface from across the political spectrum in israel including from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who said in response to the passage in the house of this aid bill saying that the us congress just overwhelmingly passed a much appreciated aid bill that demonstrates strong bipartisan support for israel and defends western civilization. >> and we heard similar sentiments from defense minister yoav gallant, from president isaac herzog, from foreign minister israel katz, as well. of course, unsurprisingly, palestinians are not what's too happy with this. they are disappointed indeed, a spokesman for the palestinian authority saying that us security aid to israel constitutes a dangerous escalation and aggression against the palestinian people. now, if you want to look at this though, from the perspective of a glass half empty, then you could say a look, this vote only passed this aid package for israel, one pass 366 votes to 58. they were 37 congress menn on the
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democrats, who dissented. and although there is clearly strong bipartisan support still from both sides of the aisle for israel, the us still clearly how as israel's back, there will perhaps under the surface be a little bit of concern in israel that perhaps in times gone by in years past, this bill would have passed even more overwhelmingly with bipartisan support. and i suppose it would be an interesting thought experiment to see how this vote would have gone if iran had not launched this unprecedented attack of more than 300 drones and missiles towards israel, just a week ago, because perhaps that concentrated some of the minds of those who are wavering between supporting this package for israel and those thinking about passive voting against it. another experiment would be interesting to see how this vote would have gone on if not for the hamas terrorist attacks of october the seventh, and israel subsequent war against hamas in the gaza strip, which the hamas-run health ministry
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in gaza says has killed more than 34,000 people. of course, figures that don't distinguish between competence and civilians, perhaps kim, that vote would have been even more bipartisan in an even more overwhelming in israel's favor, had this war never happened in the first place? >> yeah, you bring up some interesting points there. i want to thank you both. elliott gotkine and clare sebastian early. appreciate it. & for more analysis now we're joined by julie norman, the deputy director of the center of us politics at university college london. thank you so much for being here with us again. so the biggest winner here, ukraine obviously, but domestically politically, a big win for democrats as well absolutely. and say kim, it's a big win for bipartisanship on capitol hill, which is something that is obviously unusual these days, and especially in an election year. so this is something that the biden administration has definitely been pushing for a really for months now. and so did see it come through is a
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big political win for denmark crafts absolutely you for biden. and this isn't just for domestic audiences, but for really doubling down on what he sees as his foreign policy credentials, showing that the us is still a global leader, that the us will be there for our allies& that the us will still take steps to deter adversaries as well. >> you say it's a big win for bipartisanship. i wonder where it goes from here. mike johnson becomes sort of an unlikely hero. here. he had voted against every ukraine aid bill until he became speaker. and then now with this helping get the bill through, do you think this is a crossing the rubicon of sorts, the signals, bipartisanship in this congress, will it be possible on other issues now or is that just a pipe dream unfortunate. >> i think it's just a pipe dream. and as you will be routed to johnson's, speakership is really on the line and i would say he knew that with taking this vote to the floor and to give him
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credit, he said, you, if i ladies personally on this. so be it. but we're here to do a job and i think this is the right thing to put this forward before the vote. and even after we've heard clamoring from marjorie taylor greene, from some others from the freedom caucus thing that they will be calling for his ouster. we haven't seen any official emotion for that yet, but there likely will be some blowback. and i would just say the republican party is very split on this johnsons own committee heads in armed services and intelligence in foreign affairs of where we're pushing for this bill, even as half of the conference was pushing against it. so he was really caught in the middle there and i think he he had ended the day just did we he thought was the right what do you make of the fact that marjorie taylor greene didn't pursue a motion to vacate to get rid of him. i mean, she said she she wants everyone who voted for it to go back and hear from their constituents as it just a matter of time before he goes or is now a bit too late. so close to the auction yeah.
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>> i think some of this obviously is bluster are trying to swing things a certain way. and so some of those threats for ouster may not actually come to pass, at least as quickly as as some thought. but with that said, i do think that flank of the party will keep putting the pressure on johnson. i think it's more of a question of testing the waters within their own party as to how much they want to go into another speaker battle that has then a difficult process for republicans to. this congress. and with an election year, it's something that i think many representatives just simply don't want to go there at this moment. but for johnson, he's going to be feeling that pressure. >> you're talking about that flank of the party donald trump was largely quiet on this bill, but his position generally on the issue was quite clear. so this was a big blow for trump and the maga forces, though. i guess it's something that they can use to further rile up their base in this election cycle. >> yes, largely so and i would point out there was a different bill on the table several months ago that did include
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massive border concessions from democrats that trump essentially pressured his his supporters to quash. and so there were, there was a different bill that had more republican interests available. i will say trump on this side do you think he was quieter on his normal opposition to ukraine aid he seemed to be a bit more comfortable with some of the language of some of that aid being alone rather than direct aid. and that seemed to telegraph at least some some acquiescence to this, if not support for it. >> all right. now, turning to the military aid for israel already, we've seen protests from progressives. it's been a very divisive issue for democrats will this hurt joe biden? >> well, i think the gaza issue more broadly is being obviously politically hurting biden throughout this throughout this election year, just with the amount of support he can get, especially from young people and you've been hurting his campaigning opportunities. >> but with this bill, i will say the fact that it was broken up into these different pieces
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did allow for some democrats to dissent from that vote, while still obviously supporting ukraine. >> and i will point out too that the israel bill did include about 9 billion and humanitarian aid, much of which will go to gaza, which many of the democrats supported. and much of it is more for defensive replenishment for israel after last week's attacks from iran. and i think that made a difference as well we'll have to leave it there, but i always appreciate your analysis. >> julie norman. thank you so much for joining us thank you wael, the us is now one step closer to banning tiktok house lawmakers approved a bill targeting the app as part of that massive foreign aid package passed saturday. the bill gives the hugely pond social media platform nine months to replace the current chinese parent company bytedance with a new owner. many in congress see the tiktok app as a national security risk. more lawmakers now support the bands since it's part of the larger legislative package. and that bundling makes it harder to remove the measure and more likely that
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it'll pass tiktok calls or potential ban and attack on free speech. rosen biden said he would sign the legislation if it reaches his desk the palestinian political faction fatah is calling for a worker strike across the occupied west bank for today, over palestinian deaths in the west bank and gaza the palestinian health ministry says 14 people were killed during an israeli operation at the nour shams refugee camp they say they've now been able to go in and ten to the wounded after israeli forces, partly withdrew from the area, it appears to be one of the largest operations in the west bank since the hamas attack on october 7. the idf claims who have killed what they described as ten terrorists and arrested eight suspects, calling it a quote, extensive countered terrorism operation meanwhile, hundreds of palestinians marched in a funeral procession on saturday carrying the bodies of two men killed during one of the latest attacks by israeli settlers in
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the occupied west bank. israeli military says, it's looking into the incident. it comes after witnesses told cnn hundreds of israeli settlers stormed palestinian homes homes, and villages last week, attacking residents across the west bank after missing israeli boy was found dead thousands of israelis spent saturday calling for benjamin netanyahu's government to be replaced in, tel aviv and jerusalem. they called once again for new elections and for the government to do more to bring home hostages held by hamas protesters have held rallies for the past seven months now, angry with how the israeli government has handled the hostage situation, hamas is thought to still be holding around 100 israelis here, in the pro-palestinian protests continued at columbia university for a fourth straight day students and
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faculty members have been protesting. what they describe as the university's continued financial investment in corporations that profit from israel's war in gaza cnn's polo sandoval has the details we don't want to the started on wednesday when the columbia university president minouche shafik was in washington testifying before lawmakers responding to reports of antisemitism on campus this is currently there was also a presence of not just students, but also faculty setting up tents and signs here on the campus itself. but the organizers of this event, making their message is quite clear, saying that their hope is that they will pressure columbia university to divest funds from companies connected to israel cnn has reached out to the university to address for more on not just heari investments, but also to address the allegations that have been puforwd by these organizers. >> but eventually this evolved into any cabinet, a large one at the university president declared a disturbance. so turn to the nypd he's sending them
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a letter asking for police offirs essentially interject and forcefully remove some of thstudts are particiting in it. the rult was well over a hundred ople that were detained will be issued courts zones. but really what this is now is the presence. it's still mains here on the campus of peaceful presence of a mix of here hoping to continue withs that message from last week here. for protesters, this may be a galvanizing moment to basically reinvigorate there cause for universities there are certainly going to, this speaks to them having to grapple with the reality that we are likely going to continue to see more of these demonstrations from one mpus tonother protests and also counterprotests. andhose universities rlly forced to walk that li between safety and free polo sandovalcnn new york after the break, we're only one de way from opening statements and donald trump's historic criminal trial how the
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alternate jurors could find themselves in the spotlight and later, her reaction from ukraine after the us house lawmakers approved a key aid bill, will speak with the country's former defense minister about why and the bill matters and how the money could be spent a heart attack. do they have life insurance? >> no. >> but we have life insurance john i'm trying to find something we can afford fortunately, it only a few minutes. >> select boat found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month and his wife and a $500,000 policy for only $21 a month go to select now and get the insurance your family meats but a price you can afford, select quote, we shop, you sit rose sparks engineered for the spontaneous. a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra and sialic faster acting and long-lasting grabbed the moment
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dedicated my life and my career to building safety and it's my job to build it on tiktok we're only one day away. >> the jury is ready and opening statements in donald trump's criminal trial are set for monday donald trump was supposed to appear at a rally in north carolina on saturday, his first since his hush money trial began. but severe weather forced the event to be delayed now these weekend campaign stops are crucial for the presidential candidate because he has to appear in court during the week for a trial that could last for weeks now, trump has been posting on truth social about how he thinks presidents should be immune from prosecution so there are six alternate jurors for this historic trial, and it's their job to step in if one of the 12 regular jurors is excused or dismissed. cnn's brian todd explains already two empaneled
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jurors have been excused from former president trump's hush money trial, underscoring just how crucial the six alternate jurors are, who've just been seated in a case of this length& in a high-profile case, the alternates are as significant as the regular jury we panel because there's a very high likelihood and probability in this case that one or more of those alternates are going to end up on the journey. the alternate juror is there to take over a spot on the 12 member regular jury if one of the regulars has to drop out of the trial one of the reasons could be illness they could have a family emergency or something else could happen like they can't follow the court's instruction not to post things on social media. >> court veterans say the life in limbo of an alternate juror can be strange, unsatisfied, and tougher than it may see. >> let's difficult to to be very present and to really focus as much as jurors might need to with the idea in the back of their mind that they
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might not really need to deliberate at the end of it. all but as one alternate juror in police officer derek chauvin is murder trial said being an alternate doesn't mean the case weighs on you any less heavily every night when i would come home i felt exhausted. >> it was pretty draining, pretty emotional and that juror didn't even know she was an alternate until the end of the trial in some cases, the judges purposely don't inform the jury which of them are alternates and which are regulars until they start deliberating. >> so they don't have that issue of knowing. i might not have to deliver aid. do really need to listen to this. >> there are six alternate jurors for trump's trial, while that may seem like a lot for a complex and highly charged case, it may not be enough. >> he appears to have pulled the gloves on council during oj simpson's lengthy murder trial, ten regular jurors were dismissed for failing to disclose something allegedly passing a note or considering book deal, or simply telling the judge i can't take it anymore ten alternate took their place what happens if the
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trump trial runs out of alternates would be up to the defendant whether or not he would want to consent to a verdict with 11 jurors, but i don't believe that he would do that in this case. >> and you would have a mistrial the alternate are always important during the actual trial, but don't join the final deliberations unless they're needed. >> what happens if a regular juror has to leave the case during deliberations. >> what happens then is the real jury has to basically start over their deliberations. they have to deliberate as though they hadn't done the deliberations they'd done with the first with the original juror and start over with the alternate juror. >> what's the best advice for an alternate juror? trial consultant leslie ellis says, try to forget you're an alternate, participate in everything you can with the other jurors, pay attention to every bit of the evidence pretend that you're one of the first 12 because you very well may be at the end brian todd, cnn, washington and you can watch cnn's special coverage of the trump hush money trial monday at 9:00 a.m. in york,
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2:00 p.m. in london billions of dollars in aid could be headed to us allies overseas. >> we'll find out what president biden has to say after the house finally passed, military funding that had been stalled for months watson who showdown between the united states and russia this time, it's an africa. will explain after the break statements there are giant so mughal they are the minimum woman building or davies next generation submarines de are giant and what they do because they worked in a place where they can grow. >> where they can learn the skills to build careers as powerful as we built giant. because it takes to build one i'm having fun, don't put me down on that with allegro
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states, canada, and around the world. i'm kim brunhuber. this is cnn newsroom i want to get you up to speed with the passage of a massive foreign aid package. it includes a make or break bill for ukraine 95 legislation is now headed to the senate after the house passed it yesterday, senators could begin voting as early as tuesday and then president biden is urging them to quickly pass the legislation and send it to his desk ask besides these $61 billion for ukraine, the package also includes 26 billion for israel and 8 billion for taiwan and the indo-pacific region. house speaker mike johnson pushed the crane aid bill despite fierce resistance from some fellow republicans, a majority of his conference voted against the bill, which overwhelmingly passed with democratic support. but johnson's job could be on the line amid growing calls from some republicans to oust him. present, biden spoke to both speaker mike johnson and minority leader hakeem jeffries after the vote, thanking them for their leadership, cnn's
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priscilla alvarez has more from the white house president biden on saturday applauding the house for the passage of national security bills, including the funding for ukraine in a statement, the president said, quote today, members of both parties in the house voted to advance our national security interests and send a clear message about the power of american leadership on the world stage. >> at this critical inflection point, they came together to cancer history's call passing urgently needed national security legislation that i have thought for months to secure. it goes on to note, i urge the senate to quickly send this package to my desk so that i can sign it into law and we can quickly send weapons and equipment to ukraine to meet their urgent battlefield needs. now of course, the white house made the asked for these additional funds for ukraine back in october, and the president at the time said an address to the nation that he was in the interest of us national security, saying that it shouldn't no ground should be seated to russia. but of course, the stalled aid in congress only added to the urgency and over the course of recent months, us officials
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made the correlation between battlefield losses in ukraine, arguing that that was because they weren't getting the funding that they needed and putting the responsibility squarely at the feet of republicans in congress. now over the course of time, white house officials have been in touch with members of congress and congressional staff working furiously behind the scenes to see this through. and the president saturday applauding that it has now happened and hoping that it crosses the finish line soon. so aid can get to ukraine swiftly. priscilla alvarez cnn washington for more analysis. >> we're joined by andrew. so go former ukrainian defense minister who now leads the think tank center for defense strategies. and he joins this now from kyiv. thank you so much for being here with us so i was talking to a ukrainian mp yesterday. you told me that there'll be more people watching this votes in congress than anything in the ukrainian parliament. so talk to me about the sense of relief among ukrainians today.
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>> well, of course this is a huge news here. everybody is talking about that. everybody understands that this is a historical vote because we were on the verge of having a massive issues with the russian aggression here because we literally are running out of weapons and that's a fact. and anyone from even foreign journalists who charles ukraine, they know that. so essentially there has been a severe rationing of the ammunition for months now and obviously, russians up throwing all their efforts in order to and can i use that moment and to advance, we're not talking about losing the country within a short period of time, but we're talking about losing some substantial territory which would be extremely difficult to gain back. but the question was like in principle, whether we have a bipartisan support in us anymore? because if it's if it's not there in principle, then of course there is an existential threat to grain because russians are i still they still wanted to
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destroy the country as a whole. now, obviously we see that there is bipartisan support and there is a substantial amount which is would be enough to go through the year. let's say, and that that's huge so, so, so concretely then, where will the money go exactly and how quickly will it make a difference actually, on the front lines and in the ukrainian cities and towns that are under siege right now according to our partners from the us duty and us military, they have warehouses ready to open. >> next moment as soon as the bill passes, old necessary necessary signatures and so on. so which means that something's can be arriving within days and we're talking about, of course, ammunition for the artillery were talking about air defense we're talking about some additional measles and spare parts and barrels and so on. so whatever is necessary to stop russians russians from proceeding further. first of
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all, of course, absolutely important jewelry and air defense what you talked about, the shortage of ammunition there on the front lines. >> so i'm wondering from a soldier's point of view, what will this mean for more raul? there on the front lines? >> as soon as they see are arriving the munition arriving, they would be able to rebel the russian attacks. and that's of course, any success immediately raises murali tremendously. so we have seen that before as you know, we, will liberate it already more than half of what russians occupied since 22 so of course any successes, it's like immediate surgeon morales, so there's no doubt about that. and people see that every time when you ask pass the bill, was the funding it just a bit of time. and that those immunogens were arriving so it's a matter of, time only now, you kind of hinted at this why i want to get a bigger explanation, i guess. are you
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expecting russia to try and take advantage of this window before ukraine is able to rearm and bolster its defenses. and if so exactly what are you expecting? >> well, that'd be they've been doing this so far. and of course they will try to do this again, but we talking about again weeks of difference. but within these periods of time, there would be throwing whatever they can in order to gain as much territory as they can. i don't think that's will end up with some substantial gains for russia there will be tremendous casualties from russian sayyed, but they literally don't care much about that. but they understood that there is a there is a wheel of us people to support your grain. so question of the sort of pause in funding for many of the russian analysts, i believe that was a matter of time they understood that they need to use that time in order to gain and to advance one more important thing which, which, which sometimes people don't notice in the end that bill is
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the goal for the bill to provide the strategy for the victory. this is the first time us government will be actually tasked to provide the strategy, how your grade will actually win the war because there's been a lot of discussions about that, okay, here's 65 billion then the world like 40 billion before and so on. so how long does it take? and what exactly we are achieving and we're exactly, we're aiming this time you have government like davidai and so secretary of state. they need to provide the provider by this strategy, which is huge step forward, because, because right now you have government will be helping you grant to win, which we've been saying we're all this time, not just to support us to go on and make russia not when your grant nodules, but actually ukraine win that's historical events. the fact that we are requiring this strategy now yeah, i'm wondering what that strategy will look like. >> what does victory look like? i mean, is this, this aid just enable you to basically fend off russian advances and better
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defend against airstrikes and drones, or do you expect to be be able to push back meaningfully in the weeks and months ahead, this time last year, we were talking about counter attacks. is that back on the table now? >> yes. it must be back. it's not back on a table in the immediate future because in immediate future we need to the difference between our availability of ammunition and russians is like one to ten so we're not talking about rubber like pushing russians out right, right away, but absolutely should be on the table and dod knows about that duty experts and so on. of course, there's not going to be any victory. there's not going to be any stop of the war until russians are out of ukrainian territory that's not a, that's not a territorial war. this is existential worse. so basically russians to try to destroy your grain as a concept. but, but it's held on a territory, territory is the performance indicator and so we russians need to leave and they need to be pushed out. and how to achieve them. it's of course,
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it's a multi-component strategy, but it's fantastic that actually we are starting to work on that right now with our partners was great to get your take on what must be a celebratory day with the passage of this aid bill. so go to new york. thank you so much for speaking with us. all the house vote just came hours after russian missiles rained down on at least three ukrainian regions, the targets included odesa, where a military officials say an infrastructure facility was hit the city was reportedly targeted from occupied crimea. missiles. also were fired at the zaporizhzhia region no casualties were reported or four, we go to break has a struggles with attacks. one street performer sits by the ocean playing the piano for those who call it therapy in a time of war there's only 47
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starts tomorrow at nine eastern he's demonstrators in needs harris capital are demanding that us troops leave their country after meeting with new sheriff's prime minister just days ago, the us agreed to remove its troops last year, france pulled its troops out of the country us troops of begun working. >> i've been working in the new sharrah to help fight terrorism, which grown over the past decade now. and he's era is welcoming russian military instructors& that has some us officials concerned about russia expanding its presence in the region the military junta over through niger was government last july. it was the latest in a trend across the part of african known as the sahel since 2019, the region has seen no fewer than ten quds in seven countries. last hour, i spoke with all i incur a jalaa senior lecturer in politics and international relations at leeds beckett university city. and he told me
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why the us base in niger is so important in the fight against terrorism areas. >> it seems it's o point that couple of years ago is being used for intelligence gathering, is being used to monitor gid activities and moved mentioned the region and then you as then share get. the information with the halides in west africa and the sahel. so it's a very strategic drum bass as well, because the location of the drone-based in agadez it's almost right at the center of the entire sahel so drones flown from this area could easily cover many countries and almost the entire us. i help so losing the drone-based would weaken counterterrorism operations in the region because it would be more difficult to get our intellij. and this is a massive, massive area. and been unable to capture the they don't understand the movement of terrorist organization would
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weaken contact terrorism operations about two hours from now, millions of voters in ecuador will start heading to the polls to vote on a referendum put forward by the country's president. >> it asks voters to approve new security measures which aimed to tackle growing violence in the country to cnn's patrick oppmann reports ecuador has been gripped by violence from gangs and drugs the cartels soldiers and ecuador patrol the streets as a country does battle with violent drug gangs in january, the increasingly brazen gangs took on the government head-on carrying out coordinated attacks in broad daylight even holding journalists at a tv station hostage. >> or i've anera let me that the ecuador's president responded by asking lawmakers, per special wartime power ordering the military, just try the and declared war on terrorists these are not conventional gangs. >> they are a terrorist groups. they are highly organized,
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structured armed forces that terrorize complete regions and have had control in the past few years of our nation's prisons on sunday, more than 13 million ecuadorians are expected to go to the polls to vote on an 11 measure referendum if specific measures get a yes vote. >> the military will gain more control over prison sentences for people convicted of crimes such as drug trafficking and terrorism would increase in soldiers would be allowed to equip themselves with weapons. sees from the gangs. since january is explosion of violence. >> more than 18,000 people have been arrested and the state of siege. >> ecuadorians live under as badly damaged the economy. nothing that this music club owner says a nightly curfew means he has to close early, but the loss in revenue is worth it if the tough measures bring peace, i capital yet we have to support the
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propositions that have to do with the security of the country that ultimately benefit that's us because if we can have a commerce safer city, there will be more people going out. >> ecuador is not a large-scale producer of narcotics, have for decades the country seemed immune to the drug wars that tore apart much of the rest of latin america then local gangs partnered with international drug cartels to turn ecuador and o key transshipment point for cocaine produced a neighboring colombia and peru that is then sent abroad ecuador is also an export of legal goods to the united states and to europe fruit, bananas and drug traffickers there, businessmen like any other, they see this developed infrastructure that's reliable, at goes so many places and that fifth i miss an opportunity that they want to exploit president havowed to crush the gang ota momento
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now it is time to protect what we have one your demos reformat. we require urgent rerms that allow us to protect r security if the process this process can only continue they can only be sustained if we give the national police and the armed forces the clear and firm support that we are proping continues toe caught between increasing supply and demand were illegal narcotics the war will likely rage on patrick oppmann. cnn all right, coming up here on cnn newsroom, nba playoff season has officially begun. cnn sport's caroline menn on for joins me next to look at who left it all on the court last night's stay with us can the riva support your brain health? mary janet, hey, eddie, know, fraser, franck. frank bred. how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain
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everything last night. and you also never need to worry about his partner in crime, anthony davis, these two future hall of famers were exceptional. again, last night they racked up 59 points. they kept things very close to the front cord, really did its job and the lakers actually could have gotten a little bit more for their gods ards, but the issue for la is actually how good nikola jokic and jamal murray are denver's duo combining to score 54 and both finishing with double doubles as jokic, the reigning finals mvp ceiling, it's ceiling a passenger, lebron laying it in as the nuggets when by 11 their fifth-straight postseason win against the lakers. and afterwards words lebron was asked if he's worried about this i don't that doesn't matter to me. >> i don't ever get into here we go again, my as one game, they protected don core. we have another opportunity on monday to come back. it'd be better. we know how we now challenging is going to be difficult just the polarity
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here's an outbreak de are so that's all a part of the game elsewhere. >> this sixers postseason hopes may have just been dashed. joel embiid landing awkwardly late the second quarter against the next, you never want to see this him aggravating this knee injury that has sidelined him for two months and bede was able to play so tough, he got it it out the rest of the way, but he was clearly in pain and coach nick nurse did not seem confident about his availability moving forward philly did keep fighting, but they couldn't stop josh heart late-scoring 13 of his 22 and the fourth as new york rallies for the win, it was a great game. meantime, in minnesota is 22 measuperstar anthony edwards showing the worldwide, he is on team usa's olympic roster. he had just such an electric to watch 33 points draining a shot from deep over kevin durant, and then afterwards, he starts chirping a little bit as they went back down the corp, but katie just laughed it off. and then in the fourth edwards again this time throwing down one of his
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signature dunk as the timberwolves block the sun's by 25 and just listen to the crowd afterwards so the mvp chance kim, in full effect, playoffs has been very exciting so far, we'll see the lakers can rebound here and they're second game. >> we have slowly. all right. carolyn menn in new york. thank you so much. appreciate it. spanish tennis star guard vga mode, guruzeta is hanging up her racket, retiring after what she calls her long and beautiful career. warning, venezuela, mcgautha is a former world number one and the only player to defeat the williams sisters for her to grand slams. her first major was the 2016 french open against serena & our second the following year at wimbledon against venus a 30-year-old had ten singles titles. it hasn't played in a year if she spent that time with family and friends
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checkmate on a new world record. nigerian chess champion tune day on a korea broke the record for the longest chess marathon as 29 year-old played 60 hours nonstop in new york's times square. he played against us chess champion shawn martinez, winning every game together, they surpassed the previous records of 56 hours, nine minutes, and 37 seconds, going world records still has to confirm the attempt which can take weeks. when a cooja played to raise money for children's education across africa before we go, the actor kevin bacon, catapulted to start them for decades ago when he played a high schooler in the movie, who simply wanted to have some fun. you remember this those of us of a certain age will remember that in footloose, see shocked elders
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when he organized dance and a conservative town that had band partying and rock music the movie was a sensation. >> so students at payson high school in salt lake city, utah, where it was filmed, lobbied hard to get the star to come for their prom on the movie's 40th anniversary. there you see him the visit raised money for bacon's foundation, which helps local communities. they can call the student's enthusiasm contagious and one student said, his visit gave her goosebumps bad well, that wraps this hour of cnn newsroom. i'm kimberly, who were for viewers in north america, cnn this morning is next for the rest of the world, it's decoded okay. >> everyone our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition franklin energy
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