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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash  CNN  April 21, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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need 77538, 383882, or visit home serve i'm rafael romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. >> this is cnn on trial opening statements are expected tomorrow, and the criminal trial of former president trump is a witch hunt with case in the hands of the justice system. >> will he accept the results? trump supporter and potential vp pick south dakota governor kristi noem joints me exclusively next and head-to-head while trump's on trial, president joe biden is ramping up his campaign travel from scranton all across the country. and as he faces rising third-party challenge, and he
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expand a map, this ball, the stakes couldn't be higher, fresh off the campaign trail for biden, illinois governor jb he pritzker is coming up plus taking a stand after a torture journey through congress. the house passes aid for israel, ukraine, and taiwan the bill was passed. now can speaker mike johnson keep his job? our panel of experts are here to discuss hello i'm dana bash in washington where the state of our union is in session. we begin this week with donald trump adjusting to an unprecedented challenge tomorrow, lawyers in the first criminal case against a former president are expected to give opening statements new york arguing over the charges that trump falsified business records to cover up hush money payments to an adult film actress, just before the 2016 election, trump denies the
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charges. he finds himself in the extraordinary position of spending four days a week in court instead of on the campaign trail being critical sized on the stand without being able to interrupt while his opponent, president biden visits key swing states last night, trump's first plan rally. since the case began was called off due to bad weather so the next time americans will likely hear from him is likely right outside a courtroom here with me now is a long donald trump supporter and potential vice presidential picks south dakota republican governor kristi noem, governor. thank you so much for joining us. i should say you have a new book coming out on may 7th that is called no, going back governor, i want to start with with the opening arguments, which are expected to begin tomorrow. the defense and prosecution went back and forth all week weeding out durer's. now, this case is in the hands of the justice system. should donald trump?
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except whatever verdict the jury renders in this case well, my hope is that all americans can trust or judicial system, and that's really what this case we'll prove out. >> i think it's a little ridiculous that they've waited years to bring these types of charges against donald trump they wanted to make these kinds of charges against him. they should have done it two years ago when this happened to do it conveniently during a presidential election when he's campaigning to return to the white house, i think proves that this is all politically motivated. it's the way that democrats i started fighting these days is using the judicial system and activist judges to do so. my hope is that the people and the jury will do what is right and hear the evidence and see clearly that this is an unprecedented trial, but it's unprecedented in how ridiculous it is. >> well, this these allegations happened when he was president. that is in part for the prosecutors. why they say that he excuse me. the allegations happened while he was president. he allegedly made the payment while in the oval
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office. but let's focus on the specifics of the case. prosecutors alleged donald trump falsified five business records to hide hush money payments weeks before the 2016 election. as i mentioned, he violated both state tax and federal campaign finance laws. so are you saying that even if that's true he shouldn't have been charged and that he is above the law what i'm saying is that these prosecutors are using someone as whose testimony has been proven to be a liar. michael cohen has lied before congress multiple times. that's their main witness. i would say that he certainly is not someone who can be trusted to do the right thing during this jury trial, they're also using a woman's testimony who signed a letter saying that this affair did not happen, that she has testified the past that this never occurred and so now they're going forward with the case built on that and saying that because donald trump page legal bills, that now he can be prosecuted for something that even the person that alleged it happened is saying did not happen. so
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that's that's would is so shocking to me. i guess dana, is that when i'm walking around this state and talking to people, talking to people across the country. they don't even know which trial this is they're like, i don't remember which one. this wasn't about is this the one they're coming after him for this or this, what they really care about is that they're trying to figure out how to pay their gas bills. they're trying to figure out how to pay their electricity and put food on the table well, for their kids. and they want a president back in the white house that puts america first. the decides that americans should be a priority and not lead and invasion like we'd have happening at the southern border continue to happen that they really care about the citizens that are here in the united states. >> governor, i just want to push on this question of what actually happened because donald trump himself acknowledged in 2018 that he authorized payments to stormy daniels and reimbursed michael cohen. we actually have the reimbursement checks to cohen signed by donald trump. so those are the facts are you comfortable with this michael cohen worked for president
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trump. president trump paid his legal fees, he paid his michael cohen legal fees and bills, and that's what this trial were bring forward hopefully is the truth what a ridiculous case that that's us is, that it's based on the narrative today that is coming from a man who has proven to be a liar. so i'm hoping that this judge makes the right decision. i helping these jurors can come in and be unbiased. it's ten, we'll we'll let this case go forward in a swift manner that allows president trump to get back on the campaign trail americans deserve to hear from their candidates. and the democrats and the activists are using this trial to derail him, to keep him in court instead of out talking to americans about what their real concerns are. there are real concerns or their everyday lives, they need a leader in the white house who gets up every day and puts them first and doesn't raise their taxes, doesn't over-regulate them, take away their freedoms and give all or money to other countries instead of making sure that we're taking care of america first and keeping us safe and i just want to say for the record, there's absolutely no evidence that president
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biden is involved in this. this is a case that case that is being brought in the state of new york by the manhattan. >> that's that's what i think is remarkable, is that if you look at president biden and what he's done and what his son has done and the fact that has nothing or not being prosecuted for crimes that has nothing to do with that is on process that has nothing to do with this. so my question is, who will completely different? yeah i have a judicial system right now. that's being used against certain members of certain parties by that, i want to make sure they have a tooth you mentioned that. go ahead. dang his legal his legal fees to michael cohen, one of the things that they are going to talk about in this trial is the fact that it wasn't just a retainer, it was actually a payment to michael cohen because michael cohen put the money out for stormy daniels on his own. but to kind of big picture governor, if donald trump is convicted in this trial, we use still support him in november if my choice is between joe biden and donald
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trump every single day of the week? yes. i will support donald trump. i have from the very beginning he has been someone that i we have supported since 2016 because i recognized that he didn't think he was better than anybody else in this country. he wanted to go run for this office so he could serve the people here and fight for them every single de and what he's one of the it looks like did by outside noise and judicial system in cases and lawsuits that calm that are being used to weaponize or judicial system against him. i'm focused on what he did when he was in the white house and when he was in the white house every single day as governor, i got to be on offense. i get to solve problems. and since joe biden has been in the white house idea, i just have to defend the freedoms of my people in south dakota. i'm every day trying to push back on what this federal government is trying to do by increasing costs for the everyday families get up every day and go to work. so, yes, donald trump's should be back in that white house. i'm to do all i can to help him win. and dana, i've i've run 11
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campaigns and i've one of all, i don't know how to lose, so i'm gonna do everything i can and to make sure i help donald trump win again. >> okay. governor, i want to turn to the issue of abortion. donald trump now says that even if congress were able to pass a federal abortion ban, he wouldn't sign it. and it should be handled by the states. when you were in the house, you co-sponsored legislation multiple times to ban abortion at the federal level. now you also say that it is a state issue. what changed for you well, the environment changed when roe v. >> wade was overturned. that returned to the power back to the states, which is appropriate. and donald trump is exactly right. every state's laws will look different based on what the people in those states want to be there law when it comes to abortion we should be focusing on these women that are in crisis and they're an unprecedented situations and they need help and support all the information that they can possibly have. so my state's laws may look different than what's going on in california or arizona or new york. and i think that's entirely appropriate. we've i may be
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pro-life, but that doesn't necessarily mean that that i'm a dictator. and then i get to decide that donald trump recognizes the constitutional authority of the states. and i love that, i love that we have somebody running for president who actually follows our constitution and recognizes on this issue that having that decision made at the state level as their appropriate decision after what happened in arizona when civil rights era law came back and is now the law of the land. they're the former president donald trump said that that state law goes too far. the state, the law in your state it is similar. it's an abortion ban, including areas where a woman is raped or in times of incest so do you believe that this law in your state goes too far? this is he said about arizona, are you with him on that or do you think that he's wrong? >> it's interesting because the law in my state was passed decades before i ever became
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governor. it was a trigger law that said when roe v. wade became overturned, that this would be the law that would go into place. so that may be a topic that will continue to be discussed in south dakota. are law today allows an exception to save the life of the mother but the people in south dakota photo will decide what their laws look like. >> do you think it should look like and have an opinion and i can i can wait forward and i can look at the science and what we've learned about babies and the woman believed that we should protect life. >> but i think that our law today is what south dakota wants and they'll continue to have that debate and i'll continue to follow through on my role would just to make sure the will of the people is enforced do you think there should be exceptions for rape and incest, for example and i think that every state is going to look different. >> that's would be different. the dana is that i've constantly looked in. we rely in south dakota on the fact that i'm pro-life and we have a law that says that there there's an exception for the life of the mother. and i just don't believe a tragedy should perpetuate another tragedy. i believe in taking care of mothers that are in a crisis situation and that we should be
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a walking alongside them, giving them all the information in the best information they can make before they have to be putting a situation where an abortion is the only option that they have. so i'll continue to do that. and loved mothers and families through these situations, recognizing that that they are often challenging and scary. and many times they're feeling very alone. and in south dakota, i hope that that's never our story governor, you are a potential vp contender for donald trump congresswoman, at stefanik and senator jd vance both have said that if they had been donald trump's vice president on january 6, 2021, they would not have certified the election. >> would you have? >> i think you can go back and keep talking about january 6, but the fact of the matter is that that was the day we hope we never see again here in this country we did not let's do justice by our country by showing and fighting over that day, we should focus on our freedoms and continue to uphold our constitution. so talking
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hey, pathetically is not something that i do. i do with the reality of what i'm dealing with today and every single day and what i'm gonna do from now on until we get to november's continue to go across this country talk to people about donald trump talked to him about how he's the right man in the white house that will turn this country around and make sure their freedoms are defended. >> so when mike pence said that he talk to lawyers and he felt that he had absolutely no ability to reject the election on january 6th, to think he was wrong when he did that i wasn't in mike pence's shoes. >> and the information that he had at that time. i don't know how he based since decisions, i think he's a nice man. i think that he's failed to donald trump since that day because he certainly does not recognize that we need someone in the white house who needs him out on the trail advocating for him instead of constantly criticizing and going back and ripping them apart we are running. this race is about people who love america and people who are trying to destroy america. and joe biden is trying to destroy america.
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i'd encourage mike pence and everybody else to get out there and to help donald trump get elected because he is the only person in this race who is going to make sure okay. >> it looks like it looks like governor, forgive me, your shot is freezing a little bit. we definitely got everything in there that you wanted to say. and i don't know if you can hear me now, but i really appreciate you coming on this morning. thank you so much. okay. thank you, dana. thank you. have a wonderful day and up next bad news for president biden and a key swing state this week, i'll ask democratic governor jb pritzker about the democrats third party threat. >> next the house passed aid for ukraine. finally, well, house speaker mike johnson lose his job over it. the latest on that coming up riyad say's new album is breaking records what
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retail at rue la, at rubella you never faithful sees the deal on top before there car. shoppers today. welcome back to state of the union. while donald trump was in court, you may have missed president biden blanketing the swing state of pennsylvania this week. but biden's path in michigan got more complicated as third-party challenger rfk junior qualified for the ballot there as well as in hawaii here with me now, is illinois hi governor jb pritzker, who was in michigan just yesterday, campaigning for president biden. thanks so much for joining me. let's start with that rfk junior news that he will officially b. on the presidential ballot in michigan this fall, a new poll shows him getting 9% among michigan voters, and he's pulling 20% with independents. that's of course a state that joe biden won by just three points in 2020, does kennedy being on the
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ballot there pose a real threat to joe biden's reelection well, good morning, dana and i was in michigan yesterday in the enthusiasm level among democrats in michigan is very high. i was in even a republican county meeting with the democratic leadership. there and we had a huge crowd people really are knocking on doors, talking to people about what's important in this selection. robert f. kennedy jr. being on the ballot in michigan, i think is going to have little effect on the ultimate result. people understand that there are really only two candidates that have a path to victory in this country and in michigan. and of course that's joe biden and donald trump and the the challenge for people is you're looking at two very different sets of values and i think people understand that it's joe biden that stands for american values the values of standing up for your neighbors and your community, of standing up for
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working families and women's rights. and the contrast that's it is, my is huge between those two candidates where donald trump wants to take away people's right to get an abortion if they want to wants to take away people's work, workers rights and wants to lower people's wages. and indeed is the one who sent jobs overseas while joe biden is the one who is brought american jobs back to this country. >> the governor you're talking about this as if it's a binary choice and the whole point in michigan and perhaps as we see the other states decide who's gonna be on the ballot. other swing states, it's not a binary choice and rfk junior does provide a third way for people well who just don't like what joe biden or even donald trump for that matter. but in this particular case, it's joe biden unmasking about don't like what he's selling i'm not suggesting there aren't other names on the ballot. i'm suggesting simply that when people go to the ballot box in
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november, they're going to see that they're really only two choices because it's throwing away your vote. if you're a democrat and you vote for someone else on the ballot other than joe biden? and i believe that people will see that contrast of values that i'm talking about and understand that they've got to vote for joe biden if they want to make sure that the united states does not fall into the hands of someone who was frankly a sociopath has been indicted 91 times & is someone who would take this country backward the democratic convention is in your hometown of chicago just four months from now, the divisions in your party over gaza and other issues are really raw and just this week pro-palestinian protesters blocked the highway to o'hare airport. >> we saw similar protests and san francisco and new york, how worried are you that 2024 chicago, that convention could look a lot like the infamous
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19681, which of course overshadowed what happened inside well, again, let's start with the stark contrast that people are going to be faced with and, and just understand that joe biden is fighting for a peace in the middle east is fighting to end the hostilities between israel and gaza and make sure that we're providing humanitarian aid. >> there you can imagine the complexities that are faced by this administration in the middle east with one of our most difficult enemies in iran, firing missiles at israel and with the challenges that russia is posing in the middle east as well. so when you think about the protests it's joe biden that's standing for peace and a lasting peace at that and it's the republicans that frankly would stoke the flames
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of war in the middle east so we did see a protest at o'hare this week, but i think you should notice that protesters were out and about cross the country. and it was in chicago where they ended that protest. soonest are chicago police department was able to get those folks off the highway faster than any other city in the united states. and they're prepared for the democratic convention. look, we believe in free speech and we're going to allow people to protest and say whatever it is. they want to say. but the reality is, we're also going to make sure that people have ingress and egress and that they're safe in our state. i want to add one thing 1996 was also a year of a chicago convention and it was a terrific convention. it's one of the best conventions and i've been to every since i was able to vote. it was one of the best conventions in my
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lifetime. so i think we're going to see something more like that. and of course we, in the democratic party, we support people's right to protest and have their voices heard when i want to ask it's about the issue of abortion. you were at a meeting with vice president harris earlier this year, were you and other governors urged the biden campaign to focus more aggressively on abortion rights. is president biden specifically being aggressive, aggressive enough on the issue? do you want him to go even further? >> what he's talking about it virtually everywhere he goes. again, joe biden is the one that's going to preserve a woman's right to choose it was donald trump that took that right away from more than half of women across the united states. so it's the democratic party, it's the pro-choice president of the united states that's going to stop the ban that the maga republicans want to put on women's reproductive rights. and he's the one who's going to restore rights to
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people across the united states, that freedom is hugely important. it's the republicans that are trying to take away your right to ivf that are trying to take away right to contraception, your right to an abortion. it's democrats that are standing up for those rights. and i think again, that contrast is clear to people. >> i want to ask a very different strategy question. when it comes to the biden campaign, we of course have seen this split-screen that we're going to continue to see president biden campaigning former president trump in court. biden is deliberately avoiding talking about trump's legal issues on the trail because he doesn't want to play. and did the claims that he's orchestrating the political prosecution, which have guess i should say again, that there's no evidence of but just as a political strategic matter, do you think ignoring it is in the stake? or should biden the reminding voters that every turn that the republican nominee is currently on involved in a criminal trial, he's the defendant well
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when your opponent is dropping in the polls, when your opponent is creating challenges for himself, you don't want to get in the way of that so i actually think the president is handling it perfectly. >> he is talking about trump. he's just talking about all of the other things about donald trump. people aren't going to want him to be president of the united states for next 40 years, four years, because they saw what he did during the four years when he was president and it's again, joe biden's the one who's created millions and millions of jobs. we lost jobs under trump. i think those are the kinds of contrast that joe biden ought to be talking about. and let's, let the court's have their say about donald trump's crimes and i don't think that joe biden needs to be talking about that when he can remind people about what's at stake for their future when they go into the ballot box in november before i let you go, a lot of talk already about whether there'll be a debate between the
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president and the former president. would you encourage joe biden to debate donald trump? >> look, i think we're used to having debates. there's no doubt. i will say that whenever i look at donald trump's debating style, he lives and lives and lives. and it's so hard to respond to that in the middle of a debate, you only have 30 seconds or 60 seconds to respond. do you talk about what you want to do for the future do you respond? onto the lives that have come out of donald trump's mouth every minute and i'm concerned about that just to be honest with you. but i also think that joe biden is a terrific debater. he understands the issues donald trump doesn't read, doesn't understand any of these issues. and so he'll just prepare a kate the entire time. i'm while joe biden is actually showing people a great future for the united states, governor pritzker of illinois. thank you so much for being here. i appreciate it. >> thanks. dana and up next, mike johnson's future as house
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you all at. we have a real live actual house republican congressman here tony gonzales of texas. so you voted yes. on the foreign aid package? >> do you have confidence that at this point, given that it is still possible that marjorie taylor greene will push to vacate to kick them out of the speaker's chair that he can survive. he will survive. looked the house is a rough and rowdy place, but mike johnson is going to be just fine. i serve 20 years in the military. it's my absolute honored to be in congress, but i served with some real scum bags, look up matt gaetz, he paid miners to have sex with them. a drug parties, bob good endorse my opponent. a no neo-nazi. these people used to walk around with white hoods at night. now they're walking around with white hoods in the daytime. look, i it didn't surprise to me that some of these folks voted against aid to israel, but i was encouraged to see by nearly ten to one mark that republicans supported our allies on the battlefield wow, okay. i shouldn't say that the
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federal government did look into matt gaetz and those allegations and they decided not to prosecute hi. >> well, unlike joe biden's poor uncle, posey, i think mike johnson's going to avoid the cannibals in his own party here he stood up to him this weekend and the adults reid took control of the us congress. and i think people got sick and tired. he's one of them of marjorie taylor greene being in charge of their life and they just finally i said no. and so i think and i hope that the democrats will continue to stand with mike johnson here for a functional congress strikes me, johnson trying to use a wide middle in this country. he's trying to drag our politics back into something away from the dysfunctional fringe. in back into this wide middleware, congress can function, parties can have disagreements, but we're not in this constant turmoil because someone has a policy disagreement. we're going to toss them out. it's crazy and it needs to stop. i wish they changed the rules. i know he's not going to do it, but maybe you won't have to so
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i think you should absolutely get credit for taking a bold position here. >> i think he probably i decided, you know what this job isn't worth having if i'm not actually doing something. and so i think it was impressive and i think the way he laid out a values-driven argument for the aid money, particularly to ukraine, was very impressive and he clearly luck to the hard right of his party i'm maybe a little less bullish on the idea that this represents a sea change and how republicans are going to operate on the hill. i think we've seen time and again that if it requires this level of political courage to get even the most basic, ultimately bipartisan legislation done. that isn't bode well for the way republicans are going to operate moving forward, it's requiring people to take this kind of profile encouraged moment is generally not the way you get things done, but i would absolutely say mike johnson deserves credit for for standing up. >> and if there is a vote should democrats back in? i think a lot of democrats will look to keep him because he alternatives is really aren't that great i'm i'm old enough
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to remember when republicans had what they called the hazard rule right? but you needed to have the majority of the majority in order to pass any bill. now it seems that if you want to govern in the country, you have to find a way to work with democrats. if you're a republican party because there aren't enough republicans who are willing to do the right thing on these big bills. >> in part, but i would just say in part because donald trump is the republican nominee. right. and so you have a hard right of the party. well, no, not taking their kids from that dynamic mike johnson so what to see donald trump. >> what did donald trump's say about ukraine? their survival is important. the united states he did not come out against mike johnson's plan. mean i think that people were against congressman johnson were sorely disappointed. i mean, i think donald trump wants to get to a place where he's president again, so he can convert a solvent, can bring you in on that because i i've never i've never heard you say a lot of things. what you just said at the top of this discussion was intense and is it your sense
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that well, i'm just asked from your own opinion and own perspective you're trying to put them in a box and put them in a corner. >> members members are tired. we're exhausted. it has been a brutal congress, but we're also dug in. and for some reason, these fringe people think as if they have the high ground they, do not? i assure you the rank and file members that normally are kind of easy going doing the right thing, put their head down, they vote yes or no, but they're not public about it. those days are over. the fight is here and this whole pushing someone's going to put pokey in the chess, the way your way you take care of a bully as you bloody their nose that's where we're at? we're at a point where we're just trying to govern and that's what mike johnson has done. govern in an honorable way. you do not leave your allies on the battlefield to bleed out. i know that because i served 20 years in the military and five years in iraq and afghanistan, the politics is pretty thick right
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now, but we have to stand up now more than ever. i think you're seeing in republicans go, we want to govern that's a big deal thank you for standing up. thank you for your service is not something course. >> i think there's we're are at a point where the republicans in the congress can't be trusted to do the things that are going to actually make the country go well without democratic help. that says something about the republican party today that i think will matter in november where people go to, i mean, not two not to be pollyanna, but isn't that the way it's supposed to work? >> mike johnson said, i'm going to let the will of the house work i'm going to let it work as well. i mean, by the will of the house was that republicans and democrats, just like they are in the country right now, came together and expressed a viewpoint on helping our allies and defeating these dictators and terrorists and thugs around the world. it worked the way it was supposed to work, and it did it under a republican speaker okay. everybody hundred and ten democrats, 101 republican. but he stick around because we have a lot more to discuss. one candidate is on trial, the other is on the
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trail. >> how that shifting dynamics so does peak of the presidential race is affecting what is happening, what could happen at the ballot box, stay with us this of the titanic, how would really happen, especially to our premiere. >> next sunday at nine on cnn, freeze dryness, breakage, new dove ten and ones serum hair mask with peptide complex fortifies hair bonds at a molecular level helps reverse ten signs of damage in one minute, keep living. we'll keep repairing see idp disrupts cid p. derails. let's be honest sucks but living to see idp doesn't have to. when you sign up at shining through cid, you'll find inspiration and real patients stories, helpful tips, reliable
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180501, 3636 called now, i'm kevin liptak at the white house, and this is cnn georgia, florida or carolina campaigning like i shouldn't be having a heart attack mistake system.
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absolutely. days now, from morning until night, in that freezing room, freezing, this is really a concerted, which all right sibling i'll come back to state of the union that was former president donald trump, who is in a courtroom. >> he was last week, he will be this week, my panel joins me. now, we saw that monday, monday, tuesday, thursday, friday. i'm thinking, what does that gf on monday you're welcome. >> scott let let's talk about the politics of this how do you think this plays out particularly if at the end he is convicted? >> this trial seems to be less important to people than the other issues he's facing. it feels that way to me in the polling. i do think it's kinda confusing and i also do believe it because it's happening in new york. trump's statements about it being politically motivated and so on and so forth are resonant with people i've always thought the january 6 trial, if it happens, would be more problematic if he
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is convicted. so amazing, trump is more popular today than it was four years ago. biden is less popular today and we know everything there is to know about donald trump. and so i guess i'm a little dubious that it conviction here is going to tank him. i maintain that there will be voters who if he is convicted in any criminal trial may hesitate once they get in the ballot box and in november, but this one seems to be trivial. it seems to be politically motivated, and i do think what trump says about it as having an impact on republicans. >> but i also think anytime the backdrop of your campaign as a courtroom that's not good, right? i mean, trump, we know that this is an argument that this argument that this is a witch hunt has been motivating to the maga base got it. that is very clear, but we also saw throughout the primary process a not insignificant number of republicans refuse to vote for him and would vote for nikki haley even after she dropped out of the race, there's clearly some concern about him and what this does is it just reminds people of the chaos, particularly for women, for women voters. i think it is more problematic we've seen
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than it is for men. for men, they i think they sort of generally this reminds them of how he behaves and how he treats women. so i agree it is probably not fatal for him but it is not helpful. >> it is not it is not something that is helping him build a broader coalition is not helping him get gets stronger with the voters that he needs to win. and it gives biden the opportunity to do what he did this week, which is to be out campaigning, talking about what he's going to do for people it's pretty clear. >> look in my district, i represent nearly half of the overall southern border. nobody is asking me about what happened. at donald trump's trial this week. it is about immigration. and i think this this election is gonna be about immigration. and it's really going to be less about donald trump. and what about what is joe biden doing to secure the border? and here, yesterday, there were 7,000 people that came over illegally last month, 190,000. we are on pace for two million people to come into
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this country illegally. if joe biden doesn't get this under control, he's going to lose the election. and it is spreading new mexico. i'd say new mexico is in play. new mexico is getting crushed now, more than ever. and if you live along the border, you're number one issue is immigration. immigration russia, and you see the president going to florida this week, which is a state that they think might not might now be in play because of that state's new very restrictive abortion law what's that law does not make it any easier if now trump to try to hold on to florida. >> florida tough case. but the presence is going to make i think a very compelling case in the state and the campaign will do a good job and making a competitive at the very least, listen, i think donald trump is like that figurine that might have been on your grandmother's mantle, right? from a distance, it looks very pretty, but the closer you get, you but as kids have been knocking it over for years, it's kinda bunch of cracks in it right now. i think the closer we get to donald trump, we see the cracks that are evident in his candidacy. it's just everett in the fundraising numbers he's being outraised by extraordinary amount. he's
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being outspent by the president and extraordinary amount. you look on the ground everything you need to know to me as being told him this one thing they had 38 community outreach officers that were supposed to be going after people of color and sayyed is communities. they're not done seven, but what they are increasing 15 states now have election protection. directors and those officers because they're focusing on post-election legal strategy that tells you what you need to know about how they're going to raise his cabinet. >> i want it i want to start go back to one of the things i was talking about with governor pritzker& that is what happened this week in michigan rfk junior on the ballot in that critical state he kind of tried to blow it off you're not feeling that look, well, i think this is going to be an incredibly close race, and i think every democrat should be concerned and focused on on any potential third, third-party you think it's probably i think it is. i think it would be foolish for the democrats the biden campaign to not treat it like it's a problem. i think
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the good news is they are i think they have worked hard to continue to define robert f. kennedy jr. you obviously saw members of the kennedy family come out this week and endorsed joe biden. and i think they are continuing to drive a message that a vote for robert f. kennedy jr. is not a vote to put him in the white house. it's voted to put donald trump in the white house. and that's what, that's what their educational challenge is going to be. and i think they're on it. national michigan's a mess for joe biden rank-and-file auto workers are not happy. >> they're out, they're catering to the death to america. people in dearborn. and then you've got this rfk complication major mess in trump's winning michigan right now okay, great conversation. thank you so much. nice to have you here. congressman. we will be right back smile. you found it the feeling of findings, psoriasis as can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only so tick to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe psoriasis and the chance that clear or almost clear skin
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