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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 22, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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jeremy diamond didn't tel aviv and this is cnn are expected to begin monday morning in new york city. prosecutors will be telling the jury their side of the story for the very first time protests could very easily escalate. in general, the campus feels extremely only hostile. this is not a welcoming environment. >> i think this is a very difficult time for a lot of jewish student it sends a messenger motivation for us, ukrainians who are not alone. >> it sends also very important signal to put in russia that you're not going to win this war live from london this is cnn with max foster hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers, joining us from around the world that max foster, it is a monday, april the 22nd, 9am
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here in london and 4m in new york are just a few hours. >> donald trump's historic hush money trial is set to get underway. that's what opening statements will be heard. now that a jury has been sworn in after they statements lawyers for the prosecution and defense will leach present their cases in that order as well. a reminder of the charges that trump faces 34 counts of falsifying business records. that's a class e felony in new york each count is punishable by up to four years in prison trump denies any wrongdoing& has pleaded not guilty soon as marshall cohen gives us a closer look at the several of the potential witnesses who could be called to the stand. >> what's finally here, opening statements are expected to begin monday morning in new york city, in former president donald trump's hush money criminal trial. this is of course, the very first time in american history that a former president is standing trial for
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alleged crimes. this is all about a cover-up in 2016, donald trump paid $130,000 to stormy daniels, the adult film star, to prevent her from going public with allegations of an affair he denies the affair the alleged crime that prosecutors theory of this case is all about the falsification of business records at the trump organization how trump org pay back michael cohen, trump's attorney at the time, paid him back for that hush money payment according to the prosecutor's the trump organization and donald trump at the head falsified business records falsely suggesting that those were routine legal retainers and legal services when really it was a hush money payment intended to prevent the voters from laurie burning about stormy daniels
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allegations. it's a novel legal theory that will be tested and under the microscope for perhaps the next six weeks. that's how long were expecting things to go? >> so opening statements are monday and eventually we will get into witness testimony and there is a big cast of characters that are expected to swear to tell the truth in front of the jury. >> michael cohen himself, in many ways is the star witness of this case. his credibility will be crucial. there's also stormy daniels. she is expected to tell her side of the story. there's also hope hicks, a trump 2016 campaign official, karen mcdougal, who is a another woman who alleged an affair with donald trump. and then there's also david. he was involved with the national enquirer the tabloid that is central to this alleged scheme, according to the indictment. and cohen and trump met shortly after trump announced his campaign in 2015, and they all
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agreed according to the prosecutor's, that they would quote unquote, catch and kill negative stories about trump basically paying people on off, buying their silence, agreeing to purchase the rights to their story and burying it so that the voters would never learn of those allegations. and the voters did did not actually learn about the alleged stormy daniels affair until after the election after trump had made his way to the white house. that's what we're expecting from opening statements. the prosecutors will be telling the jury their side of the story for the very first time. and of course, trump's defense attorneys have their own opportunity as well. it all starts new york city monday morning. marshall cohen, cnn washington. >> let's go deeper, look at the people deciding this case says martial mentioned you've got 12 jurors, seven men and five women, as well as six alternates from what we know. there's a fairly wide variety of educational and professional
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backgrounds. there are two lawyers and investment banker who follows trump on truth, social, a speech therapist, and a physical therapist, amongst others, and a woman who says, trump seems very selfish chose to tally is a criminal defense attorney joining us now from san francisco. thank you so much for joining us. what did you make of the jury selection? and will it hold well, i do think that the trial will quickly descend into a lot of chaos circus is a term that i think will, will, will apply jury selection is very random. >> it can be a science, it could be an art. the best jury, people who select juries are artists. so i think the fact that we can, we can definitely point to the fact that there are professionals on there. there are to turn please. as you mentioned, and there are professional money managers who have experienced with
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accountants and may be amenable and open to trump's defense of a technical defense it's gonna be interesting today, isn't it? because we do get the opening statements. if i'm right from both sides definitely.& while the opening statements are a road map with a case like this, where both sides have so much at stake and at such a high visibility trial, you can bet that these openings are very, very well thought out and very planned out. >> and we'll get to see and hear from both sides. there's no sense in holding back at opening in this case. i think both sides are going to throw as much of their case out there to the public as possible everybody's heard the expression, the first impression is the most important, and that's what an opening statement is for a case very clear charges laid against him perhaps it's easier for the prosecution to lay out their opening argument and
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harder for the defense who's going to have to go through a series of complex arguments, presumably to try to undermine all of those charges that are there i think certainly the government has a sort of connect the dots approach or paint by numbers the lives they're their argument their case tends to be more stale, more dry, more legally base the defense has a a bigger canvas to play with, so to speak, more colors, bigger palette and it will be important for them lawyers have to convey ideas and information, make it succinct, and yet relatable. so, yes, it's a little bit harder for the defense, but they have to do it and i anticipate that they will do a good job in this case. i'm putting forth the defense in a relatable manner because of the fame of the defendant so much focus is going to be on him and
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his reactions. is that something that they're going to really have to consider in this trial when quite often the focus in the courtroom will be purely on the lawyers certainly yes, i normally speaking, as a defense attorney, you tell your client that they should just be a potted plant, just sit there and don't do anything to bring attention to yourself. in this case. i don't think that type of advice will work on donald trump however, i think that they do need to stick to their defense. focus on the facts that are favorable to them and really they'll have to argue their case in a manhattan jury. that will definitely be very anti-trump. they'll have to at least make their argument neutral. listen, even if you don't like trump, you have to acknowledge facts a, b, and c, and that supports the defense
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chose it's totally it's gonna be a fascinating day. thank you so much for joining us and giving us your preview. i do watch cnn's special coverage of the trump hush money trial today. 90 i'm in you pass to chem hearing now, crucial much $5 billion foreign aid package heads to the us senate this week after the house approved it on saturday, it includes $61 billion for ukraine. president volodymyr zelenskyy is urging the us to send weapons to the front lines as soon as possible. he says the jews prepared iran for a potential major russian offensive in the coming months. cnn's priscilla alvarez has details on how the white house is reacting the united states senate is expected to take up the national security bills passed by the house over the weekend. >> the white house applauding that move, saying that these bills were necessary in these funds to ukraine are urgently needed. the president in a statement saying, quote, i urge the senate to quickly send this package to my desk so that i can sign it into law. going on to say, we can quickly send
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weapons and equipment to ukraine to meet their urgent battlefield. meade's. now of course, this was a win for the white house this weekend, especially after months of asking congress to pass it additional funding for ukraine, noting over the last few days that it is a pivotal moment. and with us officials warning that ukraine could lose the war by the end of the year if they didn't get that aid. but now they are on track to get that necessary assistance. all it's ukraine, but also to israel among other national security priorities defense secretary austin saying, also over the weekend, the package would quote, surge, lifesaving security assistance to ukraine, support israel, and increase the flow of humanitarian aid into gaza. now of course, there are steps that still need to play out in this process, but it is expected to pass the senate, then go to the president's desk for a signature putting an end to a month long fight by the white house to get these funds to ukraine priscilla alvarez, cnn, washington republican house
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speaker mike johnson is under fire from some members of his own party. after you help pass the foreign aid package. now congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is calling for his resignation betrayed america. he's betrayed republican voters under his leadership, his past, the democratic agenda the biden administration's policies and fully funded them. we're going to fight in congress to do everything we can to stop this type of unit party leadership mike johnson's speakership is over. he needs to do the right thing to resign and allow us to move forward in a controlled process. yeah, he doesn't do so. he will be vacated greene is one of at least three republicans who say they will support a move to oust johnson, but more moderate lawmakers say his job is safe he's republican congressman tony gonzales is response earlier he will survive. look, the house is a rough and rowdy place, but mike johnson is going to be just fine. i serve 20 years in the military. it's my absolute
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honor to be in congress, but i serve with some real scum bags members, members are tired. we're exhausted. it has been a brutal congress, but we're also dug in and for some reason, these fringe people think as if they have the high ground, they do not. i assure you the rank and file members that normally are kind of easy going doing the right thing, put her head down they vote yes or no, but they're not public about it. those days are over. the fight is here columbia university tightening security for passover amid ongoing pro-palestinian protests on campus university says police will be present during those celebrations in the hours ahead. >> and campuses, public safety will provide walking escorts as well. meanwhile, the white house is condemning any calls for violence or physical intimidation. but the pro-palestinian groups at columbia university say quote, we've been peaceful, we follow in the footsteps of the civil rights and anti-war movements in our quest for liberation new
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york governor kathy hard-shelled posted on x that while the first amendment protects the right to protest, students have a right to learn in an environment free from harassment or violence. she addethat threateng jewish students is ansemitism here's what some of those students are saying i consider myself a very brave person, but i won't deny that i've been physically intimidated and harassed and so i want to say like safe is a mindset. >> i feel safe when i'm around my jewish peers who create a safe space. but in general, the campus feels extremely hostile. i feel reasonably you favorite have since october 7 i do think that the protests could very easily escalate. i've felt why this is not hello, welcoming environment i think it's a very difficult time for a lot of jewish students meanwhile, palestinians are speaking out as they try to salvage what's left of their life before the war began we've just learned
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of the first israeli senior military figure to resign over the hamas attacks. >> i'll type the seventh details ahead, plus the us is one step closer to banning the chinese-owned app tiktok go. will go live to beijing to find out how china's reacting to that move and later, a construction project in norway, six to lower the country's carbon emissions but at the risk of disrupting land use by indigenous people and native reindeer, i will look at the tough decisions that come with some efforts to solve climate change now at t professionally installs google nest products, cool. you're all set, arm this system. we should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by ad introducing finish ultimate engineered for the toughest condition dry burn tons, stains, oh, dishwashers, very hard water new finish ultimate
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killing 99.9% of viruses and bacteria in the air i can't sanitizer lysol can not flossing well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is five times more effective than plus ev, reducing plaque above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth this story, feel the world new developments out of israel, this hour where the head of the israel defense force's military intelligence branch has resigned the idf says this follows his quote, leadership responsibility for the hamas attacks on october the seventh and it marks the first senior military figure to resign over those attacks meanwhile, the fate of those hostages who remain captive in gaza was the focus of a meeting of the israeli war cabinet on sunday, prime minister benjamin netanyahu hi, it's purging an increase in both military and political pressure on hamas in an effort to free the hostages, still being held on this seder
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night, our hostages in hamas captivity stand before our eyes their suffering and the suffering of their families break our hearts and only strengthen our determination and to return them in the west bank, mourners gathered for the funeral of 14 palestinians that the health ministry says were killed during an israeli military offensive but the newest shams refugee camp for the israel defense forces say ten terrorists were killed and eight wanted suspects arrested in that operation. >> that's now ended. palestinians in central gaza digging through rubble and debris. days after israeli forces ended military operations in the area of one, a refugee camp. many that now searching for personal belongings, mementos of their life before the war began. soon as nic robertson reports like so many layers of paper palestinian homes, pancaked nuseirat refugee neighborhood in central gaza demolished
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during a week long idf raid i add a layer which is this threatens the israeli army wedding dress store owner mohammed azra asks for something that this was his store before the attack. he says he opened it a year ago label stuff. i've put all my blood, sweat, and tears and money come to building this business. he says, now there is nothing this is an industry bubble feeling. the push one button. and they ended our lives, i guess a value the idf destruction here as iran attacked israel and the world worried about regional escalation israel's war in gaza, though not missing and a beat this mother calling her children's school books from
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the rubble, clinging to memories, bravely, bitter about those the israeli military claims to target hamas. a wellness. >> i hate hamas first and foremost, she says don't cut my words, keep rolling they brought this on us. this is not jihad. this is not resistant. go resist that the border resist between the buildings and the people that destroying the people judgment of you meanwhile in raffa, where the idf says hamas brigades are still hiding, strikes continue and despite us pressure, still no publicized plan of how to protect the 1.2 million palestinians living there ahead of an expected israeli assault the raffa morgue wrapped in a single large body bag, an uncaught brings the remains of several children who were among
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12 of his relatives killed overnight let's show bucket level thought they were children who had him. jeremy says the youngest, three, four years old, when they got take revenge for them on israel up on hospital alone. i'm a lucky no one cares that aren't suzan abu touha says, the israeli is committing massacres while the world watches, look at what they've done, we can't find whole bodies, only bits of them more than 34,000 palestinians killed in gaza. >> now, according to the health ministry, irrespective of who they blame, all here, feeling helpless to hold back the seemingly inevitable idf offensive in over the past week, the idf calling up to reserve brigades, for
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operational activities in raffa & on thursday to senior israeli officials briefed president biden's national security adviser on their planning which until now at least has not satisfied the white house that civilians will be safe nic robertson cnn jerusalem nada is here. i'm want me what intelligence we're getting on whether or not rather will be they'll be a ground operation as soon well, look for weeks now the israeli government prime minister netanyahu, have said that the plans, the military plans have been operationally approved. >> they are more so waiting for the right time on the idf's front. but of course there has been at growing international condemnation warnings that we've seen just last week, g7 leaders issued a joint statement condemning any plans to go into offer as a ground operation. of course, there has been that concern expressed by the biden administration as well, and we heard last week from the us national security
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adviser, jake sullivan, he convened a meeting with israeli officials and while the biden administration has said that it stands in support of israel attempting to target hamas militants in those southern cities, including rafat, cannot support any sort of operation that does not protect the lives of civilians. and of course, for weeks now, biden administration duration has been calling for credible plans to be provided for the safe evacuation of civilians. and of course, protection of civilians that said, we have heard from prime minister netanyahu has repeatedly asserted that the idf will act on its own accord that while they have listened to the concerns of the international allies, it is up to israel to make its own decisions regards to its plans for an operation. and of course listen, you has been clear he plans to keep pushing ahead until in his words, there is full victory in the eyes of the idf, meaning the total destruction of hamas. >> but of course, this is a huge point of concern. >> we're talking about more than 1 million people still concentrated in the southern border city that offer, of course a key gateway still for
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aid to get in via the egyptian crossing. and what we are beginning to see now as well, there hasn't been an official evacuation of civilians. many are taking it upon themselves to evacuate themselves. so they are fleeing rafah and moving into parts of central and northern gaza, or at least attempting to it. and we're talking about areas that have been completely destroyed where their homes have been turned to rubble. there is no safe shelter. areas where airstrikes are still ongoing in areas where many aid groups and including un agencies have said they are still struggling to get humanitarian aid in so this is a huge point of concern on multiple up front. and we're hearing is repeated warnings for the idf not to go into rafah on the ground. but again, important to remember that while we haven't seen a full-scale ground operation just yet, we are seeing airstrikes already in an offer as we are in other parts of gaza as well. >> and we had this resignation as well, didn't we, from israeli military intelligence? obviously it's one accepted now that there was a military, an intelligence failure ahead of the october 7 attack
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question being, why did it take so long for someone to go and is this enough? >> well, there has been growing criticism of prime minister netanyahu that is certainly where those anti-government protests have been focused. and in fact, we heard from the idf's intelligence branch months ago admitting to those intelligence failures that admission came just a few weeks after october 7. we heard at the time also from the head of shin bet, also acknowledging intelligence failures at the time, said in a statement that despite a series of actions that are carried out by the idf and intelligence branches, they were not able to create sufficient warnings that would allow the attack by hamas to be thwarted. at the time. now of course, we're seeing the resignation of major general aaron haliva, who is the head of the idf's intelligence branch, is someone who has been within this branch four over 30 years. so it is a significant resignation, but again, there are still the growing criticism of prime minister netanyahu, growing discontent with his
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government and the handling not only of the october 7 attack, but also of course, the handling of the operation to rescue hostages from within gaza thank you many ukrainians are breathing a sigh of relief after the us house approved a crucial aid package just ahead, how russia has reacting to tha t this special to our titanic premiere of how it really haven't. sunday at nine on cnn
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rose sparks engineered for the spontaneous, a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra and sialic faster acting and long-lasting grabbed the moment. get started at slash sparks dry skin is sensitive skin to end its natural treated that way. vino daily moisture with prebiotic is proven to moisturized dry skin all day. feel love our formula for base two of ino introducing finish ultimate engineered for the toughest dry, burnt on stains oh, dishwashers very hard water new finish, ultimate with 2nd sick technology helps deliver the hope. >> it's clear pain, means pause on the things you'd love but brene means go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going bio freeze. green means
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go, not flossing. >> well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is five times more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth. this three, feel the wo how far would you go to control the fragrance in your home? >> there's an easier way. dry air wake vibrant with two times more natural essential oils, but up to 120 days of amazing fragrance per dual paths now, that's a breath of fresh air. wake my name is susie loftus, and i'm the head of trust and safety for us data security, tiktok i'm a former prosecutor and it's my job to keep american tiktok users safe. >> big part of that is making sure that their data is protected. we're spending $2 to make sure that we're keeping tiktok safe. we have a us led team. >> we have a third party in american company to store protected user data i've dedicated my life and my career
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statements in the trump hush money trial starts today and nine eastern worked seven years zoom, i max foster, here are some of today's top stories donald trump will be in a new york courtroom today, but opening statements in the first ever criminal trial of a former us president trump has pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts for his alleged role in a hush money my scheme to conceal an affair with an adult film star hundreds gathered on sydney's bond diabetes yesterday to remember the six people killed in last week's westfield mall knife attack, australia's prime minister was their paid tribute to the victims. >> 12 others were injured in the attack including a nine-month-old baby whose mother was killed tokyo held its annual rainbow pride parade on sunday. supporters of the lgbtq plus community are calling for more rights, marriage, equality, managing has been a controversial issue in japan, for this, the one g7
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nation without legal protection the same-sex couples after months of republican infighting, the house of representatives passed a crucial foreign aid package on saturday. the $95 billion package is now heading to the senate.& is expected to be approved. this week. the white house is applauding the bill with president joe biden saying he'll sign it it includes 8 billion for taiwan and other partners in the region, 26 billion for israel and $61 billion for ukraine the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, urging the us to send weapons to the front lines as soon as possible. he says it'll help ukrainians make gains on the battlefield, which has been dominated by russia. now, for months soon as per pleitgen has more ukrainians are saying that after the house of representatives passed that ukraine aid package, that they now need to get their hands on those weapons. and also on ammunition as fast as possible. of course they understand it still needs to go through the senate, still needs to be signed by the president but the
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ukrainians are saying the in drastic need of artillery ammunition, and especially also anti-aircraft missiles as well. they say that right now is a very difficult situation in many areas of the front line. in fact, ukrainians acknowledging or they lost a key village in the east of the country, which is very important. to the defense on the eastern front. and in part, i've been in that area, they were saying that they are very much starved for artillery ammunition in those areas. and so therefore, the president of this caution volodymyr zelenskyy, he actually came out and he said that it's absolutely key from when political decisions are made two things being delivered to the ukrainians that process speeds up as fast as possible. now here in kyiv, i was able to speak to volodymyr klitschko, who is of course the former world boxing champion, the brother of the mayor of key of, and also someone who is still very much involved in the defense of this country. and he told me what he thinks why this aid package is so important to the ukrainians to the as great
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potential to change the frontline. so we can then ukraine defend us better. it sends also very important signal to putin's russia that you're not going to win this war, this senseless war that has been started over two-and-a-half years ago, almost 2.5 years ago it sends a message of motivation for us, ukrainians that we are not alone. >> it did send also for republicans and democrats in the, in this critical moments to stand together and make this decision together. to protect democracy in this world. >> the russians, for their part, obviously not happy that this aid package was now approved by the house of representatives. in fact, the foreign ministry of russia accusing the united states of using ukrainians as what they call cannon fodder. the ukrainians obviously see all of that very differently. they say
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that for them, for their survival, it is absolutely key to get their hands on more american weapons and more american ammunition. of course, one of the things that the president of this country volodymyr zelenskyy has said, in the past is that if this aid package hadn't gone through, there was a real chance that the ukrainians might lose the war against russia for glycan, cnn, key it join us now, class sebastian in terms of the impact this has on the ground, it's going to be pretty transformational, isn't it? well, i mean president zelenskyy saying, i'll believe it when i see it. basically, he says he won't make an assessment on whether ukraine can win until the aid actually starts arriving. but this, unless the saying that what this will do essentially it helps stabilize the frontline. ukraine will be able to reconstitute its forces, build back-up, continue those deep strikes possibly within russian territory and occupied regions which will help degrade russia a little bit more, but they're not talking about ukraine going on the offensive this year, more about using this year to
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recover and build back up from the profound impact of the delay. and it's delivery of aid and then perhaps lawrence some kind of renewed counter events in 2025, president zelenskyy obviously mixing this fulsome praise for the us and gratitude with a clear call to even faster action here, take a listen this aid will strengthen ukraine and sand. when is the permanent upon powerful signal that it will not be the second afghanistan the united states will stay with ukraine, will protect the crayons and they will protect the ldl, protect democracy in the world so there is really significant that he's suddenly brought out afghanistan because obviously the us withdrawal from afghanistan along with all the criticism that came with that around the us leadership role in the world was just six months before the invasion of ukraine. >> and he was sending a message there. he said to the kremlin. but i think also to the us to get their attention and then what's really significant is
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that the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman maria as a hair of a, also brought up afghanistan. honore, in a press conference on sunday, but she said the opposite. she said that what she called the us hybrid war against russia, of course, the kremlin continually making the point they say that the us is using ukraine essentially as a proxy to fight russia. she says that will turn into the same and humiliating usps go as it did in vietnam and afghanistan. so there's a lot of talk of how this proves on the ukrainian sayyed us is back in this leadership role. but of course, speed is of the essence on us. sayyed, the pentagon has said that they can move if needed within days. precedent has shown that they can do that, and we have senator mark warner, the head of senate intelligence committee saying on cbs on sunday that he hopes ukraine will get atacms. those critical long-range missiles. he says, at the end of the week thank you. >> as part of a wide-ranging aid package for ukraine, israel, and taiwan, a bill that could ban tiktok is also heading to the senate for approval. >> this new bill gives tiktok nine months up from a previous
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six two separate from its current chinese parent company, bytedance, the social media app. is seen as a national security risk by many in congress. so if the senate approves the legislation and president joe biden signs it, tiktok could be forced to find a new owner or be banned entirely from the us. and as mark stuart joins us live from beijing, i mean, this is a real challenge, isn't it? for bytedance? because it's, basically being fast-tracked and bytedance need to know if it's what is going to do, if it's faced with this serious decision about whether or not to sell it or have it close the fate is very much murky, max, as you have pointed out. >> in fact, i was talking to one expert one longtime observer of the chinese tech sphere, as he put it to me this is a moment of truth for beijing, we have reached out to china's ministry of foreign affairs. we are still awaiting
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a response, but based off of our past reporting, i think it is more than fair to say beijing is not keen on this idea of selling off tiktok. in fact, it would not like the doesnt like the idea of american lawmakers telling them what to do. so it's something that would certainly would be frowned upon. it was just a few weeks ago that i asked him ministry spokesperson about this possible move by the united states congress about this potential sale of tiktok and about some of the distrust that has been expressed by american lawmakers and by the american public and the response was, this is an act of bullying by america and would backfire on the united states the opinion though of the chinese government is very important here. if we look at chinese companies, they are required by law to have what essentially amounts to be a panel, a committee of communist
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party members within their staff. now they are there in an observing type of role, but it's very likely that that kind of rubs off and impacts decision-making. so in reality, this is going to be a very long legal road if the united states congress moves forward as expected finally, max, i think some context here is also important. here in china, where i live, if i want to go onto google, if i want to go into facebook instagram, x, or youtube all of those platforms are blocked by the chinese government. so this is a big contrast and it's going to be a big philosophical confrontation by the united states and by china's moving forward, i wonder if they are also wab, bytedance. there'll be a huge backlash in america, particularly amongst younger people have tiktok is taken away and perhaps that might
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help resolve this well, the backlash is real from young people and from business owner. >> so that is why i think there will be a long legal road in the united states and see if some kind of agreement can be brief. >> okay. mark. thank you so much for joining us from beijing so it's common environmental advocates are calling for a drastic reduction in plastic reduction of production rather to save the earth. here that call to action in this year's earth day live from the nation's capital, one of the most unforgettable nights in dc. >> there's water will read back here again, president biden, and comedian collin joseph headline the white house correspondents dinner live saturday at seven eastern non and not flossing well then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is five times more effective than plus ev reducing plaque above the gum line for it a cleaner, healthier mouth
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this three field, the wo dry skin is sensitive skin two, and it's natural treated that way vino daily moisture with prebiotic is proven to moisturized dry skin all day feel love our formula for face to a vino a. >> heart attack. do they have life insurance no. but we have life insurance john i'm trying to find something we can afford fortunately, it only a few minutes. >> select boat found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month and his wife and a $500,000 policy for only $21 a month go, to select now and get the insurance your family needs at a price, you can afford. select quote, we shop, you save pain means pause on the things you love but brene me go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going bio
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freeze. green means go. >> we're in a limestone cave letting extreme residue. bill got to put finished jet dry to the test dishwashers sign to use jack drawn to defend against top residues for are practically spotlight, shine, look at all those snacks. i did just pay 60% less for my ticket with the gametime app. it's the best place to get last-minute deals onto i guess i'm just a bitter fan than you i gotta get the games are mapped. >> dow business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. ayude a mantener nuestras comunidades seguras y sanas:
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deshágase de los medicamentos que no necesita. los puede perder, se los pueden robar o los pueden usar en forma indebida. guàrdelos bien y devuélvalos el 27 de abril, día nacional de recolección de medicamentos recetados organizado por la dea, administración para el control de drogas. encuentre un sitio de recolección en feel good. >> china have the number one was loved banking app today is earth day, where more than 50 for more than 50 years, activists and educators what together to drive positive action for the planet. >> planet versus plastics as this year's theme with earth pushing to raise awareness about the harm that plastic does. both to humans& to the environment. they say recycling is not the answer. instead, the group has set a
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bold goal for the planet reducing plastic production by 60% by the year 2040, some of the ways they think this can happen include phasing out single plastics by 2030 advocating for policy to combat the impact of fast fashion or close that include fabrics made of plastic and finally, the group is calling for larger investments in technology to find alternatives to plastic. in norway, a project to build a nearly 54 kilometer are 34 mile power line because threaten the summer pasture land where reindeer give birth and raise their young supporters say, it will bring down the country's carbon emissions but indigenous herders say they've already lost too much land isa soares has that story on the snowy finnmark plateau in northern norway hundreds of reindeer circle their enclosure but a few hundred kilometers away, the coastal areas where he's beautiful creatures called home during the summer may be in
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jeopardy. >> the norwegian government plans to build a power line through that land to supply western europe's largest liquefied natural gas plant. but neat of herders called the sami are fearful that this construction will scare them away from their grazing areas. disrupting the animals as behavior could do cheaply enough or so we create does not congruent yes, to cut emissions is great. >> and all the talk about the green energy sounds great to me. >> but to start digging in the wilderness and call that a green transition that doesn't make sense to me on this slant, female reindeer give birth and foreign eat grass and other growth to build up enough weight to survive the cold winter months the power line will connect the natural gas plant to the nash power grid helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions. norway has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, at least 55% by
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2030, compared to 1990 levels than the rest and gas has become really important for energy security in europe are all 6.5 million european households rely on the energy from this plant. the natural gas plant project director says they are confident there'll be able to create good solutions for those affected. >> you understand their uncertainty there could be a dilemma snowing, they are developing energy infrastructure in close close to the reindeer herders not only are the reindeer potentially threatened, but the proposed power line also threatens a way of life for the sami people. >> rained it are essential for the sami culture in life providing everything from close to food demonstrating that actions countries are taking to cut emissions can lead to tough choices. isa soares, cnn de us
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anti-doping agency, says its global counterpart and chinese officials or sweat positive drug test santa rug more on that in just a moment we had to take our old gas heating and radiant heat that was a really, really huge project. >> who has the type as a toddler mom, i do not. i was so overwhelmed, so i started contacting people off of ganges to be able to see contractors that fair licensed and real people refuse to work with people that obviously knew what they were doing. it was a game changer connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done well, get started today at angie dot rho sparks engineered for the spontaneous a dual action formula with the active ingredients agra and see alice faster acting and long-lasting grabbed the moment get started at slash sparks i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, they're sky
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your routine new science shows. >> listerine is five times more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth this three, feel the world. >> introducing finish, ultimate engineered for the toughest condition dry burn tons, stains oh, dishwashers hard water, new finish, ultimate with 2nd technology helps deliver the ultimate pain, means pause on the things you love. bringing me go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going. >> bio freeze. >> green means go close captioning brought to you by gilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices knew every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash design a sale up to 70% off soap today but global
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sports anti-doping watchdog is under fire for case involving a group of chinese swimmers testing positive for a banned drug in the lead up to the tokyo olympics where somebody accused athletes wound up winning dolt as well. >> i'll kristie lu stout has the latest from hong kong the world anti-doping agency has slammed allegations that mishandled a case involving more than 20 elite chinese swimmers who tested positive for a banned performance enhancing drug on saturday, water confirmed reports at 23 chinese swimmers tested positive for banned drug before the 2020 tokyo olympics. >> and it accepted china's findings that this was due to substance contamination multiple media reports said that the swimmers tested positive for tmz. this is a heart medication it's been banned by water since 2014. trying to assume team went on to win six metals, including three goals at the tokyo games, which began in july 2021 due to
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the covid-19 pandemic. now, what is said that it quote carefully reviewed a decision from the chinese anti-doping agency to allow the summers to compete. water said it was notified in june 2021 of the agency's ruling in a statement on saturday, water said this quote as part of its review, water collected additional unpublished scientific information on tmz and consulted with independent scientific experts to test the contamination theory and also whether low doses of tmz could have benefited the athletes during swimming competition event water ultimately concluded that it was not in a position to disprove the possibility that contamination was a source of tmz and it was compatible with the analytical data in the file unquote world aquatics. these sport's global body said it was coming fit in. that the positive tests work diligently handled the us anti-doping agency chief accused water and chinese officials of ms the case and failing to follow the rules
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around drugs in sport on the social media platform x, the chief of the us anti-doping agency, travis tygart said this quote, when you blow away their rhetoric, the facts remain as have been reported, water failed provisionally suspend the athletes disqualify results and publicly disclose the positives. these are egregious failures, even if you buy their store, that this was contamination and a potent drug magically appeared in a kitchen and lead to 23 as of tests of elite chinese swimmers, unquote out tmz affects the metabolism. it's believed to help with endurance in physical activity. it came to the fore during the 2022 beijing winter games, when the russian figure skater kamila valieva tested positive for the drug and was given a four-year ban. i'll cnn has reached out to the chinese olympic committee for comment what it says, it stands by the results of its investigation of the chinese swimmers, it is slammed tigers allegations as
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outrageous, completely false, and defamatory and earlier what it said that it had quote, no choice but to refer this matter to his legal counsel for further action all this comes ahead of this year's paris olympics or trying to is expected to contend for more metals. and compete under more scrutiny kristie lu stout, cnn, hong kong 41 champion max verstappen has another victory under his belt this time in china the red bull driver get a comfortable lead in sunday's chinese formula one grand prix in shanghai, finishing 14 seconds ahead of the second-place driver was the first race in china's ets before the pandemic. and also the home debbie of china's first f1 driver xu grand. you max verstappen, has won every race this season, except the australian grand prix. he was forced to pull out with that race early due to mechanical issues. and finally, this hour, i want to show you this incredible video of an american surfer who won her first world championship taught event on
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sunday, all whilst riding a wave next to a product, dolphins 22-year-old, gabriele brian called the winning wave. and the dolphins absolutely magical thanks for joining me here on cnn. using my max foster in london, cnn this morning, up next after this break ou think, you know the story, but there's more beneath the surface. how it really happened with jesse l. >> martin sunday at nine and
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cnn. >> pain means pause on the things you love. >> but brene me go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going bio freeze green means go, not flossing. well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows. listerine is five times more effective than floss ever reducing plaque above the gum line for it cleaner, healthier mouth this three, feel the world. >> there's only 47 aneurysm did he have life insurance do you know you gotta get on it? checkout, select quote, trust me, the peace of mind. >> it's worth inch life insurance is too important to put off another day. >> that's why select quote, makes getting coverage you need easy for less than $1 a day. now get up to a $2,000,000 policy with no medical exam and same day coverage visits, let
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