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tv   Trump Hush Money Trial  CNN  April 22, 2024 10:00am-1:00pm PDT

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hydration could boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin. >> that's full of life neutrogena hydro boost this ola alvarez at the white house and this is cnn an important day inside 100 centre seat, the judge is now off the bench after opening statements and testimony from the first witness in the house much money trial of donald j. trump minutes ago, the former president walked out of court trying to put some distance between himself and his former lawyer and fixer michael cohen. i'm jake tapper in washington and i'm anderson cooper, new york. >> you've been watching a scene and special live coverage of the people of the state of new york versus dollars while j. trump, defense promising to puncture the prosecution's theory of the hush money cover-up case, trump's lawyers painted cohen as a liar and stormy daniels as an operator.
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for tunis, the prosecution arguing that trump's alleged scheme to keep an adult actress quiet is election interference pure and simple in those words, i want to turn to paula reid and kaitlan collins, who are covering this along with me here in new york about what we expected from the opening statements, both by the prosecution and by the defense, we only heard a little bit from david, but we'll have a lot more of him tomorrow. he's really an essential start off for this framing entire nature of the deal. >> that's exactly right. and i think he could take up most of the rest of the week. so i want to remind people to scheduling here. it's really unique for this case. that tomorrow is the judge is going to hear arguments about a gag order on whether trump violated it's of course, not even going to start until after 11 i didn't know goes until two. there's no court on wednesday, then hopefully back in session on thursday and friday, but i would be surprised if it gets any other witnesses besides david this week, he's a great one to start off with. not only is he a colorful new york character, but he helps the
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prosecution frame their argument that this was not just a one-off time when someone came think for money to keep quiet about an affair. this is they allege part of a pattern and effort to suppress negative stories about then candidate trump to help his chances in the 2016 election. and david can frame his efforts, his meetings with trump, even though he was not directly involved in paying stormy daniels, he can set the stage for the credit the timing of the meeting that he and michael cohen had with donald trump at trump tower ahead of the election is important. it's not as if there was a pre-exist though they had a friendship for a long time and a mutually beneficial business relationship it's not as if they had made a deal previously to catch and kill stories that we know about for donald trump. it was only in the run-up to the election after david held this meeting that we'll learn about more. a 1d is on the witness stand essentially saying, how can i help you? don't trump become the next president? yeah, i'll be your eyes and your ears if someone
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alleges you have a kid out of wedlock will buy a story and will kill it if someone alleges they had an affair with you, referring to karen mcdougal, not stormy daniels. >> look how well by her story and will suppress it he was clearly trying to help trump get elected to the white house. >> they weren't having this meeting because donald trump was concerned. his family would find out information he was concerned about impacts on the election, according well, that's what they're going to leave the david role testified that's what they're going to ask david because trump's team is basically arguing opposite of that. and the question is, can david speak to trump's mindset and what exactly trump was saying in that meeting. obviously, we will hear from david when court resumes tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. but before that, is the judge going to hold this gag order violation hearing where he is going to hear from the prosecution, the district attorney, alvin bragg has made clear many times they believe that trump is violated his gag order time and time again, that has been in place for several weeks and then was amended when trump continued attacking the judges his daughter here, something that even drove trump's team crazy that he
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continued to do that and would not stop. and that's notable because you just heard trump talked about nine minutes outside of court and he was talking about michael cohen. he invoked him specifically by name, not just talking about what trump's version of his role in this whole process was. but also calling him a liar and going after i'm done asking why they don't talk about his credibility or lack thereof. i think that that only adds fuel to the fire of what the prosecution is going to argue tomorrow. and it is a major test for the judge here of how he's going to handle this and what he decides to do. does he find trump desi threaten something further? trump continues to violate this, given a $3,000 fine, isn't doesn't greatly affect donald trump. that's a big question for tomorrow morning. he sort of, if he does if he doesn't mean if he if he does try to make the gag order stronger or penalize him in some sense, it plays into what the former president will say about how he's being treated in of course, i would argue the most significant part of this gag order has to do with the jury. >> of course, when we were concerned about the safety of
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everyone. right. there was expanded to include family members of prosecutors and the judge we're certainly concerned about them, but the added complication is when it comes so the jury, anything, for example, trump had at least one social media post where he was quoting a fox host, suggesting that there's been liberal activists planted in the jury pool or something like that. you know, that it's going to draw negative attention on the jury and the concern there is that if the identities these jurors are revealed, & a critical mass of them no longer want to participate. there could be a mistrial. so i think when it comes to this gag order, it is all significant. the judge has to find a way to enforce it. but the most significant thing for the integrity of this trial is protecting those jurors and their identities which is not an easy thing to do. and we've already seen there was a juror today who had some concerns that was addressed in the judge's chambers, and that alternate juror stayed on. >> well, and trump's team was saying there at the end, once they were once david had left the witness stand, that they didn't learn until yesterday, they said about 3:00 p.m. day david was going to be the first
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witness who was called to come and testify. and obviously, as we know, the prosecution has made very clear that they've been concerned about witness intimidation, your witness harassment of what that is going to look like. and so the question is whether they didn't find out until later because of that very concerned that the prosecution has and how they handle this going forward, because trump's team made clear today, they think that stormy daniels is certainly going to testify. they do have the expectation from what i've heard that hope hicks is going to testify. so there are people that obviously wants four once close personal confidence people around trump, that could be called to that witness stance. so we'll see what that looks like obviously, as well as how it does affect the dearth. it's not just the jurors soldiers, it's prosecutions team. he's gone after the prosecutor who is making opening argument today multiple times paulo, thanks very much, jake, back to you. all right. anderson. thanks so much. a fascinating de, in this first day of the trial of the people of the state of new york versus donald j. trump laura coates. let's talk about some
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of the key arguments made in the opening statements by both the problem prosecution, the district attorney, and the defense, what are some of the key statements that you think about let's walk through it. if one of them is from the prosecution saying this case is about a criminal conspiracy and a cover-up. now, the word conspiracy might strike you because there's not actually a charge of conspiracy case. it's about fraudulent document and falsified business records to the jury might be felt in your head a little bit as to why, but the cover-up portion of it is going to be really key here. it's about why he did it. was it for his family's benefit, was it for his brand or was it because he wanted people not to be not vote for him? also, it was election fraud pure and simple. here is where they're talking about the underlying crime that he was trying fine to avoid are trying to cover up the actually committing also here as a what have we done right now, we have ended testimony today so far with david who of course was they had an ami who oversaw national enquirer. he and another person allegedly
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corresponded with 100 to say that what had we done now their whole job is about missing called a catch and kill where you find karen mcdougal android angles now for the defense team, of course a little bit different here. there are key arguments that he was trying to protect his family reputation and his brand. that's not a crime notice, but you don't have there anything about politics, anything about the campaign. but to go to that very moment, he had this to say, there's nothing wrong with trying to fluence and election. it's called democracy. well, that would be nice. so that was just a bare bones rating. i would bet in fact, if you're trying to crop or crime or trying to engage in election interference, that in fact is not democratic finally, use your common sense, where new yorkers, why we're here. this is where the jury section becomes so important. who is on this jury? it's going to be vital to trying to figure out how to make your best statements and can't and your actual arguments, what they want you to look at and say, what trump had to say in front of the courthouse earlier, which was listen, this comes down to this very bare-bones notion, a payment to a lawyer. >> i've noted as legal
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expense. >> that's all this is and for that i got indicted they want you to think about it this way. >> all right, fascinating stuff out. let's turn to william brennan. he's a criminal defense attorney who used to represent donald trump's payroll corporation. mr. brennan, always good to see you what are your thoughts on the decision by the prosecution to call david the medium? >> the tabloid media magnate as the very first witness. >> and to do it right before court recess for the day, there was only about half an hour left well, good to see you, jake my thoughts having been in that courtroom 15 with judge merchan is he runs a tight ship and when the openings we're finished, he wanted a witness on the stand that jake, it's all about sources in this particular instance. >> i believe the publication this man is referring to he owns a represents is the national enquirer with an a. they made their business on ufos and elvis sightings. so i
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think you argue that to the jury and then we have mr. cohen. you've got a polluted source. so i think the defense will take a lot of time stressing that to the jury, and i agree with laurie, you don't leave it as a joke. for you don't leave your common sense at the door. and we're not talking about the atlantic or national review here. we're talking about the national enquirer you know, it's it's a shaky paper to begin with. and this is how they make their money. so if you can shift the focus here a little bit, and then when his former lawyer gets on the stand, when you go through his list of convictions and show what a polluted source he is. i think the defense can make a lot of hay with that. >> so the the defense and their opening statement definitely was trying to make a lot of hay out of michael cohen's reputation and proclivity for truth they said his entire career is based on attacking donald trump. they also went after stormy daniels suggesting that she's an opportunist&
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that the rendezvous she has talked about and written about in her book with donald trump never happened. how aggressively would you suggest? you think that they're going to go after the defense is going to go after david the publisher of the national enquirer well, i would probably be more clinical with the enquirer fellow mr. on on the the the lawyer or the former lawyer, i believe he's no longer practicing. >> i think jake you said is entire career was based on attacking donald trump actually, most of his career was a sycophant to donald trump hitching his star to trump's wagon and then when things didn't work out for them he turned on the former president and he's now making a second career out of attacking donald trump. but i think that gives the defense a lot of fodder, the cross-examine him. >> all right. bill daniels, i would probably be very businesslike, but brown brown
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and i'm going to see as always, thanks so much. it has been an historic day in the people of the state of ny york versus donald john trump are going to have all the courtroom highlights next the stanley cup playoffs on tnt at tbs euler's covers continues wednesday and fin on tbs when you're the leader is as the cleanup and restoration, how do you make like an every then happened happened brand whatever comes your way? as a pro for that serve crow? >> like never even happened to
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scannell, who was one of the cnn reporters inside court. all morning, sending us these updates that we've been poring over qarrah, give us a sense of what the mood in court was as donald trump sat and listened to prosecutors suitors, his own lawyers, and david yeah, jake. >> so when donald trump was there sitting in the courtroom at the defense table as prosecutor spoke and describe their allegations in this case, what they believe the evidence will show and asking the jury to return a verdict of guilty of the former president trump sat there relatively still. he was looking ahead in front of him is a screen which shows the view and overflow room that shows the bench where the judges sitting. trump as sitting at the defense table, as well as the witness stand. so trump's seem to be watching himself, watching the trial as he was looking at the hearing, the prosecutors lay out their evidence when it was his attorneys turn todd blanche,
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who got up to speak and say that trump did not commit any crimes that he is just like you and me as a husband, he's a father and that he was not part of any conspiracy trump it's more engaged. he was turning looking at the jury, looking at his lawyer as he was pleading his side of the events, and that is trump's attorneys arguing that he was not part of any business let's record falsification that he didn't know how accountants were booking these and noting these records in the general ledger trying to distance trump from the allegations in the case. he also spent a lot of time discussing trying to discredit some of the key witnesses before they even take the stand. notably, michael cohen saying that michael cohen was obsessed with donald trump and his entire financial livelihood depends on trying to take down donald trump and we didn't we saw trump passing a lot of notes back and forth to his attorneys, but he he didn't react in any audible way or disrupted way in the proceedings which the judge has made clear he would not allow when the first witness taking the stand as david, he is a longtime friend of donald trump's when he walked into
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the courtroom, he actually came through a sayyed door and walked right behind where donald trump is sitting on his way to the witness stand and answer the prosecution's questions. they just were starting to set the table of what's to come establishing what ami is the american media, the publisher, the national enquirer the time, and david is role saying that he was the one that had the approval of any is the prosecutor put at juicy story. so just beginning to set up what will be the description of the catch and kill scheme that prosecutors allege this was all a part of and that all began in 2015 at a meeting at trump tower. so david are key witness here. mostly though just setting it up. and then when he left the the de he walked past donald trump's table, nodded, smiled, said hi toward the table. we couldn't let's see from where i was sitting, if donald trump reacted to that, but they are a longtime friends and said that he was testifying today under subpoena and he has received immunity for his testimony. this case, jake and kara, tell
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us about mr. demeanor or did he come across as a credible business man? what did he seem like and also how much were you able to discern the attention of the jury? were they were they focused on the case? >> what i can tell you that when the opening statements we're being given, the jury's eyes were locked on. the lawyer and the prosecutor who was speaking the at that time right before opening his again, the judge asked if any jurors wanted a notepad and pen so they can take notes more than half of the hands in the box went up. so that took a moment for them to distribute the notebook and the pen. so clearly the story, wanting to engage on this, wanting to take their own notes in the case so we saw them paying tension then and then when david was testifying, it began where the prosecutor trying to establish certain things indicating we're going to see some records of phone calls. and so david whereas asked to give the last four digits, so about six different numbers, he confused one in laughed at times and the prosecutor said to him, don't
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worry, this isn't a test and has a very loud laughs. so that was as a moment of levity in the room where we saw even trump's attorney react laughing, but we couldn't see any change in expression on donald trump space. but the jury, again, paying attention for the 20 minutes or so that was on the stand. he will be back on the stand tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. to continue his testimony before that prosecutors and the defense attorney there'll be a hearing over whether donald trump violated a gag order in this case by commas, he's made about some of these witnesses. >> kara scannell, thanks so much. appreciate it. let's bring in presidential historian douglas brinkley professor brinkley, good to see you said last year when trump was indicted, that this trial would be in your view, a defining moment in us presidential history. it certainly unprecedented. now we are here. does it still feel as weighty as you thought it might be it does. >> but what one can always underestimate is how donald trump can use media culture to his own advantage. of very few politicians would do the courthouse steps strategy in
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the sense of ease using so get a a podium and a fundraising opportunity. and i also think underreported jake is the palm beach crowd of and trump and others newsmax, or they had formed their own cayman island like financial enclave down there. these are a lot of global pirates finding ways he's to hide money and know each other's secrets. >> so the thought that is going to somehow stick a knife into donald trump and then say how to him down in in palm beach, next week or is it seems to me on likely. >> but at all costs would be gotta remember. and as you're rightfully do on cnn, this is nothing to do with joe biden right now. this has nothing to do with donald trump's reelection. this has to do with very likely guiltiness on trump for business fraudulent & for four hush money payments, which could have very easily this act
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of change day presidential elections. so the stakes are high. trump wants to just use new york as the stage, whether it's at a bodega or at the court. >> and then looking at july 15th milwaukee republican convention when he feels heal fully own the republican party we just saw mr. trump exiting his motorcade and going back into trump tower doug, is there a comparable moment in us political history to what we're seeing this morning. well, it depends how you want to look at it, jake, if it's about sex and politics? yes. i mean, our country went through a lot with monica lewinsky and bill clinton. but this is larger than stormy daniels or trump in, in hush payment. cohen's already done as jail time he's turning on them. where in new york state where donald trump has largely fled his business assets from. yet on the same hand, he very well-made, doubled down on buying
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advertisement in new york, thinking he could put that state for play. come november. so it is a very strange to muddled situation. but i think that anytime i see trump standing on a courthouse, it brings back bad memories of politicians to me like george wallace and alabama and segregation. it's not a good idea that you have to be in a court dealing with hush payments to a porn star. yet yesterday, the former first lady melania trump, is putting out mother's day jewelry. we are in a very confused america where pop culture, tabloid culture, celebrity, death, disaster trial is all intertwined into a big ball of entertainment voters are going to be bombarded over these next few weeks with all these images of trump as a criminal defendant, do you think it will impact the campaign and if so, just negatively for donald trump, or might he be able to successfully use this as? part
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of his campaign argument that he's under attack from the bad guys you know, i don't think this helps donald trump in the election against biden come the fall short-term. >> it does have the sugar effect of fundraising. and he's playing the victim and he knows how to do it quite well. this is an alien city to donald trump. trump towers still in operation and making deals down there. he he really knows every block of new york, so it's not like you're entering a foreign country or a zone of discomfort. and so he's, so far is overplayed this to his advantage. its width this base and to be expected, but i don't think this helps trump anytime you mention any of these people, normally daniels, i mean, it's it's it's it's not something that's going to excite you to vote for donald trump, particularly with the world that's coming apart at the seams, right now. with wars
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everywhere all right. douglas brinkley. thank you so much. really appreciate it. let's talk about the trial right now with my panel, laura coates. obviously, we're just on day one early early days yet, what are your basic thoughts so far? >> well, what six in my mind is the idea of cooking the books. that was the most important line to me in terms of the that's occasion to make sure that they are making it as plain as possible. so everyone understand, they cook the books to try to avoid having, you know, the truth about why the payments were there. they've got to continue to make this as folks the in plane as possible to get this away from being a business records case and much more in line with what the jurors can relate to dana that the prosecution is laying out? yes. been part it's about cooking the books, but they're also very blatantly openly saying this was about the election. this is about trying to hide very important information for the voters in order to win the election. jaime, 30,000 feet. i'm just going to restate the obvious
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beyond the process, beyond the evidence, beyond the opening statements i think we have to keep remembering that this was the people of the state of new york versus donald trump. this is history. what is truly remarkable? is that a former president is on trial. >> this is refreshingly normal what we saw play out today is not that different from what you would see in any given criminal trial, except for the fact, of course, that the person sitting at the defense table is the former president of the united states. but this is our process. and thus far, it's working. i think it's hard for anyone to legitimately say that the process thus far has been corrupted. this is how it works in criminal courts every day and it's good to see it happening that way so far in this trial yeah. >> you're going to have witnesses all come in. they're going to raise the right-hand. they're going to swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth and they're gonna be cross-examined and at the end of the day, the 12 jurors sitting in that box are going to be the ones who determined and the guilt or innocence of donald trump jim, any final thoughts?
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>> yeah, this is a new normal god help us all but luck about calendars. one thing that i think sticks out from the prosecution's opening statement that could come back to haunt them, and that is they tried to distance themselves from cohen's credibility, but they sugar coated it maybe a little too much. they said people make mistakes. he has a history if i'm wanting other side when i get to closing argument, i'm pounding away about perjury, not being a little mistake. >> interesting. and then it's much more from the epicenter of donald trump's hush money cover up. proud to cnn reporters were inside the room, word happen, have all the latest will blitzer, an erin burnett are going to pick up our specialty and then live coverage after this quick break, we'll be right back hi, from the nation's capital, one of the most forgettable nights in dc. >> that's rhonda will read back here again, president biden, and comedian colin joseph headline the white house correspondents dinner live saturday at seven eastern on cnn someone just did laundry. >> how i add one light so the freshness really last yeah, most set itself gives me a
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victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 welcome back to our special coverage of donald trump's historic manhattan criminal trial. >> i'm wolf blitzer in one washington and erin burnett is just outside the courthouse in new york last hour, a court wrapped up for the day after some truncated testimony from the first witness, david he's the publisher of the national enquirer fire and a longtime friend of trump's, who helped orchestrate several catch and kill deals to bury damaging stories about trump. during the 2016 campaign, aaron and wove. >> david is so central to this could of course be testifying on the stand through the week, even though the jury off for today has gone david at the
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center of this, the prosecutors alleging that he has a coconspirator in the entire posh money payments themselves. when he walked out of the courtroom today, he did walk by the trump team's table and said, hi, i suppose indicating maybe some level of friendliness there. but david really at the center of this and the first witness here in this crucial criminal hush money trial here in new york. and were outside the courtroom here with paula reid and phil mattingly. phil david really is central to this and just sort of the optics of what we saw today are significant in terms of prosecutors alleging that he is a coconspirator and how he walked by the trump table and said, hi on his way out and i think more than anything else when you listen to our team relayed what was actually would actually happen in the cross today is you understand the prosecution is laying the groundwork for what's to come, right. explaining who this individual is asking him about his age, what he does kind of his process, but also about the type of journalism that he oversaw, his role in that journals. but i want to make think something abundantly clear that we all know, but
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maybe isn't as obvious to others payment for journalism, whether four stories or to kill stories is not how we operate, is not how kind of usually media operates. it's how they operated and why he has becomes so central and his relationship with the former president is so central in this case. and i think what you saw in these initial stages, you made clear there'll be much more testimony to come from david his relationship with the former president and his role in this as alleged criminal conspiracy is that they're trying to set the stage for the critical moments to come and role in actual meetings, in actual conversations at the center of this case and obviously, paul yeah, it was unclear today whether he would actually get on the stand because we knew they had to leave early and part for the he was holiday in a juror also had an appointment, i guess it's afternoon, so it was an early dismissal. >> but they did get him on for about an hour, but that is just the very tip of the iceberg, right? >> it isn't it was a good sort of light way to start a very serious case because they had to talk to him, you know, ask them how old are you right? that always gets some chuckles.
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he says the standard question, you'd ask anybody but they also talked a little bit about how business went down at the national enquirer. that's really interesting, right? how did you find stories, how to do investigate stores? hey, how much did you spend for just now getting to these basic questions, but it's so important to the prosecution's case because david helps set the stage for this argument. this was all part of an effort to kras negative stories about candidate trump to help his chances in the 2016 election. and they're gonna go back to a 2015 meeting, which mean trump and cohen, where he talks about how he's going to help them suppress these stories. i'll be your eyes and ears and then we know the david was helpful in suppressing other stories, not stormy daniels, karen mcdougal, another woman who says she had an affair, a door man who said a falsely the trump father to child out of wedlock, david helps secure those two stories and then suppress them, make sure they never saw the light of day. he is important even though he didn't pay stormy daniels, he just tip them that she was telling her story. he's it's important to set the framework that prosecutors
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are trying to tell a story with it and what's an interesting todd blanche trump's lawyer in the opening statements at setting up this argument that is so central to saying, i have a spoiler alert. >> there's nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. it's called democracy so going at the heart of catch and kill was the business model. and there's nothing wrong with doing it, even in goal of influencing an election here's the argument they're going to make. >> the argument that they're gonna make an also making very clear they don't believe this is a criminal conspiracy. this was just the way they were doing business. the 34 charges are based on 34 pieces of paper and paraphrasing a little bit there was how they frame things which goes against their telling a solar story, but just have very different conclusions as to what it actually means that what's interesting when you listen to or when we read through what blanche was saying in the opening statement and how he framed how the foreign president did business, who he was, and his role in new york and society when you contrast that with how the prosecution was trying to lay out what was actually happening in this
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moment, laying out the access hollywood tape, laying out the kind of urgent need to try and kill this story and why people don't remember what was happening in this week when this information first became apparent to trump and his team, this was a very political and electoral strategy related type of operation which runs counter to what we heard from blanche. you're saying, look, this is protect the family. this is how the business operates. said nothing to do. but hey, if it does, you know, this is we always try and persuade when election all right, well, we're going to be here as we continue, are breaking coverage here this afternoon and this historic moment of the trial. >> pollen phil and i will all be here of course, along with wolf and his team. so what happened? we learned from the jury selected from the people who were sitting in that room today hearing all of these arguments in de one of this historic trial will tell you what we know so about the new yorkers who will be the ones who decide and determine the whole country. whether donald trump is convicted and guilty in a criminal trial. that's next every piece of evidence
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diamond in tel aviv and this is cnn welcome back to our special coverage. the judge had donald trump's hush money trial gave jurors extensive instructions before the opening statements started. among them that there is no formula for judging the accuracy of a witness that they should use their quote, varied life experiences in evaluating if a witness is credible and that they can take brief notes. but the note-taking should not distract them from watching the proceeding. joining us now is alan turkheimer is a jury consultant with some 20 years of experience doing juror research focus groups, mock trials, and more to help legal
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teams prepare for trial allen put these instructions into perspective for us. is this typical or is this something unique to this historic trial? >> this is typical because this is such a new thing for these jurors to do& their laypersons. >> now, yeah, there are a few lawyers on the case, but lay persons come into it pretty much with a blank slate. now, they know about the former president. they know a little bit about the charges, and they were given opening statements. and now for the witness testimony they are to pay attention, look at the witnesses, listened to what they say take notes if they want, and then in their minds, they get to decide whether or not the witness was or was not credible. that's a pretty typical standard instruction that a judge would give jurors before the parade of witnesses start to tell the story for the parties in the case and alan, give us your thoughts how critical is the opening statement in the long run to the jury? because we are weeks away from deliberation. how much will the 12 jurors
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remember of today? >> they will remember a lot. >> so commitments that were made and the case narratives that were pointed out and presented. >> the jurors will remember that impressions of the parties and the case story start to form very early on in a case. and then as time goes by, as the evidence comes in and they're more witnesses the pre-formed ideas that jurors have from opening statements, then are interpreted interpreted, and assimilated in their minds as the trial progresses. so it's really important that initial formation of the impression and the initial case story, the juror start to see and that's why when you looked at the opening statements clearly different case perspectives and case narratives you want to have facts, you want to have arguments, but also jurors want to store. they want to know what really happened and what they're supposed to look for as a witnesses, continue on with the cases as they unfold in his opening statement, trump's lead attorney todd blanche said that trump is quote, a man, he is a husband.
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>> these are father. he's a person just like you and just like me. what is he trying to accomplish here he wants jurors to see that this case is about it's not about politics, it's not about a former president that he's relatable, that he would do what you would do. >> he wants probably the defense wants jurors to put themselves in the shoes of the president if they could possibly do that? that at that point in time and then make decisions based on the best interests of their family. now, whether or not it'll work, that's up for the jury. new yorkers tend to have what i call good bs detectors. so whether it's the opening statement or the cascade of witnesses, that are going to that are going to be testifying in court. it'll be up to the jury to decide whether or not the winning the witnesses are truthful and our persuasive todd blanche also said this, and i'm quoting him now. he said none of this is a crime. and that there is nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. it's called democracy close quote two lawyers are empaneled on the
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jury. why do you think both sides allowed attorneys to sit on the jury it's interesting and maybe the attorneys thought the other side would use a strike on the lawyers and they didn't. >> but i think the defense wants to shake things up in the deliberation and it's certainly a wildcard i have lawyers sitting as jurors on a case. they tend to argue and tend to take different perspectives. lawyers are certainly good at taking two different sides of an argument. so maybe the defense law that would be helpful, but at the end of the day, yes, they have law degrees, their lawyers, and i think it's going to be a fascinating deliberation lot of times lawyers take a backseat and try to wet the other speak in the deliberation, so i don't i'm not convinced that they're going to dominate the deliberation, but they will certainly be a force when it comes time to decide whether or not the state proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt important points that alan turkheimer thank you very much for your expertise. thanks for having me. >> thank you. and we'll have much more of our special coverage of this truly historic
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trial that's coming up. we're also watching protests on college campuses protesters arrested now, at yale& at columbia university, classes are going virtual at columbia university, both schools been wild grabbed playing with growing pro-palestinian protests. that's coming up the sinking of the titanic. how would really happen, especially two while we're premier sunday at nine on cnn, not the bell on the subway series, foot-long, except when you add on an all new foot-long sidekick, we're talking about $2 footlong cheer row, 3,000 foot-long pretzel kind of find out a foot-long cookie every effort foot-long desert a perfect sidekick, water one, was your favor subway. >> simi sub today imagine a future where plastic is not wasted but instead remade over and over into the things that
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story happening here in new york this afternoon. all classes at columbia university are virtual virtual because of growing security concerns from the pro-palestinian protests that are happening on that ivy league campus. the new york police department has what they have called a large presence around columbia via which is on the upper part of the island of manhattan. and the state's governor, kathy hochul visited the university today to address security concerns. she said, in her words, students are scared. will are polo sandoval is there to see exactly what is happening. and whole you, the whole nypd with everything else going on on in the city of new york which is a lot spending massive presence at columbia university, just wrapping up a press conference. >> what did you learn? >> so aaron, i can personally tell you that not only tensions, but security extremely high here in manhattan's upper west side and the areas surrounding columbia university behind me it out. so you around what you see here basically dueling
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demonstrations. it's very similar to what we have seen since the october 7 attacks. the left, you have a pro-palestinian group that has been chanting just outside of the columbia university campus directly to the right and separated by dozens of police officers& to space our israel supporting demonstrators much of the morning, of course, things have remained calm and these groups have remained separate. >> and this is very similar to what we've seen again, play it out for the last several months, the game changer him what we did notice change over the weekend is that this intensifying fears among jewish members of the uterus personally that expressed some concern to jewish associations to the university in general, saying that they are afraid to come to campus because of the persistent protein test, the remains on campus hence, this extraordinary step that was announced by the columbia university president overnight. >> the classes today will be virtual and the big question here's what will happen next. one of the big areas of concern here, at least what we are closely watching is an
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encampment on campus, one that was basically a cleared out about four or five days ago. now the question is will nypd be called back on campus to help clear that out? university saying at this point that that has not been announced the nypd telling me erin earlier this morning that so far they have not received any additional request from the columbia university to make their way onto campus, which is private property, and to clear out that kevin significant other how this is sprung on to the national consciousness or polo. >> thank you very much and coming up our coverage of the historic trial of donald trump continues. both sides presenting their opening statements today in court. and they were lengthy. they were detailed, they laid out the case it's against the former president and of course, in defense of him as well so what exactly they told the jurors and whether that will be what makes up their minds. >> next every piece of evidence
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like it never even happened. serve bro 10,000. >> my next month, i i we won't know unless we try right how long have we waited for something like this will have to alert suppliers coordinate shipments already alerted already coordinated, every supplier sees changes as they happen. since when can we just scale up mid cycle? >> since we brought in vdo people who know know vdo if you have graves disease gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch. people with graves could also get thyroid disease or ted, which may need a different i'm dr. find a ted is specialist at is-it so i didn't think i needed swiffer and i saw how easily it
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picked up my hair every time i dried it >> wow,& for dust all around without having to lift a thing i so hooked. you'll love swift for all your money back. >> there's nothing better than a subway series foot-long itself when you add a new foot-long sayyed, like ultimate bmt with the new foot-long pretzels, nothing like a sayyed kickers steps up in crunch time not cool man, every epic foot-long deserved the perfect sidekick. >> i'm sunlen serfaty in washington and this is cnn the top of the hour, we're tracking the first day of testimony in donald trump's historic new york criminal
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trial. >> i'm wolf blitzer in the nation's capital, erin grows outside the courthouse in new york. today, the former president was in court as his longtime friend, the tabloid executive david took the stand prosecutors say he was a coconspirator in the scheme to pay adult film star stormy daniels to keep her silent about her alleged trump affair prosecutors alleged false business records were used to cover up the payment, but trump says it was standard bookkeeping legal expense in the books call it construction. >> they didn't say you're building a building called a payment to a lawyer because as you know column is a lawyer, he puts in an invoice or whatever a bill and they pay me call it a legal expense. i got indicted for that what else would you call it? actually, nobody has been able to say what you're supposed to go and have a
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lawyer puts it a bill or an invoice and you pay the bill. and in the book it's a little line that's a very solid line. >> i don't know if it even write more than two words. >> a satellite, you can tell a life story they marked it down to a legal expenses is what i got indicted over and the jury and the foreign president are going to hear much more from david tomorrow when the prosecution resumes direct examination. >> so let's go to our kara scannell. she was inside for the trial. so care you're actually there with all of the extra perspectives such a tangible presence entails what did you see today erin, i mean, this was opening statements the big moment in this tastes really kicking off the trial and say the mood inside with serious. >> but there was laughter at times to the judge, gave the jury the opportunity it's a take notes if they wanted to, and before openings began, that and more than half the jurors raise their hand indicating
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they wanted to be able to do that. so note pads were handed out, pens were handed out, and then opening statements got underway with prosecutors saying that this was a conspiracy that trump was involved in to try to very negative stories before the 2016 election. one of the process let's get her said, it's election fraud, pure and simple, really trying to focus on these catching killed deals all around the stormy daniels payment that then the alleged crime was the cover up that was the falsification of the business records, marking it as a legal expenses when it was in fact, as according to the prosecution, paying back michael cohen who advanced the 100 $30,000 payment to daniels when trump's lawyers began, we saw trump's demeanor switch. he had initially been staring straight ahead, looking at a screen when the prosecution was talking, but when his attorney, todd blanche began addressing the jury, trump turned in his chair and was watching both his attorney and the jurors who all were paying close attention to both the problem prosecution and trump's lawyer and trump's lawyers saying that this was not a crime, saying that you're not going to hear from any witnesses in this case, we will say trump told me
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how to book this as a legal expense in the records. so trying to distance trump from this, he said trump did fight back when these allegations came out, but he said he's just like you and me. he's a husband, he's a father so trying to make it that he was trying to protect his family and less than he was trying to influence the election. first witness was called david. that's donald trump's longtime friend. david, entered the courtroom from the sayyed door. so he had to walk directly behind donald trump's chair on his way to the witness stand. when he was testifying, trump was watching him intently, but pepper didn't appear to make any eye contact with trump. he was instead speaking to the prosecutor and turning at times to talk to the jury. and he was just setting up what he did as publisher of ami, they polish national enquirer at the time. so they haven't gotten to what the core of the cases this conspiracy just yet but he is setting it up for the jurors. they can understand what his job is and that they were in the business of checkbook
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journalism as he put it, meaning that they would by stories. and so establishing what his role was in this, when he got off the stand after just a brief part of testimony, maybe less than half an hour as he was leaving the courtroom through that same he looked over at donald trump's table, said hi and smiled. it was unclear if trump had reciprocated. we couldn't see his face at that moment. based on how the officers stationed in the courtroom but really just kind of set this first day of this historic moment as we're going to get now into the witness testimony and the four elements of this alleged conspiracy that prosecutors hope to prove right? >> kara scannell. thank you very much with exactly what happened in that courtroom today. and what was interesting from what qarrah and others have been saying and reporting here for us was that inside the court today trump did hold back visible reactions, which maybe is a bit of a contrast to what we had seen in some of the jury selection days. you know, when he was admonished for the by
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the judge for muttering under his breath very clearly when one juror was up for consideration. but outside the court, when he walked out today, did have plenty to say about the witness testimony today and about how the trial he says is cutting into what he wants so we doing with this time right now, which is campaigning this is what took me often takes me off the cuff trail because i shouldn't be in georgia now i shouldn't be in florida now. >> i should feel a lot of different places right now campaigning and i'm sitting here and this will go on for a long time. it's very unfairly and just to be clear, in this trial, criminal trials, trump is required to be there. >> and the other trials we have emphasized that it was a decision, so we'd say, oh, i have to here and not the campaign trail that wasn't true. but in this case, it is kristen holmes is outside the courthouse in manhattan, obviously covers trump and the trump campaign. so kristen, how concerned is trump's team about this trial schedule which minus wednesday's is anticipated to go for what at least five, weeks or more was
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it just to be clear, donald trump, even on a good week, is not campaigning more than two days. we have not seen that since the primary, even during that cycle, he can usually had several events, but it was very rare. that is not really impacting the scheduled, but i will tell you talking to senior advisers particularly now that it's dawned on them that they are resigned to the fact he is in this courtroom nonstop for four days a week. there is a little bit of concern. we have seen donald trump utilizing the cameras, but when he talked to senior advisers, they're just not sure that that's going to be enough. now, we saw him and his team's celebrating after he had this politically motivated stop at a harlem bodega last week. but then they were dealt a blow when he was opposed to appear in north carolina for a rally that was then canceled for weather because there's not a lot of wiggle room here. there are only two real days that he can do any sort of campaigning, any sort of fundraising right now. so we talked to various advisers. they tell us two things. one, you have the people who continued to insist that this is going to be good for him, that this is going to help with fundraising the saw
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during primary season, there's going to help secure voters, but there are others who really aren't so sure they know that we are in uncharted territory. they're not entirely sure how this is going to be managed on the campaign trail and whether or not this could actually sway voters towards donald trump or away from donald trump. that's a big question for them. so right now, you're seeing his team really huddling together, trying to figure out how exactly they are going to manage this scheduled, looking at possible events within the new york area. but of course, note area new york that possibly be more popular for donald trump or more conducive to having donald trump there like staten island, for example. but now they're really trying to come up with those ideas that they hadn't really gone through before. >> all right. well, kristen, thank you very much and unprecedented times and we are now in this unprecedented moment, wolf of history being made. >> yeah, it's only just starting to aaron. thank you very much. my panel joins me now and i want to start with former manhattan district attorney prosecutor, karen friedman, agnifilo we should note karen is counsel for a
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firm that does represent michael cohen, but she has no contact with cone, does not work on his case. and there are no restrictions on what you can say about this case. karen wire prosecutors decided to bring david to the stand first. i think david tells the story. it paints a picture of this entire catch and kill scheme that it was involved in the election, trying to influence the election. and so he really has the bird's eye perspective. and he's a coconspirator. he's one of the criminal coconspirators with donald trump, who can talk about what their scheme now conspiracy was. so i think it was smart for prosecutors to call him to paint that picture. there. it was interesting, elliott williams, who's also with us in the opening statements. trump's defense team really called michael cohen and admitted liar setting has an obsession with getting those were their words, an obsession with getting the former
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president. what do you make of the way they went after cohen? i am not surprised by that at all. >> a core element of what defense attorneys do is undermine the credibility of prosecution witnesses. i say this as someone who worked on narcotics cases, a lot where you've got guys with homicide convictions or sex assault convictions that you're calling up as witnesses. and the defense it's capitalizes on that and says that, look, you lazy to the jury, you can't believe this person, michael cohen does have at least one prior conviction for lying under oath. now, everything he's expected to say is likely to be corroborated by number one documents and number two, the testimony of other witnesses, but the defense would have been and remiss if not hammering michael cohen's credibility issues, it is defense attorney work one-on-one, and they did it quite effectively. audio recordings, i take it as well. i want you to listen to what trump said after court today. listen to this hello is a lawyer representing a lot of people over the years. >> i'm not the only one and
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wasn't very good in a lot of ways in terms of his representation. and also the things he got in trouble for things that had nothing to do with me get in trouble. >> he went to jail. this had nothing to do with me. they said to do with the taxi cab company that he owed, which is just something medallions and borrow money and a lot of things, but nothing to do with me. >> and what are they going to look at all the lives that gone? >> in the last drought he that court light and the last trial. >> so he got caught lying pure lime is he violating the gag order trump? that's the enduring question of our era, which is what has donald trump said today, that stepped up to or over the line of violating a gag order, what he did there was disparage a witness which is pretty explicitly in violation of the gag order. now, he can make an argument by saying that michael cohen is a public figure, and i'm merely engaging in public debate. but once you call into question a witnesses reputation for
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truthfulness, which is a core aspect of their role as a witness. a judge could credibly say that he's violated the gag order here, and this is it's all going to be a part of this of this hearing is coming up tomorrow presumably due in court should sure. but different rules apply in court. that as opposed to with respect to pardon me, as compared to a defendant who has already been put under a gag order to not disparage court personnel in court witnesses so this is as close to the line as anything could this relationship between michael cohen and donald trump is so shakespearian, they were so close he admired donald trump, did everything for him was the fixer proudly for donald trump. >> and now he can't let's stand the guy and the feeling is mutual. and what donald trump wants to do is leave michael cohen for roadkill during this trial. that is exactly what the attorneys are going to do. and that is exactly what you heard donald
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trump doing there. and it was a relationship lots of relationships have been destroyed david there's to be close with donald trump but, but none so much as michael cohen and donald trump here. but as with all relationship with donald trump, the relationship is a one-way relationship? >> yes. so while we they certainly were clubs i don't think anybody who knows anything about donald trump and how we operates would say that donald trump ever considered michael cohen in her family member and good friend as michael cohen hoped he was perceived he but he certainly was his fixer. they work closely together. but as michael cohen and almost everybody else that enters relationship with donald trump learns that is not an equal relationship. that goes back. i think it's interesting that while trump is in the court, trying to defend himself sitting there listening, paying attention, he has no choice. >> he's gotta be there according to the the judge, president biden is out there campaigning. he's in virginia and florida this week, two key battleground states, this sharp
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contrast and what's going on in the presidential campaign. yeah, there'll be raising money for his camp pain in new york at the end of the week the contrast will be on full display at all times. i mean, today, the biden-harris campaign is represented by the vice president and wisconsin talking about abortion rights tomorrow. as you noted, wolf joe biden, the president will be in florida talking about abortion rights. they're getting out to critical states, talking about issues that they think advantage can enjoy them. and donald trump is stuck in the courtroom, and that is going to be the reality of the next six weeks here. and yes, the courtroom has become his campaign trail. >> but the courtroom also puts very strict parameters around his time and what is the most valuable asset inside a campaign, a candidates time? he's gotta be there monday, tuesday, thursday, and friday off on wednesday off saturday and sunday. so three days a week, potentially, he could go on and look what just happened this weekend. weather delay them in that and postpone an event in north carolina. >> but i would argue that
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donald trump could take the opportunity. he's got the bully pulpit. they're outside the courthouse. he couldn't think the opportunity to campaign a little bit if he wanted to. but instead what he's doing is talking about michael cohen, talking about the unfair trial, et cetera, et cetera. but he's not going out there and saying, you know, what, joe biden is doing, on israel is terrible or marjorie taylor greene made a mistake, are the republican and party on abortion. he did, he could use the opportunity to campaign a little bit he walks out of the cornea, walks out of the courtroom, but he's not doing that because he's obsessed, of course, with the trial. and with trying to tell everyone how unfair it is. and that's worked for him in the past. but as you see joe biden out there on the campaign trail, there has to be a little bit more of a contrast drawn. and if i were working for donald trump, i'm i'm wondering if the people in his campaign are saying to him you know, you have an opportunity here. you can use it. >> let's see if he does our
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guys, everybody standby. we have boarded discussable a bunch more of our special coverage of this extraordinary de that's coming coming up including a closer look at the 18th, men and women at the center of the courtroom drama. the jurors who will decide on donald trump's guilt or innocence. >> that's next cnn news central brought to you by stanley steamer from carpet upholstery air ducks and more. it's not clean until it's stanley steamer clean right now, pet dander skin cells in dirt. our settling deep into your carpet fibers. stanley steamer removes the dirt, uc in the dirt you don't your corporates aren't clean until their stanley steamer clean i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks here, i'll take that ensure not to protein 30 grams protein one prim shiver, 25 vitamins and minerals you fiber blend with a prebiotic all new subway routes
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executive, david took the stand this afternoon here in manhattan, more than half the jury raise their hands when the judge asked if they wanted writing materials to take notes and the judge has told the jury seven men and five women who are on the 12th, formal members of this that they may take brief notes, but they shouldn't be distracted from watching the proceedings are chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid is with me along with cnn anchor and chief domestic correspondent phil mattingly. >> so paul, i wanted the notes in just a moment, but first the people sitting in that room, we've got 12 jurors. you've got six alternates juror number nine goes up to the judge today or the judge has a conversation with juror number nine because this person had expressed concern about media coverage. person went back to their seat and stayed on the jury. but we do know in the jury selection process two people dropped out overnight one night steady. >> is this jury? >> i'm actually surprised are that we haven't seen another juror remove themselves because
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we have those two jurors were removed. one person just said, look, this isn't for me, people have already i think identified me. i want out and then someone else who was removed. i believe if i recall correctly, it was by the prosecution but here you had juror number nine come forth and say that they were concerned about the media attention. this was very much expected because we thought, okay, the jurors have had a couple of days to really absorb the task in front of them. the risks associated with this both for them and for their families. and it was very much expected they could have an issue with a juror she went into the side room with lawyers and the judge and came out and decided to remain on the jury. but i think this is an issue that we could see pop up again over the next five or six weeks. >> and the alternate is really matter here. they're always there as a safety, but in this case, when you consider the possibility of people leaving the trial today, it was an alternate who had a dentist appointment, i guess, and caused the whole court to be released early. >> right. and for those who might be wondering, well, why does it matter if it's an alternate? well, the alternate
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is doing the same exact process that the 12 that are actually seated. he's going through right now and i think the question to some degree was heightened by what happened today, but to paula's point is r six actually going to be enough like the wave this trial is going to play out the intensity of it. and i think the stakes, as everybody can sit there and recognizes this moment and what it all means and what it's going to meet over the course of the next five, six, or seven weeks. and it's only going to get more intense and i think there's very real concern when you talk two people in the political sphere is, is if named, start coming out, people's can quickly identify who's who if they're missing from the office for the missing, any of these types of atmospherics there's real concern about what that would mean going forward. and i guarantee you these individuals understand that if they don't quite have their heads around, but yet it's certainly going to become quite apparent in the weeks ahead, 12 and six so that's a lot of people, this is going to be a lengthy trial. what's going to happen? we start today with a dentist appointment and what happens, paula, if there is an issue, if you don't you run through alternates or people keep leaving the jury. what actually happens to the trial? >> we'd expect that would be a
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mistrial if you'd go through all your alternates and then you're down one juror's. if you get down to 11 jurors now the defense could agree to continue with the trial that just 11 jurors. but why would they do that? >> that's why there's so much concern to about any negative attention or threats or anything that would infer a threat against the jury because there is a valid concern about people getting spooked those numbers dwindling and potentially creating a mistrial now, what about the notes? i want to talk about that's interesting, okay. this is a glass half, full glass, half empty, and we're all journalists. so i'm going to just say we're biased on this. i mean, i'm thinking what no notes. i'll be like remember how could you not be taking notice so more than half raise their hand and does that surprise you that there were only more than half or i mean, would you think all the ones he feels i mean, i guess again, our bias is showing terms of like i have to take notes on everything i respect to those who apparently have an encyclopedic slash telegraphic knowledge of everything that's happening right now.
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>> i think it's a processing we've all served on juries. i think at some point at one point or another and everybody kind of has a different way of going through the process with which they want to do things. again, my i think what i was caught off guard by it was how could you not have that to begin with? why did the judge have to belatedly be like, hey, do you need paper and pencils on this one? it would seem to be a pretty important thing to offer from the get-go. >> pargas. it also raises the question of then what is available to them sort of day in and day out, right. so if you're sitting there, you're taking and this is going to be i mean, there's a lot of technicals in here. there's a lot of you who signed what when there's a lot of details that even if you're taking notes, you may not be able to write down. so do they have a chance at the end of every day to see what happened that day or do they not even get a transcript? >> so during deliberations, they would have access to a true in two weeks from the judge emphasize just said, look, your notes should not serve as your transcript because you can only imagine you go in with 12 different people with 12 different nodes ever was arguing, well, she said this, she said that no, you can have the actual transcript requested if you need it during deliberations the interesting point of don't
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focus so much your notes that you miss what's happening in front of you right now, like the notes should not be a distraction from the actual process that you're going through watching this because so much is on the line right now. >> take notes where it's helpful, but make sure you're paying attention that me and said, what are you understanding paula happened today in terms of mean we had the first witness in these opening statements. >> they were long. was everyone sitting back and listening? thank or were there notes taken of keywords and key things that were said? >> so it appears that the jurors were very attentive during opening statements that trump not as attentive during the prosecution's opening statement, but does appear that they're engaged. look, it's two group of 12 people over the course of a given day. some people do get a little distracted, look more interested than others, but they only had about 30 minutes it's today. i witnessed on today. are the jurors lotto the phone? yeah, i do not. they they're allowed to have their phones in the actual juror box and show that they are allowed to have them somewhere in the premises, but not in the house. >> can you imagine going through withdrawal? >> your bosses can't get a hold me. >> i just i think on one level they must be panicking.
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>> you're taking a phone away from a human being for eight hours a day. >> sounds great and good what was interesting when you listen to the jury instructions at the very beginning, a lot of it is stuff that we would all expect in terms of the presumption of innocence that the former president has in this, that it's incumbent upon prosecution, be able to prove their case here. but also the sum about what you can watch it now what to pay attention to outside of the hearing are outside of what we're seeing in court every day because that was challenged right off the bat right after today's session ended when the former president came out and spoke about a number of different things. >> it simply would not be permissible are admissible in court at all jurors are. >> now basically it to be locked down and it's not like they're in a room where there's no electronics, there's no television, there's no media for anything like that. that's gonna be challenged every single day. the level and the scale of what the features are dealing with given the intensity, immediate attention on this trial. i don't know that there's much that's comparable to it. >> and by the way, it's impossible to avoid in any way, shape, or form if they go into any part of life when they walk out of there to nazi coverage, the trial, not just as anywhere in this country, but they live in york. all right. thank you
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both as we continue, our coverage here, of course, this trial is unfolding against the backdrop of a presidential campaign, and we're right in the heat of it now. >> we're gonna go live to the white house for the biden reaction is he's trying to take advantage of this and b. on the campaign trail are special coverage resumes. after this quick break the titanic, how would really happen, especially to our premiere sunday at nine on cnn with fast sides, create factory grade digital solutions to perfect your process that sides make your statement. >> liberty mutual customize my car insurance and i saved hundreds. >> that's great. i know i've been telling everyone how many
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president biden is out on the campaign trail. the president is set to speak any minute now out in triangle virginia to mark earth day bernie sanders is they're setting the scene for the president. he speaking right now as you can see, today's events but provide a very stark contrast for the 2024 presidential race, race with one presumptive nominee on the trail and the other on trial. cnn senior white house correspond kayla tausche is joining us right now. kayla. so what does the white house saying about the start of trump's historic criminal trial? there's the biden campaign strategy during this weeks-long trial. >> well, the white house wolf is hoping that for president biden actions speak louder than words, putting him out in these official events. choosing instead to focus on what the president is doing instead of what he is saying and not really responding at all to developments of the trial. they're hoping that the work and the comments that he's making about a conservation and
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clean energy today, reproductive rights later this week and essentially what the administration has already done are going to take the mantle from any of the focus of what's happening inside that courtroom. officials tell me that there's no formal workstream or resources being dedicated to monitoring the trial and providing updates to keep the president apprised of exactly what is happening in that courtroom. saying that essentially there's no formal effort to monitor the events besides the public coverage, but the campaign itself is taking some choice words in a statement that it put out last week at trying to capitalize on some of the imagery of the former president appearing to fall asleep in the courtroom putting out this very sharply worded statement, calling him sleepy, don and spokesman james singer saying the verdict is in donald trump in his case campaigns self-inflicted wounds are not paying off their strategy of not campaigning, wasting money, acting like small-time thugs and pushing
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their extreme agenda is driving away voters instead, biden will be, will be ringing an earth day in virginia, touting $7 billion in new investments from the inflation reduction section act devoted toward making solar power more affordable for approximately 900,000 low-income households. and also expanding a climate corps to pursue conference conservation work. again, choosing to put the focus on what the president is doing while he's not saying much, if anything, about what's happening in the corner courtroom in new york. wolf, very interesting. >> kayla tausche at the white house for us. thank you, kayla, very much up. next we turn to another developing story, columbia university in new york, facing a full-blown crisis, the new york governor says students are scared and afraid to walk on campus as protests forced the school into virtual learning live from the nation's capital, one of the most get a night's in dc, this
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routine. new science shows. listerine is five times more effective than floss ev, reducing plaque above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth this street feel the world closed captioning brought to you by mesobook are firm only represents mesothelioma victims. >> and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ms ophelie oma. call us now we are falling the pro-palestinian protests on college campuses and growing concern of potential violence during the jewish holiday of passover. >> police say at least 45 people at yale were arrested and charged with criminal trespassing after refusing to leave today. and meanwhile, at another ivy league university, columbia classes have been canceled in person today. as officials consider their options amid would have been heated protest. their shimon prokupecz is there outside columbia's campus today in upper new york, social on what
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is the latest while the latest is the pro-palestine protesters, now, basically back in there encampments here in the middle the college, this is where i'm standing. >> i wanted to show you as you can see here, the tense are back, just a couple of days ago, they were told they had to remove tense but that all came back yesterday. the university said they did not give them permission to have the tents, but the tense are back today and you can see all the way through here dozens and dozens of tents, many of the students have been spending several nights out here. there's an area for food it's an area with blankets. there's even medical supplies. you can see in this tent people have all sorts of blankets and other items there. they don't really want immediate here right now what we've been told us, we were sort of had to fight our way inside this area the
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encampment. no, i understand that, but i'm trying to show people what you guys are doing here i understand. so as you can see what they're sort of a given us a hard time. this is all being run by the students it, and the university has absolutely no control over really what's happening inside this cabinet right now many of the students who are doing, there's virtual learning today. so a lot more here today, i was out here for several hours yesterday talking to students about why they're doing this some jewish students who are out here supporting the pro-palestine movement. but most of the students here say that they want the school to divest, to divest from their support of israel and any other money that perhaps could be used by companies that are helping israel in any way. and that's what the students here are calling for. and they say they're going to stay out here as long as they have two until their demands are met. the other thing that's happening out here is that in just about
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a month, less than a month, there's going to be a graduation here. and you can see over this way, rod just show this way. they're actually starting to set a bleachers and other things for the graduation. so it's unclear how this is going to unfold because many of the students here, so they're not leaving this area supposedly supposed to be set up for graduation that's right now is not happening so it's unclear what the school is going to do. >> a couple of things just to note, the nypd said that they're ready to come into the campus if the school asks them to remove students, to remove the tents right now, there's been no requests from the schoolo do that. smany any the students are just remaining out here up, staying in their tensegatherg, ally have not been any 're problems in this encampment. it's the stuff that'been going on outside the school on the streets in surrounding areas around the campus that
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has been the problem. so we'll see what happensere. but for now, the tents have mained. it's a sunny day hey, and we're seeing certainly a lot more people out here today than we've seen in the last few days. the other thing that happened here to just lastly, was that some of the faculty members, there was a walkout today hey in supportf the students, students who had been suspended because of therrest last wk right now, the university president she issued a statement saying that we need a restart that we need to think about the next steps. and so we await to see what that is, but it's really fascinating what's happening here. this is, in many ways they themselves have call this an occupation. this is an encampment and the school for now is allowing this to remain as you can see with many of these tents. and the students out here it's amazing. >> chemali, what you're showing us and in a sense it's a standoff menn in a, we're looking for the right word. right. but i mean it's an unprecedented moment to see this to see students do during this, refusing to leave. they want to change. that change goes against leadership of the
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university and a lot of big donors. but interesting, you talk about the faculty members so you've got passed over of course happening. what, how does that play into this well, there's a lot of concern from the jewish students. >> we spoke to some of those students, yes. today and they say that they're concerned they have some fear because of the rhetoric that they've heard. some of the words that have come from the pro-palestine supporters against israel. and for them it's been a hartime. many of them are gathering together for the first night of passover for a seder. there was a rabbi who is affted with the school who told udents, do students not to come to campus. we' seen stements from the white house, from e mayor, from the governor here, all concern over what they're seeing. more importantly, what they're hearing a come out of some of the students here. and so this raises a lot of concern and it's even just honestly diffult to come ny are because they are having their
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moment here and the moment to protests. but, you kno trying for us in the media team and get in here right nohas been so difficult, but, you know, we fought away in& it's important for people to see exactly what's going on here thank very much so. >> i think the atmospherics for all of us being able to see that is very significant given so much of the rhetoric and the emotion around all of this as well, shimon, thank you very much. and we'll be checking back in with shimon as this afternoon goes on here in lower manhattan, though it is almost impossible to overstate the historic nature of what we're witnessing here outside the courthouse behind me, former president faces in criminal charges at trial. that's a first. and we're going to talk about what that means, not just for trump, but the timing, right for the fact that this is happening during a presidential election in which that former president is the de facto nominee of one of the two major your parties. that sense riyad
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customer makes it so easy. get started today, this is cnn the world's news we're back now with our special coverage of the new york hush money trial of former president donald trump jurors listened as prosecutors and defense delivered opening statements today, we also saw the first witness called to the stand, david, the former chairman of the national inquirers parent company, and trump's longtime friend joining us now cnn presidential historian, the former director of the nixon presidential library, tim naftali. tim, thanks so much for joining us. what do you make of this truly historic first day of testimony and opening statements in this criminal trial of a former president of the united states well, well, if we have to first
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today if according to the indictment and let's keep in mind that president trump is subject to all the laws of every other citizen and he's also subject to all the protections of every other citizens. >> so he's innocent until proven guilty. but according to the indictment president trump, while in office, sayyed, nine checks that were in furtherance of a corrupt venture that involved a cover up which means this is the first time that in that an individual is in criminal court because of an action they took while president richard nixon, as we know, because he was pardoned by gerald ford never did go to court. and was never indicted there's another first though, d this is a first. i think that we han't en talking as much about, bui think is more significanand that's that th is the veryirst time in r history thathe presumptive nominee for one our two major parties is in a criminal trial during the
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presidential campaign. we all talk about oober surprises those arunexpect events that could shift are up and an election well, we might have a june surprise and it's very hard for us to know real what effect on independence and those few persuadable republican voters, a, a guilty verdict might have in the trump trial nor do we know what, if any, effect there might be if president trump are former president trump is acquitted. >> so we know that in about six weeks there is going to be an event that is going to have some effect on the election that is totally unprecedented in our history. >> is this trial goes six, seven weeks. who knows how long it's going to go, but it's expected to go at least five or six or seven weeks. are there any historical parallels to him to what we're seeing take place right? now with the likely presidential nominee for one of the two major political parties facing a criminal trial no. there actually isn't.
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there is a slight parallel in that a party has nominated a convicted felon before for a president of the united states in 1920, the socialist party of the united states nominated eugene v. debs, who was serving time in a federal penitentiary in atlanta for having a posed america's entry into world war i. but he wasn't one of the two major party candidates at the time. nevertheless, he was, he actually ran, if you will, ran from a penitentiary and got nearly 1 million votes interesting, i love the history that you know, so much. thank you very much, tim naftali are presidential their story and appreciated are special live coverage of the historic criminal trial of former president trump will continue right after a quick break.
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dental, positions, mutual physicians, you jewel. >> i'm pete muntean at reagan national airport this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelioma victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 we are following the first day of testimony and former president donald trump's manhattan hush money trial hi i'm erin burnett, just outside the courthouse here in manhattan, along with a friend, wolf blitzer in washington, the first witness took the stand today, david a longtime friend of trump's and the former publisher of the national enquirer he testified
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for about 20 minutes today. >> so that's just the beginning. he is expected to return to the stand tomorrow prosecutors say was involved the numerous so-called catch and kill schemes he orchestrated on behalf of trump basically, finding out a bad story buying it from somebody in order to kill it, never run it at apparently according to the case here, brokered a deal with adult film star stormy daniels to keep her silence over an alleged affair, wolfe interesting, very interesting before a took the stand today, both sides gave opening statements and trump's defense repeatedly attack the credibility of the man who is expected to be the process beginners key witness. >> we're talking about the former trump lawyer and fixer, michael cohen. cnn's kara scannell, that was inside the court for us all day today for today's historic proceedings. tell us what you saw kara which bove off opening statements began today, donald trump sitting there watching a screen of himself, watching the proceedings as he sat at the defense table, the first former
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president to ever do so. >> and if prosecutors began, they're telling their story to the jury tun the jury that this was a conspiracy and a cover up all to hide the hush money payments made to stormy daniels to stop her from going public with her allegations of a sexual encounter with trump a decade earlier, and that they falsified business records in order to cover up the reimbursement the money that michael cohen had initially given to stormy daniels as the prosecutors put it. this is a conspiracy. this is a cover up. it's election fraud, pure and simpler than trump's attorneys address the jurors who were given notebooks and and so they could take notes during opening statements. trump had turned his chair to watch his lawyer talked to the jury. and what first words out of his attorneys mouth? he's told the jury, president trump is innocent. president trump did not commit any crimes. the manhattan district attorney's office should never have brought this case. he then went on to attack the credibility michael cohen is expected to be a key witness in this case, saying that cohen has
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previously lied under oath, saying that michael cohen was obsessed with donald trump and his entire financial livelihood depends on him trying to take donald trump down. so trying to put in the jurors minds this notion that they should question some of michael cohen's testimony. they also said that they expect that the jury will hear from stormy daniels, but saying that her testimony really doesn't matter because she has nothing to do with how the documents were kept at the trump organization. the core of this case, 34 counts of falsified business records, and trump's attorneys saying, you will not hear testing somebody from anyone who said that trump told them how to record these payments in the company's books and records. so trying to keep him far from the cover-up part of this alleged crime we have the first witness on the stand, david. you just began his testimony. longtime friend of former president donald trump, in his testimony, will continue tomorrow when court gets underway at 11:00 a.m. with him back on the stand. wolf, fair? >> very interesting and deep.
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kara scannell on the scene for us. thank you very much. aaron all right. >> well, so paula reid, phil mattingly are here. >> so let's say we only have 45 minutes of david. >> i karen was saying, so he's coming back tomorrow and it could be other days because obviously wednesday is is a break from this particular case. so could go through the week, but paula, a couple of things we heard in this brief 45 minutes one, david is i don't want to say forced to admit, but acknowledges that he has an email that he doesn't even want his own assistance know about. >> so what do we learn about that? >> i'm fascinated. i mean, we didn't get to learn a lot about where they're going with that. but the fact that he has this other email account where he's doing business in and around like catalog well, we have suggested to me that perhaps they were going to make the point that there was some correspondence that really wasn't truly about business and that perhaps he was using the national enquirer to perhaps help a friend, but
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it's not clear exactly where they're going with that, but it definitely piqued my interest. yeah. i mean, for sure. right. so there's that and then there's the they go through a whole bunch of phone numbers. tell me about that, which by the way, we should note that parker was quite pleased that he remembered a lot of the phone numbers that they were asking about. and but there wasn't really an explanation as to why. and i think when you think about free, if you take a step back and look at even though it was a short period of time, what we learned from the david testimony today, it was an effort to lay the groundwork for what's to come, right. if you're one of the 12 jurors are one of the six alternates. you might not know what catching killed journalism is all about. you might not know what checkbook journalism actually is since it's not what we all practice on a day-to-day basis. so they explain how the national enquirer works. they explained david is role if it's above $10,000, he's gonna be aware of what's actually going on. he's going to have to sign off if it's something that's big enough about some big enough celebrity, dylan howard, one of the top executives there is going to be going to david he's going to have to sign off if it's about the front page of the national enquirer, david is going to have setups. you understand his
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role in his importance and its relationship ship with the former president, which was quite close. then you start to hear about the private email. then you start to hear prosecutor's asking about specific phone numbers for phones that david head and him being being able to give those phone numbers back to them, make clear that he knows what they are, but you get explanation as to why you don't get explanation as to why they want to acknowledge the private email. you don't explanation as to why the phone numbers which gives you the sense that they're laying the groundwork for types of correspondence, whether it's phone records where it's something else that may be coming in the days ahead that connected more directly to the former president. this came into use the words that we would use in our industry, a tease, right? >> your, what a peak someone's interests and they're trying to do that with the jury. it seems interesting, paul, in the context of as you say, laying the groundwork are teasing. they want to bring the jury in sort of like you're it's chapters in a thriller, you want to leave them hanging at the end, so they come back and they're engaged. >> absolutely. and this is such a stressful experience for those jurors. i mean, the gravity of the situation. this is a stork trial starting out
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kinda like right. so how do stories come to the national enquirer? what's the budget to investigate them? interesting stuff, right? light interesting stuff. that's all setting up the larger argument the process houston will make about election interference. >> and by the way, i'm fascinated $10,000 is the threshold that would go to the ceo of the company to buy a story and every alien story i've ever seen in the sun remark, i checkout line was approved by david. but you are just as a person learning a lot, which i think it was interesting about this. >> what do you, what do you think though, phil? >> you're now, let's talk about the recipients of all of this and that's the 800s people sitting there, the 12 jurors and six alternates they are in this moment where they're just trying to grab them in. i guess the prosecution especially. right. they want to make sure they stay they don't give up, they don't throw in the towel and i think you also have to think about what's coming next. we know michael cohen, who is a clear target of the defense team and their opening statements is coming in that is going to be a very intense several maybe couple days for
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notes. oh, testimony of examination and cross-examinati on. how that's actually going to play out. we don't know who else is going to testify. there was laughter in the exchanges from the prosecution and today i think there's you understand that that's not only how do you tell a story, it's not only how do you capture, it's also recognition of what jurors may not know, i think and i thought about the entire trial like this first to the last two weeks, which is we know a lot about a lot that normal people for i really hope don't understand or know about, right? because we've had to, we remember trump's season one. remember 2015, 2016? covering that campaign, you covered his white house, you understand all of these types of things. the players and their roles and how bizarre and weird some of them may have. then the jury, you have to assume at least the vast majority of them don't remember, weren't involved have no concept of what these actual this process entails and explaining that to them, but doing it on your terms through your narrative ahead of the defense team putting out there is critically important. you go
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to the grid of where the jurors say they get their news and i have some skepticism about that. >> i'm going to admit, but if you go through that and you take it at face value you've got some people on there who really say they don't consume news. >> you have others who really consume very specific, very little news, but it would appear clear from what they checked nobody is following this trial in any level of detail at all on that jury. >> right. so you would need to set the stage. >> yeah absolutely. who is karen mcdougal? who is david? you need to set the stage even if people are vaguely familiar with stormy daniels and some of the more salacious allegations they're absolutely not familiar with the nuts and bolts, so that's why they need to walk them through step-by-step, taking the time to talk about the numbers or the email accounts all setting up these larger pieces of evidence that the prosecution hopes will prove their case are important or not having isolation, right. >> todd blanche, to the defense team are going to have their shot as well. >> and who's going to tell a better story with the better facts and details that they believe prove their version of events is probably going to determine who wins his case and
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who ends this case. >> i could mean everything 12 people, maybe 18 could determine everything in this country. all right. thank you both. and as we stay here continuing our special coverage, wealth thanks, erin. thanks very much. are cnn legal analysts are back with the right now, karen friedman, agnifilo, and elliott williams. karen, you worked with the manhattan district attorney for several years. what's your take away from what we saw and heard today? >> there's setting the stage for the jury and planting, painting a picture of exactly what the situation was back in 2015 and 2016 and taking the jury back to where it was and what it was like and what the import of the access hollywood tape was, for example, at that time and it's clear that that's what they're trying to do. >> the trend of transport the jury back. i also notice that trump seems to have learned from his other trials where his outbursts and court and things like that really didn't bode well for him. and he lost all
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of his prior civil cases in a very big way in new york. so he's really on his best behavior inside of course, he's not speaking out. there's no outbursts and you also see judge merchan is really controlling his courtroom and keeping things moving along and keeping them smoothly and so i was struck by that, which is great. and i think he realizes that this is all about the jury. this is not about joe biden, this is not about alvin bragg even or the judge who trump likes to go out and say, is biased in some way because at the end of the day, the only people who will be determining trump's fate is that jury very important point and elliott give us a sense because david who oversees the national enquirer, he's going to continue as this testimony tomorrow. >> what are you gonna be looking for? >> david is a critical witness for establishing what's called criminal intent, not just that an act happened but an act happened for a purpose. the defendant did something wrong
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to carry out some criminal purpose. and here it's not just the catch and kill payments, but catching killed payments for the purpose of concealing information from voters in the context of an election. and so what i would be looking for from david good packer is what was said in those conversations in 2015 and a meeting with donald trump about the intent behind these payments, did they actually discuss making these payments for the purpose of concealing information from voters or was it just donald trump saying, well, this is embarrassing to my wife? my kids, i really want to keep this hit and that's really at the heart of this and picking up on what phil and paula were saying a moment ago, the jury knows none of this, and prosecutors have to establish not just that this thing happened, but that it happened four criminal the purpose and is really central to their important point. it's interesting, qarrah, the prosecution has pointed to three different so-called catch and kill transactions. what makes the stormy daniels case in this particular instance
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different? >> yeah. so the stormy daniels one is criminal at while the doorman the path of the dorm man and karen mcdougal aren't criminal in this context because they didn't falsify the business records in the context of those payments. so if you recall here in the stormy daniels case what they did was michael cohen paid the money, which was then reimbursed by trump and the trump organization. and they wrote in the allegations are that they wrote in the trump organization business records that it was for a legal payment when it was actually two to reimburse michael cohen for paying stormy daniels. so it's the falsification of the business records that are what the charges are here. and it was for the intention of influencing the election the point is, i thought it was interesting that the prosecution is calling this a criminal conspiracy, right? yeah. they didn't charge trump with conspiracy. how do you explain? nobody could have. and
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when we use a term like conspiracy that is an agreement between more than one individual to carry out a criminal purpose. now, you can charge it as a crime hi, i'm or charge other crimes and speak about a conspiracy in the context of that. and so what you have here are a number of people donald trump, david michael cohen speaking and working together in at least is charged by the prosecution in furtherance of this criminal act that is making these payments& falsifying business records for the purpose of concealing criminal activity because they worked as a group and took acts in furtherance of what they were doing. you can call it a conspiracy basically, what they're saying is this was election interference was against the law. election interference which is against the law as a group. and they work together to do it now, donald trump is the individual charged with it. now, note that david was not because he also had an immunity agreement to not be charged by prosecutors, but it was a group of people working to a criminal purpose
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very significant. >> all right, guys. thank you. very, very much. donald trump testified his own trial just to had the legal and political consequences of the former president taking the stand in this truly historic hush money case, as are special coverage continues every week day morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. >> if the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less, cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming weekdays exclusively on macs generalized myasthenia gravis made my life a lot harder. but the picture started changing when i started on bib guard if guard is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-ab chr antibody positive in a clinical trial, vif guard significantly improved most participant's ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmt treatment most participants
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leave behind. clean is good sanitizers better higher shipping rates may be the cost of doing business. but at what cost turned shipping to your advantage with low cost ground shipping? from the united states postal service how do i love thee let me count the ways love can get a little messy good thing. there's resolved love the love resolve the mess. >> i'm lauren fox on capitol hill and this is cnn welcome back to cnn special coverage of donald trump's criminal hush money trial before today's testimony, the judge established what prior bad acts could be used to cross-examine the former president. >> if i have to emphasize the if he chooses to take the stand, his attorney so far i've not said whether trump will
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testify despite this comment that he made just on friday and joining me now is cnn contributor john dean, who served as white house counsel to richard nixon and also co-wrote the book authoritarian nightmare, trump and his followers. so john, you know, i'm just curious here to set the stage on this. trump has a big decision to make about whether he will testify or not as an attorney, as someone who would have been in the position of watching the maybe the first president to have a criminal trial, except for things turned out differently in the case of nixon, do you think trump should testify it's rare that any defense attorney wants his client to testify. >> in this instance, if possible, but to me doubtful, particularly suits the rulings on the sandoval hearing are really very negative for trump.
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lots of the bad acts, lots of his prior behavior, such as the e jean carroll defamation, the teacher james is lawsuit against him for fraud. those can all come into play and he has to address them and that can be very uncomfortable for him that's right in the sandoval hearing, of course, established what they were allowed to ask if he does take the stand as you point out, all those prior cases are now fair and square on the table. >> one thing john, though that is not on the table. the judge said the access hollywood tape, the infamous grabbing by the p tape, could not be shown to jurors. now, i guess i'm the one hand. i don't think there's anyone in this country who doesn't know about that tape and hasn't heard that tape. nonetheless, it is years ago at this point, many people on this jury may not have thought about it for a long time, may not be thinking nevada in context of this. so the fact that they're not allowed to play it may matter. how do you see it in what do you make of the judge saying no to that tape well, i can
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understand why the judge didn't want to have the actual recording played to the jury because it could be deemed to presidential but still, they're going to get the content, they're going to get a transcript of what was said on that bus pulley into the access hollywood show so and that is a chance to actually hear it. >> word by word in a way that is even clearer and more disgusting than to listen to it. so i'm not sure that there's really real difference. in fact, it might be a benefit to understanding why this issue was so sensitive and so central to the case and understanding it, when you actually just have the transcript yeah well, it is amazing as you point out, sometimes you see it in black and white, right? you see the word as opposed to hearing them and we all due process things differently. so that's significant so here we are tonight. today, you're going to have a hearing tomorrow morning as part of the case about the gag order. now, prosecutors say
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that trump has violated it at least times and it ten times. i'm sorry. and john has, you know, in this gag order, he he was prohibited from saying prejudicial or nasty things really of any sort against potential witnesses or jurors or family members of the judge, although not the judge himself. so ten times they say it was violated. and today, trump said this about somebody who is obviously antigen tibet it to be a central witness, his former fixer, michael cohen, let me play it is a lawyer representing a lot of people over the years. >> i'm not the only play one. >> and wasn't very good in a lot of ways. >> in terms of misrepresentatio n. and also the things he got in trouble for things that had nothing to do with me. he got a troubling, went to jail this had nothing to do with me. they had to do with the taxi cab company that he owed, which is just something medallions and borrow money and a lot of things. but nothing so with me.
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>> and what are they going to look at all the lives that gone did in the last trial, he that joint line in the last trial so he got caught lying, pure lime john, of course, trump's team will say that comb was convicted for that and served prison time. >> so they'll say, oh, trump was just stating a fact, but nonetheless, he is the one stating, is that a violation of the gag order or not? >> it could technically be a violation of the order because the ordered seeks to have him not talking about these things to influence the jury or while the jury is not sequestered, they're not supposed to read and listen to television he certainly putting it out there in the atmosphere where they could easily get access to this information in here he is characterization of the witnesses, then that's what you ordered, tries to avoid. so trump justice seems unable to control himself if it's in his mind, it often comes out of his mouth and he's thinking
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terrible thoughts about michael cohen after hearing the opening statement and he knows what is at issue. so he just can't control himself. and so we'll see what the judge does with this tomorrow. i it's a very tough ruling and an interesting one that's going to be crucial now obviously there could be fines. >> eventually you could end up with prison, but it does look like this would be a situation of fines and they're done minimus, it's more than statement that would be made in a via in calling that out. i'm john dean. thank you so much and are special coverage of this historic de continuous ahead with wolf and myself and we've got some new according here on how trump's team is really scrambling right now to revamp his entire schedule. and we'll explain exactly what they're doing and why that news is after this. >> live from the nation's capital, one of the most unforgettable nights in dc, the swatter will read back here again president biden and
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zachary cohen in washington and this is cnn former president trump will be back in court tomorrow for day two of testimony in the criminal hush money trial while he sits behind the defense table in that courtroom, his political team has been scrambling, trying to figure out how to improvise his campaign schedule with him largely absent because of this case, for anywhere from five to eight weeks, he is required to attend every single day on the trial, which will cut into his time and crucial battleground states. in this incredibly tight presidential race. so our kristen holmes is outside the courthouse here in
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manhattan with me as well. so christen, how is trump's campaign handling this unprecedented situation? because it's, they get one day a week, it's a wednesday in the middle of the week. there's only so much you can do with the limited time that they have yeah, that's right, erin, i mean, look, there was a little bit of denial here. they were hoping that this day would never come, that he would actually have to sit through this trial, but they had been planning on him being in court every weekday except for wednesdays and using wednesdays and saturdays as campaign days. but planning and reality are a little bit different. they are trying to now figure out what exactly that looks like as we saw, it's not always going to be perfect and they're particularly concerned given the fact that they're looking at pole numbers in which it seems as though biden is closing from the gap that donald trump had. now this is all within the margin of error. this is all very early, but you know, donald trump pays attention to those poles. so what they had been doing was using donald trump to go to the cameras in the hallways at every opportunity? >> yeah trying to keep treat treating these appearances as campaign stops.
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>> but now there is some concern that that's not going to be enough. and what we saw last week was really an example of how this could go so any which way saw the tunes ter they had this kind of impromptu political le, motivated stop at a harlem bodega. but then they had a loss when they were supposed to have a campaign rally in north carolina the liner now with nothing on the schedule, there is nothing for about over a week for him to do now we'll see if they add any kind of stops they've been looking at ways to try to get him around the new york area probably too places where he would be more popular like staten island, not necessarily in manhattan. and also looking for ways to utilize him being in court. does that mean more local interviews? does that mean setting up a studio within his trump tower to try and get his messaging out. just unclear how exactly this is going to play out. but what is clear is that they are trying to find alternatives despite again, having known this scheduled the reality now sinking again, that it can't just be wednesdays and saturdays and this kind of campaign yeah, it's just pretty
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incredible to think that they're in this situation, right, kristin, thank you very much laying out all of that for us. >> wolf aaron. thank you very much. i want to bring in our senior political analyst, gloria borger. gloria, this is just the first of potentially four criminal trials that trump could face this year going into this presidential election he still needs to talk to voters he has an opportunity when he leaves the courtroom every day to say so something to voters as opposed to just bad mouthing. what's going on. >> well, but that's what he's doing now. he's leaving the courtroom and he's talking about what went on in court or how unfair the trial if and that has effectively become his campaign. and what kristen is saying is that his advisers are beginning to realize that's just not enough. i mean, you see the biden campaign getting more aggressive having a president out there traveling. i mean, joe biden is doing the opposite of a rose garden strategy. he's out there on the campaign trail. this is not to say that trump was out there a
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lot before the trial because he really would sort of jet in, do a big rally and then get out. but he's got to do more than than than he's been doing. and the trial handcuffs some, but he's got to figure out a way to get out of that and make some other political points that go beyond how unfair the trial is. >> listen to what trump said after court today. just a little while ago listen to this you have a lawyer put to the bill or an invoice and you pay the bill& in the book, it's a little line that's very scrawled in line. i don't know if it even write more than two words. >> sound like you can tell a life story they marked a dadgum legal expenses is what i got indicted what do you pick up the way the trunk is handling trying to frame this criminal case against him when he leaves the court. well, he's trying to prove his innocence outside the courtroom. you know, he's he believes he's his own best attorney. and what he was
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saying there was look, this was just a illegal item and i was just paying my lawyer. and that's what his attorneys are going to are going to say. but again, he's still making the case that is being made in the courtroom, and he has an opportunity to make another case about why he should be elected president in the united states. again, and he's really, he's really not doing that. and so they're squandering. i think some opportunities here that they could be using particularly since he is kinda stuck there, it gets a lot of airtime when he leaves the courtroom. it's a makes a statement to the press and people are watching. >> that's right. so if if joe biden were to say something on the campaign trail one day, maybe donald trump could take the opportunity to respond to that or does sound like a political candidate who's running for president rather than talking about his poll numbers, which is what we hear all the time you know, i'm, i'm i'm ahead in the polls. i'm doing well. i mean now it's tightening up. and
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they're worried about it. >> all right. everyone should be worried that tight races that looks like it's going to happen, aren't gloria? thank you very, very much. it's just it was just over a week ago when we saw the house speaker, mike johnson and former president trump's standing side-by-side at mar-a-lago down in florida, the former president offered johnson a political lifeline, but now a trump ally in congress is calling for johnson's job after this weekend's votes on foreign aid the sinking of the titanic. how would really happen, especially to our premier sunday at nine on cnn. some people go to the ends of the earth to find adventure. you just have to travel to the end of the road because here in key west were the launching point for a world of breathtaking action and excitement from deep sea
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trump's criminal trial resumes in new york tomorrow, the intrigue on capitol hill over whether house speaker mike johnson will keep his job is heating up. >> republican hardliner marjorie taylor greene is calling on johnson to resign or face a motion to vacate his speakership she's accusing him of retraining republican voters or threat comes after house speaker. the house to fight gop hardliners by putting that foreign aid bill on the house floor that had $61 billion in ukraine passed over the weekend and it now heads over to the senate. so let's go to meloni's and over from melanie zanona now for more. now, three republicans at least are calling for the speakers removal. and i know that technically they've only got one vote majority, but in all of your reporting that you've been doing so tirelessly on his melanie, what's going on? why haven't they acted on this threat? >> yeah. based on the conversations i'm having on capitol hill, marjorie taylor greene really wants to build as much support as possible before she actually moves ahead with pulling this trigger on the motion to vacate, as you mentioned, right now, it's only
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three cosponsors officially on that resolution. but most republicans do not want to see another messy speaker fight, including former president donald trump. they're worried that it would really undermine the party heading in november. but greene is confident that when republicans go home for this recess break hear from their constituents, see how angry the basis that there will be a pressure campaign that pushes more republicans squarely into her camp and she's also warning johnson that if he does not step down on his own, they will try to push them out of the job. take lesson the trade america. he's betrayed republican voters under his leadership. he's passed the democratic agenda, the biden administration's policies, and fully funded them. we're going to fight in congress to do everything we can to stop this type of unit party leadership. mike johnson's speakership is over he needs to do the right thing to resign and allow us to move forward in a controlled process. >> yeah. if he does that do so, he will be vacated now, house
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democratic leaders have not officially committed to putting up the necessary votes to help kill any potential motion to vacate. but behind the scenes there is a lot of interest in doing so. and that is because democrats appreciate the fact that johnson put this foreign aid package on the floor, defied his right thing. that was something that there was a lot of doubts that johnson would actually do. but if johnson is ultimately propped up by democrats that might fuel questions about his long-term political future. and meanwhile, even though former president donald trump has been supportive, johnson, he obviously is preoccupied with his own issues right now. so for johnson, he's not going to be able to rely on trump to offer him a lifeline. he's really going to have to ben on democrats. aaron yeah. >> right. melanie zanona. thank you so much. on capitol hill meantime, columbia university is facing a security crisis. the jewish holiday passover is beginning now at the center of this hundreds of taking part and pro-palestinian demonstrations at the campus, pushing the school to switch to remote learning in response
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sparking growing concerns about the safety of jewish students this situation with blitzer good night it six once cnn falls, are the number one cause of injury to senior citizens, acorn stair lifts has the solution just don't fall. >> sit, relax, ride with an acorn steer lived the world's leader in stair lifts don't let limited mobility keep you from going up and down. you're stairs, even outside, called acorn stair lifts now, for a free information kit and no obligation, quote, why risk falling when you can safely ride are acorn sterile if it's definitely more affordable than movie the acorn stair lift has a padded seat in backrest. safety sensors stop the chair if there are obstacles, the seat swivels in locks. so you don't twist your body and the acorn stair lift folds away. they'd even runs during power
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frame when you visit or a so it's the playoffs great teammates trust each other. we're going to do a trust. stand up, trust what you're suddenly up doc i've told you here's a dummy president biden is decrying antisemitism that seeping into a number of protests out on college campuses. >> here's what he said. just moments ago you can submitted protests on college campuses? i condemn somebody protest. that's why i've set up a program to do with that good don't understand what's going on with the palestinians president biden's comment comes after robert kraft, a prominent donor of columbia university.
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and the owner of the new england patriots, blasted the school saying, he is no longer confident in its ability to protect its students and staff amid the ongoing pro-palestinian protests and suggesting he could withhold financial support from his alma mater cnn's polo sandoval is shimon prokupecz are both in new york for us watching what's going on. paulo first you tell our viewers what you're seeing now so this is you could call it a fairly rare perspective at the moment that's because the columbia university still under restricted access guidelines after last week's operations come together with the nypd led to the dismantling of an encampment here on campus, but that led to another one, which is what you're looking over here, wolf, this is still two the heart of this campus where we've seen it was here a couple of days ago. >> there were no tents at this particular the gaza solidarity and cabin, but you can see the result now, this is a peaceful assembly of these students here and we have not seen or heard any indication from columbia university officials that they plan to once again turned to
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the nypd to make their way on camera and then remove this encampment here. we'll see if that changes. but what's also picked up on here is there's been intensified fears among some jewish memory first of the school reporting that they feel uncomfortable. one student telling me that felt intimidated as well because of what he described as anti-semitic language and some of these demonstrations now to be clear, that we have heard from some of the main student groups organizing this event, and they have actually been through a statement tried to really distanced themselves from what they described does non-student protesters calling those individuals quote inflammatory individuals who do not represent as it's also important to point out that after hearing from the why pd that they have received several reports of jewish students being harassed. but none so far of any sort of physical altercation of the concern though, is that those fierce do continue back out at this encampment. you can see there's even some flags around the perimeter, some of them with writing an organizer here
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telling me that those are the names of dead palestinians. and it really goes to the message that they're trying to send. >> but at same time, this is important to also see because it is a representation of what either may happen ben or is happening at other major colleges and universities throughout the country with our the apollo standby, we'll get back to you. >> i wanna go to shame on who's also in new york? watching. what's going on, what are you seeing? shimon wolf, where outside the campus we were in the campus in the encampment last hour. we've now come outside. and what's important about what's happening out here. chris, most of the people here well, if i want to show you, it's not a very large group, but it's a very loud group they've been out here for several days as well so, here to support people that are on the inside, which i'll just what happens is many of the students who are inside come to this gate and stand out here to do a back-and-forth
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with them as you can hear, some of & a lot of the trouble that started outside here, fire hurting soone interaction confntation between the community and somef the people w have been here including israel supporters who've been out here. >> the other thing i want to show you all, as we know nyp's it's outside. >> i wanted to show you. this ishere they have remained here on the perimeter keeping an eye on the folkhere. the're right now not allowed into the school of the city says that if their requested by the school they woulallow th nypd officerto go inside and help in any way that they need. remember, it's just a few days ago, you've got thesechool did ask thnypd tom on campus and to reme the tents, to remove encampment resulting in those hundred students and culty members and other people beingrrested that was
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a flashpoint in certainly. so anything that happens now, is going to be something thathe university is going to think decide and allowing the nypd side. but the nypd is out here the sporters of the studen who are on the inside remain out here. >> and this goes on for hours well into the night. well, the lks out here standing chances and then you have the students on the inside out these gates schumer, what's been the reaction to that rabbi in columbia university advising jewish students tours columbia university students to stay home today. it's too dangerous to go back on campus so i spoke to some of the jewish students yesterday. we were inside on campus yes. >> there are a terrorist cern on their part. >> that what's happening here, they are concerned for their fety, but i also think they all feel that they need to
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stick gather they need to remain gray to face adversity and some of the challenges that they're facing on campus. >> so while some of them of course are afraid, you're doing things to minimize their risk. they're getting together, they're staying in groups. and most of them say they plan to remain in here for now. a lot of the concern that these students are getting are coming from their parents. their parents are very worried about them. >> but for now, the students said, yes, we don't feel entirely so let me say this is not what columbia this is not what we came here for. we all want our safety some have said that they weren't going to happen harassed but they're going to keep coming to campus. >> it is the first night of passover. dominant plant to have a seder together. and the key for them right now is to stick to together in solidarity and also to protect themselves will hope it's going to be safe over there in columbia university are shimon
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prokupecz, polo, sandoval for both of you. thank you very, very much. and we'll be right back. >> what is it about the titanic? >> why are we so obsessed with this ship every piece of evidence tells a story good years later. it's still leaving. people are this special, to our titanic per meter of how really happen sunday at nine once cnn did you know, there's no t in skechers what he's told about rodolphe is always been scheduled z and these get too slippery is tlbs just really isn't as gets flipped see romo, things always in sketches lag sunglasses,
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academic tutoring to prom dresses. healthcare to after care. community schools can wrap so much around public schools. ...and through meaningful partnerships with families, they become centers of their communities. real solutions for kids and communities at back day, april 27, the lead with jake tapper next on cnn michael cohen is just responded to comments made outside the courtroom this afternoon by his former boss, donald trump earlier, trump told reporters this a lawyer, or was a lawyer and also the things she got in trouble for we're things that had nothing to do with me that a troubling went to jail this had nothing to do with me. this had to do with the taxi cab company that he owed, which is just something medallions and
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borrow money and a lot of things, but nothing to do with me shortly after those comments, cohen tweeted that trump's attacks, quote, stink of desperation he goes on to write and i quoted, we're all hoping that you take the stage and in your defense, that trump, of course. >> wolf is under that gag order was ordered by a judge, merchan not to comment by any witnesses in the trial just a fact check. >> what trump said in that sound bite. cohen served time in federal prison after pleading guilty to breaking federal campaign laws when he facilitated the payment to stormy daniels which is directly linked to the charges right now against trump. that's where the taxi medallions that trump reference cohen was also sentenced for tax evasion related to a taxi medallion enterprise and lying to a bank in relation to a home loan aaron, thanks very much for joining me for our special coverage. always good to be with you and don't forget to our viewers, erin will be back 7:00 p.m. eastern for aaron


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