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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 23, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> try not to hurt anybody. he didn't want to hurt elizabeth. or his family a key difference could be the timing of the alleged affairs and subsequent payoffs, which might help spell out the payments edwards a occurred during the 2008 campaign with at least one payment happening after the election was over, long after edwards dropped out of the race in trump's case, the alleged affair happened in 2006, years before he ran for president the payoff is alleged to have been made just two weeks before the 2016 election persecution. >> and this is about me, but perhaps the starkest difference is how each man reacted to their cases there is no one else responsible for my sans none of the people who came to court and testified are responsible. >> nobody working for the government his responsible i am responsible.
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>> this is really an attack or a political opponent that's all it is. >> jessica dean, cnn washington thanks for joining us. the news continues here on cnn it's tuesday, april 20. right now on cnn this morning, a hearing to determine whether donald trump violated his gag order yes. hush money trial set to begin in just hours the senate preparing to take up a foreign aid bill that could save ukraine and potentially sink tiktok and tensions rising on college campuses as pro-palestinian protests erupted across the country all right 5:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look at new york city on this tuesday morning, the sight of all today's political news. good morning, everyone. >> i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us
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in just a few hours. the judge in donald trump's hush money trial will hear arguments to determine whether the former president violated his gag order in the case prosecutors argue that trump has failed to comply with it at least ten times and just hours before the hearing, trump, once again tested the limits of the order, attacking witness michael cohen outside of court she got in trouble for were things that had nothing to do with me that in trouble. he went to jail. this had nothing to do with me under the order. trump is forbidden to talk about any witnesses are members of the jury violations could lead to reprimands fines, or even jail time. this comes as prosecutors call their the first witness, david trump's long friend and the former tabloid publisher testified under oath monday, the prosecutor you can tie them up as a key player in trump's catch and kill scheme to control the narrative during the 2016 election. he's
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expected to be back on the stand before lunch today with me now politics reporter for semaphores, shelby talcott. shelby. good morning. good to see you. in court yesterday. david did acknowledge checkbook journey bernal ism, so to speak. they also of course read the words that trump had when he infamously was caught on tape during me, it was an access hollywood tape, of course, a seminal moment in the 2016 election that prosecutors fought to have included in the testimony yesterday, what did we learn? burn as took the stand and what do we expect from him today? >> yeah. i think we're going to expect we can expect to see more details about this catch and this scheme that they essentially thought up, which involved a killing store phrase or allegedly killing stories and telling donald trump about negative stories that we're
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going to come out about him while also publishing favorable stories about the student to be president. and what i think is really interesting about this is this is clearly a key part of the prosecution's argument against donald trump. and so i'm curious to see how the defense ends up trying to discredit this this sort of key player, right? because they've not denied that all of this has the big thing that is that they have not denied that this has occurred. they've not they have not denied all of this i think it's going to be really interesting to see what the defense comes out. >> let's talk about the gag order for a second because there's a lot underneath this, a lot going on here. clearly we have focused a lot on the way the former president has talked about the judge& the judge is
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family, in particular, his daughter. they they had to expand the original version to cover some of that, but of course, trump has tried to turn this into a political issue, right? because he's saying, look, i'm running for president, you're not letting me talk. that's major problem. how do you see this hearing play out today? >> well, it's going be interesting to see what what exactly the judge determines as prosecutors are asking for. donald trump to be fine. $1,000 per gag order i think this is interesting because remember donald trump always does what he wants and it's very, it's been very different, difficult historically for him to not speak about witnesses and not speak about all of these things, even when local people are telling him this is really what he does to be clear, it would be much easier for trump's lawyers if you just didn't say anything. but that's not how donald trump operates. so what i'm looking for going forward is after this
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gag hearing order, does donald trump continue to make comments and sort of push the boundaries as to what he may be allowed to say or not be allowed to say if a feeling that he's going to continue to push the boundaries and that this is going to be consistent problem throughout this trial we did see some change in behavior when the other kind of example we have here was the civil fraud trial where the judge did start throwing punished twins, adam, he started finding him for what he was doing. >> this being a criminal trial, the stakes are higher and the potential punishments are potentially different. i'm not sure that there's any expectation that trump will be thrown in jail over this. i mean, do you think giving him consequences potentially affects this? >> potentially, but i guess it depends on what the consequences are, right? because if the consequences are a few thousand dollars and the stern warning, does donald
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trump then think, okay, it can continue to get away with this. on the other hand, as you said, there's not really the expectation there is the possibility that he could be jailed for this is that likely going to happen when i talk to legal experts, they say no so yeah, we we don't really know and how donald trump takes these. is he going to take this as sort of more of an art, more bolster for his argument that this is all politically motivated. i think that's probably likely. and so does this stop him from continuing on will face. and of course, there are all of the heard what he had to say. there are about michael cohen questions around around that as we are going to start to i'm sure battle again about the credibility of michael cohen in this case, shelby target some four. thank you for being here. i really appreciate it i come the next year, the senate preparing to vote on that foreign aid bill that could also trigger an effective ban on tiktok. plus
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pro-palestinian protests erupting on college campuses across the country and the city of baltimore suing the owner of the cargo ship that took that crashed into the key bridge skin craving. next level hydrations, new neutrogena, hydro boost, water cream, of vital boost of nine times more hydration could boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin. that's full of life neutrogena hydro boost not flossing well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is five times more effective than plus ev, reducing plaque above
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should start debate on the bill today a final vote expected on wednesday, that vote could also determine the fate of tiktok in the after house republicans put in a ban on tiktok into this foreign aid package. senators could try to strip the tiktok legislation out, but it is considered unlikely at this point, cnn's clare sebastian joins us live from london and marc stewart is with us in beijing. clair, let me start with you on zelenskyy and his meeting with this congressional delegation. what has he been saying about look the money is out the door now, but there was a significant delay and it absolutely affected how they were able to conduct this war yeah, i think there's a sort of a fine line in a sense for president zelenskyy casey because on the one hand, he has been showing this fulsome gratitude and praise for us leadership in the war, but also using this this is really a call to action to urge greatest speed really every moment
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matters for ukraine right now, but i think the optics of this visit by this bipartisan congressional delegation were important showing to ukraine, but also crucially, i think to russia as well that there is this long term bipartisan support for ukraine still in the, we see clear signs on the battlefield recently russia has been betting against that. >> and i think a moment that really exemplifies those upticks was this very, very symbolic gift given to president zelenskyy by a republican democratic congressman, rather a bill keating from massachusetts. take a look this is the official town of the yes, i see for the supplemental aid. >> yes. >> look at that 73%? yes. >> thank you so much. >> so it's a big moment, obviously that vert parsing, but this is also a very vulnerable moment for ukraine overnight, the air force seven to shoot down some 15 attack drones. there are parts of the frontline that they're struggling to hold. we see the second city of kharkiv and the relentless bombardment this
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morning, picking up the pieces after it's tv tower was topple pulled into russian missile attack on monday, kasie yeah. >> really interesting moment there. that's sort of underscores the degree of support here in the, but also reminds us that the political system here is such that the will of that 73% is not necessarily what actually bleed plays out. marc stewart, let me ask you about the tiktok question here, because they did put in this effective band and basic would force bytedance to sell tiktok if they want to keep operating here in the i'm curious what the view is from where you sit in china, how do they view this and i guess how antagonistic do they think this is well, i was talking to one of my sources who is very well-versed in tech and the
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politics with china. >> and as he told me, this is really a moment of truth, for beijing and if you look at the current discussion that we have heard from beijing this is not something that the chinese government is keen on. this idea of having to take orders from us lawmakers to sell off this component of this larger accompany. otherwise known as bytedance. so we will likely see resistance if this goes forward for it as expected, legal challenges are almost a foregone conclusion. and this is such a complicated sale. this is not like going to the store and buy a gallon of milk or a candy bar. if we look at tiktok, its value, among other things, is it's out good rhythm. this electronic digital tool to know exactly what we want to see and it's something that tiktok may not want to
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part with. so that is why this is so complicated and it's one of many reasons why we are going to hear a lot of resistance from beijing. in addition, casey to what we've already heard over the last few weeks and months, really interesting, right? >> clare sebastian, marc stewart, up for us this morning. thanks to both of you all right. >> coming up next here in just a few hours, prosecutors will argue that donald trump has repeatedly violated the gag order imposed in his criminal hush money case, plus the city of baltimore suing the owner and operator of the cargo ship that rams the key bridge last month. last month so this the playoffs. >> great teammates trust each other. we're going to do a trust balls, stand up, trust what you sent me up doc told him he was a dummy oh, yeah. >> meir's ticket from your inner child, what you really need life is some freakin
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>> 20 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. columbia university shifting to hybrid classes until the end of the semester, it comes as tense path pro-palestinian protests protests have prompted safety concerns for students at nyu, several students and faculty members were arrested monday night at a campus protests. there ten crew members were killed after two malaysian navy helicopters collided in mid air during a military parade reversal local media so slows, choppers were flying in formation when one clipped another's rotor i miss declared in the case of an arizona rancher who shot and killed an unarmed migrant on his property. the jury, unable to reach a verdict. it's going to be up to the santa cruz county attorney to decide if george allen kelly will face a new trial? the city of baltimore is suing the owner and manager of the cargo ship that crashed into the key bridge, they accused the company of negligence for hiring a quote in competent crew that lacked proper skill
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and training our time now for whether a freeze warning for parts of the east along the i95 corridor that includes us here in dc, philadelphia and boston. and we can see some severe storms in the heart of tornado valley running from oklahoma to texas later on in the week are weatherman van dam is tracking all of it for us. derek. good morning to you. what do you see in good morning, casey and i was talking to our wonderful producer off air during the commercial break and he said, hey, how's your tuesday go? and i said it's pretty chill and he said literate literally or figuratively, and i said, oh, i see what you're doing there job today i'm picking up what you thrown down. good one look, this this is why we have 40 million people that are under this freeze alert or frost alerts, frost advisory, i should say, and it encompasses large populations, but anywhere from the hudson valley southward into portions of new jersey, south eastern section of pennsylvania you can see the freeze warnings.
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>> that means that locations there have either flirted with that freezing marker dropped below it. so of course that's for sensitive plants very very difficult conditions, but most locations above freezing, that's why we have the frost advisory. you don't necessarily need freezing weather to have frost on your plants. but look at these temperatures and they're gonna get back better from here. and i say that with all confidence because where we're located, 75 and atlanta, that to me for weatherman or a meteorologists, that as a picture perfect tuesday in my opinion, partly cloudy skies for much of the east coast. this is high pressure giving us the clear skies. so a lot of radiation cooling at night, that's why we have the cool temperatures, rain and storms across portions of the great lakes. my home state, grand rapids, michigan, getting some rain right now, maybe hail and damaging winds with some of the thunderstorms that pass through. but let me focus your attention a little further south where the storm prediction center just updated this location between wichita falls, abilene in east of lubbock? that's an area where we have a slight risk of severe storms. all thanks to the cold front clipping that particular
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location. and then we focus our attention towards thursday and friday. this is tornado alley, not tornado valley. and that's located across the nation's heartland heads-up, oklahoma city, wichita falls damaging winds and tornadoes possible for the second half of this week, kasie. >> all right. >> weather, man. derrick. thank you thank you very much. >> i'll see you next hour. all right. up next here. a hearing and just hours to determine whether donald trump violated the judge's gag order in his hush money as plus college students have free to attend classes as campus protests spread across the country the sinking of the titanic, how really happen? >> especially to our premiere sunday at nine on cnn, rsv is out there for those 60 years and older, protect against rsv with a wreck ps50, a rx is a
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changing. take care of it with gold ponds, age, renew formulation i've seven moisturizers and three vitamins for all your skin's cold bond. i'm sunlen serfaty in washington, and this is cnn all right, a live look at new orleans, louisiana on this tuesday morning because why not? >> good morning to you. thanks for being with us and kasie hunt in just a few hours a hearing to determine whether donald trump violated his gag order is going to kick off trump's de in court. prosecutors claim that he violated the order at least ten times on social media& an articles posted on his campaign website. the gag order is supposed to stop trump from talking about witnesses in the case. but the former president couldn't resist attacking former fixer, michael cohen after court adjourned yesterday and what are they going to look at all the lives that in the
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last trial court lying in the last trial. so he got caught lying pure and what are they going to look at that? >> okay the prosecution has asked the judge to fine trump for each alleged violation, joining me now cnn legal analyst joey jackson a joint good morning to you. i really am interested to know how you think the judge is going to handle this today. i mean, what are the options on in a table and what are the differences between there are a number of instances where trump did this. obviously know he was had gone after the judge's a family, you saw in there go after michael cohen directly. he's of course, making the argument. well, this is a political and it's limiting my speech. he's, he's comparing it to the election as well. do you think he's going to be held accountable for any of it i hope so, casey, good morning to you. >> so this is very significant
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and it's certainly is a challenge for the judge. and i think the judge wants the set the tenor and the tone the trial just began, and i think that the judge will be conserved burned rightfully about the nature of the water, the purpose of the order, and whether mr. trump is following it. remember, this is just not the judge imposing a gag order. kasie, because he feels like it and thinks he has the power to do it. this is about the protection and integrity of the process. but more importantly about the protection and safety the participants, witnesses matter, not only because they give relevant information to the case, but because of public intimidation. look at the climate of the times and you have a bully pulpit like mr. trump has, and people who might be motivated to action someone can get hurt. and so i think that it has to be followed but what can the judge do? i think the judge can a admonished mr. trump and say, listen, i'm gonna give you a one last opportunity to comply with what the protocols are. you know
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what my gag order says. you know what, you can't do don't do it, sir. the second option would be to go through all of the facts relating to the alleged violations of the gag order. kasie and in doing that to assess finds appropriate to each violation. the third order of business would be a heavy-handed order, but it might be that the judge says, you know, what, spend a few hours in the back there, just a few hours? course. that you can understand the dynamic and the significance of this. and so i think in the final analysis, the judge wants to balance not be overly heavily handed, but really, let the former president know that this is not a game. you're running for election. i get it, but i haven't integrity of the process to protect and people's lives to protect. so just stop. and so what the judge here does, we'll set the tenor and tone moving forward for how mr. trump bo react or how he will not you actually
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think it's a realistic possibility that the judge might detain trump for some period of time so he has the issue, casey, i think ultimately we get there, whether we get there predicated upon two days hearing because of the numerous violations, perhaps not perhaps that would be overly heavily handed at this point, but i think there comes a time that if we're going to accept the notion that everyone's above the law. >> the judges not saying okay, politically that'd be great for trump. i'll do that. his supporters will go go crazy, say, hey, this case compared to the others, is not that significant. he's our guy. it'll motivated it is based the judge's not thinking about trump's base. the judge is thinking about how do we conduct this trial without someone being injured, harmed, or killed. and if the president is irresponsible with his rhetoric, what is that going to do to the process? i think at some point the judge has to entertain that as somewhat of a
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possibility with that now regard to the political fallout around vacations, but with exclusive regard to how it is that you protect the process. >> fair enough. interesting, joy. what did you make of the opening statements in the beginning of the testimony that we saw play out yesterday i think i was interested in how the prosecution in particular was talking about how this related to the election, partly because the case is around then the cover up around what they did, right. not about the original the original actions yeah. >> that's so true. i think what the challenge of the prosecutor is kasie is to really tailor this and the activities of the fraud to some broader motivation, right? why was this whole fraudulent scheme with respect to dummy invoices? and reimbursement checks and false ledgers. what did that apply to that? of
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course, as we know in and of itself, yet to the misdemeanor, you only flip to the felony when you establish that you engage in violations of business records for some larger purpose, for some intent to conceal. and so i think by talking about the cover up, by talking about the conspiracy, the prosecutor was trying to get there to the felony by saying the president was involved in election interference. i think we'll hear more about that factually. of course, the president, former president for their part, the defense was saying election interference. we're having election at that time. as a, result, and this time, but as a result of that, of course, he's going to have something to say about the election. it's democracy. and with respect to non-disclosure agreements, they happen every single day. what are we talking about? what i thought was interesting is him saying will trump didn't know anything that was going on. trump wasn't involved. the only issue with that, of course, is that trump's signed checks from his own account. how that's going to be explained is calling to be a challenge, but we're going
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to see very shortly how they did the team will do so all right. joey jackson for us, joy, love having you. >> i know you've been working a lot of long days, so thanks for being with us this morning. i appreciate it always. >> kasie all right. >> donald trump publicly supporting mike johnson as the house speaker faces more threats from republican hardliners to fire him effectively johnson is under fire over his $95 billion foreign aid package. he had to rely on democrats to get it through the house, but he did put it on the floor. johnson has been also receiving support from many republicans, like one congressman who says corps members of the freedom caucus are part of a quote high school reality show matt gaetz is a bully chip roy's a bully. >> bob good's a bully and the only way to stop a bully is to push back hard. the vast majority of majority is second tired of these high-school antics. it's time for these people to start trying to
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legislate and stop trying to be popular all right, joining me now, a dc correspondent for the nevada independent, gabby beer and bomb gabby. >> good morning to you. thank you for being here. some capitol hill fashion right there from congressman van orden but let's talk about what he had to say. >> there. >> i know you were up on the hill well, all we can kind of covering this there does seem to be this revolt of the moderates that has been playing out. >> that said, they may not be able to stop the freedom caucus from ultimately trying to oust mike johnson. how do you see trump's support for johnson playing into this? and what's next for him? >> yeah, i mean i think what's interesting is the opponents of speaker johnson are beyond trump at this point, they've gone out ahead of him. people like bob good, the chairman of the freeman freedom caucus. he hasn't declared a support yet for the motion to vacate, but that's someone who didn't even support trump, right? in the presidential primary, who's some allies are trying to take down and his own congressional
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primary thank, you see that whether or not trump's support speaker johnson, we've seen he does. he understand how narrow the majority is and they can't get everything they want. they can't get most things they want based on how the members of the far-right are acting. i think trump's support to them. it's not the most important point. i think they're apoplectic over what johnson did here what do. you think marjorie taylor greene does next i mean, that's the question of the de the question of the week. >> she said she wants to take this recess week. let numbers hear about it from their constituents. she's been doing all types of all types of media heads talking about how upset she is. i think the calculus and right now, right they have three people who say they would support the motion to vacate. that's enough. if democrats don't step in i think there's plenty of reason to believe democrats might step in and given that there speaker johnson just did them a solid with the ukraine aid did exactly what they've been calling for him to do. but i think for some members of the right, even though they might be upset over what johnson did, they have to make the political calculus of if we now depose johnson, if we take down a second speaker, who are we
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going to end up with? i think there is some fear that it might be a steve scalise or a tom emmer who are members of the leadership team who were members of mccarthy's leadership team, who they still have that distrust for, that, i think there is some recognition amongst some members that mike johnson might be the most conservative member. they're able to get. who is working with at this point, uh, one seat majority there, are things that are just infeasible. >> yeah. i mean, it's i'll save the cliches, but they're there are i have real questions about what they think they're getting stepped right yeah. so the johnson's move has generated a lot of positive headlines form. i'm in the atlantic called said the accidental speaker. what if mike johnson is actually good at this i mean, what are you hearing on the hill and and how do you understand how people are thinking about johnson now? because i'm going into this, there were a lot of questions raised about his lack of experience as seeming unwillingness to move quickly on this kind of thing. >> but now it seems to have
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shifted. yeah. i mean, i think as much as the most outspoken and far-right elements of the republican conference are upset. i think he's also gave himself plenty of respect, not just among democrats, which we mentioned, but among some of the more institutional list reagan era, bush era republicans that still remain in the conference. and who are important people, michael mccaul, the chairman of the foreign affairs committee, tom cole, who's now the chairman of appropriations. these are sort of longtime institutionalist republicans. who i think has been really pleased to see johnson step up in this way for ukraine aid, i think his own journey on this has fascinating going from this backbencher to voted against ukraine assistance at every opportunity to now being the person who put it on the floor and the person who allowed this after it passes the senate to get to the president's desk. and so i think the most consequential result of this, it might be that marjorie taylor brings a motion to vacate, but it might also be that this is the move that gave him the respective a conference that i think in many waves found him previously to have been relatively ineffective and indecisive seems to have answered the call
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of history. >> all right. gary bear and bomb. thank you very much for being with us. i really appreciate it. >> i come up next here. donald trump's legal strategy. it can his lawyers convinced jurors there's nothing wrong with trying to influence in an election. plus a miracle comeback by the new york knicks. that's coming up and bleacher report not flossing. well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is five times more effective than floss and reducing class above the gun i'm line for a cleaner, healthier mouth this three feel the wo i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms defined emerge as, you with trump via most people saw 90% clear skin eye four months. and the majority stayed clearer at five years. >> shubi is allergic reactions may occur, can fire may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to emerge as you emerged, trim fireball
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2:46 am >> imprint for certain the white house correspondents dinner, live saturday at seven eastern on cnn. what's the greatest invention of all time, new hands-free sketch are slipping. you just slip in and they're on. it's like they have an invisible we'll built-in shoe horn so your foot and slides into place hands-free sketch your slip is closed captioning brought to you by skechers hands-free slip ends welcome back. >> we are just hours from donald trump's hush money trial resuming in new york city prosecutors and trump's attorneys delivered opening statements yesterday and we saw the first witness, former national enquirer publisher, david, called to the stand. >> the manhattan da's office framed the case as illegal hush money payments to try to influence the 2016 election. >> while trump's team denied he had anything to do with the transactions former president air, his grievances following day one, both outside the courtroom and on social media
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that's yogi was pick so fast, 95% democrats the areas, mostly all democrat. >> you think of it as just a purely democrat area? its a very unfair situation that i can tell you. >> they take this payment and they call it a legal expenses. as you heard it today for the first time, this is what i got indicted this is what took me off and takes me off. they campaign trail because i shouldn't be in georgia now i should be in florida though. i should be a lot of different places right now, campaign i'm sitting here all right. >> joining me now to break down day one of the trial, former trump white house lawyer, jim schultz mr. schultz, thank you so much for being here. >> my pleasure. >> so let me ask you about this gag order question first, because that's what we're going to hear at the beginning of the day today. they're going to consider that before the actual trial itself resumes that the wall street journal has this as
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their top editorial today and they sort of tease out this question about the differences among the various groups of people that trump is not supposed to talk about. and they do point out that the jury pool in particular is a group of americans who are otherwise anonymous and who potentially face significant consequences and changes to their lives if donald trump trump is there attacking them on a regular basis, they distinguish that from michael cohen, who of course, went to prison, is out there criticizing donald trump regularly and they raise the question of like, well if colin's out there doing that shouldn't trump be able to also attack cohen without running afoul of the trial. i'm curious it's how you think the judge might consider these differences. and if you see distinctions really hard for the judge to be a referee in this one, right? when you have a witness in the case, who is constantly coming after the defendant in the case on twitter, they're trading
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barbs, they're going to continue to trade barbs. and i don't think there's much the judge can do about it. the judge can find former president trump. he can admonish them. he could do a lot of different things. you could probably even throw him in jail, but he's not going to. so where's the teeth and i don't think there is a whole lot of teeth here. now, i think the judge will go out of his way. i think that's the wall street journal's right to protect the jurors in this case, to protect those people that are sitting in that box that have to listen to this day in and day out. and it's probably not a good idea for the former president to be going after that jury pool at this point because i do think you've a pretty good shake in terms of the demographics and other things that kinda built out that jury i think he's getting a pretty fair shake there. >> do you think he violated the gag order with that clip we played that interview. he did where he said, well, 95% of these people are democrats and he is out there talking about them. it should he be barred from doing that? >> i think the judge is going to think so. right. i think we've got just going to go by
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the way, the prosecutors on that one, largely because he's mentioning the jury pool, he could be the jurors have to go in and out of that courtroom every day. him saying, look, they're 95% democrat, they're not gonna be fair. that isn't a good way to try to sway the jury free to go your way at the end of the day and it's not a good way to get on it's a good way to get on the bad side of the judge. >> really interesting. so jim, what did you make of the way the prosecutors laid out their argument and the counter argument from the defense where they said, well, this is democracy influencing election as an ally section is democracy so i think their theory of the case, if you will, is that this, these payments were made to cover up to cover it up is to influence the outcome of this election. >> that seems to be their theory of the case. the problem with that theory is there has to be an underlying prime there and politicians try to hide
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their pasts all the time and they don't get charged with crimes for it. so what are the crimes here that the prosecution is going to say there are tax issues, there are federal campaign finance issues that all went into this, except that he was never charged with those crimes. so that makes the hurdle that much tayr for the prosecutor in that particular instance, the defense on the other side is going to say donald trump had nothing to do with the recording of these business records. he may have sayyed the checks. his name may appear on the checks, but donald trump isn't a person who does bookkeeping. so that was someone else's responsibility. he said, just go figure it out is what they're probably going to say. at trial. and the he had no knowledge of these things being recorded. and therefore, he should be acquitted is going to be their argument so you were obviously part of the uv. >> you've been part of a legal team that was supporting the former president. it's time he was i president of the united states. there have been these questions around whether or not he's going to take the stand
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and testify in his own defense he of course, has been out there saying sure, i'll do that. we were talking about this yesterday as if someone asks him well, are you man enough to show up in testify then of course donald trump is going to say yes to that, but from a legal perspective, i is that at all the right or smart thing to do and kind of take us inside what it's like to try to convince donald trump as a client to do anything so i served in the white house counsel's office on behalf of the governor government united states. i've never represent the president is private capacity in any of his legal teams. sure. that being said, i think we can all his lawyers look at this and say it's probably not a good idea for him to testify because what they're going to be able to cross-examine him, the bad acts or prior conduct that they're going to use to be able to what we call impeaching his testimony, which is discrediting his testimony, could be dangerous for him in
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the eyes of the jury. and that's what you had this whole hearing yesterday about where they're going to allow some of the testimony from the e. jean carroll case. they're going to allow the well, it's clear early on the judge was going to allow the billy bush tape, not the tape itself. they can't hear the tape, but they can hear the transcript of the tape. there are certain things that are going to be able to come in and impeachment of his testimony that are going to be bad for him. and the president always says he wants to testify, right? that's that's what he does time and time again. it's gonna be up he's going to have to have a real hard look with his lawyers and see how this trial goes and how well they're able to discredit the testimony of the prosecution's witnesses, namely michael cohen all it comes back to michael cohen. >> jim schultz. i thank you very much for joining us this morning. i really appreciate it. i hope you come back soon thank you all right. time now for spore, it's a wild buzzer beater, a capsule, 20 point comeback for the defending nba
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champion nuggets over lebron james and the lakers. caroline nano has all the plan of action in this morning's bleacher report, caroline, good morning. >> kasie. good morning. well, if you went to bed early, like many people did probably watching us at this hour, you missed an absolute thriller in a few of these playoff games actually, it was a wild night and sports the lakers were in control for most of last night's game to against the nuggets, they were actually up like 20 in the third quarter, but denver just kept chipping away & shipping away. thanks in large parts of jamal murray after missing 13 of his first 16, you have 14 of his 20 points in the fourth porter and none of them bigger than a step back fadeaway jumper over anthony davis at the buzzer to give his seem to one-on-one 99 when and, uh, too nothing seriously. so the nuggets have one ten straight games against the lakers as they head to la for gave three on thursday october tv show imam it looks for you. >> i'm looking for you can every single one of them told me to keep shooting. i had the ball of two seconds left and i knew once i made a couple the next one should go down as
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well. i'm thankful that i was one of the few that went down from can you take us through that last play and just what happened, what unfolded, what was i don't know if you were screened or what happened that last play your mom are later sought it's playoff time, no shortage of drama in the sixers knicks game at madison square garden, new york was down by five and the final third three seconds before one of the most incredible comeback in playoff history. jalen brunson, three-pointer from the corner of bouncing on the rim, falling in cutting into two and then josh heart would still some tyrese maxie would get the ball back for the next donte divincenzo missing a three for the lead, the nixon grabbed the rebound, eventually get the ball back in his sands. and this time he connects to give new york the advantage they would hold on to win this game, 1041 one, but the plot would thicken here. philly coach nick nurse said he was trying to call a time-out before the sixth or is in bounded the ball, but says that his request when unanswered by the officials i call time-out
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referee looked right at me, ignored me what ended diaries, i can call time-out again note may lay started and yeah. i mean i'm so i got to run out onto the floor or do something to make sure and get his attention three more games on the schedule tonight, phoenix and minnesota getting things started at 7:30 eastern on our sister channel tnt, the pacers are in milwaukee, the mavericks and the clippers have the nightcap at ten. >> you can catch that one on tnt two, so it was a crazy night and nhl as well. i mean, the islanders blue, a three, nothing lead ended up losing in the third period. i couldn't believe it when woke up this morning, i'm trying to keep tabs on everything, but the plebs have been good so far. >> never dull moment. all right. carolyn, amanda, for us. thank you very much. coming up next here. new details about promises, pardons in donald trump's classified documents
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