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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  April 23, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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progress laura coates live next on cnn closed captioning is brought to you by skechers. go walk pants skechers go won pants are breathable and flexible with a comfy, soft feel. >> plus they have front and rear pockets, including a hidden zip security bucket, dry skin the entrez affordable. go walk pants donald trump's eyes and ears open, his mouth, and man oh man. >> did he have a lot to say? okay, we'll take you inside david pecker is testimony. the catch and kill scheme at the heart of this trial, and the gag order that donald trump may have just violated. >> again, tonight i'm laura coates live all right. >> david pecker took this stan for now, a second day today, he took the jury inside the august 2015 trump tower meeting with trump and michael cohen. now that was two months after donald trump came down, that
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escalator and announced that he was going to run for the white house when pecker testifies, of course, he says that's when the catch and kill scheme began. >> it goes inside the room where all of it happened, say quote, at that meeting, donald trump and michael cohen, they asked me, what can i do and what my magazines could do to help the campaign. >> and then tabloid boss said there was quite a lot he could actually do, quote, i said, what i would do is i would run or published positive stories hi, mr. trump, and i would publish negative stories about his opponents. i said i would be your ears and eyes, and boy, was he ever publishing completely unsubstantiated? and i'm being nice here when i say unsubstantiated stories among them claimed that ted cruz and mr. or there's father was linked to jfk his assassination, even the dr. ben carson left a sponge in a patient's brain. now those stories their outrageous and in escaped precisely no one's notice that they were all
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coincidentally about trump's rawls the prosecution asking, why were you running in the story is about marco rubio and ted cruz? who's and ben carson while pecker's response, after the republican debates, and based on this of some of the other candidates i would receive a call from michael cohen and he would direct me and direct dylan howard. that was pecker's right-hand man. on which candidate and which direction we should go. that's how the problem sas happened. now, stuff like that is bound to grab your attention at the checkout land, the grocery store, let's not forget that prosecutors have got to grab the attention of the jury. they've got to try and prove that trump conspired to interfere the 2016 election and falsified business records to conceal all of it. so follow along with me here about the plan. here about a bad story about trump paid the person not to tell it to anyone. is doing bad about a political rival. print it. >> i mean, anything here about an extramarital affair,
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allegation. well, then the instructions were quite clear. according david pecker, again, i said that anything that i hear in the marketplace, if i hear anything negative about yourself or if i hear anything about women selling stories, i would notify michael cohen as i did over the last several years, i would notify michael cohen and then he'd be able to have them kill in another magazine or have them not be published, or somebody would have to purchase them. so where is donald trump in all this? the actual defendant in this case, quote here was the question, did he ever tell you whether he had shared these headlines with the quote, unquote, boss prior to their publication he responded, i don't recollect that no quote. you said the michael cohen would call you periodically and say, we would like you to run a negative story about this political opponent or that political opponent, that correct? >> yes. he said, who did you understand we to be referring to? pecker said michael cohen
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always told me he was not part of the campaign, so i only assume but he was talking to mr. trump that all going to be enough and starting to tell this story for a jury will joining me now, senior political correspondent for the wall street journal, molly ball former january 6 committee, investigative counsel, market get childress and former trump attorney tim parlatore now, tim, i start with you here. think about i always think about trial in terms of a jigsaw puzzle of sorts. what do i need from each particular witness to make this story cell to a jury to persuade them talking about david pecker. you think about this as a puzzle of sorts. what is the prosecution need to share and prove? well, pecker's in the center gets talking about a catch and kill as a bit of a pattern that it had a connection to the actual campaign. but we don't know the last two pieces yet whether trump game gave direct are not just intimations, innuendos it also was he aware there was a cook the books sort of scheme here are those two things have
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not been talked about fulsomely. but what's your big takeaway from pecker his testimony so far has he made me dense i mean, i think he's definitely setting the scene here. >> he definitely gives you know, kind of the background of what they were trying to do at the time and he's trying to bolster some of the things that michael cohen is going to say when he gets up later. and i think that that's a big part of this is to take some of the sting out so that when michael cohen gets up, some of the first things that he'll say are things that the jury is actually already heard from somebody that is more believable. so that might tend to give her some credibility that's an important point. >> i think that's i think that's how they're starting it off and ultimately is that going to be effective? we'll say the big thing i think everyone remembers, michael cohen is talked about donald trump in the past is that he doesn't give explicit orders. >> he doesn't say marcus, i want you to we do a, b, and c and then tell me d, e, and f. it's innuendo, it's information, it's you're supposed to understand. i
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guess, telepathy, what i really want you to do, kind of mob saw people think, keep talking about it. here. >> tracker testified though that trump was a micromanager of sorts that he was knowledgeable. >> he was detail oriented, and then he also signed in which sign checks and saw invoices. >> does that help to get you closer to trump being involved? >> that testimony stood out to me tremendously, actually, because it showed that trump is involved in the details. so this isn't just a negligence of the books. this isn't a negligence of how you're keeping the records over the payments are going because trump is micro-managing and looking at the checks when he's going from an early stage, it sounds like from david pecker understood. that's the way trump was at all times. so i think it's not direct evidence per say, but it is circuit circumstantial evidence of trump's personality, the way he carries himself in, the way he manages others to that point, you just made because sometimes his orders may not be explicit or expressed, but when it comes to the finances so he has his eyes on where the money is going you've card politics a long time and you very well remember the 2016 election. and if you
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wanted to talk to donald trump, you really had to go to michael cohen. he was the gatekeeper. he was known as the fixer. but here we're salvaging testimony from david pecker that he was the point he was to run point based on donald trump. and there's a moment when pecker testified that when word got he got word of the karen mcdougal story. trump called pecker. >> and pecker tried to convince trump to buy the story, but then trump said this mali anytime you do anything like this, it always gets out. >> let me think about it and i'll have michael cohen call you back in a few days. what does that tell you well, it certainly is. >> you're saying fits with what we all experienced when we were covering this campaign. and despite the turn, he's taken now, michael cohen was fanatically loyal to the man he always referred to as mr. trump. and we knew that he was always out there defending his reputation, i think to marcus is point this fits with what we know oh, about how meticulously trump pays attention to his image in the media, right? he, right. while this trial was
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going on, he's tweeting about the details of the way he's being covered in the new york times. so to this day, i think it's very much fits with what we know about how donald trump has always very carefully managed perceptions of himself, always very carefully monitored the media coverage of himself. but it's wild to actually get this behind the scenes glimpse, right? because if you are covering this campaign, you saw these headlines come out in the national enquirer or are you sort of went, wow, they really seem to like trump and they really seem to not like all these other guys. i wonder what's going on. and then back in 2018, wall street journal broke the story about the catch and kill scheme and the stormy daniels payment. but we have never heard it actually from pecker's mouth before& so to hear him talk about it, and to hear all the details in this firsthand way is really fascinating for anyone who sort of washed it from the outside. >> i said with here for a second because he's talking about but checkbook journalism. and obviously many bristle at the fact that this would be journalism. obviously there is
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in many ways a snobbery& about the way people view the inquire. and i understand the reasons for that we look at this many people may not realize the enquirer had their first publication like 1925 or 26, there was an appetite for the information whether it was truthful or not, having david pecker, though, sit up there and have that symbiotic relationship with trump. here across from him and spilling the t must have been quite a moment. >> well, is under oath. he has to write, but i would say i mean, i'm glad you brought that up because i do hope that people are not taking away from this, that this is how journalism work right? we in the regular media are not entering into schemes like this. we do not take payment, no publication. i've ever worked with worked for has ever function this way. i think a lot of people are very cynical about the media and they do believe that we are promoting candidates or trying to put down their rivals or making stuff up. i mean, you say substantiated, these were made up stories made up at a pretty
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nice about anyway, notice. i'm not being so nice because i do think it affects how everybody perceives the media. and i hope people really do know that this is how the national enquirer functions. this is not how the rest of the media functions, but to your point, this, this is a tabloid that has existed for a long time that has hat and that clearly had this cozy relationship with donald trump that far proceeded his candidacy for president. >> important to think about this, marcus, because it's all about the context, right? it wasn't just that they were killing unfavorable stories. they were also promoting stories that were against his political opponents, whether it's hillary clinton or marker room you or ted cruz, or even dr. ben carson they were a part of this whole thing. and so he also testified that it wasn't until that august 15 meeting that he began to do these catch and kills. >> the prosecution has got to establish what from those dates and connection that the whole purpose was for the campaign i think that's gonna be an important. >> they have to show going back to what tim is talking about, about setting the scene here.
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this is all about the election, right? and that's because it's a critical point of concealing a crime, whether it be federal or campaign finance laws or new york election law. i think it's really important that the prosecution shows this entire conspiracy was all going towards the election and i think that the prosecution is doing it through david pecker now, i think every other witness is going to be reiterating this point about donald trump time on his image, being worried about his image heading into an election season. and so when you get to the closing argument of why did you falsify these business records? it's going to naturally hopefully fall in a place that it was four for the election& that concealing of a crime. will fit for the jury without having to make too much of a stretch. >> well, the documents are going to be important here, but a picture is worth 1,000 words and i've got six of them for you, tim, you've previous we then donald trump. look at this. i mean, here he is at different days during this was six days worth of him sitting in the courtroom, whether it's jury selection or otherwise is not to look at his ties, but it's looking at the demeanor and this is a former president
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who is, who wants me on the campaign trail. he says read a little bit for me what you think he's thinking. i mean, what is his demeanor like to you? having to sit not by choice in a criminal courtroom in manhattan? >> he's a guy used to be in the one standing up and making the speeches himself and the fact that he has to sit there all day, every day silently standing up whenever the judge tells him to stand up, sitting down with the judge tells him to sit down. and instead instead of being allowed to say anything, he has to have somebody like todd blanche do all the speaking forum. i think it's tearing him up that he can't be standing up there and doing it talking about the furious note writing. i mean, i've had some clients like that that when the prosecution is going on with their opening statement, they're handing me note after note after note saying that's a lie. that's not true. and that's exactly the kind of thing that think about how he was in the debates back in 2016 when people were saying
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things making the face is cutting them off wrong. and all that kinda stuff this is i think mentally torturing him, that he has to sit there and go through this. >> you have to wonder how the jury is seeing each of those notes, and you better believe that they're studying this person, that most of them probably never seen in person. i mean, it is the former president i had stayed within feet of jurors who are going to died. his elise criminal fate in this context, molly marquez, tim, please stick around david pecker today also described how the paper once paid a man 30,000 bucks. the silence or false installation story. his name was dino sajudin and he was a manhattan doorman. the tip he apparently had the trump i had fathered a child out of wedlock. now, pecker turn to face a today and told them this was completely false. >> and then was asked this question and i'm quoting now from the transcripts, here was the question why are you paying $30,000 for an untrue story?
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>> was answer was because the articles say at the story got out to another publication or another media outlet, it would have been very embarrassing to the campaign. the question, so this was a way to lock it up that's correct now, pecker also went on to discuss how the catch and kill scheme was beneficial to his own bottom line, telling the jury that publishing positive stories about trump and of course negative ones about his opponents would actually boost their newsstand sales for more on the inner workings of a tabloid. tony brenna, he's a journalist who worked at the national enquirer for 18 years. he's also the author of honey trap, a book about the world of tabloid journalism. thank you so much for being here. i'm really interested to see what you made of all of this testimony today because this was frankly, the first time we're billie hearing about catch and kill from david pecker himself in your opinion, did his testimony track with how the enquirer operated under his reign?
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>> did indeed, it was surprisingly honest. i was quite surprised that he was so forthcoming when he, talked about this catch and scale as its catch and kill, excuse me, as as a broader scheme. this was not the first time you'd ever heard of caching kills happening. it was this. he was talking about donald trump, but it was pretty routine. i understand from his testimony to have people come to them with stories they would pay them not to publish it and they would decide what they wanted to do with the rights was that a common practice no, it wasn't the common practice. >> in my time, the early time most of the time that i worked for the national enquirer it was something that tone often david bader became the chief executive when you were hearing about the relationship between david pecker and donald trump
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on the stand today, were you familiar with their relationship? >> and the way in which it was scratch my back. i'll scratch yours they had been friends for like 20 years and their relationship has been very, very twice each was using the these two men are very similar in personality and character in my judgment. >> and it did not surprise me at all that they that they have figured but like this particularly when trump was running for president and of course pack b. an extraordinary, ambitious, and vein man could see the opportunity that was there for, commit once trump was the winehouse so it's not surprising at all he described something of a very shrewd sort of business calculation to
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think, if you're in the white house and i can get you there, then possibly it could a nerd in my benefit, i do wonder what was pecker like during his time at the enquirer because there's a lot made about the type of headlines and cover pages that came out. >> now, the enquirer itself is not on trial but this particular witness has got to ring true and credible to a jury. even key would be someone that jury would find credible in-person he is coming off a very, very calmly and in controls himself until on his fourth. actually, as he was given to screaming rages and bullying staff& not lead the work for i wonder if that will be elicited through testimony. >> certainly he has not displayed any of those qualities today, but we do have a cross-examination ahead and i do wonder how hill fair tony brenna thank you so much for joining up next y and angry,
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judge, told donald trump's attorney, you are losing all credibility and how trump is testing the limits of ag-gag water, even tonight, here's a hint of who hit might be his target get rhymes with baikal, bowen. can you guess? >> i bet you can you're calling some people find there's at an early age. others later in life no matter.
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cohen is a convicted liar and he's got no credibility whatsoever. >> he was a lawyer and you rely on your lawyers well, as sources tell cnn secret service court officers and new york city corrections department officials are apparently discussing what to do if trump ends up being jailed for contempt of court. >> molly ball, market shoulders and tim predatory are back with me right now. so tim, this question is not rhetorical, but i don't blame you, can't actually answer it. why would trump continue to go after cohen knowing that you've got the judge not too pleased, exasperated different points with a clear order. they're calling ambiguous and he's saying what was unclear about my order that you can't do this i don't think that the orders ambiguous. i mean, i don't you know, we were talking about this before we came on. the only viable defense that i see is one that's not gonna work with this, judge. that is the scope of the order itself is
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unconstitutionally broad and i think that there may be some validity to that and we went to the appellate level well, so gag order serve an important purpose and they are to protect the integrity of the proceedings, to make sure nothing prejudice is either the jury or intimidates a witness from not showing up there is no rational basis to say, don't talk about michael cohen because michael cohen is out there tweeting constantly. there is nothing donald trump is going to say in any of these interviews, short of saying, hey michael, when you testify, we're going to kill you short of saying that he's not going to say anything that's going to intimidate michael cohen or in any way affect these proceedings. so i do think that there's an argument to be made that especially when michael cohen is out there, kind of inviting this through his own commentary that it is too broad. now, i don't think this judge is going to necessarily sit there and say, oh, you know what, you're right, you violated this order. and now i see that it's been too broad, so okay. i'm just going to
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pull the order back. then. i'm going to happen now. it's it's good maybe for an appeal but if the judge is going to put them straight into rikers island i don't think that the appeals court is going to deal with it quickly enough for the idea of what a punishment could possibly be. and again, we're waiting to hear what the judge actually is going to rule on this very issue the hearing was this morning and by the way, the allegations of violating it work from last week, he hasn't really been quick about resolving this moment. lets, you could ask maybe why there is that case. but he only can do with $1,000 fine per actual alleged violation obviously, you could step somebody back, meaning put them in jail until they actually are compliant. again, but once the more likely scenario, the fine and if so, that's not much of a deterrent for donald trump. >> i mean, i think what the prosecution's arguing for is the only realistic scenario here. they didn't ask for confinement, which i thought was pretty notable. they just asked for a $10,000 fine for a $1,000 per violation.
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>> why didn't they ask for dealing with the impracticality of it? >> i think i think that puts the court and i'm difficult position because of how logistically impractical it is right now. and i think the prosecution realizes that and they didn't want to put the judge in a tight spot and so they they talked about the max punishment of confining, but only asked for $1,000 per violation i think that was the main takeaway of the gag order argument today was just how tough it is to balance what tim was talking about not prejudicing or creating post that could put jurors in danger and then also what the court actually can do with donald trump because let it be known that if this were any other defendant, they would have been in pretrial how a long time ago. but this is a separate consideration when you have the former president and president like president trump, sitting in the courtroom and i think that's an obvious reality that we're seeing play out right now. >> are you suggesting that we don't have a two or we do have a tear to start this might be helping them out well that just
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as a. horse with different color as molly bring you into this very notion here because look, i mean, with the gag order, i trump's lawyers are saying, look, there was no willful violation, your honor, here, which i don't know how you want to gauge willful but the idea of donald trump, listening to the advice of counsel or listening to a judge that he has been antagonizing for weeks, if not months, on end when he believes look, i'm not just talking to you. 18 people, the 12 jurors and six alternates. i'm talking to the people who can get me to the number of 270 exactly. >> and that's the thing is that the jury is not his only audience here. the ultimate jury of his peers as the one that convenes on november 5. >> and that is what he has been saying is he is a political candidate and he has been arguing that he's being silenced& that this is unfair because he's got to make his argument to the public in the course of his political career campaign. >> and so when michael cohen is out there attacking him, michael cohen isn't just attacking, isn't attacking him at all for the benefit of the jury. he's attacking him
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politically and trump feels that he deserves to have a right to respond to that. so tim was talking earlier about how obviously annoyed trump is to be sitting there everything is about domination for him, right? i think he cannot stand to be under the thumb of a higher authority to have a judge who is in control and telling him when he can and can't speak and so i think on almost a visceral level, we've always seen him feel that he has to counter punch when anyone attacks him. even when he has been told, just right then at that minute, you cannot attack these people when they attack him, he's gotta do it and it's part as well as his political argument to show that he is the alpha dog and all of this, when compulsive, impulsive i as high as a prosecutor if i had one of my witnesses out there talking on truth, social, on twitter, i'm packing up michael cohen went else i would be wanting to muzzle them because it's just
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not going to end. well, there's opportunities for cross, there's moments that they could fall ter, there things that could build up the obvious ammunition of bias? yes. so i wonder how all of this is playing out. molly, marcus, tim, you still can't leave stick around we're also knowing that columbia now has set a midnight deadline to reach an agreement with pro-palestinian protesters, over dismantling in canada meant on campus, we've got a live report from the scene and about 30 minutes that deadline next the white now let's correspondents dinner, live saturday at seven eastern khan, cnn. when you buy or sell your car exactly how you want with car gurus you might begin to wonder what if you could do things your way all the time
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sinking of the titanic how would really happen, especially to our premier sunday at nine on cnn columbia university, is that a midnight deadline? just really minutes away to come to
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an agreement with a group of faculty and administrators over dismantling the protest encampment that is on campus. now the nypd says that is not been requested by columbia university to respond to campus at this time. i want to bring in isabel ramirez. she's editor in chief and president of the columbia spectator. isabella, thank you for joining. we've been intensely watching what's been happening on your campus but tell us what is happening on the campus right now, we're seeing a lot of movement right now. what's happening yes. >> so as you can see right here on between the two lawns, east and west lawn here is the site of the encampment i'm currently there are still dozens of students still situated on the encampment, but many, many others, dozens of others have shifted to what we call funneled lawn, which is a lawn front of the dormitory, funneled hall. >> and we're kind of getting reports from some of our sourcing that it is believed the students who are choosing to leave versus students who are choosing to stay are
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accepting a different level of risk so therefore, some of the students that are currently here at the encampment are, we're all kind of primed with this idea that potentially this might mean another nypd sweep, another intervention from the police department and so what we're kindly currently seeing, at least hearing is that the students that you see moving are not quite willing to be arrested or we'd like to stay involved and those who are saying in the encampment's, how are accepting the risk of the potential the potential of another suite are you hearing murmuring? >> is that nypd will be brought in to address those who are accepting the elevated level of risk currently it's just sort of murmurs. well, really what we're citing is should fix recent email from earlier, just a few hours ago. she used language that's it that she would use alternative options. are that the university would use alternative options to clear the encampment. and i think that like i mentioned before, every but he is kind of primed with this idea that the
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nypd might make an appearance. i'm actually hearing some chance that are erupting from the fertile long, although it's quite far away, i can still hear it from here. and they're mentioning a few chance about the nypd and also the national guard, even although that is sort of unconfirmed rather something that we've heard from a few politicians and a few other high-profile figures that have called for the national guard. although we have no confirmation as to what certain level that universities willing to take in terms of what these alternative options may mean, offer clearing this encampment. isabel, this deadline is midnight. it's about 24 minutes away. is there any insight? as to whether that deadline would actually result in an agreement being we've reached our current insight is no, we have some we've spoken with some negotiators, were prettyerin from the way that thehave been ottoman througho created, but also just the way tt this is a handout th there seems to very little room in terms of
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where are e university wants toeet the students and the stents wanto meet the university. >> it doesn't seem that of comprome, although in terms ything can happen in the next 20 minutes, oururrent insight is tt no oh, it doesn't seem that the two into the administrators and the students are going to come to a resolution probably in enough time, but certainly maybe not even at all considering just how this has panned out and how the students have been pretty adamant on their demands and very explicit with what they want to see from the university. >> isabel ramirez heathen president of the columbia spectator. thank you for your great reporting. something tells me, we're going to see a lot more of you in the future. >> well, columbia is one of several colleges grappling with the growing protest movement at nyu. >> officers cleared and encampment and arrested more than 130 protesters just last night. york city's mayor, eric adams says that outside agitators are disrupting the protests at both nyu and also
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columbia but camps or popping up ecologist from california all the way to connecticut, calling for universities to divest from the israeli government allege acts of violence have been reported at some protests and yale police are investigating after a jewish students said they pro-palestinian protester polk ter in the eye with the palestinian flag so our tartak filed a police report and was treated by a doctor. well, joining me now is gabriel diamond a senior at yale? he's a friend of sahara and attended the protest. also here at columbia university professor and former nsc director hagar chemali. thank you both for being here. we begin with you, hagar what is the mood like on campus with this impending midnight deadline? now, just really a few moments away well, it's increasingly tense. laura, it's all of us are sitting on edge a little bit as a professor, we had virtually, we're all virtual classes on
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monday and now we're supposed to be in a house i've read mode through the end of the year, which means that we're supposed to offer virtual opportunities for students who feel unsafe. >> and it's not fair. and that is the feeling among a lot of people that it's not fair for if you have group of protesters creating an unsafe environment for the rest of us to stay home and for them to be allowed to create that hostile environment that wouldn't be allowed in a workplace. and it shouldn't be allowed in a private institution or private campus. so things are very tense and especially with the fact that we're nearing commencement, and that is why you've got this midnight deadline tonight because they need to clear the lawn for the upcoming commencement what do you make of the colombia's president and her handling of vision, she resigned i personally don't believe she should resign i think that she's been dealing with an incredibly difficult issue here last week. >> she was dealing with when she invited the police to the campus. she was dealing with students who are breaking rules and breaking violation and she repeatedly, repeatedly told them to leave.& as whether
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you're on a campus or whether you're in a public park, there are rules for protests& for when and how you can do them and where. and if you're breaking those rules and there are consequences and i think that her goal right now to do this deadline and to dialogue and negotiate with the protesters with their organs. isar is an effort for her to try and say, listen, i want to work with you, but there are rules and there are other demands and needs and other students and other people here on campus if they need to respect gabriel, i want to turn to you as well because your friend says that she was assaulted at the protests happening at yale have you ever seen this before on your campus well, we've seen a number of protests in some sense similar to this. >> after october 7, but nothing like what we just recently saw for the weekend when i was there this weekend on saturday night, the first thing i saw as i walked up was to visibly
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jewish students both friends of mine, who are being targeted and cornered and clear these sort of pushed aside. they weren't being allowed to enter into the protests. all he wants to do is video them and then at one point, so har had wandered off. my phone died. i'd been following them around and recording them. the next thing i know she comes running out of the protests saying that her i had been messed up i hear they're after that she had been jobs in the eye with a palestinian flag pole. i mean, these protests are really gotten out of hand. the just the night before that, the protesters pour down an american flag and tried to burn it, these people are shot and really who they truly are. and i think we ought to listen hagar, i mean, it's first of all, gabriel was very disturbing to hear about the way that has been described. >> and this is happening on college campuses. >> and only at yale as you talk about this one incident. >> but the protests across the country, i do want to play a video for you. he gar of we've
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attained of some of the protests from just off columbia's campus we and just seeing the captions and reading along. do you see a difference in the protests that are happening on campus versus those happening off-campus? >> there is a difference between them. there's what i would like to say that they're separate but related. so the protests that are happening off of campus or non-students, mostly at least that we know of. and they are very, very aggressive and loud and their rhetoric is incredibly violent and supports terrorism. i walked by one of them saturday night and they were banging loudly on the columbia gates praising hamas. they were the ones who when jews individuals
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who identify, who were very identifiable as jewish, walked by, told them that they were pigs and told them to return to poland. just rhetoric that is completely unacceptable. that said, while they are separate, these are extremity it's from the outside and non-students. the students on the inside are coordinating with them. they are telling them what time to come and protest. and so there is some onus here on the students to take responsibility. and i believe that if students want to protest for a ceasefire or for divestment or whatever it might be. >> fine. >> do it within the rules of the ghoul and don't and disassociate yourselves from these extremities in order to make your own cause credible. >> do you believe that the campus right now, given what you've described as safe for jewish students? >> i have to tell you that if i had my own my own child were walking around with a yamaka. i would tell him not to walk around with the yamaka and it pains me to say that we are in new york city in 2024 in america. and that is not how it
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should be, but the fact is that there have been jewish students who've been, who've been targeted, who've been heard fast who feel unsafe and that they have a right to be on this campus and to study and to learn, which is the mission and priority of the university. and so i think that i understand why they don't feel safe gabriel want to give you the last word here because i do wonder if for your perspective what you think about the safety of yourself and your classmates more broadly on these campuses and i think you only heard from one faculty member. >> i think since even the weekend. that surprise you it's sad to say, but it doesn't really surprise me. i mean, we have faculty members, we have administrators who are openly supporting these protests and it's set at yale by the protest organizers that all 14 heads of college, that is the people who who are the leaders of our dormitories endorsed and supported and
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wanted to make sure that these students stayed where they were in the plaza. the real problem here is not just about safety, it's these students have taken over the university and the university's are trying to negotiate with them when really they should be offering their ship direction and redirecting their energies and to things that are more positive getting kids back into the classroom and clearly these students aren't going to classes. i even had a class of my own canceled because of what's going on. and the university really has to reestablish some order. some civility, and sanity, and to make sure that students since can go to school, get an education and do what they're supposed to do he asked al-ahli gabriel diamond. >> thank you both so much thank you. while there are a lot of questions about the trump trial in manhattan especially after today's testimony, you know what we're going to answer them. next?
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>> i'm dr. sanjay gupta and this is cnn is de six of donald trump's hush money criminal trial. and i know you got a lot of questions and tonight we are taking your car and molly ball, mark is childress and tim predatory are here to help answer them. if you want to participate, just go to slash trump trial of questions. if fill out the form, you type in your question there and then we'll reach out to have you call in as the trial unfolds. let's get to our very first caller tonight john from gainesville, georgia what's your question, john hey, good evening. >> i'm laura. my question is, have any of trump's family members, melannie, or otherwise been at any of these proceedings so far? >> that's a great question, you know, trump was actually asked about that state. let's do this gave a fist and response, but molly, has anyone been the courtroom? no, they have not.
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he's been with his lawyers. obviously, there have been a couple of political aides in the courtroom at various points, but none of his family members have been in attendance. >> does that tell you anything they don't want to be there anymore than he does, i guess. yeah. i wonder also if you think about that, it might actually benefit the defense to say, see his family hasn't want to be here because this is actually embarrassing, not about a campaign, but about his family dynamic as well. they might try to use that in some way. got another question, kevin, from north carolina, what's your question, kevin? >> get even laura. thanks, rami on is it possible that the former president be found guilty of a misdemeanor falsification of records, and not a felony conviction. that's a good question, tim, what's your answer? so in new york, they have the ability to possibly instruct the jury on these lesser included offenses the defense can object. now, the problem is given the passage of time, the misdemeanor offenses, the statute of limitations has gotten. so if the defense objects than the judge cannot
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instruct them on those lists are included offenses but the defense does have the option of waving the statute of limitations and saying, yes, we agree for that lesser included fence to be instructed on if they think strategically that a jury is going to come to a compromise verdict, that's a great respond to all think about it. well, one of the things that have been controversial about this case is that it only becomes a felony if they were trying to conceal another crime, right? that's been a real question today about what is the underlying crime it campaign finance? is it a conspiracy? are really important point, let's go down to dallas texas. we've got jalen. jalen, what's your question? >> hi, laura. >> hi is there anything for getting trump from firing this trial lawyers, if not, what would happen if you weren't a fire them in. >> but this call to delay that's a good question. i'm going to ask you, market shoulder is, what do you think could if i mean kourdi firearm because you can try but we're going to trial stage, so it's
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more of like a proceeding it's on itself, like so you have to raise a serious concern under new york case law to fire your lawyers at this point. and so there are probably a mini hearing where the judge would probably try to hear what your concerns that irrevocable differences as you're not talking to your lawyers. but what's the actual concern here? >> it would be an uphill battle to fire fire your attorney because at this point, but it would cause a mini delay because the coral want to be cautious about listening to the evidence. and of course, the court might very well know that this would be a delay tactic unless there was some real legitimate reason to fire his attorneys. and the plural part is important here, because maybe you have an issue with one, but you've got others you could rely on as well. so maybe having more than one, but you think trump would do that you represented trump in the past. what he fires attorneys. >> i don't think so. not at this point because it's not going to derail the trial and in new york, you have to have judicial approval for lawyer to be removed from the case. and so unless he came in there tomorrow and said, hey, judge, i want to fire these people. and i have a new lawyer that's ready to go without any delay. the judge is going to say now
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okay. >> well, dan, from boise, idaho, you got a question. hey, dan thank you for taking my call. defendant doesn't defendant donald trump have the final decision and say as to whether he takes the stand to testify. and if that's true, he can and will testify even if his lawyers advise against it. >> he does have the final say in this case. he does have the ability to testify or not testify& the reverse is true if they're telling him you absolutely have to get on the stand. he could very well say no, i don't want to do it. there's a lot of risks when you're up there. and in fact, we've already had a hearing recently that talks about what kinds of things he could be asked about, including prior fictions or prior civil judgments, or the e jean carroll liability findings as well. all that could come into play. can you got the wildcard of having to maintain your composure, not open pandora's box and all these things are very well possible to happen. but of course it's up to him in the end to do so. and even
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whether to really put on a case more broadly, because it's the prosecution's burden to prove not his to prove that he is innocent. but would you, tim, having advised him in the past, would you tell him to testify under any circumstances? >> under any circumstance? i don't want to be absolute with such a lawyer under the circumstances as they exist right now? absolutely not. >> when would you say he should? >> if at the end of the government's case and at the end of the rest of the defense case, if there is some final point that the only way you can make it is by having the defendant get up and personally say it and it's worth the gamble. than yes. but barring that, it is only risky molly marquez, tim. >> thank you so much for helping to answer these great, great questions. thanks, everyone who called n, if you have a question, you'd like to answer on the upcoming trump trial. what we'd love to hear from you, submit your questions at slash trump trial question thank you all so much
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