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tv   CNN This Morning Weekend  CNN  April 27, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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good morning to you. welcome to see you this morning. it's saturday, april 27th. i'm victor blackwell imam or a walker. here's what we're working on for you this morning, door to door searches a flattened homes are happening right now in nebraska, just one of five states had, by a terrifying tornado outbreak. we are live there were also tracking the severe weather threat for nearly 55 million people from the texas to michigan. >> tabloid king, david pecker lays out the paper trail and former president donald trump's criminal hush money trial in new york, the major takeaways from his four days of testimony. and what's next in the trial. >> and president biden's candid conversation with shock jock, how stern his rod, and
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emotional comments about losing his first one why and young daughter and what he says about going toe-to-toe with donald trump on a debate stage, more pro-palestinian protests are expected on college campuses across the country this weekend, the new calls for calm and de-escalation but we begin this morning with the devastating tornadoes that tore through parts of nebraska and iowa last night, leaving a path of destruction the severe weather threat, it's not over dangerous storms that could possibly bring more tornadoes continue to pose a risk for more than 50 million people from michigan to texas today, the elkhorn neighborhood in omaha, nebraska was one one of the hardest hit neighborhoods, as you can see, their rows of houses completely decimated by the tornadoes, residents were left shaken by the event like this woman who had to hunker down in her basement with her
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young kids we got home as fast as we could i got my babies in the basement. we covered up with a blinken. we got her dog down there all of a sudden the lights went out and we heard everything being drawn around above us who is so scary those here? please. those carried our neighbors everybody, every houses. are there they're gone there were over 70 tornadoes reported friday across at least five states, and another massive tornado touchdown in the small town of mindon, iowa video, they're showing the path of of destruction that is left hundreds of residents displaced without a home cnn's lucy kafanov joining us now from omaha, nebraska, you just have to listen to that one lady's voice, the terror that she said she went through.
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>> what are you seeing this morning? >> the, terror that so many residents in this part of omaha experienced last night and don't even necessarily know the full scale of the destruction. now we are in the elkhorn area in the western part of omaha with this massive twister rip through here on friday, flattening homes, but taking down power hello, i'm down whites like this. i'm going to take a lot of force of winds and just like the speed with which all this moved through to create this kind of destruction than this even is not one of the worst affected homes. some of the homes down that road are completed police flattened with nothing for residents to return to the devastation here is absolutely stunning. we see this is a rather newer part of this development. it's all a lot of the residents who we spoke to and in the neighborhood, in the neighboring streets, pardon be said, they moved in a year ago, few months ago, and so they thought that they were creating new lives here. now, so many of
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these lives have been ripped apart. >> one resident describing the terrifying moments when this tornado ripped through here. >> take a listen it was just a freight train to the noise was so loud. >> i'm not too afraid to admit it. >> i was crying like a baby because it's just a scariest feeling in the world that's my son's bedroom. yep. and i told them to go to his mom's house and i'm glad he did know nebraska law enforcement officials say at these two people were taken to the hospital with minor injuries when the tornadoes swept through this specific area, the police chief saying that the early warnings, the tornado warnings are likely what saved lives with destruction like this it's quite surprising frankly, that not more people were injured now that tornado warning was issued in the omaha area here on friday afternoon, we know that certain schools kept students sheltering in place. >> that also probably reduce some of the casualties in the injury we know that first
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responders were on the seat and the law these areas, in fact, this home, you probably can't see it behind me, but there's some spray painted on the side of it. and so first responders were going through making sure no one was trapped in the neighborhoods. but of course, it's dark once light comes on a lot of the residents will be banned. the first responder teams will be back here assessing the damage, trying to figure out how to get the power back on. >> and when might be safe for residents to begin to return here to try to figure out what kind how to pick up the pieces of their lives. of course, for a lot of, a lot of the people who live here, it's going to be a very lengthy process. victor, amara, lucy kafanov reporting there. >> thanks so much. let's go now to see it as meteorologists, allison chinchar alison, when you hear that man say that that's my my son's bedroom up there and i told him to go to his mother's house that moment of just a beat of silence where he says, and i'm glad i did in that moment lives all of the fears of what could have happened talk talk about what happened over the last 24 hours and what we look at for the next day or so.
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>> yeah, the what-ifs. i mean, that's really what comes to a lot of people's mind the good news about yesterday was this was a very well forecast event. people knew this was coming hours in advance in a lot of those warnings gave people at least 101520 minutes. otherwise, things could have been a lot worse. you look at the numbers from yesterday, again, nearly 80 total tornado reports, 33 damaging wind reports, and almost 60 hail reports. some of those larger in golf balls. and the unfortunate part is though a lot of these same areas you see on the map are expecting more severe weather yet again today, know the good news is things have calmed down since the overnight we've got a couple of showers around the memphis area. same thing up around detroit, but it's really going to be this afternoon that's when we really start to see things fire back up again. and here's the target points for today again, notice some of the same areas that were on the map yesterday or on the map today. but essentially it's from southern texas all the way up through michigan. we're still looking at strong tornadoes could be ef three or high are stronger damaging winds, large hail, the target point is really going to be this red area and not just for damaging
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winds and hail, but especially tornadoes. again, we're you've seen he that red area that includes tulsa, oklahoma city, in which falls. it's not just tornadoes in general, but the very strong ones, the ef, three tornadoes or larger than to understand, i know not everybody knows what all those numbers mean. essentially, you're talking about those wind speeds of 136 to 165 miles per hour. when you looked at some of the damage that we saw from this forms yesterday, some of those could end up being ef three or ef four. so not out of the question. some of the damage we saw yesterday could end up becoming the same thing today, perhaps in just some different areas. here's a look at the time light again, three, 4:00. we'll start to see a lot of this beginning to ramp back up, especially oklahoma, kansas, then it begins to shift farther east overnight that means tonight, guys, if you have a way to get the alerts, check your phone, things like that, do so before you go to beds so that if this occurs overnight, you have a way to get those alerts very important information, allison chinchar. thank you very much in new york, the eighth de, a former
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president trump's criminal hush money trial saw three key witnesses it's testify former national enquirer publisher david pecker, wrapped up more than ten hours of testimony. >> there's also heard from trump's former longtime personal assistance, rhona graff, as well as michael cohen's banker who arranged his $130,000 payment to stormy daniels cnn's kara scannell has more new witness, former president donald trump's assistant of 34 years, took the stand on friday, shedding light on the inner workings of the trump organization in trump's hush money trial, rhona, let me add to cost rhona graff, whose office was next door to trump's on the 26th floor, trump tower? or said she was in control of his calendar and maintaining his contact list at the organization, graph confirmed to contact she maintained were for former playboy model karen mcdougal, and adult film star stormy daniels, to women who alleged affairs with trump, both of which he denies mcdougal's contact entry included a phone number, email and to addresses.
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daniel's contact listed her cell phone she testified as far as she can remember, trump never used email to communicate prosecutor susan hoffinger, ask graph if she had seen daniels at trump tower, graph responded that she vaguely recalled one seeing daniel's in reception on the 26th floor then it was trump's attorneys turn to cross-examine graph. susan nicholas asked graph about trump's interest in casting stars in celebrity apprentice, suggesting that was the reason daniel's was spotted at trump tower. graph responded, that's what she assumed testifying. i vaguely recall hearing him say that she was one of the people that may be an interesting contestant on the show. >> thank you. thank you. good job as trump's assistant, ghraieb often appeared on the apprentice trump profit. >> he asked me to call all you and tell you to meet him tomorrow morning at the new york stock exchange. >> graff said in her testimony that she felt the apprenticed elevated trump to rockstar status nicholas also focused on demonstrating trump and graph
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had a good working relationship. she asked if trump was a good boss. graph responded, i think that it was fair and respectful loss to me. she added, sometimes we'd peak is headed and say go home to your family, which i thought was very thoughtful of him. as graff testified, trump sat with a closed lips smile, tilting his head to get a better view of his former assistant, trump's team made clear graph was testifying under subpoena with nicholas asking you don't want to be here. do you? correct graph for applied earlier trump's attorneys worked hard to undermine a foundational witness for the prosecution ex-tabloid executive david pecker, who is back on the stand for his fourth day of testimony during trump's attorney, emile bove as questioning of the former national enquirer publisher. he attempted to discredit one of the prosecution's key witnesses, trump's x personal lazzarini, michael cohen. he asked pecker if you felt cohen was prone to exaggeration. pecker agreed he was after court. trump weighed in on the trial, eight days that we
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sitting in this courthouse i just want to thank everybody for being here. >> this, is like. everybody else michael cohen's bank or took the stand friday afternoon, he described to the jury how he helped cohen set up the shell company that was ultimately used to transfer the $130,000 payment to stormy daniels. >> there's no court on monday, so the banker will be back on the stand tuesday. we're prosecutors will continue to question him then, donald trump's attorneys will get a chance to cross-examine him as his trial continues into next week, amara victor, kara scannell. thanks so much and doing now by former federal prosecutor, at least we'll good morning to you. let me start here with david pecker and then kind of go through some of the other witnesses. the prosecution. they spent several hours with him trying to get him to explain the process of these catch and kill. the defense then went and tried to undermine some of the testimony and the inconsistencies you said earlier to the fbi that trump did not. thank you. in
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january of 2017, during testimony, you said he did what's the value the impact of these inconsistencies on the larger question here of criminality victor, i don't think much impact on the map because really david pecker held his own and cross-examination from the defense. >> and remember, he's kind of friendly witness in a sense to trump in the sense that he still likes trump. he still knows trump. he's still admires him and all of that. he doesn't really want to be there. he's there under immunity and so when the defense sort of tries to pick apart his his story is really not much to pick apart. i mean, the exam apple that you gave about the fbi, noting one thing and him saying another really pretty minor in the whole scheme of thing the prosecution right now, they do, i think is doing a b plus probably job of setting the table they've got
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the publisher. now, they had the assistant who likes thanks, still, and now the bank or of collins. so they're just setting it all up to show how these records were a row cipd and set up and making the case and setting telling the story of what happened. and they did a pretty good job with david pecker to begin with rhona graff said on this day in that yes there was contact for stormy daniels and for karen mcdougal which might, you people perk up when the question is of was there some relationships, some affair between trump and these women, but if we're on a graph then says, well, i vaguely remember him suggesting that stormy daniels might be a good contested on the apprentice. what's the value? of that maintenance of a contact? anything? >> well, the contacts are crucial, right? i mean, trump is saying he denies any kind of sexual contact with age. are these women and graph the say, well, we did have contact with them and he wasn't there
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contact list and maybe it was because they were going to be on the apprentice i mean, sure. >> if you're trump though at that time, what else are you going to say or what else are you going to intimate? so again, i don't think i've been i think the prosecution did what they need. they establish the contact. trump can't say never knew these women. he's got the contacts. the real question down the line. i think i think seeing all this play out in the first week is intense, right is the jury going to believe all of us right? all of jurors going to believe that trump intended to have this catch and kill arrangement with david pecker, which david pecker explained very well what that is for the purpose of affecting the 2016 election, as opposed to for the purpose of protecting his family from embarrassment, it's the intent that's the issue. >> okay. so gag order now, there's a hearing scheduled for thursday to hear the
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legations of 14 violations of the gag order this has been delayed at least from some legal experts that we've discussed with. >> why is this taking so long they were first a few and then before those were settled, there was another grouping. >> what's the impact of the delay? >> you know, what if you're a cynic on this one which maybe i'm citing in this cynical the judge wants to get more examples before ruling on the gag order, right? even more. agree. just examples because at this point, really the judge could absolutely rural and i don't understand other than that, just trying to get more examples of how this gag order is violated again and again and again, so that the judge is upheld on appeal on any on and usage and what really is the impact of of a gag order or the consequence of it if the judge's options are to either
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find in the defendant former president trump $1,000 for a per violation or jail him. and most people say that jail is off the table. >> a grand even 14 times is lunch money to a billionaire. >> i mean, how much does it matter? >> if you really isn't it? look, the judge has to find within what you supposed it doesn't matter who you are, what kind of fine you're going to get if you if you violate a gag order, what is it a deterrent in this case? isn't really a deterrent? >> i'm really well, let's see how many violations there are by the time of the judge actually rules on this and that answers your question, right? is it really editor? i mean, at this point, i would say no. >> but of course a judge is not going to put trump who is supposed to be there in court as opposed to out fair electioneering every day it's not going to put him in prison. >> that would just feed into the fodder of trump's
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narrative outside of the courtroom, which is this is just a witch-hunt. look at how they're persecuting me right now, the prosecution is doing a good layman's job of setting the table and getting ready for michael cohen so the judge is not going to want a really mess with their ability to do that, certainly by throwing him in jail. >> police, we'll always good to have you. thanks so much. >> yeah. victor, take care and we're just getting started here on cnn this morning, a student leader in the pro-palestinian protests at columbia university is banned from campus after hateful comments about zionism was surfaced on social media. >> the moments cnn confronted him about it is straight ahead. also a cnn exclusive former attorney general bill barr does former president trump should not be anywhere near the oval office, but he is still planning to vote for him. plus inflation moves in the wrong direction yet again, what new
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numbers signal about america's economy a little later on cnn this morning wait his magic funder, pelican celtics coverage today at 12:30 nba playoffs presented by google pixel would round one coverage presented by nerdwallet on tnt see idp disrupts cid p derails. >> let's be honest socks but living to see idp doesn't have to. when you sign up at shining through cid, you'll find inspiration and real patients stories helpful tips, reliable information, and more cid peak can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier sign up. >> it's shining through her be helpful it appears that despite my sinister efforts employees are
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people in gaza and demanding that their universities divest from israel-linked companies that are profiting from the conflict there are now many of the protests have been peaceful and on some campuses, students chanted slogans while in others the scenes turned chaotic. >> as schools called him police to disperse the crowds, leading 200 periods of arrests nationwide the demonstrations, there's just far to bangor and division within student communities and resulted in a surge of anti-semitism with many jewish students feeling unsafe on campus columbia university senate has voted to create a task force to investigate the university leadership's handling of those protests and universal let's see, officials have banned a student leader who says, in january, he said that in january the zionist don't deserve to live. >> cnn's mega marquez has two tails zionists don't deserve to live comfortably, let alone zionists don't deserve to
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live. commodity. james ii, spokesperson for the student protest at columbia university said this more than once in a personal social media posts in january the same way we're very comfortable accepting that nazis don't deserve to live fascist don't deserve to live racist don't deserve to live zionist they shouldn't live in this world confronted by cnn about his comments, james, unapologetic. >> i think we need to shift the conversation from people's comfort to the hundreds of thousands of people who have been displaced. the tens of thousands of people who have been murdered by israel. >> i think it harder your words help. i think it's very important to your words, health i think it's very important for people to understand that the conflation of anti zionism
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with anti-semitism is woefully incorrect and wrong. >> again, so do you apologize? again? as i mentioned earlier we believe in the sanctity of life here at this encampment despite his calls for a class of people to cease existing james, nearly daily expresses his belief that israel is committing genocide while israel plans to move forward with its genocide backed by the united states. >> and other western powers. it is important to remember why we are here after being confronted, james released a statement saying, in part, i am frustrated that the words i said in an instagram live i'd video have become a distraction for the movement for palestinian liberation. i misspoke in the heat of the moment for which i apologize some jewish students at columbia say they have been called zionist by protesters just for being jewish. other
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jewish students have taken an active part in the protests for what they view as an overbearing israeli response to the october 7 hamas terror attack and a weak us response to continued bloodshed. >> it's possible that pro-palestine protest might make some jewish students feel uncomfortable, but i will emphasize that the pro-palestine protest here at the encampment are, they have fundamental values against hate and bigotry or columbia university spokesperson tells cnn that commodity james has now been banned from campus, but won't comment any further on ongoing discipline to mary proceedings. >> back to you. miguel. thank you. and pro-palestinian protest are also spreading in europe dozens of students in paris created a blockaded one of france's most prestigious universities and just like on us campuses, students are demanding their institution condemn israel's actions.
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cnn's melissa bell is there. melissa victory and emirates, a third day of protest hearing, paris and what students here at. >> chios kore, which is one of france's most prestigious universities of intelligence over the course of the day, is that this is a movement that's been inspired by what's happening on american campuses, but very much in solidarity with the place of palestinians inside gaza. in fact, demands that are being made here in paris, but also that are being made at other campuses. the cross your voice and similar process this friday, germany, the united kingdom are an end to the war in gaza, but also for their own academic institutions to boycott companies that are doing business with israel. the police presence here has gotten much bigger over the course of the day. and what the police is saying is that they're planning to evacuate the students that have been occupying this building already on wednesday, we've seen another shows pool building that was occupied, being evacuated by police, not lead to a lot of the anger that you saw on the streets at this friday. but for now, this
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students determined to keep up their pressure on their university and indeed to keep going with their city victor number president biden showed a deeply personal sayyed, a new wide interview with the president told howard stern about losing his first wife and young daughter more than 50 years ago. >> one element you likely have not heard before how the tragedy shaped his life every piece of evidence tells a story how it really happened with jesse l. martin tomorrow at nine on get cnn. >> i love that my daughter is still needs me, but sometimes that can help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands. so why use now revive near vice clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort and as little as 14 days of now, i can help with yoga difference with nerve five. >> hey, they're brenda.
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on trump's behavior. >> biden's latest comments came in a wide ranging surprise interview with shock jock howard stern white house reporter camila de chalice is live at the white house with more good morning, kamila tell us first what biden had to say about the debates well, president biden really wants to reach voters and he wants to use alternative media outlets like this one to reach voters where they're at. >> but he also made news on this media appearance where he announced that he is willing to debate former president donald trump. now, this will be highly anticipated. to see trump and biden talk about issues that impact people in their everyday lives. take a quick listen i don't know if you're going to debate, your opponent. i am somewhere i don't know why. i'm happy now biden got what said that he did not disclose where the debate will take place or even the format of where he would like the debate
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to happen or how he would like it to go. >> but this will be highly anticipated to see biden going to toe to toe with trump and talking about these key issues now, also, during this media, parents binding gop, personal and really shared a lot of intimate details about his life and that is a part of the campaign strategy. his campaign advisers tell us that they really want biden to talk to voters to really connect with voters. talk about issues that also americans have faced in their lives, where he talked about the loss of his loved ones, talked about how he valued values family, and that is a strategy of getting voters to see him. i just more than a political candidate that is vying for the votes and cma is an actual person that has their best interests at heart. amara vector back to you, white house correspondents dinner is tonight the president is going to try to be funny what's the goal here are other to get people getting to make that's right.
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>> biden has been practicing for days meeting with his trusted advisors, going over his prepared marks, and we're told that it is going to involve a little bit of comedy, were told that some of those jobs are going to be directed at the former president donald trump. that is to be expected, but biden really wants to show a nor humanizing element to him. and we're told that when he prepares for these big speeches, particularly ones that involve a bit of comedy that he practices time and time again with his, uh, his advisers and his aides to make sure that his messaging comes across the way he intense victor amara back to you. >> we will see if the practice pays off camila to chalice for us there at the white house. thank you so much in life from the nation's capital. president biden and comedian collin joseph had the headline, the white house correspondents dinner are cnn covers hosted by john berman and sara sidner live tonight at 70 stern, right? here on cnn and streaming on max, right columbia university leaders are under fire and may soon be
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under investigation straight ahead, the new steps to start a sprawling investigation into how the college is handling the pro-palestinian protests on campus this riyad say's new album is breaking records who gets to say what country is call me country beyond say a nashville's renaissance streaming exclusively on mats now at t professionally installs google nest products you're all set on the system. we should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt transfer your ira or your old follow one k to robert. goodbye. april 30th, and we'll give you a 3% boost. >> with the biggest match of any ira on the market. >> robin hood gold gets you the most for retirement we do so much behind the scenes to keep
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university, three people were arrested on trespassing charge charges after they tried to set up an unauthorized encampment. >> and in atlanta, 28 people were arrested at emory university police and state troopers used pepper balls and even a stun gun to disperse protestors. obviously, some really tense. wow situations and somewhat violent. they're joining me now is i rain mavi, she the, president of the american association of university professors thank you so much. everyone for joining us this morning. i know that you have condemned in the strongest possible terms, the crackdowns that we have in seeing on these protesters i campuses across the country, namely columbia, but of course you've been seeing a lot of crackdowns, including the one we saw yesterday. >> there are a university how better? could these universities deal with these
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tense situations? and of course, these encampments that are trespassing when it comes to the law well, these, these protests are happening at institutions of higher education. and so the way to move forward is through education our students are standing up for something that's important to them. we should be encouraging that we should be proud of that. and we should find creative ways to respond institutions could have campus-wide forums, they could have teach-ins, they could call on the subject matter experts in this complex histories of israel and gaza to teach students the way to move forward is through education instead, what we're seeing is this militarized crackdown police in riot gear carrying students and faculty often zip ties. that's completely unacceptable at institution of higher learning this the
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violent repression of speech on campuses at peace, largely peaceful outdoor demonstrations. it's completely wrong. it's the wrong approach, shutting down speech is not the way to move forward. >> you believe that the leadership though at columbia has not been doing the right thing, right? and right now as we understand it, columbia's faculty senate will be voting on a resolution to censure a doctor minouche shafik. >> do you feel see there's been a lot of outside political pressure, right? as we've seen with leaders in congress, the house speaker mike johnson calling for her resignation as well for the way that she has been actually on the opposite side. i guess not protecting the safety of jewish students and not cracking down hard enough. do you believe that some of these university presidents need to resign okay.
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>> two things i think the important thing is to understand that this outside political pressure is unacceptable in a democracy, higher education is many things it's a producer of knowledge. it should be an engine of social mobility. it's also a crucial check on government and corporate corruption. >> so i, american higher ed is the envy of the world because it's based on academic freedom and shared governance and that's where we ought to begin that higher education is a check on it's a crucial check on democracy. >> it's independent higher ed is as important to democracy as voting and we should understand there's a broader attack here on higher education that we should all be very worried about i think the censure resolution at columbia is completely appropriate. faculty
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at institutions have this important role in shared governance to play. and if they want to object to how the president is heading handled the situation. and i completely agree that they should essential resolution is completely appropriate, but i think the the the bigger question, the bigger picture, the bigger the very thing to understand is this broader attack on higher education as a public good in a democracy. and i think we should be worried about that independent higher education is really, is crucial to democracy as voting shore. >> but of course, there's that overarching question that people keep asking is how do you balance free speech with also keeping students safe? what would you say to those jewish students who feel terrified they concerned that they could be physically attacked just walking always of their universities or walking around campus. i mean, how do we protect them? don't the universities have a duty to make sure that they are safe? >> of course, absolutely we
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have. but we have an obligation to keep everyone to protect everyone, and we have an obligation to free speech but to suggest that it's a choice that's a false choice you can do both and you must do both if you're shutting down speech in the name of keeping students safe then you are on the wrong road. you can do both institutions have policies. i mean, this is not the first time anti-semitism because i'm or other hate has, has shown itself on campus. there are a well-crafted policies to deal with violations, and we should be enforcing those policies and that provide due process for the for the perpetrators and their policies in place for this. so i think to suggest that we need new things now is it's not correct. >> yep. such an important conversation i read, mavi will have to leave it there. thank you for your time. >> inflation has us paying more for almost everything right now, but new numbers show that the prices are not slowing,
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spending are breaking down the fed's favorite inflation gauge when cnn this morning return the sinking of the titanic. how would really happen, especially to our premiere? >> oral would nine on cnn, i started bright star care to provide a higher standard of care it's been my goal for 20 years and it always will be. >> if you're an experienced caregiver with that same passion join the brand for to you most when the genes came out, i say, oh my god on bob has a friend he expects blind loyalty when you have a whole lot of money, people are willing to do things for you what do you do when your best
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start your will. i trust and we'll dot com and make it count. >> the white house correspondents dinner live tonight at seven eastern on cnn glows captioning brought to you by feel away, optimum, enhanced calming for cats if your cat sprays outside the litter box, fights with other cats or scratches the furniture, they could be telling you they're stressed to help them feel more calm, try feel away optimum the defense department says, it's pledging $6 billion in long-term military aid for ukraine. >> defense secretary lloyd austin made the announcement on friday. he called it the largest security assistance package of its kind to date. it will include and sectors for ukraine's air defense systems, counter drone systems, and other critical equipment. this comes just days after us president joe biden signed off on a massive foreign aid package that includes oops,
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close to $61 in assistance for ukraine, buckingham palace says king charles will resume public duties next week, the 75-year-old has been receiving treatment for cancer after announcing the diagnosis february a palace spokesperson said the king's medical team remains positive about his ongoing recovery. >> the palace also released this new portrait of the king and queen camilla to celebrate one year since the coronation, the photo was taken in the buckingham palace its gardens earlier this month one of the fed's favorite inflation gauges show the numbers moving in the wrong direction for lowering rates. so according to new data from the commerce department, the pec price index accelerated to 2.7% in march, which is above economists expectations. >> but the high inflation in rates have not stopped americans from spending. here, cnn's matt egan good morning, victor in amara inflation increasingly looks stuck. >> it's not as bad as two years ago, not nearly as bad,
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but it's not good either. >> the fed's favored inflation metric, the pce index, showed that prices increase by 2.7 when presented in march, year-over-year now, that is worse than expected and another step in the wrong direction. when we look at the trend is clear that inflation has improved. >> write this metric peaked above 7% in 2022. its back when gas prices were surging. >> but it's also clear when you look at the trend that the improvement has a stalled out price increases have actually accelerated a bit this year. and that's a concern because the fed targets 2% inflation and inflation remains well above that level. and even if you strip out food and gas prices, core pce, that's still came in at 2.8%. again, hotter than expected there's a good news is that americans continued open their wallets, right spending remained strong and martian, that's key because consumer spending, that is the biggest driver of the economy. the bad news of course, is the cost of living remained frustratingly high for
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too many americans? the higher inflation is the more expensive life is, right? food, gasoline, housing, those are the big ones, but presses have also been rising rapidly for other things like car insurance and baby formula in this keeps the fed in a difficult spot many hope that inflation would be low enough at this point to free up the fed to start cutting interest rates that would make it cheaper to get a mortgage, a car loan, pay off credit card, debt, but inflation remains stubborn and the dream of rate cuts is fading. of course, if the fed keeps rates too high for too long, it does risk eventually doing real damage to this economy victor nima. >> all right. matt egan. thank you. it will be a weekend of severe weather ahead on the next hour of cnn this morning to clean up happening now after a dozens of tornadoes rip across five states plus the new severe threat, weather threat for nearly 55 million americans
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