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tv   The Whole Story With Anderson Cooper  CNN  April 28, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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over a century after the wreck, titanic is still coming up with amazing stories about her passengers and crew. a nurse in the titanic infirmary was ordered into a lifeboat to show passengers the small craft was safe, so she was picked up by the carpathia and became a lucky survivor. then undeterred by the ordeal, she signed on during the first world war with the britannica, an ocean liner converted into a floating hospital. and when it hit a german sea mine, remarkably, the nurse survived the second time. i'm jesse l. martin, thank you for watching. good night. [music playing]
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tribunal and whatever the jury decides, we accept that that outcome keep in mind that this a spiritual warfare. this is a battle of good versus evil. >> now the second class citizens, the suppressed, did not have freedom of speech the dod, by the way, is behind the development of the covid shots, behind the development of this horrific killing machine here we, have a candle all right,
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welcome. >> i'm at a good day later that evening. some of the congregation gathered nearby at a sister church this is a free column from jeremy and incarcerated individual at citrus county, florida for the last 826 days. i had served that the political prisoner of war in my whole country jeremy brown was a member of the o key prison militia and was seen outside the capital on january 6 he called into the church and began preaching conspiracy theories that trump supporters weren't really responsible for the attack january 6, 2021. >> will be planned that sign compartmentalize unconventional warfare our operation play and executed by copper elements within the department at the intelligence community. and federal law enforcement this is
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gorgeous how are you good. nice. three to see you. >> thanks so much ravenous my name's rachel powell and i've had eight kids. >> so i've been busy i have my seventh grandchild coming up to be born this year this is your last weekend before you going to prison for the next four or five years, have you been spending the weekend? i know it's not a funeral procession, but it kind of reminds me of that. my friends, my family, they've been coming in and just been really busy, which is good because when it gets when it gets quiet for a minute? that's when the motion settings. do you remember where you were when you heard this biden had won the election? i do. i was at my house and i got a phone call saying that biden
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won? and i was like, what's you couldn't believe it no, absolutely. and people around me couldn't believe it either. >> you still can't believe it? >> i still can't believe it why did you decide to go to dc on january 6? well, how often does a president asked you to come to a rally? doesn't happen. >> at some point. this goes from peaceful protest to, you having an ice ax and your hand, like man, somebody gives you the icer? yeah. who? >> i don't now you don't remember you'd admit this as a bad look, obviously. >> oh, totally know how down my field when i look at this picture, like oh, my goodness like you got an accident, your hand you broke window you are shouting over bullhorn to tell people to take the building yep
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why should people? believed that you weren't trying to overturn the election and do something illegal and cms insurrection. >> it's ridiculous if we wanted if we went there with a plan to take that building with as many people as we're there we were coordinated. we'd have been in there and like 30 seconds have you ever had a moment where you're like maybe i'm wrong maybe biden that she won the election maybe i'm the conspiracy theorist know not at all no so in a few days you're going to be reporting to a federal prison, right how of you? >> talk about that to your children? yeah i'm sorry. >> it's like my last week and before i go it but i'm like a love my children so much and it feels like the last thing they can take from me and i'm
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that'll be the hard part. and i don't deserve this among kids don't deserve it. what have we not been through enough like this the last thing that we have to lose as each other. >> it had been just three years since the capital attack the de that cost lives and ruin lives but the truth of what happened that day has been so twisted, lies about january 6 was have been relentlessly almost like it was a coordinated operation. so warms 20 confirmed incidents, but dozens of fads, fbi just state operatives simple train and the trump crowds. on january 6, us capitol, we have total on top of all the other proof, more proof that those who took part in the attack are being loaded in churches on bottom it happens rounded jairus six, the fed's direction because we know that the federal government was and the man who incited at all he's still the
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hero so this hat says, rachel, we love you trump are you hoping trump? >> pardon? yeah, i know he'll pardon me. that's not a hope. i know that trump will pardon me rachel still had faith and trump even phasing the election lies that we're sending her to prison but how alive read these lies among the wider trump base. >> i went to vegas to find out do i put it all on right. >> are all on black tonight? >> i put it on 21, okay. yeah you want thicker, stronger, fuller hair. you need experts, skincare, nu doves, scalp plus hair therapy, serum, active skincare ingredients targets the source of beautiful hair, your scalp for visibly thicker, stronger, fuller hair i'm getting vaccinated and weiser's pneumococcal pneumonia
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it's organic soil from miracle grow, your great two right? >> not as great as the soil though. >> okay. you said it lag sunglasses brand new. brand on. >> medicare, have diabetes with the freestyle libre three system, you'll know you're glucose and where it's headed, no fingers six needed, covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin visit freestyle libre, slash medicare because i'm the only person in history to win cars invoke the wheel of fortune and the price is right i get my
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region because they said, you're sure that's trump being arranged yeah. we should all united the stand with man. i was better off four years ago. >> i believe trump is the only hope writer on the earth what happens if trump doing a whole lot of trouble i feel like the mainstream media, but makes me feel like my views are, i'm wrong for having my view i was a lifelong democrat until 2019 control 2019 yes. but change donald trump cnn. that's what we thought. yeah. >> are you guys going to cover it accurately? >> you don't think it's accurate? >> i really i think you guys do soundbites, murky most your news and information now, i go to multiple different sources, like telegram i try to stay off the main sites, like facebook
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and stuff like that. >> it's all got algorithms and stuff like that that are designed to hide your post. you get fat check unfazed. well fact-checked by who you know, some guy that 30 years old living in his mom's basement, i would love to speak to you i want to put it on the camera if you don't want to share, we might as well put it on camera to java, the journalist is to ask the questions, allow the person to speak and just free for the facts. what was spoken, would you like for me to pull up the definition of journalists? okay. but thank you, julian. >> i met juliane a diehard trump supporter from texas, who was in vegas for a gunshot. >> i have a god given right to speak my own truth. she still believes the 2020 election was stolen, but there are facts rice the? facts have shown that the election was stolen whether
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you're willing to look at that and accept that. and really show what's going on. that's your issue, not we want the god-given freedom that our constitution and our bill of rights is based on. >> god given constitutional rights there are two different things it's right now, so they're non raid rad the constitution read it out loud to yourself so that you hear what the words of the constitution say. >> god isn't mentioned in the constitution sar you had to learn the constitution to becoming a us citizen. >> no, i didn't. >> you did it. >> you did not have to learn the constitution or the bill of rights sayyed coming us citizens, or us citizen? >> my mom's american, but this isn't, this isn't about me. you just made a statement. you
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make you tried to make what year? >> what's your considering is a factual. so how but that god is not talked about in the constitution. >> the bill of rights. >> okay? okay? hold on i could pull it up on my phone too, if we can make sure i'm trying to i might have just gotten something wrong which they'll probably use that to you have to watch it let me say this. >> and this is probably why i get it in the united states, the federal constitution does not make a reference to god as such although it uses the form hello, the year of our lord, which is capitalize in article seven. there's only one lord capitalised l0 or do well, there is a reference to god in our constitution and in our bill of rights, certainly an article seven and article seven do read it one, such states the days one reference is enough it refers to the year of the lord, capital l, or there's only one
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lord religion has always played a role in american politics pope pius, the 12th said, into the hands of america god, has placed and afflicted mankind or may ready three but what's happening now is different jason, we just talked your due to place right now. he's democrat. i don't mean mulch around this church, didn't get out get out, you demon get out your baby butchering election thief you cannot be pushing invoked, give a cloudiness nike, we are going to have one nation under god and one religion under god. i'm tired of this separation of church and state junk. >> it has a name. >> it's called christian
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nationalism. i say it probably we should be christian nationalists january 6 crosses everywhere huge poster of a white jesus with the make america great again, red hat as a christian, it just grabbed my guts and got me various we're going to reclaim america for christ, retake america for christians. >> so we hold up president trump before the cray this is an explicitly christian country. the bible says, those that truly followed jesus christ take it both force this perversion of patriotism and face has postures across the country worried that their flocks are being led astray i see in american christian nationalism toxic anxiety, and rage. and i see it tearing families apart. >> christian nationalism is it's not christian at all i
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started getting called names by people that i loved and had known for over a decade i was called a a fascist, a communists, and then i had a luciferin spirit of fear so it's the playoffs, great teammates trust each other. >> we're gonna do a trust falls stand up, trust. >> what you sent me up doc i told you it was a dummy everyone sees meanwhile, at a vrbo, when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one, you'll actually like sometimes the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn with cap lighter, there's a chance to let in the light cap lighter is proven to deliver significant relief
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is a demonic hedging protect shooting around joe biden if this nation is going to succeed, they better put christians into office. you vote for the person who holds closest to them. look a world we'll value they preached christian nationalism and they pray for trump. >> but this pastor says they leaving their flocks in a dangerous direction. >> as a. father we give you this time, as we think about how we manage our common life together. and as we think about government and politics our concerns. are is local stream on the right side, american politics that's what we have this event today is organized in response to christian nationalism we've recognized that there's a deficiency in training pastors to how to actually engaged scripture and then apply that into the
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political life. >> and so it is an answer to what we saw as an aberration from the teacher things with jesus, which is american christian nationalism those kinds of pastor caleb campbell knows a lot about extremism he used to be a neo-nazi skin head who play the drums when i was a teenager, i fell in with a group of neo-nazi skin heads and did that kinda after high school. we had a a woman from the church was dialing drummers and called me and said, can you come play at the church? >> he began playing here at the desert springs bible church 23 years later. he's still here let's in this room. >> where you had your awakening. >> yeah. >> and our tradition, we call it like a conversion experience and i was baptized in this room. it's been quite a ride. i definitely didn't expect to be a pastor, much less a pastor, a church like this do you know how many times god is
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mentioned in this? and the constitution? zero. >> yeah, it gets mentioned once, i think our lord, just in terms of in the year of our lord evangelical christians of which i am one. i'm a theological evangelical. they are generally operating under the assumption that the christian god is all over the declaration of independence that and then i'll just invite them to read it. let's read it together and let's just highlight all this spaces that anything uniquely christian shows up and you'll notice that we have not had to plot our highlighter there are certainly ideas that have been shaped throughout human history by the christian tradition. >> it's not power that dominates are six pastor caleb is not alone in his fight against christian nationalism in milwaukee where trump will officially be declared the republican candidate at the rnc this summer. >> pastures jackson jacobson and shaw are also sounding the alarm can you really with a straight face, look at life,
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teachings way and death of jesus and line that up with the correlates of christian nationalism muslim racist anti-immigrant. >> i mean, it just doesn't work what i'll hear events is the founding fathers for christian america was built off christian values therefore, this is a christian country, and we should have christian government why then is jesus naught christianity mentioned in the constitution then why would you even place in their freedom of religion? >> so to meet the argument? >> is silly, is nonsense. i'm going to really have a problem with christianity of you say that it was found off a christian values with the things that took place he's right here on american soil. >> what was done to the native americans land, what was done to my people that others dennis, i can sense that you're particularly but yeah i mean, i
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this really gets to you. yeah. does i've headed up to here with the of one of the most astonishing revolutionaries into a white jesus wearing a red maga hat it's just unbelievable to me. i think one reason that younger people are walking right past the door to church is because of the idiocy they see in this moment so a lot of americans believe that god views america as special we tell ourselves that that's part of how we have justified things like warfare. this crusade this war on terrorism is going to take awhile. >> we've said we're the good, they're the evil. god has this
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relationship with the past few days when i've been at that window upstairs, i thought a bit of the shining city upon a hill reagan invoked in that america is the city on a hill. >> well, that's jerusalem that's biblical language used of jerusalem in 2020. >> pastor campbell began losing congregants so as a evangelical preacher, i'll alliterate. it was floyd fauci and the federal election so what were they angry about o the way that we navigated a global pandemic our response to jordan floyd and his murder, just the fact that we called it murder was met with resistance and then the federal election came. >> and i was accused of advocating for the blue team because i didn't from the stage advocate for the red team. i don't tell people how
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i vote and by taking that posture is viewed as a betrayal of what god had chosen some of his congregants left for dream city church at place steeped in christian nationalism it is the duty of our christian nation to select and prefer christians for their rulers very special. thank you to the dream city hosting piece to pastor caleb has spent months attending christian nationalists events something he documents in his book, disarming leviathan most of the folks that i've met, like on the ground, i'm not talking about the leaders and the purveyors of american they truly believed this is what god wants i honor their patriotism. >> i share much of their sentiments, but they are
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afraid. they're anxious about being erased i think at the heart of this movement is the anxiety of ethnic or racial that our way of being in the world is under imminent threat do you see similarities there watch you were looking for yeah it's what all of us are looking for were made as communal creatures, were made for each other so for me, as a angry rage filled teenager i found those things in this community in american christian nationalist circles, many people are finding safety belonging, purpose the problem is that you're not actually truly safe if you ask a critical question in a christian nationalists circle, you will be tossed out. >> you'll be viewed as a you know, there's one of the phrases rhino, a republican in name only but this isn't just about christians and churches it's about how distrust and fear is affecting our understanding of reality i
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think you guys do sound bites. my conversation with joe back in vegas had been briefed, but he had given me as number to stay in touch they'll pay joe. >> how are you doing? >> i thought our conversation the other day was very interesting so i wanted to see if you'd be open to chatting about that a bit further. >> maybe i'd come come to colorado to visit you let's go to colorado next sunday on the whole story in one of the world's most diverse ecosystems, ivan watson confronts the stark reality of climate change are to fight perhaps a the whole story with anderson cooper next sunday at eight on cnn. >> i have active psoriatic arthritis, but with sky rizzi to treat my skin and joints, count me in along with clear skin sky rizzi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling entity and is just four doses a year after
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the windsor how it really happen next sunday at nine on cnn? >> here we are in grand junction. >> in grand junction what happened? >> what happens in vegas stays in vegas? yeah. why didn't you stay there? >> some guys come home from vegas with a new bright. you come back from vegas. >> but a bunch of cnn guys everybody makes mistakes morning after meeting him? >> inside a trump rally in las vegas, are you guys going to cover it like accurately? >> i wanted to understand better why joe doesn't trust someone like me. a journalist
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from the so-called mainstream media he let us hang out with him for a couple of days here in grand junction, colorado have you. always been interested in politics since obama i've been pretty interested in politics. okay, so 2008. >> yeah what was it about obama. >> got you interested it was just all the talk around it president of the united states is very smooth talking character. hope is that thing inside each of us. there is no challenge too great. no mission too hard. >> it's out there and he's very articulate the words as flow right out of his mouth. >> obama you got to be careful for smooth dockers so if you want to find out what's going on in the world just right now today. >> what do you do that take on different platforms that i feel
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that i can trust one being telegram telegram is definitely one. yeah telegram is a platform first developed in russia that has few rules, few moderators, and no fact-checkers they made their big rise to fame i'm after the 2020 election. >> so explain that to his telegram gets big when when twitter and facebook and even google like youtube and stuff were censoring, a lot of information that they were calling miss information cnn breaking news. are we got some more a breaking news coming into the situation room right now with the president's twitter account has been suspended. >> i feel like that's an insult to people to not be able to look at information into discern it themselves. you basically calling that person is stupid joe says, is facebook account was banned for sharing a meme about january 6 turn on my phone one day and all of a sudden has been deactivated. >> how does that feel?
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>> it was horrible i liked facebook, social marketplace. we can do business. you can find things. so it's like being cut off of the part of life. >> it's like thanks a lot. mark or whoever's in charge. >> so what's a channel you follow on telegram phone to see some of the news for today. >> my favorite one that's called patriot memes. >> it's a lot of memes that's clear up a couple of minutes. >> not a woman, not a hero. >> not a woman. dot c, but life's person mesenteries skills, right? we're not a hero. >> george floyd i visited joe a couple of weeks before the super bowl. it was just as the conspiracy theory, the taylor swift was helping read the game to help biden started circulating online because one of the first things that popped up unchosen its feet. >> let's go to something that's like news though. >> yeah citizens, this is from benny by now.
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>> everyone knows, hit her has a government psi up and this is exactly why corporate media is having a meltdown about it. >> you don't believe taylor swift as a gunman say? i don't know what to believe about taylor swift. >> it's good to keep your mind open. could she be now she's dating a pfizer and bud light agent in the nfl because we're a few weeks from the super bowl. >> yeah nurse taken indoors name from taylor swift there. >> yeah. >> by ministration and then who's going to win the super bowl? >> but you don't take the super bowl israeli goodness, seeing it. do you think there i think football's raved? yeah. okay. >> there's a cnn clip in here. watch cnn has a meltdown over. our coverage of the taylor swift psyop. >> here are the latest conspiracy theory making the rounds at the super bowl will be rigged for kelce and the kansas city chiefs. and the end game is swift endorsing biden after the big game. here are some of the messages i'm trying
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not to laugh circulating on social media. vivek ramaswamy, i watch what she does to win did she do trying not to laugh? >> i'm trying not to laugh, you know, kind of thing so why isn't it okay to take that in into let it register and think about it for a minute. could that be possible? that there could be some funding going to taylor swift or stuff like that that could lean her into a certain direction. so that she would support somebody remain that could be totally possible i call that a conspiracy theory. okay. sure. yeah. >> what what i find most difficult to believe, but the taylor swift, travis kelce super bowl conspiracy theory is that you think the democrats could be so organized and organized do you think? i do? yes we're gonna get together as well as reading the super bowl and taylor is going to back biden for president
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that's just so much stuff like that is so much organization, but not that hard. you don't think rigging the election, it'd be a lot more complicated this is a fraud on the american public we know there was massive fraud. it was a rigged election seems that trump's convincing of millions of americans at the last election was rigged has opened some kind of gateway accept that the election was stolen. there's also original church and that. so that's another law that's been portrayed by the lab. there's those separates in churches today what morning? there line twist and they're tagging the children got a file the gateway ten alternate reality where anything is possible for january sinks some
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kind indiv inside job where taylor swift and rig the super bowl you acute fan oh, i like watching him. >> joe had been generous in sharing his news habits with me. >> so i showed him some of the news that i read but you never see these shared around your telegram channel. >> and while i wasn't there to change his mind, he was pretty surprised to find out that cnn fact checks president biden okay. >> so joe biden said, con manufacturers are the only industry in america exempt for being sued during this is false. and we laid out there as to why what he said is false yeah. i like that and look, there's a lot more you should do that so we have these fact checks here. biden rice, but we obviously have way more trump let's just because trump says more stuff that's false trump
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in manufacturing jobs trump claimed in november speech in texas, we created incredible 1.2 2 million new manufacturing jobs. the us actually lost 170,000 manufacturing jobs during trump's presidency i don't know if it's right or wrong. >> again, it's in your sights but if we go as you say, go to our research, we click in its from economic research organization, like we do, put in the source material, we're not plucking it out of our eyes this is from the federal reserve bank of st. louis. >> so term the fed on trust, if no, not really we are at an impasse. my fred look, i appreciate your willingness to sit down and talk with the kind of conspiracy theories joe is seeing every day on telegram might seem harmless even silly but they're not, they're corroding trust in american democracy how they go from you,
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fact-checking to you being a pedophile? >> i don't know. >> i really hope you people, what's coming to you and it will come to you there there are and being used to justify violent attacks on american institutions it never has been like this before. >> do you ever think being an election official would make you public enemy number one? >> no we really do think that democracy is at stake in the selection so it's the playoffs. >> what brings you to adhere to their are you looking at you really happy to ask? i'm i'm not a look i know it can be stressful this time a year for great teammates build each other up, they trust at the other would be there for them when they were gonna do a trust falls, stand up, you close your eyes and also for trust, what
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you sent me up doc i told you it was done when the jinx came out. >> i say, oh my god on both as a friend he expects blind loyalty. >> when you have a whole lot of money, people are willing to do things for you what do you do when your best friend kills your other best friend? trials? would it be sue the jinx part to streaming exclusively on max? >> i have relapsing a mess, but i still want to spend my time my way. i chose cuts into because it works for me and my schedule, key symptoms, an rms treatment that had powerful results are reduced rate of relapses and slow disability progression. >> i take it myself once a month at home or on the go oh so my time is up to me. time don't take key symptom if you have hepatitis b until your
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doctor, if you had had it as they could come back, peace him to concoct serious side effects, including fatal infections while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen until your doctor, if you had are planned to have vaccines or if you are we're planning to become pregnant his symptoms may cause a decrease in sometimes let's of antibodies, the most common side effects or upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions as your doctor about key symptom for rms. i love your dress i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds that's great. i know. right. i've been telling everyone i just said her first word can you say mama? never can you say it how many? people did you tell only pay for what you need like they need a loan back fast and union scott's turf grass, grows
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real solutions for kids and communities at preferred better science, better results. how it really happen next sunday at nine on cnn they're saying. >> here's this strange irish man coming to feed us you come
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to arizona expecting to talk about the decline of american democracy. >> but you end up watching dares hi look at all of them right there you're like, i don't know what's going on today big contrast to politics in the state is not a swamp bamboo in the paper people will making their own ballots destroying drop. it wanted to supply what is it about arizona that has made it really become this kind of ground zero of election craziness i think it becomes a battleground because it's verging on losing it's
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redness. >> they want to keep it as red as those rocks yeah. jerry roles spent most of her life working in the court system. >> good morning, mr. chairman. and members so the board but nothing prepared her for becoming the election director of a small county in arizona. >> in my career, i've done a lot of things i have been treated better by murderers child molester is thieves, rapists the defendants have treated me far better than the political parties. and the elected representatives military step in and redo our election jerry is just one of hundreds of election officials that have been driven out of their job because of hate and intimidation. in her resignation an email jerry said that she had been subject to ridicule or disrespect attacks on her reputation. and not just from voters i had the party chair in my office and for other people and they were
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yelling. >> they're threatening, they're veiled threats. >> the republicans in our county, they want their party to be on top to maintain control and you voted for trump in 2016? >> i sure did. >> you were a registered republican? >> i was. >> all your life? >> yes. >> the first guy i ever voted for was richard nixon, not proud, but it's true you said you heard all sorts the things that people believe watts. have you heard them believing? >> i had a guy tell me that he could hack into our election equipment through the power outlet. he could come in through the one ten power outlet they believe that all of those folks that are volunteering are being paid to handle the ballot our somehow i don't know sleight of hand. they believe that we're somehow doing something with them, not counting them. >> i don't care what anybody else's our election was stolen
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superstition or superstitious superstition jerry lives at the first of the superstition mountain range in arizona she says the intimidation that forced her to quit her job was fueled by misinformation some stuff you just said there. >> but what people believe hacking, true, a power outlet, everything else nonsensical people watching want to say if they're just stupas they're just stupid people but it's never been like this before. >> it never has been like this before. i it's not stupidity what they are saying is nonsensical. no, they're not stupid people. >> but they have a drive in an agenda and so they will craft that message to serve their own purposes and they really don't care about truth or integrity they just want the outcome. their outcome i think that's it. so why all this haste, why all this vilification of you i
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wish i knew i really don't know. >> i just know that i became a target and i began to feel very unsafe or end up in gallo you even humans. she probably not have a right research and do my own research and then do third party checkers. do is be alan duke is one of those fact-checkers i had heard about like who's back check, you know what i mean? >> you don't know who's back to alan regularly receives threatening voicemails like these. you are the scum of the earth. >> i really hope you people get what's coming to you and it will come to you, have to work he's a former cnn journalist, his fact-check can company has worked for the likes of facebook where his fact checks appear over faults posts. >> it's a program facebook introduced a few years ago to try and curb the spread of misinformation what do you
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think people imagine? fact-checkers to be that i'm part of some conspiracy or conspiracies that i'm this evil plotter who's trying to steal their voices from them. how do people feel when they get fact-checked i imagine just like if i were to walk up to you and tell you that you're wrong about something. so you can understand why people are off. >> i understand this and be off at me. but that doesn't make our work faults or unimportant or negative, or a conspiracy allen, jerry and pastures caleb jackson, jacobson and shaw are all on the frontlines of the fight against disinformation and division in this country they're standing up for community for integrity, for truce if you believe a lot of
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this misinformation you're going to believe that our country is on the brink of extinction or destruction. >> it can lead you to take action that you really wouldn't otherwise do. >> that can be very dangerous i think we are at risk of terrible violence, increasing violence in this country, you know, whatever is going on right now it's not fair to the people who work in elections department and it is runing what is the cornerstone of our democracy the biggest for me, is losing our, our church, our way of worship. >> i don't really know what the big solution is. we're doing what we can i've noticed in the public conversation, a lot of despairing and a lot of derision, and a lot of they're too far gone. >> i don't believe that at all
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i believe that every person can see the way of truth, the bible is full of stories like that. and our churches well, the story is like that. and our history is full of stories like that. >> so don't give up in the remaining months of this year's presidential campaign, donie will continue to investigate aid and report on the misinformation he's seeing in politics on both sides thanks for watching the whole story. >> i'll see you next sunday victor vescovo: only a very few number of people have actually been to titanic, less than 50. [dramatic music] you had a lot of mystery about why it went down so quickly, who survived, and who didn't. it's a fascinating story, but people


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