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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 28, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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oa, so they could jump in instead. really, it was the discovery of how well people had behaved. i think they were less selfish than we are. the bravery was quite extraordinary. [music playing] over a century after the wreck, titanic is still coming up with amazing stories about her passengers and crew. a nurse in the titanic infirmary was ordered into a lifeboat to show passengers the small craft was safe, so she was picked up by the carpathia and became a lucky survivor. then undeterred by the ordeal, she signed on during the first world war with the britannica, an ocean liner converted into a floating hospital. and when it hit a german sea mine, remarkably, the nurse survived the second time.
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i'm jesse l. martin, thank you for watching. the nurse survived a second time i'm ceo martin thank you for watching. >> good night hello, and welcome to our viewers joining us here. >> here in the united states around the world. and streaming is on cnn, max, i'm most, which just ahead. america's top diplomat arrives in the middle east with tall orders, hoping to reach a ceasefire deal in gaza before israel's expected incursion into the southern city of rafah up tensions flare on america is cold footage campuses as protests over gaza expand to more schools but are the demands from sample for colleges to divest from? dwell actually feasible and emperor penguins at risk, how the world's largest penguin species is severely threatened by climate change live from
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atlanta. >> this is cnn newsroom with rosemarie thanks for joining us. >> well, the us is ramping up diplomatic pressure around and hostage release and ceasefire talks involving israel and hamas. >> you are secretary of state antony blinken arrived in saudi arabia just a short time ago, where he will meet with arab officials blinken is expected to discuss aid to gaza as well as how to achieve a quote, lasting peace and a pathway to a palestinian state. on sunday, the saudi foreign minister weighed in on solving the israeli palestinian conflict region or not going to focus only on solving the crisis of the moment. we are going to look at how we can solve the bigger problem in the context of raza. that is a real
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commitment to a two-state solution that is a credible, irreverent so path to a palestinian state that's the only reasonable and credible solution that guarantees us from not having to come back to this same situation. 234 years down the line also, on sunday, us president joe biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke by phone or source tells cnn the core was constructive. >> they focus primarily on freeing more hostages held by hamas, but they also discussed aid to gaza and the situation in rafah the us wants to see a concrete plan from israel on how civilians in rafah would be protected in the event of a ground operation and israeli official tells cnn, the idf will continue to prepare for that operation even if there is a hostage deal journalists elliott gotkine has more on the latest talks and how
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netanyahu's decision on rafah could affect his government stability even before prime minister netanyahu and president biden's conversation on sunday, there was reaction in anticipation of their conversation from the hard right. >> ministers in his governing coalition, namely national security minister to my thing there. and finance minister bezalel smotrich effectively saying that if netanyahu agrees to shelf the operation to go into raffa, the planned operation that they would effectively leave the governing coalition. they would leave the government now, israel hasn't said that it would cancel the operation. quite the contrary, what we're hearing from officials is that even if there is a temporary ceasefire which sees a number of israeli hostages were abducted on october the seventh, free from captivity, that the rafah operation would still go ahead and would simply be postponed. i was biden and netanyahu are having their conversation, hostage talks between israel and hamas, mediated by egypt are ongoing. there hasn't been a break a few, but neither have these talks broken down. israel and the united states saying that the stumbling block, the
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main stumbling block remains, hamas's insistence that for there to be a deal to free a number of hostages that israel has to agree to a complete cessation of hostilities and withdrawal of all forces from the gaza strip. something netanyahu has in the past described as a we delusional demands. now at the same time over the weekend hamas released yet another hostage video this time of israeli-american hostage keith siegel and also israeli hostage omri miran now both men, this is the first time that they've been seen, so it's the first proof of life has been since they were abducted as part of the hamas-led terrorist attacks. of october the seventh. at the same time that clearly designed to galvanize the israeli public to put pressure on the israeli government to come to the table and to do the deal that hamas is demanding at the same time, it's designed to put pressure on the united states because two of the three hostages that appeared in hamas hostage videos over the past covenant weeks have been american citizens. now the other development over the weekend is
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that world central kitchen. seven of whose aid workers were killed in israeli airstrikes earlier this month, it says it will resume its aid deliveries, its operations in the gaza strip on monday because of the continued diet humanitarian situation in the gaza strip got can cnn, london? >> earlier i spoke with cnn political and national security analysts david sanger i asked him about the state of the ceasefire and hostage release talks as the us secretary of state arrives in the middle east the key part of this for the hostage talks is, is real but it's all part of three moving parts here one is whether or not israel goes into rafah. the second is whether or not they get the hostage deal, which at this point really has more to do with hamas i think he's is has signed off on the opera that the united states
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and european allies, i helped put together. and then the third piece of it is whether or not there would be a saudi deal that would recognize israel, which would also, of course require that prime minister netanyahu agreed to a two-state solution he four doesn't sound like that's where his head's at right now. >> yeah. and de and of course, if president joe biden and israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke the earlier sunday via phone. the president reiterating his clear position on the potential rafah invasion, calling on israel to ensure civilians are protected but israel says it will invade rather even if a hostage deal is reached, what will be the consequences of this well they did invade. >> it would, and they invaded in the six-week period that was covered by the ceasefire would seem to be probably a violation
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of the ceasefire. i don't think that's what they're discussing if they do get the deal. >> and there is the six weeks i think that would put off the rafah invasion. now of course, the idea is immediately to build on the six weeks to get another six weeks or longer ceasefire of some gun and we'll have more of my interview with david sanger next hour on cnn newsroom. dozens of students and children in gaza are thanking the pro-palestinian protesters and us colleges nationwide for their support. they spray painted messages of gratitude on makeshift tents which now serve as a shelter for displaced palestinians in rafah. >> one message reads, quote thank you students, in solidarity with gaza, your message has reached us the demonstrations continue to grip major universities across the united states. >> and some of those college
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campuses have been shaken by unrest, like at the university of california, los angeles, where physical altercation broke out now between protest groups after a security barrier was breached a ucla officials is the school condemns the violence and on-site security measures does have been increased. so i'm ucla protesters are speaking out we've seen it historically that when the students decide to unite at the people, rally behind them. >> so this is no surprise to me. i know that the american public is not okay with their own tax-paying dollars going to fund it israel, and they're also not okay with students paying tuition and their money going to fund israel funding their investments here. as students we, were pepper sprayed. we were pepper sprayed and they also through stink bombs at us it was disgusting. somebody stole my sign they really, really he will live in
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intimidating and we're trying to say cussing at us saying terrible things. i believe in protest. >> i do. >> but but not like this now, like this main wall, there is deadlock, add new york's columbia university, the epicenter of these demonstrations with student protesters saying talks with the administration have slipped food cnn's polo sandoval has more than you speak to the columbia students who are actively engaged in negotiations with columbia university, they will tell you that those talks are at an impasse. >> now they have seen some progress when it comes to some of their demands including for complete transparency. >> it's number one that is really big sticking point i here. divestment, which is they are asking for all financial ties between the university and tech or weapons companies with israeli ties be completely cut you look back through history, you will find that there have been many other calls for divestment. some have actually been successful, including in
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1968. that's when columbia students since occupied several buildings, including hamilton hall that you see off in the distance by doing so, raising awareness of the vietnam war in 2015, a year-long campaign made columbia university the first to divest from private prisons. >> and then a few years later on those very steps that you see up in the distance in front of the library that's where a group of climate activists, students states a hunger strike to divest from coal and fossil well fuels, but perhaps were the most successful calls for divestment came in the 80s when students called for the cutting off of financial ties between the university and in south african companies during the apartheid. >> and that is when once again, hamilton hall, we saw this occupation of students that eventually lead to a trustee the vote that would make columbia university the first ivy league to cut said ties. and that is the kind of legacy that is certainly not lost on all of the young people that we have seen in this encampment
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and is really why the reason why they are reluctant to pack up and leave now in terms of columbia university, they are certainly still under pressure what will the administration do? will they once again turned to the nypd for assistance and clearing out this encampment, which previously made them the subject of investigation from the columbia university senate, or do they allow them to remain as the big graduation commencement ceremony? meir's in this very spot in a matter of weeks polo sandoval cnn new york chris massie kano is an assistant professor of educational studies at public policy at davidson college. >> he has studied the impacts of university divestments and joins me now from davidson, north carolina appreciate you being with us thank you so much for the opportunity, rosemary. >> so tensions are running high at various american college campuses across the country with physical clashes now reported add ucla between dueling protesters among their demands and into the war in
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gaza. and a call for colleges to disclose their financial investments. and divest from israeli companies and companies that do business in israel well as well as weapons manufacturers. so what does divestment mean exactly and how difficult is that process for these colleges with massive endowments? >> it's, a great question. divestment generally means taking whatever funds that the endowment uses out of the various different opportunities investment opportunities that the protesters have discussed, things like taking money out of weapons manufacturer is taking investments out of companies that are in it israel are companies that do business with israel unfortunately, for the protesters, it's extraordinarily difficult to make that happen. >> so how likely is it then that colleges will divest? it sounds like you don't think they will. how difficult is it to divest from these particular
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israeli linked companies? >> it is really, really hard to meet the protesters demands on this issue. so endowment managers and nearly all american colleges and universities, they're not stock pickers, they aren't managing an e-trade account. they're doing what most of us who have a retirement plan are doing there. they investing in index funds and private equity they're investing in funds that have lots of different pieces together. and because those funds are very complicated and packaged, many investment opportunities together it's difficult to know which firms within those funds are doing significant business in israel and divesting from those funds. it's very expensive. it's possible that new funds could be created that leave out israeli focused companies or companies that do business with weapons manufacturers. >> but so far those packages aren't readily available to colleges or universities, but many college and downwards have already divested from fossil fuel companies, haven't they? >> why would this be any different than how reasonable is the demand so the difference
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between a fossil fuel company and say, a company that does business in israel is it's very clear to know what exon does, what bp does, or michel does. it's not as easy to understand whether or not the companies are providing services, are providing goods to israeli organizations or israeli, the israeli defense force and that's simply because we have a hard time knowing where every money is then for every single corporation in america and beyond in terms of fossil fuels because of the research that we've done on fossil fuels and fossil fuel divestment. it's unclear whether fossil fuel divestment really made a dent in the political movement. so it's entirely possible that what protesters are asking for may not, not only happen, but may not be effectual either interesting and i mean given that presumably then we can expect to see more dueling protests like this across american campuses until
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colleges either meet these divestment demands or appear to meet them, or until the war in gaza ends whenever that may be exactly, exactly. but i will say if the goal of the protesters is to put political pressure on the israeli government they may actually perhaps surprisingly be achieving that goal. so just last week, prime minister bibi netanyahu is stated. so what's happening on americans colleges campuses is horrific. so these protests have gotten the israeli government's attention. as schools begin to have graduation ceremonies and transition too few to no classes during the summer season, we'll see if protesters can keep that attention. >> right. nicole. so the pressure is not only on benjamin netanyahu's certainly president joe biden is failing. it isn't it? i mean, this is really really going to impact his campaign absolutely. >> a young people are by and large very worried about this this conflict in gaza. >> many young voters what those that we've considered to be in gen z hold joe biden
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responsible for not having the ceasefire in place? for a peace plan, whether that's fair or not, is for the voters for design but that's certainly what many and gen z feel. >> yeah, they probably need to look at the alternative as well. chris, thank you so much for joining us. >> appreciate it. >> thank you so much. resume for having me coming up next. >> deadly tornadoes leave a path of destruction across the central us in the threat is not over yet. we'll bring you the latest on this severe storm system back, but that are more just a minute. >> when you're the leader in disaster, clean up and restoration, how do you make like it never even happened, happened whatever comes your
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doggedly. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance, but they're pretty anyway we got a bit of a situation sure, i can only pay for what you need ghostbusters, frozen empire in theaters now more than 4 million people in the us are under tornado watches as a multiday severe weather system continues to move across the country. according to the us storm prediction center, they have been dilly 500 storm reports since thursday hey including more than 135 reports of tornadoes. >> the storm system has already left a path of death and destruction in its wake. >> and some of the hardest hit communities in states like oklahoma and nebraska. and now
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left picking up the pieces, cnn's rafael romo reports oklahoma governor or kevin stitt increased to for the number of storm-related deaths in his state with one county alone reporting at least 30 injuries officials had earlier said there's an infant among those who died. >> the governor said two people died in the city of ada located about 85 miles southeast of oklahoma city. >> a third person died in marietta, oklahoma, which is located on interstate 35, about 115 miles south of oklahoma city. the fourth person died and sulfur a city the governor visited on sunday to assess the damage. >> governors fit had earlier declared an emergency disaster in an area that includes marietta. altogether, the governor's declaration includes 12 counties. that declaration is states that severe storms, tornadoes, straight line winds, hail, and flooding effect that different parts of oklahoma. the damage and sulfur the governor said
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was hard to watch early reports. they think this is an f4, just kinda blowing right through downtown here. and i just haven't seen this much destruction from my time as governor. you just can't believe the destruction like it seems like every business and downtowns been destroyed now here and solve for the oklahoma department of emergency management fan said it has received reports of injuries, property damage, flooding, and downed power lines and trees across several counties. were also getting new images of severe flooding and the city of tank kawa located about 90 miles north of oklahoma city in this all happened in the wake of yet another series of powerful storms that left the devastating trail of destruction in nebraska on omaha resident described to cnn affiliate ketv what it was like to hear a tornado coming just like the movie state, it was like a freight train. the noise was so loud. i'm not too
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afraid to admit it. i was crying like a baby because it's just the scariest feeling in the world yet is helpless elkhorn, nebraska was one of the hardest hit areas in the state. >> nebraska, governor jim pillen said, this weekend, it is a miracle. there were no deaths. rafael romo, cnn atlanta russia's defense ministry says, it's making gains in eastern ukraine, taking over a village in the donetsk region. >> that's where ukrainian troops have facing the fiercest battles according to the country his army chief, he says the situation on the front line has escalated, but pointed out that it's changing every day. ukraine's army chief also described the situation in the south as tense. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy hopes incoming foreign aid will turn things around on the battlefield when does she could eat? we are cooperating with our partners at all levels to
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achieve a level of efficiency and assistance that is needed, not only to maintain our positions but also to disrupt russia's war plan. >> is she you're still waiting for the supplies that have been promised in ukraine blind, we expect the exact volume and scope and supplies that could change the situation can on the battlefield in ukraine's interests zelenskyy went on to say his country is working with a us to firm up support for the next ten years. >> protesters in georgia or denouncing the government's efforts to force through a controversial russian style foreign agents law. thousands of people mind i'll just on sunday against a bill they say will be used to crush dissent and civil society, if the bill passes organizations that receive more than 20% of funding from abroad will be required to register as foreign agents or face huge fines. the eu's is the bill could hold georgia's integration into the bloc but has to say their
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future is in the west guess cheer me. >> i want to show my favorite russia to stand on your for the system serves the people i read nothing jason the bill faces two more readings in parliament. the next is on tuesday, started comm one us official says washington is the best partner for african nations given the rising influence of moscow and beijing, not everyone seems to agree will have that in just a minute riyad say his new album
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the best, we think we offer opportunities it's consistent with your values of freedom and democracy. and so we want to be the partner that you choose to work with. >> so secretary, why is the us the best? over and say china or russia that also making big moves into the continent why the us the best four african countries, because like you, we are a democracy like we believe in freedom we believe in an open internet. >> we believe in the market entrepreneurial ism that you have here. there aren't strings attached it's an opportunity to partner together and also, i mean, the us has best tech companies in the world, deepest capital markets best protection of ip. so that's why we think with the partner of choice, the suggestion here is that there are strings attached to these partnerships with russia or china even though they say they don't have colonial baggage.
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and we want to lecture you about human rights. we just trying to be good partners for you better than say europe or the us. >> you know, i just met with president ruto had fantastic meeting and i said to him, we're not here to lecture, we're here to partner, we're here to learn from you. we're here to invest in your people and in your country. >> kenya's considering banning tiktok here, which is an issue in the west, the us congress has passed legislation to ban tiktok. i wonder what you think of that we are doing it for national security concerns. >> plain and simple. we trade with china will continue to trade with china. that's a good thing. tiktok collects information on every american where they are at every time, what they watch. and that information goes back to the prc so it's a national security risk that's why we did as with the congress did it. and i think i'll make americans safer and we'll be right back you think, you know
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the story, but there's more, beneath the surface how it really happened with jesse l. martin next sunday they had nine on cnn of a guy loss of bet, and my dignity, as of watching my team lumen wasn't punishment and nuts as you have good red car service. if you paid for that yourself, so get all state right now, pet dander skin cells in dirt are settling deep into your carpet fibers. stanley steamer removes the dirt uc in the dirt. you don't your corporates aren't clean until their stanley steamer clean after advil let's dive in
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bertrand at the pentagon. >> and this is cnn at least ten people have died and dozens are missing after a dam burst its banks in kenya amid heavy flooding it comes after the government said the death toll from the flooding de, has now topped one let's get the lasers. now from larry madowo joining us by phone. so larry, what more are you learning about this? rosamira, we're seeing the devastation from this recent heavy rains along in east africa and in kenya, where the government now say is the death toll has risen to 103, but overnight, a devastating situation, just about 50 kilometers. >> north west of nairobi. in my mathew nakuru county a dam in kgb burst its banks and swept everything in its path. the governor of kenya's narrow in cruel county telling cnn that they fear at least ten people we'll have been confirmed dead so far, but the exact number of
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the dead could be tens more. they just don't know yet, right now, a search and rescue operation is ongoing by team so the national county government, as well as the kenya red cross and other private sector emergency teams were all unseen trying to rescue as many people as possible. this happened the overnight in heavy rainfall and people must have been asleep and this happened. so there must have been caught unawares by it. to add to the complication here part of the road was cut off because of recent heavy rains. so even access has been difficult. so this morning they've been clear in the brief from this area and trying to reach as many people as possible with these teams who had trouble getting to this theme to start with. but that is just one situation. the latest that this country has seen over the past few weeks with devastating flooding in different parts of the country. kenya's longest and largest river river county also burst its banks and has rendered parts of the northeast and the country completely impassable. there have been very harrowing videos on social media showing people drown coming in boats trying to cross the river and
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then just completely getting stuff by the currents and the winds in one direction. so all across the country, across the region, a lot of concern about these flooding after this heavy rainfall, the largest that this region is seen in some time it was married. >> yeah. and those images certainly make it very clear how difficult this rescue of operation will continue to be. and we will continue watching this and discussing this issue with you, larry madowo, bringing us the very latest day appreciate it well, in the coming hours, spain's prime minister pedro sanchez is expected to announce whether he will remain in office on sunday. >> thousands of his supporters rally hello, he didn't madrid urging him to stay on the job. he shocked the country last week when he said he was considering resigning from the premiership. that came after a spanish court. began a business corruption investigation into his wife's private dealings. mr. sanchez denies the allegation patients against his wife, saying it's part of a
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sustained campaign against him by political opponents the emperor penguins of antarctica in parallel, low levels of sea ice driven in part by climate change, threatening their breeding grounds and causing colonies to die off cnn's linda kincaid has more waddling and gliding through the entire cdic. some of these penguins have seen better days. the world's largest penguin species emperor penguins, a severely threatened by climate change scientists from the british antarctic survey say tens of thousands of emperor penguin chicks may have died. as the species battle to survive record, lucy is in 2023 we know that they breon sea ice. sea ice is one of the first things affected as temperatures warm ocean temperature, temperatures. but we're starting to see these losses in antarctica now, our models are quite dire. >> dire because these penguins also lay their eggs and raise
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their chicks on sea ice but with the ice melting away, the chicks may fall into the sea before they get their waterproof feathers, leaving them to freeze to death or drown despite the recent losses, 2023 wasn't as bad as 2022 for the emperor penguins scientists saves because some colonies adapted to the worsening conditions by moving south to find better eyes or the more stable ice shelves icebergs. >> it was reassuring that it wasn't quite as bad as we'd feed with the worst ever seen. but it was still bad. >> well, this is a good sign for it. well says works don't needs to be done to save the emperor penguin. and we should do it before it's too late to be worth well, that really depends on us. >> how much carbon and methane we put in the atmosphere can we change the trajectory of global warming that we're all, if we can, we still have time to save them for payment well, if we don't, then emperor penguins is going to be one of the first
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major animals that will be lost purely by, by warming planet farewell and his fellow scientists predict that 99% of the emperor penguin population could be gone by the end of the century a tragic loss for a majestic bird. >> linda can cnn after years of delay, an australian billionaire is pushing forward with the creation of titanic to billionaire clive palmer and blue star line are accepting proposals and plans from ship builders who would attempt to recreate the original ship only bigger and better. >> early designs reveal the titanic two would hold more than 2,300 passengers with almost half of the cabins reserve for them they are aiming to start building the ship next year i want to thank you for joining us. i'm rosewood church, for international viewers, world sport is coming up next those of you in the united states and canada, i'll be back with more
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cnn newsroom in just a moment to stay with us i was born with wings, but psoriasis swooped into clip them. >> it crushed my confidence, but no longer will psoriasis get a piece of me. >> i can love my skin again. what's been salads only booms alex targets and blocks il-7 in teenage plus f to calm inflammation, i can control my plaques and start getting myself fat jokes helps adults with moderate to severe psoriasis control plaques to deliver clearer skin fast for results that last i will give myself back the freedom of shorts standard where black again, from head to toe most people got 100% clear skin, saw him after the first dose
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they're on. it's like they have an invisible built-in shoe horn. so your foot and slides into place hands-free sketch your sleep welcome back to have you as a north america, i'm was my church he was president joe biden, and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke by phone. for nearly an hour. sunday. >> a source tells cnn the two leaders primarily discussed a potential hostage deal, but also talked about raffa and humanitarian assistance for gaza. >> cnn's priscilla alvarez has detail president biden on sunday spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in a call that was primarily focused on a hostage deal that according to a source familiar. >> now, this call lasted just under an hour and was described by the source as, quote constructive. of course, us officials have been working around the clock to try to reach an agreement that would allow for a temporary ceasefire about six tweaks and also the release of hostages held by hamas and for more humanitarian
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aid to get searched into gaza. senior us officials have been traveling to the region over the last several months to try to advance these talks and secretary of state antony blinken headed to the middle east on sunday, where he too will be involved in these conversations as well as the conversations about getting more aid into gaza. now the president and the israeli prime minister are also touched on other issues, including, for example, around the airstrikes against israel and israel's airstrikes against iran the first time they've discussed that since that occurred earlier this month, and about rafah. that's an area where israel has said that they would potentially launch an operation. it's also where there are over 1 million palestinians displaced according to a white house readout, it said, quote, the leaders discussed rafat and the president reiterated his clearer position sure. that position from the us being that an operation at this point would be untenable. of course, those conversations are ongoing. now, what happens after this call and the reason there's all sorts of it are still unclear. but what we will be monitoring in the weeks to come are still alvarez, cnn,
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the white house a new cnn poll finds high levels of disapproval for president biden's handling of the conflict in gaza 71% of respondents say they don't like the way he's handled the war between israel and hamas. >> that number is 81% among those aged 18 to 34. the survey also asked registered voters, their preferences and a head-to-head match up. but twain, mr. biden, and republican presidential candidate donald trump and found trump leading by a margin of 6% former president donald trump is laying the groundwork for a potential second term in office. specifically, he's been talking about his plans to overhaul the federal government and eliminate what he calls the deep state and ensure most government employees are loyal to him cnn senior investigative correspondent, can law has more on the impact trump's plans
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could have on the us government and how it functions every 2024 campaign rally for former president donald trump he makes a vow, we will the the deep state. >> we will demolish the deep state. we will demolish the deep state, the deep state is his named enemy federal workers, who trump believes conspire against him. >> here's my plan to dismantle the deepstate and reclaim our democracy from washington corruption and trump's ten point plan and his campaign website outlined sweeping changes he wants to make to government agencies faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to target and persecute conservatives christians, or the left's political enemies. the end result would erase federal worker protections that have been in place for more than 140 years, eliminate entire departments and consolidate power around trump two understand the impact of
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what could happen in trump's second term you only have to look at his first. >> i will immediately reissue my 2020 executive order, restoring the president's authority to remove rogue bureaucrats. that executive order he signed just before losing the 2020 election turns government jobs into political appointments, giving the trump administration the power to fire employees at will and replace them with loyalists making them according to this federal report, subject to removal for partisan political reasons, they want people doing scientific research to the nuclear regulatory commission who don't have the qualifications to perform that kind of work. they're all my qualification is an allegiance to the trump agenda jacqueline simon represents a large government employee union. she says the expertise of government workers can't be replaced on a political win once that kind of stuff is politicized, let's say you deny a disability claim based on somebody's politics. >> how do you feel as you think about what the federal workforce could look like?
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it's very disheartening and it's scary. >> i think that there will be a massive exodus of competence, i do think that this is in part an effort to weaponize the bureaucracy lifelong republican robertson she was a political appointee under president george w bush. he believes politics should be kept out of the federal workforce no matter who is in the white house. >> i would expect to see wide swaths of civil servants removed from their positions and replaced with people more loyal to president trump. do you read this as loyalty test? >> i do. >> these documents obtained by the national treasury employees union show the trump administration plan to cut deep one agency proposing almost 70% of his position should become political appointments by claiming they deal with policy it specialist, data management, budget, information support manager. we read the jobs lists
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to former obama era omb official kenneth baer so why would you make all of these positions political appointee? >> because that's what they want to destroy. the independent objective civil service that's why i think it would really fundamentally weaken the american government, but also american democracy if we got rid of that career staff, deep say, must end will be brought to heel. it's but that's only part of what trump appears to have in store. >> remove parts of the sprawling federal bureaucracy to new locations outside the washington swamp to places filled with patriots who love america he's also promising to relocate federal agencies out of dc, something he did in his first term i was devastated. >> the trump administration targeted to agencies that the usda moving hundreds of jobs, including katharine green's out of washington to kansas city. the official reason was to create significant savings for taxpayers, improve usda's
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ability to attract and retain highly qualified personnel and attract a diverse staff. >> but the exact opposite happened. >> in fact, one government studies showed that the administration excluded critical costs and estimate for moving agencies. and after two years, the workforce was made up mostly of new employees with less experience the number of black employees declined to about a third of what it once was. >> the goal was to uproot the agency in such a way that most people would have to move on. and most people did. >> the biden administration is trying to slow down any action trump could take against federal employees if he wins the 2024 election by finalizing a new rule that says civil service protections can't be taken away from employees unless they voluntarily give them away. >> experts tell us, while that might put a pause on trump's plans essentially putting in a speed bump, ultimately, trump could do what he is planning. >> the only permanent fix we'll be legislation passed by
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congress, killing law, cnn, los angeles only three weeks left in the english premier league season there are only two teams who can win the title, manchester city and arsenal. >> world's wards. don riddell has more on the fight to the finish the premier league title race would now seem to be a head-to-head between manchester city and arsenal, liverpool have fallen away in recent weeks. so it's now down to the gunners to challenge man city and try to prevent them from becoming the first team to win four consecutive crowns. but they had a tricky assignment on sunday away there are better north london rivals, tottenham and all those birth play well. arsenault got the goals as pikaia psaki, making it to nil midway through the first half. and arson over crews using when kai havertz made it three nail into 38th minute, this was a frustrating de for spurs. they add more possession, they had chances, but nothing dropped into the 64th minute when christian numero punished asieh
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goalie for a dreadful mistake. and then three minutes from time, spurs really rattled their opponents for the penalty from the son heung-min tottenham, though unable to find another. arsenal held on for three crucial points the gunners must win every game and hope the manchester city somehow slip up. otherwise, it is city's title to lose it in their hands right now, they picked up another three points on sunday with a to nil when at nottingham forest, city's defense does you're scared. vireo is having a wonderful month. that was his third goal and just five games while erling haaland returned from injury coming off the bench to make points safe? that's his 21st premier league goal of the season to nil the final score so here's the table. arsenal still top. the gunners, or a point ahead of man city, but city have a gaming hand arsenal have just three matches left to play. city have four i think the most important thing is to not think especially in these
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moments about taking day by day honestly, if you think you're going to be crazy in your head, so relax. now, enjoy the story will continue on saturday with both are snot man city playing their next premier league games at home? >> back to you and finally, a sumo wrestling match on like any, you've seen before, the competitors or not, the massive hulking dudes in loin cloths trying to force each other but out of the ring. >> this time, the matches between babies and whoever cries first is the one who wins around 100 babies joined the annual buying sumo event in tokyo this year. for some, it took no time at all to the km champions, although some babies couldn't help. but smile thanks so much. she accompany this hour. i'm most mature shall be back with mostly in the newsroom and just a moment, distinct land all right very
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