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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 29, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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really special, honey. thank you don't be shy. come right up. she hates privacy scarlet, diana was a good sport as was doug emhoff. >> can i just like all these other people got titles and it was just dug. >> celebrities come with his dinner. i feel so bad like in a fishbowl with bad all iid random hill staffers getting bad selfies with them, i guess. it's like, why why do they ought, why? >> did they come to the dinner. >> what i know, yeah, because they love politics. they're fascinated by they love power. it's i think, i think there's also probably an element of like looking into the fishbowl. it's like this weird world and washington like let me go witnesses are far less i would think you're not of this world. >> you'd probably find it fascinated by it. >> yeah, yeah. >> well, we're happy to have you. yeah. thank you for coming
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face or a battle for joining us this morning. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central stars right now push back on pro-palestinian protests four people are now dead, including a four month old baby after a string of tornadoes rips through multiple states. and there's a new threat. this morning also, south dakota governor kristi noem still defending shooting and killing her family doc or admitted fishing in her new book that has people still outraged and also scratching their heads. sara is out. i'm kate balden with john berman. this is cnn news central it's
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morning unit relevance of the protests facing colleges and universities across the country hundreds have been arrested or detained in sometimes violent encounters with authorities oh palestinian and can't-miss and rallies at virginia tech overnight new arrests after the university says the situation of progress and had the potential to become unsafe at ucla police in riot gear intervened after protests is breached just security barrier intended to separate opposing groups george washington university is beginning to see its encampments spill out onto the streets with more than 20 new tents set up in recent days new cnn polling this morning shows that 71% of americans disapproved of president biden's handling of the israel-hamas war. >> cnn's omar jimenez is outside columbia university, were really this all began to all more. what are you seeing there this morning? >> yes. or seeing for one is a decreased visible security
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presence. have the outside of the campus at least different than what? we've seen to this point has previously been dictated by barricades and more of a bigger officer presence as well today though, is the last official day of classes here at columbia university. as we enter into this finals period, both of which are hybrid in part because of tensions in and around campus. some of them anti-semitic in nature, but a big question is, how his graduation going to play out. it's a little bit over two weeks from this point, we've been on campus many times and you can see traces of graduation setup there next to the encampment which is now approaching its two-week mark of being on there as well. one thing we know that is not going to to happen, or that is not in consideration at this point, is sending in the new york police department as a statement from university leaders here said, we called on nypd to clear an encampment once, but we all share the view based on discussions within our community when you're dealing
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with outside experts, that to bring back the nypd at this time would be counterproductive . further inflaming what is happening on campus and drawing thousands to our doorstep, who would threaten our community. now that statement was sent out by co-chairs of columbia's board of trustees, university the provost and university president. but that last dynamic is one that's been keith throughout. there has been there had been protests that have been happening on campus. the student-led encampments that really had been pushing for the university precedes divest from corporations. they say benefit from israel and its war in gaza. and then some of the protests outside the campus at the gates behind me here where that secure increased security presence typically was and where the nypd says they have seen outside agitators that had been spewing hate and anti-semitism so moving forward, the university it says negotiations are ongoing with the student protesters over how to bring this encampment to a resolution. but of course while they're protests, their versions of protests have for the most part been peaceful.
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not all jewish students have felt safe on campus and many of them have done this final period of the semester from home, just out of comfort for it at the very least, fear as well. and then as we approached graduation here, it does remain to be seen how exactly that is going to play out. but they did say that they are mindful. the graduating seniors began their columbia university experience remotely and they really wanted to make get happened in person here. >> sure, they do. omar jimenez at columbia. omar, thank you very much. i've been to a graduation at columbia, kate, and it takes place right where i think those tents are. i mean, this is something that if they want to go forward with the ceremony, will have to figure out before that there's a lot of decisions that need to happen pretty quickly exactly right? less than peaceful protests as things turned somewhat violent and to a over the weekend pro-palestinian and pro israeli demonstrators clashing after people breach to security barrier and started screaming and shoving university officials are also now facing questions this morning about what they're going to do about all of this now, cnn's camila bernal,
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she's in los angeles four for us this morning. she's joining us now, cml. what's happening there? what's happened there hey, kate, well, this morning, things are very quiet. >> that was not the case yesterday. you're are still seeing some of the students that are part of the encampment. >> they are behind the wall here or this plywood that they have set up. >> and these metal barriers that that's what officials tried to do to keep both sides separate. of course, the students here quiet this morning, but yesterday, we definitely saw those violent encounters. we were here in the problem that the university was having was keeping the two sides separate. so at the moment when both sides would collide, that's when you would see the pushing and shoving and both verbal and physical abuse that i personally saw. it was heartbreaking to see these two sides fighting and essentially shouting at each other, really not coming to any sort of agreement between the two of them. i asked the pro-palestinian group about the antisemitism lemon about the
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violence. and they continued to push me back and point to what's happening in gaza when i asked the pro israeli group about the violence that i was seeing what they were telling me is that they were not going to back down. so i want you to listen to part of the conversation that i had with people on both sides of this issue the people that are calling for aggression or that people hiding behind those masks because they are too afraid to show their face. do you see anyone here with a mask on this side of the bridge? no, because we stand with what we believe in they terrorize us all the time and they censor us students are constantly getting docs, but they're going to attack us we're now going to bat down, but we're going to take precautions and you're seeing there those energies were high. >> i mean, everyone was extremely passionate at some point what the security officers here we're able to do is line up a number of bicycles and they kept that separate. the two sides and that's when it's done. essentially, we saw
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things not calm down, but we saw less fights and less physical altercations. now, at some point, it was those security guards that pushed the protestors off campus with the help of the campus police. they were in riot gear, but the police did not engage with those protesters. it was mostly those security guards in the university saying they have now increased the number of security guards. again, like i mentioned, the people who are in the encampment are here behind me, but in front of me, we're also seeing at least one tent in support of the jewish students here on campus. so again, you're seeing two of these sides saying they're not backing down and they will likely stay here for a while until for this side, until they say they get a response from the university. and on the pro, jewish students side, they're saying their here because they're also here. so they're saying they're not backing down and that's what you're seeing here at ucla? >> camila. thank you very much. >> so coming up. so for us, the secretary of state, back in the
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middle east and just now saying that israel has presented hamas with an extraordinarily generous proposal, you have that new reporting coming up next and donald trump and ron desantis joining forces. the first reported conversation between the two former rivals. >> cnn has the details, plus it was once declared eliminated did in the united states, but cases of the measles around the world have nearly doubled. >> in one year. now, what doctors are saying about this, we'll be back every piece of evidence tells store how would really hammered jesse l. >> martin, sunday's at nine on cnn from friends coming over to mom's coming over so many ways to save life ready, wallet, happy. >> that's 3605 by whole foods
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. now, it's called poppy so this is the playoffs, great teammates trust each other. we're going to do a trust balls, stand up, trust what you sent me up doc i told him he was a dummy knew this morning
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worry inside the state department that israel is not using us weapons in accordance with international law in its war against hamas in gaza a source telling cnn, the state department is divided over that the secretary of state is in the middle east right now. again. and just said that he believes israel has, has presented hamas with an extraordinarily generous proposal in the ongoing and much stalled in stop really ceasefire and hostage negotiations. cnn's kylie atwood, she's joining us right now with much more on this haley, what are you hearing yeah. >> well, listen, there's some optimism from the secretary of state this morning saying that the latest proposal from the israeli sayyed is, as you said, something that essentially hamas should accept. however, us officials have long been saying that the issue ear here is hamas not going forward and making an agreement over this ceasefire. they're trying to
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come to an agreement on and of course, those hostages that they want release. listen to what the secretary said this morning in saudi arabia hamas has before to proposal that is extraordinarily extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of gaza and a ceasefire is hamas they have to decide and they have to decide quickly so we're, we're looking to that and i'm hopeful that they will make the right decision now, meanwhile, while we're watching to see what happens there back at home, here at the state department, there is division as you were saying, kate, whether they're american made weapons that the united states is giving israel oh, are being used in accordance with international law. >> so president biden signed a national security memorandum late last year that requires a
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state department to provide an assessment as to if the countries that are getting these american-made weapons are using them in accordance with international law. there's not a consensus opinion within the the state department over whether israel's assurances are legitimate on this front. that is according to a state department official who spoke with our colleague jennifer hansler. now, the state department is saying that they are not going to comment on leaked documents. there also saying that when there are these complex issues, it is typical for the secretary to have a rate ain't of opinions provided to him, but this is all going to come to a head next week because this national security memorandum requires the secretary of state to provide an actual assessment to congress over whether the assurances that have been given by these countries, of course, including israel, are credible and reliable. so we'll watch this see where this all goes yeah. wait to see as you just said, here, who secretary of state's assessment next week, it's great to see you, kylie.
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>> thank you so much. so cleanup is underway right now after deadly tornadoes hit across the midwest, a huge trail of destruction and it was through multiple states and the storm threat not yet over. >> it's like jumanji come to life. >> at least i'm going to say that look at this a group of, a group of runners runaways, zebras escaping on a busy highway, will explain we're here to get your side of the store affairs, bribery, prostitution. why do we keep getting up here? you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper now streaming on macs we're hitting the road talking to people about their hearts putting the mobile and cardio mobile how's your heart doing good? is it i think so. >> how do you know? right? >> now, don't actually know. you don't actually know with
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everyday million say, i use splenda sunday story in one of the world's most diverse ecosystems. ivan watson confronts the dark reality of climate change are to fight for us. >> the whole story with anderson cooper sunday at eight on cnn all right, this morning, millions are under a severe storm, watches across southeastern texas and louisiana. there have been days of devastation for people, including an infant died oklahoma as the hate, the state
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hit a record number of tornado warnings, at least 22 were tracked in one day. one of those deaths was in the small town of sulphur, which was badly hit seen as derek van dam joins us now with the latest on what's expected derek hey, john, sulphur, oklahoma and murray county was in the cross hairs of two extremely large and destructive tornadoes within the span of an hour striking fear into this community. look at the path of destruction that it left behind us several hundred yards wide. this tornado completely tearing roofs off of buildings this video is astonishing. look at the collapsed walls zooming into this united states postal truck that's just been flipped over like a toy car, sending debris hundreds of feet from where it originally laid. now, this is all part of the outbreak of tornadoes that started friday lasted through saturday and sunday, 137
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tornado reports. and yes, there is another threat of severe weather later this week unfortunately, in some of the hardest hit areas across the central and northern plains, this is for later this week, and that extends all the way through oklahoma where we saw some of let worst damaged. we are edging very close to the average number of tornadoes for this year to date. and we will likely exceed that later this week as we get another round of severe storms. so the immediate threat as it stands right now, is across extreme southeastern texas and across portions of central louisiana. this line of storms has been known to produce winds in excess of 60 miles per hour. that's why we have a severe thunderstorm. watch through 9:00 a.m. central time. you can see this line moving into lafayette right now, just knocking on doors, steps of baton rouge good news is it is starting to weaken as it traverses eastward, but it will bring heavy rainfall to new orleans speaking of heavy rain, we have a flash flood threat that is ongoing. we've had reports here of a half an
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inch of rain in five minutes time across southeastern portions of texas. that's a lot of rain and that will easily inundate roadways and cause rapid rises and rivers. that's why the national weather service has issued these flash flood warnings. so a multi hazard, multi threat still exists across the deep south and then we look towards later this week for the potential of more severe storms across some of the hardest hit areas throughout the central parts of the us, john, but just to be clear, you're tornado concerns as that storm moves east, maybe lessening at least a little bit yeah. >> i think that's important for our viewers to understand this is more of a strong straight wind threat that is ongoing across central louisiana and extreme southeast texas a spin up tornado can't be ruled out. that's specific wording from the storm prediction center, but the threat is not as great as what we experienced this weekend across oklahoma and into portions of nebraska and iowa. but again, i'm emphasizing
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this. this is for later in the week. this is the line of storms that we'll see reef fire that will potentially bring more storms will advance my graphics here. this is for the day on tuesday. look at that nebraska into kansas, iowa. remember these areas were hit hard this weekend as well. >> all right. so everyone pay attention as the week goes on. derek van dam, thank you very much for all that. south dakota governor kristi noem says killing her dog, cricket was the responsible thing to do the ongoing controversy new developments there so it's the playoffs, great teammates trust each other. >> we're going to do a trust falls, stand up, trust what you sent me up doc told you a dummy a widely filter. it's well-designed, efficient i appreciate that leaf filters technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good guaranteed what more could you
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>> pow would really happen with jesse l. martin sunday at nine on cnn this morning, administrators at universities across the country are wrestling with how to contain growing pro-palestinian protests on their campuses. the university of pennsylvania warm protesters to leave citing issues of vandalism and harassment, but demonstrators say they are not going anywhere cnn's david, danny freeman is in philadelphia at the university of this mourn again here we can see the tenths right behind you yeah, that's right. >> john, were on day five of this encampment protests here at the university of pennsylvania. and this morning, everything seems pretty calm. you can see there are students right here, basically having breakfast, getting ready for the day, beginning their organization, everything like i said, it's pretty calm here after a bit of a tense weekend because back on friday friday night, the university actually told these protesters to disband this encampment. but as you can see, obviously, that has not happened. now, this encampment went up back on thursday night, was a joint
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effort between students from temple drexel anterior, the university of pennsylvania. there was a peaceful march on thursday. they came here and set up shop. initially, there were only about ten for maybe about a dozen tents that went up. now you can see quite a bit more the demand here, of course, similar to other universities who have seen disclose, divest, some of the investments of university has now what i can tell you is that the university initially said that they respect and support the right of this community to protest. but then about 24 hours, john, after that initial announcement, the university put out on thursday night well, then on friday, university really turned its page right there saying that this encampment had blatantly violated the university's policies that they got credible reports of harassing and intimidating conduct. and there is it's even incidence of incidence, i should say, of anti-semitic graffiti that the university reported that they're investigating at this point as a hate crime. but that was the basic the impetus for them then calling for this in
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chem into this band. well, that was on friday night and saturday morning, obviously, as you can see, this encampment has only grown since then. so at this point, it's a little unclear what will happen next, but these protesters, as you said, john, they say they're here to stay until those demands are met. we'll be out here all day. jon's keeping posted on what? happens here in philadelphia. john. >> all right. danny freeman for us in philadelphia. interesting to see the encampment right behind you in this case other universities they've kept them pretty far away from the cameras. so thank you for being there, danny, appreciate it. okay. >> this morning, an apparent detente between donald trump and his former rival florida governor ron sanchez they met for several hours yesterday. their first meeting since the santos dropped out of the republican primary in january, you'll recall after his 30 point loss in iowa to donald trump, desantis endorsed trump after he left the race, but he endured months of attacks and name-calling and demeaning commentary from donald trump. you will remember the ron to
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sanctimonious nickname. of course, cnn's alayna treene joins us now. she's got a lot more on what was what happened inside the meaning it seems proving, especially in politics, time heals all wounds. but what are you learning about this meeting? >> i think that's right. i mean, and one hand, i wouldn't say that all of a sudden donald trump and ron desantis or kumbaya going to become best of friends after this one meeting. but it's a mutually beneficial thing for them to have some sort of piece right now. and you're right ron desantis immediately endorsed donald trump when he dropped out of the race and new hampshire, however, the two have not spoken since then. they have not met yet, and so that's really a hugely significant part of this meeting yesterday. and here's part of the thing donald trump needs help fundraising, and he asked ron desantis yesterday, were told if he could do that and ron desantis agreed. he said that he would tap into his donor network for the former president at the same time desantis also benefits from having this more smooth
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relationships with the former president. a lot of people closer to santis as well as just in republican politics in general it gets untenable for desantis to continue to have this chilled relationship with donald trump, especially of course, as he is the presumptive republican nominee, he could potentially be president. and so it benefits desantis as well. now, this meeting were told was organized by steve witkoff, ease of luxury real estate developer, that boat let's amend know very well. in florida, witkoff is actually hosting a fundraiser for donald trump next weekend in florida. and so this meeting lasted several hours and they really did try to smooth some things out. but again, when i talk to donald trump's team about this, the way that i view it is a lot of people in donald trump's inner circle and the former president himself still harbor some tough feelings for the florida governor, but they want to see this path forward because it helps them and it helps to santa as well. >> it's great to see you, lana. thank you so much for that reporting. let's talk about those joining me right now is
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cnn senior political commentator, former trump campaign adviser david urban and because sellers, cnn political commentator and former democratic south carolina state representative, also the author of the new book, the moment, quite the image on front very foreboding bacarisse sellers. >> david urban, i'm scared. i don't know about you. okay. did you know ron desantis and donald trump personally? ron desantis does what for donald trump now i think elaine is exactly correct. i think he's going to act as a surrogate. he's gonna be out on the stump campaigning for trump is gonna be out raising money so overall it's a very, it's a good weekend net plus for euro for the former president, not to mention the fabulous polling that's cnn had out for over the weekend showing that trump is two up substantially over biden and lots of different areas. so i think the kumbaya as elaine and puts it it's a good thing for trump and desantis respectively, and good
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for the party overall. >> we'll get to that pulling in just one second. mr. urban bucaram, proof once again, that time heals all wounds, especially in politics here it's very interesting because time, that time should heal some wounds. but the personal attacks levied by the president and yes, these candidates and then watching them lose all fortitude and just crawl back to him is a bit concerning. i mean, ron desantis is in the same category now as people like ted cruz? listen if somebody talks about my wife, like a dog, i don't care what they're running for. i've never going to crawl back to them and do anything for them, let alone tap dance like ted cruz now, ron desantis, just kind of folding after calling trump, all of these names and saying that he wasn't fit to do this and that i understand political dancer, but there's gonna be a book get written long after donald trump is gone about how he was able to just get men to mold in his hands and become shells of themselves is very sigma c. i don't think
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this benefits ron desantis too much, but it definitely benefits donald trump. so i agree with david, it's a net plus for him one thing that of course everyone, everyone says something like this happens with a former rival or whatever is odd. does this have anything to do with running mates contention and the race to be running mates, desantis has previously said david that he is he has no intention of serving as vice president the opinions change over time, but regardless, one person that is a contender to being trump's running mate and one who could definitely guess is very interested in it, is south dakota governor kristi noem. she's speaking out still david defending, shooting and killing her family dog as she described it, and willingly revealed it in her book, she put out a statement saying, we love animals, but tough decisions like this happen all the time on a farm is this situation a problem for her in republican
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politics any so i understand her or maybe i don't understand, but i could understand her began. yes. david the answer is yes the first time in a long time. as david saying, david go oh, come on. >> let's look. gauge is like the first time in a long i i am i was shocked right. to read her first-person account of that she killed a literally a puppy because it wasn't a good hunting dog, right? that was kind of the, the thesis, right now. she said, oh, it was aggressive, it did all these things. there's their dog trainers, people can behaviors can be modified. look, we see that with the current president's dogs, he had some german shepherds there that probably weren't so best suited to be around a lot of people in the white house. and so those, those dogs weren't taken out back and shot. they were taken and put on a farm are given to somebody else who might be able
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to retrain them, right? there's lots of things you can do now. >> an old sick horse or goat that's knocking your kids over super mean biden your kids it's something different. puppy he's like, look, sarah mclaughlin is out for kristi noem right now. it's all i got to tell you i think more than sarah laughlin, are. >> i big cargo no. >> i mean, it was disturbing. i mean, it was kinda sociopathy just reading the account of it. i have to ask, like, what editor allowed that to be printed? one and apparently she's close to core lewandowski's. i'll just close to do the work there and this is something that he probably told her would show strength or courage. and so that's why you doubled down on it in the president likes you to double down on it. i can't imagine donald trump allowing kristi noem on the ticket after showing that she murders
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puppies i mean, you we'd remember the hill that mitt romney got for just putting his dogs on the roof now, kristi noem is taking them out back in murdering puppies. i just don't think that's a good vice presidential nominee. >> well, those are just the only thing i would say. the only thing i'd say is maybe she was getting out ahead of the story. maybe the story was going to leak or something that's like that's like just noticed no, no i'm saying but it was going to get out there anyhow and she's trying to control the narrative on. >> she did it because she was being compassionate. look, this wasn't an old the issue was this wasn't an old yellow moment the way it was presented the book, it wasn't a situation where she said, you know, sadly, i had to take old yellow out back and put a put a bullet and the rabid dog it was one of the worst moments of my life. she said i couldn't stand that dog. i mean, it was like there was the expert aided the dog. that's how she wrote. i hated that yeah.
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>> exactly. so that's my point. there wasn't an old yellow moment where she's crying over the dog, as she looks away and and shoots the dog. it didn't didn't come across that way. it was totally tone deaf and very flat. >> we also have yes, we're going third question on this one. here's why kari lake in arizona, who is also seen as a contender to be to be vp on sunday, put out a tweet. we're going to put it up. >> and then you guys can weigh in on why you think that she's doing an on sunday if you think she's doing it with an ulterior motive as she's holding her dog and just limit venting that she said that she can't take the pug on the trail with her. bukhari. >> i mean, there's a capitalize on a moment, i guess sheer coincidence. >> yeah, that's that's petty. i like i like video lot and i think she executed that really well. it's one thing to be
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pitied. another thing that executes your petty with that type of precision. neither one of them are going to be vice president of the united states. and kari lake won't be a united states senator. but watching them go back and forth and just watching the debate around this has been fascinating to see the bar is really low. i mean, you can excel and be on donald trump's shortlist. all you have to do is not murder puppies honestly, we talked about a lot of wild things, especially the three of us. >> i this was not on my bingo card for things that we would be discussing when it came to wear this i said, okay, i'm paying was going guess what guess what voice we still got six months. >> yes. david, kate and i was going to say also it's day three, this story, right? i mean, that's the problem. it's not like this. this story has legs, has been going and going and going. and so if you're governor noem, it's just it is a really, really bad week for you. >> it is a strange moment for all of us. >> it is good to see you. >> thank you, gentlemen thank you. john she the eyebrow
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raised the irony this morning, a cast has been reunited with her family after being found 650 miles away from home. >> galena, the cat mysteriously disappeared two weeks ago from her home in utah or owners put up flyers, reached out to friends and family and searched all over, but there was no sign. >> oh, galena, the cat. then they got a call that gallienus microchip had been picked up in california. >> so this is what they say happen. >> the cat had opt inside an amazon box that her family was using to return a pair of shoes her onerous say they had no idea. she climbed inside and if the box off luckily, and amazon employee found at the stowaway and took care of her until she could be reunited with her family despite six days without we're water galena is doing just fine. let me just make two points about this number one, this is one more story about
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microchips. every one of these stories we do is about microchips in getting one soon. in case i get lost number two, number two, just saying i'm not a cat odour but a pair of shoes i cap weighs more than a pair of shoes. any parish youth, just say they put the cat in a box with a pair of shoes. that's all i have to say about that new warnings from the world health leaders as measles cases arising at an alarming in rate. and why millions of americans are about to lose their internet access to. the good stuff hello to. you by viking, really number one for rivers, oceans, and expeditions by condi nast traveler, learn more at sail through the heart of historic cities, an unforgettable scenery with faking, unpack once, and get closer two iconic landmarks loca life and cultural treasures because when you
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banker, gary farro, will likely be on the stand. remember this entire case is about allegedly falsifying business records in order to cover up a relationship or a dalliance with former adult film actress stormy daniels. pharaoh is expected to walk the jury through how cohen funded payments to daniel through a home equity line of credit with me now, is criminal defense attorney william brennan. i want to shift the focus to the gag order because still we have no ruling from the judge on this donald trump has talked about the jury. >> he's talked about witnesses. he's talked about family members of the judge why is it do you think that the judge has not issued a ruling a contempt ruling yet? >> well, good morning and thanks for having me. i think the reason the judge were john is not yet issued a ruling is that he's juggling a lot of balls, right now. he needs to get this trial to the jury and he's really in a difficult
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position with regard to penalties because the ultimate penalty it would be a jail time. and if he puts this particular defendant in jail, it will be absolute chaos. i only would disrupt the trial would have a national ripple effect. i think he's holding the scepter of penalty over the defendants head in the hopes that it will temper the future remarks of this project piccolo defendant. >> but every day you don't issue a ruling, does that not allow for trump to say more things no, i don't think it does it's it's not uncommon for trials when contempt issues come up for the contempt issued either be tabled until the end of the trial or postponed. >> and again, we're really a unique situation with having a former president of the united states facing potential jail it really is in an extremely difficult position. they are so
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if you if you flip it on its face and say he issued a ruling today, and it was i think in new york, the maximum penalty per count is $1,000. or you symbol is 15 allegations. there's $15,000. i mean, what effect? practically would it have on this particular defendants? so he's in a tough spot. i don't think that the ruling is as pressing as the threat of sanctions. he could always impose sanctions after the trial. but this thing is rolling along. >> we're a lot further at this point. point than we thought we were going to be the jury selection went rapidly fell. right. and i really think having spent seven weeks in front of judge bird, can recently i think he's a guy that likes to get the case where it should be and that's for the jury you know, you mentioned how unique this trial is, which brings me to this point. >> juries, this is not a sequestered jury. i mean, they were home for the weekend and for them they were home for a long weekend because they are
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not in court today, given that it's a former president on trial how can you be sure that they're not consuming some media some coverage? i just can't imagine living in a world where you don't pick up some of the noise out there about this case? >> you raise a great point. i mean, especially if it was 40 years ago, you just have to avoid the print media, but you'd have to be boy in the bubble at this point not to get something and it just comes in. at this point throughout as moses. so i think if i were trying the case is with all the cases, i try now, when we have jurors that are instructed that way, i just assumed that some, if not all, the jurors are getting information, they probably shouldn't have and you just keep your fingers crossed. >> but doesn't that then make it all the more important for the judge to try to limit what some of the people volkov in trial are saying publicly because if you keep on repeating things in the public,
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the jury's going to hear it well this particular order focuses on four areas the jurors and witnesses, families of court staff, and families of the family members of judge byrd, john there's already been remarks made and all those areas. so at this point, it's just repetitive dribble. i don't know that the gag are the focus on the gag order. i think really is the tail wagging the dog? i think the takeaway here is that we're early on in a four-week proposed four week trial, and you've got three witnesses in the box. i mean, that's amazing to me. >> yeah. it looks i'm with you on this. i'm going to take the under on the length of this trial, at least based on how it's going so far, it's hard for me to see it going the six or seven weeks and everyone thought it might initially listen, williams, i agree with yeah counselor really nice to see you this morning. i appreciate it. thank you this morning, a new warning about
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measles after the world health organization found cases nearly doubled globally in one year, cnn's jacqueline howard is with us now, one of the number show yeah, john, what we know from these numbers in the year 2022, there were more than an estimated 171,000 measles cases around the world. but then that number jumped to more than 321,000 and john so far this year, we're all right the ad more than 94,000 measles cases. the reason why a health official say we're seeing this rise is because we're seeing a drop in vaccination coverage. and you know that measles can spread so easily if people are not vaccinated. i mean, the virus is so contagious if an infected person coughs or sneezes, it can linger in the air for up to two hours, but with the vaccine, we know two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine is 97% effective. so that is our best defense against this virus. and
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that's why health official say this rise in cases is alarming and something that they're watching very closely. john, and preventable also exactly what's the situation in the united states yeah, here in the we're also seeing a rise in cases, again, associated with a drop in vaccinations and the reason why this is really concerning in the year 2000, jon, we eliminated the measles virus here in the, but if we continue to see an outbreak that lasts more than a year, we could lose that at elimination status. >> and so far this year, we're already at 128 cases across 19 states. and new york city that number is more than what we saw in all of last year in 2023, we were at 58 cases. john, we've already surpassed that. so again, this does a serious situation that health officials are watching play out serious. >> and as we said, fermentable jacqueline howard, thanks so much for being here. i appreciate it. >> all right. so just what major league baseball needed see pants? yes, that is just
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one of these string of complaints about this season's new uniforms. other combat, other complaints include that the uniforms are collecting too much sweat. now, major league baseball is agreeing to make some changes to the new gear from nike. why the league sent out a memo yesterday about of the changes that are planned and are also promising to make the lettering on the back of the uniforms bigger. the mlb players association blames the issues solely on nike's new design, saying in a statement and memo that at its core what has happened here is that nike was innovating something that didn't need to be innovated so zebra multiple on the lam, officials are still looking for one zebra that escaped to trailer in north bend, washington on sunday after this the rows we're seeing making their way down a busy highway will show you at some point, the washington state patrol said that four zeros managed to escape when the driver stopped to secure the trailer must be a
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joke. and then i saw some cars like get into the neighborhoods to like to try defense demand or something. i don't know. they just started hanging out in the grass and somebody's yard over here are cross the street? >> no, i called someone else it found the missing zebras like they're in hi yard not sure what to do but she's exact greg facial expression. >> i found a zebra in my yard and i'm not sure still there has been no explanation quite yet. >> how exactly the zebras broke out so this week, nearly 60 million americans may have to decide between paying for their internet or paying for food a government program that helps keep low households online is set to run out of money by wednesday. >> it has to do with a bill that that keeps the program going. that's been stalled in congress. cnn's jason carroll has more i have a growing child
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and width inflation in the cost of food. i don't have that much food assistance for cyndi west min times are tough, but manageable for now, she lives on disability and carefully budgets each month to care for her 12-year-old daughter what or who has cerebral palsy and autism. >> i even have to buy didn't when i have an oil change now we're program west min relies on, we'll run out of funding at the end of april, cutting off a critical lifeline for her and millions of other low-income americans it's called the affordable connectivity city program, or acp. >> the 2021 pandemic era benefit helps americans afford internet access crucial for rural americans like west min, use it for telehealth for her daughter especially when service goes out in her hometown of eureka, illinois, having that funding allowed me to afford a portable hotspot
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backup internet that i was using for my daughter. >> the federal communications commission warrants the acp will end and less congress extended forcing more than 23 million american households to either pay hundreds more for internet or go without it widening a digital divide and not just in rural areas before the acp milton perez had to use free internet on the subway platform he calls his apartment and internet dead zone, which made taking his online classes nearly impossible. >> but i had to walk out the front of the building to be connected to the class perez, once homeless himself, works as an advocate for people experiencing homelessness. >> he now helps connect those still in shelters to the internet. >> seeing doing my my shelter stay, that difference between people who had 18 access and
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that didn't and it could be deadly millions of veterans also rely on the program like walls durham, and san diego. he uses the internet to contact doctors and to chat with his daughter overseas. i'm on i have to either do without wi-fi or i'll have to come up with other means to pay for wi-fi so because they can't count on politicians doing anything to help the american people legislation to extend the program has received by partisan support. but like so much in washington, the bill has stalled is there anything that realistically can be done? absolutely. we need to make sure that that's bild comes to the floor to make sure that it hasn't come to the floor. >> so far it hasn't it hasn't. >> however, we still have time. >> president biden has called on republicans to do more to get the bill brought to a vote.


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