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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 29, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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that's the time to have this when the american people are fully paying attention. but as of right now the pull numbers do not look good for the president and his reelection keith 30 seconds. >> it was donald trump wasn't president united states for four years and has spent the past four, three or four years campaigning for president again, you're telling me we have to wait until october, november, where we find out what his position is on on what is going to do about unemployment, what he's gonna do about health care? what he's gonna do about education, student loan debt, what he's going to do about affordable housing or criminal justice reform or climate change. what he's gonna do about inflation, you don't have any answers for that. we just have to wait until october, november, and trust you and trust republicans. that's preposterous. this is why i'm so fed up with the way we cover these campaigns, because it's not substantive, it's all about the horse races it's all about donald trump's trials. let's talk about policy. the reason why joe biden isn't doing as well is because we don't talk about policy especially that when it comes donald trump, were just talking about donald trump, the character. and that is problematic with the way we cover this and the way the political campaign painters
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operating right now. and i haven't heard anything from jen. i think your name is jim wright. i have anything for you to it's my but i do think i meant to say it's all good. we have we've all been called much worse, keith boy, i can like delcy appreciate both you both you being with us this morning thank you. brand new roc and a new central starts now more violent clashes on college campuses across the country over israel's war against hamas in gaza pro-palestinian protesters now being met by pro israeli counter protests. >> the secretary of state and the extraordinarily generous proposal he says israel has offered hamas is concern grows inside the state department over how israel is using american weapons in its war against hamas. and from name-calling campaign rivals to new friends and allies trump and ron desantis meeting for the first time since desantis dropped out of the public, can
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primary what team trump says they need from the florida governor now i'm balden my john berman, sarah is out today. this is cnn news central major developments are new developments. >> i should say in the pro-palestinian protests on campuses across the country this morning, 21 house democrats just wrote a letter to columbia university's board asking them to act decisively to end the encampment or resigned the moments ago, columbia said it regretfully, could not come to an agreement with the pro-palestinian protesters. and is asking them to voluntarily pack up their tents and go university is also vowing to hold commencement, even as the protests, there are right on the site of where the commencement ceremonies are set to take place. other developments around the country, ucla, there were
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clashes between police and protesters and cabinets at george washington university 20. new tents few new tens here and they're spreading a little bit onto the streets in washington. and at yale, students have just begun pitching tents despite the threat of suspension or arrest. we are covering this across the country. cnn's omar jimenez, is that columbia university danny freeman at the university of pennsylvania, gabe cohen at george washington university, omar or less, begin with you. what are you seeing so we've got a lot of news over the past hour for starters, as you touched on a little bit, they're the university has effectively ended its negotiations with the student protesters with the university president saying they were not able to come to an agreement. >> now is part of that statement. they said that since last week they had been engaging in constructive dialogue between some members of the academic community and students. and that they wished the outcome here was different so what that means is the university is now saying they
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will not divest from israel, which of course was the central point of why these and cabinet led protests began, though they did say that the wood that they offered an expedited timeline for review of new proposals before the body that essentially considers divestment opportunities. the university also said that they will make investments in health care and education in gaza. and also they said, while they have worked hard to facilitate opportunities for constructive dialogue and protests the encampment, and some of the ensuing protests in and around the campus have created an environment that has not been welcome. for jewish students. now, all of that set, the campus or the university is urging these protesters to voluntarily disband the encampment as they explore internal options to do that, essentially for them or to put quote, the crisis to end the crisis as soon as possible was falls in line with the 21 house democrats who recently wrote a
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letter urging the university to do essentially the same to end this encampment now, graduation is essentially a little bit more than two weeks takes away and the university made it clear that the graduating class began their career here remote. and that is part of why they will hold a commencement here. as we've already seen, signs on campus of that being able to develop. but obviously, a lot of news here and a lot of definitive points being made by the university after over week negotiation. >> all right, that's the situation at columbia. let's get to george washington university, gabe cohen is there. gave what do you see well, john tensions hit a new high this morning when protesters ripped out some of the barricades that had been around this camp here on the campus. >> if you take a look over there, you can actually see the barracks kate's now piled up with a flag posted on top of it and what was just about 20 people left in this small camp has rapidly grown. you can see the tense now all across the
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yard that's gw campus, also a whole lot of tents out there on the street. of course, that is property of the district of columbia. the question is, is it going to be cleared out by men? metropolitan police who up to this point, sources have told me really haven't wanted the optics of having to clear out and potentially arrest protesters, but having spoken with several of the people who are still here in the camp, they've said they're not going anywhere, despite what the school and what police have told them. so we'll see again as those tension dries, what happened this morning. john has all of this is unfolding very quickly. >> all right. that's george washington university, not far from foggy bottom of the state department in washington. let's go to the university of pennsylvania, danny freeman standing by the 10th still behind you, daniel, what he's saying? >> well, john weren't a five-year of the encampment on the university of pennsylvania's campus and everything so far has been peaceful pretty much since the start of the protests back on thursday. but the university of pennsylvania, they less than 24 hours after the encampment
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sprung up, they said, we want this to be disbanded now, what? justin things about this particular encampment, john, is that there are members from a couple of different campuses here. there are students from temple drexel and the university of pennsylvania. and this is becoming a focal point's as the university and a protesters negotiate on taking potentially this encampment down. the university wants to see ids of the students the folks who are in the second behind me, to ensure that those who remain here are indeed penn students. so that's a little bit of what we're going on. what's going on behind me right now. you can see this it's in kanban though, has very much grown. it used to be just about ten, maybe a dozen tents when it first came up on thursday. now, very much grown almost probably 30 or so here according to some of the protesters. now, i'll just remind you, john, the university of pennsylvania, initially said that they supported the right of these students to public protest peacefully. next is their free speech. but very, very shortly thereafter, the university then came out and said that these protesters were blatantly
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violating university policies. they also said that they had credible reports of harassing and intimidating conduct. that's why the university says that it is calling for this encampment to be disbanded. but we talked to some students earlier. they say they're not going anywhere until like you heard the other border say they get a divestment disclosure of some of these investments at the university is making. so they say they're in it for the long haul. john, right? danny freeman and philadelphia. >> thanks to you also, thanks to omar jimenez and gabe cohen as well. appreciate as jonathan, i can clear right there it was a weekend of protest of course. and this weekend it turned violent at ucla pro-palestinian and pro israeli demonstrators clashing after people breached a security barrier. university officials are also facing mounting questions this morning about how they'll handle the situation going forward joining me right now is dan gold. he's the executive director of hillel at ucla. hello. well, of course, is that largest jewish campus organization in the world, dan, thank you for jumping on. i believe you are at those campus. at the campus
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protests this yesterday, speaking from the pro israel stage that was set up as part of the counterprotest. how do you describe what you what you saw? well out there and what you see yeah. >> thanks for having me, kate. so i was there yesterday. the demonstration while it was a powerful display of our jewish community, showing support for the jewish students. it also highlighted how the university's approach to look away and let everything play out it's really a lack of leadership because it's a tinderbox that's ready to explode. and yesterday included hundreds of non-students, especially non-students, who came onto campus to try to physically protect the encampment in the longer this goes unchecked and is protected by the university, the more chaotic and out of control, i believe it will get dan. >> i did want to ask you because i did see some reporting that student leaders of the pro-palestinian protests, they say they have acknowledged some incidents of antisemitism, but they are blaming those outsiders. you
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might be mentioning that they say have sought to come in and hijack there pause. >> what have you what have you seen and what have what our parents, people experiencing in terms of this yes. so i'm sure that parts of that is true, but we still have signage hanging on the encampment. we still have verbal abuse coming from the encampment for anybody that might walk by, whether it was hijacked by outsiders are frankly, maybe it was set up an organized by outsiders that we don't know, but these are the same students that just several weeks ago put together a seven foot tall pig, esha, holding a bag of money over and israeli flag at the uc regents meeting and posted gladly about it on social media. so we know that there are student organizers who have spewed antisemitism on our campus for months, really since october 7 and before and so it continues in this encampment and the signage is still up. it's not coming down and it's there for everybody to see one thing we have seen
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with all of these campus all of these protests across the country is differing responses by the school's administrations. you talked about. you can describe it as a looking away strategy and a lack like of leadership. i want to read for everyone a couple of the statements coming from the school's administration on friday, the school said, you say lazy approach to the encampment is guided by several equally important principles. the need to support the safety and well-being of bruins, the need to support the free expression of a free expression rights of our community kennedy and the need to minimize disruption to our teaching and learning mission. and then yesterday, after things escalated, they put out another statement in part saying ucla has a long history of peaceful protests, and we are heartbroken to report that today some physical altercations broke out among demonstrators what what in your view do you think the school is getting wrong? you call it a lack of leadership what's going on here yeah. well, you heard from your other correspondence
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and other campuses, these encampment violated a long list of policies that the university has set up. >> specifically to create a safe and welcoming environment for all students. and to promote equality and equity for student groups these are there policies that they're now not enforcement and they know that the policies are being violated? yes, they're trying to negotiate a peaceful and easy disbursement of the encampment's. but we know that the students aren't gonna do it easily. we know that they don't want to go away and the university needs to do what they can to enforce their own policy usc canceled its main stage graduation ceremony because of the protests and the security that they've needed to put in place. i took a look. i think ucla, his graduation is an early june. i mean, do you think ucla should or needs to follow suit? i mean, what what would your reaction be? if that became a reality and ucla started canceling events around graduation because of these protests yes.
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>> so once again, i believe one of your correspondence mentioned it, but these are the same college seniors that had their high school graduation canceled because of covid. so what a shame for the students to not be able to have their college graduation because of a group of students and outside agitators want to intimidate the rest of their campus where ucla, we have 30,000 undergraduates several thousand of those will be graduating in june. >> and only a couple of dozen of them are coming to the campus to try to shut things down and how terrible would that be for everybody else to have to suffer, not have a graduation because of that dan gold. thank you for coming and we'll continue to follow all of this and see what the administration what they decided to do, especially as classes start backup, it's good to see you. thank you very much. >> coming up still for us. tony blinken says, israel has presented hamas with an extraordinarily generous ceasefire proposal. so what is in this proposal. >> and what is still standing in the way donald trump and ron desantis friends, once again,
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secretary of state antony blinken is in saudi arabia right now pushing for the latest proposal from israel to hamas. >> a proposal he calls extraordinarily generous president biden spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu yesterday. this is concern grows inside the state department over how israel is using weapons provided by the united states cnn's kylie atwood and jeremy diamond are covering this for us this morning. kylie, let's start with you at the state department on what you're hearing from the secretary's trip well listen the secretary himself trying to urge hamas. this morning to accept the deal that israel has put on the table. as you said, calling it extraordinarily generous listen to how he described it in his own words this morning in saudi arabia hamas has before to proposal that is extraordinarily extraordinarily generous on the part of israel and in this moment, the only
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thing standing between the people of gaza and a ceasefire is hamas they have to decide and they have to decide quickly so we're looking to that and i'm hopeful that they will make the right decision now, when i spoke with the secretary last week, he said that in the region there's not the type of escalation towards a wider regional war at this moment in time that we saw a few weeks ago saying that he's hopeful because of that, that hamas may see this as a moment to accept this ceasefire proposal will have to watch and see if that actually manifests here. but in the backdrop here, john, there's also division at the state department as to whether israel is using the american made weaponry that they have an accordion since with international law, there's not consensus opinion at the state department about that. that's according to a state department official who spoke with our colleague, jennifer hansler about it. and this is all going
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to come to a head next week because there is a requirement as due to a new national security memorandum that president biden signed last year, where secretary of state antony blinken has to provide an assessment as to if countries using american way made weaponry are doing so in accordance with international law. and that has to go to congress on may 8. and so, even though there's division right now, the secretary is going to have to make a decision about this. so we'll have to watch and see where that goes. john. >> all right. kylie atwood. thank you very much. jeremy diamond. >> do you what is known about what is in this specific proposal and if it might pass muster, i mean, the last deals we believe baur rejected by the hamas leader sinwar. what might make him except this one well, he now has a new framework in hand and it is an egyptian framework. >> and jon, these next few days are really going to be critical to determining whether or not a hostage deal can indeed be
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reached or the alternative being that there will be a major israeli ground offensive into rafah that is certainly hanging over all of this now, in terms of what's in this latest framework that's been presented by egypt. they've put a new framework on the table that would see 20 to 33 israeli hostages released over several weeks. but what would follow that would be a one permanent ceasefire effectively what they're calling a restoration of sustainable com, to avoid saying the words permanent ceasefire. but, but this framework was crafted with the input of the israeli government, although they haven't agreed to everything that's in this proposal, but it's clear that israel is shifting its position and has shifted its position on several issues. pretty significantly over the course of the last month. the key point in this latest framework is that israel is willing to allow unrestricted access of palestinians to northern gaza, which is a major shift from its position previously and was one of hamas this key sticking points we're also seeing israel here willing to accept fewer hostages over the course of a few weeks rather than the original 40 for a six week
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ceasefire. but there are still a lot of details that actually need to be ironed out here. what, what egyptian and israeli officials as well as the cutters who are also key mediators are waiting to see here is whether or not hamas is going to signal that it is open to this kind of a framework. if there is indeed a path to moving forward here. and i'm told that israeli officials are set to travel to cairo tomorrow to be able to see if that framework is possible. and we're expecting to see hamas is response to this proposal as early as tomorrow, but possible believe, over the course of the next few days, but the secretary of state emphasizing today that the ball is indeed in hamas's court. now, calling this proposal extraordinary, extraordinarily generous and saying that they have to decide quickly and the reason they have to decide quickly, of course, is because if, there is not a deal here, israel will indeed move forward with that major ground offensive in rafah, which will of course have enormous consequences for the palestinian civilian population in gaza. john it'll
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be interesting to see what hamas says and what hamas wants out of all this. jeremy diamond, thank you very much for your reporting or thanks to kylie atwood as well. >> so new details on perhaps the dark horse candidate, inches his or her. >> we don't want to tell you weigh up on donald trump's shortlist to be running mate and he has talked about witnesses, jurors, and family members of the judge. so why is donald trump not been found in contempt of court yet? what is the judge waiting for? >> we're here to get your side of the store. a fares bribery, prostitution. >> why do we keep ending up? >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. now streaming on macs from friends coming over to mom's coming over so many ways to save life ready, while it happy. but 3605 by
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eight on cnn if you don't kiss the ring, he'll trash you. he puts himself first, not you first. those are just some of the things that ron desantis used to say repeatedly from the campaign trail about donald trump when they were running against each other. now likely very different tone behind closed doors, trump and desantis, meaning for the first time this weekend, since desantis dropped out of the presidential primary in january, just and there's also a suggesting to donors he's ready to come to trump's rescue when it comes to trump's fundraising troubles, let's get to all the new reporting seen as alayna treene has all of it for us, alayna, take us inside this meeting. what are you learning? >> well, i think you pointed out some really great things, kate, which is that this was the first meeting that former president donald trump and the florida governor had had. really, in months, they have not met since desantis dropped out of the race in new hampshire and endorsed donald trump. they haven't spoken
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even we definitely haven't seen ron desantis stumping for donald trump on the campaign trail unlike some of the other primary challengers that they both face like tim scott, doug burgum the list goes on and so this was a really significant meeting and i think the important thing to keep in mind here is that this is a mutually beneficial thing to have some sort of peace between donald trump and ron desantis. when i speak to people close to the former president, they say, look, a lot of them still harbor some resentment toward the florida governor. obviously it was a very nasty primary with both men lobbing pretty vitriolic attacks at one another. however, it may thanks a lot of sense for them to move forward and have a smoother relationship for donald trump. he is someone who has significantly lagging in the money game against joe biden. and he recognizes that ron desantis has really good relationships with a lot of big donors up, a lot of donors with deep pockets, really i should say. and desantis agreed to
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during that meeting yesterday that he would helped donald trump with fundraising for desantis. is part a lot of people close to the front. governor recognize that this chilled relationship with donald trump is untenable for them to be feuding and to continue fighting. we've heard desantis criticizing the former president behind closed doors that's not really good for him either. donald trump is the presumptive republican nominee. he could very well be president. and so i think they both recognize that they need to have a better relationship at the same time, however, this isn't really a kumbaya. i don't think you should expect them to be very close, but this is a step in the right direction that both sides see as necessary to both of them. their political careers it's good to see you, lana. >> thank you so much. >> it sounds like our friendship, john? yes thank you. >> who won saturday night oh, but i move on. >> joining us now. cnn senior political commentator and former special assistant to president the george w bush, scott jennings, who was there and witness at all also see it in political commentator.
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>> there senior policy adviser, ashley allison. >> i just want to quickly touch on. so ron desantis and donald trump got together, spent some time to get to cameras, which is interesting. they wanted to be in private. >> you know, who hasn't spoken yet. nikki haley, and donald trump, as far as we know, how important is it for donald trump? i was it important? is it for donald trump to have nikki haley back in the fold? is it even possible scott well, i think she the way she ran her race and the kinds of people she was attracting. remember on these election nights in the primary, we were looking inside the exit polls and a lot of these people voting for nikki haley had not voted for trump in 20. they had a high approval of joe biden i mean, these are not exactly prime targets for the trump campaign. that's not true for desantis. desantis, a lot of the people who like to st. just did like trump, they did vote for trump. they want that style of government. so i think it's two totally different kinds. a voters, and
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i think the desantis people, i think the desantis money and the desantis world is a lot more accessible to trump and perhaps the nikki haley ecosystem is you're actually it wasn't that long ago, like 2016 when hillary clinton and bernie sanders, it was hard work to bring them together. i remember this sort of awkward appearance they had on staging and this isn't easy. always figuring out how to mend fences now, when you run against someone, you are trying to beat them, so you sometimes say things about the candidate that can be taken personally. sometimes it goes beyond just their policy positions. so i'm not surprised particularly on the democratic side, even when you think about and 2008 when barack obama and hillary clinton ran against each other, bringing that part, bringing the party together, then if you remember, in 2020 or 2019, really, during the democratic primary, the stage was full of people and getting folks to rally behind joe biden wants
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was clear. he was going to be the nominee. >> this though, for trump, haley and desantis, i do think is a little bit different. >> i agree with scott because nikki haley really towards the end, started to take some real jabs at donald trump and really try to question his character and talked about him being chaotic and they are not nikki haley's voters probably don't really identify as part of the maga movement. and donald trump so those voters have to go somewhere and donald trump and joe biden, they should try and get them now where they will fall, we'll have to wait and see, but there's six months and both campaigns should probably try and get them in their camp if they want to win. >> all right. no one thinks that ron desantis is on any kind of list to be a running mate, to donald trump. there are issues with the constitution having two people in the same states. >> but let's look at a current sort of list of people who could be being looked at right now for vice president, you have the former governor of north dakota. sorry, the
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current governor, i just got them out of a job there. doug burgum, south carolina senator tim scott, south dakota governor kristi noem, more on her in a second. and florida senator marco rubio scott jennings, you've been noting a kind of burgum mania, right now inside trump rule, what's happening? >> yeah yeah. >> well, first of all, nobody's played their cards better than doug burgum. he was unknown candidate and he runs for president, handles himself pretty well. obviously didn't make it, but as soon as he got out of the race, he immediately endorsed trump copy has been going to these events endorsing the former president and if you think of donald trump, one of his main skills as a casting director, who looks more like a vice president, then doug burgum. i mean, he is loyal. he has been saying all the right things. he's no drama is not going to cause any problems. oh, by the way, he's a rich guy which trump respects and it may come in handy on the campaign. so there is some idea out there that, that burgum may be moving up on the list. this is one area where trump actually has a lot of good possible choices that you could
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easily defend as being smart, burgum is good. tim scott is good. rubio is good, although he also has the florida issue at least a phonic is good. there's a lot of people hear that if trump picked them be highly defensible and politically astute. so this is one area of the campaign where they've got a bounty from which to choose actually, any one of those candidates scare you more or less as a possible choice for donald trump endlessly, kristi noem out of it for just a second layoff scare me, but probably not for the reason that you're thinking about look i think that when you pick a vice president, you want someone who was going to complement your skill set. so attempts scott, potentially, i think the thinking is that he could attract some african american voters. i'm not sure how many, maybe a couple of percentage points, but in a race that is extremely close, every point matters to scott point. doug burgum, having a treasure trove. i mean, he was one of the candidates that was paying people to donate. so
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basically building a mass around him with his own self financing, his campaign and the trump campaign does need money because they have to pay for so many of his legal bills. >> so they all have a unique complimentary set. >> the interesting thing though about donald trump is that you know, he's going to want somebody though, that compliments him, but also just just not outshine him, will fall in line and do something on january 6, that his former vice president, mike pence did. and that is certified the election results. he knows if he doesn't win, want someone to do that. so it's pretty complicated and he's going to want somebody as we've talked about in last question, i'm right like a rhombus hansen says that will kiss his ring at the end of the day. >> all right. very quickly from both the first ashley kristi noem, she did put out a statement over the weekend. this is after she wrote in her book about killing her dog, cricket 20 years ago, she basically put out a statement, says, you know what i wrote about it because i want wanted people to know that i make hard
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choices and do hard things anyway to explain your way out of this, ashley maybe there are some voters out there that want people to make those types of choices. i don't know. i think i don't know who advised her to put that in the book. i'm not sure what she was trying to project as she was strong and tough that you kill a puppy who is ilyctually behaving as a puppy would. i mean, in the scheme of things, of everything going on in the world, whether or not this issue is going to be a deciding factor of whether a vote a voter is going to go for her. i'm not sure, but it's kinda an unfortunate and it says a little bit about her character and what type of person he is and not in a favorable way. >> i just have to say i've been surprised by the outpouring of emotion on this. people really do seem to have a visceral reaction. scott we love our dogs yeah. >> look, i mean, it's we do love are actually and i both own bulldogs by the way. and i got mine. but in part because actually it's such a good
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experience with hers and their puppies and they do things. look the issue here is judgment judgment. what kind of judgment did you use when you did it? what kind of judgment did you use when you put it in the book? and what kind of judgment did you use when you doubled and tripled down on it? they've i'm donald trump, but i'm around him and i'm like look at all these great choices i have for vice president and then i have this weirdo, who's out here shooting dogs and saying it's a great idea. i'm like i got i got plenty of other options are doug burgum is not shooting any dogs, you know, tim scott is not out here writing about weirdo things. he did 20 years ago. it's a judgment issue the number one issue of picking a vice president is do no harm. and not only as kristi noem done harm to a dog, she's done harm to her own political future by writing about it in defending it the way she has i got to say never thought i'd see this questionnaire end up on the vp the veepstakes, vetting process, but maybe they will actually allison, scott jennings. thanks to you. i really appreciate it. >> so when will the judge rule whether donald trump is in contempt of court and why has
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$50 unselect battery lawn mower sets real still, find yours hi manu raju on capitol hill in this is cnn no court today for donald trump, his new york criminal hush money trial picks back up tomorrow and what it does michael cohen's former banker, gary farro will likely be back on the stand still hanging out there as well. trump's gag order violations were waiting to hear from the judge on like 11 alleged violations by trump, and that judges also set a new hearing date for another for alleged violations what is the judge going to do and what's the holdup joining me right now a cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney, joey jackson
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and jackson and cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodgers. amazing. i can still find a way to mispronounce your name after it is knowing you for so long. all good with that. i turn my back to you, jennifer can you just grade the case so far? for the de how are they doing? what have they accomplished its early on, i know. yeah. i think they're doing very well. i mean, there's not gonna be a big made for movie moment here, like people sometimes think there should be, there building brick by brick, their case, right? so that when it comes to the summations, they were able to say let me put it all together for you and the jury says, oh yeah, you know, they did get all of that evidence. that's what they're doing. so we think they're doing very well. the pecker testimony in particular was great about setting up that election conspiracy. and they we're just kinda proceeded through their paces. >> joe, can you give me the other side on this if you're sitting at the defense table, how are you feeling as you head back in this week? i mean, have they made ground in their i'll call it limited cross exam so far.
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>> right? right. so the answer is you have a long way to go, right? so let's back up and talk about what we do now in terms of packer, of course, to john's point, very compelling witness lays out what the theory of the cases, which is about this cover up and conspiracy. so what did the defense attempt to do these catching kill issues, right. catch and kill is something that the industry three provides. four. that's nothing new. it's nothing unique, it's something that you've been doing for quite a long time. and as a matter of fact, it's not only been for trump, it's been for a number of other people and by the way, when you talked about trump thanking you, mr. packer for this whole karen mcdougal, you were interviewed by the fbi and that was in 2018. you didn't happen to tell them that digit? it's not reflected in their notes, is it? so i think what they're trying to do, the defense and whether or not they met any headways always a jury question there. the finder of fact is to really whittle away and make the sig gesture in that there is nothing to see here about catching kill that's what is done by standard course. and if you're in an election year, of course, you have an interest in promoting yours so that's what
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is the defense says. we call democracy, that's their argument. >> so when the trial picks back up, we have the banker back on the stand. and the fact that they're bringing michael cohen's former banker, banker to the stand so early that that says what? to you, jen, i mean, how important is his testimony to what the da's laying out? >> so he's getting some documents into evidence, which of course they need to do, but more importantly than that, they are going to corroborate the heck out of michael cohen before he gets on the stand. so this is their preemptive by the time michael cohen gets on the stand to tell you kind of from beginning to end what happened. you will have heard all of this just before through other people and it's really goes to the point of how smart it is, the way that the de, a framed this case around this election conspiracy because that allows them to get in the coconspirator statements of all the people involved. >> so that mr. pharaoh can say, oh, michael cohen told me this. he told me this other thing. he told me all of these things. so you're able to hear it through other people who have no biases, no access to grind no
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reason to lie about anything before you hear it from michael cohen, who's not that this not that we didn't smart minds didn't think this before, but does this just reinforce the point that michael cohen is the central is going to be the central focus of the defense strategy. >> so yes, although the prosecution kate is doing, its best not to make him the central focus because the issues can mentioned corroborate him i'm early bringing other people who would give the indication that will michael collins going to tell you it's true, but then i think what the defense is, we'll do is say look donald trump doesn't put lead jurors in anything. he doesn't manage books. he has nothing to do with that area he's presented with a bill, he pays the bill. and so how we imputing knowledges to him, it's a massive organism station. there's many moving parts. he's running for president and he's doing a lot of things. and as a result of that, how are we holding him accountable for every ledger? 34 times every invoice? 34 times. that is the responsibility of many others who have paid very well to do just that. one way to get
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away from the heart evidence because it is hard evidence. >> it's getting zero hi guys i think back with me, i'm going to force you to come up for us. taylor swift says she's feeling completely overwhelmed today. >> her new message to fans the fan, the very same fans who helped her are helping her break even more records with her new album how, we'd really happen with jesse you, martin sunday's at night hi on cn when your cat's hungry, you definitely know when you want your attention, he makes a clear, when he wants to be left alone, he makes it obvious. but if you're a cat has ole pain, also known as osteoarthritis right? is pain and he may be saying out in different ways, it's a long-lasting condition that makes it painful for your cat to move like they once did, like when walking or climbing. red flags are everywhere, but cats are really good at hiding their pain. so you just need to
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for free visit ai or download the app. >> i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles, and this is cnn my
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apartment. straight so things like who is tied so i know this might shock you, but taylor swift's new album is a certified hit the 31 tracks tortured poets department debuted at number one on the billboard albums chart. >> this is our 14th out. to claim the spot. cnn's elizabeth wagmeister is with us now kind of an an upset victory here was it was right the biggest shock of the de john, but yes, taylor swift has done it once again now, she had already made streaming history with the tortured poets department, becoming the most-streamed album. >> in its first single day across spotify apple and amazon music. now she has topped the charts as we see right there selling over 2.6 million albums
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in its first week. this eclipse's taylor's last record, which was 1989. taylor's version sold over 1.3 million albums in its first week. so you can see there, this is a huge moment, even for taylor herself, becoming her best first week album sales, but she's not just breaking her own record, john, she is also breaking records on the charts. now, this is taylor's 14th album to come out at number one on the billboard 200. she is now tied with jay-z, who holds that same record. they are obviously solo artists, but the only other recording artists to beat jay-z and taylor swift are the beetles. so pretty good company asking if you can keep it. now, as we saw right there, she's also sold 859,000 albums on vinyl, which billboard says is the top vinyl sales in modern history. now, if you can believe at john taylor stands to break even more records when the billboard one comes out,
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she can beat the record that is currently held by and drake right now, drake is the only artists in history to have 15 songs on the billboard 101 time taylor swift has had 14 songs, but we know this album had 31 song. so i think she might be able to do it. >> so you are saying she's doing okay here. i know she's on this tour, which i think the erez tour has gone on for 67 years. but how will this likely impact the next 40 years of the eras tour exactly. >> it feels like taylor swift has now eclipsed elton john wright, who was on a farewell tour forever. so taylor swift, she posted and thanked her fans. she she is floored and that she is amazed at the success of this album. but she also mentioned her erez tours. she said that she couldn't wait to get back on tour. and now she really can't. may 9 is when her european leg of the torque kicks off and she will continue all summer in europe
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than in canada, john, when does an error becoming a poc that's a question here, elizabeth, are thanks to you and thank you all so much. >> but for joining us deep thoughts from john berman today. this is cnn news central, cnn newsroom with jim acosta, up next before planning the big trip, you were limping. thanks to a bad knee. then you heard about maiko robotic assisted knee replacement it starts with a ct scan to pinpoint the problem that becomes a personalized 3d plan to guide your doctor during surgery maiko can help lead to better outcomes, like less pain and shorter recovery times. >> the lifetime of a knee implant is limited and revision surgery may be required. >> individual results and recovery times vary risks of surgery include pain, infection, heart attack, stroke, death, and other serious risks. ask your doctor for important safety information to find a doctor
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