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tv   Inside Politics With Dana Bash  CNN  April 29, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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gilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices, you every day, hurry. >> they'll be gone the flash designer sales at up to 70% or shop today today on inside politics campus clashes the bottom biden administration is struggling to respond to tense pro-palestinian protests. >> there are growing and getting uglier with police stepping up arrest. and in some cases it's devolving from war protests to blatant displays of jewish hate. >> plus hunter biden versus fox news, we have new reporting on a step strategy by hunter biden to fight back against his critics. >> this time, fox news, the president's son is accusing that network of defaming him and i elating revenge, porn laws. you're going to hear those details first right here, this hour. >> and michael cohen, stormy daniels, and hope hicks there all expected to testify.
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>> and donald trump's hush money trial. but who will the prosecution call next? >> we're going to tell you what to expect when court resumes tomorrow i'm dana bash. >> let's go behind the headlines and inside politics first steps, the kids are not all right i'm talking about so many children's students on college campuses across the us. some our peacefully protesting israel's retaliatory war against hamas terrorists. some have been pepper straight, sprayed arrested, and suspended when protests got out of control. and many on campuses, they're anti israel sentiment is blurring into antisemitism with far too to many jewish students hearing things like calls for another october 7 massacre, seeing signs for a quote, final solution. and they are scared for their safety
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moments ago, columbia university notified protesters that if they don't leave their in kanban by encampment by 2:00 p.m. that's just under two hours from now. >> they will face omar. what's happening now yes all right now we're waiting that 2:00 p.m. deadline where the university has given students the chance to voluntarily leave the encampment or face suspension at the very least ineligibility to finish the semester on good standing unless they leave and sign-on that they will follow the university's policies. >> now of course, this is one of the most concrete steps we've seen from the university after this morning, the university president put out a statement saying negotiations between the student protesters and the university to the failed to reach an agreement after they started last week, which means as the university made it clear, the university will not divest from israel but
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which of course was one of the central components of why this encampment actually started here. that said the university did announce they will invest in health care sure and education in gaza, but also, they said that while they have tried to foster an environment of constructive dialogue and protest on the campus that many jewish students just have not felt safe at the very least, not welcomed. and it's a dynamic university president called tragic and we're seeing that dynamic play out even entered a new lawsuit, those filed by an anonymous jewish student who alleged that the campus has now become too dangerous to provide we're students, the education based signed onto receiving, in particular pointing to the decision to go to hybrid learning as safety was listed as a priority by the university now back to that deadline that i was mentioning 2:00 p.m. of course, local time quickly approaches and now suspended student group or previously suspended pro-palestinian student group, is encouraging
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students to actually show up at noon to protect the encampment as they have described, they're telling students not to sign on to anything and that of course will be the question of what happens next, because the student, the university has given this deadline obviously there may be some there may be some students that actually signed on, but for those that don't we we have yet to find out what the university will take as far as next steps. there, dana, as graduation is just a little more than two weeks away. >> yeah. as jp, a group that is has been as you said, suspended from many universities, not it is because they're not just for palestinians, they have made some very blatantly antisymmetric charges and that's why they were suspended. thank you so much for that. omar appreciated. i want to go south now to emory university in atlanta, where faculty is pushing vote of no confidence in the school's president after more than a dozen pro-palestinian protesters were arrested last week, cnn's nick valencia is
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there. nick, you have been on campus. what is the sentiment? what is the status of those protests? and the arrests at this hour? >> yeah, either janet's we're sort of celebre tori seen here right now, much different from what we saw last thursday, which was the site of a ceasefire demonstration that turned violent 28 people were violently arrested, 20 of them were affiliated with the university, including a prominent economics professor fallen in 27 others, they spent the night and the dekalb county jail were bonded out on friday afternoon. but what happened here and those dramatic scenes, those violent arrest by georgia state patrol and atlanta police officers has led to a reckoning here on campus, the tenured faculty held a meeting last week to push forward a no confidence putin's vote against the university president here president fenves, those ballots now will make their way to the rest of the faculty here at the college of arts and sciences. and that referendum will be tallied up on wednesday. but another thing that's happening here since really october 7 is that jewish
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students have expressed their concern about their really caught up with two jewish law students who talked to us about those safety concerns when these people are chanting, excuse my language in unison, zionist on the quad lawn of emory university. >> and i have the standby in here that and we're told that we don't belong campus. i believe everyone has a right to protest the problem is when it becomes threatening like holding up signs that say jews are nazis and things of that sort is not at all peaceful so more action expected here today, but just very quickly, i spoke to one of those that was arrested and i asked her about that. those safety concern. she's of that demonstrate all right. >> we're obviously having some connection issues with nick, who is they're out and about inside the protests, but we appreciate that important report from nick valencia. now,
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let's come into the studio with my all-star panel today, cnn's kristen holmes, cnn's manu raju, and laura barron-lopez of the pbs newshour let's just kind of look and talk about all of this that is happening. they'd picture, i mean, we have seen protests pop up here and there over the last six months. but this is different. and this is expanded and this is caused this to bring it back to inside politics. and what it means politically. this is causing a major headache and it's very, very nuanced, difficult thing to navigate for the president and four other democrats. >> yeah, no question about it. and the question is, what does the president decided to do? eventually he's going to have to be more addresses, more head on that he has at this moment, particularly, this continues to grow. we'll see what happens in the summertime than it was when college students will go back home for break while the building is we get around the conventions and then the fall,
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there were still in this the heat of this war and we're still, things have not changed. how much does it? grow as we head into the november elections? the question ultimately two, is the impact that will have course. i like to orally on the president. there was a poll last week from harvard suggesting it was low on the list of issues driving concerns of younger voters. the economy ranking high, the new cnn poll showing the economic issues are really what is driving a lot of the concern was my younger voters, but ultimately how much more does is become a voting issue and the presence in his party's gonna have to realize that these are part of his coalition. and if they're upset with his handling of this, that can be a big problem in november, that poll as well as one today from cbs that shows that a number of young voters who want president biden to take a different position towards israel, still plan on voting for him at similar rates to the larger youth vote. and i was just in michigan and that's essentially what i found on the ground to i spoke to a number of young voters,
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some of whom they're campuses had encampments that were launched jean, when i was there last week and yes, there was one voter who is uncommitted who said that she voted for president biden and 2020 and that she was decided that she wasn't going to vote for him. again in 2024. but a number of the other young voters that i spoke to said that other issues, democracy economy, abortion, were things that they were thinking about heading into november, but that's really she was going to vote for trump or if she just wasn't, she wasn't going to vote for trump. so it would she has been in michigan. she has rfk jr. isn't she does she didn't say she would vote for rfk jr. either, but she was leaving the door open to a protest vote that could end up for rfk or just not voting. >> i just wanted to put up on the screen part of what you were talking about. actually, the two points that you've made. we have here to show in polls this is cnn's new poll that asks about president biden's handling of the israel-hamas war by age at 1% disapprove. i mean, that's pretty overwhelming when it comes to the 18 to 34 year olds. but the second point you
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made laura about how people prioritize the war versus other issues that are driving their votes i mean, it's pretty far down 26% versus all of these other course starting with the economy and protecting democracy exactly what you said. what do you hearing from the trump campaign about whether they think there's any way to capitalize this on this because it's hard to imagine these young people saying, i think that donald trump is going to be different, but maybe i'm wrong. >> no, i mean, they'll young voters, the cnn has talked to have essentially said that if they actually know what the issue is, that they wouldn't vote at all. or we had some voters said they would vote provided one or two in one of the reason conversations that we have with voters said that they might vote for trump. but i think if they know the actual issue that's not something that they're going for. the trump campaign is trying to take advantage of this in michigan, they barely have a ground game, but they already have people reaching out to arab american
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communities trying to create relationships with them, whether or not they're going to be successful. >> the ovary for arching issue here is, does this take any votes away from biden in critical swing states? this, our votes that biden cannot afford to lose. >> so whether or not this is a huge issue, neither one of these sides believe they can forfeit any votes at this time. and the question is whether or not when these arab american voters in michigan again, let's say after the biden campaign gets to them following the trump campaign's outreach, saying, remember he's the one who's going to put a muslim ban in whether or not that's going to probably why trump is not articulating a vision. >> what he would do with what is trump's? yeah, what is trump's policy? i mean, he did pencil or more ram and he did post on social media and i'll protests the maybe that doesn't go over well with those voters protesting, right? my mind, i wanted to get your thoughts on senator bernie sanders, who is on state of the union with me yesterday. >> he's obviously sort of the
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godfather of the progressive movement right now on. so many issues, social issues, healthcare issues, education issues. >> and on this issue, he is trying to inject something that has been lost, which is nuance into it, not calling for not calling a genocide, not saying some of the things showing up at the protest, but he is upset about bibi netanyahu and is upset about anti-semitism do i doubt for a moment that anti-semitism exists and is growing in the united states. >> that is part, that exist among some people in the protest movement, of course. but here is the reality right now. what netanyahu's right-wing extremist and racist government is doing is unprecedented in the modern history of warfare is a fascinating interview, but he not only do the godmother, the
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progressive movement, he's also a very shrewd politician. he knows full well that these voters, they need do like joe biden, he tries as he tries to raise concerns about biden's policy warn him about it, raised concerns about military aid. he's also trying to portray donald trump is a real threat to though those voters who have concerns about what's happening in israel. so that's why he's playing. it has walking a bit of a fine line because all those folks were protesting. look up to him essentially the charge, but he is not leading charging. it comes to these protests. >> now, not in the way that they are. and again, he's trying to inject some much needed nuance into this saturday night. colin jost at the white house correspondents dinner like most good comedy and most satire does really leaned into a reality in this race and that is what are new poll showed, which is that effectively statistically even
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though all of this is happening, it is tied so let me see if i can summarize where this race stands at this moment the republican candidate for president owes half 1 billion in fines for bank fraud in is currently spending his days farting himself awake during a porn star hush money trial. >> and the race is tie no i mean, it is striking when you list out all the things and he didn't even list all of the felony counts that the former president is facing when he made that joke. >> but right now, i think the dynamic is could very well change a lot between now and november. you see that president biden is it's doing well still with white voters that he received in 2020, his numbers are holding steady former president donald trump seems to be gaining a bit with working class black and brown voters. but the question is, how hard is that support or is
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it very soft? and kristin, the question is what put two our respondents dense and our latest poll, whether trump's presidency was a success, 55% say yes, 41% saying no. >> well, and this is something that i found on the campaign trail as well, just talking to trump supporters. this idea that in 2020 the election was rigged, but the counterpoint to that, many of them have agreed to is maybe the election wasn't rig, which obviously we know it wasn't, but maybe people were just exhausted by what they saw for four years under a donald trump. in some grass. now they've gotten rey's. now, they feel with the economy is one of the top priorities with immigration as one of the top priorities that maybe things were better under donald trump. but again, this is actually consistent with what we see over time is that people have a more favorable view of an administration just happens that this guy is running again. >> yes, he is. >> everybody standby up next? hunter biden versus fox news. >> we have brand new reporting
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about hunter biden's demand for a retraction from the right wing network. >> and later, it might have been a murder political suicide. >> kristi noem, defend and explain shooting a puppy did it already do her bp prospects? florida. man is hospitalized, infected with anthrax sunday. >> this became the there was a couple of war crime to sell. >> pow would really happen with jesse l martin martin sunday at nine on cnn i brought in a jew or max protein 30 grams of protein. >> those who tried be felt more energy. it just two weeks. here, i'll take that ensure not to protein 30 grams, protein one prim's sugar, 25 vitamins in a new fiber blend with a prebiotic not flossing mao then add the wo of listerine to your routine new science shows listerine is five times more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the
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revoke run voc is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema fast summer invoked patients felt significant inch relief as early as two days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as two weeks and many taking or invoke saw clear are almost clear skin run vote can lower your ability to fight infections including tb series infections in blood clots, some fatal cancers including lymphomas, skin, heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. >> people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death serious allergic reactions can occur. >> tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant help heal your painful skin. >> disrupt the pitch and rash thanks so mouth. talk to your doctor about brin folk learn how advil can help you save rafael romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn now, first on cnn report hunter biden's new strategy to push
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back against the years-long onslaught of attacks against him by conservative media lawyers for hunter biden are telling fox news to correct the record on bribery allegations made by a discredited fbi informant thank or face a defamation lawsuit cnn obtained a cease and desist letter sent to fox last week in it, biden's legal team points to fox host like maria bartiromo continuing to push claims that hunter biden and his father took bribes from alexander smirnov even after smirnoff was indicted. >> for lying to the fbi cheryl, the issue around this charge against smirnoff is that it may very well stop other whistleblowers from coming forward. >> this is an intimidation tactic, threatened this guy with 25 years in prison because he told the he told the just like committee that burisma paid biden and hunter joe biden and hunter biden 5 million
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apiece biden's team also accuses fox news of illegally profiting off of fictionalized show streaming on fox nation called quote, the trial of hunter biden and a violating revenge porn laws because that show quote, unlawfully published. >> and continues to publish intimate images of mr. depicting him in the nude. cnn has reached out to fox news for comment here with me now is cnn senior justice correspondent, evan perez thank you for coming in. so let's just talk big picture about the strategy here for years hunter biden really didn't say anything for lots of reasons. but the biggest reason is because his father's political team didn't want to write, they just wanted to kind of ignore it, and what happened was it continued to snowball snowball, snowball, snowball and for lots of reasons, the strategy has shifted now on he's, he's pushing back these
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pushing back very strong and look, one of the things that he's also done is i've you've seen you see how he is tussle with the republicans in congress showing up to their hearing demanding that they do a public hearing and then over time, finally negotiating for him to come in and do a private deposition. so you've seen him sort of fight back after after a period where the specialty, the white house and the president's advisors would have preferred a hunter to just stay quiet and just not give more oxygen to some of these allegations. now for that part of the strategy comes from the fact that despite what the republicans have been promising, they've yet to really produce any evidence that they said existed to show that there was some kind of conspiracy, bribery conspiracy involving the president of the united states. it's a far different matter for you to talk about some of the things
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that hunter biden was into which 100 biden, i think now admits we're not well well thought out. right. and well, in this particular pickler case, it's it's interesting because it's about him and not his father. it's alleging that foxnews just flat out defamed him and also people at fox that allegations are they were involved in frankly, it conspiracy to continue to push things that they allegedly knew. were not true. this is part of the letter from biden's hunter biden's legal team, mr. parnas outlined the lab parnas that conspiracy formed in early 2019 between and among giuliani and a group of political and media professionals known as the belta team to spread known misinformation and a false narrative about biden's corruption, which they knew was baseless in order to manipulate the public that again, i should just underline. this is a letter to fox effectively a
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shot across the bow. if you don't do this, we might sue. so first on the defamation, you've covered these kinds of allegations for years. is that it's hard to prove. it's somebody who's there is a lot of protection for fox news in northern other news organizations you have to remember that a lot of these allegations are coming from members of congress, previous reports. >> so i think for fox, it's going there's going to be i think a lot of protection because they're reporting on the news. >> the other question that i mentioned and that's part of this letter is the fact that they have this fake i don't want to call it documentary. >> it's like a scripted something. i don't even know what to call its fictionalized, but using some direct quotes and apparently in this hour, is that is streaming on fox's channel used intimate unauthorized photos of hunter biden, the unlawful publication of these intimate images cannot
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be said to have been made for legitimate public purpose, where the mini-series featuring a mock trial is not accurately reporting on newsworthy events, but rather other is a fictionalized trial of a non-existent case against mr. biden. that's a much stronger docker remember, this is kind of based on the gocher case with hall kogan, write that destroyed gocher, right? exactly. >> i think a person is entitled to control their own image if they, if hunter biden it's not built their publishing pictures, intimate pictures of themselves, then fox news should not be doing this based on a laptop or images that are on the internet somewhere that's i think they're argument here. and i think that's a much stronger argument because i don't think he has ever shared these things himself. for a long time. he claimed that the laptop wasn't here's or would not acknowledge it. now he's saying that this is his personal day that was that was either stolen or manipulated. >> and we do know from the
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dominion case that an fox news we'll see if they have their strategy goes forward because if this does become a lawsuit then it's open to discovery and everybody gets to see all of the emails and everything that went behind this, right oh, i will say it's interesting that the, that the law the law firm representing a hunter biden has included these images. >> some of these images in the letter, and that's a different way to go thank you so much, everyone. >> thanks for breaking it down and putting in context, appreciated coming up back in court. the trump hush money case will resume tomorrow. tomorrow morning rather we could hear from star witness michael cohen as soon as tomorrow we're here to get your sayyed of the store. >> affairs, bribery, prostitution why do we keep ending up here you can't write this stuff united states of scandal with jake tapper. now streaming on macs at morgan
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9:33 am to fly. oraa ring i'm kevin liptak at the white house. >> and this is cnn donald trump will be back in court tomorrow as prosecutors continue questioning their third witness a banker who allegedly helped set up the shell company used to make hush money payments to porn star stormy daniels cnn's evan perez is back along with cnn legal analyst and former deputy assistant district attorney, elliot williams and cnn's kristen holmes hello again. >> can you just give me the big picture? >> or more importantly, our viewers, the big picture of how we think the rest of this week is going to go. >> well, i think the difficulty
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for this for this trial has been like after pecker where are they going to go? well, how are they going to try to prove the conspiracy that they're alleging for the former president. so we don't know where where where they're going. next with witnesses, but i think the struggle is still is there for them to try to show that this, this, this conspiracy was in the service of an election crime, which is what stands this up to make this a felony? >> i think people, a lot of people are assuming because this is a manhattan jury, that this is going to be a slam dunk for the prosecutors, and i don't think that's the case, and i think people should prepare that. >> there is at least one juror here who may be not persuaded by what this would lead to. >> a hung jury as you come in, elliot, i want to put up on the screen who this third witness is? gary farro he's currently a private client advisor at flagstar bank. he was the
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senior managing director at first republic bank when michael cohen was trying to set up the payment stormy daniels before even getting to the point at which you're talking about influencing campaigns and what the purpose is. you have to establish just with the financial transactions we're and people may not know that litigation or trials are actually often quite boring. and basically you have to simply say probably excuse, have to come in and establish this is where the payment was made. this is the guy who knows where the payment was made. and this is where the payment went. you can have other witnesses who were in the room, perhaps even at that august 2015 meeting, talk about what was discussed and why they did it and so on. but witnesses like this might just be pure, just the facts, ma'am. witnesses, you can help establish what okay. and i'm sure you're hearing that donald trump is super excited to sit in the courtroom while week i think he's going to michigan wisconsin on wednesday the first time that we're actually because there are no trials, it yeah, there's nothing okay. >> it's on wednesday to seeing him campaign and his off days
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over the weekend, you'll have another fundraiser this last week and he was back in florida with melannie. >> it was her birthday, but no, he does want to set the trial. they also particularly doesn't want to sit through the testimony when we get to it of stormy daniels or michael cohen i think what's interesting here is that as you said, these are the kind of witnesses that are the glue that tell the story. they're not necessarily the most fascinating witnesses, but ivan's point and one of the things that donald trump's team feels when they're going through this as one can, they just get one sympathetic der here? can we get this to be a hung jury? and they think there is a possibility for that outcome much more likely that then he would be acquitted but the other part of this is going to can, they paint michael cohen? not necessarily donald trump himself since he has a gag order, but ten, his army of right-wing people on social media continued to paint him as a perjurer and a liar. >> would other things that are true. >> i just want to before we leave the donald trump of it all. but reminder of viewers of a conversation that the former
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president's former attorney general had with our colleague, kaitlan collins this happened friday night and this is part of a discussion of him, even though he was very critical of his former boss, saying now that he would support him and will vote for him for president i actually don't remember him saying executing, but i wouldn't dispute it. you know, i mean, it doesn't sound the president would lose his temper and say things like that. i doubt it would have actually carried it out. i don't i think people sometimes took them too literally and he would say things like similar to that in occasions to blow off steam. but i wouldn't take them literally every time he did it now he's not the only very, very sharp critic of donald trump who is now finding ways to explain why he's going to vote for donald trump. >> you've covered him, but they're justice department. >> i mean, look, i made this is vintage bill barr he wants to
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be relevant. he wants to be in this conversation. >> i i've talked to some of his friends and people around him and everybody is astonished as to why you'd want to go on television and talk about this, especially after all the critical things you said of donald trump. >> and then turn around and just kind of explain it away. it really doesn't make any sense. but this is how bill barr does. let's go back real quick. >> i'm guessing all is not forgiven in donald trump's mind lately, not know. he continues to talk four les about though and also he's not the only person who has said that he's going to support donald trump after criticizing him, that donald trump is still written off. so it's going to take more than just calling on one show and saying that there's a lot more to talk about them luckily, we have six months to talk about them. don't go anywhere coming up south dakota, governor kristi noem is in the dog house i know. sorry as she tries to defend what many feel is indefensible, shooting and killing her 14 month-old puppy that she said was untrainable. >> they went with dry symptoms,
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greatness, close captioning is brought to you by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, i can having nietzsche for ten years at you, cora, we make uti relief products. >> we also make proactive urinary tract health products. you cora is a life stage right today at your >> if you're explaining, you're losing that famous quote is attributed to ronald reagan and it's something south dakota governor kristi noem is probably thinking about right now because if you're explaining why you dragged a dog into a gravel pit and shot that dog. >> you may be losing the race to become donald trump's vp pick kristen manu and laura are back what are you hearing from inside trump land? so i will tell you that trump at least hearing from senior advisers is that he had soured on kristi noem before this event that she was no longer being bandied about as the top contender for vp or at least one of them? so it don't think that changes
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this no matter what. i also think that talking to advisors, they are aware of how bad this is. and there are a lot of questions as to why she would even put this in a book, particularly given that she wanted to be donald trump's vice president. >> but it makes are sort of a laughing stock, which is probably the worst thing you can get. >> at this moment. it's one of those issues that just seems to permeate people really talking about it, late-night comics are making front of her and she said she also had some bizarre posts and social media even before this. do promoting a texas dentist but to go down that can help you in your prospects when you're supposed to be helping the top of the ticket, if you are the running well, you know that the warm turns when you have some the most prominent fellow republicans trolling you. and is happening. kari lake posted a picture that is her own puppy. >> ron desantis, even posted a picture with a dog.
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>> and then the more expected sort of trolls are from her fellow governors on the democratic side, governor tim walz the governor phil murphy, gretchen whitmer, all posted pictures with their dogs and the caption below post a picture with your dog that doesn't involve shooting them and throwing them in a gravel pit that was tim walz saying, i'll start and president biden and kamala harris joined in the campaign, tweeted out photos of them, width dogs, smiling, and being happy. i mean, look, it's just frankly estonian story. i have a dog myself and it was a rescue who i had to go through years of training with. so i think that a lot of people look at her story and question why the dog wasn't just given up for adoption why why the dog wasn't put through rounds of trump? training to become the type of dog that she had hoped it to be. i mean, it was 14 month-old puppy, so i think that it's just assuming story that clearly is allowing republicans to pile long as well as democrats.
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>> again, just to sort of alluded to this, but just for anybody who hasn't followed it, and even people who aren't following politics are following the story. of kristinoem has a book coming out. she put the story a very vivid story about shooting a dog that's used for hunting who wasn't it wasn't working anymore to put it in layman's terms, what she did this weekend after that excerpt got out is she defended it, but explained it. she said, i can understand why some people are upset about a 20-year-old story of cricket, one of the working dogs that are ranch, whether running the ranch or for in politics, i have never passed on my responsibilities to anyone else to handle, even if it's hard and painful, i followed the law and was being a responsible parent dog owner and neighbor again, responsible. yeah. >> you're just kind of digging yourself in a whole here. >> i mean, i don't think her according to her book, her daughter was pretty upset, but
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she asked where the dog was is she got home from school another part and give a good explanation for killing the dog at all? no. or that it was a danger to anyone. >> and also, keep in mind, donald trump is known to not like dogs the next thing i mean, this is classified, but that was part of i have no idea, but i'm telling you is that the former president i'm not writing it, but you might not like dog because he definitely doesn't like stories about people going out shooting a dog or at least he knows how bad that looks. >> i mean, again, this is all about perception. you're supposed to be at a time where you are putting your best foot forward because you want to be sitting in the white house next to next president. and instead, this is the story everyone is focused on sort of apologizing. she's also doubling down on another thing you can raise a judgment question about that too. >> did you have peanut a little tighter last night? >> course, i hooked charles. i don't know what your dog's name? >> strider. >> strider two. >> up next and new book about an icon. >> the reason i am sitting here along with pretty much every other woman and tv news stay
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consultation. again, that's
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1807123800 how we'd really happy with jesse l. >> martin. >> sunday's at nine on cnn barbara walters was a trailblazer for women in journalism. she was the first female anchor of a network evening newscasts and interviewed everyone from fidel castro to monica lewinsky, barbra streisand, and vladimir putin usa today, washington bureau chief susan page has a new biography out the rule-breaker, the life and times of barbara walters and susan is here with me. this is such a great book. it is such a great book. i want to start with one of the many anecdotes you have in here about her tremendous career and that is 1977, she scored an interview joint interview with anwar sadat and menahem begun. no one had ever had a joint interview with the leader of egypt and israel before. it was, it was historic and she got it because
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she had spent years cultivating both men reviewing them and building a relationship that enabled them to stay almost on the fly that they would sit down with her and you know who it annoyed most walter cronkite. >> she almost literally took the interview right out from under him and he heard about it and then scrambled to get one of his own. and when he finished his interview, he said did barbara get anything? i didn't and did he did she of course, she did. well with pretty historic interviews, but, you know, the first one is the sweetest yamit is many president's pretty much every president. since she became a newscaster and a journalist and you tell so many stories about her relationships with the president's that she covered the interviews that she did with them and their spouses. one that i really want you to tell is the interview she did with the fords so she sat down with affords. as you said, she loved interviewing president's
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and often with their spouses, she liked the interplay between them but in this case, betty ford was visibly inebriated and the question was which he showed that on the air and she decided not to because she didn't want to embarrass betty ford. and in retrospect, she agree that that was a mistake and that if she had it to do over again she would have shown betty ford interesting. so she didn't show betty ford at all and she showed before, but not speaking because betty floored was sitting there and worked fine. but when she was speaking, she was slurring her war. and betty ford obviously then went on to become a trailblazer of her own and making the idea of being an alcoholic and an addict charged to take the stigma out of it. >> that's right. but she wasn't in that stage, but not not at that point exactly, but not acknowledged for he problem. senator ed brooke. he was an african-american senator, and he was the love of barbara walters life african american, and married. they had a long affair. she later said
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it was the love of her life, and yet would her good friend roy cohn, than tutorial lawyer? said, you know, this will cost you your career if it comes out. she broke it off. they had talked about marriage. he offered to leave his wife for her, but it was just too much for that time. and it really does speak to the larger takeaway from this book that is, she was so successful in her professional life but her personal life was kind of sad and it is one of the things that she gifted to people like me and you and others. and that is because she broke the glass ceiling and kyi blazed all these trails without any kind of a role model people like me can have a family and can have love and can have that children and trying to balance it all isn't as hard as it was when she started. >> now, she was relentless and maybe she had to be because whenever there was a choice between her personal life in her professional life, she
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chose her professional life and maybe she wouldn't have been able to do all she did at the time because of that. and i agree. i think it's a different it's important to remember that because it's a different time now at that time, i think women and broadcasting in another career sought as a zero sum game you succeeded. it was going to hurt me. and that is not i think the attitude of many women these days. yeah, it was a zero sum game. there was my mom when she first started. there was one slot for a woman in tv news and that is very much not the case. thank goodness. thank you for this tremendous book. i encourage everybody to get it thank you so much for writing it. thank you for joining inside politics, cnn, news central starts after the break when the genes came out, i thought, oh, my my god. when bob has a friend, he expects blind loyalty ravid surprises. >> i do that supply people to
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