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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 29, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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to you by if you or a loved one have mesothelial will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 this is cnn breaking news we are following breaking news right now at multiple college campuses around the country right now, columbia university in a tense standoff earlier today, school officials gave pro-palestinian protesters a 2:00 p.m. eastern deadline to leave their encampment or face suspension, and you're looking at images from earlier today on columbia university's campus the protesters there at columbia, they held a vote, they rejected that ultimatum from university administrators. >> they are now in circling the camp and there is a big question, how will the university respond? cnn's omar jimenez has made his way onto columbia university's campus. so former. what are you seeing and what are the students telling you yes.
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>> all right. now, we've been walking around at different parts of the campus and what we're seeing right here, this is the entrance to the encampment right here. faculty have actually come over here and locked arms at the entrance of the encampment. here we spoke to one of the professors earlier and he told us that hey did not think that the students here should be suspended merely for protests. in fact, you to use his words, he believed the university was criminalizing protest after, of course, referencing when the nypd was sent in in the initial phases of this, i also want to bring in because obviously students have been negotiating with the university throughout all of it. i want to bring him up. mahmoud khalil thank you so much for taking the time. i know i know you have been speaking to the university trying to negotiate on behalf of the encampment. are you guys going to listen to the university and leave the encampment here? >> of course not. the university is the one who should listen to us. they should listen to their student buddy, who are demanding to end. there their investment and award that's happening in
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palestine i would our demands it clear our demands regarding divestment from from the israeli occupation that companies profiting and contributing to the genocide of our people again, the university, once again, they are so stubborn and listening thanks to their students they, they, they are treating this method as a disciplinary matter. they not they've not treating this as an anti-war movement and anti-war movement that, that actually god, there's thousands of students here that actually spark thousands of students across the united states and so when that 2d pm deadline came, obviously we're seeing the encircling protest. >> what happened leading up to the 2:00 p.m. deadline. i understand there was a vote leading into it. and then how did this protests began to unfold? one that we're seeing right now? >> in various this morning that they send notices to these students that they should disperse by 2:00 p.m. otherwise, they will face they will face suspension and maybe expulsion thinking that this is
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threatening tactic, we'll we'll stop these students from, from being here and university does not understand that this is nothing compared to what it's happening to the people of gaza. all the students sayyed, we are well aware of this and they are willing to take the risk until columbia divests. >> and what do you say to the folks that look, there have been many jewish students. we've spoken to who have said that the encampment just is not created an environment where they feel safe here on campus so much so to the point that they've gone home what do you say to those folks who say? urine cabinet has created an unsafe environment here, this encampment again is a movement for social justice, for equality, for liberation our, our jewish brothers since this, this odd part of this movement, in fact odd, odd, an integral part of this movement. and we believe that the liberation of palestine and the jewish people are intertwined and they go hand in hand and not, not the kind of antisemitism symmetric. this is kind of the rhetoric that some politicians in this country used to to crack down
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in this such movements and look to this point, the university came out this moment and that this morning and said, we are not going to divest in israel how far are you all willing to go here on campus? >> we're going to go as far as as as we need to do to pressure the university from from the question of the infested today, vessels from the occupation. this is up to the group, to the leadership of the group to decide how, how far they it will go. but now it's clear that a student, it's would remain here. they will stay here until they achieved their their demands for let you go ahead. you have you received notification from the university that people are actually being suspended right now already only this morning, we received only one notice from the university so the students here, they were handed these notifications i'm not a participant inside the inside the encampment. >> mode play representative
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outside of the encampment, just in case the university decides to close this in caffeine while i appreciate you taking the time. >> those who don't know my mood has been coming out here and sort of as you said, acting as a student representative here, we talked a little bit about the antisemitism at some jewish students have faced here on campus. that's something that the university has pushed and said that is its that they've dealt with the president of the university's even all that dynamic, very tragic. but as you heard from him and as we have seen as well, there also have been jewish students who have taken part in some of these protests. and as you can see, we've showed some of the faculty he, that have linked arms at the encampment as well. you see the circling of these protesters, many of whom were actually inside the encampment prior to this. so obviously this city tuition that is continuing to develop this afternoon again, well past that initial 2:00 p.m. deadline all right. >> let's go now we're watching these pictures at the university of texas at austin,
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where you see protesters who are trying to encircle an encampment. there and resist as police are trying to stop them from establishing an encampment. they are being arrested by law enforcement. there. we have chief ramsey with us to talk a little bit about what we're seeing here. this is the according to a state senator chief the university had said that they really wanted to avoid there being some permanent encampment. and what we have seen here, and it's hard to see because there are so many people is that there was a very small encampment that was being set up. and this is in the area where lawn. this is the area where commencement is going to take place. but tell us about what you see happening here, especially in light of what happened last week where there were dozens of arrests. and yet all charges were dropped and the university actually back
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pedaled and ended up allowing all of the students who were arrested back on campus well, first of all, is as far as the encampments though, may start off small, but i guarantee you they grow in size and so the sooner you disassemble the encampments, the better off you are, because it becomes more difficult over time. you're already seeing in austin some of the problems are having in trying to arrest some of the demonstrators that are resisting. so i think it's really wise to try not to let the encampment's get get started to begin with. so that's what you're basically seeing now in austin of course columbia, you have a very large encampment there now i don't know. it's going to take place, but i'm sure that at some point in time, the university will request police to come in and clear that as well. >> chief ramsey stay with us. i
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want to go straight to our ed lavendera, who's on the campus of ut at austin. added does appear like things have escalated in the past few moments. we've seen more arrests. we can see those pink t-shirts of what i believe are medics who appear to be treating some of those protesters. what are you seeing? >> yeah. we've seen a couple of times where medics have gone inside the encircled area and pulled some people out, but we have also now seen state troopers going i'm starting to forcibly remove some of the protesters by our count and it's a rough estimate at this point, so we're in the process of trying to gather this, but we think we've seen about at least six different protesters that have been taken into custody and the way it's playing out here, alex, is that as the state troopers have encircled this cabinet, they are clearly like going through and isolating individual people. and then there's a group of four or five, six officers that will go in i'm specifically grab one person and pull them out so suspecting that these are probably people
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they suspect of being ring leaders or people who they believe are agitating others inside of the encampment area. and that's kind of the operation in the mode that we've seen officers kind of going in and slowly removing people. they've been also going around this area, small and canada, which is i don't want to estimate the number of people in there but it's i can't imagine it's more than 100 people inside the area that they're describing as a liberated zone here in the south mall of the university of texas and there are a handful of tents, but these officers have also been going through removing tables that they were using as a barricade is a wall to protect their inquiry closure. and many of these protesters are locked in arms. they've been there now sitting down on the ground. and here you see another group of officers making their way back inside the circle. well here these are some of the officers that have been slowly removing
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each individual protester. there's another one that we see is in custody now, so just a a slow operation of taking people into custody one and it appears like at least for the time being, and that is the scene that we've seen unfold here for the last hour alex i mean, ed, is this i think we have to think back to last week where, you had arrest. i wonder if you're observing in anything different today compared to how last week was handled, does it appear different to you? how law enforcement is reacting it's different in the sense that last week the protesters were on the move. >> they were moving from one part of camp because and trying to get into this particular area what is different today is that the protesters and in a way that i think perhaps caught a lot of people off guard, they were in this area of the campus on the south mall, kinda doing very quiet poetry readings.
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there was some artwork sessions that were going on, people making protest signs and that sort of thing. so it had the air of just being a very peaceful, calm situation. can end up about 100 yards away. there was a group of professors that were holding a silent vigil. and then as soon as that silent vigil broke up he's protesters appeared to quickly scramble and set up this round barricade using the folding tables that have been brought out here for what had been described as an educator missional time, or educational protest, if you will. and also the number of tents that you see inside the circle. there. so this situation is different from last week we on in the sense that this is one focused in one fixed area where the protest is taken place. what we saw last week was a situation where they were people kind of moving. it was much, much larger in terms of the numbers of people who work here on this campus. this is an area that is
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very small compared to what we saw last week can also compare just to the university as a whole. >> and then the the state troopers that have been circled this encampment. this is exactly this is the only area where we're seeing any kind of this kind of activity taking place right now ed, your photographer shot is very helpful right now, because now we can see how big that encampment is in the middle of that campus, where you see what it appears to be a relatively small gathering, not that huge of protesters there in the middle that have been completely encircled by those state troopers, some facing inwards towards the protestors, some facing outwards to keep others like the journalists and other spectators that we've seen away. ed lavendera, i want you to stay with us as we bring in cnn's job hush campbell, who is not only our in-house security expert, but also i believe an alum of ut josh, when you look at this scene where you have multiple law enforcement agencies, we now
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have a better sense of the size of this encampment. we've seen a handful of arrests ed lavendera put it it around half a dozen. he believes. what do you make of what we're looking at and what we might be able to expect in the coming moments. >> while this is certainly an escalation by law enforcement, there at ut, and this is multiple agencies. we're seeing both utp de the campus police, austin police, as well as the texas state troopers that are there and they're crowd control gear. now this is much more organized. i will say then the incident that we saw last week on the campus of ut, which was a lot more confrontational that we obviously saw over 60 people that were arrested there during those skirmishes. but as we've been reporting on these various incidents the colleges across the campus, it has come down to law enforcement called upon by these universities in order to remove trespassers from their property. and we've been reporting as these things kicked off, that regardless of where one falls on this ongoing debate over the israel-hamas war, that there's no first
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amendment right in the to protest on private property when the university says, we want this group disbursed, that then comes down to law enforcement to try to do that. obviously, the hope is that that would be done in a way that is not that doesn't increased tensions. that obs for de-escalation. what we saw just a short time ago as ed was reporting there on the scene, is that the first group of officers? to move in? we're local police who essentially move to disassemble this makeshift camp that group that you're seeing there right now on the ground, they were surrounded by various tables that they had set up. and other items that were essentially in circling them. we saw the police move in, pull those items out, and we saw, as you mentioned, about half a dozen people we'll taken away. we don't know if there placed under arrest or simply detained, but what we can expect right now by this law enforcement presidents is that obviously their goal is to try to get the group to leave on their own. but if they don't, we will then see likely law enforcement then move in to try to detain individuals one by one. we see some of the
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officers there with those plastic with the call flex cuffs, those are used we've seen a lot of those then brought into that area essentially a way to restrain individuals once you actually detain them. but again, this appears to be much more a coordinated of an effort than we've seen. and we saw last week and at other colleges as well as ed lavendera was mentioning and that is an alarm of uti as well. this place where this is happening is perhaps one of the most iconic spots after ut campus. you can see in the background there the texas state capital behind the cameras as the iconic ut tower. this is the area where commencement graduations take place. and we know obviously what university officials had feared there was at this camp would then continue to grow. that could pop potentially impact the upcoming commencement ceremony. so it appears that law enforcement certainly trying to move in quickly to try to dismantle that the final point i'll make is that we've seen a texas a much different posture than we've seen in other areas where law enforcement have focused on de-escalation it's worth pointing out that after the incident last week at ut austin, the republican governor
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greg abbott, came on board very forcefully, essentially saying all these protesters need to end up in jail so again kind of a different approach here in austin than we've seen at some other university please. and of course, the hope is that if authorities do decide to then move in that this happens up peacefully. but certainly it's an escalation. we're seeing on the campus they did end up in jail last week most 60 of them. >> but then all of the charges which were entirely of trespassing were dropped and even the university officials backtrack cracking. they were going to bar them from campus, then they'll filed them back on for academic reasons for finals, for studying, and then they decided to let them back onto campus for any reason. so you're seen as sort of evolution as they're trying to figure out and feel their way, how to deal with these proteins test their at ut austin between the campus officials and certainly the governor as well. thank you so much for that, josh, we're going to get in a quick break because we watch this protest at the university of texas at austin that is
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water been sprayed on the protests? it appears it's not a cool de in austin, by the way, with the heat index, you're looking at almost 90 degrees so it's a tough situation out there all around. we'll be right back a florida, man is hospitalized, infected with anthrax sunday. >> this became the bureau's number one crying to solve how we'd really we happen with jesse l. martin sunday at nine on cnn at bus to credit. we know running a business takes everything you have and only a certain kind of leader has what it takes every new challenges years to solve. and there's no such thing as off the clock you carry the weight of the problems for your resolved never wavers. no one else can do what you do we know your drive. we know your determination. you've come far enough to know successes for those who take it. this due credit funding. what's next?
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protests and arrests formed an encampment. they're at a key part of the campus. so this is happening as we speak, but these particular pictures are just for a moment. so go as we're following really some turmoil on college campuses around the country it's not just happening in austin. we have seen similar protests, of course, all across the country from california to here in washington dc. but perhaps one of the biggest is taking place today at columbia university were school administrators gave a deadline, almost an hour and a half ago for students vacate the encampment in the middle of campus. students said that they would not be leaving. they voted and set an announced that they were not leaving that encampment. miguel marquez has been on the scene for the past few hours. miguel, last time we spoke, you noted the arrival of the nypd. we saw baer barricades surrounding the outside of the campus. what are you seeing now i think what
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police and the university are trying to do right now is raise the heat on those post-test protesters in the middle, on the lawn. >> a great one in the center of columbia university, the entire university he is blocked off as soon as that call went out. snip that at 2:00 p.m. protesters had a choice. they could either leave the encampment or possibly face suspension at some point it's not clear that the university is going to move in immediately. >> but they called for a protest outside the campus and that's where we are now, and that's what i wanted to show you. you can get through here in several dozen people. >> it's not a huge protests. >> it's been out here for a couple of hours. i want to give you a sense this is the main gates the main gate right here where students all the way through to the other side of campus this down. >> and the gates set up around other parts. campus where students and others can actually get in, where it has control. do they have to present their ideas and have to be they have to be bonafide
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students to get into campus. >> we did see one arrest here. >> there was a woman who was standing up when it show she was standing up on one of these posts here and she refused to follow police orders. police arrested her and it's not clear what try to get a sense of who she was. she was the picture up and move around very quickly. it looked like she may have been a professor one thing we do see happening here is we have the pro-palestinian protesters outside who are supporting policies on the campus. about 300 feet away from where we're standing and the hertz. >> but you also have pro-israeli protesters who are coming up here as well engaging them. >> so it is the tension is rowing police are here in fairly small numbers. they've set up barricades out to protect basically all the entrances to columbia but it looks like it's now the next move is on the protesters side and on the university, they, they, we'll see how long the protesters will remain in that
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encampments in inside colombia? and then columbia university two weeks ago, they had the nypd come in and remove an encampment that then kicked off this reaction that we've seen across the countries around the world and so i think that the university has already said they are reluctant to employ that again, but we will have to see the next couple of days are probably going to be thank you guys all right. >> miguel, thank you so much for that. we'll be keeping an eye obviously, this is a critical day at columbia as that ultimatum was given to students there that they have to get out of that encampment and disperse or face suspension. and there are so many students who have chosen not to comply with that. so we'll see how the university is going when to proceed here for the time being, it does not look like those students on that in that quad. i'm at a campaign are going anywhere. i will discuss this further with jacob schmeltz, who is a jewish student at columbia university. jacob. thank you so much for joining us. we should note that you are not on campus today. i
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believe you're one of a number of jewish students who we've decided to leave because of threats over the past threats and fears of violence over the past few weeks. and i want to talk about that because we just heard moments ago from some of the students are that encampment, they gave a press conference in which they said protesters have been entirely peaceful. and i wonder if that has been your experience and if you've been able to differentiate between those protesters, the student protesters on campus, and those who are perhaps outside agitators, outside of camps thank you so much for having me on it's definitely been very difficult to tell who exactly is on campus, who exactly is not on campus. the line of what is on campus and what does off campus has been very poorest. but when i can say, when these demonstrators are saying things such as we love hamas, we are hamas globalize the intifada. let's strike tel aviv when jewish students who are simply trying to go back to their
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klopp go to class, go to their dorms, go to their dining halls, are told to go kill themselves are called racial slurs. i would not characterize these as peaceful demonstrations and so when you talk about that, there's this distinction we've heard from other students about the outside and the inside, right? >> and we see the officials on campus really trying to basically locked down the campus to make sure that people are not coming in from the outside. hi how are you seeing it? >> the internal debate that is happening well, i think inside campus there has been lots of instances of of anti-semitism. i mean, i've had a friend who's had rocks thrown at him, friends who have had water thrown up them, people who have been confronted, not because they are trying to go engage with the demonstrators, but simply because they are trying to mine their own business. and this is happening within the borders of jacob. what do you make of the participation by
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jewish students within the protests? i mean, at the outset of passover, we saw some seders in the encampment our colleague omar jimenez on campus just spoke moments ago with a spokesman, mahmoud. he allele, who said that our jewish brothers here's an sisters have been integral to this movement. and he called it a movement for social justice. so what do you make of the jewish participation in this, in these protests? >> so i will say when 90% of american jews see israel as their ancestral homeland and feel a close connection to israel. when these demonstrators at the encampment had made it clear that zionists are not welcome. this is extremely offensive to most jewish students on campus what are you hoping comes in the days ahead here, this is obviously an important deadline, jacob that has been set. there are many students who are obviously not going to be leaving and they're going to face suspension what do you want to see in the days ahead
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for columbia? >> it's imperative that the situation escalates. it's the university has an obligation to ensure that all students, both jewish and muslim, israeli and palestinian, feel safe, welcomed, and supported on campus. that is certainly not the case at the moment. and the university needs needs to do better we're looking at some of those live pictures on your college's campus right now, it does appear peaceful for now, we certainly hope that you feel welcome back there very soon. >> jacob schmeltz. thank you so much for speaking with us today. i appreciate it. >> thank you for having me and stay with us for the latest on this breaking news as we see protests breaking out are intensifying at campuses all across the country. >> we'll be right back we have a content here competition level, as good as it gets. >> we've given ourselves another lifeline so one game sears celtics, lakers, nuggets coverage begins tonight at seven nba playoffs presented by google pixel with round one
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recommend forced back rush to walmart and release your potential with force how much erasure on capitol hill, and this is cnn multiple college campuses in turmoil right now you see live pictures there on the left columbia university in new york, where a deadline for students protesting the war in gaza has passed they are now faced suspension. >> if identified by campus officials on the right, you're seeing the university of texas at austin. we're state and local police have moved in on a rather actually small at this point contingent of protesters who tried to set up an encampment. they're on an area that is supposed to be used for commencement in not too long, but this is something that is
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affecting a number of universities and in particular, we see active situations on these two, right? >> yeah. and the university, at least in columbia case, really stepping things up and issuing an ultimatum which now the students are defying. they held a press conference a little while ago saying that they aren't you're not going to refuse that encampment. they're refusing to leave that encampment. the university has said, we have identified a lot of you and you will face the consequences including suspension. if you don't leave. one, let's, dig into this more with cnn senior law enforcement analyst, charles ramsey. he led the police forces of both philadelphia and washington, dc. she if we are looking at these dueling protests in austin and in new york, when you are law enforcement and you're looking at in, you're dealing with these protesters who are perhaps not violent, but they're refusing to leave. that we have seen some detentions in the case of ut austin. how is that decision made by law enforcement?
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whether to remove those protesters by force what i mean, it's up to the university, the police are only there at the invitation of the university. >> and i think we need to continue to emphasize that what we see are the police taking action, but there are only there because the university president and the board has requested them to come and to dismantle the encampment or move people off their property, or what or whatever. >> so it makes it look as if it's just a police action, but reality is, there are and how is it difficult? >> yeah. it's difficult you know, when i look at what's going on in texas, warren example, the students are there with their arms locked obviously refusing to leave. that just raises the possibility of someone getting injured because the police will arrest them but you have to pull them apart. and that makes it even more a difficult and dangerous, quite frankly for everyone, but police will
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continue to try to use a minimal amount of force, but some force will be used. now, columbia, we don't know yet what's going to happen, but eventually they're going to want to dismantle that particular encampment. i mean, personally i think the last thing the worst thing you could ever do is allow those in canvas to take place to begin with. >> the longer they're there, the larger they grow, and the more difficult it becomes to move people out of those, out of those sites. in that is clearly, what we've heard officials at ut at austin. they don't want they don't want a large encampment like they see at columbia university. i do want to let our viewers know on the left side your screen, you're now looking at the university of california at los angeles, a walkout there at ucla today so far we just hear people chanting, but we're keeping an eye i own that it is obviously a rather large scene there. chief, i wonder the tension here as you said, it's, it's difficult even when they
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are just sort of sitting in a sort of resistant posture, right? it, say at ut at austin but you have the situation last week where it was sort of a different kind of protest. it was on the move is ed lavendera pointed out to us but there were arrests, almost 60 and number of them were students. and in the end, you had the county attorney dropped charges saying that they lacked probable cause and then in the end, school officials, who were going to ban those students from campus ended up totally backpedaling saying, well, they could come on for academic reasons and then saying, actually they can come on for on-campus for any reason what is sort of tension there of trying to clear out this encampment of this protest when, there is obviously this internal debate going on about how to handle this well, i mean, you're going to do what
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you need to do based on probable cause that you have at the time you make the arrest. >> now, the thing used to irritate me is when the local prosecutors then with turn around and dismiss all charges or it would be the court that would do it. there's nothing much you can do about that. and so you don't go into this being overly concerned about prosecutors or the courts for that matter as long as they're invited and as long as they do things properly, they give the warnings individuals being charged with trespassing for an example, or whatever the charge might be police will take whatever action they need to take. it does leave you vulnerable though, for lawsuits and all of these large demonstrations, wind up in civil court because a guarantee you wind up getting sued for one reason or another as a result of the protests and i have to say, first of all, there's nothing wrong with the
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protests i mean, that's a first amendment right. and i certainly respect it. i mean, i never would have had a chance to serve as police chief and y washington dc or the commissioner in philadelphia had it not been for the civil rights protests the 1950s and 1960s so i understand that. but at the same time, other people have a right in this case we're talking about the university's to go to class to take their final exams, to graduate my understanding southern cal may have canceled the commencement exercises i mean, there are consequences to all this. and i would hope that the protesters who tried to find some balance where they could allow some of those things to occur on campus. but at the same time, have their voices heard in terms of their the problem with the war in the middle east all right, you've ramsay. >> thank you so much for your insights there as we are watching these protests on various campuses. and we're
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watching the law enforcement reaction to them. we're going to continue to monitor what we're seeing here. these are live pictures coming to us from ucla, where there's a protest going on. there's any campaigning there that we just saw as well students have been walking out, stay with cnn, we'll be right back riyad says new album is breaking records who gets to say what country is comey country beyond? say a nashville's renaissance streaming exclusively on macs can the riva support your brain health? mary janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, franck, franck, bred. how are you fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge this is a futurama go daddy arrow creates a logo website, even social posts in minutes ai, ai,
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units have committed what they called gross human rights violations. this is before the october 7 attacks by hamas. and now we're being told that the us is still debating whether to restrict american aid to one of those units, which is an idf battalion kylie atwood has been reporting on this from the state department. i want to bring her in kylie secretary of state antony blinken had indicated recently that there might be restrictions placed on this idf battalion, which would be a major move by the united states but israel has pushed back aggressively on that. so where do things stand right now? >> yeah, israel pushed back quite aggressively in an appears that those conversations with regard to that, that one unit, that one idf unit are still ongoing. so just kinda to broaden the scope here, there are five units. as you said, alex, that have been found to have committed gross human rights abuses. five israeli security units. and of those four of them, the israelis have taken effective
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remediation according to the deputy state department spokesperson who spoke with us stay we don't know exactly what that remediation looks like, but presumably it's something where they were scolded, where there were israeli officials who were held accountable for those actions that were taken, those human rights abuses now in the case of that, one lasting idf unit, the state department remains in contact with the israelis on that at those relays have provided more information to the united states surrounding this incident, this idf unit presumably that was provided information recently though the state department didn't say when it came because the state department is still reviewing that information to determine if this unit is still else legible to receive us arms at this moment in time. >> all of those units are still eligible, however, to receive us arms. >> alex all right. >> kylie, i thank you so much for that report. we do appreciate it. today marks 205
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days since hamas brutally attacked and abducted innocent israelis on october 7. and over the weekend, hamas released a video showing two of the more than in 130 hostages who are still in captivity for the first time since the kidnappings, families got to see american keith siegel and israeli one, omari miran, both appeared to be under duress as they called on prime minister benjamin netanyahu go sheet a deal to bring them home joining me now from tel aviv is hombres brother-in-law, most shea lovey moshe. thank you so much for talking with us today. first, i mentioned that that deal which i want to talk to you about, but first these videos obviously, your brother-in-law, he has no choice. this is filmed under duress, and yet i imagine seeing him in knowing the timeline that he is still alive is something that is very
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encouraging to you. what did you feel when you saw this? >> thank you so much for having me today i think it was a mix of notions for entire family i am with my family normally, keep what's coming where there are displays right now, i'm in tel aviv we just finished a press conference regarding the video. it was encouraging and we were relieved to see that a reason to live it gave us hope and motivation to continue our advocacy work. and we're focusing of course, on the image onto on seeing him despite the fact it looks unwell compared to when we last time on october 7, despite the fact the smile is no longer there and sparking these ice is gone. we focusing on the fact that he is alive and that we can bring them home alive but at the same time, it was very
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distressing to see the video was very distressing to see the images and of course feel that there's so much pressure. and as you describe, the rest is at while being filmed by hamas in ablation violation of yet another another preamble of the international law. >> there is this talk right now of a potential deal. the american secretary of state, antony blinken saying this is really up to hamas to accept this, that this is a generous deal that is out there are you hopeful it all when you hear details of what is being discussed right now, there been so many times before where we have obviously hope that there's an arrangement now he described it so i need to past almost seven months. nearly seven months since october 7, we were under the impression on so many occasions that a
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breakthrough is here. it's imminent that a deal is that is on the table is going to be accepted by hamas and yet every time we are waking up to yet another rejection by hamas and their accomplices it's clear that now egypt entered the discussion is in a more urgent manner. i think it is a result of pressure those early the israeli government is threatening to to have in rafah off and so perhaps will have the break three. we're all hoping for. >> we as families, as we said today in the press conference in tel aviv the siegal and miran family on behalf of so many other families of hostages are going to continue pushing our policymakers to make it a priority if primary objective as their promises to bring home the hostages to a colder social contract. >> but we also recognize that hamas as a terrorist
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organization, committed atrocities of october 7, and countless other atrocities against israelis and against gazan justinian's is not the girl she's in good faith. but hopefully we'll have that big phil. and i think the next couple of days we'll be less the answer to your question. >> yeah obviously that is the hope that so many are holding most shea where we've been covering for almost the entirety of our joe today, almost all three hours. these protests that are going on and american college campuses, there are counter-protests as well. but i wonder what your reaction is as you are seeing these protests sweep across colleges here america it's a painful subject to me because i went to college in the to a liberal arts college, carleton college and i just graduated in may from an mba and ma program at water new pen well, you also see demonstrations i think
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it's a topic that is close to my heart and i experienced firsthand as a result of classmates been active i think the right to demonstrate importers is sacred. >> people should be allowed to voice whatever opinion they have as long but only as long as they don't do it in a hateful and hateful manner. only as long as they don't can slogans of terrorist organizations like hamas or waving flags off mutation terrorists organizations such as hizballah i think there is a problem that the leadership of some of those demonstrations, such as in colombia chapter of sgp, i've been taking a very radical radical opinion on the conference and they're gender ideology is not for a two-state solution, is not for palestinian self-determination,
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but for the eradication of the state of israel i cannot accept that. and i hope steps will be taken so we can have discourse that is respectful, that we can convince each other in a respectful manner of how we can solve this conflict in a peaceful way. just again, many other conflicts around the world and i grew up in israel on israel-gaza border. >> i went through the intifada. >> i grew up in sderot to rocket attacks. i served in wars in two wars cause an experience or the wars as a civilian but at the same time, i still believe in a two-state solution in a peaceful resolution to the conflict, but that cannot happen as long as radical elements like hamas remain in power in gaza and as long as american students, university students, and i think these are the main naughty, i want to emphasize that are emboldened in commas. but we should not give those that minority the important
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state they yearn to have, and we should amplify the peaceful voices that come from the palestinians, that come from israelis and reject radicalism of all sorts. >> my shape, thank you so much for being with us and for talking to us about what your family is going through and obviously your hopes for what is ahead. we're hoping for for you as well. we hope that you get to see your brother-in-law soon most shaimaa v. thank you so much. >> thank you we'll be right back wealth changing question. has your advisor create a portfolio based only on your age and risk tolerance? that's simply not good enough. your money deserves better in soda, you, a creative planning are private wealth managers learn about you first and then they create a customized plan and portfolio by partnering with our our in-house money managers, accountants, and attorneys don't settle for a standard portfolio book. your free meeting today, i create a, create a
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day, millions say, i use splenda this is cnn. >> the world's news network all right, we're tracking protests at multiple universities across the country, including at ucla, where you see there is an encampment, but there's also been a walkout of students. you see them congregating there. they've also gone inside of royce hall just this afternoon chanting, clapping, and holding signs will continue to monitor what's happening there. >> we haven't really seen a major police presence in la while in austin, both state and local police have been karelin those protesters there are at least seven and we believe have been detained as things intensify on the campus of ut austin we will continue fo


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