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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 30, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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america's role as a leading supporter. both of civil rights and a free speech for decades, iran has been the us and israel's strongest adversary in the middle east. iran and israel recently trading direct military blows for the first time hi i went to a press conference of the iranian foreign ministry, the spokesman saying, tech ron believes global opinion is now shifting their way jobs, caudal i'm like opinion of the world and free thinkers of the world will not tolerate this genocide. and they're loud voice won't be silenced. he said, and through police actions and violent crackdown policies, they cannot silence the voice of those that protest against this crime and genocide tehran, ripping into the us as the protesters on american campuses demand schools divest from israel and want the biden administration to pressure israel to stop. it's attacked from cnn thanks
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for joining us. the news continues now, right here on cnn it's tuesday, april 30, right now on cnn this morning, breaking news protesters at columbia break into an academic that make building a barricaded themselves inside. >> we are live on campus growing concern in israel and in congress, the international criminal court is preparing an arrest warrant for prime minister benjamin netanyahu and donald trump back in court where the prosecution's third witness is laying out how the hush money for stormy daniels was actually paid 5:00 a.m. here in washington alive. >> look at venation its capital on this morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us. we begin this morning with breaking overnight at columbia university. dozens of
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protesters breached an academic building next to the protest encampment and they barricaded themselves inside. others outside the building, formed a human chain to block out access to the entrance in these images from inside columbia's hamilton hall, you see one protest or using a hammer to break a window and others moving furniture to block doorways. it's worth noting this building, hamilton hall, named for alexander hamilton. it's home to the office of the dean of columbia college and has been the site of many protests over the year is notably in 1968, cnn's polo sandoval is on columbia's campus early this morning, covering all of this forest polo. what's the latest casey, this would be a significant development you see for nearly two weeks that we've been following this both on and off campus. >> protesters, these pro-palestinian demonstrators have really kept to that in cabinet itself, in kelvin and question. that is really the start of this massive movement we've seen across the country. however overnight as you're able to see in some of these pictures, not only from the
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ground, but also in the air, you can see what appears to be many, many, many demonstrators, individuals that have actually gone up to that hamilton hall, as you pointed out, is a significant important building here housing the dean of columbia college and appears to use a benches, tables as well to barricade the entrance of that of that building and other footage that we've also seen, there does appear to be indication that these demonstrators are these individuals, many of them with their faces covered forced their way into that building. >> as you can see in some of the pictures, or at least you may be able to make out some of the visuals, even looking out through the window from the inside. >> obviously this building would be closed at during the overnight hours. and in one instance, you've been hanging a palestinian flag on the exterior of the building as you point out this facility, this specifically this building that is not far from the encampment that we've been discussing for the last two weeks, that has been the stage of previous student demonstrations and 1968 to increase awareness about the
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vietnam war decades later in 1985 was also used to push for divestment from companies with south african ties during the apartheid. and so this is really just now the latest chapter. however, this certainly would mark a potential significant escalation as columbia university officials since yesterday after they impose that 2:00 p.m. deadline to clear out of the encampment, which coincidentally is just about 50 yards from hamilton hall, have remained relatively restrained compared to what we experienced, what we saw just under two weeks ago when they reach out to the nypd for assistance and clear up, clearing out another encampment. so in the hours ahead, it will certainly be significant, at least important to watch what will be the university's next move? will they once again reached out to reach out to the nypd? i can tell you casey, just from our vantage point, again, the campus is restricted, so we're not able to make our way onto the campus it is very quiet. you wouldn't know it if you didn't have those pictures that have come in from from the
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campus itself. only security personnel and an occasional police officer. but this certainly might mean that we could expect that check to change very soon. casey hello we heard some from students were just kind of getting at reaction is this is coming into us overnight. i want to show you a little bit of what some of those students said and we'll talk about it on the other side. watch the people who are already inside hamilton hall decided to smash the windows and then put bike locks like around each door handle so there was also another student who described students who were trying to get in front of the mob as well. >> how do you understand kind of the tensions inside this group of people? >> yeah what's going to be interesting to find out is who or what organization these individuals may be associated with. >> in fact, it's even to certain to positively say that they are all students what we have seen though for the last two weeks are mainly students
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keeping two confines of that encampment and we've been on campus basically every day during that window. that's available. that's offered depressed to make their way onto campus. and i can tell you that a majority, a majority, not all, but of these demonstrations have kept to that lawn. so that's why this would be something fairly significant here. now with the potential for the summer striation to spill out of that area. and now affecting this building, potentially even leading to some damage that we've seen on video again, at least 200 students were reporting at this hour are currently barricaded inside at hamilton hall, polo sandoval for us, polo out. we'll come back to you as this unfolds this morning. >> that's very much for being there for us and this is the latest seen as the protests grow each and every day at college campuses across the country police in riot gear responding the demonstrations at virginia commonwealth university's campus in richmond last night. this video
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from cnn affiliate ww bt shows people being taken into custody. it's clear this hour just how many arrests were made similar seen in austin, texas? thousands of protesters were arrested yesterday on the ut campus demonstrators have now been arrested on more than 20 campuses across at least 16 states. and of course, this has become a major political flashpoint. people on capitol hill responding to it after his visit to colombia last week, house speaker mike johnson plans to hold a press conference today to announce what his house offices it's calling a house wide crackdown on the virus of anti-semitism spreading throughout college campuses. johnson previewed it when he spoke to reporters last night this is not an expression of free speech. this is the this is the threats and open intimidation of the lives of innocent jewish many of them are fearful of the class. we need moral clarity on the
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issue. we need everybody from the president on down to speak out about this and say that it is clearly wrong and it jewish students are not second-class citizens and they can attend classes just like everyone else joining me now to discuss is eugene scott, who is the senior politics reporter at axios eugene. >> good morning. >> this of course, these scenes playing out on college campuses. >> it's coming straight into our political debate. you heard at mike johnson there, this is of course something that's very difficult for president biden a to grapple with korean john pierre at the podium yesterday, essentially saying it's up to each and every university to deal with this kind of trying to stay above the fray. how long do you think they can do that? >> not long, especially because mike johnson is quite frankly, i believe using this opportunity as a chance to unify his party, which really needs some unity right now, given where he stands with a few members in his party, this also has played into the gop's consistent talking point that caused just are out of control. and when you see buildings being breached, there there are
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safety issues that people who are even sympathetic to the palestinian protesters are are concerned about. and so not seeing the white house take a more starch stance on this really does give johnson and other people in his party a bit of an advantage. >> yeah, this building is really interesting to me because it clearly there is so much history. there was 1968, it was during the height of the vietnam war, again in 1972, was occupied i'd also over the war and then it was 1985 to protest apartheid. but the reality is it's been a really long time since we've seen this, right? right. we have been many decades now removed from that era. so to kinda come back to this is it's really, as you point out, quite something to see, especially when you see the hammer breaking the windows. let's let's also look at some of our colleagues on capitol hill yesterday. one of the issues that has become a flashpoint here is how to use federal money obviously, there are many investigations into anti-semitism on campus is going on right now. let's listen to what some of those lawmakers had to say my bill
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would actually strip federal funding from institutions that allow anti-semitic activities to take place. if our tax alice shouldn't be going to universities that allow anti-semitism she persist. soto's homes disgraceful and love university of dumb, too little and a soft fruit or jewish students, i do think that these institutions fusions of higher learning if they fail to act then federal funding should be stripped from them how much traction do you think this is going to get at this point? i mean, and again, i think we should underscore there are certainly peaceful protests. peter, who are out there supporting palestinians who are suffering, who need humanitarian aid. however, we have seen in app points very ugly anti-semitism rear its head. >> we have just like we've seen, an increasing antisemitism over the last few years. and this a right now is showing how different places that it's showing up. i think what's really interesting is we know that i believe more than 20 campuses are finding themselves having students
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protested they range some are public, some are private, some are big, some are small, some are in major cities summer and smaller towns different schools will be affected differently by removal of federal funding all or to some degree received some federal funding. but this could have a significant impact on the educational experience at some schools and wastes that it wanted other very interesting point, eugene scott. thank you very much for being with us this morning. i really appreciate it. are coming up next here. what would the us do if the international criminal court issues a warrant, an arrest warrant for benjamin netanyahu, loss, four officers killed while trying to serve a warrant or bring you that and we'll have much more on today's breaking news, student protester at breaking into and now occupying an academic building at columbia. >> this happening overnight the lead with jake tapper weekdays it for on cnn today at america's beverage companies are bottles might still look the same, but they can be
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morning there is growing concern that the international criminal court could soon issue an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the house speaker, mike johnson is urging president biden two intervene and demand that the icc stand down. >> that's according to axios the white house has been tight-lipped about any possible warrants we don't believe is in the icc jurisdiction in this situation. >> we do not support the investigation, and i think that kind of answers that question when we say we do not support this so we do not believe it's in their in their jurisdictions another house republican told axios that retaliatory legislations already in the works. >> if the warrants do come down, cnn's max foster joins me now, live from london. max, good morning to you. the icc. they're an independent organization. they have also issued warrants it's against vladimir putin can you help us understand how and why this is coming together? and also the impact of this if it does come down for the prime minister of israel what was israel in the
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as you say, don't recognize it, wouldn't have any impact there, but it would have see impact. then yahoo, if wanted to travel to countries like the uk canada, all the countries that do recognize the icc. so we've seen that with putin he hasn't been challenged country trees which do recognize the icc presumably for fear of being arrested, it could be a recipe goes there. also is the optics of this. as always is, it suggests that those countries support the icc decision, which we might not necessarily do also the israeli government has been warning israeli embassies around the world that this might come down and might increase anti-semitism as well. so all very unhelpful. as far as the us and israel is concerned, it doesn't relate to the wall. by the way, it goes back some years and is largely in relation to the building of settlement right? so max, as far as netanyahu is concerned,
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i mean, we've talked so much about how his domestic political situation is something that's front of mind for him and is affecting potentially the conduct of the war. we know big picture. they have put an offer on the table that tony blinken and saudi arabia yesterday called extra jordan narrowly generous to hamas and i'm interested to know what you think that says about how netanyahu feels he's clearly under intense pressure from hostage families in israel to try to bring people home on the one hand, on the other, does this arrest warrant affect him from a domestic perspective? >> i think it's this it'd be the sense wouldn't it? there is this view and other parts of the world that he should be arrested. and then it becomes a debate within israelis and divisive figure. and then all of his opponents would suggest this is what you've done. and maybe you should be arrested. it i mean, it would inevitably play into the debate. so it's incredibly unhelpful in terms of the deal the debate now is not whether or not there will be some sort of ceasefire,
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whatever you want to call it, is how long it's going to last. will it turn transition into a lasting peace? so this is why people are so positive about blinken's positivity if you like, because if there's a potential now, this is what that entire region has been looking for. countries like saudi arabia or lasting peace, which can transition into a place where gazans can return to normal life. >> all right, max foster for us in london max, thank you very much. always appreciate having you see you tomorrow all right. >> coming up next here for officers shot and killed while serving a warrant in north carolina. we'll bring you that and breaking news protesters now occupying a building on in columbia's campus. we'll keep you posted as this unfolds 10,000. >> my next month, i don't think we won't know unless we try right how long have we waited for something like this will have to alert suppliers,
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2:23 am to fly. a 700 credits for doing me a time i've had to go montgomery and tokyo and this is cnn all right. >> 22 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. four officers were killed while trying to serve a warrant in
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charlotte, north carolina four other officers were wounded. a local police chief called it the most tragic shooting. he's been involved with in his 32 year career the feds policy setting committee, starting at closely watched two day meeting investors are wondering whether the ford will raise interest rates above their current 23 year high or if they'll hold them steady following a series of disappointing inflation reports the femur director de chris well, heads to oklahoma today to meet with low officials after tornadoes devastated parts of the state over the weekend, four people were killed, including an infant our time now for whether the central us facing another severe storm threat today on the heels of that deadly tornado outbreak over the weekend, let's get straight to our meteorologist, derek van dam. >> derek, good morning to you. what do you see in yeah. >> i'm concerned about storm fatigue with this setup because we're coming off of a very active weekend of over 500 storm reports, 137 tornado reports from thursday through
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sunday. and now we have another round of severe weather highlighted across this area, greatest risk from southwestern iowa, three portions of missouri stretching into kansas and nebraska. but you can see this is just the previous storm imports from the last round of severe weather that rolled through that caused the damage you saw? on your screens just a moment ago. and what we've been talking about radar right now are generally quiet, but later today, things will get active once again, once we take advantage of the daytime heating from the sun, we have our greatest risk of severe are tornadoes, i should say from wichita through kansas city northward into sioux city, omaha, and des moines. this particular area as a 5% probability of tornadoes and then the real threat will consider, will also be within the large hail, a highlighted within this area that kind of that hatched area is our greatest probability of two-inch or larger sized hail. and then also a wind threat associated with this line of storms that is expected to develop. in fact, watch as we
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time it out later this evening, right around seven to 9:00 p.m. just after dinner. that's when we expect the storms to fire up. it'll be more of a boeing segments. so the wind threat will be greatest. and then then severe weather threat advances eastward for the day tomorrow. so 20 million americans, nearly 20 million under threat today. and then nearly twice 25 million americans, including portions of oklahoma and texas for the day tomorrow. so it never ends. >> this is severe weather season height of tornado season. be very tough. we'll keep an eye out. our derek van dam for steric. thank you very much. >> all right. if you're just waking up, we're following breaking news this morning. protesters now barricaded inside the main academic building for undergrads at columbia university plus donald trump's hush money trial back in court just hours from now and growing support within the gop he to oust house speaker mike johnson will see sometimes the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn with
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drowsy 24 hour allergy relief your assignment with adi cornish listen wherever you get your podcasts breaking news, overnight protesters at columbia university breaking into an academic building and barricaded themselves inside this after the university started suspending students yesterday who defied a deadline to vacate their protest encampment. >> protests at columbia and across the country have of course, drawn the attention of congress, including the house speaker, mike johnson, who plans to hold a news conference later today. he is expected to announce, quote, a house wide crackdown on the virus of anti-semitism spreading throughout college campuses. i'm joined now by michael chanel. she's a congressional reporter for the hill. michael. good morning i want to start with a little bit of what we're hearing from some of these students. this situation started to unfold shortly after
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midnight overnight. they're occupying hamilton hall, which is it has a lot of history around this. it was also occupied biden 1968 of course, at the height of the vietnam war, here's how some of the students over and describe what's happened. watch two very heroic students decided to get in front of the mob that was pushing the tables in front of each doorway at hamilton hall. and they were trying to almost negotiate with mavi. and then when that wasn't working, they just decided to stand there in front of each doorway. and tried to be the human barricades. they proceeded to push him out, shove him out, almost, lift him up, and he was resisting so what she's describing is a physical confrontation. it sounds like from the perspective of people who were trying to prevent the pro-palestinian protesters from doing what they did here. we should also note there was at one point a palestinian flag that was flown outside of this hall. this obviously has become
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a major political flashpoint here in washington. what do you think? reaction is likely to be considering now, i mean, this is a step-up, right? and we we are, and we're working on kind of reporting out how this is also happening at other campuses across the country, but it's gone from encampment to what they're saying occupying buildings. >> yeah, the reaction de at least from house republicans for sure, is going to be strong and fierce from a lot of democrats as well speaker mike johnson telling reporters just yesterday that administrators need to condemn this behavior in these pro-palestine protest that are getting out of hand. some of them moving into an anti-symmetric area that needs to be condemned and house republicans said they are going to figure johnson to house republicans are going to focus on this quote quite a bit this week, as you mentioned, those that press conference that wasn't initially planned, it was just announced yesterday where they say that they're going to announce this wide ranging investigation. there have already been a few probe is looking into antisemitism on college campuses. but johnson saying that that's going to now be expanded. so definitely expect to hear much more about
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this potentially more bills on a docket. there's one anti-semitism bill on the docket for this week to come to the floor, it would essentially change the definition that the education department uses to enforce anti-discrimination laws. but how minority leader hakeem jeffries, the top democrat, calling on johnson to stage another vote on antisemitism legislation. so this is just the beginning in terms of how congress is going to react to this unfolding of course, the challenge clinch that all of these administration, these college administrations are dealing with the democrats are dealing with, is that, of course, there are plenty of people who are trying to express very legitimate concern, identification with palestinians who are suffering, who need the humanitarian aid. >> as you point out, republicans have focused in on and we have seen a number a very ugly incidents of antisemitism. this is something though that is dividing the democratic party because of political pressures. there. i want to show you how to democratic members, dan goldman and alexandria ocasio-cortez who come at this from slightly different perspectives, how
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they each talked about it. watch i think we need to talk about what's right and the right thing to do is to not call police and to not call violent enforcement. >> men on kids that are really not hurting anybody or doing anything wrong. >> there's no question that everyone has a right to free speech. but you do not have a right to make school unsafe for other students so what do you make of how each of those are talking about this differently? >> and i will also note for what ocasio-cortez had to stay they're columbia has been trying to avoid bringing police badge, right? they had been trying to deal with this and kind of let it peter out. they thought that they were going to escalate by bringing police in they didn't do that. and now we're here. >> yeah, this is sort of been the divide that, that democrats have been struggling with since october 7 since hamas brought that attack on israel brewery beginning this war, it's pitted those pro-israel, a lot of jewish democrats against more pro-palestinian democrats who are concerned about the
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mounting humanitarian deaths in gaza and like i said, we've seen this play out at every juncture of the israel-hamas war. this being now the latest flashpoint. i mean, the interesting thing is dan goldman. he wasn't, he didn't visit columbia last week, but a few of his jewish democratic colleagues did jared moskowitz, kathy manning, some other ones? i'm sorry. actually, dan goldman was there. he was on columbia's campus walking through and speaking to jewish students and essentially saying that the administrators need to do a better job of protecting this cohort of students. while councilman ocasio-cortez also visited columbia last week, but not to walk through the school and to speak to do as students. but she spoke with a pro-palestine demonstrators and she spoke with the folks at the encampment. so we're really seeing this split-screen develop between democrats, which is why i said that the top, there earlier, that house republicans are going to do a full court press on this issue for democrats, for somebody like jeffries leading his caucus, it's much different because this has been something that has divided the caucus again, at every juncture of this one long-running war. >> well, and you have the white house essentially saying cringe, i'm, here at the podium yesterday saying it's up to the
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administration of these colleges to do this, which demonstrates how difficult it is for them. i mean, as his reelection fight looms, yeah. >> and we've seen house republicans and some house democrats call on the columbia president to resign. >> so there's a lot of different ways that folks are coming at this, but also this issue is been a weak spot for president biden. i mean, we saw that uncommitted vote in michigan. i think you've got up to what, about 20% that shows that there really is a contingent of the electorate that is frustrated with his handling of the israel-hamas war. that is really frustrated. hence, criticized those mounting humanitarian are you in deaths in the gaza strip? so democrats are sort of having to figure out how to walk around this issue and how to figure out messaging on this issue. because again, it all gets back to pitting those pro-israel democrats against the pro-palestine progressives and liberals. and it's been something that the colic is really struggled with. and honestly, it has not really figured out a way that to bring the entire group together on such an explosive visionary, very explosive issue michael shaw for us. michael, thank you. i really appreciate it. >> all right. and just hours, former president trump will be back in a manhattan courtroom.
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his hush money trial resumes today. >> the banker, gary ferro, will continue his testimony from friday. >> he is expected to walk the jury through the paperwork for a home equity credit line that the former trump lawyer, michael cohen used to front the hush money that was paid to stormy daniels to help us understand where all this is going. >> let's bring in cnn legal analyst, joey jackson. joey. good morning to you. so what do we think those first few days? the testimony from david pecker, the former national enquirer publisher, that was salacious. there were a lot of details to add digest, i guess is what i will say how do you think that this testimony is going to stack up to that is a banker. it's about alone, it's kind of technical, but it does seem to illustrate what a big deal this was me taking out a home equity line of credit is something that you do only when there is something that's very important to you without
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question, casey, good morning to you. >> so yes, the pecker testimony was salacious button because prosecutors certainly wanted to lay the foundation. remember for what the case is all about according to the theory of the case, they being prosecutors is about the conspiracy and the cover up. now, we get to more dry testimony, but certainly testimony that's needed. why? i think what prosecutors are doing case he is trying to make michael cohen as irrelevant as they possibly can. yes, we know he's a sentence drew a witness in the case. we know we significant and we'll lay everything out, but all the other witnesses. right. you have packer who testifies, right? you have, of course, trump's longtime administrative assistant who testifies, hey, stormy daniels was visited or is in the ledger somewhere as was karen mcdougal and by the way, she could've been visiting that his stormy because of the fact that she was auditioned for celebrity apprentice. now we have the issue of the banker. we have the issue of the shell
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corporations that were set up and designed to pay karen mcdougal's. she was never that never happened. of course. that was fronted by the national enquirer. but now we have the essence stormy daniels laying the foundation, laying more paper, don't have to believe michael cohen believe all the information and all the documentation and all the ledgers and statements that lead up to, as you know, the hilal home equity line of credit, why did he do it trump's team will say, hey, acted on his own, he act that out fealty to the boss. trump had nothing to do with it. the jury may have a different conclusion. >> a different conclusion indeed, joey, we're still waiting on this gag order question. my understanding is we're supposed to hear about it at some point this week. i mean, have you seen anything over the course of the past few days that might add to the pile of things the judge could consider it or hear how where does that stand in your view so it stands with i think that the prosecutors are really calling trump on everything and anything that he may post or
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that he may say that relates to a violation of the gag order, right? >> obviously, you're in a presidential election year that the former president should have the ability to the political and too bad mouth the judge and bad mount the prosecutor. that is mr. bragg and mr. judge. marsha, can but you've got to stay away from other people, like jurors and witnesses, and family members et cetera. and so i think where it stands is there waiting prosecutors to ensure that it is inclusive? that is the hearing of every thank that trump may have done that would have gone amiss of this gag order giving their by the judge more information and more of an inclination to do with prosecutors want at this point, prosecutors want to hold trump accountable to the tune of financial fines, right? we'll see whether it escalates from there, but i think certainly that'll be a day when the hearing comes on thursday to hold. mr. trump accountable whenever casey, the judge says to the attorneys, hey, i'm on impressed, you, losing credibility here. it's never a great sign not a great sign
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joey, big picture. >> there was a former assistant da wrote this editorial in the time she basically argues that this case is very run-of-the-mill. >> she said, the simplicity and run-of-the-mill nature of the prosecution makes it easier to defend against claims of politicization in the following sense. >> mr. trump was a businessman for many years in new york long before he was president, if others would be prosecuted for this conduct and no man is above the law then he should be two do you agree with her in this sense? >> i mean, as we know so much about this as a political tug of war, about credibility and the former president at trying to undermine the legitimacy of the proceedings i agree with the great senator from new york, daniel patrick moynihan. everyone is entitled to their opinion. no one is entitled to their own set of facts. the reality is, is that prosecutors have a great deal of discretion, casey and in that discretion, you see some cases moving forward, other cases not
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i also hear people say, hey, you know what it was passed? on, this prosecution specifically by the southern district. so there's nothing to see here. nonsense. i've tried cases that have been passed on by other law enforcement entities that are seized upon by others. and so i think that if we're going to, let's use the editorial now against the rider. say that everyone is equal under the law than that applies so what prosecution that prosecuted believed to be appropriate. if you have someone attempting to some vert an election in any regard and they're doing it in a way that's allegedly illegal. i think there needs to be accountability. and so the prosecutor could have prosecuted yes. the financial case decided not to opted to do this. well, within their discretion, if there's a i can hear jury will decide if there's not a violation and nothing significant. he'll be acquitted that's ash system of justice prosecutors do what they think is appropriate to protect the public. i think it's perfectly legitimate prosecution. i think the jury could be fair and reasonable, and we'll see what they say in their verdict. >> all right. joey jackson for
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us. joey. thank you so much. cnn's trial coverage starts today at 9:30 a.m. don't miss it. >> all right. coming up next sector state blinken traveling to to countries in one day to broker a ceasefire in gaza plus the lakers ousted from the nba playoffs, did we just see lebron james play his last game and we're watching this breaking news. columbia university protesters now barricaded in aside hamilton hall and academic building on campus. we're gonna get a live report just minutes away times may change. >> but some things remain timely. >> i've been using wt more than 25 years. >> job is one quarter moisturizing i feel silky, smooth can the riva support your brain health? mary janet, hey, eddie know appraiser, franck. franck bread. how are you, fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators,
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for being here as we've also been following this breaking news at home, i think it really underscores the urgency of secretary blinken's mission big picture. do you think we are closer than we have ever been to a hostage deal on a ceasefire or what is the status of these talks? >> yeah, we're really close. casey, it's not done yet. and it's secretary blinken talked about how it was very generous offer. he's putting the pressure on through the arab allies that he met with yesterday in the gulf. and he's going to continue to meet with the real stumbling block is the question of what happens next. actually, it's not necessarily the technicals of the deal itself, but is this going to be a sustainable? are permanent ceasefire, which is what hamas is seeking. and are seeking guarantees that they won't be obliterated quite frankly, quite frankly, by israel after hostage exchange. i mean, we're getting really into some diabolical turf here, right? now where hamas is holding onto these hostages as a last chance protection. and israel's arguing if they don't get the deal, if there's no exchange, we could see israel invade rafah, which of course
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would make what we're seeing on our screens right now at the campuses explode. so we're really to tense moment and it's very close, but it's not there yet. yeah. well speaking the campus is i want to bring this to our viewers because it's just in here to cnn were reporting that banners have been hung from hamilton hall. and again, hamilton hall. >> is this storied building eye on the campus of columbia of maine academic building, but it was also occupied in 1968 during the protest movements. >> they're again in 19 and 72 again in 1985. but joel, we're just learning, we're working on a turning these pictures around so we can actually show people video obtained by cnn shows the building after it was taken over as banners are displayed from a building window that read heinz hall and intifada. now, the one heinz hall, the student group statement explained that's an honor of a young and girl hind rajab from gaza. she was found dead in her car with her relatives after she came under israeli fire. so that's what that means. but this intifada a banner, can you just i mean,
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this is being hung against a backdrop of a campus where jewish students have talked about feeling unsafe. we have seen instances of anti-semitism rear their ugly heads. how do you view the hanging of intifada on the building? >> well, it's incitement language. when you put it into fada as basically a public display of a position of a protest movement. what you're doing is you're telling jewish students in particular that they are not safe. and so it's a dare it's a challenge to what the administration of columbia is pushing back against. and i think it's unfortunate because for those palestinian activists and pro-palestinian propene activists who once you get the message across to a broader audience, this is not how you do it. by scaring fewer students in by telling the american people that you want violent revenue pollution. and there are other ways to get the message across that language that goes too far outside hamilton hall early tuesday morning, we're also reporting students were chanting from the river to the sea. palestine will be free again, that means
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explain. well it from reverted to see is a classic standing for for elimination of the state of israel. and that's when the jewish community gets its backup as it should. and we shouldn't. i'm american jew and i'll say that probably that the idea of elimination of the state of israel is a clear anti-semitic argument. there are ways to get across the need for a ceasefire, the need for peace, the need for a two-state solution. and that's really what we should all be aiming for. that's what to go back to this diplomacy. that's what a secretaries act advocating. that's what the arab allies in the middle east are advocating to. they want a day after scenario that's not easy and it's not as if prime minister netanyahu is exactly grabbing that goal either. he's been rejecting it. so there's a lot of work to be done. but if we want peace in the middle east, there has to give me a two-state solution. the idea that one victory over the other and nobody get and one side doesn't get any land. the other gets everything. that's the recipe for continued fighting and more. >> can i come back to the
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intifada word again because i mean the straight translating is arabic word for uprising. but there's a lot of context around it and how it's used currently can you just kind of give us like the one-on-one on what that means and how it would make a student perhaps he was a supporter of israel or comes from israel or any of those things feel well, five to the first intifada goes back to 1987. actually, when there was a uprising in the west bank. and into 1988 against israeli occupation there. and so this is it's continued as an argument for liberation of palestine. and for revolution the thing now is when nc fathers advocated, when there's an argument about it in favor of, of the palestinian position, it's arguing that violent activity is what should be executed to achieve the goal that globalized the insofar the, for example, is to attack israel. attack israel both from a physical perspective and boycott divest from israel. and it's very aggressive term, it does not bring in people, it
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does not build alliances, but it does build what we're seeing, which is a lot of hostility right now and that unfortunately makes jewish students on campus particular and those who support the state of israel feel very nervous about their safety. >> it's not, it doesn't mean peace. >> it is not a call for peace. it is a call for uprising. >> all right. joel rubin for us, joel. thank you. i really appreciate it. >> all right. let's take a little breather and go to sports. >> now, defending nba champion denver nuggets send lebron james and the lakers home home for the summer in a game five thriller, andy scholes has this morning's bleach report, andy, good morning. >> morning, casey. so jamal murray just coming through in the clutch once again for the nuggets and they're now moving on and they tried to defend their nba title. this was a fantastic game, pick it up late in the fourth quarter. lebron's going to drive here he's going to get the bucket to put the lakers up by one. now, moments later off the ms arun board gets the offensive rebound, gets it's a murray knocked down to three, the brahma they make too three now free throws to tie it. then it was marie coming off the nikola
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jokic screen and he does it again. the clutch bucket there, lakers no time-out. they don't even get a good shot off in the final seconds. nuggets when 108, 2106 murray, 32 points and once again, was like is it is a dream come true, obvious bears on your side to get it done in this fashion. we know saying i don't know how long i'm just happy for us all right. >> so lebron and the lakers now ousted by the nuggets for a second straight season, the broad, he has a player option for next season, so he could become a free agent. he was asked, well this could have been his last game with a laker tonight. >> was there any thought at all? >> just could have been your last game with the lakers i'm not going to answer that
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appreciate it all right interesting answer their elsewhere the thunder finishing off the pelicans 97, 89 to complete the sweep of that series. last this was the first series win for okc since 2016. and i'll wait the winner between the mavi and the clippers, you got two more playoff games coming your way tonight and our sister channel ten the knicks, are going to try to close out the sixers at seven easter and then the pacers have a shot at eliminating box that one. is at 9:30 back at it again, baby ball right there, man feels good to be ic i remember coming here 12 years ago. >> man all right travis kelce, he was all fired up after signing a new contract with achieves their reportedly makes him the highest tight in and football according i felt network calcium get our and $34.25 million over the two-year deal casey, i will say
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it's been quite a few years for travis kelce, three-time super bowl champion now and dating taylor swift he's arguably the most popular player in the entire nfl. >> i will say his quotes about being famous in kansas city is not the same as being famous around the globe. >> now taylor swift i hear that all right, andy, thank you very much. really appreciate it. >> up next year, if you are just joining us, rep. breaking news overnight campus unrest escalating protesters at columbia university, barricaded themselves inside the historic hamilton hall plus a tragedy in north carolina, four officers killed in the line of duty you're calling some people find there's at an early age. others later in life no matter when you find it consider yourself lucky because it becomes your every are calling was to build trucks. and that's why trucks are what we do we put our everything and
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