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tv   The Source With Kaitlan Collins  CNN  May 1, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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preferred better science, better results i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this cnn's breaking news hello, and a warm welcome to all of us joining us around the world. >> i, max foster, it is 1 may 9:00 a.m. here in london, 1:00 a.m. in los angeles julie's where protests on the campus at ucla are turning violence. as you can see, according to local media, things came to a head about two hours go when pro-palestinian and pro-israeli protesters got into a confrontation kabc reports fireworks were thrown inside the pro-palestinian encampment campus police say they're responding to the incident of course, college campuses across the us having swept with protests over the last several weeks, but we haven't seen this level of violence up until now demonstrators demanding an end to the war in gaza and for
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their universities to divest from israel as well, we're trying to get a proper sense of what's happening on the ground. they are clearly clashes between protesters and other groups. but it's a chaotic situation. and so we're trying to define exactly who's clashing. and as you can see we're not seeing a lot of police there. so these aren't clashes with the police from what we can see is a fast developing situation. tensions just running extremely high as they have been on other campuses, particularly at columbia in new york. but this feels like it's taking a different turn. the big test of course, for authorities, for the police, this is a state university, is to figure out how to respond we did saying columbia police dressed in protective gear going in not necessarily heavy handed, but a very clear response to clear protesters out of one of the buildings. there this is a different university, a different part of the country
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and a different protests. so the police will be trying to work out exactly how to deal with this. because when things turn violent, of course, people need to be protected news cameras, rolling on that campus, but also at columbia university as police moved in, as i say, a few hours go and pro-palestinian protesters there were evicted back more than 100 demonstrators were rested on tuesday, mostly at columbia, but some also from nearby city college. police were able to empty out one of the main buildings at columbia that had been seized by protesters for nearly a day, officers entered hamilton hall from a second story window using an elevated a ramp. very dramatic scenes there inside, they found the doors barricaded with vending machines, chairs, and tables in windows with covered with newspaper police
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use flash bangs to clear the building. no reports of injuries. any students who were inside are now facing expulsion. that's a decision for this. private college authorities say the encampment's that were once removed only to return are going away now for good this time. so there will be a big presence there. is that is enforced police have been asked to stick around until at least may the 17th, two days after the schools graduation ceremonies earlier, a former faculty member who's now a professor at a nearby law schools spoke about how that will affect the mood on campus i don't think it's gonna be a comfortable place to be for students. i don't think it's gonna be a comfortable place for families to comment is not, for graduation celebration the client is going to be chilled. it's it's gonna be a different place to be at and really what columbia has done and bringing in the nypd is to
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overwhelm the student population with just the sheer presence and numbers of force. just, just being there is going to make a difference. so i can imagine that students will still demonstrate in whatever way that they can they feel very strongly about columbia divesting from supporting what's going on in gaza. and so i don't imagine that that will end. >> it might look a little different, but i think we're still good to see students demonstrating soon as miguel marquez was on the scene as a police arrived and began arresting demonstrators, his report so new york police officers moved in in the hundreds into columbia university. they were they were not in full tactical gear, but they did have helmets and bhutan bonds. and they moved in on this street. this is 114 street in amsterdam right here. they moved in in very large numbers onto the campus through a single well gate on 114
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street you can still see one bus down there. that boss is taking whoever is left to arrest saw dozens of people arrested that were brought up to a separate gate here on 114. but the whole that had been taken over by students, hamilton hall is just up the amsterdam avenue here police were able to get into it using a bear cats they were lifted up to the second floor. they used flash bang grenades, sort of distract whoever was inside hamilton hall, and then they were able to get in. they said that the individuals in their had barricaded the doors with everything from chairs and tables to soda soda machines and there weren't many people in there police now say it is done that everybody that was on the encampment for the last two weeks has been moved out or arrested at everybody that was in the hall and has been either moved out or arrested. and that
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the entire campus there is nobody on the columbia campus that shouldn't be there at this point, say new york police officers that columbia university has also asked any pd to keep a presence on the university through may 17 at commencement is on may 15th. so it is clear that columbia doesn't want to have a repeat what happened a couple of weeks ago when they cleared the campus once and the encampment re-establish itself this time, they want to get back to the business of being a university personally back to you throughout this ordeal, we've been getting updates from columbia undergraduate student, john towfighi he's also a freelancer for cnn. >> he says is believed many of the protesters who breached hamilton hall weren't students the nypd say that they think about half of the protesters occupying hamilton hall were non affiliates what they're calling outside agitators since the arrest took place and there
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were duly 100 people arrested at columbia. there has not been an official disclosure of how many students there were and how many outside people? well, there were people are going back and forth on this question video has circulated on social media of people climbing into windows on columbia's campus last night when people are occupied, hamilton. >> however, there has been an official university policy restricting access to campus to only columbia affiliates. >> so technically, any out site agitators would have had to disobeyed university policy and sneak by the university sanctioned public safety i'll say then law enforcement contributor and retired fbi supervisory special agent steve moore says occupying buildings like this is against the law. >> here's what he told my colleague rosemarie church earlier they have a right to protest, but they don't have a right to trespass and take over buildings what they were saying was not against the law where they were that was against the law. it comes down to when does a university cease to be a
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university? when does it stop teaching students? when does it stop functioning? at that point, they've essentially killed a university at least temporarily. so it comes down to how the university wants to handle it, how the government wants to handle it. i was surprised that they came in so quickly. i'm not disappointed. they came in so quickly, but, usually there's some, as you say, there's some risk to that and i think part of it might have been rosemary that they had information according to the chief of police and the mayor that outside organizations were teaching them i'm how to resist once you occupy a location, you do things like run piano wire and guitar string across openings door openings, and things like that to where police can't move from room to room to room and
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they put booby traps and i think the police probably thought we're dealing with groups who might be doing that kind of thing. and it takes time for that type of those type of obstacles to be in placed. so they might have been thinking we can do it tonight and it's going to be 100 times easier than doing it a week from tonight situation in new york, let's look at the situation in la, the ucla campus, julian protests between pro-israeli and pro-palestinian groups. >> turn the violent just a few hours ago, seeing clashes between demonstrators on camps with people feeling scooters setting off fireworks inside the encampments. campus police say they're responding to the situation ucl is one of many us colleges and universities are seeing these protests grow over for the war in gaza. but this
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is the first really violent turn that we've seen. so you had the pro-palestinian encampment and protest, then you saw them being surrounded by counter-protests, many of whom clearly support israel from some of the signs and flags that we've been seeing these are the sorts of scenes playing out overnight in la right now. it's about 1:10. these are live images a really difficult situation. we don't see police they're in the same way that we have been in new york. of course they're aware of what's going on, but there considering clearly quite how they're going to respond to this. but as it turns violent, people will need to be protected and they will be considering how to handle that. also, the security forces for the university itself. but tensions clearly rising and the morning is very young and we'll have to wait to see how this plays out. but these are worrying scenes and it feels like an escalation and the tension that we've seen across
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university campuses in the united states. we did see the police arrive at columbia university in protective gear, a very big show of force. we're not seeing that in la at present, but we'll keep these life pitchers going for you and tried to figure out what's going on for you because that's what we're relying on right now. so we have the cameras above from helicopters. and is also someone the ground as well back in just a moment. >> my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back now with sky rizzi, i'm all in with clear skin thanks again. we've sky rizzi, three out of four people achieved 90% clear skin at four months. and most people were the clear even at five
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tried to pull down the barricades around the encampment. this is happening right now in the heart of delay. united states is second largest metro area we're going to speak to paula hancocks now who's been reporting, of course, on the middle east crisis, the tension between palestinians and israelis for some time now and paula, we're seeing this now transpose or the tension at least go through america has seen a buildup. of course, across campuses in america. but this is the first time we're really seeing violence of layout flare up yeah, maxim, this really speaks to the intense emotions that are being felt, not just in america, but around the world when it comes to what is happening at the moments in gaza and the protesters have been calling for the end of that war in gaza. >> they've been calling for divestment of funds of anyone who is selling arms, for
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example to israel or involved in any companies that could be seen as supporting this war and this is really bubbling over now, this particular protest here in ucla, the pick which is we're looking at, it's, it's been a couple of hours that we have seen this intensification and violence spilling out. it's not just chanting now, it's not just anger, it's not just passions, but those passions are now spilling over into, into physical action. we have been seeing attempts to to pull down some of those barricades, to pull down some of the encampment's of the protestors themselves and interestingly, max, we haven't seen a police presence here over the last couple of hours. now, i did just a minute ago see an image of a police car arriving. we don't know if they are now going to two intervene, but certainly there hasn't been an intense police
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presence despite this going on for one or two hours. >> this protest. >> but there is intense feeling among these students and it really has been bubbling over when you look at what is happening in gaza. when you look at the death toll, you look at the desperate humanitarian crisis that is ongoing and the fact that still not enough humanitarian aid is getting into the palestinian civilians who desperately need food, water, shelter, and protection. of course. so this this is really what we're seeing now this these feelings of passion bubbling over into what appears to be violence between the two separate camps. you have the pro-palestinian camp and the pro israeli camp here on the ucla campus. >> max, what we're seeing now, paula, i'm just we've got these quite dangerous optics aren't may you've got the pro palestinian camp there, on the
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right, surrounded by the barriers that you've got. pro is really protesters pulling of barrier effectively trying to evict them because this is what the university has called for but the optics of that and the microcosm that it shines a light on is worrying, isn't it in terms of tension i made it is, it is worrying and it's surprising that we're not seeing any campus gods were not seeing campus security. >> we're not seeing police getting involved in this, this kind of an altercation. i mean, it's sort 20 in the morning. there it's not, something that you want to see obviously, tensions and passions are inflamed on both sides. both feeling aggrieved, both feeling angry about what has been
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happening from october 7 and and also with the war in gaza. but the very fact that there doesn't seem to the an intermediary here does appear concerning at this point. now, it's very difficult to see as you can imagine, it is quite, it's dark there. you can see there's an awful lot of lights being shone on the area itself. some strobe lighting as well, but i mean, obviously the hope is that there will be some kind of security arriving at some point because at this point this is just two camps who are diametrically opposed. when it comes to the war in gaza, when it comes to october 7, attacks by hamas on israel as well, they are diametrically opposed and some of those frustrations, tensions, and passion. and now spilling over into physical altercations and you can see flags being flown there on the right-hand side as well. would
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appear to be chanting with arms in the air as as well. it's obviously a concerning situation unclear what's happened there but you can you can see a number of the protesters running away from something that has happened in the center. there so i mean, obviously the question is where security at this point. >> yeah. and that's what a lot of view as we'll be thinking as well. because when tensions flare like this, even if there isn't an attention no act of violence people sounds and moments can confuse people, causes a stampede and then that's where a lot of concern will be as well that something could flare up. it'll be misconstrued and we've got to remember as well. >> there's a bit of a jump the position here isn't there to the protests that we had the columbia university, which is a private university in new york. you have a huge amount of
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police turning up and making a huge show of force. this is a public university and you'd probably expect the police and the authorities to be more on hand they could be on their way, but there's a there'll be aware that this is on tv and they're probably concerned about how they're going to play this and what they're going to get caught up with themselves yes, it's a good point. i mean, it's not necessarily always the best thing for police to storm into the middle of something. but when you see the images that we are seeing we see protesters brandishing sticks pulling down barricades, pulling down railings direct confrontation between two sets of protesters it does need some kind of mediation. it needs to be calm down in some respect, you can see projectiles being thrown them inside the encampment to those who are trying to pull this encampment
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down and it's, it is a difficult situation. we have heard certainly in the columbia university situation that nypd said that they believe there were outside agitators who had been involved. now we don't know to what extent that would be the case. but certainly they would also be a concern that these may not just be in students of ucla there could be others that have been able to get involved here, potentially able to stir things up to a greater degree. but this very direct confrontation with these two diametrically opposed points of view really do seem quite concerning in the early hours of the morning now, it's very difficult to see. i can see there are some high visibility jackets just on the
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right-hand side though we don't know if that could be campus security. we don't know who that is. his point but there does appear as well to be an awful lot of people standing around watching potentially that the impact of violence is very localized and very small but of course it does look dramatic when you're, when you're seeing it from a height there. so it's difficult to get a concept of of how widespread are how significant this is when you're just looking at one isolated spot, giving you a sense of where you sit, lay and these protests sits within los angeles. of course, huge city. and we've seeing there people from the counter-protests is throwing into the encampment and also some things being thrown back. we also see those when some of the counts protesters go up and can pull the barriers down there being sprayed with something and i'm seeing on the new york on the la times but
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some that using pepper spray to defend themselves, some of the people within the within the camp. so potentially dangerous in itself. but at the moment there are these very isolated moments a violence is you could describe it, but these are counter-protests is trying to pull down the barriers which is off the back of the message from the university, was that this camp needs to end because it's no good for the university and it isn't helping anyone. but they you've effectively got this pro israeli group trying to get the barriers down and get this group broken up. and this is a worrying moment. and as paul has been pointing out, we don't see any police they're currently it's not to say they don't have observers there and i'm not ready to go, but we haven't seen any evidence of it yet. we're getting very little information from any of the authorities that the university or indeed but the police, so it's difficult for us to tell you anything apart from just talk through these pictures that we're seeing
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polo. we've got one guy there who is really leading the charge and he seems to be being forced back all the time when he's being sprayed were presumed with pepper spray the concern is isn't it baller that they decide to go in as a group harder and this is an encampment which is going to protect his position. it seems absolutely. and if you do have a number who are more forceful than others, that there is always that fear of mob mentality that there could be more violence than than wouldn't ordinarily be the case. now, there does appear to be it seems some photographers, there who are taking photos, so potentially some media coverage on the ground at this point as well. but we're not hearing exactly what is happening. you can see that individual is now speaking to the crowd whether he's telling them to hold off. it's not clear. i don't think
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was the one who was actually trying to pull down some of the barricades. so potentially you have someone there who's trying to defuse the situation but again, we simply don't know without being able to see and hear and then again, you can see the spray being being used to drive some of the protestors back as they're trying to hit those barricades with with sticks and it's not a good situation. it's a very volatile situation. again, you see that one individual in the middle potentially trying to defuse the situation, but we simply don't know la times son ucla has so at the police have been called where we don't see them responding, which is interesting in itself, we're going to keep an eye on these pictures for you. >> we'll keep going back to them so you can monitor what's happening and whether or not there is going to be any way of dealing with it for the police at the moment, they seem to be holding off. we'll be back in just a moment.
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them in the foreground, arrived just before midnight local time, and tried to pull down the barricades around the encampment. they're still trying to do that. we've seen people throwing scooters setting off fireworks, campus police say they are responding to the situation, although we haven't seen it yet, ucla is one of many us colleges and universities seen. protests grow over what's happening in gaza the mare of los angeles has spoken to the chancellor of the university, according to her office. >> also, the police chief and the lapd is responding immediately to chancellor blocks requests for support on campus some police have been seen arriving, but they're not here at the epicenter really of the tension which feels pretty fraught, right now. and the encampment on the right protected by barriers, the counter protestors are trying to pull those barriers down that they're being forced back by some sort of spray, we think
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is pepper spray that's what are they to times as suggested with us now, dylan windward, an editor with a daily bruyne, a ucla dylan, thank you for joining us can you explain what we're seeing in terms of these pictures yeah. >> so we were aware that from ten 50 this evening, counter protesters showed up outside of the encampment aiming to disrupt it. >> there has nothing new. we've seen since the encampment went up on thursday counter protesters have tried to access the encampment and have tried to disrupt their sleep. we know as well that they set off fireworks and that they threw tear gas at the encampment and the encampment responded by holding up their barricades and throwing back canisters that had been training is it too simplistic to say? it's a pro israeli counter protest we know
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very little about the counter protesters. lots of them have shown up heavily masked, are wearing balaclavas as well. we know that in recent evenings this week many of the counter protests that have shown up overnight have showed up with israeli flags and have promised to come back. but we also know that they were various points chanting usa this evening as well so we just don't know who they are but this is the first time you've seen it turned violent in this way yeah there's been some pushing and shoving and past evenings, we know that paramedics were called, but it's the first time that we've seen anything like what we're seeing on the scale that's evening. it's also the first time this evening that campus security, there are about 30 hired security people on the site have withdrawn from separating the two sides from each other. cloud campus barriers to be knocked down what why do you think they've done that well, what we're seeing is more violence than we've seen in
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any other evening. >> we've seen taiga throne, obviously as well on the ucla campus as a complicated relationship with police, there's a very small campus police force. but historically the la city police need to be invited onto the campus to be allowed to come onto campus. that might be one of the things that has been causing the delay this evening. we know now that ucla has requested a wider police presence, but they had previously stated that they weren't going to do say proactive flee and we're only going to do so in reaction to significant violence on campus. >> why do they have to be invited onto campus when it's a public university? sorry, i might be getting to deepen the law, but i just wondering yeah. >> so the university of california actually has its own police force that's actually a state police force. >> so there's the university of california police force that scott roughly 30 officers who usually patrol the campus they were called to the scene. they arrived at the scene today and they laughed very, very shortly afterwards. that was only he one squad car with about four
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policeman so the reason that lapd have to be invited in is because it's considered state rather than city land that has happened tonight, according to the mayor's office you would have seen what happened at columbia university yesterday. >> there was a very strong shear force, wasn't there by the nypd in protective gear. and it's pretty decisive. do you expect to see a similar situation in la or would it be handled slightly differently there from what you know about the police it's very difficult for us to say at the moment because we haven't had lapd common approached encampment yet, or the statements we've had from the university has said that people inside the encampment would only be arrested if they were obstructed police or paramedics. >> however, the university earlier today threatened to arrest any outside actors who came to campus. we believe that many of the counter-protests were on campus now and who are throwing those firewalls
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aren't numbers of the university community as well. so that could feature into the police response but when violence erupts, like what we're looking out, looking at right now. and the tensions are clearly very high surely the police need to be involved just to prevent you know some sort, of any sort of escalation when situations are tense like this, they can blow up very easily. even if it's not intentional. >> yes. we know that campus security has been requesting a police presence for hours. now, nearly three hours. that is a statement we got from inside the campus said that no police were on the scene and actually questioned why no police were on the scene as well. >> it's a sensitive situation, isn't it? because in broad terms, i know it's not entirely clear to you who the counter protesters are, maybe the outside groups, maybe there. they were chanting us
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slogans, but also we're seeing pro israeli flags as well. but there's an uptick here, isn't there that there's a pro-palestinian group in an accountant that people are trying to evict so just the optics here are going to have a very damaging and divisive effect yeah, i think that's definitely true. we've seen over the last couple of days that have been competing protest and counter-protest. some of which have been organized within the university community from what we understand the majority of the people inside the encampment, our students and professors and it has been a divisive issue on campus as well we expect that that will continue into the next couple of days, irrespective of what happens tonight how are you handling handling this is as an editor, because i'm assuming you'll be pro, freedom of speech. this is a university, there's a tradition of protests on campuses. it's part of democracy, isn't it? >> how do you balance that with
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the fact that many people not involved, many students not involved in these protests are having their lives utterly disrupted and their educations yeah well, it's been a difficult evening for us, actually because one of our reporters was tear gassed on-site this evening and had to be removed from the situation. >> we had to withdraw a number of our courses because we thought that there was a serious danger to that safety. one of my colleagues as well as punched by protesters. we don't know from i'm hearing on sunday morning clashes that were by the most part, peaceful as well. so it's been very, very difficult from a reporting perspective for us to be able to tell the news and break the news on campus as we'd normally want to do. >> okay dylan, when we're going to come back to you when we hear some more, but thank you for your coverage and give you some insight from near the scene. there will be following the pictures, we'll have some more life, but just for you coming up as well.
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pain with biobrick. and keep on going bio freeze. >> green means go breaking news out of la, clashes, breaking out between rival protest groups on the ucla campus, according to the la times, the violence began i was off to the school, set a pro-palestinian encampment, was unlawful, and let's do this, taking part because they suspension or expulsion if they don't decamp the times reports that counter demonstrators arrived just before midnight local time and try to pull down the barricades around the incontinent i've seen people throwing scooters setting off fireworks. >> campus police say they are responding to the situation. ucla is one of many us colleges and universities, of course, seeing protests grow over the war in gaza. but this is the first i'm seeing violence on this level. i think it's safe to say joining me now on the phone from the ucla campus quad is independent journalist, joey scott and you are biden campaign. what can you see
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right now? >> the riot police have arrived and they are moving into the quad and there are chao shouts of usa by the pro israel sayyed you say pro israel sayyed, but is it as simple as that for chanting usa and some of these outside groups might have different interests, but would you say broadly as a pro israeli group that's trying to help decamp the pro-palestinian group yeah, i would say the bulk of these people here have been shouting pro israel, can they have been blurring israeli, a national anthem. the full makeup of the group, i don't know, but hold on. i'm the riot police are kinda catalina us here we are currently faced off with police
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apology you carry on. >> stay safe i'm sorry. once the atmosphere like it is very tense, it has been ten very all evening. now that the police are here, there is a celebratory tone from the instigators of tonight's violence yes. that seems to be the tone at the moment. >> is their assumption then that the police will take down the barriers are remove the encampment that is unclear. who they are going to target in this moment. who are they going after that said most of the violence has come from one side of the police took a long time to arrive and that's because ucla, please la pd doesn't have jurisdiction normally, does it over the campus, but they've been invited in do you feel
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it's taking them too long to get there i am surprised someone has not been more more seriously injured or killed this evening with all the violence it has been taking quite some time to get here chp california highway patrol is also here along with lapd, assisting we've been seeing the barriers being torn down or attempts to buy the counter protesters and they being sprayed. is that pepper spray that's being sprayed on them by the pro-palestinian group yeah. >> so they are getting hit with both pepper spray and bear mace okay and we've been getting hit with fact drafts of that all evening. amongst the counter protestors. what sort of language are they using with you? what do they want to happen here they want them to sweep the encampment they
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believe they are here to suit the encampment and they believe the kopan hear for, you know, they're they're on the same sayyed the police to allow them to sweep the continent yeah yeah that is the posture they have i don't think they realize that they are also the targets in this riot slot here so presumably the raw scores they're priority will just be calming down tensions. >> can you see i'm trying to do that right now, they're just on a skirmish line. tensions are still high counter protestors are taking advantage of this moment and trying to take more fencing and barricades down a you can you were you when this turn violent tonight yeah. >> when i arrived, they were playing crying babies, air-raid sirens various other obnoxious noises that loud volume and,
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then counter protesters tore down all the fencing. >> and then after that, the security that was here hired to protect people left. they all police how would you yeah, sorry and then it was just everyone for themselves and it's been that way until now how would you describe the feeling within the encampment of a defiant or are they scared i would say it's a mix of both. >> they've had fireworks thrown into there and camp they've had laser pointer is pointed in their eyes. they've had stuff's thrown at them they have stayed behind the barricades as much as possible yeah. and they've just kinda stood their ground and at any point, whereas they've had an opportunity to move the encampment further, to push the counterpressure. answers. >> when i look at these pictures, my concern is that if the counter-protests has get
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into the encampment, there's a lot of stuff there. they can throw around and also the pro-palestinian group can throw around that could cause a lot of injury potential weapons in there yes the counter protesters have broken parts of the palettes that have been used on the barricade and have been using them as basically like that. >> they're been throwing them at people whatever the metal barricade that be counter practice, protesters tore down they have thrown at the encampment list, thrown at other people yeah. anything that can be picked up and thrown has been thrown this evening. >> would you say how obviously there's a link with what's happening in the middle east, but how much of this is about getting involved in that fight and how much is it is just about local issues and those
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flaring up in this in this moment tonight you don't really your question. >> the since the encampment, counter protestors have been geared despite every night to held a rally a counter ally this weekend they still have their giant screen led screen hey, not the counter-protests is due and yeah, this has been going on since this weekend of his back-and-forth from the university once the camp the encampment clears, doesn't it? because they made that clear, which is you could argue, helps trigger this because that's when the counter protesters came in and tried to help clear it yes that seems to be the inspiration the ucla put up warning that the encampment is unlawful among other issues people took that as a sign of it being swept so the
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encampment grew in size, and that also grew the counter protesters to capitalize on this moment okay. joey scott really appreciate your time thank you. and stay safe we are obviously hearing there from j.d. the police have arrived in protective, if not riot gear. so that's good news in terms of tension, but we're now looking to see what their plan is, whether just to calm things down or indeed, go ahead and do what the counter protesters want them to do, which is to get rid of those tense. will be back in just a moment victims are mesothelioma and their families may be entitled to receive a cash award from the estimated $30 and asbestos trust funds with over $50 billion awarded, we have over 30 years of experience and have successfully recovered word hundreds of millions of dollars for thousands of clients, even if a family member has passed
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stains, old dishwashers hard water, finished ultimate with cyclic technology helps deliver the ultimate clean up, breaking news out of los angeles. >> violent clashes between rival protest groups on the ucla campus, according to the la times the university had to the pro encampment unlawful and said students who didn't leave risks suspension or expulsion than just before midnight counter protestors arrived and tried to pull down the barricades around the and independent journeys just told us riot police are now on the scene, but witnesses i've said they were surprised by how long the skirmishes went on before police got involved. that journalist told us he's very surprised people weren't injured if not killed in the interim before the police arrived, we're hearing that lumber pepper spray, and fireworks have all been used as weapons tonight ucla is one of
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many us college which isn't universities seeing protests grow over the war in gaza. we're going to keep following this for you and particularly monitor the police response tonight. thank you for joining me here on cnn newsroom. i max foster in london see it in this morning is up after the break do you think that our democracy is at risk? we have to be very concerned. this is as a damning report for the president why do you think he's doing this? >> and can he be talked out of wood republicans be willing to support this aid? we need a functioning legislative branch. >> are you willing to let people in the west bank vote
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