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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 1, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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washington in this is cnn yeah i'm here on the east coast welcome to cnn this morning. i'm kasie hunt. we have breaking news right now. violence on the ucla campus a crowd of pro-israeli demonstrators clashing with members of a pro-palestinian encampment on campus after school officials declared the encampment illegal in video from the scene, you can see protesters throwing a wooden pallet, fireworks, parking cones, a scooter. >> these classes let's have been ongoing for hours. there had been minimal police intervention, but we are told that the lapd is now on seeing that from tweets from the lapd
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and from the la mayor's office joining me now is denial hartmann. he is with georgetown university's emergency and disaster management at department and i'll good morning to you. how would you assess the response here we know that there has been some reluctance on the part of these universities to call police for fear of escalating the situation. but the violence that we're seeing at ucla does seem unique and an escalation from even from the taker of the building at columbia casey, this is a failure of planning on part of the university of public safety officials and administration especially when you have this amount of people, you may have competing a warring factions to not have a real physical police presence or barriers between these groups is really constable. >> this is something that we've done in many of the cities i've worked in, you have to be able to protect people's first amendment rights of you also have to be bearable, protect them from counter-protests and let this devolve into the anarchy that the viewers have seen on their screen right now
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is something that hopefully will never happen again and we won't see lapd. and the surrounding jurisdictions. i'm sure there'll be calling what we call a mutual aid are very good in adept at civil disorder. but they're coming in late and behind the eight ball, so to speak, on this this is a believable the seas students on student violence in an american city in this time and age so dire now when we learned about what columbia had, had done, so they sent police in to clear out hamilton hall last night and they put out a statement that said that they thought that there were outside agitators. >> it was not just students. how do you determine that in this kind of a situation? >> and what impact does that have in a situation like this? it has a tremendous impact and i study and analyze homeland security issues and domestic threats. and so i don't look at these particular demonstrations which started off as perfectly
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fine peaceful first amendment protected activities in isolation. you will call for the last five or six months to director of the fbi, christopher wray has been wanting the american public about outside agitation in our domestic politics, particularly as it pertains to the israeli hamas conflict he is dead in no uncertain terms as well as the the intelligence community that they're seeing the highest level of external threats to our domestic security since nine, 11. and so what you see is a lot of foreign terrorist organizations and other agitators stoking violence here in the united states, stoking radicalization. now i want to be very clear. i'm not saying that these students are radicalized, but on the spectrum of radicalization, you may have a lone actor who is out there, who's becoming radicalized online. and it's really easy to track these things online with social media and with some of the tools that law enforcement has so now
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standby for me because i want to bring in our stephanie ilan. she is on-scene at ucla as this violence is continuing at stephanie. >> i know you've been trying to get into place here, but bring us up to speed on what you've seen so far and what we know about the state of play with the police had thank the lep lapd recently, just within the last hour or two saying that they were coming to the scene yeah. >> and as you can see, i'm going to talk about the shock cases so you can see the police officers are here now they are in their riot gear. what we have seen over the last few hours is the situation devolve that was out here all day yesterday. and i can tell you that you saw a little flare-ups that we're quickly quelled from people who were from both sides of this encampment here overnight, this completely devolved and what we've seen now is that the plywood that was being used in there that was being tossed around. we saw the barricades that were loaded in and brought out yesterday afternoon. we see that they
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were being used overnight as well. we did see that ucla came out last night saying that this was now unlawful. and then as things evolve the mayor of los angeles karen bass coming out saying that they were asking for help from lapd in the situation we've seen now that there has been a mobilization here around here, there's a strong police presence on this side of campus where we are. you can still share chanting going on. there have been skirmishes that have continued throughout the night here on the campus of ucla. and the presence now being felt. there's not a lot of movement here. i've seen a lot of videos of the police officers standing in place. but obviously what we've seen basically agitators on both sides here who have started up skirmishes. we then see also people on both sides trying to stop it, trying to quell these little skirmishes that become bigger as they're trying to break down the tenth on the inside of the pro-palestinian sayyed. so still we can take a look at it, right now. you can
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hear through here. you can hear the chanting. you can hear that there's still a lot of activity despite the fact that it's just after 3:00 in the morning. can you at ucla. casey, stephanie, you said you've been covering this for the past few days. can you describe to us one of the things our law enforcement experts and banal has been telling us is that there's no there hasn't been an appropriate barrier between these two groups can you just explain to us where? these groups were in relation to each other? and what kind of barriers there might have been where those barriers taken down really skirmishes yeah. >> no, there there have been barricades that were up. there were barricades that we're separating everybody can we have seen them being broken down? we've seen them being thrown. we have seen all of that. but what ucla i actually did is separate both sides with a like a walking path. and they
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had barricades up on both sides and then barricades reinforced on either side of that that is what we saw. we've now seen those barricades being broken down what happened versus what happened overnight are two different. there were probably about i would say probably about maybe ten feet of heart but what we've seen, what i saw yesterday and those little flares of tension is nothing compared to what we've seen overnight hears tonight. it has been much more aggressive. we've seen much more anger. we've seen a lot more of that compared to what we saw yesterday when there were just smaller little yelling at each other. and that was it. what happened yesterday versus what has happened overnight completely different stephanie, can you just give us a little bit more insight? >> we've been describing these as pro-palestinian protesters and counter protesters. how do you understand what people are advocating for in each of these groups, and how, how they're presenting themselves, especially actually the counter protesters a lot of it has to
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do with when you when you come down here, a lot of it has to do with the fact that it's been so separated, like this front area here where i am, this has been the part where you pro israeli demonstrators who've been out here, they're out here with their flags are out there showing their support. >> and then across the double barrier are behind that where you see those there's plywood walls and such that is where the pro-palestinian five, the encampment that has been here so when you were out here, you can see it's actually clearly delineated. i think more so than in perhaps on other campuses here at ucla. that's how they've been able to hold this and we did see people from other sides encounter the other side and there would be again there'd be some yelling, there'd be some shouting. there was some tension, but they walk away. that was most of what we saw during the day here yesterday, but it's very clearly delineated when you get further onto this campus and then to this greene casey? >> yeah stephanie, what's your understanding of the next move
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for the police officers obviously, we can see in your shot and you guys have been doing a wonderful job showing us that they are there in a line clearly they're going to have to involve themselves at some point. >> what is your understanding of how this is going to? before going forward from what i can tell, this is not the only line of law enforcement here. >> there is also another line that is pushing on other sides and just moving the crowd in different directions. so you have this line here, i think probably to stop more people from going in if they don't want them to go that way. and then you have also lines of law enforcement on the inside that is moving around. so there are multiple lines here i have to tell you getting onto campus, there's a massive police presence. there were police cruisers everywhere there, police officers walking out towards the perimeter of the campus as well as here now, on the campus all of this very different than what we've seen here over the last few hours. >> yeah, yesterday, there was no police presence or what was the security presence like when
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you recovering this before there were local security that was here on campus and there were some ucla police officers. >> how he did see walking on campus. and i saw some that were in cruisers watching to see what was going on in certain places on campus at different places on campus and they were watching. and then i saw them also after things seemed to calm down, they moved away and did two different things. so though we've seen police officers, but not in the numbers that we're seeing right now? >> definitely not compared to yesterday to today. >> all stephanie elam, 70 standby for me. thank you very much for this great reporting and i know you're going to be gathering throughout the morning as this continues to be an unfolding situation, adeno harbin, you are still with us. i just want to get your reaction to what stephanie was describing in terms of the reporting of how these two groups were separated, this kind of ten foot space barriers that are being deconstructed potential really thrown at
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what, how does that, what is your understanding of how whether that's setup would be effective? clearly, it didn't prevent this. maybe it couldn't have, but you're the expert yeah. >> so i want to pull on a thread that stephanie said that while there may have been barriers, the barriers clearly warrants sufficient. i mean, we had barriers in dc to protect the capitol on january 6 and the protest has picked them up and throw them at law enforcement and sow these barriers have to be reinforced with a physical law enforcement presence to let people know that they can demonstrate peacefully. they can voice their concerns, but they're not going to commit what we call interpersonal violence. and so they'll obviously be some after-action report on how those barriers were set up. i have any honest with you, college campuses are not used to dealing with this type of issue, but they better get used to it the longer that this is rarely palestinian conflict goes on, as the fbi and the intelligence community is worn this, the more you will see
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this type of level of discourse. and in some cases violence. we didn't see violence in columbia university, it was civil disobedience. those students were arrested and displaced without incident by enlarge. here i think the energy is different and i think you're going to see a different type of unfold law enforcement action, unfold as this operation starts taking place. and a lot of that's because they didn't have the proper security posture in place at the outset to really set a tone that this will not devolve into the lawlessness that we're seeing right now all right. >> so no harm and for us to know. thank you very much for that coming up here, police clear columbia university's campus of protesters making dozens of arrests for lives on that campus two plus a new cnn poll on abortion rights advocates still is passionate as ever, two years after the fight all of roe versus wade how can experience boost help? it finds payments i already
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anthrax sunday. >> this became the bureau's number one crying to sell. >> how would really happen? with jesse l. martin sunday at nine on cnn breaking news, violent clashes and golfing the campus of ucla at this hour, pro-israel and pro-palestinian groups attacking each other. >> after school officials, officials declared an encampment illegal and increased security on campus protesters hurling all kinds of objects. a wooden pallet, fireworks, parking cones, even a scooter. to this point, there's been little police intervention, although the police are on scene now, the chancellor of ucla ask them for assistance and we have been seeing them lining up on either side of this meanwhile, in new york, columbia university's campus was cleared overnight they got in. >> they got two officers have opened the window. they have gotten now i've, opened the
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window. >> there are dozens of new york city police officers entering the occupied hamilton hall through a second floor window last night, you have shields hundreds of officers were able to clear the building and ultimately the entire campus arresting dozens of protesters. they restored order in less than two hours. >> the penalty that's facing those who've been taken into custody is severe, especially those who breached hamilton hall there'll be charged with burglary in the third degree criminal mischief and trespassing for the individuals that are in the encampments outside. there'll be charged with trespassing and disorderly conduct and there are lingering questions this morning about the protesters. >> were they students are outside agitators. columbia university has asked the nypd to maintain its presence on school grounds until may 17, two days after commencement ceremonies. cnn's gabe cohen is live from columbia university with the latest dave good
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morning to you. all quiet there at this hour yeah. >> casey, a quiet morning here at columbia after that, a chaotic night where you can see behind me here this is a close off campus still this morning and over my other shoulder. you might be able to see those nypd officers still huddled, gathered outside the campus where they are you're gonna remain as you mentioned, until may 17, two days after graduation, at the request of columbia those officers are standing in front of hamilton hall, that building that was occupied for about 24 hours and from this viewpoint, we could see that dramatic operation pulled off by it looks like we may have lost gabe cohen's signal there. we're gonna be working on getting him back to you as we keep you updated on all the breaking news this morning. our thanks to gave coming up next here. an update on a developing story police on the campus of ucla after a night of violent clashes between rival protein desperate
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demonstrators clash with police as they were pushed back from the street i'm going up next here, police trying to restore order on the ucla campus after hours of fighting between rival protest groups. plus what does donald trump think of the protesters at colleges across america will bring you his comments next i promise we're obsessed with socks ties and underwear because your basic things should be your best things. >> one purchased equals one equals one donated visit, and get 20% off your first order. >> we handcraft every stearns and foster using the finest materials like indulgent memory foam and ultra conforming and telecoil for a beautiful mattress and indescribable comfort every single night stearns and foster, what comfort should be home where routine meets remarkable with unexpected moments of inspiration around every corner. >> and through every window by
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there let's take a, look at these live pictures. there as these campus protests are escalating donald trump did weigh in on the scene that unfolded on columbia's campus last night as police cleared hamilton hall such a sad thing to see that evil even believa-bull, have you go back a year ago, back three or four or five years ago. >> it this would not even be possible to think about. nobody would be thinking this could happen all right, our panelists here, let's bring in cnn political commentator kate benningfield, former white house communications director, senior political commentator david urban, former trump campaign adviser and david champion, whose of course are cnn political director and host of the cnn political briefing podcast. >> good morning. >> to all of you. that of course david champion was donald trump weighing in on this? i was trying to kinda get a sense of what the white house had to say about this
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yesterday. and it was actually a paper statement from andrew bates, the spokesman, and we heard from john kirby in an off-camera gaggle. now, they did say forcibly taking over buildings isn't peaceful, it's wrong. hate speech and hate symbols have no place a in america. this is obviously, and i think the fact that there's nothing on camera from them reflects the difficult position that they are in politically as this unfolds. >> and i think donald trump calling into fox reflects the political position he sees this potential opportunity here to want to weigh in on the white house. obviously yesterday, both the kirby and the bait statements so you referenced much stronger than we had seen before, but the president is going to have to address this on camera and some kind of way, because this is just one of those moments even though it's it's kind of thing that would drive kate crazy. i'm sure the white house, but like crazy right now but i mean, it's not like the president has any direct responsibility here, but it's a moment of nash where you turn to your national leader and you need to see that your national leader is on top
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of this and can give voice to all the nuance around this situation, but also real clarity to the unacceptable nature of any kind of violent protests, which is what these statements attempted to do. yeah. and i think you've seen biden consistently call out the antisemitism you know, say that protest needs to be peaceful. >> i mean, he's been consistent about that. i expect you will see him at some point over the next day or to say this on camera but remember, when you look at the coverage of this is receiving and then you look at, for example, cnn's polling on where people place this issue and they're litany of concerns it's very low, it's at the bottom. and so for the biden campaign. i think what they will try to do is bring the focus back to what donald trump sudden it's time interview about abortion and women being prosecuted under, during a second trump term if they try to seek reproductive health care. so in some ways that communications effort here, yes, is absolutely people want to see leadership. and again, i think biden's been very clear about renouncing and condemning the antisymmetric nature of
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some of these protests but from a communications perspective, they also want to move the conversation back to issues that are stronger for biden, but also that people say have a more direct impact on it. their day-to-day lives. >> i think you'll see more of this. polling is a lagging indicators. we know you're going to see more of this when the republican party chris lacivita from the campaign has a video posted on his, on his twitter page, which clips and paste some of this together. some statements that joe biden's made and it reinforces a narrative in america that the crime is rampant. no one can control the police don't have the authority they need. this is a combination of hate and loss of control, right? and so there's this kind of anarchies feeling about in america. ignore one, no one's, at the wheel at which kind of goes back to the republican theme about the biden administration. not really having a grasp on what's going on. the president personally not having a grasp.
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so i think you'll see it iterated over and over again. this is, this is charlottesville day in and day out for this is going to be day 345. who knows how many more to come and i think it's a problem for the democrats. and as we move until the patrols wasn't a problem, just because the event itself, which was the problem, there is a problem because the present united states came out and said there were fine people on both sides of the issue. that was the action i and then. right and trump can don't sorry i? want interrupt you again, but trump trump can the language, the hateful language that was used in charge. biden has very clearly condemned for language, but i will say if you go look at the clips, go watch to go watch the clip that's put together by the arcci, biden his time and time again, said, well, look the other side, these guys have a point that homer, the protesters should be heard. they've got a point so there's a little bit of what about is, but they're this whole thing is clear that there needs to be spaced for peaceful protest in this country. and i think most americans would agree with that fundamental bedrock that is not the same as
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saying, you know, someone carrying a we saw footage if someone carrying a final solution sign on the gw campus, that's not the same as saying there are very fine people on both sides just like let's put a pin in that as we know, that's very fine. >> people on both sides was about a specific rally that took place at a monument before the tiki torch. so let's, if we're going to get daniel dale here to fact check, be very specific. i was just saying, well, trying, to make comparison. >> i think the political problem of charlottesville was not as much of the imagery which was horrible, but i think in unified fashion, the country saw that is horrible. i think it was the president's remarks that made it a political problem. but my point is that was horrible. this is horrible. and this is horrible day in and day out. out. and day in and day out. and i suspect we're going to see it again in chicago, some version of this, right at the convention and will see this similar behavior in the walkie tube? >> yeah. >> no, i think i mean, again, i just to underscore david's
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point here, i do think that what your leaders are saying in these moments matter, and president biden is saying things like, we don't condone this, this is anti-semitic and we did have the fine people on both sides. i take your point, but when we know who exactly was in that crowd, that's exactly what was. so inflammatory. i also want to raise we saw this very long interview that former president trump, current republican nominee trump did with time magazine. and he was asked whether or not there was gonna be political violence or if he expected political violence in november and he responded this way. he says, i do think we're going to win if we don't win, you know, it depends it always depends on the fairness of the election. i don't believe they'll be able to do the things they did last time. i don't think they'll be able to get away with it. >> david chaldean, whether or not there's going to be violence depends on the fairness of the election. >> i hear in that. i mean trump
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is invoking january 6 in regards to these protests, but this seems like something we may be revisiting again and again. >> and yet it's not new for donald trump. i mean, we all remember the 2016 debate against hillary clinton where he made clear as a first-time candidate that he may not accept the results to the flexion and then we saw we actually lived through the violence of january 6 in the aftermath of the 2020 election and donald trump, silence during that time. so having language like this is no doubt yet again, and of laying groundwork for the potential for a repeat of what we saw on january 6. i'm not suggesting trump is calling for that here. i'm just saying by not having like totally just clear, unequivocal language, we know that this should be exactly the ami know there should be no political wants to continue to live this is this is why david,
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i would love to hear your thoughts on this. anytime he's sort of like back in this space of the election and things not being fair. and therefore the outcome of that. he's in a losing space for him. >> look, i don't i don't disagree. i think that forward-looking is much better than backwards-looking. everybody kind of agrees i'm the president stuck on 20, the more you talk about 20, the less we're talking about things that are occurring today. if this question was about the future, i understand. i understand. case, but he that futures kind of a look in the rearview mirror saying what happened in 20 happens again. then we're going to have problems. he he should say, look, i hope that we have a free and fair fair election. i hope people accept that. but there are people, a lot of people i've talked to some people this past weekend who you would never think kind of suburban housewives who are really hard over that election was stolen for these, these are people, these are people who are like toothless, living in a year kurt someplace. i don't
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definitely talking about when we were talking about leadership. i mean, this is, that is because donald trump has hammered over and over again this lie that the election in 2020 was stolen. i don't think there are a lot of suburban housewives who are saying, you know, who are on their own sort of going out and saying i dispute the results of the election in arizona. that's a function of donald trump and his people going out and telling lies about what happened in 2020. and now, you have an interview where he's saying essentially, if i don't like the outcome of this election, i'm going to do that again. that is a fundamentally dangerous thing. it is also to david's point of political loser. i mean, we've seen time and again, we saw in the midterms in 2022 the concept of political violence, the notion and that our democracy was under threat, was motivating to people. voters said, i don't reject. i don't want hundred percent again, what agree. >> right. >> we should be talking about the economy. we should talk about ideas trump versus biden on x, y for policy, all the things that i think if you're right, i think your winners
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right? what we have to talk about abortion. yeah, you just have to have an answer on abortion. a better answer. an abortion. i don't think trump's position is a bad position whatsoever, right? i mean, his position was the position of republican party for 50 years to states rights issue. you had other members of the republican party like lindsey graham and others putting out pretty extreme positions. but trump's position was reasonable for for many, many years, it was the dogma of the party to go back to the main point though, why can't trump just say no, there's not going to be political violence i don't have an answer for you i wish he did. >> i wish he said just like i said, i wish you'd say listen, joe biden says repeatedly don't compare me to the almighty, compare to the alternative will joe, i want to do that. let me give you a side-by-side one-pager hear america on foreign policy, on fiscal policy, on de, on regulation on energy. i wish trump would do that, right? and then we're gonna have substantive debates about things that matter. household issues to people that really impact. let's said, you know why you can't buy a interest rates are 8%. they're not coming anytime soon because inflation and runaway spending,
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let me tell you about this student debt should give you a job and republican cams, i got i got i got the message, protecting democracy is a highly rated issue. >> i mean, it's very end by the way. >> it really tightly for both democrats and republicans, they obviously come at it from different perspectives. but we see this in 2022, right? this is what this is what all the exit polling said in 22, we expected this big red wave. remember we're all sitting here and and kate and her colleagues were just like gleeful because they're like look earbud, you're going to have because usually what i was saying going down everyone expect. this big red wave and then all the exit polling said, democracy, democracy, democracy, yeah, look, our hand is on the stove. take it off we learned we're going to take a break right here because we do need to make sure we continue following breaking news out of ucla up next the lapd has now moved in. they began pushing back counter-protester we. are live on the ground after the break
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designer sales that up to 70 percent all soap today welcome back. >> let's get back to our breaking news at ucla, the los angeles police have moved in. they have now pushed counter protestors back, separating these two rival groups late last night, things turned very violent between the two sides. we saw large objects thrown, people being beaten, they were fighting hitting for several hours before the police arrived on the scene. we've now learned the california's governor is monitoring the situation and cnn, stephanie ilan joins us live from campus. stephanie, the last time we talked to you, we saw the lines of police. we are now hearing that they have moved in whatever you what have you seen over the last hour? >> yeah, definitely. we've definitely seen or felt i should say more of the police presence from this side. now, keep in mind where we're standing here. this there's a line of police officers here on if you're entering off from the eastern side of campus, just to kind of give you an idea. >> but if you look down through there, if you look down i'm through there, you can see on
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the other side that is where you'll see the encampment. >> and so what how there's been broken up, your on-campus is you have this idea which is the pro israeli demonstrators, and then cross the other side. there's a barricade there's a walkway and then there's another barricade. and on the other side of that is before you find the pro-palestinian demonstrators on that side and the encampment. so what we have seen as we've seen, some people being pushed out just now coming out of the center of this grassy area. we've also seen the police inquiries krista line, and move it up a bit here as well. so we have seen some movement. it got quiet for a while and it seems like it is right now, but we've heard some chanting from the pro-palestinian demonstrators in the last few moments here. but definitely there does seem to be more of a presence here. we've seen out here where we're standing that there have been arguments between people and there's one woman who's walking around actively separating them to try to just
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keep people and the high tensions apart, separating them, something that we've seen mean we've seen people who were agitating throughout the night. we saw people playing loud music. we saw fireworks being thrown out here, we saw people using whatever they could find two toss at the other side and what's still not clear as what turned everything from when we were out here all day yesterday, which it was relatively calm i mean, i should also point out that the vast majority of campus is very calm. i walked around, people are out studying the readings, hitting it's beautiful de is today there were sitting on the grass. >> this is the area that has been the point of contention. so what happened from the day where we did see there were unloading more barricades and bringing them out. and what led to what happened here overnight. it's still unclear what has gone on here. but what we have seen from the aerials, what we have seen from here on the ground as we have seen, people from both sides engaging and then people trying to break them up all night long. there
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were these skirmishes, there were people really going at each other now that energy does seem to be changing now that we have this police hasn't here all right. >> it's definitely law enforce that. ucla, stephanie, thank you just in here, we have brand new cnn polling out this morning that shows nearly half of americans want to see federal lawmakers protect access to abortion nationwide, nearly a quarter of american say, they'll only support a candidate who shares their view hughes, on abortion plus a majority of voters say they're unhappy with president biden's handling of abortion policy. vice president kamala harris heads to florida today where a ban on abortion after six weeks goes into effect today in her remarks, harris is expected to blame donald trump for that ban calling it quote trump abortion ban. our panel is back at david chaldean. this one's for you what have we learned about where americans are on abortion and the number that i was particularly interested in was
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the number of people who say they're interested in a federal abortion ban, which seems pretty low. >> oh, that does seem very low. i think. was at 14:14 percent like that listen what i think is really interesting is overwhelmingly and this has been consistent since roe was overturned in the dobbs decision, two-thirds of americans disagree with that decision. i mean that just from a the 30,000 foot view, this is still a largely unpopular thing that occurred, right? and republicans, we see are still scrambling to deal with it. but what i find interesting here is the consensus isn't quite as broad when it comes to what to do. and this is why you see donald trump landing where he's landed on this right? because yes, no doubt, 49% still, as you noted there, you want to see federal politicians work to enshrine abortion rights nationally. >> but that's a lot lower than the 65% of post-dobbs that there is this other number is 37% or so that say leave it to the states which is where donald trump is. now. >> do you want to be with 37% of 49% of your politician?
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>> obviously, you'd want to be with the larger group right in. >> you can see why he's landing where he is and not going to your point for this federal well, national abortion ban, which has not nearly any kind. >> do you want to be if we're going to put that that's bad screen backup for a second. it's not politically tenable for donald trump as a republican to be with the 49%. but if you've got to choose between 37 and 14, right? like that's what explains why he's not listening to people like kellyanne conway, lindsey graham, and what the biden think campaign is attempting to do and is going to try to do, is try to say, hey, i know donald trump isn't coming out for a national abortion ban, but you can't trust them as soon as he gets there. he's going to do it. but in our poll that's not what voters think that they're not buying that argument yet. they, they, they think he's more likely to leave this to the state. >> well, and a couple of things here, right because of course leaving it to the states has significant ramifications for people in those states, as we noted, florida's band goes into effect today. it's a six-week ban. there are some exceptions, but they are relatively
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limited. and this is what donald trump had to say to time magazine in a lengthy interview when he was asked do you think states should monitor women's pregnancies so they can know if they've gotten an abortion after the ban trump says, quote, i think they might do that. again, you'll have to speak to the individual states raising the prospect of this monitoring because again, these bands raised questions if the ben is violated, how do you hold accountable people involved want to flash us back to 2016 when donald trump was asked by chris matthews about what should happen in some of these situations. watch this should abortion be punished? >> well, people in certain parts of the republican party and conservative republicans would say yes, they should be but i would say that it's very serious problem. is the problem that we have to decide on is it's very hard to say, what are you going to say? put them in jail. i is not what i'm
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asking you. get about because you say you want to ban it. i am against i am pro-life here david urban, that looks i think as david points out the president has kinda been where he's been pre this in terms of states, states issue, right? >> this has been republican dogma since i've been in washington dc in the late 90s has been but now it's fallen. no, no, i understand it's a states rights issue, but it's been an overturned roe. its goes to the state's right. that's always been the republican mantra until rose overturned. and then you have these different, various folks who are advocating for national ban, which is crazy, and a six-week ban. but said i live in the state of florida. there was no hue and cry for a six-week ban and the state of florida, i don't not quite sure why the governor others felt that they should do this right? and really it was running for the republican presidential it put. it into the right now. but to your point, david, it's a very unpopular position to take. put plus reasonable people, right?
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know that you can, women don't even know if they're pregnant at six weeks, right? it's it's a really untenable position. >> save that. >> it's a really it's an untenable position to have it's politically loser right? and listen, chumps a smart guy. he knows it's a political loser and the last one is talking about abortion. the more he's winning. >> and so he gets it you saw that the numbers up there to where where people are saying, well, not really happy with what biden's doing either on it, right? >> so i find that well, but see the problem for trump on this the message problem is twofold. one is he appointed the three justices who overturned roe. so that's you know, if you're going to have a back-and-forth and use literally are anybody roe versus wade for him to sort of kind of back away from that is challenging challenging. >> but then secondly, now to say, leave it to the states if you ask somebody in a poll, are you for we're leaving it to lidiane to the states. >> they may say, yes but the reality we're now seeing what that looks like, we're seeing a six-week ban in florida. >> we're seeing a law in
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arizona that predates the civil war. that's going to prevent women from being able to access health care so it's fine. it's not fine. i would argue in the abstract to say it should be left to the states, but in reality, now, the practice, what he's got to defend, now he has to defend what's happening in arizona and it's it's not it's not just abortion, right? this conversation has moved to ivf. it's moved to other forms of reproductive health care. and it just it's, it's very challenging for republicans too. to defend having thought to bring rode down and then turn around and say, well, but actually, i'm not actually for the ramifications of that. i don't actually want to own the consequences the consequences that you're making are strong argument rather than don't trust donald trump, he's actually going to ban it so okay. yes, i think so. i think so because also you know that is your anytime you can point somebody to the tangible impacts of, you that's happening in their lives, rather than saying, don't
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trust this politician in the future. that's, of course that's a strong, i mean, i have to say i have women, friends who are pregnant, who are concerned about going to florida on vacation because god forbid something happens and they miscarriage care absolutely absolutely. >> it is been shown and the after these elections, right? this is an issue for republicans they have to have an answer and they're kinda wandering around in the wilderness with disparate position is disparate viewpoints. and if we have a national election coming up, we need to have a position that's going to resonate with the electric because otherwise, kate and her messaging team is going to win the day right all right let's go back now to this because if you're just joining us, we've been following these escalating protests over the main flashpoints been at ucla, where police have now pushed back protesters after hours of violent clashes between two protest groups at the university of arizona police have used chemical irritants overnight to disperse protestors and several people were arrested in new orleans, a tulane university police dismantling a campus encampment overnight, arresting protesters who refused to leave.
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>> and this is of course, a growing political issue for the white house. and peter baker at the new york times, longtime chronicler of the men who have occupied the oval office, writes this morning, quote, mr. biden's history with the protest movement of his youth this of course, back in 1968 informs his current position. he was an institutionalist even as a young man focused more on how to make change inside the system rather than on the street. then he goes on to write quote by his own account, mr. biden never saw the war, vietnam war as a great moral issue. but instead a tragic mistake based on a faulty premise in other words, he said i saw the vietnam war in terms of stupidity, not morality. my panel is back kate, i want to kick this to you in a second, but david i just have found this kind of historical comparison very interesting and layered between people who are baby boomers. and remember 1968 and in some ways seem to be identifying at these protesters and saying, well, i remember being in something like that. i mean, certainly hamilton hall
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was taken about 1968 and now in this but also the differences are so dramatic. i mean, there's no draft, right? these kids are not at risk of them having their own lives put on the line after they leave, american soldiers or not. >> i don't think it's all that comparable. i get why people want to draw the comparisons, but we are in, and we're in a totally different universe as well. but what is, what is interesting to me about the baker peace and about biden on this you've got there's so much nuance in this issue. and so, you know, and you see biden trying to do with all like denounce antisemitism, of course an orderly and violent protests are unacceptable, but expressing some space for peaceful protests against netanyahu's government policy here and trying to wrap all of that, it requires a lot of nuance in our society that doesn't live so well in running up against the show. but kate, you've known by a new worked for him? >> yeah. what what do you hear in this? >> well, look, i think one thing that's misses is that biden was motivated to get into politics by the civil rights
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movement was shaped by the civil rights movement. so i think to suggest that he has no that he in no way can next with movement in the streets i'm not sure. at least when i would listen to him talk about why he is in public service. that was those stories from his youth were always a big piece of how we talked about it. so i think that is missing at least from the joe biden that i know but i will say but i will say that this idea of making change from inside the system is absolutely a motivator. and i think i think he has shown time and again that getting involved, that being involved in politics is a way to make change. and i think that's, i think that's an honorable thing to advocate for joe biden, isn't out today on television with a strong statement behind official statements someplace people don't sam, he's losing today today's a very big day. you don't see biden out forcefully saying, this is bad. i get to condemn this country looks out of control. he looks week loser form today. >> it does underscore the very


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