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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 1, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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good. >> good. good yeah. try go collect chewy fruit bites for fast and gentle constipation relief again,
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that's 1807123800. >> i'm caitlin polantz at the federal court in washington, and this is cnn universities on edge, we are following the clashes on campus is pro-palestinian protesters dig in and schools are forced to adjust their plans the end of the semester plus the biden-harris campaign back and former president trump's back yard as the vice president rallies for reproductive rights and florida, where a strict new city six-week abortion ban is now in effect and secretary of state antony blinken puts new pressure on hamas to accept the proposed hostage deal with israel. as we learn more about the brutal impact that the war is having on civilians in the gaza strip. we're following all of these major developing stories and many more all
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coming in right here. the cnn news central today hey, classes at ucla are canceled after violent hours long clashes broke out overnight on campus between pro-palestinian demonstrators and counter protesters. and it comes as california governor gavin newsom is demanding answers on why it took so long for people to respond. >> cnn, stephanie elam is live on campus in la. stephanie, it was a violent night. we saw those clashes. some of the most violent that we've seen so far. certainly, i think between protesters and counter protesters, what's the situation right now? >> yeah, it's changed, but definitely there's more people out here and pecker yelling right now from the pro-palestinian sayyed. they've had a reconfiguring of what they were doing out here because there barricade completely fell down once the wind kicked up as daylight came here. so they just reinforce
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that. hear from the pro-palestinian side, you can see they're still working on that here for one thing, this is where we're standing now is where we saw these clashes happening over and night and the question that the governor has, the question that a lot of people here have is, why did it take so long for law enforcement to be called in we know that they got here after midnight after things had been escalating where you see that footage where it looks like people using the barricades of pulling them down, throwing things that way and some things coming from the other side as well during last night while we saw i can tell it's still tell you there's some blood out you're still and i talked to one woman who did just feel compelled. she's just a native of los angeles. she saw what was happening on the news that she just felt compelled to come mount here, doesn't have students here or anything. and this is what she says. she saw when she got out here. take a listen but i just saw that these are young students going to school. they're protesting for cause. >> but the people that i saw
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and that i understood we're the people that didn't go to school here that were causing the blood violence that they were committing here. pipes, mace. this a couple of people had knives and i have to tell you, when we got out here overnight, she was actively pulling people apart, pushing people apart who were getting in each other's faces. >> she would just not here by herself doing that. there has been rest it's duration of calm here, but there's still plenty of police presence. if you look out in the distance that way, you can see that they're still there and there's still a lot of questions and some of the student journalists from the daily bruin pointing out that some of the blame should fall to the administration of ucla, which they say should have acted more quickly to get the response out here when mayor karen bass called for it after around 1:00 in the morning, that's when the police presence started to move here.
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we did see that the chancellor said that this was unlawful, but it does not seem that they're breaking this down at any point at this time. what they did do was canceled classes today, alex all right. >> stephanie eelam. thank you for that report. live force from ucla, where so much happen overnight and let's talk now as someone who was actually injured in that chaos at ucla, katherine hamilton, who is news editor at ucla's independent student paper, the daily bruin you, katherine wright, you were covering the protests. obviously you're okay enough that you're able to speak with us. but this look quite chaotic. tell us what happened yeah. >> so i was scheduled to be on shift covering anything that happened around the encampment from apm to midnight. and around 9:00 p.m. is when things started to really heat up, a lot of counter protesters where arriving, many of them, and most of them adults and then violence just was incited the
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counter protesters broke down the first layer of barriers to get into the encampment and then started throwing those barriers the people they knew were standing and sayyed the encampment directly behind the line they threw things such as electric scooters and there was also a lot of pepper spray and mayes throughout the air counter protestors also launched fireworks at the encampment repeatedly catherine what do we know about those counter protesters? i'm looking at your website. you call them pro israel counter protesters what evidence is there of their positions of them being pro-israel and to the point made by someone that stephanie elam just spoke with, to what extent do we know? if they were outsiders or not yeah. >> so i think our biggest indication in both speaking with them and just watching the counter protesters mobilize, is that they are using a lot of
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language that deems the pro-palestinian movement as antisymmetric and then wave many israeli flags. there are many setup i don't particularly know if they're still set up currently because i have not been back to campus after the events of last night but they have been around, people have been holding them and they have been shouting things that express their support for israel and some support for israel military occupation of the gaza strip and as to that previous point made, it does seem that most of these counter protesters are not students, and that they are adults. there are affiliation with the university is unclear to us, and they are not always the most willing to speak on what their affiliation would be but they are not of the typical student age and many of them have said that they come from
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surrounding areas such as beverly hills so i have a question about something that we have heard kathryn from multiple people, which in this included a jewish student who is not happy with the encampment does not feel predict typically safe on campus. >> but witness some of what was happening and said that police just didn't respond as these folks targeted the pro-palestinian encampment. do you have any sense of why that happened or to tell us about as well what you saw when you were there? >> truthfully? i wish that i could give an answer on why i think that happened, but what we did see was police cars moving around campus throughout the night on starting past 1:00 a.m. when the official call was made for their presence on campus, and we saw mobilization
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very early on, but they didn't actively start attempting to clear the area until around 3:15 a.m. even though we knew that they had been dispatched and that they had been on campus for at least an hour to two hours before they began to engage in the plaza catherine, your your newspapers editorial board has issued some pretty stark warning saying to the chancellor of the university there, if someone's killed that he will have blood on his hands the ed board has also said that ucla ucla is failing. >> it's students by not taking action to prevent the kind of violence that we saw last night. so what more do you want to see from camp from ucla administrators i think it's been a really difficult and interesting thing for the ucla administration to balance having such a large, large, organized protests, especially on a public use university. >> but i think that the university has done a very
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interesting job of engaging with the encampment from the people who we've spoken to inside. they have said that the university has not attempted to meet with anyone within the encampment to even hear out their demands. and honestly, while four daily bruin reporters were being assaulted yesterday on campus outside of the plaza by counter protesters. there were police nearby and i would be unable to understand how they would have not witnessed that. >> but still they did not come to intervene and they did not intervene in any of the aggression that was seen prior to their mobilization, despite the fact that they were standing watching i think one of the things catherine that's interesting about ucla compared to a lot of other campuses that we're keeping our eyes on. >> you don't wrap things up here on a couple of weeks commencement isn't may 11 are 14th. you're on the quarter
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system. it's not going to end until the middle of june are you expecting disruptions for the rest of the year and how does that make ucla different than some of the other campuses yeah. >> i think that if the encampment is to stay until the end of our spring quarter and until commencement, which is in the middle of june that it will be a much longer display of this solidarity movement than other campus communities have been able to achieve and i think the interesting facet is that we were expecting the university two allow the encampment to stay until the end of this quarter unless there were altercations that they deem to be more violent than yesterdays that necessitated the removal of the encampment however, yesterday, they also released a statement saying that the encampment was
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unlawful and that it was unauthorized, and that if students and faculty do not leave, that, they should expect to be faced with potential disciplinary actions, including sanctions expulsion, and suspension. so as of right now, we're prepared for it to be until the end of june, but that could change at any day all right. >> we'll be watching ucla. katherine hamilton. thank you so ahmad for glad that you're feeling better, but obviously you've been through a lot, so thanks for taking time with us thank you, guys. >> i appreciate it. >> at columbia university in new york, the nypd says it may need to deploy up to 20 office for serves on campus through graduation. >> and that comes after around 300 people were arrested last night after police were called in to help clear out those protesters who occupied an academic building that they'd broken into. cnn's polo sandoval joins us now from columbia. so hello it's the latest from there so breen, just yesterday that i was
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observing one of the occupiers of hamilton hall on top of the roof waving a palestinian flag at the time, or the students that was actively had been previously engaged in those negotiations with university was calling on those failed negotiations to again restart get anybody know that the wheels were already set in motion, that the president of the university yesterday, and you should be have already submitted a letter to the new york police department calling on officers two once again, make their way onto campus to read not only to clear out what's left of the encampment, but also to regained control the situation of the president of the university saying that the reason why that happened was because the university had been pushed to the brink. >> and so today, for the first time in two weeks now, any member of the columbia university campus who wishes to participate hey, than any sort of demonstration. now, presumably would have to do it on the sidewalks and much of the afternoon we saw these sort of roving pro-palestinian protests which have gone silent for now. now. but certainly is possible that they will once again return. we also heard from not only new york city
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mayor eric adams today, but also members of the new york police department describing going into a great detail about the planning that went into place. eric adams say that there was, as he described it, outside agitators that as he said influence some of those demonstrators and had also seen signs and traces that there was a coordinated effort to certainly disrupt operations on campus. and then finally there is also an important voice and all this. briana and alex said is some of those columbia students, a majority of the students who were not actively participating in these demonstrations. one of them so it's might not bad graduating hopefully next month he says that that it was looking forward to any sort of normalcy and now he like so many other students are concerned that an nypd campus, nypd presence, i should say on campus for the next several weeks is uncalled for unnecessary, as i see it. >> yeah, a very very controversial presence. polo sandoval at columbia. thanks very much for all your reporting. nauta, what's at the heart of these campus protests
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all across the country? that is the israel-hamas war that has been going on for almost seven months. now, secretary of state antony blinken has now left israel after meeting earlier today with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. blinken said that they discussed the current ceasefire and hostage deal that is on the table that they are waiting for a response from hamas on. he added that it is now hamas is choice on whether or not that deal moves forward. >> the secretary has also said that there has been meaningful progress in getting aid into gaza, but a new report port by doctors without borders warns that tens of thousands are at risk of dying and not just from his israel's bombardment, but from a lack of health care. and of course a lack of food and water cnn's paula hancocks is in abu dhabi with the latest polat. tell us about the city duration and gaza right now well beyond that, we have seen more aid trucks getting into the gaza strip. >> there's no doubt about that. in fact, nra has said
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that just last month, that was the moment where more trucks got in than at any time since october but but the fact is unrested still says in the same breath as the secretary blinken that it is still woefully inadequate. there is simply not enough being able to get through. now humanitarian aid groups are still blaming israel, saying that there are too many restrictions to get things into the gaza strip the security is too slow. there are arbitrary decisions being made at the same time as israel saying that it is doing everything it can to allow more food and aid into the gaza strip. but this was really a focus today with secretary blinken's trip and his meeting with the israeli prime minister as well. talking about how to secure this ceasefire so that they can swamp gaza with aid. this is what humanitarian aid groups want to do. they want the ceasefire and then they say they can avert the famine. now,
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as you have mentioned, they have said, secretary blinken says the ball is now in hamas is corti has said this is the best proposal, the best deal that will be on offer saying that israel has been extraordinarily generous in this deal. we haven't heard officially from hamas through the egyptian and qatari mediators at this point, we did hear from one senior hamas officials saying that what israel hasn't managed to achieve during war, it will not achieve during negotiations and pressure. so trying to downplay the likelihood somewhat, but we haven't had an official response at this point and certainly there are hopes on many sites that there will be a decision to carry out a season as fire at this point, it looks potentially as the first phase would be up to 33 hostages for several weeks of ceasefire and palestinian prisoner releases. that to you yeah, that would be amazing so many families we've been hearing from who have been
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waiting for so long. paula hancocks. thank you for that report i had former president trump taking advantage of a day off from his is trial in the hush money case. >> he's on the campaign trail. he's got to rallies in two key swing states. meanwhile, vice president kamala harris is campaigning in trump's backyard and florida, the white house seizing on the fact that the states strict new to six-week abortion ban goes into effect today. >> and the federal government is taking steps to reschedule marijuana, giving it the same classification as types of thailand no the impact that this will have that's coming up a florida man is hospitalized, infected with anthrax sunday. this became the bureau's number one crying to solve. >> how would really happen with jesse l. martin sunday at nine on cnn time. >> led to an ard the lotto
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in wisconsin today making his first campaign appearance since the start of his criminal hush money trial in new york city right now, the president, the former president, is speaking to supporters in the key swing state and later on he's do to make a stop in michigan. and during a speech just moments ago, he took the time to praise the law enforcement officers who arrested it pro palliate palestinian demonstrators last night at columbia university. take a listen new yorkers under siege last night and these people, their first day we're intents and the person that heads-up columbia university wasn't great school. >> it's been badly damaged. i think reputationally. but the person who heads it up, a woman she waited so long, she was so weak, she was so afraid. she was so bad they could have done this with the tense and it would have gotten quickly and no problem. but they did an incredible job. they went into one of the big buildings are beautiful landmark building boy that got it, got the hell
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being. less night, you know, you're supposed to take care of those buildings. it took a beating but the police came in and exactly two hours, everything was over. it was a beautiful thing to watch new york's finest cnn's alayna treene is live at that campaign stop. >> so alina has the former president talked at all about his criminal trial? that's going on he is not and apologies if i'm speaking a little more quietly, he still talking behind me, alex and brianna, but now we are more than 40 minutes into this speech. >> and not once has he brought his criminal trial up, which is interesting, because in the past rallies right before the trial, he railed against this repeatedly. we've seen him criticized this, of course, every time he's gone to the cameras on the sidelines of being in court. what he is not talked about at once today. now the other thing that's significant about that that i just want to mention is that donald trump, this is really his first political campaign rally since his trial kicked off more than two weeks ago. and even though donald trump
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and his team had insisted that he planned to aggressively hit the trail while still in trial. we haven't seen that yet. and now part of that is thai really his fault, one of his rallies was postponed due to weather. but for the most part, he's been slow to come and campaign on the sidelines of this trial. and so that's pretty significant. and i think part of that is also where we are today. i'm in walk a show right now, wisconsin later he will be in michigan. these are two very critical battleground states for his campaign is his advisers have told me that they consider them as must win in november. now, a big part of his focus and his messaging today has been about inflation and the economy. and these are two of the issues they think are very effective here in wisconsin as well as in michigan. we're really, they're trying to court those blue collar working class voters that helped him get victory in these states in 2016, even though he lost them to go biden in 2020, take a listen to some of what he told the crowd here the biden inflation disasters,
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a direct result of crooked joe's trillions and wild spending. >> and that's what's happened the biden price hike is a gigantic tax on the likes of which the likes of which this country we have never seen anything like it before. biden is run the government like robin hood, essentially in reverse stealing from the poor and giving it to the rich. that's actually what he does. you know, they talk the game all trump, trump, trump chicken, i love chicken is up 24% baby food is up 30% eggs are up 59% gasoline is up 50%, but it's going way higher crooked joe likes to talk about junk fees. >> they say many of the rich people or with democrats. it's changed. we become the party of the worker. >> we become the party of the middle income. >> done a whole lot now alex said breon, i do want to just point out there's a flurry of inaccuracy is in those comments
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that we had just heard. i'm part of that is also i should point out donald trump spent millions actually billions, and raise the national debt by over $1 while he was in office. so that's just one thing i want to know, but luck. i think what he said there at the end about how the republican party has become the party of the working class. that is what donald trump wants and it's something that his team is very aggressively i've been trying to do, especially in some of the rust belt states like here in wisconsin and in michigan. and that's why you saw him really stick to his script today and focus on the economy and issue that they think is very core to what voters care about here in these states. back to you. >> these two stops underscoring the importance of those two, those two states, not just to that campaign, but to the democratic ticket as well. alayna treene and waukesha, wisconsin. thanks very much vice president kamala harris says there's only one person to blame for the extreme abortion bans across the us. >> and she says it's former president trump. harris spoke last hour we're at a campaign event in florida, just as the
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state's restrictive new abortion ban, a six-week ban takes effect, and the law now makes nearly all abortions illegal in the state after that six week period. but most women don't even know that they're pregnant by that time. live now two senior white house correspondent, mj lee, who was in florida traveling with the vice president, mj. >> this is part of a larger campaign push by the biden campaign. they've really seized on this issue of reproductive rights. what exactly did the vice president have to say yeah, we really did just see a clear blueprint of how the biden campaign intends to put the issue of abortion rights front and center in the 2024 election, debit crafts here described today as a solemn day in florida after a six-week abortion ban went into effect last night at the stroke of midnight. >> and vice president kamala harris, who of course has been a leading voice on this issue, both for the biden administration and the campaign said that we are witnessing a full on assault on reproductive
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freedom. and she's squarely pointed the finger at former president donald trump. take a listen now present de because of donald trump, more than 20 states have abortion bans. more than 20, trump abortion bans and today, this very day, at the stroke of midnight another trump abortion ban went into effect here in florida as of this morning 4 million women in this state woke up with fewer reproductive freedoms than they had last night. >> and by our count, the vice president mentioned donald trump, 21 times in the course of this speech, which according to a campaign official is the most number of times that she has mentioned the word trump in a single speech. that cycle was
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just goes to show how much the biden campaign is it really set on trying to blame the former president for not only the overturning of roe v. wade in 2022, but the other sort of abortion bans and restrictions that we have seen come up across the country. one other line that i noticed got a strong reaction from the crowd here was when the vice president said a government, the government should not stand and between a woman and her doctor. she also warned that a second trump presidency term would be even worse than the first term. we should also note just this about florida because that's where we are today. it was jacksonville for the vice president last week. of course, it was tampa for the president here in duvall county, which is a county that the president one back in 20 the first time that a democratic presidential candidate was able to win this county since 1976. >> they are going to try to replicate that and that's success all across the country. >> of course, here in this county, one of the reasons for
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that such success was turning out the black vote something that again and there are hoping they can do successfully in other parts of the state and other parts of the country as well alex. >> yeah, certainly an issue we're gonna be hearing a lot about from the vice president and from a campaign for the next few months ahead of election, mj lee and jacksonville. thank you very much. >> and we'll be right back su cnn central tomorrow. >> seven eastern how did you get your teeth so you've gotta use the right toothpaste after c not all toothpastes white in the same craft, 3d white removes 100% more stains for a noticeably wider smile. >> you personal best press row
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developments out of california where governor gavin newsom is slamming what he calls a limited and delayed campus law enforcement response at ucla. he said that it's annex acceptable and he's now demanding answers. there's video from early this morning and it shows counter demonstrators attacking a pro-palestinian encampment. the university did bring in police as violence escalated. >> and today, the activists, students were seeing reinforcing their encampment barriers. you can see those plywood boards going up there and those those bicycle barriers as well? we're doing now by cnn law enforcement analysts jonathan wacko jonathan, i want to ask you about that limited response that gavin newsom was blasting the lapd. they showed up on campus just this morning after these violent clashes. what do you make of the police response or the lack thereof? >> well, listen to we're going to have to take a look at exactly what were the requests from the university officials
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of law enforcement. when did they actually make the call for assistance for them to come in? that does need to be investigated because basic response law enforcement fonts to any type of protest activity is first ensure that everyone's first amendment constitutional rights are protected however, the safety of the general public in the protesters need to be a priority for law enforcement. and part of that is ensuring that disparate groups, opposing groups are separated so that there are not these types of clashes. you can have disagreements, you can have different points of view around topics, but what you can't have is things escalate into violence like we saw, where people are getting injured. that is the responsibility of law enforcement, but it's predicated upon awareness that something is going in on that false back upon university officials to call in law enforcement before things get out of hand okay. >> jonathan, let me win that
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obviously would be very helpful, of course, but we've heard now for multiple eyewitnesses who were there students including there was there was a jewish student who does not like the encampments, does not feel particularly safe on campus. who said that as this violent started to happen? no one was stepping in and then we also heard from a reporter with the daily bruin who was among four journalists with the paper, who were violently accosted by counter protesters. we also heard from her so in that situation where she was saying that police were just standing by and not doing anything what do you what do you think about hearing that from those students well, listen if, if there was acts of violence, which is a crime occurring in front of sworn law enforcement officers, then there is some negligence here. >> right? they needed to act to protect the public. that is the duty of law enforcement, right? it's to maintain civil order
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and suppress the criminal element those tenants are reinforced during these times of tension when you have groups of protesting. so that actually has to be investigated i can't defend the actions of the administration or of law enforcement because i just don't know all of the facts. however, if these are the accusations that are being made government officials, investigators need to look at what exactly happened because that is unacceptable. >> jonathan, looking elsewhere, there was a student at a university of wisconsin madison who said that the campus protests was peaceful until the police showed up. we have seen heavier handed tactics from law enforcement at madison at ut austin, at emory for example, to what extent do you think? law enforcement can escalate that tension well, i think you have to think about this is law enforcement. >> the key word here is proportionality, right? it's
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tailoring the response the police response. a law enforcement response to the actions in the mood of the protest crowd. now if administrators, you call in for assistance, there's a reason why is there an escalation of acts of violence are they breaking the law? yes. that is a police action. now, what we are witnessing is nonviolent direct action by, by these students. however, when given a lawful command to disperse or that notification that they're breaking the law by trespassing and they refuse that moves beyond just nonviolent direct action and acts of civil disobedience. it actually is now a criminal act. law enforcement then has to go in. it based upon their training, tactics, and experience so cute their plans for mass detention now, those mass arrests are trying to remove protesters is the last option. that means everything else de-escalation
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techniques and strategies have failed in this is where the administration of the school has now called in a response. so what what's that oh, sorry, we didn't we didn't say anything. >> jonathan, please continue your thoughts oh, yeah. >> no. i mean, and that's where administrators have to look at well, how do we de-escalate things before we ever get to this law enforcement action, right. ensuring that students have the outlet in the ability bloody to voice their opinions, expressed their first amendment rights but de-escalating the tension that surrounds these protests and making sure that we have the positive outcome from all sides. absent of what we're witnessing with this police action jonathan. >> great to have your perspective, jonathan wacko. >> thank you thank you. and some of the same house republicans who have been critical of house speaker mike johnson now find themselves pushing back on a long-shot effort to remove him from his job. we have that next riyad
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mike johnson is expected to keep his job, there is still a lot of anger towards marjorie taylor-greene for pushing ahead with this movie. even donald trump doesn't want her to follow through. i'm told that he communicated to the head of the rnc that he wanted him to relay to the house republican conference during a meeting yesterday that trump wants to see the party united ahead of november, but so far that has not determined greene. she's planning to call it this motion next week when that happens, leadership is expected to quickly tee up a vote to kill or table that motion. >> and it is expected to fail this motion. >> and to vacate the speakership because democrats are vowing to step in and save mike johnson from that threat. but supporters of motion to vacate say they want to still put every single member on the record, even as other republicans welcome to warn that now is not the time. take a listen i think the main thing that will get out of next week if we don't succeed as a list. >> a list that people can use when they go to vote in primaries and in general elections, those on the democrats sayyed and republican side, if no one is taking much
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exception with those substantive critiques. but in terms of the timing, i think we've got to be sensitive to the calendar and the realities. >> you had every right to do it, but it's not the time. who's who's in line two take over, who wants a job now, it's unclear whether marjorie taylor greene is going to force repeated votes on this motion to vacate. >> it's also unclear whether democrats will continue to step in and try to save johnson. so this could be a continued headache for johnson for his part though johnson says that this is wrong for the country you're on from these two shared, wrong for the congress. and he also says here as no plans to step down briana and alex and democrats saying they're stepping in because it's time to end the pro-putin agenda up on capitol hill. melanie zanona up there on capitol hill. thanks very much. >> for more than 50 years, the government has classified marijuana in the same category as other drugs, including heroin and ecstasy, but that could soon change. >> as department of justice looks to reclassify cannabis that's coming up the trump
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feel the wind change? >> i'm zachary cohen in washington and this is cnn a historic shift is coming to the federal government's drug policy. >> the justice department is moving to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug. and the plan would recognize the medical uses of cash cannabis, and also acknowledged that it does less harm than other drugs like heroin and ecstasy, but it would still not legalize it for recreational use, at least on the federal level. >> let's bring in cnn health correspondent jack when howard so jacqueline, what does this mean if marijuana is reclassified in practical terms well, what the reclassification might look like, alex and briana, we know that the doj is planning to reschedule marijuana from being a substance one substance to be
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in a schedule three substance. >> and here's what that looks like. schedule three substances include drugs that are seen as having a currently accepted medical use. these are drugs that are seen as having less potential for abuse than substances and schedules one or two. and this would put marijuana in the same schedule as drugs like prescription ketamine or tylenol with codeine. >> and currently, the way marijuana is scheduled is as a schedule one substance under schedule one, drugs are seen as not having current medical purposes. >> they're seen as having high potential for abuse. so that's the shift that we could see play out, but i will say alex and briana with this plan, we still need to see it go through the formal rulemaking process. we need to see this finalized, published in the federal register. but once that happens, this could take months, but in the coming months, if we see this play out, it can mean that rescheduling marijuana from
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schedule one to schedule three would make it more easily accessible. as a form of medicine. it would make it more easily accessible for science and research. and this can have implications for businesses in the cannabis space. so this is an area to watch in the months to come as these discussions continue around how we see marijuana scheduled and how we view it and interact with it as a substance. alex and briana. >> yeah, very, very interesting, jacqueline. thank you for that report. will have much more news straight ahead. >> the whole myth has to be reimagined you didn't know whether you were next they are both tied up yeah. >> yeah. i was called in and i saw what turned out to be the big start heist in history it went from gold medal winning icon to a pariah would really
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abortion during a campaign stop and wisconsin, take a listen i've been pretty much right there where they want to be other states have gone far more liberal in that sense, then they wanted to be, and some were more conservative and they have some votes coming up now and the people are going to activate and they're going to work in their state but i think it's a very important thing and we did something that took courage. >> but it's something that everybody wanted to see. they wanted to bring it back. and now i say, it's up to the state. they'll ask me a question about i say that's up to the state. so i say to you i think we did a very good job when that a lot of people are very happy with it and we did the right thing for our country. >> trump has another stop later in michigan. we're going to be monitoring that and we'll keep an eye on his next campaign. stop up to see what happens there. he says a lot of people are happy, but we've seen the polls. a lot of people also are not in this continues to be a problem. >> play it on all kinds of things. on campus protests,


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