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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  May 2, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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children. the evidence we've collected is now out there for the world to see. and i certainly hope that these really military will reconsider and investigate this shot head lujain yusuf and the seven other children who were killed in the strike. i think they certainly deserve that minimum. >> so they're not saying the israeli military is not saying there was a target in this area. and therefore, that's why they're right they're just they're just not acknowledging that there was a strike at all they say that there was a strike at a different time in that same area, but they're not saying what time that strike was what the target of that strike was. >> and they're saying that they're not aware of any casualties. so frankly, that's clearly not the strike that that we have documented here and that we have described to them. so their answer for frankly was was nonsensical at times, it didn't it didn't amount to what we've seen on the ground and what we've documented. and like i said, it just raises more questions than it actually answered. >> jeremy diamond. thank you
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very much. >> the news continues here on cnn i'd front next breaking news, trump lashing out on the campaign trail moments ago, slamming the judge in his new york trial just hours before that judge holds another trump gag order hearing. and more breaking news at this moment, the nypd tonight going into another city campus, the biggest city in america, as violence spreads around the country on campuses, new york city mayor eric adams is out front, plus marjorie taylor greene saying she doesn't give a rat's, you know, what about what her party thinks as she plows ahead with her plan to oust speaker johnson, let's go out front good evening. >> i'm erin burnett outfront tonight from the trial to the trail for president trump, in a rare break for the courtroom today, hitting the campaign trail. and he gotten a plane and flew out to michigan. this is freeland, michigan where you're looking right now, live pictures of trump right now on the podium. >> and he is maybe coming out
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swinging today using the stage to tear into the judge overseeing his hush money trial belongs there's no crime. >> i have a crooked judge is a totally conflicted judge. then i get indicted again, and then i got indicted again. and then i get indicted by fani with her boyfriend a crooked judge, a conflict, a judge. >> well, that is the judge who is holding a hearing first thing tomorrow morning about whether trump violated his gag order four more times. >> now, remember the judge juan merchan, that rule that trump had already violated the gag order nine times. and if he was crucial, what he said in the room that we all saw in there was that if trump isn't careful in the future, he could end up in jail because of these violations. here are the alleged violations that marchand is maybe thinking about right now, but we'll be likely ruling first thing in the morning. >> what are they going to look at all the lives that gone the last drought, he that joint line and the last trial so he
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got caught lying pure lime. that's yuri was picked so fast 95% democrats. you think of it as just a purely democrat area. it's a very unfair situation. michael cohen is a convicted liar and he's got no credibility whatsoever. david's been very nice and nice guy that last comment was about trump's longtime friend, david pecker, who was witness in the trial. >> trump saying nice things about him when he was on the stand the temptations, though for trump will be there tomorrow. and just hours, he will be 15 feet or so away from stormy daniels, former attorney, who already in great detail laid out conversations he had with michael cohen about the $130,000 payment to stormy daniels it was crucial testimony and trump's team will likely get a chance to push back on daniels, attorney and his claims and possible cross-examination if they get there tomorrow, paula reid is out front. new york to begin our coverage. paula, what more are you learning about the gag order hearing tomorrow? >> this is hearing that could have dire consequences for
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former president trump, as you mentioned, this hearing is about four additional alleged violations of the gag order, but these violations allegedly occurred before the judge issue that $9,000 all are fine and threaten trump with jail. so at this point is really unclear if that threat is going to have a deterrent effect on trump. but aaron is speaking with sources and observing trump. it's clear that he's not being quite as prolific and his violations the gag order as he was. instead, relying on allies to attack prosecutors and other individuals who are protected by this gag order and making these political attacks that he was making. now we heard a short time ago you play that clip of him attacking the judge. that's completely fine. that is completely valid under the gag order, he can attack the judge. you can hack the district attorney, alvin bragg. >> now, tomorrow's hearing will give prosecutors and defense attorneys a chance to argue about this, but this will all happen outside the presence of the jury. >> an error in the big thing, i'm looking for is whether trump's attorneys are going to switch up their tactics because
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remember that last gag order hearing, it was a disaster for the defense. they wanted to focus on their big picture constitutional arguments about political speech. the judge wasn't having it. instead, he wanted to go post by post, comment by comment. at one point, even threatened to have a trunk testify under oath during the gag order hearing. i'm watching to see a defense attorneys change up the approach to tomorrow's hearing. then after that concludes, the jury will come back in and hear more critical testimony from keith davidson. >> all right. paula, thank you very much. downtown manhattan at that courthouse. and our experts are all here. >> so joey jackson, i want to go with the gag order moment, but obviously we're hours away from trump pulling back in that courtroom has a series talking about he does in the same way and the same order with the same people carrying the same boxes every day, groundhog day down there and keith davidson, stormy daniels, attorney is gonna be back on the stand so cross-examination may begin from what we've seen from keith so far, what is what does trump's team have to do? >> and can they do it? yeah. so
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what they have to do, aaron, is distance trump from those actual negotiated deals, right? and so remember what the testimony is. this is the lawyer who gave me the indication that he negotiated the stormy daniels deal and the karen mcdougal deal with michael cohen. and so i think the issue will be on cross-examination you spoke with michael cohen. is that correct? you exchanged emails with michael cohen. you had several discussions with him. you are not privy to what, if anything was said between him and mr. trump ru in fact, you have no idea who directed this, if it was trump or anyone else or if you act it on his own, you can't give us any indication as to that. can you and so why do i say that the cross has to suggest that this was something that cohen was doing, right? and it was he's the fixer he was doing it not necessarily that he included his boss told hold his boss whether he was looking for brownie points or whatever, perhaps that's a defense, but you move trump away from that and that's what colin's job was. why would trump have any knowledge of this? that's what
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that's going to be their play. and terry so far, you here a couple of takes from what davidson has said one is, oh, well, he thinks that he knew this was going help the campaign. >> he knew all of that. the other is he doesn't he doesn't have at least so far any knowledge of trump telling cohen or said he didn't think trump was involved. so has he done what the prosecution needs him to do? >> well, he took one step forward and two steps back. i think because one of the things that the prosecution must do is as joey says establish the fact that there is a separation. cohen is out here doing what he needs to do on his own. and we heard davidson say, look, he's irascible, he's always leaning into his relationship on trump and you can't predict what he's going to do. so i think that separation has been made, but davidson also said, i don't know if cohen actually has the authority to make these payments. i think that heard the prosecution a little bit and it established that maybe there expected that coming because that was that was not a good moment. >> eisley, i don't think they
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expected it before keith davidson takes the stand. >> david axelrod, it will be that gag order hearing. so trump goes on the campaign trail today. >> and what it's interesting because paula mentioned what he said about the judge crooked, corrupt, what, whatever words he uses that he uses all the time. that's totally consistent. that's fine. he's allowed to do that but what i played are the things he said today, he did speak for an hour-and-a-half and those are the only things he said. so do you think that he actually is a little worried about this gag order and that the threat of jail, i mean, he is for him incredibly controlled, not slamming cohen, not slamming daniels. i mean, it is a shift yeah. no no doubt about it. yeah. i do think he's he's concerned about going to jail. i think the judge was pretty clear in his remarks and trump heard him and i think the last thing donald trump wants is to be a gi know, there's a theory that he wants a martyr himself by going to jail. >> i don't really believe that you know, everything that i've
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read heard about him suggests to me that that's the last thing that he wants. so i do think it's having some disciplining effect the question really aaron, is what effect is this whole thing having on the campaign? and i think there's very little evidence right now that it's having much of an effect on the campaign at all? oh in fact, trump's numbers are sort of marginally better than when the trial started. half more than half of people say they're not paying close attention to it we'll see what happens when there's a verdict. one way or the other and how that affects the campaign. but right now this is in many people's estimation a non-event, which is really incredible. join terri, because certainly it's not just sitting here and york and being a part of it. but when you see what's happening there, it is. it is such an unprecedented historic moment do you think that it changes in terms of broader people paying attention when stormy daniels and michael cohen take the stand, or do they say no more
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of the same? i've seen this before, so i think it does only because those are the marquee names. right? i think to david's point, i think what ultimately is going to be the issue if there's a verdict and that verdict is guilty, we don't know that not suggesting it will be, but whether that changes the political dynamic, right. but i think that it's funny because we are not sure who's gonna be the next witness. and it's interesting, we talked about the gag order. we wouldn't be sure if trump would have not violated the gag order because the prosecution would have been comfortable releasing the names of the witness who's next going to testify, but i do think with the addition of those two, i think people pay closer attention. >> yeah. well, i mean, david, you've got i wonder and maybe we don't we don't put this out there intellectually enough. there's a lot of talk about what people will do if trump is convicted and people have said they have an issue with that, and we'll see it's been a lot less discussion about how in a criminal trial with the burden of proof and 12 people and you know, what would happen if this jury does not convict him?
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>> yeah, i think that there hasn't been enough discussion about that there is this presumption that it'll be found guilty but if he has a hung jury, he will spin it as vindication and it seems pretty likely now, erin, that this is the only trial that's going to take place before the election. and he will use it to color all the other indictments and say this was always political from the beginning. this proves that. so yeah, i think it could have a negative effect on him to be a convicted felon for sure, but it also could give them a little boost if he is not convinced yeah, absolutely. and terry, i just want to store stormy daniels obviously has been receiving an incredible number of horrible threats that she may be testifying. so we don't know. we don't know the order because again, they don't have to provide that. so we don't know for sure if she will, although it seems likely we certainly don't know when her body guard talked to me about threat. she's received, but also how she was responding
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to them. right now as she's preparing to possibly testify, here's what he said do you think we're going to see this? >> this defiance, this willingness to take it all on on the witness stand? >> oh man, you know it's not my place so you think about that when it comes it out, but she's a fighter. and if there's one thing you've noticed about stormy is that no matter how hard she could tell, she keeps getting back up and she stays true to who she is, and she never wavers. and i think that's the most important thing when it comes and she you know, she that moment is going to be incredible and her fortitude in that moment, how she conducts herself, is going to matter so much in that room, right? i mean, because it is such a small room, she's stormy daniels is going to be what, ten feet away from trump she's key she's really key i don't think that the prosecution necessarily has to call her, though, because this is a records case and they had gary farro who talked about the bank
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exchanges. >> they had pecker who set up all of the transactions. they had davidson who's talking about literally what happened with both karen mcdougal and with stormy daniels i think if michael cohen doesn't go well, if he goes first and we don't know then i would put stormy daniels on because michael cohen has some credibility issues. he is someone that no one really likes, apparently at least according to davidson and so i think if he doesn't go well, the prosecution may say all right, let's put on storming to corroborate well, we've already said by the records, so she's like the secret weapon is briefly and i'm an accord with terry that she doesn't have to go, but the optics i'm sure that having that strategic discussion because the optics of her not going may cause some juries to be confused. wait, we've been talking about stormy daniels what right. so i think because they want the full really story to get out there, write that she goes not because she's a indispensable witness, because people have spoken to the issue. she will
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speak to. but because the jury wants to know and they want to hear from her, and i think is an important part of the process that's absolutely right. all right. thank you all very much. and next breaking news, marjorie taylor greene now, taking on her own party as republicans are slamming her for trying to oust speaker mike johnson tonight what you guys need to know is i really don't i'll give a rats what anybody up here says about what i'm doing also breaking news out of new york were police are just moving in and starting to clear protesters from fordham university and the west side of manhattan, the city's mayor, eric adams is my guest and the fed rules out cutting interest rates well, i mean, it's interest rates, mortgage rates, credit card rates, all going to remain historically hie so as now, really the right time to buy or should you keep renting suzi orman is our guests? how far would you go to control the fragrance in your home? there's an easier way. dry air wake vibrant with two times
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly., let's run. are those who can't i'm or how solomon in new york and this is cnn breaking news. >> marjorie taylor greene's speaking out to manu raju, hitting back at own party under fire for announcing today that she's forcing the vote to oust speaker johnson what do you guys seem to know is i really don't give a rat's what
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anybody up here says about what i'm doing well, it comes as johnson is holding firm that he will not bend to the demands of marjorie taylor greene merger taylor greene is called nad resigns here quickly woo you resigned. >> of course not. it's observed melanie zanona is out front on capitol hill and melanie green digging in our heels, her own party as roundly opposes her and mocking her. >> in many cases. so she backed into a corner here or she's just going to be bring around insults and epithets. >> yeah. will the thinking here is that what's greene did file that motion to vacate the speakership. it was almost inevitable that she was going to force a floor vote on this. we are now knowing that that is going to happen as soon as next week one republican described it to me, like pulling the pain on a grenade and walking around with it and not knowing what to do. but this will all come to a head next week, we're going to see that showdown and the motion is expected to fail because democrats have vowed to step in and help save johnson's speakership. but erin, this gets still cause
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major problems for mike johnson for a couple of reasons. number one, marjorie taylor greene could force repeated votes on a motion to vacate and democrats have not said whether they would kill continue to save johnson, or whether this is a onetime deal, hakeem jeffries, the house minority leader, was asking that as a press conference earlier today, and he would not say a number two, depending on how many republicans are on greens sayyed when the smoke comes up, it could expose weaknesses in johnson's political standing, which could impact his long-term political future, especially if he does want my hang on to power next year. and there was one new republican that's warren davidson over ohio, who came out today and told manu raju that he would at least support allowing a vote on the motion to vacate even if he's undecided on the merits. so this is just not where mike johnson wants to be in this moment is not what he wants to be focused on. and meanwhile, marjorie taylor greene kicking off controversy before a completely other reason today, she announced she was voting against a bill to combat anti-semitism. and in her reasoning, she invoked an anti-semitic trope. i want to read you what she said in her
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post on social media. she said anti-semitism is wrong but i will not be voting for the antisemitism awareness act today that could convict christians of anti-semitism for believing the gospel that says jesus was handed over to herod to be crucified by the jews. now that claim that jewish people were responsible for the death of jesus have has historically been used to justify anti-semitic tab attacks on the jewish community. so just another example of greens controversial behavior and also not the first time she is using anti-semitic rhetoric. erin. >> all right. but thank you very much. melanie. and tonight, if you think about it, merger taylor greene's biggest supporter who has been trump has signaled on more than one occasion, but he backs johnson, although he's really kind of really wait to see where the wind blows on this one. but now it seems to be much more pro johnson. >> greene tonight insist though that she is still following trump's lead i'm the biggest supporter president trump and that's why i proudly wear this maga hat tom foreman is out
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front we're going to reelect our favorite president, the greatest president, in united states history, donald j. >> trump, right? georgia, from from the get-go, it was a conservative dream team. >> let's get the firebrand president and his uncompromising congressional ally pledging allegiance and for extern, not only do we support president trump, we support his palm and republican that isn't willing to adapt these policies. >> we are coming currently eradicating from the party, then 2022. i'm going to blow away the democrats socialist agenda ran won her seat in a deep red corner of georgia by embracing the trump base two, it's far right edge talking up conspiracy theories about nine and 11, so-called plane that crashed into the pentagon tracing a survivor of a school massacre, claiming he was a shill for gun control. and
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he's a coward. he can't say one word because he can't defend his stance wink to q and on made veiled threats of violence against democrats and raged against abortion rights. >> when i said that, i'm a christian nationalists, i have nothing to be ashamed of because that's what most americans are. we're proud of our faith. >> where was maturing? where's much, but since she won in 2020, the same year, trump lost, she's also chained herself to his grievances, claiming the election was rigged january 6 was no big deal charges against the former president are nonsense. >> this is a weaponized government attempt to take down the top political enemy and leading presidential candidate of the united states, donald j. trump. she's waved her phone and fellow congress members to show them trump on the line, demanding support. i've gotta get tougher. they gotta get like marjorie taylor-greene, you happen to face. >> and the green shouted at
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president joe biden during his state of the union address to the delight of the man who lost that podium now sometimes you would say that's not nice, but in this case it was very well needed. clearly, people like president trump and his policies. >> so even now as she tries to take down the speaker of the house, trump has defended the former president, is in her corner to you. she's a very good friend of mine and i know she has a lot of respect for the speaker. if times are bad, she'll call me up, so don't worry about sar are you doing great all of this cheerleading has cost representative green assignments and congressional committees. >> it has questioned the credibility that she has, among other lawmakers and at times it has led to outright ridicule and yet not a discouraging word from donald trump, at least not yet all right, tom, thank you. >> and we have some breaking news. we've got new video just coming in if police clearing tents from inside fordham
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university, it actually tends inside the building after protests or excuse to leave several students have now been arrested and the mayor of new york, eric adams is next was buy or rent. a burning question for millions as the fed again keeps interest rates untouched sky high, what does suzi orman say? she'll tell you out from good data cough oh, no bob i call later, chest congestion. >> hello, 12 hours of relief. >> wow knock, offering it movies past next gel doc coffee mucinex, dm 12 doesn't just quiet coughs. it treats cough caused by excess mucus at the source and controls them for 12 hours. it's come back season stubborn chest congestion, dry mucinex, 12-hour no application fee. if you apply by may 31st at university of maryland global campus and accredited
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finished your diploma, that work to find free and supportive adult education centers near use. >> five good things. listen wherever you get your podcasts breaking news, these are live pictures on your screen at the university of texas in dallas growing pro-palestinian protests there at this hour comes as in new york, the nypd has entered fordham university waking arrests. >> please. just releasing this video tonight of officers in riot gear clearing out a tent encampment set up by demonstrators inside one of the schools buildings at fordham in manhattan you can. see protesters
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>> cla were fights are breaking out between pro-palestinian demonstrators and counter protesters. >> people on the ground reporting last night that was tear gas and fireworks deployed inside that tenting can't meet at ucla. josh campbell is out front i'd campuses across the country once peaceful protests turning violent, most recently, unrest at the university of wisconsin madison has police moved in to disburse protesters and at ucla protesters and counter protesters coming head to head. >> they started trying to breach through the barricades. they then release fireworks on us after as many as 100 pro israel supporters storm the pro-palestinian and camp mentally tuesday night, according to the daily bruit, the people that didn't go to school here that we're causing the blood violence that they were committee here pipes mace
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this a couple of people had knives they had bats, they had many different types of weapons. >> what did you think seeing what's on people from outside we're coming in here purposely trying to disturb the protest, purposely trying to provoke people are muslim civil rights group criticized a lack of police protection for college protesters in new york. a group of protesters advised by veteran activists, lisa fit, the n, who participated in protests, including occupy wall street the protests escalating as a group smash them play into a campus building. scores of officers in riot gear entered the columbia university campus late tuesday, new york's mayor calling out what he claims to be outside agitators. >> i'd external actors hijacking peaceful protests in influence students to escalate portland state university is president saying now, only quote, non students are occupying the campus library. a jewish jew and rights organization is now calling for the fbi to intervene, signing campus extremism, and asking the bureau to investigate clear ties to organize outside
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agitators there is no indication the fbi will be assuming a prominent roles. >> we don't monitor protests, but we do share intelligence about specific threats of violence now, some leaders seem to be running out of patients with campus demonstrations. those protests cannot be used as an excuse to spread anti-semitism in our community entities where islamophobia, for that matter i think universities have a responsibility to route that out. >> many colleges now increasing the presence of security officials. >> you want to ensure the students have their voice and that outside voices which may be more radical, are not tied to what are in most cases legitimate student protests now, on those clashes here last night at ucla, the mayor of los angeles, karen bass, is calling for an investigation. she issued a statement writing in part those involved in launching fireworks at other people, spraying chemicals and physically assaulting others will be found arrested and
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prosecuted. free speech will be protected violence and bigotry will not, will not. now, you can see here on the campus, we're outside that encampment. one thing different than yesterday. arun is this large police presence. we've seen now nearly 100 different officers from various agencies who have come. of course, this is a precarious time for law enforcement on one hand, some of these protesters are saying we want the police to go away. we don't want them anywhere near the campus. of course, on violent strikes that colon the police. it's really fine line that the police are trying to walk to ensure that they don't inflame the situation, erin. >> right. but they schools are calling them in. josh. thank you very much. from ucla from now new york city mayor eric adams and mirror atoms. we're seeing these growing demonstrations in new york again today. and the images of police in riot gear at fordham university is now across the airwaves, students set up an encampment there inside the school that's sort of elevated a grassy area, large group of protesters cheering them on
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outside are we going to see what happened at columbia last night happened at fordham? >> we are in communication with the officials at the school and when they make the determination, they would like to have this issue resolved. we're going to cooperate with them when hundred percent like we did at fordham, twice. like we did at columbia twice. and like we did at cuny as well, we spoke to one kilohm will be a graduate student and marriage. she's not giving her full name, but she does speak on camera here. she said she was there last night at hamilton hall at columbia when the nypd moved in and then she told us this when nypd came in, they push all press away from from where we were so they couldn't document california highway patrol. >> we've got sheriffs and we've got a lot of people shouting at them whenever they come out in these buildings. shame on you, shame on you and the world is watching so this is a the time that we expected that this might happen tonight
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and it appears that it is perhaps already underway, or just about to be now i'm also hearing from our reporters on the other side of the encampment where there is another large group of pro-palestinian protesters, like the one i'm with here now i've just heard that a fight has broken out there, scuffle, unclear exactly who it's between. clearly emotions are very high as this operation appears to be getting underway, man speaking to a professor supporting the students and he's making it very clear they have a right to protest. >> they're not going to move if they want to move them, they're going to have to be arrested. so that's gonna be a massive rest basically is what he's saying correct. >> i mean, listen, you know, the last time i looked over that wall there were i would say hundreds of people still in there. i don't know how many left when that dispersal order was given. as listen, i mean, there are professors who say this is legitimate, but frankly, camping and blocking
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the campus is not allowed. and i've also heard from other protesters from other professors who think that this is grace. obviously a huge range of opinion strong emotions on every side i mean, you can hear the people johnson, you know he's not happy i mean, we're being sorry, max. >> yeah. go ahead. >> just take us through the process. we're seeing police were assuming lap de lined up there and then what will happen is why weight patrol but will go in and clear whilst the police hold order. is that correct that is what i was told by a source earlier was that the lapd, which you can see, they are facing these protesters with me, this is not the encampment the california highway patrol has been facing. >> the encampment itself. and the reason for that is this is a state university. so after,
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after the campus police, the next agency that gets brought in is the california highway patrol and other state agencies the governor, who essentially is their boss, he made it very clear earlier today that he wanted a robust presence here. so we are told california highway patrol will be the ones that go in, but that is unclear, but we have seen them with riot helmets with gas masks hanging off their belts. and we have seen i mean, you can see here lapd with this what looks like a rifle. it's actually a it's actually a non-lethal weapons that would fire either a beanbag or something at protesters should that ever become necessary. and a lot of these officers also with zip ties flexible handcuffs on their belts as well prepared to make arrests. i mean, right now max, we're being held back. this graph is being held back just by a kind of flimsy barrier that i've got to say has been rattling a
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little in the past few minutes, but but they're just chanting peaceful growth. so that is what these people are planning on right now. what is going on inside the camp, whether they will be resisting arrest, unclear. i would think that they wouldn't there is going to be a fairly heavy i wouldn't say overwhelming, but a heavy force from the california highway patrol and whoever else is going in there. i would imagine what we saw, what we saw at usc. another college here in los angeles. what we saw there last week was the protesters who were told to disperse and who didn't sat in a circle, they linked arms and they went weighted to be arrested and they gave themselves up peacefully shouting free palestine as they went, making their point. so we'll see how this shakes down backs, but it looks like finally at about 1:30 in the morning after many, many hours of buildup that finally, this is this is now happening.
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>> okay, let's just remind people what they're seeing for those tuning in. you are seeing leinz of police on the ucla campus in los angeles preparing to go into clear a pro-palestinian encampment's there on the campus cause a huge amount of disruption, uh, yesterday, this time we saw some violences counter protestors moved in. they don't appear to be there tonight but as nick was describing, lots of supporters of the pro-palestinian group, they're gathering around the scene. so a lot of people bold, a very tense moment this for the police as they consider how to go in and clear hundreds of people who in there. i was speaking to a professor just a short while ago who is very much part of the support group and he says, they don't plan to go anywhere. they have a right to be there. so therefore what that suggests is you're about to see a mass protests have been seeing reports of police
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buses being brought in, which you would think is what they're jews to take those arrested away neck. >> you wonder though, whether or not this will calm the undercurrent here that we've got a theme popping up on campuses across america, which is the huge injustice as many people see it, of what's going on in gaza. this is one moment and it's very visual moment, but what will it's not necessarily going to come down the wider movement here? >> no, i mean, please action rarely does and we saw in columbia university in new york last night, we saw police entering a building that pro-palestinian protesters had taken over. we saw them entering an arresting about 300 people there. so it doesn't ten to calm the emotion. but what it does do is it clears out university buildings, it clears
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campuses, it gets the visual impediment it clears that away, but it does not quell the emotion, as you say, i mean, people hear a lot of people here are very passionate, very moved by what is happening in gaza and feel moved to stand out here in the middle of the night and feel moved oh, we've got lapd on the moon unclear where they're going. so you see you back the phalanx of lapd. you can see the light reflecting off divisors on their helmets every time they move this is the reaction yeah we've also seen earlier, max, as california highway patrol were on the move they i mean, they strange that and apply it why they made the decision. >> they walked through this graph that i'm now in, and they had water bottles thrown on you and this can shame on
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you shame on you, shame on you. these officers have been standing here for our is moving in and out facing these terms, facing this passion. and as you say it doesn't really solve anything. it doesn't really quell any with the passion. but what it does do is open the campus. i mean, your professor. you spoke to earlier were saying that they do have a right? i mean, under university law, they don't have a right to be doing doing this and that's what the university has finally decided that they've had enough of for a long time they let this happen university. they didn't want to inflame. they kept law enforcement really far back. they didn't want conflict. >> and then what happened last night, as you say, would those pro israel counter protesters really hammering at that barricade. >> that is what changed lot of minds. that's what changed. perhaps the mayor's mind, the governor's mind, and eventually the university administration's mind. and today, we saw a very different day than we've seen in the past six or seven days. we saw so
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many lawn four personally and now we're seeing this max. >> i'm just explain how the jurisdiction works here because as i understand it, the university of california has its own police force a lot of criticism being made of lapd acting late here, but actually it wasn't their decision was that they have to be invited in by the university, correct. so actually more of the criticism now it's being pointed at the university is just acting too late well, so do university police force is not particularly big maybe. >> i don't know. under 100 officers so they just do not have the capacity to deal with this. and i've spoken to people at other uc schools, ran california who say, sure, we see that these protests, berkeley in northern california, they've had pro-palestinian protests testers blocking a gate to the campus for weeks, and university administration told me, well, we just can't do anything about it. we just don't have the resources and when we asked for outside help, were told by other police brahms, it's going to take
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awhile. so the jurisdiction here, max, is campus security is in charge next is the california highway patrol because this is a state university, this is state land california highway patrol is a state organization the lapd also has to be invited in. so the lapd has been in the wings for the past week waiting, but they have to be invited in and it appears that it is being college administrators who were very low, to ask them in and there was some suggestion that perhaps it was mayor bass. the mayor of los angeles, who finally prevailed upon college officials to coal in the lapd so much criticism last night, you from the potassium inside, who said that basically for quite some time they were under attack by these counter protesters and they were not getting any protection from the campus security or from the police while they were being attacked near the college, also hired an out sides security
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company to do a lot of the work over the past week. it's all about optics, it's all about how people see this. they don't want, ucla does not want to have pictures shown all around the country of their employees engaged in scuffles with their students. that is just a bad look. they tried desperately to avoid it. and frankly, in the end, it didn't work. and we've ended up with what happened last night. and now we're seeing what's happening tonight. they tried to be hands-off didn't really work next you not covered many of these protests is i mean, what you've make, the strategy here, you normally, you'd see if they concerned, you'd see the police going in very quickly, almost shocked tactics this is part of the whole strategy for these sorts of events. >> but we've seen them just standing off for hours now, which arguably would is intimidating, maybe that's part
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of the plan or is it strategy that they just want to make sure they've got it right. it can't be really helping this increase in tensions of them just sort of facing off each other over this very long period of time. well i mean tonight, i think they've really tried to wait until the middle of the night hoping that all these people would have gone home. >> they have some of them have, but a lot of them are still here also, max, a lot of lessons were learned from what we saw at usc last week, i was there last week, there was a small encampment and the campus police went in there ripping down tents, getting involved in scuffles with with students. it it looked terrible and they eventually actually usc, they arrested one of the protesters drag that protester to a car the car was surrounded by pro-palestinian protesters demanding let him go, let him go and eventually the lapd that has a little more experienced in this kind of thing, then campus police, the lapd made
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the decision listening. let's just let this guy go. the juice is not worth the squeeze. we're keeping this guy in custody for a very minor offense, and it is inflaming the crowd so what they have really tried to do here, and perhaps they've taken too much of a lesson from what happened to usc. they tried this extremely hands-off approach here they allowed those protesters against campus policy to have this encampment. they allowed those protesters to control who was coming in an act. they kept the lapd well out of sight. they had this hired security company that was here being really the sort of front line and as i say, it worked for a little bit, but it didn't work in the end. >> and you know, you've also what you've ended up with here, max, is you've had for the past week jewish students on campus feeling very intimidated, very threatened. you then also had these pro-palestinian protesters feeling very threatened. by
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those pro-israeli protesters last night. now, by this, so basically, you've got everybody is annoyed. everybody feels are unsafe. everybody feels they've been failed you've also feel as if there's a bit of a mutiny beginning amongst the staff as well when you've got professors out there, join a campaign that's been condemned by their boss in the name of a student protests. >> that's a pretty extraordinary situation, isn't it? because i think people take two views on this. yeah, students have a bigger right to protest. the professors should actually be getting on with their jobs and stay out of it no. >> i mean, we have seen a lot of we've seen marches. there's a big banner that we've seen around the past few days of faculty and support of the pro-palestinian protesters and as i said, i've also spoken to other professors who think that this is absolutely outrageous, that this is allowed to happen in the place where they work. i mean, i saw a really interesting little
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argument this morning. so there was this group of pro-palestinian faculty were standing. we're actually right where i am now giving a press conference in solidarity with the pro-palestinian protesters. pro people started heckling them. then there was a little break-away where there was one professor who is sympathetic with the protesters and there was a jewish student. and this jewish student was saying i'm not being allowed to go where i want to go. and this professor, they it's the only time in the past couple of weeks where i've almost seen at all the campuses have been to use usc here. >> they were almost trying to find common ground because what we've really seen here is basically the two sides shouting past each other, shouting at each other, not even trying to find common ground. >> this was almost a nice moment but they didn't quite find any common ground. but they didn't shake hands. but yeah, listen, it's it's it's
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divided communities, you know, this college is a community. and this issue has divided this community and many other college communities across this country let's take people through what they're seeing. >> we're seeing police surrounding an encampment at ucla, an accountant or pro-palestinian supporters, the police are planning or they'd been directed to go in and clear this encampment and it's pretty clear that the pro-palestinian protesters don't plan to go anywhere so the solution could potentially be a mass arrests the tensions are so in incredibly high then we saw this really kickoff last night with a very limited amount of violence between the protesters and some counter-protestors as well. but this is really escalated to the point where we're seeing a standoff police surrounding the encampment four hours now, i'm not actually going in, so it's a real moment of tension there.
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and we just don't know how it's going to look when eventually they do go one, go in these images, of course, the university didn't want to see there's a huge amount of disruption to all students who aren't involved in any of this. they want to get that allow them to get back to their learning. they also accept, but protesters have a right to free speech and they also know that they can't control it, which is why they've had to bring in the lapd huge amount of pressure on those beliefs with cameras surround andy them and on how they're going to handle it. also, pressure on protesters to get their message across without a huge amount of distraction coming from any sort of disruption that comes out of this. but they're very determined. and this is a microcosm really of what we're seeing across the united states at campuses lots of pro-palestinian supporters, not liking what's going on in gaza, how it's being handled, how their countries handling that, and their involvement there, and specifically how their universities are also linked to what's happening in
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the middle east. nick, we should point out that this hasn't been the story all along ucla hey, actually, for a very long time, very measured traditional protests, if you like, going on at the campus there whilst there were more scenes of drama, at other campuses but somehow we've got to the point where ucla seems to be the real friction points and where there's the the front lines of this seem to be being expressed overnight. there well, you know, max, it started around the country. >> i mean columbia in new york was really the first campus protests that really kicked all this off. and this that was probably want to say nearly two weeks ago now that was again, the nypd kept back and then finally yesterday, they moved in and we've seen it dotted, right. i mean, we saw in wisconsin this morning the university of wisconsin madison again, police went in quite
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heavy handed to break up an encampment. four officers were actually injured students. and then what was really strange, there was once all that was over, the police came out and said all right. we're really glad that the protesters are still here x sizing their first amendment right. just know tense. so carry on with the protests. just no tents. and it was very strange to have that juxtaposition of yes, you're welcome. when just a couple of hours earlier, we had seen these law enforcement officers basically wrestling and with students, trying to grab them out of these tense la has become definitely an issue. usc last week was really where it was concentrated, but see here's the difference. usc is a private university. so what usc did was they cleared at the encampment? it didn't look great. it didn't go that well. but they then got everybody off the campus they then close the gates. they closed it down so
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hang on. this this barriers. i think this barrier being moved. >> so then a lot of the queue are the people that i saw over at usc in that protest i've now seen over here. so they moved it from the private university where they were excluded today this reaches a state university, which is an open campus. they can't close the gate. that's why ucla has become the focal point. here. in los angeles for this protest. >> and it is a lot of students, but it is also bringing people from the wider community who either feel passionately frankly just want to come for a file. >> next. >> okay. and it was there on the scene. thank you. going to keep coming back to you. you can see there a flurry of activity around a group of police officers or highway patrol moving between the crowds. what you're seeing there is a lot of supporters of the encampment's it does feel as if they're going to move any second actually into the
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encampment, there are some reports that they're already in there starting to clear but this is a pretty measured seen here. lots of supporters allowing the police to do their job but when it comes to actually removing the tents in the barriers, that square, we're expecting a lot of the concern a to b because this is a protests which the university allowed to happen. it got to the point where they couldn't allow it to happen any longer. they called in the police. you can see them really gathering there forces if you'd like. nick, it doesn't look as though the police trying to build up a critical mass in order to get through the barrier there. i'm not sure how clearly you can see that but a big cluster police by a barrier ready to go in. this feels like a turning point so max what i'm hearing from conor power, one of our reporters who is over the other side. >> you're saying police are now leaving the encampment and protesters are throwing things
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in, yelling at them, please are fleeing the area despite the water bottles being thrown at them. police are not firing those non-lethal weapons. they're not firing those beanbag rounds protesters here and over there are loudly cheering because a lot of people here are watching live streams of what is going on inside and on the other side. so that's why you hear these these, these chairs there right now, emacs, they are cheering the fact that it seems like the police have sort of pulled back a little bit nick, thank you. >> you're ucla. we're not leaving this story stay with us because casey is going to continue after this short break you think you know, this? >> story, but there's more but the surgeons how when really happened with jesse l. martin sunday's at nine on cnn hayne
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