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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 2, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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you ready? -showtime. this is gonna be epic. [ barking ] it's what the poster said. do you want to make out or? nope. i meant yes. he's a bon garçon. i give amazing sponge-baths. can i get a room? [ chuckling ] ♪ ♪ chef's kiss. donate your small cnn this
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morning with kasie hunt. next it's thursday, may 2, right now on standing this morning, breaking news protesters at ucla refusing to leave a standoff on campus as police have moved in donald trump back on the campaign trail and two critical states before heading back to new york for his hush money trial today and marjorie taylor greene daring democrats to stop her from forcing a vote to oust speaker mike johnson. 5:00 a.m. here in washington, this is a live look at the ucla campus where it is 2:00 a.m. the middle of the night, basically good morning to those of you who are here on the east coast. good evening to those watching out west. i'm kasie hunt it's great to be with you this morning. we do have breaking news right now. police have now entered the makeshift pro-palestinian encampment at ucla, and there's been a standoff between police and protesters going on all night long after demonstrators were
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ordered to leave and refused. police have been surrounding the encampment for hours now, all of this developing one night after violent clint clashes between the two protest groups. cnn's nick watt is on the campus of ucla. he's near the encampment. nick, what are you seeing at this hour as you mentioned, the police have gone into the encampment, which is behind me and then we have a line of california highway patrol that we have a line of lapd facing the group that i'm with. >> this is a group of pro-palestinian protesters were gathered over the past six or seven hours since the rumors swirled that there was going to be an incursion into the camp. this crowd it has gathered now, obviously it is 2:00 in the morning the law enforcement i assumed was hoping that a lot of this crowd would have dispersed by now. they have not
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little thinner than it was, but it is still bag. so the geography here is, i'm on the east side leinz place, the encampment, and then another group of pro-palestinian protesters on the other side. now, what we have been hearing from inside the encampment, a lot of these people are watching live streams. it appears that some, for some reason, law enforcement has gone in and then moved back slightly and that has been and cheered by people as some sort of victory, unclear exactly what is going on. so i'm not going to make any conclusions about it. but people here are, they are saying that this is a victory. now, this encampments been there for about a week after some violence last night where counter-protestors through firecrackers sprayed chemical there were physical altercations since then, the very hands off police presence completely changed today, this campus swarming with lapd and california highway patrol building up to this, which is
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the move into the encampment. the encampment has been illegal or along, but the university has put up with it not wanting to create a flashpoint last night that all changed. tonight, we see them moving in and now they're concerned that cameron has been there for a week. they're concerned a lot of human waste in there. they're concerned that some of those protesters have bear spray. so i was told by a source, this is going to be a slow and methodical process for a few hours now, there have been buses la sheriff buses parked about a mile away waiting to take those people arrested away? >> the operation is underway, as i say, slow and methodical. >> so expect this to last for some time we will be here watching it play out back to you all right. >> nick watt on scene for us with that great reporting, nick. thanks very much for starting us off this morning. i really appreciate it all right. >> now this also today just a few hours, it's back to court
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for donald trump, but before his criminal hush money trial resumes, judge juan merchan immer, will hold another hearing on trump's gag order. the manhattan da's office will present four for alleged violations by the former president trump has already been held in contempt and ordered to pay $9,000 in fines for violating the gag order. meanwhile, the presumptive republican nominee used a day off from court yesterday to hold rallies in michigan and wisconsin critical states this fall. >> it was trump's first time back on the campaign trail since the hush money trial started last month. and as he often does, he railed against the proceedings and i got to do two of these things that day. you know why? because i'm in new york all the time with the biden trial from being forced to sit for days on end. and kangaroo courtroom with a corrupt and conflicted judge, enduring a biden signed show trial at the hands of a marxist
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district attorney source back who's taking orders from the biden administration. i have a judge who gagged me. i'm not allowed to talk about things and nobody seen anything quite like it all right. >> turning me now to discuss his matt brown, he's national race and politics reporter for the associated press. mac. good morning to you. >> want this has been something that donald trump has done repeatedly as he has faced other legal proceedings. >> but this is the first time where it is true when he says trial is keeping him off the campaign trail, right? he is required to be in court. the days the court is in session now, he seemed to i know he played golf at least one day that the trial was off our earlier, but this time he tried to use the time that he had to go out and do these rallies on the campaign trail what you heard they're from him was fairly typical complaints. >> but the reality is the gag order question is a serious one that we're going to see again today. the judge has threatened
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trump with jail if he keeps doing it what is your expectation for what we're going to see in court today? and how trump seems to be handling how he talks about the trial in the wake of the gag order punishment okay. >> so what i think we saw yesterday was especially striking given that trump was not backing down, if anything, doubling down on his group claims of grievance and frustration with the judge. so given that what we're going to be seeing today is a debate over the potentially holding trump in contempt of court for his various. comments attacking the judge directly, attacking witnesses, and the entire process here, we're really seeing campaign candidate trump and the political incentives that he has here to lean into his brand of grievance running up against the legal fact that he as you said, could be thrown into jail if he has continued to be hold into contempt well make that make a lot of sense for illegal defendant to be taking this stance in court. it makes a lot of sense to lean into trump's brand here as a
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political figure. >> well, certainly i mean, i think my question remains, what is the difference between a general election and a primary election campaign on this question? because obviously these are swing states in a general election, wisconsin and michigan, it's going to be very, very close whether this helps him there with a general electorate. he is going to need independence. is a question trump also weighed in on the campus protests, which is something that is unified republicans and the current president, joe biden, has not said anything about it on camera yet. i think underscoring during the challenges he has, here's what trump said about the campus protests the radical extremists and far-left agitators are terrorizing college campuses as you possibly noticed, and biden's nowhere to be found. >> he hasn't said anything but there is political base there is political base. >> he says, i mean, it does seem to throw into sharp relief the challenges that this poses for president biden.
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>> yes, i think that this shows this campus protesters kind of sidestep the issue of israel, palestine itself. we're not talking about what's going on in the israel-hamas in conflict at the moment, we're talking about what's going on on these campuses, which is a situation that conservatives are, have been talking about for decades now, saying that left-wing activists on college campuses are a site of disorder or a site of weakness this is something that conservative feel very comfortable leaning into and something that they have a lot of experience focusing on. and something that democrats feel that they need to play defense on. i mean, this is why mike johnson, who is facing a lot of challenges in congress himself at the moment, is visited columbia university and called for the president's resignation. there because this is something that can unite his conference at a time when they're very, very fractious. otherwise it's a deed yes all right. matt brown for us this morning, matt. thank you very much. i really appreciate it we're keeping an eye on los angeles where protesters at ucla, i've been ordered to leave and police have now entered their encampment, plus waist and wisconsin kill a minor student who apparently tried to bring a gun to school and the biden
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ministration, putting the blame for florida near abortion ban on one man donald trump i brought in a juror bax protein with 30 grams of protein. >> those who tried be felt more energy. it just two weeks. here, i'll take that sure. >> not to protein 30 grams protein one prim sugar 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic i was so excited to buy my first home, but i needed a lot of work done on it. >> i went on to angie. jamie was the first person to call. i explained to her some of the things i could do and showed her some pictures. he's resurface my fluorine. he's done plumbing work, he's refinished this beautiful table here. >> what would you say that sand it for? we well, he didn't with top rated certified pros and over 500 categories. >> angie can connect you with the right pro for any home project find top rated certified pros in your area at, you're calling some people find there's at an early age others later in life no
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>> it turns shipping to your advantage with low cost grounds, shipping from the united states postal service i had to go montgomery and tokyo and this is cnn well, go back now to our breaking news out of los angeles police have now entered the pro-palestinian encampment on kant on the campus of ucla. the protesters were ordered to leave late last night, but they have yet to move out. >> and now even more pro-palestinian demonstrators have gathered behind the police line demonstrations are now spreading outside the us. we've seen protests popping up in europe and canada. and now there's a university in iran trying to involve itself by offering scholarships to any students who are expelled during these protests. cnn's max foster joins us now, live from london at max, i'm going to set aside the fact that if you went to the university in iran on a scholarship, i don't think you'd be allowed to protest something that the
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government didn't want you to protest so there's that but let's talk about the international response and sort of how these protests are being perceived overseas as well. what are you seeing in europe and across the rest of the world? >> well as that if you're not following the sun, a lot of detail, you and i know what the complexity with this just the protests happening in ucla, but there's the other university protests and the wider protests as well. and the challenges there have been for law enforcement, local government national government in allowing a fundamental belief in the right to protest with the right of other students to go about their studies as well. i think if you just zoom in on it though, from outside, it feels hypocritical. you just mentioned how other countries clamp down on protests they're seeing america clamping down on
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pro-palestinian protests at the same time, a supplying israel with arms is an oversimplified approach. we know there are many more layers to it than that but the overall optics, what's coming out from this it doesn't always feel positive for the us. here in europe, obviously, much more understanding about what's going on over there. but again, in the same time how there's a concern, how this will be interpreted in the middle east, for example right? >> i mean, i just i keep flashing back to protests in iran over headscarves in the wake of the death of mahsa amini and kind of what happens there when protests against things that the government doesn't want protested happens quite different. even as students on campuses our objective in to police arrest and presence on these campuses. it's worth worth keeping in mind. >> let's talk different picture let's talk big picture. max, about the
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geopolitical realities that are driving. obviously the protests. here are the biden administration is pushing hard at for a ceasefire deal between israel and hamas, who they're fighting against. and the obviously benjamin netanyahu is a critical piece here and the wall street journal rights in the paper this morning that netanyahu is pulled, numbers have stabilized in the wake of iran's drone and missile attack on israeli soil of a couple of weeks ago and the biden administration, of course, is under pressure as these protests have expanded, they say biden needs the israeli leader deliver a halt in fighting that could ease domestic pressure over the conflict. and yet it doesn't seem as though netanyahu is under as much pressure to do that as he might have been. in before, or maybe maybe the fact that these poll numbers are stronger actually, take some pressure off, considering it's the right-wing that is demanding that he go in to rafah. how do you understand how the situation in israel is putting pressure netanyahu is
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domestic political situation is putting pressure on the ceasefire negotiations well, when you say stabilizing, i think a lot of his critics would say they've just dropped to the point where they can't jump anymore effectively. he's still very weak so when we see the poll numbers increasing, then that would reflect, i think israelis starting to believe in his strategy i mean fundamentally the problem with a strategy is he had these two outcomes that he wanted destroying hamas, releasing the hostages, neither what she's achieved and the longer it takes, the harder it is for him to keep that support. but there if you're an israeli, you feel under fire. and the fact that you felt under threat by hamas at one point now feel under threat priestly from iran, it does, it creates fear and you're looking for strong leadership. and in many ways, you're seen as a strong leader and we've talked before, we are, we should never underestimate benjamin netanyahu, but he still hasn't got the result that he needs.
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and he also needs america supports and america's very frustrated about the complete lack of aid aid still getting into gaza. that's the red line for them. and it's there's no resolution to it. another erez crossing being opened up, but we haven't seen anything substantial coming in on land in terms of aid, and that's a big problem for netanyahu in terms of his wider support and pressure. >> all right, max foster force in london. max, thank you. i was grateful to have you all right. come on up next here. police and wisconsin shooting and killing an armed minor near a middle school, plus marjorie taylor greene's next move to force out or try to force out the house speaker the assignment with hadi cornish. listen wherever you get your podcasts okay, everyone. >> our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition we're strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein sometimes
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right. >> 22 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup was constant police shooting and killing an unidentified minor student to allegedly brought a gun near a middle-school yesterday. >> the student never entered the school and no one else was injured fifth body has been recovered from the site of baltimore's key bridge collapsed. >> authorities identifying the victims as 49 year-old miguel angel luna gonzalez from glen burnie maryland. the united methodist church, making a historic shift on homosexuality and 692251 vote, the church overturned its ban on lgbtq clergy and same-sex marriages our time now for whether after seven days in a row of tornadoes, the severe storm threat finally, easing up. >> but parts of the southern plains to the upper midwest could still see some scattered severe storms today are weatherman, derek van dam tracking all of it for us. derek, good morning to you. >> what he's saying yeah, good morning, casey. so the severe weather threat is waning, but we are now honing in on a flash flood threat. we'll get to
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that in just a second all in all yesterday, we had 26 tornado reports, so we're now officially above average for the year to date and there still a slight risk of severe storms today, large hail, damaging winds can't rule out a tornado radar to abilene to dallas. that's where we have our greatest risk today. now, a lot of weather on the map at the moment, but let's focus in on what's happening across central texas and eastern texas as well, just north of houston, we have flash flood warnings that are ongoing. some impressive rainfall totals here over the past few days just north of west livingston, there's houston right there. we've had over ten inches of rain and guess what? there are some river crests that are really starting to ramp up this. we were investigating yesterday. this is the trinity river at liberty. so in liberty county, this was just northeast of houston. it is in major flood stage and it's expected to peak literally this week, right? thursday and a friday at 30 feet, guess what? that is the highest levels since hurricane harvey back in 2017.
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so that's saying something that will certainly flood businesses and homes and low-lying areas with additional rainfall in the forecast upstream from there, we'll see that crest for some of the major rivers here. just know north of houston. so that's why we have a moderate risk of flash flooding in and around the area. slight risk extends northward including shreveport, dallas, little rock springfield, all the way to des moines. it's all because of the storm system producing the wet weather. we focus in on the flash flood threat, but severe weather threat re-enters the equation. >> later this week, keep an eye on that or weatherman van dam, derrick. >> thank you very much. i really appreciate it coming up next here. >> marjorie taylor greene, daring democrats to block her attempts to force a vote on ousting the house speaker plus is donald trump's setting the stage for another violent uprising. if he loses to joe biden and live pictures of an ongoing standoff between protesters and police on the ucla ucla campus. we're keeping an eye on that brief story and will update you as it develops.
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sparks. when your home needs work, where do you go? angie. angie? that's where and you're gay man with angie find top rated certified pros and your area plus compare quotes and pricing to help you get all your jobs done well, he's surface my fluorine, he's done plumbing work. >> i knew it's going to be done right. >> i was able to sit back and let them do what they do with top rated certified pros and over 500 categories. angie can connect you with the right pro for any home project find top rated certified pros in your area at >> i'm kevin liptak at the white house and this is cnn write a lab look at the washington monument it's thursday morning. >> good morning to you. thanks for being with us. i'm kasie hunt where you back now to our breaking news, these are alive images. of the ucla campus. we're police have entered the protesters encampment there. and right now, the two sides are seemingly at a standoff demonstrators have been told
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they need to leave or face arrest. cnn's nick watt is on the campus of ucla, knew that and camp meant for us. nic, bring us up to speed on what's going on here well, it appears that law enforcement did enter the encampment and that is giving people the option leave or you will face arrest, or perhaps you might get hurt. >> now this is the scene here. we have a line of lapd officers in front of that. we have a line of chp, california highway patrol. you see, they have zip ties attached to their belts. they have gas masks attached to their belts it was it is we are told going to be the chp that ultimately makes arrests. that is from a source earlier. now, tom, if you spin around, you will also see that there are, there is another line of lapd and then beyond that is we're all of the palestinian pro-palestinian protesters who have gathered in solidarity with the encampment have been
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for the past six or seven hours. maybe even eight hours since we first got the rumor that there was going to be and law enforcement presence moving in to the encampment. so right now, as you say, kathy mr. be a little bit of a standoff in there. we are relying on word coming out live streams coming at, but it appears that the protesters, many protesters who are still in there, are determined to stay no matter what they are told. about arrests, they've been here for a week and they eight leaving back to you forgive me. >> when you say the rest going to be made by chp, you mean they feel like it's important that is that campus law enforcement actually execute on this situation so california highway patrol, state agency, this is state land. they are the agency that comes in to support the campus police. there. the next line that comes in. so and it was governor gavin newsom that it was very critical of the lack of a law
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enforcement response last night when pro israel protestors moved against the encampment. so we are told it is going to be chp at the front. and as you see here, we have lapd in the back chp in the front. but let's just see how this plays. understood. understood. okay. >> nick watt for us. nick, thanks very much for that all right. >> back here in washington, congresswoman marjorie taylor greene announcing she's going to force a vote next week to try to oust the house speaker, mike johnson. she says she's outraged because the speaker reached across the aisle. any past aid to ukraine mike johnson is hurting our efforts. >> so when he's passing joe biden's agenda, that's the agenda that voters all over the country are fed up with. mike johnson is absolutely destroying our efforts to have the majority in january of next year greene is now daring democrats and really during johnson to go through with this, there is a plan to rescue
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johnson. the democrats have won by killing the motion to vacate. >> she is also dismissing warnings for members of her own party saying that they should avoid a vote that is all but certain to fail joining me now, andrew siderio, senior congressional porter for punchbowl news and shelby talcott. >> she's politics reporter up for semaphore andrew. >> let me start with you on this. is this just about keeping marjorie taylor greene's name in the spotlight? is it about forcing there to be an on-the-record vote where you can see the democrats are supporting johnson. what is it? it's a mix of the two right? the longer this hangs out there, the more beneficial it is for marjorie taylor greene in the long run, especially when it comes to her fundraising efforts or you've seen some republicans and democrats criticized this as basically a fundraising ploy but she's leaked. she's letting this hang out there for another week, at least she's going to go through with this as you said, she's basically daring democrats to save him. >> and there are house democrats who were having internal conversations right now about this, who are actually unhappy with their
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leadership, that their leadership did not try to extract some concessions from the republican leadership from mike johnson specifically in exchange for voting to save him you see, republicans continuing to put these messaging bills on the floor that are putting moderate democrats swing district democrats, and a really tough position. they want republicans to stop doing that and they want to extract that as a concession in exchange for saving them. >> and your understanding reporting is that there were no concessions ahead of this letter. r our understanding is that there was no deal, no concessions know nothing really interesting shelby how are the dynamics of this? >> how do they relate to donald trump? >> donald trump has come out in support of speaker johnson. we saw last month or earlier this month that johnson went to mar-a-lago actually and met with him for several hours. and it's been really interesting interesting to see this dynamic develop because marjorie taylor greene is also one of donald trump's closest allies and so we haven't seen donald trump really aggressively insert
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himself into this ongoing drama. and part of that is because he is so close with marjorie taylor greene and personally likes her. but it's it's also because there is this idea that if he does get involved and does tell marjorie taylor greene that she needs to stand down and that he supports speaker johnson. it could cause more chaos and that's something that donald trump and his team are trying to avoid leading up into this election is the is the concept and the idea that republicans can't govern yeah. andrew, how do you see the trump effect play out? >> not just in this particular instance, but kind of across the hill right now as he is standing this trial and you know, honestly, i'm interested to know what you're getting from republicans about the trial. and if there's any difference between what they say in public versus what they're saying? >> i'm on background without attaching their names to it about whether they think this trial is a problem, right? i mean, obviously they know it's a problem. the more time he's spending in court, the less time he's campaigning in
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michigan and wisconsin, right? he was in michigan last night. i know. he was endorsing the republican senate candidate, mike rogers there. and so that's something that senate republicans against in particular, one him to focus on, right is not just campaigning for himself, but helping other republicans up and down the ticket. and republicans have a pretty favorable map for the senate this year. and the more trump is out there trying to help their candidates especially in these races that they should win in states like montana, for example, in ohio. i think nevada that is more of a reach state for them, but that's another possible place that we could see donald trump campaign because of how close it was last time. that's what they want to see him focused on. and to the extent that all the headlines are about him getting fined for violating the gag order and just being in court every day. they obviously don't like that. >> yeah. shelby, a number of the people in congress can also be defined by their interest in either becoming donald trump's vice president or at least getting a slot somewhere in a potential future trump
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administration. you've been kind of reporting out on the vip stakes, quote, unquote. and we are hearing kind of what i would describe as like escalated chatter about this this week what are you learning? there's certainly escalated chatter and the question is, is that coming from donald trump and his team, or is it coming from the media? now what i will say is that donald trump's team is starting to vet a number of potential vice presidential candidates. those include marco rubio tim scott, of course j.d. vance these names that have popped up. doug burgum. but at the same time when i talk to people close to trump, they note that his real sole focus right now is the trial. and so you shouldn't expect to hear who he's going to pick until later this summer, probably about a month before the rnc convention is when i'm hearing. he's going to announce it's hundred time one it was standard timeline, but at the same time, as you said is very clear. we're starting to see
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more and more how all of these lawmakers are clearly quietly trying to position themselves to be serious. >> yeah. well, i mean, look, it's made this base second right. june, july, the conventions in july, these vets when they're done properly, take a lot of time, i guess it's a question to me. it's like how much does strunk going to really focus on that really just instead go with his gut here. but you, andrew, what do you hear in and around from the camps of the various mu j.d. vance is one, for example, who's kind of come up to the top for this conversation? yeah. how does this play out on the hill all the people that shelby just mentioned are serious contenders and you look at people like j.d. vance, people like marco rubio, people who have been, i guess, traditional allies of donald trump rubio, i guess, less so because they had a battle for the primary, of course, in 2016 little marco? >> yeah, exactly right. >> but with jd vance, it hasn't been like that, right? they've been allies this entire time. they talked multiple times per week or j.d. vance has really been leading
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the anti-ukrainian charge on behalf of donald trump in congress. he's sort of viewed on capitol hill as like the intellectual side. i'd of donald trump, of the america first sort of doctrine. you hear a lot of republicans who don't even agree with him on foreign policy say he's pretty good at laying out the case for donald trump, especially on issues like ukraine and this whole idea of an america first foreign policy, which they would criticize as neo-isolationists. but they say that hey fans is at least good at encapsulating that, right i think i'm following, but man says a lot about what they are today. >> shall we talk about andrew does stereo. thank you both very much for being here. i appreciate it. >> i come up next, donald trump hinting that another january 6 could happen if things don't go his way in november, plus the dallas mavericks one went away from advancicing in the nba playoffs with the police report ahead florida man is hospitalized, infected with
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in the media have to grapple with in this incredibly consequential election year. and it's of course so the time when trust in major national news outlets is ebbing in a new poll, significant percentages of americans say they're highly concerned about disinformation division, and political bias in the media. joining me now is jim van too high? he is the co-founder and ceo of axios and the author of the new book, just the good stuff. no bs secrets to success jim, good morning. i'm so we're going to have you just full disclosure. i hired me i did my first jobs here in washington when you were running politico means you have to be nice to i appreciate you having done that because i'm grateful to be here. >> and this book that you have is really all about the things you wish you had known. as, you were making your way up in media. and now of course we are all grappling with this question of trust. so what lessons have you learned? what would you save and what, what would you say back to john stuart about what you know and what you've learned i'm with him. >> i don't mock it. i'm saddened by it. the fact that
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so many people don't trust what we do, like the book is very much about what what did i learn and trying to start political start axios in this crazy digital environment. obviously, you've dedicated your life. i've dedicated my life to trying to get to the closest approximation of the truth. and you have a lot of forces out there that have tried to diminish the work that we do. and quite frankly, i think there's things that people in the media have done to diminish some of the work that we do but i always tell people you better step back and be careful with what you're playing with here because you're playing with fire if we suddenly have a country that trust nothing, and there's no sources of common truth. it's going to be really hard to govern. it's gonna be really hard to avoid protests and know what's really happening on these campuses. and if you look back at the history of the country a free press is such an awesome, distinctive needed, necessary, vital piece of this awesome country. and that's how we know so much of what's happening is how we expose so much malfeasance and so i think on the consumer end, people have to figure out a couple of
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news sources that they trust that they think i'm a regular basis are getting the closest approximation of the truth. and i think us in the media, we have to be a little more humble and we have to realize our job is to be clinical in delivering the information, try to get to the closest approximation of the truth. if we screw it up, be humble enough to admit it, and maybe get off twitter and maybe stop popping off in ways that make people just trust the work that you do. >> how do you try to as you're building these news organizations, as you've built politico, which i will say has become a very well trusted especially in people who are making decisions axios as well. >> how do you try to get the people that work for you, your organizations to achieve the goals you just laid out clinical is a word that we use, particularly at axios, which is don't have an opinion page. we ask every employee whether you're an editorial employer not to refrain from sharing your opinion in any public forum which is a huge ask of our staff, but we do that because we want people who are still persuadable to the truth to know that we're doing everything we can do to trust
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them. we tried to hire people who have real domain expertise so that they can deliver content that is useful to somebody else. but i think other than that and hiring the right people and setting the right tempo, there's not that much more you can do. and a lot of that i do think is like the ceo of these companies falls on me to set the example, to set the tone that we can be out there trying to get to the truth, that we can be they're trying to get people smarter faster on what matters that we don't have to be hyperventilating every single time something happens that we don't necessarily agree with. and i think that comes to leadership and i think there's a huge absence of high-quality leadership across the board in this country right now, it's in some ways we've lost our moral clarity. i watched these protests at a lot of these universities in end, yes, it's stems from real passions about what's happening in the middle east. but a lot of dysfunction comes from bad leadership. if you have moral clarity up front, what are your read leinz, how do you think about free speech? one is free speech. become criminal behavior if you set that tone
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early on, university of chicago's one that's done decent job at this. you don't have as big of an issue. but when you have weak leadership it, whether it's an academic institution or in governance or in politics, or in business, a bad things happen. and i hope with the book, a lot of it is me making fun of myself. you were there. i was i had to learn to ceo and i remember that and i wasn't great you don't i learn and i'd like to think that i'm from wisconsin. i grew up in a small town that had enough humility to figure out okay. if i'm not getting it right, who's getting it right? how do i incorporate that into my leadership style in a big part of it is having moral clarity about there is right and wrong. i'm going to be candid. i'm going to be transparent get a demand a lot of you, but i'm going to demand more of myself like these are the principles that have kind of worked for humanity for a long time that i worry people in leadership have lost sight of. >> yeah, it's really interesting. i mean, i totally take your point on clinical and on making sure that you're above the fray. how do you
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think about the challenge, meaning cable news for example, we have a challenge of audiences responding, right yeah, two things that line up with their points of view. and you see it on social media as well. yeah, people basically deciding that they want to stay in the corners in which they're in. and then they end up when you're looking at these algorithms consuming content that honestly pushes them farther and farther away. i mean, how are, how are we supposed to deal with that? >> it's a massive problem, right? we went, we wrote a column that long ago called shards of glass, which is this idea that we all used to look at the world through this common window, couple of networks, couple of cable stations, maybe a newspaper to and then over the last ten to 15 nears its shattered and maybe 20 different pieces. so if you're getting your news and you're young and you're on tiktok, you're following topics and people that somebody sitting at the table next to you might never have heard of. they might be getting their news from people they trust on instagram or maybe their more traditional in their getting their news. on cnn. and from axios and they're following a totally different group of people so i think for all of our businesses, we have to
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figure out who are we trying to reach cnn's not going to reach everybody. axios is not going to reach everybody. in our case, we're trying to reach smart professionals, so we know they care about artificial intelligence politics, health care, media, business. you go down the line and make sure that when we're doing that, that we're irving the reader or the user. and i think that fundamental principle can really change. i think any media entity which is stopped worrying about yourself and think about who it is you're trying to reach and what do you need when you need to do to get them what they need on their terms, when they need it, and when you do that, good things that business ten to happen but they're gonna be some people who are sitting off there who just want to be reinforced. you can't change that you can't. but what you can do is there's people in-between there and where you're at right now, whereas if you're trying to get to the truth, if you are being clinical, if you are being smart, if you're are being respectful of their intelligence in their time, little by little, you can move some of those people. yeah i
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can't wait to really dig in to the book. >> i wish existed when i was an intern hired by people who i didn't know where you live i did. >> i also can we get a copy of that picture? you say that that is a view leading a protest on your campus. what was that about? >> it was a drinking age and it wasn't even so they've cared about it back then because i didn't i didn't listen to the drinking age anyways but we got caught up at it. see you then covered it. i believe live. >> fair enough. all right. jim van too high. >> he's gonna stick around his new book is just the good stuff. no bs secrets to success are tana for sports, the mavericks hand the clippers, they're worse play off losses the team history pushing la to the brink of elimination from the nba playoffs and scholz has this morning police report, andy. good morning. >> good morning. cases. so a lot of times in these series it comes down to who has the best player in right now in this maps clippers series, it's luka doncic. luca was this fantastic spite being under the weather and having a sore knee, he had 35 points and this one has a mass they build a 20
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point lead by the end of the third quarter, and it was certainly a rough night for james hard while george russell westbrook, they may just eight of their 30 six shots why leonard once again, sitting out with a sore knee for this one maps and the clippers, they're worse, boy, applause ever 12393 and downs can now close because out that series at home on friday the blood doesn't matter with boolean by one or you win by 50, but it's still a good wind job is not done you got one more. we need to win them are more. we've got to get ready for next game is celtics. >> meanwhile, was just a dominant performance to close out the heat and game five of their series, boston getting out to an 18 point late and the first quarter and they just never lead up, they would win by 30 for the celtics. now going to wake the winter between the calves and the magic you just keep playing away. >> we've employing all year the feat in at a high level, the toughness and just doing all the little things we've been doing all year. we know
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it's gonna be a. challenge. could we play? and we begin to be ready to go i, violate tops announcing yesterday they signed beekeeper matt hilton to a deal to make his very own baseball cards, some of which will be autographed by hilton himself. hello huge hit and plate to the crowd and he took care of the swarm of bees that delayed tuesday's dodgers de, games. >> and cnn's don riddell when he caught up with hilton yesterday and asked him out his big night when i got on the field, i saw just how loud the crowd was when i did a couple of fist bumps and i was like maybe get a couple more fist bumps and play to this a little bit and it kind of helped loosen my nerves a little bit too. >> so so it definitely helped me out and i just decided to have fun with it. >> gazi, how cool is that for hilton went from readily game to a hero. now he's got his own baseball because it's amazing. >> talk about amanda meets the moment. i love it. any scholes? thank you very much. see
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tomorrow all right. from the trail back to the trial, donald trump about to find out if he violated his gag order. again, plus tense standndoff. that's ongoing right now betwn protesters and police at ucla did you know taking xyz all at night, release allergies while you sleep? >> so you wake refreshed for more productive day good. 24 hour continuous relief that does not fade. >> the wise old take xyz off at night we have a new home. >> what's that? >> we have of garage door that doesn't lift and we have a gate doesn't open. so i went on angie took me just a handful of minutes, though, vendors who came through energy, you were more knowledgeable. >> they did higher-quality work. >> they wanted us to be happy with the work done as well. >> we felt like we got the most value out of the contract that we chose. >> it is a beautiful ghraieb. >> connect with skilled
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