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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 2, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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so when we see it blasted out here and it's gotten a massive coverage, it's everything that people are talking about. everyone's writing about it it is putting a magnifying glass on a very elite phenomenon that is dividing a very elite segment of a coalition. >> and i think it is a just a enormously thorny problem for biden figured out how to navigate yeah. >> the president yet to weigh in himself directly on this even has his rival, the republican presumptive republican nominee donald trump, spoke about it on the campaign trail in key swing states yesterday. again, you have been watching at police move in to ucla to arrest people in an encampment that was told that they needed to disband but many have not disbanded. we have been live with art nick watt, who has been on scene all night. we're very grateful to him for being there for us as we watch
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something quite significant to both the students and to our politics unfold. thanks very much. panel for joining us, joining us thanks to all of you for being here. i'm casing hunt in a new central starts right now cnn breaking news we begin with breaking news this morning. >> just a short time ago. >> the lapd and other agencies how gone into the encampment and shorted arresting people on the campus of ucla. >> the pro-palestinian encampment is now swarming with police officers. we are looking at live pictures at this very moment. it began with police telling people to disperse, and then we've been hearing the sounds of flash bangs there has been smoke there have been some fireworks that have gone off, but as we're speaking, arrest being made on that campus at this hour, this all of course,
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started after pro-palestinian protesters made very clear after hearing the porter's to disperse that they were going to defy those orders. listen all right. >> so you heard that there were not leaving and now police are making many of them leave. again, live pictures, ucla campus police have stormed into the in camera that has been there for now a week. we do have reporters on the brown and we have a professor who was in slide that encampment, who we will be talking to in just a bit. i want to start though with our camila bernal. she is there on the ucla campus. give us some sense of how all this went down and what is happening right now as we speak hey, is
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there we are seeing students or protesters unclear exactly who they are, but being taken away by police officers, you see them coming out in groups and little by little, we have seen up police officers and law enforcement officers getting rid and moving that barrier that had been established by these protesters de used not just the metal barriers, but also plywood that they had a reinforced throughout the day to keep people out of the encampment that is coming down little by little. >> so you're seeing a lot of those tense coming down. you're seeing things being thrown in the air. there is consistent flash bangs going on and again, more and more people being taken out in zip ties and you're seeing officers bringing in extra zip ties, bringing in extra flash bangs. it is a chaotic and very tense seeing right now. but you are still seeing some of those palestinian flags being waived in the air. some of those
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flashlights that the protestors were using to put on the basis of these law enforcement officers we are hearing people chanting. we're also hearing law enforcement telling people to move. there's a lot of smoke in the air it's unclear and hard to see exactly what is happening because there is so much chaos. but of course, a lot of passion from a lot of these protesters who decided to stay here and decided to risk and arrest. you know, i spoke to someone who told me that they wanted to leave because they did not want to go through this a ph phd student that i've been talking through throughout the days of, but the people that are here decided that they were okay with being arrested because that is exactly what authorities are doing right now. and again, they're moving into that encampment that has been up for about a week here at ucla. and this is not the scene that the university wants wanted to see, but they have been told or at least the protesters have been told to disperse, to go home and they
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have chosen not to do so. and that's why you're seeing the scenes that you're seeing right now, sarah? >> camila, thank you for that, and i just want to reiterate, we're seeing somebody who is being arrested right now it looks like good, day. have put him on the ground. we have seen people being walked out with the zip ties around their hands as well. and you can see the encampments, some of it being pulled down some of those plywood boards that have been up surrounding the encampment had been pulled down. now by police as they go, it appears the thought to go through the police look very calm though our doesn't look like there's any scuffles. we should mention. but we did see quite a different scene last night which brought police onto the campus. police and several different agencies. i want to get now to our nick watt, who has been there, overnight watching all of this happened. nick, can you give us some sense of when this started and what it's look like to you so just from your vantage point,
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just give us a set the scene for us well, sarah, just before dark, this evening, the rumor who went around that this was going to happen sometime during the night. >> so at that point, pro-palestinian demonstrators gathered at either end of the encampment. they were kept well bag by law enforcement, but they gathered, they were chanting in solidarity and all during the day, sarah, we have been seeing the protesters inside the encampment fortifying that barricade. we've heard the power drills. >> the and then just in the past hour or so, we have finally seen as the as the crowd outside thinned out. >> and this was one of the theories that perhaps they were waiting to go into the encampment until the crowd surrounding thinned out just to make this process a little easier, but less, we have seen a very light touch from security personnel and law
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enforcement over the past week here at ucla that changed radically after what happened the night, which was counter pro-israel protesters tacking this encampment. there weren't many of them, but there was chemicals sprayed. there was a firework, there was physical altercations gop governor gavin newsom after that, clearly wanted a much more robust response. and that's what we saw today. dozens and dozens of chp california highway patrol and lapd officers on this campus clearly building up to what we are seeing now flash bangs in the air. we can see the 10th being rocked, but we can still see and hear defined sarah from coming inside. we hear the people divided. we hear free, free palestine. we see the palestinian flag. >> there is still some defined from inside this encampment thank you, sarah be safe out
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there, nick, i can hear those flash bangs going off. we also see another arrest happening. it is interesting that you point now because we can see it also from the vantage point of unit sort of watching what's happening in front of your camera. that while you're hearing those flash bangs of view, we are getting is a very tom scenario where people are being led out in those zip ties and being arrested taken out of that encampment that clearly, police are going deeper into the encampment and using some of those flash bangs as they try and get to some of the protections that they are trying to remove that have been there for about now, we here at your reporting has been incredible, nick, i know you've been out there for a long time over these days watching all of this happen, we are now looking at camila bernal, who is getting closer and closer to the encampment herself. and again, seeing people being arrested one after the other. there doesn't seem to be any skirmishes but again, those flash bangs indicate that there
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is more police activity going on inside what appears to be an encampment that is slowly being dismantled by police or seeing some of the debris and some of those plywood boards that were up, pulled down. like you mentioned, nick, this scene was very, very different overnight the night before where you did see clashes, not between kalisa protesters, but between two different groups of protesters where the pro israeli protesters attacked those inside of the camp with bars and all sorts of different things camille, i know you've gotten very close now to the encampment can you tell us what you're seeing right now from your vantage point yeah. >> so what i'm seeing is a line of protesters trying to hold hands and stand right in front of all these police officers. and you're seeing these law enforcement officers ripping out that tense and the wood and everything that was inside of that encampment and
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trying to get it out of that area. and we have seen resistance from the pro-palestinian protesters who were trying to hold onto those tense but as we've seen now, it is law enforcement it's been to essentially won that battle and got all of those tense out of that area. i believe there are more tense behind that line of protesters. obviously, i can't see right now, but what i am seeing is that line of protesters who are refusing to move and put being pushed out by up police officers are still hearing those flashbacks. i was still seeing a lot of notes, flashlights from the protests there's poor trying to flash then in the faces of these police officers but again defiance. >> there. these protesters who are stated in a line in front of the police officers who are trying to move into this encampment. again, really tense moments here and very passionate protesters who are getting pushed back a bit by
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the police officers. the horse standing firm and trying to keep that line that again, has not always been successful because of the amount of law enforcement officers that we're seeing right now in riot gear? trying to move into that encampment. sarah camila, can you give me some sense? >> i'm looking at the sky and seeing sort of what looked like, pretend in firecrackers. there is a difference between those of horse and flash bangs at the police used. can you give us some sense? are you seeing that as well? it looks like there are puffs of smoke in the sky and also where are those flash bangs are being deployed because we are not seeing, we can hear them, but we're not seeing exactly where they are being deployed in what is happening in that area. you haven't abandoned yet, do see it in the air. you do see you here. >> the flash bangs, it's unclear exactly where they're coming from. i believe if it's sort of on the sides of the protesters towards where the
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crowd is, but obviously not hitting are targeting anyone here. and again, we did see law enforcement officers bringing in explosive it's unclear how they're being used or what exactly they're doing. but you do see them as they are thrown up into the air and they've been using it not just here here at the encampment, but also to clear all protesters who were coming to support the people who were at the encampment. a lot of those people were cleared off or at least moved away from campus because this morning, there were large crowds. now hi just in the encampments but nearby in on campus. and those people were were cleared out. we do know that there were busted essentially waiting for people who were detained and i did see not just police in riot gear, but there were also a lot of fire trucks, just an immense amount of first responders and
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law enforcement officers ready to come in here. we're also seeing smoke and it's unclear exactly where the smoke is coming from, whether it's coming from law enforcement officers or whether it's coming from some of the protesters. but again, it's the flashes. it is the smoke, it is tense situations. here at ucla, sarah camila, thank you so much for watching this for us. and as we watch it together and see how this unfolds this is obviously a very different scene from where i am in colombia, where things are completely calm after police went into a building and took out dozens of protesters, pro-palestinian protesters this should have been part of an encampment here we are looking now at a shot from the sky at all of the tents still there still intact. but you're seeing some of that smoke. you're seeing some of the protesters way on the outside of the encampment and then those who are in the midst of the encampment with that police line going across it as they tried to tear down some of
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the barriers there. we've got a freelance journalist who was in the mitch their ben camacho. can you can you hear me? and if you can, can you give us some sense of what you saw as this all unfolded? a very, very different seeing what we have seen over the past week, where there has really not been a police presence. it has been protesters versus versus counter-protestors. but now police have moved down. ben, what can you tell him? >> yeah, so i was there earlier today. >> i got there around 5:00 p.m. and mainly a lot of protesters were outside on the encampment chanting, singing songs and giving speeches. >> but as the night progressed there were more police that did arrive to the outer perimeters of the encampment. and two other buildings and i think around one 30 in the morning our time over here in la los angeles police department did break through the barricade for
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probably they broke through very quickly, but then maybe about a couple of dozen then police officers in full riot gear did make it to the edge of the encampment where at that at that time, several hundred protesters did surround them and the protesters did have shields. they did have helmets and they were ready to defend their and cabinet there was probably about a 30-minute stand off there when protesters did manage to push lapd out of their encampment and forced them to retreat that was probably around 1405 this morning and obviously now, the encampment as it's getting overrun by other police agencies ben, it's interesting that you say that because we've watched this unfolded bit, you were saying that around 1405 or 2:00 in the morning, that police did try to go into the encampment, but protesters were able to push them back and we did see them retreating a bit.
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>> now they are right back up onto the encampment and we're seeing police officer and taking people out, give us a sense of just how large of an area this is at the encampment has taken over. it's a little bit difficult to this is sort of make that out on ucla's campus. you give us some sense of just how large of an area is and will also think people who are not in the end cabinet who are on the outsides of the encampment are those protesters as well? what were you? seeing earlier yes. >> so i would say the encampment is roughly the size is a little bit smaller than a football field and the? protesters outside? every every protester that i saw today, minus maybe five or so counter-protestors. we're standing in solidarity with the people who've gotten okay. >> so that's the bulk of
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majority of people that are there we know that last night or the before last, you had this battle really with the pro-israeli protesters attacking the pro-palestinian protesters inside of the encampment. the university are they looking into this? is there an investigation going on because we did see at least one person being severely beaten and kicked. we saw people using pipes to hit some of the protesters what do you know about what's happening when it comes to the attack that happened and the subsequent fight that ultimately brought police to where we are right now on abbott's trying to clear this count. >> yeah. so just to be clear, i was not there last side, i was just watching online a couple of my colleagues were their domain, what was happening i just know that the encampment was attacked by a protesters. there was blood that was shed due to this attack. i'm not
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sure if there's an investigation to what's going on but that did prompt this hello is police response today? i believe there was a statement late a couple of hours after the counter protesters the tonight's to go now attacked i believe ucla put out a statement saying they were going to figure something out with this situation. i don't remember exactly what it said, but i think that's kind of a set, off the chain of events that we're now seeing unfold then. >> thank you so much for giving us a big picture of what is going on right now. and ucla campus. and just to recap, i want to thank ben. i want to thank neal bernal and our nick watt who had been on the ground watching this unfold for hours. now, again, you are seeing live pictures of what is happening on the ucla campus. police and protesters face-to-face as police try and remove
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pro-palestinian protesters who have had an encampment up on that campus, four for the past week, we'll bring you much more about what's going on. there. if there are any clashes going on there, we know there have been arrest. we will be right back with the breaking news for you this morning. >> we're here to get your sayyed of the store a fares prostitution. why do we keep ending up? >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. now streaming on macs right now, you get a free foot august up. >> weight just by nf foot login to app and get one free just scan the qr code and enter promo code, fal fogbow. it only worked on the other side is three he buddy, you still got a landline. are your house noun to subway out engineered for the spontaneous, a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra and sialic faster acting and
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is happening here where the protests have been completely dismissed. canceled, and police are now replacing protesters on campus. let us go though two ucla, where you're seeing some pictures from a bird's eye view, looking down on the encampment that is currently, as we speak being rated by police police trying to go and we have seen arrests already this morning. we have seen many protesters with zip ties around their arms being taken out of that protests where you've been hearing flash bangs this morning, hours police try to disperse this particular encampment that has been there for about a week, mouth. and so what we're watching as police standing eye-to-eye with protesters and trying to push further and further into an encampment that we learned is about the sayyed just smaller than a football field. you see many, many tents that are still up. you also see some of the boards that they had put up that surrounded the encampment.
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those have been taken down by police as well. let us get to our camila bernal. she is on the ground there. she has been watching this unfold. camila, what can you tell us at this hour? how has the same chance? paged at all or is it becoming more intense hey, sarah, what we're seeing right now is defiance. >> this is as close as we can get to these protesters and these police officers. and what you're seeing here is a line of protesters with their arms linked. and right now, we're not seeing police officers moving in we are getting closer to where they're shooting off these flash bangs. and so what you're seeing is protesters who are standing firm they have megaphones and our screaming, things like divestments. they continue to shot just shout free palestine. they continue to say that they will remain here and you're seeing that defiance as they're standing face-to-face with a line of california highway patrol officers in here. getting your
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hearing flash bangs, you're seeing the smoke and you're seeing a lot of law enforcement officers off to the sayyed. there are more people wanted to get into this area, but there is also a line of police officers walking them from coming in here. i am seeing across the other side of the encampment those barriers, the plywood that these protesters had put up is still up on the other side of the encampment. on this side, closer to where i am, the police officers took down all of that plywood, took down a lot of the tents that were in this area. so we are still seeing intense behind that line of protesters but many of those tents were taken down by these police office you hear the classmates and again, you are still hearing protesters on a loudspeaker
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sharing their demand screaming, what they want and said why there's still here again, is just a very tense situation. it has developed over the last hour or two but a lot of people are also getting detained. we are seeing people being taken out of this area times with those zip ties almost every single officer here has zip ties on them and it's unclear why they're not necessarily arresting everybody at the moment or why they're not moving in faster. but right now, you are seeing sort of that sand off as a line of protesters faces the law enforcement officers who have not moved in yet, or at least not moved in further yet but who are also standing firm and will likely move in some time soon. sarah all, right can be a little now. >> i know you're keeping your eyes on the situation there and
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we'll come back to you as things develop i want to talk about to kate in john, kate and john watching this as an interesting topic that we are seeing because the police are walking around very calmly as you can see there, and not pushing in with a lot of force first obviously they are, they are determining what it is the best way to deal with this. but you are hearing those flash bangs a very different scene here on the columbia university campus when police went into hamilton hall on all different sides, like a swat teams swarming the area and pushing through and getting protesters out within a couple of hours. hey, john different approach for a were seeing different campuses, but for sure right now, ucla this is still unfolding. >> we're going to continue to watch these live pictures as we also bring in cnn, senior national security analysts, juliet km, who has been watching this along with us talk to tell what do you see in these live images that we've been watching throughout this morning? the police, they've been on campus in tactical gear
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since last night, but then the morning, they started moving in to descent disassemble this encampment well, i want to know what's there, what's their mission? i mean we have no idea what they've been told. you don't send that many police out unless they have emission if it's crowd control, then than they seem heavily protected for that. and we're hearing these news flash bang and what is ucla and law enforcements plan and policies. and if it's the end, what have the students been told? is their plan and policies. i am getting honestly, i'm getting more and more as the weeks go on because it is worth remembering these were peaceful protests until thugs came in last night claiming we don't
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know who they were claiming to represent pro israel interests and essentially attacked? peaceful protests and it took several hours to stop that. that failure of basic security precautions for a peaceful protest with has now led to this. and so that is worth remembering because the failure to disclose what the plan is to the students is essential here, because you want to deescalate these are not, these are human beings. they are students, they are peaceful protesters. and i hate to see this kind of escalation without the, without the possibility i'm giving some of these students and off-ramp, where are they supposed to go? can they can they can they get out so i blame ucla on this. i blamed the thugs last night, but as i've been saying, the last couple of weeks, let's not lose our minds over the heat of
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the debate between israel and the war and just remember we know how to do this. a peaceful protests are part of our culture. they're part of university and college culture. >> and and my warning, the colleges and universities in the weeks ahead prepare to protect, prepared to de-escalate because to me this is a sign of failure. >> this is we're already at failure and now as as i've been saying, as a mother of college students, and national security analysts might only hope what i'm judging now is, can we can escalate without any students getting harmed? >> if we can take the aerial shot from one moment. now, so that we can describe to viewers what's happening here, okay. so our viewers can see a line
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of white helmets right there i believe those are the protesters. those are protesters directly in front of them. a line of law enforcement directly a line of media, an extraordinary three lines right there. media law enforcement. and then this is a close-up of the white helmeted protesters right there standing around behind the white helmeted protesters are the tenths, the encampment. again, if one of the wide shot you can see that. you can see the tense there at the bottom, there juliette, if the goal and i don't know what it is right now, i think you correctly say we don't know the clear the encampment is the goal just to calm things down for a few hours. >> but if the goal was or work to clear out the encampment how do you explain what law enforcement is doing right now? >> what do you think it is happening at this moment and so that's a great question. >> so it's four 30 in the morning in los angeles and dark
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so this already is stressful from law enforcement perspective because people are tired, people are not themselves at 4:30 in the morning. and this does not strike me as a way to engage students for de-escalation and and you have a pool for all we know. and this is now, this is where i want to be careful for all we know it was status quo. right? unless there was some sort of threat that the police got in which they they felt sufficiently that it was sufficiently credible that they needed to come in in like like this, but this does not strike me as a as a moment in which anyone is sort of, in a position to deescalate and this is where i can't i keep saying i repeat myself, this is where communication is key what does
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the lapd where are they saying? what are they saying to the students? where is academic leadership? why are they just handing this over to a police officers like this this is not ideal from the perspective of of the community that exists there and the community that had been peaceful for the last week until others came in to escalate it so hopefully we'll hear from leadership that can communicate across these different stakeholders. but four, 30 in the morning not strike me as less a threat came in it looks like that the plan is get these some kind of police action, but we'll just to be clear, there wasn't alert that went out that said the university of california, los angeles has declared the encampment and unauthorized tents and structures cheers a dickson plaza to be unlawful. the university requires that
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everyone must leave the encampment and adjacent areas, as well as the unauthorized structures. intense immediately until further notice. >> so that was the alert that one out as of right now law enforcement doesn't seem to be enforcing that, although was we're looking at this right now again, you see the people there for saying, i don't know what it yeah, there are people moving the barriers law enforcement, they're moving the barriers with guns pointed right there and the people with the white helmets simultaneously trying to reinforce the encampments. >> pretty tense situation right? >> yeah. and that alert. right. so that has been that has not been that has been consistent. in other words, they've been saying it's unlawful, so now what right in other words, is there a certain time in which people have to be gone by what happens? what are the consequences for this? i mean, to be clear about or is it? everyone about to get arrested if everyone's about to get arrested, that seems like a very vulnerable situation, not only for the protesters, but for the police and since it has been peaceful, except for these
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outs, the people i want to be careful, the people claiming to represent pro-israel interests since it has been peaceful. 4305 in the morning, what, what is triggering this los angeles time in terms of the timing? so give it time in the day light and it's not like anyone's not going to see this word here right now. now and figure out how to de-escalate. but all right. juliet's standby for a moment, if you will. yeah, absolutely. we're going to continue watching these live pictures. we have a lot more coming in. and we're going to continue to watch at what the situation is playing out on the come on ucla's campus. much more after a quick break bring into savings this moving season with pods, save up to 25%.
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news are going to show you these live pictures out of los los angeles. we've been tracking all throughout the early morning protesters and a standoff with police and tactical gear and ucla's campus. from protesters. we've seen arrested and police have started to move in to begin dismantling the protest encampment. that's been on that campus for a week now. and this is one of so many campuses seeing similar protests and gulf campus life shutting down operations in some cases this is bringing new pressure also on the white house. and i'm president biden, to respond to all of this. soon as arlette sciences at the white house, let's bring her in on this or what is the white house saying about these protests now and these developments? >> okay, president biden has stayed relatively quiet relating to these protests unfolding across the college campuses, across the country when it comes to these law enforcement actions to try to disrupt in quell some of these protests. the white house really has refrained from commenting on the specifics they've yet to weigh in on
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these developments at ucla overnight and what they have said is that ultimately these are decisions that are up to law enforcement, up to the college campuses and the leadership there to decide how to handle these protests. but really what this two-week long episode has shown is that president biden is really trying to strike a very careful balancing act. as you have seen, this growing frustration over his handling of the conflict between israel and hamas, the president's last weighed in on these college protests on april 22, a time where he decried antisemitism, but also said that there are people who do not understand the concerns of the palestinians at this time, for the most part, they have relied on written statements and comments from spokespeople here at the white house, that what the white house has tried to do is acknowledged the right of americans of these young people to protest peacefully while they're gonna go back to ucla right now, is there's as things are, things are changing
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on the ground. there can be a little what are you seeing and hearing it appears that the chp officers are pushing into that encampment just moments ago, we did see them firing what appears to be rubber bullets. >> so these non-lethal bullets, we saw a group of officers going in through the side of the royce hall, which is the building directly the next to this encampment. so it appears they're going through the building to come into the encampment and then you are seeing that line being pushed further in as police officers tried to move these protesters out, you are also seeing people being detained, people on the ground right now as police officers put those zip ties and even handcuffs, i am seeing someone in handcuffs now and then they're using those handcuffs two then put those zip ties brown the wrist. but again, these officers are now moving in just moments ago, we
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were still hearing those protesters v extremely defiant using a loudspeaker two say that they were not moving, but the reality is that they cannot stop this line of police officers. now, moving closer and closer into that encampment and then you're seeing tense and adjust a lot of debris coming out as police officers, essentially, just shove everything out of the encampment like you're seeing in gear. another person being walked out by an officer who is just detained so little by little, you're seeing more and more people coming out detained over on this item show some images i'm going to tell my photographer to move closer to this way where you're seeing more people being walked out in those zip ties after being detained? so again, just really tense moments here as police continued to move in to the area of the encampment you know, there's some that are defined. it's the people who
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you're seeing with the white helmets, some of them have yellow helmets, they have masks on and they are trying to stick together you hear some of the protestors are getting detained still screaming and still trying to get their point across. and yet they are being taken away by police officers. so take a look at the line over there you are seeing protesters again trying to link arms, trying to create that barrier for your but police officers continue to push in a times it's sort of stalls and police officers sort of stop moving further and all of a sudden you see them charging through and moving these protesters. and escorting more and more people out as. they are being detained. again, just a very active seen a lot of high tensions, a lot of high energy here and you're still seeing king the flashlights that are
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being used by those protesters to try to put the light on the police officers faces, to try to make it difficult for them. but again, there's just way too many police officers. this is the scene that ucla did not want to see, but it is now at the point where these officers are moving closer into these protesters first we'll see how long this last. but of course, you're still seeing people were defiance and you're seeing just the line of officers as they continue to try to get stuff out of this encampment, not just their belongings, but also the protestors themselves being arrested and taken out. sarah yeah guys. >> control room. can you pull up the kbc aerial shot again because you can see where thanks guys. where what appears to have happened is we had a line of police kind of starting to move around. what i'm gonna describe is just like the square kind of area where the encampment tenth were set up.
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and as they moved around to different part of that encampment clinic clearing people and now you see on the left your screen right on top of those steps. that's where the police line is now building. and protesters have then moved their line of linked arms to stand in front of them. we've seen some more protesters being pulled out, being pulled out by police, curly going into custody. and you can see very clearly police now moving in to disassemble, to take the tents down let's watch this because they're now moving. it seems further and then we have seen as are moving in to take these tents down one by ban, looking for people who are inside and taking them down. john before what we saw was static police leinz because they're right now, what you have, is you have the police he's moving through and taking ground or retaking the ground from the protesters, including the dismantling of tents. i mean, clearly this is the action now from the police
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after several minutes, if not an hour of just a staring contest. oh, you could just see right there it's unclear what's a firework or something else coming from the police, but you view here those booms again, we're going to keep an eye on this. we're gonna get right back to are going to get a quick break. we've clearly action as police standoff with protesters on ucla's campus and police now moving in, we'll be right back cq nova story. >> but there's the surface how it really just you martin sunday's at nine on cnn the future is not just going to happen. >> you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea and now becomes a future where you grew at dream into a reality we all knew. godaddy arrow, put your business online in minutes with power of ai if you have graves disease, gritty eyes could be
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>> light breaking news. let's get right to the pictures from ucla so we can see what is happening at this moment. i'm just going to look at the pictures right now, these are aerial shots from kabc the white helmets or protesters, the blue, we'll round them law enforcement, law enforcement is now moving into the encampment of protesters at ucla. the ground that the protesters control. it is getting smaller and smaller by the minute law enforcement is going into this encampment, they are removing the tense and they are sort of taking the ground inch by inch constricting. i would say around the area that the protesters control and the encampment. now all the lights you see around them or media by enlarge, there are some people watching as well, but the main group of proteins gestures and demonstrators, there were inside the middle of that encampment that we're looking at just moments ago, we have some other shots as well from the ground where you can really see police right there face-to-face moving inch by
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inch into the encampment. it's exactly right as we're watching, let's let's bring back and cnn senior national security analysts really at khiam. >> julia, we've been watching john, i've kept this been able to keep the aerial shot up while we were in commercial break and you really saw this kind of the strategy and the tactic of the police and john perfectly says it's their retaking this grassy area inch by inch. what do you see here so this is the action or the effort has now begun, which is basically they're going to constrict the space that the students can stay in. >> and with that restriction will come arrest. and so i really want on a focus on not how we got there. that's another debate for another time, but the goal now, or how can we judge success at this stage and phi, whether this action can occur without any without two things happening. one is of course, any
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interaction or hostile or violent interaction between police and the protesters that results as harm to one or the other. of course. and then secondly is to keep outside outsiders away from this. we know that ucla, that these peaceful protesters as of last night were, were attacked last night. so there's clearly a lot the tension in the crowd. so you'd want to be able to disperse that. so if you if we talk in three hours, are unlikely to talk to someone on scene ended three hours if in the next couple of hours it's just a massive arrest or detention or some sort of suspension schools do have academic punishment allowable this will be a good morning. so this i was about to say, i like what i see. i'm not saying that at all. i'm basically saying if you feel protesters are willing to get arrested, that's what protest is. i mean, we shouldn't be watch i'm watching on twitter, like
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we shouldn't be surprised like protests is meant to in some instances, if unlawful and in arrest and that will be an expected resolution right now, the crops are going slowly, sunrise is relatively soon we'll be able to see more and it looks like people is his look like are willing to get arrested and then and then the consequences will come. we'll see what the charges are. we'll see what happens after that. but as i said earlier, this is a situation that as we've seen throughout these universities, these, these situations tend to get escalated when basic safety and security precautions by the, institutions are not taken they lose control of a building, are not having access controls they're not protecting or, or having a founding protesters and so
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it's also a lesson for colleges and universities about what works. there's plenty of evidence out there of what's working at some of these colleges and universities this failure already. >> all right, julia, again, as we're seeing right now, law enforcement has moved into the encampment at ucla. they are retaking this ground inch by inch, all that grassy area you see right now was under the control of the protesters 25 minutes ago. now it is not we're live breaking news coverage continues right after this somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past didn't know they were talking to her. i just could not here. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them are nearly invisible. hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75 years. >> when i finally get here for the first it's time. i could
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