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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 3, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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tweeted this, this group's dedicated to man's best friends aims to foster bipartisan cooperation will help put pause over politics along with a tweet. you can also see photos of moscowitz, his fellow democrat susan wild, and republican nancy mace with their dogs. mayes said in a statement, what we started this caucus mr. champion, legislation that protects the rights and well-being of dogs ensuring they receive the care, respect, and recognition. they deserve i of course, can add to this. this is my dog radar lounging in the grass in our backyard i'm sure you guys all have your own pups at home and david years, ringo is as become famous. yes rico is a dog, was not altogether unproblematic in his behavior that's my daughter said my daughter said of him i've complained about one of ringo's addict. >> she said ringgold loves you. he just doesn't respect you there's ringo, see very is attacking the bucket do that to your leg again, the way all
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right, that's a great way to end this friday, thanks to our panel. thanks to all of you for joining hi, guys, i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central starts right now secret phone call recordings tends testimony and talk of extortion. >> the jury hearing donald trump on tape talking about the hush money deal and he's back in court today. >> millions under flood watches this morning as severe storms, flood highways and tornadoes tear through. mandatory evacuation it's in place. >> and three tours went on a surfing tip of mexico and then suddenly disappear. now, mx can officials are questioning three people in connection? with their disappearance. i'm sarah sayyed and john berman and kate bolduan. this is cnn news central secretly recorded phone
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calls is sure to be in the spotlight. >> again today. donald trump returns to court for his hush money trial this morning. the jury yesterday, listen to several phone conversations between donald trump and michael cohen surreptitiously taped by michael cohen himself in one call, trump is heard telling michael cohen to quote if cash for hush money deal with former playboy model karen mcdougal also in the recordings, keith davidson, he's the lawyer who represented stormy daniels in 2016 he's been on the stand now for a couple of days. yesterday, trump's legal team tried to paint davidson as an extortionist who made a career out of targeting celebrities at one point trump's team asks davidson if you often goes right up to the line without committing extortion and celebrity cases you should hear more of that conversation seen as bringing grass is outside court for us once again, brynn trump and cohen in their own words, in their own voices.
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>> what's going to happen today? >> yeah really the second half of court yesterday was all about audio recordings being admitted into evidence for these jurors by the prosecution, and also the defense in one of those audio recordings when keith davidson was on the stand prosecutors are really trying to explain to jurors that trump knowingly knew about these payments to both stormy daniels and take care of mcdougal and so one of those recordings, cone is heard saying that you know, that trump hated the fact that we did it and he says, basically to keith, keith davidson, trump didn't like the fact that they made this payment. so that's what was in that testimony. then there was another one, a call between trump and michael cohen that was played for jurors. take a listen to it. >> i need to open up a company for the transfer of all of info regarding our friend david, i
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spoke to alan about it when it comes time for the final and see which will be what well have to pay yourself. >> getting old now, that call was in regards to the karen mcdougal payment, but again, prosecutors trying to show two jurors that trump knew about all the transactions that were happening now, on the defense, sayyed essentially, they were trying to paint with these recordings that cohen wanted a spot in the white house. he had ulterior motives. when, these recordings were being played prior to that on the defense side, there was some heated moments when keith davis it was on the stand between trump's defense team and keith davidson, as you pointed out, kate they were really trying to poke holes into the credibility of keith davidson talking about how he really made a career out of making payments for shady people to celebrities bringing up names like whole cogen and lindsay lohan and charlie sheen really trying to show that
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there's a pattern here. here. of doing this. it really toeing the line between extortion and what is actually legal. so there's a lot of back-and-forth that happened in court yesterday, uh, centered around those recordings will probably, like you said, pick back up when there is this audio forensic rather analysts, that will be back on the stand one quarter resumes later this morning, kate brin will sit will watch it all together. thank you so much. good to see you, sir. all right. shifting gears, new this morning, mandatory evacuation is underway in parts of texas with historic life-threatening floods raising river levels to sing, sing that have not been seen since hurricane harvey. or remember what that did to houston seven years ago. and another round of severe weather is expected today as well on thursday a tornado touchdown just northwest of abilene and more than 65 storms with high winds damaging hail reported in the with most of those being in the state of texas, the threat of major flooding continues today with seven million people
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under flood alerts from texas all the way to louisiana meteorologist derek van dam is tracking all of this forest from the cnn weather center. i was hurricane harvey. i was down there in houston to see the devastation there. and you see these pictures and boy, do they look familiar? >> yep. it's the benchmark storm for everyone across southeast texas, particularly in houston but when we use the word historic, that carries a lot of weight, especially in and around houston considering the history of flooding across southeast texas. this is highway 59 impact possible to pass through. you can see stranded 18 wheelers and by the way, there are 59 counties within the state of texas that the governor has declared a disaster declaration. and the flood threat continues into the weekend when we talk about historic crus, here's an example. this is the trinity river near rome. mayor and the record level is 43. the
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forecast crust is 44.4 feet, so within the next 24 to 48 hours, we could see that river not only exceed hurricane harvey levels back in 2017, but reached record level territory that's saying something focusing in on all the river gauges across louisiana and southeast texas. there's nearly 40 that are currently under some sort of flood stage with ten of them under major flood stage at the moment. now these are newly issued to cnn and across southeast texas. those are flash flood warnings and i want to highlight this one here. you can see that band of storms moving over the same location that includes harris county. so a large population just north of houston. the reason why it's flooding, because we've approached 30 inches of rain in the past month, just in the past five days, we've exceeded a feat of in some locations. and that excessive rainfall risk continues for the same same locations today, rainfall totals here through sunday and the weekend, unfortunately, approaching another half a
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foot, sara. well, all that angry red and orange there, sort of settling over texas i do want to ask you about the tornado threat. we saw those devastating tornadoes in oklahoma. what does that threat look like this morning? >> yeah, look at this. this is new video to see this is coming out of how lee texas look at the moment that this twist or this is a condensation funnel. the bottom part of the tornado. but watch how it destroys. whoa, and picks up debris and throws it across the ground several hundred yards away from the apparent tornado. >> so this twister is violent extremely dangerous, and you can just see the brute power and forced out of this particular tornado that touched down in holly, texas yesterday. this is incredible. we've had 216 tornado reports just in the past week, so we've exceeded the year-to-date average and guess what, sarah, there is another chance of tornadoes today across west central texas
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and into portions of kansas. here's another look at that holly texas tornado from yesterday thank you. >> holy smokes. that was incredible. video, but terrifying to see how big and destroyed that tornado. what's derek van dam. thank you so much. warning us about all of that solute appreciate you. all right. john white, overnight police on the move, breaking up college protests. we're just getting word of a new action here in new york. and then we have seen an exclusive report about donald trump's truth, social platform and how many users it is losing in the run-up to the election and the faa changing that approach to mental health, the new medications they are allowing pilots to take to treat depression trump hush money trial, gavel to gavel coverage. the weight only cnn can bring it to you. legal insight, expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom. follow the facts,
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up to 50% off, but aco >> so it's the playoffs, a great teammates, trust each other. we're going do a trust was stand up, trust what you're seeing we have dark i've told you use a dummy are happening now, the nypd says officers are on the scene at nyu and what they are calling it illegal account min on the campus. we're gonna get updates from the scene shortly. also breaking overnight and active situation at portland state university city as police worked to clear protesters from a library on campus a man was taken to a local hospital on a mental health hold after police say be stopped short of a crowd on campus, got out and then started spraying them with what they call some kind of pepper spray. see it as polo sandoval is with me now, first poll, let's talk about the breaking news. what's happening down at nyu? what are you hearing happening as we speak, we understand according to nypd leadership that the nyu new york university has actually
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reached out to the nypd for assistance and clearing out another encampment, this one that has been on their campus for nearly a week you see the video that was actually posted online on social media by the nypd. you can hear officers telling participants of that sidewalk and calf meant that they have the opportunity to leave. but they also use a bull horn to threaten those who refused to leave. with arrest, according to the nypd, the presence here continued for about six days so far, the nypd, john not giving any clear indication that they've actually gone through with that threat to arrest anybody. they also posted a redacted portion of a letter that was submitted to the agency by nyu just yesterday. and in that letter, they say that they have been ongoing. they've been speaking to members of the sun cabin for quite some time. and yet there a few solute blocking, a walkway. so according to that letter, anybody who was on that walkway, they say that they consider them trespassers, and they are asking for the nypd to take eddie action, including
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arrest. cnn has reached out to the nypd, has reached down to nyu as well, and ford to remind viewers that this is on the same week we saw that massive enforcement action taking place at columbia university so really is telling of these tensions that continue to rise. and some of these institutions that are now turning two police, one more to mention, over a week after pro-palestinian protesters had already gathered at the university of pennsylvania. we do understand that late yesterday, that is a tuition for each stout to officials for more of a police since as well. so it really is this escalation in the posture of some of these universities calling on law enforcement to step in and assist. all right. polo sandoval, head dad, nyu, i know you're going down there to check out what's going out of the he will talk to you when you get there. all right. >> the three people are being questioned about the disappearance of three tourists including an american man who disappeared while camping and vacationing king in mexico, gives details on what is known
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bureaus within 72 hours. >> free credit building for renters with self so it's the playoffs a great teammates trust each other. >> we're going to do a trust. stand up, trust what we up doc told him he was a dummy three surfers are missing in mexico and this morning, one mother is calling it a very dire situation. >> we're talking about three tourists and american and two australian brothers still missing in mexico. and now officials there are questioning three people in connection with this case. the three men were on a surfing trip and baja, mexico until family member say that they could not be reached and they didn't show up to their rental house this is late last month. journalists stefano
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pozzebon has much more on the details of what we know and a lot of what we don't know, bring us up to speed yes gate a lot do without we don't know what we know is that mexican authorities i have requested assistance from both the australian and the us service we know that the fbi is getting involved and the last night, the late on thursday, the governor of baja california, maria del pillar avila confirmed that please. >> his questioning three mexican nationals and authorities are scrambling around some of the clues to get to the whereabouts of these three theories. so we know that have retrieved a cell phone, however, we don't know all the authorities wouldn't say whether it was owned by one of the three touristy that they're working around some tense because these surfers were staying in a rural area close to the beach on tensor and that they have retrieved in abandon car whose brand and color is consistent with the car our that the australian surfers had
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rented to go surfing in baja, california. >> one of them, in particular, and this is making the situation even more dire is a diamond a diabetic patient he lives in san diego, california, but he goes very often to baja california. >> and these i think kate, we can look at a little bit the context the or barkley for now is at very popular destination for tourists. many people coming down from the west coast of the us. of course, millions of tourists and normally we know that it's safe to go there. but however, in the last few years, in the last few months, in particular there has been a dramatic fraser of the security situation down in mexico, kate seven and thank you so much for that sir. >> all right. the new report on the strategy behind president biden's condemnation of violent clashes at universities across the country. what is campaign is hoping to avoid? and i'll see you on the dark side of the moon. well not really the moon mission will
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actually get samples, though from the dark side of the moon. we will discuss all of that coming up wow, they're shooting pepper spray into the crowd show you what's happening from him. i'll now and they're giving orders to disperse. >> any feels like a lot happened live up to all new gx at this to credit. >> we know running a business takes everything you have and only a certain kind of leader has what it takes every new challenges years to solve. and there's no such thing as off the clock you carry the weight of the problems, but your resolved never wavers. no one else can do what you do we know
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here to get your side of the store a fares bribery, prostitution. >> why do we keep ending up here? >> you can't write this stuff united states of scandal with jake tapper. now streaming on macs the truth about donald trump's social media platform. >> it's becoming less popular. new numbers shared exclusively with cnn show truth, social is losing users even as trump's historic criminal trial and a looming election are drawing huge amounts of attention. the new data has many questioning wall street's valuation of
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trump media, which owns truth, social, cnn's matt egan is joining us now to break down the numbers, have an analyst from the very beginning said that this is way a overvalued yeah, absolutely, sarah, it really defies logic. wall street is valuing this company at around 9 billion. even though it's losing money generates almost no revenue and its user base is very tiny. now let's look at these new numbers, 113,000. this is the average number of users on this platform on ios and android through the first 29 days of april, that's according to similarweb know some context. >> this is down 19% year over year. >> it's down 4% month over month. so moving in the wrong direction now it's true some other social media companies are also sort of struggling to get in traction. but we've actually seen sharper declines for truth, social, and it remains really, really small. look at this. we have 34 million users on x, the
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platform formerly known as twitter, over 30 million for reading even threads remains 30 times bigger than truth, social now, user growth is absolutely critical for social media platforms, right? it's how they make money more users means more money, more ad dollars, and they hope for a snowballing effect and networking effects. so that's why this is a problem. and even trump media has warned investors, in the sec filings saying that failure to attract a sufficient user-based would adversely affect trump media's business prospects. now, we ask trump media about this and spokesperson says the company has millions of users and they say that their user base is growing rapidly the numbers tell you the truth. their hundred and 13. absolutely thousand users let me ask this, didn't donald trump just get a whole bunch more stock in this company? >> did he did he just got a bonus known as earnout shares and that has made his already dominant stake in this company even bigger. look at this. he's got almost 100 million shares shares in trump media at
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current prices. >> this is worth $5.6 billion at least on paper. >> now, trump has agreed not to sell this stock anytime the next few months, and we have no idea what it's gonna be worth when he is able to sell it. because look at the stock price, it's been all over the place does it $66 a few days after it started trading plunged all the way down 22. it's more than doubled since then, but it's been moving around like crazy in part because of this really high valuation and the fact that is still a very tiny player in social media. >> i suspect that donald trump will come out with quite a bit of money. but people who have been investing have definitely been apps. >> absolutely. so there are some real people here who've already lost some money? yeah. >> all right. matt egan. thank you so much. appreciate it oh, donald trump is going back to court this morning after an explosive de of testimony, secret phone call recordings, trump and michael cohen talking about the hush money deal on tape and something of a debate from the courtroom on the
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definition of a sexual and romantic affair. >> and some tense confrontations with one attorney on the stand. so what could today bring joining us right now is defense attorney and former prosecutor randy's ellen, and cnn legal analyst and former us attorney michael moore. thanks you guys for being here. michael, let's start with those audio tapes it's prosecutors use the recorded phone call between michael cohen and trump to really bring the trials two main characters together. for the first time, trying to show trump was directly involved with the payments and the scheme that's at the center of all this. what does the jury take from this? >> well, i'm glad to be with me this morning. the prosecutors were probably itching to get the tapes in and played it, and that is they want to have trump's voice played in the courtroom. i don't know for sure if he's going to testify or not. he blustery about that, but, here at him as part of the discussions going back and forth and the planning, even though i think the types cut both ways, frankly, i think there's some strong points on the text for the defense, but
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simply having his voice heard is what they wanted and time that together. so i think you'll see more of that. you'll you'll see this sort of continued efforts to loop him into two build up their theory of a conspiracy for this hush money payments and to avoid the jareh influence rather the election and that's going to be how they, how they tell their case. so this was another sort of critical piece, at least at this stage of the foundation of their case. >> randy is michael says he thinks he can see it kind of these tapes can cut both ways. i was looking at this, wondering the simple fact that michael cohen, who will be a central witness here, that he is made it made it that he made a practice of recording secretly phone conversations with people, including his boss. >> i don't know it's frowned upon not everyone does that especially depending on what state you're in, what, what, what do you think? >> michael i think said it best. it cuts both ways, which means it's over horde almost
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all only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. the burden of proof is on the prosecution proved beyond a reasonable doubt. that's an incredibly high bar so far this is all about sleeves. it's all about michael cohen i'm here on set with you. that doesn't mean you can prove that i did anything wrong. so yes, we have the former president on tape. so what this is too high a bar, michael said it best as far as i'm concerned, the president is not getting convicted and i want to take i want to take i want your take and i want to bring to light a little bit, gentlemen, one aspect of this, what happened in court, what prostate and i'm wondering what prosecutors were trying to do and when through one line of questioning, which is stormy daniels had said that she had no sexual or romantic affair with the president at one point on the stand, the prosecutor pushed her former attorney, keith davidson on that davidson took pains to explain that that was technically true. here's
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the dramatic readings. so let me direct you to two parts. in particular, the first two sentences when it states that g that ms daniels was contacted by certain news outlets alleging that she had a sexual and romantic affair with donald trump. many, many, many years ago. and then it states that that's absolutely false how is that technically correct? the keith davidson well, i think you would have to hone in on the definition of romantic, sexual, and affair. steinglass go okay. can you explain that, davidson? well, i don't think that anyone had ever alleged that any interaction between mean she and mr. trump was romantic. >> okay. how about sexual davidson will that would be a sexual that would be a sexual or romantic. why spend time on this as a prosecutor, michael well, i don't think it was a good day or good, but what for the prosecution, you know, when you're having to get your witness to clay, that the parsing of the words i think that's a mistake, but they would know they're going to put stormy daniels on the stand or at least i expect they may or
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they might be trying to sort of bolster submit some discrepancies of her testimony to clean that up? >> before she testifies as this would be one of those one of those places where she may get caught in a back-and-forth. they doing that. they're also want to talk about what the payment was four and whether or not this was a leveraged pay, but whether or not this was something else that i think they called it an accommodation fighting or something like that. this is an different i think to pre-cleaning just what the problem is. and if you think about it, jurors don't like this parsing. >> this is this to them is deceit and deception. >> they're not lawyers or judges sitting in a courtroom every day that are used to witnesses parsing testimony and having nuances. and if you sort of think back to a former president, there was a parsing of a statement about it depends on what the definition of is, is we're still talking about that today, decades later. so this sort of back-and-forth parsing is not going to advance the credibility of the witnesses. and i think it did not look good for mr. davis and just answer the question. was
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it wasn't not what did your client mean? you were intimately involved in the discussions and then negotiate? jason's and the payment take. it tell us what it means. so i think while the prosecutor want to clean it up, it left some advantages for the defense in that particular moment. >> and then that leaves me to wonder, what could it can do what can today bring randy there are whispers of who could come next after this digital evidence and alice analysts is done on the stand and who would be next whispers that it could be include it could be hope hicks could be coming very soon. >> what former white house official, formally very close confidant donald trump through campaign 2016 into the white house. >> what is she what is she bring? what does she need to provide? >> well, what she needs to provide for the prosecution is not only putting the former president in the room but providing the jury with the knowledge that the former president knew that the entries in the books were false for purposes of influencing the election she needs to bring
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knowledge and she needs to bring the former president's intent to do this to influence the election. but to me, the real stunning moment is going to be when the jury starts to think, wait a minute. nobody thought he was going to win the election. not even his own people, which means why would he be doing this to influence the election, to try to maybe not it's good to have, you know, like, oh, it's great to see you. thank you. as always john all right. >> this morning, pilots will have more options to treat depression. the faa is adding three new medications of pilots and air traffic controllers can take and still be allowed to work report that showed that some pilots have been hiding depression, so they don't lose the ability to fly. cnn's pete muntean is in washington with the latest year in part of this, pete is about removing the stigma of depression that's right, john, you know, this is a huge advancement for pilots who are stuck in this backward system. >> an outspoken aviation doctor put it to me like this. >> would you rather have a pilot who's depressed and
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getting treatment or a pilot who is depressed and not getting treatment and lying to keep flying. that's the reality of these very rigid faa rules. falls pilots who disclose mental health issues to the faa risk losing their ability to fly plain and simple, that problem thrust into the limelight ever the case of joseph emerson, the off-duty alaska airlines pilot, who had a mental breakdown on a full flight last october, he admitted to trying to shut off the plane's engines as he was writing in the cockpit jumps seat. now, most of the charges against him have been dropped, but the new changes from that case keep coming and this latest announcement from the faa expands the list of approved antidepressants that pilots and air traffic controllers can take cymbalta effexor, and prestige have now been added to the list. those three join selects the lexapro prozac, sarah fem, and some forms of wellbutrin end zola. now i spoke to faa administrator mike whitaker about this after the alaska airlines incident and he said he really wanted to see some
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big changes to the faa's mental health roles we really want to make sure we can accommodate a common medications that aren't going to interfere with flying common condition situational conditions but at the same time understand when there are more serious issues that need to be addressed. so it's not going to be an easy thing, but we really want to have a much more moderate approach to how we're dealing with this issue here is the new statement from the faa. >> they say this isn't important step as it provides a path for more pilots and air traffic controllers to receive treatment for their mental health condition and still be medically qualified to work. it's an issue very important to me as a pilot and flight instructor, john, it's an important issue to many pilots that are out there right now. not dimension new pilots, so many cannot pass, go and get an faa medical certificate required to fly because they have taken one of these medications in the past. it's an important step to dealing with a pilot shortage. john, something we know all too well. >> yeah, it catching up to society in many ways, the faa as pete muntean. thank you very
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much for that report. >> all right. now, to some of the good stuff which started out with a lot of bad stuff at first glance, there's nothing good about these images does have a mangled truck. >> it was sucked up by a huge tornado with the baker family inside, right? as they were trying to seek shelter in oklahoma. this past weekend but lindy and wayne baker were significantly injured however, they're nine-year-old son grants branson with not hurt and in the pitch-dark he proceeded to run an entire mile through downed power lines and debris to go and get help his uncle describes what happened next now only way he found his way back is lightning strike every time there's lightening strike, you would light up the road. >> so he ran as fast as he could, as hard as he could he probably made a model i'll and ten minutes. and that's pretty impressive for a little key. the last thing brands and told to him his mom, dad, please
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don't die. i'll be back is the last thing he said to superman, which trap? when he talks about his dad so he had to become his superman and go do what he had to go do. and that's exactly what he said. he's i had to say my parents but a sweet and brave child. look at that face. what acuity despite suffering broken necks, backs, and ribs, both of branson's parents a recovering in the hospital a gofundme page has been set up for the family and it's now raised more than $36,000. branson, our hero of the day, john. >> yeah, that kid is awesome, right? >> awesome. all right. look at that face a vacation to paradise turns into what could be at least 12 years in prison for americans accused of carrying live ammunition in their bags. >> and this morning, president biden recognized 19 americans with the medal of freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor oscar winners, athletes, politicians, phil donahue find out who else is on the list
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to pull this off also, first lady dr. jill biden, joined by educators from across the country last night, she hosted the white house first ever teacher of the year state dinner. biden, who has been a teacher for almost four decades, honore teachers from all 50 states, including 20 he 24 teacher of the year, missy testament of tennessee. the state dinner normally reserved for heads of state and foreign leaders as part of the biden administration's efforts to champion public education. all right. john, it's a nice yeah. >> so a new cnn original series that dives into the anthrax threat that terrified the nation after september 11th, letters laced with the deadly powder killed five americans and what became the worst biological attack in us history. this is a preview of how it really happened this was a mysterious illness that court everybody's attention, highly lethal and it started to
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spread. >> people we'll died. this was on the heels of nine 11. it was chaos we didn't know what was going to happen next. we knew it was intentional, but we didn't know who was doing it i senior law enforcement analyst, andrew mccabe is with us now. >> andy. great to see you i remember this so well, what was it like to investigate all this as it was happening in that moment? >> john, you really can't separate the anthrax attacks and the investigation from the contacts, right? these these letters started showing up literally a month after the attack on nine 11. so i remember so well as an agent working in the new york city field office where the entire field office, all 2,500 or so people plus thousands of other law enforcement folks who are working the nine 11 case. and then out of nowhere, we start recovering anthrax letters and
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people start dying. so it was just absolutely head-spinning. we were already knew that we were we're under attack from foreign terrorists. and now we had this new attack vector, this use of biological weapons against the population. and so obviously, we thought at that time that this was likely the result of some sort of state sponsor of terrorism or an international terrorist group it was only years later after a massive investigation that we came up with are still existing theory of who was responsible for those attacks. >> i was at abc news when that happened, my floor got shut down. a letter was sent to my floor. i reported a suspicious letter that was sent to me. i was you and you're corresponding for like three weeks at that point? i don't think i ever saw my desk again. i think they they put plastic all around my office, took everything out of it. it was crazy. andy and i know you were looking at it from the other side as well why was it so hard to investigate? >> john this investigation
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literally changed the science behind investigators are identifying, i should say biological samples this started out over 600,000 work hours involved in this investigations preliminary investigations were opened on 1,000 individuals, 1,000 individuals, ten witness interviews. i mean, the recovery of thousands and thousands of pieces of evidence, just as one example, once they determined where the letters had been processed through new jersey, some of the letters went through the new jersey problem processing center the fbi went out and sampled over 600 mailboxes, street mailboxes to ultimately identify the one box and princeton, new jersey where all four letters were ultimately dropped off. so it was just a massive effort being conducted at a time when we were in our biggest investigation at that point of all time, that of course being nine, 11. so an
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unbelievable amount of work in a very tough scientific problem to break open yeah, it was such a difficult moment in this nation, such an interesting perspective, you had any mccabe great to see you this morning. thank you very much. the cnn original series, how it really happened anthrax, terror by male heir sunday night at night eastern emphasis tyvek. >> after more than a week of pro-palestinian demonstrations and golfing college campuses and erupting into violent clashes at points, the silence from the white house had become, if not deafening, definitely noteworthy. now president, president joe biden has entered the conversation trying to thread something of a needle, but making clear the protests have not changed his policies toward israel. cnn's arlette science has much more on this from the white house. we hear from president biden now really publicly for the first time, what now? well okay president biden really was trying to strike a very careful balance with his remarks about these protests unfolding at college campuses across the
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country's sources say that really some of those scenes that had been seen in at ucla at columbia university, a really tipped the scales for the president and he wanted to weigh in directly after roughly ten days of silence on the issue. xu he gave his most fulsome remarks yesterday where he said that americans have the right to peacefully protest, but also spoke out against lawlessness and disorder that has folded on some of these college campuses. take a listen to what he had to say we are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people are squash dissent the american people are heard. >> in fact, peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues. but, but neither are we a lawless country we're a civil society. an order must prevail now it all comes as president biden,
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as under enormous political pressure on several fronts. >> you have seen republicans trying to use these protests on college campuses as arguments that there is disorder and unrest unfolding under president biden's watch. of course, he did try to forcefully speak out against the acts of violence or are breaking of laws as these protests have unfolded. now one thing that president biden said that he is not going to do is change his policy when it comes to the approach the us has taken if now, he has faced enormous political pressure from democrats in his own party. if you take a look at recent polling, there's disapproval of his handling of the conflict between been israel and hamas that approval is heightened. the most when it pertains to young voters, those voters under the age of 35 about 81% disapprove of the president since handling of the conflict. so this is something that the president will be grappling with, especially heading into the summer months, the potential for protests outside of the democratic national convention. and it's
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something that he will continue to grapple with especially with young voters, arab american, and muslim voters who are very frustrated with the way that he has been handling this. but yesterday he did try to come out to speak out against some of the violence and lawlessness that's unfolded, saying that americans have the right to protest, but it must be done peacefully arlette, thank you so much for that reporting. sarah all right. to continue this discussion, i'm joined now by democratic congressman from south carolina and co-chair of the biden harris 2024 campaign. james clyburn. thank you so much for being here, mr. cleburne. i'm going to start with this because you just heard the 80% of young people who disapprove of the way that biden has handled the israel hamas war. i want to ask you about this article that came out from axios this morning saying democrats enteranic mode as gaza protests erupt, that as a a tear from their headline, several democrats expressing in that article concern that the protests and the fact that biden has not
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been able to help get a ceasefire could hurt his chances in november and i wanted to let you to listen to what bernie sanders told are christiane amanpour on this subject? >> maybe biden's vietnam or lyndon johnson in many respects was a very, very good president domestically, brought forth some major pieces of legislation you chose not to run in 68 because of opposition to his views on vietnam and i worry very much that president biden is putting himself in a position where he has alienated not just young people, but a lot of the demos cradock base so you hear that argument there. >> do you think the argument is that extreme example? what do you make of it well, thank you very much for having me. >> it's a good argument i've never argued with history i tell people all the time
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history ought be our teacher i was around during the vietnam. i was around doing a president lyndon johnson's great society programs that brought on voting rights. the civil rights well, he was vice president. we forgot server-side of 64 but he brought on the medicare medicaid all those things that made us a great society he was the engineer of an all that went down the drain because of vietnam. and so these kinds of issues could very well be taken over as he in this instance, we see that there are some outside forces. sum that i feel are not on the up and up that are involved in this. and so i share that concern that we have got to be very careful. that we do not stymie protests i am where i am today because of
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protests we did it non-violently. >> i was disciple of martin luther king junior violent protest is not free speech and that is what we've got to get everybody to understand. >> and joe biden protects free speech. but he also protects law representative claiborne, i hear the concerning your voice and you are saying, look, this is a particular concern. i do want to ask you how concerned we are hearing from others, how concerned the biden administration has and biden himself is about this issue that keeps coming up when it comes to his handling of israeli policy and the fact that there is no ceasefire at this time, and you had this situation, for example, in michigan where things are very tight during the election, there, where the primary showed
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tens of thousands of people who decided to vote uncommitted because they were so upset with how biden has handled this what is your biggest concern here? and do you think this could be the issue that keeps people either home or voting against mr. biden well, sure it could be but i am concerned about this, but i'm also realistic about where we are here's a bond is president of the united states of america he's not the prime minister of israel he can make his position is known. he can say whether he wants to netanyahu any has and not netanyahu has a another issue that joe biden is not in favor of it there's joe biden believes in the two state solution netanyahu does not. joe biden's opponent in this election does not believe in a two-state solution. so i would say to people who do you want
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to see in the white house, someone who supports? a two-state solution or someone who does not and so that is the choice we've got here and we have to be very, very careful that we do not go so far over the line and until we disrupt the orderly process, that's getting us to where we should be if that's significant progress has been made in these negotiations, the secretary of state has done a tremendous job, a job is expressing exactly what the american people believe. and that is we must not stymie protests this great country was born out a protest this great movement toward a more perfect union overtime, many times over borne out of protest. so we must protect that but we cannot


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