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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 3, 2024 5:00am-6:31am PDT

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to see in the white house, someone who supports? a two-state solution or someone who does not and so that is the choice we've got here and we have to be very, very careful that we do not go so far over the line and until we disrupt the orderly process, that's getting us to where we should be if that's significant progress has been made in these negotiations, the secretary of state has done a tremendous job, a job is expressing exactly what the american people believe. and that is we must not stymie protests this great country was born out a protest this great movement toward a more perfect union overtime, many times over borne out of protest. so we must protect that but we cannot
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condone lawlessness and when you use violence in order to manifest your protest, you have stepped over the line and we heard those very words coming out of joe biden's mouth yesterday. representative kliger and it went lastly, ask you about something that isn't that should not be so controversial. and you are receiving the presidential medal of freedom and this year you're sharing the honore, several others, 18 others, including civil rights hey khan medgar evers, who fought desegregation in mississippi before he was shot in the back by a white supremacist in 1963. >> what does this mean to you to receive this honore this is a great, great honor that i am very, very proud of. >> and as i said, to the president biden when they call me to tell me he was confirm this other upon me. i just hope to live long enough it's prove myself deserving of it. thank
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him so much for the recognition. i congratulate the other 18 people who will get an a merrily fs is still living. i hope the widow of mecca evers i hope that she gets to enjoy this as well i've gotten to know her very well over the years. i did not know medgar personally, but at the time he was killed, i was already active as president of my youth chapter, the nwa cp at the time he was murdered and so this is a great honor to be in the same company there with him as well as the others who will be honore today you have been involved in so many moments of history. >> representative climber, and thank you so much for taking the time this morning with us. appreciate you. >> thank you very much for having me and new our have seen a new central starts right now
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donald trump back in court, phone calls secretly recorded by michael cohen shore to take center stage and moments ago, the nypd pd clearing out a protest encampment at nyu and also word of new arrests at another school, the new school in new york city, the crackdowns on college campuses can an incredible video showing a huge tornado touching down in texas. >> the severe weather threat though, is still not over 7 million people hello, are under watches and warnings in the south today. i'm k-fold on the sarah cider and john berman. this is cnn news central all, right any moment now, donald trump will be leading. >> trump power as he has done every day of court this third week of his criminal hush money trial is wrapping up today this morning. i'll forensic analyst
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returns to the stand to wait in all the authenticity of several phone conversations that former trump fixer and lawyer michael cohen secretly recorded in one of them. trump is heard telling cohen two hey, with cash for a hush money deal with former playboy model karen mcdougal. there's also a recording of cohen's phone call with stormy daniel's former it's her former attorney keith davidson, who has been on the stand for a couple of days now, the cross-examination of davidson turned very tense as the defense tried to paint him as an extortionist profiting off celebrity deal cnn's brynn gingras is outside court for us brynn, each side's use be using these recordings, trying to use them, of course, to their own advantage. how important, important to have they been for the prosecution in particular, yeah, it wasn't. >> the prosecution has to show two jurors that trump knew that these payments were being made as hush money payments, right? those are the charges against him are the false value the business records before this
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election and that he knowingly did this. so that's why these records according is are being brought in right now to make that point in one of those conversations that was played for juror jurors, it was between michael cohen and keith davidson. and davidson testified that cohen essentially toll or that trump is essentially told trump that he hated the fact that we did it in regards to stormy daniels non-disclosure agreements. so that was an important one for jurors to hear. another one was that conversation you just pointed out between michael cohen and donald trump for the first time jurors heard trump in his own voice take a listen to that what about me? and i can't even tell you how many times he said to me, you know, i hate the fact that we did it and my comment to him was but every person that you've spoken to told you it was the right move? >> all right all right. so that's a different actual recording that was played.
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that's not the one that we actually hear donald trump, but in the one you hear donald trump, but he essentially is talking about the deal with karen mcdougal and the payments that happens between cohen and david pecker, who was a witness on the stand earlier in this trial. so again, this is so important for prosecutors to lay out for jurors as this trial continues on the defense side, they were admitting audio tapes as well. basically, the defense was trying to show that cohen really wanted us spot in the white house and that they hid these deals were advantageous to him. so there was a lot that goes into those recording. i suspect we might even hear more as we continue hearing from testimony of from a forensic analysts who was on the stand when court adjourned yesterday, but really quickly, sarah, as you mentioned prior to that, we heard some really tense cross-examination of keith davidson, the attorneys for stormy daniels and karen mcdougal, where the defense was really trying to show that he has a pattern of helping a
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shady clients try to get money out of celebrity they brought up the names of whole colgan and lindsay lohan and charlie sheen. so certainly got some heated moment. is there in court, and we'll see how that all plays out today. it's actually going to end a little bit earlier today because one juror has an appointment. so a short break about 3:45 today? >> yeah. we can certainly expect more of this. the defense trying to impugn the reputation of keith davidson. i have no doubts that the same thing will be used against michael cohen. if and when he takes the stand. thank you so much. a bridge and gretel, you're reporting out there, john, we've got some breaking whether developments 7 million people under flood alerts from texas and life-threatening floods and severe storms have already retallack, including a tornado that obliterated homes and holly that's northwest of abilene. now, our rosa flores is on the phone right now. she isn't new. kanye, texas and rosie, i understand it's actually two tails interests for you to get out of the car. we have a shot from your
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vehicle. what do you tell us what's going on around you you're absolutely right, john. >> good morning. yes. authorities are describing this weather event as life threatening, there are already some schools in the area that have closed and this is impacting multiple counties. but let me start where we are. and like you said because of the light area, it's not safe for us to get out of the cars, so we're showing you a picture of what the area looks like through the windshield and this is the area that has been declared a mandatory evacuation duration by the top executive of harris county county judge lina hidalgo. now, this area and we have a map of it to show you the impacted areas. so this includes both montgomery county and also northeast harris county, and it includes the northeast harris county portion i'll towards lake houston.
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now, this is a very big area the san jacinto river is just to the east of where we are and this is the east fork of the san jacinto river. and just to give you some perspective, is expected to peak at 78 feet above sea level and for context during hurricane harvey, which was an exceptional rain events, the area peaked at 81 feet above sea level and there's a creek nearby the kanye creek water-level, there rose about 20 feet in latin, less than 20 hours. and so the water is rising very quickly now this is a multi county event and we have video from various counties. you can pick a look at your screen because there are areas that were there are homes where there are businesses, where water has been rising and a lot of the waterways in the tributaries that lead to lake houston and other lakes in the area are being impacted. and as those
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areas swell, that is what's really impacting some of the residents that live in those areas. now, texas governor greg abbott issued a disaster declaration and dozens of counties across the state that have been impacting impacting this area. now, what is causing? it's a combination of things. it's not just a precipitation there's been a lot of water dumped during a very short period of time, large amounts of water testing to waterways in the drainage systems in this area. but there's also the water being released from the lakes, any area there's a living from their snake, chondro that are being utilize right now to release area b, to release water because the lake levels are so high, they are dangerously high. and so of course, those that water is then drained south and it's impacting those areas where residents live around these lakes live around these tributaries and waterways. and it's becoming very dangerous
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and john, one other quick thing to mention is that the rain is not stopping. were expecting rain all day today and even in through the weekend, i have to say rosa, we've been watching this shot from your vehicle while you've been talking. i think the water level is going john up on this street just since you've been talking and we were watching that vehicle come from the other end of the row behind you. this is exactly the kind of road you have to be very careful with right now because you just don't know how deep it can get. it almost seemed like that driver was trying to figure out where they could get to as the water level rises and the rank continues to pour down rosetta, you and your team stay safe, keep us posted because this situation, it looks like it is going to get worse over the next several hours dozens more protesters from portland to new york city arrested overnight. the new message from the biden administration now to college leaders it's time to shut down anti-semitism on campus plus four american tourists are facing long prison terms over
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what they say for simple packing mistake and a first of its kind, scene by scientists and rang attack in the wild, treating a wound with medicine then from a tropical plant, treating itself, the discovery reported a new study, just released so trump hush money. trial, gavel to gavel coverage. the way only cnn can bring it to you, legal insight, expert analysis real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts follow the testimony, follows cnn can the riva support your brain health janet, hey, eddy know, razor franck. franck, bread. how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge. >> we're still going for that nice catch. we're still going
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is now in it's called poppy so it's the playoffs, a great key trust each other. we're going to do a trust stand up, trust. >> what? >> every up doc told him he was a dummy all right.
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>> so right now what we're seeing is police are clearing at the new school here in new york. this is video from just moments ago, the protests on college campuses have also dredged not just across the country, but also oversees with regard to israel's war against hamas in gaza, in france, riot police have evacuated the main hall of paris is science po university. after a sit-in force, that campus to close there was a scary moment at portland state university, a man there, you see that white car man there is now taken into custody after police say he nearly drove straight into a crowd of protesters, even pepper spraying people who tried to confront him, not clear yet what from from police, if they believe that the protestors were a target, but still terrifying law enforcement did also work to clear out a library on that campus that had been overrun by demonstrators, at least 30 people were arrested and just into cnn, the biden administration is ramping up its response to the unrest we
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talked about president biden speaking out, but now education secretary miguel cardona is sending a letter to university presidents this morning, seen as arlette saenz is back with us from the white house. are let what is the education secretaries message well kate education secretary miguel cardona is condemning anti-semitic incidents on some college campuses as of horace he sends this message in an email to college and university presidents are really reflecting the administration' s embrace of a more robust public risk bonds to the college protests unfolding across the country. >> this comes on the heels of president biden speaking. it gets offering his most fulsome comments to date relating to the protests just yesterday, where he said that americans have the right to peacefully protest. but dissent should not mean that there is disorder he criticized the violent acts, acts of lawlessness that haven't on some of these
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college campuses, while also decrying signs of antisemitism or hate of any kind. now that is something that miguel cardona, the education secretary, also reiterated in his letter to university officials those today, he said, quote, i am particularly disturbed by the sharp rise and reports of anti-semitism targeting jewish students on some college campuses, people have a right to peacefully protest policies that they disagree with. and of course, students can exercise their first amendment rights however, environments where students feel unsafe and discrimination on college campuses can not be tolerated and are not permissible under title six of the civil rights act. now, since october 7, hamas attack on israel, the education department has opened 141 investigations into possible violations of title six under the civil rights act, that prohibits discrimination based on race, color, and national origin for programs and activities that receive a federal financial assistance.
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>> the department of education has said this week that there are open investigations at both columbia university, as well as emory university. now one thing that miguel cardona, the education secretary today we'll also be doing is he's meeting with a group of jewish leaders, has first a meeting of that kind since october 30th to hear directly some of their concerns, but clearly the white house, the administration is trying to engage in this more robust public response. it's after several days of silence from president biden himself, but now they are forcefully out there trying to strike a very delicate balance, saying that americans have the right to protest, but it must be done peacefully and condemning acts of anti-semitism that occurred on some college campuses are thank you for the reporting. sarah. >> all right. thank you for americans could get locked up and it caribbean prison for more than ten years but they say they forgot what it's for, what they say they forgot to take out of their bads when they flew in to a different
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>> gilbert. >> now up to 50% off that awkward on when the genes came out, i thought, oh, my god when bob has a friend, he expects blind loyalty, are going to be two prizes of surprises today in american tourists, brian hagar, rich, you see them standing there with his family is expected to be in court in turks and caicos, facing potentially 12 years in prison after he was detained in possession of live ammunition. >> he is one of four americans attain now on the popular vacation, ireland after airport security found ammunition in their luggage, it is illegal to bring firearms or ammunition to the british overseas territory. they are very strict about it, even though the individual say they left it in their bag by mr.. they still face a minimum of 12 year prison sentence if they are found guilty. cnn's isabella a row solace is joining us now obviously this.
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you can't bring in certain things through the state's through tsa. how was it missed right. >> good morning, sarah. and that is one of the principal complaints from family members and a gofundme pose for one of these americans, ryan watson, the family saying that tsa never noticed that ammo when they were leaving the united and it states and in fact, tsa confirm that to cnn that they failed to detect that ammo at a during a security screening at an oklahoma city airport. and that tsa is addressing that oversight internally. so let me backtrack a little bit. insert with ryan and valerie watson. they were celebrating a fronts 40th birthday and actually trying to go home. they were at an airport there in turks and caicos trying to return home when airport security found ammo inside of their luggage. according to a gofundme, the family says that they unknowingly left that ammo in a duffel bag after a deer hunting trips. so a hunter here, valid curry, was released on bail,
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but ryan ryan was forced to pay $15,000. suppose that bond and then had to relinquish his passport so he's still there and turks and caicos, it's very important that here in the you can actually travel with guns and ammo inside of check luggage. but in turks and caicos, that is strictly forbidden and it can be a very costly mistake. violators face a minimum of 12 years in prison. i also want to show you the other americans, if we bring up that list again, there's tyler when rich, 31 years old of virginia, he is still in custody. he has not posted bond according to the government there, michael evans, 72 years there's all of texas. brian hagar, rich of pennsylvania, also similar story, hunter detained while trying to fly home. his wife, telling our affiliate wp xi that it was an honest mistake. listen that's a bag that my husband is used numerous times on on hunting trips and going
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to a hunting camp and it was just leftover in a secure pouch and it's just forgotten about and people make mistakes. and in this sense the crime just doesn't fit the sentencing and the repercussions and sarah, his family has they've not seen him in over 70 days. >> it's also important to note that a judge does have the discretion under exceptional circumstances to reduce that that sentence under 12 years in prison isabel rosales. >> thank you so much for reporting that story for us. appreciate it. >> john, like donald trump on tape talking about hush money payments will pay with cash. he says, what? the jury will make up the new evidence in the criminal case against him that trial picks up again shortly we're here to get your side of the store. affairs, bribery,
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to save life ready while it happy, that's 3605 by whole foods market. >> so it's the playoffs, a great. qiwei's trust each other. we're going to do a trust. stand up, trust what? you're certainly up doc told you there was a dummy a busy stretch of i95 in connecticut is shut down this morning after well, this tanker truck filled with gasoline burst into flames after a three car crash thursday, the flames were so hot that there are concerns about the bridge overhead that is suffered structural damage. governor ned lamont says portions of i95 is interstate will remain closed through the weekend as officials are working to dismantle and rebuild the overpass wnba rookies are creating unprecedented demand for
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tickets to the wnba game. stubhub says, prices for women's basketball are up 93% this season. they say the league's new star, caitlin clark is likely behind this interest. tonight, clark is going to play her first wmd be pre-game with the indiana fever, that teams ticket sales are up more than 13 times compared to last year for the chicago sky. ticket sales have tripled lsu you star angel, angel reese, south carolina's kamilla cardoso. >> they were drafted to join that team. we shall see an amazing discovery in indonesia. scientists observed and rattan in the while intentionally treating a wound. you can see the poor wound on that for animals face intentionally treating a wound on his face using a medicinal plant. it is the first time this behavior has been documented according to a paper released this week, they rang a tan named rakus is what i believe it is pronounced was seen chewing leaves from the plant, applying the juice to his injury and then covering it with the leaves. scientists plan to study other orangutans
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in the area to see if they repeat the behavior jonathan, that's amazing. you see them apply stitches when they have to bring it is all about the tapes as donald trump heads back to court he leaves shortly from trump tower that could happen any moment now, this morning, a forensic analyst is set to return to the stand to talk about the secret recording that michael cohen had many of them on his phone, including one that he made of this phone call with donald trump i need to open up a company for the transfer of all the info regarding our friend david so i'm going to do that right away. >> i'd actually come up stopping and i've spoken to allen weisselberg about how to set the whole thing up with the funding that yes and it's all the stuff all the stuff because
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you never know where that company so he's gonna be correct. so, um, i'm all over that. and i spoke to alan about it when it comes time for the financing, which will be what paton yourself getting old woman on. >> i got no will pay with cash that i said is a phone call is an audio recording that's what we know about that with us now, national security attorney bradley moss. thank you so much for being with us that really is what the jury left with last night. in comes back in the morning. there's a lot to digest in that i sort of want to take it line by line when the jury hears donald trump, the defendant. >> in this case, say we'll pay with cash when he's discussing a hush money payment in this case is to karen mcdougal, which isn't the crime he's charged four, but there is a hush money payment here will pay in cash. >> what do you think they're takeaway is? >> that is all part of an idea of how do i conceal this. you're thinking. >> but cash did be no record.
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there'd be nothing even falsify. it would be hidden from the public and no one could ever find it. the only reason we even know about these payments is because of the records that were falsified because of the bank documents of what michael cohen had to take out to fund this payment through the shell corporation to stormy daniels through her. i started to start those through her lawyer. this is just one more foundational piece. we've already heard that recording before in prior investigations, so we were we knew about it in terms of the public, but the jury needed to specific they hear about it in the context of the government's presentation of its evidence of demonstrating that this was all part of a criminal scheme to falsify business records in furtherance with the intent to defraud the public in the context of campaign finance violations. >> okay? >> what you just said there. >> i want to dive into that because what we do here on the tape is donald trump talking about hush money payments. so he has knowledge of hush money payments. that is clear when you listen to this, what i'm not sure is clear and you can explain why is how this gets to
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the falsification of business documents because on this tape and we didn't hear that part, but it goes on. >> michael cohen says, i'll take care of it. i'll take care of it. i will take care of it. michael cohen says not donald trump. so does that cut against the idea that trump was involved in the bookkeeping aspect of it that's certainly going to be the defense's presentation, especially when michael cohen eventually takes the stand, presumably sometime next week, the idea that this was actually michael cohen going rogue, the donald trump was not aware of these details that he certainly didn't authorize falsification of the records. he hadn't no knowledgeable. cohen was doing, but we should expect that not only will hear the details from cohen, but when it gets the jury instructions, we saw a preview of this in some of the pretrial motions, the government's going to push through what's called accomplice liability to try to tie donald trump to this. no matter how much specific personal knowledge she had at of how cohen was doing the nitty-gritty details. first of
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all, i should note that we're seeing donald trump leave trump tower right now. he just walked out of the building, gotten the suv. who will be on the move shortly, talk to me a little bit more about that because that's the first i've heard of that in the jury instructions it doesn't have to be donald trump literally ordering the documentation. it just has to be a knowledge and a general conspiracy. how is the jury is supposed to decide that? >> yes. what's going to be based on whether or not there's sufficient evidence beyond a reasonable doubt standard. we all know to demonstrate not only that these actions were taken, but it was taken by the subordinates with the approval with the intent of donald trump, even if you didn't know those specific specific grant annular details of how they would conceal things that would be sufficient still to meet that falsification of business records standard and the reason going forward. so far, all we've really been hearing about is the campaign aspect. and i think we'll hear more about that with hope eggs today
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is because the true underlying premise of all this was that aggravating factor that bump this up to a felony with the intent to defraud nordic, make campaign finance violations. both the federal and at the state level and we could hear from hope hicks said they were not sure who the next witness will be. there's a lot of speculation. it would be herb. it is her what is it you think the prosecution wants to leave the jury with? headed in to the weekend, the couple of touchpoints we know about hope picks by testimony that she was in one of the original meetings with david pecker where they talked about in and out of that meeting where they talked about sort of the catch-and-kill scheme. and they're also phone calls to the white house later on about the idea of payments to karen mcdougal. this is again, while trump was already an office, what's the goal there? >> yes so hope hicks is going to be a somewhat troublesome prosecution witness, but she is the key and a sense of insider knowledge, starting from the beginning at those first meetings with david pecker leading up through the campaign, especially if you think of the fall of 2016 with the access hollywood tape and
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everything, but the serious campaign he concerned about trump's image with women in these stories could come out and could further damage him in the days leading up to the election. but then taking it through into how those payments we're going back to michael cohen in 2017, once trump was in the white house, the extent knowledge of what donald trump personally was aware of it he was signing some of these checks he knew what cohen was having to do to get this stuff reimbursed. he had knowledge of some of the extent of the paperwork that will be critical how much she provides without prodding, that will be interesting to say. >> yeah, we don't know, we don't know how much he will say. i didn't read the new york times has been two years really since hope picks and donald trump have spoken so that is interesting in and of itself. brad moss, great to see you this morning. thank you very much, sarah. all right. >> we've got to new cnn reporting for you this morning can australia at fast enough to save itself from the devastation of climate change? cnn's i've and watson went on a journey across the country to see the evolving threat firsthand for this week's
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episode of the whole story with anderson cooper 13 seats, cessna caravan lying an hour from brisbane far out over the pacific ocean we spot a tiny patch of green ringed by a halo. >> of coral reef wherever pbs, the beautiful mighty elliott armed with the first arm up a standard effect, the great barrier reef is literally the start of this massive marine habitat right here. >> the world's largest barrier reef starts right here the images are gorgeous. ivan watson, but there is a real threat happening here. what did you learn yeah, i mean,
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australia is this incredible country. >> it's a continent that is on the front lines of climate change. >> so i got a once in a career opportunity i think to travel there, to go scuba diving on the great barrier reef, this enormous marine ecosystem that's the side as of italy, basically in home to like 1,500 species of fish, just fish, right and while it was incredible and a great chance, my team and i witnessed some really sobering stuff. >> we were there in the middle of february at the height of the australian summer, and we saw at five different locations coral that was turning white, bleaching. that's because of record high ocean temperatures that was literally cooking the coral and a couple of weeks later, the australian government said that this was in fact a mass bleaching event. the seventh that has happened on the great barrier reef and part of a much larger phenomenon across the globe.
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>> of coral reefs for all the way from the caribbean and florida last year to australia, where the reef's these coral are dying off due to record high marine temperatures. >> so on the one hand, i got to do things like dive and swim with sea turtles and reef sharks. but then there's the sobering reality that according to what marine biologists are saying, sarah, my daughter probably will not get to see these marine habitats because there'll be dead by the time she's in an adult wow, that's a real stark reality. we know the coral reefs also help when hurricanes come to try to buffer them from making huge, destructive paths across countries. thank you so much. i've and watson, i can't wait to see this. it looks really, really, really good. appreciate it, and be sure to tune in an all new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper, one whole hour, one whole story air sunday night, eight eastern and pacific only here on cnn you're breaking news, and just a fresh
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look at the us jobs market, possibly showing signs of down shifting a bit expected. >> this spring 175,000 jobs added in april fans or how solomon joining us now below expectations, below expectations. so this is a softening, this is a software report than we were expecting, but a welcome one. i think a lot of people unhappy about it, but would have been exactly. so we were expecting to put this in context, kate, we were expecting the us to add about 232,000 jobs in the month of april, as you said, that came in cooler at 175,000. march was actually revised higher. so march was really strong month. yeah. adding 315,000 jobs for the month of march unemployment rate ticked up slightly to 3.9%. but if that sounds familiar, it's because we have been in this range of really tight unemployment for more than two years now, right? so ticking down, but still below 4%, which is the which is a trend, and wages. this was, this was a good time for the fed. this was a good sign for
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the markets. a little bit more of a complicated picture for american workers, wages ticked up to 3.9% on an an annual basis. that is the cool is we have seen in nearly three years. and the reason why that's good news for the threat of force is because they're looking to see if those higher wages tool up price pressures if they fuels inflation. let's talk about some of the sectors and some of the industries where we saw the most job growth in the month of april, we saw continued job growth in health care. that is a trend. that trend continues to tune 56,000 transportation warehousing also adding and retail trade, adding 20,000 jobs, retail trade is actually stronger than we have seen as of late the, the average was about 10,000, 7,000 actually. and so that's strong. and when you think retail trade, you think people shopping. >> so you like to see that you'd like to save people. colony wasn't isn't driving driving it as much as it has been. >> it hasn't. >> that was like no, it's fine. let me pull that up. actually leisure and a half's, but calorie not mentioned so
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curious perhaps the ordering on it. >> yeah, perhaps it wasn't a big contributor this month, but it's an important point you raised because leisure and hospitality actually been one of these industries that had been driving a lot of the growth. so you put it all together, you put this data, you put the data we got earlier this week where we see job openings coming down, but layoffs also remaining low weekly unemployment claims also remaining low. what you have broadly as an economy, a labor market that is gradually cooling, but not so much that it's sort of flashing red sayyed so-called goldilocks. okay. yeah. >> we have we have reached goldilocks status. yes. here's on that what let's go to zero like john all right, the biden administration has a new message this morning about the protests on college campuses across the country. >> while one senator says the demonstrations are the president's vietnam cnn business update the jobs
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from him as a whole now and they're giving orders to now u
5:52 am this is cnn the world's news they've heard from bernie sanders comparing protests against the war in gaza that had been happening on college campuses across the country to the student protests that happened during the vietnam war. in an interview with cnn's christiane amanpour, bernie sanders give a warning to president biden about what the unrest could do to his reelection bid, saying this could be his vietnam, and we had representative claiborne on this morning who said that is a possibility. cnn's harry enten has a look at how all americans felt back then compared to what is happening, right now on college campuses. so how do they rarely his moss hamas, we're compare to back in the days of the vietnam war where we should be clear, there were american troops involved in that war is the big difference there. that is the big difference. so i want to look at how many americans said
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that this was the nation's top problem. if you go back to the vietnam war in 19006840 of americans said it was the top problem that rank numero uno and the american mindset that was the same, whether you were young or whether you were old take a look now at the israel-hamas war in 2024, only 2% of all adults say it's the nation's top problem. only 2% of those under the age of 35 say it's the top problem, and that is a ridiculous difference that we're seeing. this is not joe biden's vietnam war because the fact of the matter is, is that americans care far less about this war that's overseas, that does not have american troops over and it versus the vietnam war were obviously the were a lot of american boys and girls over there fighting in vietnam. so it's just a completely different picture, sarah, slightly different picture. all right. so let's look about history, right? so one of the things that happened actually on columbia's campus who's is the epicenter was a protest about apartheid in south
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africa. they took over the same exact hall, hamilton hall in 1985 and so it will be interesting to see the difference between how people felt about that and how people feel about the israeli hamas war? >> yes, sometimes history repeats itself, sara, and sometimes it doesn't so i went back through the history books. okay. where do your hoodie or sympathies lie more with i got the numbers now for 2024 and let's take a look at 1985 first in south africa 64% of americans said that their sympathies lie more with the black population compared to just 13% of americans who said the white government. let's go now to the middle east conflict. what do we say? in fact, the plurality of americans say they're sympathies lie more with the israelis than the palate justinian's compared to dish 29% of the palestinian. so when those students were taking over those halls back in the mid 80s, the fact is the american population was on the side of the black population. now when you see those students taking over those halls in right, for palestinian rights, the fact
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that they are not with the american population in the american population is far more with israel than it was with the white government in south africa back in 1985. >> and then if you look at this because we just heard from a lot signs that 80% of the young people are upset with how biden is handled the israeli hamas war what does this tell you about where simplys lie in this particular protest? >> yeah, if you look at americans under the age of 35 and south africa, look at this 76%, their sympathies lie more with the black population. now it is true that the bare majority of those under the age of 35 say they're sympathies lie more with the palace it's the neon's and the israeli. so that is similar. but the fact is that the israelis at 31% have a lot more sympathy with them under the age of 35 than the white government did, which is 10% back in 1985, it's an interesting comparison. harry enten, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> okay. >> all right. joining us right now is formed for trump administration official matt mauer and cnn political commentator, former hillary clinton campaign spokesperson, karen finney, thanks for being here guys. let's go back to what what harry and sarah were
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talking about. senator bernie sanders speaking to christiane amanpour and what he said about how this could be biden's vietnam. let me play this for you this may be biden's vietnam or lyndon johnson in many respects was a very, very good president domestically, brought forth some major pieces of legislation you chose not to run in 68 because of opposition to his views on vietnam and i worry very much that president, biden is putting himself in a position where he has alienated not just young people, but a lot of the democratic base karen, these protests, israel's continuing war against hamas biden's vietnam. >> do you see that? do you fear that i don't for a number of reasons as harry and others have mentioned, i mean, there was a huge difference in terms of the motivation of the
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population and 68, where people were afraid of going toward the other thing, having talked to both of my parents who were involved in the civil rights movement we also have to remember that in 68, we lost martin luther king junior. >> we had already lost jfk. we lose rfk, we lose malcolm x. so many icons. and so there was so much pain in the system that was directly impacting the things that people were fighting for it. so i think are a number of differences. >> what i think is important though, is what is the pain point that is mobilizing these young people? >> one of the challenges and reason, it's not like vietnam is, it's diffuse. there is no central leadership, there is no coordination among different groups around a poor message. and so i think, but there's still clearly pain in the system that needs to be addressed. i think the president did a great job yesterday speaking to hair values are free speech, but not violence man, i wanted to get your take on what you heard
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when president biden spoke out publicly for the first time yesterday is actually is actually is put it. >> he's trying to thread a needle defending students rights to protest, condemning antisemitism, condemning violence did, does this do that? did he do that no i think it was too little too late. >> and honestly, it fuels political at this point he seemed to st. polling. we all have, you know, if you look at morning console poll that came out yesterday, 76% of americans support law enforcement taking action on college campuses to ensure that it's a safe ground for students. you even have 67% of young voters agreeing with that. you look at poll, a new poll came out today, abc ipsos shows donald trump, but then eight point lead over joe biden right now, over how voters believe who they believe would actually handle the situation. israel better. and so this is a reflection the polling, but if the president was leading on this, he should've been out there two weeks ago at the same
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time that speaker mike johnson was speaking at columbia, making it unequivocal the antisemitism has no place on college campuses and the college administrators and local law enforcement have to ensure that college campuses save for every single student. the fact that he's doing it now, it's nice talk, but it's a little too late qarrah, this is becoming though, looking today does feel i don't know if it's full a core press, but we're definitely seeing more response from the administration, the education secretary putting out, sending a letter this morning to college and university presidents about condemning abhorrent the incidents of anti-semitism on campus as he, as he writes, i mean, miguel cardona is letter marks. >> it appears the strongest tone yet from the administration, let me read a part of what he's writing as the 2023, 24 school year comes to a close the remainder incredibly concerned by the reports of anti-semitic hate directed at students on some campuses this is a letter that was first obtained by cnn in recent days, he writes, there
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have been a quote sharp rise and reports of anti-semitism start targeting jewish students on some campuses president biden is speaking at a holocaust remembrance ceremony at the us capitol on tuesday it feels to me that there is a lot at stake with that oh, absolutely but can we just remember that the administration has been in communication with the administration's of these different campuses, four weeks, as well as the mayors and governors and i do think that those administrators deserve time to try to result, have peaceful resolutions like we've seen in some instances. >> i think what changed is what was happening at ucla, my alma mater that was heartbreaking and the violence. so that's when it was clear and certainly with columbia, i think in the speech next week with the president needs to do is this is a perfect opportunity to remind us what this is all about. i think you can use this as a teaching moment. what's
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happening in the conflict? what is he doing actually to try to resolve the conflict and to bring hostages home? what is he also doing to try to have peace in the middle east, to have a two-state solution. but also to remind us the holocaust isn't remembrance of what happens when hate and violence go too far, too far and that, that is a broader goal of the united states. and frankly human condition that we can never let that happen again. that's as he said, racism is not an american value. it's un-american matter. final thought for me because those are moments that any president, you, it's a very presidential moment. and maybe at that same time, donald trump, maybe in a courtroom in new york well, these are presidential moments, but so are the actions you take leading up to those moments. >> and that's been the challenge for president biden. he's been all over the map, whether it was his investors,
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um, linda thomas-greenfield abstaining on a resolution instead of opposing it, which called for a ceasefire with no conditions for hostage releases, whether it's a comments he's made about bibi netanyahu, the leaks coming out. a state department and the national security council. the problem is that's been going on on for months. he's now trying to clean it up because politically it's looking bad for him and americans for saying enough is enough he has a moment on tuesday, but he's gonna it's gonna be difficult to erase what he's been doing, what administration has been doing for the last several months instead policy politics it's all blending together, especially in this election year. >> thank you both very much. a new our have seen a new central starts now when was very now, from former president donald trump entering the courtroom for his hush money trial. >> the focus today, secret recordings involving his former fixer and attorney michael cohen also cracking down on college campus protests, police
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moving in to clear an encampment this morning on the campus of nyu. but those students led demonstrations in the united it states are inspiring pro-palestinian protests around the world and 7 million people right now under severe weather threats in the south including texas after tornadoes and life-threatening flooding is already slammed alone. star state yesterday, i'm sarah cyber with john berman, kate bolduan. this picking a new central all right. any minute now, donald trump will be back in court. these are live pictures behind us. this is the criminal case. he faces here in new york now the jury has had a night to digest a key piece of evidence. donald trump, in an audio recording talking about hush money payments with michael cohen. you can here trump say in this recording, pay with
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cash. now, this is about a payment to 1998 playboy playmate of the year, karen mcdougal cohen. all also recorded a discussion with keith davidson, who represented stormy daniel's in 2016 with us now seen as brynn gingras and alayna treene brynn, i want to start with you. where do we begin this morning? what do you think the jury will see in here today? >> yeah john i love how you said digest because there was a lot thrown at jurors yesterday and i suspect when court resumes and just about a half an hour, we're going to hear some more of those recordings again, those were done by michael cohen sometimes in seek grit and many of them were played for jurors, not only on the prosecution side, but the defense was also playing some for their benefit as well. but let's start with the one that you just mentioned there. the one between michael cohen and donald trump. remember prosecutors are trying to explain to jurors how trump knew about these payments that were being made to these the woman on his behalf. so here is one of those examples need to
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open up a company for the transfer of all that info regarding our friend david, i spoke to alan about it when it comes time for the financing, which will be paid in yourself, get hold on and on now that is the first time jurors actually heard trump's voice on a recording. and as you said, john, that had to do with the karen mcdougal payment, but there was also recording that was played between cohen and keith davidson, an attorney for karen mcdougal and stormy daniels were essentially cohen said that trump hated the fact that they had to do it in regards to the daniels non-disclosure agreements. so that was played for the by the prosecution for the jurors on the defense side, they were also playing recordings of michael cohen in one instance he is said to use the word leverage, trying to say that the daniels deal had to be done before trump before the election because then they would quote, lose their
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leverage and some i'm way so again, both sides playing those recordings to their benefit, we'll see who is believed by these jurors. now, when court resumes and just about a half an hour, we are going to hear more from a forensic analysts that works in the da's office at extracted some of these recordings from michael cohen's phone cross-examinatio n was happening when cord left off yesterday and that'll pick back up again when court resumes. just about a half an hour today, john and we'll be watching very closely in the meantime, alayna treene, donald trump said something yesterday, leaving court, which was either a lie or betrayed extreme confusion that he has about the american legal system. he said, he can't testify because of the gag order. have you had any explanation from the trump team into what got into his head yeah, that's just not accurate, john, as he pointed out, the gag order, does not say he cannot testify. >> and also remember donald trump just last week was saying, i want to testify and he knew he had a gag order
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then. and so i think what's going on here is more of it's a good messaging tactic for donald trump. we've clearly seen him use the gag order to energize his supporters, rally as bass and attack the judge in this case overall, for what he's saying is violating his first amendment right. of course, the gag order is actually pretty limited when you talk to legal experts. when i've spoken with lawyers, they say, look, he's actually allowed to talk about a lot. he can go after the judge, which he's been doing. he did that on wednesday when he was traveling to michigan and wisconsin. he can go after da alvin bragg. he can talk about the case more generally, he just cannot talk about witnesses and jurors and i'm told i know from donald trump's point of view, the thing that's really upsetting him about the gag order is that he can't attack people like michael cohen. and that's really where a lot of this comes down to as well. now i do also just want to give you a preview of what donald trump is going to be doing when he leaves the courtroom today and where he's going this week and he's going to be trading the courtroom in new york for banquet halls in south florida.
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he's going to be headlining and be the main attraction at the rnc's retreat in florida this weekend in palm beach. and i think very notable, there's gonna be a lot of potential vice presidential contenders who are attending as well. people like senator j.d. vance of ohio elise stefanik, the house conference chair. the house republican conference chair, i should say, byron donalds holds a lot of these people who doug burgum, north dakota, governor, a lot of these people who donald trump has been saying privately that he might want to choose for his potential vice presidential pick. of course, he doesn't have any plans to announce that until later this year, closer to summer. i'm told, but there's going to be a lot of interesting people in the room. i think we'll be getting a lot of according out of it. and donald trump, i think very much wants to be surrounded by his supporters, the people who will be boosting him boosting his ego. we know that he has really been unhappy attending this trial. i think the novelty of it were off for him very early on. and so he'll be getting
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some of that praise and be surrounded by his supporters this weekend in florida, john it's very cold, very cold. he complains every day inside inside that courtroom, alayna treene. >> thank you very much. >> similarity between that courthouse in this studio. it is very cool. you turn the heat up. >> it's like tropical. you know what, when you have to have a gun show every day, you need to have it a little warmer. >> okay. >> i think we should move on to actual news. do you want to say anything else exactly all right. >> coming up for us historic flooding is hitting texas mandatory evacuation since are underway. >> and another round of storms are expected today, we will take you there as they're going through at plus a fresh look at the us jobs market, the economy adding fewer jobs than expected in this new data, why that's being seen as good news right now. and we have live pictures back at it back in that courtroom inside in new york city, donald trump just arrived as the seventh day of testimony in his trial begins to every piece of evidence
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you may be entitled to compensation as marine who was stationed at campo june myself for four years. >> this cause hits close to home. so if you've been stationed or we're visited marine corps base camp june and have cancer or parkinson's visit camp luck june, morgan and morgan for the veterans. >> so is the playoffs great teammates trust each other. we're going to do a trust falls, stand up, trust what me up doc told you, use a dummy we are following the latest weather developments out of texas this morning where rivers are rising to levels not seen since hurricane harvey and the destruction you saw that had in houston in some areas, this follows several days of heavy rainfall, large hail, even a tornado mandatory evacuation is underway for parts of the state as 7 million people are under alert right now for historic flooding as far east as louisiana. >> all of that and more on the way, cnn's rosa flores is live
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in new kanye, texas, part of the mandatory evacuations don't i see that it is still raining out there and that you are surrounded by a heck of a lot of water. what can you tell us sarah? >> this is the mandatory evacuation zone. now, i'm standing on a street that's closed because the wall hunter has been rising so quickly. in fact, we've had to move our vehicle back multiple times because of it, but i want you to look behind me because this really gives you a sense of how quickly the water levels are rising. there are two streets right behind me here that go into the neighborhood. that's to my right. now, if we zoom into those stop signs, who'd be able to see where the water levels our this first stop sign it said about a third up to the stop sign, but the one beyond that, the street beyond that, it's about halfway now. it's difficult to see from where we are, but there is water gushing just beyond that stop sign because that's the east fork
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of the san jacinto river. that's where this volume of water is. it's coming through that is impacting this neighborhood. now the neighborhood here to my left, this is a residential neighborhood. people live here. this is the area where the top executive of harris county told all of these people, all the residents, that they had to evacuate yesterday before night fell because of the dangerous conditions because this water is going to be rising very quickly now, this is a multi county event. i'm practically in montgomery county the northeast part of harris county is just here to my left. and so this is an effort that involves multiple counties, authorities from multiple counties letting people know that they had to evacuate because not only is the water rising very quickly because of these river levels, we're also expecting a lot of rain today. here in this area. now, one of the huge concerns of course, is vehicles, people
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that are trying to drive through these rising waters. we saw with a lot earlier. i know we have video from not just this county, but other counties showing how some people are trying to drive through these rising waters which makes it very difficult. and then of course, then forces first responders to the go, go then and rescue them. now, about the significance is some of the context of the water that you you see behind me and why authorities are warning residents just to give you a sense during hurricane harvey, the san jacinto river, this area the east four part of the san jacinto river rose to about 81 feet above sea level. right now, is expected to peak at about 78 feet above sea level well, that's why authorities are saying you've got to pay attention to this. you've gotta evacuated. there's a mandatory evacuation. there are areas that are not under a mandatory for evacuation that are just here to my left, but authorities warned those individuals that if they were
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not going to evacuate, they had to have food for at least two to three days. sarah, because this some of these areas are going to turn into islands, people are not going to be able to exit. and again the thing that we have to keep in mind here is that the rain is not stopping and we're expecting rain through today and through the weekend sara rosa flores. thank you so much. we are looking at life or pictures taken from a drone at livingston, texas where you see there are some some buildings underwater, including businesses and homes already at this hour with more rain on the way we take your time recipe safe out there. okay. >> am are keeping an eye on these live pictures, this camera inside the courthouse in lower manhattan, were donald trump is about start a new de on trial. stay with us. as the cnn special live coverage. and we are also just minutes away from the opening bell on wall street where we will see how the new jobs report is landing with investors. the april jobs report just out coming in the low expectations with 175,000
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jobs added last month, the unemployment taking up slightly 3.9%. you'll recall that wednesday, the reserve, federal reserve left interest rates unchanged again, and fed chairman saying the employment rate was one thing that could drive a shift from the fed in the future, investors so far clearly, they're happy with the news from this morning stock futures up across the board before the bell brought to you by cfp professional? >> spine, your cfp professional today, yet let's make a plan then go to slash before the bell to stay on top of markets and sign up for the daily newsletter hey, there, brenda it's carole exactly. so which like are we operating on? >> you mean arm it's all connected asking the right question can greatly impact your future. you share your bertha p-test. >> actually, i'm a sagittarius specially when it comes to your
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these are live pictures of the new york city courthouse. >> donald trump the trial begins again, just minutes from now, the jury went home got to digest the audio recordings they heard of donald trump on tape speaking to michael cohen about hush money payments with us. now see it in legal analyst and criminal defense attorney joe jackson and cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodgers what do you think that jury thought about as a drifted off to sleep? >> well less than a drifted off to sleep later in the de because of the computer person that was there. >> but let's be clear about that. that's because the defense is not stipulating two things, not to get into the weeds, but generally in cases because you want the jury to have the evidence and information you allow it to go in. you don't need anyone to authenticate the document that you keep the document. is it in normal course of business? so that is a boar, but john, before the bohr, there was a lot of good information such as
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the tape that you mentioned and i think that's important because it gives the former president knowledge, right? get knowledge is significant. now, let's just be very clear, very briefly, the information in terms of the exchange and the colon that was as to karen mcdougal right? not charged here. we're dealing with of course for stormy daniels, but very important because it goes to show his information, his knowledge, and what he was doing with michael cohen proceeding this deal. it's will be very unusual that he knew everything about them but he knows nothing about this. and that's a significant to that interesting, i wanted there were some things that were things got very tense between keith davidson and for people that aren't aware, this is the attorney that was really in the middle of these two cases. >> michael avenatti came later and became the more famous attorney because of the stormy daniel case. but he was really instrumental in putting these deals together and was working with michael cohen as well. what did you make of the tense exchanges that came when the defense was cross-examining him
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really trying to make him look like this salacious sort of bottom feeder of an attorney. yeah. really combative cross-examination there from eml beauvais. i think we probably will see the ml cross. michael cohen actually, because he really has that attack dog instinct. i'm looking for that going forward. but they did a couple of things. they establish that davidson didn't have any direct contact fact with donald trump. right. so all of the things that happened happened through michael cohen, that's one point they wanted to make. >> but then you're right. he really tried to dirty him up saying, oh, he represents all these people, this whole thing is so sleazy your extorting people and all that, that kind of cuts both ways. of course, they want to undercut this witness on the stand who's giving evidence against their client? ultimately. but you know, you lay down with dogs and you get fleas. donald trump is in a conspiracy with all these people to the extent you continue to dirty up and attack every single one of them this court i think the jury starts to think the head conspirator also is problematic with all of those recordings that were
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played michael moore resigned on earlier this morning with me and he and he said that he actually thinks recordings cut both ways. >> he thinks that actually it was helpful to the fence as well. do you listen attorneys, you can make whatever arguments that you think are fair and appropriate to the case. >> i think at the end of the day, would it goes to demonstrate again, which is important is that you have to loop donald trump into this case. the importance of the davidson testimony, the lawyer for stormy daniels, the lawyer for karen mcdougal, is that he was of course, dealing with the word we call them the fixer for trump. and his interactions were asked to cohen as to cohen, everything has to cohen what you need to do is loop in the boss. that's the missing link to demonstrate and show that he was acting at the bosses direction. that's why it's all about right. ajahn can tell you it's the puzzle. it's connecting the dots and that's why to the early appoint the tape is so significant, the audio so significant because it brings
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the boss into the mix and that's what you need here so they had the tape it's friday, jan. what do you do today if you're the prosecution, where do you want to take this case now and with whom potentially. so i almost hate to say it because it's another custodian situation, but i think you got to get to the documents that are actually charged here. i want to see these invoices the ledgers. i want to see the checks that donald trump sayyed, get the end of the week. jury thinking like, okay, we know what this case is about. we have seen the documents and we're starting to actually check off. the boxes to prove the elements of this case. >> can i just quickly ask us you brought up the stipulations is a stipulation issue because i've never seen that happen in any other trial to delay hey took to rag this out. >> so to be clear, without question, sarah, it delays matters and it's just ridiculous and irrelevant. >> what do we fighting over a doc? given four that's going to come in any way as a business record, right? you don't need a live body to go and to give you all the predicate
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information. did you keep the document? was it in the normal course of business? keith, the document is this what your business does generally speaking, we get to the meat and potatoes of what the jury is here for. and it has sometimes an effect. >> jurors don't want to be glazed over. >> they don't want to be flowing mislead. they want to know about what the facts are that are in dispute. >> the friday issue, i think is actually really interesting. what is an approach for prosecutors knowing that they've gotten days but more days, the norm than they than the jurors have had since this has started to sit and marinate and digest as johns mentioned before their back-end coordinate. >> so prosecutors just want to end on a safe note, right. like they don't want to take the risk that something blockbuster happens. some piece of cross that really starts to get the jurors thinking that defense is scoring points. that's what i think they'll probably end with someone putting these these documents into evidence. you can also end on a direct examination if they have enough time to get to the next witness, maybe hope hicks or something, then they might end there. they're not going to end on cross-examination. there'll be very careful timing wise to make you talk about hope
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things. >> we've got about a minute left, joey 30 seconds left. if you are the prosecution, what do you want from this woman who is the communications director for donald trump in the white house. yeah. i mean, you know, you want to demonstrate and establish that the ball us was aware of what was happening. remember, there were meetings at the actual white house with respect to this transaction, with regard to the reimbursement with respect to his collagen information, the critical component here is tying donald trump into what was happening. and i think the defense was trying to do as masterful job as they could with saying this was all about cohen and davidson. trump was nowhere to be found. hope hicks might change that dynamic be an interesting friday to be sure all right, that is all for us today on cnn news central, this promises to be a jam-packed day ahead they thank you so much for joining us. as cnn special live coverage of donald trump's trial continues now


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