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tv   The Chris Wallace Show  CNN  May 4, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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against authoritarianism and respecting free speech rights. they're trying to placate the base, the youthful base of the democratic party, but also saying that destruction on college campuses wouldn't be tolerated and trying to appease those working class voters that aids in pennsylvania, michigan, or wisconsin. it's common located here's more social media reaction vietnam protesters were justified. these people are anti-american nuts not knowing the facts. i'm not going to embrace that. i respect their right. for peaceful demonstrations. i really do. i think when they become occupiers of a campus and i said this year last saturday and they intrude on the university to get the university's business done like that live footage we just showed from ann arbor at a moment that you've crossed the threshold and you don't allow classes to take place and finals to exist and your other students and faculty members, two to do what they're there to do, which has get an education,
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then i think you've hello again and welcome. it's time to today we're asking with. >> campus protests. getting more violent our college presidents, right or wrong to call on the cops. then judging the judge will discuss, have donald trump should get jail time if he keeps violating his gag order and telling too much the story of a rising star and possible trump running mate. and a dog named cricket. the panel is here and ready to go. so sit back, relax, and let's talk about it up first, the university's strike back after weeks of protests, college administrators decided enough
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is enough. calling in police to clear out a pro-palestinian demonstrators. just as republican lawmakers doubled down, making the protests and even bigger issue at ucla, police in riot gear firing flashbangs and rubber bullets at columbia nypd officers storming buildings occupied by demonstrator they got at the university of wisconsin police wrestling protesters to the ground across the us more than 2000 people arrested on dozens of campuses in just the last two weeks, columbia's president saying her university had been patient. but this week's escalation pushed the school to the brink couldn't protesters though saying they're not backing down now, this one added more field the movement republicans continue to hammer the issue, pushing an anti-semitism bill through the house.
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>> this week and calling on more college presidents to appear before congress, later this month, while threatening to cut federal funding for sunday schools, we will hold these universities accountable for their failure to decked jewish students on campus here with me today podcast or an author, kara swisher ryan salam president of the manhattan institute and national review. consider york times journalist and host of the new podcast, the interview, lulu garcia-navarro and author and conservative pollster, kristen soltis anderson. welcome back everyone especially kristen, who took a little time off for this to have a beautiful baby girl, sophie, who will be going to college soon enough all right, the big story on the campus as this week was the escalation on both sides, both the protesters and the administrator is right-hand. when's the right time for administrators to call the cops? >> the right time is when the law breaking starts. what i
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find really appalling up at the response of any university leaders is this. if you had said swiftly we're going to suspend you then we're going to expel you then we're going to bring in the police that would have been much better sequence of events for this reason, you're bringing police into what can be volatile situation. police were doing their best to keep the situation under control, but had the university's just said and have the backbone encouraged to say, this is unacceptable behavior? you're, you're expelled. these are ambitious careers, just little punks who at the first threat of expulsion, many of them would have backed down era. >> where do you draw the line on these little ponds? when's the right time fall on the car? i would never call them little punks or protesters and some of them are protesting within their rights with free speech, they should be able to do this especially college students. i think it's never a good time to call the cops, but when there's certainly is there violence you have to deal with it and they should have dealt with it beforehand. i think the problem is, some colleges is working out well, it brown, for example, they managed to calm
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everything down at other universities what they've agreed to talk especially in the. >> last thing should be to bring in cops because you never know what's going to happen and it creates a really escalating the sooner you bring them in the khardori look, if you're looking at red states, if you look at what happened in florida when you're looking would happen in texas, you were able to bring this under control swiftly, swiftly, once you start engaging in illegal behavior, you need to bring it under control. >> i agree that there are things that universities could have done to nip this in the bud before you have to bring in law enforcement. but it is essential to maintain public order public or private universities. >> first of all, they do have their own police force is two. so i'm going to the mit t-head has done a lot of stuff. she's had set in advance exactly what would happen in late it out for students they've had much less of a problem. if you can engage them in dialogue that's the very first thing you do when violence does start, you do bring in police, but you certainly don't want it. you want it to be the absolute last, let's to mind. >> let us, let us remind
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ourselves how this started, which was that the house called the president of columbia to testify. >> let me just let me just yeah. because just brings us right to our point which is that republicans are baking us a big issue. and the protesters at columbia, to your point, started their encampment the same day. the university's president testified before a house committee. take a look. >> what is an anti jewish protests. you change your testimony comes to anti-jewish things were said at protests? >> yes thank you for changing your testimony. >> hello sorry for interrupting but has have the republicans, particularly in the house, stoked the situation and created some of the protested. yes. i mean, i think we've seen that in the way that this has all unfurled we see that the president of columbia was called to testify they actually
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then put this in cabinet. there's a method of pressure and then what we've seen is politics just absolutely be injected into the situation with people grandstanding, coming onto campus is calling for the national guard of all things. to be unleashed on these students. and at the end of the day, this is an anti-war protest. i mean, what has been discussed and it was that easy. it is very more than that, no, but she didn't know. >> but wait a second. they are there to protest. it is an anti-war protests. they have, there are people who have clearly said anti-semitic things. >> and it is easy it to condemned antisemitism. we all condemn antisemitism. it is a horrific thing, but this is an anti-war would feel like it's more credible to think of it as an anti-war protest if there were any people at these protests calling for the release of the hostages, which would be one of the first things that would be necessary for this to be an end to the war student this time calling for let's disagree that this is something that republicans have stoked. >> certainly republicans have put a spotlight on it.
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attention is going to make this grow. people see it at one campus. they want to do what other by calling in the president's and leading to i'm not saying the president's were innocent victims here. >> they're getting fired. that one that they have inflamed in this situation. and two, that it is a good mike johnson doing there. >> why? >> so i don't think that this is a republican. kohn caused problem. i think that this is fully within the rights, but there's so congress so for instance, you have a lot of these universities that took it very seriously. the idea that speech was violence over the last decade, if you had a conservative speaker come to campus and students felt unsafe, there was real pressure from university administration. so maybe not allowed that speech. now suddenly violence is speech instead of speech being violence. and it's fully within the rights of we could keep going on this, but i do want to bring up one other subject. >> which is president biden, who didn't talk about the protests for ten days while those escalated. finally, on
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thursday, he spoke for three minutes and 22 seconds. >> let me be clear peaceful protest in america violent protest is not protected. peaceful protest is ryan will biden's words make any difference either in terms of communist situation on campus or helping himself out political? absolutely not. i think you've seen a level of cowardice and vacillation from the white credibly discouraging to many democratic voters, many folks who are deeply invested in these institutions, if you want to talk about where this started, chris, you've had brewing for 30 plus years on a number of university campuses called middle east studies departments that are in fact political, that are training political activists and political agitators that are not engaged in intellectual inquiry, but are in fact pure ideology. and you i don't worry, it's not called education where you're not actually offering contrasting perspective. we didn't say that same things about bob
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jones university. i'm going to say it's for date as he are educated, please, in the students absolutely. when columbia accepts that it is bob jones university for rashid khalidi and disciples of edwards knowledge, knowledge, what you're doing, you're not this is the problem we're having here, which is that you have something where you have students who are upset about the war in gaza and then all of a sudden you're talking about education in the system there's all this talking about dei, you're talking about hamas supporters and what ends up happening is this toxic brew of politics in something that is actually very locally dealing with a toxic brew. >> i agree that i think we can all agree. it's a toxic brian and we'll leave it there for the moment donald trump gave a big interview this week, laying out his second term agenda, including letting the state's prosecuting women who have abortions we'll break down what else he has in mind then democrats and republicans can't agree on pretty much
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anything. but there's one person who is making a move. both parties disagree with and lighter, show me the money, the new business traveler. that's all title no reward there were all about dry promotion, hardship they tried when the genes came out. i thought, oh, my god, when bob has a friend, he expects blind loyalty. >> ravid surprises and certified you love this centrum silver is clinically proven to support memory in older adults. so you can keep saying mastered it the extent nailed it you did it with centrum silver, clinically proven to support memory in older adults okay. ready to washington one second. >> i got to finish my laundry yes. >> it's gross night. one second. i use rinse. >> rinse to the company that
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his free time this week, holding rallies in the battleground states of michigan and wisconsin between those events and a new interview we've got a much clearer look at what to expect in a second flunk term i have come here today from new york city where i'm being forced to sit for days on end in a kangaroo courtroom. donald trump during a one-day break from his hush money trial on the campaign trail the former president delivering a mix of his usual grievances, and some campaign promises. >> we're going to have a great country very soon. >> but in a new time magazine interview, trump plays out in detail what to expect in a second term, i will seal the border. >> no boys, but to have mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, firing civil servants. he calls bad people now saying states can choose to monitor pregnant women and prosecute those who have an abortion. >> some people will be happy.
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some people won't be quite as happy as for the election itself from toll hold on. no, walkie newspaper. he'd accept the results if everything's honest, but if not, you have to fight for the right of the country. his plans giving the biden campaign fresh, father, vice president harris, issuing this morning. >> and as much harm as he has already caused a second trump term would be even worse christian from listening to what? >> from sad in interviews and on the stump this week, what are the best and worst parts of his plans for a second term? >> well, i think it sounds like if you liked the first trump term, you're going to get a much larger helping of it the second time around that he sounds like if in the first term he tested the guardrails, this time he intends to break through them. what i wonder this could either be best or worst is what types of people will he bring to work in his administration? he has suggested that he thinks last time he brought in some people who were for two-week, they
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didn't necessarily let him do everything he wanted to do at the same time. he knows he needs to appeal to the middle. he's got smart advisors around him. he's brought in a very professional campaign team around him. >> so that could suggest that maybe he's not just going to bring in a cast of weirdo characters from conservative internet land. >> maybe he does try to bring in quote, unquote professional republicans, but i still think that's a big open question. >> yeah. what are the what are the best and worst parts of what he said, particularly in terms of policy, the best party didn't mention the gulags that he's going to create, but that's probably on the list. there was no good parts of this. this was just an astonishing one of the things that he does is he he does say what he's going to do do and many last couple of years ago when he was when he was president, when he was saying he was going to deal with immigrants and migrants and he was going to have the mic the band he had no one believed him, but i did i believe everything he said he's going to try to do is going to try to do whether he's competent added is another issue but the whole thing is terrifying for a
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lot of people and some people aren't going to like it because a lot of it feels like violations of civil civil rights that we well, ryan gets to the real point from what he laid out and his plant and there was a lot of policy does it help or hurt his chances for getting elected again? >> i think would likely helps when he's talking about issues like combating urban violence, when he's talking about reigning of the administrative state. i think these are things that actually resonate with a large number of voters. the question as kristen was getting at earlier on is whether or not he's going to have a coterie of serious, capable people around him. and my sense is that over the past few years, he added its allies has been trying to do exactly that, really identify people who can follow through. >> but what about things like saying he's okay, he's not going to do it themselves. but if a state wants to monitor pregnant women and prosecute them, if they get an abortion. >> well, this is basically a reflection of his taking the stance that i'm going to be an arch federalist on this issue. >> i'm really going to let the states to do what they will. that's not wind up being the
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best political move, but i think that he's aiming to be consistent with that position and it's going to exact a cost. >> no, no, i know there's a lot that you don't guide here, but if you believe the polls, when trump says, i'm going to crack down on illegal immigration, i'm going to crack down on crime in the cities. >> those are popping get our issues and issues on which president biden polls poorly that is true. >> i first of all, thought that this was a really good interview. >> i think talking to him about what he's planning at least allows people to judge it on the merits. >> right. and so no one can say that their surprise when if when if he's elected, he actually does these things i mean, to be honest, when you look at the plan here, i actually think that they will have a very professional team that is the thing that everyone in around his orbit has said was lacking the last time. and not only do they want to professional team, but they want people who are loyalists, who are really this time going to enact what he says. and this is what the purges about this
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as what getting rid quote, unquote of the administrative state is about i mean, it's talked about in these grandiose policy terms, but really it's about instituting loyalists that will enact some of the more questionable parts of reassure you or does that horrify you? >> i mean, it what i think is important here is that he is talking about what it is that he's going to do. and i don't necessarily believe that that is going to be positive to a lot of people, yes obviously, everyone's concerned about issues on the border. yes. people are concerned about the lowering crime and diddy's and the crime that remains. but at the same time when you hear that, what he wants to do is have these massive camps put people in rip families apart. i mean, i don't know if people are paying attention. it might not be something that they consider very america. think of the things that he talked about, the biggest political risks for him. one is the comments on abortion. i still think if this is a huge political landmine for republicans, trump's trying to navigate it, but i don't think he's navigating it very well. but second is this question of law and order. and i'm going to
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order the attorney general to prosecute people are i'm going to fire them and those sorts of things. i do think that with your centrist voters that sends a signal, i'm going to be a chaos agent, not an order agent. and that's vengeance. i mean, he's talked about ventilation so much that it really calls to question what he's really upped. meanwhile, back at the hush money trial the judge find him $9,000 for nine violations of the gag order and indicated that he might conceivably get tougher. up. qarrah yeah. >> what do you think about even the possibility of as the judge raised confining trump? >> yes. put them in the cooler for a couple hours, not overnight, just like one hour and then he does it again for two hours? >> do not yes. >> if he does it, he has to follow rules like anyone else. what is the king? are you going to do you're going to send him to rikers island. just have a cooler. they are especially we can have a similar i love those here national presidential cooler whenever you just put them in there for a couple of hours, i don't think you should put them in the clink because now we're talking about
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coolers. i think we should talk about the clinic. i don't know when play for hours. >> i mean, i think this is he is a former president. i think that this is i understand that he's already on trial just think that this is, it would be a step too far and it's certainly when flame, a very and situation. one of donald trump's biggest fans on capitol hill far-right firebrand, marjorie taylor greene is defined the former president at a move that's getting republicans and democrats to agree on sunday also a had the ryzen governor who star may now be fading for sharing much too much in a new book we're here to get your side of the store affairs, bribery, prostitution, why do we keep ending up here? >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. now streaming on macs second round of the nba
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closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 nauta, one unprecedented situation in the house democrat? >> yes, democrats plan to protect republicans mike johnson. this coming week, by voting to block a move to oust her that decision essentially dooms republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene's motion to vacate, which he plans to bring for a vote this week my johnson is not capable of that job. >> he has proven it over and over again. now, we have hakeem jeffries and the democrats coming out embracing mike johnson with a warm hug and a big wet, sloppy kiss.
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>> greene has getting a ton of pushback, especially from fellow republicans, are getting tired of her antics i think this is all about wanting more attention and not producing actual results 90% of us find it disgusting. >> this is a distraction and i think it's a mistake. >> retire the chaos retired or they had harkey. i really don't give a rat's what anybody up here says about what i'm doing kara, are marjorie taylor greene's 15 minutes over oh, now, but oh, march, she really is overplayed her hand. she's a bully and she's a braggart and it didn't work this time. sometimes it does work part four, but now, you know what i find myself agreeing with four guys that look exactly the same. you know, it's kind of unusual, but she's overplayed her hand badly here. badly, actually, but she's not out of the game? no. are you kidding? she's a noisy, you internet star, so wrong. khan. she's not like going green against the vast
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majority 30 of her colleagues on the house, republican conference, she's also going against donald trump, who has decided that he is going to back mike johnson and doesn't want to see him thrown out how does that affect her cloud on the hell this latest gambit of hers? >> i think that karatay, right. she's fundamentally an incredibly talented person who has a real eye for the cameras. she knows how to create a spectacle but i think she's going to be pretty marginal when it comes to actually the decisions that are going be made by the republican conference when i'm honestly struck by, is the decision on the part of the democratic leadership you had a few democratic members who were saying, hey, we're willing to go out there and support my johnson. but the fact the leadership did this to me is very telling about the fact that republicans feel very vulnerable about the threat of chaos within their conference. but i think that democrats do to what happens if democrats sees the speakership right now at a time when that party is very divided about the warrant,
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israel and many other contentious issue sees the speakership. i mean, the point is the democrats are basically saying we're going to block this motion to vacate. we're going to keep my johnson in there and one of the reasons that they're going to do this is because johnson has actually gone to them for help on some more moderate bipartisan measures for instance, foreign aid to ukraine. here is hakeem jeffries, the democratic leader we need more common sense and washington dc and less chaos the republicans have done nothing but deliver chaos below our debit crops, right? to bail out johnson to keep the republican speaker in charge. >> i think there are actually a little divided on this. and part of that is because you have seen speaker johnson take actions that actually make democrats look bad, forcing the hand of like an anti-semitism bill for example, and other
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things. and so you've heard some rumbling within the conference about whether they should really be doing this. but i do think at this particular moment we are right before a very contentious election that they are probably we're going to take speaker johnson's hand and lead them to the other side of this. >> of course, just was a matter. i'm a little surprised by this because just as a matter of pure politics, the democrats wouldn't get blamed for this. why not? let the republicans kicked out johnson, they just stay in vote for hakeem jeffries let marjorie taylor greene and her band of merry men kicked out johnson and have more chaos, doesn't wouldn't that help them in november? >> it would politically help them, but i frankly think that they don't want to sit through 15 more useless rounds of, let's throw another name in the hat. they don't get enough votes to do it again macron's republicans who look bad, but it's democrats who have to sit there that can't be back in their districts campaigning. >> i think it's bad for any incumbent to be stuck in this kind of situation going through
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this futile exercise. frankly, congress doesn't do that much as you approach an election anyways. so this late in the game, i kind of understand why democrats are like, please, please do not put but there is another player in this whole game and that is speaker johnson, who apparently is going to be able to keep his job with the help of democrats, but he is emphasizing that he has not going soft on his ideology the speaker of the house serves the whole body. >> i am a conservative republican, a lifelong conservative republican. that's what my philosophy is. that's on my record is and will continue to govern on those principles why khan can johnson run the house when he's basically they're by the grace of the democrats thank he can. >> and i'll say this, chris, you care a lot about accountability on the show. i think there are a lot of folks are really doubted. mike johnson. here's a backbencher, here's a nobody, here's a hard-core ideologues, and yet he's been incredibly deaf keys put in the work. he's built real relationships. he's engendered a lot of trust i've
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got to say he really has been up to the job in a way that very few people expected so kudos oh, my he wants to govern just like everybody else does except for the marjorie taylor greene's. >> he wants to actually govern, which is what you cannot be flame throwers and everything else you've wants to govern. >> do you think this is a sustainable a republican speaker who basically has governing? because not what margins there's gotta be a better margin situation. >> i think that this is back in the future. >> i think this might be what we're going to see more of because basically both of the parties are divided. an interesting and complicated ways. and i think that you are seeing a lot more partisan trans, partisan collaboration. so in a way, i think that this kind of partnership, believe it or not, in the trump biden-era, something we're going to see more. and i think right hands, right. i mean, i think speaker johnson has actually surprised people and how defterios bin and one of the things that democrats do say a lot is that they trust him to keep his word. they might not like his policies. they might not like what he stands it's four, but
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they do trust them to keep us know what i'm struck by it not only has mike johnson brought the house democrats and republicans together, he has brought together this panel i've never i don't like them that much there you go democrats hoping republicans probably not a trend that will continue, but up next to troubling trends are captured can fire involving your time and your money will explain the trump hush money trial gavel to gavel coverage, the way only cnn can bring it to you, legal insight, expert analysis and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows cnn lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. >> now unlike and join the call one while watching the game who's winning? >> we are my friend we are so
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investments, we may look like other money managers, but were different. >> how so we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interests. >> so we don't sell any commission-based products, then how do you make money? we have a simple management fee structured, so we do better when our clients do the clients really come first then yes, we make them a top priority by getting to know their finances, fami, health lifestyle, and more. wow maybe we are different at fisher investments were clearly different kills my best three fireball a little vantage it all day, everyday. when we came to say june really put as a leads a lot everyone, it's carrying everyone is loving here. and they're trying to save people's lives all over the world everything you don't eat. nice. being used. >> very grateful for everyone. they about how it really happen
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tomorrow at nine on cnn once again, it's time to get our groups, yay or nay, on some big talkers up first, you may need more popcorn if you plan to catch a flick this week at according to a new survey, moviegoers side, the ideal length for a film is 92 minutes, which just happens to be the runtime for kung fu panda four. but the average length of the ten highest grossing movies last year was 100 43 minutes, almost two-and-a-half hours. that's 30 minutes longer than the average, just four years ago. and oppenheimer, which won the oscar for best picture, clocked in at three hours and nine seconds and i'm remember every second of about three hours, kara yay or nay, or movies getting to law. >> no. and after the top grossing, once it seems that's what i'm talking about for you. oh, i text during movies. i don't watch. i'm still watching oppenheimer. i'm
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still watching. >> you have your phone out in the theater. oh, yeah. >> oh. that's how i know it's a good movie if it's a no text movie, it's a good movie that's how i judge. what about the fact that they tell you to turn off your phone? they don't really they don't care. yeah. ryan, are you okay sitting in a movie theater for two-and-a-half or three hours? certainly not next to text crazy. qarrah absolutely not. >> so i'm a huge movie buff. i see fewer of them now that i have little kids, but i'll say this. i think the studio executives are saying we need to get people out of their houses and we want to give them a real experience, give them their money's worth, throw more hours at them. i think they're getting it exactly wrong. if you can do that during. a? little break and you could do some other things before and after. that's way, way better. keep it short i will remind you of that next. congratulations, you're getting promoted, but with a big catch, does a new business trend called dry promotion where employers got a new job title and more responsibility i'm
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serious here, but no more money companies sayyed with retention challenges and tight budgets. it's a cost-free way to keep workers, kristen, you run a business. are you yea or nay, on dry promotions, big title, but no increase in the paycheck. >> i'm a hymen may on this if you are giving someone more responsibility, you oh, the more compensation for the additional responsibility you are putting on their plate. and if you are just simply giving them a new title without new responsibility, that's ridiculous. so i'm out lulu. what about it? where are you on dry promotion? >> as i've said before no, i just think it's ridiculous. i do i think it's i think it's and i think actually it's offensive because what they're trying to do is bamboozle their workers into saying, hey, you got a fancy new title, but you don't get anything with it. and that is pretty dumb finally, jedi masters today is you're de, may the fourth be with you?
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>> star wars fans around the world are celebrating may for the unofficial holiday of the film franchise because it's applied on the movie's famous phrase, may the force be with you, preston? are you yea or nay, on celebrating may 4th and the star wars saga? i may. >> yeah, it's always a good time to celebrate the star wars saga. >> and this may is the 25th anniversary of the phantom menace episode one, the one moving the trilogy that i will defend. and no one else. >> that's not the original one. that's the prequel. >> the first one that was terrible let's let's discuss afterwards. >> we'll discuss afterwards, qarrah. i was talking about this. you kinda remind me, a princess, leah. oh, i miss funky so are where are you on star? i'm not i'm not a star wars fan of star trek fan. and chris, i am you my father when
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that was set in a second real movie, my mind blow. >> yes. >> i didn't look actually says no, i am your father. he doesn't say, look, i am your father. >> oh, okay. well, for somebody who's not a star wars fan, you know, and all what and she was terrible. you are wrong which was really not a solid one. it was episode four. up next, the dog killing story heard round the world of politics qizan put dr. sanjay good listen wherever you get your podcasts, you open your mailbox and see the envelope from your health insurance company you hold your breath. >> will they pay for your child's treatment this time? you open the letter and find that you've been denied. again a month later, another letter arrived your premiums are going up again. they are banking record profits and still plan on increasing their rates by 12% how can the health
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pixel with conference semifinals coverage presented by wing star on tanf over, under this week, bets already being taken on who donald trump will pick as his running mate from says your bacon's choice before the convention this summer but that's not stopping oddsmakers who have south carolina senator tim scott as the top choice right now, other favorites, tulsi gabbard and a lace to phonics now one person who's obs have gotten a lot worse. >> south dakota governor kristi noem, who shares on an upcoming memoir that she shot and killed her misbehaving dog, cricket, while people across the political spectrum, were outraged noem defended herself this was a working dog and it was not a puppy. it was a dog that was extremely dangerous. it had come to us from a family who had found her way too aggressive. she attacked me and it was a hard decision it was
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hard decision, low-low. what in the world was kristi noem thinking? one to do it and to to tell the world about it. >> i i literally find this entire thing mystifying in every possible way as a dog owner and lover and i know that people on farms have a tough attitudes towards animals that she was like. >> that was her companion. it's tragic, it's terrible. and i'll also say, what was she thinking and all of this, i mean, apparently she said she met kim jong un at a certain point and that's been shown to be like fantasy, like who, fact check this book that is, i think what comes to the fore of this? she has been so surrounded by maga world that she thinks she can say anything and do anything. and when it gets pushed out into the wider public, i think she's found that it's that it's the reaction so upset that kristi noem may have embellished a story about meeting the north korean dictator. >> but shooting her dog in a gravel i mean uh, political
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upside here. i'm missing. >> no, absolutely not. i think that horror misguided thought process was i will prove to donald trump and the republican party that i am tough and i can make tough choices and i can do the ugly thing. and she is now one in a long line of people who have tried to imitate what they think donald trump would like and have failed miserably. >> want to know why no one's talking about the goat i'd like to talk about the goat. >> she also got to go. >> it's inexplicable. do you really think that people care as much about the gold? >> i just want to know why, what did the goat know? what did the dog no what you're assuming cover up here so much that guys, that know them is out of the running. who do you think that trump will pick? not saying who you want, who use uterine, trump will petocz his running mate. it give me one sentence. why reinhardt? >> it's going to be doug burgum, the governor of north dakota and south dakota because doug burgum is a self-made businessman not only is someone who is going to reassure a lot of those voters, centrist suburban, educated folks who are otherwise pretty skeptical
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of the former president lulu marco rubio, fellow cuban florida senator of my home state. i think marco, because he's latino i think donald trump is looking for someone of color. >> and i think he would be a solid choice in terms of someone who's known to the general public do have a problem. >> they both are florida residents, so somebody is going to happen. he's moving if he becomes a vice president, he's moving to the great city of washington, dc kristen congresswoman elise stefanik, i think that she will be chosen because i think donald trump may consider that he has a woman problem that needs to be fixed. he will think rightly or wrongly that she could fix it and she is proven that she is die-hard, loyal to him and she's been really tough and out front on this whole campus. protest issue. yeah. kara, that's the wrong woman. >> cricket? no. actually tim tim scott from north carolina he is loyal lapdogs speaking of
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dogs, and he's getting married. so it fixes all that. >> and i'd also helps the majority are exactly the minority issue. >> i think that's the least of the things he's loyal lapdog sorry. you can direct all of your tim scott comments to qarrah gang. keep your crystal ball out. we'll be getting more productions from you as well as your takes on hot stories, all about right after the break really i've drawn because i've been on the donor. again, agree with that. well, i don't know if a florida man is hospitalized in infected with anthrax to borrow this became the bureau's number war crying to sell how it really happened with jesse el mont'e two we'd nine on cnn from tried and true to try something new so many ways to save life, ready wallet, happy. >> that's 3605 by whole foods
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i'm josh campbell on the ucla campus in los angeles. this is cnn close captioning brought to you by guilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, it has a designers that get your heart
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racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. they'll be gone in a flash design the sales that up to 70% or so of today it's time for our panel special tags on what's happening or productions of what we should be looking out for our christian. >> get me with your best shot this past week, the united methodist church made a change to its policy. >> now allowing lgbtq clergy, and this has been a big change for them. a lot of major protestant denominations have kind of gone through this back-and-forth of what do we do about issues around gay rights. so this is a big move for i believe the second biggest protestant domination in the, they had lost up part of them remember, ship before they did those? >> yes. and it's unclear whether this will bring people back. it could alienate more. it's unclear, but it's certainly nice to see. i think this change, tara, you're on one of your favorite topics yes. >> yeah. >> yeah, it's a hot topic, but there's all these much ai devices. these are single-use devices that you carry or there's a pin, there's one
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called the humane pin. one's called bradstreet journal showing wall street journal showing some. and we know we don't single-use devices and tech never tend to work out. think of the ipod was assumed by the iphone that we will have an ai in our lives, but it will be integrated. so everything rahaf best shot at the university of north carolina at chapel hill, at group or fraternity brothers intervene during a big anti-israel protests. they were defending folks were trying to re hoist the american flag. these pi caps are making fraternities rate again, chris are you never you never struck me as a friend? >> not i'm not i was not into greek life that wasn't me, but i've got to say, i saluted those young man. they didn't extraordinary job and now there's been $500,000 raised to help those kids throw the biggest ranger of all time. i salute these young but that i could be included in the right. just trust me. trust me. i go to bed 9:00 jacqueline integrator i mean, punks two
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now, like saluting frat boys, i feel very i feel very discombobulated. >> all right. >> my one is border apprehensions or down by 40% this is important because of course, immigration has become a huge hot-button issue. >> and what's been happening on the southern border. and the reason that immigration has gone down in the southern border is because of what mexico is doing. and i think one of the things that this really shows is that when you actually have a partnership with a country instead of vilifying a country that perhaps that might help you in real quickly. >> do you think that these declining numbers are going to help biden on the immigration issue where he pulls very badly i don't i don't think so. >> first of all, because i don't think people are looking at the border going up and down and really focusing on that and the fact of the matter is that the border is still bad thank you all for being here and thank you for spending part of your de with us and to those who celebrate even kara,


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