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tv   Real Time With Bill Maher  CNN  May 4, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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three-to-one, three-to-one today. >> i'm pete muntean at reagan national airport. this is cnn know. hbo original series real-time with bill want to
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get on there hi everybody. >> i appreciate that thank you very much. all, right. we've got to go thank you. i well, today i'm going to hi and a little differently. i know why i'm happy they reclassified weed. i don't know if you saw this story. this is issue. lot of good people are more kindness for a very long time, marijuana has been at classified stretch schedule one, which means it's lumped in with the acid and lots of really serious drugs. now we've finally did this after decades working on this. it's now classified three, i think it's in the same categories, tylenol
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let's be fair enough that they're exactly like i would never do tylenol before the show but it's very exciting time a year now for a parents and kids who are going on to college, it's decision de was this week. that's what kids decide. are they find out if they're gonna get the attentive their choice i didn't get idea of a safety nothing wrong with the safety ten, but now this has the police friendly this week said enough is enough and they broke up a lot of these encampments that i'm going on yeah, the kids are fighting each other. did you see this? the university of alabama and this
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says a lot about a lot of things in this country. there was pro israeli demonstrators and anti-israeli depth trojan at one point they were both chanting. joe biden and, they said he couldn't unite america, highlighted that's not a good sign for the but no, it's amazing some of the kids in the ten, some of them are the pro-palestinian demonstrators, are jewish i i cannot wrap my mind around this jews camping meanwhile the, homeless here like can we have your dorm rooms some, of these encampments are getting pretty grungy. the kid say they would love to do laundry, but the ate all the tide pods so i don't
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know if this interests you, but the kentucky derby is this weekend. yeah. i feel the same way but let's add this pretty injured the winning horse will make $3.1 million and the losers will be shot by kristi noem we've been following this story we did it here last week. i thought it was a small story now it's the biggest thing in the country. kristi noem, she's governor of governor. yeah. of north dakota. and auditioning to be vice president as so many are these days for donald trump as he puts out a book and things he's going to make her look like a badass. she tells the story when she shot her 14 month-old old dog. of course, mater, the most unpopular politician ever. i mean, like no, she thought she was going to win over people. nope, liberals don't like it.
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conservatives don't like it, likes it. >> cats she got the cat the cat? >> i've heard people defender, they say, well, you know, shooting a dog is normal in some parts of the country. >> yes. so his your sister doesn't make it and of course trump had to weigh on in this like a dog. he had to weigh in he said shooting a dog is acceptable, but only if the dog is shoplifting in other animals well, abuse news. >> we know now that bird flu, we reported this last week, moved to the dairy area and they think it's because we're
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feeding the cattle chicken yeah have you think that's gross because of what came out of a chicken's asieh. just enjoy your eggs tomorrow finally it is cinco de miao this week as always, i must say i've loved here now live 40 years. >> there's always a big thing, bigger than a lot of other parts of the country. i understand that we always had so much fun. >> last few years. i've noticed not so much fun because people were afraid of cultural appropriation well, i just want to say this you're just enjoy it. okay anybody who was going to give you about that was just arrested at ucla got a great show. kellyanne conway and
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joshua greener here. but first as the front man for the whole. he has one of the greatest rock singers of all time. his solo north american tour kicks off in pennsylvania on june 10. his newest single, going home is available to download now and racist funds, routine cancer america, roger dollar tree pleasure thank you. >> you look great too. >> bag of laundry well, i was looking through some old pictures or you as often do are first of all, i just got to say, thanks for all the entertainment over the years. >> i mean, you really thank you because without your support
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what would have happened? >> i would have been a sheet metal worker and i wasn't very good at it i don't think he ever would have been that i feel like if anyone was born to be a rock god like they made it in a lab. >> i mean, look at yourself here that mean look at some of these pictures yeah. >> hello, dear i'm little too much information forever when i was a kid senior with the shirt on men on for many years. >> do you remember what how old you were when you were finally put a shirt on what do i get? >> incredibly hot when i sing? i don't know why it's like a furnace. >> so does the audit i just i feel restricted with the shirt on my line so often i it's
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wonderful well, it used to be not quite when your ideas old eight is that we weren't at one. >> yeah. yes. looking over some of the other album covers, i mean, i have the original lps and i always was curious as long as i have here, i'm going to ask you about the one for who's next, which is one of the greatest albums of all time what is the on stonehenge hat
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was it? 2001 space, obviously. so we thought, well, that's an interesting photo, but when we've got to it was, it was kinda boring. it was a piece
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but we existed on friction that's where the create the really good creation comes from. >> so he had some great ideas, but then keith would handle have ideas. >> john. and then we've already pitching them. it would take a great idea to be a fantastic idea i only last. that's what bands are really all about. chemistry yours seemed or violent yeah, we well, what i was in a band i was the only strike guy with
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free addicts they were addicted. >> everything you name it whatever is on the table, they would take it and take it in great amounts wherever whatevers on the bar they would drink it, drink it in great amounts it wasn't easy to control that lot so someone had to so now in the games i can write, i knew me last year, drummer from that. well, yeah. yeah. that that was going and you're doing a documentary about him keys? no, it's not it's a for, want of a word and i hate the word now because they are so many of the mean down. it's a biopic. but i've worked on it. okay. 30 odd years because i'm determined to make a proper film cinema to me has lost its way. they don't know whether it's to be cinema or streaming on tv or in a theater i mean, they're making three-and-a-half hour films in my opinion, that's an insult to an audience. anyone can sit for 3.5 hours without going out for a p. they deserve a medal i want, to make i want
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to make a film of keith moon because he had an incredible life he was extraordinarily terror talented. he was the funniest man i've ever met in my life. >> often said, rock's greatest drummer, know he was, he was fantastic. >> they call him sloppy, but it was anything but and he was the only guy i know that could make peter sellers laugh. who was really funny guy, but in his personal life, very serious. but keith could have him on the flurry fits of laughter i've wanted to make this film for ages. that is a roller coaster of a real life of someone so talented in so many ways. >> but he isn't. i have to use it. >> and it's kind of it's painful, but it's joyous. >> it's tragic. it's so much, so much in it. there's so much narrative to his based in music comes from his, just from his
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genius. and i want to put it on a screen and make a film again that runs for no longer do alice 15s. and interesting dynamic thank the one guy in a group and don't have to be a musical ghraieb. i've been in situations like this. i wasn't this ober guy but where there is one guy who doesn't want it and go along. it creates an incredible amount of tension. people don't like, for some reason how many times you have a drink? i'm having one now. i'm okay. now, come on. have one with me. what's the difference? i used to you? do you i used to have a drink beer. i don't know angel no, i know. >> i live are used to get out on my face and smash hotel rooms up, right? >> for me
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wo, guys night. every week the old so okay. before i the differences we haven't got guns.
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>> right. we look at urine go whew life is good why do people get stabbed or in england? >> yeah, well, it's a lot of people get stabbed it anywhere well, but the newspapers are using it because it's it sells newspapers, right? >> people are only interested in events of violent or not. i don't know. it's always been going on. >> but now, since the age of the internet, it's instantly online or somewhere where they can pick it up and print it. okay. i know you're out on tour. i'm not going to hold you too long. i know this tour means a lot to you. which routine cancer, which is your big cause how long how long do you play for now what depends minimum of 90 minutes. >> i usually end up doing about two hours. >> what long as you still love love to saying what songs and every i love them all i'm like
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your children, but it depends which which there's only one on board with that won't get forward again. it's because it's stuck to compute the track, right? it tries me insane because i can't move it. >> but you still do it. >> i still do at the fans once when he or she got to do it for the fans. >> i loved them all one i like singing probably most is love ryan army so many great ones. >> thanks again for coming here and doing what you're all right. three every piece of evidence tells a story how it really happened with jesse l. martin tomorrow at nine on cnn smile, you found it the feeling of bindings, psoriasis can't
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filter out the real you. >> so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only so tick to a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis the chance that clear or almost clear skin, it's like the feeling of finding yourself ready for your close-up are finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily. so tick two was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to so take two serious reactions can occur. so ticked, you can lower your ability to fight infections including tb, serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides are high at a vaccine or plan to sell tiktok is a tick to inhibitor, tick two as part of the jak family, it's not known as though tiktok has the same risks as jak inhibitors, find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding there's only one, so tick to ask for by name. so clearly you, so tick to i have type two diabetes, but i'm
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may seem fine now, they're like you need to watch out with diseases to how be okay. >> does this look okay i don't want protect myself but didn't use skulls health plus lawn food see all the product of parents 27 diseases are feeding or grass to help keep you long health and disease wanted to show you how to put it on i think i know how to use a spreader, pick up a bag of the new scats terp, build your healthy plus lawn through today if you look closely around the bag, you'll find a clue as to where these delicious pistachios are from well-done sherlock, you found it wonderful pistachios are the pistachios that are wonderful. >> but the word wonderful on them i'm kevin lift ttac at the white house. >> and this is cnn the
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bloomberg businessweek national corresponding whose book is called the rebels, elizabeth warren, bernie sanders, aoc and the struggle for a new american politics. >> josh greene's other hair you know who this is the former senior counselor for president trump, a new york times bestselling author and a fox news contributor kellyanne conway, my okay. >> so your boy had a big interview. he's on the cover of time magazine. i'm but she puts it on his wall. i know he loved when he's on the cover of magazines since you're the trump whisper, i thought we would ask you first what nobody knows him better than kellyanne he was asked the other day if would unconditionally accept the results of the upcoming
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2024 presidential election. redis answer if everything's honest, i'll gladly accept the results. if it it's not you have to fight for the right of the country that sounds like elections only count when we win all over again. and isn't this the problem with him? from the beginning? it hasn't changed. >> he does not accept real election results under what world is there going to be where he says, if everything's on it? >> oh, yeah. i lost we've never seen it. please admit will never see that. he will never admit an election loss. >> well, first of all, this was said, thanks for having me backfill we've been in this for decades secondly donald trump was accused of not being able to accept the election results in 2016, hillary clinton made a big deal of it. >> and what the final debate. it's so shocking and so on. american and he did accept those election results. she didn't. she still says one that was correct in 2024
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accepts the ones e-waste 2024. >> but i think his point is important in this way for some reason, early voting is no longer a 6:30 a.m. on november 5th, it goes on for 45 days in some states ahead of time they count the ballots afterwards as somebody who has never sat election fraud, stolen on election, all of that from 2020, i will say that it's important that we have states that count the early votes, early and then add together the votes that were cast. so election day and give us results that night. this shouldn't be difficult in the world. state is tobacco but i think
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hope he does by the way. i hope you didn't trump and mrs. trump will go and vote early in florida the first day they're eligible to vote actually because when the lion wars, the others will follow, his motors will say, oh, well now president trump voted early, i can to, you're taking a chance grant and pumpkin out of the bathroom light alone, out of the house on election day. i want that soccer's vote in october. so i don't like early voting, but at this is the new normal you adapt or you die politically. and we have to show let's, he wins. >> it's at least a 50, 50 will he relinquish power in 2028?
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>> yes. >> 12, 2029, january 20, 2029, our birthday, right? it is inauguration. >> there'll be 11 years younger than you on that birthday, but it is our chair okay, but he so you said that so definitively, of course you know why? because he was a great job in a second term that whoever the republican nominee will win, llc angel seed is trump's third term. the way he'll say, well, he said he had said many times sometimes a little well, comedy, but he does mocking me because i was always saying he wouldn't lose power he went around the country for many months and said maybe i just because we were cheated out of this one, maybe i should get another one and maybe one after that. >> so that's just a joke. >> haha, i probably constitution prevents him because i know but a lot of people think that once he wins,
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that's the last election willebrand that i've been i've been talking to a lot of undecided voters who don't think very highly of biden either because of the age issue or inflation, that sort of thing, or worried that if trump gets into office, he'll never leave. >> and there are people on the right pushing the american conservative magazine his, he hasn't conceded the 2020 election yet. what do you, how do you make it sound like it's a crazy idea? the one who didn't is very obvious who the president is. >> it's very obvious. biden as president presiding over 20% increases in gas and groceries, presiding over 22% increases in health care, 36% in car insurance. i mean, people can afford the natural couture mont'e seven adult life, which is why you love abandoned biden's. it's very clear donald trump is not the president our economy soccer, the border is open, 8.8 million people came here. that's that's larger than the population of 39 states. >> it's the same. we will, we know the president and we will get to all these issues but
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right now i'm just asking you, don't act like we ever had before. >> we're a candidate running for office who never conceded the prior election. that has never happened. >> well, i'm sorry, but respectfully, why are we talking about i think people are so why are we talking about whether elections matter in america and the type with my business. listen, i've been a pollster for decades, but fully recovered attorney and happy about it. my job is the prism of the people. people are not talking about that. bill, they honestly are talking about bacon and eggs. the insurance, utilities. they're trying to meet everyday expenses they feel they need ahead because i'm lack of security, lack of affordability, people do care about democracy also. >> they do maybe not the, not the circles do you know what i think i came on your show five days after that, we know what 90s after that. >> we know what i think of january 6 that will never change. but if we're looking backward, elections are always about the future, not the past. that's a way america needs to
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look at them right now. they feel a cost of living and every day, quality of life has demanded the a poster you've got to worry. >> i mean, you've seen polls that said hey, if donald trump is convicted of a crime and he's currently on trial, even though it doesn't get much attention in the news that support for trump will have. >> trump doesn't get attention in the news. it's all know the criminal trial. no, it's nothing it's nothing but protesters this week oh, okay. >> so well, that criminal trial really i mean, we were treating it like it's like it's like the gwyneth paltrow skiing trial from, photos. there are vulnerabilities. there, that there are, there's famine were split country, we have cultural cleavage is we're politically listen, art elections are presidential elections are not decided by millions of votes across the country. they're decided by thousands of votes across i've, written everything, three states, three states using it's going to come down to michigan, pennsylvania, and it was kinda projects. >> if you look at 20:16,
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trump's swept those three states, came, president biden swept them is 21 ship. i think anybody, whichever candidate, let me throw a wildcard it there, florida. >> now it's absolutely been a red state for awhile, but there abortion law went into effect this week, six weeks that's that's pretty draconian size. >> what i'm hasn't said he'd vote against. well, trump has said everything about abortion when he ran the first time chris matthews said, do you believe in punishment for abortion at that back, and he said, yes, the answers there, i see some form of punishment for the woman. >> yes. now he says it's all about the states, whether he'd sign a federal ban on abortion. there never will be a chance that he says because that won't happen. it's all about the states. is he comfortable with states punishing women who have abortions? i don't have to be comfortable. the states are going to make that decision. >> i get the i get the argument. abortion should not be legal if they think it's herder, i get that. i don't get it's okay to murder babies and blue states, but not in register, that which is why i supported 15 week minimum
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standard only because, for example, a girl named iliana here in southern california was born at 12 ounces the size of a coke can really. and she survived and his thriving and that's what's going on. i think we should have a conversation about science when it comes to abortion. we've talked about politics. he talked about religion and morality and gender. what about the science? how in the world do have a law in this state bill and many other states, sadly, where abortion is way past the point of viability, we should talk talk about, we should ask, i think we're having a conversation with the wrong party. i want you to have conversations about the politics of it in the fact that trump won't come out and say, if congress sends me a federal abortion ban, i will veto with the fact that he is god federal abortion will be if it's a republican congress they were not being the fact that he won't answer that, i think is a pretty do you mean 15 week? seeks a national minimum? national abortion? nationally comes to trump, but that money that he would sign it in the fact that he won't come out and say so, it makes them sound more like an ordinary politician. i've never heard
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trump kinda stick to talking points like that and just dodge instead of telling the unvarnished there is a role for the federal government and so do joe biden, kamala harris, they're saying restore roe, say they are saying it's a federal issue i think 15 weeks minimum standards means that there if a baby is 15 weeks or so gestation in the state, he can't go much past that unless it's like for them other unless there's another circumstance that's always in there. but trump's been very clear. there have been six republican president since 1970
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to say come get out here in a bikini and answer a question about syria, okay so we've got a hold of some of the questions that the ai beauty this is gonna, are gonna be ads. >> would you like to hear some of that for example what? >> here's your plan for world peace? and is it a slaughter all the humanoids what are your fears? killings on humans dealing jobs
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ews for just $40 a month my favorite news for just $40 a month. >> faulty dollars a month my favorite for just $40 a month $40 get your neighbor news are $40 a month sling lets you do that what does it mean to be out front it's going there.
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>> we aren't just about three miles from the gaza border its context and curiosity so you can be outside two, let's go out feel the
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wind the sinking of the titanic. >> how it really happen on cnn weeknight sedate tonight are three, 60 new reporting to get the full story the will to fight, how important is that the unafraid you have reasonable grounds to believe that alleged war crimes have been committed, have compassion let's we'll trauma. would you have been seek truth? >> is israel in full control of its territory and go with a search for answers takes you anderson cooper 360, week nine today on cnn time for me was
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everybody now that now that san francisco's 1.7 public toilet is finally open. and it ended up only costing $700,000 everyone has to admit california's back bay me thank god illinois, what, $700,000. by your home was there. >> oh, well yeah. okay. but then they wouldn't be homeless, would they neural let's admit that the new hybrid coffee mug bang is the dumbest product ever made it's like combining a vibrator with a reading light
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why would i mix something i enjoyed doing? first thing in the morning with coffee neural the south african tourists who sat quietly in this car while leinz on the roof deserving award best roommates ever interesting difference between humans and leinz, but lions, it's the male partner who says out your on my hair neural. >> now that they chechnyan ministry of culture as banned all music that's either too fast or too slow chechnya has to change its name to the people's republic of husbands won't get up to dance yes
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there's actually a country now where they regulate the speed of music. maybe someone at columbia can get mad about that neuro, someone needs to explain two young guys raised on pornhub that most women don't like being called a dirty the, ones who do will tell you here's an idea. try being nice during sex. say things like, wow, this is fund or you sure are good at said better yet, do with the airlines, do and say, i know you have a choice when. so thank you for me and finally, new rule at the top levels of our federal
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government, giving a guy a job because he got screwed over for another job isn't a good reason to give a guy a job? especially if the job is attorney general and especially if it's during a time when we need a tough ag to catch a real criminal merrick garland merrick garland, who is that attorney generalized speak of? >> and who spoiler alert sox was. >> you may recall president obama's pick for the supreme court in 2016 after the clintons murder justice scalia, with a pillar and while our government dysfunction continues to grow, one thing remained sacrosanct when the supreme court justice dies, the president gets to fill the seat. until mitch mcconnell said that new rule, you garland
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never even got a hearing so when biden got elected, the democrat said wouldn't it be funny as payback if we gave garlin the attorney general job? and that's how we got attorney general barney five a man who epitomizes the strange, stupid that comes over democrats whenever they have to choose a top law man, they worry so much about appearing nonpartisan. they get behind someone who let's actual crimes go on, punished five years ago in this space, i was tearing robert muller a new one. remember him, the straight arrow republican all the democrats thought we would hold trump accountable for colluding with russia. but with molar as with garland. now, when we needed a pitbull, we got a purse dog it's so interesting
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when it comes time for republicans to appoint a special prosecutor. they always appoint a republican. and when it comes time for democrats to a 0.1, they also appoint a republican a democrat hasn't served as a special prosecutor in a major investigation since watergate somehow the role became, it has to be a republican or it's not fair. you know dudley do right type like what molar or james comey remember him? a boy scout, they said, yeah, he was a boy scout. alrighty gave me and not in the stomach because he threw the presidency to trump by making a big announcement 11 days before the election that he was reopening the case into hillary's emails, and then found nothing. but the fbi was also investigated
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just saying the problem the problem the problem with this case isn't that trump is guilty. >> it's that it's being tried in the wrong court. if garland had done his job, trump would be in federal court charged with breaking campaign finance laws instead of states
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ro biden returned the documents immediately and cooperated fully. so why the need? to appoint special counsel at all oh, yes. optics but of course, the optics wind up being that while biden was totally exonerated, the republican council took the opportunity to say that the reason biden wasn't guilty was that he was too much of a senile, feeble, confused, shallow performer, man who poops his pants and can't remember his kids names with biden garland appointed a
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special prosecutor instantly with trump, it took 20 months, 20 months? i know liberals loved drag, but maybe you don't do it with the justice system and now with the most serious of the trump trials, the one involving his illegal schemes to remain in office. it's happening again 59% of americans, including 26% of republicans, say they want a verdict on this case before the election but it's doubtful they'll get one because for nearly two years or slow jam attorney general i'm looked at the statue of lady justice and thought, i want to be like her in capable of moving merrick garland is just so slow. he's
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like if the foro five was a person he's the embodiment, the liberal judge in every 70s cop movie, the one who always, let's the cycle path out on a technicality and then the psychopath rapes and nursing school and clint, nice what has to kill him with a bazooka but at least the optics weren't good. all right. that's our show. i'll be at the palace theater at albany, new york, may 19 spotlight on coachella, june 1, today chapter vii on theater at the mgm grand, his vegas, june 21 and 22nd. i want to thank josh three and kellyanne conway and rogers, all three. now, go watch over time on youtube thank you very much i have type two diabetes,
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but i'm managing its little pill with the big story to tell i take once-daily jockey
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victor vescovo: only a very few number of people have actually been to titanic, less than 50. [dramatic music] you had a lot of mystery about why it went down so quickly, who survived, and who didn't. it's a fascinating story, but people should not risk their lives to see this wreck at 4,000 meters. that is not a normal thing to do. [suspenseful music] it simply is adding to the intrigue of the titanic that 100 years later, it's still leading people to their death. [dramatic music]


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