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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 5, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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so they could jump in instead. really, it was the discovery of how well people had behaved. i think they were less selfish than we are. the bravery was quite extraordinary. [music playing] over a century after the wreck, titanic is still coming up with amazing stories about her passengers and crew. a nurse in the titanic infirmary was ordered into a lifeboat to show passengers the small craft was safe, so she was picked up by the carpathia and became a lucky survivor. then undeterred by the ordeal, she signed on during the first world war with the britannica, an ocean liner converted into a floating hospital. and when it hit a german sea mine, remarkably, the nurse survived the second time. i'm jesse l. martin, thank you for watching.
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good night. [music playing] us here in the united states, canada, and all around the world. >> i'm kim brune, whom for this is cnn newsroom, reports of progress, but no breakthrough from ceasefire talks in cairo between israel and hamas has thousands vent their anger toward israel's government opposition to the war here in the is one reason joe biden is facing a new problem in the polls the loss of young voters by a majority say they think biden presidency has been a failure and flooding is wreaking havoc around the world from texas to brazil is a local governments urged residents to lee the rising waters live from atlanta. this is cnn newsroom with kim gruber
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how talks are going in cairo depends in part on who you ask egyptian state media report that negotiators have made some progress between israel and hamas towards a ceasefire and releasing at least some hostages. >> but they don't appear to be close to a deal in both us and israeli officials she'll say any agreement could take days to finalize adding to the pressure to end the fighting scenes like this one. in rafah video shows a child being rescued from a damaged building after an israeli airstrike on saturday, in total rescue are saved two children and two adults from the building. the death toll in gaza is now more than 34,000 according to the ministry of health. cnn's paula hancocks joins us now with the latest on the go station. so paula, what are you hearing welcome there suddenly a feeling that there has been more progress. >> this weekend than where we were last weekend but there was also a lot of caution on all sides given the fact that we have been here before, that there have appeared to be
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significant, progress, made. and then there was no agreement at the end. but what we're hearing at this point is that bill burns, the cia director, was in cairo on friday. now, the egyptian officials have been key mediators in trying to secure this ceasefire along with the qataris. and we know that hamas was in cairo so on saturday now we heard from the hamas leader saying that they were coming with a positive spirit, saying that they are determined to finalize the agreement now, the onus is on hamas at this point, according to the israelis and the americans, they say that there is a proposal on the table. the us qatari of state, antony blinken has called it extremely generous on the behalf of israel. so at this point, we are waiting for some kind of response from hamas believing that that could come at any time. this we understand would be an agreement on the format,
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the free teamwork of a deal which would come in stages. now, we understand the latest proposal to be a about 33 hostages. we cannot give an exact number because that is unknown at this point that those hostages would be women. it would be the elderly, the sick, the wounded, and that would being returned for a temporary ceasefire or pause in fighting in gaza. they would also be a number of palestinian prisoners released in conjunction to that. now, the framework itself that has had some difficulties along the way. there are certain demands that hamas has been making that israel was not willing to give we know, for example, from an israeli source that they have agreed now to allow those displaced to move back to their homes or what's left of their homes in northern gaza, that was one of the key demands by hamas. so really what we're waiting for is whether or not this is a framework that hamas can except. now, we have also
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heard from us and israeli officials cautioning that even if hamas does say yes, that's not the end of the deal, there is still details to be hammered out. it could still take several more days to try and finalize the finer points of this deal. but it is key that it will in stages. so if this first stage can be agreed to, there is certainly a hope that once the ceasefire is in place, it gives everybody room to try and discuss the next stages, which would be further hostages being released, including soldiers in return for further palestinian prisoners. and of course the key element in all this is that any kind of see ceasefire will allow humanitarian aid to get in something that agencies say is absolutely imperative. can absolutely appreciate you bringing us the latest on the negotiations. paula hancocks in abu dhabi. thank you. >> in israel, protesters are pressuring the government to do
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more to get the hostages home they were on the streets of tel aviv on saturday night calling for new elections and the end of prime minister benjamin netanyahu's government. something family members of hostages and those killed in the october 7 attacks, they, the government is neglecting the hostages to pursue its war with hamas now, for more on the protests in israel, my colleague spoke with getting levy a columnist for harder, it's newspaper and a former adviser to shimon peres and says the protesters don't yet have the numbers to force new elections. here's it seems that it's growing, but it does not reach a critical way. in which you will have to listen to them the protest is focusing only on two issues getting rid of netanyahu. >> this is one part that obviously releasing the hostages, which is another
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part. not always together none of them is calling to end the war and say, i don't see it getting more momentum that it's got a deal now, which is very impressive but it's not enough by elections will be only if the wheel, if anything, you will lose his majority in the parliament. there's no other way to get there. and his government this coalition seems until now very solid what he go to an agreement, right now. he might lose this majority and that's exactly what stacks now, the negotiation, because you always more concerned about his government rather than the dean the daily might bring the fall of his government because the right wingers threaten him that would leave the coalition and then he doesn't have government. it depends now on israel and honore the states unlikely what the blinken say. as far as we hear it, year the
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main obstacle right now is the ten jal. and he tries to sabotage it. no other way to describe he published the two announcements over the weekend on the name of sources, anonymous sources in which he claimed that israel will go to refer. in any case, and it will not bring the end of the war. this is sabotaging the deal and this in my view, is almost criminal because israel has now the last chance to release the hostages. and the very big chance for creating a new, a new reality in the middle east i don't exaggerate because saudi arabia is waiting, is is waiting we are really determining turning point very dramatic one. and this government might spoil it all, and this will never be forgiven. >> some american universities are cracking down on pro-palestinian demonstrations as graduation ceremonies get
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underway. university of virginia says, after days of peaceful protests had to call in police on saturday to clear out an anti-war encampment, at least 25 people were arrested. the university says police were met with what it calls agitation, chanting, and violent gestures also on saturday pro-palestinian protesters were removed from the university of michigan's graduation ceremony. planes flew over the area with dueling banners reading divest from israel and stand with israel it's not clear if anyone was arrested, but cnn has reached out to michigan state police for comment nationwide student protests are highlighting a new issue for president biden, the possibility of losing young voters. a recent cnn poll shows that biden trails donald trump by 11 points among young people, only 40% of voters between the ages of 18 to 34 say they plan to vote for biden
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compared to 51% of voters in the same age group who say they'll support trump. >> now, looking back to 2020, exit polls showed that 60% of americans between 18 and 29 voted for biden now these new poll results also show that 68% of young voters say they believe biden's presidency has been a failure all right, joining us now is mark shanahan, associate professor of politics at the university of surrey. >> thank you so much for being here with us so if you're a democrat, those numbers not great. so, uh, put them into context for us just how bad are they for president biden they are real worry for president biden if you think of 2020 50% of young voters under the age of 35 came out and voted that was 11 points on 2016 and biden needed that vote in order for him to win. >> he needs an alliance of young voters, minority voters, and women if he loses, one of
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those constituencies and the young voters sayyed key within that then he really is in trouble trusting that they say that they're going to vote for trump. i think the likelihood is that they just won't vote at all. this issue around protest is not a wage issue. trump is likely to come down or he has said that he would just close that's down entirely so it's not something that's just going to divide just making young voters feel less positive about politics in general. in an election where there are two fairly unpopular candidates for the young vote. >> yeah. so the the real threat here is that these voters maybe may not switched to donald trump, but they might not just vote at all. so i want to show you something else. cnn's recent poll suggests the war on israel is very or extremely important to some 80% of young voters. if you add up those two
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figures there, but polls also suggests economic issues are still most important for this demographic. so how important truly is the war in gaza as a motivating factor for these young voters? do you think? >> it's not 1968? this is not like vietnam. young americans are not being drafted to fight in this war. joe biden is no, eugene mccarthy. it is an important, it is a salient issue but health care, abortion, the economy, the cost of living, getting affordable housing, all of the issues that probably matter more to younger voters. and biden's record isn't bad on them, but he hasn't really been highlighting that young votes. and what he's doing for younger people and if he wants to get them on boards and get them out to vote, come november, he really has to push those issues as it happens students are going to be going home for the summer sun. this issue will di down on student
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campus sits but here's lackluster with this portion of voters really, really has to be far more proactive to gain their votes now, as i mentioned earlier, are polls suggest more than eight in ten to eight in ten young voters disapprove of biden's handling of the war but they don't seem convinced that letting trump win if they don't, if they don't vote. >> so, for example, trump, who has a much harder line on palestinians and who buy them way this week vowed to restore the muslim ban will they be swayed by the argument that trump winning would be far worse for their cause i think that argument should be played with younger voters. >> at the moment. this is a wonderful deflection from trump's sitting in new york courtroom while he has made some noises around it. all of the attention has been on biden and his order must prevail
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statement biden is taking the flak at the moments even though his position is probably more pro-palestinians than trump's, it's so if the biden campaign can turn some of that fire on their opponents, it's probably going to help with younger votes this is the wrong war at the wrong time for him you talk to democratic party operatives and they say basically the same thing, pauling underestimate support from buying. >> they say when push comes to shove these young voters will show up at the polls if only because of issues like we talked about abortion. and of course, if it is to stop trump are they diluted on that? >> no, they're probably not deleted. >> we are still very very early in the cycle. >> normally we would be still talking primaries at this point. but we're talking about two candidates who emerged right at the beginning of the primary season.
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>> there are plenty of other issues that we'll get being greater salience before the election day. >> while this is not popular war in terms of the way that biden is handling it. it is not going to be the absolute key issue that drives voters to the polls or keeps them away from it as you suggest, lots of twists and turns still left that's election were actually in a hand. >> thank you so much for being with us. appreciate it thank you fresh off his criminal trial in new york, donald trump lambasted democrats saturday even comparing president biden's administration for gestapo. the comments came in a republican retreat in florida and where the former president also railed against prosecutor uterus behind his 88 criminal charges and praised a former illinois governor convicted of corruption. let's cnn's alayna treene reports the main purpose of the retreat was fundraising former president
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donald trump traded the courtroom in new york for florida this weekend on the backdrop of the republican national committee's annual weekend retreat. >> now, during one of those sessions hosted by chris lacivita and susie wiles to have donald trump's campaign managers, as well as tony fabrizio, one of his pollsters. they walked the group through the latest fundraising using a figures last month. they said that they brought in 76.2 million. and this is noteworthy because it comes as they are trying aggressively to match president joe biden's campaign in their fundraising and their ever-growing war chest. now on saturday, part of the event was hosted at mar-a-lago and donald trump addressed the group group and also a praised many of the vice presidential contenders on his shortlist that includes people like elise stefanik, tim scott, doug burgum, and jd vance, among others. he brought them up on stage and talk to largely about the core issues that he cares about for his campaign. now during one of these presentations today they
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also laid out a plan of how they want to be competitive in states like minnesota and virginia, both traditionally democratic leaning states that they said they're gonna run ford aggressively ahead of november alayna treene, cnn, palm beach after the break evacuations and rescues amid historic flooding in southeast texas and even more rain is on the way deadly floods create havoc in parts of brazil, submerging homes and roads and displacing tens of thousands of people. >> when we come back, how the country's responding to the devastations they went my name is marie and 49 years old, and i'm a business owner. i owned a lemonade and ice cream shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun i've still murray and i got botox cosmetic. >> i did not want to dramatic change. >> i one is something's subtle
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oils to fill your lowman with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days now that's a breath of fresh air whack pain means pause on the things you love. >> but brene means go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going bio freeze green means go close captioning, bronchi by guilt, visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices you every day, hurry. >> there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% off shop today flooding is devastating. parts of southeast texas where some towns saw almost two feet of rain in just five days. river flooding in harris county, which includes houston, is expected to top out at a level not seen since hurricane harvey in 2017. one county official says 224 people had been rescued from homes and vehicles
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cnn's rosa flores, is there well, there's been a lot of emotional and very tense moments were individuals who have been rescued rising waters. >> what you hear in the background is in air bone. there's rescuing individuals, but they're also trying to convince them to evacuate. let me show you around. this is an area that's called the river bottom. this street curls around and there are owns back there. are these back there? i've talked to neighbors who say that they're between eight and 15 individuals back there who do not want to evacuate, but take a look around you'll see the water level. you see the water level on the fence and on the trees. if you look closely, the good news is that some of the water is receiving because you can tell that water level from the dream. now, i talked to the owner of this mobile home her name is stacey smith, and she is one of the individuals whose has access to she has taken everything out.
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she has left the area, but she says that she's trying to come back because she's trying to convince the eight to 15 individuals that she calls friends and family who are back in the river bottom because she's hoping that they evacuated to safety. take a listen. >> the ones that didn't want to come right now, we're going to go back and get with a personal boat and we're going to go get everybody. we're not leaving nobody behind because they're like our family they're like family down there. >> just to put this into perspective, harris county, texas is one of the biggest counties in the country. and according to authorities at this point, they estimate that several hundred homes are being impacted now, the damage assessments have not been made according to authorities that might start on monday. that of course is if the water starts to recede. but the message to everyone in those evacuation zones is the following from authorities get out they are asking individuals to please go
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to safety to higher ground because there is more rain expected overnight and through the weekend. gross off notice cnn, harris county, texas flooding in kenya has killed at least 210 people. the country delayed the reopening of schools nationwide until further notice, the kenyan president says the situation is expected to get worse, more intense rainfall is forecast over the coming days and weeks heavy downpours are expected today in some parts of the country, the present blames the extreme weather on climate change and at least 56 people had been killed and 67 are still missing in brazil as torrential rains pummel the southern part of that country, the governor, their calls it the worst disaster in the state's history. cnn's allison chinchar has the details houses submerged to their rooftops, roads only navigable by boat some like this couple forced
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onto their roof, rising waters giving them nowhere else to turn so the walkway settlement, think of ozella will mccoys, humans must be doing something different for her the planet to be basically punishing us. i think pollution something is happening because this is not normal. it's not natural at all. this has been caused by something tens of thousands of people in brazil's rio grande do sol are displaced as heavy rainfall pounds the southern state authorities declaring a state of emergency and rescuers are searching for the dozens missing among the devastation hundreds of thousands of people have been without access to electricity or drinking water while blocked roads, damaged bridges and rising waters make it difficult to reach safety more than 8,000 residents have found what refuge they can in shelters. many able to salvage nothing but themselves up to just told you live on tail wound small office godel, i
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lost everything i lifted some furniture that i could, but i believe i lost everything. >> i really am desperate. it's the first time this has happened authorities have urged people to avoid highways rivers, and hillsides warning of money i'd slides and further flooding. >> brazil's president luiz inacio lula silva stressing that his government will be quote, one available to the suffering state will face. >> you don't i want to tell you there will be no shortage of aid from the federal government for health care. in other words, there will be no shortage of money to take care of transportation. there will be no shortage of money to take care of food as heavy rains make their way from northern to southern rio grande assault floodwaters won't begin to receive for days are keeping away those hoping to return to their homes or what's left of them, forcing the ominous question of when or how to
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rebuild allison chinchar cnn the head of the world food programme, says northern gaza is now experiencing a full blown famine just ahead, what she says, israel can do to help those who are starving, please? >> statement we're here to get your side of the store a bribery prostitution. >> why do we keep ending up? >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. now streaming on max. >> february's your bathroom needs for really small spaces. the always on odor fighting air freshener you set and forget, no outlets, use, no batteries needed, no effort required so your bathroom stays continuously fresh for 45 days? that's the power for bh3 small spaces pain means pause on the things you'd love, but brene means go cool the pain with bio
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welcome back to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada, and all around the world. i'm kim bruin, who were this is cnn newsroom. the director of the world food programme says northern gaza is now in a full blown famine cindy mccain told nbc news that the situation is called a she says it's hard to hear and watch with palestinians in gaza
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desperately need food, water, sanitation, and medicine. here she is whenever you have conflicts like this, and and emotions rage high and things happen in a war famine happens. and so what i can explain to you is, is that there's famine full-blown famine in the north and it's moving its way south. and so with what we're asking for and what we continually ask for is a ceasefire. and the ability to have unfettered access to get in safe and unfettered access to get into the enter into gaza fit various ports and various, various gay crossings in cairo negotiators are working to reach a ceasefire and hostage agreement. egyptian state media report that negotiators have made some progress, but they don't appear to be close to a deal in both us and israeli officials say any agreement could take days to finalize cia director bill burns is they're representing the us in the
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talks? officials from egypt, qatar, and hamas are also taking part the director of israel's mossad isn't there, but israeli sources say he could travel to egypt quickly if hamas agrees to the framework cnn has been investigating a strike on a refugee camp in gaza that happened two weeks ago, more than a dozen people were killed, most of them children and the al-maghazi refugee camp in central gaza. yet the israeli military still hasn't taken responsibility for the attack jeremy diamond has more on what cnn has learned and we just want to warn you, is report does contain distressing images this grainy home video is the closest mona owdetallah will ever get to seeing her ten year-old daughter a stack of school certificates a wardrobe of her favorite clothes the perfume she used to wear all that remains of the daughter, mona poured everything into
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there is no shahed now, every time she came in, she said, mom, i would say my soul my soul. >> my soul is gone through shahed's was one of ten children killed when an israeli airstrike hit the crowded street and the almohads, you refugee camp where she was playing with her friends her pink pants, impossible to miss among the small bodies splayed around the foosball table in the chaotic aftermath two weeks later, the israeli military still won't take responsibility for the strike that killed her cnn provided the idf with the coordinates and time of the attack based on metadata from two different phones in the immediate aftermath the idf said they did not have a record of that strike. they said they carried out a strike at a different time than described and that the collateral damage as described in the query it is not known to the idf. the idf
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makes great efforts to mitigate harm to the civilian population from areas where strikes are being carried out evidence recovered, and documented by cnn at the scene of the strike paints. a very different picture of israeli military responsibility this circuit board and bits of shrapnel walls and shop steps distinctively pockmarked and a small crater barely a foot wide all pointing three munitions experts to the same conclusion carnage was likely caused by a precision-guided munition deployed by the israeli military saying these stripes, so many times those are relatively small crater in the road. >> that's how large shrapnel holes fragmentation holds it would have been, which would have been caused by say, a mortar round on artillery. the fragmentation is consistent. >> so in your review, this strike was caused by a precision-guided drone fired missile? >> absolute. this is an israeli
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munition. the local militias, a local forces do not have anything with this amount of sophistication before carrying out the strike, israeli drones would have surveil the alma ghazi refugee camp from above seconds. later the missile hits the street below, landing in the middle of the road, just a few feet away from the foosball table where shahed ahead and her friends were playing that de delivering certain death against all odds. these children have returned to play at the very same food foosball table, including some of shahed's friends but it has to fill i miss her a lot. some says wearing a necklace shahed made her. >> what she says she was nearly killed with her friends going home moments before the strike to drink water others were not as lucky. >> eight year-old ahmed is fighting for his life, bleeding from his brain, his skull fractured his chances of surviving are slim. his doctor explains he is fighting not to
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become the 11th child killed in that same strike jeremy diamond, cnn, jerusalem and sadly, di and of his wounds earlier this week, he was eight years old okay. when becomes the 11th child killed in that israeli strike? more than 14,100 children have been killed in this war since october 7, according to the min-jae golf and gaza protests over the war are wrapping up on university campuses in the uk and ireland. students at trinity college dublin piled up benches to block access to a popular tourist attraction, the book of kells the school decided to close the attraction until monday. now it comes after the student union was fine, more than $200,000 for the destruction caused by pro-palestinian demonstrations in the the university of virginia says at least 25 people were arrested during a protest on saturday. police were brought out into clear out
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antiwar encampment university says police were met with agitation, chanting, and violent gestures a group of protesters stood up and walked out of indiana university's graduation ceremony on saturday night, cnn's whitney while has the details here at indiana university. >> what we saw was dozens of students stand up as indiana university president, pamela witton began speaking. and well, it did not throughout the ceremony, people that we spoke to who were inside memorial stadium here in bloomington said that they could at least here are the protest, are understanding based on those conversations as well as social media, video, is that the students stood up me this audible protests and then walked out. it was a big question here it to what degree protests might disrupt the ceremony if at all, for two reasons. the first is because indiana university i had set up a protest zone outside memorial stadium, but also because they have had pretty robust protests here in bloomington and it was
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an april that 33 students were arrested at indiana university at a pro-palestine protest. and what we've seen all across the country as at schools that have seen those protests in many cases have seen in disruptions to their ceremonies. for example, if the university of michigan pro-palestine protesters were able to actually disrupt the ceremony briefly before they were escorted out by michigan state police. so again, that was the big question here at iu and bloomington, indiana 41,000 people inside that stadium. and our understanding is that just dozens of students stood up again as the president was speaking and then filed out. it was autumn well, but it was not disruptive whitney wild, cnn, bloomington, indiana. >> so i'm displaced palestinians in gaza are praising the campus demonstrations and thanking protesters for taking up their cause you didn't. was i support the us student protests and solidarity with the palestinian people? and support the continuation of these protests as they make it more known to the palestinian cause. they say that the palestinians are living under injustice and
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more people stand with us and our cause after the break, authorities confirmed they've recovered three unidentified bodies in mexico, search for three missing surfers continues. while the latest text you think, you know this story, but there's more beneath the surface, how it really happened with jesse l. >> martin tonight. at nine on when cnn how does climb inspector get among the most big verdicts and settlements of any law firm in the country, because climate spectrum is an award winning team with five dr. lawyers. >> the most up at furman, the united states and that's why the new york times calls klein inspector up powerhouse law firm so if a defective product motor vehicle accident, or medical malpractice caused a catastrophic injury. call klein inspector how far would you go? >> is that the ambiance of your
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world's news net. mexican authorities are confirming the recovery of three bodies from a cliff near ensenada, mexico. but the remains haven't been formally identified. now this comes amid an ongoing investigation into the disappearance of three surfers to australians and one american journalist. if no one has the latest mexican authorities, as well as the families of the three missing surfers are still waiting for the final results from the forensic examinations performed hold on the three bodies that were recovered on friday morning. at these point, the authorities want to make sure that there is an ultimate and definitely di dna match bit between those of three bodies that were recovered in a cliff
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about 50 miles south of the city center of ensenada. and the three surface, two australians one american before drawing any conclusion, of course, these hours of frantic waiter and great caution cnn's affiliate network in australia have reported that their family of jake and callum robinson are traveling to ensenada to be as close as possible to the investigation and perhaps even assist with that dna matching. in the meantime, the three mexican it isn't who had been previously brought in for questioning in relation to these investigation had since been detained on the allegation of kidnapping according to the attorney general of baja, california, the state where ensenada is located. the fbi and australian for an office are also assisting the mexican police so far to alternate clue on what happened to those free juries were have been particularly seen since april 29, haven't has not surface
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the answer and we will be sure to report back to you as soon as there is an official pronouncement from the authorities in charge of these investigation for cnn, this is funnel puts a ban. botha human rights lawyers are trying to prevent the execution of an iranian wrapper to manage salah, he was sentenced to death last month because of his involvement in protests that swept iran in late 2022, they were sparked by the death of a young woman in police custody who was arrested for allegedly not properly wearing her headscarf. >> now, a group of london-based lawyers has filed an urgent appeal to the un, saying the rapper's treatment violates iran's international obligations and say time is running out because he had only 20 days to appeal since his sentencing. the rapper's treatment has drawn widespread international condemnation. ukraine's president volodymyr zelenskyy is officially a wanted man in russia as state news agency says, he's been put
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on the government's wanted list under russia's criminal code. ukraine dismissed the move as an act of desperation and a publicity stunt. meanwhile, six people hello, are injured after the city of kharkiv came under attack for a second straight day vishal say debris from a russian drone felon a residential neighborhood this morning, damaging multiple buildings ukraine says it shot down multiple drones the day before, but the falling debris left four people injured 98 year-old woman says she walked six miles to escape russian shelling in her ukrainian hometown. so you sticks to support herself but fell several times along the way. libya step anova says she left her town in the donetsk region now occupied by russia, hoping to reach kyiv controlled areas she slept on the ground without food or water, legs, shaking and giving out throughout the journey but she says after surviving world war ii, she's determined to survive this war as well. >> she is i woke up. they were showing it was horrific. how
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could one possibly sleep? my daughter-in-law said we must leave. i said son, we should have left before ukraine's military found the woman and handed her to police who took her to an evacuation shelter. she wasn't injured. she says her character helped keep her going ceremonies are underway around the world is orthodox christians celebrate their easter this is video from st. volodymyr is cathedral in kyiv or a service began earlier this morning. some ukrainians flock there to receive blessings and pray for peace. similar scenes will play out at orthodox churches around the world today, the holiday falls on a different de than in western churches because the orthodox ones used a different calendar and because orthodox easter is celebrated after the jewish passover holiday all right, sold to come. it's the season of dazzling spring flowers. and
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in the netherlands two lips are taking the spot light, but not all is as it seems, will explain why coming up, stay with us the in rash of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin night and day. >> despite treatment, it's still not under control. >> but now i have written brynn voc is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema fast summer invoked patients felt significant inch relief as early please, two days. >> some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as two weeks and many taking invoke saw clear are almost clear skin run vote can lose for your ability to fight infections, including tb series infections in blood clots, some fatal cancers including lymphoma and skin heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. >> people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. >> serious allergic reactions can occur tell your doctor if you are may become pregnant
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season in the netherlands with this time of year, the flowers can be seen blooming at their best. >> what is the cnn's linda can kd explains these days they're falling victim to rising temperatures what or whether and border controls springtime is bloom time for juleps, the flower, a sign of unconditional love, rebirth, and forgiveness from afar. these majestic blooms in the netherlands look like a perfect field of budding pink and red juleps. but up close, their suffering. these fields of growing generations of children flips with arjun smith's family overseeing operations since 1940. but climate change is changing their production year after year. >> let's winter, it was very wet, totally in our sector, we lose around itil 9% of the bulbs in the fields. they like gill by, by water we must blending also four hectares, four of the total less smith
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says with this change, they'll lose at least 13% of next year's bulbs higher temperatures add more water vapor to the earth's atmosphere and cause wetter winters. >> and what you see here there was from the water, hot springs in some is there also less than ideal for farming when smith, this work 30 years ago, he says they only wanted the fields two to four times in spring now he says sometimes they have to water them every week but the changing climate is not the only challenge pharmacy brexit, and it's increased border controls could have negative repercussions for chill at farmers my thing it goes export from the netherlands, from the flower industry to send doing land because it's sometimes it's happened through staying many days to waiting by the border before they can past even with an uncertain future, smith's stays positive,
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recalling the smiles, his flowers brought when he donated them to the people of ukraine. >> i was silent. their people comes to me they tell me with the it in the eyes and shaking them voice thank you for the flowers. it means for us a little bit mental hilti at it gives you so then everybody can say what they want, but we need flowers they need jobs, more different varieties, more colors, happiness. linda king haidt cnn might have only been by a nose, but mystic dan as the winner of the 100 kentucky derby it was a dramatic three horse photo finish at churchill downs, starting the race and 18 to one odds, mystic dan edge doubt sierra leone, and forever young to take the first leg of the triple crown and more than 3 million in prize money. it's the closest three horse photo finishing almost 80 years next race of the prestigious triple crown is may 18 at the preakness stakes in maryland
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wants us to two weeks left until the final day of the english premier league season. and it's far from decided, are snl and manchester city or in a dog fight over who will come out on top? cnn's patrick snail has the details might is the city are seeking in historic fourth title in a row, no team has ever done that. >> and when you have erling haaland onboard, anything is possible the young norwegian is back. i'm fit again and it shows, just ask wolverhampton wanderers who were thrashed to five, one on saturday haaland with four of them, including two penalties. the english born star now, with a teller nine hat-tricks, city's story craze overall tally for the season is 36 and he's flying just one city needed most to guardiola's man extending their unbeaten home streak, do an amazing 43 matches city now on in a 19 premier league games and they look a really good bet for yet another title meantime, on saturday are still
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continuing that quest to be crowned sharpies of england for the first time in two decades at the stage of the season, of course, no margin for error. as arsenal hosted born with an m or stadium. and you wait for the home fans for that first goal, but it does come in first half stoppage time buckeye asoka converting from the penalty spot 20 minutes from time. the host doubling their leaders, belgian style andrew trust are finishing superbly for tunel. their usual heat for the home fans and then the icing on the cake for arsenal as declan rice, who set up by goal for trust are putting some real gloss on the scoreline deep into injury-time. three nil arsenal, the final score, a vital win for mikel arteta's team so atop the table we can see that is arsenal who lead the way by a point from man city, city do though have that vital game in hand? liverpool taking on spring sunday, at the wrong end of the table, a vital wind for nothing and forest on saturday giving them hope of staying up, but a really
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damaging defeat for burnley against new castle. now, winning england's premier league title, things within joy, unconfined for any team that goes on to be champs, but just getting the chance to even compete in the most lucrative live successful and famous football league in the world is utterly life changing on saturday, ipswich towns date with destiny, the team trying to get promoted back to the big time for the first time since 2002 and a to nil win over hydrous field doing the job and amazing feeling when the final whistle goes, ipswich, known as the attractive boys, becoming just the fourth sayyed and the premier league era to go from the third to the top tier via consecutive promotions and incredible story. and what a moment for the suffolk club, which was sold to american investors but just 50 million i'm taking you now inside the fish sound dressing room is such an incredible experience for any player. the coaches, as
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well as celebration 22 years in the making. ipswich finishing second buying champions less the city and i congratulations to everyone at ipswich town football club back in the big time, it's back to you all right. >> that wraps this hour of cnn newsroom. i'm kimberly new braam, be back with more news in just a moment. >> tonight on the whole story in one of the world's most diverse ecosystems, eigen watson confronts the stark reality of climate change sure.
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