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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 5, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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welcome to all you wanting us here in the iyad states, canada, and all around the world. i'm kimberly hooper. this is cnn newsroom are falling developments at ceasefire talks in egypt. and this comes amid a dire assessment of the humanitarian crisis in northern gaza last bracing for demonstrations at colleges and universities across the us this weekend, we'll look at the psychology behind protests. and a thrilling photo finish at the kentucky derby. cnn sport's carolyn menno joins be live to break down the 150th run for the roses live from atlanta this is cnn newsroom with kin group mover it goes here there isn't the israel hamas ceasefire and hostage talks have made some progress with it
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appears that they're far from an agreement. us officials say they have cautious optimism, but warned that talks have previously fallen apart at the last minute. cia bill burns is in cairo representing the us in the talks. officials from egypt, cotton and hamas are also taking part. us secretary of state says, what happens next is up to hamas. curious we wait to see whether an effect they can take yes for an answer on the ceasefire and release of hostages and the reality in this moment is the only thing standing between the people of gaza and a ceasefire is a mass small hancocks joins us now with the latest on the negotiation. >> so paul up, bring us up to speed. where do things stand right now? >> well, kim, at this point, we are waiting to hear from hamas itself and official response to this egyptian lead proposal, which was given to her mask well over a week ago now there
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had been expectations, certainly from the israeli sayyed and the american side answer would come last week at some point, but it hasn't been the case at this point. we know hamas is in cairo. they did arrive on saturday and we also heard from the hamas political leader ismail haniyeh he had spoken to egyptian and qatari mediators and in a statement said that they were looking at it in a positive spirit. so at this point we really need to wait and see whether or not hamas is willing to go along with the framework that the egyptian proposal has suggested something along the lines of between 20 10303 hostages being released, for a certain pause in hostilities, a ceasefire in gaza, and also palestinian prisoners being released in tandem with that as well, it is still a multi-phase proposal that's that's on the table at the hope, of course, is that once that first phase it has
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been agreed to, then that will give space for negotiators and mediators to try and push forward with the next stages. we have been cautioned though by american and israeli officials saying that even if hamas does agree to this framework, it could still be several days before there is an actual final deal. as they have to hammer out some more details before that happens, can learn. >> so as we wait, paula, ceasefire couldn't come soon enough for those in gaza. the situation getting more desperate by the de, with starvation. a real fear for many this is one of the things that humanitarian aid groups have been warning about four months now that the humanitarian situation is catastrophic in gaza, it's something we have been talking about for some time but what the age groups say is that they need a ceasefire, they need to be able to access gaza and as they put it, flood, the area
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with aid, they say, this is really one of the very few ways that they will be able to try and stave off famine. >> that could be happening. even wrote by now, we have heard from the world food programme, chief, let's, let's listen to what she said whenever you have conflicts like this and an emotions rage high and things happen in war famine happens. >> and so what i can explain to you is that there's famine full-blown famine in the north and it's moving its way south and so with what we're asking for and what we continually ask for is a ceasefire and the ability to have unfettered access to get in safe and unfettered access to get into the into gaza. various ports and various, various gay crossings now latest figures from the united nations say
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that they believe some one million palestinians have been displaced from within gaza. >> and it's only a population of 2.2 million. so just to show the devastating impact of what has been happening there it's october 7. and we've also been hearing, of course, from the israeli sayyed that if there isn't a hostage deal done, if there isn't a ceasefire in place, then instead they will be going ahead with their operation. a major ground offensive. they call it is raffa itself, which would have catastrophic impact once again, on the humanitarian efforts, especially as that is where much of the humanitarian aid is coming in and much of the aid groups are based kim or i appreciate you bringing us the latest paula hancocks in abu dhabi. thanks so much. no, tel aviv this weekend, protesters pushed for these rayleigh government to do more to bring home the hostages we're,
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calling for new elections and a change in government. many say they no longer have confidence in prime minister benjamin netanyahu in the united states, protests on college campuses, maybe putting pressure on american officials. but for now, president joe biden has been adamant that the us is supporting israel areas forced you to reconsider the policies to the region no and joining me now from tel aviv, former israeli consul general in new york alon pinkas. thank you so much for being here with us. so just to start with the deal, do you get a sense that a deal is close? any idea of what the deal might look like no, i don't i'm sorry to disappoint you. >> kim and everyone involved and it it's not a it's not a political issue, it's a tragedy you know broadly speaking there was an issue here of the end of the war
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element in such a deal and the end of the war is a critical issue for both sides. but it stems from a different definition of what constitutes victory israel said repeatedly that the eradication and toppling of hamas would constitute victory. so at the end of the war would be very pretty much short of that objective for hamas, it is just to stand on their feet and wave a flag even if it's one flag. so they want the end of the war so that prevents a deal on a gross basis on a more political basis kim there is a numbers issue here. mr. netanyahu has two numbers. >> he is juggling with 64 and 33 64 is his coalition majority. >> and 33 are the number of the hostages are said to be released in the first phase. and he clearly, as it appears
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per fairs, prefers, i'm sorry 64, meaning that i don't see a deal in the next few days really you don't think that because of those reasons that they can come to any type of agreement no i mean, they they can i know that qatar qatar is making tremendous efforts to get a deal. >> the egyptians are helping the americans are pressuring via the director of the cia, bill burns, who was in cairo today on this very issue but mr. netanyahu isn't a political bind. and remember him. remember kim, he is motivated solely by his political survival calculations and considerations. so few days. i know it's horrible to say because it deals should be made i don't see a deal in the next 234 days all right. >> well, that's a depressing assessment there, but i'm wondering about the pressure
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from the other side because we're seeing so many demonstrations in the streets right now, you're talking about the pressure, obviously leslie, from the right wing, not to give up too much to hamas, but obviously a lot of pressure on the streets there, on netanyahu that won't force him to come to some sort of agreement here. >> well there's a good chance it will because the demonstrations are focusing came on what i told you a moment ago. and that is his preference for the 64 for the number 64 as opposed to the number 33, 64 members of parliament as opposed to 33 hostages. and these demonstrations are focused on his decision-making but even more so on his mismanagement of the war. and there's your critical mass that is beginning to form of fatigue and enough is enough with his failure to take responsibility has failure to be held accountable, his
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mismanagement of the war. >> i'm talking from the protesters point of view and so i do see i do see these demonstrations growing and increasing an expanding what the time left i want to ask about the us role you've written quite a bit about the relationship between the us and israel, between president biden and netanyahu, the us is playing a key role in this, in these negotiations. >> israel's government and netanyahu specifically they've been difficult partners for the us. how do you think that's affecting the dynamics and maybe the outcome of these negotiations? >> i think the us is extraordinarily frustrated with mr. and ateneo. and i think there is a there's a formula here according to which president biden's love, israel at this point overrides his disdain for mr. ateneo but i think it's evening out because the is behaving in an, in an
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occult recalcitrant and defiance way that that for lack of better words gets on america's nerves. the us hasn't done anything substantial or dramatic in that respect. but i think the patience is wearing very, very thin will have to leave it there, but always appreciate speaking with you alone. pick us. thank you. >> thank you. kim in the police were calm, so the university of virginia on saturday after a pro-palestinian encampment on the campus was declared an unlawful assembly universities from new york to california when you have seen unrest in recent days with protesters calling for an end to the war in gaza and for schools to divest from israeli linked entities. >> so far, police have arrested more than 2,100 people on 40 campuses but protests and sometimes counter-protests are taking place during
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commencement season. cnn has reporters at campuses across the country this weekend, this our polo sandoval has more on those clashes at the university of virginia, rafael romo brings us to the demands of students at one florida school, but we begin with whitney wild, the nursery, michigan well, it was interesting when we were here earlier app before this armani began, we walked around the entirety of michigan stadium and we did not see any indications there would be protests. we did not see protesters. we didn't see any flags. we didn't see any signs. it was only once the ceremony got underway, about 15 minutes in as the secretary of the navy carlos del toro spoke, that protesters made their presence very clear i'll give you just a sense of how close the protesters got to the stage. so to my left here is the stage where i a long list of speakers was speaking. and again, this happened during the secretary of the navy he the speech. and then you come a look over my shoulder to the right here. it was right in the center of this field that michigan field, where a group of protesters
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between a dozen two dozen protesters made a very vocal protest. they were chanting, they had flags. what was apparent though is i should say, police were not going to allow those protesters to get any closer to the stage more than a dozen police officers on top of those protesters immediately the clash was not at all violent. it was very peaceful. and after i'd say about five minutes police guided those protesters outside we heard very little after that. there were no disruptions. but what the secretary of the navy did take a moment during his speech and it's not clear if this was ad-libbed or this was preplanned, but did take a moment to acknowledge the rotc members were graduating today and made a point of saying that their service is to protect speech. so certainly acknowledging the protest that was going on around him, even though his speech was disrupted, it was a very brief disruption. the rest of the ceremony went off smoothly. we have reached out to michigan state police to find out if any of those students whitney wild,
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cnn, hanover, michigan the commencement ceremony here at florida state university and tallahassee is well underway. >> this is one of six ceremonies that were scheduled to be held here at fsu between friday and saturday, according to the university, if it's used awarding degrees two more than 7,800 graduates five protesters were arrested during a demonstration here at the fsu campus on tuesday afternoon, and two of them are current students according to the school. they were banned from cattle because for one year and the students and it's still an open question whether they will be able to graduate are not fsu said in a statement that the arrests occurred after the the ignored multiple requests and warnings to comply with a lawful order. fsu also said that the university's rules and regulations had been explained repeatedly over several days and the group had been compliant until the arrest happened. it was also a tense week at the university of florida in gainesville, about
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two hours away from here, where nine pro-palestine protesters were arrested monday evening on campus, on friday, we spoke with the leader of the saint group of pro-palestine protesters at uf in gainesville, a group that has published a list of very specific demands for the college administration so we're asking for disclosure of financial transactions of the endowment so that we can ask for divestment from weapons manufacturers and companies that are complicit in the genocide happening in gaza additionally, we want you have to end course partnerships with weapons manufacturers and other such kind of affiliations that the university has. and they are also demanding that the university of florida publicly denounced what they call violence and discrimination against pro-palestinian students as well as called for a ceasefire in gaza we have heard very similar to demands made by pro-palestine protesters at campuses across the nation. on the other hand,
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we also spoke with graduating jewish students the told us some of the protesters seemed unable to understand how hurtful and offensive some of the things protesters are chanting can be. these two couldn't say that those words and the protests over the last few weeks have created hostile environments. i'd colleges and universities throughout the country. >> people don't understand the meaning behind the words that they're saying. i think that's the whole issue with this movement as people are seeing that it's a trend and saying from the river to the sea and not realizing that's completely anti-semitic and calling for the genocide of jews. see you have this argument that it's genocide on one side. but really when you're chanting these things to jews it means the same thing. >> meanwhile, commencement ceremonies will go on a schedule here at the florida state university campus in tallahassee the college of law will award 312 degrees on sunday. and the college of medicine, an additional 110 on
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may 18, rafael romo, cnn, tallahassee, florida all right. >> still to come will take a closer look at how these anti-war protests erupted and why they're expanding two more campuses across the us. plus evacuations and rescues historic flooding and southeast texas. while the latest on that and the other weather threat spanning from texas to the west coast are from cnn weather center, just ahead, please? he's stay with if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, put it in check with rin folk a once-daily pill and symptoms tried take control. >> i got rapid relief and reduce fatigue with brin voc when flares kept trying to slow me down, i got lasting steroid free remission with brin book when my doctor saw damage, grin vote helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining, check for both uc and crohn's rapid symptom relief
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calling was to build trucks. and that's why trust looks are what we do we put our everything and every truck. so that when you find your calling nothing can stop. you you from answering it flooding is devastating. >> parts of southeast texas where some towns saw almost two feet of rain in just five days and more rain is expected today. and evacuation order remains in place for parts of polk county. were flooded thing in harris county, which includes houston, is expected to top out at level not seen since hurricane harvey in 2017. when county officials as 224 people and 153 pets have been rescued. cnn's rosa flores, is there well, there's been a lot of emotional and very tense moments were individuals who have been rescued from these rising waters. what you hear in the background is in air-bone, there still rescuing
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individuals, but they're also trying to convince them to evacuate. let me show you around. this is an area that all the river bottom. now, this street cruise around and there are homes back there. are these back there? i've talk to neighbors would say that they're between eight and 15 an individual's back there who do not want to evacuate, but take a look around and you'll see the water level. you see the water level on the fence and on the trees. if you look closely the good news is that some of the water is receiving because you can tell that water level from the tree. now, i talked to the owner of this mobile home. her name is stacey man, and she is one of the individuals whose has access to our home. she has taken everything out. she has left the area, but she says that she's trying to come back because she's trying to convince the eight to 15 individuals that she calls friends and family who are back in the river bottom because she's hoping that they evacuated to safety take a look
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the ones that didn't want to come right now, we're going to go back and get with a personal vote. and we're going to go get everybody. we're not leaving nobody behind because there our family they're like family down there. >> just to put this into perspective, harris county, texas is one of the biggest counties in the country. and according to authorities, at this point, they estimate that several hundred homes are being get impacted now, the damage assessments have not been made according to authorities that might start on monday. that of course is if the water starts to recede but the message to everyone in those evacuation zones is the following from authorities get out, they are asking individuals to please go to safety to higher ground because there is more rain expected overnight and through the weekend rosa flores cnn, harrison county, texas. >> and right now, 22 million
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people are under flood watches in texas and oklahoma, and 9 million under high wind alerts. meanwhile, snow and thunderstorms could threaten parts of the us cnn's allison chinchar has the latest on what's ahead? three main threats this weekend, we're talking flooding severe thunderstorms and yes, even some snow. >> so we begin with that system out to the west. that yes. could dump three to six inches even up to a foot of snow across the cascades. we're talking one to three feet of snow into the sierra and then very heavy rainfall here along the coast take eureka, california, for example, forecast to get between about an inch and a half to two inches. that may not sound like that much, but in the month of may, they only average about an inch and a half, so they could end up getting a month's worth of rain in just a few short days. now, sunday that system begins to spread that rain and snow over the great basin and eventually into the rocky mountains by monday now we start to see that interesting setup for severe thunderstorms across the central us before that begins to shift eastward.
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here's the main focus point for those severe thunderstorms on monday, essentially stretching from sioux falls all the way down to dallas. you're talking damaging winds, large hail and even tornadoes? yes. even in places like omaha and oklahoma from a city which are still recovering from tornadoes in that area, just a little over a week ago, then the threat continues to shift east and then coming days. so tuesday and wednesday, also looking at the potential for some severe storms just in a few places, a little bit away. another concern is still the flooding. a lot of these areas are still cleaning up across texas from the shear volume of rain that has fallen over the last five to seven days. and now we're going to be adding even more now the heaviest rain is going to be a little farther west of houston, namely from waco over to san angelo down to san antonio, where they could pick up an extra four to six inches of rain, even houston, which is expected to get as much, you have to keep in mind, it's on top of we've all of the rain they've already seen this video from livingston, texas showing just what the flooding has done to these areas, roadways covered that
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water flowing into people's homes and businesses as well. and also don't forget the river flooding. we have dozens of river gauges that are at minor, moderate, or even major flood stage all right. >> is still to come here on cnn, the university of virginia said a pro-palestinian encampment was an unlawful assembly leading to clashes with the police on saturday multiple arrests donald trump left the courtroom behind for the weekend and took the stage at or republican donor retreat where he compared democrats to nazis, will have that coming up. please stay with me riyad says new album is breaking records get to say what country is comey beyond say a nashville's renaissance streaming exclusively on mats moving forward with node positive breast cancer, my fear of recurrence could have held me back, but i'm staying focused in doing more more to
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welcome, back to all you want to guess here in the united states, canada, and all around the world, i'm kimberly neuberger. >> this is cnn newsroom. >> when we get back to one of our top stories, this morning, pro-palestinian protests on us college campuses are now coinciding with the pomp and circumstance of graduation season big state schools and michigan, florida, and indiana that have seen demonstrations all held graduations on saturday protestors are calling for an end to the war in gaza and for schools to divest themselves from israeli linked entities. >> most of the demonstrations have been peaceful, but more than 2,100 arrests have been made since april 18, and police were called to the university of virginia on saturday after a pro-palestinian encampment was declared an unlawful assembly 25 people were arrested. they're in charlottesville. now it's still unclear how many of them were affiliated with the university cnn's polo sandoval has details yesterday's class came after pro-palestinian demonstrators
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maintained a presence on the uva campus for days. >> in fact, they were even actively engaged in conversations with the university. however, it was until those tense came up that the university then reached out to police take action. and this is what happened in this video. you can see officers advancing steadily on a group removing umbrellas and tents at one point, you even see some sort of smoke or missed up in the air. now it's still unclear if any sort of chemical agent was deployed. uva encampment for gaza claiming that it was tear gassed but campus police not responding to our requests to verify that claim. the department of safety and security at the university did announce that it was an unlawful assembly on saturday afternoon. a couple of hours slater declared the situation to be in their words, a stable university did respond to a request comment from cnn saying that it had informed the participants repeatedly that the ten policies are in place and that these sort of tents that were set up violated said policy and that's what
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initially prompted the university to respond, but really wider picture. this just reminds us that uva is really just the latest university where tensions between protesters and the police have resulted in some confrontation. we do not have any reports of any age juries though during the uva incident joining me now, is benjamin abrams deputy chair of the sociology network at the nursery college london. >> and he's also a lecturer in sociology and the author of the rise of the masses, spontaneous mobilization and contentious politics great to have you on about this the war has been going on for a long time now. so why now? why do you think the campus protests ignited when they did? >> thank you very much. game. it's great to be here. i think one of the key things to note is that this hasn't been a single wave of protests all at the same time, protesters are reacting to the actions of
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police and their campus administrations and the administrations of their student colleagues elsewhere. and they're showing their determined nation to fight back against these kinds of clearances and the quite harsh treatment by police by digging in and protesting more. and in fact, that repression has caused an increase in participation from people who maybe are not particularly radical on the issue of palestinian solidarity, but who object to seeing their fellow students brutalized i asked or kicked out of their college spaces. >> but the genesis of this here are psychologically what's at play. i guess for many young people, their sense of identity is closely related to collective actions that right? >> absolutely and in the context of student mobilizations, these students identify with their given campus communities. and so, seeing their colleges in many senses roll back on, on more friendly language. there have been using from october through to april and adopt this newly harsh stance, i think has
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caused they emergence of a student constituency, which is being more readily mobilized by the protests and by the occupations students identifying as students, of the university stepping out and joining those occupations and students are of course, very readily able to protest. they have a lot of what we sometimes call biographical availability. they don't have the kind of constraints it's an obligations that many people have. and of course they're located in the perfect position to go and protests on their campuses so when the student sorry. >> yeah. yeah. go ahead. so they basically have the time to do it as well. most of us are working, for example you've studied mass mobilizations are there factors that tend to make certain protests movements more or less successful that makes some sort of catch or last absolutely one of the key things when you look at the spontaneous participation of ordinary people who aren't lifestyle activists is that movements have to have this
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kind of affinity the with the chosen participants. that's to say it's not just about having compatible grievances are compatible political claims with a large number of people. but also fitting into those people's life patterns, their social experiences and also catering to their emotional needs. and some of the things that drive them. and i think here these protests have really touched on that in the way that we haven't seen in quite some time. >> a lot of this is coming from students and student leaders, student activists, but we do know that there are other people who are coming onto the campuses from outside. how much of the energy behind this do you think is generated from outside of the schools and how much of it is organic from within the student body i think it's important to note that there has been palestine solidarity activism on many of these campuses, not just back to october, but long before. >> so there's been a lot of work done on these campuses to build the basis for the occupations we're now seeing. although naturally large protests or protests that are
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trying to log tension will bring in people from beyond the core constituency. some of these people from outside for example, they may well just be people who are enthusiastic about what's going on and inspired by the students i guess when we look at the final effects, i mean these, these mass protests in the past, they have been engines of social change we've seen, for example, the anti-war protests against vietnam things like anti-apartheid movement. >> do you think in this case that it will have any meaningful effect? >> i think we're, already beginning to see some effects, not least in the discourse about the protests. i mean, you need only look at the recent saturday night live clip, right? to show that it's beginning to have an effect on opinion leaders as we sometimes call them in academia. and i think with that shift in, opinion leaders and later the public opinion, you may well see some softening of rhetoric from the biden administration. although his recent announcement seemed to be
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relatively strict on what he considered an acceptable protest be interesting to see how this plays out, how this fits into the continuum of mass protests that we've seen in the past. >> benjamin abrams. thank you so much for speaking with us. really appreciate it thank you so as his criminal trial in new york takes a break for the weekend, donald trump lambasted democrats saturday, even comparing president biden's administration, that the gestapo now the comments came in a republican retreat in florida where the former president also railed against prosecutors behind his 88 criminal charges and praised a former illinois governor convicted of corruption. as cnn's alayna treene report's main purpose of the retreat was fundraising former president donald trump treated the courtroom in new york for florida. this weekend on the backdrop of the republican national committee's annual weekend retreat.
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>> now, during one of those sessions, host state by chris lacivita and susie wiles to of donald trump's campaign managers, as well as tony fabrizio, one of his pollsters. they walked the group through the latest fundraising figures last month. they said that they brought in 76.2 million. and this is no where are they because it comes as they are trying aggressively to match president joe biden's campaign in their fundraising and their ever-growing war chest. now on saturday, part of the event was hosted at mar-a-lago and donald trump addressed the group and also a praised many of the vice presidential contenders on his short less than that includes people like elise stefanik, tim scott, doug burgum, and jd vance, among others. he brought them up on stage and talk to largely about the core issue jews that he cares about for his campaign. now, during one of these presentations today, they also laid out a plan of how they want to be competitive in states like minnesota and virginia both traditionally democratic leaning states that they said they're going to run
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toward aggressively ahead of november alayna treene cnn, palm beach ukraine's second largest city was targeted for a second day in the row. now, russian forces are suddenly ramping up their assault on kharkiv. that's a head loss. authorities confirmed they recovered three unidentified bodies in mexico's a search for three missing surfers country ten years will bring you the latest next you think you know this story, but there's more to the surface, how it really happened with jesse l. >> martin tonight at nine on cnn and then missing out on the things you love because of asthma get back to better breathing with the sandra, an add-on treatment for, you? finnegan, like asthma that has begun once every eight weeks to sandra is not presented breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur, don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor sure. to tell your doctor if your asthma worsens,
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list under russia's criminal code, ukrainian dismiss them move as an act of desperation and a publicity stunt and 98 year-old woman says she walked ten kilometers to escape russia and shelling in her ukrainian hometown. she used sticks to support herself, but fell several times along the way. lydia step unevenness says she left her town in the donetsk region now occupied by russia, hoping to reach kyiv controlled areas. >> she slept on the ground without food or water or like shaking and giving out throughout the journey. >> after surviving world war ii, she says, she's determined to survive this war as well. >> i woke up. they were showing it was horrific how could one possibly sleep? >> my daughter-in-law said we must leave i said son, we should have left before ukraine's military found the woman and handed her to police who took her to an evacuation shelter. >> she was uninjured. she says her character kept her going
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mexican authorities confirm they've recovered three bodies from a cliff near ensenada, mexico, but the remains haven't been formally identified as comes amid an ongoing investigation into the disappearance of three surface two australians in one american journalist stefano a ban has the latest mexican authorities as well as the families of the three missing surfers are still waiting for the final results from the forensic examinations performed on the three bodies that were recovered on friday morning at these points, the authorities want to make sure that there is an ultimate and definitely dv dna match between those the three bodies that were recovered in a cliff about 50 miles south of the city center of ensenada. >> and the three surfers to australians, one american before drawing any conclusion, of course, these are hours of frantic way to and great caution. >> cnn's affiliate network in australia have reported that
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the family of jake and callum robinson are traveling to ensenada to be as close as possible to the investigation and perhaps even a sister with that dna matching in the meantime, the three mexican citizens who had been previously brought in for questioning in relation to these investigation heads since been detained trained on the allegation of kidnapping. >> according to the attorney general of baja california, the state where ensenada is located. the fbi and trillion for an office are also assisting the mexican police. but so far, the alternate clue on what happened to those three juries have been reported missing since april 29, haven't has not surfaced yet. and we will be sure to report back to you as soon as there is an official pronouncement from the authorities in charge of these investigation for cnn, this is stefano pozzebon bogota official london nerves have re-elected mayor, sadiq khan
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gaming him a historic third term in office. >> khan won easily beating his closest rival, conservative susan hall by 11 percentage points. the mayor thanked voters in his victory speech saturday, here's i promise to repay that trust you've placed in me by working tirelessly to deliver the farah safer greener london you deserve. >> it's been a difficult few months. we faced a campaign of non-stop negativity, but i couldn't be more proud but we answered fear with facts hate with hope, and attempts to divide with efforts to unite cons, labour party also did extremely well in thursday's local elections. their success was a warning too conservative prime minister rishi sunak. i have the general election which has to take place by january
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all right. still to come here on cnn newsroom, the kentucky derby has its newest winner after an incredibly tight race. cnn sport's carolyn man and joins me next to break down the 150th run for the roses state with dry eye symptoms kelvin inflammation might be to play over the counter why drops can provide temporary relief. dry can provide lasting relief. he targeted inflammation, they can cause dry eye disease it's going to drag treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease, don't use it for allergic design, dre, common side effects include irritation, discomfort, or blurred vision when the pipe and unusual taste sensation. why we ask your doctor about a 90 day prescription. it can pay as little as $0 xi dre at morgan stanley both go hard work meets ball, new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities. and relentlessly work with you to make them real
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proven to support memory in older adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back don't let symptoms to fine. >> you emerge as you withdrawn via most people saw 90% clear skin at four months. and the majority stayed clearer at five years from five hey, it's proven to significantly reduce joint pain stiffness, and swelling. >> it's just six doses a year after to starter doses, cbs allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them until you, doctor, if you have an infection or symptoms for if you had a vaccine or plan to emerge as you emerged, trump fired asked her doctor about trump via closed captioning is brought to you by skechers, hands-free slip ends neal hands-free skechers slip and sandals, light comfy sandals. you never have to touch or bend down to put on the exclusive heel strap. guides are put into
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place. skechers slip and sandals oversized hats, sir, suckers, mint juleps, and a photo finish for the ages, the kentucky derby delivered all right. kind of drama saturday and cnn sport's corresponding carolyn menno joins me to take us through it. so carolyn, i mean, the derby couldn't have asked for a better way to celebrate the hundred and 50th running of the race, right? >> you're right. i mean, there's a reason that the kentucky derby is called the greatest two minutes in sports. and we saw that yesterday, a people packing churchill downs dressed to the nines. and this race was a complete ten mystic dan at 18 to one odds with a solid lead entering in the back stretch of this race. but sierra leone and for every young would close fast. what a way to commemorate such a significant milestone in the racist history. this could not have been any tighter. it actually took several minutes to confirmed who cross first, but the photo says it all mystic dan by a nose with
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sierra leone finishing second. just another knows that ahead of reverie young, the closest three-way finish at the run for the roses since 1947 as jockey brian hernandez wins his first derby crown why was the longest few minutes i've ever gotten my life? >> wait until the thing that number up it was exciting when we did the library wasn't sure if we won, so it was quite a rush there, sit here and wait for it wait was a rabu centenary saying, hey, we wanted to thank let's go, let's go shelf we felt pretty confident that we got we got to just before i let you go. >> preakness we discuss it another season to play off heartbreak for the toronto maple leaves at the hands of the boston bruins the two original six teams in a winner-take-all game seven last night for the first time in seven years, the bruins have now won all three taking a big, brutal bounce off the boards and overtime, right to david foster noncompetes, ilia samson. >> now for the game-winning goal, a dagger for lease fans who last one at all, 57 years
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ago to tell clear now, yeah sun is over for us i think we dropped one free. >> will make serious to boston name. so on i don't want to say, i like y'all not like you just for. losers elsewhere, the anthony edwards show continues in the playoffs are franchise postseason record 43 points and last night's series opener against denver as a group, minnesota made an astounding 71% of the shots in the second half. >> nods, read the nba six man of the year had 14 if is 16 and the fourth is minnesota steals game one on the road against the defending champs, the wnba continuing to thrive north of the border, a sellout crowd of over 16,000 fans on hand in edmonton, alberta for the second annual canada game between in the la sparks and seattle storm. and they got to see a show from la suh
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superstar rookies cameron brink and rokia jackson. the second and fourth overall pigs and last month loaded draft class dazzling in their preseason pro devs using giving fans in hollywood a lot of hope for the future of the franchise's la wins by five from future stars to an all-time great messi, still a magician, the eight-time ballon d'or winner doing all the dirty work last night, dishing out an mls record, five assists and none better than this threading the perfect pass between three defenders to tell my tas ross for his second goal of the game. messi also assisting on all three of luis suarez is scores the only goal he did not get credited with an assist was his lead to bleeding. tenth goal of the season as miami routes the red bull's six to two, but he just continues to make magic happen for all the fans who don't want his greer two what a site. yeah, that's right where messy goes. >> records fall. let's carolyn manto in new york. thank you so
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much. appreciate it. >> well, the time for the world's most watched costume show is upon us the met gala takes place monday and this year is red carpet theme is the garden of time reference to short story from 1962, written by jg ballard, which explores the nature of time over, the years, the met gala themes have explored many lofty subjects and this year is celebrity guests are asked to interpret ballard's vision a style scene is dystopian and post-modern all right before we go saturday night lives cold open a few hours ago, spoofed the college protests here in the i will look well fonts your daughter must feel so supported when she's out there. was that now when when whose daughter is out there? >> at the protest no, no, no, no you bugging alexis vanessa roberts, better have a button class let me buy allow seeing one of them dam tense instead
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of the dorm room that i paid for i thought you were in favor of the student protests, rather, man, i am supportive of yours key is protests that my kids my kids know better shoe. but let's has been less than crazy kenan thompson to play that concern dad joke. >> he's boston is to pay for his daughter's tuition because what's not three sorry, three this free that is columbia $68,000 a year. all right. so get confused there that wraps less effort. cnn newsroom, i'm kimberly newer for viewers in north america seen in this morning is next for the rest of the world, it's connected i think africa every weekday morning, cnn five things has what you need to get going with your day. >> it's the fiber the central stories of the morning in five
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