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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 6, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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biden's dog was nowhere on the grounds, and then she writes, commander, say hello to cricket for me. >> and close. >> yeah. so we'll get again is the dog that she took out back in shaw. >> never say so. she's more focused on how do i make this about joe biden than acknowledging maybe killing a puppy is a not something like you said, not something around. >> well, trump doesn't like dogs, so i think maybe license say you went down like a dog or this good dog and all this stuff. so maybe she this is clearly her i think she wanted to sound tough and like i'm oh, yes, i'm a woman, but i will do those hard. they shall if that if that was what was going on in the trump team has really been very put anything to do with that? i think it didn't work. i think she should a ran at past slim fors and i mean, i don't think trump likes this type of bat, this type of bad press i'm going to have to
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start collecting everyone's dog photos it's more like a join our own friends. >> i'm sorry, it's 7:00. we wrap up here. thanks. all of you for joining us. some kasie hunt, cnn news central starts right now evacuated immediately the warning now from the israeli military telling estimated 100 civilians to get out of eastern raffa in gaza right now, warnings of long-track tornadoes and giant hail, millions of americans are under a severe weather threat today and we now know the historic flooding over the last several days in texas has turned deadly. >> dramatic, disturbing video. >> a gunman pulls the trigger on a pastor in the middle of services what happened next to save lives i'm john berman with kate bolduan and say assignor, it's monday. and
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this is cnn news central happening right now, as many as 100,000 people in gaza are being told to get out of eastern raffa, the israeli the military is preparing it appears for a possible in long anticipated ground offensive in the southern gazan city in the last hour, we've seen smoke rising over part of the area unclear right now why and what it is from however, the idf has been dropping, dropping leaflets to alert civilians warning palestinians to evacuate immediately with a map showing them where to go to find safety also happening right now, the hostage and ceasefire talks between israel and hamas this morning are stalled. >> once again, all of this interconnected, this is just after there was a brief moment of optimism of progress at the end of last week, cnn's jeremy diamond isn't jerusalem. arlette saenz, is that the
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white house? jeremy, what are you learning about? what are you learning about what israel is planning and what they're saying right now? >> well, for weeks now, we have been anticipating the possibility of a ground offensive in rafah. and what we are seeing now with these leaflets being dropped on a part of eastern raffa certainly appears to be setting the stage for a major israeli ground offensive into that city. the israeli military insists that this is a limited scale operations but make no mistake that we did not expect the entire city of rafah to be evacuated all at once, nor did we expect israeli troops to begin moving into that entire city in one large offensive. instead, what we have been anticipating is a ground offensive as well as an evacuation that would take place in stages. and so early this morning the israeli military began dropping leaflets on eastern rafah, where an estimated hundred thousand people are currently living asking those individuals to begin evacuating the israeli
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military has also said that it has issued text messages as well as phone calls to tell people to evacuate. they are telling them to evacuate northwards a to the al-mawasi area which has been a designated safe zone. they have also expanded that area of the israeli military says to cover parts of western khan younis, as well as northern raffa, where we have seen them beginning to set up more tents. but now the major question kate, is whether or not enough has been done to adequately received the number of people who have begun to flee of raffa this morning. the israeli military says that they have fixed a major waterline to that area. they have begun to set up field hospitals and allowed in more food, water, and medicine. but there are major questions about whether or not it is adequate for the population that is fleeing their unrest gaza director says that that area is quote, not quite suitable for habitation. and he also expressed concern that the beginning of these evacuations
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that panic could spread beyond that area of eastern refer that has been ordered to evacuate to much larger portions of rafah we're more than 1 million people are currently living the concern being that if that panic spreads and too many people leave rafat, ones for that humanitarian zone. it's simply will not be able to handle the number of people who are fleeing there. but always, of course, happening because those ceasefire negotiations over the weekend appear to have stalled they're not dead altogether and there is some hope i can tell you from israeli officials that this the early stages of this rafat push could perhaps convinced hamas to change its position, but it's clear at this point that the question of ending the war is the major sticking point in these negotiations. >> jeremy, thank you so much for being there and for your continued reporting. are let let me bring you in now from the white house. what are you hearing from the biden administration about this right now, we know we have been hearing warnings from top cabinet officials about what this ground offensive could
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mean without proper evacuation for weeks. now yeah. >> there's no question that the white house is watching these latest moves from israel related to rafah incredibly closely. it comes as the biden administration and president biden himself had also warned that any israeli operation into rafah must all well, so take into account the more than 1 million civilians who are currently in that area, us officials have been a speaking over the recent weeks with israeli officials about what plans they might have in place to ensure the protection and safety and evacuation evacuation of those civilians on friday, we reported that the israelis had recently brief the us on their thinking relating to evacuating civilians out of raffa. but sources a strike is that what was presented did not represent a final plan or provide full insight into what a military operation would look like. so certainly the white house has expressed concern about what could happen and
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raffa certainly be seeking more answers from the israelis about their intentions and their plans they are now over the weekend. we also learned that the us paused a shipment of us made ammunition to israel, a source familiar with the matter told cnn that this does not have to do with any potential invasion into rafah and it won't affect shipments going forward. but there are real questions about why they pause this shipment admit earlier today. senator chris a key member of the foreign relations committee, suggested that it could be due to some logistical issues. now this is all playing out against the backdrop of those a ceasefire and hostage negotiations with share me, what's just a speaking about cia bill burns had been in cairo for these talks he traveled onto doha and remains there today. he had met with the qatari prime minister and was set to travel to israel, but will remain in doha and it comes as the administration had really been striking an optimistic tone, expressing some hope about the prospects of this potential deal. but at
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this time, it appears that things have stalled for a bit with both the israelis and hamas leaders blaming each other for what they view as extreme views. now, president biden today, we'll have lunch here at the white house with king abdullah of jordan, someone who has expressed some concerns about the situation in gaza. so we will see what the president might have to say as he meets with the jordanian king. but certainly they will be watching the situation that's developing and raffa very closely as they have expressed concern about the path forward arlette saenz at the house. >> thank you so much. >> sir. all right. back here in the knew this morning, tragedy in north texas, floodwater, a four-year-old from his parents the little boy's body recovered on sunday. they're really cute more than 200 people were rescued after flooded areas from hurricane harvey levels. but conditions are proving just a bit this morning after streets and neighborhoods were inundated by heavy rainfall, cnn's four is the flores is in harris county,
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texas. reza, what more can you tell us about that little boy, four years old. and what exactly happened? >> sarah is just such a tragic story. the boy's mother spoke to nbc dfw, and and she says that her son's name is lucas warren. she says that the family mom, dad, and son, were headed home, but they were headed home during the storm. there were floodwaters. they said that they were headed home on a road that normally floods, but there was no barricade. but they were driving through those floodwaters and eventually their car battery die i'd than water started going into their vehicle. and so this couple decided to get out of the car to try to get to safety. mom grabbed a little lucas and she says that she treaded good water with her son for awhile and then she told nbc dfw, quote, and a current came up really high and just let go
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didn't hear anything from him. i think he just went under. now, this mom is devastated. she says that rescuers arrived just minutes later, but of course, was too late for this little boy. she says that his body was found hours later. she describes a little boy as being sweet and just a bright boy and that he was weeks from turning five years old. and now this tragic story happened near dallas. i'm in harris county, which is near houston and it's the same weather system that people there are battling with that people here where i am are battling with just yesterday, we hopped on an air boat with the harris county sheriff's office. we have video of this. take a look. how can you i want you to take a close look at the water levels because it's going to be relevant here in a moment when i reference it again, you can see that stop signs were at eye level. now, these first responders had been going door-to-door asking people if they wanted to be
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taken to higher ground to safety and they told me that one of the most difficult part parts of their job is when the stretch their arms to an individual and that individual refuses to be taken to safety with that said, since wednesday his team rescued nearly 100 people and not just the residents from this area, but also their pets take they did one rescue and the guy handed as a box with a litter of puppies in it, and then ice cooler that was full of kittens and and you know, i mean, i guess there will not i guess i know that their pets are like family members to them and sarah, just to give you a sense of how quickly the water has receded, that video that you saw? >> all of that team in the air boat. we were on the air boat with them it's the same area where i'm standing right now. you can see some puddle, the
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water behind me but is the same area and that tells the story because just how water receives this quickly, it also rises very quickly and that's what makes it so dangerous and that is one of the reasons that tragic story near dallas happen with that little boy who died. and of course, not making this weather events a deadly events here in texas it's hard not to think about that four-year-old little boy, lucas. thank you so much. rosa flores. our hearts go out to his family, john or after the bombshell testimony of longtime aide hope hicks, what is next in the criminal trial of donald trump? >> could we hear from stormy daniels today an investigation launched at the university of mississippi after accusations of gracious gestures stored a blackstone's and is this the strangest damage control of all? times south dakota governor kristi noem, fresh off the controversial story over
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killing her dog says another famous dog should be killed too. >> let's try this again. what do you see? >> my first championship in houston. second championship charles not winning getty. this try and stay positive. or positive. he didn't win a ring oh, my god if you are moderate to severe crohn's disease or let's furtive colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks you still laura, from the start and move toward relief after the first dose with injections. every two months still arra may increase your risk of infections, some serious and cancer before treatment get tested for tb, tell your doctor if you've had an infection flu-like symptoms whereas new skin growths have had cancer. >> or if you need a vaccine, premis are rare, potentially fatal brain condition may be possible. some series allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur field on ask your
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of the flavor the future of soda as now, it's called poppy di trump hush money trial gavel to gavel coverage. >> the way only cnn can bring it to you, legal insight, expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows. cnn a new week in the criminal trial of donald trump's set to begin this morning. >> let's get to the courts. cnn's brynn gingras standing by outside their brand. what do we expect that a really dramatic testimony of hope hicks as a day close on friday yeah, dramatic is the word john, i feel like it might have been the most dramatic testimony that we have yet seen
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in this trial, but hope hicks really kind of helping both sides as we've seen with some of these witnesses. >> she really took us inside the campaign before trump's election in 2016, kinda showing jurors sort of the crisis mode that they entered one set access hollywood tape came out also when the wall street journal article came out about karen mcdougal and a little bit of mentioned in there about stormy daniels, there was an email that was shown to jurors where she told her camp deny deny, deny also, she didn't and tell jurors are acknowledged for the prosecution that she knew of any hush money payment that was paid to either of those women, but she did say that cohen wouldn't make a payment out of the kindness of his own heart. he would have had to have done it at the direction of someone else. obviously hinting towards donald trump. and then she got emotional john, she actually started crying on the stand a little bit and had to take a little bit of a break before really write as cross-examinati on was starting up. and so
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quartic a little bit of break. she came back on shubi. she acknowledged really at the top of this that she was very nervous about testifying. she was there under subpoena and when the defense was asking their questions, she really painted the former president as a family man, someone who valued mrs. trump's opinion someone who didn't want to cause any embarrassment for his family, really helping the defense show that it's possible maybe these payments were paid not to interfere with the election, but rather because he was concerned about his family's perception of him. and she also talked about michael cohen. of course, we know this is a key witness in this trial. she kinda dug at him a little bit more as we have seen in this defense tactic, talking about how he was you know, this person who sort of inserted himself into the campaign, how he would frustrate the members of the campaign saying this, that cohen liked to call himself a fixer or mr. fix it and it was only because he first broke it that he was then a both to fix it. so interesting, quote there. so she's off the stand.
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we don't know again who is going to be coming up next, but certainly it's gonna be an eventful week, four days of court this week and we know, of course, stormy daniels, michael cohen, a lot of people's names on that list who could possibly take the stand and this week it starts up again, john, at 9:30? >> yes. some big names still to come. all right. beringia and grass. thank you very much. if perhaps the most important thing hold pick says is that donald trump said it was better that the stormy daniel's news broke after the election. then before that could be one of the key points for the prosecution. okay absolutely. >> coming up. so for us and investigation at ole miss the school now, looking into actions of hostility and racist overtones after what was seen in on video during demonstrations on campus. and the lawyer who's relationship landed the fulton county di and court he is now speaking out why he said says their relationship was as american as apple pie every piece of
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pride that every day, million say, i use splenda rather shooting into the crowd i'll show you what's happening from him as a whole now. and they're giving orders to disperse any feels like a lot happened here ole miss has opened an investigation after confrontation between pro-palestinian protesters and counter protesters on the school's campus. officials, citing allegations of offensive and hurtful language and quote hostility and racist overtones being portrayed during the heated exchanges. one video in particular, shows a group of mostly white men in the counter yelling at a black woman. cnn's rafael romo joins us now with much more on this rough tell us more like there are multiple videos circulating online showing the protest at the university of mississippi and oxford. >> but there's one video in particular that has gone viral
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and it's at the center of the controversy before i show you the video, we need to warn our viewers that it may be offensive to some people as you can see the video shows a group of mostly young on white men in the counterprotest yelling at a black woman, at least one counter is seen on video and appears to be making gestures at the woman. >> we now know who the woman in the video is. >> her name is jailyn smith. she's 24 years old. she confirmed to cnn that she's the woman seen in the video. smith said that during the protest, pro-palestinian seem to demonstrators were kept in an enclosure which police said was for their safety. she also said that she briefly stepped out of the enclosure to go live on social media. and that's what the confrontation took place. cnn has made efforts but
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has not identified any of the counter are seen in the video we've also learned that the university of mississippi has opened an investigation into student conduct, but didn't say who or what they were specifically investigating in a letter chancellor glenn boyce says university officials are aware that some statements made were offensive, hurtful, and unacceptable, including actions that conveyed hostility and racist overtones. smith's tells cnn, she said some insults back to the counter. protesters, but as the following quote people calling me fat or lizzo didn't hurt my feelings because i know what i am. i am so confident in my blackness. i am so confident in my size, in the way that i wear my hair and who i am, they do not bother me if anything, i felt pity for them for how stupidly they acted. the controversy kate took another turn winning us representative mike collins, a republican representing parts of georgia, shared the viral video on x the
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following day saying ole miss, taking care of business. cnn has reached out to collins office, but there hasn't been an answer, so far, and then on saturday, congressman collins tweets between a prompted the end of lacp to send a letter to congressional leadership's asking for an investigation intoto collins conduct in part, the letter says the following. these actions conducted by a member of the house of representatives, regardless of intent, legitimize i sent propagate racism and undermine the principles of equality and justice that our government is sworn to uphold. some of our viewers may remember that the university of mississippi has a long history of racial incidents, including the deadly riots that broke out there in 1962 when james meredith became the first black student to enroll at the school, kth back to you, raphael. >> thank you for the reporting. sir all right. still ahead. they went on a vacation in mexico and ended up dead. what
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happened to that mexican authorities are revealing more about what happened to three surfers. and a warning to millions in the central us multiple intense long-track tornadoes, giant hail and severe wins are likely come mean your way. the areas that need to be prepared that's ahead let's try this again. >> what do you see? >> my first step is to have been easton second championship, sall's not winning a championship. >> getty let's try and stay positive or positive. he didn't win a ring oh, my god so far as helping me get my money right to achieve my ambition keep like saving for an epic shoe we're so far checking and savings. >> i pay no account fees and earn one of the best apy is in the league so hell fund all your ambitions like helping the next generation the chief for a
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being warned. >> powerful. monday was huge. hail are likely headed their way in southeastern texas that heavy rain caused deadly flooding and destroyed homes and businesses over the weekend, meteorologist derek van dam is tracking all of it for us derek, this has been such a devastating flood that we've seen before from harvey. now you've got a whole another area that is worried about really extreme weather yeah, tornadoes today. >> that is the risk. and i don't want to mince words today is the de that you want to have your shelter. and your safe place known by you and your family. if you're located anywhere within this location, in fact, you want to consider perhaps bringing a helmet with you, perhaps consider having an underground shelter sir, available to you because the potential here exists for intense long track tornados. and we believe the storm prediction center has talked about them considering raising this to the highest risk level that they have issued for this
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area. it has been exactly well, just over one year that the storm prediction center has issued a level five of five high risk for the united states. it has been over five years since oklahoma has been included within that high risk. and over seven years for kansas. so if they do upgrade that here within the coming hours, that would be significant and that would be really saying something about the environment, the volatile environment that we are working with today, timeframe would be later this afternoon and evening, but it will also include the potential for nocturnal tornadoes. that means tornadoes after dark, they can be twice as deadly and extremely dangerous. look at this hatched area, you can see across kansas all the way through oklahoma, by the way, this includes which she taught to oklahoma city. the greatest chance of 111 mile per hour winds or greater, that's an ef-2 tornado exists across this location. you want to be weather aware, have multiple ways to receive your weather warnings, including your cell
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phone, but also whether rate radios as well. and john hi and hail, they're using wording like giant hail. i hadn't seen that actually explicitly. he used within storm prediction center wordings. so for them to mention that is significant also the potential for hurricane force gas with some of the storms that will form later this afternoon and evening across this area particularly through this hatched region and by the way, hey sarah, it doesn't end today. the chance of severe storms advances eastward through wednesday of this week. >> wow, you've never heard giant hail. i don't know what that means because we've seen things like golf balls, sayyed, this is maybe base paul size as well, even bigger off ball size. wow okay. all right. the warning has been put out. derek van dam. thank you so much. >> john got to say those are urgent warnings. need to pay attention today and have multiple ways of getting your weather information. as derrick said, or i knew this morning nathan way, the former lead prosecutor in georgia's election subversion case against donald trump. he is
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speaking out about the workplace romances it led to his resignation way told abc news that his romantic relationship with di a fani willis was quote, as american as apple pie, cnn's nick valencia is in atlanta with the latest on this yeah, american as apple pie, that's one way to put it. you remember the drama john, it's just really captured the attention of everyone. it was an office romance that threatened to derail years of work for fani willis and her team. the focus was a focus for disqualification hearings for months, hearings that fani willis narrowly survived and now in an exclusive interview with a abc news, her former top deputy nathan wade, is defending that office romance, saying, well, he regretted his personal life became a wrapped up in the merits of this case that the disqualification hearings themselves, he says were a mockery of the legal profession workplace romances are as american as apple pie. it happens to everyone but it
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happened to the two of us. do you regret it i regret that that private matter became the focal point of this very important prosecution this is a very important case i hate that my personal life has begun to overshadow the true issues in the case we didn't talk about the details of the trump criminal case, but did get into a little bit of the specifics about how the romance developed, saying that it happened after hours spent together investigating this this case, he says that willis and wade are no longer in a relationship. of course, wade ultimately had to step down in order for fani willis to stay on this case and we should mention that trump and his remaining 14 co-defendants have pleaded not guilty to the
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sprawling charges in this case. and very important to note, there's still is not yet a trial date set in this case. john nick valencia in atlanta with apple pie this morning, donald trump is returning to court week four of his criminal trial in new york is about to get underway. everyone waiting to see who will next take the stand after the dramatic testimony from by hope hicks once considered one of donald trump's closest confidantes and most trusted aides, hicks, gave her take on quite a lot as she was called to testify her take on star witness michael cohen, telling the jury would have been out of character for michael cohen to pay stormy daniel's on his own, adding that she never found him to be in specialty charitable, or selfless person she also pulled back the veil on the inner workings of the trump campaign. how concerned they all were about the follow-up from the release of the access hollywood tape and also saying giving trump's take on the stormy daniels scandal, that it was better that the scandal came out in 2018 than just before
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the 2020 elections, you also described donald trump, though as a family man who valued and respected his wife's opinion, joining us right now, a cnn legal commentator, former trump white house lawyer, jim shelton. it's good to see you, jim. okay, so week four starts today. the prosecution ends. week three with hope hicks summoned herder against her will to testify to really demonstrate what they're trying to do is demonstrate what they say was trump's outside rule outsize role in trying to hide the stormy daniel's scandal and others. >> what do you think overall she did for the prosecution? i think it was a wash at the end of the day. first off, what you did for the prosecution, there was no brought blockbuster moment for the prosecution. no shock that the campaign and donald trump were really worried about the stormy daniel's issue. the karen mcdougal issue, and any of the issues surrounding the access hollywood tape that was all no shock, no new news there. it was interesting that she did the one quote that did grab
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everybody at the end and granted, he said this in 2018, that wow, really great that that came out in 2017 and not 2000 came out in 2018 and not 2017. >> read that moment. >> i want but he's actually want to ask you about, but let me read that for everybody and then they give me your take place. i'm sorry to interrupt because i did want to ask you to specifically about it. this is what hope hicks said from stan and i think mr. trump's opinion was it was better to be dealing with it now and that it would have been bad to have that story come out before the election dealing with it now is stormy daniels in 2018 rather than just before the 2020 election, people did think that is a big moment, giving, placing him with knowledge of the scandal and the payment, and also that the part part of the consideration is exactly at issue, which is the campaign. you say though what so yes, she said it was her opinion that he believed that and also, one
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thing that's important there is yes, he knowledge the payment he wrote the check. so inside the cec, so that's no big news either. >> i think what also on balanced came through on that was the fact that this is a business records case and they weren't able to establish the connection between donald trump in that business record that was recorded, what they did show was that again, no shock. donald trump was very involved in the communications and the front facing piece of his campaign. every message that goes out, he checks on. that's no surprise to anybody either. but that doesn't mean that he's evolved in the intricacies of how that business record was recorded, not something they're going to have to establish. on the other side of it. she did take off after michael cohen and say michael cohen was always trying to force himself into the campaign, always trying to be part of it. and what she completed is that he frequently went rogue and he never spoke on behalf of the campaign he was always speaking on behalf of the trump organization what it's impossible to know the
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impact of any tests, any piece of testimony or anything that happens in court on the jury. >> of course, until the very end. but how how emotional she became at points well, on the stand what impact could that have had on the jury? do you think i think she came across is very credible to the jury, right? >> she was open, she was honest, she was forthright. she answered all the questions. she didn't ofir skate and then she got upset. i mean, she's sitting across from her former boss who she clearly cares about. and he's watching every piece of testimony. and of course, when she's testifying in a way that could potentially hurt his case, right? that they've heard testimony can potentially hurt his case. that has to be upsetting for anyone who cares it's about the person or sitting across. and i think that was just that came out in that moment during the toronto yeah. >> it's good to see jim. thanks for coming in jump to see you. thanks all right. >> this morning and extra
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special graduation for one atlanta area family, ronald nancy presented his granddaughter with her diploma, 50 he nine years after he became georgia tech's first black graduate. after being rejected twice, won, broke barriers in 1965, earning his degree in engineering the university dedicated a statue of him in 2019 recognizing that achievement, deanna acknowledged or grandfather as a trailblazer following in his footsteps? depths of earning a master's degree in electrical and computer engineering that's awesome. that's some good, good, good stuff. >> then there's this, the terrifying moment a man pulls a gun on a pastor and other clergy jumping into action. all that caught on the churches livestream will bring that to you. and kristi noem. her cleanup, maybe the strangest cleanup of all time while defending her admission that she shot and killed her own dog, she said she'd like to see another famous dog that as well
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your doctor how lasting remission can start with still laura johnson and johnson can help you explore cost support options the assignment with hadi cornish, listen wherever you get your podcasts today marks a celebration for the british royal family as king charles and queen camilla, mark the first anniversary of their coordination. >> the royal family, just sharing these images, the family has been through a lot this year, king charles diagnosed with cancer as well as princess kate. the commemoration comes on the heels of a 75-year-old return to public duties following his three months of cancer treatment mexican authorities say they've solved the case of three missing surface and mexico, they were murdered. they said doherty said the bodies found friday in baja, california or confirmed to be the two missing australian brothers, jake and callum robinson and their friend american jack carter, rhoad the local attorney general, says men were shot in the head by thieves who simply wanted to
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steal their truck for the tires. three mexican citizens have been arrested on suspicion of kidnapping a pennsylvania pastor had a gun pulled on him during a sunday church service. this is insane video. it was all captured on live stream. pastor glenn german says the alleged gunman stop and smiled before we're pointing his weapon, adam, thankfully, the gun jam, nobody was hurt when he pulled the trigger. a church deacon, you see they're jumping over and tackling the suspect as the pastor ran for cover. we have to warn you now, we're going to show you the video, but it is disturbing i was running to camera. >> so all i could see was somebody walked up on the pulpit and after they got up on the pulpit, they raised the gun up. once they raised the gun up, i jumped up you. know me from behind, got them from behind, struggled on down to the ground while he was in a
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police car. i had a chance to go and speak to him again as well and i asked him, you know, just as calm as me and you're talking now, he said i said, what makes you do? i mean, what were you thinking? he said i don't know it looks like that deacon save that pastor's life. >> the alleged gunman told police that god told him to shoot the pastor. he's been charged with attempted that homicide police say they later found a man shot to death inside the suspect's home. that man's identity at this hour, still unknown so sad terrifying. there's also new data to pay attention to this morning showing the number of children in the united states losing a parent to drug overdoses or gun violence is on the rise. this is coming from a study published in the medical journal jama, cnn's meg tirrell has much more detail on it. she's joining us now, meg, what are the what are the number say? >> yeah, kate, i mean, they're awful and they really echo the trends that we've been seeing both in terms of gun violence and drug overdose in the united states these data estimate the
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number of children who've lost a parent to either one of these causes. going back to 1999, and that overall number is more than 1 million kids who've lost a parent to either drug overdose or gun violence. >> the larger number there is lost to drug overdose, 759,000 kids are estimated to have lost a parent in the last 20 years to drug or dose 434,000 from firearms from drug overdose. >> the numbers increased 345% over the last few decades. of course, as fentanyl has taken over in the united states, leading to many more deaths from drug overdose, 39% increase seen in drug sorry, gun-related deaths. and these numbers are not felt equally across races. black children are much more likely to have lost a parent, particularly billie to gun violence and fathers are much more likely to have been lost than mothers about three times higher that they see in these data. and so they say that children are not
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only at increased risk of gun violence themselves and drug overdose deaths themselves, but also to potentially losing a parent. and these data could inform mental health services and foster care services this is all but really sad to see these estimates really put real numbers on it yeah, exactly and each one of those numbers story and family torn apart, the child's love. >> can trevor thank you so much. john? >> all right this morning, a look at the latest cnn average of national polls. basically tie, which means that president biden needs just about every voter in his coalition to show up. we've got reporting this morning on the new efforts from vice president kamala harris to reach out to people of color cnn's isaac dovere is here. isaac, this is your reporting. what have you learned? what can you tell us well, look, according black voters is a key effort for the biden campaign. >> there's an unprecedented overall effort going on, but vice president harris is going to be central to that. she started a tour last week, going to talk about economics,
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started talking about it in atlanta, shall be in detroit today, giving a big speech and thinking about what has actually been delivered by the biden administration to black americans and what they may not know is accessible to them through various programs talking about really getting granular. and you're like i talked with for a couple of weeks ago in las vegas about this in an exclusive interview and she said to me any suggestion and inference that we've got any voter in our back pocket and should be able to count on their vote without earning it. i think is misinformed that's what she's doing on these tours, talking to people, saying we should earn your vote. here's what we did to earn it. and i hope you'll give it to us all right. >> isaac of air for us in washington. isaac, thank you very much for that, sarah. all right. joining me now, cnn political commentator is republican strategist. sure. michael singleton and our s. e. cupp. thank you both for being here this morning. obviously, we're going to start with the
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poll of polls. the average of the polls, looking at them tight as could possibly be se, if you are running a campaign what do you thinking right now? >> well, i think he falls or type because donald trump's voters have very low standards. >> and joe biden's voters have centers that are probably a little too high. so donald trump has got a fan base that doesn't care about all the things that would normally drag down a candidate and i think joe biden's voters are demanding better, demanding more. they're saying i'm gonna stay home if you don't change some of your positions and your rhetoric, so i think that's why they're type, but they're gonna be tight this whole time. there is a lot, there are a lot of x factors we've got a third candidate who could really blow up this election. >> we've got the trials, we've got an economy that could change and really alter the polls in the election. >> so there's a lot of unknown still sure. michael, i want to ask you about this trump at a private donor retreat said this about the biden administration.
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he said these people talking about the biden ministration are running a gestapo administration he just compared by and his administration to the nazis who is this going to work with? his base or is this something he's hoping we'll have some effect on the rest of the electorate i mean, i don't think is going to have an effect on the rest of the electorate. >> it looks maintains that energy and excitement among the base. asieh just laid out a litany of things about why this race is so close. this ultimately, sarah my view is going to come down to turnout and i think a part of the problem for the biden real-life campaign, as can you get all of those disparate groups to turn out in heightened numbers as you did in 2020, we young voters, it's about the issue with palestinians, with many african americans. it's about the economy and with many swing voters are looking at immigration. trump's voters are going to turn out by now the figure out a way to coalesce all of those disparate groups together. and that's going to be challenging. so the former president's remarks on nazi germany, he continues with his rhetoric, is good for the base,
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good fodder, if you will, but it's not going to really move individuals one way or another because ultimately it's about turning out and maintaining that energy. what your constituents the biden administration responded and just went after them, but i want to ask you guys and get to the vice president choices there are a lot of them these are just a few south carolina senator tim scott, you've got a north dakota governor, doug burnham, burnham, florida center, margot robbie are some of these names people certainly no. jd vance florida congressman byron donalds. i want you to listen to what senator tim scott said when he was asked whether or not he would agree that the 2020 election was fair, and that biden is the president. here's what he said will you commit to accepting the election results of 2024? >> bottom line at the end of the day the 47th president united states moby president donald shelf, i'm excited to
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give back to low inflation, low unemployment senator, yes or no? >> yes or no will you accept the election results of 2024, no matter who wins? >> that is my statement all right. >> i see you are giggling. is this going to be a litmus test for vice president's answering this question as to whether they're going to accept the 2024 election results or whether they believe the 2020 was killed yeah and bless her heart, kristen welker asked him several more times to answer a very wouldn't answer easy question. and he can't because these are like hostage videos. and if you are pretend if you are printing and fostering to be the vice presidential pick, this is how crazy you have to look. this is how brainwash do you have to sound? it's not just him. you can listen to doug burgum also talk about donald trump in ways that seem very bizarre and cold dish. but i think this is the ritual you have to perform to catch donald trump tsai, and it'll shore that loyalty above all else,
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loyalty above principle, above politics, above, policy, will be your biggest calling card. sure. michael, what is your take? i know that when people were trying to work for the rnc, they were asked a question about whether they believe the 2020 election was was fair and the joe biden is a president. what's your take on what you just heard from tim scott look, i have a lot of respect for the senator. >> he's the only black republican in the senate. and this is a part of, i guess to conundrum of being african-american and also being a republican in the era of donald trump, especially if you want to be a part of the inner circle. >> i think my advice, sarah, it would be to the former president you need to allow some of these people to have the freedom of mine to offer their own thoughts on some of these issues. >> again, in the printed previous discussion, i was talking about how this is a matter of turnout. if it is a matter of turnout, you certainly don't want to increase turnout from your opponent by having individuals you may potentially chooses. you're running mate taking
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positions that make people say, you know, i just don't want another four years of this. i'm gonna vote for biden, even though i have concerns about a whole host of issues and so for senator scott and for many of the other individuals, i would say have that autonomy. it's important people respect that and you can do that while still saying, i think donald trump is better on the economy or immigration or any other issue. >> well, hopefully, the vice presidential candidates have a mind of their own and can speak for themselves. but here we are. thank you so much. sure. michael singleton, fa cup, always good to see you guys. a new hour, a cnn news central starts are right now israeli military telling civilians and east the rafah evacuate immediately as ceasefire talks stall. >> once again, a new week for donald trump in a new york courtroom, who will take the stand for the dramatic testimony from someone that someone who was once one of donald trump's most trusted


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