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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 6, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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another four years of this. i'm gonna vote for biden, even though i have concerns about a whole host of issues and so for senator scott and for many of the other individuals, i would say have that autonomy. it's important people respect that and you can do that while still saying, i think donald trump is better on the economy or immigration or any other issue. >> well, hopefully, the vice presidential candidates have a mind of their own and can speak for themselves. but here we are. thank you so much. sure. michael singleton, fa cup, always good to see you guys. a new hour, a cnn news central starts are right now israeli military telling civilians and east the rafah evacuate immediately as ceasefire talks stall. >> once again, a new week for donald trump in a new york courtroom, who will take the stand for the dramatic testimony from someone that someone who was once one of donald trump's most trusted
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aides and tragedy in texas floodwaters sweep away little boy as his parents trying to get the family to dry land. and today millions are under threat of more severe weather. i'm kate baldwin was sara sidner and john berman in this is cnn news central happening now as possible ground invasion of eastern rafah in gaza could be imminent with hostage and ceasefire negotiations teetering on the brink of collapse. >> we have brand new video, justin of a plume of smoke. after a loud explosion in rafah israeli forces could putin launched what they are calling a limited scale operation. the idf drop leaflets with a map to
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so-called safe zones in the message, evacuated immediately. this has a direct impact on as many as 100,000 people, cnn's jeremy diamond is in jerusalem. jeremy was the latest your hearing from there? elmilitary thousands of leaflets on eastern raffa, ordering an area we're about 100,000e currently living to begin evacuating north to what the israeli military is describing as an expanded humanitarian area, where they say they've set up additional tense and brought in additional while access to food, water, and field hospitals for the population that is leaving. but this morning, people began to flee. refer as a result of those evacuation orders. and certainly there is enormous fear and anxiety among the population, not only those in that very evacuation zone in eastern raffa, but in that at city more widely, a city where more than 1 million palestinians are currently living and make no mistake while the israeli military is
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describing this as a quote, limited scale operation. this is certainly setting the stage for a major israeli ground offensive into rafah. we had expected that this evacuations, this grounded offensive would not happen all at once, but rather in stages we don't know how far away we are from israeli troops actually beginning to move into rafah. but certainly the evacuation effort has now begun. but the question is now, we'll move that humanitarian zone, as it's being described, be sufficient for the population that is moved having not only the hundred thousand, but also this morning humanitarian aid officials raising questions about the possibility that widespread panic could be spreading in. and you will see people from other areas, not in the immediate evacuation zone also beginning to flee. and that that humanitarian zone could quickly be flooded. this is all of course happening because over the weekend there was a lot of hope and optimism around these ceasefire negotiations, but those negotiations have now stalled
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two israeli officials telling me that the negotiations are not dead altogether. but certainly there is a lot of concern that a deal cannot be achieved. i'm told that the main sticking point here is hamas is demands that the war ended altogether as part of this ceasefire agreement. that is something that the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has refused to agree to as part of these latest talks, john all right. jeremy diamond for us in jerusalem, a lot going on there, jeremy, please keep us posted. >> sarah. all right. with me now, a cnn political and national security analyst, david sanger, his new book, new cold war's is outranked now all right, first i just want to get your thoughts on what is happening right now in rafah what are the chances that this limit? did scale operation is going to turn into a major ground offensive when you look at what is going on, now sorry, i think there is jeremy indicated every possibility
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that's the case. the us opposition to the operation and rafah hinged on the question of whether the israelis would provide to the us and other allies a credible evacuation plan a humanitarian way of taking care of feeding, providing medical care for those who would be displaced. >> and so far, the israelis, according to american officials, have not provided that plan so this may also be not only a first test of military operations, but our first test of whether the israelis have thought out better than they did in the past how you would 1 million people in rafah to a different part of gaza, parts that were evacuated earlier. >> and we don't know yet that they have a system in place to go do that. >> now, we are seeing the bombing now in eastern raffa and they were, you know,
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pamphlets that were sent out. but a lot of people don't know exactly where they're supposed to go in the middle of this war. i do want to ask you because you talked about the biden administration if there is a grid that there was already something happening in rafah, that president biden did not want to see if this gets bigger. what does biden do? what do you imagine he does if there is actually a ground offensive that he has time and again, told netanyahu not to do well, this would be completely consistent with the other steps in which the president has issued warnings asked prime minister netanyahu not to take some steps were to take an alternative step. and was after some period of time ignored. and i think you could interpret prime minister netanyahu's speech yesterday, where he went to the holocaust memorial in jerusalem and said if israel needs to it, we'll do this alone as an indication that he was probably rejecting the
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president's advice. the president now faces the harsh reality own words. he said a few weeks ago before the iranian missile attacks change the tone and tenor or what was going on in israel that if prime minister netanyahu did not begin to go along with american advice. and did not pursue humanitarian assurances. and so forth. that he would begin to change the nature of the relationship with israel. he did not say what that meant. everybody assumes that meant some kind of limitation on the offensive weapons that the administration and congress have been providing the israel. but no one's been that explicit and that will be the pressure that will turn back on the president, particularly after the campus protests i do want to ask you about the
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ceasefire know ceasefire in place we're we're sort of listening to hamas saying, look we are only going to do this if the war is over. in other words, not just a ceasefire, but stopping the war at all. do you think that one of these issues is that hamas doesn't even know where the hostages are. all of them well, we don't know the hostages are down on the tunnels. >> they'll leadership of hamas is down in the tunnels, or at least the few who can make this decision presumably hamas has got some sense of where most of the hostages are but it is interesting that we have seen and tragic, but we have seen repeated cases in which we thought that the us and the arab states were on the verge of an agreement on the release of the hostages. only to have it fall apart, largely because hamas has not agreed to the terms israel by-and-large, did
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agree to the terms. and this may simply be that we're watching too hard line leaders hamas leader in, and mr. similiar, and obviously and israeli leader in mr. netanyahu digging in perhaps to the detriment of the future of their own people david sanger. thank you so much for coming on this morning and reporting all of that out for us. kate so who is next week four of donald trump's criminal trial begins shortly and everyone waits to see who prosecutors called to the stand next after the dramatic testimony from trump, trump's former aide, hope hicks. >> it's also a big week for the republican house speaker is congress first woman marjorie taylor greene is expected to make good on her threat. and force a vote to try and force him out of the chair and a desperate search for little baby believed to be kidnapped from the scene of a double murder scuba store.
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daily show tonight at 11 comedy central with robin hood gold. >> you can make your money, do the most, make your cash to buy percent apy at eight times the national average. >> that's huge. >> get whoa, what's that, grandpa? look at us knuckleheads. and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. you look good. you as well. one, two three. grandpa! what's this, ellie? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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wooooooo! whoa! on your wing, grandpa! it's called poppy the trump hush money trial gavel to gavel coverage. >> the way only cnn can bring it to you. legal insight, expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows cnn donald trump is about to return to a manhattan courtroom, his new york criminal trial. >> starting up into its fourth week, where things pick up is with a big question mark, who will prosecutors now call to the stand after the emotional and dramatic testimony? from former trump aide, hope hicks, the big names that could be next, michael cohen and stormy daniels, or karen mcdougal. these will be wild blockbuster
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moments to watch, seen as beringia and grass is outside the court this morning to bring us back inside the court. what are we expecting this morning? morning? brim yeah katelyn nine witnesses so far had taken the stand for the prosecution and you just gave some big names that we are expecting at some point the question is, is that going to start up today with the michael coe is a stormy daniels karen mcdougal's it's really not clear. >> remember, we don't know the order in which the prosecution is going to call these witnesses. they are keeping them from us and the defense because they worry about some going on social media and talking about these witnesses. so we'll have to see when court starts up at 9:30, but we are inching closer. it seems with the prosecution's case trying to connect the dots for jurors about trump, knowing about these payments, this payment to stormy daniels and doing it to influence the 2016 election and hope hicks was very dramatic witness for the prosecution. she acknowledged for them that when the wall
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street journal article came out about the payment to stormy daniels in 2018 team that trump's sets or her that it was better ahead. come out then them before the 2020 election. so possibly scoring importants there for the prosecution. she also said that regards to the 2016 payment, michael cohen wouldn't have made that out of the kindness of his own heart that he likely did it insinuating really that trump was probably the one and who authorized that and then when cross-examination came, hope hicks got emotional. she actually had to leave the witness box for a little bit as she started crying because she's venter time with the defense essentially, i'm talking about trump and how he is a family man and he never even wanted to embarrass his family are showing a juror is really that it's possible trump did this because he didn't want his family to find out. so we'll see which way jurors read her testimony again, it was really dramatic day hey in court, and we're looking to see who is going to come back up next on the stand. court resumes this morning and nine 30 guys were and thank you
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so much for that. >> john, with us now a cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney, joey jackson. joey, i want to read you very last thing, hope hicks said on direct examination in this trial on friday, she said, i think mr. trump's opinion was it was better to be dealing with it now, in other words, the payments to stormy daniel's and that it would have been bad to have that store come out before the election then the prosecutor says, no further questions, literally almost dropping the mic, walking out. why why? >> because now let's be clear. no one witness. right. generally is going to win a case, is going to lose a case. it's about connecting the dots, right? and now let's look at this dot and response to your question. what does the tie in the tie in with respect to her testimony is what would motivate trump, right. to direct cohen to make a payment that's the inference such that trump has knowledge that his fixer did not go rogue, unlike
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defense claims, this is just the argument but was doing it at the behest in the direction of trump that is because there was mass concern. why, who was hope hicks? she is the press secretary for the campaign later, white house communications director. she would know what the campaign is all about. what they're doing, what their activities are, what mr. trump is directing people to do access hollywood tape comes out. boom, it's a bombshell. what are we going to do to quell this fire? we cannot have another story come out that would diminish our campaign. silence that story. trump tells cohen, get this done payment is made, has his knowledge case over. that's what the prosecution wants the jury to take from that test yet a minute, we have some very close to trump saying that trump thought it was better than this come out after the election, which is key to the prosecution to prove the election interference part of their case, correct? yes. one part of the case we haven't heard about really anything
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about is the direct crime of falsifying documents when do you think how do you think the prosecution will get to that they're 34 counts here. each one of them is a document that we really haven't seen yet without question. >> so remember this john what happens is, is that a prosecutor has to tell a story now to be clear, that the fence is telling their story, what's their story? trump did know about this. trump was not involved in this. this was cohen going rogue. trump loves his family. of course, he wouldn't want information out. and so an answer to your question, we're seeing the buildup, the buildup with pecker. what is catch and kill me? mean, you take these stories, you bury them, moving on to davidson, the attorney for stormy daniels and karen mcdougal, his interactions with cohen, the payment is made, right so this is building up when you look at a movie, john, or you read a book, you expect logical steps to ultimately get to that conclusion. i suspect that we're going to have some a little dry testimony as it relates to your question. what do i mean? i mean bank records, right. with respect to checks,
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i mean ledgers from the trump organization. i mean invoices non sexy stuff has to go in there. but the prosecutors and telling a story need the other, right. this sensational stuff which will get us there and then we get to the michael cohen's, the stormy daniels, the karen mcdougal's that i think we'll have come. >> all right. joey jackson great to have you here. thank you so much for that. i'm vamping here so that sarah sinnner tv ready, sarah, hello, john. >> i'm here for you at any hour of the de all right. potential vice president picks are making their case for donald trump, for senator tim scott does that mean repeating trump's lies about the 2024 election will say coming up we're here to get your sayyed of the store. >> a bribery prostitution. why do we keep ending up here you can't write this stuff. united states of scandal with jake tapper now streaming on macs.
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semifinals coverage presented by weighing stop on di and it's a big week for republican house speaker mike johnson that is because republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene says she is going to make good on her threat to force a vote that could force him out. and in the strangest of stretch twist, given how divided the house of representatives has has been and remains democrats are making it very clear now that they are ready to come to the speaker's help, to help the republican speaker keep his job seen as lauren fox is in washington, she's got much more on this. lauren. >> what is this? we're going to look like? >> yeah, kate, i mean, this is motion to vacate watch, essentially the earliest that marjorie taylor greene could take action would be around two p.m. today, we are going to be keeping an eye, obviously, on the house floor to see when she goes down to force this effort. now, what she introduces this, it will be a pretty obliged motion, then leadership could move swiftly as soon as six 30 tonight to try and table this
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essentially killing her effort. what we know right now is that democrats are willing to help table this motion to vacate. that means essentially they will help kill it. that means that marjorie taylor greene's effort here isn't some parts symbolic, but she and her colleagues who are supportive of this, there are two others, paul gosar and thomas massie. they say that this is about getting republicans on the record, making clear who is supportive of johnson and who isn't, and sending a signal to speaker johnson that if he were to win the majority again, he wouldn't have the votes to become this speaker in their words, making him a lame duck speaker. now yesterday, jeffries address this in an interview with 60 minutes saying that democrats are willing to help kill this because they don't want to thrust the congress once again into chaos. >> as speaker johnson asked for your help, he has not and all view what traditionally be.
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>> let the other side work its own mess out but when that mess starts to impact the ability to do the job on behalf of the american people. then responsible thing at that moment might be for us to make clear that we will not allow the extremist that though the congress in the country into chaos and it's just good to point out at this moment that the republican conference is largely united against marjorie taylor greene's effort. >> but this small number of members who want to force this vote, who want to make the statement? some of their republican colleagues are arguing they are actually putting the majority at risk. they are the ones that are casting doubt in the minds of the american people about whether or not republicans can govern at all in this moment, kate's so despite the fact that we expect to know the outcome of how this ends, there's a lot to still be said, to be written about what this does to the republican party moving forward you pause it interesting question to
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these three, who is brit who are bringing this? >> do they care about being in the majority that can be a question for them this week, it's good to see you, lauren. thank you. >> sir. >> thank you, kate, i had a look at the life-saving rescues as floodwaters swallowed up parts of texas. and the danger. now, moving to the central us hurricane-force winds and potential tornadoes a gun, hold on, a path and the trigger polled during his sunday service, how the pastor survived with the help from his deacon. we'll have that coming up every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less cnn's five things with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays exclusively on macs i want a lot of businesses, so i wear a lot of hats my restaurants, my cat sharp in i also have a non-profit, but no matter what business i'm in, my network, it might take me to keep up. thank you. verizon business.
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playoffs presented by google pixel with conference semifinals, conference presented by wing stop on ten this morning after days of flooding, the water is finally starting to recede in parts of texas unfortunately, a four-year-old boy was swept away and floodwaters, his body has been recovered south of fort worth and emergency crews rescued hundreds of people from high water across the state, including in the houston area, joining me now is texas game warden captain brandon mosley, sir, thank you so much for joining us. i see some of those waters, the floodwaters that have receded a bit behind you you've been helping conduct rescues what have you been? seeing and experiencing right now we're on the downhill slide, the backslid of this storm boards play for us. >> the waters have started receding. but the biggest thing it always is neighbors helping neighbors and game wardens texas game board is and heart peace officers working in conjunction vision emergency manager working as a team to
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get in extract people and helped rescue people as many as we could sum, i think in the east texas area and even northeast texas area where it close to 400 rescues. so it's been a busy week, but they the men and women out there have worked extremely hard and so we're very appreciative and glad to be able to hell. >> yeah, we're seeing some video of one of those rescues showing a boat with people on it. we saw this during hurricane harvey as well. can you compare and contrast? what this was like compared to what we saw during hurricane harvey because the devastation looks vast yes, ma'am. >> it's it it appears to be potentially even more devastating in some parts than harvey so we definitely got a lot of rain quick amount of time and that's one of the things in east texas. we don't get the runoff. and when you
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have these flash flooding events, many times, unfortunately, they they catch people off guard and so yes, we definitely have a lot of water in places that i hey in my life, i've never seen and ronnie. >> yeah. i mean, you say that in some places it's way worse than harvey, which is saying something we were looking at some video there of of animals being rested as well and and people, animals are part of the family for most people who have them. so what, what can you tell us about the knee? eid right now? what is it that people need there in east texas? what does it that they are lacking? some of them obviously have lost their homes well certainly that is that is the case. and when we go in and we do the search and rescue you know, certainly the life of families and people and pets is what we look at. but now, when you're in the recovery phase of it it's now putting home. they had peacece, officer and
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just with people trying to get back to their homes that they want to be safe. and so now the recovery phase is beginning to happen let me ask you about what's about to potentially happen and center in the central us in oklahoma, your next door neighbor there? >> what advice would you give people as storms continue to come through dropping huge amounts of hail potential tornadoes and flooding i would just just tell tell anyone to heed the warnings of your local county judges, your local law enforcement you're texas division of emergency management or emergency management centers. they're in your area. heed the warning. many times. when we want to clean to our possessions when the biggest thing we can do is protect our families, protect life. and so he those warnings get out and turnaround, don't drown make sure that you're
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listening to updates, listening to your weather stations, making sure that you're staying in tune with their warning good advice, turnaround, don't drown. i've heard that one before, captain brandon mosley. thank you so much. i appreciate your time this morning fifth john. all right. this morning, a notable non answer to a very easy question. will you accept the presidential election results in november? so this is the response from south carolina center and potential trump running mate tim scott let's set or will you commit to accepting the election results of 2024? bottom line at the end of the day the 47th president, united states movie president, donald shop. >> and i'm excited to get back to low inflation, low unemployment senator, yes or no? yes or no will you accept the election results of 2024, no matter who wins? >> that is my statement that is
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his statement. >> it is not an answer with us now, cnn's senior data reporter, harry enten, who why is it that some republicans who want to run what del trump, who lost, by the way, and 2020 don't want to answer, will they accept the results? >> part of it is to try and impress donald trump, a part of it is because they may not believe that the votes will be counted accurately. are this is a recent quinnipiac university poll, 2024 presidential election of votes will be counted accurately. look, most americans believed that they will be counted accurately, but let let's go over to the gop column, right? the majority of republicans, 55%, have no confidence. they do not have confidence that the 2024 election votes will be counted accurately. so it's not just that they don't believe what the 2020 was counted accurately. they don't believe that a future election, a one in which we don't know the results of jet will be counted accurately, which is of course garbage. but a majority of
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republicans do believe it. >> i think you can make an argument that tim scott is trying to play to that group of people, whether he believes it very good or not, in terms of donald trump, the expectations about what trump will do. i frankly think are stunning here, here and explain that. yeah. >> so he might not just be playing to the gop base. he might be playing to what he expects that jonelle donald trump thinks should be the answer would concede if he lost in 2020 for most americans believed that joe biden would concede if he lost in 2024. heck, most republicans believed that joe biden would concede if he lost in 2024 but look, what trump concede, concede if he lost in 2020 for most americans do not believe that he would. of course that makes some sense based upon history, but perhaps even more interestingly, most, very few republicans do not believe that he would, if he lost in 2024, just 40%. so tim scott may not just be looking at that republican basin saying they don't believe the votes we can because the fact that
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most american can see if you in fact that lost at tim's got probably thinks he can't be picked as donald trump's running mate. if he says hey, gone once we got to breaking news, let's go over to kate i'm gonna i'm gonna take it now, boys, because your camera was acting a little bit crazy. >> so that's what we're gonna do. let's talk about this right now, joining us right now is former trump 2020 director of strategic communications mark letter and cnn political commentator and democratic strategist, maria cardona. let's hope this camera does not crazy because we're going to talk about some crazy, i think is what we're gonna do okay. >> mark, you have i'm going to call it the let the war games begin when it comes two people who would like to be donald trump's running mate. you hear that from tim scott and then you hear related you hear this from doug burgum on cnn. let me play this he's talking about pardoning them and he seems to be leaving the door open to potential violence if he loses
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again based on comments you've made in the past, that musk concern you well, i think the bigger context here, jake is really about elections in america. >> i'm talking about the violin and have decried yes. >> well, you know, i'm i'm looking forward to next january when vice president here has certified the election for donald trump. >> do you believe joe biden won the 2020 election? i, i believed that joe biden won the 2020 election, but i did. >> i believe it, but that's what we're starting to hear a lot more. >> here's the thing, wrap it all together. mark, we hit on this a little bit last week, but i really do feel like for entering that season of politicians where they don't give people enough credit credit people can see through dodging and deflecting invasive maneuvers on questions. does this set these vp candidates up weld to be running mate though?
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>> well, ultimately i don't think any of these interviews is what the deciding factors going to be. i wrote something in the hill about a month or so ago that really identified the four key characteristics that all vice presidential nominees have of both parties. they're picked either there for demographics, geographic policy, or to unite the party and the ultimate thing they all have is that they bring something to the campaign that the presidential candidate either thinks they need or once more of and so i think these interviews are great auditions, but ultimately it's going to be, can you move the needle with a key demographic or in a key swing state and that's true of both parties. i think when these candidates pick, they're running mate, you're not something interesting. mark one second round. do you think that there is one of the people who are listed right now, what is the thing that's missing that they bring? >> well, that's going to be ultimately to be what what donald trump would decide whether that's going to be
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due. i think that one of these one of these potential candidates could move the needle with suburban women or with black and latino voters there's, or could help turn a state that might be in play and make it not in place. all of those kinds of factors go into this. i don't think it would be a policy decision because well, donald trump has already been president, so i think it's going to be more likely that he would pick somebody for something else that they would bring to the table. of course, in addition generally, the ability to serve work well in the white house, be good partners that goes without saying, right, what do you think of one of the slides that harry and john were just talking about expectations among republicans and expectations among all voters being pulled about what donald trump we'll do in 2024 and only 25% of overall voters in this poll think that donald trump will actually concede, and it's still even less than a majority of republicans think donald trump will concede in 2024. that's a statement of what?
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>> well, frankly, it's sustainment of americans taking donald trump, not just from history, but from his own words, kate, he hasn't even been able to say that he would concede if he loses. he hasn't even been able to say that he would engage in a peaceful transfer of power when and if joe biden wins in 2024, so the american people are simply reacting to the words that donald trump has already stated plus history is a good indicator of what will happen if the same circumstances occur, if the same circumstances occur, when joe biden wins and donald trump is forced to hand over power or not to hand over power, but to admit that he lost and that he is not going to go into the white house then we already saw what happened once he's already said that he doesn't he hasn't said that he would concede seed. and so i think
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americans are just reacting to that. and frankly, that should worry us all. and i know, for example, that law enforcement is certainly planning to make sure that another january 6 doesn't happen because that is something that is a danger zone for the country going into the 2024 election. thanks to donald trump's words controlling. >> tell me if there's also craziness going on with my camera. i feel like we real fund gremlin is going on today, guys. we can still see you, everyone hold hands. we're going to make it through together and wouldn't bat. i'm going to say mark, let's just go crazy ourselves. you get this isn't choose your own adventure. do you want to talk about marjorie taylor greene forcing of, forcing a vote on the republican house speaker or do you want to talk about kristi noem and her latest events of why she killed her dog go. which one? >> i'll i'll choose mtg at look. i think you can have very serious policy disagreements with the speaker or even the
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republican leadership. but that is something for republicans to handle after the november elections when we have a bigger majority. and you can have that debate right now, all of our focus needs to to be on stopping the chaos that is being created by joe biden and democrats, whether it's the economy, inflation, the border, the world is spinning out of control. let's save our internal family fights for the right time, which is after the november election an oddly enough, those democrats who just railing against those are the ones coming to the house speaker's rescue, right now. i'm not going to pretend, maria, that the democrats really want to really feel strongly that they want to help mike johnson keep his job politically why are they doing it well, i guarantee you that when and if that happens, it's not going to be for free. >> kate there is going to be something to be had for democrats coming to the rescue of speaker johnson.
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>> and he knows that and i think that's one of the reasons why marjorie taylor greene is actually using that against him because she is saying that he will now be indebted to the democrats. she is saying that he will now be the puppet of democrats. i don't think he'll be the puppet of democrats, but i do think that what it will show is that in order to leave, you have to lead in a bipartisan manner. sadly, in the republican conference right now, that is not what the majority or at least people like marjorie taylor greene want in their leaders because they want people who are just sycophants for donald trump's sycophants for the maga extremist, mike johnson knows that that is not how you lead but he also understands that he's needs to keep the maga extremists within his own party and supporting them. and that's the difficulty that he's going to continue to face going going into especially going into the 2024 election. >> so we're going to hold talking about kristinoem
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defending killing her dog by saying she thinks joe biden's dog should also be killed. here's are going to save it because i'm not and i could almost say, well, you could almost bet that we might have another round of this coming up next time we talked guys, it's great to see you. oh, italy through so much. we held hands being made it through together. sara, i want a different choose your own adventure that was raphe. >> all right. thank this. sweet could be a dramatic week and a criminal trial of donald trump could. >> stormy daniels finally take the stand today? also today, a spacecraft that has been riddell with mechanical problems made by a company that has been plagued by safety concerns set to launch two astronauts into space. we will discuss coming up rather, shooting pepper spray into the crowd. i'll show you what's happening from him. now and
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really happened. jesse else, mont'e, sunday's at nine on cnn i'm melanie zanona in washington, and this is cnn this just in the ten month old baby abducted after her mother and another woman were found murdered. >> that baby has now been found alive. >> elisa torres is this little oh, baby girl that you see right here no details have been released yet on the condition of little elea, but police do say they have a person in custody or five-year-old sister was bound at the murders scene, having suffered a head injury and she is now recovering in the hospital. >> more details to coulomb force. >> so at least 17 students at princeton university have launched hunger strike in protest over gaza. >> they say they will abstain from all food and drink except water until their demands are met. those demands include university is closing all its investments since and then divest from companies that they say profit from israel's war against hamas. university officials say they are aware of the strike and physicians are monitoring the group and they
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terrifying scene we're going to show you that played out on a churches live stream. if to warn you as you watch this, this is disturbing. a man pulls a gun kind of pennsylvania pastor, this is during the church service pastor glenn germany says the man stopped and smiled before pointing his weapon. thankfully, the man's gun, jane hamed when he pulled the trigger, giving as you see here, the churches deacon the time to jump into action, tackle the suspect germany says you, thanks god that he still alive while he was in a police car. i had a chance to go and speak to him again as well i asked him, you know, just as commons mean, you're talking now he said i said what makes you do? i mean, what were you thinking? he said i don't know that's that's backed has been charged with attempted homicide. >> police say they later found a man shot to death inside the suspect's home. that man's identity is still not know. >> football great tom brady, john berman, listen up some consider him to be a goat
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debateable. the greatest of all time. so netflix decided he deserved, he deserved a roast with his very own grote. that's the greatest roast of all time this the specialist hosted by kevin hart live freedom sunday and brady proved to be a pretty good sport about it. >> all, watch this people lasts tom. why would you do this row? >> so now it's simple. i can take all the hits i would have done this earlier, but i've just been to build because he winning championships which explains why paton did this roast eight years ago brady's former teammates comedians, even kim kardashian taking shots of the celebrated athlete. >> he retired last year. if you're 23 years in the nfl john berman thoughts. >> i understand a lot of the jokes were naughty. i read the reviews this morning. many of the jokes could not be repeated even in the newspaper, let alone having your definition of naughty is like so much less
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naughty than most people's definition. >> scottie, like very naughty tonight, boeing plans to send to nasa astronauts into space after facing years of challenge is a setbacks, the cruel travel to the international space station on boeing's do store spacecraft with me now is nasa administrator bill nelson nice to see you, administrators, just tell me about the significance of this launch. tonight well, first of all, understand we don't launch until it's ready to go. >> and we think it's ready to go there. have, been a lot, of problems over the years, but spaces hard spaces, unforgiving, and so it's taken a long time. we've got to test pilots, butch wilmore and sunny williams a man and a woman they're the best of the best and they will do this test flight at 10:34 tonight this has been particularly
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frustrating. >> i think for nasa working with boeing. this is a craft that was what first commission in 2014. spacex is able to beat up by years and it was commissioned at the same time i'm computer glitches tape that turned out to be flammable. what are your concerns about how the process has worked with boeing well that's why we have a backup. >> that's why we had to spacecraft spacex ended up being very successful early on after a lot of rough patches for spacex but now look spacex is even launching this year at the cape just spacex about 150 times and this falcon nine. and then the dragon capsule. it's overcome things. but now it's very reliable. that's what we have to do on spaceflight. and that's what we're doing with
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the boeing's starliner. >> how important is it to have a hedge, a different company producing spacecraft. so you don't have to have all your eggs. and frankly, elon musk's basket well, that's exactly why as we go back to the moon to have two landers one was awarded the spacex i insisted that we go and have a second competition. that was won by blue origin. so for the same principle, with regard to these spacecraft going to low earth orbit to the international space station we wanted the same thing to have to spacecraft that could land on the moon in the artemis program by the way, john, we go back to the moon next year with our first launch of humans you talking about the moon, china's, there now, unmanned spacecraft, but they're collecting rocks on the far
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side of the moon that's their plan, at least what happens if they get them, what happens if china brings those rocks back to earth and says, hey, we were here first well, we were on the moon several times. >> i half a century ago we're going back to a different part of the moon this time we're going to the south pole where we think there's water you, don't take anything away from china's accomplishment. that's true on the far side of the moon but that's not where we're going. we're going to the south pole and we're going to the south pole with astronauts but, if a separate subject then between what the us is doing, if china does, you've expressed concern about what would happen if china claims lunar territory. >> what would you do well, that's why it's important that we did there first, that they don't get there. and all of a sudden say, this is our territory.
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>> keep out. remember what they have done with the spratly islands? in the south china sea we don't want that to happen on the moon well, nasa administrator bill nelson, thank you for being with us. >> we will all be watching this launch tonight. it should be an exciting moment, a new our have seen a new central starts right now right now, donald trump is on his way to another day in court and the big question he does not know the answer to right now. who's going to take the stand next? and blasts and smoke and rafah, the israeli military telling billions to evacuate immediately as ceasefire talks have stalled in the biden administration saying that is all on hamas and a tragedy is playing out in texas horrible flooding that we're watching and news that a little boy is now dead after being swept away from his parents, who were trying to get to safety there is more threat
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