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tv   Trump Trial Today  CNN  May 6, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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this our last leads now, oklahoma governor kevin stint says that his state is preparing for the worst and praying for the best ahead of what is expected to be a dangerously stormy night. >> weather forecasters say there's a strong possibility of multiple intense long track tornados very large two giant hail and up to 80 mile an hour winds. the threat of severe storms effects 25 million people across central and southern plains in the united states, including oklahoma a significant milestone in the space program tonight, the first crewed flight of boeing's new starliner space craft to nasa astronauts are scheduled to launch from florida to the international space station. surely after ten, 30 this evening, east coast time, nasa has been looking for another option in addition to using elon musk's spacex for launching astronauts into space. wolf blitzer is up next in this situation room with much more in the trump trial, including a form how many are judge, who's going to weigh in on the possibility of
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donald trump serving jail time because of happening now, breaking news and grilling to trump organization employee he's about the alleged scheme to disguise. hush money payments as legal fees over the next hour, we'll take you inside the courtroom from gavel to gavel will break down all of today's most important developments. and look ahead to what's next. there's also other breaking news tonight. a critical moment in the middle east hamas accepting a cease fire proposal broker by egypt and khader. but israel says there are still significant gaps between the two sides. and sources tells cnn hamas agreed to a different ceasefire than the one israel help correct? welcome to our viewers here in
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the united states and around the world i'm will flits her and this is the situation room, special report we begin tonight in new york where another critical de of testimony in the trump hush money trial just wrapped up on the stand today. key employees inside the trump organization who handled the former presidents, business, and personal finances let's go straight to cns keras canal. she's just outside the courthouse had been happening. kara, today was all about the alleged effort to hide these hush money payments that's right well it was and prosecutors said at the end of the day today that they have about two weeks left in their case says about eight days based on the way that this trial is scheduled, and we're still waiting to hear from a couple of key witnesses, including stormy daniels and michael cohen, who is involved in every allegation in this case now, but today the focus
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was on the documents, the 34 invoices, general ledger entries, and checks that prosecutors say or at the very heart of this case insiders that the trump organization on the stand walk through key payments at the center of the case against former president donald trump as the first criminal trial of a former president begins its fourth week to rediculously case. i did nothing wrong. >> jeffrey mcconney, a former executive at the company, testified trump used his personal account to reimburse his former attorney, michael cohen. prosecutors alleged the payments were reimbursement for a hush money payment cohen made just before the 2016 election to adult film star stormy daniels to quiet her story of an alleged affair with trump, trump denies the affair. mcconney the reimbursements came in $35,000 monthly currents through 2017. >> it was actually 11 checks because one of the checks january and february, were combined prosecutors aim to prove trump's business records of the payments were falsified
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and the money was not for a retainer agreement as stated on cohen's invoices, but instead payback for the hush money to daniel's prosecutors as mcconney, if this was all happening above his head? >> yes. he replied, mcconney testify former trump organization chief financial officer alan yslow burge was the one who told him they had to reimburse cohen weisberg, who is currently serving five months in jail on perjury charges and trump's civil fraud case had sketched out the payment to cohen on a bank statement that showed cohen transferred the $130,000 payment to daniel's attorney. the total paton cohen, $420,000 allegedly included reimbursing cohen for the money he paid to daniel's attorney to kill her story, cash owed for other expenses and a hefty bonus for cohen. it was marked on the books as a legal expense the mcconney suggested trump kept a tight reign over his account, but trump attorney aiml bot vi in rapid-fire questioning, tried to show trump was not involved in accounting at the
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company in 2017 when these payments were made, bove acid mcconney weather. he talked to trump about these payments. i did not. mcconney specified bove pressed him further. if trump ever asked him to do any of the things he described, he did not. a mcconney testified also testifying on monday, deborah tarasoff, a trump organization accounts employee who cut the checks to cohen. tarasoff said that trump was the only one who signed the checks for his personal account only mr. trump. she testified adding if he didn't want to sign it, he didn't sign it. >> it's goes well past the stormy daniels hush money payments monday morning before the weaknesses took the stand, the judge found trumped in contempt for again, violating a gag order, preventing him from discussing witnesses or jurors and the case this time criticizing the makeup of the jury in an interview with the outlet real america's voice. >> that's yours. it's so fast. 95% democrats the areas, mostly old democrat. you think of it as just a purely democrat area.
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it's a very unfair situation that i can tell you judge. >> one, we're sean said the magnitude of this decision is not lost on me, but at the end of the de, i have a job to do. so as much as i don't want to impose a jail sanction, i want you to understand that i will, if necessary, and appropriate order and suitability jail as you violate that was because trump has violated the gag order that prosecutors are not telling the attorneys who their next witness is until just before they call them, but won't there are only a handful of witnesses left, including stormy daniels and michael cohen then we'll see what happens when they show up. >> thank you very much, keras godel outside the courthouse in new york. i want to bring in our legal and political experts right now. we're just getting a look at some of the exhibits and transcripts of today. so the eleia williams, we start with you what stands out to you a big part of what we saw today was using individuals involved
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at the trump organization who are involved in payroll to help make the case around that, which we heard last week. >> you have to establish as a prosecutor, not just the reason for the payments, but what they actually were and someone has to bring every single document every single check into evidence and testimony. it's dry, it's not that exciting, but this was critically important to the prosecution and they had to do it. >> katelyn polantz, you've been doing a lot of reporting on this. what stands out to you from these transcripts that have just been released? >> well, if it's important that one of the people that was there today was a longtime accountant overseeing and the accounting department at the trump organization. that's jeff mcconney. >> and what he is showing is the paper trail he brings that into the evidence and he also is being highlighted by the defense team when they're cross-examining him, how he has distanced to donald trump, but also in some ways, that highlights how he was not very aware at all of this scheme
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that prosecutors alleged was happening that was being led by donald trump's. >> so here's a little bit of what was setting court as he's under questioning from aiml bovis, one of the defense attorneys questioning him during you're 30 something plus years of the trump organization, you sort of rarely had conversations with president trump, right? geoff mcconney. very few. and during the instances when you did speak to him, you didn't talk about accounting software, did you know& you did not talk to president trump about the events that you just described in response? mr.. colangelo questions, did you that's prosecutor. >> he said, i did not. >> you did not talk to him about those events in 2016, correct? >> geoff mcconney? >> i did not. >> aiml bobi asked him you did not talk to him about those events in 2017, did you mccartney said i did not bove said you did not talk to them about those events in 2018 either. mcconney? i did not but we then asked him not ever write no then the question president trump did not ask you
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to do any of the things that you've just described in response to the prosecutors questions, correct? >> and jeff mccartney, the accountant, said he did not. >> but he also was the person that was able to show for the jury how there were bank statements of expenses being paid to keith davidson and that donald trump had signature authority on making payments and signing checks up until the time he mr. controller or the trump organization, that's right. i'm a major accounting position and let's talk a little bit about what we just heard. eleia, how significant. is it the mccartney didn't have direct conversations with trump. >> i think it's something that we could have anticipated that the defense would have done. and i believe they tease this in their opening statement and this will be a thread through their tastes that michael cohen himself, leuser and fixer, in effect, went rhoad and carried out these actions by himself and that donald trump did not personally direct the actions. now, prosecutors are trying to establish that the troubling
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station was running like small business and he donald trump would have known what the reasons for certain payments were. but this is a pretty obvious argument that the defense was going to make. and i think they're going to keep going there. >> jim, trustee, your former trump attorney, let me read to you something that emerged today. in terms of the exhibits that were shown to the jury. and i'll put this up on the screen. this is a bank statement that appears to show alan weisman weisberg, the chief financial officer, the trump organization, ellen yslow bergs handwritten notes calculating the amounts cohen needs to be reimbursed are handwritten notes. the notes shows becoming making that calculation what's your reaction uh, not much. >> i mean, look, eliot refers to this stuff is necessary a bit boring. and that's true. and again, the fight is not whether ndas were reached or whether money was paid. the fight is the complicity and the intent when ledgers are entered, that's a legal services instead of legal services, ren da let me just say this. it doesn't always turn out to be boring and
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necessary and white-collar. i've been around federal prosecution for 25 years here's on both sides and what you really look for in a white-collar case is somebody from the money machine, somebody has cfo, a controller, a comptroller, a cpa that comes in and says, i was shocked to find out that the client didn't tell me these things or i told him this would be a bogus deduction if you're doing a tax case so that's what you're looking for. the key to the kingdom is usually the people that are on the stand today and they didn't deliver it. they gave we didn't really know and we didn't talk to president trump. that's a friendly cross. that's exactly what you want all the way up until cohen is a friendly, gross david chelly in europe, political director, how do you think the public at large reacts to all this tech? stuff that's emerging today. >> i think it's largely washing over them in sort of pre informed ways. i don't think we've seen any evidence yet that the day-to-day in and out of the trial is having a very substantive impact on the state of the presidential race. i think to what you just heard
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here, i mean, i think any day like today where the defense team can effectively cross a prosecution witness and at least perhaps seed reasonable doubt that donald trump directed this these payments is a good day for the presumptive republican nominee. and that donald trump, at the end of the de here, i think that the public is likely going to react to the verdict here and have a response. >> but prior to that, even with michael cohen and stormy daniels upcoming wolf, i don't think it's going to have a lot of political effect until we know the outcome. >> let's wait for the outcome amino caitlin polar and charged varchar on gave trump a very, very certain, another very stern warning about violating the gag order he had imposed. tell us about that. >> yeah. well, if this was the 10th time that the judge has found donald trump violated the gag order and is being held in contempt of court, being filed find a for each of those violations, commenting on
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potential witnesses, jurors, others in this case judge merchan said, this in court to donald trump. this is a judge speaking to a criminal defendant before him. >> this is from the transcripts of direct. >> this is a direct quote of what the judge he also wrote in order, but this is what he said in court today it appears that the thousand dollar fines are not serving as a deterrent. therefore going forward, this court will have to consider a jail sanction if recommended. mr. trump, it's important to understand that the last thing i want to do is to put you in jail. you are the former president of the united states and possibly the next president as well. but at the end of the day, i have a job to do& part of that job is to protect the dignity of the judicial system and compel respect so as much as i do not want to impose a jail sanction, and i have done everything i can to avoid doing so. i want you to understand that. i will, if necessary, and
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appropriate. >> what do you think it would take though for the judge to actually put trump in jail? i think it would have to be a flagrant and egregious violation of the gag or i mean, going after the jury again, going after a non michael cohen witness by name explicitly in a manner that wasn't even a gray area. if you notice today, there were a few different styles statements. there were four of them total, and the judge only sanctioned one of them because it was the only obvious one. it was the statement in which the former president had commented on the jury pool. i think it would really take something like that. i think a lot of people in the public have this notion that the judge can and ought to just throw the defendant behind bars and i understand that sentiment. new york law constrains what the judge can do. he has to eat number when he's captain thousand dollars, he's captain the amount of time you can put the defendant in jail. >> and i think it would require a series of warnings for the reasons the judge laid out there, he could get himself and frankly, the proceedings it a bunch of trouble if you went
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too far though, i think the judge way and also clearly today outside just what is prescribed by law for him to do. >> he acknowledged the political reality that this is in right now. he saying something like, you are the former president united states and possibly the next president as well. that's attached to the statement. the last thing he would want to do is wanna put donald trump in jail he fully was he fully was explaining, i think to donald trump to the broader audience of watching this trial. he understands the very unique circumstances that this defendant presents him, and he is just clearly indicating that that is not a place he wants to go. >> the gym, you know, trump you've worked with them you used to be as attorney. do you think he will follow these instructions from the judge or continue to violate well, yeah, we went from nine to one, so we're doing a lot better in terms of contempt luck. it's hard to tell. i think that the underarm overarching thing that really concerns me is we're in trial the basis for gag orders
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is typically two protect the jury from some sort of contamination, whether that's intimidation or praise or whatever it may be. this is really more an exercise in courtroom control and ego than it is something that has a practical effect on the trial. and if the judge does go further and it may be genuinely reluctantly for all the things he said today, it's going to put them in a position where there'll be a pellet scrutiny you might not want. and it also slow down the trial. i mean, if it's a question of getting this proceeding moving along, blocking the defendant up is actually going to mess. they'll calendar up, makes for the defendant's own benefit. >> so see what happens in that for archive, guys. thank you very, very much. just ahead, we'll have a closer look at what would happen if if donald trump were ordered to report to jail. but first, the days other major breaking news, new cnn reporting from the middle east on a potential agreement to stop the fighting in gaza, just as israel starts targeted military strikes in raffa southern gaza stay with us here in the situation room situation
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rubella you never faithful sees the deals on top before they're today we'll get back to our special breaking news coverage of the trump hush money trial in just a few moments. but first, we're following major developments, right now in the middle east where hamas has accepted a ceasefire proposal see you in as jeremy diamond is gathering details for us to jerusalem, cnn's mj lee has reaction from the white house, jeremie, let me go to you first. you're learning that the proposal hamas excepted is different than the one israel helped craft. what can you tell us? >> yeah, that's right, wolf, when hamas came out with its statement a few hours ago saying that it has had accepted a ceasefire proposal. it wasn't clear to us exactly which proposal that was whether or not it was the egyptian framework which israel helped craft and had significant input in, or was it a different proposal? and i've now learned
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according to a senior israeli source and a senior us official who also spoke with my colleague, alex marquardt that hamas agreed to a framework that is different from the egyptian framework, which israel had helped craft according to that american official, this latest proposal that hamas agreed to calls for a permanent since end to the war, a stop in the fighting altogether, which of course has been a red line for the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and so while we've been seeing images of people in gaza, ordinary civilians celebrating the news that hamas had agreed to this proposal that is now being met with the cold reality that this latest proposal is not one that the israeli government is prepared to agree to, at least not yet, the prime minister's office in a statement tonight saying that the hamas proposal is far from meeting israel's demands, but they are agreeing to send a working level delegation to meet with the egyptian& khader mediators. but meanwhile, though the war for cabinet here
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in israel agree deciding that it shall continue this military effort in raffa earlier today they ordered the evacuation of about 100,000 people from eastern raffa and tonight we're already seeing images of explosions as the israeli military says, it is conducting targeted strikes in that very same area. well, our jeremie dimen in jerusalem standby. >> i want to go to the white house right now seen as mj lee is over there for us, mj. what's the white house saying about the proposal that hamas accepted? >> well, wolf, the official word from the us side right now is that the negotiators have to get back to the table and continue talking these things through to hopefully get to a final agreement. and that when the president and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke earlier in the de, hamas had not put forth their latest proposal on the table. well, and so the two liters didn't get to discuss this specific framework, but that it was clear that the president, again, emphasize to the prime
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minister the importance of eventually getting to a deal. now, of course cia bill burns remains in the region to try to continue pushing the various parties to get to that final agreement. and there is so much on the line right now for this white house and this president including of course, just getting to an end to this conflict once and for all, getting all of the hostages out, including several americans that are still believed to be in gaza. and of course, avoiding a situation where there is a major military operation, buy into raffa. and one question that i did put to white house spokesmen, john kirby earlier, is the idea of a rafah operation that is limited in scope. take a listen we've been very clear that we don't support a major ground operation or rafah operations in general that put at greater risk the more than 1 million people that are sheltering there. and the question right now is a hypothetical, you know, that they are asking people in the area to vacua
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possibility of a limited prop operation is on the table. >> so i'm asking, does the president believe that israel can execute a limited operation and two raffa while adequately protected in the lives of civilians, their president doesn't want to see operations and raffa these reports of these stripes that we are seeing un raffa tonight to us officials telling me that they are watching the situation unfold closely, that it is concerning, but that the us does not believe that this is, that major ground incursion military operation that they have been worried about, but they do believe that this is something that is limited in scope for now, wolf. all right. mj lee and jeremy diamond reporting for us. thank you very much coming up. we'll have more on donald trump's criminal trial. and what we know about what it would look like to put a former president of the united states in jail we'll talk live with a retired new york city judge, will become
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day. >> judge juan merchan had told donald trump, quote, the last thing i want to do is to put you in jail, but i want you to understand that i will, if necessary, that after finding trump in contempt for violating the gag order for the 10th time in his hush money trial. this time for speaking publicly about the makeup of the jury. >> that's what the message they're trying to get across. to him will be, which is we tried finding you. we tried warning you none of that seems to work. and so if they can work out the logistics i think that that's something that potentially could be looming over him. but working out the logistics would be uncharted territory. >> no place in the country has ever had to contain in a jail a former president of the united states under secret service protection. >> cnn's john milis, citing officials familiar with the plans, reports, the secret service court officers, in the new york city department of correction have been quietly discussing what to do if the former president is really jailed for contempt of court,
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set aside some i'm location, not with general population, where his protection can be with him and armed, but there are also shorter temporary options for jailing. >> trump could put them in for a few hours. there is a holding cell behind the courtroom that on the 15th floor of 100 center street, he could put them in for the day. he could put them in and over lunch if trump is jailed for a few hours overnight or a period of days, where would the secret service be? >> the secret service will not change their protective methodology, which is to protect the former president 360 degrees at all times in all directions. but the approach is going to be different. >> they would have to be with him they would have to be able to control the process of where his food comes from, how it's delivered, what could go wrong if the former president is jailed during this trial is the building going to be stormed in a kind of january 6 scenario by supporters? will there be bomb scares and anthrax threats and
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everything else called in and delivered in addition to calling the gag order unconstitutional and un-american a trump campaign spokesman said the judges warning that he'll throw former president trump in jail for what he called exercising think his first amendment rights is a quote, third world authoritarian tactic typical of cricket, joe biden and his comrades, end quote, will bryan todd reporting excellent report. >> thank you very, very much. let's get some analysis right now for retired judge george grosso, who served in new york on the queen supreme court, judge. thank you so much for joining yes. do you think judge merchan could send trump to jail for the next violation of his gag order great. >> to be with you all definitely. if i just heard the little snippet about defending trump speaking so bravely in front of the courtroom. he needs to take hey, the judge seriously. i was there i've
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been there every day of this trial and i saw how serious judge merchan was and he should take judge merchan at his word. this is serious as a heart attack, as far as trump is concerned, as far as figuring it out. i was a judge for almost 13 years, but i was also when yp for 30 years from a police officer, the first deputy police commissioner. i know it sounds difficult. there's a lot of moving parts i worked with john mellor at one time i heard him speaking. >> it will be figured out. we've figured out how the things in new york city, i certainly the secret service would have to be accommodated. they'd have to get the right kind of facility. maybe the judge would stop by putting him in a more local level containment for a couple hours to give him the message. but the judge was very pointed he said very clearly, he didn't want to deal with a president, former president, someone who may be president again, the
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last thing he wanted to do would be to put them in jail, but he's tried a lot of things and what i can tell what is bothering the judge the most and would be bothering me the most if i were presiding other comments made about the jury all we going to have a rule of law are not in this country. judge merchan has been very measured he's very fair. he's given this defendant more rope that just about any other defendant would have got. so if the judge decides to do it, i have no doubt it will here that will be done. >> and i hope for the sake of mr. trump and the perception of the whole thing. >> he has sobeh people telling him that right now and today was the second time the judge actually threatened possible jail time for trump are brand todd just laid out the possibilities for for what jaylynn trump would look like. judge what do you think is the most likely possibility i think
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the most likely pilot possibility is they probably would try and do something. >> right inside the courthouse. let them cool is heels for an hour or two. and then bring them back and hopefully he got the message dej and not go right to like say a trip to rikers island but at the end of the day defendant trump is going to have to figure out how to play by the rules. and i'm sure something on judgment mine is in the very near future. we're going to see stephanie clifford, aka stormy daniels, testifying where all i'll expecting we're going to see michael cohen, the judge is going to have to control this process, control this courtroom, and he cannot let the defendant turn the criminal justice system in new york city into a mockery. so he's put it all out there clearly and publicly, the ball was in trump's caught, right now. interesting think the prosecution's case, as you know, judge, is about halfway through. we're told from what you've heard so far, are they doing enough the prosecution to
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tie trump to the criminal activity alleged in this case. >> they are. in fact today was a very compelling day in that regard. they had an individual who testified who was formerly the comptroller of the trump organization, among other things, through him, they were putting in evidence with what he described to be handwritten notes by alan lysol berg, who was the chief financial officer of the trump the trump organization, including a statement to the bank statement. i believe they indicated they had shut documenting the 130,000 payment that mr. cohen made for the stormy daniels. he hush money, pay off notes pertaining to $50,000 for some sort of a technology bill that cohen said he was old money for and then notes gross up apparently in yslow berg's hand and writing, which, which then lets the
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doubling of the one at 2360 for tax purposes. that's devastating information for the jury. and then adding another 60,000 for a bonus that flowing said that he was entitled to. so having that in evidence for the jury, performance michael cohen takes the stand, i think is powerful corroborating evidence. but at the end of the day, i believe this case will rise and fall on the shoulders of michael cohen and whether or not he's deemed credible on the essential facts. but the district attorney is doing a solid job in laying a foundation. to for very serious case in my opinion, all right. judge george grass. grass. oh, thank you very much for your analysis and we'll be right back with more news this is a travel show visit, my dance around the world by that kind of propaganda that's what i do
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to 50% we're real stone i'm sara maria in washington, and this is new audio obtained by cnn reveals donald trump's
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making very inflammatory remarks about president biden accusing democrats of quote, i'm quoting the former president now running get topo administration are reference to nazi germany joining us now is seen as cristy homes, as well as our senior political commentator david axelrod, and the former trump white house press secretary, sarah matthews kristen, what happened inside this republican treat, give us a context of what trump was saying. >> yes, this is about a 90 minute speech. it was profanity laced and that's really an understatement. i mean, one point he calls jack smith and f-ing a whole a lot of rants about his legal issues, a lot of rants about the biden administration. i will note we're not playing the audio because we obtained it from sources and we i had some concerns and they had some concerns that there were some identifying factors in that audio, which is why i'm not playing it. but i have listened to the whole thing and it was a series of trump isms. he was in his element talking to donors, talking to his closest confidence loyalists be a potential vice presidential
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picks and he was on a rant talking about how his pull numbers are high against biden. and again, against all his legal cases. >> yeah. you know, fundraisers that are the most dangerous place for any candidate to be. and he just proved it again. but that comment about the gestapo made me remember that he his biographer said he kept a volume of hitler's speeches on his table next to his bed. maybe you meant it as a compliment will know no, i don't think so either. >> and appearing the present united states to the gestapo, especially on this day, holocaust and i know you have personal relationship as do i know it's you know, i've cs along since ceased being shocked by things that donald trump says. and i think most americans have become sort of deadened to it, but there are other things that he said that should be of concern. he wants an attorney general of courage obviously so the lionized the
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january 6 insurrectionists once again i mean, these have real implications for what kind of country we're going to be does it have an influence on his our outlook for the election? i'm not sure how do you see it, sir i mean, yeah, gestapo comment. >> it honestly didn't surprise me as well either because that's just follows a pattern we've seen from him where he is using this nazi rhetoric. he called his political enemies berman recently, he said that immigrants were poisoning the blood of our country and then comparing the biden the administration to the gestapo when we know that couldn't be anything further from the case. but this just follows this pattern with him and i think too, when obviously that was an offensive remark and we're looking at even just the substance of the speech. it didn't feel like the most inspiring speech to here's talking about his golf game and how he wins tournaments that hizon clubs that he's hosting. mind you. he was complaining
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about different various things such as the legal troubles that he's facing. he used profanity that you mentioned when referencing jack smith. he was bragging about how much maher logo is birth. these aren't necessarily the things that i think helped move the needle with wanting to bring in donors and more money, something that he has been suffering a little bit with. and i know is something that he's taking into consideration when picking a vp because he wants to make sure that he picked someone who is attractive to donors. but what i will note is that it seems like he is doing better when comes to fundraising, there was an uptick of $11 million compared to what he raised in march, compared to what he raised in april. so it does seem that donors are now buying into his candidacy a little bit more despite all the money, chases. the probability of success. he's, he's on trial and he's still even with the incumbent president of the united states, who has his own challenges and so these donors
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are not looking to be inspired. they're looking to be in and just to be in the room. >> so he makes a joke at one point where he says, if anyone wants to donate $1 million, i'll bring you up on stage as well because he had brought up everyone in the crowd. so just to your point that he knows that's why they're there as well, right? yeah so i don't know that he expected his remarks to be to be spun out as they were that there would be a tape of those marks that's always how people get caught me. he said some things that, you probably made his campaign wince. but that's part of the light life with donald trump. i think give us your final thoughts. are yeah, i mean, i think too, when these donors are showing up to fundraise or with donald trump, there probably not there for a campaign like speech, but they are more so they're to be entertained look, he can be a comedian in some ways and he's just going to rattle off whatever's on his brain and i
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think on in the campaign trail though he needs to be more disciplined talking about the issues that voters care about, even when he's doing these little press conferences before and after his courtroom appearances, he's talking about things like complaining about how cold he is and not really talking about the heart of the issues that americans care about. >> and so he should be a little bit more disciplined. i think in his message on the campaign trail neural these politicians, including the former president, should know if you have a cell phone like this, you have a tape recorder as well. so it's not that hard to tape these kinds of little speeches. all right, guys. thank you very, very much coming up. we'll have a closer look at what we know about the latest ceasefire proposal involving israel and hamas someone who negotiated these kinds of talks in the past is semi by live to join us my name is marie and 49 years old, and i'm a business owner. >> i own a lemonade& ice cream shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my leinz have gotten deeper just from a year
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>> listen wherever you get your podcasts more now and the breaking news we're following very fast-moving developments in the middle east sources telling cnn hamas agreed to a different ceasefire proposal than the one israeli helped design and a significant snag right now and a potential deal to pause the war in gaza. >> and bring home the hostages, joining us. now the former state department middle east
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negotiator, aaron david miller. aaron, thanks for joining us. what's your analysis of this clear daylight right now between israel and hamas? will these talks be able to move forward? >> hi thanks for having me. >> it's hard to imagine i think both sides are much more interested in blaming one another for the collapsing these different proposers than they are in reaching an agreement i just think there's insufficient urgency benjamin netanyahu knows that a deal that doesn't bring to it and hamas is sovereignty in gaza is going to mean it's political downfall. >> and yahya sinwar, palestinian decision-maker knows that if he gives a hostages without a comprehensive cease fire and his robes withdrawal from from, from gaza that he won't survive this so i think both netanyahu and sinwar are thinking more about their political future than they are about cutting a deal that would relieve the
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miseries for gaussians. >> and for these hostages, as well as their families. >> that's pretty depressing. i were also following aaron some breaking news right now. cnn contributor barack ravid is learning that israeli forces are going to take over the palestinian sayyed the raffa crossing between egypt and gaza in the next few hours, how significant is that i think it's very brings me israeli, israeli defense force is very close to the egyptians. >> and the israelis. you're interested, i think in that raffa crushing because it abuts the philadelphia corridor, which is the common borger that egypt gaza share and that border, that philadelphia corridor is a key route for smuggling contraband. and military equipment so this is a fraud operation with respect to the egyptians and israel, israeli-egyptian relations and it may well be a prelude in the weeks to come from our expansive operation against
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raffa proper to destroy the remaining four italians of a mass fighters. we represent the latter part of the organizations milis, organized military structure why is israel arike pressdee agon with a military operation in a rafah when president biden, including today and is 30 minute phone conversation with prime minister netanyahu has repeatedly warned israel against doing that because someone you and i both new and respect tip o'neill famously said that all politics are local and the reality is as important is joe biden may be event-driven and daniels future are present. his coalition. the right wing coalition is much more important. and i think that ralph operation, which benny gans, by the way, will support as well. let's be clear about this. this is not just netanyahu was war but to keep that coalition together, he has to keep alive the fiction that israel will somehow attain a total victory
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and destroying the remainder of hamas is organized military structure, naacp hamas is organization. so again, i, i think i mean, it's the hostages& the people and their families please. and people who have gaza, who are gonna be the big losers. >> aaron, david miller, thanks very much for that analysis and we'll be right back with more news our. >> biggest challenge uncertainty in fy surcharges, who knows what to expect, turns shipping to your advantage. >> keep it simple with clear up-front pricing with usps ground advantage deliveries happened ordered that this happens that happens we get out of their charlie's all that's gone happened to be there with ring. learn more at fashion moves fast setting trends is our business we need
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infections, including tb, serious infections, and blood clots, some fatal cancers including lymphoma and skin part attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred people 50 and older with the heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death, serious allergic reactions can occur. >> tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant dan saddling ascii rheumatologist for renzo, and take back what's yours and v could help you save. i'm kayla tausche, the white house, and this is cnn we want to mark holocaust remembrance day and honore the sixth million jews murdered by the nazis. at auschwitz today thousands of people, including 55 to holocaust survivors, took part in the annual march paying tribute to the victims at the white house. >> second gentlemen, doug em welcome college students who are the grandchildren of holocaust survivors may all the jews and the millions of others killed by the nazis rest in peace and may their memories be a blessing? thanks very much for


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