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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 7, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. appointment to give cnn this morning with kasie hunt. >> next closed, captioning brought to you by guilt, visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, you'll
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how the designers that get you heart racing had inside a prices n new every day, hurryin, they'll be gone in a flash designer sales that up to 70% or so of today it's tuesday, may 7, right now on cnn this morning, israel captures gaza as a raffa border crops crossing, saying the terms of the latest ceasefire proposal are far from its demands. plus president biden delivering a major speech today, the whole across museum to anti-semitism. >> and you've been here just as sound, i think that is the gas like right in front of a look at that a. tornado touching down in oklahoma, at least one person killed more than 1 million people still in harm's way at this hour all right, 5:00 a.m. here in washington get a live local
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capitol hill on this tuesday morning good morning, everyone. >> i'm casey hands. it's wonderful to have you with us israel is expected to be apa table for ceasefire talks today in cairo. >> this after israeli officials indicated that a deal that hamas set it accepted on monday did not correspond to what israel had expected. and without the deal israel deciding to quote, exert military pressure on hamas and quote new overnight the idf seizing control of the palestinian side of the raffa border crossing after conducting a series of airstrikes that have killed at least 15 people. the raffa crossing is a vital access point for humanitarian aid along the egyptian border, which has now been shut down. un chief appealing to the two sides to reach an agreement quickly so get on the invasion, refer would be tolerable because it's devastating humanitarian consequences. because if it's destabilizing
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impacts all right, cnn has been wiedemann joins us live now from rome with more on this band. good morning. a lot of back-and-forth yesterday about this agreement. can you clarify exactly what hamas agreed to on monday and why israel pushed back and we saw this incursion into rafah what we understand casey is that this is a three-phase proposal that hamas said it agreed to in the first phase, which is supposed to last for 42 days or six weeks, 33 hostages would be released. that would include the elderly, women, children, and the sec and exchange israel would withdraw from parts of gaza. there would be halted. ricardo. reconnaissance flights for ten hours a day over gaza and hundreds of palestinians being held in israeli jails, either prisoners or detainees, would
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be released. now in the second phase of this proposal, there would be a complete israeli withdrawal from gaza. alda, other hostages would be released and there would be what's been called a sustainable period of calm in the third phase, they're talking about three to five years gaza would be reconstructed. now the israeli say this isn't what they had agreed to before it's not exactly clear what were the points of disagreement, but we understand the israelis do not want anything that would indicate essentially an end of the war because israel continues to insist that in addition to the release of the hostages israel wants to completely destroy hamas. now the americans have told them that might not be a realistic goal at this point, but politically it would be very difficult for prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu to end the war without achieving that one of its basic goals false. casey all right, then we'd live for us in rome, ben. >> thank you very much for that all right. this just in the cnn, a senior white house official telling us that president biden will highlight or underscore, we should say the atrocities of october 7 when he delivers a speech later this morning on this holocaust remembrance day at the us holocaust museum the official said the president will also talk about how too many people are downplaying what happened on october 7. press secretary korean john pierre previewed this yesterday the president will touch on how his national strategy to counter anti-semitism is putting the full force of the federal government behind protecting the jewish community. >> he will reaffirm that we respect and protect the fundamental right to free speech. but there's no place on any campus or anywhere for
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antisemitism our joining me now is semaphores shelby talcott. shelby. good morning. thanks for being here so in this preview of this speech, she did talk about, of course, the balance between free speech and making sure that people are protected in terms of the anti-semitism that we have seen flare up on these college campuses. what do you expect in this major address? i mean, this is definitely something away that president biden often chooses to address major moments. >> yeah, and i think it's notable because while he has issued some statements, he did give a brief statement last week, i think as three to five minutes where he sort of condemned the violence that we did see on campus. >> and that aspect of anti-semitism, most of the comments have been coming from the white house and from his aides on behalf of him. so this speech today is going to be
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really notable, just given not only what's going on in israel and gaza, but what's going on here in the and now, across, across the world, we've seen protests breakout in light of this. and so i anticipate that he's obviously going to talk about anti-semitism. but what i'm really curious to see is how he addresses some more of the specifics about the situation with israel, with benjamin netanyahu and with humanitarian questions over and gaza, right? >> and of course, we're looking at some footage from college campuses because this is what, or at least i believe that's what we're looking at. this was in wisconsin in madison, wisconsin earlier this month this these are the scenes that are putting so much pressure on the president and our ron brown seen as a columnist here at cnn, in addition to his role at the atlantic, put it this way in terms of the pressure on on biden and the way he sits
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inside the democratic party quote, through the, though the vast majority of democratic officeholders show no pension, two fundamentally break with israel biden could be the last democratic president for the foreseeable future who aligns. so unreservedly with the nation. it do you see that beach, i mean, biden clearly, he's let's be honest, reaching the end of a very long political career, that he's had here in washington, shaped very much by this particular issue, but younger generations seem to view it very differently. >> absolutely. and there are still a lot of democrats in office who are pretty staunchly pro israel. but you're right, we're seeing that younger generation have a shift in mentality where it comes to israel, where they're not as on a vowel, the pro israel, or at times they believe that the situation needs to drastically change. and so i think that's a fair argument. we're seeing this change, this not just on college campuses, but even with younger generations of people
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in congress and people running, running for congress and so there is the possibility that in the long term, perhaps the stance with the us and israel does change particularly if the democratic party how do you see the fight for independent and swing voters right now? because obviously donald trump is trying to it put more focus on the campus protesters as evidenced that there's a lack of law and order. >> for example, donald trump has been basically using these campus protests to make the broader argument that joe biden is bad at foreign policy, we've seen donald trump talk for months on the campaign trail about the afghanistan withdrawal, about the ukraine russia war, and about this. and so the campus protests sort of just add onto that argument in terms of swing voters, it's interesting because when i talked to the biden campaign, they're not convinced that
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this specific incident is the situation is actually going to move move the needle because yes, while there are a number of young voters who are concerned about this, they point out that young voters are more concerned about things like the economy, which at the same time still doesn't bode great for joe biden at this point but certainly this is going to be a topic regardless of whether it ends up persuading people to one side or another. well, that's why the focus on getting a ceasefire in gaza is so absolutely critical for them are shelby. shelby. thank you very much for starting us off today. i appreciate it all right, up next, what if they held on inauguration& no one came next? >> the long list of countries boycotting vladimir putin's big event, plus male like gas out here tornado is taryn through parts of oklahoma and the threat may not be over. plus a us soldier detained in russia will bring those details in our morning round up ahead
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deploying tactical nuclear weapons. as part of military drills to respond to what he calls threats from the west. joining me now from leyen is cnn international anchor max foster. max, good morning. always wonderful to have you. let's start with she it's a pretty rare visit for him. what does he hoping to accomplish and how is this tour being received, especially among nato members well, it's interesting, isn't it? >> i think the message here is one europe, but the wider west and probably particularly america, is pretty clear that he's there's some level of intention here to show some divide within the west. so he's chosen countries to visit which appear to be leaning towards china. i'm not saying the moving away from the us, but countries like france or certainly embracing the opportunities that china's been offering, that's partly why they've been chosen a serbia where he's going onto next has a tense relationship obviously
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with nato, and it's exposing the tensions within nato. and there are certain countries he could have gone to, which are particularly close to the us, like the uk. he didn't go there. so i think a lot of the messaging here is that it's about like new world order. how china's trying to step into it, show some leadership, show it has support within europe. and also how the western alliance isn't necessarily a strong because the west likes to think it is well. >> and of course, this ties in with what vladimir putin is doing and the way he is conducting his war in ukraine. and also these military drills around tack tactical nukes and what's that in response to my understanding is that it relates to some actions being taken in europe is something of a warning sign well if we go back to emmanuel macron in france, he's been talking about how potentially there could be european troops fighting in ukraine. >> he's not saying it's going to happen, but he's not saying
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it won't either. there's various comments have been made recently which really antagonized moscow and off the back of that hearing, reports that they may test tactical nuclear weapons. these smaller nuclear weapons that would be used in a in a war zone it's been publicized, has been leaked, so we were meant to hear about it that could be the intention here. that's certainly what the americans are suggesting. but the very idea of nuclear weapons being in a battlefield is frightening, isn't it? because even if they're not used, they could there could be some misuse of them or it could there could be some level of escalation. where were they are misjudgment where they use when they shouldn't be used, it's just a frightening the idea that they could actually make it into a battlefield, but it could just be messaging as it often is, russia. >> all right, next for faster for us in london, max, always grateful to have you. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you, casey are coming up next here. a deadly tornado overnight in oklahoma as dangerous storms rage across
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credits for me at i'm mj lee at the white house and this is cnn all right. 22 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup and american soldier detained in russia, gordon black arrested there last week and accused of stealing. black were stationed in south korea and he traveled to russia reportedly to visit a woman while he was on leave miss usa surrender bring her crown. >> she says resigning from her role is in the best interest of her mental health, and she hopes to inspire others to prioritize their own mental well-being federal officials opening a new investigation into boeing. they are trying to determine whether employees fail to perform quality inspections on seven at seven dream weiner jets and then falsified records all right.
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time now for whether nearly 100 million people in the eastern and central us are facing severe storm threats today as residents of barn stall, oklahoma, which is northwest of tulsa, tried to recover from a tornado that touched down late last night. official say at least one person has died. no stage county and rescues continue this morning you all knew it was coming, but i mean, for a lot of us, we were just i mean, all we could do is just now take cover all right. are meteorologists, derek van tracking all of it for us this morning. derek of morning, what he's saying yeah. >> case he just reviewing some of this really astounding nighttime visit visual is coming out of bonner's will oklahoma, and we can see some the trees here completely stripped of their foliage. look at the lightening still striking in the background, but this is all tell-tale signs of a very powerful tornado. i mean, we're thinking ef2, eft, e3 strength. of course, that needs to be on the ground with national weather service to confirm that. but nonetheless, tornado moving through that region, there were 16 tornadoes
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in all and guess what, the severe weather threat is not done because that same line of storms that produce those 16 tornadoes continues to advance eastward. here's our tornado watch boxes that are underway. parts of arkansas and missouri and western sections of illinois. let's focus in on st. louis because you're about to get just pounded with a strong line of storms national weather service here talking about 60 mile per hour wind gusts. look at that. that is a newly issued tornado, just to the north and west of downtown st. louis so we're going to look out for some potential spin ups as this line we call this an mcs. that moves into the region. you can see that warning box right north of the wild would area oh fallon& the northwestern suburbs of st. louis. so this is part of a larger storm system, hundreds of lightning strikes advancing eastward. it will propagate into the ohio river valley, weaken, then the sun comes up behind it and we get another secondary round of thunderstorms that will form
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later this afternoon and evening. so this is the the area we're concerned about. this is roughly 100 million americans were talking nearly a third of our population. a few tornadoes, large hail, chicago, indianapolis to louisville, nashville, st. louis. and this is the area that they've hatched for the greatest potential of ef2 tornadoes or stronger. remember that's 111 miles per hour. and by the way, wednesday. we have an enhanced risk and then the threat moves to the deep south and the east coast by thursday, a wild week, casey indeed are at derrick condemned for us, derek, thanks very much. i'll see you next hour. >> coming. up next. here are the latest delay tactic being deployed by donald trump's lawyers plus gaza ceasefire talks, hanging by a thread with israel set to return to the negotiating table in cairo hi, it's christina again, i'm here to tell you about an all new special offer from my friends at jacuzzi bathroom model that you don't want to miss. >> you already know jacuzzi has been making water-filled great for more than 65 years. and now
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>> it's your verizon qizan life with dr. sanjay gupta. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts all right. >> five, a.m. here in washington alive. >> look at new york city on this tuesday morning when donald trump's hush money trial gets back underway today. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. wonderful to have you with us with that trump trial set to resume in just a few hours. we did get a pretty major ruling in the case yesterday. judge won or finding trump in contempt for violating his gag order for the 10th time, he find the former president and additional $1,000. >> but he said he'll consider jailing him going forward. >> we're sean telling trump on monday. but the last thing he wants to do is put in behind bars, but that he will if it is necessary and appropriate when the trial resumed, a longtime trump organization employee who had helped arrange the hush money reimbursements to michael
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cohen testified there's still no word on who will take the stand today. this is what trump said after the trial yesterday. >> i have to watch every word i did. yesterday question is simple question. i'd like to give it, but i can talk about it because this judge excuse me a gig order and said you'll go to jail if you violate. and frankly, in a lot our constitution is much more important than jail i'll do that sacrifice any day i'll do that sacrifice any de joining me to discuss all of this. >> cnn legal analyst joe jackson, joey. good morning. >> what when you see that? when you see him say that, i mean, what goes through mind? >> yeah. casey, good morning to you. i think what goes through my mind is that heel push the limit and perhaps exceed the limit to potentially bind
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himself in jail because he disagrees with the judge's ruling, just as a reset. right. there are things as we know, casey that he can talk about and wax poetic about de night that are not offensive, that all to the constitution, right? the order itself is not offensive. but remember, he can attack by it. and even though biden has nothing to do with this prosecution, he could attack the prosecutor. all he wants. that's mr. alvin bragg of manhattan. he could attack the judge. he could talk about the unfairness of the process. the judges doesn't want any witnesses emendation at all. and so there's exclusions. there wants to protect the integrity of the proceedings by making sure the jury is either not intimidated, put and phi are et cetera. or family members. so it seems to be pretty straightforward. but what i get out of that is that mr. trump potentially may test the judge again to be held in contempt. 11 time hope it doesn't happen happened? no indication it will happen. but based upon what he said, it just may have woman i will say joey, these this ruling came.
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we had the initial allegations of ten times he had violated it. the judge found that was true, and nine then there was these then there were these additional for trump does seem to have backed off a bit since the time the timing of those kind of collective 14 was pretty close together, the way they made their way to court was separate. but we haven't since trump was fine seeing new instances of this halfway so we haven't i write to your point, and he does seem to have backed off, but i think there' measure of unpredictability& in other things you could say other than listen, i'll test the constitution and i'll take that chance. >> any de, whatever. >> it is a process and quite frankly casey somebody violates an order twice, three times i think a judge gaetz, impatient enough to perhaps put them in what at the ten time, what don't you understand? and so yes, it's an election year. yes, he's running for president. yes, he got on.
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>> you see him there with talking about colombian and the fact that the ceremony at colombia is now had been canceled, that other things in the universe talk about all that. >> you just can't talk about things that intimidate witnesses and that put them in danger. it's just that simple yeah. >> there are no limits on any of those things that you just outline. >> so joey we saw yesterday quite a few bank statements, lots of records. >> we were kind of tilted away from the sex and lies and audio. tapes of the previous week of the trial. what do you expect to unfold today? and the prosecution has been keeping who's testifying next, so close to the vest yes. >> so usually just so that you know, casey a normal process& in a normal trial, the prosecution really gives a defense a heads up. it's only the right and proper thing to do as who's testifying that right. trials are many
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witnesses. you certainly want to be prepared as a defense attorney. you want to protect your client's constitutional rights it's important to remind everyone that you're brought that upon yourself. the reason the prosecution is not giving the witness information is because they don't trust that the defendant will not say things disparaging about the witnesses and perhaps intimidate them in some way. so the fact that we have to play this guessing game as to who's going to testify, who's not going to testify? bye. who's it going to be is a function of the fact that we have a gag order in place that that's not seemingly been followed. right. so in the normal course, i just say that to you because we will be talking in a normal world about who the next witnesses, what they would bring to the table, how they would prove the prosecution's case. we can we have to speculate about okay. well they had the accounting and the comptroller on and that ties in the documents and it's about time by the way, because that's the critical nature of the case. and they talked about the sharpie pen and they talked about how trumps sciences on checks and how the fact that he's not going to sign things that he won't heal, just voigt the check. that's the stuff
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that's critical& yesterday finally casey and it's very important because remember, you know, you watch a movie, right to trial is in some respects the utricle and you have to lay out the nature of u.k.'s and that's what the prosecution has been doing by setting up the case, setting up the scheme, setting up their theory with respect to conspiracy with regard to cover up. and then we got to the meat and potatoes because at the end of the day, the 34 counts is about the checks, about the ledgers, about the invoices, and that's what we saw. and so i think that's how they're laying it out. i think they continue to do that and then we get to of course, the stormy daniel's& the michael cohen when that'll be it's gotta be he soon prosecution said, i think it'll be two more weeks until we end this case and so we know they're coming. the critical issue is when all right. >> joe jackson for us, joy, always enjoy having you. thanks very much for being here. >> thanks all right, let's turn now to capitol hill, where
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georgia congresswoman marchal taylor greene may be silly, signaling her willingness to back off from the threats that she's made to force a vote to oust house speaker mike johnson i have, been patient i have been diligent. >> i have been steady and i've been focused on the facts. and none of that has changed. so i just had a law discussion with the speaker and his office about ways to move forward for a republican controlled house of representatives were talking to him again tomorrow, based on our discussion today all right. >> greene, who met with johnson for two hours yesterday, also spoke in the last week with former president donald trump. sources tell cnn that trump didn't directly tell green to drop the motion but signal that it could be a distraction for a party that is hoping to keep it slim majority this fall, joining me now is tea mitchell. she's washington correspondent for the atlanta journal constitution. tia. good morning. >> so what do we know about the meeting yesterday between green and johnson?
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>> and it's a long one, two hours is a long time yes. so i think it's more surprising what we don't know. marjorie taylor greene when she left the meeting was very disciplined and not really showing her hand. we know it was two hours because i was there for hours outside that often many rhoad yeah, absolutely. and we know that she we know that there there's a pause because she had pledged to as soon as they came back for votes she was going to try to trigger the motion and that's not what happened yesterday. and so we know she's pausing, we knows their meeting again around lunchtime today in it appears they're both trying to find a way to move forward that a province this boat from actually happening. but b gives marchal agreeing some wins that she can save face if she doesn't move forward after all these weeks of promising that she would write and what role do you think trump is playing in this? >> because the looming thing here is that report
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publications are it seems likely to lose control of the house in the fall certainly democrats feel pretty confident about taking it back, which means the speakers out of a job regardless, right so how does that aspect of it play in? >> so i think it's widely thought that mike johnson will not be the republic house republicans leader after the election, even if even if they're not in the majority, they'll still have a party leader that it's likely to, unlikely to be mike johns there are a lot of republicans who say, we're in the homestretch just leave them alone. >> he's got what, five or six more months of this seven months. and then we'll have a new republican leader. we'll figure it out in, i think that's what donald trump is saying, is that he would like to to avoid the perception. again that house are
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dysfunctional and chaos because he doesn't think it reflects well on the party and therefore, it doesn't reflect well on him when he's trying to win in november, let alone their thin, kind of chances of keeping the majority. so i think in general party leaders leaders in the house, other republicans and trump would like this to go away yes. >> well, i guess we'll see toomaj, you force thank you. t i really appreciate your time. >> are coming up here. negotiators in cairo scrambling to keep gaza ceasefire talks from collapsing plus three the next, using a late surge to get a jump upon the pacers are bleach reports ahead the ancient rash of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin night and day despite treatment, it's still but under control. but now i have
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ceasefire talks after conducting a series of airstrikes overnight and taking control of the palestinian sayyed of the rough crossing video from egyptian state tv shows those apparent idf strikes palestinian official same multiple people have been killed and new video shows the devastation to the city and the search for bodies in the wake of those strikes the less than 12 hours ago it was a different scene in gaza celebrations broke out after hamas accepted a hostage release and ceasefire deal brokered by egypt and khader. >> but the israelis rejected that. the us says they remain opposed to any is really operations in the rough er area. >> we'd been very clear that we don't support a major ground operation or rafah operations in general that put at greater risk. the more than 1 million people that are shelter hey, there. >> all right. joining us now is democratic strategist, former deputy assistant in a sector of sydney obama administration.
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>> joel rubin. joel, good morning. great to see you. so help, help us understand what we saw yesterday because there was this confusing, misleading announcement from hamas saying we've accepted this deal, the israelis came back and say, well, that actually wasn't the deal that we had put on the table. what happened? >> yeah, a lot of whiplash yesterday look, the israelis had agreed to one deal, then hamas grades you a different deal and basically what we have right now is director burns of the cia out there in cairo trying to close these? gaps. so it looks like a lot of back-and-forth hamas did when the pr were there yesterday by saying they agree, they accept. but fortunately, the white house and others looked at it and really wanted to understand what was in the black and white and it's not a done deal yet. there's this line and or nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. and so it's not yet agreed. and i think that's where we do that. >> we talked about that on capitol hills. well when you're trying to get a bill passed so
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joel, we saw the sort of celebrations that broke out when there was this deal that had been announced can you help me understand what are the dynamics between hamas and the people of gaza in terms of what they want to happen here i mean, look, the palestinian people in gaza have been traumatized, not just by this war, but also for more than a decade by hamas leadership. this is a a leadership that had come to power, by killing other palestinians, by killing the leaders of the palestinian authority in gaza, either repressive, they have been using funds that were designated for the palestinian people in gaza to build tunnels underground to bill military capacity and not to provide the kinds of support for the people of gaza they deserve. and so clearly the gaza in people are fed up. they want peace. when we see these scenes, we look at people who have no agency, no control right now over the decisions being made for them and this is where the negotiations, that big picture
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is heading is. will hamas still have control over god? as a on the day after, or will they not? and i think from the israeli perspective, the answer should be and is a resounding no and that's why we see egypt and qatar another arab states trying to throw ideas into the mix and primacy and it's now who's very resistant to those ideas, but those are ideas president biden backs of having palestinians lead gotten as a let the palestinian people breathe. but hamas has been repressive and a horrifying leader of gaza for well over a decade. >> so how do you explain and understand what the israelis are doing in raffa because they have made incursions there, but it is not the full-scale invasion yahoo has said it's coming. >> a lot of bobbing and weaving here i think the israelis, they're trying to pinpoint pressure into gaza, into the leadership of hamas to say we can come at will to get you if you don't agree to a deal to release our hostages it's a serious pressure point it's
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putting more pressure on the negotiators. it does not look like a full-scale invasion. they understand president biden has said no to that. but they also domestically can't just turn away while the negotiations continue. they have to look at these guys have liters and say they need to be brought to a serious endpoint in this negotiation. i think that's they're doing right now. >> how does the looming election affect the relationship between president biden, benjamin netanyahu on this well primacy it's really simple simple answer for you yeah, premise dancing out who he had a great relationship with donald trump and yet donald trump has been frustrated with him as well. i think that premise units in yahoo, he he really looks at this for his own survival at the end of the day, what he's doing is trying to stay in power as long as you can staying in power. paradoxical, you'd like zonal trump could keep them out of prison. he has a looming case. against him in israeli courts. and president
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biden is a strong support of israel writ large he's not a nothing yahoo support are, and this is one of the things that gets criticized for too much here domestically, he's an israel supporter and for him and we saw with center tumor as well in the senate arguing that they need to have different leadership and israel, the president is not seven, that's but that's what the israeli people deserve nothing. yahoo's at 15% approval there. but for now, let's you know, who's in a survival game while he's also trying to make sure the israeli people feel that they have a day after next to gaza president biden, i'm sure if premise standard thing i who to move exit stage left tomorrow. he wouldn't be shedding a tear well, max foster& i, who we have on earlier in the hour almost every day. >> i've talked repeatedly about netanyahu's underestimating netanyahu do it at your own peril yeah, totally a survivor beyond all, survive ever he's been in the leadership posts since the 90s off and on three decades is a long time. >> he knows how to survive.
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>> all right. joel rubin for us, joel. thank you. i really appreciate it all right. >> time now for sports, the next rally in the fourth core to pull off a series opening win against the pacers, andi shoals has this morning's bleacher report and good morning. >> hey, good morning. okay. i see. so it's only the second row, but jaylynn bronson already having just an all time great playoffs last night, bronson with his fourth straight 40 point games. the first two to that to play out since michael jordan and brunton scoring 21 of his 43 in that fourth-quarter with the entire msu crowd on their feet bronson, just with huge bucket apprehend huge bucket in the final minutes with a game di to one 15 a kickball. maybe shouldn't have been called the kickball bases weren't happy brunson. he's gonna get it dante, even shinzo after that knocked down the three with 40 seconds left basis fans were also not happy about this call this morning down one 15 seconds left, miles turner called from moving green there nick's would hold onto when 1201 to one, 17. take a one
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oled in the series the 40 points are cool and all but so little things that help us when games like that. >> and so i'm just happy to have the group of guys as i do. >> and i just know that we're going to fight every similar that's all i'm really thinking about high a timberwolves mean, wow, routing the nuggets steck to games to none lead over the defending champs anthony for the karlan, anthony downs bowed, going 27 is minnesota now, perfect six and o in the playoffs thus far, the 106 at victories, the biggest post-season when& key will history minnesota getting this huge win without their defensive anchor rudy gobert, who was back in minneapolis for the birth of his son. of all go bare ms his game for the birth of his son, brandon carlo of the bruins. he was able to multitask. carlo was with his wife for the birth of their second child early yesterday morning, crude core it was born around 3:00 a.m. well, with mom & sun doing well, carlo hopped on a jet to south florida and
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he scored in the second period that help the bruins win game one over the panthers five to one. and carlo was then given the team mvp jacket after the game being real so much gratitude to play with you guys it's been a crazy 24 hours, but super blackstuff game seven, you guys had my back i appreciate it. >> let's keep building what is 24 hours? now. >> nba award season continuing last night. no surprise. first our viktor women yamaha namely nba rookie of the year, the seven folt four 20-year-old received all 99 first-place votes from the media panel. the frenchman is the sixth unanimous pick for the honore a legal history, the first to do it since chronically towns and 2016 when b is also one of the three players named finalists for the defensive player of the year, which is gonna be awarded
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tonight on thc and they're going to make that announcement on inside the nba right before the celtics host. the calves in game. one of that series that gives followed by thunder maths game one covered starts at 6:30. issa are in violently as another de, another homerun for dodger superstars show, hey, or thani became the first major leaguer to reach 11. homer's this season when he crushed that fall there for two runs shot to center in the first against the marlin. this is fourth home run into three games. la went on win that 1623 casey, what? start row tonnies leading the majorly baseball batting average is 37011 home runs. and whenever he hits it, just you never have a dao, right? it's just way gone. >> goodbye later all right. andy shawls, andi. thank you very much. see you soon. i hope. >> all right. come on up next here. a big moment for president biden as he heads to the holocaust museum for an address on. combating antisemitism plus tornadoes, flattening homes in oklahoma.
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3:00 am in brynn four certain i'm zachary cohn in washington. >> and is cnn it's tuesday, may 7, right now on san and this morning, what could be a defining moment for president five and who set to deliver an address from the holocaust memorial museum, floss through that sacrifice trump insisting he's willing to go to jail in order to speak because mine was a judge of watch him and a dangerous morning and partner parts of oklahoma after a night of terrifying tornadoes all right


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