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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 7, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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democrats that decide to vote for donald trump actually think this election is an interesting scramble. you're going to see people who you would traditionally think of as supporting one party shift to the other. it's jeff's he's a the kind of a voter i think that it represents the shifting sands of our politics under trump and biden. and the kinds of coalitions that they're both able to attract. you see it in all the polling and certainly seems to be reflected in jeff opinion piece that i like to do. i have to say one comment about jeff's argument. i he wants to elect a republican congress as a firewall. that does nothing to restrict the present united states from all executive action that they can take. and i think most republicans would say the most harm joe biden has done. it's been on executive action, ignoring the supreme court and so on and so forth. and so having a republican congress doesn't save you from that unless you're willing to impeach the president lieutenant governor, and we are just about at a time here but you do think that this isn't you state in your writing, this isn't a is not sorry.
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>> it is a binary choice. how do you convince people that it is a binary choice? >> well, i'm only speaking to those republicans are conservatives like me. i've got a historical voting record that is this conservative as anybody. i'm putting the piece that i've been a republican my whole life, unlike donald trump. and i think we've got it, we've got to take our medicine and it's painful. it hurts it's sometimes maybe doesn't seem like it makes sense, but if we're going to heal, we've got to move past donald trump. he's taking us to the bottom of the ocean and some of us don't even realize it all right, formulas and governor geoff duncan, scott jennings, i deeply apologize. >> we are at a time, but thanks. to both of you, a new our of cnn, new central starts right now i think over ip, is really military takes control of the palestinian side or the raffa crossing. >> and ceasefire talks resumed. and destruction in oklahoma, powerful tornadoes, rip through
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the state, killing at least one person. search rescue kroos are now starting to work through the debris and 25 million people are under threat of severe whether now today this morning, donald trump taking a social media to complain about today's witness list. and just as quickly deleting the post. >> what is this? to me? and as he's headed back to court for his criminal trial is struck back up. i'm kate baldwin, sarah seigneur, and john berman. this is cnn new central breaking overnight is really tanks and her raffa taking control of that critical border i'll sing the rava crossing for months has been the central entry point for getting the central point for getting people out of gaza and also getting aid in to gaza. israel has long viewed it as a main route for hamas to smuggling arms as well and have threatened four months of a coming ground invasion in raffa
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if hamas continued to refuse releasing is really hostages. how these attacks impact ceasefire ceasefire talks. now still unclear this morning, but talks are expected to continue today in cairo, but take a look at this overnight explosions seen in the skies over gaza. and israel conducting a new round of airstrikes in gaza, aid workers saying that there is no safe place to go and no way to get there for the 100,000 gaza one's being told to evacuate ra for now? cnns jeremy diamond is in jerusalem with very latest force. jeremie, what is the latest your hearing is happening in raffa well, kate, the israeli military says that they have quote, operational control of the area and the rough border crossing itself. >> they say that their forces are continuing to operate in that area with special forces scanning the crossing where they say that hamas militants have been imbedded they
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haven't. we can independently verify that claim. but what is clear is that this was a military objective for israel, that they set out to capture this rough a border crossing two raise an israeli flag on the palette justinian side of that crossing between egypt and gaza and then release video of that showing perhaps some kind of a picture of victory that the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu has been seeking, even as he continues to engage in these negotiations over a potential ceasefire, this military operation by israel grill overnight came less than 24 hours after they dropped leaflets on eastern raffa, directing civilians to a flea north 100 civilians were ordered to evacuate, but given less than 24 hours to do so before the israeli military began pounding parts of eastern raffa, sending tanks and troops into that area of the palestinian officials say that 23 people were killed in these
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overnight operations, including six children. the israeli military, for its part, says that it killed 20 a palestinian militants. and they also claim that they located three different tunnel shafts. the egyptian government meanwhile is calling this a date interests escalation and warning already have consequences to humanitarian aid and aid workers being able to cross from egypt into gaza say jeremie, what are you hearing about how this impacts a ceasefire talks that are picking back in cairo well, look, these israeli government last night when it received this latest proposal from hamas, which is not the same as the original egyptian framework that israel had weighed in on the israeli government said that this simply did not meet its core demands, but they said that they would continue to engage in these negotiate patients and we expect those conversations to continue today in cairo where israel has sent a working level delegation to pursue these negotiations. but one of the key sticking points here that still remains is hamas in this latest proposal
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is calling for an end to the war altogether, the withdrawal of all israeli troops from gaza in a second phase of this agreement, that is something that the israeli prime minister has called a red line up until now. so it's unclear exactly how they plan to get over that hurdle, but certainly there are intense efforts this week to try and reach that cease-fire agreement. whether or not that rafat operation perhaps allows the israeli prime minister to agree to a deal because now he can say that look, at least we captured the rough a border crossing. we didn't move troops into rafat, which is something that his right-wing governing partners have been calling for. all of that remains to be seen, but certainly going to be a very critical weak over here. >> it's just seem so jeremy, it's good to see you. thank you for being on time. compensate all right. >> joining me now is in bremmer, president of the eurasia group and jesus' media. thank you so much for being here. and i want to begin, of course, with israel's new offensive, an eastern raffa airstrikes coming fast and furious, more than 1 million people looking to get to
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safety. the raffa crossing is one of the points where that desperately needed aid and aid workers has been coming in is this going to further threaten the bringing of more supplies that palestinians desperately need? >> of course, it will also the hamas strikes into israeli troop area killing three troops and wounding others just before this was also facilitating taking hominids, humanitarian aid off the board. >> so extremists on both sides here are doing their best to ensure that this crisis continues to escalate. the united states has said, as of now, he israeli plans both for humanitarian aid getting in as well as to try to evacuate at least non-military age men from raffa palestinian civilians begins, are not adequate and remember the americans delivered an ultimatum that there would be serious consequences if the israelis
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did not ensure that the a could get in and that these people would be made safe. so this has been consistently a hard talk to the hand from the israeli prime minister and now from the lea this makes the biden administration look really weak i was going to ask you about that. >> how close that netanyahu is to completely define biden. but i also want to ask you about what we heard from egypt calling this a dangerous escalation is this further isolating israel on the world stage you know, we can say that in the sense that pretty much the entire world disagrees with the israelis going into her off right now that hamas accepting the egyptian terms for the cease fire is kind of where the rest of the world is right now then executing on it, of course, is a very different story. >> and how many hostages they have and who they actually give up. so i'm not trying to say
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you should take them at face value by any means, but look on the one hand, when the iranian strook, israel it was very strong defense for israel by the united states, by the united kingdom, and by countries in the region like jordan and saudi arabia. so you saw that when push comes to shove, the israelis have that support that israel is getting 17 billion more on us military aid. that's not going anywhere. but the saudis just yesterday warned the israelis in stark as terms not to go ahead with this invasion. and they referred to it as a genocide first time i've ever seen the saudis do that officially. so, yeah, there are clearly going to be longer-term consequences for israeli security in the region. how far that goes? and how what the consequences will be. i mean, is biden really going to cut off the israelis? i can imagine him continuing to suspend some offensive weaponry, but i can't see america's defense relationship with israel truly shaken despite all of this. and
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that's one of the reasons the us is in such a ton spot here. >> i do want to ask you about the cease fire that hamas has agreed to we just heard from one of the family members whose family member is in gaza being held hostage and she felt like this was just a ploy on the part of hamas, knowing that israel had not agreed to this particular cease fire what is your take their this isn't new hamas has said consistently that they want a permanent cease fire and the withdrawal of all israeli troops from gaza and that. >> has increasingly become the position of non israelis. that's increasingly become the position of the europeans of the gulf states, of the jordanians, of the egyptians, even of many in the united the fact that they are closer to what everybody else is pushing
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four, then the israelis are, but the israelis have never said that they are prepared to end the war in gaza with hamas still intact with hamas leadership till attack, their fighters still intact. many there tunnels and their military capabilities still intact. and the united states has not forced them to the united states has said that they want to make sure that the people are safe. they want to make sure that humanitarian aid. but biren has not said you have to end the war forever. they, they've biden's basically been trying to say, look, we want a temporary ceasefire we're going to work really hard to make that temporary ceasefire and ongoing ceasefire over the course of those weeks. so the biden ministration is trying to say slightly different things to the israelis and to hamas here, the reason for that, of course, is because these two actors don't have direct overlap and their position. that's why we're at an impasse right now. >> it all makes sense. and meanwhile, there is so much devastation in gaza and so much heartbreak on the side of
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israel as well because of those people who had been held hostage& brummer. thank you so much for laying that out for us. appreciate it. okay. >> i'm donald trump takes to social media and just now to complain about the witness list for him it's trial today. >> and then deletes the post. is he threatening another gag order violation already just after the judge warned him, we may soon find out meaning to killing your dog and then going on to press toward to continue talking about it and defending yourself is that enough to end one governors hopes of being donald trump's vp pick there's numbers on this actually we've never spoken, but you've told us many things that you love stargazing, hate parallel parking, and occasionally, your right foot gets a little heavy. >> the lexus es didn't begin in the studio. >> it game with you if you have graves disease, gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch people with graves could
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hanging over him, if he would continue to violate a gag order donald trump has started sounding off on social media just now about today's witness list in his trial. here's what he posted in part.. i just recently been told who the witness is today. hey, this is unprecedented. no time for lawyers to prepare. that's the important part. and then he deleted all of it. seen as bringing grasses outside of court. it's sure to be another very important day. but what do you do with this brynn? >> yeah. listen, k yesterday prosecutor said that they were going to give who would the witness be today to the defense yesterday. now, it's possible smoothing donald trump just learn to that witness was and maybe it triggered him. but as you mentioned, he has since deleted that tweet, maybe getting a warning from his lawyers about the possibility of being held in contempt. again, who knows, but we still don't know publicly who the next witness is that'll be called today. yesterday was a big day in court, though. listen, this was the bones of the prosecution's case as
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jurors listen to really a slog of documents from two witnesses. one who worked for the trump work for 35 years. i want who currently is still an employee of the trump organization and witnesses jurors rather saw paperwork basically cuts checks, cuts, the reimbursements to michael cohen of $35,000 over a period of time. essentially, prosecutors laying out the falsifying documents, case that they have to prove. so it wasn't a very important day for prosecutors in this case. now, prior to that, that was when the judge based similarly held donald trump for contempt of court for the 10th time, finding him $1,000. and really this time really threatening jail time. i want to read partially what that judge merchan had said in court as much as i do not want to impose a jail sanction and i have done everything i can to avoid doing so. i want you to understand that i will, if necessary, and appropriate, not something that donald trump certainly wanted to hear. i got to say yesterday in court, he was very much more in tune to the witnesses as they were discussing the
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dealings of the trump organization much more so than we have seen him with other witnesses. we'll see how he isn't to court today. another thing to point out, kate's yesterday prosecutor said it'll be two more weeks of witnesses for them before their case rests. so we have a little bit of awhile here. donald trump not liking that timeline at all saying so after cord yesterday, but again, still waiting to hear who's going to take the stand? it's courtrooms, resumes today at 9:30 cape. >> and it could be important, it's always important. we will wait to hear that when it's publicly released. brynn there for us. thank you so much, brynn. it's also still ahead for us. a deadly tornado al-bursh tears through oklahoma. we're going to take you live to the center of that horrible destruction as there's also a new storm threat for 25 million people today. >> and morning, israel has control all of a critical entry point for gaza and his carried out new airstrikes. >> what these developments now mean for the ceasefire of talks that are set to pick up soon
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>> united states of scandal with jake tapper now streaming on macs this morning search and rescue teams are scouring the damage for survivors after a powerful and deadly tornado swept through oklahoma, those powerful storms ripped apart homes, tore down power leinz, and three for debris for miles. >> the danger by the way, not over yet, 100 million people are under a severe storm threat from texas to new york. barns, all oklahoma took a direct hit from that tornado overnight. that is where our lucy calvin ob is lucy the storm has already killed one person. what are you hearing and seeing? as i see that the first light has done this morning, there zara with daylight, the impact of this tornado is becoming terrifyingly clear. this one spot here reveals the power of the storm and we're learning more about the family that lived here that sir via this tornado, the home belonged to
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dorothy her son, coral, god here before the tornado hit. he laid down blankets for his mother in the bathroom, which we can't really see, but it is one of the small parts of this house that is still standing. almost everything else here is completely flattened the tornado then hit. they wrote it out and the bathroom. they made it out alive. they were rescued about 15 minutes after that twister blasted through this area flattening. so much of their property. i'm just going to have our camera man reveal a little bit more of the garage there is also a storage area where they kept vehicles and a friend's boat was there. the vehicle is trapped beneath the rubble the structure is no longer standing. that boat unusable, and this is just a microcosm of the destruction that took place overnight here and barn stall, we actually were able to get a drone up in
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the air earlier to take an aerial overview, look to try to get a sense of the scale of the destruction because the town itself at the moment is not open to anyone except for search and rescue kroos, you can see that homes were completely flattened breeze, large trees snapped like twigs that really reveals the force and the power of this tornado as a blasted through here overnight. we know from oklahoma officials that there is a natural gas leak. there's also rubble in the streets, and so the focus right now is, first of all, still hello, search and rescue, making sure that everyone is accounted for, but then also making sure that it is safe enough for people to be able to return back to their homes to see what's left to get the possessions that they need. so dangerous, era when these tornadoes happen overnight the scale of the full scale of destruction still not a sara and those drone shots, lucy,
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are just devastating when you look every single house and that swath that we're seeing either completely torn apart or part of it only part of it standing. >> i am so happy to hear that the family in the house where you are survived, we appreciate your time. lucy. all right coming up as boeing hopes to get astronauts into space, there's new trouble this morning for the company the airplane maker says some employees, when it comes to their airline, may have skipped inspections and falsified records and we'll take a look. look at the most head turning looks from the met gala this morning zyrtec allergy relief. works fast and last a full 24 hours. >> so dave can be deliverer dance okay de let's be more than our allergies seize the day with zip, right now. you can get a free foot locker sap.
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cross saying on the gaza, sayyed is now in israeli military hands overnight, idf troops captured the critical entry port, taking it out of palestinian control. >> airstrikes this morning are coming fast and furious, which is inflaming tensions as ceasefire negotiations resume. today. >> with me now a scene and military analysts retired lieutenant general mark hurtling. so nice to speak to you this morning. thank you for being here. let's just take a look at kinda what raffa looks like right now. this is where across rava, there's eastern raffa, which they told people to evacuate from more than 1 million people who have been in raphe. sheltering, trying to get out of the way of danger how does, how does israel maneuver this incursion here and avoid killing scores of innocent palestinians. you look at just the denseness of the situation there with so many people in harm's way potentially it's very challenging. sara what we're
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talking about right now are tuber age of the israeli defense forces that giovanni brigade and the what they call the foro first iron tracks pur those are both brigades with marc kava tanks mechanized vehicles, artillery pieces. but this is a limited counterinsurgency operation. east drop-off, and it is really tough combat in the cities. that's why they dropped the leaflets yesterday saying to all the palestinian or the gaussian residents that were in east raffa to get out of there to go to the almost all we camps. and to western raffa. >> they found a lot of intelligence. >> the israeli defense forces found a lot of intelligence of significant number of hamas terrorist in east raffa so far during the operations, my reports early this morning say that they've uncovered multiple shafts into the tunnel complexs. they had mortar firing positions specifically the ones that fired on the
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rafah crossing point or excuse me, from raffa to the karam cerulean crossing point. the other day they killed for israeli soldiers. so the intelligence is what's driving the operations. but as you see the films that are showing right now and with tanks and armored personnel carriers going through a lot of the areas with housing and construction. it's very difficult as an armor guy, i'll tell you, it's tough to conduct combat in the cities like that because you don't know where the enemy is, where the sniper positions are, where you're going to be fired on yeah. >> and you have so many civilians all sort bundled together in such a small, small space. i do want to ask you about ade raffa is one of the checkpoints where aid has been coming through. and they're already wasn't enough aid coming in. is this going to shrink that further as you look here at what's happening there. >> there may be a little bit of a stall, sarah, this is interesting because the timing is fascinating. what's going
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on? yes, raffa is one of the crossing points so as the other one in that area of operations, but both of those have also been hives of terrorist activity according to the israeli defense forces about in three or four days, you're going to see that navy schick, that the set the row, row passages, the roll-on, roll-off capabilities off the mediterranean sea. so there will be others inputs to the humanitarian assistance provided by the army, the navy, and the us air force base on that schick that we'd been tracking for the last several weeks. it's now almost operational and that'll get up to 150 trucks per day into the gaza strips, which will be significant you're talking about the piera that the marines are building and trying to bring aid in from that part of gaza as well. lieutenant marc hurtling. thank you so much for explaining all of that. it's a complicated situation. the ceasefire deal, not been made yet it is still in the process. talks are still happening and we'll resume
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today. thank you so much. appreciate your time so russian presence, latimer putin has officially been sworn in for and historic fifth term term in office, who won 87% of the vote and the country is marked presidential election according to the countries election commission and election victory that was seen really by the world as a foregone conclusion with most of his political opponents, either dead, jailed exiled, or barred from running the russian president faced no credible challenge and is now there the country longest serving leader since joseph stalin. >> putin will now rule until at least 2030. >> the phi delta theta fraternity has reversed okay, the membership of one person following the confrontation between pro-palestinian protesters& a large group of counter protesters at ole miss videos of the heated exchange, an incident it went viral last week, one clip, especially showing a group of mostly white students yelling at a black student, two it was part of the pro-palestinian protests and
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also in the video people scene making what appear to be racist gestures at her. and in a statement the fraternity said this. after reviewinthe incident, it was determined that the individual's behavior was unacceptable. the action in question was offensive outside the bounds of this disk spores and contradictory to our values. now the fraternity has not identified with that person was that were removed in cnn has also not been not been able to identify any of the counterpressure testers in the video. >> how speaker mike johnson still not whose job today he is expected to meet with republican congressman marjorie taylor greene who has been threatening four weeks to force a vote to oust him. >> the two met yesterday meeting again today. this is as frustrations continue growing within republican ranks in the house especially mostly against what green is trying to do. here are not against what johnson's been doing. marchal green continues to point to the speakers, move to allow a vote on foreign aid for ukrainian israel, that at bipartisan
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support as a source of her main frustration, house democrats have made clear they will help save johnson's job if it comes to that, which is rare to say the least all right. >> thank you, kate, the vip stakes in full swing here. the betting odds are rising for trump's vp contenders like governor doug burger, them or senator tim scott perhaps. and our own harrington. no, he's not in the running by running the numbers. however governor kristi noem. of course, in the spotlight for her book, which has all of this sort of devastating language about how she shot her dog and a goat as well. harry joining me now, just how much of a hit? has she taken and she still out there promoting this book that has all this information. i don't know what the heck she's thinking. >> i ain't buying that book. all right. let's take a look here. gnomes chances of becoming the gop vp nominee to
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go back to april 25th just before this book started hitting the wires, she was an 18% chance becoming the gop, vop vp nominee. that's pretty high up given how many different options there are look at where she's dropped 5%. i may want 3% today 3%. that is a drop of 15 points. her chances have been sliced. look at this but what is this five, six? i mean, my goodness, gracious. basically, this book for all intensive purposes, while of course we don't know exactly what donald trump is thinking, but at least by the betting markets have basically ended her chance to be donald trump's vp nominee. and we should be clear, this is the betty mark. this is not donald trump. he can make his own and that you make. the decision that doesn't go along with this. but this does tell you something about how people feel about dogs in america. yeah, if there's one thing i know, there are a lot of things that divide americans, but there is one thing among a few that
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unites them and that is the likability of dogs. all right, 88% of americans liked dogs, 74% of americans liked dog alex, i would compare that to a very favorable rating. i dare say they love dogs. i know. i'm part of that group you can send me, right? that's me. that's me and my trial to dock cody right over there is that not adorable? i think i was like five there. and then you'd have 14% who liked dogs a little bit. i don't know exactly who belongs map, but the fact is 88% of americans liked dogs and kristi noem was going up against that. i'm not exactly sure what the heck she was thinking and telling the story as well, doing it is one thing and also just sort of bragging about it in the book, we will have to see. but we're seeing what's happening in the betting markets. where does this leave though? the race for trump's vice president? >> yeah, i don't know who's going to be trumps vp nominee, but i think there are a bunch of favorites here and you can sort of known as none of these guys are above 20%, which sort of leaves that it's an open race, right? but i think tim
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scott it's sort of the nominal frontrunner at 19% chance. dot bernick bergamot is 17% chance? jd vance at 13%, marco rubio course has those residency issues at 9%. this is say, wide open race. yes, i would say if i was putting my thumb on the scale, it would either be tim scott are dug bergen, but the fact of the matter is we're just going to have to wait and see because this is just gonna be like the apprentice, right? apprentice via vp nominee addition. we don't know what's going to happen. there's still a lot of things to develop here, but the bottom line is down. trump had a really easy time becoming the presidential nominee. one of these folks are going to have a very difficult time to become the vp nominee. it's a wide-open rice there's a lot of choices if you were a betting man, you're saying these are the two, obviously with the highest numbers, but it's donald trump's choice in the end. >> so we will have to wait. we will have to wait and say taryn and thank you. so thank you. okay. >> the betterment markets and the vp stinks joining us right now, if former senior campaign in transition eight to donald trump, brian lands, it's good to see brian and also seen and political commentator and former white house communications director president biden kate bedding field. thanks for joining us
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cape brian, what do you think of? just looking at that last slide that harry and sarah were talking about in terms of the betting markets where people think donald trump will pick in terms of vp, tim scott has something of an edge what do you think of jim scott as vp and what do you think trump's running may this time should bring to the campaign geographically, demographically , or in terms of ideology first of all, thank you for having me, i eat less, i would say is you try to analyze who president trump wants as a vp candidate, you have to understand president trump is sort of the ultimate executive producer of the show. >> he's the, he's the star, he's the director, so he's not going to pick anybody that outshines him and so when you look at those circumstances, you're not going to have somebody like sarah palin who's going to come in, suck up a lot of oxygen and just sort of leave president trump behind. so when you look at the governor, when you look at senator tim scott, they're suing a strong position a to bring value to the campaign at whether it's economic value, whether it's it's votes but they also do the most important
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thing. they don't outshine president trump. and i've always felt that pence, vice president pence did a good job of hitting the high notes of the conservative base without are shining president trump. and i think that's what we're gonna be looking we'll see you again real quick, brian, i'm i'm not sure if you are a betting man, but if you are a betting man, do you think there is any chance that kristi noem as the vp running is the running mate i think it's a betting man, it's safe to say that she shot herself in the foot given her propensity to shoot things, but i don't see it happening. >> there's also a difference. khader, i think we all can agree. you may not even like dogs, but you also may be opposed to shooting puppy i'm just kate, what do you think the biden what do you think that biden campaign view is of trump's running mate this time around, the level of importance, the level of impact they think it could have on the race and the competition for votes and key battleground state yeah. >> well, for the biden campaign presumably whoever donald trump picks is going to be somebody who's going to underscore the
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things that they would argue are the most problematic for the country because we know donald trump wants somebody who's loyal. he want somebody who's going to tow his luck? hi, you want somebody who's going to go out and defend even the most outrageous egregious and sometimes even potentially criminal, things that donald trump said. so no matter who he picks out of this field, you're going to have somebody who is going to be out of step with where most voters are on abortion. you're going to have somebody who presumably is going to double down, triple down quadruple down on the threats to democracy that you see trump out. continuing to events. so i think for the biden campaign, they sort of take a view of all right, trump will pick from this capital k to folks who are falling all over themselves right now too. to underscore some of the most problematic things about donald trump's candidacy. and so for the biden campaign, that'll be an opportunity that will be another person who will just underscore where, where trump is in terms of relative to the electorate brian, former
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georgia republican lieutenant governor geoff duncan has now announced that he is going to be voting for joe biden in november, not for trump. naaf for the republican presumptive dalma, his argument is that trump is disqualified himself and conduct and character. he spoke with john burman just last hour. listen to this well. enough. so now if donald trump is not our future, he's not are present. >> and now looking back, he certainly wasn't are passed a donald trump's a fake republican. he's proven that over and over and over again. he simply wants the position of president to be powerful and he's willing to lie, cheat, and steal for it. and if we're going to fix this party and go forward, the party that is conservative, but not crazy and angry. we've got to do it without donald trump ryan, you say duncan's take is your relevant to republican voters? >> tell me why? >> oh yeah just like in 2016, you always had those keyboards, some of those sort of leadership republicans, establishment republicans, they were like, we're never going to support president trump. and
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what we learned in the end that their voices did it matter even when they had the state of utah to try to competitively draw votes away from trump, to try to stop that type of electoral college gain there, they had no impact. and so what we've seen over the years, sort of these anti trump republicans and at the end of the day, they've had very little impact of moving the needle with respect independent voters, with respect to swing states in georgia as a swing state today. and what we're seeing is president trump has a significant lead in georgia in spite of geoff duncan op-ed or if his feelings so i think at this point the voters has just made the decision that his his duncan's voice is just not the voice of the republican party and not relevant to the conversation okay. >> what do you think of this? >> well i think if you look at donald trump's numbers throughout the republican primary, you see that in fact, there is a significant slice of the republican electorate that agrees with geoff duncan, or at least that says we don't want donald trump. i mean, you look at pennsylvania 150,000 republicans came out and voted for nikki haley follow this? okay. i'm sorry, interrupt.
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would you want jeff duncan? i don't know campaigning with joe biden. would you want joe biden to ask geoff duncan to campaign with him yeah, i would absolutely. >> because i think what the biden campaign needs to do is to build as broad a coalition as possible. and a piece of that coalition are disaffected. reply is disaffected republicans who don't want to see donald trump be president. i mean, at the end of the day, if somebody is out making a forceful case about the threat that they believe that donald trump poses to democracy mean that's a really core argument that the biden campaign is building on. and so having somebody out there who is going to make that case from a republican perspective is powerful pull it reminds people that what donald trump is espousing is out of touch with where voters are, is dangerous, is perhaps uniquely dangerous. so, yes. look, i think the biden campaign wants to build his broader coalition as possible. if jeff duncan is willing to come out and talk about why donald trump shouldn't be president biden campaign should welcome that
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absolutely. >> it's good to see you, brian. it's good to see you. it's been too long. >> thanks, guys all right. >> we're doing some frivolous stuff now, k to stick around this is fashion is are not frivolous. it's not serverless you get lots in your head. we're all his burning up and it's good to see arike, you're right. >> this is interesting. i mean, it's fashion, it's called sleeping beauties reawakened fashion. this is the met gala last night, ala celebrities in full force, you saw jlots with that dress for the exclusive met gala in new york. it does raise money for the met. that is the good news. this year is dress code was the garden of time and chorales were on full display on the sears green, not red carpet musicians, designers, actors, influencers showed off their bolden sometimes outrageous outfits, also seen a crowd. there were protests, a crowd of pro-palestinian protesters marching near the gala, but police prevented the
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demonstrators from disrupting. i'm getting into the events cnrs elizabeth wag, my star joins us now elizabeth, i'm looking at wo, demi moore. you go girl, that is quite the outfit there's mr. bloom tell us where the looks stood out. the best ones of the night okay. >> and i am with kate. this is important stuff, there. we've got to lighten up the mood every now and then who of course, is the biggest fashion issa hollywood at the moment, she was one of the nights co-chairs along with jennifer for lopez, chris hemes worth, and bad bunny while she surprised on the red carpet with not one, but two, look, sarah, so the first look that is in de i walked out and was from mason marcela. it wasn't dormant with grapes and butterflies because what else would we expect from harb going with the garden theme and then she surprised as with a new luck, which was a vintage
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jeevan sheikh course of good luck with a vintage alexander mcqueen, big, huge hat that was a floral bot k. all right, now everybody is talking about kim kardashian, not because she has newish blonde hair, sarah, but because she had this impact a sibley synched ways people are trying to figure out how that waste happens. >> and so they're trying to figure out why she wore a sweater on top. >> the internet is divided. some people love it, and some people not so much, sarah, okay. now, one of the other looks we're going to go to is cardi b, who wins the prize the night for having the biggest dress. i'm trying to figure out how she was able to even suozzi in this. there could as we see it, the answer is, none of these stars could actually walk up the steps. they all arrived in sprinter vans because their gowns were so big and there we see khardori with this massive organic cascading gown all right, now, take a bit of a different approach. is
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dojo cat who showed up in nothing but a wet t-shirt. so the met gala turned into a wet t-shirt contests. but of course, she won this contest and she always does it up last year. she painted our body, brad and war 30,000 crystals on her body this year, a wet t-shirt. now, one of the most creative looks went to the singer tyler, who showed up and down. that was made out of sand. >> there it is. it's this sculptural structure dress. if you zoom in, that's made out of three different types of sand and of course she also had to be carried up the stairs. >> i watched that happen. i did see a clip where i'd see i like frivolous, where they lift her up and put it on the stairs and then cardi b had like what, seven or eight people just to spread out her dress. these looks amazing. i would never fit into any of them, but thank you so much, elizabeth leg meister next time will dress up more on fame for this, right all right. well, we'll dry it you can anyone fit into what
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kim was it's, not frivolous, we can have two thoughts in our head. >> we're going to talk about the serious the world is a horrible place, but still you've got beauty and fashion. there is fashion and beauty and pieces of art that our fashion and i do not know how kim kardashian was breathing ben is a medical concern we do. >> have some newsroom. now. we know what at that now deleted donald trump true social posts was likely about just in prosecutors are expecting to call stormy daniels to the stand two de what her testimony he could mean for the hush money trial. that's all about the documents related to money paid to her we'll be back you
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>> like you every weekday morning, cnn five things has what you need to get going with your de if the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less cnns five things with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays exclusively on macs i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon.& this is cnn just a few hours. president
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biden will be delivering a keynote address on capitol hill to marc holocaust. >> remembrance day, the president is expected to speak to the atrocities of october 7 as part of his remarks and also issue a clarion call of sorts to fight against the alarming rise in anti-semitism in the united states. the timing of his speech each is noteworthy. of course everything we are talking about& is critically in the news. ceasefire talks are resuming today between israel and hamas, just as we have watched, pro-palestinian protests and golfing universities across the united states over what is playing out in gaza joining me right now is democratic congressman from new jersey, got josh god hammer, it's good to see you, congressman what do you want to hear from president biden in this speech today? >> i think it's critically important, kate, that he speaks with a clear voice, which he has been about the surge and antisemitism this country and how we have to do everything we can to make sure we stop it in all forms. because of hate.
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>> and i think given what if you look at the adls numbers last year, there were 8,000 incidents, 5,000 and has medic incidence after october 7, a tenth of those actually in the state of new jersey, my home state. so it is an alarming problem around the country, or obviously seeing it on college campuses. what people screaming pro hamas chance and kill the zionists and i think we have used this moment. i'm sure the president will as a teaching moment to the country of how we need to stand up to all forms of discrimination and hate against any religion and against anyone of any background, then i think that's hopefully what comes across today you've been put you've been so outspoken, pushing for campuses to do more to get a handle on the protests that we've been seeming seeing and also to do more to fight against what we're talking about anti-semitism. >> your bill pet passed last week, gaetz, the house last week, gaetz gets to this very issue yesterday, columbia announces its canceling commencement. do you think
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campuses are getting a better handle on all of this? should these schools be canceling their graduation ceremonies? >> i mean, i said deeply disappointing. i was really upset that columbia did that for the students, right? i mean, what the whole point of college and as be able to study to go the library, take exams, and be able to do all the things that all students should be able to do, regardless of the religion. and then to take graduation away from them. these are the same students who miss their high school graduation because of covid right? so you know, i was i was really upset that they took that step. you don't want to back down and people who take over buildings and are causing campus unrest and putting people in putting the safety at risk of other students to me, that's unacceptable. that's the line we need to draw. if you look at what president biden said last week, you said there's the right to protest but not the right to cause chaos. and i think that's the key here, right? and all these college campuses, we all support the first amendment and speaking out strongly of your views even when we don't agree but how you do it matters causing violence and
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intimidating other students & actually preventing kids. who go to class is unacceptable. same with actually i believe supporting hamas, which is a foreign terrorist organization, which still has americans hostage as you know, five living americans still killed 44 americans sees america as they're number one and the west is their number. one enemy. and i think hopefully today the president will make clear that hamas, a terrorist organization, is no friend of the united states. obviously is no friend of israel and continues to have american since hostage. today. >> we know that ceasefire in hostage release talks are resuming after what was really complicated and confusing yesterday over hamas saying they agreed to a deal, but they had changed the agreement. israel saying they're not agreeing to what they changed but they're back at the negotiating table, so we hear today, do you cast yourself as optimistic about this round of ceasefire talks wells and i'm going to turn an optimist, so i will be optimistic. >> it's tough, right? i mean,


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