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tv   Trump Hush Money Trial  CNN  May 7, 2024 10:00am-1:00pm PDT

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welcome to our breaking news coverage of the historic donald trump hush money, criminal trial. >> i will flutter in washington, anderson cooper is just outside the courthouse in new york for us today, a truly blockbuster witness, right at the heart of this case, stormy daniels has been testifying the adult film start has delivered a times very salacious testimony detailing her first meeting with trump back in 2006 and their ensuing sexual encounter which trump denies ten years later, daniels was paid to keep quiet about that alleged affair. and that's the payment that launched this case. anderson over to you? >> that's right it on its face that hush money deal was perfectly legal prosecutor said the crime was in the bookkeeping which allegedly involve falsifying records to conceal them. nature of the transaction. i'm here with you and chief legal affairs
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correspondent paul arenas, unit chief domestic correspondent for mattingly. of course, the question is, did trump know about the the way this payment was actually logged in his personal business records so far, prosecutors have not been able to establish that he had a knowledge of exactly how this was being reimbursed. >> okoh. and even if you knew big picture, did he know about these 34 individual documents that are allegedly falsified? i think what we got out of stormy daniels, this one morning is the what did trump want to hide ahead of the 2016 election? post access hollywood reelection de what was it that he and everyone else was concerned about getting out? that is what stormy daniels has given the jury so far. no evidence of falsifying business records. it's not something she'll have knowledge of and we're just starting to get into the hush money that she received in the days ahead to the election the foods going to meet you think feel i mean, does the jury believes stormy daniels in her testimony and if they believe her then they don't believe donald trump when he says that he did not have
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sex with her and if they don't believe him on that, perhaps that color is the way they believe his testimony in general, i think one thing that's been interesting throughout the course of the mont'e, stormy daniels been testifying for a little bit over two hours right now and in vivid detail david i think then the judge had laid out in terms of the parameters you saw the objections probably more objections and more objection sustained. >> from the defense team that we've seen in the entire trial combined up to this point those details and the reason why she was being asked about them by the prosecution work to lay out the point that you're making here that she wouldn't know all of this if it didn't actually happen. the former president denied as this happened in the first place and therefore, you should be able to view her as credible. and i think what's interesting as we head in to the afternoon is where she ended up she ended up saying that the laser just to the money she attributed them first to cohen and then said it was trump took cohen to keith davidson and while that leyen or chain of events may take you back a week or two into the trial whether or not she has proved to that's paul's point. it's been the missing element throughout this, who can point directly to the former president and what he knew she
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got to close things out saying my understanding or my belief is that trump was the reason that this was being delayed. we have not seen proof of that. we've heard from davidson and how she's able to kind of develop that or paint that picture in the afternoon. it's gonna be really important if i was let's do had to pick if i wanted to be on the prosecution team or the defense team during this lunch break, i would pick the prosecution team because i can only imagine we've seen a basin or reporters in the course how upset down from seems to be an urging his attorneys to be interjecting more to object, more i've little doubt he is giving them an ear folt right now about what he wants to see moving forward? yeah. he's been really scrutinizing his defense lawyers and site yesterday with todd blanches cross of an accounting official from the trump organization term twisted his its entire body and was watching everything. todd set today. he's gotten a little physical. this is a niclas one of his lawyers sort of hitting her on the arm, prompting her to object. he's had the spirited conversations with all three of them. he clearly has a
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lot of ideas about exactly how this defense should be carried out. at this point is unclear who will cross stormy daniels, but you know, whoever does it, they're getting in your fall from their client right now, i think the takeaway the picture that our team in the room you guys been talking about niclas, leuser basically prompted to object and she was reading something at the time. it was basically like stormy daniels is so different than anybody else. we've seen up to this point, right? yeah. david packer, who i think they were still very friendly to some degree. you had people that were in the trump organization and even your whole picks, who's a former advisor and clearly there still some kindness there or appreciation for one another. >> this is a different witness than we've seen up to this point. >> if you want to have any sense of how troubles gonna feel when michael cohen eventually it's stan, you're getting a limit of a here, but we just haven't seen him confronted by somebody like this, particularly with these personal stories at that level of detail how he responds after the trial, maybe just as interesting is how he responds during more from here in new york, kaitlan collins is going to be joining us here. wolf,
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let's go back to you. >> all right. anderson. thank you. i've got excellent panel here in washington as well. elie honig less talk. start with you. what stood out to you so far about stormy daniel's testimony. >> so even though this morning was the part about sex, it got into some sort of details. i think that was actually the easier part for stormy daniels and for the prosecution, it seems to me that she's a very credible witness, owing largely to the level of specificity in detail, including some details that did not make her look good, for example, is a small detail, but she said, i went through donald trump's toilet no, i'm not proud of it. why would you admit that if you were not telling the truth it's hard for me to believe this jury hears that testimony and thanks. this is fabricated, but now we're getting into the more relevant parts of her testimony and perhaps the dicier elements of her testimony, for example, right before the lunch break she said she really wasn't interested in getting money for her story. well, she got $130,000 for ultimately and we are coming up to the point where she's going to talk about how she publicly here's the quote, my motivation wasn't money. it was to get the story out.
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that's a little hard to square with what ends up happening. so it's going to get bumpy or in the afternoon for stormy daniels for the prosecution. but i think the morning went more or less how they would have wanted it to play out. >> what do you think eleia, because you're watching this very closely as well. how do you think the trump defense team is going to go after her? i think a few ways, number one, they can't say the words porn star and naaf. >> then i would think they would sort of use that seedy underbelly of this story to try to taint the jury's mind as to what they think of this witness number one number two, memory lapses. she's talking and testifying about events that happened in 2006 and it's easy to say what exactly. do you remember where was the hotel room and so on and even little things that might be honest memory lapses for you or me or a regular person to a jury? it might appear to be questions about the witnesses credibility. and then finally, the big one is just motive and intent why picking up on
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ellie's point to get the story out is not a good fact for for her at all because it suggests that she is going after this defendant and moreover, the fact that she, i believe spoke to a publicist after the access hollywood tape would come out. all of these facts while again, not devastating for the witness of the prosecution, just cast some doubt on what the jury might think of this witness. and again, any responsible defense attorney would pick it. all of them so far is she coming across very credible so far are based on what we're reading, she is coming across as credible and i thank by the prosecution had a delicate needle to thread in how much detail to get out there or you don't want to turn the jury off with how disgusting the facts are, but they needed to provide enough information that became hard for the defense. >> had a little bit maybe, but it's but it's really about don't ones because if they now he and i were just talking about this in the break. if the prosecution were to just come up and say, did you have sex with him that night or that afternoon or whatever? and she said, yes, no further
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questions. defense could easily rebut that by saying, well, no, it didn't happen it was important for them to establish these minor details such as i went through and found his old spice some brute in his bag. those are helpful details, but you're right. it doesn't sit with any of us. >> i think the only thing that was she was very credible except to me when she said she didn't care about the money because it's clear she cared about the money and she was texting apparently with the publicist about the money. she was involved in negotiation with the enquirer. i gather about the money. so if you wanted to get the story out, why for your reputation to burnish your reputation, i don't think so. so there's only one reason which is to embarrass donald trump and to get some financial remuneration, right? i mean, that's that's the point of it. and she kept saying no, no,
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no. i didn't care about the money seems clear that at that point she was quite successful, both from her sort of film work, but also directing and so on. >> but for most human beings, $130,000 is a very significant sum of money idea that it doesn't dollars. >> also, she talks about the install i'll article that she was supposed to get paid for, but she never did. but i do want to answer one question that you asked elliot about the defense and the question because i talked to some of trump's legal team about this and they want to keep this brief, as you noted, donald trump is agitated. this is not what he wants to be sitting through right now at the time when the first details of this report came public, he was embarrassed. it was salacious. it put attention and a stress on his marriage with millennia. it is not some thing he wants to revisit right now and you can tell that he is scribbling notes furiously passing to his lawyers he doesn't want to be engaged in this in either do as lawyers, i am told though that even though they believe is going to be shorter, the defense is going to be shorter in the crossing examination, what we see from the prosecution, they do want to poke some holes in her story
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and painter as what they say the witness that she is to know that and to that end, i don't actually think they're going to attack her on being a porn star at disagree, disagree with what you said, but it would be a traditional a way to go. i don't think the jury cares. i don't think she is she is what she is. she makes no panes about it. that's what she is. they're going to call her an opportunist is what they're gonna do. and the fact that you specifically linked to request in time to the upcoming election. oddly makes her out to be an opportunist, but also oddly helps the prosecution's case because they're going to say the reason here's the test that's the money absolutely. >> daniel said saying if it wasn't done before the election, i wouldn't be safe for that. he wouldn't pay and that there would be a trail to keep me safe. so prosecutors are going to say this is sort of our theory here. the motivation or a primary motivation for making this payment was the election was coming up. but one of the silencer she's an extortionist, basically, i think yes. the question that i haven't maybe the legal eagles here can answer it. is that donald trump
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has always insisted. and you know this better than anyone has always insisted on denying that anything took place than any sexual encounter took place. now, how do they or do they counter that her testimony on that on that issue no. >> i think you've been acknowledged that the encounter took place and that's embarrassing to the former president, but he doesn't publish hopefully that it didn't. but even if it doesn't, what i'm saying is regardless of whether the encounter took place, the crime is committed with the business and the false vacation of records and perhaps they take one for the team. i don't know what differently they have to address it. i mean, they don't have to, but i think they will. and here's how they're not going to say you're lying stormy daniels had never happened. they're going to show her her denial in 2018, she wrote a document sayyed, a document saying this never happened. i'm not denying it only because i was paid. it never actually happened. now, she has since denied the denial, but that's what they're going to do. they're going to show that document to her and just to your point, i mean, one
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of the reasons that i've long said that donald trump is not going to testify in this case, no matter how many times that he ties it is that this is not something he wants to answer questions about. >> how concerned are they in the trump legal team, right now? >> i don't know that it's necessarily just concern. this doesn't change the state of the case there hasn't been anything explosive in it that wasn't known already. their concern is still largely how long this is going to take. i think after we heard stein glass yesterday saying that he wouldn't be done for another two weeks from today, that kind of got everyone's spun up because they were thinking this was going to be over by next week. that's where their concern but this just personally for the former president is very embarrassing and long-term seeing this kind of conversation around donald trump, who is now running for president and in a fair with a porn star, something that can be used against him by democrats in this election is something that they're thinking about. i you just imagine on a human level how mortifying this is for him. i mean, this has she spread out every detail there, some that we didn't want to too much information, but
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he's sitting there listening to this. i believe eric trump is there. i'm sure melania is probably tuning in a little bit and he's running for president and he's listening to this description of a sex act, right? that he had with her. and the fact that he followed up with her and continue to have phone calls with her. and tried to promise her a job on the apprentice, right? i mean, this is this is kind of mortifying and how what does he go into some kind of self-denial about this? i don't i don't know. everybody standby. we have a lot more to cover. are special coverage of donald trump's criminal trial we'll continue. just add up next. we'll be joined by cns kaitlan collins, who's been inside the courtroom all morning. as stormy daniels discussed, very salacious details about her alleged affair with the former president right?
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tell everything. i mean, it's hard to you know, where to start. i mean, just to be in that room when she entered, there was another witness who testified before her this morning, but by that point, we all had been made publicly known that story we're daniel just going to be the next word is to be called to testify and the attorneys address it right at the beginning of court before the jury actually came in. so it kinda just loomed over that entire testimony. we know what is even really paying attention to what the penguin random house employee was saying. >> there were a lot of interesting quotes from various books by trump about how he micro-managed business. >> yeah it was very interesting, but it just had nothing on what was about to come. and i think everyone understood that. and when stormy daniels walked into that room, i mean, she later testified that she had donald trump have naaf in the not seen him since 2007, the summer of 2007, when they were in los angeles from the sayyed and actually walks behind the table where trump is. she walks in the witness, walks in from a side interest and so donald trump is already seated in there with his defense seems so his back is to her. >> but she's over the witness
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stand, which is we reported yesterday. you can actually see the defendant, donald trump from the width ms dan, but he has this monitor in front of her. he was watching it very closely. i mean, his eyes were on this monitor almost the entire time. he was not closing his eyes like he's been doing and other days of testimony and there was this one moment where she'd been on the stand briefly, just describing who she was, where she grew up, her backstory and the prosecution asked her to to identify donald trump, and she had to kinda stand up in her acetyl-coa bit and she pointed at him and identified him as the person in the navy jacket and he looked over towards the witness stand as this happened, it was this remarkable moment where she was just doing something simple as identifying him and you as you reported yesterday, bissan, i'm talking to somebody else who had testified previously the reason people have trouble identifying we're don't trump is his kids from the witness stand. you cannot see the you cannot see donald trump? no. because when i looked closer today after a witness who testified this case told me that the judge's bench does extend out so far. and where
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they're kind of tucked away over by the jury and looking more directly at the prosecution. and donald trump is seated in the middle so all of his defense table with an attorney to his right. so it's not direct eye contact. that's why trump's often looking straight ahead at this screen, but this is the biggest witness to test so if i easily so far in the 13 days of this trial, i don't think i think there was a lot of questions on whether she was actually going to take the stand, but the prosecution called her this morning. i mean, it was so salacious details that we've seen as she wouldn't to her alleged affair with donald trump, which she denies it seemed then the judge wanted more salacious in the judge wanted because at times, i mean, she was going into a night and just salacious. >> i mean, it was very detailed, heavy. this is something that also stood out to me as donald trump has always denied this affair and said that hey stormy daniels was not his type iis, talked about her a lot and it is rallies when i was covering emmitt died the white house she layouts so many instances of where not only when they met in 2000 in six at the lake tahoe golf tournament and the subsequent conversations she
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had other meetings that they add phone calls were he would call and she'd put him on speaker and the riddell dozens of witnesses, essentially to their interactions. her assistant, her publicist, her boyfriend, at one time, drove her to an interaction with donald trump where she went and met with with them in beverly hills and he waited in the car and so it also just speaks to trump's denials of this. >> i mean, she had a level of detail about the tile this hotel room in lake tahoe, the double doors, what what they were talking about, there were parts where he was muttering to his attorney and looked increasingly irritated as she was continuing to testify about these details of their interactions there were moments where when the jaroun out of the room and they took a break, the judge scolded the prosecution, and talked about the level of detail that she was going into saying it wasn't really relevant& that she just needed to directly answer the question and twice, while she was answering her questions. >> that was another interaction
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that had where he said just directly answer that. you don't tell a whole story about how did the jury seem to be responding to her? they were paying really close attention and she came in. >> she she was very conversational and casual. >> she did seem a bit nervous at the beginning. she was speaking very quickly as she was answering her question. so fast that on several occasions, the prosecution had to ask her to stop and to slow down because the court reporters couldn't actually get what she was saying.& so it will what's this fascinating moment and then she was going into all of these details and talking about how trump never had asked her to keep their quiet or to hide it and they were clearly getting up to the point to where then the access hollywood tape comes out and trump's running for president. and why there was that renewed interest in her story. >> it seemed like she was making jokes are things laughing thing, thing, thing she thought were funny and did the jury respond? >> it wasn't it wasn't completely clear i wasn't there when keith davidson this testifying and he was kind of this compelling witness. he looked directly at the jury. she was directly addressing the
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jury as well and trying to be conversational. i mean, she made jokes about the adult film industry and contests that they have in the irony of them sponsoring certain golf tournaments. it wasn't clear that the jury was necessary this is early lapping at it. there was a moment where she was describing her first dinner with donald trump and she had keith schiller, his everyone who knows i'll drop it as covered. this was his longtime bodyguard. shed is contacted her phone and his name was keith trunk. that's all she had. it saved her phone. she didn't know what his last name was, and she was describing i've been going into that dinner and she she didn't necessarily want to go. she said, but or publicist encouraged her to go and said, what's the worst that could happen and she got so laughed about that because she's now in a courtroom testifying about that very dinner and where it led to all of them from courts snob refers to ask him witnesses to slow down and what they say hey, but it seemed like that happened a lot, a lot of people were asking her to slow. >> i counted four times where
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she was asked to slow down because she was just speaking really quickly and there were moments where she was going into incredible detail, including that moment when she met donald trump in his hotel in 2006, they were supposed to have dinner. they didn't actually eat dinner. she testified but she talked at all. she went into the bathroom at one point. she was looking through is docx kit that was in the bathroom. and what products he had pur she yeah old spice was also one of the products. and she came out, i mean, i'm telling you it's this level of detail that she was going into. but she came out and she said that he was undressed on the bedrooms and boxers at a t-shirt and that she i wrote this down because you could just here, this could cough one of clicks in the courtroom because no phones are allowed. so everyone's on their phone own and there and she said that it was like the blood had rushed out of her arms and our legs that she had been upside down. that was the feeling that she had if kind of what did i get myself into? what is the situation that i've that i've
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made clear to enforce her to do anything, but she felt like she had put herself in a bad situation by being in his hotel room that kaitlan collins thank you. fascinating to read, get those level details ahead. more of our special coverage of this trial and the testimony storming storming the daniel's are super the judge to get their taken. what we've seen so far in the courtroom every piece of evidence tells a story. how would really happy jesse li mont'e, sunday's at nine on i will never again lose to my brother. i decided issa because i've switched to consumers and maliuk at the same coverage. he's got for up half the cost and the wonderful wins birds, but freedom calls. we're here to answer right now. you get a free foot locker subway just by nf foot login after you get one free, just
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stormy daniels is on the stand she described her evening with trump back in 2006 in great detail, so much so that one point, judge merchan told the prosecution some of daniel's more sexually graphic testimony was unnecessary. he urged them to move things along more quickly. joining us now retired new york queens county supreme court judges, george grosso, judge. thank you so much for joining us i always appreciate your expertise, you were in court this morning in new york. what do you make of that? when the judge told the prosecutors to dial it down on the details well, i mean, it was some pretty intense testimony. >> she certainly did describe a rather vividly as sexual encounter. i think there was like a leyen, she's got to testify to this truth of what to the best of how recollection if it happens to be so late, salacious then happens to be salacious. so it was a bit of a
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tight wire act, but the judge did what he needed to do and the people did what they needed to do she was nervous though, and she was testifying for the most part, very quickly. she had to be requested a several times that stormy daniels to slow down. >> but all in all it's very clear to the jury, at least from the perspective of stormy daniels, that in terms of what happens in october of 2016 in terms of a so-called hush money payments that there's evidence out there now that there was something that a is it that candidate might want to try and hush up let's your sense, judge, of how she's coming coming off to the jury. are they listening intently? is she coming off as credible well i'm of a mixed mind on that i think she's coming cross as credible in some areas?
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>> and maybe not so much in others, but we'll have to see what cross-examine cross-examination patient looks like. so with respect to describing the initial meeting with trump to sexual encounter with trump in his house. she testified hi two penthouse suite follow up contacts with trump, reaching out to harm on multiple times according to her, about some kind of have a possibility that she could appear on the apprentice. i think that she's she's come across pretty credibly that but now they're getting into the negotiation for the payment, the settlement where her story would not be public, would not be published. and she's going down the road way yes, she trying where she is testifying. it's not about the money. it had nothing to do with the money we'll see we'll see how that hangs. together. but i have no doubt when cross-examination begins that
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the defense team is going to lay into that pretty ferociously what both. ends and then, and then analyze it around that point of cross-examination, judge, what else do you expect the defense to question her about well you know they're, probably going to want to try and somehow undermine the tegrity of the whole deal that was going on in october. >> they're probably going to want to see if they can drive wedges between tween her testimony of the deal and keith davidson her attorney, who represented are in the case and testified extensively. i am imagine they're going to be looking to see if there are cracks between her and davidson that they could ideally exploit in the way where they could try and make a case to the jury. you really can't believe either either of them. >> i'm looking for things like
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that well, we'll find out probably sooner rather than later. all those are excellent points. you make, judge. judge. george gerasa. thank you very much for joining us i just had a riveting day of testimony in the trial in new york. we'll take a closer look at what it means for the case against donald trump. much more coming up after a quick break every weekday morning, cnn five things has what you need to get going with. you're de it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming weekdays exclusively on max. did you know taking xyz all at night release allergies while you sleep you wake refreshed for more productive day. gets 24 hour continuous relief that does not fail hey be wise old, take xyz off at night there are giants among they are the men
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again, that's one how solomon in new york welcome back to cnn's especial live coverage of donald trump's criminal hush money trials. >> de 13th, the day the biggest witness has gotten on the stand, stormy daniels, a moment that i was privileged to be
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inside the courtroom to watch as she testified in front of 12 jurors who will ultimately decide donald trump's fate here, as are the fourth president he sat at the defense table doing something that he doesn't normally do, paying close attention to the testimony at times in his trial, we have seen him closing his eyes for a sustained periods. >> none of that was happening inside the courtroom. >> this morning as stormy daniels took the stand, someone that testified that she has not seen donald trump in person and 17 years since the summer of 2007 she went into great detail about their interactions on that stand. the question is how it plays with the jurors. i've got paulo read and fill mattingly here with me talking about all this we are waiting for that testimony to resume. she'll be back on the stand and moments. it's still the prosecution asking her these questions. i think a big question is, how this is going to come off to the birth because as she was sitting there, she was talking about just trying to make fun of herself. it points she was
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laughing as she was giving her answers about her business. she was talking about her fraction with donald trump saying that he asked her questions that no one else had ever asked her, like whether there was a union for the adult film industry and whether they got residuals for that and testing, things that she said that typically she doesn't get asked about when people find out what she does for a living. >> i thought that was actually interesting that those were his curiosities it's about the adult film industry. i think there's none of that actually speaks to the core of this case, which are allegations that trump falsified 34 business records in an effort to help himself as part of an effort to suppress this hush money story ahead of the 2016 election nothing stormy daniels has said so far speaks to the criminal charges it is, but it doesn't answer the question of what exactly is it that trump wanted suppressed after the access hollywood tape and a few days before the election, just as you guys were raking inside court, she's sorted to get to the hush money payment itself. she might provide more evidence for the case during that testimony, but so far, i mean, certainly the most interesting
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think day we've had in court. >> yeah. and we expect her to be back on the stand any moment. i mean, this was the first time fill that trump had tweeted or had posted about a witness on his way to court. he had found out who was going to testify. obviously, we knew that story daniels would probably be one of besides michael cohen, one of the witnesses he least wanted to see up there, and it was just bad so one thing to watch his reaction as she was testifying, i mean, he kept tapping his attorneys on the arm. they kept objecting something i should note the judge himself sustained. in multiple lines of their questioning because he believed that stormy daniels was going into essentially in too much details. it points but it really sallet just how trump was paying such close attention to her testimony. >> i think when he posted untruths the right word for what he posted this morning, which gave you a sense, but that gives you a good read on where his head was that going into this you seemed already agitated posting something that could run a foul with the gag because already run a foul of ten times you knew that he wasn't exactly thrilled about
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what he was about to go through. and i think what we've heard from our reporters, but you've reported from being in the room is his at least how he's acted or interact so with his lawyers, it seemed to convey that to some degree, which i think makes it fascinating that the prosecutor is clearly knew the parameters, right, in terms of the details and clearly kept right? running up against and over that line repeatedly, which is why you so many sauce many objections and why you saw so many objections that we're that we're actually giving i've been to them are given to the vensim. i think the reason why, though very clearly was to try and paint her as a very credible witness because why else would, you know, all of these details? yes, this is carnal knowledge that frankly it could have done without hearing about this for eight or reading about this morning, but you wouldn't be able to go into that level of detail unless it actually happened and laying that out in that detail, even if the judge because you're not supposed two sets up what we're going to see this afternoon, which is what matters. >> so level of information, what was really stunning, and it's helped, but also, i think the way she talked about trumping the way she described okay. paula, it was as if he wasn't even in the room that she was talking about him. i
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mean, she talks about their first interaction. she she caught him pompey's. she said she believed he was an she said she called him out on that when they're first meetings. and the way she said his arrogant nature and how he was acting. and at one point she was describing an interaction they had where he was bragging about him you want to magazine cover and then since you rolled it up and spanked him with it at that point, he kinda this grimace on his face. it was it was essentially scowling as she continued to testify but it's also just struck me that he never has to sit there and listen without being able to comment on someone speak about him in a manner like that. >> kaitlan is such a test pur him? >> yes. prosecutors called stormy daniels because she will have their case in some way. but the greatest legal test that stormy daniels poses for tom today is whether he can hold it gather at the end of court and not just go off on her and violate the gag order this is such a test because to your point, he is not used to being spoken about this way he's not used to being in this position. this is something that's clearly getting under his skin. he was aggravated not only with the situation, but
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also with his defense attorneys. so at the end of the day, the greatest legal threat stormy daniels poses to trump is that he's going to go off, violate the gag order and that judge may have made good on that threat of jail. >> yeah, that's a great question of how he will be able to restrain himself with this because clearly didn't want her to testify. paulo read fill mattingly. we'll get back to us as we were discussing all of this and waiting for stormy daniels to get back on the witness stand any moment now? this course is set to resume will be following it all closely. we'll be right back after a quick break chasing my foot, dr. sanjay gupta listen wherever you get your podcasts did you note xyz all at night release allergies while you sleep you wake refreshed for more productive day gets 24 hour continuous relief that does not fade. >> dys cool, take xyz off at night right now, you get a free foot locker subway just by any foot login to add to get one free. just scan the qr code and
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in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 welcome. >> back to our special live coverage of the trump criminal hush money trial. very soon we're expecting the adult film actress der daniel's to return to the witness stand. want to bring back our panel to assess what what are you looking forward to as this trial was about to resume? >> so when we left off, prosecutors were just getting into the part of stormy daniels story where now we're in 2016. she has her story and she threw her lawyer keep davidson, who you heard from earlier our essentially shopping the story around. and this is where it's going to get a little bumpy or for prosecutors because already her testimony about our motivations have been a little bit contradictory. she said at one point, i only wanted to tell my story. she said another point, i didn't want it to come out later on. she ends up denying that she ever had sex with donald trump's. she's now denied that denial so they're going to have to get through this terrain here. but what they just want to establish is she had this story. it's on the brink of
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the election happening in 2016, and there was this agreement in place to keep her silent and in her understanding, donald trump, even though she didn't negotiate it with donald trump, donald trump was the beneficiary she made some jokes during the course of her morning testimony from a prosecutor standpoint, is that good or bad both. >> stop. you're both right humor is very risky in a courtroom it can humanize as a canon real life. it can humanize a witness to the jurors but other than stormy daniels, every witness has appeared to be pretty somber& the tone in the courtroom has been pretty consistent. it is hard to know how jurors are going to read someone who's sort of wise cracking in here morris and so on particularly with the credibility has hacks are going to be coming quite soon that the prosecutors are teaming up with the defense is going to bring how do they read a person who sort of trading this incredibly serious matter lightly now again, it might be it's something that's humanizing, but i here just given everything else is gone, it really runs the risk of turning the jurors off either people have been talking about
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this stormy daniels relations with trump three years. >> he continues to deny it ever happened, right? >> how does that affect his credibility? well, that's that's the big question now and i've been asking, are are lawyers over here, what his lawyers do about it because trump is assisting on denying it. >> she's talking about it and giving excruciating detail about it. she's also talking about the hush money agreement and why did she want hush money if there wasn't anything to hush about? so i'm not quite sure how her attorneys get around this, because unless they just decide not to pay attention to it and focus on the paperwork part of this because donald trump is adamant that he will not admit that this event occurred. and so it puts his lawyers in a very difficult position. i would think are worried or the trump folks, especially the base
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about this trial and how it could impact support for trump going into the presidential election, especially among religious conservatives. >> i don't think they're that concern. if you see how the access hollywood tape played out back in 2016, donald trump's base is pretty steadfast for the former president, particularly on something like this that they can paint as unfair salacious they don't want to talk about it. this is a sham trial. it's political, etc. however, the concern is not actually what the base they think will turn up for donald trump no matter what the concern is actually four for those independent voters, no matter what side you're on, democrat or republican, this is going to be an incredibly tight election both sides believed that every single vote counts does this turn off independent voters does a turn off suburban women, women. we know that donald trump already has a problem with suburban women. if you are outlining in excruciating, as you said detail, the sexual acts with an adult film star. how does that impact the people go into the voting polls? there's somebody that you
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could see as your next president of the united states? again, this is a very small group of voters in the middle well, democrats are still going to vote democratic republicans. his base are still going to go for donald trump, but it's those other voters that they're trying to sway. that's where the real concern is for the trump campaign. >> there's a little irony here because in 2016 in the trump campaign assumed that there would be a huge public outcry against stormy daniels and that it would kill the campaign and the access hollywood tape would kill the campaign if that had occurred. now, given what trump has gone through and given the loyalty of his base i wonder whether they would have had the same reaction. it almost seems kind of quaint. >> you know, that this is the way they reacted in 2016. and now in 2024, the cake is baked with donald trump, and i think cristy dr. then you have to worry about the independence suburban women. >> but for the rest of the trump base, this isn't this isn't going to mean anything
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interesting, guy is everybody standby, raffa much more coming up stormy daniels. we'll be back on the stand within the next few minutes. we're back with the latest on the hush money criminal trial of the former president of the united states. much more after a quick break scope is torres was at the absolute peak of his collaborative in olympic heroes, shocking murder trial. >> we learned of a much darker individual power would really happen with jesse l. >> martin sunday nine on cnn you let me just say, i love planet fitness, trying to planet fitness and then they got lots of equipment. did you know that the app has workout you can do at home all the benefits. >> oh, for less planet fitness, big fitness, energy for all you know what's brilliant, boring. >> think about it ring is the unsung catalyst for bowl. >> what drafts gold do a rocket and hurdles and into space or boring makes vacations happen early retirements possible, and
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special live coverage. >> a former president trump's hush money criminal trial. i'm kaitlan collins outside of court and new york will flood, sir, is in washington. >> any moment now? now the adult film actress stormy daniels will return to the witness stand. she's already testified for around two hours today, going into vivid detail about her alleged sexual encounter with donald trump in 2006, which lead ultimately to that $130,000 payment to keep quiet trump has repeatedly denied that the affair ever took place, and his lawyers have yet to begin their questioning of daniels moments ago, he walked back into the courtroom. you could see the video right there for moments ago, our senior legal analysts, elie honig, joining us right
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now. >> he's over at the magic wall eleia or what's what what do you think? thank yeah. well, for a day so far in the court, we heard some really fascinating and important testimony this morning. let's get you caught up to speed. stormy daniels has taken the stand and she spent most of her time on the stand this morning detailing an incident in 2006 when she met donald trump and ended up having sex with him. and hotel room. now, here's how it becomes relevant to this trial. if we jump ahead ten years, we're coming up on the 2016 election on october 7 of 2016, the access hollywood tape drops. it happened years before, but it records donald trump making offensive statements about women. and we heard prior testimony that that set off panic within donald trump's campaign. now week or so later, the campaign learns about stormy daniels allegations about her tryst with donald trump ten years before that causes more concern. now, out october 27th, she receives a $130,000 payment from michael cohen in exchange for her silence and then that
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leads us to the election on november 8, and the prosecution's theory is the reason they paid off stormy daniels was because they were very worried about the election, especially after the access hollywood tape. now, we got some interesting testimony from stormy daniels towards the end of her testimony in the morning about what her motivation was. at first, she said, no, my motivation was not money. it was to get the story out, sort of kerrey just because she ends up taking money to not tell the story. also, the timing really matters here. stormy daniels testified that the upcoming election was a motivating factor for her. she realized that her story would not have as much teeth to it after the election, she testified that if it wasn't done before the election, i wouldn't be safe or that he wouldn't pay and there would be a trail to keep me safe. now, stormy daniels also saw in the jury has now seen some really important documents, including the actual non-disclosure agreement, the actual hush money agreement, which she has testified that yes. she signed under the assumed name of peggy peterson.
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that's her signature. david denison, by the way, is the assumed name they gave donald trump. he never actually signed a non-disclosure agreement. now, stormy daniels will continue. she's on direct examination when the lunch break ends. at some point probably today, prosecutors excuse me, that defense donald trump's defense will cross-examine stormy daniels and i think we have a sense of where they might go. first of all, stormy daniels points in 2018 denied this. she issued a statement saying, i never had sex with him and i'm not saying this because i was paid hush money. she later denied that denial. so she'll be asked about that. she'll be asked about whether she had a motive to make money and to advance her career, and she will be asked about the fact that she actually owes donald trump several hundred thousand dollars because she sued him for defamation, which was thrown out of court. and now she owes him attorney's fees. that'll go in trump's lawyers minds to her motive. one other thing with all the attention on stormy daniels, let's not forget sally franklin, she started the day. she worked for a publishing company and she read to the jury certain
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excerpts from donald trump's ghost written books but books that he put his name on about the level of control, the exercised over his business. this is really important to the actual accounting part of this case, which is where the actual crime leinz, one of those excerpts donald trump wrote, quote, if you don't know every aspect of what you're doing down to the paper clips, you're setting yourself up for some unwelcome surprises. so very valuable bits for the prosecution, their wealth. will see the process. will see stormy daniels resume her testimony at any moment now, it looks like she has started to testify again on direct examination from the prosecution, and then probably later today on cross-examine from donald trump's lawyers. >> very interesting. elie honig, thank's very, very much kaitlan. i understand you haven't an important update for us yeah. >> well, if we're getting some breaking news from inside the courtroom, right now, is trump's attorneys and just returned included with the judge and the prosecutor as and trump's attorneys are now asking for a mistrial based on what ellie just laid out there, the two hours or so of testimony that we just got from
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stormy daniels saying that she went to so far in that testimony and trump's attorney, todd blink, arguing there is no way for them to remedy that testimony that the jury has already just heard. i should note, trump is no writing it on his notepad is todd blanches attorney is making this argument in front of the judge and blanches talking about that testimony saying that there was no other reason for prosecutors to elicit so get that beyond to cause trump embarrassment. now, this was a concern that started out this morning before stormy daniels even took the witness stand. and prosecutors and the defense for arguing about the parameters of her testimony, paulo read bill mattingly back here with me and paula. i mean, this is coming from trump's team, maybe not a total surprise that they are asking for this and not clear that they'll get it. but even then was noticeably uncomfortable with where certain parts of her testimony was going. and on two occasions asked her to directly answer the question and not meander and also scroll to the prosecution when the jury was
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not in the room, that they were asking her to go into details that weren't relevant well, event to why she was on the witness stand. >> yeah, it doesn't mean that they're going to succeed here. >> but luck, i would not want to be taught blanche. he just came out of an hour long lunch with a client who is clearly aggravated with the situation and the trunk aligned folks this morning, i've been pushing for awhile this idea that they would move for a miss trial now, he's saying he's going to say she's stormy daniels talked about a consensual encounter with president trump that she was trying to sell, and that's not the story she told today. blanch said, so trump writing notes, pushing them to blanch even right now as he's talking. so it's clear their client is unhappy and they have to do this even if they're not successful, this will preserve the issue for the repeal. and remember that is the overarching strategy we've said from day one, assert every objection, preserve every single option. so that this doesn't go your way. if your client is convicted, try to overturn this awda appeal through death by 1,000 cuts. you see the point at all on how they, how they remedy that
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testimony, how they talk about but that testimony where she wanted to lurid detail. >> i mean, i was sitting there listening to all it about her sexual encounter with donald trump, including whether or not he used a condom. she said he did not use one and they're saying that's not relevant and then she did that just to embarrass him where she was talking about points, where she was saying that she blocked out. she meant that figuratively speaking, she was saying schick had anything to drink or not taken drugs. they're saying her going into all of that is it's a bridge too far with the jury. >> it's certainly felt like that there were so many objections, many of which were sustained. but again, these things have nothing to do with the allegations at the heart of this case out, of course, blanche just said that that has nothing to do with the reason why we're here. you're honore the judge let her continue to testify and allow this in open court. but there was everything from the salacious details about condoms, the missionary position to sort of mundane details about meeting a football player at a nightclub with trump and trying on his ring. i mean, time is of the essence the judge had already told them to move along. y was all of this coming in? do i think it's going to prompt a
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miss trial. no. >> but it's a legitimate thing for the defense to bring up in the events we'll get to question or they were writing down notes as she was answering certain questions you could tell us sparking. >> however, they're going to shape their cross-examined excuse any question about that. they've been very effective in some of their cross. again, up to this 0.1 of my big questions is whether no prosecutors were actually leave any time for them today or whether or not they're going to try and stretch this all the way out until the end of the day today in court because they know tomorrow is awfully the jury with it entirely would blanch to say right now, is one reiterating there was an actual discussion about the guard rails here. it was very clear that the prosecution pushed up to the line and in potentially over those guard rails throughout the course of morning's testimony. but just saying, i think the direct what was you can't unring that bell. the jury heard it, whether or not the objections were sustained or not, the jury heard it. so where does this actually go from here? and i think let me paul it can kill you were in the room it seems strategic, at least the way it was coming out from our teams in the room by the prosecutors, they were intentionally pushing as close as they could over two the leyen or past the line.
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>> well, they were essentially just asking her i mean, she also was going there. there were some points where the defense said that objected, said that they were asking leading questions, they were sustained at times by the by the judge but there are also moments where she was the prosecutor would just say, tell me about this meeting with trump and stormy daniels was kind of in the storytelling mode, was very personable and she was, she was going into a lot of detail about how she got there, the shoes she was wearing the night let donald trump they were uncomfortable. >> you know, she went to incredible amounts of detail about these interactions. >> but was that an effort to know& to undermine any attempts to discredit her credibility about this interaction with donald trump. >> now at this point, i wanted to the prosecutor said susan and happening or the prosecutor says of daniel is testimony that is highly probative of the defendant's intent. she's like what this is not new. this is not a new account. again, i don't think that this is going to trip the wires and create a mistrial. there are also asking potentially for her testimony here, too. the limited here
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blanches saying, we believe regrettably that there should be a mistrial and the daniels testimony in any new trial should be excluded or limited, get unlikely that they're going to be accessible in their requests for a mistrial. but this is important as defense attorneys to preserve this issue for their client, should they need to appeal? yeah. and a real question, even raised of whether or not they wanted to bring her to the stand. what that was going to look like, and also a question of how they cross-examine or we may find out this afternoon will stand by to see what that looks like. stormy daniels has not yet retaken the witness stand right now, trump's attorneys are arguing that there should be a mistrial because of her testimony, this morning. well, wait to hear from the judge. we're monitoring all of this very closely. we back with students special live coverage in just a moment. >> trump hush money trial, gavel to gavel coverage. the weight only cnn can bring it to you. legal insight, expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow
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>> it only worked on now to saturday scream buddy, you still got a landline? your house auto noun and some out with armor all a little bit of this protects you from a lot of that armor all west work more clean by $20. good. five back for may 31st. >> i'm dr. sanjay gupta and this it's cnn right now. donald trump's attorneys are arguing for a mistrial, saying stormy daniels went to foreign or testimony trump's attorney todd blanche saying, and i'm quoting him now she testified today about consent, about danger, and that's not the story she was peddling. sorry. that's not the story she was selling at the at the time of the nda non-disclosure agreement. this is the kind of testimony that makes it impossible to come back from. well, let's bring back our legal and political experts and eleia. let me start with you. how strong of a case do you think that the defense has for a mistrial? >> well, i think their motion is the right thing to do.
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>> i think it's well founded. it's not going to to succeed, judge merchan not going to declare a mistrial. we're all going home today. but either way, let me interrupt, judge merchan i'm quoting him now, having said that, i don't believe we're at a point where a mistrial is warranted. the judge also acknowledges that daniels was difficult to control and some questions didn't need to be asked. >> this is going to be a hello deserve rebuke to the prosecutors. they went too far here. the judge warn them in the very beginning of the day, he said, we're not going to get deep into the details. he sustained several objections while they were going and frankly, susan hoffinger is responses here are not at all convincing. she says, well, the story wasn't new. that's not the point. the point is, what was the story new are not the point is they elicited all sorts of details, including it's not just the fact that it was details. it was details about consent. it was details suggesting that there was some element of force here, which is not part of this case and which judge merchan correctly said he did not want that to become part of the case. now one thing to watch for the da said we'd be okay with a limiting
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instruction which the judge may give to the jury here's what that means. sometimes the judge will turn to the jury and say, ladies and gentlemen, earlier this morning, you heard certain testimony. i instruct you that that testimony was not relevant. it's stricken from the record and you are to disregard it. that could if you get that kind of limiting instruction, it's damaging into the credibility of the prosecutors in the juries, as i see, we're getting a bunch of updates to the immersion reiterate that affects the limiting instruction to the jury about stormy daniels testimony of being threatened in 2011 so let me go. >> i'll go a little further. it's not just that it was a good idea to move for mr. here, the defense sort of had to because they would lose the right to raise this as an issue on appeal if they didn't, it's called preserving it for i think paula had talked about it a little bit earlier now the whole idea here behind a miss trial is that the proceedings are declared voigt void because of such a fundamental error in judgment by a party by the judge, by a prosecutor that the defendant did not get a fair there trial. and i think put all this in perspective, the
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prosecutors had a balance to strike here of getting enough detail on the record to establish the existence of this encounter such that the defense couldn't rebut it, but details such as whether the president, the foreign president, had worn a condom get into the realm of perhaps prejudicial to the defendant in a way that didn't need to get out. >> your question is whether the judge let the prosecution go too far and i just got a text from somebody who's represented people trump world who said, remember the weinstein appeal where the court reverse conviction because the trial judge lead in inadmissible evidence and the salacious details have nothing to do with the government's theory of the case. >> and only and the other thing in getting back to the appeal point all these sort of slapping of the prosecution that the judges suddenly doing here are going to go right into the defense if he's convicted, right into his brief saying that these are the errors as stated by the trial judge on the record. these are the errors of the prosecution made
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in tip toeing up to this line i just want to point out what we've seen here because there's still having a back-and-forth here between judge merchan on and the defense essentially, we're shonda saying you should have objected more than at sometimes i had to object on your behalf. >> they say trump's judge, a trumps attorney says, once your honor, signal that you thought they'd gone too far, we did start objecting consistently, but up until that point, we felt that you had ruled that they were allowed to go that far. >> judge, merchan response to trump attorney susan nechele less by saying this, i think that i signaled to you and to the prosecution that we were going into way too much detail judge, should have done something about that, then the judge, by the way, the judge does not have to sit there and wait for either party to object. >> judges cannon official to judge has all right the defense motion for him is true. so i think appropriately, i think what happened this morning was was inappropriate, but it has to be at such a high level to cause a miss trial. but judges can intercede. judges can say, hold on. all right prosecution
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move on here, or i've seen judges just say without an objection from one of the parties, just say objection. sustained. happened to me. >> oh, my god, horus feeling and i also don't think it's fair for the judge to say to donald trump's lawyers, you should have been objecting more. >> they did object several times. and tactically, you don't want to be popping up like a jack in the box. every question we object, we object. we objected, looks bad in front of the judge. instruct the jury to sort of not, pay attention to some of the salacious details. what impact does that have legally all the impact in the world, practically none of the impact in the world, because on hearing, once the judge has put it on the record that the jury is not to consider a piece of information. >> the judges assuming it's not so agree, just as devoid the whole track file. yeah. the judges put it on the record and he's fixed it. jurors are not idiots and they hear this and they can't. like he said, unring that bell, but explain even though the judge has dismissed this notion of a mistrial right now, if trump is convicted and the defense then
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goes for an appeal, they can use this as sort of evidence. >> this will be a point in an appeal if there's a conviction, trump will appeal. this will be a point and gloria raised the harvey weinstein verdict, which came out, i think last week and what the highest court in new york state found in that case is the court lead into much other bad acts evidence, evidence of other women other than the ones who were charged in the case. the situation is harvey weinstein, esha, but i don't think it rises to nearly that level. i think it's a good point to keep in mind, but i think judge merchan kept enough of a lid on this. i don't think it's at the level of harvey weinstein. >> everybody standby because there's a lot more coming up taking on top of all of the breaking news der army dahlias will be back on the stand, were told now any minute, stay with cnn as are special live coverage will continue, right after a quick read. >> every piece of tells a story. >> how would really happen?
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coventry i hanako montgomery and tokyo. >> and this is cnn welcome back to students, especially live coverage of the trump hush money trial. >> just moments ago, judge juan merchan dismiss it, attempts for a call for a mistrial. i should note that was brought by trump's defense team, but he says he will allow a limiting instruction for the jury are reported in the courtroom, say attorney's appear to be hashing out the language for that he has just called for stormy daniels to be back in the room and polaroid, what do you make of how the judge is handling those? >> this is the right way to proceed because there were absolutely times when stormy daniels testimony went far outside the guard rails of what
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they had really agreed upon before the jury came in. they had said, look, we don't need to get into the nitty-gritty of this sexual encounter. and instead, she was talking about the missionary position in fact, that he didn't use a condom, then she went into great detail about a lot of other events and her physical safety that just really we're not pertinent to the prosecution's reason for having her on the stand. so here are the judges really done the right thing. he's responding to this miss trial requests by not only saying, look, you're not gonna get a miss trial, but you're right. some things here did color outside the lines and the way we're gonna offer you a remedy is we're going to offer a limiting instruction to the jury. so limiting the extent to which they can consider her testimony. >> well, at one point that and as you note that stormy daniels is now getting back on the stand after all of this kerfuffle to put it generously over what she had said on the stand. >> just a few hours ago this morning, and one point that the judge said, he said, well, the defense should be objecting more if you don't like the line of questioning, but i was in there, susan niclas trump's
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was objecting quite a lot and i was looking at the judge threw my binoculars that you've used so be able to get a good look at his expression and he was clearly uncomfortable with leinz of the questioning. >> maybe the questioning itself, but where the witness was taking it i don't know that. >> i'd seen maybe a handful times at most judge merchan actually sustain any objections up to this point, it's the specific all of them. and that wasn't the case today. and you talked about there's necklace there's donald trump, who at one point was nudging her, like, you need to object twice, twice. you really ctrb twice nudging her saying you need to object. i think everybody knew that this was walking right up to the guard rails& on ringing the bell. i think there's a lot of what we heard the back-and-forth before stormy daniels that's what's called in let's begin it like per donald trump, this sucked. like this is an absolute nightmare. and to be fair, the better, i resolution of this is not do it in the first place. allegedly but to have this happen, i can only imagine you guys would have better insight than me. but what this was like during the lunch break, which obviously his lawyers came right out of and made clear to
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start moving forward on this donald trump i think posted on truth that he wanted a miss trial as well, clearly aligned with where his leuser went and what he said and how much of what he said dictated what they ended up doing it, i think is probably not irrelevant here. >> well, and i think also part of the testimony that got brought up, and i only heard her name mentioned one time this morning and stormy daniels is on the stand and that's melania trump. and she was talking about the night that she met donald trump and she asked, she's all photo of his wife and she talked to all she was beautiful and she stormy daniels said that trump told her, we don't worry about that. we'll sleep in the state. we don't even sleep in the same room at that trunk kinda had this scowl on his face and i should note he was looking in her direction. we are told as she was making her way you back to the witness stand. >> i mean, he has been paying attention to this testimony like no other in this trial so far. >> yeah. today is definitely different when it comes to his demeanor yesterday to trump organization officials who had potentially very consequential testimony, who's logging back in his chair with his eyes closed, was somewhat interested
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in his leuser drink cross. but today, as you saw as we're getting these reports, i mean, he is so actively involved in directing his attorneys prompting objections of watching her on the screen this is the most he's been involved not only with watching the witness, but with his own defense so far in this trial, when obviously, i think one point they know that the defense is going to make it is that she benefited financially from this agreement that she struck right before she left the witness stand she told the jury she was not motivated by money that she was motivated motivated by wanting to get her story out there. but i also noticed at one point, villain she talked how she stopped doing her podcasts that she was the jihad. she said she was fired from it, and the prosecutors asked her why. she said the only line of questioning they wanted to talk about on the podcast was this story, this case, this allegation or her story about her affair with donald trump, and that essentially she wasn't interested in that she wanted to explore their topics. it seemed to be trying to cut out. we'll she also suffered potentially financially as well how they swear of the last 15 minutes before the lunch break
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of her testimony is getting interesting to me where she said, first, you want to get her story out, then she didn't want to get her story out is because of fear. it wasn't because of money. and then who was actually what was her understanding about who was actually holding things up? was it like for colon or was it donald trump directly, michael cohen. and i think there are a couple of things, a couple of elements, there's less 50 minutes as we got into what actually matters here to some degree in terms of the legality that's been alleged, wear, how they take that, how they actually it's smooth out. what seemed to be some divergence stories or towards the end, there is gonna be absolutely critical because again, as lurid and almost visceral us this morning was, this is the part that really matters. because this is where they're able to prove whether or not, or at least continue to flesh out details of the actual allegations of the actual charges here. >> yeah. and the apprentice kept coming up. she was saying, you know, when they first met that they were talking get her appearing on the apprentice, but she reversed what what the argument always is from trump people with trump world is that she was seeking him out to be on the show. she says it was the reverse that he was bringing it up to her and kept
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saying, oh, well, i'm asking i'm getting over ruled& essentially the last time was the last time they spoke was him telling her that she wasn't going able to be on the show? >> yeah. and in her documentary, she talks about this at length, and this is why she kept up relationship after that alleged encounter in the hotel. now, right now, prosecutors are asking daniels, read an email from her lawyer, keith davidson ten sent to megacolon on october 17, 2016. daniel said she authorized davidson to cancel the deal because the funds hadn't been set, so they're talking cent so they're talking about the pressure on that point, but the celebrity apprentice that was significant because she says that was something in it. she really wanted and that was her big incentive to keep up contact with trump until is clear she wasn't gonna get it. and then she cut it off. and if you watch the documentary, you can see on balance her ability to support herself hershey's hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. she has been arguably negatively impacted at this point by everything that's transpired. >> yeah. now we'll get into the
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nitty-gritty of this transaction with michael cohen and key davidson and ultimately donald trump, stormy daniels is now back on the witness stand. she is reading an email. where her attorney keith davidson told michael cohen, his client stormy daniels di sediment deal canceled and the davidson no longer represented her much more on the evidence that is being shown to the jury right now are special coverage continues right after this every weekday morning and then five things has what you need to get going with. >> you're de, it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming we exclusively mom jeans she has come down to you but who pass them to her those mom jeans helped make her who she is. >> show her with ancestry dna this mother's day she can see the traits she inherited, the
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trial. >> the adult film star stormy daniels is back on the stand after the judge denied a motion for mistrial over her explicit testimony, she's now being asked specifically about the non-disclosure agreement she signed. my panel is here and let's discuss the latest developments overall. la your bottom line sense, ishi credible as a witness, i do think for the most part she's credible. i think the level of detail she went into was compelling. and now what prosecutors are trying to do is support her with documentation, for example, it looks like now they just were talking about the non-disclosure agreement, the actual piece of paper that was signed between the parties where stormy daniels would get paton hundred in exchange for her silence, she testified about this. she said that the name you see there, peggy peterson was a pseudonym, not much of a pseudonym, no, because right under it says aka also known as stephanie clifford, aka stormy daniels but they did this because it was a secret agreement. donald trump, by the way, did not sign that. david denison was his stage name, so to speak i do think stormy daniels story is
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sensational as it is, is largely credible. it's hard for me to see this jury saying we think she made all that up and back the hotel. but again, when we get into the part where she's shopping her stored in her motives. at that point, she's made some contradictory and harder to believe statements so you mentioned $130,000 that she collected michael cohen center, the money $130,000 as part of the agreement, the non-disclosure agreement was that income deci need to declare that as income when she filed her income tax it's such an interesting question because i'm to give you two examples. >> on the one hand, if she was in a car accident an injured, and then was paid $130,000 through a legal settlement, not taxable, right? she's just being made whole. if on the other hand, she was paid $130,000 for a photo shoot that would be income that would be taxable. the way they paper this, the way they made this settlement peer was as if she was being paid for a legal suit more like a car accident where she's being reimbursed. you can question whether that's legitimate and fair, but
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because the way they structured it probably not taxable and it worth noting, she just testified of the, uh, hundred 30 once her attorney and publicists took their cut, she said she only cleared about 96,000 or something and i assume she didn't declare 96. i believe that's allergies income. right. i think that's correct. what do you think? >> no, i think so. and again, there was some dispute about this very question last week and the testimony as to whether is this a payment for someone's silence or is it if you remember, there was a discussion about the word considered for a story, right? exactly. remember there was the use the word consideration i believe jeff mcconney. >> i can remember who's it wasn't forgive me. but is it consideration for an agreement where a thing is being exchanged pursuant to a contract and because of the fact that it does not appear that she treated it as such. she probably didn't pay taxes on it well, you know, she's also talking about in court right now about how the payments were late. and she at one point decided that the contract was null and void because she wasn't getting
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your money. and we know from the other side of it and the other testimony we've heard that michael cohen was panicked because he couldn't get the money from the bank. he couldn't pay stormy. it was right before the election and he wanted to quash the stories, so she was saying, well, you know, i really wasn't getting the money. this wasn't working out and of course michael cohen was desperately desperately trying to get her the money and he knew he was he was late in getting it this is a moment of mutual panic. >> stormy daniels and pete davidson, her leuser are panic. they're not going to get paid. michael coe has panic because he wants to silence her before the election of course, when he the colon is trying to work out on the other side, am i going to get paid back for this or not with donald trump? we will hear him testify about this moment as well there were now important are we getting any reaction from the trump campaign yet to stormy daniels testimony? no, it's the same as what i've said before. they know what they want to be sitting there. they want to be
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ignoring this. i mean, i was talking to one adviser earlier. it was joking about the fact that they're trying to run a campaign. and the most fascinating part of it right now is that the former president is sitting in a trial about a porn star. so they're aware of what's going on here. the bigger concern again, and they're not going to comment on for me daniel's directly. but the bigger concern here have gotten is how does this play out in the actual campaign? how there's this actually play out with voters. and when i talked earlier about how the defense does not want to drag out there cross-examination part of that is because they don't really want all of these details coming up. they don't want more details, they don't want her telling more of the story because the more details they are as we saw this morning, more salacious. it is. >> and even you saw trump's lawyers and sell saying that because there were so many details because of what the details were that she would say that should be a miss trial don't want this out there. >> they want this to be over your and i think there's an often an impulse in many attorneys, often more junior ones, to keep going and
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hammering on a cross-examination because that's what you think you do. you fight your case in your cause and at a certain point, number one, it's counterproductive in front of the jury, but also you're not extracting are listening additional no information at a certain point, it's best to save the argument for the closing for your clothes were you were you argue to the jury, this is what you should draw from the testimony let's turn and we just heard of the witness stand and after the wall street journal article ran on january 12, 2018, stormy daniels says her life turned into chaos. that was the article that first reported a lot of this. >> yeah. again, it's hard to know what are you waiting back into territory that ought not. because there are a few dangerous places to go after that where the prosecutors not careful you start bringing in ancillary information about how this all affected that person now, to eleia point a moment ago, all of this talks about speaks to the chaos and panic mode in, in every camp and stormy daniels is camp in donald trump's camp in my among with michael cohen's self and so that supports that.
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>> you all remember this moment in 2018 when this article came out, she said suddenly i was front and foremost everywhere people on the front lawn wu my cover i guess for lack of a better way of explaining what i'm really looking at now is they're building towards this there's. >> this moment when she signs this statement saying i did not have sex with donald trump, they're going to ask her, why did you sign that? if it wasn't true, i assume she's going to say felt like i was under pressure. i was feeling threatened and now getting into her controversial appearance on the jimmy kimmel show where he asks her, is this true or not? and she get coy, ambiguous and sponsors signed that response because remember, he brings up the letter and that's when they have that kind of coy thing. oh, that's not my signature. so she had already signed this. does she'd said they did bring it up briefly in terms of why she signed this letter in the first place. and she said she didn't want to sign up, but that's really all the detail that we've had so far come out as to why she actually exciting question is whether the prosecution is going to get out of stormy daniels. the answer
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to the question of whether this was a campaign contribution? and how she viewed it, and how they viewed it, because that's the sort of basis for the case. right and you know, she i don't know if she can even answer that question. >> she did talk about how it was, you know, she knew that if you did it after the election, she would lose her leverage but how do you get to stormy daniels saying, i believe this was for the benefit of the campaign shirts you just said stormy daniels. i was not to discuss the relationship or nda non-disclosure agreement, the appearance was to give an example of how i could go on and do promotions and things and not break the nda. that's what she just said all right. >> everybody standby because there's a lot of dramatic developments unfolding right now so far, the most dramatic day of testimony in this case, it will continue with more on stormy daniels testimony. stay with us. we'll be right back
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filter or visit lee today. >> i'm under rajah capitol hill. >> this is sienna welcome back to scene. >> it's a special live coverage of day 13 of donald trump's criminal hush money trial. right now, stormy daniels is back on the stand tall okay. about what's at the heart of this this agreement that she struck to keep quiet in order to not go public with her story in exchange for 100 i had the privilege to be in the courtroom this morning, whether the testimony was uncomfortable at times, certainly graphic is for me, daniel's went into great detail about her encounters with donald trump long before he was president, it was been 17 years since they'd actually come face to face. she talked about how he called her honey bunch. she
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talked about how she'd put it on speakerphone when he called her after they first met at lake tahoe in 2006, she talked about that night when they met and she even mimicked his pose that he was making, that she said when she came out of the bathroom to find him on the bed in his hotel room. it was a testimony that trumps attorneys complained about when they returned to the courtroom, they even asked her a miss trial wow, that the judge declined to grant them one and you did instruct them about the parameters of where they can go with the testimony for stormy daniels this afternoon. >> i want to bring in we're tired, federal judge, and as he gertner, who is here with us because judge gertner, we have been looking at the decision that this judge has been faced with these when faced with many of them since this trial started. >> and i should note right now that inside that courtroom they are talking about that non-disclosure agreement. it's stormy daniels had signed and how she was upset when the story became public because michael cohen gonna be out there talking about it. she could not. but first, just on what has happened, just a few moments ago, what do you make
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of judge more sean's decision not to claire a miss trial here i think what he was saying is not get i don't think that necessarily heard the end of it essentially, the complaints, as i understand it, was that stormy daniels testimony was more graphic and more salacious than they had agreed upon. >> it would be. and it's really not the fact of the affair is really the issue, not the content of it. and in fact, in some respects, even if she were getting her story, selling her story and it wasn't true as with the door man, it would suggest that the details of this are less important than the fact that she sold it to you know, to to cohen who then paid her to keep her mouth shut in other words, there were guardrails. you don't have to go into these details. this is not about rape, this is not about a sexual assault case, this is about a payoff to keep you silent. the problem as i understand it, that he was
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focused on that the judge was focused on is whether the lawyers had objected presumably this one in over a period of time. >> and if this was really going into direction that they didn't want it, they could object, go to sidebar, move to strike asked for a recess. >> there are all some things that they could do to prevent the damage if damage took place. and as i understand it, the judge was saying, where were you in all of this? how come you didn't do any of that sometimes? sometimes leuser can try to sort of in item mr. yeah. yeah. dej i was in the room. there were multiple objections from trump's team. there were periods where they were they weren't objecting, but they're within were multiple objections which the judge sustained was actually had a surprising the rate of success that susan niclas, attorney was having because she hasn't been all that successful or they have not been all that successful. what their objections in the past, he he was agreeing with them on a lot of them. he was clearly i'm uncomfortable with it, but on right now, what they're discussing is stormy daniels is
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previous denials of any relationship or a fair with donald trump. but if you're the jury the room and she's explaining that, i wonder how vital you think that testimony is well, i think, you know both the details going into details in a way that you don't have to there could be those on the jaroun, say enough already. >> we don't need this. we don't need to what is in front of us her denial screen? we can obviously cast out on her credibility, but again, we have an example of the three payoffs with non-disclosure agreements. one that was that david pecker was involved in, which was the door man who actually lied about whether that just telling a story which wasn't true. so to some degree the truth and falsity it's less significant than the fact that trump was concerned enough about it to pay her off so there really was no need to go into this kind of detail. it could go it could wind up having a bad effect on the jury. and then if you add to that concerns about how she
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denied the fair, then there may be reasons for that, but denied it. >> that can undermine the way that your receipts or in this case do you think there's a risk here for the prosecution and bringing her as a witness. i think that they had to because i think that the jury would have wanted to hear this. i think that they had to there, but really there is a risk there's a risk of the detail that i understand she went through on the one hand, details support the notion that it took place. you know, that that gives you, if you remember all of that, then that suggests that you are actually there. on the other hand, if you've made the jury uncomfortable because it seemed like piling on, then that would be an issue. there's a lot going on in just a few minutes and then when you said that the lawyers objected this defense lawyers objected to some and then stop objecting. that also could be a strategic decision, which is that you don't want to
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highlight the testimony. if you're jumping up and down and screaming about it, then you wind up highlighting it more than it would otherwise. b, so they may have done this as a strategic manner and then there defense lawyers who can invite a miss trial. it didn't work in this case, but they can invite a miss trial by objecting to some, but not everything in the hopes that the witness will go too far. i would imagine that the issue will be erased again and that he'll be the judge will be asked to revisit it judge gardner, as always, it's great to have your perspective on these key decisions. i should note right now is from a daniel's is being asked about her interactions of michael have a naughty she's saying that he is no longer her attorney's something that she said with emphasis, obviously, michael avanade currently present after talking about a previous instance where she and donald trump or mike law, but it took donald trump to court over defamation lawsuits, something that they lost much more ahead. for me, daniel's is back on the stand as our continued special coverage of donald trump goes on right after a quick break make your
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tony is five-star freshness that pretty litter i'm katelyn polantz at the federal court in washington. >> and this is cnn close captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelioma victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside.
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you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 welcome back to our special coverage of this doric donald trump. >> hush money, criminal trial. i will flutter in washington, briana killer is just outside hi, the new york courthouse worth stormy daniels is still on the stand right now after testifying about her alleged sexual encounter with drum back in 2006 and the 2016 payments you received to keep quiet about it, $130,000. this is such an unprecedented and bizarre moment in american history, first-time i'm ever a former us president has faced a criminal trial right now. right now, a lot is going on and i want to send it over to brianna, who's joining us yeah. >> wolf, that's right room right now daniels is detailing the media frenzy after that
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hush money deal became public last sour the defense move for a miss trial. they argued that the salacious details the daniel shared under oath were prejudicial. the judge to deny that motion, but acknowledge that some of the prosecution's questions about the alleged sexual encounter did not need to be asked we have filled mattingly and paulo read, who had been following every twist and turn in this, they are back with us now, and paula, we're really at the heart of this exactly what the process the question here alleges that donald trump wanted to conceal and from which the alleged crimes flow. >> that's exactly right. while she cannot speak directly to the false it's fine business records. today's she's told the jury the story of what happened allegedly between her and ben citizen trump, and what it was that then candidate trump? wanted so desperately to conceal in october 2016. so again, she's not going to make or break the case here, but she tells an important story that the jury will likely take take into consideration, what do you think about what we've heard
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or what the jury's heard so far, and we've been monitoring. i mean, i can speak for the jury. i could have done without it i think as a general they really can't add to top blanches point when it came back and they move from this trial, they cannot that bell, even the parts that were objected to& objections it's the were sustained i think you recognize right now this is the contrast that we're getting from our people that are in the room, from a great team that's in the room compared to this morning where it was very clear donald trump was agitated, is very clear. >> his attorneys were moving repeatedly to object, some of which were sustained and now they're describing trump is a little bit more relaxed, laid back, and i think goes to the content this morning, was extraordinarily embarrassing on a human level. it was i think probably the worst thing you can imagine for a person who was always able to respond it's always able to clap back as always able to attack whoever you feels like it's attacking him. obviously, it's not allowed to seem to attempt to a little bit this morning with a truth posting that he 30 minutes later had to take down. but i think it's a recognition
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that this morning was bad, right now. they're going through two things. one would paul laid out in two? they're trying to front run. i think what is about to come? >> the prosecutors have just finished their direct examination of stormy daniels. so the difference is going to get a crack at her any moment now and it's interesting, susan nechele less what trump's only female attorney has three attorneys and there she is walking to the podium to begin cross-examination. i think this is notable because susan hoffinger, she's the one who did the direct examination of stormy daniels. it appears that there is somewhat of a strategic decision that if we're going to talk about these sensitive sexual related details perhaps they believe you it's better to have a woman talking to a woman in front of the jury does appear like a strategic decision because neither one of these attorneys has been doing much of the questioning so far. >> it's also helps explain playing with hopping or was doing in the last ten minutes, which was she was getting out in front on several issues. what about the defamation suit you filed? talk about michael avanade and your disagreement with him on over specific things, obviously, having it appears jail. what about the
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podcast appearance? what about the book that you wrote really tried to get in front of things that they know are going to be coming in the cross-examination , which is now starting all right. >> you guys. thank you so much. you can standby for us as we're still monitoring this testimony. let's talk more about this now with marc water, he's a former special assistant to president trump i wonder what what you thought marc this lunch was like for the trump legal team that they had what do you think it was like to discuss how things had gone? in the initial testimony of stormy daniels well, i think they probably thought two things. >> number one, we're now three weeks into this and we still don't have any evidence that of the bookkeeping errors that are allegedly a crime. he made a payment to a lawyer. he listed two payment as a legal expense and they're saying that's a crime and we still don't really have any testimony or evidence about it. but second, i think even as salacious as those details were, it actually reinforces the narrative that he he, what he, did not want mrs. trump or his family to know about it
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which is what hope hicks testified to. so it's already it's creating that narrative. i think that the prosecution witnesses are actually creating the defense narrative for them. >> there i mean, there's also been testimony, including from hope hicks that there was reason for him to not want this to get out there because of the elections. so there is that narrative that has been out there by someone very much in the know. i guess the question then would be the link, right? when it comes to donald trump? prompt been behind this falsification of the records in is that link being painted clearly enough for the jury? >> i do wonder though from your perspective, before court was since session this morning, the former president posted a true social. >> he said, i've just recently been told to the witnesses today this is unprecedented, no time for lawyers to here. we have to be clear the reason that there is this prosecutorial discretion on saying who these witnesses are
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going to be is because he tends to get get on social media and talk about them or talking about things he's not supposed to he deleted that post following the judge yesterday threatening jail time. why do you think prompt deleted the post his lawyers probably told them that this is not the hill you want a di on and/or attempt the judge with this that's not where you want to go. >> and so let's let the testimony the record, their upcoming cross-examination lead the de and not necessarily focused on once again, are we going to spend and another few days of debating about whether you were in contempt of the court order. and so basically my quickly deleting it, you've pretty much removed that as a as a potential you would think in the eyes of the judge what do you think about what the jury has heard today and the effect this may have on them i'm not sure if it's going to shock the jury.
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>> i mean, obviously we've had going on now 30, 40 years. we've had presidents who had these kinds of issues come up with them. obviously these stories themselves have been in the news for many, many, many years. nothing new has come out about it. so i'm not sure that they're shocked by it. but they're just basically i think waiting to see where do we where are we finding this the payments made in 2017 were to affect the 2016 election. i mean, i get it. if he was it's investing in a time machine that might affect the 2016 election. but payments that are months. and if not up to a year later after the fact that as it really impacted now let's that's already taken place he clearly had some concerns according to i hope hicks, i do just want to make that clear again. >> so i guess the point you're making is that in 2018, this coming out, it wouldn't affect the election what when you're
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discussing it in when you're discussing it in 2017, in past tense or when it obviously later came out in 2018? jane you of course, could have said, well, if this has changed, have been come out in 2016 or becomes up right before the 20 election. and i think the reason why we're having this this trial is because we're coming up on the 2024 election. because again, this is more about keeping him off the campaign trail, is more about getting all of this salacious the dirty laundry out there, rather than actually anything to do with the rule of law. we still haven't been told what the ultimate laws are that were broken for pay and your lawyer and listing it as legal services yeah. >> well, they're alleging obviously that is false suffocation of documents. of course. we'll have to see the jury believes that the link is made here and obviously some of the things that you said, we'll have to see if the jury feels that way. some people certainly feel so we're looking at this, but a lot of people do not mark
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lottery. thank you so much for your time. we appreciate it great to see you. >> briana & you're watching cnn special so coverage of donald trump's hush money trial in new york, the defense has just begun cross examining stormy daniels. >> it's certain to be dramatic is we wait to see what happens here. stay with us. we'll have more in just a moment riyadh saves new album is breaking records who gets to say what country is comey country bianna, say a nashville's renaissance streaming exclusively on i want a lot of businesses. >> so i wear a lot of hats my restaurants, my cat to shop, and i also have a non-profit. >> but no matter what business i'm in, my network at my technique to keep up. thank you. verizon business. >> now, our businesses get fast reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. all with the security features we need because my businesses are my life i have the fish
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mom's coming over so many ways to save life radina, wallet happy, but 3605 by whole foods market, you know, i spent a lot of time thinking about jaroun at three in the morning and you what people don't know. >> is that not all der is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients look at this new organic soil from miracle grow. >> everybody should have it, it worked great for us. >> this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt, your dirt nerd huge turkey. >> i'm proud of it i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. and this is cnn welcome back to our special coverage of president trump's criminal hush money trial stormy daniels is now being questioned by the defense and there are wasted no time trying to totally discredit her.
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>> i want to read part of an exchange that stormy daniels just had with trump's defense to tourney. trump's attorney, susan niclas says this. am i correct that you hate president trump? that's the question. daniels. yes necklace. >> you want him to go to jail? daniels? i want him to be held accountable. necklace. you wanted to go to jail? daniel's if he's found guilty, yes. let's discuss further. elie honig, what's your reaction? well, this is an exchange. yeah, this is some searing cross-examination so far it's quite effective. so let's look at the exchange you just talked about. they got her to admit right up front. >> she hates the defendant. i mean, you almost never see that. i had a case where one time the witness had sent a sort of negative letter to the defendant and that went boy, that was used here, she says, at least he's honest. elise, she says straight up, i hate him. am i correct that you hate president trump? answer yes. later, they moved into her financial motive. they said you want to make money and she said, again, candidly, yes, i want to make money. people want to make money and now the
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questioning relates to a lawsuit important to people understand what happened in this lawsuit. stormy daniels brought a defamation case against donald trump. stormy daniels pulled the story about how she was threatened in a parking lot, and then donald trump sallet as he's want to do a negative tweet, i think at the time saying that it was a bogus story and attacking the mainstream media she then sued him for defamation, and that suit was thrown out by the judge. and the judge awarded donald trump attorney's fees in the range of half 1 million, and stormy daniels is asked about that, and her testimony was she said, quote, he prevailed, but i was not found to have lost. that's that's a lousy answer. i mean, the case was dismissed since then. now she has to pay half million dollars legal fees, and one other detail. she also admitted that she said that if he is jailed, she would dance and she laughed and i don't think the jury is going to like that. i don't think they see this as a laughing matter or matter for a personal vengeance and retribution. >> i think these are pretty incendiary statements and the
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the one about she would dance was a tweet and so now you have two people in this trial who've expressed complete hatred for donald trump. that would be michael cohen, whom we have yet to hear from. and stormy daniels, and she didn't back away from it but she wouldn't admit she lost the defamation case, which i don't understand. and she owes a lot of money to donald trump. so i think it kind of goes to her credibility as a witness because she comes with an incredible bias against against trump. >> really, the defense is trying to prove during its cross-examination. >> yeah. i think it across the nation is always an important opportunity for the defense to attack the credibility of the witness. and this is common, and quite frankly, we could have anticipated that this is how across against frankly, any witness, but particularly we start with daniel's would have gone. so i'm not that sun and that there's sort of going after her in this way. but i
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think what the things that they're doing, it starting to shake out number one, the bias, do the points that we were talking about a moment ago, this idea of having, there's always a tweet, having tweeted pretty harsh things about the defendant himself now i'll keys a public figure and we've been talking about this for quite some time and a lot of people were tweeting things about the former president. however, when you're a witness in a criminal trial against them, it's going to come back to haunt you. do you hate him and so on and something there was this back-and-forth for even stormy daniels laughing. she was chuckling in court. and this sunday, we were talking about a little bit earlier in this program how that will play before the jury. now look, some human beings are nervous laughters, right? we, i've tried to, i am but i'm also not testifying in front of a jury. and i think what the part of that cross-examination was was saying that why are you laughing? i do find this funny and i think that's the kind of thing that can get in the juries head, thinking that number one, this person has a bias, but so number two, this person isn't taking this testimony seriously.
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>> it's interesting are reporters who are inside the courtroom. glory are telling us that the jurors are taking notes and they're watching very, closely everything. she's saying i'm not surprised. i mean, i was taking notes about her statements just now and i think earlier today when she was talking about her encounter with donald trump, i'm sure they were taking notes about that. this has been according to our reporters in the courtroom this has been a very alert and interested jury and, you know, today, aside from a little bit of talk about the payments this has been very personal about stormy daniels and her attitudes towards donald trump and how she felt she'd been treated by trump. and i think that's something of great interest to the jury as they try to decide her credibility she testified under oath, she hates him yeah. >> then she also just testify they just brought this tweet into evidence in which she said that she would go to jail before she ever paid him a dime
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and they're actually inputting th into evidence here, the judge saying that was okay. her team had said they shouldn't into that into evidence more of these scathing tweets going through all the things that she said about him. i think having talked to donald trump's legal team, this is really the main crux of their cross-examination . that's not going to be necessarily the story. it's going to be poking holes and who she is as a witness. >> jeremy daniel says that is me saying i will not pay for telling the truth, referring the truth about donald trump. >> do you expect the trump campaign to use the judge's dismissal of a mistrial motion by the defense as part of their campaign i think it's certainly possible, but i think what you're really going to see, it for the next couple of days is going to be donald trump's army of right-wing social media influencers going after stormy day daniel is poking holes and who she is as a person, everything that she says using the actually what we're reporting the transcript, the conversation to try and paint a
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portrait of who this person izzat thing to continue to remember is that donald trump is under a gag order, but the people who surround him or not. and so he has people who are in his camp right-wing social media influencers who have millions of followers, who can blast out whatever they want about the witnesses and you think you're going to see that we know we're going to see with michael cohen told me that that's part of their strategy in terms of these people around donald trump, likely you're going to see it here too. >> that will be dramatic when cohen appears in this courtroom as well. everybody stand by, some very contentious moments just now as donald trump's attorneys cross-examined stormy daniels right now, they're asking your about tweets she posted about trump's potentially going to jail are special coverage will continue after a quick break every piece piece of evidence tells a story
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>> grow your, business easily with freelancers, fiber. >> i'm kdigo lois in washington and vif welcome back to cnn special coverage of former president trump's hush my criminal trial and wow, there been some contentious moments just here in the past few moments is stormy daniels faces cross-examination at the hands of former president trump's lawyers. >> we have fill in back with us wow, take us through some of this, paula. >> yeah. so stormy daniels on the stand right now, i'll leave it on the stand for a short time. she's being cross-examined by trump's attorney, susan nechele. and right off the bat, susan niclas got stormy daniels to admit
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that she hates trump. she says, yes, i hate him they point out the fact that stormy daniels, he said publicly that she would quote dance if trump went to jail. so they're clearly establishing the stormy daniels does not like the defendant. now they're going through some things that stormy daniels has said about him probably including a tweet where she's talking about money that the courts have said that she owes tromp hundred there's one thousands of dollars in legal fees and she says, quote, stormy daniels says i don't owe him expletive, and i'll never give that orange turd a dime. now, daniel said that this tweet is in retaliation for what he says about her. now, this is when it got really heated because nechele confirms, you call them names all the time and daniel starts to yell saying yes because he made fun of me first. i mean, this is pretty, this is devolving pretty quickly, right? this is pretty toddler esq., conduct and lack of accountability. but what the defense is very effectively getting at daniels disdain for the defendant to this so far
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has been a very effective and dramatic cross and appears to continuing to become even more dramatic. >> what do you think? >> i think what's fascinating is the inversion of how to specific people here are reacting to everything right? our team in the room making very clear that donald trump has kind of lean back a little bit. he was very engaged, very animated, very agitated over the course of the morning, not so much anymore. stormy daniels on the other hand, arms cross, things are very tense, starting to get very frustrated. and at one point it seems raising her voice as well as paul was reading through it underscores there has been a very clear shift, not just in how they're acting, but totally, but also in where this is going. we talked before, before, the cross-examination started about how susan hoffinger are seem to be trying to front run some things, get some things out there about the defamation case, about some of the things she said about people she's talked to. now, you understand why and it's way worse than you can possibly front run when it comes to what we've seen throughout the course of stroke, don't we don't tax, don't email any of those. if
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you ever gonna be in a situation like this because right now for the defense, it's helping them out. >> why does it matter so much to the jury? yeah. i mean, would they expect stormy daniels to like former president trump after all that has happened here. >> but this is the first time we've seen someone who is outright hostile towards the defendant, right? david pecker, a long time, admire and friend, now exchange the kth davidson didn't seem to care one way or another. trying to paint him as an extortionist, but he didn't seem to have a personal grievance against trump. we've heard from trump organization employees, hope hicks, one of his longtime closest advisors, though they are now a strange, but this is someone who's saying on the stan, do i hate the defendant? >> yes. >> yes, i do that's remarkable, right? the jury is going to hear that and that's really going to paint how they hear everything she talked about this morning. now, really why this is significant again, it's because this is a preview of how they're going to cross michael cohen, stormy daniels does not make or break the prosecution's case michael cohen will. and if you think that reading a couple of tweets about what an orange turd, right? that's a little shocking. i'm we're going to
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get hours and hours of that during the michael cohen cross because michael cohen has spoken so much and he's been very clear as well, not how he feels about the defendant. >> right. i think pause spot on and saying this is a preview, but it is going to be like multiply this by about 100 and that's where you're gonna be with michael cohen to be clear, we've been talking about how the prosecution was trying to get in front of this particular cross. >> they've been trying to get in front of everything related to michael cohen over the course would be entirety of this trial. i think the only thing that is agreement going on at this point is that everybody agrees if my cohen isn't the greatest guy in the world and probably doesn't have a great reputation. that's been by design. i think what's fascinating here is, you understand, and it's been clear throughout as they've gone back and forth, the defense, the prosecution they've got an audience to 12th. >> right. and it's not it doesn't matter necessarily what this means for the specific allegations or for what stormy daniels testified the scoring, it matters how jurors proceed as they walk out. once this is all over with and i'll also be fascinated to see if the prosecution comes back after this. they have to actually write what is redirect look like. so for redirect,
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first of all, they're going to have to clean up these comments that she is making about dancing if he's going to jail, right? if she hates him, that's one thing, but they're also trying to argue that she has some sort of motivation to get him convicted because she wants to see him behind bars. they're going to have to go no. to that, the fact that she hasn't paid them hundreds of thousands of dollars, that a court has ordered her to pay. well, that's just a fact. there's only so much you can do there, but we've just gotten started with cross so they're absolutely going to have to likely do redirect to try to rehabilitate some things that are coming out of her mouth for demeanor. also not great. she's combative, she's almost yelling four different than what we saw this morning with prosecutors who she knows. she's more comfortable with, even with them. >> she was meandering, so she's having some issues right of how she kinda stays in a lane if you guys can just scan buy from me, i want to bring in sarah matthews, who's a former trump white house deputy press secretary, as we're watching what is happening here are some very contentious moments. sara with stormy daniels facing cross-examination. i wonder what you think, especially as a
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former communications official in the white house, we're always top of mind. i think this is how the president was feeling about what was being said about him, how you think it has been for him to listen to stormy daniels testimony yeah i think today has been a really tough day for him in court. >> look in other witness testimonies, he has been falling asleep or as he put it recently, just closing his beautiful blue eyes and taking it in. but he hasn't been as engaged. but with this testimony, in particular, he has been and much more engaged in infuriated by it. and i think that that's very clear, and the jury is probably taking notice of that as well. look, i believe it was reported that trump even hit his want attorney at one time to get her attention to try to get her to object to something. so donald trump is definitely not happy about how today's testimony went a lot i've those personal details that came out during stormy daniels testimony and the salacious nature of it.
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all. i think that that goes both ways and maybe the jury is seeing that clearly they have some sort of history and that he's upset by her sharing these things, or it could go the way to that that's the defense is arguing that he's upset because of his wife and how she wanted to hide this a fair from her. as donald trump claims, it didn't happen, but i think that he doesn't like not being in control. and so being in this courtroom today for this testimony has been extremely difficult for him, and i would certainly not want to be any of his lawyers or his campaign team who he's more than likely lashing out at i think it's clear we've heard this story before. >> we have, right? but there are a lot of people, the jury, of course and then people who may be paying attention to some of these details for the first time, sarah, who are just now experiencing them for the first time. i wonder specifically if you had to think of something thing that you heard of today
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that would have been the worst thing for trump to hear. what that would have been in your mind i think there are a couple of things that really stuck out to me. >> i think the comment that stormy daniels made when she asked about maloney to him, that was particularly dan because she claims that donald trump said to her, oh, well, don't worry about her. we don't even sleep in the same bedroom. and i think for his defense, then that just goes to show that it flies in the face of their argument that he wanted to cover up this affair because he didn't want to upset his wife, that it didn't have anything to do with the campaign. >> and so i think that that was probably something that he was pretty agitated by. >> but then if i'm also a voter, you sitting at home listening to the salacious details sales of stormy daniels testimony, i think some of the things that shed some light on this affair that maybe kind of stuck out to me was just putting in perspective stormy daniels age at the time when
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this happened, they leave. she was 27 years old. donald trump would have been in his 60s. and so just kind of putting that into contexts that i don't know if that necessarily helps him win over the voters that he's going to need most witches independent suburban women who maybe are already on the fence about donald trump because of his character. and so just hearing all of these kind of icky details, i don't know if it necessarily sways them to want to support him all right. >> sara great to have your perspective, sarah matthew. thank you so much for that. we appreciate it and testimony continuing in form how president trump's hush money trial were more on what is coming out of that courtroom, were watching it right now as the defense attorney is returning to talking about daniels tweet it's talking about her finances, some very, very contentious moments that we have been learning about inside of this courthouse. >> we'll have more on them in just a moment when our special coverage continuous ten molar
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making money by telling my story about what happened to be nicholas, the attorney, then asked that story has made you a lot of money, right? two, which daniels replied and i'm quoting her now, it's also cost be a lot of money. i'm back with my expert panel and let me start eleia once again with you. the defense is really going very hard. not heard during this cross-examination. right. and i think there's two things they're attacking her on right now. who's to say what else will come up in the minutes or hours to cupp number one, her personal finances and credibility in terms of how she's spoken about her finances. one of the things that came up a moment ago was did you or did you not tweet that you had enough money to from your film career to buy a ranch. and there was a back-and-forth over whether she whether she did or did, and then she ultimately said, well, i've rent a ranch now, but it's an inconsistent statement about her financial situation at the time. also, they're returning repeatedly to this question of bot, personal bias against the defendant. and this
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has been a thread throughout the cross-examination. did you call him names in social media or elsewhere? and moreover, this final point that they've had her statement that she would go to jail before paying trump any money that speaks to two things. number one she's willing to fly i don't a legal obligation, which is a credibility question, but also to bias against the defendant. now again all this is to be said, it's all about how the jury regards it, and they may have trusted the testimony before because he made the core point that she did have sexual relations with that man, donald trump, which is sort of the core legal point that's being made here. but all of these separate points are hurting her credibility. and we'll see what the jerry does. the defense team terms to first-time risk going too far, impressing sturm. >> absolutely. you can always go too far when the eyes of the jury and the eyes of the jury when cross-examining a witness, if you're seen as too aggressive, i don't think it's an accident that the female member of the defense team is
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the one doing the cross-examination here to avoid the appearance of a man bullying her on, for instance, something kristen holmes was saying in our break a moment ago about her chuckling like that would that would just land differently in front of a jury if a male questioner was the one doing it than a female one. but even setting the gender question aside. the cross-examination is a delicate balance where you try to have your perry mason banging the shoe on the table moment and it could backfire in front of the jury and they might sympathize with the witness crystal, you're getting some reaction from inside the trump world. >> yeah. i'm hearing from sources that essentially say that after today, they do continue to paint this as political, but also that what they saw today with a mistrial, what they saw with essentially there their belief or their spin on it is that the judge allowed way too many details, obviously then his team brought this, said that they should have a miss trial. they're saying that this case now it's very clear that this is brought just to embarrass donald trump, not because there's actually any legalities here. and i will
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say having just witnesses and read this all de there is an embarrassment factor to the former president for sure. >> there is also, i think now for stormy daniels the defense is effectively saying she's out for retribution and that she's not truthful, that she had a conversation with gloria already looking for maybe a legal case, then she says, well, i didn't tell her i had sex with donald trump and i wasn't she wanted me to accuse him of rape and i wasn't going to do that but it's clear. and then necklace makes it look like as we post hear the daniels is making this up but all of these tweets and all of her saying i hate donald trump, i'd like him to go to jail. i would dance if he went to jail they're portraying her as a woman. just wanting retribution and willing to do anything to get retribution and presumably putting that in the context of
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this case. that is what is going on with her at the stand and all she wants to do is destroyed. donald trump are important point all absolutely true. >> 100% of this. now, again, having prosecuted gangs before, you put witnesses on, sometimes it literally tried to kill each other and have so much bias and so much personal hatred that that it almost ended in a homicide. and you gotta get you have to present that to the jury and juries can still convict someone even when a witness has tried to kill another one. you have to address their credibility questions and have enough other evidence. otherwise. but this is none of this is helpful to stormy daniels heels is cause it just the open question remains how the jury is ultimately going to take it. >> yeah. and she's now kinda pay back some money she owes donald for lawyer's fees because because it wasn't the verdict wasn't what she liked part of that too when we talk about money, it's not just paying him back. >> they're also saying that, oh, you just essentially talked about this because you knew it
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would make money that you talked about having sex with donald trump. that's something that would make you money. and that's what she's answering now? >> yes. so they also want to make her look like some kind of extortionist in some way and a liar. and somebody who's out for retribution, which are not positive attributes sorry, i posted on truth social saying the prosecution had gone too far. his words gone too far and called for a mistrial. i didn't think trump supporters are going to view today's testimony. >> i think they're going to agree i, think they're going to say that the judge wasn't in control and that he let them go too far and that there was a legitimate case for a mistrial and that there should have been one because stormy daniels testimony was way too graphic. now the judge decided they're there shouldn't be a miss trial, but i think clearly that would be brought up on appeal even if this doesn't make it into campaign materials one of the things that the former president can do in his daily press conferences is attack the judge and he can go out there
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under the terms of the gag order, which specifically exempted the judge, he can go out there and say, another example of the judge having been biased against me he can do that. i want to go back to brianna in new york outside the courthouse, briana, new details are merging. i take it. >> yeah, that's right some pretty contentious moments there inside of the courthouse behind it this wolf i'm back now with phil and paula and some themes sort of coming out of these questions. >> yeah, two big themes i've seen over the past ten minutes. the first is whether stormy daniels actually financially benefited from her liaison with trump or if she's worse off, and then the other one is whether she's been truthful on the stand. now, the first is this this is a theme that the trump folks i've tried to push and moments ago, susan nicholas, she argued that looks stormy daniels has been making money off of having had sex with trump for over a decade was stormy day daniel's argues that noem, now she owes trump hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. she's at risk of losing her house, and she tells folks in her
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documentary that it's hard for her to find work so that that is it has been a theme throughout this trial. michael cohen has stormy daniels and whether they are benefiting off of what they have said vis-a-vis the defendant. this other ideas, whether she's being honest and here's susan necklace appear to catch her in a lie, which she asked if she told boy are all read that she had had sex with trump stormy daniels said that she did tell glory all read that and then isn't that gold is brought up stormy daniels book. read from it and appeared that that wasn't true. so they teach the witness right there on the stand really undercut her credibility. and again, this is contentious. stormy daniels is upset. she's a times at cocking her head, firing back at the defense attorneys. this is not going well for stormy daniels but i'd say it's pretty much what we expected yeah. i think you knew they're going to be aggressive. you knew the former president clearly probably told him it pose, please be aggressive personally, get underscores the fact that this is a witness that has openings or vulnerabilities for attack and they're certainly going after them. i think to paul last
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point, the contradiction between what stormy daniels has said as somebody else has said, as it relates to her book, which susan nechele is hold out and to play paul's points appear to catch her and miss truth was the first time really heard them try and get her to say, i'm making the whole thing up. basically framing this as the only reason you're talking about this is all is because you to learn from that conversation that you had to talk about sex in order to make money? that was the way to go after this, even though you told gloria allred or did not tell glory already, but you did have sex? can i get all twisted up? there's a lot of these fats. yes. >> but i was wondering if the defense team was actually ever going to try and put up this, didn't happen, right? as the president the former president has said repeatedly, they hadn't up to this point, this is sort of an made the entire thing up, citing the book itself zero, it works, is it really believable when you have this, the cost of these payments? and what we anticipate is redirect we're going to learn more about how much this has caused her yeah,
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i would expect that they will bring up what her thank commas. now, she talks about this in her documentary. it was clear she probably did the documentary for money. she got about $125,000. she said for that, but that's not going to pay for the hundreds of thousands of dollars fowler, she owes trump. they even asked her one point if she was sent devised for trump to go to jail if she thought if he went to jail that you wouldn't have to pay him. now right now, daniel says that she was asked what i thought about all this stuff and i thought that it was bs she paused before softly using the exponent. now right now it says necklace is trying to get daniels to talk about when she told ii online that all of this was again, bs and they're trying to go through are contradictory statements were in the past, she had denied this affair. now she will say that you did that because either in one case she was intimidated, she thought there'd be retaliation from cohen if she did not. another time she said, well, this is all i thought i could say, but again, she's not a consistent narrator through her own story. >> if you really go back through the record could this
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be some of the most crucial testimony that we're seeing right now. >> let's try nothing paula's framing what i was struck by in our extraordinarily substantive conversations over the course. the last of hours of i think what you take from this is what's coming, right. in terms of if you want to sense top constantly over the course of four weeks. this has been going on about michael cohen, what the prosecution is gonna be going after, and just how intense inflammatory the cross is going to be what you're getting from this is a window, a very small window into what is going to be kind of a nuclear war that's going to take place when that happens, let me gate she's not critical to having a smoking gun. she's not critical necessarily. i don't know that a lot of people doubt the allegations here to some degree. and you don't have to in order to still have reasonable doubt in this case, this is laying the groundwork and other foundational ela look for the prosecution, for the defense. this is starting to give a window into what exactly they can do she doesn't make or break the prosecution's case michael cohen. >> well, yeah, that's right. and she's acknowledged hello, jing. when asked by a necklace, that this was the same time
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that she was trying to sell her story to in-touch for $15,000. we have to remind people pull that there has been this theme and this was, we initially saw this with her former lawyer, keith davidson, who also represented karen mcdougal and that catch didn't kill scheme there's this idea that he was an extortionist, that he is sort bringing people along to be extortionist this is a leyen two what we're hearing here. >> that's exactly right. they're trying to establish that she's always been interested in profiting from this alleged sexual encounter with trump. and then she enkidu if its and took it to the max level post access hollywood tape in late 2016, they knew the trump campaign was vulnerable. they couldn't let us work like this, get out and they saw that is there opportunity they knew they had quote leverage. >> this has been an important line that the defense has really tried to emphasize to the jury. >> again, it doesn't speak to the unrolled hello. and crime of falsifying business records. but it does get at how that
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elevated that to a felony, which is arguing why this was done. she's making the point that she decided to do six few minutes with anderson cooper, which is not just to be clear, there are certain places where you can sell your story, and there are certain places where you do your story. >> it's a legitimate outlet and you were not paid for it and that is one of them and that is where she chose to go, which was someplace where she felt that her story would be more legitimately received, should basically, they gave me nothing. they don't okay. give money. again, there are different parts of the media industry. i'm trying to count how many times elie williams has said seedy underbelly over the course of the last several weeks of his drinking game, you a little messed up right now, but i think that that is an interesting counter from right. i didn't just go through that pathway. i was actually looking at legitimate news organizations who don't do pay, pay to play all right, you guys. >> thank you so much. obviously, some very the moments that we are watching here and certainly more of what it's sort of what pretends to be ahead here. so stay with cnn. we have our special coverage continuing after a short break, we'll be right back i'll scopus.
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world's news welcome back to our special coverage of former president trump's hush money criminal trial. >> today, the woman at the center of this historic case, the adult film star stormy daniels, has been the witness stand for several hours. >> she recounted in vivid detail or alleged sexual encounter with trump back in 2006 so much detail that the trump by defense team called for a miss trial. >> judge version rejected the request, but did acknowledge that some of the prosecution's questions were unnecessary. right now, daniels is facing serine cross-examination questions from trump's defense
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team at one point, she was asked and i'm quoting now, am i correct that you hate president trump daniels responded, quote, es trump's lawyer followed up by asking,& you want it to go to jail. daniels responded and i'm quoting i want them to be held accountable. it's been a very dramatic day of testimony. i'll be back in two hours, 6:00 p.m. eastern in this room cnn special coverage of this trial continues right now. >> on the lead with jayyab cnn news, and welcome to lead. >> i'm jake tapper. it has been the most i'm telling day so far in donald trump's criminal hush money cover up trial, because for the very first time today, we heard testimony from stormy daniels, who's alleged sexual encounter with mr. trump is at the very heart of this case. remember the rendezvous itself was not a crime, not in nevada. >> a nor would be any alleged hush money payments tough to


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