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tv   Trump Trial Today  CNN  May 7, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> boy scouts of america filed for bankruptcy in 2020 after spending more more than $150 million to settle abuse lawsuits and started compensating victims through a special trust last year. the trust is eventually expected to pay out 2.4 billion more than 80,000 survivors of abuse. the breaking news this hour and the federal judge in donald trump's classified documents case down in florida, just postpone that trial indefinitely. then up north in the new york hush money cover-up case, we're standing by to get the first transcripts after a dramatic day in court with adult film actors and directors stormy daniels on the stand to testimony described as combative at times, wolf blitzer will pick up our coverage next. in the situation room, i will see you back tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. right here on the leaves get to until then you can follow me on social media at jake tapper. you can download the show wherever you get your podcasts all two hours, just sitting there. i'll see you tomorrow
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contentious day in court stormy daniels begin are detailing or alleged sexual encounter with donald trump and the hush money payment to buy her silence defense attorneys please do note time hitting back during a very combative cross-examinatio n, attacking daniels credibility and prompting her to testify under oath that she hates trump and wants to see him held accountable for the next hour, we'll take you inside the courtroom from gavel to gavel will break down all of today's most important development and look ahead to what's next welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer with a special report in situation room the trump trial today our coverage begins tonight in new york, where the trump hush money trial, just
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wrap for the day after the prosecution put one of its star witnesses on the stand, stormy daniels the alleged affair, the hush money payments, and daniels credibility, all very much under the microscope for the jury first, let's go to see as keras canal. she's outside the courthouse in manhattan for us. kerrey, were there inside the courtroom today. give us the very latest well, if that's right for about the last hour of the court days, stormy daniels was under cross-examination in trump's attorney was peppering her with questions trying to undermine her credibility and challenge her motivations, asking downs repeatedly, if she tried to extort trump, if she was trying to sell her story about trump for years. >> now, earlier the jury had seen a different sayyed of daniel's were shade a more relaxed amine or less on the defensive when prosecutors were asking her questions and that's when daniel told the story to the jury of how she became a dancer at age 17, ultimately ended up with that sexual encounter with trump in 22,006 and then sold that story
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to donald trump and that hush money payments you receive in 2016, just before the presidential election on the stand, stormy daniels, the former adult film star and director at the center of the first criminal trial of donald j. trump. the $130,000 deal in exchange for her silence. is that the heart of the prosecution's case on tuesday, prosecutors tried to paint daniels as a credible witness, having her reveal specific details on her alleged sexual encounter with trump and the events surrounding it trumped denies the affair. meanwhile, during cross examination, trump's attorneys tried to undercut daniels testimony by attacking her motivations credibility, and demonstrating how much she hates trying daniels testified she met trump will working at a celebrity golf tournament in 2006. that's when trump invited her to dinner. later in trump's penthouse suite, she said they talked for two hours and trump as thoughtful business questions she explained she went to the bathroom and when i
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exited, he was just up on the bed like this in boxers and a t-shirt. she said while demonstrating his pose for the jury, she noted it was not in a threatening manner. daniel said, the next thing i know, i was on the bet she described their relationship in 2018 interview with anderson cooper for 60 minutes. >> so you definitely wanted to continue to see you. oh, for sure yes. this was not a secret. he never asked me not to tell anyone. he called several times when i was in front of many people and i'd be like, oh, my god, he's calling. >> shut up the donald during her testimony, trump at nudge his attorney repeatedly, who objected to questions and answers when daniel suggested she didn't want to be alone with trump. >> again, the judge agreed and struck several of our answers from the record when the access hollywood tape came out before the 2016 election daniel, since she spoke with her publicist about selling her story hey suddenly people are reaching out to me again, offering me money large amounts of money. >> she soon learned trump and
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his ex attorney michael cohen. we're interested in paying for a story in a $130,000 deal that came with a non-disclosure agreement, daniels testified how she wanted the deal done before the election because she was worried. i wouldn't be be safe or that he wouldn't pay and there would be a trail to keep me safe prosecutors then turn to daniel is 2018 statement denying a sexual affair with trump ahead of a wall street journal article that was going to outline their deal. daniel said she did not want to sign it because it was false. the de was released. she was interviewed by jimmy kimmel and denied it was her signature. and you sign this letter that was released today i don't know. >> wait a minute that you can say. like my signature does it doesn't daniels testified she purposely signed her name and a different way to tip off kimmel after a court break, trump's team move for a mistrial pointing to aspects of daniels testimony, trump attorney todd blanche argued this is the kind of testimony that makes it impossible to come back from judge guan were ruled against
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the call for a mistrial, then trump's team took their turn to question daniels trump's attorney, susan niclas, daniel's am i correct that you hate president trump? >> yes. daniels responded now, during daniels testimony, donald trump was very engaged. he was often whispering to his attorneys nudging them and prompting them at times to object to some of the questionings which the judge ruled in his favor. prefer a number of them, the jurors, they were actively also taking notes. they showed no facial expression to some of the moments when daniels said some things that she herself laugh debt, they kept straight faces, but they actively took notes, a number of them, very seem to be writing a lot and they're notebooks. now, the cross-examination will continue on thursday when cord is back in session and prosecutors say they will also have additional questions for daniels wealth re-adjusted keras canal reporting from outside of the courthouse in new york. thank you. care very much. that's get some analysis from our political and legal experts
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write down caitlyn polantz, the defense cross-examination of stormy daniels. it got very, very combative. what's the strategy here? very combative? out of the strategy is because the defense, wants to put stormy daniels in the hot seat& undermine what she's saying showing that she has a motivation financially to come out and talk about this alleged sexual encounter she had with donald trump back in 2006. >> and then to not just highlight her motivations, but to try and find inconsistencies her about how she wanted to tell that story and the story she ultimately has settled on telling in the witness box under oath. >> so some of these very testy questions that the defense team has been asking are basically statements that she has to say yes or no to over and over again, highlighting that you're making money by claiming that you had sex with donald trump you are making more money. the more you talk about that in your story. and you make less money, the less salacious that
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this has been since 2016, stormy daniels essentially a read to all of that. but some of the things that the defense asked went too far and the judge would sustain an objection where the prosecutors would pop up and say, we don't think it's fair that you and michael cohen both believed that you would be making money off of this? depending on what your story was that you would be telling. that was objected to and sustain. so the jury can't hear all of that, even though they're getting the suggestion of it, we get elliot williams into this conversation she admitted under questioning from the trump defense team that she and she said this under oath that she hates trump house. the jury likely to to interpret that? not well wealth and that's the kind of thing that will speak to a witness's credibility. now, big picture. why was this witness called? and if you think of what the prosecution has to establish that, number one, there were falsified business records. two
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to benefit a campaign or for the for the good of the trump campaign, three, about romantic or sexual affair. now, she was there largely to establish the existence of this sexual encounter, which she did. and as caitlin said in spectacular fashion, with a lot of details there. now, these questions about hating the former president that speaks to her credibility and whether the jury, autumn i believe now, again, there was plenty of believable and credible testimony in there. but there are a number of credibility issues starting with the bias against the former president, starting with his kaitlan touched on financial incentives. maybe that she might have why she came forward in the first place after the access hollywood tape it come out there are many things to call into question. your credibility build brende your bill. >> you represent a trump during the 2020 to trump organization trial. so you know, trump quite well. let me get your thoughts because he keeps denying that there was any sexual encounter,
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any affair at all. how is that likely to win? fact to affect his credibility with the jury? >> well well, if i think that the defense team will do a good job and reminding the jury that this isn't about whether or not there was an encounter between stormy daniels and the former president. it's about whether or not in this particular case there was a second crime, election fraud, or election finance. freud, and really they have to get there and they didn't do that today. you'd i lost the bet on this one. i thought that the prosecution would put her on, make their points and get her off, but and judge, merchan, before the jury was put in the box today, made it crystal clear that she was only allowed to say we had sex and the prosecutor must often juror who i try the case against in a very courtroom 18 months ago, just gilded the lily and ask any questions she felt like and i think forest suh necheles, a tremendous leuser to go at are hard and
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the cross i think has been effective & elliot hit the nail right on the head. that jury is going to get an instruction that if a witnesses bias or motive, or skin in the game, so to speak, you take that testimony with caution. she said, i hate him. >> i mean, that's some strong stuff. >> wolf, very strong indeed. crystal homes. this was probably the most dramatic day so far. in this hush money trial i guess the trump team is watching this closely, looking at the politics of all of this & your in touch with them. what are you hearing? >> yeah, watching us closely. i mean, they're learning a lot. this in real time. remember there are no cameras in the courtroom, and most of the advisors that are actually in the courtroom don't have access to their cell phones. so they are watching us and breaking this down as we are as well. now, what is it worse than what they thought it was going to be? no, they expected today to be bad. they knew it was going to be salacious testimony. they had been bracing for that. they knew it was going to be embarrassing to donald trump when these reports first came up years ago, donald trump was
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embarrassed. it potentially on his relationship with mulino while he was in the white house. they expected that to happen. now one thing i think they didn't expect to happen was there are calls for a mistrial, seeing stormy daniels be pushed further, give more details than she was allowed to and they stand by that decision. they now say that there's an argument to be made. and again, this is according to trump's own team that this is not just political, which is their main argument, but that this was also just done to embarrass donald trump that there were moments where the judge could have stopped this kind of testimony that was think arguably embarrassing to the former president, and that's one of the things that they're going to be doubling down on. >> well, what are you hearing from the trump team? >> not too much. i mean, i represented it was one of a team of lawyers that represented the former president in his second impeachment and for about eight weeks. and this very courtroom with this very judge and most of that prosecution team, but everything i hear a second habit, suh natural. this is a tremendous lawyer. mr. blanche and mr. beauvais or a plus
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lawyers? he's in good hands, but it's a question hit the nail on the head two, it's it's playing into the narrative. the defense will sell he if this happened and if cohen paid this money, it was to avoid embarrassment and shame to a man who was a relatively newly married and had a brand new baby son and didn't want his marriage to go down the drain if there was a political benefit, it was collateral, it wasn't the prime primary motive. and wolff, you only need one jaroun to buy that. yeah. and it's interesting how the jury assesses that very question. we can all agree this was embarrassing ones children, spouse, family, extended family, whatever else. but also maybe problematic for a presidential campaign. now, both can be true and the question is how the prosecutors make sense of that, but also to a point that the jury doesn't regard it's simply as trying to paper over personally
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embarrassing conduct, but also relevant to the campaign and really has not been any testimony that this transaction $130,000 and the nda non-disclosure agreement was termed daniel, so that didn't exist. she got paid to keep quiet who it came from and why if donald trump authorize that and what his motivation and his intent was there, that's the question. for the jury has to decide that there has been no dispute and as far as i can tell so far in what she's testified to, show her story hasn't had major changes are red flags. there haven't been any falsehoods that the defense team may have wanted out. >> she goes on national television, tells jimmy kimmel, it wasn't me and tells anderson cooper and 60 minutes, i didn't it was it didn't happen. i mean, these are leinz that she has to live with& the jury will also get an instruction in latin. it sounds so much more and more poetic, but falses to newton forces
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anonymous omnibus, if you like hi, once you can presume they're lying all the time as she she came across, i thought as somebody with an ax to grind, she's an opportunist and, you know, it goes back to paraphrase if there's an old frank sinatra quote hell, have no fury like an opportunist with a press agent. you mentioned those payments. they didn't go directly point a to point b. it went through gloria rodriguez, the press agent to davidson, the lawyer, to cohen i mean, it's a cr codis rhoad to get all those people have testified to that they were all aware that this story would have monetary value after the access hala. >> just keep in mind is a lot of the preview of what we're going to see in terms of the cross-examined nation of michael cohen i mean, what we saw today, and i don't expect it to be much longer. i was told by the trump team that they are going to keep all of the cross-examination short except for when it comes to michael cohen, they expect that to be pretty lengthy, but you can see how they're going to get at it using these old twitter posts, using these old videos, we need pointed out the
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fact that swarm of daniel's has written a book had a podcast, has written number of tweets saying that she wasn't going to pay the former present. she'd have to go to jail before she paid him back his fees. that is just the tip of the iceberg. if you're looking at michael cohen, someone who really has an ax to grind with donald trump& appears to be the setup for that as well. >> no trial tomorrow. it's wednesday. there's no trials sessions on wednesday day, but there will be thursday morning, stormy daniels, we'll be back for more questioning, right? >> yeah. and that's again, we don't expect it to last all day. >> as i've been told by his legal advisors, none of the cross-examination is that they were planning we're expected to be very lengthy, except again, michael cohen, but i do want to make one point that you said you've talking a lot about donald trump's lead they'll team and as we know, we've reported that donald trump has been voicing some concerns about members of his legal team like todd blanche. >> he was pretty happy today. i'm told by some of his advisers at the beginning of that defense questioning, but from susan niclas, he thought she hear me? yes. she. thought she was doing a really good
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job. now, obviously, up to waiting and see, but she was doing her vicious attack dog, which is obviously what donald trump thinks is always best when it comes to his defense. >> if you know donald trump, you know, that. all right, guys. thank you very, very much. just ahead. much more on the blockbuster day in the trump hush money criminal trial. but first, there's breaking news in another criminal case against donald trump right now. the judge in the classified documents case issuing a major order on the trial date, stay with us. you're in the situation room trump hush money, trial, gavel to gavel coverage. >> the way only cnn can bring it to you legal insight, expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom. follow the facts, follow the testimony follows. cnn with armor all a little bit of this protects you from a lot of that armor all west work more kliger by $20.
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tell us what this means. >> well, first of all, the judge has wiped away the may 20 date that had been written in obviously in chalk, right. >> to be removed for this trial she, said that there are at least eight different motions that remain to be handled. she also laid out a calendar that takes us well into july for her to handle motions that are pending. now, at least a couple of these, she's already now scheduled hearings in june for her to consider. one of them has to do with donald trump's teams claim that jack smith especial council was unlawfully appointed. another one is his his effort to get access to records inside the biden administration that he says that the trump team says will show that this was a malicious prosecution. i'll read you just a part of what the judge's orders says she says finalization of a trial date at this juncture before resolution of the myriad and interconnected pretrial and
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classified documents issues remaining and forthcoming would be imprudent. so she's now not setting a new child de but wolfe, what this means is it's almost it's unlikely and highly online i clean for us to see this case go before a jury, before the election. >> interesting, jennifer, is there any merit at all to this idea that jack smith, a special council was unlawfully appointed? >> no none. not at all. >> i mean, of all the motions that she's talking about, judge cannon, this is one of the ones that should have been most easily taken care of. >> there is no merit to it at all the notion that she's putting the trial date off because we have eight outstanding motions. she's the one who is supposed to decide these motions. this is her job. i mean, we're in this situation because cannon is not doing her job because she i think wants to give the former president what he wants, which is a delay till after the
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election. >> seven could the special counsel, jack smith, now go to the appeals court to try and have judge, cannon removed. >> look, i think it's something that the prosecution could always consider wolf, but at this point, it just appears unlikely. >> the judge has really just not issued a lot of rulings, don't a lot of things that she just hasn't taken action on. >> and so there's not really a record for the prosecutors for the for the government to go an hour for her to be disqualified, for her to be removed from this case. and so what we have instead is a very slow walk of this case, of this process, including us, jennifer points out this this motion that i'll tell you every single defendant that we have that's been facing a special council has brought this joe biden's son, hunter biden, has brought a similar filing. we've seen it in john durham prosecutions, so everyone makes these cases and they get dismissed by the judges. it's
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weird that we're going to have an entire hearing dedicated to this issue in june. >> let me get your thoughts. jennifer for do you think the time has come for the special counsel to attempt to have the judge removed i don't think they will wolf because as evan was alluding to, they need a final order really to go to the circuit and say she has messed this up so badly, this is so unlawful that not only should this be overturned, but we need a you, judge, the problem is she's been very clever in not doing her job and not giving them the final orders that they're seeking. >> so they have trouble appealing. they could just go to the circuit and say without any final order, we want a new judge, but that's very unlikely to succeed because the circuit really need something to hang their hat on some obviously demonstrated unlawful order some bias, something that's really black and white. judges really don't like to do that to each other to take a judge off the case. so i think they need more than they have now, which has been the real frustration here. >> jennifer rodgers, evan perez, guys. thank you very
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much. just ahead. more details from inside donald trump's new york trial today, including what up to the defense to ask for a mistrial did you know there's no p in skechers? what he's told about it's been scheduled t and these get to slippery is ten, these sketches snippy you can rise from pain i see bought the i'll put it on my chase freedom unlimited car
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chef's kiss. go to slash shave to claim your $7 trial. >> i'm rafael roma at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn let's get back to the breaking news dramatic sometimes explicit testimony from stormy daniels& the trump trial. >> that's set off a mistrial motion from donald trump's legal defense team or request. judge merchan denied. want to bring back cnn legal analyst eleia williams, were closer. look, elliot walk us through what needs to happen for a judge to declare a mistrial. absolutely. wolf. and it's a very important aspect of trials that happens here. what is a mistrial? so a ct, and this is right out of new york state law, a court must declare a mistrial if number one, there's a legal defect in the proceedings. this big word, if it's prejudicial to the defendant and deprived him of a fair trial. it's not just something that's a mistake. it's something that mistake
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that's so bad that the defendant's trial was impaired. now, what was it today that got us here in the first place and i'll warn everybody some of these words are adult words, but here we go. there was one talking about sort of what sexual position might have happened in this alleged affair when stormy daniels was testifying today, there was a few references to having her having blacked out. was the language use also. >> she testified about the size of his body and his behavior that saying that he was several inches taller and much larger than she was, that there was an imbalance of power between the two of them that he was bigger and blocking the way all of these things suggested to some extent perhaps a consent question that quite frankly, even if sirius is not at issue in this trial and might have at least as the argument was impaired, the defendant's ability to get a fair trial. >> the defense then moved for a mistrial saying this is todd blanch, the attorney for the former president, saying this has nothing to do with the trial. this was very carefully
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chosen language extraordinarily prejudicial. he had to say that he put that on the records so that if they lose this trial and ends up getting convicted they reserve the right to appeal that he has to say that at this stage of the proceedings, he has to make an argument like that. in addition, he also made the point that this is kind of testimony that it's impossible to come back from very strong language about the fact that the defendant was prejudiced in the eyes of the law now the judge in ruling did say he agreed with mr. blanche, but at some things where you don't want to judge to ever say this. >> you, there are some things that probably would have been better left unsaid. now, this is what he said in denying the mistrial, saying that we're at a point. i don't think that a miss trial is warranted. he also said and sort of went after the defense a little hello bit here saying when the bell has been rung, when that language is out there, the defense has to take some responsibility. he was saying that the defense didn't file enough objections in real time.
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so where do we go from? here are a couple next steps for everybody. the trump team will almost certainly, i can assure you move for another miss trial. well, before the end of this trial, after the close of evidence, they're going to put this on the record again so that if they appeal, they have the right to go there again. number to the judge will get butter called limiting instructions to the jury when he instructs the jury at the end of the trial saying, disregard all the other nonsense you can consider whether these two individuals had sex, but leave it at that sort of silly because the jury's already heard it. and then finally, if the foreign president loses, they're going to appeal. they'll take it up to the new york appellate court or the new york court of appeals, is the highest court in the state. and how trials work. there you go. elliott. excellent explanation. thank you very, very much. eleia williams helping us i want to get some more now from former us district court judge shira shen judge, gentlemen. thank you so much. as usual for joining us judge em or sean denied this motion for mistrial, as you know, while acknowledging that some testimony today went too far.
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first of all, do you agree with his decision? >> i agree that some of the testimony went too far and i fully understand why he was not going to grant a mistrial at this stage. there's a lot has been invested in this trial and he feels at the prejudice can be cured i'm not so sure that's totally right as your previous guests said, it's hard to unring the bell or the genie's out of the bottle. >> the jury heard at all, and i'm sure it affects them. >> and of course, the details that she spoke about have nothing to do with the charges in this case. so it was extraneous. it shouldn't have been said witness went off on her own and i'm sure that was more than the prosecution had expected her to stay, but there it is. it's on the record. >> yes, it is. a judge merchan scolded stormy daniels for going off topic at one point telling her to and i'm quoting, now, just answer the questions. he raised objections himself on the defenses behalf. did he do
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enough do you think, judge terrain in today's testimony i think he did everything he could mean and he sustained a number of the defense objections. >> and when they didn't reject and he thought they should, he did it himself. which judges are known to do, i have done that sometimes the judge says objection. sustained. when there was done so the record looks like somebody might have stood up or raise their hand, but the judge says objection. sustained. so he tried to protect the record by shutting her down and closing off some of the material, but she sure got a lot of dirt out and the purpose seems to be two but painted the defendant as a very unpleasant person, not for political reasons, but for his way he treats women. and this may have a real impact on at least women jurors. and i'm sure some of the men too. so it seemed pretty calculated on her part to be merchants, shall we say? to paint him as a very bad man?
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>> while i have you a judge, i wanna quickly discuss trump's classified documents case down to florida while i have you the judge, there is indefinitely postponing the trial and letting trump air unfounded theories about the prosecution in a hearing next month was this the right call this the right call? >> but never the right call. she's been slow walking this as somebody again said, tonight for a long, long time, she has eight undecided motions. she could have rhoad down half of them by now, but she doesn't rule. she puts it all off. then she says there are many common complex issues regarding classified documents, and that's true. but if she had done her job, there wouldn't be eight left. there might be three and she could set a trial date instead, she says, well, may is out, everybody agrees to that at this point. may be july or august, but that's getting very close to september, which is really too close to the action. so i think i think that it's obvious to everybody we are not going to have a trial
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on this case. the documents case before the election. >> i suspect you're right. the judge shares evelyn. thank you very much. as usual, coming up, we'll take a closer look at today's star witness for the prosecution has stormy daniels landed in the middle of the storm around a criminal trial against the former president of the united states if you're shopping for a home, only shows you homes for sale doris directly from professionals, meaning you can trust every home listing is a realistic don't all have to do that. >> not really. trust the number one app real estate professional hi, are shipping breaks might be the cost of doing business, but at what cost turned shipping to your advantage with low-cost ground shipping from the united states states postal service missing out on the things you love because of asthma get back to better breathing with cassandra, an add-on treatment? yes. and i like asthma that is
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stone i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon.& this is cnn back to the breaking news right now. stormy daniels taking the stand for the prosecution and testifying about her alleged affair with donald trump. are bryan talla is more on the adult film star is background, and how she found herself at the center of this case brian update our viewers. well, we'll we learned some things about stormy daniels today that we had not heard before. >> she is certainly an unlikely person to be catapulted into the center of america trick in politics, a play she's occupied for more than six years since we first learned about this scandal the president is facing new scrutiny tonight over accusations of hush money paid over a sexual encounter with a porn star. her name burst onto the political scene in january 2018, after the wall street journals explosive report on a hush money payment that donald trump's attorney michael cohen
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had given to an adult film star who called herself stormy daniels, bombshell revelation halfway through a presidential term. so it certainly reverberated across the political landscape. >> but what fueled it all had occurred almost 12 years before the journal report came out when daniel says she had a one night stand with donald trump at a resort in lake tahoe, nevada. daniels later told anderson cooper on 60 minutes, trump chatted her up for hours in his room. >> he's like, wow you you are special. you remind me of my daughter you know, he's like you're smart, beautiful, and a woman to be reckon with. >> she told jimmy kimmel, it was not against her will, just against her better judgment. >> and you made love what's wrong with you i mean, lay there and prayed for death. the former president has always denied having sex with daniels, whose real name is stephanie clifford originally from louisiana. daniels testified
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today that she was raised by an absentee mother, that she was the editor of our high school newspaper, whose love of horses led her to join the four h club. but that she another intentionally got into the adult film business after a friend got her into dancing and she misunderstood what kind of dancing it was. by age 21, daniel says, she was a nude model and started appearing in adult films when she was 23. >> i just wanted to give you a commendation i think stormy is a person who fought her way out of poverty in the south growing up and worked so hard to find a life for herself, a family sheriff gibson directed the recently released documentary stormy on peacock, in which daniels details a series of threats she's received since the hush money scandal blew up. >> it is direct threats. it is. i'm going to come to your house and slit your throat. >> the death threats have increased tenfold since the indictment and even more so since 2018 when the news first
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broke through all the turmoil, the 40 five-year-old has somehow become ingrained in americas political landscape. >> the story and all of its laura detail has made an imprint on american culture and throw me daniel's has become a household stormy daniels continues to face financial fallout from her with donald trump, a judge throughout a defamation lawsuit that daniel said filed against trump& ordered her to pay legal fees according to her documentary, daniels os trump, hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney fees, and she's afraid she's going to lose her home. wolf ryan, talk thanks for that report. i appreciate it very much. and just ahead, we'll go back inside the courtroom with some just released transcripts from today's testimony can sugar ray leonard you everyday tasks wearing boxing gloves bird. >> and now putting on his new arch fit sketches, slip-ups. you just step in and go with covered that one not few out to
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>> find it at walmart cnn this morning with kasie hunt tomorrow at five easter right now, we're digging into some of the key moments from stormy daniels testimony today, and we've just got a newly released transcript this is prosecutor susan hoffinger directly questioning stormy daniels hoffinger, before the access hollywood tape came out, was gina trying to sell your story to news outlets? >> daniels? yes hoffinger, wishy successful in doing so
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before that, access hollywood tape came out, daniels? no the exchange continued. hoffinger. did there come a time that you learned in approximately october of 2016 that donald trump had michael cohn. we're interested in buying the rights to your account, daniels? yes. >> and hoffinger. >> was after release of the access hollywood tape question bark daniels? yes. hoffinger. now, who did you understand when gina told you that? who did you understand that michael cohn was representing at the time? daniels, donald trump, hoffinger. and did you understand at the time that they would pay for your story for you not to release it publicly, daniels? yes. let's get some analysis from former federal prosecutor and marie macro voice and see you in an legal analyst norm eisen. >> norm, you're hurt today's testimony. firsthand, you were there in the courtroom, how significant is that exchange for the prosecution's case&
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we'll have actually break through given all the salacious and dramatic testimony money today well, if i think it will break through and it is significant, prosecutors are attempting to build a case where they corroborate the key details of this alleged campaign finance conspiracy consisting of the payment is stormy and it's later cover up with 34 allegedly falsified documents. >> and stormy gave new information about her briefly a's on with donald trump and additional information about many of the key elements in the case. it was one of the biggest days yet in this variable eventful trial. >> and marie, it was a major departure from this week's much more procedural bookkeeping. two here, stormy daniels and an unfiltered in a times uneven witness sharing explicit details of an alleged sexual encounter with donald trump, where did she help at potentially where did she possibly? hurt the
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prosecution's case well, one of the major issues is whether this was really necessary if there wasn't a motion from mr. after her testimony, they certainly could be an issue on appeal that this could taint the jurors view of donald trump win now adding anything to the evidence you have to have supposed to have evidence that is relevant to the case. >> and this certainly her her testimony didn't really deal with the business records issue. at least much of it did not. so there could be issues on appeal that were raised today through her testimony. >> interesting in stormy daniels smoke very quickly. we're told she at times tried to crack jokes from what you saw and you were inside the courtroom. how was the jury responding to her testimony? well, from the moment she entered the courtroom, the jury scrutinize her closely.
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>> they paid attention throughout the testimony. i think it took her a while to feel comfortable on the stand. interestingly, in some ways, i felt that the true stormy daniels are genuine personality came out more under the pressure of cross-examination, but i was studying the jury throughout i think she was credible we will find out as this case proceeds, if the jury did indeed feel that way, emory was today's be more aggressive cross-examination affective or did it possibly go too far? >> well, that's always a problem, especially when you have the reality is when you have a woman on the stand, somebody who clearly was portraying herself as a victim that she felt that there was an imbalance and the power with donald trump when she had the encounter and that she had been threatened on the street and las vegas sometime after that to keep your mouth shut so
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it's always a problem when you try it and cross-examine somebody like that i think they were trying to show her as the fact that she had a motive to come forward with a story, whether it was true or not, because she was looking for money. >> they raised the fact that she had brought a couple of cases and she owed trump money because she wasn't successful in those cases. >> they were certainly trying to paint a picture of her someone who might, in fact not the believer interesting. and marie makkot voigt dorm eyes into both of you. thank you very much. and just ahead. and update on the dais other top story, president biden, addressing what he calls a ferocious surge of anti-semitism in the united states scopus torres was at the absolute peak of his celebrity in olympic heroes, shotgun murder trial. >> we learned of a much darker individual pow would really
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three in one extended release formula for dry eyes blink i please note that in washington and this is cnn in washington today, president biden delivered the keynote speech at the us holocaust memorial museum's annual day of remembrance ceremony. president biden, paying tribute to the victims and calling on americans to fight surging anti-semites ism here in the united states, cns kayla tausche is our report speech of remembrance and rebuke president biden, honoring this six million lives lost in the holocaust, nearly 80 years ago, and condemning the ferocious surge of anti-semitism sweeping the country. where after. remember our basic principles of the nation we have an obligation we have an obligation to learn the lessons of history. so you don't surrender our future to the harb of the past. >> the president marked seven months of war since the day hamas besieged israel and
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overnight onslaught killing more than 1,200 and taking more than 200 hostage. the attack on israel's novum music festival biden suggesting is today's auschwitz germany, people deny downplaying, rationalise and ignoring the horrors of the holocaust and october 7, including, hamas is a paula use of sexual violence to torture. and terrorized. you. >> it's absolutely despicable and, it must stop. >> biden urging americans to remember why the jewish state must defend itself as anger simmers and at times erupts on college campuses over how israel is doing so. for biden, today's anti-semitism evokes the outrage over haidt in a different college town, charlottesville, virginia biden driven to run for president after a white nationalist and anti-jewish rally in 2017, pledging to unify a divided
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nation with deep divisions on display. once again the administration has said what would come tensions nationwide. now is a cease fire deal that would see dozens of hostages released.& a see spokesmen, john kirby, said that he's optimistic that one could be reached soon that the parties are down to negotiating the language of such a deal and as for those talks in cairo this week, he says the egyptians, the katara is the israelis and the americans will be present he said, everyone's coming to the table. that's not insignificant. >> wealth for it. so there's a deal i worked out. kayla tausche. thank you very, very much. and to our viewers, thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. you can always follow me on x, formerly known as twitter. you can follow me on instagram at wolf blitzer, the situation room it was also available as a podcast wherever you get your podcasts erin burnett, outfront starts right


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