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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  May 7, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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a very revealing de, as you see there cases it's totally falling apart i mean, big de is an understatement, but looking past the trump spin, distort daniels move the needle and favor of the prosecution? or the defense? welcome to a special edition of laura coates, live alongside api fella right here in new york and log date 13 of trump's manhattan hush money trial is now officially in the books. and it did not disappoint for nearly four hours. adult film actors and directors for me, daniel's was on the stand just a few feet away from drum there. first phase two phase encounter in years and yes she went there taking us all instead of lake tahoe hotel room where she alleges the two had sex back in 2006, now, trump says is absolutely never happened but his past niles did not stop her from painting quite the picture. it was salacious. it was uncomfortable and it was compelling.
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>> the former president watched with rapt attention. he was more invested than we have seen him at this trial. he was leading in to watch daniels is testimony. he was urging his attorneys to make a objections. the one thing that is for sure though this testimony is what he certainly did not want the world to hear during some of the most lurid moments he was scowling, shaking his head even audibly cursing at points moments like these with prosecutors, susan hoffinger asking, can you briefly describe where you had sex with him? daniels response. the next thing i know i was on the beds somehow on the opposite side of the bad from where he had been standing. and i had my clothes off. i believe mai brar, however, was still on we were in the missionary position defense attorneys susan nechele objected was judge merchan sustaining that objection? that the flurry of objections going on from there as the exchange went on of allegedly happened in that lake tahoe hotel room, got more and more explicit,
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even judge merchan appeared irritated at points telling prosecutors the degree of detail that was happening, there was just on necessary trump's defense team tried to push for a mistrial after the break request that the judge ultimately rejected. >> now, actually, you know, when trump their team got their chance at cross-examination. >> it was fireworks. i mean, defense attorney necklace asking daniels if she hates trump, to which she admitted you simply? yes. and she sees on this moment repeatedly trying to undermine your credibility. and of course, her motivations, even at one point, she accused daniels of trying to extort money from trump with daniels loudly replying, quote, false there was a lot of hype, many up to this testimony as you all know, and you may wonder, how did she present to the jury how would she and how would she actually act on the stand? but the ultimate question is this and it's for the jurors. >> how did they see all of today's drama? >> well, they draw connections between what she has said in the stand and the actual
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charges against trump, which is the falsification of business records. and if you thought, by the way, today was wild while you best buckle up, because stormy is back on the stand on thursday i, want to bring in former deputy attorney general, henry libman, washington correspondent for new york magazine, olivia anansi. cnn league allows a criminal offense, tourney, joey jackson's legal analysts and former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodriguez, and see how they commentator and former trump white house lawyer, jim schulte. we've got a whole law school law firm happening. >> you count two what? >> i love represent the jury. >> i'm the layman. what we want to hear from, but hara you were in the courtroom today and i am dying to know. i need you to paint a picture here because when stormy first walked into that courtroom was like, oh, was it like yeah, you know we knew she was coming before the jury did because the da or excuse me, the defense had brought up some objection. so
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we knew the next words we're going to hear. phrase that people call stormy daniels, which is what they did say, not stephanie clifford and the jury. there was visible, but silent kind of excitement and they were really focused. they've been hearing about it from every different sayyed for 12 days. right. and they were completely focused. this was the woman at the center of the whole storm as it had been detailed by the di and they were they were zeroed in her basal expressions like did she appear to be smug, nervous uncomfortable, confident what great question i would if i have to go with one of those, i go with nervous does she answered pretty long she did a lot of quips that didn't always land. she was intelligent and she detailed a whole kind of hardscrabble life that ended with a lot of achievements before she gets into end, even after she gets into adult films. but i think her one of the ways that she
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got in trouble with the judge and some of these extraneous details that obviously irked him at one point, he made his own objection and sustained. it was by going too far outside the question he later had hoffinger merchant take her back and just tell her shorter answers, please listen to the question and the like. so nervous comments about what i mean, i i've been i've been polite. let me get to this next part what were the moments that made them? i don't know. i mean, it was like almost i did my tell me about the point how the jury was reactant when she was describing the details of being in that hotel room when she actually got to the alleged sexual encounter with what was their body language lab. where are they leaning in where they were they with her? >> yeah. so i was looking very carefully at when the best things about being in the court room you can really see them. >> and i got to say, i wasn't sure it was sort of three three or four. this way and a few more back and that core part of the story. and there are a lot of objections happening at the
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time for the reasons you're talking about a merchan is very worried that some of the details would be prejudicial to trump's. so the rhythm was a little bit arrested at the same time, but i found myself more than with any the witness in the trial, not clear. i think they believed are basic story and she substantiated what she had to say, but were they width or in a way that a really matter when they get into the jury room, did they like or it wasn't clear to me one way or another, olivia, i've been harry was there, but, you know, stormy daniels when she's not on a witness stand, what is she actually like& do you get the sense from reading the transcript that that came across to the jury? >> or is it that whoever she really is is something that might come across as inauthentic to a jury. >> she is a cool, thoughtful person. she is really smart, very shrewd very thoughtful, and she talks with a lot of nuance about this experience and about most other experiences in her life. hi
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said i've i've heard her talk about i've never felt that she's read as fake or putting on any type of front sometimes to a fault, frankly, i don't know how that plays no. in a courtroom, we were talking earlier about her evolution, about how she was thinking about the power dynamics between herself and the defendant that former president that's one thing when you're just having a conversation with somebody or when you're talking to a magazine or you're talking on a podcast. i think that might read quite differently in accord and might be rather confusing. >> yeah, we look at this and thinking about how this all plays. jennifer want to bring you in here because this is about documents mean jim's already like yes, it's the documents were zagging whether this is a document's case but if there are some method to the madness of having her describe with detail and particularity what happened as she alleges in the hotel room is, it to try to buttress for credibility and her memory? >> well as the prosecution argued, when we have this miss
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trial motion, it all goes to his intent, like, why did he so badly want the story not to come out, right? because it's salacious. i mean, look at the reactions that hair he's talking about from the jurors. i mean, everyone ones perking up and listening this is what he never wanted to get out there. this is why he was so intent on making sure that she had to be quieted, that she had to be hushed up with this hush money payments. so that was part of it. i mean, they also of course, wanted her to corroborate some of what the jury's already heard from david pecker, from keith davidson, the lawyer. what michael cohen will say when he gets on the stand. so that's another part of the reason, but the piece about the sex and i don't think prosecutors necessarily wanted her to go into all that detail. i think they miss stepped a little bit there and didn't get her under control like they frankly should have done. but to the extent that they are defending, getting into that all that's how they do it. i mean, part of what we were hearing from the courtroom that it wasn't so much of prosecution was asking her questions after question to get that widened scope, but that she was giving long-winded
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answers that got to the point they were supposed to avoid. >> yeah. i think the judge even said like answer the question that's asked, right. so i think that was him trying to gain control of that. he hadn't what he had to go back with the lawyer. i think you're right. i think they're trying to they're trying to portray this as this is something that donald trump never wanted to see come to light. and i think they did that. they got that job done today. they may have risked some appellate issues long-term from doing so. and i don't think the prosecution was trying to go that far, but they lost control of it. >> yeah. i mean, the defense stormy i'm glad you said that because i want to be clear here. this is not some stormy has her story, but it's a question of the prosecutors, their strategy and how they executed it. that's really it issue. >> no, no question about it, abby, but she has a story to tell and i think she wanted to be heard and to the extent that people would have believed that there was no affair or no
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connection or interaction or however you want to frame it. she had a lot to say about that. and i think there's a certain process that she had to go through in stating herpes. yes. you prep witnesses as a prosecutor? yes. you give them not tonight a script, but you certainly let them know the areas you're going to go into. you talk about if there's going to be any exhibits introduced three, you have that'll happen. but i think she wanted to tell her story and i think the devil is always in the details and by given those details, i think it gives it credibility when you talk about sat pajamas, you talk about boxers, you talk about milan. yeah. you talk about other things. it gives it contexts, it gives it perspective. did she potentially save too much? okay. that's open. patient, but i think the core nature of this with trump denying denying it didn't happen as look, i'm not a liar. i have my reputation to protect two. and what's not in dispute is that there was a payment to be made. what's not in dispute as it was $130,000. what's not in dispute is the fact that she dealt with an interacted with michael coleman and get this
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deal done? and so i think she was there to tell her story, tell it loudly, tell it clearly, and say whatever you think about me. this is what occurred something that has really bothered her over these years that she's been a public figure associated with donald trump these last six years it doesn't matter to his base, it doesn't matter to a certain and persuadable faction of the american public doesn't matter how many times she corrects to record how many times she tells him that the wrong about whatever it is that they believe about her the facts don't matter. >> they are impervious to facts. so i think this seems probably like an opportunity to definitively state what the story is yeah. >> and you know, when you look at there's a moment and we talked about the prep. it seemed like nicholas who was the defense counsel for donald trump, she began her cross with the idea of you rehearse these moments. that's how they began. this is not it wasn't easing into the tension. it was confrontational from the beginning and i guess show me it was very clear of know if you're implying rehearsal as mean. i have not been prepped,
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but i have been told what to say. that's not what happened here. talk to me about that interaction between niclas and swami because up till now, we haven't actually seen real hostility between council, witness. >> yeah, this was his dramatic as we've seen, what you just settler happen 15 times where niclas goes for broke and rather than as you're sort of taught, you go up to the line of making the point and then go to the next one. she said and you're really lying about this. she continually assert herded the kind of final insinuation and basically every time dana said, no false and arrested her rhythm very discernibly. plus there were a lot of objections. so rhythm is the soul of cross-examination. she should be going quick. she should be drawing a yes to every answer and instead was much more sort of staggered and i felt ineffective for that reason. she went for broke. i think in advisedly, here's one interaction with susan niclas
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bid seem to break throughs. this was with storming. she says, you were looking to get to get extort money from president trump, right? stormy says false nicholas as well that's what you did, right? stormy says false, but it's not false that she got money from president trump's. >> you didn't extort it? >> i sure. it's not rhie, but she playing when that's illegal it's a very significant thing if you want to talk about non-disclosure agreements which are lawful and legal, i have a story get it. >> you want to pay me for my silence particularly appropriate. she's not extorting or stealing or getting anything under false pretenses. he has an absolute right not to engage in that type of contractual arrangement. he did engage in a contractual arrangement. the critical issue here is what was the purpose and intent? was he in tap thing to protect his family? was he attempting to do deceive the electorate? and i think that's the critical question. ultimately, abby, laura, that the jury has to come to a determination of did you falsify these business records, ledgers, checks, right invoices for the purpose of
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what the intent of concealing the hiding of this from the public so that what we all know now very well wouldn't have gotten now before the election and potentially affected his electoral process please go ahead. >> is always maintain that money was not the objective that maybe it was a bonus, but that was not why she signed this agreement in who's telling it good for today on that point though, right then revision was shifting over time in her telling over the years, it's been pretty consistent she did not want the story out for a number of personal reasons, and ultimately she came to fear her for her safety after this encounter in a parking lot in las vegas when someone threatened her? we don't know who and she she has never said that she knows who to tell her to be silent ultimately donald trump is to one with more to lose, obviously, which is why he allegedly sign this agreement and bought her silence but she's always maintained she was successful. she was successful at a pretty early age in her field. she was a director, she was an actress she had multiple homes. she testified today that she was
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not looking for a payout and she was not negotiating this payout. schick, it's haggling to get a better deal. >> so of hands or who remembers the trump presidency chaos? well what is happening right is cast of characters de have my everyone, we're gonna get back to you as well. >> it was a wild de with wild testimony and even the judge said that some of it was unnecessary. sorry. so the question we've been doing around here, did the prosecution go too far? well, the retired new york judge who was in court joins me next the. >> whole myth has to be imagine you didn't know whether you were next they were both tied up? yeah. yeah. i was called in and i saw what turned out to be the biggest heist in history. >> it went from gold medal winning icon to a pariah what
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. liver? after any today, i'd dose i melies nonna in washington and this is cnn the
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testimony from stormy daniels triggering questions about who was really in control of the court during donald trump's hush money trial. judge one, we're shunting that some people may have felt some kind of way about daniels testimony saying, quote, there were some things that probably would've been better left unsaid trump's attorneys arguing the salacious details about the alleged affair between daniels and trump violated court rules. they even moved to have the entire case dismissed. now, the judge, of course, toss that motion, but he did tell prosecutors this. i think the degree of detail we're going into here is just unnecessary but judge, merchan worn they he may have to embarrass trump if his attorneys can't control him, saying, quote, i understand that your client is upset at this point, but he is cursing audibly and he is shaking his head visually and mats contemptuous. it has the potential to intimidate the witness and the jury can see that joining me now, judge george grosso, retired queens county supreme court judge
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judge. thank you so much for being here, but you were there earlier today in the court, talked to me about how you view judge, were sean's control of the courtroom? >> i think it was perfect. it's a matter of fact, when we came back after the lunch break and mr. blanche got up and requested a miss the first thing i thought of is something that the judge said rather promptly. in pushing back on that a bit, he said, i would have thought you would have been objecting one the judge was doing suh of spawns a objections. the judge was in control. but there's a balance. it's not the judge's job to do the defense attorneys job so i was part of this thing i had in the back of my mind with a laying back and not objecting. so they might think they would have a stronger issue that try and go for a mistrial or were they just not doing the job that the way they
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should do the job, but the judge did his job as far as salacious snus i don't know. i mean, i would i was there. i saw the whole thing. i would give it like a pg 13 really. there were certain things that she was saying where i think that they really should have objected. >> she was saying things like how she was feeling i felt like i was going to blackout jump up object i don't know that it would be appropriate that she's testing, testifying about her feelings in this context, but they just let her go. so several times, the judge stepped in the defense was unnaturally quiet, and then they came in looking for a mistrial. so i think the judge is doing a great job. controlling his courtroom and it made the right ruling. >> it's i have, to tell you. i was surprised, particularly that there were not more objections being raised by the
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the way we know they're allowed to have so-called speaking objections where they're doing the television moment where they say object and they may give you a paragraph as to all the reasons why they want the jury to hear it, right. >> but as you can imagine, there are instances that you want to make a point and risk the slap on the wrist from a judge about a statement you're trying to convey to the jury? i was surprised about that, but there was this moment the dodge blend saying there was no way to unring the bell because they were there were some insinuation that this was not consensual. although she was saying it was there were other statements are being made. how did you feel about that leyen of testimony? did that raise sufficient pause that he could say the bell had not been on rung well, it certainly that's what i was taught are referring to when i said she was talked testifying to what she was thinking. >> right. >> it certainly in my opinion, would have been a sustainable objection. but for the defense counsel to sit back not object,
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and then come back with the bell. has camping on wrong. and let's just do a miss a miss trial is an extraordinary remedy. so no, i don't think it rose to that level. and the judge made everything very clear and then it seemed that they were more on the bowl furthermore, where they did object i would say during during stormy daniels testimony that we're getting at 90% of their objection sustained so they could never turn around and say, well, judge, we object and you'll ignore us. quite the contrary was true well there is a moment two and the miss trial, as you mentioned, an extraordinary remedy oftentimes not granted, but there is also a moment at the conclusion of the prosecution's case in chief, where the defense can say, you're honore, there has been no chance at meeting their burden of proof we don't need to put on a case here that were the case right now, in the defense is well within their rights at the close of the
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presentation, the government's evidenced to do this. if all that you have heard so far is what the case is, would you entertain a motion? >> well, we got to get to the point where the people close their case in chief before i could give a definitive response to that, i will say i think that this is a very viable case. i think, judge, more initial ruling i think is decision was on february 15, upholding the grand jury indictment? i think in the context of the way this case was laid out. and then the context of what the people promised they would do and their opening statement. i think they're putting on a very, very strong case. i think the issue isn't going to be the case being dismissed at the close of the case. i think they're a long way that closing that up. but the issue is going to be is this going to be beyond a reasonable doubt for 12 jurors and i believe very strongly michael cohen is going to be the key. we've had
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several witnesses that have brought us to the door of thinking that, hey, this may be a case that goes beyond a reasonable cout a reasonable doubt but it's going to be michael cohen that's going to have to take us take the jury through that door and ultimately connect the dots with defendant trump and if he does that, i think the likelihood will be high for a conviction if michael cohen falters i think the likelihood will be high for at least a miss trial. so that's my view on where we are right now. >> and storage grass, so thank you so much for joining us pleasure to be with you. >> thank you for having me i want to bring back in our panel because that's a lot riding on michael got it. >> all right. >> yeah. i mean, he's the one that has to make the connection between the payment the business record, if he's not making it nobody else's and if they don't believe him, this case goes down. so i mean, a lot rides on him. we're going
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to see a lot tomorrow in terms of cross-examined eight further cross-examination. stormy daniels, i think they'll continue down this narrative of that she was going after the money that she had, that she was concerned that she needed the money before the election, right? that was that was some of the evidence that's put on so far. i think you're going to see more and more of that. was the idea that they cross examiner and he to say yes, i'd like to see him put in prison and that they brought up the tweets saying she would do a dance if that happened, i think that's all stuff that's going to be good for the defense. but again, this is not making the connection to the business records at the end of the day, michael cohen has to do that and it's all riding on his credibility. >> you have to imagine that whatever happens with the rest of stormy daniels testimony, michael cones testimony can not go the way that this has gone with the mistakes on both sides from the prosecutors and the defense. both sides have to clean up their house by the time they get to that witness because he is of all the characters he has so much
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baggage with donald trump. he has, he is such a colorful personality. it's like stormy daniels times ted michael i'll see if he can control himself. i mean, really the issue is going to be they have what they had for stormy plus, like you said, more tweets, more podcasts, more tv appearances, more stuff. he's just going to have to be ready to just when they put it up, you say yep, i said that. yep. i said that. yep. i said that but i'm telling you the truth and here's how you know the problem is. they would have had allan weiss, wilber in a different world where he didn't perjured themselves and get sent back to prison, but they can't bring him back again at this trial because presumably he'll do the same thing again and just lie on the stand. so i don't know if there's anyone other than michael cohen and alan weisberg who actually have that direct? yes. i had a conversation with trump about this reimbursement scheme. we don't know. i mean, unless there's some surprise out there, those are the two guys, which means michael cohen is your only available one. >> they have weisberg in some part though, that riding were yslow burglary, is it all
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notice? i think it's the biggest document in the case. it's obviously his doing so at that point, it's really got to be the defense theory if they have one that somehow yslow bergen cohen conspired without trumps knowledge. that's a heavy load to lift. >> now i want to point out to you. i want i mean, we obviously don't have any the audio or visual into the courtroom. we're getting a lot of from the transcripts and the judge pointing out that's you of course, the judge pointing out that the jury could visibly see if trump was being contemptuous. let's just look at this a little bit of a graphic we have here to bring everyone inside the courtroom. where this is what it looks like maya saw the chip pain. but if you go inside, you've got donald trump. if there were that circle is sitting there. you've got the witness stand on the other side of the judge and the jury box to the far right with those at jurors. and so you see it's kind of a kitty corner thing from the witness stand, the court reporter, but you've got this shot from the jury box. it's abby to be able to visibly see where donald trump is. and so the judge, if the judge can hear him making statements,
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statements, and swearing, and shooting it at all can see at all and you saw that harry that they could see it. so there must have been ping-ponging moments where the jury was looking. i mean, i know i would be looking to see what trump is saying. and if i'm trump, i'm probably trying to make my demonstrably body language evident. >> that was it exactly.& they end you had the exchange at sidebar. were merchants as you've got to keep him from grimacing and from swearing et cetera. and to jane's point when when michael cohen hits same, will he be able to control himself for will he be doing three 60s with this head? when i see it a little bit differently in terms of michael cohen here's what i see in the minority here. >> i don't think michael cohen is the end-all be-all. and here's why i think the prosecution has spent a significant amount of time corroborating the things that michael cohen will say starting out with pecker, of course, being at the national enquirer, laying out the catch and kill scheme going into davidson speaking about he's the one attorney, of course,
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represented stormy daniels karen mcdougal, bringing in the account and bringing in the comptroller to talk about the documents, the invoices, the checks, et cetera. i think the prosecution has done all they could to make michael cohen as irrelevant as he possibly could be. yes, he is as an important witness. he certainly adds fabric and color. it will be a colorful de it will be stormy times ten, abby, as you mentioned, no question. but i don't think it rises and falls on him because they have done all they could the price so here's the thing that they have not done is shown that donald trump either directed or knew about. there's my answer. >> that's the thing. and who's going to do that? but here's my answer very briefly. what happens, abby is in cases you're allowed to draw a reasonable inferences from the facts. and therefore, very few cases get tried& as a smoking gun your scene you're saw him do it. so you have to as we always say, as lawyers, bring
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your common sense into that courtroom, let me tell you a story, ladies and gentlemen& that story begins with packer and it ends with whoever the last witnesses and you don't have to rely upon michael cohen, you have to rely upon you're good judgment and you have to rely upon what the evidence tells you. >> a quick last word when they go to michael cohen, though they're gonna they're gonna take cope six testimony. he wanted to be in the campaign was always kicked out, tried to get in the room, was always kicked out. he went rhoad from time to time, never spoke on behalf of campaign. really? we wanted to get in the white house rejected from the white house. this guy wanted to get in the white house, wanted to be within the circle of power, couldn't get it. so all he wanted to do was be a boss pleaser and get this thing done in order to curry favor with them. >> that's why president trump, from his personal account was writing checks to michael cohen. okay? in other words, i get you're product that's the bottom line is going to be come on guys, use your common sense. the president's signing personal checks to him, but he's going rogue. stop, right? >> i think you're all a little
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bit right i'm just going to say it. you're making the defense case, you're making the prosecution's case. we'll see what the jury ends up saying about all of this. everybody stand hi, the hush money trial is moving along with the prosecution saying that they have about two weeks of testimony left, butt down in florida, trump's classified documents trial is definitely postpone will explain what just happened there then spotlights 12th talionis here's changing the world intimate look at how these champions make the world a better place shampoo champions for change all next week cnn, sponsored by charles schwab. >> it cabinets to go installation is free for a limited time, but our quality custom stock and custom build cabinets and on our gracious holy custom closet. so hurry in the free installation sale ends may 7th only at cabinets to go get your wow, for less luck and good guys the cations are
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>> start your hair growth journey at neutrophil i'm elizabeth wag, my sderot in los angeles in this is cnn donald trump scoring a pretty big win in florida today, judge aileen cannon indefinitely suspending the margiela go classified documents, gays why?
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>> well, the judge is saying there are just too many issues right in the classified evidenced that still need to be worked out a trial was initially supposed to start in late may, and while no new date has been sad, judge cannon does think that the issues at hand should be resolved by late july. our panel is back with us late july however, that doesn't mean that the trial could start any time soon what is going on here with this chart? >> one of two things. judge cannon is just slow walking this thing because she wants trump to get what he wants, which is to delay this beyond the election, in which case if he is re-elected, he will just shut down the case and/or pardon himself and we're both or she is literally so in that she cannot do her job and decide these outstanding motions and move this case through its paces to trial. she is a new judge. a lot of people talk about how inexperience she is classified documents can be complicated yada, yada, yada. >> and yet there's just no excuse for the way this is proceeded. some of these motion issues are easy, are frivolous.
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there is no reason that she can't be further along than she is and just throwing up our hands and saying, wow, i know it supposed to go to trial this month, but gee, i haven't been able to get the work done. we're going to have to push it back. it's ludicrous. salehi, aware of the accusations at this is perhaps partisan lean motivated. that doesn't even affect her at all. >> i don't think it does. i think she's probably looking at the hand slap. she got before and worried about that. in addition, the the classified information procedures act does get a little messy sometimes, right? because the defense is probably wanting to use classified information that the government saying no way you can't use that in court. so all of needs to get argued before the judge. it's all done behind closed doors. >> and because it's the defense can play that delay game by trying to push as much confidential information we're classified information, i should say, but before the court saying, look, we need to use it and defense and the prosecution say, no, you don't. >> they're going to fight over that sudden stop perry being
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able to lease at a trial de and work towards the goal of by this date, we've got to resolve this. no kidding. >> one month messy, not six month method, not indefinite mothball massey. >> and really it's not very messy here at all. because remember there's nothing he's charged with anything to do with content of the paper. it's just the way it was marked. so they could try to exert pressure on a couple of documents, but this is straightforward and really ludicrous is not too strong. a word to move it back a month or two, but to literally take it off calendar. and this by the way, is a cut and dried very strong case. it's unconscionable. i agree. i think the case is pretty simple case. yeah. >> and i think the defense is probably pushing this long and exploiting me the fact that this judge is more than willing to take our time to to rule on these motions. >> and i think that's probably what's happening and let's just remember, she's a trump appointee she it's not it's not even just that she's a new
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judge. >> there were also questions when she was being confirmed about her qualifications for the judgeship to begin with. so she she's got all of this in the background and jack smith made a choice in this case to take it down to the southern district of florida and there was a possibility always that this could have ended up in her lap and it hasn't donald trump, it just looks like has gotten really, really lucky here. >> yeah. abby, certainly, we could accept the fact that she's a new job judge. it's cetera, people in new are things that's fine. but you have great people around you. i have not seen the look federal staffs, these judges have phenomenal staff, people who are brilliant, who could assist you. so i don't buy the argument that she's fumbling because she's inexperienced. it seems to me she's clearly has an agenda here, right and based upon the agenda, trump appointee, as you noted, i think she's slow rolling the case. yes, there are significant issues. there are emotions that need to be dealt through. judges, dell dell through motions and all kinds
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of cases. every dance twice on sunday. what makes us different classified documents. okay. but the fact that she's doing it, it seems to me to be pretty obvious that it's the thumb is on the scale for mr. trump, olivia real quick. highs. let me hat is this this demonstrate that they're more afraid of this case than are the others. obviously, it would be a florida jury that i thought trump was saying politically that would be better for him and say what he thinks is a manhattan bias, jerry, i mean, the allegations in this case are very serious, not to say that they're not in other cases. we have photographic evidence that was turned up in these raids, right? of how he was storing these documents. and it goes against frankly as a political issue goes against how he talks about himself on foreign policy, how he talks about himself as a world leader. and the further that we get into this to further that she dragged this out, the nominating conventions are the summer, the closer than it gets to him being officially the nominee potentially the president again, i think that he's going to be talking more and more than even is now about a witch-hunt. and it seems like
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she's inclined to help him if this case we're brought in washington, dc, on a rocket docket like rock, washington dc has and with judges who have handled handled classified information cases, time and time again we'd be to trial by now for sure. >> but probably even before anything in manhattan, right. it wouldn't be the identity of alvin bragg. they said going first thank you, everyone so important to hear all your perspectives up next, a message from president biden to the jewish community i see your fear, your hurt, and you're pain let me reassure you as your president, you're not alone. >> you belong you always have and always will so and he invoked a giant in the fight against hate and antisemitism. >> ali wise his son will join us next every piece of evidence tells us store how would really
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and some things coming don't panic, drift easy with etsy. i'm r let signs at the white house and this is cnn president biden taking the podium of the capital today with a stark warning for america, saying there's a quote for roche's surge and anti-semitism across the country. >> and americans need to come together to fight it. >> listen this asian hatred of jews didn't begin with the holocaust didn't end with the holocaust either that hatred is brought to life on october 7th and 2023 on. >> a sacred jewish holiday the terrorist group hamas, or at least to deadliest de, of the jewish people said, holocaust that's why i'm calling on all americans to stand. you're nine it against anti-semitism and hate and all its forms my dear
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friend who became a friend, the late eleia said, quote one person of integrity can make a difference you have to remember that now, more than ever elie and marion weasels san and chairman of the alivisatos foundation, alicia, who's al joins us now president biden evoking your father there but also speaking at a really tense moment both in the war, but also here in this country i've been saying this for a while now because it seems to me the country kinda need somebody to help you understand this moment is this what you wanted to hear from him? this was an incredible speech by president biden. i was actually at the very first days of remember, i'm just speech ever in 1979, i sat in president carter's lap as my father spoke to the audience. that is actually the moment that my father met president biden. president biden sentiment note afterwards and they began a friendship
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today's speech was phenomenal. it was, it was everything that he needed to cover, i think for the jewish people in this country to hear. he talked about family being the place where holocaust education needs to happen, and anti-semitism needs to be thought. he talked about how his own father broth the dot file, spoke about at the dinner table that was a key part of his message. he spoke about ten, seven, how what happened on october 7 is very much modern anti-semitism that that's what drove these people to go in and murder 1,200 innocent people. do the terrible desecration that they did two babies, teenagers section for all violence. the unbelievable deeds. and then he call that anti-semitism on campus and he did it in a very, very direct and crisp way. he said, calls for the elimination of israel are genocide and effectively are the worst anti-semitism you can be spouting that's really, i think what the country needs to hear. it's very centering, very important, very relieved the president did this today.
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>> oh, play actually the moment that he does address the protests that we've been seeing on college campuses today. listen we've seen a ferocious surge of anti-semitism in america. and around the world. on college campuses. jewish students block harass, attack while walking to class antisemitism and i somatic posters, slogans calling for the relation of israel the world's only jewish state i mean, the adl is reporting there is an 140% increase in anti-semitic incidents, just from 2020 to 2023 and increasing after october 7, when you see these figures, and then you hear the president guys states having to even make a speech like this in the year 2024 that's trike such a chord. it does. and thank god, he's doing it and thank god he's doing it from within the democratic party because there
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are irresponsible legislators within the more extreme fringes of the democratic party, who are 100% part of the problem. it's interesting thank j street, which is about as left as you get in the jewish world. they have decided not to endorse jamaal bowman because he uses words that are so charged so loaded they can only be seen as anti-semitic and nature jamaal bowman goes and he supports the protesters who are calling for the elimination of the state of israel it says, oh yeah, this is all peaceful. i don't see anything peaceful as a jewish person when i see banners and slogans and a call to globalize the empty fodder for those of us who remember what the empty fatah was in 2000 and later and later 2000s, these were bloody murderous attacks, buses being blown up, the sub borrow pizza bombing. so there's a lot of irresponsible behavior that's coming from some of the further fringes of president biden's party, which is why it's so important for him to make a strong message at the same time. >> there's a war going on and israel is a close ally of the united states. every time president biden it has tough
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words for benjamin netanyahu. there are definitely people on the right who say oh, he's giving into the far left his anti-semitic is that unfair in your mind? is there room for president biden to exert pressure on an ally in this circumstance? and still be a strong ally to the jewish people of course, and president biden has every right to tell prime minister netanyahu what he thinks, what his views are ultimately, it's going to be israel's responsibility to decide how to execute when we come to words and discussions between friends and i do believe that the friendship between israel in the united states as, as profound a diplomatic friendship as can exist actions are what matter though, and some of the reports when we hear that aid may get conditioned, that certain weapons, supplies might be stopped that's when i think the advisors around president biden should just take a moment and think a little bit about
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history because there is precedent for some of this. my father at that 1979 speech made a very, very central point about bombing the tracks and auschwitz roosevelt's advisers did not agree that the bombing of tracks and auschwitz was a military priority. well, right now i will tell you, as someone with family in israel, as someone who's concerned about the civilians there, the hamas tara tunnels that still exist in raffa represent a threat in the same way that those tracks into auschwitz represented a threat to european jewry. and they need to be dismantled that hamas, terror infrastructure needs to be taken apart. so i very much hope hope that president binds advisors are thinking about that as they make their own decisions about how to proceed. >> very powerful conversation and inside that you've given us today, i do think it's so important that if you're heard it tonight as well. thank you. >> thank you. thanks wise owl, everyone. >> thank you so much. and you know what we're going to hear more from president biden tomorrow because erin burnett that is sitting down with the president for an exclusive interview in wisconsin. it's
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going to air tomorrow night right here on cnn as 7:00 p.m. eastern. thank you so much for watching our coverage continues with anderson cooper 360. that's right. >> every weekday morning cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your de, the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less. >> cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming weekdays exclusively on max. >> well, my doctor gave me breaths tree for my copd things changed for race treat better breathing symptom improvement and reduce flare-ups. >> registry won't replace rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not grandma. >> tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it, don't take breast treat more than prescribed. rest tree may increase your risk of thrush pneumonia and osteoporosis. call your doctor if for some breathing chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems, urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur ask your doctor about breast tree life is
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