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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 8, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. this morning with kasie hunt, next close captioning brought to you by guilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands house the designers that get your heart racing inside the prices, you every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash designer sales
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at up to 70% are shop today it's wednesday, may 8, right now on cnn this morning's stormy daniels on the stand with lurid details about her alleged alleged sexual encounter with donald trump, the fallout ahead, plus the biden administration pausing a shipment of bombs to israel last week and a state of emergency in parts of michigan, tornado is flattening homes, collapsing buildings. >> and we've been people trapped all right 5:00 a.m. here in washington continue to live. >> look at the statue of liberty in new york city where all that, when telling yesterday, good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us and a day off from this trial. today is a day off, maybe just what everyone needs after a drop, dropping day
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yesterday of testimony in the donald trump criminal hush, money trial. stormy daniels took the stand and she had salacious details about her alleged encounter with trump in 2006 the former president was cursing and shaking his head during the testimony. we know this from the transcript, judge1 or sean told trump's attorneys but he wouldn't tolerate the former presidents behavior trump's lawyers later argued the judge should declare a mistrial in the wake of daniels testimony in merchan deny that motion trump didn't acknowledge daniels testimony after court wrapped up for the day this was a very big day a very revealing a, as you see, cases totally falling apart. they have nothing on the books and records and even something that should bear very little relationship with the case just disaster for the idea that
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resource back to disaster all right, turning now to discuss this stuff, chi qi is politics reporter for axial stef. >> good morning. thank you so much for being here that trust testimony yesterday what there, right? i mean, it went to places that the judge basically said, hey, you've gone too far. here. are the judge asking for fewer details we were not treated to fewer details. we were treated too many details, including some new ones about this alleged encounter between trump and stormy daniels. and then we learn this very interesting texture from the transcript where the judge said he could hear trump cursing under his breath shaking his head. the judge says this is contemptuous it could impact the jury. >> what does that say to you about the impact of the testimony yesterday? i mean, it was such a remarkable moment. of course, we've heard the story from stormy daniels hills and multiple ways through her book, we've heard the story, but to have her saying this in
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court with trump sitting right there is just such a remarkable moment for american political history right now. and i mean, it clearly got out of hand according to the judge's own reactions, the judge had to tell stormy he daniel's two. okay. maybe not go into quite so much detail. we don't really need to go there. and then at the same time also telling trap, okay, if you can't be cursing under your breath and just goes to show how salacious of a allegation this is how, you know, how much trump is annoyed by this being pulled up. once again and i mean, this is just another insane moment in this political news cycle. >> yeah let's definitely one, one way to put it on cross-examination the defense team, trump's defense team? >> seems intent on undermining daniels by casting her as someone who was out to get trump essentially. and they
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also got her to admit that she hates president trump. they said to her, and you do hate president trump? correct. and she said yes to that, what impact do you think that has? >> i mean, this is certainly their tactic here. they want to show something else as you know, self-interested that this is something she was doing to make money on. and also that she has maybe politically motivated. they want to show it as a personal antagonism towards trump versus you're dealing with with her actual allegations versus dealing with the evidence that we've seen at this point of hush money payments and trump's involvement there. and that is something we often see from trump's attorneys. you're going to attack the credibility of the witness. and so we saw that yesterday for sure. >> so steph, what is the sort of next next turn at here in this trial especially as i mean, we know that the daniels is gonna be back up on the stand for cross-examination and
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then we still have yet to hear from michael cohen trump is trying to strike this off and public right i mean, he's trying to say okay, i've all these grievances, i'm being kept off the campaign trail, but he's continuing to deny happen with stormy daniels and basically call the whole thing. not not real there is this looming question about whether this is going to impact voters at all. i mean, what is your sense in talking to voters and members of congress and others about where we stand with that right now. >> yeah. i mean, most people i talk to say that a lot of the impact is already baked in when you look at the pole what was most of trump supporters are going to remain trump supporters. most biden's support is gonna remain biden supporters. and it's unlikely at least at this stage, for these cases to really impact that. of course, if this comes to a conviction, there have been some polls indicate that could sway some small numbers of voters against trump at, the
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end of the day we are looking at a very small number of voters who are going to decide selection come november, we're looking at less than 10% of voters in what, six states. so whether we see this impact on the margins actually have an impact in november, we could see that potentially happen, but by enlarge, we're not seeing this move the pole goals in any significant way, at least so far. and especially with this case, many votes we've seen in paul's view, this case has less significant than some of the other cases against trump. >> yeah, of course when my big question is, i mean, we we learned from the judge that this is all obviously seems to be under trump skin. i'm kinda wondering, let's take a look at how late night treated this last night historic day in the annals of american law, because this morning, stormy daniels took the stand and do what she does best and that's bank donald trump stormy testify for three hours and 44 minutes
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today or testimony got off to an awkward start. the bailiffs were in on a holdup. forbes magazine, adult film star stormy daniels testified today and former president trump's criminal hush money trial. so trump technically slept with her again so we do know that being made fun of is not something trump likes what kind of impact does that have on him? >> i mean, we certainly know that the trump trump team is annoyed by this. i think we can suspect that the former president is not happy with the way, you know, being made fun of to your point, it's something we know that he does not enjoy he never has and he certainly doesn't run right now. and even the fact that in the courtroom, he was already visibly upset. it's very unlikely this is going down. well, it's defcon for us. thank you, steph. i really appreciate it. >> all right. coming up next, why the biden administration decided to pause a shipment of bombs to israel last week plus tornadoes flattening homes, michigan's governor declaring
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a state of emergency and police starting to clear out a pro palestinian encampment at george washington university every piece of evidence tells a story how we really haven't. >> jesse l. martin sunday's all right. on cnn xhr tech relief works fast and last a full 24 hours. >> so dave can be deliverer, dance okay. dave let's be more than our allergies sees the de with zyrtec today. >> and america's beverage companies are models might still look the same but they can be remade in a whole new way thanks to you. >> we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic new bottles made using no new plastic. >> you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places.
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bill burns travels to tel aviv to meet with israel, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. today to start them off. >> seizing the passage and raffa today is a very important steps. i'll push an important step in the way to destroying the remaining military capabilities of hamas including the elimination of for terrorists battalions in raffa all right, cnn is max foster is with us now live from london. max, good morning. >> this is a pretty significant at revelation from the us they withheld a total of 3,500 bombs. >> and again, these are two ton bombs that they were concerned about being dropped on raffa. we've also seen a public campaign in the uk from people trying to convince the uk government to withhold weapons like this. what signal does this send one, it sends a very clear signal that they're uncomfortable with the operations go into raffa, though we don't know what that operation exactly is, how
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widespread it is isn't how many civilians might be affected? >> that's the fundamental concern of the us gauze it's very hard to protect civilians when it's so densely populated.& there's a military operation, but i don't think it's much more than a signal because israel is pretty well armed already. it can probably kerrey out an operation without these mr. arms, but it's a very clear message that is main amara, the us is uncomfortable with the situation and it may threaten future future operations if they continue to withhold these sorts of arms and max, let's dig into where ceasefire talks stand at this point, because there had been a sense that they might have been on the wrong track and then we've seen some developments over the course of the last 72 hours or so that have really called into question whether that's going, to be possible. >> we kind of walked through where the players are today in
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terms of trying to get there. what do you think are the main hurdles and what's the outlook for the next 24 hours? >> well, the questions being asked now really about the mediators and whether or not the you know, they're matching up the hamas wants and what israel wants at the same time, because there was massive signed up to an agreement. israel said it's not the agreement that they initially had presented. this fundamental issue really about all long any sort of cease would last. hamas once it going into the future, israel says it can't commit to that until they've destroyed her mass. and in the background is what's happening in rap so whilst that continues, it's very difficult to see how an agreement can be reached because it would mean an immediate end to that fighting and that's not something that israel appears keen to do. >> what's your sense of how netanyahu is reacting in the wake of the pause of the weapons shipment and the continual, continuing pressure
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on him from the biden ministration not to go into rafah want as long as he can prosecute this war, presumably his strategy can play out to destroy her mass, which she obviously thinks is present in a raffa it's very difficult to lose support, public support, your mega hey, in backer, but his priority is keeping the war cabinet together and satisfying a key constituent, which is the far right, which thinks he's not going hard enough into raffa managing to juggle it for now because he's got enough arms, but it's not good for the optics. >> if you had doesn't have that support from the us, although biden will always say he's always there for israel. so that fundamental support is there. and presumably he's painting this internally as a difference of opinion about the current strategy, but not a fundamental break and the relationship all right. >> max foster for us live in london. max always great to have you see you tomorrow all right. >> coming up next here parts of
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michigan in a state of emergency after a night of terrifying tornadoes plus y, the judge and donald trump's classified documents case, just to lay that trial in and peltzman suck molten will join us to discuss the current state of gaza inspire thomas a cnn exclusive president biden, erin burnett, one-on-one hey i'm, painting across the country and now the president sits down with erin to talk about the economy and his plans for a second term. >> erin burnett outfront the night at seven on seats zehr tech allergy relief works fast and last the full 24 hours. so dave can be the deliverer. >> dance. >> okay. dave let's be more than our allergies seize the de with zehr tech no application fee. if you apply by may 31st at university of maryland global campus an accredited university that's transformed
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from their encampment to the school president's home, calling on her to come the negotiating table to discuss divesting from israel police are investigating the shooting of a security guard at the toronto home home of the rapper drake with guard has been hospitalized in serious condition. >> it's not clear whether drake was rome at the time his team is cooperating with authorities and state of emergency and parts of michigan after a powerful tornado swept through the southwestern part of the state during at least a dozen residents of a mobile home park and destroying homes and businesses in the area there's mission just south of kalamazoo, about 50 people were trapped in a fedex building when a suspected tornado literally tore the roof off and the severe storm threats continue today, or meteorologist al-zeitoun chart tracking all of it for us. allison, good morning. at what should people be prepared for right.
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>> so we are still anticipating additional severe weather as we go through the day to day. again, that video coming from pottage, michigan can see that fedex building behind there is that tornado can't kind of came through that area korea, but it was one of several. in fact, we still have that main line, the same line that caused that tornado and several others still ongoing. the good news is most of the system itself has weakened a little bit. you've still got some strong thunderstorms lots of lightening, essentially stretching all the way from upstate new york back into arkansas. you can see that southern edge of the line that's where we still have the potential for some tornado. so you still have that tornado watch that red color, you see there in effect. but we are likely to continue to see additional tornado watches start to get posted later on today. now, just in the last 48 hours, 47 total tornado reports 286 damaging when reports at 138 reports of hail, the focus for today is going to be this wide swath here again, you can see it's a very large area, but the target point really extends from nashville back into areas of missouri. some
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strong tornadoes, very large hail and the potential for some damaging winds as well. >> all right. allison chin char for us, alison, thanks very much for that coming up next here. why a new ruling in donald trump's classified documents case could delay the trial past the november election, plus gaza ceasefire talks at a critical stage, democratic congressman stuff molten joins this morning to discuss what comes next in the conflict. and president biden's handling of the war trump hush money trial, gavel to gavel coverage. the way only cnn can bring it to you. legal insight, excellent brynn and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows see it. not flossing. well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is five times more effective than plus ev reducing flak above the gum line for a cleaner healthier mouth. this three, feel the wo higher
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crime does mill that good? i'm mj lee at the white house and this is cnn all right. >> just before 5:30 a.m. here in washington, dc, a live look at capitol hill on this one, same one all right. good morning, everyone. i'm placing hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us. >> a major development and donald trump's classified documents case the trial has been postponed indefinitely. >> the judge, aileen cannon canceling the may trial date yesterday, citing issues with classified evidence the delay makes it unlikely the trial will start before the november election. there are still multiple disputes that the judge has to decide before the case can be heard by a jury. >> judge cannon confirming that it will take until at least weight july former trump white house attorney ty cobb weighing in last night this is dirac, this is clear. >> all she's really done today though is make official what everybody including jack smith already knew, which was she had
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no intention of getting this case to trial, and she wasn't competent to get this case to trial. >> there are no trial dates currently set for the three other criminal cases that trump is facing& during now, former january 6 investigative council, marcus children's marcus good morning to you. thanks for being here. >> this, judge, has repeatedly delayed things here when she says there's a whole bunch of stuff on the docket that she's got it that has to be dealt with before this trial can start. >> it's actually on her to make those decisions now. >> that's the point she claimed there's a logjam and the log jams because she hasn't made rulings and for a lot of these motions that are still outstanding these are motions that typically judges just rule on from the bench, but she's still holding hearings, for example, holding a hearing on vindictive prosecution motion that the defense filed. vindictive prosecution filings or i want to say common are the norm, but it's something that you see and high profile type cases and lots of times, judges just
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rural from the bench on it think she wants to have a hearing on that. once they have a hearing on the classified documents and what's plans to be admitted and trial. she's seen on a classified documents, so she should be in a good position to rule on these types of motions, but still has not. so i think what ty cobb's said yesterday is spot on. i think a lot of jurists saw this moving towards not going to trial before the election and she pretty much just kinda confirmed that with her with her decision yesterday yeah. >> so this is what our steven collins wrote about this. he says, quote, cannons, move comes with trump's to election interference cases, both of which are becomes swamped by his pretrial delay tactics and folsom appeals also unlikely to go on trial before voters make their fateful choice in november. so while the hush money case, which of course has been unfolding, widely regarded as the weakest of the bunch facing trump it's likely the only one that could create the never before seen scenario of a convicted felon asking voters to elect him president now of course, stevens talking about what we saw yesterday, he said
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that makes the testimony of daniels even more critical. do you expect this is the only criminal trial that we're going to see trump go through until the election. >> i think what this delay and classified documents de do is that it frees up the calendar for judge chutkan election interference case in dc so depending on the supreme court rules, of course, maybe push faster. i think she's previously said that approximately 80 days until supreme court returns back to the lower court is when she plans to go to trial. of course, we have no idea what the supreme court is going to say on the immunity for the president and whether the needs to be more hearings on remand. but i think it does free up the calendar, but it is looking more challenging. we'll see another trial, at least criminal trial before the election period this year. >> i mean, if we expect supreme court to rule in late june, early july 80 days past that. i mean, isn't that the height of the number october, yes. but judge chutkan set and maybe this maybe this is wishful thinking on her part, which she has she's not going to consider the political calendar or the election when scheduling her trial, just like other defendants before record have jobs as well. of course, we'll
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see how that actually plays out when it returns to the lower court, but that's what she said and i do expect you to stay true to her award of at least pushing to try to get to trial. your regardless of the election schedule so i'm mark as me ask you about stormy daniels yesterday, which is always keep a straight face covering it was not always easy, but there was something we learn from the transcript last night, which is that the judge in the case called trump's leuser up to the bank inch and he said that he could audibly hear trump swearing under his breath shaking his head, and he said, you need to stop him from doing that because it's it comes across as contemptuous. it could intimidate the witness, and it could impact the jury what was your take about trump behaving that way and how it potentially influences the case. >> well, it shows me that the court is worried about keeping control the courtroom by doing that i don't. know how well
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will actually play out. in fact, in my experiences when defendants are acting that way the biggest risk is to the witness, and i don't believe that ms daniels would have been worried about how the former president was acting? i don't think it plays well for jerry personally, it almost adds merit to what the witness is saying on the stand. assuming that's probably the way the jury was taking it, right. is that he's not, please what she's saying because it's damning. i was telling margaret backstage, like, look, every fact that said and trial is prejudicial right. and so if you're now reacting to it and shaking your head and acting a certain way. i wouldn't be surprised to the prosecution alludes to that and they're closing argument to show how truthful and hard hitting that that testimony was marcus, stay with us when margaret tell before the they sat down, let's turn now to this watch i've trump made a big deal at the judge, not let him go to barents high school graduation, even though the judge never
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said anything about not letting them go and actually is letting them go. well, you're definitely going to believe this on the day baron is graduating and florida trump is headlining and event in minnesota i guess that's not going to make the post graduation brunch sorry. i had to go scream about windmills for two hours so trump actually house today off from his new york hush money trial is he campaigning? >> know he is headed back tomorrow logo while biden is traveling to wisconsin and chicago trump complaining again yesterday about his courtroom schedule cramping his style in the meantime i'm stuck i mean, here, instead of being in georgia instead of being in new hampshire, instead of being wisconsin and all the different states that we wanted to be in all right. joining our conversation, extra senior contributor margaret talla. margaret. good morning to you and i have you know, he could
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be on the campaign trail today, but he's not he's right. he couldn't have been yesterday had to be in court for that why. not i mean, why wouldn't you take advantage of a wednesday to go out and do this when you did last week, what in a sense, he has been using this trial and all of his trials to do a different sort of campaign. but it's not the kind where you hit the pavement and shake hands with voters. you've ever met my colleague get x you, sophia i will be reporting today about the former presence plans to spend some of his day off with supporters at mara logo, who spent money on trump mug shot addition and ftes. so that is a form of campaigning yes, that's a very specific niche. >> margaret, what was your kind of big picture take of what we saw? i mean, the new york post is calling what happened yesterday, the full lewinski write a reference obviously to monica lewinsky and bill clinton i do think there is
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probably some questions to be asked about how this is going to be interpreted. but not just with the jury, but with the public. >> right. i mean, we're in an election year in 2024 globally where democracy is on the ballot, where autocracy is on the rise. where are these really large global themes that that the us election plays a really important piece in. but we're talking about an ex-president who's running for reelection then his relationship to an adult film star. so there is a high-low moment to the whole thing but i think there's a lot of discussion yesterday about whether stormy daniels could actually whether testimony could hurt trump could help trump on an appeal if he were to be convicted i think that's all slightly besides the point from a political perspective. i don't think anything about her testimony is helpful to the former president because it is just a reminder of the chaos and morality questions and honesty questions that sort of
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dogged him during the years of his presidency, it's an unwelcome issue for him heading back onto the campaign trail. but i also think stormy daniels may not be the most important part of this case. she is a salacious part and it's apart. we're all talking about, but this case is often is it's often been said it's michael cohen testimony is actually much more important and we're gonna get back to that shortly yeah. marcus, you mentioned kind of how trump's reaction may have made it seem as though it was damning, but we should, i do think also note that trump has denied that any of this ever happened. and on cross-examination, you started to see and it's still ongoing. it's going to start back up again on thursday, you started to see the defense tactics around trying to cast out on daniels including surfacing an admission from her getting her to admit that she hates trump how do you think that impacts it i mean, it's not a great
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fact. it was a good i think it was a good jab at the defenses able to get out of stormy daniels. but it's also not surprising, right? you have an individual that was engaged in allegedly a sexual righteous of the former president and her testimony is critical to showing why the homework president, his intent to want a cover up that story after the access hollywood tape. so she's a critically important witness in terms of proving up the claims. i agree with margaret that michael collins me much more critical, but look, those are points that were scored, but i think the bigger point is that the prosecution was able to have stormy daniels testifying tuesday. the defense was not able to get through their cross. now, the jurors are sitting for 36 hours, really just sitting on her mostly positive testimony for the prosecution without getting that full crossing so i wonder how that will play out the fact that they're just sitting there at home replaying her testimony without the cross heading into thursday for a long period of time, do you think this is an important point that remember stormy daniels was not part of the 2016 story. there was another part of the 20th 16 story. they had to do with women and is
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former presidents than candidates relationship with women. but this was not part of 2016 it is part of the 2024 campaign in the sort of details that came up regardless of what they do legally to some theoretical perspective, future appeal are certainly the details it would be very hard to know if if you never had any sort of contact with the person. so i think it does raise it does raise serious questions about the candidate, the former presidents integrity and reliability on this issue well, i mean, certainly the silk pajamas, the boxer shorts, the magazine, things you can never unsee. >> yeah. >> yeah. there's a lot there was a lot there. margiela tally of marcus marcus children's. thank you both very much for being here. >> all right. coming up gaza ceasefire talks reach a critical stage massachusetts congressman seth molten is here to discuss what needs to happen next plus, looking for sunday
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2:46 am in brynn for certain. >> i'm katelyn polantz at the federal court in washington. and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by skechers, hands-free slip ins, check out this shoe that altered my brain chemistry, new hands-free sketcher slip ends. it's likes lipids have an invisible building ten shoe horn, so my foot slides into place, mind blown all right, welcome back. >> our humanitarian border crossing into gaza. back open this morning. the kerem shalom crossing had been closed to a delivery since sunday when a rocket attack nearby killed for israeli soldiers the israeli military captured the gaza inside of the rafah crossing on tuesday, a vital entry point for aid into the palestinian territory. and that crossing remains closed. the state department says they want both
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open as soon as possible. >> we want to see fully reopen. and so when i say it depends on what happens next. if karen shalom opens and raffa reopens, those will be important steps because we don't want to see humanitarian assistance limited or impeded in any way all right. >> trying to me now to discuss this democratic congressman seth molten of massachusetts congressman. thank you so much for being here and to be so you have been very critical of benjamin netanyahu, the israeli prime minister, and we have seen them make the initial incursion into raffa. it is not a full-scale invasion at this point but do you think what they've done so far? how do you think it impacts? the future of the conflict? >> well, first of all, i mean, israel has a right, even a responsibility to eliminate hamas. but the question is, is going into rafah actually going to really help? i mean, are actually going to be effectively able to eliminate hamas without drumming up more support for hamas. like killing
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more innocent civilians? one of the lessons that we learned in iraq and afghanistan time and time again. >> if you can't succeed in a counterinsurgency fight like this, a fight where you fundamentally have to win the support of the population at the end of the day. >> if you kill too many innocent civilians, i don't see how israel goes into raffa and doesn't kill thousands then thousands of civilians, even if they're able to take out a few of moss operatives we learned overnight that us official tells us that they did pause a shipment of two ton bombs to israel as all of this is looming, was that the right decision? i support president by this decision? now when we were fighting again in iraq, for example, where we had a lot of allies. allies on the ground that we were fighting shoulder to shoulder with allies from across the world that were part of our coalition. we regularly told them what to do and what not to do. and when they didn't listen to us, we withheld items. we said you're not allowed to do certain operations this was a common
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practice through 20 years of iraq and afghanistan. so for people to hold this out and say american never does this to our allies. and this is exceptional with israel is just not true very interesting what at this point do you think is the best way for president biden to be addressing the deep descent and divides inside the democratic party around what's going on and gaza, obviously you give them speech on anti-semitism yesterday, but it did take them a couple of days to call out campus protests. how do you think he has handled this well, i think he's being cautious and i understand that, but he's really got to get out there and listen. >> you've got to listen to the descent, to the concern. i mean, we're a country that values dissent, that encourages freedom demo speech. and that has to be the foundation here you start with that now, in some cases that campus protests are intimidating, they're harassing jewish students. i've heard from families who are concerned about the safety of their own kids at school in
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cases like that, the universities have a right, i would say even a responsibility to crack down on these campers, but let's start with freedom of speech and engage with the concerns. >> so congressman, let's let's change gears and talk about politics for a second, which yesterday involved a split screen. again, president biden talking about anti-semitism in marking holocaust remembrance day and then donald trump on trial in a courtroom where he was swearing under his breath as stormy daniels testified about, they're encounter, how do you think voters are absorbing what's going on right now? >> let's most voters i talked to you or trying to not absorb it all. we're so tired of hearing about trump's legal problems. i mean, this total what will escapade, it's embarrassing for the country that a former president is on trial for his relationship with a porn star. and what he did to pay this person off by the way, if any of my colleagues are in congress paid off a porn star like that, we'd be out in a heartbeat. so it is a serious
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case, don't dismiss the case, but americans are so so tired of this, frankly. >> well, it's not a porn star, but we do have had news of one of your colleagues engaged in something that caught the eyes of attention of law enforcement that's congressman cuellar, who has said he will not step down in the face of this. this is financial allegations and proprieties that relate to influence from other countries. do you think congressmen cuellar a step down? >> look, i think these are very serious allegations. i'm not familiar with the details, but but he would probably be doing the right thing for the country if he if he did step down, but that's ultimately his decision right now. >> all right. >> let me also ask you, speaking of shenanigans in the house of representatives, different kind speaker johnson has been meeting continuously with marchal retailer green to try to avoid a vote that would kick him out of his speakership. she has made a list of demands for him the
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question still remains whether or not she's going to do it. if she did go ahead with it, would you as a democrat, vote to keep johnson to keep the gavel and johnson's hand. >> the quick reaction is yes, just because we don't need more chaos in the house and frankly, the alternative to johnson would probably be worse but if this keeps going on, i'll vote yes because of what he did to get the foreign aid vote. and i know he took a political risk with ukraine even though of course it was the right thing to do and just what he should have done from the very beginning as speaker. >> but if this happens again, he's going to have to make a deal with us. >> i mean, he has to be willing to negotiate. he's one of the most conservative speakers in american history. we're not just going gonna give them a free pass. >> all right. congressman seth mountaineering to stick around for the top of the show. thank you very much for this. >> all right. >> time now for sports, the thunder roll past the mavericks to stay unbeaten in the nba playoff. andi shoals has this morning's police report. andi good morning. >> hey morning. casey. so the young founders is continued to be so impressive. okay, sees average age is about 24 years old. they were already the
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youngest team ever went to play off series, won't hello, there the youngest steam ever to win a second round game and the thunder is superstar shade gil, just alexander, he was just fabulous in game one, 25-year-old with 29 points nine rebound, and nine assist and okc just flying stifling deepen its own luchador did all night long. they held luchador one for eight shooting from three and we finished with just 19 points snap and a streak of 24 consecutive playoff games of at least 20. the thunder would runaway with game won one, 17 and 95 to remain undefeated in the play so it's an 11-point game set to three the nights of garlic while having no problem with javs and game one of their second round series brow leading the way with boston with 32 points. >> teammate dare of why on fire from beyond the three-point line connected set i've been times in downtown defenses, 25 points. and the one blowouts. the fourth time the celtics have one by 20 or more. this
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post-season shows good just to los important thing is just to win like i said before, it doesn't matter by square zero or you must go today. >> then we went and doing enough i had. >> a couple of days for timberwolves center, rudy gobert, his baby boy, was born on monday morning and then last night he was named the mbas defensive player of the year for a record time, fourth time the bridgeman joins all favors the cambrian, but tombow and bend walls, the only players to win the award four times. now the biggest award of the year, the most valuable player that's gonna be an outside seven, sooner or sister channel t and c then after that, you've got the pacers trying to even up their series against the next game to set the tip off at 8:00, and madison split all right. >> no late is to save in this damage up y ofs is here. so the stars looked like they were going to skate to a dv, went against the avalanche after scoring goals in, the first period is taken early three, you lay but turns out colorado had them right where they wanted and the asna backward
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two goals in the second period, then another end the third to tie the game and force over time. and then it would be miles would coming up, fuge, the winger is going to take off on the break away and he's going to send a backhand or it back of the neck. colorado was off the epic. come back to win game 1403 was the bottle was better than one over time. how about two over time? the hurricanes and rangers went so to tell him as is square garden last night. >> in the end, it was vincent tro check scoring a powerpoint goal off or rebound the second overtime to give new york di for three when and the sixth great with it applies to the rangers eighth grade, going back to the regular season, fun times, they're matched a garden game three tomorrow night and series shifts so raleigh vitally, wnba commissioner kathy englebart's said, the league is going to now be providing chartered flights for the teams as soon as they can get all the planes in place, engelberg hold a group of sports editors yesterday, they're committing $50 million over the next two seasons. >> so that all the players will now be flying private wnba
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teams. had been blank commercial, except for the playoffs. so casey, all the players not going to have to worry about safety as they go through all the airports and travel delays because they've been doing that now for years. so sure all the players very happy to hear that news. >> i'm always about leveling up the leveling up women's sports. i love to see it. so thank you very much for that, andy. i really appreciate it. >> i come up next here are two candidates on two very different courses, one on trial, the other on the campaign trail, six months out from the election, plus governor of michigan declaring a state of emergency see, after a night of devastating tornadoes qizan life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you go. get your podcast, you're calling. >> some people find there's at an early age. others later in life no matter when you find it, consider yourself lucky because it becomes your everything are calling was to build trucks. >> and that's why trucks are
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