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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 8, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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analyses on screen cannot see who is still firing here. >> and we never see marines or anyone firing in this video mother hey with us now seen in chief, international security correspondent nick paton walsh, nic talk to us about what these us members of congress are after it's warning yeah, i'm wanting answers from secretary defence lloyd austin as the discrepancies between the video you saw there that form part of our reporting a couple of weeks ago. and what they'd been briefed by the pentagon on number of occasions. now, most recently in the past weeks when the pencil it's gone finished their second investigation into this wine back to august 2021, taliban are taking cobble the us are evacuating, taking afghan civilians to help them out with them. and isis bomb detonates. and it kills over 170 afghans and those 13 us
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servicemen it was a very high toll. many afghans, the immediate aftermath saying they'd seen or were victims of gunfire. we investigated that and we since found that video which seems to suggest that the three episodes of near simultaneous gunfire, that these two pentagon investigations said happened and hit nobody. and were followed by a us and uk troops. well indeed, that is contradicted by a video which shows four minutes and 11 separate episodes of gunfire that's one of the things that congressman wants to have explained to them. they want to know to why these two investigations didn't interview any afghans, including an afghan dr. we spoke to who said that they and their hospital after the blast had found over 70 patients with gunshot wounds who were dead after the explosions. a lot of questions here. the families of the 13 gold star personnel who lost their lives in that seven of them have released a statement saying that they feel they've been misled by the pentagon and the briefings
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they've had the pentagon have said to me that it is their sacred duty to sacred obligation for the department of defense and they will respond directly to the congressional members who who wrote to them. we honor the service and sacrifice of our 13 service members who were killed and abrogate and remain fully committed to ensuring the gold star families have the support and information they need you. but really a lot of questions here now growing in volume for the pentagon have investigated this twice at great length insisted nobody got shot. and the only gunmen were american british, despite the growing amount of evidence from those who survive, that was not the case. and the fat they now have to explain that the video we released shows a very different amount of gunfire than they've insisted happened. john. >> right. nick paine walls for us. nic, thank you so much for covering this story. >> we've got new developments in the top news and new our of cnn, new central starts right now israel, launching a new
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round of strikes and gaza overnight as a us puts a shipment of bombs to the nation on hold over concerns. just how forces may use those weapons in raffa dozens of workers rescued from a fedex building in michigan that was ripped apart by a tornado you know, multiple tornadoes, taryn across parts of the country yesterday and there's more to come, millions of people in the danger zone also, salacious details on the stand, stormy daniels testifying about her alleged sexual encounter with donald trump that led to this moment, the first criminal trial than american president i'm sarah sayyed nar with john berman and kate bolduan. >> cnn new central this morning. what more is there to say? apparently quite a lot for his dark, but will be lights on once again the tomorrow with
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stormy daniels excuse me, back on the stand. shall continue her testimony. and donald trump's hush money trial. but that is tomorrow. today, the jury, the judge, the legal teams, and the american people get to digest what all stormy daniels said on the stand already, daniel spent about four hours on the stand tuesday detailing her alleged sexual encounters sure with donald trump encounter that is at the center of the crimes he is alleged to have committed to cover to cover up before the 2016 election, trump is charged with falsifying business records to keep that all hidden, seen as a brynn gingras is back with me. >> she's been tracking all of this from the testimony and the courtroom to the transcripts and the fallout afterwards, take us through what really happened in there yes. >> okay. so prosecutors needed stormy daniels to lay out like you just said, what happened between her and the former president to lead up to where this hush money payment was made, where an nda was discussed and signed and that's exactly what she did for the prosecution. however
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you did it in pretty excessive detail so much so that even a judge was objecting to some of the things that she was saying basically steering her back on course, there were times where she was laughing at her own jokes. there was times where she was talking so fast that the court reporter couldn't keep up with what she was saying. but she basically went through that when she first met the former president in 2006 and lake tahoe and then went into great detail about their sexual encounter. and then finally was getting into the detail about how she reached that nda with michael cohen ahead of the presidential election? then when it was time for cross-examination, the defense really went after her firing questions at her her demeanor seem to change. reporters say she was a bit more feisty or in her answers, the defense essentially trying to say that they were questioning her motives. it asking her questions about does she even like the present so then she basically said she hated him on the stand and that she wanted him to be held
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accountable here's one exchange with susan necheles, the defense essentially basically saying that she believes stormy was trying to extort president trump. let me read it for you. she she says nicole says you were looking to extort money from president trump, right? and daniel hills replied definitively false. and then she says, that's what you did, right and she said false. so again, this was one of those tests your moments described by our court reporters inside the courtroom in case there was a moment in the trial where the judge actually had to bring the defense counsel up to the up to him. and say you need to control president trump because they were at times with this testimony that he was audibly swearing and shaking his head, and the judge essentially saying, listen, that cannot happen anymore. you need to control him. >> so it was a pretty eventful day in court. >> they also were asking for a mistrial. the defense which the judge did not great grant. but the judge essentially told the
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defense, listen& cross examination you can bring up all these issues that you were bringing up to me so that's going to continue tomorrow in a yet another eventful day in this trial, stormy daniels will be back on the stand when we pick up at 9:30 absolutely. >> it's great to see you. thank you so much, brian sir. all right. with me now to discuss further seeing an analyst, joe jackson and cnn political commentator and former white house communications director for donald trump. alyssa farah griffin. >> thank you both for being here. joey, i'm going to start with you. we heard all that what stormy de know said on the stand, there was some detail about her sexual encounter there was detail about the uh, hundred and $30,000 on the stand, but it is not a crime to have sex outside of marriage, and it is not a crime to sign a deal that says you can't talk about this did she push the prosecution's case any further? >> i think she did right now, with respect to the details that she got into, i thought it was necessary and appropriate potentially, i'm in the minority where that's concerned. but number one, the
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devil's in the details. this is an affair that's been denied, denied. denied. well, you know what, from her perspective, you're denying it. this is what happened that hotel room was three three times the size of my apartment. he was wearing sat and pajamas, et cetera, when in. right. so why and how did she get this detail if this is just a mystery, does she just have the most imaginative mind ever in history, right? so that she had to address that number two, this is her truth. the reality is is that this is a forum where she felt it appropriate to let the world know what it is. number three, inquiring minds want to know no more inquiring them. the jury last point, the reality is that's the elephant in the room. this is why we are here. no, not because just the sex, et cetera. but because because of the nature of prosecution's case, the cover up and the conspiracy, you didn't want this information to get out to the public, it would affect your election prospects as a result, you arrange payment not in itself illegal, but that's where the falsification comes in invoices, charlo pledgers
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exactly. so you said the payments, correct. sour so i thought it was compelling and important. >> okay. and you also bring up the point that if the jury believes her than they think that donald trump is a liar, who keeps saying that i got it affects his credibility wholeheartedly. >> okay. >> i do want to ask you about what happened when she was testifying and donald trump was reacting. i think it's the most we've seen him react physically and audibly. the judge even talking to his attorneys saying like, look, i can hear that he was cursing audibly and shaking his head in the court, which could be intimidating to a witness how do you think that he will respond now, he if he talks about the witness, he can go to jail because of the gag order. so how do you think this frustration building in him? so we'll come out i think lawyers are really going to have to keep him from violating the gag order. >> and i think that they may have found a bit of a workaround which we saw yesterday where he put up a truth social posts, but then very quickly took it down. but then what happens? it's playing on tv all day. his message is still getting out there's one thing donald trump's kind of
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brilliant on and it's communications and manipulating the media to cover things. so they're going to have to keep him under lock and key because he was furious yesterday was the one thing, honestly, joey just gave them the best kind of prosecution argument i've heard. we don't have cameras, we don't have audio, so we're seeing these details come out because to me be honest, i thought yesterday was an incredibly mixed bag from what we know stormy daniels. i've interviewed her before. there's a story of stormy daniels that is a mom, a republican, who supported donald trump before someone who has been bankrupted by people like michael avenatti, she's now in debt to donald trump and who really is a sympathetic figure. i think she could have told the story to explain yeses this encounter took place, but i want to put this behind me. i want a private life. i want to raise my child and getting into the salacious snus. i think could actually backfire with the jury especially because this is somebody who did admit i hate him. i was surprised by that because she actually refuse to tell me whether she would vote for donald trump again, that's far more compelling if this is a woman who's like, i don't actually they hate donald trump. i even agree with his policies, but
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this in fact happened. and the defense did say that they wanted to miss trial because the judge had said you can talk about your encounter and are sexually visionary in larry limited terms, and they felt like she went over the line. the judge disagreed. i do want to ask you about trump is talking again about potentially testifying here. his what he has said. the latest thing he has said do you plan to testify in court probably so i would like to i mean, i think so probably i would like to i think so. >> i mean, it's it's a bit wobbly but but because stormy daniels, the stand and because michael cohen is likely to take the stand and it's going to be combative and it's going to get ugly. do you think that will push him to the point where he says, i'm testifying. >> so it'll push him, but i think you really have to exercise discipline& this particular situation and there's a number of reasons why. because even as it relates to sentencing, if he's convicted, judges do not like people who go on the standard
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misrepresent things, right? and so she was clear, what is he going to say? this never happened. it's a figment of the imagination. i'm not a micromanager. i knew nothing about the personal checks i was writing in a sharpie to michael cohen and then you have to worry about sorry, not only factually, but remember the hearing with respect to what you can cross him on cross-examined him on yeah. that's not related to this case, right? the fraud issues in your state in terms of how the attorney general the half 1 billion it opens it up to everything he's got to exercise discipline. i know he takes his own counsel. this council that he might want to take do not testify. >> i have to ask you about this over and over and over and over again. donald trump has said, i have got to meet this trial, but i should be on the campaign trail and this is just completely all about keeping me off the campaign trail. today is a day off of court he's not campaigning. he's at moral logo. why? >> i mean, it just blows my mind. republicans knew that this was what they were going to get somebody who's spending
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the most of their time in a courtroom. and when he's off, his busy golfing, it makes no sense, but my one caution is there's a world in which these trials may help donald trump. and what i mean by that is he's not on the campaign trail saying immigrants poison the blood of america. we're going to round up 11 million million people and put them in detention camps. he's actually kind of silent. people are forgetting the chaos of getting the drama stormy may contradict that though i think that that's front and center. you remember the chaos that surrounds him, but he's not out working is not trying to get republicans reelected reelected. it's bizarre. >> it's all very interesting. and of course, stormy daniels going to take the stand tomorrow to continue with this case. joey jackson, let's very good. thank you so much. i appreciate it. thanks. okay. >> so new video shows smoke rising over rafah after another round of israeli airstrikes this morning, there is also new cnn reporting that a us official is saying the biden administration well, back a shipment of bombs last week that we're to be sent to israel. the reason being concerns those bombs could be used in raffa overnight six
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people were killed by israeli airstrikes and shelling and raffa and unit quartering to hospitals there. and cia bill burns is remaining in the region trying to push forward still on let's see, on a cease-fire agreement, he is now set to meet with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu today. on all this, cnn's natasha bertrand is at the pentagon. she's got much more for us so natasha, what are you learning about this? pause on sending over us weapons to israel what kate, this is the first known instance of the biden administration, actually pausing a weapons shipment to israel directly over concern current about his how israel has been prosecuting the war in gaza. >> and what we're told from a us official is that last week the us pause the transfer of over 3,500 bombs, including that motions of 2000 pound bombs which israel husband using in gauze over the last several months to really devastating effect because of those concerns, the us has over how is real is going to conduct an operation in raffa. now
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according to this us official, the us began a review in april of the us provision of these kinds of bombs. two israel because it appeared that israel was coming closer to some kind of decision point about how it was going to conduct this operation in the southern portion of gaza& wrong offer were over 1 million palestinians, of course, are still sheltering and the us has not seen a credible plan to date of just how israel actually intends to protect those civilians. and so when it became clear to the administration that israel still did not have a way to move all the civilians out prior to conducting a potential major operation there. they made this decision to pause this shipment of bombs. now, this is clearly a significant political message that the administration is sending. and it is the first time, as i said, that they have done so since october 7th, but they still have under their discretion, the ability, of course, to send these weapons to israel if and when they determined that is role does
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have a credible plan to protect those civilians. but for now, clearly they're trying to get israel to back off and potential major operation in raffa and their wing up potentially it'll future shipments, kate. >> yeah. a lot going on there with that pauses for sure it's good to see you and tosh to thank you so much for bringing is that reporting? there's that and so much more which is playing out in gaza right now. i'm trying to india with us now cnn military analysts and former nato supreme allied commander general wesley clark. >> general, let's talk about these bombs. this is the 2000 pound bomb. there are other ones as well that have been paused in these arms shipments from the us who is what's the practical impact of that for israel probably know immediate tactical impact. >> john, because israel is not going to have exhausted its inventory to the extent that it's paused its operations, waiting for this shipment but over, over a extended period? yes this is going to have an impact in reducing their inventory and may impact their
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operations. but for now, their operations are all show up political signal they've reached order. brar phone because are started raphe up because they see hamas stalling in negotiation. so this is a for tat, diplomatic move as well as a military move in raffa i put up a map of rafah so people can see what we're talking about here. obviously right here itself is the raffa crossing. this is the zone, the evacuation zone, where israel has told people that they should get out of what is it that you think that they are doing the israelis enron i felt right now they're controlling the gods aside of the rafah crossing right? >> what they're doing is they're trying to put pressure on the hamas to complete the negotiations to their satisfaction in other words, there'll be no permanent trues here. the number of hops so just released will be up to the israeli demand, not on loss, limited demands. and show forth
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and they moved into the rafah crossing because this was probably as the israelis shot the least provocative, least difficult way of signaling to that got to stop the stalling, get to the agreement, or else so this is some footage right now of israeli troops at the raffa crossing itself. barack ravid, our analysts who works for asieh is reporting that one of the things israel wants to do ultimately is a show the palestinian people that hamas doesn't control this crossing. this was one of the last places israel felt that hamas had a organizational presence in b, they want it ultimately, barack reports have palestinians not loyal to hamas controlling the crossing. do you see that as having any impact? >> i think i think it is part of moving toward a solution to the problem & to delegitimizing a mosh in the eyes of the
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palestinian people. but remember from the beginning of mazda's resistor they are israeli efforts to relocate the palestinians out of the danger zone. so this is one more strike against hamas, but it also is a really a real strong signal to the international community that israel is not going to pause indefinitely. >> no, not at all. you can see the israeli effort continuing in raffa and in gaza this morning, general, what's the clarke? thank you very much, sarah. >> all right. thank you, john. a huge patch of destruction from a tornado outbreak in michigan and the threat of powerful storms, potential tornadoes happening again across the us. >> all right. oh, xampp you've heard about it for weight loss, but there's an tended side effect, ozone pick babies. >> yeah, we'll talk about it
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>> this was the 13th consecutive day of tornado reports across the country and the severe weather is not over tens of millions of americans from texas domain could see severe storms a day. the potential for tornadoes, hail powerful wind gusts seen as derek van dam is important to michigan outside that fedex facility, we just saw the dramatic aerials of that derek, we'll see a little bit of the damage over your shoulder. what's the latest? >> yeah. john, i mean, if this forecast holds today, we're talking about two consecutive weeks of at least one tornado ripping across a portion of the united the state's talk about severe weather fatigue. as you mentioned, i'm on the ground with fedex heavily damaged fedex building directly behind me. i want to give you a kind of a bird's eye view from our mass cam of our satellite trucks show you that where 50 people were initially trapped inside of this building. they of course have since ben rescued with only minor injuries, but that's just a drop in the bucket of the devastation here in kalamazoo
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county. and union county to myself, a nice there was a mobile home park that was damaged around 15 to 20 people were injured, sent to local area hospitals my state of michigan, this is my home stay grand rapids my hometown. this area is often buffeted by lake michigan, but last night was a complete misnomer. in fact, the state of michigan had its first tornado emergency issued by the national weather service, and that shows you the rare air that we happen to be in with this line of severe storms. and now that threat does not just end today. again, the forecast calls for more severe storms and look at what's happening across central missouri just southeast of kansas city. another severe thunderstorm watch atmosphere taking advantage of the conditions and check that thunderstorm popping up just south and east. look at the threats today. 148 million million americans under the threat of severe storms. but we're really honing in with nashville all the way to central missouri as that
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greatest risk of tornadoes second so we know that we've seen these ef2, ef three tornadoes. they don't occur in michigan that often but you know what? now the thread is moving south? to a more heavily prone area and more heavily wooded area. and this particular region where we've put that hashed area you see on the graphics, that is our greatest chance of winning since an excess of 111 miles per hour nature just can't stop, won't stop, john. it is extremely active. >> yes, i'm a stork whether we're seeing all right. derek van dam thank you very much for that president biden. >> and the big jobs announcement today, a jobs announcement that is also a not so subtle hit at donald trump well, playing out in battleground wisconsin is, to play offs what do you see? my first step is shipping easton charles, not winning a
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>> but if she wants candles, our selection is lit order until may 12th for up to 30% off personalized jewelry fresh start original decor and other things. mom actually loved when you need a gift that's as unget it at four
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announces a 3.3 billion dollar investment in the state, the company says it's building out a data hub focused on artificial intelligence and ai center that they, they say we'll train about 100,000 workers. >> and before that will create thousands of union construction jobs and more. there's also this biden's appearance there today is also a not so subtle snub at donald trump six years ago on this very same land. the trump administration celebrated and multi-billion-dollar investment that another company, fox because khan was going to break ground on donald trump, even declaring this about that project i want to wish you good luck. >> and congratulations on truly, one of the eighth wonder, i think we can say this is, we can say the eighth wonder of the world. this is the eighth wonder of the world. >> those big promises did not happen today is very different
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day. joe biden, as expected though, to directly blame trump for that failed project in his remarks later today. but for more on what is going to be built there now microsoft 3.3 billion dollar investment joining us from wisconsin as microbes, microsoft vice chair and press as i didn't, brad smith. thank you for taking the time this morning talk to me about why this is good business and a good move from microsoft part are bringing artificial intelligence to this country. and really using it to propel the next generation of man and your fracturing, including here in wisconsin and michigan and across the upper midwest. and that's why we're investing not just in this massive build-out, monday, we'll spend just between now and the end of 2026 but training of workers especially with people who are leading manufacturing companies co innovating with them. so they can put ai to work to ensure that american
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manufacturing is globally competitive. >> because there's something specific about wisconsin. >> brad well, it is an extraordinary place i happened to grow up very close to here, so i know it well manufacturing in many ways started in the upper midwest and started in wisconsin. there's a legacy of innovation, but it's also a place where people, i think get things done by working together this has required the leadership of president biden congressman here, brian styles, the local village president for the village of mount pleasant people have come together to make this project possible for a company like microsoft. >> and this makes business sense for microsoft. this also, as i spoke about at top, this makes policy i'll see in political sense for the white house, we know that president biden is planning to call out donald trump today for that failed foxconn project. that was to be built on some of the same land. is your project. it highlights once again that we are definitely in an election
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here, not asking you to weigh in on foxconn in its projects failed project. what does this political cycle and election your mean for microsoft? >> well, look, we're not running for anything. we realized that companies sometimes start things they can't finish i will say this, this administration has been enormously helpful. a project like this. it requires the bipartisan infrastructure bill that was passed the chips that will be produced in america through the chips in science act. the clean technology that will benefit from the inflation reduction act. this administration's commitment to safe and secure ai in cyber security more broadly so we're pleased with the work we've done at the national get a level all the way to this state with governor evers, the local village and county of racine. everybody has to work together at the end of the day. >> that's how you get things
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done, whether you're a business or anybody yells. that is so true, you mentioned safe and secure ai. microsoft is one of the major companies leading an ai development and also agreed last last year to meet ai safeguards broker with the white house to ensure we'll just that the ai products are safe but cnn as reporting another's of reported brar, microsoft's on homepage, has had its own problems in the last year with fake news and conspiracy theory is being published on the site mistakes that appear to be driven by precinct reliance and automation and over human editors to cure rate the page, how do you ensure ai products are safe can you well i think we have to and i think it requires that we face are problems head on. >> we learned from the early efforts we undertake it is about creating technology that is supervised by people that remains under human control and so as we take steps, as we have
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taken steps past year, der been times when we've had to course, correct. but fundamentally, i think our whole industry is coming together. it needs to come together and frankly, it needs to come together with people in government and they're here to this white house actually has been leading the way, not just for this country but i think for the world as a whole brad really have you. >> there was i'm sure you've of course, remember, we all do. there's a moment in 2020 that microsoft was in the game and offering to buy tiktok that didn't happen, then president biden just signed into law a bill that threatens a ban on the platform here. if they don't sell, if the china-based parent company doesn't sell to a us, us based bayer is tiktok a type of product? >> and investment that, that microsoft could be interested in. >> once again well, i doubt we'll repeat exactly what happened in 2020 when microsoft was in the middle of all of
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that. but we'll see what happens. i think that you're going to see a lot of companies one to follow closely where this goes. obviously it's going to court even after went through congress. and we'll see what the future holds. i think it's too early to make any predictions. >> yeah, i was, by the way, i was not anticipating you're going to disclose your investment strategy right here. but whenever you would like to, brad, please do. thank you for coming on. congratulations on the big de for microsoft and for wisconsin. really appreciate your time. sir. >> all right, ahead. we're going to discuss what is happening with an american soldier has recently been detained in russia. what he is being accused of, and how soon he might be free. also this video is insane. take a look at this a car ends up going over a building. you're not seeing that, you're just seeing this, which is not as interesting
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this is what we call a tease. we're going to show you this incredible video. >> when we come back i, keep having the same dream. dot. >> then i'm running always running something and i don't want to lose is to play offs everybody's running towards something suddenly all want, something they can envision. >> let's try this again. what do you see? >> my first step is you have any houston second championship. charles not winning a championship. kidney. let's try and stay positive or positive evening when a ring oh, my god hey, you've seen this right was the dish everyone. you're telling me you can get direct tv, vogue, good stuff, and you don't need a satellite dish i used to love doing my business on those things. you'll one sick pigeon, then dishes kept the rain off our beaks. >> we just have different priorities. hizon satellite free directtv never thought
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ready. for monday, sign up for free visit ai or download the app a cnn exclusive president biden, erin burnett, one-on-one. >> he's campaigning across the country three, and now the president sits down with erin to talk about the economy and his plans for a second term, erin burnett outfront the night, it's seven on cnn and now, to that insane video on a rate of this morning, a wild car chase in phoenix.
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>> and this way, but look at this, this is surveillance video whoa, it's the moment a car flipped through the air up on the sidewalk right next to that home after the driver lost control investigators believe it went airborne e4 hitting that curb their than it rolled over, landed upside down shockingly, the driver he was able to get out of the car after this and left the scene it was flat if it's crumpled, those glass everywhere. but tow truck driver, they turn the car over and there's just liquor bottles come you fly it out of the car and sanity that this guy could get away like that. he's dangerous obviously but, you know, you wonder, is he okay? there was no drops of blood, nothing no signs of anybody even being in the car i guess that could be an ad for the safety of the car because police say, if impairment was a factored. you heard those liquor bottles all over the place according to a witness they are still looking for the driver. can find the driver all
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right. and update now, on the american soldier who was attained last week in russia, staff sergeant gordon black, was seen in a previous video saying that he understand hands russia's position in a question about us and russian relations, black was arrested in russia on suspicion of theft and will be detained for at least the next two months all right you like to go out to eat maybe you go to panera every now and then. >> well, it's pulling some of its most popular drinks off their menu. after there were several lawsuits because of an insane amount of caffeine in those drinks. the drinks charged lemonade and charge sips as they're called, can have have upwards of 230 milligrams of caffeine in a 30 ounce serving all right. this is why this isn't zai. that's more than half of what the fda says is safe for the entire day to drink not per drink. >> the lawsuits claim, but drinks have led to people suffering major health problems and even caused two deaths according to those suits, panera bread said previously
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they stood by the safety of their products and did not comment on the timing of those menu changes. >> john, stormy daniels, back on the stand tomorrow morning and the criminal trial against donald trump. >> trump is accused of falsifying documents to cover up hush money payments to stormy daniels, all to influence the 2016 election. it has been some testimony so far for daniels with me now seen an senior data reporter, harry, and you can see in some of the number is the impact that our testimony is head. yeah there's so some question of how much interests has there been in the american public in this trial when it comes to stormy daniels testimony, there's a lot of interests. >> there was 20 times as many google searches for her on tuesday, then there was a monday. >> and remember of course, david pecker testified earlier in the truck eight times as many searches for stormy daniels on tuesday, then on the days that david pecker testified for him. >> so the fact is americans might not be so tuned into the trial itself, but it came to
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stormy daniels testimony. they were definitely tuned in. yeah. they paid attention to that. all right. in general, there are some numbers about how americans feel about believing sum of the charges against trump. what do you have on that? yeah. so there's sort of this question of how believable is it, you know that stormy daniels and karen mcdougal or essentially paid off for their alleged affairs with him. and what we see here is that most americans believed that that's absolutely believe able, even most republicans believe that it is absolutely believable. john? >> well, no, my thing is, i don't understand the question here because this isn't in dispute. even trump's attorneys are not disputing that daniels and mcdougall were paid they were paid money. the question is, was ssid to cover up or was it to influence the election and more documents falsified? yeah. >> i on the documents falsified, i can't necessarily again, to that with this particular poll question, but on this particular one, it's essentially, i think getting at the idea that they were paid
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off during the 2016 campaign and keep them quiet during that camp yeah. again, it's the actually it's interesting to me, 32 republicans still don't the payments were made when no one is disputing it, this point that the payments were way they're saying, oh, i still don't believe it, even though everyone i guess that sort of speaks to this sort of strength that donald trump has over and they couldn't believe he did something wrong all right in terms of how views of donald trump have changed in the freedom to four weeks this trial has been going on. >> what are you seeing there? yeah. have views changed at all? you know, we've been focusing in on those horse race numbers between both haydn and trump. and those really haven't moved. but how about views of trump individually, pretrial 42% of americans had a positive, of them. now, it's that same 42%, these numbers put john simply haven't moved. he wasn't popular before the trial. he isn't popular now. but the fact is, he still is leading joe biden, at least in the swing states that looks like no movement, no movement 42 and 42, i think those are the st. john. >> all right. harry, and thank you. thanks very much for that. kate. >> drugs like ozone pick, have definitely helped so many people lose weight, but also
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coverage. the way only cnn can bring it to you, legal insight, expert analysis, and real-time updates, live from the courtroom follow the facts follow the testimony, follows cnn this morning, ozone pick babies. >> yeah, that's what i said. some women who are reporting an unexpected side effect from taking the drug used for diabetes. and as you know, famously used for weight loss pregnancy seen in medical correspondent meg drell is joining us now with more on the science behind these surprised pregnancies what is happening and why. yeah. so we know that millions of people are taking these glp-1 drugs and we are starting to hear these anecdotes. >> if people sometimes having a surprise pregnancy while taking the medicines, scientists say there are actual real reasons why this might be happening. one is that it's known that weight loss can impact fertility if somebody's having irregular cycles, for example, sometimes because of a syndrome called pcos other times due to other reasons, five to 10% weight loss or even more which you often see with these medicines can restore regular
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cycles which can lead to the ability to get pregnant. the other thing people should really know about these medicines is that tres, appetite based drugs. so that's mount john and zeff bound. they actually have a warning in their label that they make oral birth control potentially less effective and that could be because these drugs work by slowing the emptying of food from the stomach i make and that affects the absorption of medicines taken by mouth. so folks should know oral birth control may not work quite as well when you're on these medicines, do you need a backup form? we did talk with one young mom who had been trying for two years to get pregnant. her name's could tear a bentley she went on mt. jaroun to try to lose weight. she lost 40 pounds over five months and then suddenly she was pregnant. she did not expect it. >> she has a healthy baby girl now, name iv, but she was worried the entire time she was pregnant because the safety of these drugs in pregnancy really isn't widely studied. >> that is what i was going to ask you. it's like is there any problem with taking it while you're pregnant and how it might affect the baby. and we don't we just don't know that right. because they
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haven't been around very long. >> exactly. and also, i mean, in the original trials of these medicines, it's a common practice to exclude women who are pregnant or people who are trying to get pregnant. so these weren't studied officially in trials. they are clicked in real-world data on accidents really good. this is bound to happen so far the human studies, they're small, they haven't turned up anything hugely alarming. but animal studies have suggested a cost caution. so there is a reason that doctor say stop taking these medicines two months before trying to conceive. >> well, at least there was a happy story there. somebody got pregnant. they wanted to be pregnant and have very, very happy about it. >> and they lost wait at the same time somehow thank you, make drove virginia john. all right. happening this morning, it looked like a war zone new and violent clashes between police and student protestors and then a new report this morning, presidential candidate robert kennedy jr. says a worm's is his quote a worm got into my brain in 80 portion and then die the new details on his jarring and in pretty bizarre
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here to get your sayyed of the store a fares library prostitution. >> why do we keep ending up here? >> you. can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper now streaming on macs quite breaking overnight police in the nation's capital, if arrested dozens of people as they cleared a pro-palestinian protesting camp min site at george washington university authority say at least one officer did use peppers right near the area seen as gabe cohen is at george washington university of this morning. >> what's the latest from the sr well, john, we're going to zoom into what's left behind me with leper that in kammen on gwas property as it's slowly
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getting cleared away by city employees are a lot of dc police officers here at the scene. >> they it's now been close to five hours since they initially came in with the plan to clear the camp. we know that they arrested the police, say between 3040 people, some of them are going to be charged, most likely with trespassing for others, it's going to be assault on police officer first because of some skirmish, jonny, that happened on the other side of the protest when demonstrators clash with police, we also know, as you mentioned, pepper spray, was it used on at least one person? scene but look, this is really striking jonny, as you mentioned, because for close to two weeks now, the city and d.c.'s police department have declined repeated requests from gw from the university to come in and clear the camp, saying it was a peaceful protest and there was no need to to do that. but obviously something changed to overnight with mpd saying over the past couple of days, they've gotten information and incidents that led them to believe things had
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become more volatile and that this camp needed to be cleared. we spoke with a protester just a little while ago, who was here this morning, who spoke about his frustration with police coming in, an arresting so many of those students taking take a listen i'm angry, like we've been here a peacefully protesting. this was our camp. we became a community like we were here speaking up for something noble and they took it all away because the mayor is about to meet capitol hill today. and they were going to ask her about that jonny heard it mentioned there that dcs may are in police chief, are expected to be on capitol hill a little later today taking questions from the house oversight committee so obviously the tone of that committee hearing is likely to change here, but i'm also hearing this morning from a source with knowledge of the
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conversation between police and e


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