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tv   Inside Politics With Dana Bash  CNN  May 8, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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he's campaigning across the country. and now the president sits down with erin to talk about the economy and his plans for a second term. erin burnett outfront the night at seven on cnn, closed captioning brought to you by meso book our firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelial, call us now today on inside politics, presidential perks. joe biden is doing what only incumbents can do, heading to a muscle swing must wind swing state rather with the gift of jobs, i'll talk to a top biden campaign official about the latest strategy for taking on donald trump as trials and tribulations stormy daniels is back on the stand tomorrow after dishing salacious details about her alleged sexual encounter with donald trump, right down to his set and pajamas. but does her testimony
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ultimately help or hurt the prosecution? and from vice presidential hopeful full two admitted puppy killer, kristi noem is political stops seems to be tanking as the trump vip stakes enter a pivotal stage. i'm dan a bash. let's go so behind the headlines and inside politics first step, 20,682 votes. that was joe biden is 2020 margin of victory over donald trump. and the critical swing state of wisconsin four years earlier, trump took this date by about the same amount. now for context 20,000 people fills less than a quarter of the green bay packers land bove field is why doe biden is in wisconsin today for the fourth time this year, he's unveiling a 3.3 billion. that's why billion-dollar investment by microsoft with a not so subtle
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shot at donald trump. now, back in 2018, than president trump was in the exact same spot to announce a huge manufacturing facility by foxconn trump said it would be the eighth wonder of the world instead, it was mostly abandoned. cnn's jeff's in milwaukee, geoff well dana, wisconsin is the closest of the blue wall states and you pointed out the numbers there and there is no path to reelection without wisconsin president biden, the white house fully aware of that. >> this is his fourth visit of the year. as you said, an each time he has come here to wisconsin, he's brought something with him. if it's an investment in infrastructure, talking about building an religion superior are replacing lead pipes here in milwaukee. the question is, are voters feeling these economic achievements of the biden administration? it really isn't match between job creation and inflation. and talking to voters here you get the sense they still or not
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feeling this economic success. maureen glenn, a democrat who supports biden, though, put a bit of context on it. >> let's listen i feel a lot better now now that we've had almost four years of biden not great, but it's better to meet inflation is over and among the people why talk to inflation is the big overriding thing economically and who gets the blame for that? do you think oh, i think the administration that's in empowered because that's that's when it happened and tom over house there, a farmer from waukesha county. he said he will vote for trump. he's not the biggest fan at all. but dan, having conversations with these voters that really makes clear he said he would have been open to to supporting biden. he actually was happy when he was elected. he thought he would restore order, but the economy he said is driving his decision this
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year. he is sort of finally remembers the trump policies. of course, these are two voters, but dana taking a bigger look at this, both campaigns realize the wisconsin will come down to just a sliver of votes that is why president biden is in racine county, just south of me here in the walking making that big announcement, this county has been through a whip saw of a political elections that have had local political fallout as well. i recall being here with the former president as he was announcing that foxconn development it just shows that presidents always do not have the power to deliver on these. the question is, will biden get credit for that? so certainly an important visit, one of many that both candidates, we're making here to battleground wisconsin. >> yeah. well, biden get credit especially with the contrast that you and i both talked about what trump promised and didn't actually come to be. jeff, i love when you come out out in the field and you bring us back really interesting reports from actual voters. thank you so much for bringing
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it to us again today. now, to biden's opponent, donald trump, nearly every day over the past month, he's complained while he walks in and out of court about being stuck there during his weeks long criminal trial. >> i shouldn't be written down in pennsylvania and in many other states, north carolina campaign i should be a lot of different places right now campaigning and i'm sitting here and this will go on for a long time and then be sitting in this course this is just ridiculous election interference at the highest level. never been done before, and i've country and i should be out campaigning, went down so there is no court today. >> he's free to hit the campaign trail. cnn's christian homes covers the trump campaign. kristin, where is he? >> your data you think you might be on the campaign trail, but that is not the case. he is down in florida at asthma or logo resort. i am told that tonight he's going to have
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dinner before, of course, heading back to new york for court tomorrow with a number of people supporters, who bought a large number of his nft is now to be clear, none of the prophet nfp ties actually goes to his campaign. those are all personal profits. now, campaign advisers insist that this has been on the schedule four weeks. they also point to the fact that last week donald trump campaigned in both michigan and wisconsin. i will note the week before that on wednesday, he played golf at bed minster. i also do want to point out on saturday, he has a rally, but this is it's interesting. it's an wild wood new jersey, not exactly a critical battleground state. you lost it by roughly 16 points in the last election, but it is home the area that he's going to be a representative, andrew geoff andrew who turned from democrat to republican while donald trump was an office which donald trump's still talks about to this day. so there might be some of a connection there as well, dana, there's definitely a connection. i don't have any problem with anybody going to weld with which are zero, any place in new jersey, but you're right.
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it's definitely not a swing state. thank you so much, kristen, for that reporting. here for now for more reporting. are now joined by my great political panel, pbs is laura barron-lopez, hans nichols of xes, and cnn's even mcconney. >> hi everybody. >> nice to be here on a trump trial de break. >> han's i want to start with you and the story that you wrote four axioms this morning. and the headline is biden hits trump with major microsoft announcement in wisconsin, talk about the significance of this announcement that he's going to make an as it as i mentioned to jeff, sort of contrast for the voters there and wisconsin with the promise that trump made there. >> yeah, well, let's be clear. biden's also just making a promise. yeah, it's, going to have to deliver on that, right? and that's part of the challenge that you get credit for the construction jobs and those are the easiest ones to do when you deal. they're doing an ai facility in conjunction with microsoft. >> but the overall strategy from the biden campaign is inch
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by inch, town by town, step-by-step and that's what just see the president doing. >> now, there are criticisms within the democratic party of that. remember that ron claim sort of tape that was leaked out saying like he's running for congress, he's just talking about bridge announcements. >> now, the other side, if you're a politician, you say, would you rather go out and bring gifts and talk about job announcements or would you rather be stuck in court? i think we all know this split-screen that any politician would want. >> what's interesting about the split-screen dynamic is it split screen isn't actually the most accurate way to describe it because it's a split-screen, but biden's backgrounds always gonna be changing and trump is going to remain static. and that's just a challenge at the campaign. and the trump campaign is gonna have to work around and it's not just wisconsin today. i just want to get if our viewers a a broader picture of this part of the biden campaign strategy, which is very much & incumbent strategy. the projects that he has announced in arizona, ohio, new mexico, oregon, 20 billion in tel arizona and then
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wisconsin today, new york and idaho. and it goes on and on and on that's right. and the president is going around highlighting this part of his economic agenda, which is that he's adding jobs. he's trying to make sure that other parts, inflation are going down. koster being driven down. and while he's doing that, vice president harris, another thing that donald trump doesn't have right now, a vp to go so around campaigning with him is going around and making the case on abortion. and i was just in willing to meeting with biden aids and they were saying that ultimately they really see three big things that they're going to be making the case on economy, which you see the president doing abortion, which you see vice president harris doing, and then so that larger umbrella of extremism and democracy and they say that they hear from voters a big fear, especially in suburban white communities about the potential for political violence. and so you're going to see the campaign hitting that over and over and over again between now and november.
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>> this is the card that they have to play for him to get out there and talk about how he's investing in america. the strategy makes sense, but i'm not sure it is the victory lap this administration thinks it is because when i speak with voters they are looking for a real immediacy. it's like, what are you doing for me today? not what are you going to do for me years from now in terms of job creation? so that is something that they will have to contend with and now let's shift to donald trump. >> and the fact that you, as you said, his backdrop isn't changing except today where he isn't there and he is dealing with some of his personal business ventures as opposed to doing campaign stops. >> but while he is in court, he's doing some interviews around the country. >> one he did with spectrum news and wisconsin yesterday. let's listen you wanted to primary, but nikki haley attain
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16% of the vote. are you concerned about that number? and what do you say to those voters in new york for de 13 of your trial today how have you adjusted your campaign to deal with that? >> well, you do the best you can. i have a judge is taken away. my first amendment rights. i'm not allowed to speak essentially, if you say anything slightly off, he wants to put you into jail. these partisan bias, judge, did terrible judge who's totally conflicted. he shouldn't be a judge that first one we'll get back to. >> but that was what you just heard, was him win wisconsin talking about not having first amendment rights well, on television with a member of the press railing against the very judge who he has is squelching his first amendment right. >> and we should just say because i think it bears repeating what this gag order does and doesn't do. it does say he can't talk about witnesses. it does say he can talk about the family of the judge. he can talk about the case. he can talk about the prosecutor& the judge as you just did. yeah. i think he will
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avail themselves of the rights that he has within that in that lane anyone that covered trump in the white house or elsewhere knows that the essential challenge of trump is what he's going to say next and anticipating on what he's going to say an interpreting it and i think we're going to have a lot of these comments, whether or not he's in another courtroom or whether or not he actually gets out on the campaign trail. but this is the grievance that he wants to talk about. and this is his case. >> and there is like we've probably all heard it. >> there's we should kind of error it out and i don't know i believe at this site a renegade theory that donald trump is actually better served being in court and not out there talking all the time. and now, i don't know if i'm fully on board and i've been curious to hear what everyone in the panel things, but there's that notion now they're the child trump's actually does better in the polls when he's stuck inside of a courtroom. >> well, i've talked to voters who seem to have forgotten button. the trump years or those young voters who were in middle school or in early high school when trump was in office and they don't really know a
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world where that exists under him. they're not really familiar with it. and those young voters have said to me, well, i survived the first trump term. and so because they aren't very familiar with what actually happened during that term, and that's what president biden is battling with. and so i think that when he is out of the spotlight, it can sometimes help him. >> we've talked so much about the biden coalition and about whether he's going to be able to rebuild it enough. to win reelection again. but we do pretty much every week get a snapshot of a challenge that donald trump could have, maybe even will have that is because there are, even though he's the presumptive nominee, there are still contests happening. pretty regularly in this past tuesday, we saw it in indiana nikki haley, who is not running for president got more than 21% of the vote, almost 22% of the vote arizona, it was a little less, but still got a sizable chunk, pennsylvania, ohio, florida, and wisconsin. and i'm not going to play the
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bite, but part of what donald trump argues is, oh, they'll just come back but does he have to work for them and is he doing that? >> he does not necessarily. if you are the trump campaign, you should be worried about this group of voters. i was on the trail with nikki haley. i was speaking to these conservatives and some of them said that if she didn't ultimately get the nomination, they would consider voting for joe biden. so if you are trumped these odors are still on the table and not something that you should take for granted that they will ultimately just put on the party uniform it and come along. yeah. and in a place like indiana, which is the state that had its contest last night. that's not going to matter because it's hard to imagine indiana going anything other than republican, but arizona pennsylvania wisconsin demographic matter. >> so whether or not it's an indiana or it's in arizona, if these are suburban areas are highly educated, are more educated the rest the country book. >> this is the urgent task or the biden campaign right now is
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figuring out whether or not these nikki haley curious voters are persuadable and i suspect if they're not having right now in the next 24 to two weeks, 24 hours to two weeks, there'll be dozens of focus groups trying to figure out how to get haley curious voters, how to get them to vote for the president biden, and it sounds like those are the exact voters that the biden campaign when you went up there? recently said that they are trying to get they are they're obsessed with nikki haley voters by an income biden's campaign is and they're going to be heavily focused on them in the coming months. okay. coming up court may be off today and trump's hush money trial, but stormy daniels will be back on the stand tomorrow. we'll dive in to wear her testament. money could and could not go next how we'd really have it with jesse owens? >> martin sunday's at night on cnn at morgan stanley old school hard work meets bove new thinking at 88 years old, we
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tebor breeze makes sleep, feel cool. >> so no more sweating all night or blasting the air conditioning because the temper breeze feels up to ten degrees cooler all night long. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tebor p-adic first of all, mattress sets, right now, you get a free foot locker sap wait, just buy it at foot login to app and get one free. geoff, scan the qr code and enter promo code fal pogo. it only worked on the other side is three but you still got to land leyen in your house auto noun to subway out close captioning brought to you by guilt, visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, it has a designers that get your heart racing had inside the prices knew every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% are shop today explicit details potentially worth $130,000 stormy daniels left little to the imagination while testifying about her alleged sexual encounter with donald trump. well, i'm sure this day
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off from chord is what we need. it's just intermission sources tells cnn trumps defense team is planning a longer cross-examination of the adult film star tomorrow. cnn's evan perez and eleia williams are here to break it all down. i want to start with one particular exchange, elliot, that might not have been a welcome one for the prosecution. the defense. am i correct that you hate president trump's stormy daniels? yes. do you want him to go to jail? i want him to be held accountable. you want them to go to jail if he's found guilty? yes so big picture stormy daniels testified and the way the prosecutors needed her to, which is by making clear that there was some sexual counter between her and the former president. >> full stop. that's useful testimony all the stuff that came out on crossbow leyen that is devastating to her as a witness. and the it'll be kicking around in the juries head. it speaks to bias and a motive for coming and speaking. speaking against the defendant
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in their closing statement, they will say, ladies and gentlemen, the star prosecution so our witness for the prosecution literally says that she hates the defense. how can you trust a word she says. so, yes, her testimony was overall valuable to the prosecution but this really knocked the witnesses credibility down. >> how was it valuable to the prosecutor aside from the salacious details, right? that's not what he's in trial for. right. and that's the thing that's i think my one i think my one coil with that is that i think she may have done damage to the prosecution's case by virtue of the fact that she just couldn't stop saying stuff and so that's going to backfire on them. i think i think we know now from some reporting more colleagues that they caught the cross-examinati on is gonna go hunger because they know they they they now have room to go after her for some of the suggestions she made. >> it the difference, right? >> that the that the encounter was not consensual, which of course is not something that has been really her position
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until more recently. so i think that that's where it poses i will not back down from this point at all, even in the face of my friend evan presently because at the center of the case as the allegation of a sexual encounter, prosecutors have to establish a sexual encounter or else the case goes away all of the other sex is critically important and i think it makes it harder to believe her. >> but if the prosecutor has didn't call her as a when it's over like literally you could file a motion to the defense, can file a motion to throw the case out at that point. so that's all i'm saying. >> let's talk about the checks. >> the checks are critical only insofar as deborah tarasoff explain what the checks are. certainly, deborah tarasoff, who was i believe accounts payable within the trump organization came and testified in excruciating detail about 34 we're checks. each four, i believe $35,000 that were at the heart of this scheme. now, it's boring testimony. it's not the splashes testimony that people will here, but critically important that we
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stay on the screen that looks very splashed. it's it's very splashy now and sort of like i was saying about stormy daniel's part of the task of prosecutors is to build a world around the thing there they're establishing. >> and if you're saying that 34 checks were written in order to further a criminal scheme. you actually have to introduce each of those 34 into evidence in painstaking detail, saying, is this true and accurate rendering of the check is you remember it, ma'am? yes. i think they spent 90 minutes. >> we were there for all of it. i i know. >> well, i mean, i think especially because the defense is refusing to stipulate this. so they're having to do this the long way, which is kind of perhaps one strategy which is to bore the jury to clarify the defense can agree to any piece of evidence, you can just say we're going to let it into court. they just chose not do here. >> i don't want to talk about another very important decision& a different trial right at federal trial, a federal case i should say not trial in the sourdough, right.
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>> and the judge said that she was going to accept emotion by the defense. i'm just shorthanded this that effectively delays that trial. this is about the classified documents. even more, right? i want you to listen to what ty cobb, who was a lawyer for donald trump in the past, said about that decision she had no intention of getting this case to trial, and she wasn't competent to get this case to trial. she talks about her duty to fully and fairly consider the pending motions. she's had months to do that and get very little. she's had she's ruled on only three of the 12 motions to dismiss, all of which could have been easily resolved by now. this is a combination of bias and competence i mean, wow yeah, big statement from somebody, again, who represented donald trump about a trump appointee, right? well,
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look, i mean, if you see what the judge ruled, her order yesterday, what she's saying is that there's a backlog of items of motions that she has to go through and that's why it's not appropriate to have a trial date at this point. >> well, what she doesn't say is that the reason why there's a backlog is because of her is because she has refused to take some of these very cymbol motions and just make a decision in such wants to like slope flow, roll them, and she's scheduling hearings on some things that frankly, most judges would just have them brief and then make a decision. so what we've seen i've been having hesitant to say that there's any malice and what this judge is doing because she's a new person on the bench. she's literally learning to be a judge on the job. it just so happens that she got one of the most important cases in the history of of, of the justice department but it's hard to sort of look at this stuff and not wonder whether she is actually just playing into the
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effort to delay these cases as the defendant would like her to do, because we're six months from the election, right? >> yeah. >> oh, and i think ties point is well taken, whether it's a lack of competence whenever it is, the judge's not having a great time with this case. the problem is that any you're not really going to succeed in an effort to get her off the case. it's very hard to get our federal judge removed, particularly when your basis for doing it as well. i just don't like the timing of something because there's an election coming, there's not there would have to be some allegation of a clear financial she just giving them any any of that evidence because because she just was not ruling right. yeah. that's the thing. it's just yeah. absolutely fascinating. it keeps you guys busy or not. >> thank you both up next, president biden has more time to campaign and more money to spend, then his republican rival. >> why isn't it showing up so far in the polls? i'll ask a top biden harris campaign official next, and i have k
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those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. plenty is five-star freshness that pretty is to play offs what do you see? my first championship in houston, charles not winning a championship. >> this tries stay positive or positive. >> he didn't win a ring oh, my president biden is campaigning today in wisconsin. >> it his fourth visit to the badger state this year. is there a highlight a new 3.3 billion dollar investment by microsoft in a new artificial
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intelligence data center. it's one of the many such announcements he's made in key states in recent weeks trying to turn around polls that show him trailing to donald trump and most national& battleground state polls. joining me now for more on his campaign strategy is michael tyler. he is the biden harris campaign communications director. thank you so much for being here. >> i appreciate it. >> let's start with what the president is doing today shortly. actually well, he's been generally crisscrossing the battleground states, as i said all told, unveiling 866 billion in development so the question is, what i mentioned, which is the race still looks like a toss up to us today. are there any signs that you are seeing that these efforts, like what he's going to do and wisconsin are moving the needle well i think there are a couple of things. first, thanks so much for having me. i think as it relates to what the president is doing today, he's of course, there in his official capacity in racine announcing $3.3 billion in
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investment i do think it stands in stark contrast to donald trump's fraudulent economic record of broken promises to american workers. he showed up in racine or when he was president golden shovel in han promising the eighth wonder of the world and 13,000 jobs that eighth wonder never showed up. he did the same thing in cities like warren, michigan, and lordstown, ohio, where he promised auto workers that their factories wouldn't close. we saw six auto plants close under donald trump's presidency we have one candidate who has a track record of breaking his promises to the american worker and you have another and joe biden, who's keeping his promises to american workers and that's a choice that we think the american people are going to fundamentally understand as we move forward in this election, i think as it relates to the polls to the second part of your question, first, there's as many poles at this stage in the race where we're up is when they're down. but i think as it relates to polling right now, we're not going to put too much stock in any of those. we're going to focus on doing the things that we know we need to do as a campaign in order to win this election in november,
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that's why we're out today with another $14 million. and advertisements that are going to run across all eight battleground states. that's why we're scaling up our physical infrastructure in the states we've got 150 offices across all the battleground states. by the end of may will be up to 200. it's why we're deepening our organizing presence, working with small businesses so that they can be staging locations for a lot of our programmatic efforts on the ground again, and all the battleground states and you take that against what donald trump is doing, the lack of infrastructure the fact that they're closing minority outreach centers, the fact that the president, today's wednesday, he could be he could be campaigning, donald trump could be, but he's down a moral law matter where he is. yeah. go no matter where he is, whether he is on the stump or down tomorrow logo, he's not doing the work of communicating directly with the voters are going to decide this election. he's just screaming it an echo chamber mega extreme because i went to his back. >> i just want to jump in because before you talked about the infrastructure that you're building, just going back to the first point you are making about the economy and the contrast between trump and
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biden. i hear what you're saying about polls, but it's hard to argue with the fact that on the question of the economy and who voters as more successful, that they trust more on the economy, that trump has an edge over biden every step of the way. so how are you going to convince voters of what you just said that trump? that the economy wasn't great under trump when that's not how a lot of them feel yeah, that's precisely what this campaign is. >> foreign reminding people of the incredible progress we have made under joe biden, wisconsin is an example of what we've seen across the country, 15 million jobs that have been created under this presidency, 800,000 manufacturing actually jobs that have been created under this presidency. >> record low black and latino unemployment under this presidency, for example. >> and we're going to contrast that against, again, donald trump's fraudulent economic record when he had power. black america, for example, the thing that went up by the end of his
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presidency was the unemployment rate. as long as well as the uninsured rate. these are the facts and this is exactly why you run a relentless campaign from now until november to compare the records and compare the vision where we're going to take this country under another four years of other joe biden or donald trump, and we're confident that if we deliver that message day in and day out from now, it's in november of the american people are going to know that there's one candidate who's fighting for get them in joe biden and another candidate who simply fighting for himself no matter where he is and donald trump over the past few months, you mentioned some of the new ads and the strategy that you put out today. but there had been dozens of ads focused on a variety of issues, abortion, health, care, infrastructure, green energy what is the most effective messaging? that you have seen so far that you are going to double down, triple down on in the six months ahead well, yeah. >> listen, we know that voters are going to take all of these issues with them when they go to the ballot box in november. and so it's important for us to talk about everything that is at stake in this election.
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the economy of course matters but are fundamental freedoms and are very democracy matter as well. and that's what the voters are telling us. and so we're going to continue to talk about the contrast of visions are for where we want to take this economy, whether we're going to want to continue to build it from the middle out in the bottom-up, as joe biden knows that we need to do, are we going to return to the failed trickle-down approach that donald trump tried where it was nothing but handouts to the super-rich and corporation since we're going to talk about the issue of abortion, are we going to restore rose joe biden wants to do are we going to continue to see the chaos play out in states across the country that donald trump has created we're going to talk about our very democracy. you're gonna continue to protect our democracy. are we going to tear down the very fabric of it by having somebody who wants to rule as a dictator on day one, if they're able to return turn to power and donald trump nefise selection is going to be about, and that's what we're going to communicate to voters from now until november. >> you mentioned that the former president is spending most of his time in court in new york. i want to ask you just sort of, generally speaking, what do you think at this point matters more to
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voters? and we'll determine the outcome of the election. voter's perception of the economy or the verdict in trump's criminal hush money trial yeah. >> i think the voters want to know what these candidates are going to do for them. and joe biden, we have a president and a candidate who demonstrates every single day that he wakes up fighting for them to create jobs to lower the cost, cap, the cost of insulin, and 35 bucks cap prescription answer is that economy wieners. >> he's $2,000, but we're also talking about donald trump, who when he is out on the stump or outside of the courthouse, he's talking about he's bragging about the role that he played and overturning rhoad and banning abortion across this country. he's talking about terminating the aca so that we no longer have protections for people with pre-existing conditions. he's talking about a bloodbath and ruling is a date or on day one. so these are the things that the voters are going to take to the ballot box with a new november. >> all right. you just for the record, you definitely talked about issues and not what trump is doing in the trial and the potential verdict. and that is
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very telling. i appreciate your coming on and sharing your campaign strategy today, michael, thank you. >> i appreciate you having me tonight on out front cnn's erin burnett will have an exclusive one-on-one interview with president biden. >> he is going to sit down with aaron to talk about what we just discussed. the economy and other plans for a second term. that's tonight on erin burnett. burnett outfront at seven eastern only here on cnn up next, she's had a rough couple of days, not what a prospective running mate wants to hear from the man at the top of the ticket we'll dive in next cnn exclusive, president biden, erin burnett one one he's campaigning across the country and now the president sits down with erin to talk about the economy and his plans for a second term, erin burnett outfront that night, it's seven on cnn in three seconds. what this couple will share a
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meso our, firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with ms kalisa. now south dakota governor kristi noem has taken hit after hit on television this week about the story she tells in her own new book about how she shot her poorly trained dog and about not really meeting with north korean leader kim jong un, despite saying she did over the last week. i should have put that anecdote in the book i'm not going to talk about they said it happened the dog story conversation you talked to president trump all the time to bring up and now steward to give us the interview as rediculously what you were doing right now when you recorded your own audio book, you didn't notice i'm not just about my meetings with world leaders. i'm not asking you to i'm asking you about recording the audio. do you want to talk about something else today? >> now know had been a top
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candidate to join donald trump's ticket. here's what trump himself said about her yesterday i liked her a lot, so i don't want to comment on anybody on the list. >> but she had a rough couple of days. i will say that governor, noem was scheduled to be on this program inside politics today, her team reached out to us weeks ago to book are here and we reconfirmed earlier this week, she abruptly canceled last night. >> we want to say, governor, you are of course, welcome on the program. any time back with the panel? i read the entire book even down to appendix b, it 240 pages in there is a lot in there, a lot beyond what we saw. and i do hope to be able to talk to her about that but i wanted to just talk about sort of the raw politics of this and where we think things stand, not just with her, but how this plays into the very important question and move that donald trump has to make for vp yeah, her reaction is a little bit
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funny simply because she's a public official. >> she's the governor. she put in her book these details and then she gets upset when the press then proceeds to ask about these details, whether it's her anecdote about kim jong un own or her killing her dog cricket, when it comes to the vp vip stakes for donald trump, i think look, ultimately donald trump is going to make his decision based on who is the most loyal to him and he isn't someone who's necessarily fond of dogs himself. >> so i'm not sure that this is necessarily entirely disqualifying for her in the eyes of donald trump. >> and she does talk in this book a lot about a lot of different topics that would and will ingratiate her to know trump. i mean, something that didn't get any coverage was what she talks about with regard to covid and she very much was an outlier, keeping everything open in south dakota and which he talks about the federal response in her book,
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she which a lot of conservatives are still angry with trump but bout, she talks about what happened and tries to shield him from an blames others. >> yet and still, dana, this is going to be a torturous process for all of these contenders because all indications are that the foreign president is really relishing this process. he says it's great for all of them out there to be stumping for me and he's quite sort of enjoying this they have a difficult task at hand. they have to indulge in his 2020 conspiracy. conspiracy theories. they have to prove to be prolific fundraisers they have to defend him at every turn. >> and then ultimately do all do all this without debate. >> acing themselves, right? not doing so to the point of embarrassing themselves and making themselves look too lonely. so it is a difficult task for all of these contenders. >> he's outsourcing the vetting the vetting is gonna be done by all of us. it's going to be done. i mean, ghana, you and i met in 2008 where there is a little-known governor from
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a small state who was plucked from obscurity became the vice presidential nominee for republican candidate. and that was sarah palin and so the sunlight is the best disinfectant. there's going to be a lot of conversation and a lot of scrutiny on all the candidates. donald trump is effectively outsourcing it and you said it's tortures. i think we should have a different approach. i think it's this font, this is dynamic, this is the process but it's probably tortures for the candidates themselves. you see the point, no question, great discussion. >> thank you all coming up stranger than fiction, rfk jr. is now saying a worm, eight part of his brain our very own brain dr.. sanjay google di, is here next with armor all a little bit of this protects you from a lot of that armor all less work, more clean by $20. >> good. five back for may 30. >> from tried and true to try
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like a sci-fi movie, a presidential candidate with a worm in his brain but apparently it's not the new york times is reporting that independent presidential candidate rfk jr. said in a deposition in 2012 that a doctor told him a warm got into his brain eight a portion of it, and then died. >> rfk jr. says he's recovered from the memory loss and brain fog that the warm caused. cnn has reached out to the campaign about the story last week that campaign was asked about rfk juniors health issues impacting his run. a spokes woman called it hilarious, and said that that was hilarious given his competition we've now got cnn's chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta with this, who of course is a neurosurgeon this really is a real thing yeah, this is a real thing. it has a name on neurocysticercosis what that
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basically means is typically and again, we're just hearing this from the deposition, so we don't have medical records, but what, uh, very much sounds like it's something that happens when people eat the pork that has been undercooked.& the larvae from the pork can actually, that is not been killed by my cooking enough, gets into the bloodstream and then can travel all over the body. that's what can happen. i can show up in different organs around the body yes. including the brain. and let me show you, i think we have an image of what this might look like on a scan. you can see what happens is that these larvae will get into the brain. it's not eating the brain. first of all, it's just sort of finding a home in the brain. and then eventually those purple dots that you may see on the image there that's sort of these cysts that form around it. they sort of create these walls around the larvae in the brain. and that's what people will see on a scan. it can cause symptoms in people not typically memory loss or cognitive problems, but more headaches sometimes people might have seizures or many times they're just found
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incidentally. what i mean by that, dana is that he may have gotten scans because he was having some issues. they find these things, but it doesn't mean they're necessarily related in some way, which is what he said in that deposition that he went to a doctor the doctor actually who treated his uncle, ted kennedy, who had a brain tumor. and that's when they said that this is what they thought it was. >> you've actually operated on people who have this type of warm before so sometimes because the process when these worms get into the brain, again, they're not eating the brain, but when they start to die, they can cause a lot of inflammation in the brain and people might have significant symptoms. so you saw that scan that i just showed you. so if you're looking at a brain model like this, typically where these, these cysts end up being is closer to the surface of the brain. so what we would have to do is actually make a little opening in the skull and then go down and actually remove that cyst, which is something that does happen typically again, it's from people who've eaten
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undercooked pork and we sort of put the story together, get the scan and it all fits by removing that. you can actually get a lot of relief of the symptoms. again, most times people do not need surgery and many times it can be treated with medications alone. but in rare cases and operations necessary. i've done that many, many neurosurgeons have that's all i have to say to that may come visit me in the sometimes. >> you definitely do not want because then all end up being part of the patient team there. >> thank you for being on. thank you for explaining it. thank you for bringing your model brain and your actual very giant frame that helps explain all of this. sanjay, thanks and thank you for joining and sayyed politic, cnn news central starts after the break this is the all new tebor pick adapt mattress. >> and we designed it to help make aches and pains. a thing of the past, because are most advanced infinitely adaptable
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