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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 8, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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healthier with the oraa ring we're here to get your side of the story this guy who was a crusader against human sex trafficking is actually a customer it's someone at the white house blow the cover of a cia operative. >> this is horrifying. she's still endangered the staff said
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he was hiking the appalachian trail when did you you realize you might actually be going to prison from the beginning you can't write this stuff. united states of scans with jake tapper. now streaming on macs as former president trump prepares to return so in new york courtroom here more testimony from stormy daniels in his hush money trial. >> he's getting a major win in his federal classified documents case. the judge postponing the trial indefinitely, making a start date before election day highly unlikely. >> plus president biden taking more digs at trump is he campaigns and battlegrounds? >> wisconsin. how biden is taking aim at is 2024 rivals record on economic development. >> and the us hits pause on a shipment of bombs to israel as a new who report could reveal whether the us believes israel
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has broken humanitarian law as criticism grows over israel's military actions in raffa, we are following these main he's you're developing stories and many more all coming in right here. it's seen a new central right now, new developments in three criminal cases against former president trump in georgia and appeals court says it will review a lower court's ruling allowing fulton county da funny willis to stay stay on the 2020 election subversion case. >> they're trump and his co defendants have been trying to disqualify willis by alleging that she engaged in an improper relationship with the attorney. shuh to lead the investigation, and florida federal judge, there has indefinitely postponed trump's classified documents. >> trial. judge, aileen cannon, citing significant issues for unclassified evidence that would need to be resolved before that case goes to a jury and in trump's new york hush money trial lawyers for the former president are asking in
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new york appeals court to quickly rule on their challenge to the gag order. and let's begin their cnn's care skin al has been our eyes and ears in the courtroom everyday of this hush money trial. harrat what more can you tell u.s. about this appeal by trump's legal team. so trump's lawyers had initially asked the appellate division if they would stop the trials so they could appeal the gag order that was quickly denied they did. >> they are now asking the appellate court, the whole bench to weigh in on the constitutionality of this gag order. and so they filed a motion related to that today, according to sources familiar with it, because it is still under seal, but this is just the latest challenge to try to you have the judge change the gag order. this of course, comes after the judge found that trump had violated the gag order for the 10th time this week. fine. tim, a total of $10,000 and telling the former president that the next time he may be forced to put him in incarceration as any kind of sanction seeing these seems
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that the $1,000 per violation fine, it's just not serving as a deterrent. guys and qarrah stormy daniels, the adult film actress and producer is going to return to the stan tomorrow. >> we're told that trumps defense team is planning to ramp up. it's questioning or maybe just continue the line in which we saw them go yesterday with their cross-examination are they going to take even more time than expected? what's happening here? >> yes. so the part of the cross-examination always reacts to the prosecutors. do on direct examination and prosecutors took a long time with stormy daniels, having her go through her sexual encounter with donald trump in 2006 and subsequent meetings. all leading up to the ultimate $130,000 payment. and then when that all became in public. so donald trump's attorney, susan nechele, started that yesterday. she spent about 90 minutes cross-examining stormy daniels. she was really starting to attack her credibility. that seems to be the main theme of this defense is that she should not be
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believed, and that also she was motivated by money. and so there was an exchange between necklace and stormy daniels, where she was focusing in on that and we're nicholas said to daniel's my question was you've been making money by claiming to have had sex with president trump for more than a decade, right? and nicholas response, i've been making money excuse me, daniels response. i've been making money by telling my story about what happened to me. nicholas and that story in essence is that you sit uh, you had sex with president trump, right? daniel says, yes, necklaces and that story has made you a lot of money, right? daniel says, it is also cost me a lot of money. so i think we will expect to see this line of questioning continue nicholas had said in court that she is going to focus on some inconsistent statements. we saw that little bit she was challenging stormy daniels with what she had wrote in her memoir and saying that that did not match what some of her testimony has been in this trial. and i think we'll continue to see a lot of peppering of questions and a lot of back-and-forth when this begins again tomorrow, guys
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more to come, kara canal for u.s. thanks so much. and let's turn to a new development in trump's election subversion in case in georgia, the court of appeals, they're announcing it will consider an effort by trump and his co defendants to disqualify district attorney. funny willis, cnn, sara marie has been following this for u.s. and sarah, this comes after a lower court had ruled willis can remain on the case. so what happens now? >> well, look, this is certainly a blow to the district attorney's office. they had hoped to move beyond this disqualification issue to focus on the meat of this election interference case against former president donald trump and several of his co defendants. and now it just looks like that's not going to happen in georgia court of appeals has agreed to hear this question of whether willis can remain on the case remember, trump's team had argued that willis should be disqualified. both because of a romantic relationship she had with a fellow prosecutor on the case, but also because of comments she made publicly regarding the case. and even though the lower court judge did not remove willis, her fellow prosecutor,
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nathan weighed, did step aside. trump and other co-dependent saying that the judge got that wrong. again, going to the court of appeals and saying, will you give this another revisit and the court of appeals now saying yes, trump's attorney in georgia, steve stayed out said he's looking forward to presenting his arguments about why will should be disqualified and why this whole case should be dismissed. >> what does it mean for the timeline of when this case could go to trial means it's probably not going to trial anytime soon. it's really unlikely that this case is going to make it over the finish line anytime before election day, guys, the judge in this case, judge scott mcafee, has not even broached the question of a trial date. he still has a present the dental immunity issue in front of them, so they're already in a holding pattern when it comes to the trump of it all waiting to see what the supreme court decides over the summer on the presidential immunity issue. and it's hard to imagine that he's going to want to move full speed ahead with a case with the trial involving donald trump when there's still this huge matter of the disqualifies
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occasion hanging over everyone's head with the appeals court. and it could be months before we hear what the appeals court decides to do in this case, guys all right. >> we're looking for that. sara marie. thank you so much for that, and we're also following developments in former president trump's classified documents, trial now postponed indefinitely. of course, cannon canceling that trial date set for later this month. sayyed issues around classified evidence that need to be resolved before the case goes to a jury. >> so let's bring in cnns or katelyn polantz kaitlyn, what happened now in this case well, in this case, the classified documents case in florida against donald trump, obstruction of justice mishandling of national security records, trump and two co defendants headed towards trial. >> in this one, there also isn't even a likelihood anytime soon of u.s. >> getting a trial date because eileen canon has pulled the trial date off the calendar and says she has to work through eight substantive motions that are already before her. and
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then she is going to be setting a schedule out into july of dealing with issues in this case primarily around the handling of classified documents and classes so find information that may be part of the case, especially part of the defenses, review of the case, preparations for trial, and what they might want to present to the jury. all of that is so complicated and so dense that judge cannon says, she'll set a trial date once she gets through a bit more in the coming months so there is no way that this case will be able to go to trial or even have a trial date set in the next couple of weeks & very unlikely that we even see when a trial could be possible until late july at the earliest. >> so how is the special counsel responding here at kaitlan? >> jackson? options? >> well, the options for the special counsel in the justice department are the same as any lawyer in this sort of situation at as of right now, you follow the judge's orders, you follow the schedule that she set, and you show up for
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the hearings and for the deadlines that she has set for motions. one of the things to highlight just how this process assesses played out in this case, is that back in february, everything was argued in full about whether there could be additional hearings over emotion by the trump team to dig into the prosecution of the case to try and claim and maybe try and get more evidence. it's into the record. if they could find it, that the biden administration was targeting donald trump unfairly somehow, the department fought against that. judge cannon just now, as of yesterday, is saying, okay, let's have a hearing on that in late june. that's on the calendar now. so it has been months just for that issue to blossom to the point of the judge saying okay, i'll have a hearing. and clearly that hearing was not something that the special counsel's office office saw to be legally
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correct, but are going to have to face that whenever the time comes in late june to have that hearing. >> all katelyn polantz for updating nac okay. thanks so much. and despite coordinate being in session for donald trump's hush money trial today, the former president has no scheduled campaign events. trump has repeatedly complained that his courtroom commitments, which they are plenty other, keeping them off the campaign trail. alaska, cnn's christian homes is with u.s. now. okay. so if he is stuck in this courtroom, can't campaign, you'd think wednesdays or campaign wednesdays and yet no, we have that one campaign wednesday since the started, we went to michigan and wisconsin last wednesday, but the wednesday before that, he went to bed munster and played golf. and now again, he is not out on the campaign trail. instead, we are told that yesterday after that salacious and at times uncomfortable testimony from stormy daniels, he got on his plane and flew down to palm beach for a dinner that he's having with supporters who bought multiple nf tease. some of these lfts of course being
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the mug shot photo of donald trump. and he had promised this in an email, but turns out they are doing it now as advisers say that this was a dinner that had been planned weeks in advance, but i will tell you one thing. none of the money that he has made from these nft is goes towards the campaign. this is all for personal gain, but again, that is how he is spending the day he is of course, going back to new york and then we'll be back in the courtroom. i will note he has a rally in new jersey on saturday, a little bit surprising given the fact that new jersey is certainly not a critical battlegrounds de, it's not one of the top swing seats that we often go back to. how is the campaign? reacting to stormy daniels testimony? >> it was just as much of an uncomfortable moment for the former president as they thought it was going to be, there was nothing that was revealed that was new to the campaign, but the biggest problem for the campaign is they just don't know how this plays out in a general election, of course, seemed donald trump in cord him being indicted, arrested, all of that helped him in a primary when it came seem to fundraising when
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it came to actual poll number increasing when you're hearing salacious testimony like this, how does that actually impact the voters that donald trump is trying to reach? because if you talk to either the biden campaign or the trump campaign, both sides believed that this election is going to be chosen by a very narrow amount of voters in the middle, people who are not sure where they're gonna go. >> that select group, how they react to hearing about this alleged affair with a porn star and these kind of nitty-gritty details, that's what the campaign has to worry about moving forward. that is the most important question. and then the political takeaway of all of this arike kristen home. thanks so much. so i defense secretary lloyd austin, confirming the us withheld a shipment of bombs for israel real over concerns about civilians in rafah. plus president biden hammering his predecessor over his promises on the economy as he looks to one over voters in a credit full swing state. >> and congresswoman margiela retailer green is not backing off of her threat to try to bring down house speaker mike
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johnson unless certain conditions are met what she's demanding coming up cnn news central, he's brought to you by far, sega visit u.s. >> at for for more you have chronic kidney disease. >> you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with parse sega because there are places like to be for seeker can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration urinary tract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur stopped taking four sika and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis while i'm a paid actor. and this isn't a real company, there's no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork has half the cost of our old recruiter and they have topped your talent and everything from there are two project management, because
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in the fusion of bashing aren't in the strokes that they've inspired masterpieces in sderot souls, written on the hearts that he describes our money in the call to action that is ignited revolutions of change. the bible's impact is all around you discover how at museum of the bible the trump hush money trial gavel to gavel coverage. the way only cnn can bring it to you, legal insight, expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows cnn president biden is in wisconsin and a new poll was just released showing him there with a slim lead over donald trump, the quantum university survey of registered voters has biden leading trump 52, 44 in a head-to-head match up, not counting third party candidates. of course, wisconsin helped deliver the white house to biden in 2020 and trump in 2016 for that matter. >> but his margin of victory
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was incredibly small. it was the same back in 20 16 very small margins of victory. that's right. and that's why biden is there for the fourth time this year and he's arguing that he can deliver what trump could not a huge high-tech factory to create thousands of jobs. cnn's mj lee is on the scene there and racing county mj. what's the president's pitch? there in wisconsin yeah, the president just made a big economic announcement here in wisconsin that microsoft is going to be investing some 3.3 billion for the building of a new artificial intelligence facility here in racing that they are saying would create some 2,300 construction union jobs initially for just the creating of that facility and that ultimately it will result in several thousand permanent jobs whenever that facility has finished being built the president made a direct comparison between that announcement and the famous
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failed a foxcon announcement. >> from former president donald trump. that of course was the announcement that a taiwanese electronics company would be building new factories here, also pouring in billions of dollars and creating thousands of jobs. those promises, of course, never materialize. and what the president said in his remarks earlier was that he basically saw that as a con job from the former president and he made clear that he believes that he's record, especially when it comes to the economy is a stronger one than what the former president had take a listen during the previous administration, my predecessor made promises which he broke more than cattle. left a lot of people behind and communities like gracie on my watch we make promises and we keep promising really no one behind. don't employment rate who hit a record low in racy. racy to see
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some of the strongest new business growth. and all of u.s consonant it's only just beginning. >> we're seeing a great american comeback story all across wisconsin and quite frankly, the entire country and the president just finished up a campaign organizing events stop where campaign officials are training volunteers on voter outreach and in particular, the president was engaged. they're with black volunteers black voters. that is going to be a group that the campaign is going to be very much focused on reaching out to and so important because as you noted at the top, this state is expected to be very close back in 2016. this is a state that president trump won in 2020, as we know, president biden ended up winning the state. but by a very close margin. so this is a group that the campaign nose is really important to get out there. and the last thing that democrats want here is for a
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black voters it's grandson, particularly around the milwaukee area to be unmotivated and unenthusiastic by the time november comes around. of course, that was a big problem for hillary clinton back in 2016 mj lee for u.s. there in wisconsin. thanks so much for that reporting and a quick programming note for everyone tonight on out front, erin burnett exclusive one-on-one interview with president biden. he's sitting down to talk to aaron about the economy, his plans for a second term this interview airs on erin burnett outfront, its tonight at seven eastern here on cnn defense secretary lloyd austin confirming to lawmakers that the us has paused a shipment of bombs, big bombs to israel, u.s. >> official telling cnn the hold is over-constrained and that these bombs would potentially be used in raffa. >> also today, the state department said, it's report on whether israel is violating international law will be late. it was due to congress today
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official saying it will be released and what they say or the coming days seen as oren lieberman is joining u.s. now from the pentagon, or and let's focus on this shipment for a second. help u.s. understand exactly what's in it. briana mentioning big big bombs, what more of the defense secretary say about it? >> this is a very specific shipment that was paused last week in it, or 1801 ton bombs. some of the most powerful conventional weapons in the u.s. arsenal, as well as 1,700, 500 pound bombs. so significant weaponry here, that's been paused. this was to be shipped to israel effectively imminently for use in the war the reason this was paused was because of u.s concerns over israel's promises that it will conduct a major ground operation in raffa, israel in the u.s. have been in touch over this. the us has clearly stated its opposition to such an operation and the us has preska israel for answers on how it would handle the more than million palestinians who are there and make sure it doesn't turn into you a humanitarian catastrophe with civilian casualties according to a u.s. official, the answers
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from israel have not been satisfactory. and so this shipment of bombs has been put on hold because of the concerns over what a 2000 pound bomb could do if dropped in a heavily populated area. but defense secretary lloyd austin made clear in a hearing earlier today that this does not mean that the us is in any way backing off of israel's defensive needs we're going to continue to do what's necessary to ensure that israel has the means to defend itself but that said, we are currently reviewing some near-term security assistance shipments in the context of unfolding events in rafah now what happens with this shipment is it simply sent in the near future or sometime down the road or is it outright rejected that the us is still very much looking at. meanwhile, in the longer-term, the us has also evaluating sales or transfers of jay kids which turned on guided bombs into precision weapons. so there's a lot of room view here, and you can see this is clearly a concern about
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what would happen if israel conducted a major ground operation. and raffa & or tell u.s. about this state department report that is supposed to have some sort of determination about whether israel has violated international humanitarian law. that was due to congress. why, why is this been delayed it was a self-imposed deadline essentially to get it done today, the state department now saying it should come within the coming days and they're working to get this done. >> so we do expect that here sometime in the short-term here in the near future, the question of course is what does it say?& the state department has kept this very tight. there wasn't national security memorandum issued from the white house in february, which said that countries receiving u.s. weapons must assure they're using them in compliance with international law. the israel has given the us that assurance. the question question is, what does the us make of that? and that's what this report will look at. does the us find it to be a credible and believable assurance or does it find that israel is in
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violation of international law? this has led to some deep divisions within the state department. and we have seen complaints both internally and externally about a concern friends over israel's conduct of the war in gaza. and that's why this is so critical. it doesn't automatically trigger restrictions on weapons, but given the pressures on the white house, it could very much lead in that direction with restrictions on what the us is providing to israel all right. >> or in live for u.s. from the pentagon. thank you for that report. and let's talk a little bit more about all of this with retired army lieutenant general mark hurtling. he's a senior the military analyst. he served as the commanding general of u.s. army europe and the seventh army. or in general first, we know when we've seen the effects of it, of these 502,000 pound bombs that israel has used it at least hundreds of them in gaza. >> tell u.s. what these usually do, what the objective that can be achieved on the battlefield of these bombs is. and what
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cannot be yeah. well, first of all, it's a great question because when you're conducting either a counter insurgency or a counterterrorism operation, you're not using the kind of weapon systems that would blow big holes and things are destroyed. big buildings now israel is put on a conundrum because a lot of the terrorists headquarters and infrastructure is built underneath some of the big buildings that israel has been going after. but these bombs, especially the thousand 2000 pounders and even the 500 pounders in some cases will basically destroy a building. it will knock it down, it will eliminate it from the landscape. so when you're talking about going after individual terrorist or terrorist cells you want precision in counterterrorism are counterinsurgency operation, and precision is something that the biden
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fenestration in the secretary of defense has been asking israel to do for about four months now is a saw the initial implications of attacks into northern gaza & if finally came to a point. and i think about a week ago i was on a program with i think you said that. yeah, this is sending a signal and then the department of defense that well, wait a minute. not really now, secretary of defense austin has said, indeed, it's sending a signal. we are not shipping you weapons that can basically knocked down large buildings. you've got to be a little bit more precise and surgical than that. >> yeah because he's big bombs have been blamed for a number of the civilian casualties, the collateral damage in this war that is, has been so qj. i do want to ask you as well, cnn just obtained and satellite images that show israel has expanded. it's raffa operations from airstrikes to the ground with a significant amount of bulldozing specifically in an area near the rock for crossing with egypt. what does that tell you
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it tells me, first of all, they've had israel has put two brigades size forces into eastern raffa, into an area that they believe intelligence is driving them toward that's where some of that headquarters are. >> and perhaps where some of the captured civilians are the hostages. we have seen the forall first brigade is called the iron tracks piguet, and there's your body brigade has gone into that area of operations. so when you're talking about large brigade operations, you're talking about several thousand people with a lot of equipment. it's not just tanks and armored personnel carriers it's bulldozers and earth movers and artillery pieces. so what you're seeing right now in the picture shows it is they have i would believe that intelligence has given the israeli defense forces some targeting in that area. they think because of what they've achieved, that they can go in there and more surgically strike some of the targets. and in fact, all this
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afternoon, i've been monitoring reports. there is a continuation of hamas firing rockets at the two checkpoints her hurry, kareem shalom, and also the raffa checkpoint. there have been multiple strikes, just today on those two so i think what israel continues to do is go after the terrorist cells in those areas. hopefully they will find some of the hostages, but they're also looking to kill or capture some of the hamas versus that are in eastern rafah yeah, so many families of those hostages waiting for some good news. it's been so long for them. you know, israel, he said from the beginning here general, that their goal is to eradicate hamas, that israel cannot be safe without eradicating hamas when you look at how the war has gone at this point in time how his israel done on its objectives so far well, we've said from the very beginning,
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briana, that you can't eradicate an ideology which is hamas. >> but certainly israel has done a great deal in terms of killing are capturing literally hundreds and perhaps even thousands. i don't know the count of hamas terrorist. so from the standpoint of attempting to eradicate the organization inside of gaza i would give them probably very good marks unfortunately, they've done it in area that's very difficult to operate in as you just said a minute ago, with so many civilians and so much infrastructure. but of course, that's hamas is strategy to wrap themselves in the palestinian civilians in the area cause damage to them continue to embarrass the israeli defense forces in the state of israel and also to keep the war going as long as they kent time is on, hamas is sayyed because the world is generating a lot of distaste for this operation rightfully
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so because of the way israel has conducted. so these are the strategies of a terrorist organization it's been extremely complicated and complex for the israeli government and especially the idf to continue this fight general hurtling, it is great to have your insight here. >> thank you so much for being with u.s. >> thanks, brown we'll be right back in just a moment is to play offs what do you see? my first step is you've been houston salehi not winning a championship let's try and stay positive or positive. he didn't win a ring oh, my god. hi, i'm david and i lost 92 pounds on goal. i noticed within a week that the release supplement really knocked out my sugar cravings. it didn't feel the need to go to the store for candy or go through the drive-thru after i feel so much better these days and i have goal to thank for that. >> falls are the number one cause of injury to senior
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world's news breaking news is cyber attack is disrupted. >> clinical operations at major health care non-profit ascension a company spokesperson telling cnn has taken steps to minimize any impact to patient care here, we have seen in sean lingus, who broke the story he's with u.s. now tell u.s. what you're hearing from ascension on this briana, this just happened today where they detected some suspicious activity on their network and they took the initiative to try to shut things down, isolate it pretty standard procedure when you have something like this that could be a ransomware attack. >> we don't know if it is, but it kind of has the hallmarks of a ransomware attack where you need to isolate things and say okay, don't connect to our systems anymore until we can get this under control. it's very much a fluid situation. this is a huge health care network. they run about 140 hospitals in the u.s. 40 senior living facilities. so it's a very big network and they're trying to minimize the effect that it's having on patient
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care. but they've already said that it is having some effect and they're trying to keep that under control. >> and sean, this is coming on the heels of the cyber attack on united health care. as we would imagine, these companies have these huge amounts of medical and financial information about all of u.s. how concerning is that? >> it is concerning. i mean, as you mentioned, the recent health care they attack on the united health was was really big in that affected pharmacies across the country. people couldn't get their insurance to fill prescriptions and angered people on capitol hill. there was a lot of outrage over that one one and over the lack of basic cybersecurity measures that a major multi-billion-doll ar health company would, you would assume they would have so this is a lot of scrutiny right now on this it's health companies and whether they're doing enough to protect our data is very interesting, but also concerning for a lot of people. shoveling guys, thanks so much. >> school leaders from across the country getting grilled on in capitol hill today as lawmakers push them to do more about anti-semitism a cnn
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exclusive president biden, erin bernick, one-on-one. he's good i'm across the country. and now the president sits down with erin to talk about the economy and his plans for a second term. erin burnett outfront that night at seven on cn? sure. i'm a paid actor and this isn't a real company but there's no way to fake cop work can help your business such talent all over the world with over 10,000 skills, you may not happen house more than 30% of the fortune 500 use upwork because this that's how we work now time for growth funding from bus do credit makes it possible, are easy and convenient process makes it simple to take the next step on your journey this to credit funding. >> what's next sometimes it takes a different approach to imagine your future differently. thank you for coming together. >> capelli universities game changing, flux path format,
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happening. people were there so few certainties is we navigate it? >> i'm glad i found stability in withstood all go standing the test of time closed captioning is brought to you by skechers, hands-free slip in we talk on the phone hands-free. go hands-free to turn on our lights and now there's hands-free footwear revolutionary sketches, you just slip in and they're on dry sketches, slip ends as protests have mushrooms on college campuses across the country, lawmakers on capitol hill are turning their focus now to elementary and high schools. >> hey, how subcommittee today question liters of k through 12 schools in new york, california, and maryland about allegations of anti-semitism in their districts. >> now this comes a date after the education departments it's investigating allegations of discrimination against jewish students in berkeley,
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california. >> seasons. matt egan is falling the story for u.s. matt. what were some of the takeaways from today's hearing will just give briana this was the first hearing focused on k to 12 schools and alleged incidence of anti-semitism. their school leaders today they try hi to really stress that they take this issue very, very seriously and that they are disciplining students and faculty when they're found to have done something wrong. >> now, one of the many points here is that they're trying to say that these incidents are not as widespread as some of the republican lawmakers have made them out to be now, for instance, in berkeley california district that you just mentioned, where the education department is investigating discriminant get discrimination against jewish students. the superintendent of berkeley tried to say that, yes, students and faculty have made mistakes at times. >> but she said that anti-semitism is not pervasive in that dish okay. now, david banks, deep chancellor of new york city public schools he was
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asked about an issue that hit very close to home. he was asked about a situation last fall where a pro israel teacher had to hide, reportedly from protesting students four hours now, this took place at a queens heist school where banks actually attended school and banks described this as a complete act of anti-semitism, he said it will not stand on his watch, but listen to some of the questions he got a round up punishment for the principal is the former principal at hillcrest still drawing a salary from new york city public schools today? >> yes, he is i'm sorry, can you say that again? >> i said, yes, he is you are still paying. he's no longer the former the school. >> how how can jewish students feel safe at new york city public schools when you can't even manage to terminate the principle of open season on jews high school or even endorse suspension of a student harassments. i can jewish
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students go to school knowing that he is still on your payroll? your payroll, sir no. >> banks stress that while this principle is still on the new york city payroll, he has been removed from the principle of this high school and banks also made sort of a broader point here. he said that for too many americans, hearings like this just kind of feel like gotcha moments and he urged congress to really come together and try to come up with actual solutions rather than just focus on gotcha moments. >> just going brown. all right. matt egan without reporting for u.s. thanks so much. let's turn now to some other headlines. we're watching this hour, the collapse cryptocurrency, currency exchange, ftx is almost all of its customers will get their money back. it is extremely rare for that to happen we'll company in bankruptcy ftx as it's been able to recover assets, were roughly $15 and we'll use them to pay stakeholders back in march, former ftx ceo sam bankman-fried with sentence two
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once you've five years in prison on fraud and conspiracy charges, and nasa's boeing starliner will take off next week for the international space station. two astronauts were already he strapped into the capsule. they were ready to go on monday when a valve started buzzing and that launch was scrubbed the last minute for safety. now says the valve is being replaced and it will announce a new launch time soon and speaking of flying high wnba commissioner kathy englebart's says, the league will start for flying. it's athletes on private planes instead of flying commercial is they do now during the regular season for years, players have complained of safety concerns and security security issues at airports engelberg told a group of sports editors the league is committing 50 million over the next two seasons. they're going to start flying the women on chartered planes as soon as they can get them scheduled there are new questions about whether popular diabetes drugs could affect fertility bloody potentially leading to some
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surprise. pregnancies will have that next good was the absolute peak of his celebrity. >> in olympic heroes, xhaka murder trial, we learned of a much darker individual power would really we happen with jesse l. martin sandi, nine on cnn this making you uncomfortable. good when you've got type two diabetes like me, you have up to four times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or worse death even when meeting your a1c goal this can help you act i'm not trying to scare you. i'm in you to get real with your health care provider talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death he there brenda. >> it's carol exactly. >> so which laken operating on. >> you mean arm? >> it's all connected.
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lieberman at the pentagon, and this cna as millions of people take new weight-loss drug, some are reporting an unexpected side effect. >> better fertility, wow, some women are reporting unexpected pregnancies while they are taking medications like ozone pick and majora. >> we have seen in medical correspondent meg too here to explain. all right. meg people are getting more than they bargained for this ozone pick baby boom yes, we are hearing a lot of anecdotal reports of women having unexpected pregnancies while taking drugs like ozone pick and dr. and researchers say this isn't
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necessarily incredibly surprising because weight loss can be associated with infertility improvement in folks who may have irregular side hi goals for example, due to a syndrome like pcos polycystic ovary syndrome or other reasons for having an abnormal menstrual cycles. >> so losing five to 10% of your body weight, or even more, which we've seen with these medicines can help with infertility another thing to be aware of with these medicines is that tours appetite based drugs, those are zip bound and mound jarrow actually have a warning in there prescribing information that they may make. birth control pills less effective. and that's probably because these drugs work by in part by slowing down digestion of food and that can affect the absorption of medicines taken by mouth. guys, we did talk with one young mom. she'd been trying for two years to get pregnant. she went on mount jaroun for weight loss. she lost about 40 pounds over five months. thats kataib bentley, you see there she got unexpectedly pregnant while taking mount r0 and she was delighted, but she was also a little nervous about the effects that the drug could
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have on her baby guys what a sweet baby. >> oh, definitely, i mean, tell u.s. about that's the concern, right. is you're taking a drug and you think i'm sure they're not planning on getting pregnant? so then they're worried is this drug going to negatively affect the pregnancy exactly. >> and unfortunately, these medicines have not been studied in clinical trials in people who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. and so scientists and doctors are relying on sort of real-world evidence. and there are few studies available so far. and what's happened in humans who have been taking these drugs? it's during pregnancy. >> we are getting more data from registries, essentially from accidents when people are unexpectedly becoming pregnant. so far the human data have not turned up any major causes for alarm. >> there are some causes for alarm in the animal data though. so the recommendation is stop these drugs two months before trying to conceive or immediately if you do become pregnant happy to say though that baby iv is doing very well, you see, we all right. >> mentor ralph, thanks so much. and we'll be right back
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experts fiber solomson new york is cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you two, eight and re to one well, by now, you've no doubt heard about this spring cicada double brewed with billions of the insects expected to emerge across the southeast and the midwest. >> yeah, it's a simple concept really, they crawl out of the ground, they molt, and then they just fly around wreaking havoc. but one group apparently thought it reenactment would be helpful is the cicadas are hiding right just below the soil surface and emerge when the temperatures are right, it's roughly we yes. >> pretty much. he's are employees of a force? preserving illinois? they put out the video and you can see they also claimed some trees.
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it's pretty it's amazing. >> make sounds the really loud like that. >> well, i know you're a big fan and i think we have some video. >> my gosh, showing just how big a fan you arm does this will never and happened to me. i mean, you didn't ready actually, i'm scared of it's okay oh, the crunch. >> crunch now wing hanging out of my mouth. >> yeah, i did i did. >> i did have a wing hanging out of my mouth. it tastes why would you do that? >> i don't sort of like a dare i wasn't sleeping much. i had bad judgment anyways, the point is, it kind of tastes like soft shell crab because they are related to shrimp, whatever you need to tell yourself to i really wish i just disassociated. we'll try and oh, man, the lever jake tapper starts right now. >> have a great de, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz crunch, correct a rare interview with president


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