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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 9, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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getting the supplemental aid package to our allies, including israel past and the faa re-authorization is coming up next week. so we are doing the work that we're supposed to do. obviously, i get my colleagues would like some more conservative wins. but guess what? the reason that the beakers weekend in his negotiation is because of their inability to compromise and work as a team and as a conference. they have nobody to blame but themselves. and frankly, my voters appreciate the fact that i offer a voice of sanity in a sea of chaos. so my voters are not going to be upset with my vote in fact, my voters think these two are idiots let me change focus. >> we can you mentioned policy announcement is you call it from joe biden last night speaking to erin burnett and talking about how if israel goes into rafah rather in a major way, that he will not supply the weapons and artillery artillery shells that
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the united states have been, has been providing. and that has been, have been used, you called that a complete betrayal. >> why? >> well, first of all, the united states and israel are as close as can be and we should be supporting them in this moment, israel is under threat. it's under attack. they have a right to defend themselves. a mass is a terrorist organization and nobody would have ever told the now didn't states in the aftermath of nine 11, not to go after al-qaeda, nobody would have told us during the war on terror not to go after isis. the fact is that hamas is using innocent palestinians as human shields. >> has a right to this war and right, congressman biden said that he supports israel defending itself. >> it seems what he's trying to say is he does, he, he's he's trying to pressure israel to batson the chance of killing
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civilians in gaza you do not think those two things can happen eight, eight defending one selves includes rooting out the threat hamas is a threat. >> they continued to believe in the eradication of the state of israel. they are a proxy by ran. they are funded by iran under joe biden, iranian petroleum sales were up at 8 billion. those funds are used to fund hamas, hezbollah, the houthis. so what the president is doing here is capitulated because of electoral politics, because he's concerned about the vote in michigan chicken, and minnesota. and that is taking precedent over eliminating a terroristic threat. and to me that's unconscionable. i don't care how many ways he tries to spin this. that is absolutely unconscionable. congress passed aid to israel just a few weeks ago. >> the president has a responsibility you to move that aid expeditiously congressmen
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mike lawler. thank you for coming on new our of cnn news central starts now shaking up their strategy. donald trump's defense is changing its cross-examination of stormy daniels after her embarrassing and explicit testimony were saying candy by for trump to leave court any minute. >> now, a 23-year-old active duty senior airman fatally shot by 40 deputies in his own apartment family says, it happened after they went to the wrong address. now the demanding answers and the release of bodycam footage also a close call on the runway wait at orlando international airport, the faa now investigating yet another close incursion after a plane was told to taxi across the same runway another was used using to take off i'm sarah side. you're with john berman and kate bolduan. this is cnn news central we are standing by to
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see stormy daniels back on the stand and the criminal trial against donald trump. >> and we are just getting word that the defense is making new plans for how to deal with her in the cross-examination. >> stormy daniels testified that she had sex with donald trump's. >> she testified about how she had sex with donald trump, even what he was worrying before. and during. now see you then has learned that offenses it has a wild to go with its questioning. remember trump is charged with falsifying documents to cover up hush money payments to daniels. all to influence the 2016 election soon as brynn gingras live outside court this morning for what we can expect. i imagine it's could be another interesting data, say italy's britain yeah, it's going be interesting, john, listen stormy daniel's was on the stand for about 90 minutes for the cross-examination. it was longer for that, of course, because she was questioned by the prosecution first. but 90
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minutes wasn't enough for the defense team to ask their questions and they didn't exactly like how that prosecutors prosecution questioning went. they were told by sources that they're upset that basically she was insinuating the sex that happened between her and president trump, which he denies, of course was consensual. they said that they need more time now to basically work on repairing his reputation. and so they said they have a while to go with the questioning of stormy daniels. so now the question is, how much longer are they going to take? and then of course, after cross-examination , she is going to be redirected with questioning by the prosecution. another thing i think we're going to all be looking out for is how she is on the stand, right? she was very composed according to our court reporters who were inside on tuesday when prosecution was asking questions, but a bit more feist here when it was the defense council asking her questions. so we'll see if that day between on yesterday when court was dark, if that's helped her get herself together more for what's about to come from the defense attorneys who
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of course were firing questions at her on tuesday, basically questioning her credibility questioning her motives, calling her buddies with michael cohen. basically insinuating that she was lying. there was a lot that happened of course, as you know, as we talked about yesterday, in court on tuesday, so we're waiting to see which takes the stand, how long that's going to last. and then of course, who's up next after that, we'll michael cohen be the next witness. we just don't know, but listen, john, as an aside to this, i got to tell you we're looking, at the line for the public that are still waiting to go into court and there's probably about 100 people that are inline from the public who want to get inside and see this testimony. a lot of people are here because they actually want to see stormy daniel's, some of those people i've talked to you, they are coming back after being here on tuesday, one person described it as a soap opera happening right in front of them. so a lot of interests in her testimony today for sure. >> look, was history. i mean, it was historic. it promises to be historic today one way or another. i bring jane grass and
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all get started very shortly. thank you very much sarah. historic and explicit, if you will, with me now with cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney joey jackson, you've been watching the details of this trial as they are coming down donald trump's defense team, changing their strategy, a bet saying, look, we're gonna put stormy daniels on cross-examined on the stand for a longer time than they had initially said. >> and that is partly because they said try to help donald trump's reputation after all this information that she put out there about the alleged one night stand she had with him she also talked about she said, look, it was consensual, but she intimated look, there's a power balance and she talked about him sort of blocking her way to the door. what is happening here? is this something that is a good idea for them to keep going down this road with her. >> so sarah, good morning. look, no one on has a monopoly on wisdom with respect to how you do trials, how you conduct them. in my view, i think it's
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a mistake why you got what you needed out of her now, a little inside baseball, here's the issue. the judge is not going to permit a renewed and a new cross-examination. they've covered ground that is a defense team you're not allowed to say, okay, i'm going to have a do over no, there's something in the courtroom called asked and answered. that means you asked a question. the witness answered, counsel, move on. and so with respect to a renewed strategy, if it's ground that hasn't been covered fine. but the judge will not allow them to go back. why do i think it's a mistake? sorry. you got what you want? on it out of her cross-examination is to make your closing argument. the closing argument to be made is you heard her, ladies and gentlemen, she said she hated the former president. would you trust someone who hates my client? could you put any stock in any word? she says, you know why she's here everybody, you can savage her in your closing argument the whole essence of cross-examination? yes. to attack credibility? yes. to speak, your narrative, if
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you're the defense, but to make the argument, you've got that, what do you lingering on? a you lingering on because it's all about this a fair the affair the fed is not a trial about an affair. it's a trial about business records. keep your eye on the prize, and so i think renewing it and it's a long across is a mistake, but that's my view and everyone does things differently and potentially they haven't effective strategy. my view is i don't think so. >> you're talking about the sort of legal ramifications here as opposed to the reputational ones, which is not what the jury is going to be looking. all right. i do want to ask you about some of the details that did come out because there were a lot more explicit details. i think then the defense certainly had expected because the judge already ruled that any she said, quote, the details of the intercourse do not need to be put out there to the jury. do you think this is going to be used on appeal? >> it definitely will be. right. we saw sarah that they tried the mistrial, right? the mistrial saying that there's no way we can come back from this. it just prejudice the jury too much that didn't work. it will
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be used on appeal in terms of whether it will be effective. i don't believe so. i think this is one witness, one issue. and at the end of the de listen, this witness serves as the impetus and the motive patient as to why trump did what he did. and i think the argument from the prosecution's i talked about the fence before will be, you know, he spent an awful lot of time trying to bury a story, for an affair that didn't happen in a witness who's potentially lying like, does that make sense to you? >> so you're talking about its credibility issue hundred percent. and that's there'll be the argument the prosecution makes to the jury, right. on closing argument to buttress the notion that this hush money deal and it's a whole boosting election prospects she was the impetus and the motivating factor because of the affair that's why they're lingering on real quick. >> do you have a guess on who's the next part? you've got michael cohen study, but karen mcdougal, the playboy playmate that, that she had an affair but the prosecution has been doing this thing where they put somebody who is the public is very interested in hearing from, and then they put someone from the bookkeeping
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and that's what you have to do. >> rights are to kind of balance what goes on if keep the jury awake. >> i think you do need more information with respect to records and invoices and that type thing. i think karen mcdougal, i think would be important because hey, you did the same thing there. if you did it, what karen mcdougal, with regard to this hush money, the pattern you didn't do what swami daniel, that's a disconnect. they will not end on michael cohen. that's i believe would be a mistake because he's too controversial. >> he's there's gonna be a lot of cross examination there for sure. joey jackson. thank you so much. >> thanks, okay. this morning, a family is calling for transparency and accountability after a 23-year-old black arrow i'm going in florida, was killed by a sheriff's deputy deputy parenterally going to the wrong apartment when responding to a call paul whelan, the american who has been wrongfully detained in russia for more than five years now, he speaks to cnn why he is now concerned the new arrest of an american soldier in russia, the recent one could complicate in this case. >> and congress is taking
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lunch break. try now for free visit, ai or download the app is the playoffs what do you see my first step is ship houston sall's not winning a championship. this try and stay positive or positive. he didn't win a ring this morning, the family of a black airman shot and killed by a florida deputy. the families now demanding the release of body camera footage of that deadly police encounter, the sheriff says the deputies were the deputies were investigating a disturbance and progress when entered, roger fortunes apartment, deputies shot him
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after seeing him holding a gun. >> but a witness who says they were face timing with four csun as this all happened, that witness believes the police went to the wrong apartment cnn's nick valencia is following this. he's joining us down. nick, what maury learning here. >> yeah, hey, they're good morning, kate, the family and this witness who's on a facetime call with 23-year-old roger for its and they're adamant that police were in the wrong in this situation. all of this went down last week and okoh elusive county, florida, when sheriff's deputy said they were responding to a disturbance in progress called but all of that is in question right now, according to this witness, who was on the facetime call a fourt sin was on this on the phone call. he heard two knocks at the door, went to the door, saw no one in the people. he gets scared, goes and grabs his legally owned gun. and according to the witness, that's when sheriff's deputies allegedly burst into his apartment and open fire. cnn and affiliate wer says that force and were shot at least six times, including once in the chest. and this is what the sheriff's deputies are saying in response to what happened last week
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hearing sounds of a disturbance. the deputy reacted in self-defense after he encountered a 23-year-old man armed with a gun, and after the deputy had identified himself as law enforcement, that deputy winning the undershoot for its in who later to to his injuries. the statement goes on to say the deputy was placed on administrative leave and they've asked the florida department of law enforcement to conduct an investigation. this is all developed very quickly. ben crump, the fame civil rights attorney is now representing the family and we expect to get more details about what happened here. and okoh elusive county later this morning and in kate at a press conference at 11:30 okay. all right. well, i will definitely be learning more this morning, nick, thank you for that jumpy about all right. a close call on an airport one way has investigators tracking down the communication breaks down in air traffic control i want a
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the future of soda as now in it's called poppy is the playoffs what do you see? my first step is shipped in houston charles, not winning a
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championship. >> this try and stay positive or positive. >> he didn't win a ring oh i see in an exclusive paul whelan is the former us marine who has been wrongfully detained in russia for more than five years in a new call with cnn he says he's concerned that the recent arrest in russia of a us army staff, sgt could complicate his own case even further. >> cnn's jennifer hansler is at the state department. she's joining us now with much more on this. >> jen, tell us more about your conversation because at the same time, he's expressing these concerns you write that he also is expressing some more optimism than you've heard in previous calls. well, that's right. k he sounded a lot more positive about the situation and the efforts that are underway by the us government to try to secure his release. he tells me that he knows there a ongoing, that proposals have been made, and he's hopeful that this is nearing the end at the same time though, as you mentioned, he did express what
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he described as a little bit of a concern that this recent arrest of this us soldier in russia could complicate those negotiations if this soldier is declared wrongfully detained, which is a designation given by the us state department that has not happened yet, given that's this happened so recently that process often takes a long time. kate, but he said that in the past it has been a pattern when there have been more arrested the americans than those americans have been declared wrongfully detained. and that has made russia want to go back to square one on negotiations. this is how we describe it to me, kate fortunately gentleman declared attain. it won't start negotiations for evan and i all over again then, there'll be the. three of us had in the past when negotiating for me. and then trevor. and then it was brittany and every time
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they've negotiated it's always been starting fresh when there's now the first concern so it is still very early in this process, kate, to see whether this actually does play any impact on those negotiations, are russian court this week said they had extended the pretrial detention of that soldier for another two months. >> so we will see what happens there and the state department says they are still working their utmost to bring home paul and evan and a state department spokesperson told me yesterday that russia should release them. kate hearing from him, especially right now, so important to you if such great reporting on this always and i'm always marvel that we can hear from paul whelan in his own words, from detention and russia. jennifer, thank you. john or i heard testimony bothered donald trump's so much he kerstin court, which earned a stern warning from the judge. >> so what will stormy daniels say next when she takes the
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stand and just a few minutes and scathing reaction out of israel to president binds exclusive interview with cnn one politician just tweeted hamas heart by every weekday morning, cnn five things has what you need to get going with your day it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less cnn's five things with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays exclusively on macs until you can put that right in dishwasher watch me with cascade platinum plus, i have my dish game. >> i just scraped load and i'm done in that dishwashing, that dishwasher only flattener plus is packed with more don to remove them the 100% of greece and food residue, you get the highest standard of claim even in your machine clean enough for you yeah scrape bluff don, cascade platinum, fp plus dare
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set up tents more than two dozen teachers taking part. some professors are also saying they're going to do grades strikes, and refuse to submit students final grades as the term ends across the country in california, at usc, protesters took to the streets as a university begins the process of individual school graduations. their main campus commencement. you'll remember, was canceled over safety concerns from protests in an exclusive interview with cnn, president biden spoke with erin burnett on the state of protests sweeping the nation the message, look to things first of all there's a legitimate right to free speech and protest there's a, legitimate right to do that, right to do that. there's not elysium. legitimate right to use hate speech. there's not a gentleman right to threaten jewish students is not legitimate right to block people access to class. that's against the law. it's against
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the law all right. >> you've heard that from the president. he hears the messages from young pro-palestinian protesters. but how exactly are those protesters going to impact? his reelection bid come november, cnn's john king traveled to michigan, a critical battleground state, as you know, to speak with college students about their feelings now towards the president. and the war protests amid the commencement celebration time-honored tradition on campus. but this one is complicated jake gray and induce get jealous aki are now university of michigan graduates and now former co-presidents of the college democrats. proud their school as part of a global statement, was in my application letter that this was a campus of like a history of protests, a rich history of social justice movements. >> yeah, you worried though about months of war and death.
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months if student anger at a president who can't afford to lose michigan how much is it going to hurt the precedent however much he decides? >> yes that starts with calling for a ceasefire. >> for listening to his student voters across the country. >> this is from our first visit five months ago, protest against biden's handling of the israel-hamas conflict. we're just beginning it's a fair to say you glad the alexa is not tomorrow the election was nearly a year away then six months away now, michigan is up for grabs, and i did not think i'd be saying this right now. and i wish i wasn't saying this right now, but i'm i am genuinely concerned how about which way michigan will go. >> both hope a summer away from campus protests helps younger voters see a bigger picture. >> i'm certainly not voting for the guy who is in court right now and who incited an insurrection and put three extremists on the supreme court, who they're four took away rights for the first time in history. who's demonized the lgbtq community of which i'm a part of but right now,
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things are wrong. some friends talk about staying home or voting. third party. >> hundreds of thousands of people in gaza and across palestine have been displaced, have been starved, have been killed. i think it really does come down to people's own judgments on the motivation of the president oh, what a cute boy, summer matkin, his home in suburban detroit, processing freshman year at wayne state. can you talk about politics for me back in november, big reservations about the president's age, but zeroed out if the choice was biden or trump, i'd go biden. >> now, not so sure. >> no matter how many taylor swift references you make, you will never understand us. my thing is, i think he has handled nope everything with israel and palestine terribly still leaning biden, but part of a consequential debate with friends. a lot of our generation is considering going third party, but i kind of fear it's going to split up the votes and end up having it fall back on trump, which i wouldn't want to happen. maya siegmann began the school year, likely biden ends it. definitely biden happy with her
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grades even more happy. it is over is terrifying it's terrifying the escalation of other campuses has made me fear for my campus. >> and he's even offers nuance often missing when politicians discuss the campus protests no problem with calls to end the killing more to speed up humanitarian aid. but fear when she sees banners like this, the intifada was a violent armed uprising targeting jews. >> you're wearing your star david. you ever taken taken it off? i did. i took it off actually for about a week at two and then i put it on four or five months going ever took it off? >> a fierce supporter of israel, but are fierce critic of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> i personally don't agree with how he is operating. i think that he is trying to prolong on the war. >> ebrahim ghazali also speaks with nuance. he is no fan of hamas and acknowledges israel's right to respond to terrorism. we don't want human rights violations. so if you're going to conduct war, conduct it within the rule of law
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international law. now, that's all people are asking for nothing more, dissolves into groups critical to biden's michigan math, a younger voter,& an arab american he just wrapped his first year at wayne state law school. >> it's been stressful just seeing people that look like me and just human beings seeing human beings on my, on my phone screen, being killed day in, day out. and what's worse as an american i have to see my government funding so stressful biden voter in 2020 who says the president is in deep trouble in detroit, dearborn, and other michigan communities where arab and muslim americans number in the tens of thousands with older people, i would definitely say they're not voting for biden for younger voters were stuck in the sense that it's biden or trump. >> the only reason i haven't closed the door is because i think he still has an ability to change course and set a precedent for the future because all summer goals take a break, then starting the third party candidates and watch to
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see if the president truly does change course or if the encampments are still a thing. when classes resume in the fall are john king is your thing is now you did these interviews very nuanced interviews with all these different perspectives before we just got this exclusive with erin burnett and the president who does seem to be changing course. i want people to listen to what he said about what he was going to do if israel does a full incursion into rafah civilians have been killed in gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population i made it clear that if they go into rafah, they haven't gone in rafah yet. if they go into rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah all right, so this is a shift he making very, very clear that they're going to remove their
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munitions. >> giving this to israel. is this enough for the pro-palestinian protesters or will it further anger those on the other side of this to paint? >> it's a great question because this issue is so complicated and the younger voters say, just to meet with their poise and the nuance and their thoughtfulness. i was not that way when i was 20201 years old, but will it get their attention? >> yes, i will. they want more those the pro-palestinians? yes, the people when the president said more humanitarian aid, when the president said the united states would build that peer but now apparently is about ready to be. there's a ship on the way to use that peer. they've you said that's a positive step. it's not enough this i think will be welcomed as a okay, that's more significant. you're telling nothing. i'm not going to give you the weapons but they want to see it all the way through. they want to see a ceasefire. they believe. and this might be overstated. someone in their belief they believed that joe biden can say stop and the netanyahu will stop now. yeah. who has made clear? he listens to the united states, but he's not going to follow the ad. so it's a fascinating progression. and the president
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has moved. if you look at the last three or four months, he has moved not enough for them so far, but that's what's so striking if the election were tomorrow, a lot of these younger voters would vote third party or they would stay home, but they say, on a abortion rights lgb 2q2 rights, climate change, they're with biden or the democrats on the issues. but this, this is their single issue right now. they want to see movements, single polarizing issue. i do want to talk about fact that this isn't the first time that a president has done this actually in 1982, you had president ronald reagan doing the same thing as israel saying we're not giving you munitions because of the war between israel and lebanon. so is this a policy change or is this a one-off? and how will voters see this? or what? remember the history? i think he reframed it just right. >> and i think what they will remember depends on where we are a week, a month, and six months from now, does the conflict continue to see united states do more? or they ceasefire negotiations, they've been off and on, off and on. do they finally actually get a ceasefire? and is it temporary or is it permanent? i think you raised a key question. joe
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biden for 40 plus years. it's been a staunch friend of israel often facing criticism within his own party for standing with israel. here's a moment where he has drawn a line shifted. the question is, is it a few framed it just right. is it a one-off? we're going to learn that you're going to see netanyahu's reaction in the next few days that we're going to see the president's next move. but the fact that he decided in a national interview which he does very rarely to make that clear, it not just that he did it, but how he did it tells you the presence trying to do something different here. we'll see where it goes. and surely the republicans have already seized on this. we've heard from speaker mike johnson saying he had a senior moment on this very issue. i do want to lastly, ask you about the economy because that always plays a role in every election. that has ever happened here's what president biden said, and he was pretty defensive as erin burnett was asking him questions about where we are and how people feel about their economy with less than six months to go to election day. >> are you worried that you're running out of time to turn that around? we've already turned it around. look you look
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at the the michigan survey for 65% american people think they're in good shape. i cannot create, i think the nation's not in good shape, but they're personally good shape. >> the polling data has been wrong all we have the strongest economy in the world. >> me say it again in the world he's right. >> we do have the strongest economy in the world, but pull up your fault also shows that the way people are feeling is that they're underwater because of inflation i can tell you from my travels, eight months now, nine states now he has to be careful with that. in the says he's right when he cites the statistics, he is right when he says the michigan consumer confidence survey 65% say they're doing better off. guess what? the 35% of don't a lot of those are his voters. they should be his voters when you travel the cost of living in michigan, we read those younger voters. we also starting to put together a group of auto workers their union has endorsed biden, most of them are going to vote for biden, but you ask them what life is like, and they can't buy a bigger house because of mortgage rates. they still, when you talk about grocery prices the press has to be
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careful here that sounds like somebody in washington telling people you're wrong and whatever your party is voters don't process it that way. they don't like that definitely don't like being told they're wrong because it's how they're actually experiencing the economy personally. the inflation drag the cost of living drag is still giant out in america and they don't like people in washington telling them they're wrong john king, will you come back every day okay. don't answer that question a wonderful conversation. thank you so much for that piece. a very nuanced, interesting look at how students feel. thank you, appreciate it, john, while that non answer that glaring notwithstanding, it is great to have john king here on the morning of a big celtics game tonight so this morning the faa is investigating an incident at the orlando airport. they're trying to learn wine air traffic controller cleared a frontier airlines flight to taxi across it's a runway that was already in use by an american airlines flight that was taken off see you in an aviation correspondent, pete muntean is here. this does not sound good. p pretty alarming.
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john, the backdrop of this too close calls last month involving commercial flights on the runways of major airports in the the incidents were at reagan national airport has deaths idc at jfk in new york, both in the same week. now, add this incident at orlando international airport to the list happened on monday evening around six pm local time, and it's just coming to light now, ever been posted on youtube by account, you can see atc air-traffic control audio details that the air traffic controller in the tower and orlando clear that american airlines flight to take off then told a frontier airlines flight to taxi across the same runway in front of the american oregon flight. the american flight had already started accelerating for takeoff. want you to listen to the air traffic control audio here you can hear luckily, the airdropped controller caught was about to unfold and told the american pilots to avoid abort their takeoff so you can
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hear the crew they're telling the controller there was somebody trying to cross in front of us. the faa saying it's investigating. here is the statement from the faa and air traffic controller instructed frontier flight 17, 34 to cross runway one eight left at orlando international airport while american airlines flight 24/7 73 was starting to take off, were all from the same runway. so the faa admits a bit of the error here. it's not saying how close these planes were to one another, but the early data from flight, right, are 24 says these flights came as close as a mile apart, not the closest we have seen, but this is an incident that type of incident that keeps happening over and over. over again. remember, air traffic controllers are fatigued, overworked, understaffed,& the current faa reauthorization bill going through, congress calls for maximum air traffic control hiring, but congress stopped
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short of passing that this week instead passing a one-week extension of the current plan. clearly, these controllers in a little bit of help, they can get from congress right now. that's an important point, pete muntean. thank you very much congress is stepping in now to try and make baby food safer, tandem legislation being introduced in the house and senate aimed at limiting the amount i've harmful heavy metals like mercury and arsenic found in baby food? >> yes. the fact that it is in there at all, i would say is noteworthy. this comes after several recent reports detailing concerning levels of these contaminants and baby food seen as mike trout has more on this, what they're trying to do and what is, what is going on here? >> yeah. i mean, this is always really scary. when we hear these reports and this specifically concerns really four of these major heavy metals, their lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury. when you hear about those things in your foods, obviously play it's pretty scary. these can have health impacts on especially small children and babies. if you have regular exposure to
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them, i mean, this can cause learning delays cognitive issues to use behavioral issues over time. we hear about these things with lead in particular, of course. >> and so these four congresspeople, two senators to representatives all day democrats have introduced this bill. >> it's led by senator amy klobuchar they've been trying to do this for a while to really give the fda more authority to set maximum levels of these heavy metals and baby foods. >> and also to enforce those levels. also, they're going to be trying to increase the transparency around the inspections of these plants and inspecting the finished food lots and things like that. and of course this comes after if you remember, at the end of last year, those horrible reports of tainted cinnamon the apple sauce? yes. babies were consuming the fda tracked about 90 cases of this. the cdc tract even more, more than 500 reported cases. and so there's a whole hope that this would limit instances of things like that happening. but often the presence of these metals in food is because they're in the soil. and so it can be a little
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more difficult that situation with the sentiment apple was thought to be somebody actually in a furiously trying to wait a cinnamon with lead. so in legislation as we know, it can take quite a long time to go through and then what the fda would do after that, i'm just saying it all adds up to take you more time. yeah. what should families, parents do in the meantime? yeah. so the advice from the american academy of pediatrics, first and foremost, is very the diet that you're feeding your kids. >> i mean, this has been something that as a parent, i've had trouble with. you. just want to give them the oatmeal, the rice cereal, whatever it is that they really enjoy. >> yeah, exactly accepting a variety of foods is challenged get enough. >> it's like read the labels because sometimes you may think you're giving them a variety, but it turns out a lot of the same ingredients are in the same things vary at grains. in particular, especially with rice. and we've heard about rice and arsenic and avoid too much fruit juice, which is probably a good nutritional piece of advice anyway, yes, much to the chagrin my six that's for sure. it's good to see thank you so much, sarah. >> all right. thank you. thank you. meg. >> new cnn reporting this
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morning the delay in getting usa to you ukraine, russia, trying to seize on that, creating an opportunity for it to expand its attacks. >> we will talk about that, plus, coming up truck storm evicted killer, and now parole lee. the story of oscar, pistorius has captivated the world four years. a new episode of the cnn original series, how it happened, balding xhaka, shooting, death of resisting camp at the hands of pistorius who at the time was her boyfriend. here's a look the main investigating officer testified that the neighbors had heard terrible screams before the gunshots woke up from a woman steerable streams. >> it was glad to adding screams. it leaves you called the state believed that that meant that oscar pistorius would have known that at rivastigmine camp was there possibly hiding in that bathroom cubicle & that there was some type of heated argument going on just before the shooting occurred i said
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that osca had picked up his gun he had warped about seven meters to a bathroom where his girlfriend was locked inside and he had shot four bullets through there as she was hitched three times oscar denied the charges that this was murder of any kind that defense provided an extremely sarah affidavit from mr. pistorius explaining his version of what happened that night powered really happened. >> oscar pistorius, the blade runner air sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern pacific right here on cnn. we write back every piece of evidence tells a story. how would really haven't. jesse oh, martin, sunday's at night
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for free visit ai or download the app adult film star stormy daniel's revealed salacious details about the former president during her first daniela witness stand. >> what can we expect on day two of her cross-examination? the trump hush money trial. next on cnn i'm kayla tausche
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at the white house. >> and this is cnn right now. the us is trying to send aid to ukraine, but it could arrive too late new intelligence suggests russia may try to explore the so-called window of opportunity and doubled down on its ukraine onslaught. this comes as the russian military unleashed a massive missile and drone attack on ukraine wednesday, cnn's jim sciutto is joining us now from washington, dc what are you hearing from intelligence experts as they monitor this and watch it took a very long time for the united states congress to get it together to put this aid package together so that ukraine could have more munitions sara shows you that there are lingering consequences from that long delay that yes, the aid has been approved, but it's not all going arrive there or arrive there and numbers on day one, it's going to take some time and russia sees as one senior
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us military official told me a window of opportunity during that time left aggie to step up what we're already significant attack, but step them up, particularly missile and drone attacks, like the attacks resolve overnight on wednesday dozens of missiles, dozens of drones, again, targeting energy infrastructure, which is a favorite target of theirs they see this as an opportunity. >> now, before much of that aid comes in and we should also note that during that delay, ukraine already suffered consequences. it lost ground on the battlefield. and senior ukrainian commanders have told me they've lost soldiers as a result of that, a delay one of the big questions here is if if and when this gets to ukraine isn't going to make a big difference because they've already lost ground. >> is it just retaking the ground that they have already lost& a stalemate again yeah, maybe but as one senior official told me that the real goal now for this year is to
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hold the line that they do not expect a major counter offensive this year for instance, that ukrainians attempting to take back large pieces of territory, that this is important, right? >> because without the aid they might very well have lost the war this year. but the best they can expect this year is to hold the line and i should note sara, that there's an enormous amount of anticipation that russia is going to attempt a much larger offensive in the coming months particularly following putin's reinvigoration. if you want to call it that as effectively as leader for life, the possibility of a partial mobilization. all these celebrations we saw in moscow yesterday, they're expecting a big russian push. so the best hope most of these officials tell me is for ukraine to be able to push it back, right? as opposed to gain back, a lot of the lost territory. >> yeah, that's a real dire situation there in ukraine. thank you so much, jim sciutto for your reporting. their john's got a whole lot more on this stock.
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>> yeah. with us now is seen in military analysts kernel cedric latent kernel look, jim was just talking about ukraine, hoping to hold the line. this is roughly the line and that's been the line for the last year, year-and-a-half or so. and i can just erase this. you can see where ukraine retook a little bit of ground and the so-called counteroffensive. but russia has taken a little bit of that back how does ukraine hold the line through the summer yeah, john, that's going to be a really tough thing for the ukrainians to do. >> and as jim pointed out in his reporting, one of the key things that has to happen is a lot of the munitions, weapon systems, material that has been promised in this aid package that the us congress finally passed. that has to get to the front lines. and if the ukrainians are going to do something to keep the territory that they've got. they've basically got stop the russians in their tracks and that's going to be really difficult to do given the fact that the ukrainians are being outgunned by the russians depending on which specific for you look at
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anywhere from four to one to ten to one. in terms of the ratio of mutations that are being fired at ukrainian positions versus what the ukrainians are firing at the russian positions. so this is a tall order for the ukrainians to do. they can hold the line because the russians haven't exploited a lot of the things that they could have exploited in the areas around avdiivka for example. but it's still going to be tough for the ukrainians to hold this a kernel. let me focus very briefly on what president biden told erin burnett last time. i'm just putting the quote up so people can see it. i made it clear that if they, the israelis go into rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically. we're not going to supply the weapons and our hilary shells. he said that have been used. the reason i'm highlighting artillery shells is because we know there had been paused shipments of bombs, which can obviously be used for paintings, artillery shells. you're talking about things that are used on the ground. i just am curious. as you analyze this on the ground in israel, what the impact would be of no not just those
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bombs being withheld, but some artillery as well yeah, john, that's going to be a pretty significant impact on what the israeli forces can do in and around rafah. >> we know that their goal is to basically take your rough and in essence eliminate hamas but they are going to have to use some of the stockpiles that they already have and they're going to have to be able to, in essence use more specific targeted aspects of their operations. in other words, special operations forces, things like that are going to come into play as opposed to just lobbing artillery shells or using bombs from from air platforms such as the israeli air force does so the 2000 pound bombs are out because of the fact that they can hit a large area even though they are precise weapons, they can still have a major effect on a populated area. and that is something that the biden administration has found to be unacceptable. >> luckily, we can close in a little bit on rafah, right now. this is some of the math of the evacuation zone. you can see right here. in this is the area
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where israel has said the civilians need to leave from but if the united states did pause, artillery deliveries to the israelis, could they still go into population centers in rafah israel need that artillery now for a full-scale ground incursion into those population centers to do it the way they want to do it, the answer would be yes, they would need that kind of artillery capability to go into these areas and to basically soften them up as we would say in the military. >> but they can mount certain specific operations without artillery shells, as long as they have the precise in elegance that they would need to go after specific targets. so like let's say hamas is leadership and specific tunnel areas, things like that. they could do it. but it's really a very tough thing for them to do if they're not able to soften up the targets before they go in and conduct those kinds of operations. >> colonel set of lightened great to see you this morning stormy daniels, about to get
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