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tv   Trump Hush Money Trial  CNN  May 9, 2024 6:30am-10:00am PDT

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kept quiet and right. that was the reason for kind of getting into all those details. they may have taken a little bit too much of a risk on that, but that was the reason for those details. i don't think that it becomes all that much more important beyond that, likely because they still need to make that connection or more inferences if you will, of how this business record was recorded. >> and and how that transpired. if they can't make that showing and people don't believe michael cohen and he's the key to it. then they're going to have a problem with the jury 15 seconds, jen and redirect with stormy, daniel's. >> what does the prosecution want to clean up? >> i think they want to clean up the motive around this money that she owes him with the lawsuit that was a little bit muddy and then otherwise, just again, that she's been consistent over time in what she said about him and he's attacked her as much as she's attacked him. they may bring out some of those horse face tweets all right. jennifer rodgers, jim feels great to see
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both of you now. >> that is all for us. this has been cnn central, cnn special live coverage of the criminal trial. donald trump picks up right now a live look at the manhattan courthouse behind me. >> we're shooting the jury will hear again from marquee witness for me, daniels, moments ago, the former president of the united states heading into court for you, listen to testimony from the adult film star comes as his lawyers are adopting a new mission store his reputation by attacking her credibility made her school for life from new york and distance cnn special live coverage on trump's hush money trial and i'm jim acosta in washington today, court resumes with cross-examination were told to expect stormy daniels to be on the witness stand with a while still to go. >> that's a giant change in the trump and his legal team.
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initially saw her as a witness who would be a wash, neither helping nor hurting the people's case against donald trump. now sources familiar with the former president's legal strategy, say trump's lawyers are asking additional questions questions that the former president feels are necessary. he thinks to protect his reputation after the adult film actress suggested repeatedly that their alleged tryst in lake taco but tahoe was not consensual. cnn's reporters and analysts are covering every angle of the historic criminal trial of the former president anderson the former president was just teeing up some of what we might be seeing today's saying that he thinks there'll be some revealing items coming out in the cross-examination back to you, anderson yeah, this will be a cross-examination by trump's attorneys to have stormy daniels seen as paula reid and kaitlan collins, joined me here in new york. we got a glimpse of the cross-examining we shouldn't starting last lesson tuesday, court was not in session yesterday. they're going to pick up again what do you expect so we saw on tuesday how
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they got her to submit that she hates trump, that she would be happy if he went to jail. it wasn't tough to get them to have her admit that. >> yeah, exactly. is this your tweet calling him an orange term? i mean, that's effectively what it was. i really undercut, you know, her credibility with this case does not rise and fall on the testimony of stormy daniels. we're going to see today. remember they had no court yesterday's they time to really reflect and prepare. >> we're going to see some questions that go to this issue of consent and things that she may have said that they believe could harm trump's reputation in the past. >> she has never suggested that this was not a consensual encounter, but during her testimony, she kind of raise that possibility without directly saying it also in her recent documentary, she raises the possibility that somehow this was not completely consensual. she compares it to sexual abuse that she's survived as a nine-year-old. so this is something that they were a little surprised by and they want to revisit, but the cross-examination you're going to see today, it's not necessarily material to the case, right. she can't speak to
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the accident shall charges at the heart of this. instead, this is sort of focused on the clients, and reputational repair and daniel's has walked to the witness stand. trump did not glance over at her table, but we do expect that she will probably wrap up at some point today, but this is going to go a little bit longer than it would have as she testified differently. >> yeah. but i don't think it's gonna go that long because trump's team feels like they do did a pretty effective job on tuesday. >> i think trump would certainly like to see it go on for much longer. he enjoyed watching his attorney tried to undermine your credibility and say that that she basically was trying to extort him. i do think they'll try to undermine her credibility on the account of when should the night that she met donald trump and what that looked like as compared to what she said in the past when she described it, they were uncomfortable with how she talked about the bodyguard, keith schiller being outside her her use of the word blocking out there. she was clear. she wasn't drinking or under the influence some drugs, troubadour, trump's look toward daniels. she walked past them on the witness stand. >> yeah. and of course, she walks behind donald trump and his legal team, so he would have to actually look in her
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direction and he was doing that on tuesday in court, he was no, he doesn't typically look at the witness for sustained periods. he's not paying very close attention always. certainly when she was on the stand, he was. and so we'll see what that looks like. i also think we could see trump's team tried to declare a mistrial again, they did that after that lunch break on tuesday because basically arguing that what we heard from her, the jury can and on here, i do think they'll try to try that effort again. the judge does not seem to have an appetite for that, though jury is now entering the courtroom and quickly going to cnn's elie honig or the magical all stormy daniels central resume across examination, what are you expecting? >> yeah, i understand. as she gets ready to testify for her second day, let's go through some key takeaways from stormy daniels first-day testimony. first of all, on direct examination, stormy daniels detailed for the jury how she met donald trump in 2006 at a celebrity golf tournament, and she testified she ended up having sex with him in his home tell room at a time when he was married. now, here's how this becomes relevant to the prosecution's charges in this case fast-forward, ten years,
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october 2016. we're a month before the election. the access hollywood tape comes out. hope hicks testified that that caused the trump campaign to go into a panic while they're panicked, stormy daniels in her lawyer come forward with the allegations about the 2006 incident, and ultimately what happens is michael cohen pays stormy daniels $130,000 in exchange for a hush money agreement that she will not speak publicly. cohen later is reimbursed for that payment by donald trump and the trump organization. and then of course we get to the election a couple of weeks later. that's the key time timeframe for this trial. also during stormy daniels testimony, we saw some crucial documents, including the actual hush money agreement signed by peggy peterson. that's an alias, a fake name that stormy daniels use. and then david dennison actually not signed, but we heard testimony that that's donald trump. now, her cross-examinati on has already started. the very first question. donald trump's team asked for me to end was when she began her cross-examination right out of the chute. am i correct that
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you hate president trump, stormy daniel's answered straight up. yes, she does. that'll be a continued theme of today's cross-examination. the trump's lawyers also confronted stormy daniels with some of her prior tweets, including one where she said, i won't walk, i'll dance down the street when he is selected to go to jail. stormy daniels actually laughed about that in front of the jury, didn't seem to go over well, again, they will talk about this type of motivation during today's cross and donald trump's team today, expect them to confront stormy daniels with some of her prior inconsistent statements, including a signed statement from january 2018 when she wrote, i am not denying this affair because i was paid hush money. i am denying this affair because it never happened. so anderson, watch for this continued theme on cross-examination today. they're going to try to suggest for me daniel's has bad motives and she's made inconsistent statements in the past as her testimony resumes, anderson will throw it back to you and caitlin and paula to tell us what's going on in the court the only thing is very much trump's attorneys whose
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necklace is at the podium to resume the cross-examination of stormy daniels, how effective do you think she was on tuesday? >> i think this was effective and undermining stormy daniels credibility generally speaking, her motives. but again, what she offers prosecutors is an account of what exactly the happened allegedly between her and trump. what was worth $130,000 between the access hollywood tape on election day, she cannot speak to the falsifying of business records for her value to the prosecutors? i don't think was really undermined in the cross-examination, but her credibility certainly was and look, she's not the number one priority for the defense team. thank here the number one priority for this defense seen most of their energy, most of their attention is on the cross-examination of michael cohen. well, this is the trailer, right? this is the trailer. your previous statements? your tweets, your financial incentives. this is the trailer for what we're going to see over the cohen cross that because begins by asking about daniels 2011 e online interviewer. she had said the story about her having sex with trump was the one to give you a sense of where this
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is going before the jury and the witness came into the room. trump's attorneys were asking the judge and the prosecutor for trying to tell the judge not to let them ask about a pastor rest of stormy daniels, a battery arrests related to her ex-husband. it did not end in a conviction. >> prosecution objected for sean, the judge of systems yeah. were there basically they're arguing over what where they can go with her before this even started, they wanted to ask about this arrest. the judge denied that request by the the trump team to ask about this arrest, saying that it's not essentially relevant to this case. >> echols put some text message on the screen between gina rodriguez and dylan howard. dylan howard basically in charge of the national enquirer her underneath david pecker, gina rodriguez is representative of stormy daniels, and this is related to they were this is where they were at the end of their cross-examination on tuesday, basically she said she wasn't interested in getting her story out there for money. she wanted the story out there. she wasn't trying to get paid. these texts could undermine that potentially because they were having conversations about who essentially it was offering more money. >> trump's lawyer had begun to ask you a question. the judge has asked the attorneys to
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approach. todd blanche is whispering trump's here while lawyers are advanced, jim acosta, let's get back to you. >> yeah. i think there's gonna be a lot one of whispering during today's testimony, anderson. thank you. i'm here with nia bleak henderson, jamie gan gal kasie hunt as well as our legal experts, laura coates, elie honig, and former manhattan just attorney, prosecutor karen friedman, agnifilo, and karen is of council for a firm that represents michael cohen. we should know she has no contact with cohen, does not work on his case there are no restrictions on what she can say about his case just as disclaim it disclaimer there. we loved disclaimers i have lots of disclaimers elie let me ask you about this because one of the things we were hearing earlier and trump was previewing some of this during his remarks to the camera, he would say, well, we're going to hear about these new details today that you hadn't heard heard before, i guess, ever the showman putting out a ties there, but is that wise for his defense team to sort of drag this out? i mean, there's no telling what she's going to say. >> not wise to drag it out for the sake of dragging it out,
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lawyers do this, sometimes they think, well, some is good, more must be better. that math does not translate play over to the courtroom, especially cross-examination. my view is they did a good job cross-examining her for the hour and change that they had are on the stand tuesday to drag this out for four more hours just to appease the client or to worry about ego or vanity or public perception to me would be a tactical mistake in the courtroom. they got to keep with the themes which she can't be trusted she has bad motives and she's made inconsistent statements in the past. i'm not saying they'll do it that way. that's how i would do it. and laura, i mean, just a few moments ago, the defense team was asking stormy daniels, were you just trying to get money out of trump and at this point where you just asking for money you wanted money from president trump's the defense 30. i mean, this looks like a pretty early attempt to just chip away at her credibility. >> well, first of all, he was not yet the president united states when she actually had this disagreement agreement and doing that, i'm talking about publications as who she wanted to. we're running out of time. she says, i've asked me to tell my story to publication, so get
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the truth out. remember she thought at one point she would lose the leverage to actually get paid if he was already in office. and so that was part of this conversation. we ingesting here is a longer they have around the stand, the longer the defense makes us about stormy daniels and the allegations of a sexual encounter. remember, this is really about the documents and of course necklaces now challenging daniels that it was her choice and the nda and broker that deal with michael cohen through her lawyer. but interestingly enough, this exactly where you don't want to go. if you're talking about the falsified documents as you are running out of time to get money. she says no to get the story out, remember, if this defense wants to focus with the jury's gonna look at it's about whether or not whether they had this alleged encounter, but instead about whether they they falsified documents to cover up for the purpose of the election, a statement about running out of time and wine again it out in that deadline of the election is actually quite helpful, friendly to the prosecution to suggest that there was a timeline in store, but this is where nefise want to do. she wants to focus on swore me as a purported extortionist, that she only had money on the
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brain. but how does that help the overall all theory of the case it suggests what you did not want this story to get out. you paid her as a result of it right? >> and karen i mean, laura's point, this is supposed to be about business records and store it. stormy daniels does not appear to be intimidated by these defense attorneys. well, whenever you saying the right things from a prosecution standpoint, but doesn't seem intimidate. well, we'll see how today goes. i think today is a really important day to see how well she holds up on cross-examination for example, there is a point about what she's saying that is inconsistent she is on the one hand saying i wanted to get my story out, but on the other hand, she's selling it to get an nda. those two things don't make any sense whatsoever. and so that's the kind of thing that a defense attorney, a good defense attorney is going to really hone in on and then and then on summation, you're going to hear them say what she was saying makes no sense whatsoever. >> what so can i just ask a question elie, i'm kind of
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interested in your perspective on this if and why does it actually matter what she wanted in this case? >> because again, to go back to quote mitt romney, de, really pay $130,000 is somebody that you didn't have sex with, right? so if that was if this is ultimately at the end of the de about trump. and what trump wanted to cover up or didn't how does this impact the case? >> so it's a great question. a lot of what's happening with stormy daniels, i would classify as atmospherics, right? >> if you look at the strict elements of the crime, laura has this honor tablet then it's not necessarily going directly to that. >> i see there's an update stormy daniels had numerous people wanted to publish the story, so there's cross-examining her now on her attempt to shop the story around. but stormy daniels is still a very important witness. if the jury believes her, that's crucial to the prosecution's case, that there was this extra sex in 2006 if they believe stormy daniels is making this up, this really plays into the defense theory. this was a shakedown that stormy daniels was taking advantage of a moment in time right before the election when
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she had leverage to try to extract money for herself wrongly against stormy daniels, say, i could have had anybody published the story. so prosecutors or excuse me, trump's defense team right now is walking her through her shopping of the story of trying to suggest you were trying to maximize your income off of this and you were willing to tell this story, but you're also willing to sell it to stay quiet all or that's true even if she says, yeah, i wanted to sell the story. i wanted money. you know what, i also got it? the question is not whether she does the defendant the question is whether donald trump believing that she would sell this story was incentivized to then pay her a sum of money, not disclose it as a campaign contribution, and do so because he did not want to come out before the election. you can paint her as a shakedown tsai easter all you want by the end of the day, if the goal for him was god, i gotta get rid of this person who's going to try to shake me now because i don't wanna come up the election. you got a problem. yeah. >> jamie, i mean, is attacking stormy's credibility in this vein really going to go anywhere? i mean, of course,
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stormy daniel's is about the money so exactly. >> the jury she wanted money i think the important details that the prosecutors that may stick with the juror is the following. stormy daniels testified that trump didn't seem to care about his wife. he told her, we sleep in separate bedrooms. he didn't wear a condom he didn't ask her to keep it confidential. >> those things speak to the crux of the case, which is that this was more about the election than whether he carried it wasn't i am yeah. >> i think the jury will remember that and i think the public will remember it to write to the extent that anybody's paying attention to those details, him sitting on the bed in his boxers sort of images you don't really want in your head. but i think it's american public are going to remember these things, right? >> yeah, nobody wants those images all right. thanks to all you appreciate that cross-examination underway as you can see, it's getting a little testy inside the manhattan courtroom we're now is where donald trump is on trial. stormy daniels answering questions from trump's attorneys much more inside the
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>> like you i more than liebermann at the pentagon and this cnn they have and welcome back to cnn special live coverage of donald trump's hush money trial maters and cooper you are right now trump attorneys are trying to put dense in the stormy daniels story. they want to show the adult-film mattress was interested in one thing, one thing, only money and that she was willing to go to any lengths to get it from the former president. we have been listening right now. they had started to play a recording in
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the courtroom the wrong recording i've been played. the judge had stopped the audio. trump has again and conversation right now with blanche while the other attorneys are at the bench discussing with the judge what happens next. he hasn't had a noticeable reaction to the testimony so far today, judge, juan merchan asked to see the transcript of audio. paul read, what have we during the commercial break? they basically been trying to just put dense and stormy daniels story and apply. she's in this for the money. >> yeah. what she offered prosecutors again, is why her story was worth $130,000 in october over 2016. and what they're getting at right now is her motivation, her conduct in and around that time the case is charged as a felony because they argued trump wanted to suppress this story to help his odds the election. so that is what they're getting at here. it's not going to make or break the case, but they're trying to show that she was very aggressive even towards her own lawyer, trying to get money. >> she's saying that she wanted her story out. hernia saying, well, wait a minute, you you just wanted money you
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want and money to not tell you story or you're one and money to tell your story. yeah. because her backup plan was slate. she testified that she was also talking to them, but she was not going to non-life publication exactly as she was not gonna get paid though, if it appeared that there is a contradiction, right? she's saying on the one hand, i wanted it out, on the one hand, i was going to accept money for it to never get out. i want to bring in former new york supreme court judge, diane key, so i'm wondering what you make so far of stormy daniels as a witness well, stormy daniels is a difficult witness, frankly, for both parties number one, she lays out there the fact that donald trump had a great motivation for keeping her quiet, which she by describing her encounter with him. but of course, the defense has also now established that a she hates him, be she was hurt financially by them and see if she did everything she could monetize their encounter so the key is stormy daniel's, i think
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is how either side handles her and cross-examination. if i were the defense, i would be arguing this woman is purely vindictive. you can't believe a word. she says if i were the prosecution, i would be arguing it doesn't matter what she wanted, what her motivation was. she's not on trial here donald trump is it's what his motivation was so i think good with a good lawyering, it cuts both ways. and you've got good lawyers here does it doesn't matter if she was in this for the money other than money to not tell her story in sign an nda or money to tell her story, which is what the discussion is right now. >> and by the way, in the phone call, daniels attorney gives michael cohen a heads up about the public claims. rodriguez is boyfriend was going to make to the press. it's getting a little convoluted but essentially that they're arguing over her motivation. does it matter her motivation? >> motivation only matters to the extent i believe that it
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goes to her credibility. if you find that her motivation was such that he was willing to lie about her encounter with the president, then you may believe that she's lying about everything that she's testified. >> tony told that michael cohen in an april 4, 2018 phone call. i wouldn't be the least bit surprised that he comes out and says, she wants wanted this money more than you can ever imagine talking about this boyfriend of an associate of stormy daniels, gene reagan's and boyfriend. they were worried he was going to come out davidson saying, i wouldn't be the least bit surprised if this guy comes out and says stormy daniels wanted this money more than you could ever imagine. >> sorry. >> no, that's all right. but i agree with the panel from washington there. is that what difference does it make? what she wanted right? >> and quite frankly, you could look at it from another perspective, which is she if she was this determined to
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monetize this contact with him then it made it all the more important that donald trump shut her down before she could seriously hurt him. now again, the question becomes, why does he want to shut her down? is but is it because he's worried about his family or is it because he's worried he's not going to get elected. that of course, remains to be seen as to what the jury believes his reason was. if they believe that's what he was trying to do as opposed to michael cohen acting on his own to assist his his boss? us yeah stormy daniels, he has pushed back on this idea that she had yelled at her attorney, keith davidson, and to push him. she said she never yell well, that him she's basically challenging the veracity, but keith davidson in this recorded phone call is telling michael cohen's you're saying it sounds like keith davidson is sort of made this up in order three read and michael cohen and pressure him. trump is leaning forward looking at the
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document on the screen in front of him. the document is the daniel settlement agreement from 2000 and 16, that trump's attorney nichols has put up on the screen. so trump's now leaning forward, looking at the settle settlement agreement from the screen in front of him judge, how long i mean, to your point, this doesn't really get to the underlying alleged which crime here, how long do you think? how much detail do you think they really are going to try to go into with stormy daniels? do you think they are going to go back to some of her testimony about the alleged sexual encounter well, they take contri if that's what they think will assist their case. >> but i think it could hurt get their case because there's a concept does all of the lawyers who are with you know, of what we call opening the door, they could be opening the door to on redirect a lot more detail about this encounter than the judge initially
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allowed them to bring in a concept in the law, don't let your client fee the lawyer and there's a part of me that wonders how much of this cross-examination is now being fueled by the client and i think that's a that's a difficult thing for lawyers who have a difficult client. >> and there's also a judicial perspective here. >> how long is judge mission going to let this go on you know, we're already on day 14 the longer trial goes, the more things that can go wrong. you know, a juror can have a kidney stone, somebody's father could get ill, you know, there are all kinds of things that could throw a monkey wrench into this. and we know that the judge wants to move this one hello judge day and key, i really appreciate your perspective from a new york supreme court judge. thank you so much. the parties are agreeing that this should be good. et confidential thereafter nechele said about the confidentiality agreement
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back to the polar region, kaitlan collins, paula reid. what the judge just mentioned, i think is really important point then you when i were just talking about that during the commercial break in speaking resources, it's clear trump was agitated by stormy daniels testimony the other day and part of what they're doing here is a bit of theater to appease their client. these are all valid questions. >> this is a bit of theater to appease their clients exactly. he was aggravated on tuesday for the first time we heard him audibly cursing in court during a certain portion of her testimony. i believe it is when she testified that she spanked him with that magazine. >> but the legal team was able to sort of get i'm under control in in the past when i've seen him and the civil cases engaged in this kind of behavior. it's hard to rein him in. so it's a credit to his team that they were able to do that on tuesday. and then here it appears that he's whispering with todd blanche& appears that he's he's doing. okay. >> because here he believes he has an advocate, right? you have someone holding up documents to stormy daniels and cross-examining her story? so again, this is not necessarily material to the case. what
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they're going through line by line here, but it matters to their client. and that is likely a large part of the motivation here trump would love for the cross-examination to go on as long as possible. >> he wants to to see his attorneys do what he cannot do, which is go after the witness and tried to undermine her and attack her truncate even mentioned stormy daniels, essentially because of this gag order. and he feels it's incredibly, incredibly limited by that. legally, they don't think that's a good strategy to keep questioning her for hours because she's not helpful to their case. i will say the conversation they were just talking talking about that was surreptitiously recorded by michael cohen, unsurprisingly of his call with keith davidson. that is the lawyer who negotiated this agreement for stormy daniels that they're looking at now? and he basically was saying, i think that stormy daniels is publicist. her boyfriend is going to be public it and say the right before the election, stormy daniels was on the phone with me saying that i used to get this deal done because otherwise, she was worried trump was going to lose the election and she was going to lose her leverage the trump team is trying to turn the tide
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of this election on its head and say that that is why they were pushing to get this done agents searched and rated michael cohen department and when this was all happening right? >> since daniels and the agreement between david dennison and peggy peterson, peggy peterson is the alias for stormy daniels in this confidentiality agreement, david dennison was the alias for donald trump the attorney that defense attorney nechele is necklaces is asking daniels whether she understood this to be a matter negotiated by her lawyer, keith davidson and michael cohen. you understood this was a legal matter being settled within legal contract rights nechele says yes. daniels says after after a pause what do i mean, just come why is why, why did they going over this
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confidentiality agreements or line by line. >> so i'm guessing that they're also going to get to the fact that the story eventually got out and she publicly denied it. so they're going through a timeline. i'm going to show the inconsistencies in her statement. again, this is significant for her credibility. if she has not always been consistent in her statement, but it's also something that they can highlight that she is much a wire. she will have explanations for why she lived. she argues that she believes she didn't have a choice. she was worried about being threatened that will make the client feel good, too. yeah. i asked her that question back in 2018 when i interviewed for 60 minutes about well, you lived in a document, you signed documents saying that there was no hush money and there was no agreement. daniels says she signed a statement denying a sexual encounter with trump two days earlier, which she did nickels a necklace, ask daniels to confirm she knew the article was coming out before it was published because the wall street journal and reshared for common the wall street journal reporter is the head broke. ultimately broke this story. >> i'm not sure where this line i'm questioning is going, how it's going to resonate with the jury because of course, she was denying the hush money agreement. that is the whole
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point of a hush money agreement is to not say that it exists. she can't go out and say, oh, yeah, i can't talk to you because i've signed a six-figure sum and i also have a penalty, penalty of $1 if i violate this. so the question is all how this resonates with the jury? and she's a statement where she said, i've stated with clarity that this is absolutely false the question about all of this is how it resonates with the jury. how did they see this? yes. are two lawyers on this jury, but most of them are regular people. and i think they understand the whole point of the hush-money agreement was that she couldn't talk publicly and had to deny which makes your point, paula reid and your reporting interesting that this is theater for donald trump to appease his anger it doesn't necessarily, i'm this level of detail doesn't really necessarily go to any underlying allegation of a crime or even necessarily help their kids. >> yeah. because we're well past october 2016, we're into 2018. the alleged document document that were allegedly falsified i were in 2017. she has no knowledge of that so a lot of this goes to the court of public opinion rep, potential reputational damage.
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both trying to inflict damage on her and try to remedy what she may have done on the stand and a necklace is reading from the agreement sank what rumors that i received hush money from donald trump are completely false. again, trying to catch her in contradicted statements, but caitlin makes an important point. right? you have this client we all have to manage up, right? >> we've all had difficult bosses. this is probably the most difficult when you could have but at what cost right? >> you don't want to engage in the kind of theatrical that we saw daniel says correct, because it wasn't a rumor. >> it was the truth. you don't wanna engage in the kind of theatrical that we saw the civil litigation where trump in his attorney, alina habba we're antagonizing the judge constantly constantly disrupted because that hurt them in the end, when there was eventually a verdict. so here is a fine line. you want to get your message across for your client, for the jury, but you also don't want the jury to think that you're not focused on the case and nicholas nicholas showing daniels but january 30, 2018 statements saying, again tonight, exact relationship, trump's she actually assigned two documents denying
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relationship in 2018, nicholas region statement out loud, stormy daniels pointed out just a short time ago that she didn't actually write those statements, but she did. >> in fact, sign them per the confidentiality agreement. >> this is a much better way right. to ask her about statements, contradictory statements. so get your point across and what he was doing on tuesday, which was audibly cursing under his breath or fighting with a judge like we saw, essentially, i mean, the point of this is essentially showing that sermon dams is willing to lie in a public forum and sign a document that's all ally. >> in order to further her own lie here, why wouldn't she lie about what happened in tahoe? >> it's also the timing of all of this because donald trump is already in office by this point. so previously she was saying she wanted to get the story out before the election that that was her motivation, not money. and they're basically trying to paint her in a corner by highlighting all of her denials and say, well, i had nothing to do with the election after that because it's 2018 and she's still denying it and essentially trying to say to the jury that she was motivated by money and nothing else is she's talking
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about how she signed her name differently than she had before. that's an agreement where she's about to go out and do the jimmy kimmel interview. i will say there's an interesting tactic, and i'm sure paul has picked up on this that susan necklace uses, where it to ask a question that she no, there will be an objection to end. it'll potentially be sustained by the judge. but it doesn't matter because yeah, maybe in the court transcript, it's not in there, but the jury's still hears it. they still hear her say, you're an extortion as you were doing this. and even if she backtracks, which she seems to always have a substitute question ready to go? the jury's already heard that, and she's saying that she was pushed assign that statement by michael cohen via keith davidson before she went and did that, jimmy kimmel. and there are susan necklace saying, well, donald trump wasn't running for election at that point of course 2018, he's already in the white house. yeah, he was already president wright. he was concerned about his family, right? nicholas asked that's important, obviously trump's attorneys trying to point out that it was the family of lani trump, the children that are was the motivation for trump to deny this.
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>> yeah, but that's one place that stormy daniels actually did help prosecutors because she said, look, i was never asked to keep are alleged trysts confidential. he met with me subsequently publicly, including with at least one additional alleged mistress, karen mcdougal. she did kinda undercut that defense during her direct examination. let's see where this goes on cross and he remembered this is the time that when all of this came out, melania trump renegotiated her prenup before she would move to the white house. >> she wasn't in washington for several months with donald trump took office, something that really bothered him. i mean, that could be get defense that trump's team could use. but clearly, they haven't. and nicholas is asking stormy daniels, you understand that president trump had a brand laughing daniels responded, brand? yes. i think that is also something important that you can't always see from reading these updates and not being in the room, anderson, is that her her tone as she's been talking about trump? this is dripping with condescension. she is someone who clearly, i mean, she didn't have to say that she hated trump because it was already clear. but it is amazing to watch her testify in the way she talks about him in
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this derisive, mocking manner is not used to having people talk about him like that in front of him. certainly not since he's been present& to where he can say nothing and that's it goes back to what we were saying earlier, that this is why donald trump wants his cross-examination to go on as long as possible because he personally is enjoying it the prosecution objected. >> nicholas as nicholas ask daniels if she eventually wanted to publicly now she had sex with trump? >> i don't think any of the jurors go home at night and think, oh, she's seen as nice right? she comes across like you said, condescending opportunistic. the question is whether they trust what she testified to. daniel said, no, nobody would ever want to say publicly. i wanted to publicly defend myself, so they're saying no one would ever want to publicly say that they had sex with trump's. she's saying she just wanted to defend herself. >> what's important is whether the three believed she is credible in her account of what happened in tahoe. and remember how specific she was in terms of the marble, the size of the room that's why they had to get all those details because they wanted to establish that
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she remembers this and she is credible. you wanted to make more money, right? nicholas is asking no, that's why did 60 minutes for free, which is a good response on daniel's part because of course 60 minutes does not pay for interviews i did that in 16. >> we did not pay her train and test and nicholas then asked whether she hired michael avenatti as her lawyer? yes. daniels said that was something that during the interview we discussed with her why she was doing six minutes. it was a a decision made by stormy daniels and i assume are attorney michael avenatti to not do an interview with some outlet that would pay in order to clearly bolster her her credibility. nicholas then asked whether she hired michael avenatti as your lawyer? yes. daniels and 60 minutes, i believe the biggest audience and television yeah. >> from what i understand, it, stormy daniels is demeanor on the stand also is susan necklace has been incredibly defiant. nicholas is asking her to confirm that even after she did the 60 minutes interview for free, she did get lots of publicity. i mean, i'm not sure how that argument will go over
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with the jury if that is going to resonate, is heard lots of bad publicity. stormy daniels on a publicity necklace, reiterated, yes, daniels said that characterize is really how this has gone the back-and-forth and how stormy daniels has handled the cross-examination because they will try to say, well, you've been admitted, benefited from this. >> you've gained from this and the other day they said, well, you made money off of trump. she said, yeah, well, this is also cost me a lot of money. i mean, she owes donald trump half $1 million in legal if he's right now after she tried her and michael avenatti, she and my glove naughty tried to pursue them defamation, and so i think she has been compelling and pushing back and say, this hasn't just been rainbows and kittens for me, i haven't just made a ton of money off this and my life is enriched by this. it has also made my life more difficult. >> nicholas asked whether daniels was able to negotiate get a book contract after the 60 minutes interview and i believe most of the money that she would've made from that book contract, she lost michael avenatti and vessel bat from her? >> yes. daniel says and it was for $800,000 necklace asked? yes. >> daniels replies and that's why this is complicated one
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point, yes, she did get a book deal. she did make money. she had this torch is going around the country. she's getting lots of attention daniels acknowledges that avanade arranged for her appearance on cnn and the view, but said he took himself along for our he took everything else for himself. and of course, that's a nod to his embezzlement now, you have been paid almost $930,000, almost 1 million you capitalize by doing a strip club tory, that was a tour i was just talking again called make america horny. again daniel said she fought against the name on that tour, but they're showing the ways that she profited. >> i'm assuming on redirect prosecutors will also show that again as caitlin just said, he she owes trump hundreds of thousands of dollars. she has faced enormous consequences and her personal life. and as of now, it has difficulty support according herself. >> and she's also in debt to donald trump because she is expected to pay for a legal fees because for michael avenatti, she sued for trump for libel in california court that did not go in her favor,
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and the judge awarded said it was frivolous& or water legal fees. i did not need theme that tour and i fought it with a nail. daniel says of the make america horny again, tour. >> and this all goes back to how compelling incredible she comes across to the jury as they're watching this. where did they put more value? i mean, they already know about the confidentiality agreement that we went through. they already know about her issues with my avenatti that has already been brought up in this testimony. the question is really, you know who is there who does the argument resonate more with and the jury, is it her testimony on tuesday where she revealed incredibly personal details about her interactions with donald trump or is it this effort by by trump's defense team to try to undermine her and say she was basically just in it for the money. >> yeah, it just does not matter that she called her tore the make america sarco horny again, torah when she subsequently when are outstripping after doing 60 minutes, is just not material to this case. it's not material to falsifying business records is not material to allegedly trying to influence an election this again, feels like it's an offer an audience
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of one right now, and to undermine your credibility, i'm curious to see how much longer the judge let this go on. >> let's go get back to jim acosta in dc all right interesting time to come back to us here in dc. understand they're going over laura this decision to call stormy daniel's i guess strip club tours make america horn again tour. i'm trying to i'm searching and you guys can help me out. i mean, how does this damage? stormy daniels what personally, my mind. >> we've been listening to this for the last ten minutes or so it almost seems as though she's she's kind of washed away the damage that might have been done to her on tuesday when people were saying, oh, she hates donald trump and so on. >> she comes across as perhaps the most authentic person in this trial. >> they're also going on and talk about a photo where he saw her live. you can to all of this is true. they are actually building the case for the prosecution. let me go to my tablet for a second, please, everyone, because here is why. right. you've got this
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timeline that play here. the only thing that matters is this date when the access hollywood tape came in, i'll use yellow instead. october 7, when she was pay october 27th. right. let election day. that is what matters here. nothing else. i was not signed without to anyone. she said those performing at clubs and whoever wind to pay admission, if everything is true and that she is in fact somebody who is trying to shake them down. somebody who wanted money from donald trump's whims absolutely changed who would stop at nothing to get the money or have this story come out? well, guess what? that paints the picture of somebody who is incentivized, who's running for president and says, i got to pay this person doesn't come out before you election, so every time they look at why she's perhaps in their mind, somebody who is going to try to get the money they are making the case for the prosecution on. and by the way, i don't subscribe the idea that they are going to be successful to suggest that every juror is looking down their nose at stormy daniels and suggesting, oh, she's a porn star robert four, i'm
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going to think about her lash. use a stripper in some ways. i'm not going to think about her yeah. okay. well, there's a man oh, pater. yeah. right eleia a job. >> i mean, it's just a good idea to keep reminding the jury she is a strip. yeah. we know that cross-examination is now officially meandering right direction list i'll trust to to where it was very direct. >> it was you hate donald trump? yes, i do. you think it's great and funny that he might go to jail? yes, i do. right. you made flatly inconsistent statements with what you just testified to? yes. but they were false. >> now, we're into the weeds of why the agreement, what her motivation was. >> she she she made money. what i would have done here instead of the whole 45 minutes that they've spent, i would've said you made a lot of money off this, right? yep. you got an $800,000 book advance, right? yes. you made $130,000 through the hush money payment, right? you made close to $1 million. it just goes to her motive, but this is now drifting in my view and it's ineffective as a result, i think it's worse than meandering and drifting. i
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think the cross is now hurting the defense because when we were in off the air few minutes ago, we took a poll of the five women who are on this panel. and i think are scientifically, very scientific poll. it was however, 100% she doesn't happen in polls often. >> but in fairness, we are a certain segment of the population, but i'll let you continue the, the outcome of the poll was that the five of us all thought that she was a good witness, someone that we like, that we find likable incredible as a witness, as a witness, as a witness i'm sorry. i was gonna say i'm sure it infuriates donald trump that this woman who he is essentially trying to shame up there, right, sorted a nasty woman. he has infuriated by the fact that she is up there because yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah.
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what he wants to do that is why i think the lawyers i think laura, you would agree with is the lawyers are set are doing that as prosecutors well, those allowing daniels to answer this was about daniels being asked whether she had an affair with one of the documentary producers. getting your point? you know, that there's there's some slight change and she cannot be shamed, right? mean she is in the adult film business and she's fine with it. and i think you see donald trump. i think he was cursing yesterday and you can see i think that it is his motivation to really shame this woman. and it's not working. she walked and 70 after, how do you want to be addressed? she said stormy daniels. that she has she owned at the very inception of the direct examination. this is who i am and you know what, why shouldn't she he she talked about it. and when what's going on again, she is not professed to be in love with them. she is saying this was a transactional notion. she wants the money sheet, but you know what, who believed michael cohen and donald trump and they paid or the money they believed that she in fact, would expose this story and harm from his
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ability to become the president united states. if you're going to tell the jury why should you believe when they painter and did believer karen, i mean, is this the danger of performing for the audience of one instead of the jury? >> exactly. that's exactly what judge qizan was saying. it's really not about the defendant. you've got to respect your lawyers. these are good lawyers and you should really we listened to them because really what they're doing here by, by going after her in this way, is there showing her authenticity again, just like laura said, she's not hiding who she is. she is leaning into who she is. she's being called stormy daniels. she is talking about all the things that she does and doesn't do. by going i'm doing this cross-examination in some ways, i think it can backfire because they're going to feel sorry for her. she owes this billionaire a half $1 look what he's done to her life. i mean, in some ways, yes, she made some money, but also her lawyer, michael avenatti, he's in prison for stealing from her. so this is what this is but who she is and what has
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happened to her. so i went no one point. daniel's tells trump's attorney you're trying to trick me into saying something that's not entirely true. she is not intimidated by she's holding her own. she is scrappy smart. >> that's the one thing about her background. she was very, very smart. she's this as maybe the role of a lifetime well i mean, look, i don't know that i didn't want to ascribe that to her because i think you are picking up on how much she in many ways didn't want to be in this situation, but she tried to to take what it was and make something of it to the extent she could for her. i mean, i think anyone who has been in a situation like this with donald trump going after them in this way? knows that it can be a very trying reality, right and you're seeing the thing that the judge was saying earlier that was so interesting to me was this idea that it's now the client that is like causing all of this mecca los asking daniels if she said she'd be instrumental in putting trump in jail daniels
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asked to be shown where she said that when you have an effective cross, the only answer you want out of your witnesses? yes. you might remember when hope hicks is on the stand and you a male beauvais and he would say at the end of every single question, right? correct leading her to say yes, correct yes. correct. because the whole point with the class is for you to narrate what you want the jury to hear. you can lead as unlike direct examination you had right here, daniel saying she sought a tweet saying exactly, making me the best person to flush the orange turd down. well, okay. just talking about donald trump there. it doesn't make her sound like she's gonna be the person you're going to invite to do face pitting your kids parties doesn't matter them but again, thinking of all the things, the crazy bat blank things that donald trump has tweeted over the years how about, about stormy daniels calling your horse faces on. >> how does this help the defense? well, attacking her in this fashion, it seems like elevating her. but look at look at daniel's. i don't see instrumental or jail anywhere in that you're putting words in my mouth thank her own on the
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stand again, these defense attorneys and jury is going to see that and they're gonna notice. >> let's get back. that means if i can do one more tablet thing because you know i love a good venn diagram and i want to apologize for the pokemon s colors of this one. so as i just mentioned, the kid's party, but you why we're even here, like her alleged sexual encounter, it we're talking get back is here. what about the falsified business records of why we're here? well, the only thing a intersects here is one thing, intent, right? what was the intent when you're talking about the hush money trial? we've talked gives me not this document, whole nasa again, we're talking about who's already banned the stand and thinking about what you actually need because what you have to prove is the intent intent to actually commit another crime here. the idea of the timing of here the falsified business entries here as to why she's only on the stand to suggest not whether or not she actually had sex with donald trump. he doesn't even matter if she did to this jury what matters it should matter. the jury is whether he thought she would expose that allegation for the actual election and she says, look
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pretty sure this is hyperbole. if somebody is going to call me a toilet, i can say i'm going to flush somebody's or she is going right back addressing the fact that she was no shrinking violet when it came to donald trump. i can only imagine right now what donald trump is doing in the corner, missy slapping the elbow is an attorney is saying to do two more if he and she says pushing on the tweet necklace says, you don't want to admit you meant president and it's obvious she's talking about president and trump. but again, to help her case, nia. >> yeah, it does it does not oh, absolutely right. >> just like okay. >> let me and listened to the extent that donald trump is upset with anybody, he should be upset with these terrible how do you think these lawyers are doing? how are you grade them? >> i mean they're not he's not paying me the money. so their billing i'm probably what he wants but the same token, their job is to try to undermine her credibility. and they're hoping that just one juror will find this person to be somebody that they do not like respect, therefore, do not believe and
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want to elevate trump to an acquittal no slouch know is lawyer either yeah. >> all right. let me go back to anderson. anderson a lot to discuss a lot to chew on this morning. >> yeah. i didn't think i'd ever say the sentence, but they're actually arguing over who the orange turd is daniels referenced in a tweet. she says, oh, i absolutely meant meant mr. trump. so stormy daniels has now clarified that is in fact who she was talking about when she talked about flushing and orange turn down the toilet nick nicholas wants to introduce another tweet or daniels is responding someone else's tweet. the prosecution asked now to approach the bench. i ever jake tapper's inside the courtroom today, providing real-time insights in his own sketches. here's his sketches from and daniel's on the stand this morning. let's take a look at that. jake from our jake tapper, nicholas wants to introduce. she's wearing i'm told she's wearing the same cardigan that you were before in court with greene
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wearing glasses. once walked in and told she had the glasses on her head, she's now wearing them looking at evidence when to also bring in brian stelter. he's a special correspondent for me, fair and author and the book networks of lies, right? nicholas wants to introduce another tweet, as i said, this is where we are right now at the prosecution has asked to approach the bench. what do you make the testimony? we've heard so far this morning? >> we're going about stormy daniels and how she punched back at donald trump once her private life from 2006 was forced into the public realm, she did not shrink when donald trump would attack her, would insult her. and this has been a debate, anderson, that's been going on for the better part of a decade. what is the proper way to deal with? bully? what do you do when a politician or a president is bullying you on twitter? well, we know what stormy daniels did. she punched back, she came up with the orange term. i mean, these are leinz, a hollywood writers room, couldn't come up with anderson, but that is exactly what stormy daniels did and she's proud of it and i'm struck by how she's had so
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much time to prepare for this, right? she last talk to donald trump in 2007. here we are in 2024. she was able to talk to you? she was able to write her book. she was able to talk in many forums. so she's so well-prepared for this moment. >> judge merchan has just a stained the objection it's gonna be interesting to hear brian how ultimately if jurors ever speak, how effective they think this kind of level of cross-examination of stormy daniels has been there's obviously a danger of spending a lot of time in the weeds on tweets that stormy daniels de paula reid had made the point based on sources that some of this of what the defense is doing is essentially client maintenance is essentially what donald trump wants them to do, not necessarily where they may have wanted to do yes, exactly. >> yeah. my homework this week was to reread stormy's book full disclosure, and it was striking to me how much more
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explicit she was, how much more revealing she was about trump in that book. >> then she was on the stand. i know a lot of commentators have said that this wanted a graphic detail on tuesday, maybe more detail today, but she was actually i'm very restrained on the stand compared to what she put in the book. and there were times she was quite sympathetic to trump it is striking the client maintenance point to your plant or now today, fox is janine piero showing up at the court jinshi? donald trump has some supporters. he's not had there before perhaps because scene stormy on the stand is especially usually emotional for him susan nicholas is saying when trump was indicted in this case, you celebrated on twitter i tweet, you celebrate it on twitter. >> she said, the storming downs response thing. i tweeted about him being indicted. yes. people asked how they can support me, so i tweeted the link to my store, daniel says again, going after the motive, brian which necklaces has been hammering now for probably for about an hour or so, the stormy daniels
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has been in this for the money right, but i think if i'm the jury and this is to your point, it'd be so interesting to hear from these jurors weeks from now about how they regarded stormy daniels. you try to put yourself in the position of someone like her, someone who this was buried in her past. this was ancient history by the time donald trump decided to run for president, all of us sudden through no fault of her own. she is forced into this awkward situation and then into the public limelight. and then it is situations where she can make money off of this and become famous in a whole new way juror might ask, what would you do? >> what would they do in a situation like this as a great article from new york mag this morning saying the night she met donald trump book changed both their worlds, but she didn't want any of this, at least not initially yeah. >> brian seltzer. thank you so much. the backward paula reid and kaitlan collins, by the way, i love that jake tapper is able to both send us messages
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from inside the court about what's going on and also make a sketch. i don't know if any other anchor or reporter who's also a sketch artist, jackson, a very talented cartoonists and his that's done a bunch then that's a jake's first sketch. i look forward to seeing more that's me doing my job. daniels responds, nicholas had said that was you showing your merchandise right? >> now what we're seeing right now, as i said earlier, this is the trailer for the cross-examination of michael cohen. so as this has devolved into arguments about what what is or is not in the toilet and who it represents. this is exactly what we're going to see with michael cohen, but it's going to go on for days. daniels tweet. thank you to everyone for your support and love i have so many messages coming in and that i cannot respond. but this is uncomfortable and weird is this has been at times, it's going to be this times 100 with cohen because that's where the defense has focused it has ben todd blanche is expected to likely do that cross daniels tweak continues also, don't want to spill my champagne. teams stormy merch slash
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autograph orders are pouring in. this is a necklace getting in here and how she was profiting off of this lesson basic about this line of questioning. >> and they're going after stormy daniels because she'd confirmed that the data trump was indicted. she was drinking champagne and she posted a link to a store that sells are celebrating the indictment by selling things from your store. >> donald trump literally has fund raised off all of his indictments every time he is indicted, you get multiple fundraisers were selling textures, they sell t-shirts of a mug shot that wasn't actually his mug shot when before even i had a mug shot, they t-shirts with that, they have enough ties on this. they completely fundraise off of it its entire operation and how he's made so much money. they brag about how much money he has made and raised when he has been indicted each time that he has been indicted. and so it is notable that now the defense is going after stormy daniels because she was also trying to make money after dawn spector shocked to find there's gambling casino, there's lot of people for the money, but the prosecutors don't bring up the
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trump merchandise on redirect. that that will be the real crime here again, is selling items in her store about how she got the president indicted. >> again don't trump is also selling items in his story. >> it's also the same thing that they're criticizing her for response sending surprise. i got president trump indicted because she asked she said, the day that she got him indicted. i mean, essentially, that is the heart of this matter. it wasn't heard necessarily. it was the agreement and the business records, but stormy daniels is at the heart of this but turning this back on their criticizing her for making money off of it when donald trump himself has also raised a lot of money off of it. there are also criticizing her for criticizing trump. hizon was calling her horse face publicly from the white house is going out with the jury is now seeing any stormy saint of indictments, candle, a necklace, asieh daniels is making $40 per cannula no, i'm actually making about $7. daniel. we are so far from the facts in this case. >> again, it makes me wonder about the jury effect of an ascertain in there. how is the jury responding to this nechele
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is asked whether tanno is bragging with the candle that she got trump indicted? no, i'm not bragging. i think it's funny and then it goes to daniels smug ness on the stand that as we're told from our colleagues, hasn't really played very well with the jury. she laughs, they don't, by the way, someone who's made it, one of those candles of me as well. i'm not profiting from it at all. you're not making $7 and done it, but we still go into the site neck close to ask about $130 comic books are called stormy daniels political power keep in mind, i didn't write this comic book. stormy daniels says, well laughing, but she confirmed she is infected misdemeanor the entire cross-examination and i do wonder how the jury is seeing this because they are seated this close to stormy daniels. >> she's dismissing all of all of susan necklaces attempts to undermine or by saying, oh, you're just trying to make money are doing this. >> she's laughing. i mean, she laughed the other day. day when she was asked about the tweet felt selecting trump to go to prison. she's laughing out the candles. she's laughing about the comic books. i mean, she making fun of their very curious to hear from her reporters inside once they're able to come out and go into detail about how whether her
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demeanor today, if she's more relaxed on the stand, it sounds like in this back-and-forth that she may be more comfortable in this back-and-forth on cross-examination than she actually was in the initial testimony when you saw her, she's also it's shorter q&a. she's being asked direct questions and she's firing back with the prosecution when she was meandering at times, they had to ask her to slow down because you're speaking so quickly. it was hard to understand. are those were kind of open-ended questions and susan nechele is is saying a large part of your livelihood for a bunch years is now making money off your story. >> no. >> daniels response. i mean, she has not given susan nechele has an inch on this. the question is if the questioning is effective with a jury, but but she has not conceded essentially anything every time that they bring up how much money she's made from this, she said, well, i've also lost a lot of money every time they bring up how it's boosted her reputation. she's also said that it's damaged for reputation and she has been at pretty effective at least with the eyes of the prosecutors pushing back on this.
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>> yeah. it's unclear how that's coming across to the jury because they're only hearing you're selling this. oh, but you're not making he money in her documentary, which is obviously her propaganda, you get a much more lengthy nuance story about how she is a mom, like how she grew up, and the fact that she doesn't really have a lot of other ways to support herself. the argument that she has probably on balance, lost money is more credible through that. but here i don't know that this is coming off terribly credible. you have these t-shirts do you have these candles notes are saying no, i'm not making any money off of my story with all due respect. what else are you known for? >> who she also she does have a judgment against her for i think it's now up to more than $600,000 which she is resisting paying. nick nicholas is also going nickels nechele its of daniel's has claimed she can speak with dead people and that our house and noralyn is haunted beliefs from daniels was involved with some sort of paranormal show at some point you have actually reached the limits of my knowledge of this case. i am not familiar with her paranormal i remember the
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first question? i cannot answer. >> this red kennedy mentioned she had done something with it sounds normal activity. >> i have no reported having they brought in experts, which is yes, they brought me there basically trying devotee. >> we we are now i mean, literally we are now going to toilet in the realm of paranormal activity, it was a lot of interesting and unexplained activity. a lot of activity was completely debunked in a giant awesome he says she i mean, it's interesting again, i'm fascinated to hear from our people inside what her demeanor is. >> any of the jury is laughing along with her or smirking or if they are sort of in on this that's going to meet very interesting to see we asked, i'm looking at our feed to see if we have any any color from how the jury has responded because how you can laugh at the paranormal pawsome. >> i'm not sure, but the jury also might be annoyed because they might recognize nothing to do with making money as a part
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of a ghost hunting team that's going to locations. daniel says that clarifies things. she's part of it goes hunting team again this has taken a turn that i mean, i don't know if the defense things this is powerful testimony or i don't understand how points it's not clear how it goes to the heart of what they're actually trying to argue here though. >> i mean, this is where the defense seems to be if there are some parts of strong parent activity, believers on the jury, perhaps they will be more sympathetic to her. i don't know. yeah. that didn't come across fans, your boyfriend question your sanity. nicholas asked the objection was sustained know what i think this is a good time to go back to dc and she thanks anderson watching cnn or qvc. that's the question i have all right. >> now oh, there were comments
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about candles and paranormal ghost hunting shows and so on. >> i feel like we're losing the narrative here. >> i think they may have lost the jury because remember, the jury knows are here for a documents case. we're not even any longer talking about the sexual encounter. they're trying to make it seem like that she is all about the money and guess what? that's like, what the prosecution wants the jury to thing you. she's all about making her money because that means that then she was going to tell this story and they knew it. she's also being asked about our history making movies saying nick saying you have a lot of experience making phony stories about sex appear real? well, yes susan, that is four. that's exactly what it is. and again, this whole this whole plan to try to look down your nose as stormy i was. she says wow. she says, wow, with applies. that's not how i would put it. the sex in the films is very much real, just like when you my why, that's why it's
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not. >> but again, this is what necklace is doing. she's trying to go toe to toe to toe with somebody who is unfazed by the room that she's in. her she is trying i think in many ways to try to undermine your credibility, but she is simultaneously buttressing her as a force to be reckoned with and the more the jury thinks, i don't want to mess with stormy daniels, the morthel thing. well, i can see why you would have paid or before an election yeah. but eleia, the defense must think they're getting somewhere. i obviously, it's lost on us, but are they performing for the jury or for trump? that's my his lawyers so going into her history and pornography to me is a mistake. >> it doesn't lead anywhere interesting, james, if that story was destroyed, would have written it to be a lot better i mean, let me say are not known for their plot. >> witty rejoinders are do not always work from the witness stand. i mean, some of these are great singers, write it like if this was a debate they would be awesome leinz juries don't always like awesome leinz juries like direct. yes,
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no answers if they're honest and she could well say yes, that's what i did know. that's what it's not the fact that she's going out of her way to throw little shots at trump. actually don't think helps her credibility wise. i also want to say this. there's anything that her as well of course, first, but a better witness just sits back and answers straightforward. >> yes, no, this is what happened in fairness though, eleia, we don't know. that's true. tone. >> this is a problem that not harry truman tv cameras. >> we don't know her demeanor. we don't know her tone. we also don't know susan necklaces town very important. so how they interact is hard. yeah. and daniel says she doesn't have to pretend to know how to have sex, quote, i'm pretty sure we all know how to do that. >> hello. she says so karen, how much of this is a good idea? i mean we're we're going down roads maybe donald trump is comfortable with, but at home, people watching this, the jury, this is a sideshow mean there is a real defense to be had in this case, the prosecution, for example, have yet to link donald trump to
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these falsified business records. that's going to all be on the shoulders of michael cohen in the end. write that that's what they have not proven yet. what does this have to do with any of that? this was all about the the election. it says trump attorney todd blanche laughs at the defense table. trump is now leaning forward. she says, i didn't i didn't i don't work in sex clubs. i work in strip clubs. there's a big difference. she says in response to a question about how she's been making money. she's clearly holding her own on cross-examination and i think it can backfire something stormy daniels said just now, she said if i was going to make this story up about this experience with donald trump, i would have made it a lot better. this is not a great story. it was a terrible story given donald trump's the track record here that trump has with women, i just it makes me wonder nia. yeah. >> is this effective at all work for the defense here because i mean, you can you can
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select a jury that says, hey, i can be fair about all of this but everybody has in the back of their mind when it comes down trump, they're thinking about, okay, this guy has a track record. >> he has a track record of going after women, going after women in powerful positions, going after women who he thinks have crossed him, right? and i think that is what the motivation seems to be right now, him wanting his lawyers to go after her and take her down a peg or two because par story takes him down right? if you think about that story, it's this sort of mundane, pathetic sort of 60 year-old man sitting on a bid in boxers. there's nothing sort of smooth about his interaction with this. one. man, right? it's very different from i think the image he would like of a billionaire playboy. and so i think some of that is motivating this. i think politically, if we want to sort of step back, this doesn't help him right? in terms of what we already know is his weaknesses
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with women. so here he is kind of going toe-to-toe via his lawyers with this woman who again, it's very much holding her. i mean, one thing i would say about this section of the trial is that i do get the sense in talking to sources and also just kind of opening my own ears around town that this is breaking through. people are talking about stormy daniels and like what what has been laid out here. and jake tapper in the courtroom from sending into us that in the juror box, there are eight jurors in the back, eight in front, and they look like they're watching a tennis match as they go back and forth from the lawyer to a stormy daniels, is this kind of interplay is playing out here which again, we're gonna have to wait until our folks get out of the courtroom to really understand what's going on, but i think my question here two goes back to some reporting the kristen holmes did for us overnight last night, which is that part of why they were so upset about what happened on
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tuesday, was that there was his insinuation that perhaps not everything that happened between the two of them was consensual and now now she's challenging trump's lawyers, challenging her on daniel story itself, saying it's changed a lot over the years. now, daniels is saying, no, she's denying that, but i mean, elie, i guess i'm curious. i don't know that how does this interact with the consensual question, if at all? >> so this is exactly where it seemed the cross-examination is going right now, whether this sex was consensual or not and even stormy daniels and said it was concerned. she has said that is irrelevant to the case. what they're trying to do right now on this cross-examination is established that stormy daniels has added details as added flourishes, embellishments to her story and what they're going to do. i think they're going to say, for example, you start out with the anderson cooper for 60 minutes for however long that interviewed took, did you say anything about having blacked out then they're going to suggest to the jury she's adding details now she's trying to twist the knife, so to speak. i do want to say that they're going to keep going with it. oh, for sure. and look, this is fair
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game to say. you've given prior statements about what happened here that were materially different from what you just told this jury. standard fair game. now, there's none other than door to details yeah. >> i mean, that's the risk. the risk is it could open the door to more details on redirect and i'm not sure i would want nicholas asking about various celebrities and celebrity golf tournament in lake tahoe, asking of daniels knew who was there for the tournament i numbering charles barkley glee though, not some others like drew brees, everyone remembers charles charles is very member. i don't know. i don't know where this goes. if the defense i don't want to go back and product her recollection of details. i'm not sure. i don't want to go back to taha. i don't want to go back into that hotel room metaphorically speaking, what i would do is go right to her prior inconsistent statement. there's too much fluff around this. they could do this in a much more direct way. i mean, again, the way they did that whole cross on the orange turn, the tweets and that kind of stuff. it got out of hand, but they could have
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simply made a very powerful point, which is you really want him to go to jail. you think it's great, you think it's funny. you've celebrated hey, today she would have to say yes, but this is i mean, we're talking about donald trump who has had rallies where they chant locker room. i mean, again, we're talking about shameless self-promotion in terms of selling products, trump is sold bibles with the constitution and i mean, we're talking about tweets, really, we're talking about mean tweets and plus, this jury has only been in paneled for several weeks. >> much of what you're moved into and talking about, they have been well aware of donald trump and the merchandising and beyond this, of course, has post dated even his sale of the mug shot of his own own self in georgia. so the jury has have to forget everything, but if i'm the prosecutor in this case i am thrilled because i because i know that the more that they go down this rabbit hole of focusing on a sexual encounter, the more number one, your point, karen. it opened the door for me to ask more details. the judge would not allow, but i'm going to also think to myself, look, look, this is going to come down to the falsified records. the more
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of this jury believed that she would have done anything to get the story out for many, the more it builds my case that donald trump, michael cohen and company would've been everything they could to try to silence or beforehand and then it gets falsified business records. remember, it comes down to the intent, knows who were not hearing about, so they can argue about i mean, there's not as much you could do and argue about a records are the records there isn't black and white. yeah, i can go back and forth with stormy daniels over details of this in that and i'm concerned for the defense if they're trying to suggest what they have to prove that this was somehow yes. if you try to silence or it was because of this family, have we heard anything about trump's family? have we heard from its cross-examination so far? have we heard anything about his wife or his children know. and that's the path that this jury will have to be asked and questioned about whether he did these things allegedly with a substantial motivation being personal. so far what we are seeing is a personal animus towards her. and here we have nick was asking daniel said confirm that she told in touch
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magazine seeing that trump personally asked her dinner. now, of course, for testimony before was about this intermediary, a bodyguard asking that daniels response. i didn't specify. i left out the names of all the other people not to get them involved. and so they're trying to nitpick the story by focusing on it. but again, the prosecution wants trip. they wanted to in adventure trip her up but this comes down to knowledge about what she doesn't know, which is what took place behind the scenes at the trump organization and the business records. that's the part that she cannot answer. and they're not even going there yeah. >> one question i have is will the prosecution argue in the end that there were three stories? it's that were being peddled, right? there was the doorman, there was karen mcdougal and stormy daniels. >> they paid the doorman $30,000. >> that was a false story. but these other two stories that presumably are true, they paid a lot more, 10050000130000. and i'm wondering whether so the
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prosecution is going to argue that there's a price for a false story. and then there's a price for a real story and they're very different. >> all right. anderson, i'll send it back to you now it sounds as though i mean, this defense strategy of trying to put stormy daniels on trial, that she's the one on trial is continuing here yeah. that's right.& by the way, just for your viewers know at home, all of us here, we are reading off the monitor, which in front of that's why we keep looking down. we're also reading ofir phone, so we get the mrs. from inside the courtroom a few seconds before they appeared there. so apologize for not looking directly. add to add viewers. >> but there are still having this back-and-forth. >> in fact, the judge has now told an nechele to give daniels time to answer the question that they've been actually kara scannell is reporting that they're going back and forth so quickly. they're actually stepping over each other that was an issue when you were in the courtroom of stormy daniels talking very fast. yeah. but this is different in the sense that it's kinda this jousting
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going back and forth where story daniels is holding her ground, it appears here pushing back on on every characterization that susan nechele is putting out there about what she remembered about the night that she met donald trump. she's also keeps bringing up her job and the fact that she does sex work and i don't i'm not totally sure all that's going to go across with the jury. i mean, she keeps she was saying you in a bunch of other porn stars were there at that 2006 lake tahoe golf tournament when she met donald trump. that was the night that they met. she's now bringing up and consensus consistencies about whether it was trump himself who asked her to dinner or if his keith schiller, the body guard nicholas, is basically going through other interviews at stormy daniels has done this, isn't an in-touch magazine interview she did in 2011, which we've heard about testimony for nicholas, was asking why daniels didn't mention a body guard in the 2011 interview, the body card being keith schiller, who enter testimony. now, she said keith schiller she got keith schiller, number can show got a number of keith schiller is the one who interacted as a
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go-between between her and trump. she told in touch, according to necklace that it was donald trump who asked for her phone number. stormy daniels is now saying she didn't want to bring other people into that story back in two just a reminder. >> keith schiller was basically donald trump's right-hand man. he brought him into the white house. he was in the white house making a taxpayer funded salary for about a year-and-a-half and right now, daniels is saying that they tried to get me to not mention other people at the time in 2011 or publicist didn't want her to mention other people reminder that the jury saw a screenshot of stormy daniels is phone on tuesday showing keith schiller's number. obviously, they blacked out the first part of it, but she confirmed that it was indeed as number and he was saved in her phone as keith last name trump because she didn't know keith schiller is last name. she now knows that it's keith schiller so the jury already knows that she did i think the question of whether or not this is going to make the jury doubt that this sexual encounter with trump happens seems really unrealistic given the level of detail it's also just to point out inconsistencies in her story
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and that if she was lying two types back in 2011 and by not giving all these details again, it goes to her overall credibility necklace points out that daniels did not mention keith schiller and what she provided prosecutors in her testimony that actually is material to the case is what exactly happened during this alleged encounter. what was he willing to pay $130,000 for? but in addition to that, as we reported, they believe there were some reputational damage that happened when she testified that she added new details, a different perspective to stick in about an hour and 20 minutes. but finally, we're back in tahoe. and tahoe and they are going to go line by line through her testimony. again, i don't think this is for the jury open question as to how it plays this is for their client and then their eyes, the court of public opinion method glutes have joined us. here in new york criminal defense attorney, you're forming they hadn't assistant district attorney matthew, i'm wondering what you make of this back-and-forth and how effective or not effective you think the defense has been? well, if you'd asked me this morning at about 9:30,
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i would have told you this way, daniels had been doing pretty well overall, but now we're hearing that she sees dead people and as a ghost buster and starting to go off the rails a little bit but i, think it's possible that ms a. nationalist is being a little bit too combative with her they're kinda making it an us versus them, me versus you fight when maybe she should just be going systematically through all these inconsistent statements that she has out there on the record and just sort of making it plain for the jury that this person can't be trusted, that she's given different accounts nicholas challenges daniels accounting them in the in-touch magazine in 2011 that suggest trump personally asked her for dinner. dennis clarifies what she meant at the time, a bodyguard or handler is a unit is the same as being asked directly. daniels had also said moments ago that in touches essentially frivolous magazine and sort of a general entertainment magazine and didn't go into much level of detail. she didn't want to go into he tells with them.
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>> do you think i mean, it's impossible to know at this point with how the jury feels about this necklace. >> ask daniels was on the truth in that 2011, it is minus some details. daniels says of the in-touch article. does you were saying it should have been more systematic point-by-point of inconsistencies at a certain point. i mean, do you need to point out all the inconsistencies or do you think this has gone down a rabbit hole? >> no, i don't think you have to chase every single inconsistency. but i mean, i think there's a lot of material to work with here for the defense. and i think they've done a good job actually with some of the bias are some of the obvious, either financial incentives that ms daniels has to put out this story so the personal animosity she has doors. mr. trump, and also emphasizing this judgment that he has against her and that he obtained against are in court. >> and so she has always motivations, but i have to tell this false story in addition to all these different accounts
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that she's had. >> but no, i think they're making their points. and by the end of the day, i do think that the jury are more likely probably believes that there was an account or between trump and ms daniels. it seems to me that i've directed damage. patients have a lot of victims, female victims of sexual assault this is not a sexual assault case, but it's somewhat comparable and some ways where women have described these very terrible encounters in front of a jury. and she has so many details, so we discreet details. he's able to describe the jury. >> she testified with a lot of motion. i suspect that even after all the roads examination is gonna be a lot of jurors who are going to come away from it saying that she's probably telling the truth about the heart of the matter which was that they had this encounter and tavo i went to get dinner and didn't get dinner from dana says, nicholas is reading a few different interview accounts from daniels from over the years. it seems like she's going to go through a number of these interviews point out you consistencies i'm wondering what you think paula reid was
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reporting. three sources that some of what the defense doing today maybe sort of client maintenance and essentially the former president was very upset by some of the testimony on tuesday from stormy daniels. and really wants his attorneys to go after her in a way that he's not allowed to win in your experience when you have a client who very much wants you to go down a certain road. i mean, how do you manage that? >> it's always attention. at trial with a client who's making demands of you about say this say that as this question, asked that question, make this argument. the attorney is the one who supposed to make these decisions, these tactical decisions about how to make an argument most effectively. but at the same time, you are trying to keep her client happy and use he's paying you to do a job. and so there's a lot of pressure to satisfy. and when you can time the other days testimony across emendation, i felt there's still the
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question is might've been written by mr. trump from his naturalists because she was asking open-ended questions that we're giving stormy daniels an opportunity to sort of really fire back and give a big answer. some of these sort of homerun type of questions that never really worked for trial lawyers. is satellite. mr. trump was scripting a few of those and so i don't really know what's going on behind the scenes, but i would think that an attorney has experienced as she would have asked to more closed ended question every single time. and there were time when she was giving stormy daniels love it too much rope to answer the question she wanted to. >> and so yeah, some of this might be client maintenance for sure. and certainly speaking nick nicholas continues to push over daniels on this 2011 interview matthew, thank you so much. i appreciate you being with us all of these interviews. i would have talked about the food daniel says nose is pointing out that we said were having dinner, but there was no food. again, nicholas of trying to get at any inconsistencies from prior interviews that trump and
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daniels told about this encounter. she's going back to this interview within touching 2011, the defense trying to pin stormy daniels, dan now using her own words and tweets against her to show that she was out to get horn president of the united states much more cni special live coverage when take a short break, we'll be back in a few minutes every piece of evidence tells a story how would really happen? jesse? oh, margin. sunday's at nine on cnn today at america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. >> thanks to you. >> we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic new bottles made using no new plastic. >> you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more of them back, we can can use less new plastic bottles are to be
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renewal by anderson called 1805011400 this is a futurama go daddy arrow creates a logo website, even social posts and minutes ai, ai like who wants to come see the future, get your business online in minutes with godaddy arrow once retired, mark is decided, i will never again work for another man or woman i abandoned my corporate phone plan and i'll get a new plan. with consumers cellular for up to half the cost, less when freedom calls we're here to answer your house solomon in new york and this is cnn stormy daniels is on the stand and it's still under cross-examination attorneys for donald trump or tried to show inconsistencies between what
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she told the jury under oath& her prior statements about an alleged sexual encounter with donald trump. >> welcome back to the cnn special coverage of the former president's hush money cover up trial. i'm dana bash and washington and i'm anderson cooper in new york's is a necklace adult. >> trump's attorney actually asking daniels right now about an interview that she did in 2018 with me four 60 minutes back here in new york, the kaitlan collins and paulo rio during the break, neck necklace has begun asking about six minutes interview. i did with her this is from our reporters in the room. she's pressing daniels about the interview. during the interview, cooper asked daniels if they went out for dinner. she says, no, he asked if they had dinner in the room. she said yes. daniels said it was dinner time, but they didn't eat dinner nicholas has been again, pushing any inconsistencies. daniel says yes, like i said, it was dinner time in the room. necklace presses, daniels on
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this. we did not have any food i did not eat any food. i maintain that in every interview that is not changed, daniel says, necklace says when you said to anderson cooper you didn't really mean you had dinner. you mentioned something else that daniel says we had dinner time in the room. nicholas then presses daniel saying yes. about the dinner. daniel says yes. like i said, it was done on time the room necklace says so you're saying when you said we had dinner, you didn't mean that, right? nicholas asked daniel's again, argues that having dinner doesn't mean they eight. nicholas continues to zero and what she argues is in inconsistency in daniel story about whether she eight with trump daniels testified appearing example appearing exasperated at where she where she's from going to someone's house for dinner, doesn't mean you have to eat necklace and have questioning whether daniels walked the hotel, took a car. the details of your story keeps changing, right? nechele says, no stormy daniels says so this whole debate, the semantic argument over dinner, right? >> do you have to eat as it dinner time, the trump defense
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seen believes this is very important. i believe nicholas just asked. she said, ms daniels, your words don't mean what they say. they mean they believe by drilling down on the he's seemingly innocuous details about what allegedly happened in tile that they are going to be able to append credibility in her story of the entire account. now right now, this is a, this is a minefield and is continuous zero in on what she argues are inconsistent susan daniel story about whether they ate dinner or not. this is a minefield because we're going back to tahoe and this is a sensitive subject for their client. we saw that outburst on tuesday when they talked about spanking. so i'm curious to see how specific they get throughout this. do they go through line-by-line her testimony? they've got to be portions to this that they're going to skip because but otherwise the client is going to get mad. >> but this feels ridiculous. they're trying to home in on what they're not sure. they had dinner and whether she's been consistent, she has said all along, she was going and was invited to his room to have dinner. she's always maintained that they didn't actually eat dinner. and so it's not clear why this is where the defense is trying to
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zone in on and to focus on this and whether or not that's resonating with the jury to undermine her whole story. is she did say she took a car from a tattoo shop to trump's hotel. she said she didn't recall how the car was called. >> she has remembered such little details on this that when i was in court on tuesday and she was recalling this, she said that she walked halfway, that she was staying at a different hotel than donald trump was. she was wearing uncomfortable shoes, which she later described as her hand shaking as she was trying to put them back on after her sexual encounter hunter with donald trump, she remembers details like that. and so they're trying to call her on whether to remember is how she got to and from harrah's where donald trump was staying and to his hotel suite which feels like an odd line of questioning when there are other ways to get at what she was saying about the actual moment and the tenor in the room and the vibe. and it could just be that trump is more comfortable with the semantic arguments about dinner or not dinner versus actually getting into the details of what transpired. it's weird,
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it's going to open up for prosecutors the judge was uncomfortable and didn't want them to go in certain places. this opens up for judges, for the prosecutors to revisit that when they get the chance to, because there are frankly probably more details, gruesome details that stormy daniels could talk about if she was pressed if the question is, how much does she actually remember? i don't know what other details she may remember, but that she hasn't really talked about. i'm she hasn't gone into a lot of sorted sorted very sorted details. a nikos has the judge, if they're going to take a break, merchan said he'd like to go a bit longer yeah. so we'll just goes one thing on the inconsistencies in her story and how she's describing it and what they're trying to argue. they had the whole day yesterday to go through all of this and that is really what we were hearing from trump's team that they were doing, listening to what she told you about how she described the ways in which she described it, where the other de just kinda saying that she was a little bit
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uncomfortable and couldn't believe this question. she got herself and looking how she described it to you, where she made clear it was consensual. and now they're getting to the nitty-gritty of focusing on what happened when she entered trump's hotel room. this is when they were having that conversation where she says she called trump out for being arrogant and interrupting her. he'd asked her a question and then he'd start to talk while she was halfway through her answer. she remembered exquisitely detail about this encounter that i think personal it will be hard for them to discern into question around that we'll see what the way they go with this, but she's saying that trump did greet her in front of his hotel suite. i assumed he was watching television because he definitely wasn't getting dressed. she says that trump was wearing silk pajamas when she entered the room that she made him go when change because she said he looks like hugh hefner and she said that he did so and so that's the question here of how this nicholas had had a questioned the danielson said that trump was sprawled out on the couch watching television that he grew greeted her. daniel said he did both the greeted me in the foyer. i
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assumed he was watching television because he definitely wasn't getting dressed and there's responded. nicholas asked that she didn't say that in the 2011 interview within touch necklace says that daniels it didn't say that in the interview? no, i did not. like i said, it was a shorter interview that she gave to in-touch in 2011 nicholas also has said that i'm just reading from directly from our reporters in the court. >> you acted and had sex in over 200 porn movies. >> nicolas ask daniel says about 150 nechele says, but according to you, seeing a man sitting on a bed and t-shirt and boxer shorts was so upsetting. you've got lightheaded. the blood left your hands and feet and you almost fainted. nicholas asked yes. when you're expecting command twice your age to be yes. daniel says, when you aren't expecting a man twice your age to be naked nicholas suggests that okay. sorry. i'm ahead of what what's on the side of the screen, nicholas suggest that daniel sees naked men and women in these movies all the time. >> this is some tricky territory for now, because we
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know where they're going going, right? what really set them off on tuesday was the idea that she suggested is may not have been consensual. i think go back to her documentary. >> what she does is she ties this encounter in tahoe to sexual abuse that she survived as a nine-year-old girl. >> she said, this encounter brought her back to that hi. nicholas, here is trying to suggest you have sex all the time with strangers. what would bother you about a naked man? she is potentially going to step on a landmine if stormy daniels decides to bring up her experience in the lens through which she views this. now again, was a story been consistent? >> no, but this is tricky, really tricky territory and it's not clear that this is going to benefit them by the time they're drawn and stormy daniels has not had any reservations about being upfront about the world that she works in and her business. >> she says that trump was deeply interested in it and asked if they had a union and got residuals when they were having this conversation? so trying to maybe embarrass her about what she does for a living. it doesn't seem to be a tactic that is going to work for stormy daniels on the cross-examination and daniels is pushing back saying, if i
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come out in the bathroom is on older man and his underwear that i wasn't expecting to see there. yeah. >> because that's when she says she went to the bathroom just kinda in there for a little bit. she tried to call a friend she knew the products to remember the products that were in donald trump's dhap kit. i mean, she had that level of detail and now trump's attorney is asking are in your book, you had wrote that you had made him your and daniel's agrees basically trying to say that the way she portrayed the encounter is what have i got myself into? i'm uncomfortable in this situation was not necessarily how she had framed it before and should make that clear to you, though, and your interview anderson, i mean, she said i'm not trying to say it wasn't consensual. she said it was consumption, said she's not a victim. she said that you put you in her words, you are paraphrasing, but she's said what was going through reminders like what you put yourself in a bad situation, you deserve. this. was effectively what she says a nicklaus has daniels in your book, you had wrote you had made him your vit ch daniel
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agrees with that i can wear this is going to go and redirect. it's hard to know. >> yeah, this is this is really risky. this isn't your first time. the first time in your life someone made a pasi i mean, necklace is walking up to the line of you asked for it didn't you? and again, this is not a sexual assault case because the case of falsifying business records to allegedly interfere with an election. we are so far afield from the material facts of the case, he asked me encounter is significant, but this very pretty much feels like what i said at the beginning of the day. this is going to the audience of one and one alone, and it is unclear how this is going to buy the jury. >> and you know what she says no, but it's not the first time from a minute pass me, but it is the first time that a body guard standing outside the door, daniel said adding trump was twice her age and bigger than her necklace is now confronting daniels with what she told in touch in 2011 about the encounter that article daniel said, trump told her, come here and they started kissing on the bet. again, danielson said repeatedly, now that essentially the interview she gave you in touch was limited and she didn't want to
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mention other people like keith schiller, who were involved. she said on the advice of her her publicist, this is all hearkening back to how trump handled e. jean carroll this has strong reminiscence of that in the sense of how they framed her, that she had written about sex, a lot. her life, what her cat was named. this is still a defense that trump used to this day until he he had two or so much money for juries found liable for defaming her daniels is confirming that trump did say come here and then a response repeating herself for their court reporters to the court reporter can make sure it's all the transcript, but this is exactly how his attorneys at different legal team handled the e. jean carroll case, basically saying that she was not some kind of we've done that she wasn't innocent talking about what she had written and they're going back to stormy daniels is work and her past and all the men that she's had sex with. and the fact that she dated someone who was a camera man on her documentary. it is a very similar tactic to what they used with each different lawyers, similar tactic. interesting, no. maybe we'll never well, how much of this is coming from donald trump kinda
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pushing this kind of line of questioning. um, this is you made it you made all this up, right? nicholas? no. says daniels. >> trump has been as well behaved in this court as he has been in any of the other trials that we've seen over the past six months, nechele said that daniels didn't say trump stood up in the integer der review. this is an abbreviated version, but one of the ways that you've got him to sort behave as you have to to make sure that he feels heard that he feels seen same as with any client. but this one bigger bully pulpit, so part of this, again, this is all client management, but this is really, really getting up to the line of what's a good idea trump is looking and daniel's direction in terms of alienating the jury or throwing there sympathy to her to speak back to who the attorneys are performing. four i mean, that's always the difficulty in being donald trump's attorney. it was the same with his impeachment trial. it was the same with his civil fraud trial. it's the same situation here of what he wants and what they think is the best strategic decision. trump in court on tuesday was about as angry as i'd ever seen him.
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and i covered him inside the white house and on the campaign trail. and after he lost the election. but the look on his face and there's a camera right there. so you can have a very good view of it as as she is testifying, that speaks to when they have these breaks as they're about to take one he goes into a side room with his attorneys and when they were in the middle of her questioning before they'd gotten to the cross-examination on tuesday, he was essentially seething about what had just he just had to sit there and listen to. >> yeah, he does want his attorney get up there and undermine every little detail about dinner and what she says. >> it's entering the necklace. >> a few moments ago, asked the judge, are we going to take a break? the judge said he'd like to go a little bit longer. i don't know if she wanted to take a break to kind of regroup and see where they're making. >> that's exactly at you probably wanted to convene with the rest of the legal team how much further do we have to go to really have to get into? how's everything going and get a sense of how is this playing with a jury because she can't always see them? yeah. i have a fillet she wanted to reassess what three assessor strategy should be almost two hours in by the time they get the break. i think any any lawyer in her
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position would definitely want her grave daniel says on the standard was a nice, intelligent conversation, yes. >> agreeing with what she told in touch magazine in 2011 about her conversation with trump dana, let's go back to you thanks. >> anderson. and joining us here on the panel is michael ducky, who is a former trump white house communications director, served very briefly in the trump white house as people or want to do before we, i want to get your take on this, but before we do as we watch and and listen to and kind of absorb what is happening on the stand with stormy daniels, right now, i want to bring our viewers into a conversation that we were having here off-camera while our colleagues in new york, we're talking. and the question is about this line of questioning obviously the trump defense is trying to undermine her credibility. that goes without saying, but the way that they're doing that you used the term earlier yeah, i use the term shaming because
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that is what is happening here and you can see the lawyer there for donald trump asking her, how many men did you sleep with is 200 and stormy daniels comes back and i think she said something like 150. how could it be that a woman who slept with so many men could then be startled? hold by donald trump, who was sitting there on the bid in his boxers are naked or whatever it whatever it was. and she said, yeah, you know there was i think a bodyguard that was out there that was kind of intimidating to her. so this is what they're doing and this is what i think donald trump it's kind of known for. and jamie nechele is confirmed that daniels told slate in 2018, quote, there was no abuse with what happened with president trump. and you were not a victim? yes. daniels says in the 20th interview, nicollet says that daniel's said the worst thing that trump did was break promises he never believed he would fulfill so i do think this is a key point because the first day when she
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was being questioned by prosecutors, she used the phrase blacked out and the testimony at the very least was confusing about whether this was consensual completely consensual, whatever that line is. so i do think this is a point that is worth, you yes. >> nothing nothing about a power imbalance or scared because of a bodyguard necklace, trump's lawyer asks daniel's and we're going to wait for the answer. and as we wait, please continue that. i want you to jump in case, but i do think and i've heard from a number of defense lawyers that they do think that most of this cross has quote, gone too far, is not relevant. and someone said to me, makes her more sympathetic. >> you didn't say anything about feeling faint? >> that was the question from trump's attorney. her answer? no, because the question was, what must mr. trump did and mr. trump did not drug me.
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>> that was how i felt. >> i mean, again, it used to be not that long ago that in various cases that have to do with a woman testifying about a sexual encounter. this line of questioning was very powerful and it worked with juries and societally things have changed. the question is whether or not they have changed as it relates to this specific case. daniel says she met meant at the time the worst thing he did was lie about getting her on celebrity apprentice. daniel says she maintained she quote, was not physically or threatened or drugged necklace asks daniel's about her testimony on tuesday when daniels said trump's actions made her feel like she had to have had to have sex, might lose securities made me feel that way well. >> so my big big picture question here is, does today make this jury fuel more sympathetic to her? >> and she goes on to say he
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did not put his hands suddenly he didn't give me any drugs or alcohol. i didn't hold a weapon. he didn't hold me or threatened me i think the question is going to be for the jury and to a greater extent, the public. do they feel like they can put their so themselves in daniel shoes or do they know someone in their own lives if they're a man, if no, a woman who has been in this kind of a situation before where they felt like basically the price of female ambition is a situation like this. and that i think is a lot of what we explored during the me too movement when women did come forward and say, hey, there are these situations where powerful men take the power that they have and they hold it over you. and if you are so aggressive as a woman as to want something from them, which she did and she wanted to be on celebrity apprentice right? she she was looking for some things from him that the price of that is what happened to her in this hotel room. and again, my sense of her first de was that she had when she first came out, she she tried to make the jury
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laugh a couple of times. a couple of lines that didn't seem to really land, right? but then today with this, it really does feel like they are dragging her through the mud and necklace on that note. questions why daniels didn't say that trump stood in front of her in 2018. again, this is a better credibility, laura, in 2018, you didn't tell the vote okay. writer that president trump said that to you. did you necklace as well? first of all, two quick points, remember, it's interesting. they're raising these points. this was the subject of their mistrial motion, just two days ago that they thought that the bell could not be on rung because there was this intimation that she was saying it was no longer i wasn't truly considered central. the judge essentially said, look, he criticized the defense for not objecting more than he had to they call suis monte on his own actually objected, said that cross is the effective remedy here. they're doing this, then here's what happens when you're trying to cross are on this very point. she isn't only clarifying. again, i'm not a victim. this i'm not saying
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it was not consensual and men she humanizes herself with that statement. my own insecurities made me feel this way. when she made in that she said is that they are story is not. necklace as saying your stories completely changed. she will likely say that that's not in fact the case. here's why it's important the cross has tried to establish her as a shrewd scrupulous are unscrupulous business woman who is motivated solely by money, who would've stopped at nothing to get this story out. >> and you're, as you predicted, daniels with a look of exasperate action and a smile raises her voice saying no.& that was no to the question of her story changing. >> you're trying to make me say that it changed, but it hasn't changed. and again, you've what you've invited her to rehabilitate herself as somebody sympathetic about having insecurities that she has confirmed yet again, that notion he's not changed your stories and that yeah, she is unscrupulous she wants money and she would have gotten the story out isn't that precisely
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the person that you'd be incentivized to pay to shut up before an alleged you think that the defense is just going way too far? i think they're helping the prosecution unnecessary. and if you're the prosecution, do you feel helped right now? >> i do. so this cross-examination resumed at 9:30 this morning. it should have been over at 9:45 this morning. there's a way to do this cross-examination in a way that's palatable, that's clear, that's concise, that makes an impact. instead, they're all over the map. two things. first of all, they're back at the hotel now in tahoe you don't want to be there as the defense, there's no winning there. and this is going quite poorly. the other thing is the things that they're trying to impeach stormy daniels on show that our prior inconsistencies are penny ante, bs it's okay. you sat at dinner you were in a restaurant. did you eat dinner or not? the jury doesn't care about that. what did they invitation come from donald trump himself or the bodyguard you are at the margins of the margins here. i see there's an update and nicholas is now asking daniels about her meeting with trump and ben
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roethlisberger? >> yes. >> at a nightclub questioning how long the meeting being last time and raffensperger, of course, i pittsburgh former pittsburgh steelers quarterback, who had all sorts of trouble. i'll daniels testified about ten minutes. necklace says she wrote it in her book. right? she wrote in her book that it was an hour. is a perfect example credibility cares and nea made a good point. you don't need said there's shaming going on here. >> i agree. >> and they don't need to do this. you have plenty you can impeach this witness on. i hate donald trump. i wanted to go to jail. i had a financial incentive that's daniel clarified on the stand that trump left after about ten or 15 minutes, but she stayed with rough brothels berger, the court is taking a brief morning break. okay? >> judge. >> deeper last year, just it's to our viewers know, you worked in the trump white house briefly. how many scare moocers did you tend scarab dense codes, like 100 and changed 104 day? yeah. >> as white house
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communications director, is your thoughts just weighing in on a little bit of this. >> there's two juries here, really? there were talking about there's the jury and you're right. if we're only talking about the jury in that new york city courtroom, they should have been over at 9:45. but there's the jury of the american people. we are now witnessing a presidential campaign being run out of a courtroom by donald trump and in his and his campaign. and so i think a lot of what we see today has more to do with the american people and the campaign than it does to do with the journal. i'm sorry to interrupt. daniels avoided looking at trump's table as she left the witness stand. trump is leaving the courtroom. michael, you have dealt with sort of the communications aspect of not this kind of thing, but just you know, trump in crisis or trump trying to get his message out there. there's probably a little question in your mind that he is using as you kind of just alluded to, his legal forum, which is a high-wire act. to push back for his own political
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strategy on the campaign trail that but is that going to be helpful in the courtroom well, as the maybe the only non-lawyer sitting here on this panel, i'm just playing all the work thank you. answer the cons these guys from a company's point of view, my guess is what happened is tuesday night, the defense felt like they'd had done a really good job with the cross-examination of stormy daniels& the president came into the roman said that was awful, that was terrible. >> i need you to do x, y, and z and what you're seeing here this morning is exactly what the president wanted them to do. it is a high-wire act. he's a very accomplished performer on the high wire. and this, as i said earlier, i think this is more for the campaign than it is for the defense at the end of the day, when we look at all of this we're still not getting back to the central question that this panel and other panels have said earlier.& in days
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pass. how is the how how is that the manhattan district attorney tying this all to campaign violations while we haven't heard from michael cohen. yeah. well, we haven't heard from michael cohen yet, but the fact that they're letting it rest on michael cohen's testimony, we don't have know that, but i'm saying from if i was if i was sitting in the defendants room there, they're now looking at this testimony and saying, okay, we scored the points we needed to with the jury on tuesday, this might be unseemly today, but he's got another audience as his. >> it doesn't just go to why he would want to pair off, why he wouldn't want her to tell the story, but it doesn't go to the underlying thing paying off fine. but was he doing this as a campaign violation or was he doing this because of his family, which is the underlying issue that i think they need to answer that they haven't been in this testimony today is nothing but sludge. slept shame, siliceous, and all of that. what can i but it will help them in a rally well, it
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okay. >> i can then just laying that a bit how i will tell you. okay. this is the donald trump who had not been president. yeah. going back to after the access hollywood tape now, i remember vividly going as a reporter to some trump events. ivanka, his daughter was doing a series of events in the suburban collar counties around pennsylvania. they were with women, they were suburban republican women, and almost to a person, each of them said that's just trump so that was before it was really baked in. this is who he was and so do you just politically speaking before we get back as we're in a break here, think that this discussion could be different. it could seem different among men and women who are trying to decide, do i want this guy back in the white house? >> no, i think that's the core of it because i think all of what's being discussed right now is a known quantity to the
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american people. i think the real question is what you just asked do we want him back? do we want to go through this again? part of biden's victory in 2020 was that we're going to we're going to take the drama out of the white house. i think that was part of the reason that that he one i think that's a fair question, but all of these details, i mean, i think it's baked in on what the american people will accept from donald trump. >> i ask you, what do you think is more important for this campaign in 2024 proving that he did not have a sexual encounter with her for proving that this is a weaponized trial. >> i think both i think both are important to him. i think what he's going to say at rallies is that the her story has changed, he'll point to a couple of the inconsistencies that have been brought out today and that'll be the end of it. she can't tell a straight story. i'm telling you the truth. this never happened, so that's part of it. and then the fact that this will probably be the only trial we see before election day is huge
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for him. >> michael's take care aligns with our reporting that donald trump wanted his team to be more aggressive, more extensive, with stormy daniels. >> it is hard enough for anyone sitting in the defendants chair to be the case to get an acquittal or a hung jury, me, the vast majority of criminal trial house resulting convictions. and now if his legal team is being pulled in a separate direction away from what's optimal in the courtroom and now have to think about rallies and how's this going to play? that's going to undermine and reduces chances beating this case i mean, the thing that i just keep coming back to here is that fundamentally they are prolonging the experience that the american people are having with stormy daniels& the silk pajamas and the de, and the hotel room. >> and that to me, i still just can't get obviously, i mean, having covered donald trump, it makes complete sense. michael, that he would have had this reaction, that he would have said to his team, i want you to do this differently. >> i want you to handle it this way but again, i just it it
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doesn't make sense to me. >> i want to go to something that we have the luxury of being able to see, which is sketches from our own jake tapper, who as you all know. and if you didn't before now you see you do is a very talented cartoonist and artist. and this is a new sketch that he just sent in. he is inside the courtroom. this is capturing sound some of the mornings cross-examination stormy daniels in the witness chair, susan nechele, donald trump's attorney, doing the questioning. and in this, you can see the back of trump's head. i mean, it is really another zoom in it. there you go. and the way that the judge is clearly listening very intently with his with his hand under his chin. >> it's pretty good. jake snow, christine cornell, though could i just going back to michael was talking about there has been testimony and direct that does speak to the end of
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this case, which is did he do it because he was worried about his family or did he think it would affect the election he she testified that he didn't seem to care about his wife that he said they slept in different rooms, that he didn't wear a condom which can have a big impact at at the end of the day, he also at first didn't ask her to keep it confidential. i think the other thing big picture is does the jury walk away with the notion that this actually happened. >> and donald trump has been saying it never happened. and why does that matter when it, because it speaks to his credibility, because if he won't say yeah, this happened, let's move on. >> then why believe that he did this because he was worried about melania as opposed to the land. why believe that he didn't really know about the quote, unquote books, cooking, while other parts.
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>> and we also saw testimony earlier in the trial where trump was basically shown to have said don't pay for this stuff. >> it always gets out, right? and that when he said that it was in the context of not of a presidential campaign, right? he was saying that in the context of regular life in which he was married, at that seems to suggest to me that there is a difference here. i'm who knows if the jury is going to see it that way, but that under one set of circumstances and says, well, don't pay this off because it's gonna get out. all i'm worried about is my family on the other hand now. okay. that story is worth $130,000 if it might cost him an election, casey's point, he wasn't worried about his family back then, but this is all happening in october 2 weeks before the election in the wake of access hollywood, there's one big difference there's an election. all right, while there is a break in the court, we are going to take a quick break very, very contentious morning of cross examination. >> susan nechele asking daniels, quote, this wasn't the first time in your life someone made a pass at you
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stormy daniel's responding know, but it is the first time they had a bodyguard standing outside the door. much more on cnn's special live coverage next we're here to get your side of the store. a bribery prostitution. why do we keep ending up here? >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. now streaming on macs liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know i've been telling everyone how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need lucky. there are giant so mug they are the woman building babies next generation submarines. de or giants. and what they do because they work
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moments ago donald trump heading back into the courtroom, a legal strategy or a strategy to please the former president united stage while maxine and special coverage don't trump's hush money trial, i'm interested cooper in new york this morning in the building behind me, feist exchange after feisty exchange between stormy daniels and trump attorney susan necklace, we have been covering it all i'm here with paula reid and kaitlan collins in new york. >> let's just quickly recap for viewers who are just joining us. i mean, we have seen very tense exchanges, very rapid exchanges back and between susan necklace and stormy daniels. >> you have revisiting some of the themes that we already saw on cross on tuesday. one is inconsistent statements. >> her dislike of the defendant, and questions about her financially benefiting from having said that she had sex with trump's. >> so it's been tensions at times now, right now, we believe out of court is going to get underway here shortly. it's unclear how much longer this is going to go. but as we've all said repeatedly not much of what we've heard on this crosses material to the
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case. now, trump is back in the courtroom after a brief morning. brachii is standing and turning to look back at the gallery of the courtroom. just follow sketch artists journalists, members of the public the judge is now back on the bench. they're probably going to get underway in just a minute here yeah. >> and the judge is back on the bench. story daniels is thought to be called back into the room. he comes back in first and then he asks for the witness to come in. apparently, he said at hurriedly, can we get the witness? and so the question is, how much longer trump's attorneys continue with this cross-examination that i think has taken meandering turns about whether or not they had dinner the night that she met donald trump to criticizing her for making money off of her story with donald trump as she pushed back on trump's attorneys saying, not unlike mr. trump, who is also made money off of his name and likeness his entire life, but also off of these indictments. and so i think the question is, how much longer this goes on and also how much fodder it is provided for the prosecution when they get the chance to question are one well, they've also just had an opportunity you to consult with
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their client, donald trump and get us read from him of how much more he wants, how much. i mean, if this is too your reporting paula reid trump, klein maintenance in there taking instructions of how far they want to go from don trump. you know, this is a chance to check in. >> yeah, it's probably a good idea at this point because remember, if we look big picture just at this trial, the threat of jail is out there. if trump publicly attack stormy daniels, and we know that he did talk about a witness who is coming who got short notice right before her appearance. his lawyers made him take that post down because they're concerned that could violate the gag order. the judge has said, if you violate this gag order, again, you could go to jail. he also saw an outburst in court on tuesday during some of the more explicit portions of her testimony so doing this, if this canopies their client at this can make him feel valid hello, dated, feel heard, and get him to calm down and behave himself and not run afoul of the gag order. that is probably a win for them, and it is still unclear how this is playing with the jury should go ahead. >> what they do in this brief period is they go into a
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staging room where it is just trump his attorneys, but also all the political aides and allies that he brings with him. and as you can see, there are several of them within today, including senator rick scott that i should know if the senate is in washington and voting today, but he is he was out here just defending donald trump a few moments ago and trump's attorney, susan necklace, is resuming her questioning of stormy daniels. she was the one she's the only woman on trump's defense team here. she's the one who was selected to cross-examine are not surprisingly but it's basically trump and his allies telling him how the coverage is going when they're in these meetings, he is often giving them instructions of how he believes it's going, what he thinks they need to be doing. >> so that is the question of how much it informs what they actually do, how much they push back and say, okay, thanks but no things and they don't do everything donald trump tells them to do. >> i should be clear, but talking your question of there's a lunch break usually around 1:00 or so. so will they want to go up to that? well, they want more more stormy daniels afterward. there will probably be a redirect, no, prosecutors will want another chance to talk to her. >> i would definitely expect the prosecutors will want to go
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back at this to clarify some things. also. just hi highlight some of the hypocrisy like what we were talking about earlier about trump being able to tell indictment merchandise, but she can't read a lot of things that they're going to want to clean up. and then the question is how much time do we have left at the end of the day? it's unlikely that would go to the end of the day, but it's possible. and then after stormy daniels is done, we expect we could have some summary witnesses so these aren't gonna be household names necessarily, but people who can get an evidence or establish a couple of facts before they're expected to call their blockbuster witness. michael carlin. >> i want to bring an adam kaufmann, his former executive assistant attorney for the man da's office adam. good to have you on again, and i may interrupt just to give some notes from the courtroom, from reporters. how do you i think the testimony this morning has gone so high, anderson, thanks for having me you know, i'm to me a lot of what's going on here. >> i've been sort of concerned about this case and of course it's easy to sit on the sidelines and second guess, but
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a lot of what we've heard from stormy daniels has really nothing to do with the alleged crime and my fear is that if you compare where the prosecution started with sort of talk about ada colangelo's saying this is election interference, plane himself that was the opening to me. they've they've they've put in all of this other evidence, but this is really tawdry. and you go from this lofty idea of electron that point talking sorry to talk just the tawdry point, nechele necklaces, returning now to do make american horny tour again, make american, america horny again, tour reminded daniel, she testified that she she hated that that name the jury is seeing a february's two post from daniels instagram account sorry. go ahead, adam, talking about the tawdry so this to me
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it feels like this testimony sort of it belies that that sort of lofty election interference. it makes it, this is really, it makes it about a hush money payment and it's it's very pedestrian you know, i would've kept stormy daniels on let's stand for ten witness at ten questions to establish that she received this money, but to go into all of this this this is sort of a sideshow. and i think it detracts from the prosecution in many ways. i think it's a distraction. it keeps the jury from focusing at the end of the day jury has to focus on this very technical, precise issue of the falsification of business records. >> and, i understood having pecker and mcdougal and all of that background come in to give a context but this to me is a distraction and i think the defense it gives the defense the opportunity to speak to the
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imprecision of the case and all of this of extra collateral, extra material is come in and it makes to me it makes the profit facebook weaker yeah just while i've been talking to susan, necklace is pointing out inconsistencies now there were daniels testimony today, but also with prior statements earlier said daniels testified that she had never posted about that tour. >> she made of strip clubs using this sort of make america morning again, label, which she said she didn't like the necklace showed her a tweet and then from daniel said, well, that was from my business account, and that she was reluctant to tweet, but that vague. she said, meaning, i guess the people around her sponsoring perhaps are backing her toward made her do that. trump's team is showing to oppose now from from instagram is there as a do you think the
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defense is wise to be going back into that hotel suite in lake tahoe at the golf tournament or are they wise to be going after every inconsistent since he for many in touch magazine article in 2011, necklace are showing the jury a second instagram post and daniels account advertising you make america hunter, i mean, are they wise to keep talking about the make america horny torque i you know, i think so. >> look, susan necklace is a really, really good defense attorney & really skilled cross examiner you know, it's hard when you're sitting outside, you don't get the feel of the courtroom seeing the jury's response, the jury's body language. i'm sure she's tuned into it and i think that going through all of these inconsistencies, i mean, when a witness says oh, i didn't want to do it, someone made me do it that that's you know, that makes the witness look kind of like a liar kind of like there are scrambling a little bit and
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i think that's very effective how much when you want or any chord. >> but necklace turning to ask now, now nicholas is returning to ask about the celebrity golf tournament. when you're in court and nicholas asked daniels at trump played, well, we'll add the tournament. i don't know what the scores were. daniel said when when you're arguing a case in front of a jury, how much do you pay attention to the jury's response while you were doing that? or is that for others on your team to kind of be monitoring that and some and in a break, they might inform you of how they think it's going it's, it's both you know, you'll see, you'll see someone pass a note. >> you'll see someone, you know, sort of glance back to the table a little bit. there is a whole performative aspect to a jury trial when you're trying a lot of cases, i haven't tried a lot of cases lately, but when, you know, when you're in that mode and when a lot of cases and the
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prosecutors steinglass tries a lot of cases but when you're when you're there, you really, you know, when and you're you're you're in that mode. you really are very attuned everything going on in the courtroom, and you have that ability to both be aware of what the jury's response while you there's still laser-focused on the witness and listening for the responses and react adam kopan, i really appreciate your expertise. >> thank you so much. it's good to have you back on the program again, nicholas asked that people recognize trump, that they at the golf tournament? yes. doors former dennis says by he recognized me where i went that day to daniel says where the shrugged it's extinguished. what was pointing out about feeling with the defense team and prosecutors feeling the sort of the energy in the court feeling how the jury is once you're actually i mean, it's so limited what we were able to do here, not having cameras in the court and not being in the courtroom with all of us have been in the courtroom at times. it is such
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a different experience and there really is you can sense the, there's a feeling in the room. it's a hard thing to put your finger and that's why there was so much focus on the jury collection, obviously by both sides, but certainly by trump's team. and he's complained about it. they felt pretty good about how the jury-selection way because the question is, how is all this playing with the jury? i mean, one argument that's susan nicklaus has been making maybe this is because of they know the demographics of this jury is saying that stormy daniel's made up phony stories about sex and talking about all the meds and that she has slept with for work for as she made these adult films and kinda it hearkens. it feels very pre me too, movement and everything that system it now has kinda coalesced around and the way that we talk about these things and how different it is. >> so i do think that's a question of if they're trying to believe that this is something that we'll play with the jury and netflix is saying what you are emphatic, not once did i feel that i was in any sort of physical danger. >> my sense after tuesday was that this is going to be where
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the defense started because they were very upset with house for me, daniels portrayed her encounter or sexual encounter with donald trump. is this a bit intimidated? she used the word blacked out. she talked about keith schiller hello, are being outside the door. they were really upset about that because they felt that it made it come off to the jury that it was non-consensual. the fact that we're now two hours into this and they're just now revisiting this is notable also, talk about how long it i mean, this is 17 years ago. she testified she had not seen donald trump are spoken to him since 2007 and daniel says, yes, that is in fact, let's go back to it dana in dc dana, thanks, anderson. and as we pick up listening to or watching, i should say, from our colleagues as they report what's happening in the courtroom from stormy daniels when she is questioned as she has been for what? >> all told at least two hours. right. you'd plus if he added bit last, but even just morning today. yep. >> and we were told our colleagues, kaitlan collins and
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and others, were told that the defense would go longer with their costs and that was accurate because we're seeing them go very, very long and what just happened in the courtroom as anderson was tossing overdue us and that's a long time ago. nicholas asks, yes, ma'am. daniels response and this is the question about when the last time she spoke with trump was and it was 2007 i'm laura, can you just bring us up to speed as we have been getting into the nitty-gritty of the back-and-forth and the questions that necklace is asking her & the overarching point that you think that she is trying to make here well, the point of cross more broadly is to try to undermine the credibility of the witnesses. >> she tried to she's trying to do that, however, you can be two expansive in your attempt and only just now, 11, 49. right. as she's finally ask daniel's if she knows what trump trump is charged with now it's interesting question that
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come from her because she spent most of the cross-examination focusing on the her films that she has done focusing on details that were innocuous about whether they had dinner or otherwise, they're asking her questions about his golf scores and beyond trying to talk about the number of partners she had in these films. what's the significance of moment now is this is why we're here about documents. it doesn't actually matter whether or not you can prove that stormy daniels had a sexual encounter with donald trump. the planets, whether he believes she would go public with that allegation? make a payment falsified business records to cover that up in time for the election and that and she asked response to the i don't really understand. i'm just here to answer the questions asked to me. there's a lot of indictments he does with this drug. now remember, in jury selection, at least one juror was unaware that he had multiple indictments against them. so there's that moment in time, but again, refocusing if you're the prosecution, or the defense really you not get
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nothing but the business records. okay. first of all, we just applied for a second because this is where they should've started today. the defense should have started with okay. you have no idea about the business records. you don't know how they were written. you don't know anything about it. so now we're getting into the harbor to what and how they could undermine or it doesn't matter if she if she actually had sex, what matters is whether he knew and she says she responds, i know nothing about his business records. why would i that's the 0.2 attacker. that's the biggest and strongest moment of defense to say, we're just here and see that moment. yeah. yeah examination of stormy daniels is open so that's how you do it, right. >> and there was a criticism of a defense or we used to work with all the time. we used to say rather than going for the jugular, this guy goes for every single capillary doing this warning, right? there are ways you can go right to the heart of the matter. instead, they're picking what was his golf score, who cares but okay? but there's a person who is at that defense table who goes for every single capillary, michael
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what that was about the long and winding road that got us to those last couple of questions that laura said where the crucial critical questions about the charges against donald trump and what she actually knows about the charges. it led through lots and lots of sorted details, character assassination and undermining her. and that's because so it sounds about what happened it sounds like to me they got back to the second jury that i was talking about. the jury that's actually in the courtroom to go to your point, they got back to the facts in this case and whether or not you wanted them to lead with it i think they decided to end with it and leave that in the jurors mine. so this that from that perspective, i still am thinking they're playing the two audiences here. >> and i'm curious to see what the redirect is going to be assuming there will be one that the prosecutors are going to come back at her or big a user, they could use the defense's own elicited testimony if
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you're a smart prosecutor, you want to get up there as quickly, not as quickly as the defense that has gone out there and say, so, you wanted money you atop nothing to get it. you wanted money from pam and you knew that you had to get before the election and they paid you right? >> that's it. >> that's the that is where she heard knowledge of this case ends. >> i think they also may try to go back to the core of the testimony and basically say to her, look, you were asked a bunch of questions about what you eat for dinner and that kind of stuff. have you ever varied in the many times you've told this story over the years about the fact that you and donald trump had sex in that room in 2006 and she'll say that has always been a core of what i've said. i think consistent with that, bring it back to the core of it. >> the fact that this conference, it seems to be still going on, right? >> i mean, it does seem to be taking some degree of time. i mean, what what could be going on and the jurors are watching the bench conference are probably talking about the scope of the redirect because technically this it has to be within the scope of cross-examination, so there may be some area of the prosecutors want i want to go into the arguing about is this fair? as
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they argue and discuss what's next, we are going to sneak in another quick break, cross-examination, just wrapping up inside the court's susan nechele admitting under oath that she excuse me under the questioning of susan nechele, stormy daniels admitted under routes, he has no direct knowledge of how involved for knocked donald trump isn't orcas trading of the alleged hush money scheme to silence her in the closing weeks at the 2016 campaign, you are watching cnn special live coverage most could be stories was at the absolute peak of his celebrity. >> in olympic here rose shocking murder trial. >> we learned of a much darker individual power would really happen with jesse l. martin sunday at nine on cnn did you know taking xyz all at night release allergies while you sleep you wake refreshed for more productive de get 24 hour continuous relief that does not
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today and get your first 30 days free i'm on raja capitol hill. this is cnn three hours. >> and six minutes. that is how long trump attorney has been cross-examining stormy daniel's pressing her on the gaps between what she has said in the past and what she said this week told me jury under oath, commanders cooper, new york, you're watching cnn special live coverage inside court redirect of the adult film actress is now underway the process the prosecutor, susan hoffinger, asks, you were also having to take the money. daniels replied, we're all happy to take money. it's just a bonus joining us as well as paula reid and cnn's kaitlan collins. now this is the redirect. there's gonna be a lunch break probably in about an hour or so. they'll only have a limited time before the lunch break no, i guess we have no way of knowing how along in might go on for you.
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>> it's hard to say at this point they were probably also taken aback by how long the uk went on. so it's impossible to say if this will be over before lunch and then of course, defense attorneys would have an opportunity come up briefly for re-cross. >> so essentially, just sort of trying to clean up inconsistencies are things that the prosecution feels that it's important to kind of redirect on exactly. >> and they're starting here with their motivations for signing the nda here, talking about how she feared for her safety and in terms of the money she goes, we're all happy to take honey. it's just a bonus. so right now that the first focus or her motivations for signing this nda, it's also so interesting that the cross-examination with longer than the direct the prosecute, she is the prosecution's witness. they brought her on. they questioned or for about two-and-a-half hours not those amazing moments on tuesday trump's defense cross-examination of our width, three hours and six minutes significantly longer and that was not initially what they had expected. to do. obviously, paula and christian reported that it was going to go longer based on how tuesday went with the prosecution. and so now the
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question is how the jury are is how the prosecution uses the details that trump's team decided to go into about dinner and what she remembered and keith schiller and the. bodyguards presence and how they choose to get into that night, that it made so trump's so angry. and the room so tents on tuesday have a jury showing the jury june 2016, texts between dylan howard, who's running the national enquirer and gina rodriguez and associate of stormy daniels howard set of daniels in the texts, i thought she thought she'd denounced previously i'm not sure what that's a reference to. >> it's not clear from what we're getting in here. again, we have three amazing colleagues who are trying to give us this live. >> prosecutors, daniels, to confirm these are the texts that trump's attorneys showed her own crossing emanation daniels answers yes. >> the prosecution actually objected to these texts being shown inside the courtroom. there were moments where they would just show story daniel's attorneys certain messages on their screen. everyone has that's great in front of them. but the screens that are in front of the jury, they were not actually looking at these
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messages, so it's interesting the prosecution's now deciding to use them. >> yeah. and the prosecution appears to be jumping pretty quickly through the timeline. she's going to move on to the 60 minutes interview shortly and then the in-touch magazine contradictory statements. here we go. the last tax that haven't showed, i was rodriguez, gina rodriguez running. she never did hoffinger notes that the defense did not show that tax during cross-examination it would be surprising to me if hoffinger goes back to what happened in tahoe because again, that's really not what is charged here. it appears based on what we know so far earlier today, during cross-examination, daniels pushed back on trump's attorney about these texts, testifying that she didn't even know about them so i agree it is interesting that this is where they're going to focus. they're already moving on now to anderson's is 60 minutes interview and what she said there again, during a during the defense was asking her she was pointing out that stormy down is pointing out of the six minutes, doesn't pay for interviews stormy daniels in
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said she that she was pointing that out because the defense was pointing out how much she they believed she was motivated by money, which is probably why haven't are began with the question of just acknowledging that stormy daniels did want to get paid by other sources because storm again, has had seemed to be pushing back and the idea that money was a motivating factor which is i mean, two things can be true or one, she can wander story out and also want money. >> you didn't tell every single detail to anderson cooper tdu, often gerasa of the 60 minutes interview an interesting thing that they seem to be trying to do is criticizing from again, because she she told so many more details. know daniel said in a soft voice criticizing her for not saying it as much in her interviews that she did before this as she did on the witness stand on tuesday his day that's interesting because obviously an interview is a limited amount of time. i mean, it's edited, it's cut down
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for when it's actually published. same within touches she was noting it was very brief interview. necklace is objecting to admitting something into evidence related to that six minutes interviews prompted a sidebar, which means the attorneys are going up to the bench kit to speak with the prosecution, the defense, and the judge about what they can show. and so that's clearly something that's related to your interview. it's not totally clear what that is, but but obviously she's going to have more to say in two-and-a-half hours of testimony where she's talking about this exchange and they were asking a pretty open-ended questions, then she is in an interview, especially with the in-touch magazine or even a substantive long and in-depth one, like what, 60 minutes yeah if memory serves me, it was actually two part. i believe it was a two-part interview. >> and in 2018, so a traditional six minutes this is 12 minutes or so. so it was actually two 12 minute minute pieces not just stormy daniels. >> we also had a an election
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from election official to talk about possible legalities are the possible impact this would actually have serena trump is chatting with todd blanche is turning, gesturing with his hand. so meeting over to a whisper and his attorneys, this is significant because trump is as invested in her testimony as he has been an anything throughout this trial. i mean, there were people testifying for the trump organization about documents that could make or break this case. and when i was in there, he was leaning back with his eyes closed. i'm not saying he was sleeping, but he certainly wasn't leaning in watching on the screen hanging on every word, but throughout her testimony, he is bet attentive here he has been responsive at times, admonished by the judge for being these outbursts. but clearly he is constantly interacting with his attorneys throughout her testimony. >> this is the most animated the most invested he has been throughout this case he cares just as much about the perception of this entire trial as he does the actual outcome. >> they actual verdict that these 12 jurors will decide. i mean, trump is always even denied the idea of even knowing stormy daniels much less sleeping with stormy daniels.
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and so to have her out this free rein to go into the details of their alleged sexual encounter? >> here's just as much as about rebutting that is he does winning the jury over which by now we're getting we got jake tapper. >> courts sketches to from jake earlier these are the actual these are the actual courtroom artists sketches that we are seeing now for the first time, this is a christine cornell sketch. you see a stormy daniels, judge juan merchan on donald trump. and also susan nechele less this was taken this was a drawing of the cross-examination. trump is chatting sale. were todd blanche last time we heard from our people inside. >> it's great to have these sketches, but it's just not the same as having cameras in the court in this front row intrusion? anybody in the audience? so they actually sit next to each other. and so it's interesting to see there are different kinds of visions of what's going on so at this
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point, we don't know how long the prosecution obviously is going to be on this redirect it as you said, paulo, they are kinda moving through this relatively quickly. >> yeah, i would expect they're not going to linger too long here they know they have to get through a couple more witnesses summary witnesses that are called folks will help them bring in evidence one person he's coming back the manhattan district attorney's office to get some additional social media posts. we know she's coming back before the weekend and then the big question after stormy daniels is okay. when will they call michael cohen at this point based on my understanding, that is the last big mark key name that is going to take the stand during the prosecution's case unclear sure. >> if they're going to wrap up with stormy daniels before lunch, i would expect that this would be wrapped by the end of the day and it's also interesting to think about how the stormy daniels testimony will inform how they handle michael cohen, because obviously, if stormy daniel's was defiant and quick on her feet, would the cross-examinati on they're going to try to do
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the same thing only ten times more with michael cohen. i mean, we know that that is what they've been bracing for todd blanche has barely cross-examined anyone who's the lead attorney here because we're told that he's essentially saving his firepower for michael cohen. but but on the stormy daniels testimony, it's not clear how it's resonated with the jury. the court sketch was just zooming in on the judge though, and he has been noticeably uncomfortable with her testimony. he was on tuesday with where it was going he tried to put restrictions and parameters on what was relevant to this case. it wasn't i didn't notice him or we didn't see any reports about him. the same way as the cross-examination was going on where they were getting into whether they had dinner or not.& now the prosecutor is asking stormy daniels in terms of the context that you did tell anderson cooper that you had sex with mr. trump daniels agrees. nicholas is objecting here. we'll see what the judge if he decides that is something that can stay there back to the bench. i mean, this is a moment when the jury really pays attention because they can't hear what the jury and the
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attorney, the judge and the attorneys are deciding, but then they'll come back from that and it's the question of whether or not that question there that she just asked about what she told you can stand there always curious if there's an objection what are they trying to the keep? what are they trying to hide? let me return if. he was based out at all zone in on this and it's unclear to me also why necklaces is objecting to this. this seems to be completely within the bounds, but there could be something that she knows coming that we don't we'll see what the judge says here in terms of michael cohen's testimony i mean, after michael cohen we're heading toward the end of this. i mean, yeah, this is michael cohen. >> proceed going much beyond next week. >> so i think it'll go through next week. you have michael cohen expected to last about three days total. that's with direct cross redirect the whole the whole shebang, and then you have a couple of these lesser known witnesses. folks who receive packages are the facts, things like that. people in the trump organization, all the summary witnesses, someone from the manhattan district attorney's office. i would expect that the prosecution chin's case would be over by
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the end of next week. the defense case is expected to be brief, so it's possible the jury gets this case before memorial day. we'll see but yeah, there are definitely nearing the end, which of course leaves a big question for this case. i know all the stormy daniels testimony, trump right now is riding on a notepad its attorneys are sidebar. the big question, legal question in terms of conviction or not, is where's the direct link between trump and these allegedly falsified business records. we haven't seen that yet. michael cohen, it appears will be the only person that will be able to provide that, which is why his cross-examination is going to be so significant. that is whether it was so motivated to undercut his credibility. because while this case is not not succeed or fail, and stormy daniels at this point, with allen weisselberg, the former trump organization cfo and riker's not expected to be called. the case may succeed or fail on the testimony of michael cohen dana bash, let's go back to you. >> thanks, anderson. i want to bring in will scharf. he's an attorney for donald trump. he's not involved specifically in this hush money case. also,
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a republican candidate in the missouri attorney general's raised. thank you so much for being here. i appreciate it. i wanted to start with the overall question that we have all had as we've watched this morning. and all told more than three hours of cross-examinatio n by trump's defense team to stormy daniels, focusing on questions like whether the sexual encounter that she described really happened actively getting into some details that don't necessarily go to the heart of the process chin's case, is that how you would have tried this or this is how you would have played this if you were sitting in that courtroom defending donald trump? >> i think president trump's trial team has done an outstanding job with this cross-examination in a number of key respects first of all, stormy daniels admitted on the stand that she did not know about the business records at issue that she had essentially no evidence to offer on what is the dispositive issue in this
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case? second, i think her credibility has been very successfully undermined by her admissions to the fact that she cheered on president trump's indictment. she said that she wanted president trump in jail. she's profited significantly off of these indictments. i mean, these are facts that the jury is going to have to consider and that necessarily will come hello their views on the veracity of what she testified about on direct. so i think this has been an outstanding cross-examination based on all of the reports coming out of the courtroom. and i think it really gets to the heart of the issue of her testimony to begin with, which is that she really doesn't present any evidence whatsoever on the core issue shoes that are ultimately dispositive in this case. okay. well, that with respect to the business records, that point and the point that you made earlier about the last couple of questions that susan nicholas asked stormy daniels about the fundamental question about whether she has any idea about donald trump's business records. and she said, no, why
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would i as you said, that seems to be the real core of the case against donald trump, to which she testified she doesn't have any idea about. and so since that is the case, isn't it? a bit questionable or at least risky is a word i think i'm looking for for the defense to bring up so many issues and perhaps potentially make stormy daniel's a look more compelling as a witness i think the far more questionable decision was the decision to call her as a witness at all. >> this is supposed to be a case about business records, not about salacious tabloid gossip. that's a decision that the prosecution unfortunately made. and i think susan nechele less didn't outstanding job undermining the credibility of the witness told to me that's cross-examination one-on-one.
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and i think it was absolutely essential given the highly questionable decision that the prosecution made to call her in the first place let's look ahead. >> even though we are waiting for the redirect to resume with stormy daniels back on the stand, want to look ahead to the other very important, maybe the important witness, michael cohen. what do you expect when michael cohen takes the stand? >> i'm somewhat limited in what i can say to that because of the unilateral gag order that's been imposed against president trump and our team. as we've said repeatedly in court filings though michael cohen is a man who's been found liable for perjury by numerous courts previously in a number of previous cases. and that's going to be the shoe that i believe will weigh heavily on the jury's mind when they ultimately consider whether to credit his testimony, you're not and forgive me. >> i just want to tell you what's going on as we speak in the courtroom, daniels was responding to a tweet calling daniels at quote, disgusting
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degenerate prostitute, and said, good, good luck. walking excuse me, if somebody can tell me what the rest of it said in the courtroom in the control room, walking down something, forgive me. i can't see the rest of that walking down the street. thank you. control room, the tweet also said trump would be selected by a landslide in 20 eight, go ahead. if you want to comment on what we're seeing now with the redirect look, i think that if if all of the testimony we've seen so far has brought any one fact out it's that this is a witness with a serious ax to grind against president trump, whether it's the fact that she owes him happen for million dollars in legal fees, whether it's the fact that she's actively prosecuted or she's actively profited off of his prosecutors shoes that are coming out through this testimony. >> and i would guess that'll be persuasive to the jury.
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>> i guess the question i have two questions based on what you said. number one is, what does that have to do with the crux of this case, which is about the records about false allegedly falsifying records and about doing so in order to help his campaign. and the other is i'm hearing you talk about stormy daniels. i'm wondering why you feel it's okay to talk about stormy daniels, who obviously as a witness, she's on the stand right now and not answer questions about michael cohen based on the terms of the gag order, we can't say anything that could impact a witness's future testimony. but i feel as though i'm within my rights can comment on testimony that's already so that's the key difference there but again, i agree completely that the decision to call stormy daniels at all, given the very, very limited relevance of the testimony that she's provided and the highly prejudicial nature of much of the testimony that's come in, that's a highly, highly questionable
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decision on the part of the prosecution. and if this case we're to reach appeal. that's certainly something we would look at. and i just want to tell you that the prosecutor is getting to another a question, trying to maybe prop back up her her credibility and saying you had nothing to do with the charges in this case and stormy daniels answered, i did not. >> and she notes happened your notes that necklace who is of course donald trump's lawyer suggests that daniels was responsible for trump's indictment well, i think she certainly bragged about it. she certainly profit profit and off. that's all come out in court today. and now, i can't speak to exactly what's going on. i don't have the live feed that you do, yes. and forgive forgive me for this, but i just want to give you one other damning forgive me. i'm sorry to interrupt you. i just want to give you one other update because i do have a live feed and you don't and i'm and i'm going to stop doing this after this question. have this is a question, uh, to stormy daniels by the prosecution in this redirect, have you been telling
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lies about mr. trump or the truth about mr. trump? hoffinger asks the truth. daniel says, again and she's under oath and the prosecution is clearly trying to rehabilitate or sort of wipe clean what the defense just did for over an hour an hour and a half, even longer. this morning. never mind what happened on tuesday well, i think what susan nechele is was very effective at showing is that the truth? that this witness has testified do has changed significantly over the years. >> those are the sorts of things that i mean, again, that's cross-examination one-to-one. if the witness's story keeps changing, that can be damning with respect to a witness's credit the so i think that these sort of final pronouncements can't can't un-ring the bell of the testimony that we've already heard well, scharf, thank you for coming on and thank you for rolling with it as we're getting these live updates from the courtroom, ask stormy daniels is back in the chair. >> hope to see you soon. thanks.
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>> great to be with you guys anderson dan, thanks very much. trump's attorney susan nicholas is back at the podium for re-cross. here. paula reid and kaitlan collins. so this means that the prosecution has stopped, has finished with their redirect. so once nicholas asked her questions, that will probably be it. >> yeah, that should be it. and then look, it's clear the prosecutors didn't think what happened on cross-examination this morning, damages the actual heart of this case stormy daniels, her testimony is important. she's a main character. she can explain what happened in tahoe. she can explain what happened in october 2016 from her perspective, but she can't actually speak to the charges of falsifying business records or really whether trump did this to influence the election, though she did under cut the defense that this was it's done to protect his family. so prosecutors clearly saw what happened this morning and on tuesday and thought you know, this isn't going to make or break us. let's clean this up quickly. >> and the move along yeah, it's not clear really at all
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what today accomplished in terms of this case and this argument and what we heard from stormy daniels and felt like it was the most the what happened on tuesday is really what's going to resonate with the jurors here. >> it seems like given just how from her for her time first on the stand, that very intense line of questioning back from susan nicholas and the cross-examination patient, is it started on tuesday, it's not clear that the argument over whether they've actually had dinner when she said they were having dinner in trump's room is something that's going to sway how a juror are actually like decides here and necklace begins by asking daniels going back to daniels tweets and random attacks on social media, necklaces on twitter strangers host nasty things, right? yes. daniels says, so clearly going back to social media, right? everything you have said on social media can and will be used against you when you're on the way witness stand in this case bringing likely backup things that she has said about trump. once again, establishing for the jury that she has a real dislike of the defendant
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and said many very negative things about him publicly plea again, i think the jury at this point is probably like okay, where we go into the skies? like what is the point of this? we'll see where she goes. well and the redirect, what they seem to just want to hammer home was that this is not put a positive benefit for her life to have this story. >> she said it's been negative and also arguing, did you tell the truth about donald trump or have you been telling lies all donald trump. she said she's been telling the truth about donald trump because susan nechele is just spin do you know two hours trying to paint her as a liar who has benefiting and profiting off of her story. >> yeah. i mean, it's really easy. the jury could very much multiple things can our true once are multiple things can be true or false once she can have had sex with donald trump. and at the same time have tried to profit off it. and given inconsistent accounts from 2000112. now yeah. >> look, there's no true victim in this case. they would argue that it's the american people, but there's no perfect victim. he learned that in law school nicholas reads a
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response. daniel sent to one of the strangers, xhaka, about spat she had online with someone. nicollet says that's you being nasty right back daniel's response yes. so this appears to be a retort to the trump's social media posts that they brought up in the the redirect, our he says, you come after me. i'll come after you, showing that stamp, stormy daniels does the same thing on social media that appears to be the point that the defense is making right now, is the sense that because it was such a short redirect would prosecutors that they are they're not that worried about what happened with the defense this morning. >> i think that's right. again, she is not a maker break witness. she's a main character. one of our guests is like, why did they even call are i think you've actually met well, will they have to call her? right. because if you don't call her, jurors are going to wonder, well, why not what are you hiding? and while she can't speak to the criminal charges she can give an account of this alleged sexual liaison, which is at the heart of the hush money payments i can make sure she's using trump's words against him. she's saying i'd ever
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attack anybody first. same but mr. trump, i didn't say anything negative about him until he said it about me. >> that is the exact ethos of donald trump embrasure he literally said that to me i think my response to him at the time this was at a town hall was that's the response of a five-year-old about well, i didn't do it first. >> that's literally what she is dressed in. trump's lean back and that was that townhome, wisconsin. i remember that because i rewatched that. i think last year where at the beginning he was essentially arguing. i don't punch unless i'm punched back and then i have to write. >> he said suddenly about ted cruz, his wife and he said, well, they said something about me first and that's always been his kind of theory. and anytime in the white house when it was something unbecoming for the president of the united states to say when he commented on people's surgical work are called stormy daniels fourth phase, he always said, well, i'm just responding to their attacks on me and that is literally what stormy daniels is testifying to right now on the witness stand saying that to basically is using same
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tactic that he uses i mean, it isn't really for the defense to be quizzing her about her behavior on twitter and obviously this is something we have been talked about quite a lot over the last many years. >> it doesn't seem like well, the jury's again shown trump's truth social post. he doesn't mention your name, nechele says you jab back and say you're so rich that you made 1 million i don't say i have more money than baidu daniel. >> that's the other interesting aspect of this that i've also wondered how the jury feels about this is they've argued so much on her making money and being in this for money the jury does understand, and i think for all we talk about donald trump exaggerates and leinz on his wealth. he is still a wealthy person. and so when they talk about how she's in it for monday, i think the jury does recognize he is vastly wealthier than she is, and her her testimony has just ended these updates that we're getting on the left side, a little bit delayed, but you
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have no knowledge that says with you talking about a trump tweet, nicholas asieh about opposed? no. and i said as such, daniels response and lawyers said in court the other de that they do plan to call again recall a witness first time we've seen someone recall, but it's a staff member at the district attorney's office who's going to help them entrance of social media post. unclear if there's going to be trump's social media posts. michael cohen social media posts. ry crosses especially in the room for when she was on the witness stand last week, she's a young employee in the prosecutor's office essentially hurt. she was hired to just follow social media post on truth, social all the various posts of by donald trump and some others, really, she also looks over michael cohen's social media post. daniels is now off the stand in her testimony is over. and essentially she last week was just testifying to the this was
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posted on such and such a date, it would vary sort of procedural as something that again defense team could have stipulated to stipulated courses mean they agree. yes. this happened. it is what it is like. bring it in, but a said they have refused to stipulate to anything which is a defense strategy, right. bog the jury down in details. a bore them, put a lot of space between important witnesses. it's unclear if she's going to be back on the stand today or friday. prosecutors said shoot either come today or tomorrow. but again, there's no other big name that we are expecting besides michael collins the question now is what we hear from him. before the weekend before stepping dan daniel said to the judge, thank you, sir. uh, reporters inside court has been giving these new your constant updates from daniels now off to sanction spent six hours over two days testifying the prosecution just call this next witness. much more senior in special live coverage?
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weisselberg, the now incarcerated former trump org chief financial officer. we are back with the panel here. >> karen, you are back with us. >> you i'm sure have absorbed a lot as they finished the cross and then the redirect and then the cross redirect of stormy daniels, which obviously took all morning if you want to weigh in on that. but as you do also, the potential importance of this witness who's on the stand right now? >> yeah. a couple of things about this morning's testimony involving stormy day daniel's first of all, the fact that the defense clearly opened the door is they say to the that the prosecution could have gone into more details about the sexual encounter because they were calling her credibility into question. >> but then they didn't talk about it in redirect, i thought was very interesting there was a long sidebar in-between cross-examination and redirect and it'll be interesting to see when we get the transcripts if there was a discussion about
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that and just on the testimony we're seeing right now, it is very much not just about bookkeeping, but about his finances when he was in the white house, what trump is in the white house monocular but said she would fedex checks to him once a week. so now we're getting into the nitty-gritty. so believe it or not, this witness is way more important than stormy daniels. i believe that charge monopoly. you said she never looked inside the envelopes but said she assumed that there was a backup attached to them and akio says, she often sent ten to 20 checks at a time. she also recalls sending a single check. were from the salacious to the mundane here, but i agree with karen, this witnesses may not stick in the jury's head, like stormy daniels did, but more relevant to the charges and just to refresh our view yours on what they're talking about here, because this is really the crux of the charged crime michael cohen pays stormy daniel's directly through her lawyer, $130,000 a week before the 2016 election. but the crime really comes after that when donald trump and the trump
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organization are reimbursing michael cohen, what ends up being $420,000. the prosecution's as to reimburse him for those hush money payments. and the way they did that was they cut a series of checks $35,000, each one a month for a year, which adds up to four, 20. and what this witness is doing is detailing the process. there which is maybe mundane, but but critically important. it couldn't agree with you more. i mean, it's definitely not salacious, but certainly salient when it comes to the prosecution's underlying charges. and i just want to go back as you were talking, what when akio said is that she sent the checks on signed as i said, and they came back from washington, signed by trump the checks were sent back to her at the trump organization she typically got the sign checks back in a few days. remember, this jury is hearing multiple witnesses throughout the course and one person they did hear from was the former trump organization controller,
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jeffrey mcconney, who testified about there being a clear distinction between a pre-trump white house trump organization and how things were dealt with. in a post inauguration trump world. and that distinction he painted when we use word chaos, he was chaotic and eric and don junior now overseeing things in new york. meanwhile, there was a lot of distance between trump and what he was signing& so that was a moment for them to build on. if you're the defense and suggests okay. well, now that you're now part at the white house, your control from ms otherwise, mom and pop more pop and mom has gotten very differently. and so perhaps, you now that was not my line, but now you have this idea of thinking about the way in which there would have been more distance. remember it already, don't have direct threat that says that trump was the one to know xyz yet. and now they have met the white house getting checks, sent. so my understanding from a source, i spoke to about witnesses is this is to establish chain of custody. >> what happened to the checks. and i'm told that. so now we have the person who was sending
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them by getting is i don't know if it's today, but we will hear from someone at the white house. well, who received them. well, then there we go. and that was it. >> she didn't get a check back when up you said that she would reach out to madeline west or hout at the white house? she would just look for it and see if she had it when akio says of western, when a check was missing, what's so i think we may very well here for madeline meister, i had as a witness to finish that chain of custody is interesting when the sign checks came back, forgive me, jamie, to monocular the invoices were still attached to them because the question of voices is a fundamental part of the prosecution's case. it tells you what they were for so he was seeing them. i think the other part of this, the underlying contexts beyond the chain of custody is that he was signing these checks personally, that they were going to the trouble of sending
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them to the white house shattered yesterday sorry, before where we analyst was what was peaking and i want to go the tablet because we have some tear out, some the testimony that came in from the book. remember the random of the penguin random house discussion about some of the moments that we're talking about. first of all, the dates of these records so important, these are all happening after he is part of the white house, no longer just the head, you knew. remember? the jury has seen these moments when with a sharpie, he assigning the actual documents and then remember before if i wanted to the stand, there was the trump book quotes where he's talking about when you sign a check yourself, you are seeing what really goes on inside your business. and if people see your signature at the bottom of the check, they know you're watching them and they can screw you last blah, blah, blah think about that this is all building for this jury to say. he knows what's going in and out of his office and the checks that are and laura, as you were explaining that, what just happened on the stand is that she testified monopoly. >> you testified when the sign checks came back to her and the backup invoices were still
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attached to them so the backup was there at trump's trump excuse me, trump sign the checks when she received the checks back from washington, she would give them to deborah tarasoff, monarch. dan. go ahead, please. so looks just remember they're 34 counts of falsifying business records and they're not all checks some relate to false invoices, exact sum relate to false ledger entries, and some relate to false checks. you don't have to prove the prosecution doesn't have to prove that this was in aid of another crime being committed. it could also be to conceal. it could also be to commit there's different theories as to each of them. now, one of the things that i think on cross-examinati on the defense did a really good job here was to show that look the when it comes to classifying it in the drop-down menu of the computer program it's legal fees. and that's that's what we had there. but look, it's going to also have these invoices. and if trump if they can put these invoices and
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trump's hands and these checks and trump's hands, and he knew exactly what was happening there, that he was trying to hide this, that this was happening that can be enough even if he didn't no, exactly what the drop-down was in that particular ledger entry because there are 34 counts here that involve different documents and different sayyed and doesn't this also kind of go to the general fact sort of an atmosphere. they're trying to establish of donald trump having complete control and knowledge of everything financially personal. i mean, this man at this point in time is the president of the united states, and he is taking the time to get a male having someone bring into his office checks that he is then signing with his signature also happens to be famous, probably not working in his favor in this, right? get it means it's something we see all over things that he takes the time to do. that seems to be sort of a general reality that may apply here to know prosecution is using monarchy you to get
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trump organization emails and fedex invoices karen into evidence near know i think this is exactly right donald trump i'm obviously wants to sign everything himself, including the stimulus checks, write his name was mostly on that. it's also this was a very small organization that he had a couple of people as you were saying, if a mom and pop shop and so i think this might be boring testimony to the jury. especially compared to what we saw from store stormy daniels, but it goes to the core of the case. what did donald trump do? what, what did he do in terms of these checks and what did he know about it after stormy daniels, the jury might be relieved to have a little bit of boring ness injected in this case, a really important detailed karen and dana caught onto the fact that the invoices were physically attached to the checks is really important because it's one thing if you're running a large organization, you get a stack of checks every month or however, you just dash them off, bang, bang, bang. i don't know what it's for. it's another thing if there's a specific document attached to each one saying, here's what
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this one's four, and then the question obviously is going to be whether or not there's a check-in invoice somehow that connects what the prosecution is alleging to what michael cohen is likely going to testify. >> i think the easiest charge here are the easiest thing for them to the jury to understand trump was so frugal. he knew that by grossing up or adding money to the 130,000 payment to the tune two, for whatever it was for her 24, 20. that that was helping michael cohen commit tax fraud because this wasn't income. this was a reimbursement and they're trying to make it look like income that is going to be something the jury understands. and i think it's going to that's going to be i think where where the strongest case has been emerging for the prosecution and now the jury is being shown a fedex invoice from may 29, 2017. >> let's remind the jury if we can to how you make $1 out of $0.15, right?
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>> how do you make 100? and $30,000 payment into $420,000? you can you tell me i have a tablet life. i mean i could, but then i have to quote other rap lyrics at the tablet here, right? you've got the 130,000. i'll put it in green. that was made to stormy daniels. right. then they added onto that, the $50,000 followers for the tech firm that gave the online poll ratings then that total is 180,000 they went gate that michael cohen and double that essentially giving him an extra hundred and 80,000. now we're at three and 60. why they wanted to know that he had the same amount of money after his taxes were owed to karen's point, then you added a $60,000 on his to michael cohen for our total of one and $20,000 and they'd like the jury to believe that somebody who called mcconney earlier and said, you're fired and then call them back to say next time money leaves my account, i want to know more about you got to be very diligent about it that he let that happen. okay. this we're going to take a quick break, but before monocular,
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excuse me, is listed on the as the sender on the invoice. >> keith schiller is the recipient. >> you remember keith schiller is was effectively security for donald trump? the effectively his body guy and he did a lot of things for donald trump that people he didn't want people to know. we're going to take a quick break. this is happening as we speak. we're going to get get back to it. important testimony underway. we're also getting what we'll call a cnn exclusive and original sketch from our very own jake tapper of stormy daniel's part of her six total hours of testimony spread across two days, much more cnn special live coverage in minutes the playoffs what do you see? my first step is you've been houston sall's not winning a championship. this tries stay positive or positive. he didn't win a ring
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9:49 am to fly. stronger, healthier, with the oraa ring why more and liebermann at the pentagon. >> and this cnn welcome back to cnn's a special live coverage of donald trump's hush money trial. >> right now, once i got caught, what else behind me, prosecutors are questioning a former trump organization bookkeeper about checks that she sent to the white house that had no signature from donald trump on them. >> and when they were turned to her, they did have his signature. this is obviously key to what we're all here for, why we are doing this special live coverage. >> because it is those checks that donald trump's side multiple of them that reimbursed michael cohen that are at the heart of this case, which the prosecution argues is about election interference. >> we do know is about the hush money hey to stormy daniels who
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just loved the stand after a little over six hours of testimony and cnn's paula reid is here with me and paula, we've been talking about stormy daniels and her testimony and which witnesses we're going to see here. one thing that i note is that as this rebecca manoch, you is testifying right now, this trump organization, employees, she keeps mentioning one name and it is keith schiller she's talking about invoices of checks and that she would ship to keith schiller is house and washington. keith schiller obviously worked inside the white house for a quite some time, but before that, he'd worked for donald trump for decades as his bodyguard. he was there the night that donald trump, that stormy daniels, she says that he was the one who actually asked her to dinner on his behalf. he was standing outside the room when she got there why is keith schiller not a witness in this case? i mean, he is named, keeps getting brought up by almost every single person. >> it's a great question we know investigators have spoken with him. i specifically about his questions, his conversations with david pecker, but it appears so far he's not expected to be
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called. it must be that prosecutors and defense attorneys don't believe he has anything material to add to this case, sort of like a karen mcdougal write a character who keeps coming up, the cannot necessarily testify to the alleged crime. so that is likely the best explanation that we have at this point. >> because they were sent they were essentially asking stormy daniels earlier about her recollection whether it was keith schiller who actually initiated the after chin donald trump had met her invitation to dinner at his hotel, which we saw the contact and her phone. he was saved as keith trump and the trump defense attorneys were basically saying, well, you've said before that it was donald trump himself who asked you trying to undermine her credibility by saying she doesn't totally remember what she's testified to. >> this was a different kind of trial. this was potentially a sex assault case or something like that. he could be called in to testify what he would have to say could be material, but in this case, even though he keeps coming up, it's not clear that he has any evidence or anything to contribute about falsifying business records. it does appear that he received
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these checks in some sort of fedex envelope. there's no indication that he opened it before handing it off to then-president trump. >> and we know other white else employees are getting brought here. prosecutor showing an email from john donny macintyre. he was a trump white house aide who was fired and subsequently brought back inside the trump white house. and it's continued to work on trump's behalf. an email from him to rhona graff that is of course, trump's longtime assistant at trump tower, who is also already testified in this case robert hirshhorn is also joining us. again, he's an attorney jury consultant in robert, you know, you have argued that that cases are won and lost on the cross-examinati on that we see happen. and what is your sense? obviously you don't know because none of us of his spoken to them. they're not even allowed to speak to each other others about this case. but what is your sense of held-out cross-examination of stormy daniels could have gone over with that jury yeah. >> there's no debt. thanks for having me back, caitlin. there's no doubt that cross-examination we saw today was a big fat nothing burger.
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>> and the reason why it was a big fat, nothing burger is because these are very good defense since lawyers, they weren't doing what they thought was the right thing. >> they were just trying to accommodate their client. let me step back a little bit on tuesday on direct examination. stormy really embarrassed donald j. trump then the defense did the cross and i thought it was a really effective cross and a smart lawyer would have stopped right there. but then they had that one day a break and i'm sure because donald j. trump was so mad, so embarrassed that he insisted that they go after stormy and try to to embarrass her the way she embarrassed him and that's why this turned out to be a big fat nothing burger. i'm sure by the end of it, the jury couldn't wait to get back to something relevant in the case. >> and i should know right now, they are talking about the actual documents at the heart of this case. i may not be as salacious is the stormy daniels testimony, but they're talking
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about but the correspondence between trump white house employees who i shouldn't remind everyone or paid by the taxpayers and their conversations with trump organization employees about these checks, the checks that ultimately they were the ones that paid back michael cohen for the hush money that he paid to stormy daniels, but but robert, you're essentially arguing that you think the cross-examination continuing today undermined the effective cross-examination that they did on tuesday exactly. >> kaitlan. it took away the distinct another words the defense could have ended the weekend right there. i mean, not the weekend on that day off on wednesday. >> the jury thought about it and then if the defense it's simply come up today and made it really short and talked about that statement, that stormy sign that was false she had 130,000 reasons to give that false statement and pass. >> and then the other question about not knowing anything about the false business records and pass a witness. it
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would have been a really effective gross, but they were trying to appease their client. this is the problem when the client tries to tell experienced lawyers how to try their case. that's when things become ineffective. and that's what you saw. this morning with stormy yeah. >> a really shed 1 million reasons since she said the penalty for speaking out would have been much higher than what she was actually paid in order to silent as part of this agreement, robert hirshhorn. thank you for weighing in on what we have been watching all morning. dramatic testimony from stormy daniels in this trial. now, a trump org possession employee is on the stand talking about checks that she sent to white house aides at their personal addresses in washington. and how of course, this was carried out as donald trump was paying back michael cohen. of course this is all leading up to testimony potentially from some of these white else's, but also michael cohen himself. we are monitoring it all. this students special live coverage will be back in just a moment
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to you by meso her firm only represents mesothelial of victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now welcome to our breaking news coverage of the historic donald trump hush money criminal trial, embryonic healer and washington kaitlan collins is outside of the courthouse in new york. >> and today, the woman at the center for this case, stormy daniels, was back on the witness stand. the adult film star delivering a combative testimony strongly pushing back as former president trump's
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