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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 10, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. >> there'll be gone in a flash. designer sales that up to 70% are self today it's friday. >> may ten, right now on cnn this morning, donald trump's hush money trial set to resume after the last motion for a mistrial was rejected by the judge prime, minister benjamin netanyahu vowing the stand alone if the us decides to halt arms shipments to israel. and a black us air force, ehrmann was shot and killed so by florida deputies inside his own apartment all right. 5:00 a.m. here in washington live city on this friday morning morning everyone, i'm placing wonderful to have you with us. we made it to the week motion
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denied donald trump's criminal hush money trial resumes this morning after seven hours of testimony from stormy daniels and another motion for a mistrial from the former president and his team judge merchan, rejecting that motion, as well as a request by trump to have his gag order amended. the former president's lawyers claiming the case should be tossed out because they say stormy daniels keeps changing her story. she has said she has not changed her story. >> the defense tried to undermine daniels credibility yesterday in this exchange. >> quote, you've acted and had sex in over 200 porn movies, right? and there are naked men and naked women having sex, including yourself in those movies, right? >> but according to you, this is again, susan necheles talking the trump lawyer, seeing a man sitting on a bed in a t-shirt and boxer shorts was so upsetting that you got lightheaded daniels replied with this? >> yes. >> when you are not expecting a man twice your age, to be in
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their underwear? >> with his gag order, stolen place. trump had basically one target available after the court judges corrupt is a corrupt judge. >> this judge, what he did or what does ruling was is a disgrace everybody. so what happened today? he's a corrupt judge and he's totally conflicted. >> and i got to get back on the campaign trail all right. let's bring in jackie christian and she is washington bureau chief for the boston globe. >> jackie. good morning. did we wake you up because i'm not used to discussing pornography at five in the morning. >> i got to be completely honest, is usually more of like, you know, afternoon look, as we're watching this unfold yesterday, it was clear going in that donald trump had been pushing his legal team to go after stormy daniels attack her credibility after she had suggested that perhaps there were elements of their encounter that weren't entirely essential. she is, of
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course, said it was, but there were they were of course, preska on these details about how she came out of the bathroom. she was surprised, felt threatened, basically by the fact that trump was on his in his attire, right? that she says she wasn't expecting how. >> do you, think the testimony yesterday, the way that they pressed her, it impacts the jury and also plays with a broader audience because it did seem to in some ways that are up is a more sympathetic figure than perhaps she initially was in this trial. >> well, you even have the judge when he was denying the mistrial, criticizing how trump's attorneys questioned stormy daniels through the course of that of their examination of her and listen, yes, they wanted to tear down her credibility. >> trump was a very frustrated. >> he couldn't attack her. they wouldn't amend the gag order because the judge said really can't trust you to do that. how it pleased with the jury. this is a reminder of how of this whole episode. and that
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potentially could be harmful. but listen, it's very clear to me when you see the former president there and the presence of senator rick scott, their to defend him. that the jury, the jury that he's more concerned about are the ones not in that courtroom. it's public opinion, it's voters. that's who he is focused on right now. >> yeah. in fact, let's show a little bit of what rick scott had to say off the court yesterday. watch this what he is going through is just despicable it's a crime in this country. you use the court system, go after your hello opponents so of course these are the leinz donald trump wants his allies to be delivering for him. >> but like rick scott of all people who's running in florida, which is yes, more red than it used to be, but has an abortion amendment on the ballot. he's going to have to spend a lot of his own money. it mean what? what's going on. >> i mean, i think lining up behind the president in a state like florida and your rick scott kept us early be a bad thing. she went back him up,
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can't go wrong. and i think you're going to see even more of this honestly, of the present since the president, former president can't say certain things he's going to have. his allies do it for him. he's going to have more of those surrogates out there saying things that he can't say potentially because of his gag order, but also just to have that echo chamber that we are so familiar with and lots of corners of politics. do you think that rick scott being there to support him? i mean, it it's underscored to me that like millennia is not in the courtroom. right? i mean, typically you go through a criminal trial. your family is more aggressively present for you. that's not really happening here. >> now, malonic hasn't been, i mean, because perhaps because of the subject matter, i'm going to make sense why she's not there, but still it just sort of threw into stark relief like his best support in there right now is a senator not a family member. >> yeah. i mean, no. i mean, but i think in terms of his
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political allies yeah, that might be more powerful for him at this, at this juncture, then potentially is failing numbers. what i believe eric trump has been he has he's been there. he has had some families support, but your point is taken so today, let's set the stage. >> we've been hearing from we heard from someone inside the trump organization. we've been hearing from madeleine westerhout, who was at the white house in terms of establishing that these checks we're going back and forth from the trump organization to the white house, back into the bookkeeping aspects of the trial. what is this about exactly what we took a detour into satin or silk pajamas. and right now we are re-emerging in the part that's actually going to determine whether or not the donald trump's convicted of a crime. what more do we expect today and into next week? so we have madeleine westerhout back on the stand today. it's seems that the they were really trying to use her to humanize the former president because she was a very i mean, aside from the whole signing the checks she really was someone
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who was talking about what a good boss he was. so that and then going but we still haven't heard from michael cohen that is that is on the horizon as we get into the next week. i don't know that he's coming next week, but that's definitely something i think a lot of us are waiting for. >> right. all right. jackie percentage for us, jackie. >> good morning. good morning see you soon. >> i hope. all right. kevin up next, a defined get benjamin netanyahu calling president biden's decision to pause arms shipments to israel, a mistake, plus pro-palestinian protesters clashing with police on the campus of mit, and tornadoes tearing through alabama with folks in georgia, florida, and south carolina bracing for more severe weather right now the trump hush money trial gavel to gavel coverage, the weight only cnn can bring it to you. legal insight expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows.
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with jesse l. >> martin? sunday's at nine on cnn welcome back. >> i highly anticipated report to congress on israel's conduct in gaza is expected soon. >> according to cnn contributor and axios political reporter, barak ravid the report from the state department is supposed to examine whether israel has violated international humanitarian law. >> and it comes amid rising tensions between or at least some tension between the us in earlier this week, president biden warned israeli prime minister benjamin and yahoo against launching a full-scale operation in rafah i, made it clear that if they go into rafah, they haven't gotten rafah yet if they go into rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah. i've made it clear to bibi and the war cabinet they're not going to get our support if in fact they go on these population centers were not walking away from israel's
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security, walking away israel's ability to wage war in those areas netanyahu responded that israel will stand alone if it must, to protect itself joining now from london, cnn's max foster, max, good morning. always wonderful to see you. what are we expecting from this report? and how do you think it will be viewed once it does come out? >> well, the question is this agreement basically, we see the us and israel about under what terms america supplies israel with arms and a lot of it is around aid and america, obviously, very keen to make sure enough aid is getting into civilians in gaza that wasn't the case pretty clearly. but has gotten better even though there are still a huge amount of problems and not enough aid is getting in so the, the big worry for israel in this report would be if they've broken that agreement or seemed to be broken that agreement, we're not to wait to see exactly when
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it comes out, but i think it's highly likely unlikely that the us is going to say israel this agreement because then they'd have to effectively cut off all military aid to israel. it seems very unlikely that that would be the case, but the same time they can't have a report that says everything's gone perfectly and we're very happy with the way israel has conducted there. so i expect there to be some really big criticisms in this report, but it won't cross the line into saying that as well as broken this agreement yeah. >> it's gonna be a delicate it's probably why we haven't seen it come out sooner, honestly, something like this. so difficult to thread that needle from a political perspective. >> max the prime minister, netanyahu was on with dr. phil. >> interestingly, in the last day and he was talking about some of the student protests that are unfolding on college campuses here. and we're actually seeing this continued to unfold there are confrontations are having when
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confrontations at mit, at george washington university overnight this is what netanyahu had to say about what some of these students are doing. watch what is happening on american campuses and american cities. you've got first of all, you have a lot of ignorant people there who i'm sorry to say, who've lose sense of history at best, goes back to breakfast, not even that so pretty sharp criticism there is a sense of history that goes back to breakfast, not even that. >> what do you make that assessment? >> well, you know if you speak to anyone on these campuses if you speak so on the middle ground, the campus, they feel that people have a right to protest and there are people who are informed, uninformed. it is a really big protests were going to be searing, seeing the same this weekend. here in europe, because there's the eurovision song contest, which is one of the biggest tv shows in europe, and is being held in a city where
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there's a high, there's a big are population of people who claim are heritage is gonna be huge demonstrations there i mean, adds to the tension, doesn't it? the two sides become more divided if one dismisses the other side but there are a lot of people have a huge amount of sympathy for palestinians and their voicing their concerns about them. of course, none of us would approve when it becomes violent and it disrupts everyone else's lives, but they have a right to protest just as the the other side does as well, is just here in europe, that baked up these protests in the united states. they're really big amongst that student population. >> well, max, i can't help but notice the dateline on this video. it's cambridge massachusetts we've seen this in cambridge original as well. no. hasn't cambridge university in the uk been grappling with these? >> yeah, there are some encampments at cambridge and oxford and other universities and trinity as well in dublin, which is the big, prestigious university there. they're not on the scale as they are in the but i think that's balanced by
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the fact that there have been big protests, going into capitals every weekend, pretty much here in europe. and many of those people are or students or young people. so i just think it's a different way of expressing the same thing. >> all right. max foster for us on this friday. max. thank you so much. have a wonderful weekend. >> don't you all right. coming up next is a sky. >> this weekend, you might be able to see the northern lights much farther away from the north, then otherwise might be the case. >> donald trump's reaction to the judge's ruling on his request for a mistrial in the hush money case when the genes came out, i thought, oh, my god, when bob has a friend he expects blind loyalty surprises, and surprises i've got good news is a murder walking i'm sorry what?
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2:22 am in bridgeport i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. >> and this is cnn right 21 minutes past the hour.
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>> here's your morning roundup in 23-year-old black air force member killed inside his own home by a florida counties the deputy police on thursday releasing body camera footage from the shooting of senior airman roger fortson and disputing the families claim the deputies were at the wrong apartment an investigation is ongoing nine mit students and employees arrested after clashing with police. the clashes granit, a protest against this mention of students who refused. >> tick down a pro-palestinian encampment and last night, protesters returned to george washington university in pitch tents on campus a day after police had cleared the encampment, it will quickly disperse powerful geomagnetic storm could trigger a spectacular view of the northern lights it's a the united states as far south as alabama in the east and california in the west. prime viewing time 11:00 eastern night through saturday all
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right. time now, for whether severe storms lingering in the southeast this morning, the tornado threat is lower today, but not gone completely here to walk us through it. or meteorologist derek van dam. derek good morning. >> yes. so busy. we've had 15 straight days of tornadoes across the us. talk about severe weather fatigue, and we're not done just yet. i've got to be patient one more day and then we'll start to quiet the atmosphere down. here's a look at our greatest risks anywhere across southern georgia into the northern portions of florida, extending into the carolinas, damaging winds, large hail for tornado reports within the past 24 hours. so yes. the street continues and boy, has it been active. check this out 342 tornado reports since april 25th. you do the math 15 days, just incredible. so right now we do have a severe thunderstorm watch that is valid until 5:00 a.m. across portions of alabama, little further east until 11:00 a.m. eastern standard time. and by the way, there are a few embedded radar indicated
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tornado warnings at the moment, just south and east of doeth and alabama and into the panhandle of florida. week circulations. but nonetheless, the potential there still exist. it's what start to your friday and the weekend across the northeast, including new york and boston. and then what everybody has been waiting for the big bucks house on social media, check this out. the chance of the northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis. it could be a visible as far south as northern alabama, but the best likelihood of course, will be above and north of this white leinz. so we're talking about the midwest northern plains and into northern new england. hey, this could be quite the spectacle. get out there. g4 geomagnetic storm watch in place here across north america. casey, absolutely amazing if you get to see it. >> all right, derek van dam for us, derek, thank you very much. all right. coming up here stormy, daniel's wrapping up her testimony, how much damage was done and president biden on the west coast raising cash for his camera hi, qizan life with
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with former trump aide, madeleine westerhout, back on the stand. she testified thursday about working with the white house, detailing the checks that she'd received from the trump organization for the president to sign around the time that michael cohen was getting his hush money reimbursements with the main event yesterday, of course, was in the morning when stormy daniels finished her testimony. >> trump's lawyers went on the attack trying to accuse the adult film star of making up the story of having sex with trump defense attorney susan saying quote, so you have a lot of experience in making phony stories about sex appear to be real, right she's talking about, of course, we're pornographic movies. daniels pushed back the sex in the films. it is very much real just like what happened to me in that room. >> daniels followed a similar line of questioning with this response if that story was untrue, i would have written it to be a lot better later adding i am a good screenwriter after
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daniels was off the stand, trump's lawyers asked judge juan merchan to declare a mistrial and modify the gag order against trump. >> the judge rejected both requests, joining me now to discuss former us attorney michael moore. michael, good morning. morning. it's five 30 in the morning i'll get all tawdry tales tawdry to say the least. so look, what was your view of how the defense handled stormy daniels at yesterday in terms of i mean they they put her under pretty aggressive cross-examination. i mean, my big question is, how did that play with the jury? >> yeah. >> i don't want to always armchair quarterback the lawyers in the courtroom, but i do think we don't have that much other options here. we're trying to talk about it and i think that lawyers oftentimes have a tendency to over examine witnesses. and this would have been a great time, i think for them to just stand up that morning and say you don't have anything to offer about whether or not the defendant false fatty the business records. do you thank you very much. and sit down and sort of shaking things up a little bit and maybe put some call it the
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prosecution flat-footed as they were expected this to go on and i'm with really all that we talked about yesterday, had nothing to do with the case. i mean, as we every time that you open the door you dig a little deeper, you give a witness a chance to hurt your client, hurt your case, and so instead of really saying, again, the state's never made the connection between the former president and these records and that direct command to falsify the records we ended up sort of selenium up again by talking more about the story. it wasn't just about donald trump client like it was. and i think that's a hard balance to find when you're a lawyer with a client like this, i made some times it's just you got to tell your client to listen to you. but again, i mean, this that's right. this is the case we're in and this is the one that they've decided to move forward with, and i mean, it is what it is and he may be thinking, like this at the end of the day, i'm not seeing anything politically or whatever that's hurting him but it would've been a good move, i think to not give her a chance to hurt your case. laura is a lot like doctors, you know, you never wanna do harm
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and certainly don't do any additional harm. here. they may have done some additional harb again, it's hard to not we're not watching this on what lie not in the running. we're not watching the jurors to see if they gasp, if they look away, if they look bored. but it just it just was information that really has nothing to do with the facts of the case so stormy daniels, i mean, it's clear that she was getting under trump skin. >> this is how we ended up here. so this is what she goes on twitter and says last night, ready, quote, real men resnd to testimony by being sworn in and taking the stand in court. oh, wait never mind. i will say she is a champion and getting under his skin. and this does seem to be how he's viewing whether he testifies or not. hee doesn't want to say he won't testify because he doesn't want to be viewed as not willing to man up like i think that's trauma he but he is likely to as we've seen in the past, fine. some reason not to. and again, he doesn't have to the criminal case. he has no burden of proof to get up there, whether or not he feels like he wants to stand up and take defenders reputation or whatever that's something he'll
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hilda sad, but he's got no obligation to do that but this plays back into the whole gag order. are you ryan? i mean, he said why why am i not allowed to respond? i'm in the middle of a campaign. >> you're letting people use social media. you let people go out on a public airwaves and criticized me basically, why am i not allowed to respond? and so that's the argument and that's one of the reasons i think this whole idea of modifying the gag or and maybe as we get closer in and we see what the appellate court does on this question of the gag order that this kind of information may play in as we get there. the order is so broad and so vague and seems to apply to everybody who's ever heard anything or touched anything about the case. that it just seems a little bit at this point like it could have been modified. interesting so let's talk about what we see going forward. obviously, westerhout was on the stand. we're now talking about the actual cut and dry in this case of checks that were actually cut realities of the case that in terms of whether or not trump's guilty, not guilty, et cetera what do you expect more to hear from at western?
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throughout today when she takes the stand and what's the next term here? >> i like the state is just trying to make the connection that trump is monitoring what's going on in his business affairs, monitoring what's going on with these payments that that's that's all fine and good. i don't again, that's sort of like to six in the case where nobody is saying that he wasn't an engaged businessperson. there's also some testimony that says actually when he became president, he was not really gauge, which is sort of the timing of the criminal conduct its allayed. so that actually i think helps the defense in this case, but i think they'll continue to try to put his hands on the papers. i've tried to spanish fingerprints on the pins. they'll do all that kind of stuff. two, two give the appearance, at least that he knew everything that was going on and he was signed checks the problem they've got is michael cohen's and not the next witness, but certainly probably. >> and that they're having to rest their k his entire everything that with michael cohen as the bot and that is to say he's going to come in and say will trump knew about this. >> trump told me to do this.
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trump knew that the records were false. it was a big scheme to do it, but you're having to sort of base, your case on somebody who's credibility is already got some problems. so that's an issue form gold for us. all right. >> michael moore, thanks for being here. i really appreciate it all right. >> now this donald trump is of course, back in court today, president biden is raising campaign cash out west on a fundraising trip. >> politics were in the courtroom. trump ally florida's republican senator rick scott joined the former president in new york yesterday, calling trump of of political persecution he is going through, is just despicable it's a crime in this country he used a court system go after your political opponent what's happening in this courtroom is clearly criminal president biden, meanwhile, signaling he is ready to debate trump set it
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up. >> joining me now to discuss asieh was publisher nicholas johnson. nick. good morning. good morning do we believe do we do we believe biden on the debate? >> i mean, that seemed like a really answer to that. >> i think i saw the back of his head and your head? some title. it's the same thing he told on howard stern show was like, sure, i'll debate any time. this side of taking a portion all this with a bit of an air of skepticism. right now, of course, donald trump wants to do that. i think donald trump was on truth social yesterday thing. i'll come to the white house and debate president biden. that's all theatrical and i don't get anything reason for the president to actually john debate a challenge to remember donald trump didn't debate anyone during the primaries, rejected all of the parties debates because he was the guy winning. well, right? but now we're talking about the commission on presidential debates. the three minutes are these. i mean, i don't know if set it up is the commission on presidential think there's a whole lot to unpack here as far as would they go mano a mano like on a street corners? some order, i think donald trump wants and then would donald trump except the conditions
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placed on by the commission on presidential base of president blade, even there in the last election was former president was very kind of back-and-forth on whether he would do participate in those. i think it's a very much an open question. i don't think there's any reason that the biden campaign think that there's somebody should do now present by while donald trump is sitting in court, that the b matter footage you have a former president trump every day is him standing in front of a courtroom? why give him a stage next to a sitting president right now. so i think this is going to be a lot of noise on a back-and-forth on social media, on social media, a lot of reporters shouting at the president if he walks out of a room. and of course, i'll say, sure. let's do at any time they're not going to debate until the fall. >> if right. but then again, if if if they do, it would be the fall so speaking of a lot of back-and-forth on social media and look, part of the reason why the presence seem wouldn't want to debate trump is because they are concerned about playing into the president's biggest weakness, one of his biggest weaknesses with voters, which is that he looks old, sometimes at least voters perceive him that way the
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campaign trying to keep itself young by producing videos like this one for instagram, watch so, it's. >> been about love and hate. now let me say i'm the biggest hater hate the weightage when did you talk? i hate the wedding dress. i hate the way to sneak this. if i catch a flight is brian not seen that before because i'm not on tiktok. i hadn't seen someone younger than me found it and decided it would be i mean, i think there's been a lot of discussion about president biden's support among youth voters. what is the impact of that, particularly on the war in the middle east? we've seen a lot of the protests on college campuses. how much is that is driving? i actually do that with a little grain of salt. we had a poll and axios last week that kind of looked at what young voters were had as their top priorities but at least was at the end that the bottom of that they talked a lot. they they want are interested in a lot of things that i think spoke more to the president's strength. issues like health care reform and their student loan forgiveness remember what president has done billions of dollars of that being challenged in the
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courts. but i think that's great politics for them. and so i think they're definitely moving in that direction that looked like an interesting video for the youth. but i don't know what to play to my demographic exactly. >> yes, we're acknowledging that we're not the youth anymore we used to be so let's talk about how this trial is playing. >> obviously, you had stormy daniels with this a tweet we're just talking about with michael moore. real men respond to testimony by being sworn in and taking the stand and oh, wait. never mind. second, under his skin. >> oh, i thought what michael said was very interesting about having to navigate your clients like an approach but he suggested about how you would cross-examine stormy daniels would be very interesting, but it would not be an approach that i think donald trump would have liked. and so there's a very interesting dynamic here. remember, donald trump does not have to take the stand. would it be good for donald trump to take the standard his case i think is attorneys would advise against it, but we've covered dresden. we've covered donald trump for many, many, many years and one of the things we wrote it about a lot an axial and many other people have written about is does he listened to his advisers? does he do it as adviser? think is a good idea. does he think he's
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the right person to figure all of this kind of stuff that might donald trump is thinking right here, looking at those treats me like i want to get on standard and myself i don't know his lawyers looking forward to that. >> all right. >> nicholas johnson for us, nic. thank you. for being here. i really appreciate it. >> all right. coming up next house speaker mike johnson, hoping president's president biden's view on israel is a quote senior moment plus mitchell can't sit on the cleveland cavaliers getting even with the celtics thanks, are bleacher report's ahead every piece of evidence tells a story how do we have jesse l. >> martin sunday's at nine on cnn? >> i got good news. is a murder walking stick. >> i'm sorry. what?
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that if they go into rafah, they haven't gone in rafah yet. >> they go into rafah. i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah, to deal with the cities that deal with that problem all right. >> president biden's warning not to give israel offensive weapons if they go forward with their invasion of rafah has unleashed swift and sharp backlash from both parties on capitol hill house speaker mike johnson telling politico that biden's comments were quote, a compte turn and quote from what he'd been told. johnson says 24 hours ago it was confirmed to me by the top administration officials that the policy is very different than what he stated. there so i hope that's a senior moment. some colleagues in the senate also piling on i don't agree with the president. >> i'm concerned that in some sense of weight it demonstrates the hamas that they're winning the pr war i think it's unwise. >> think that it's a complete reversal. that's politically oriented because these up for
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reelection. >> hey, how about this president biden? why don't you actually lead and stop being sought, making decisions based on poles? are you comfortable with the president holding shipment to israel no relation all right. >> joining me now is marianna alfaro. she's national politics breaking news reporter for the washington post at marianna. good morning to you. thank you for being here what do you make of this apparent discrepancy that johnson is talking about? he's claiming that he's hearing something about policy that's different from what the president said in the interview on cnn i think everything moved really faceted, kinda just took republicans by surprise if that happens is if every johnson in this interview where he said this was it was a political right after he survived that. >> marjorie taylor greene to be removed from office. so he was kind of very buoyant spirits, but amadou is not new for republicans to kind of tackle biden's policy, especially when it shifts so quickly over his age. but i think that part
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specifically here that drew my attention is that it's not like the vitamin distortion didn't have warning signs. lloyd austin the defense secretary, did say that the senate panel that the bomb ship shipment was maybe of health because israel had and produce a plan to protect palestinians and rafah. so i think that there has been a little bit of not being able to keep track of everything that's going on but it's not a super shocking that johnson would say that it's more shocking that they're not on the same place when it comes to this policy right now it republicans are casting this as a betrayal. >> their official social media accounts putting up the picture from yesterday's washington post are excuse me, new york post which had betrayal at plastered across it. senator lindsey graham has also a quoted as saying that he trusts israel more than he trusts american. the top american defense official, listen to this israel's being asked to
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turn the war fighting over to the united states led us plan how to do this. not you that is a huge mistake. number one, i trust israel more than i trust austin but of course, lloyd austin, the defense secretary, what do you make a graham's comments yeah i think right now there's just this idea that the senate and the house already, the specialty republicans are doing their part. >> she knows you get israel funded and they're all really leaning on this and they're israel's top ally in order to, to see those from the us, especially the binarization who been doing that spot where tween like supporting israel, but also responding to a lot of the the purchase of demands. you don't to continue protecting, to protect palestinian lives. there. i think that that's become like a very deep contrast for a public institute to lean on. i think that that's kinda we're seeing here with the graham has always been a very staunch hoc over there and so i think that
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they're trying to really think that in and do it's going to show their supporters that they continue leading the continue supporting israel and matter what what do you see as the next turn here for congress in terms of this? because obviously for the house speaker johnson, this was an important part of negotiations that led to a major foreign aid bill hitting the floor well, right now i think because we're still in the aftermath of that big bill passing and there's still a little bit of debate over how much you should have continued funding to ukraine two on the other side and again, after surviving this again attempt by marjorie taylor greene to say our i think that there'll still be, i think in the next week, a lot of debate over what biden and the restriction are doing in terms of this response to rafah and the i and the potential movements from israel there. >> but for now, i think that they're trying to see that the dust settle. i think that
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that's what was where did i see you next week so maybe expect a little bit more of this back-and-forth between the white house and republicans in khan congrats, but when it comes to policy, i think that right now we're still waiting to see we're still in the back of that big package passing the show recently all right. >> mary on i'll far over the washington post. maryann. thanks very much for your time this morning. >> all right. time now for sports, the cavaliers bounce back in a big way to even their series with the celtics that a game, a piece, and you scholz has this morning's bleach reward and good morning. >> morning case you happy friday, celtics. they're huge favorites. read the cavs, go onto the eastern conference finals, but so far in these buyout, boston has not shown up for game two. they lost a miami and round one in game two. and last night i just gave was tied at halftime, but cabinet huge third quarter gotten and mitchell and areas garland is pets and fire combining to go seven of eight on thursday there's in the third celtics, meanwhile, it's because they went oh, for aid in the period and mitchell putting an exclamation mark on the period strawson over k1, they're
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draining the three ads father, middle finished with a game-high 29 as the calves would run away with this one winning by 24 and sitting in the series back to cleveland tied to the game of bees it's always good to get it went on the road by the end of the day is one game project. go take care home courts. >> we expect them to play better and they did 13 tonight you have to get their respondents and we did either dodge done the maths also bouncing back even their series with the thunder luque already dealing with a sore knee and admitted into this game. >> well, they had to make sure that he still had all of his hey, look at this lueger getting tripped up and space plants out that is slowing down though lucas scoring 16 points in the first quarter, pj washington i was also on fire early. he scored 19 of his playoff career-best, 29 in the first half. okc's can make a game with vision. >> the third volts milli luca was just too much 29 points, ten for its seven assists for head. mass deal. home board
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handy, the thunder, their first playoff loss, one 19 to one ten. meanwhile, on the eyes and other thriller and the stanley cup playoffs, carolina was dao tuo in the series and two, one with time running out when andre stretch nick comes up in the clouds for the kane's putting home, they game-tying goal with just over a minute and a half laughter forced overtime, but just 90 seconds into ot are timmy panera and answers for the boys and blue deflecting the shot prevents intro check in for the three to win and the rangers state verbage and the postseason good. i'll seven and oh, i can complete this week tomorrow night at 77, our system channel t elsewhere, nelly korda chasing history this weekend, trying to become the first everyone's six straight starts on the lpga tour 25-year-old from florida off to a steady start for 30 is just one bogey and are opening round at the cognizant founders cupp, korda, six shots back of the lead is she going to go out there around two later today and more than 13,000 fans showing up to watch caitlin clark's preseason home opener for the indiana and a fever last night, court
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scored just 12 points in this one, she made just two of nine three pointers. indiana did get the win over atlanta and clark afterwards loving her new home crowd there were loud, i thought they were into it. >> it was funny to see, you know, some people in some iowa stuff and then a lot of people in fever here and this is a preseason game on a thursday night and there's 13,000 people here, like, i think that just shows what it's going to be like for us all all season and it's going to help us fireball the casey, the people of oklahoma city, they're just really good at half court shots another fan, this time, 20. matt sanders knocked what town last night, doing $20,000 this was the third time in four playoff games. casey, that a fan has made the half court shot i don't know what it is. i don't know what it is if i was going to say they always make god that's amazing. i mean, are they going to stop paying for this at some pottery that bank i might be regretting that production what's in the
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water all right. >> andy, thank you very much. have a great weekend coming up next here. why the judge in donald trump's hush money trial rejected his motion for a mistrial. floss cnn's exclusive interview with president biden drawing a defiant risk bonds from the prime minister of israel could be stores was the absolute peak of his celebrity with the heroes, shocking murder trial, we learned of a much darker individual power would really happen with jesse l. martin sandi, nine on cnn work play blank relief. >> work, play blinking relief. >> the only three in one extended release formula for dry eyes like if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bars speaker because their places who'd like to be for seeker can cause
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