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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 10, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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nearly 50 day trial stretched over seven months. pistorius was found guilty of culpable homicide a verdict later changed to murder reverse mother june city and campus said she never believed his version of the story, and that the pain is r4 and real there can never be justice if your loved one is never coming back. she wrote in a statement on his release and no amount of time served will bring revert back. we who remain behind are the ones serving a life sentence oscar pistorius has trial was a global event, but it was also a family tragedy in june cn camp says that she will never come to terms with her daughter's death and how she died all right. >> how it really happened, oscar pistorius, the blade warner premieres this sunday night, 9:00 p.m. right here on cnn, a new our of cnn news central, start that's right now we are at the critical
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thing hey, is in the criminal trial of donald trump all setup for michael cohen's testimony after the judge demeans trump's defense lawyers in front of donald trump. >> you can not ignore the feelings of your black and brown students. new outrage after school board votes to restore the names of confederate leaders that had been banned an incredible new images out of flood. rab is brazil, a horse finding refuge on a roof more than 100 people now killed and the death toll oh, is rising i'm john berman with kate bolduan and sara sidner. this is cnn news central we, now you're. used to this by now alive. look at trump tower where we are standing goodbye to see donald trump head back to criminal court soon with the aftermath of stormy daniels, really heated cross-examination still
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looming large. but this morning attention, turning back to donald trump's former white house aide, who described to jurors yesterday a meeting she arranged at the white house between donald trump and his then attorney and fixer, michael cohen. cohen claims this was the meeting where the alleged plan to falsify business records was crafted. cohen and by the way, expected to testify next week, cnn's kristen holmes outside the courthouse this morning, as we waited to see donald trump leave trial i'm tower for the court, kristen, the case moving right along, but the big buildup here, we're now hearing michael cohen to testify next week, the preparation must be furiously going on there with trump's team i think we saw a lot of what or at least a preview of what that's going to actually look like with stormy daniels. this kind of intense cross-examination of very aggressive by susan necheles is
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pushing stormy daniels to try to paint her as an opportunist. try to paint her as someone who is doing all of this for money or even as a liar, saw a lot of what susan necheles did was pull up old tweets it's old post and try to read them to stormy daniel's really with the point of trying to make it look as those stormy daniels had an ax to grind and that's what we expect from michael cohen as well when i'm talking to members first of trump's legal team, his legal advisors, they say they are doing the most work to prep for michael cohen. they've been going through his podcast, his book, the book revenge, as well as his twitter posts, which we know i'd been a very aggressive towards donald trump and i do want to mention one thing about stormy daniels because what we saw after coarser day, in addition to talking about getting the case dismissed, we also saw that donald trump's lawyers were arguing to try and allow donald trump to respond to stormy daniels and the claims that she made during her testimony. now, the judge denied that, said it's still under gag order,
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but then stormy daniel's tweeted this and see it certainly seems like she's goading him here when she says real men respond to testimony by being sworn in and taking the stand in the court. >> oh, wait. >> never mind. so clearly they're trying to push some buttons. we'll see of donald trump responds with no, he does not want to break that gag order, but i do want to quickly mention what we're seeing today. madeleine westerhout, that is not testimony that is done yet while he is a former white house aide, she sat outside the oval office was the one who arranged the meeting where they allegedly discussed falsifying records. she also was so much more so when you're talking to trump's team, they acknowledged that she might know things that she doesn't even no, she knows. remember how the white house was at that time when she was there right after trump got elected, there was a lot of chaos and someone like madeleine was the person who is really helping weather the storm. she was just an executive aid, but at the same came time, she was in the meeting. she was sitting outside, she was welcoming every single person who came in and out of that office. she was
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really the lifeline to donald trump at certain times. because as we know, he didn't text, he didn't col. so if you're looking to get in touch with donald trump, you are likely trying to call hope hicks or trying to call madeleine westerhout. so she had all of this knowledge. so when you talk to trump sources, do they think that she is hasn't and the animus storage donald trump notice you have an ax to grind no. but does she have a lot of information that could potentially be damaging to the former president. that's what we're going to wait and see. >> yeah she's certainly talked about the fact that there was a meeting between cohen and donald trump. but as norm eisen, who's been in the court, has been saying her testimony so far has helped both sides of this case. so we will have to see what she says next. thank you so much, kristen holmes, there will i've reporting for us outside of court and joining us inside the studio is seen as illegal analyst and criminal defense attorney joey jackson. so joy, let's talk stormy daniels testimony for a bit. >> it's all no matter the assessment from everyone on the outside or even sitting in the courtroom, it's all about how it comes across in the eyes of the jury.
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>> the way the washington post put it, it was stormy daniels testimony on sex lives and money was risky for both sides. how do you measure success or failure with explosive testimony like that? >> yeah, it's a great question. good morning to you, kate. i think that listen, i think that the fence went in and i think potentially things that they set up for the following day backfired you have what you need the whole purpose of cross-examination is to set up your case at the end of the day. you could talk about sex de night and in-between. do you know about business records? do you know about ledgers, ma'am? do you know about invoices? you have no knowledge or nothing to share what that jury with respect to that, is that right? okay. so why are we here right now? we know why we're here because she provides the moat, the motivation and the impetus for the trump team to kill her story if it gets out, that's the argument the voters may 4 for example, abandon trump's, so they're overwhelmingly concern. but at the end of the day obviously, right. it's salacious, which he has to testify to. but does it go to a
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material facts of the case? the whole purpose in my view, just my view that she testified and they went after her the defense did. >> another time was for the ego, i believe of trump. >> i want you he probably told his team, you, emily eight her. right. i want you to just really skew or her on the witness stand and you really don't try a case for your client. you try it for the jury. so at the end of the day, i think she said a lot of compelling things and potentially some things that backfired on the defense so then i want to know what category this exchange goes into because they spent time trying to draw it inconsistencies discrediting her. that was obviously the goal of the defense. then there's this exchange from necklace and daniel's back-and-forth, you have a lot of experience and making phony stories about sex to appear real, right? stormy laughs and says, wow oh, that's not how i would put it. the sex in the films is very much real, just like what happened to me in that room. all right. >> but you're making fictionalized stories about sex. you write those stories.
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know the sex is real, the character names might be different, but the sex is very real. then. and now you have a story you have been telling about having sex with president trump, right? and if that story was untrue, i would have written it to be a lot better and daniel's laughs. what does this do? i think it just backfires why we talking about this? in other words, i think that their client, mr. trump, is obsessed with the notion that the affair didn't happen i think that's what they said in an opening. maintains it didn't it didn't happen, so they're going after her about that now. the other side, the prosecution, it's so detailed, so unless she has the most vivid imagination known to humanity, and as a pathological liar, right? did the affair not happen? why go in on the affair go in on the critical issue? here about business records and the falsification of them. that's what it's all about. you don't add anything to that equation. and by the way, catch and kill on its own is purpose per perfectly legal, right? and so to the extent that that is proper, you can do that.
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there's a nondisclosure agreement that legal and everything else what do we talking about? so to go into the sex, it was like, come on, keep your eye on the prize. you have to be disciplined in the courtroom and everyone, kate does things differently. i just think that spending all that time with her backfire because of answers to questions that we just saw like that and it left the judge scratching his head in some regard, they filed they asked for ms trial once again, over the testimony, he denies it and he really means is the right word. >> i think that's how john put it earlier. version saying for some unexplained reason, which i still don't understand. there was no objection to certain testimony which was later used in the motion for mistrial hello. in tuesday and again today, for example, the mention of a condom i agree that shouldn't have come out. i wish those questions hadn't been asked and i wish those answers hadn't been given, but for the life of me, the judge says, i don't know why ms necklace didn't object. she had just made about ten objections. most of which were sustained. why on earth she wouldn't object to the mention of a condom. i don't understand. as a criminal defense attorney,
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you're sitting you're sitting there, you hear a judge say that and you think what so it's problematic. >> you never, ever ever write particularly in this case with that defendant, the former president, want to be demeaned in front of the judge. you're there, you want to be as prepared as possible. you want to do your job and if anything, you want the judge to inform your client that you're attorneys advocating for you in the best way possible. and i think what the judge is saying, don't come to me about a mistrial. you have an opportunity and an obligation to object to questions that you don't think the jury should here, if you don't object, don't expect me to do my job for you when so don't come crying about what was admitted when you allow it because you said nothing. and that's a bad look, obviously for a yes or no, i dare you. do you think that story daniels testimony makes it more or less likely that donald trump will testify it's by even though it was already in the unlikely, you know what kate, i think it bates him and go dom into it, particularly with the tweet she made last night, right about, hey, real men get on the
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witness stand. >> so i think it goes them into it. i think it would be a huge mistake and this i'll end here you have to be disciplined in cases and i think they're cross of her in my view, was not disciplined. it didn't speak to the issues before us. and as a result of that, it was amiss and if they goad him into testifying, that is the prosecution. as a result of stormy's testimony, boy. oh, boy, they have done some job boy. >> oh, boy jackson. thank you. thank you. okay. i'm going with zero times zero is zero so there's still a chance, no, zero times there's no math aloud in this show. all right, this morning, the family of the black us airmen shot in his apartment by a deputy is demanding answers. we've got new reporting on the investigation and then did israel violate international law law using us weapons? we've got new reporting on the biden administration's conclusion in a new report that is about to be made public. and then a cosmic storm is in the forecast. and as we know, this is exactly how the fantastic forgot their superpowers. even
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in gaza. >> let's get right to cnn's jeremy diamond in jerusalem this morning. this has been a report that people have been waiting on jeremie yeah no doubt about it, john. and interestingly, it seems that it will stop short according to barak ravid of outright saying that israel has violated international humanitarian law, but it will nonetheless be a very critical reported seems outlining several incidents that took place in during the war in gaza that raised serious it's concerns about potential violations of humanitarian law. and i expect john that this will simply add another layer to the tensions that we have been witnessing between the united states and israel over the course of the last week when you think about the number of issues that have currently come up that have caused tensions not only between the two countries, the two administrations, but directly between president biden and prime minister netanyahu, we really are at a seemingly low point in relations between the united states and israel,
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despite the fact that the united states continues to give enormous support to israel in its war in gaza. we have seen over the course of this week as president biden made these very public statements threatening to withhold additional weapons shipments to israel if it moves forward with a major ground offensive in rafah. and just yesterday, we heard from the israeli prime minister of firing back, essentially saying that israel will fight alone if it needs to and talking about this disagreement and with president biden hoping that the us and israel can get over this latest disagreements as, as he sees it, there is no sense drawn despite these tensions that israel is going to back down from its current plans to expand its military activity, to expand into potentially a full-throated ground offensive, into rafah for into those population centers that president biden has drawn as a red line here, all indications are that from israeli officials that i've been speaking to, that they are defiant in the
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face of this enormous and mounting us pressure. there are of course realities on the ground, military realities in terms of munitions shipments that could be cut off to israel here. but nonetheless, at the posture currently from the israeli government is one of full speed ahead. no indication yet as to when that ground offensive in rafah could expand into something much more significant. but we are, of course already seeing major impacts on the ground. one of gaza of rafah's three hospitals has already shut down as a result of these military activities. we're seeing about 110,000 people according to unwra, who have already been displaced to areas north of rafah and simply not adequate conditions for those people with many more who could potentially follow. john hi, jeremy diamond in jerusalem was morning jeremy. thank you very much, sarah. all right. there tends to fall out from another war. a new warning from the fbi, what they're calculating could be russia's revenge because the us supporting ukraine in that warm and a us
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army, an airman shot dead by police in his own home. his distraught family says police this had the wrong apartment. police say they went to the apartment, they were called to buy a neighbor. now, bodycam video showing us all what happened, details on the investigation. there ahead. >> i'll pistorius was at the absolute peak of his celebrity olympic heroes, shocking murder trial. >> we learned of a much darker individual power would really happen with jesse l. martin sandi, nine on cnn let's zehr take allergy relief works fast. it lasts a full 24 hours. so zaid can be the deliverer dance okay days let's be more than our allergies seize the de with zero i don't want a lot of businesses. so i wear a lot of hats. my restaurants, my cat to shop, and i also have a non-profit. >> but no matter what business
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makes me a better sales so in a better person, i my back join me? >> it when the jinx came out, i thought, oh my god when bob has a friend, he expects blind loyalty. >> rubbing supplies it and supplies this morning, a family is mourning. their son, a us airmen, who was shot and killed by a deputy in his own apartment. his mother demanding answers. she knows she can never have her son back, but she wants his reputation restored so today, sheriff department that took my gift there has so many salman amylase inside of him to err is
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human and to forgive is divine i need you guys to tell the truth about my son i need you to get his reputation, right? yes. >> if you have a hard if you have a niece or nephew any are present in your life, tell the truth about my son deputy fatally shot 23 airman roger fortson last week while investigating a domestic disturbance call a warning. >> what you are about to see is really disturbing. this is newly released bodycycam footag but you're going to see in a bit here showing what happened in the moments leading up to the shooting the door and that
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is when the gun fires, shooting an eventually killing him. police say the footage confirms their account of what happened, but acknowledged it came to a very tragic ending. >> this result is one we'd never hope to encounter. and i'm also thinking about our team here and the deputy involved in the tragic event i've asked the florida department of law enforcement to handle the criminal investigation. that is required under these circumstances for its his family maintains police, went to the wrong apartment. he was on the phone with his girlfriend at the time joining us now, a cnn senior law enforcement analysts, charles ramsey. when you look at this video do because you know, you have been through these trainings that while they're officers have been through these trainings, when you are in command, what do you see there? that is part of your training and perhaps what is not because i noticed i counted the second. it's less than
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three seconds before that gun is fired by the deputy well, first of all, my condolences to the fortson's family you know, i've been a consultant since i retired with 21 cp solutions. and as a result of that, i've viewed hundreds of body-worn camera video regarding use of force up to including deadly force i think one thing is very important and that is that when you're reviewing these cases and we know a lot more now, after the fact, than the officer would unknown at the time of the occurrence and that's what you have to really focus on. what did he know, what the day seem? what was the behavior of the individual? that they came in contact with? i watched that video. i watched the video several times in my opinion, the use of deadly force at that moment was not justified. and the reason i say that is because granit he was armed he did have a handgun. clearly, that handgun was pointed downward. it's not pointing up the officer gave no
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commands at all to drop the weapon or do anything like that. the shooting was almost instantaneous instantaneous. and so under the circumstances was it was there a threat? yeah. but was there an immediate need to use deadly force in my opinion, again, there'll be some will disagree with me. i would say no. i mean, we know now he was in his own home. we know now he was an airman. we know now he legally owned a firearm. the offshore would not have known any of that at the time of the shooting, though person was armed, but was he a direct threat at that moment in my opinion, the answer is no. >> you mentioned and we've been looking at just a still frame of the video of him with his gun down, coming to the door. now, obviously you can see it there in his right hand. but as you said, it's not pointed at the officer for it is he is not using it as a threat to the officer at the time. the officer reacting very, very quickly. i do want to ask you
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about this idea from the family that they had the wrong apartment that someone did call an in saying that there was a disturbance that they thought they heard somebody being slapped, and they wanted the police to come. how do you get to the bottom? of whether or not they got to the right door. and does that matter an investigation like this well, i mean, first you start with the 911 in the color and locate that color and find out exactly what they said, what they identified as the problem and where that was taking place. >> but whether that was the right apartment or the wrong apartment the use of deadly force is a separate issue. was the officer justified in that particular case in using deadly force? now, when you look at the video, people see that he wasn't standing directly in front of the door. well, that's consistent with training. >> you don't stand in front of a door or window? >> though if you can avoid doing it, is tactically that that would not be something you would do if he did look through a people he might not have seen the officer, but he did
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announce his office. he did say twice, this is sheriff's department again, this is a tragic a tragic set of circumstances that took place. but at the moment the shot was higher. again, even though the gun was pointing down, i not only look at that, was there any motion at all that the gun was being brought up where it could have been become a direct and immediate threat. and when you look at the video, there's no upward motion at all. we've done is just simply down. there's no indication that he was going to raise the weapon and there was no order to drop the weapon or anything like that. now, granted these things happen quickly, i've been at shootings. i know how it goes down, but i've also had situations where could i have shot? yeah. but did i know and the reason is because that instant that split second you still have time and that's what you have to you're looking at this thing in a matter of seconds or less than a second in terms of what your decision-making it's going to be. >> one of the most disturbing parts of this is after he is shot, you never, you never do see even pass the video that we
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were showing you because it's so disturbing him raise that gun, but you do hear that he survived initially after the first shot their and says, look, i'm not holding anything. my gun is not in my hand anymore, so it is it's really, really hard to watch and our hearts go out to the family, charles ramsey. thank you so much for detailing what officers and how officers are trained in a situation like desk. appreciate you. >> so the new change coming to target stores ahead of pride month this year after facing backlash over their merchandise for pride last year. >> and wild video a horse stranded on the top of a building for four days. >> the historic flooding that caused all of this we're here to get your side of the store. >> a fares bribery, prostitution. why do we keep ending up here? >> you can't write this stuff.
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stuff you don't so here's two now let's try this again. >> what do you see? >> my first championship in houston, second championship sall's not winning a championship getty. >> this try and stay positive or positive. he didn't win a ring oh my god so just a few minutes ago, we had democratic congressman adam smith, who was the ranking democrat on the house armed services committee. >> tell us that he wishes president biden had not gone public with erin burnett threatening to withhold certain weapons if israel veins population centers and rafah, what they shows is a bit of politics surrounding president biden on the issue of israel with us now seen a senior data reporter, harry and i thought that was illustrative. yes. >> of of what you've been looking at in the data of sort of that president biden getting squeezed from both ends here. >> he's getting squeezed from both ends. you know, i think it's important to note, let's
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look at the choice for president in 2024, among biden's 2020 voters. all right, because i think this sort of illustrates sort of how biden's getting pushed a little bit. so if you'd like by non the israel-gaza war, look at that. he's getting 87% of the vote rfk juniors getting eight donald trump way down here at four. >> but if you dislike biden, if you disapprove of the job, he's doing on the israel-gaza war. >> look at this. he's getting just 50% of that boat. my goodness, gracious. these are people who voted for him last time, rfk jr. is getting 20%. this is just a 30 margin compared to a 79.1 arjun among those approve of buying on the israel-gaza. this is a huge dividing line within the democratic party. and that's something of course we're seeing right now between the progressive wing and those more centrist or mainstream democrat as a confession were such nerds that occasionally harry sends to b some of this data in the number that jumped out here. or if k a 20 percent among people, democrats who voted for biden in 2020 and dislike him. other
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biden war, i think your next slide points to a little bit of what's going on, what exactly is cooking? >> why do they dislike biden on israel? okay america support for israel is now this is among 2020 biden voters who are currently not voting for him. so it's those dislike those disapproval. take a look here. do you believe that america support for israel is too much the clear majority, 60% of those folks let's work currently not voting for biden, but did last time around say that america support for israel is too much, just 24% say about right? you get this four percentage, say not enough, but this group is double the size of the about right? and not enough combined. and a lot of those folks at this particular point aren't necessarily going for donald trump. they're going for rfk i say that not enough is virtually nothing here. and in general, what is buying support among those who were with them before? yeah. this i think is the key point biden versus trump 2024. paul martin, the reason trump's ahead, he's holding onto more of his base right now that 2020 voters leading by any one points, biden's just holding
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on, winning among that group by 73 points. that's the story of this election. it's why trump is a much better position. then he was four years ago. these are really interesting numbers area and thank you very much for that kate and donald trump is definitely joining in the chorus of republicans attacking launching attacks against joe biden right now over the warning that he issued in his interview with cnn listen to this i wouldn't do what biden did. he just abandoned is and i've never seen anything like if people can't believe it joining me are now a cnn political commentator and former adviser to president bill clinton, paul begala, and piazzi, who was a former white house spokesperson for president george w bush. >> it's good do you guys, so paul, you had harry and john running through some of the numbers that relate to all of this. we also then have donald trump and it's not just trump. >> i mean, setting any real policy assessments aside, republicans are very clearly seeing a political opportunity. >> just look at this what did
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president is doing here is capitulated because of electoral politics. and to me that's unconscionable. >> joe biden's de facto position is for a hamas victory over israel. >> this is all about president biden and lloyd austin trying to take over the war from israel i got one message for israel don't let them do it. >> it puts ears national security interests at risk. this is insane you disagree with all of that assessment, paul, you think biden's kind of successfully threading a needle here are with his position and what he's announced. but is that getting across no, but we're 178 days from the election a biden has been the most pro-israel president in american history joe biden has been the most pro-israel president in american. i'm very pro israel democrat. i'm like what biden
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has been doing. he has drawn a line at rafah. he's trying as hard as he can to limit civilian casualties problem, with all of this is those lovely politicians you just show they're just playing politics here. there's real lives at stake, there's one president. >> and he is pursuing america's national interests, his depending israel, helping helping them to take out hamas, but also trying to protect innocent lives in gaza. that's not an easy thing to do. of course, you're gonna get static from both sides, but as a political advisor, subsystem matter, i'm glad joe biden's and charge and not not the guy who quotes that quote to favorably comments about adolf hitler. >> according to a new book, mr. trump has said that that wait, let me get the quote right well, hitler did a lot of good things. >> so it's mr. trump's i'm really glad he's not there. i'm really glad that joe biden is but politically this is not driving voting behavior. this is not the harvard polar young people where he's really got a problem. joe does it's the 15th issue out of 16 asked the
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abc poll that came out this week it was the tenth issue at a ten issues asked biden's got a lot of political problems but israel's not at the top of them is substantive matter, i'm glad he's spending a lot of time as anything you she's doing it just right to paul's point on no matter the policy and when you look at it, is a political matter. >> this is still what we see in pulling when it comes to biden's handling of the israel-hamas war, it's still is far lower on the priority skill for voters. then let's say the economy and the same day he did the interview with erin burnett job biden wasn't wisconsin to tout a huge jobs announcement in coordination with a huge investment by microsoft. >> so on some level, do you think politically that republicans are wasting their time here? no, because obviously joe biden sees this politically. he's allowing campus college, campus protesters to write his foreign
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policy. the united states of america should stand up for our allies. we should be at their side when they are under attack. and the message that we're sending that joe biden is sending too allies is, you cannot trust the united states america, the message he is sending the adversaries is you don't have to fear or respect us because who knows what we're going to do. there could be a little skirmish on the usc campus or at columbia, and we're just going to change our policy that has been the policy for decades. so obviously, joe biden sees the political consequences of standing with israel because he wants that small sliver of votes and michigan or wherever else that could potentially tip the balance. >> we talk about strategy and how to approach this politically. i, i asked it's a leading question, but i'm still gigs. i wrote it as a later question as a matter of strategy is shading voters the right way to win them over. and the reason i asked that is
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because i want to play part of what donald trump said yesterday in responding to joe biden's interview, listen to this if any jewish person voted for joe biden issue vitiate why jewish people vote for democrats is beyond me. any jewish person that votes for democrats hey their religion. they hate everything about israel and they should be ashamed of themselves so that was trumping, that was trump in march that last that last bit. >> and he faced a ton of blowback for that one, for playing into an anti-semitic trope is he trying to win voters over with the way he is approaching this though i mean, i don't i don't see i don't understand why he's doing it, pete and then paul, i want you to weigh well, donald trump's certainly has a unique way of saying the things that are blatantly obvious, which is would you advise them to be it? >> of course not, but he would ignore what i have to say. who's gonna do whatever he wants, but he's he's highlighting the wedge that joe
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biden has created. democrats are united in their opposition to donald trump. they're not united in their opposition to hamas. and that's what he's pointing out. >> paul final thought on that bs democrats are completely opposed to hamas. >> donald trump praised hezbollah on october 12th, right after hamas is attack, he prays another anti-israel vicious terrorist group, hezbollah, donald trump broke bread with nick fuentes, who was reportedly any semis a. whole accustomed higher as already mentioned, he praised adolf hitler, according to his own chief of staff or for star general. so biden, we all make mistakes. >> but dear god, all of us who love israel at how you could turn to donald trump is really beyond me and here is again insulting american jews it's a real stretch. i'm sure there are very fine people on both sides cape, but donald trump is not one of them there's, so there's always, you always do this thing at the end of our
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interviews that you drop you drop this thing that i will talk about in the corrosion frank islam i'm sorry, i know. i'm being too nasty it's a friday, but this really this is really serious stuff. i mean, people are dying and mr. trump is playing politics with a history of really scary anti-semitic statements to and mr. trump's pardon, any semitic allies. and i do think it's right now. >> i'm not following you on it. i struggle myself and we knew we need to focus on the policy and for our lives at stake and also then you have to work in the political which is sum, which is a huge part about it as well, which is kind of where i struggled and where we continue these conversations, but we do and i'm very thankful you both are here. thank you both. it's great to see you, sir. all right. ahead. >> in school to the country, transgender athletes are fighting for the right to play sports on a team that aligns with their gender identity. >> opponents are arguing it's completely unfair and it's putting families at odds when i see these all textures like in
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some of the younger ones, i'm just a child. >> when you're below the age of five, you're just living life to the fullest, right. but lake a five on. i think i start to see like my trap self if i could turn back the clock, i wish i wish i could've done some things differently i remember in my bible study and said i need prayers. >> my oldest came out as transgender and i just don't know what to do in since sit well with me. >> i feel like god may do you for you. >> like in we're not supposed to change any parts of ourselves. >> we're made like that. that's just in my mind. what i've always known and i probably said some hurtful things just because i'm scared. it's a fear, it's a i failed my kid. i didn't do enough. why didn't i see this? why didn't i do more? i lost a little boy that i accepted a little boy who was macho boy
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and remember laying impedance table. >> so you didn't those it can you have a kid right in front of you? the choice may not be what you want it to be, but you have a choice. and i had to choose i choose more of these deep complicated, heartfelt conversations. a new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper air sunday at 8:00 p.m. right here on cnn. all right. just ahead a virginia school board honoring the losers of the american civil war by restoring the confederate names of two schools outrage white critics saying the school board is taking students, quote, back to the time in history that was very cool. the fallout of their decision ahead. and oprah winfrey, a pop hello jersey for her decades-long role in helping promote the unhealthy diet culture. >> that's coming up right now
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out, i thought, oh, my god when both as a friend, he expects blind loyalty going to be two prizes and certified i'm rafael
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romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn all right. >> we've got some breaking news for you. we have just learned the next witness in the case against donald trump here in new york michael cohen will be called to the stand on monday, perhaps one of the most important witnesses, but it will be an intense exchange, especially in cross-examination ancient again, michael cohen, donald trump's former fixer, former attorney, while he was in the white house at the center of the case against him will be testifying on monday. >> okay. >> now, to some other news across seas, brazil bracing for more intense rain as the country continues to deal with the fallout from land as we catastrophic flooding, more than 100 people are dead. nearly 170,000 people have been displaced after entire neighborhoods were left merged and amid all of this chaos, sadness, a really unconventional rescue, very sweet. look at this poor horse.
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social media users call it kind of mellow it was stranded on this rooftop in southern brazil four days before being rescued by the military, carmelo was sedated, of course, before being put on a boat the rescue even copy attention of president lula de silva, who posted about it on x all right. uh, virginia school board voter voted early this morning to restore the names of confederate leaders to two schools in their district. the shenandoah county school board voted five to one to restore the names of stonewall jackson high school and ash he li elementary school saying it was to remember the state's heritage, but critics say this is outrageous, honoring a time it was cruel. one black student told the board at the names are restored i would have to represent a man that fought for my ancestors to be slaves the two schools names were changed back in 2020 following the death of george floyd at the hands of a police officer. all right. target is dialing back their pride month merchandise this week, the retail giant is
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limiting the number of stores that will sell lgbtq themed products for pride month in june, following a boycott from right-wing activists last year that took a toll on targets bottom line about half of its 2000 stores will sell the pride collection according to bloomberg and merchandise will also be available on targets website. and oprah winfrey opening up about her role in diet culture apologizing about how she helped promote what she called unrealistic standards and she said the comments at an event for weightwatchers, the company she actually left early this year after nearly a decade as a director there. she said that through her focus on weight, she quotes set a standard for people watching that. neither she nor anybody else could uphold in december winfrey said she had added a weight-loss medication to her regimen didn't specify which drug. don i knew this morning. the fbi says it it is monitoring whether us support for ukraine would lead rushing
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to take more risks and potentially interfering in the 2024 presidential election. as senior fbi official told reporters, they are concerned that the biden administration supportive kyiv might be animating four the russian cnn senior law enforcement analyst at mccabe is with us now de russia's need an excuse, andy, to metal in the elections in the well no they don't, john and we know this from a long history of russian meddling in us elections, most notoriously and in 2016 and we have to remember that that activity is motivated by russia's main goal. >> vis-a-vis the united states all the time, which is to undermine democracy to undermine us faith in our own elections. and so that's perennial happens all the time. the issue now is whether or not our support for ukraine, their military adversary, provides additional motivation for the russians to really step into our elections in a damaging
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way. >> any sense of how they would interfere in the elections well, it's a great question, and i would suspect that intelligence and law enforcement officials aren't perfectly clear on that. >> but i think that the added incentive to russians to intervene is likely a super charged in this election because of the way the politics in the united states play out around support to ukraine so you have one sayyed the republicans, many of whom are opposed to continuing us military support and financial support to ukraine. and the democrats who are, who are generally supportive of it. so along those battle lines you have the possibility of russian the russians being incentivized to actually intervene in a way that would help republicans who would be adverse to additional ukraine aid if, if elected, and to hinder the prospects of democrats. so the general motivations are always there.
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but in this cycle but we think it's probably even more important to them 30 seconds or less. >> andy, is there some kind of decoder ring you can give voters are civilians to where that will help them look for how or where, or there might be rushing fingerprints on the election in a word, john, it's all about information sources. you've got to constantly be questioning, questioning where are you getting the information you're getting? how good are these sources? is this something you just picked up off a social media? can you tie it back to an actual legitimate media entity or information? patient entity, if not, the very be very curious and suspicious of the things that you hear out there in the social media sector that is such great advice. i found it on the internet, not great sourcing anima cave. thanks so much for being with us today. i appreciate it. >> if you have seen the northern lights on your bucket list, you may be in luck tonight. a powerful geomagnetic
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storm could trigger an extraordinary view of the aurora borealis across the united states. and the stunning show could stretch further, farther south than usual. meteorologist derek van dam is tracking this one for us. so how far south who's gonna get to see it? when are we going to get to see it? what are the details all right. >> i'm looking at you northern alabama. northern california potentially tonight, the maximum of potential would be between 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. so wake up early, set those along times but heads up and the sun has been hurdling these solar flares as it reaches its solar maximum. this 11 year solar cycle here that is over the past couple of days, right towards the earth. and by the way, this is a future projection of those solar flares you saw just a moment ago and check it out. where's it headed? that's earth it's right there. and of course that is going to bring us the potential for northern lights. that's the positive, but it's also going to bring some negative impacts as well. this is the first g4 geomagnetic
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watch issued by the space prediction center from noaa. since 2005. and you can see the greatest probability of viewing across the midwest and into the northern plains stretching as far south as alabama. but it has negative impacts as well potentially on power and communication. so that's something we're going to monitor. here's a look at that cloud cover k. you can see it'll be stocked in across the northeast into texas and across the great basin. but there will be plenty of opportunities to catch those dazzling, beautiful spectacles. we call the aurora borealis, back to you. >> awesome. it's great to see you looking forward to the chance for many to see if for the first time it's good a new roc in a new central starts now to begin with breaking news. we now know donald trump's ex lawyer and former fixer, michael cohen will take the stand in the hush money trial.


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