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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 10, 2024 6:00am-6:30am PDT

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prediction center from noaa. since 2005. and you can see the greatest probability of viewing across the midwest and into the northern plains stretching as far south as alabama. but it has negative impacts as well potentially on power and communication. so that's something we're going to monitor. here's a look at that cloud cover k. you can see it'll be stocked in across the northeast into texas and across the great basin. but there will be plenty of opportunities to catch those dazzling, beautiful spectacles. we call the aurora borealis, back to you. >> awesome. it's great to see you looking forward to the chance for many to see if for the first time it's good a new roc in a new central starts now to begin with breaking news. we now know donald trump's ex lawyer and former fixer, michael cohen will take the stand in the hush money trial.
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we are live outside court where the trial resumes and just minutes. also, a high-stakes report on whether israel has violated international humanitarian law, heading to congress today, we're learning new details on what the biden administration stretching has decided on that front. and an emotional plea from the family of a black us airman shot in his own apartment by a deputy. tell the truth about my son deputies bodycam footage just released as sheriff's deputies are looking into the families claims. so i'm sarah sayyed and with kate bolduan in john berman, this cnn the central all right. and the breaking news this morning, we just learned moments ago when the critical moment in the critical trial, the criminal trial of donald trump he is coming. michael cohen set to take the witness stand on monday. remember, donald trump is
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charged with falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments to stormy daniels, but don't film actress. all to influence the 2016 election michael cohen is the key piece for prosecutors to make this case. it is michael cohen who would likely provide the testimony that donald trump somehow knew or was connected to the falsification of documents. he will take the stand on monday, as i said, this will be a a dramatic moment. cnn's kristen holmes live outside the court with this new information. also christen, it does begs the question, what will we see today in this trial? >> so first we'll talk about michael cohen because this is something that we know both prosecution and the defense have been preparing for. we have been watching the prosecution lay out their case brick by brick, but that missing piece his time, donald trump, to those payments and knowledge of donald trump and it appears that michael cohen
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is going to be that missing link. he will be laying out exactly what he says happened with this hush money payment and these reimbursement payments. now, in terms of how the defense is going to handle that, this remember what we have said from the very beginning. they plan on going attack mode fully on michael cohen and hope painting him as an unreliable witness, some of which we saw are a little taste of what we saw when we saw that cross-examination of stormy daniels yesterday, really tearing into her being aggressive, picking up old posts, twitter posts post, as well as looking at passages of her book, old interviews you can expect the same thing when the defense goes after michael cohen as well. the big question of course, will be, what does the jury think? and that's just not something either side really knows the answer to. now what we're talking about today, we are still finishing up that testimony with madeleine westerhout she is an ex-white house aide. she sat outside of the oval office and she was the one who planned set up the meeting between michael cohen and donald trump. were michael cohen alleges they had this
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conversation about the repayment for these financial payments, the hush money payments. now, the reason why westerhout is such an important witness is because she was really privy to almost everything during this time frame that we have been talking about. she was not only just sitting outside of the oval office, but she was really in control of his schedule. she was next him almost all times, one of the things we talked about a lot with former president donald trump does not that he doesn't like to text. he doesn't like to use his own phone. well, if you wanted to get in touch with the former president it's time to of the people you go to hope hicks or madeleine westerhout shoe is really the eyes and ears at that point. and remember, this was a chaotic time for president, didn't really, he was probably going to make it into office and so because of that, there was constant stream of people in and out, big meetings, all of which madeleine westerhout can attest to so obviously we're waiting to see what it is the big key he element of her testimony with the prosecution today, we expect that to happen later
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this morning. >> all right. kristen holmes, force outside the courthouse this news that michael cohen testifies monday, what this really sets up, kate is everything we will hear today everything up until this point is trying to narrow that amount that michael cohen has to testify to for the prosecution. so it'll be interesting to see how they play it. it is all the groundwork being laid for it. we do know that donald trump has arrived at court. things are about to get underway very shortly. we also know that donald trump did not leave court happy yesterday for the new reporting on why and what the people around him plan to do about it landed drain back with us was much more what is it that set him off well, look, i think it was a number of things. >> it kate, i mean, clearly donald trump was very angry. i think it was clear to our reporters in the courtroom, but also in my conversations with donald trump's team behind the scenes, they acknowledge this was a very uncomfortable week for donald trump. a very challenging weekend, really stormy daniels was one of the witnesses that they were the most worried about because they were afraid that she was going
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to share some very salacious details about the former president. and that's exactly what we saw on display during her testimony this week. and one key thing they keep telling me over and over for again is they are not sure how this could play out in a general election from the politics side of this, which i cover, that is the huge question is how will general election voters view this? and they really do not know how that is going to play out. now, we did see a post overnight actually from stormy daniels where she was kind of taunting donald trump, saying that at maybe you should be testifying and that's the kind of thing where when i talked to trump's team, they say this is exactly why we're so frustrated about the gag order because they have witnesses. we're going to see this play out with michael cohen next week, who are able to attack donald trump, tell their side of the story and for someone like trump it's like his inner psychological being thinks that he needs to defend himself and he wants to be able to publish publicly pushed on some of these claims that he is hearing
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and he's unable to do that. we saw the judge reiterate that yesterday when they said no, this falls within the gag order, you cannot respond to even though his lawyers had tried to see if they could have a way around that. >> also, donald trump, after what happens today, donald trump's hadn't back to on the campaign trail this weekend. what do we what are you hearing about it it's actually really interesting to speaking of the gag order. >> it's going to be very difficult for the former president to not violate the gag order this week and knowing do you know right off the heels of this explosive testimony from stormy daniels and ahead of what we now know will be michael cohen's testimony beginning monday, but luck, he's gonna be heading to new jersey. i know very interesting people close to the former president kind of raise their eyebrows at this as well. he's gonna be holding a rally in wild would new jersey no hate on jersey. i'm from there but but a critical battleground state and when i've talked to some people, part of it is the proximity to new york. >> donald trump is, doesn't want to travel far. it's close
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to his bedminster golf club, but his campaign also argues that they'll be able to get some of the media attention from the nearby actual battleground state of pennsylvania, the philly suburbs, that sort of thing. and we deemed donald trump actually visit the jersey shore and wild would itself in the past. but it is a very interesting choice, especially as we know, he hasn't been campaigning that much despite him having the opportunity and complaining that the court and the judge is keeping him from hitting the campaign trail. this is only his third rally or i should say second day of hitting the campaign trail since this trial started yeah. >> okay. linda alayna treene with the jersey disclosure it's great to zero like to thank you's so that's what i took away from that whole column. layman three coming up, the biden administration is preparing daring to release a high-stakes report on israel's fight in gaza. the question they have to answer, did israel
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violate international law while using us? it's weapons that's ahead also disturbing body camera video shedding light on what happened in the moments leading up to the fatal police shooting of a 20 active duty airman and in his own home. what we're hearing from law enforcement after the family insist the deputy went to the wrong apartment that's coming up the trump hush money trial gavel to gavel coverage. >> the way only cnn can bring it to you, leave go insight, expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts follow the testimony, follows cnn i'm, a guy lost the bet my dignity. as of watching my team lose, wasn't plunder spent enough where do you look at at home? >> what do you it's a one screen you have cut red car,
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closely monitoring the case of a us airman shot and killed by a florida deputy. the okaloosa county sheriff's department released bodycam video of the deputy shooting roger fortson, maintaining they went to the right apartment, but four since family says the details, don't add up i need you guys to tell the truth about my son i need you to get his reputation right? yes. >> if you have a hard if you have a niece or nephew any young person in your life, tell the truth about my son fortson's family legal team also released their own video from the facetime call between fortson and his girlfriend, which caught the aftermath of that shooting. >> cnn's nick valencia let's see how is in atlanta for us. nick, he is from georgia. what what are you learning from these these videos? i know they are extremely disturbing. >> they are so disturbing sara and social justice activists are enraged this morning saying that this is just another
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example of police and america putting out false narratives about what really happened. in fact, during a press conference yesterday, ben crump, who is representing the family, said the initial statement from the okaloosa county sheriff's office seem to indicate that the shooting did not happen inside roger fortson is apartment, but rather outside and that the deputy used fatal force because he feared for his life. now, there is also a dispute over this claim of whether or not the deputies responded to the wrong hunger dress. they were responding, they say to a disturbance in progress call, we want to show you this video and warn you that it is extremely graphic off the top of the door this open. >> the door now we paused the
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video to not show that fabless fatal shots. >> but you heard the audio in real time and you see there's just a matter of seconds that pass before that, deputy, the door open, that deputy opened fire. the victim has been identified as 23-year-old roger fortson and active airmen and the us air force is senior airman. he was on facetime call with his girlfriend who was a witness of the shooting. she says there was no disturbance to begin with and want to show you the video that she gave to ben crump, the allowed him to release it and in this video, which is also graphic fortson is on the ground saying that he's struggling to breathe and even still, the deputy continues to give him commands
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for you you've seen this bodycam footage and that facetime call for yourself. it took over a week for that bodycam to be released. that happened after the family cold for it to be released. now, listen to how the okaloosa county sheriff describes in his words what happened what we do know at this time is that the deputy did announce himself, not once, but twice. >> mr. fortson's comments indicate that he did acknowledge it was law enforcement at the door and he arrived at the door with a firearm in his hand. the deputy knocked on the correct door he did not cover the peephole or otherwise obscured its view in any way fortson was idolized by his family in factoring that presser yesterday, his mom says, people like us don't make it to places where he's going or where he was going.
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>> the fda allele is now investigating and sarah, that deputy has been put on paid administrative leave sarah really hard to watch those videos. nick valencia. thank you so much. i appreciate your reporting. john. >> all right. what a moment in the criminal trial of donald trump, we just learned when the key witness it's michael cohen will take the stand and we're about to see how the prosecution sets up this crucial testimony. court resumes and just minutes oscars torres, was the absolute peak of his celebrity in olympic heroes, shocking murder trial, we learned of a much darker individual power would really happen with jesse l. >> martin sunday at nine on cnn ai is, redefining work artificial intelligence is supercharging our own human intelligence. and that's what we'll move business forward machine-learning robots alex and generative ai are
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show you live pictures to live pictures on left-hand side of your screen, live outside the courthouse in lower manhattan on the right side here is green inside the courthouse manhattan, the hallway or donald trump will be entering the court room very soon. >> lot of activity so darn thing kate but the breaking news, as i would get to is that on monday, michael cohen is expected to take the stand when joining us. >> now a cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, ever rodgers and cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney, joey jackson with the news that michael cohen, who is the central puzzle piece to the prosecutors. prosecutors case, that they need to prove a crime was committed he is going to be expected to begin testimony on monday. you do with that knowledge. now, how is how do you set up towards that today? >> well, we've got madeleine
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westerhout on the stand, right. so we'll have to finish with her. i'm actually kinda surprised are not calling michael cohen today. >> you all started off. well, you always want the jury to sit over the weekend with something really good. and even if you had half an hour with michael cohen, you could kind of in very broad strokes take him through the scheme and then go back into detail later. so i'm a little bit surprised that they're not going to do that. i liked the jury to sit with some good prosecution stuff over the weekend all right. >> i do want to ask you about this. if the stormy daniels testimony was contentious what's this going to look like? how long do you think michael cohen will be on the stand? she was on the stand a couple of days. >> yeah. i know sarah to that point. interestingly enough, you looked at the prosecution for stormy daniels. what was it about three hours and change. and the defense went over that, right? right. so there'll be a lot to talk about. out with him. i'm one who believes that he's the pivotal witness. he's the critical. i don't buy that. i just don't write and i know everyone's yelling, what are you talking about? michael cohen, he's the guy he brings it all together. >> what they have done that is
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the prosecution as they spent so much time corroborating the things he would say. all right. >> supporting what he'll talk about pecker with the catch and kill, right? >> hope hicks, with respect to the access hollywood tape in the imperative of the campaign to bury the story. all these financial documents and things that are in so when he testifies yes, he's important, but he's going to say a lot of what has been said. and then of course, the lynchpin, because he's going to say i did all this because of this guy, right? the defendant sitting there, but you already can make reasonable inferences that that's the case. last point he already was in, we have this meeting in the oval office that we know he went to. so what were they talking about and then we have this flow of checks from a personal account from one donald j. trump dam. so yeah, you're a liar. you're a perjury. he alive before congress, you are convicted felon. all of that? yes. but he's saying essentially things that had been supported by other people on the other hand, yes.
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>> that was gone donald trump is charged with falsifying documents to cover up hush money payments to stormy daniels to influence the 2016 election falsifying documents. >> we do not yet have specific testimony. jen that donald trump was involved in the falsifying of documents which is where it seems that michael cohen comes in. so we may not have to testify. you tons of things to so his point, but doesn't it seem like he's got to testify to that one crucial thing he does. >> and this is where this corroboration comes in. >> he's going to testify about tons of things. and the reason that he does that is to give the jury the full picture, but also because as joey says, a lot of the other stuff if is heavily corroborated. so what you end up with is a jury that things he 95% of what he said. i believe 100% because i heard it in a bunch of places that piece isn't as heavily corroborated. i think it is corroborated by some of what we've seen in terms so if his being a micromanager, he knows exactly what pennies are coming
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in and out et cetera. but they say, listen, he told us the truth about everything else. of course, we believe him about that but it does he have how explicitly does he have to testify to the issue of trump being connected allen weisselberg, donald trump and i sat in a room and we put together the reimbursement scheme. >> and here's what was said. he said i said allen's said, et cetera. that's how it has to be. >> so if there may be more witnesses after that, this is probably i think it's been described as the last substantive witness at the prosecution is going to be putting on so you start wondering what is the case that the defense is putting on that is a very good question. >> here's the issue. kate wright, from a defense perspective, what you're looking at is did we have an establish a enough doubt not to have a case. right. remember that the fence has no burden, that the fence is not there to prove anything that the fences they had to raise the specter of reasonable doubt. so from a strategic perspective, you ask
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yourself, do we need witnesses to otherwise a stack? that there's reasonable doubt or do we just get up and on closing arguments, say the prosecution has improved their case because if you're relying upon the lip between michael cohen establishing that this was done at the behest of his boss that's a false thing to do because he's a liar. so whether there'll be any case is the open question and whether donald trump would be goaded to testify, which i think would be a huge mistake is another question, but i just don't see this major defense case. i think they rely upon reasonable doubt. >> i guess the big question is, who would they call? who would they call to the stand? other than donald j. trump? that's right. i mean, the only thing you might think about doing is to call someone who can establish that even though he was a micromanager and manage his business so closely in those first months of the presidency with everything that was going on, it wasn't quite i liked that, but they're actually getting those pieces from people like madeleine westerhout and other people who can say how chaotic it was. so
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honestly, i think they probably won't call anyone. >> i want to know what happens today if michael cohen testifies on monday, what happens today. >> that's the question i mean, i know that's why i thought they might call him today. i mean, who else could they put on? i mean, another records type person they got to save some of that for after michael cohen to put that little cushion. >> but then i imagined, again, if you're going by my hero already, not saying it's right. but you're trying ways always going on with them and trying to narrow that part which depends on michael cohen, is there any way to narrow what more before he takes the stand monday, i think potentially what you do because you have it'd be careful to jane's point because you don't want him to be the last person because it's going to be two controversial of the testimony and he's gonna be salvaged and called a liar and a perjure are and you can try custom and believe them. don't want to leave that the last thing and the jury's mind. so you have to strategically think about if we're going to put on documents, people could i put on just one or two more? right. who could talk to you about the ledgers, the invoices, the checks, sharpie pens, where they originated from the white
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house getting to the white house, a security person carrying them over, then being brought in in a manila envelope. the president signs it, sends it back. so maybe some of these people right, to talk about the logistics of the records. but i think you save one or two for after so that you can kinda close full circle your case and establish this guy knew what was happening. it was done at the behest of him. records were false, they were fraudulent. >> there was the nexus between the fraud and they are concealment. >> the conspiracy in the cover up have a nice day. guilty. that's a prosecution media person is coming back. we've been told the person from the da's office who put in all of the posts, i guess she's coming back. >> there's always a trade one person we know that is not going to be testifying. karen mcdougal, which i think surprised a lot of people that she was on the witnesses, but they decided we don't need to put her on. >> jennifer rodgers, joey jackson great to see you. thank you so much. >> and thank you for joining us. this is cnn news central, cnn special coverage of the donald trump hush money trial continues right now


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