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tv   Trump Hush Money Trial  CNN  May 10, 2024 10:00am-1:00pm PDT

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telling the judge that it's entirely possible they will wrap up the case by the end of next week. the jury heard from several witnesses during today's session, starting with former white house aide, madeleine westerhout, a key moment from her testimony is when she said that when the story when the story about stroke for me, daniels came out when it broke, trump was very upset. she said, my understanding was it would be hurtful to his family, but on redirect from prosecutors, she clarified he didn't specifically speak about his family in that conversation, abby that's right. bree. and moments ago, some major developments happening in an otherwise kinda sleepy day in the courthouse. the jury, for the first time was show the 34 business records at the prosecutors have alleged were falsified their those will be pretty major in the focus of next week because we've heard that michael cohen on the
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>> why support this currently at rikers, he is serving time for perjury so the prosecutors even said at one point, why don't we just stipulate why don't we just agree to tell them that he's not being called because he's in jail, but it
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is a little more complicated than that. and a moment ago, the judge said that he actually wants to hear that there was some effort to call yslow bark. it's not enough to say okay. well, he's in jail for perjury. if we put them on the standard, probably he'd plead the fifth anyway they the judges asking is like, i think i need to know a little bit more about why you haven't called them because the defense is really going to seize on this. they're going to say, look, you haven't only seen one direct link between the falsifying business records and the defendant and that is michael cohen, a man who was his own country divisions for line. so this is a really big issue, definitely less interesting thing we've seen. yeah, yeah, this is a major, a major situation right now because all week we've been asking about alan weisberg and that handwriting on that ledger that critical handwriting where he lays out how much michael cohen was going to be reimbursed, not just for what? hey, does stormy daniels, but the taxes and the plus up for a bonus etc. the question that is
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rightfully being asked right now is why isn't he testifying and has the prosecution made an effort to get him there prosecution council and the judge with george mug shot actually saying, i need to see some evidence that you've actually tried to get information from our weisberg or at least tried to compel him to come testify. the benefit of this beyond giving paula freedom from every commercial break need being like why at the calling out. what's your point? i think it's a question everybody is happening is asking is you're starting to get a sense of the actual answer here, which is that the prosecution saying there is a severance agreement that is in place that limits him from what he can say and probably wouldn't say anything at all and you'll beauvais that the attorney for the defense saying likely be understanding is that he would plead the fifth, the judge saying, i haven't seen any effort out of this. >> i'm not going to necessarily move towards stipulating anything at all. what's fascinating about this, and you make your points. why we've all been asking the question the direct link that has been missing throughout that we know michael cohen is going to provide and ripped
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apart for it by the defense team for many past issues is allen weisselberg throughout jeffrey mcconney, allen weisselberg was the person in-between him and donald trump through all this rhona graff, allen weisselberg, the junior bookkeeper, went through jeffrey mcconney than two allen weisselberg. allen weisselberg. without any question at all, has direct knowledge of what the president, former president knew when he actually knew it. and was directly involved with this entire process. the only other person who seems to be is somebody who's going to be testifying next week. >> and we're seeing just before it changed their emil beauvais was saying, there some procedural problems bringing him on as a witness because he was not on the prosecution's witness list. drug diverse. sean says he didn't think it was a possibility there. look, i'm wondering, does the defense want allen weisselberg on the stand i mean maybe if nobody wants him on the stand at this point because he's such an unpredictable potential witness? yeah. >> probably not really going to
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help them. right. so get out there and take the fifth. it was more helpful for them. the fact that he wasn't on the government's in this lesson every time i ask if he's going to be that this is not on that list, so he's not expected to be called and that was something that we're going to call to the attention of the jury. well, if this was an alleged conspiracy, why didn't you hear from this man? so that's why this is really a critical point. and as you can see on the side stream now other moving on to our queue about the man of the hour, michael cohen and possibly putting a gag order on cohen's so so media posts, i mean, not just michael cohen, but stormy daniels also using social media to needle donald trump. this is a serious issue because donald trump is prohibited from attacking these witnesses. but it's a fair point to say the witnesses are not prohibited from attacking hip and that has been happening. >> i think it was what, less than an hour after stormy daniels left. her testimony, you're finished her testimony yesterday. she was up with a tweet and that was tough. blanche, the former president's attorneys point yesterday was, you need to revise the gag order in some way because he can't defend himself. it's been in the present former president's frustration that he's talked about, that he's posted about
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on social media as well he can't defend himself. and i think the reality is, is the former president thanks and to some degree has been proven out to be the best defender of himself and right now they feel like he can't. and i think they're right and feeling that he can't whether or not he should that's up to the judge. but he's very clearly unable to fire back and we've already seen witnesses have done it themselves always been an open question why the judge just didn't gag everyone in this case as personally knowing the players in the prosecutor is here saying they've asked witnesses, in particular michael cohen. i now not to speak out, not to do what they're doing and it's just been to no avail. yeah. i mean, he he put a pause on that for a little while, but this week, as this testimony has been ramping up michael cohen has resumed his chatter about donald trump. this is all leading up to monday when he will take the witness stand, paula, and phil. thanks very much. briana all right abby thank you so much. let's talk a little bit about what we're seeing happening there in court. this discussion about the stormy daniels tweet
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and also michael cohen as we are expecting him to testify on monday, what do you think about what we're seeing here? and i should just say immer schon telling prosecutors to inform cohen the judge is telling him that the instruction is coming from the bench that basically he needs to knock it off. what you're seeing is a judge who has reluctant to extend a gag order. >> jen are reluctant implement gag orders in the first place. and as we saw over the course of this case, the judge, it took them up a little while to get to actually issuing a gag order here. now the question is, and what the trial i'm tim asked in the break when we were going over this was can we extend the defense asked to extend the gag order to apply to michael cohen to limit the statements he can make about the case leading up to his testimony. and during it now the judge here and i'm not surprised that he's doing this rather than reopening the gag order is simply saying prosecutors tell your witness that the judges is asking him not to speak about the case. now that doesn't really have a lot of teeth. and perhaps they
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can revisit the gag order question down the road while walking out, trump motioning for janine pyrrho to follow him. so that would be an interesting not on again, under a gag order that's right. that's a very good point. and be interesting to be a fly on the wall for that conversation. but why is, let's go to the stormy daniels tweet. why is it so problematic? >> elie was what the judge just did was issue essentially a gag order light. right? he did not issue an official order, but as elliott said, when the judge tells you, hey, you need to knock this off. it's going it should resonate the stormy daniel's tweet really is, is unfair. i think, and inappropriate. and the worry is if a juror sees this, and let's be real. i mean, jurors have to have some sense of what's in the media. i mean, if they look at their phones, they have some idea of what's happening in this case. stormy daniels tweet basically undermines donald trump's fifth amendment right to not take the stand if he so chooses if a prosecutor said what stormy daniels tweeted this case would be over immediately. now it's not the same thing when stormy daniels says it. yeah. so i don't understand how does it
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undermine his y. >> so y is donald trump gagged with respect to win and this is because we don't want witnesses intimidated because we don't want jurors may be seeing him saying inflammatory unfair things. the intimidation part does not really apply to stormy daniels, but the latter one does apply to stormy daniel's. we don't want jurors seeing her site. what if a juror season goes? yeah. why doesn't he take the state? doesn't a real man and take this their week of hearing from her directly. yeah. because this there's something she's saying it would have been totally inappropriate if she said that in quarter would have been immediately objected to and stricken from the record. and the concern is if a juror sees that they cogat it's a good point by stormy daniels. why wouldn't you take the stand if there's not guilty here? i would say two things in relation to that. number one, it comes with the implant because she's a prosecution witness. it comes with the implication that's got the stamp of the prosecution actually saying that we call into question his right to not take the stand also, and this is ellie touched on this a little bit. the judge will instruct the jury once donald trump does not testify, and i'm pretty confident we ought to be that he's not going to
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the judge will instruct the jury not to glean anything from the defendants decision testify. >> it's really sensitive this issue, and they just don't like messing with it even from witnesses former president trump's speaking. as we are talking here, let's start at the very top. this is from just moments ago no gag got to michael gatera. what the judge did who is amazing actually, why amazing. everybody can say whatever they want it can say whatever they want. i'm not allowed to say anything about anybody. it's a disgrace. and you see the media season it's really okay there he is. he saying they can say, let's let's talk about the political track. if we can on this adi, because the other tracks well, there should be i mean right as he's looking at this, but for him really there so often is not he's saying they can say whatever they want i can't say
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anything which obviously is playing very much into this line that he's done time and again. >> i mean, i think you guys will talk to the fairness of this for a defendant because there are some complexities here, but this is a president who this is a person who became president literally on the strength of his deafness with social media yeah and with using these kind of amplification, and in fact, one of the reasons why people are so concerned about intimidation, et cetera, with him using it is because it's very clear that the power of that donald trump can call forth through crowdsourcing, et cetera could be dangerous, could be intimidating to a witness. so i can imagine he does feel incredibly stifled. the flip side is he's there with like a very famous broadcaster. so i don't get the sense that his point of view will somehow not make it out there. but legally, does he have a point just real quick. i don't jackie want to hear, but donalds up just said how, allowed to say anything about anybody completely false. >> he's allowed to say
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whatever he wants about judge merchan about the district attorney, about the indictment, about the gag order he just can't comment on witnesses, jurors, and family, and he feels like he can't defend himself so well. >> and it also goes against everything we know about the former president and that he likes to hit back that is sort of going back to his real estate days. if someone goes after him, he is going to go right back at them. and so this is just going back and that's probably why he was fined because it just couldn't resist the urge to hit back. and now, i apparently his lawyers actually have a lid on this, but it is interesting. but the question of fairness from a political standpoint is really interesting. and how that will play out if, if perhaps people might look at that and say, hey, that isn't fair legally, i wonder though, if michael cohen wants to sound off ad nauseum. stormy daniels wants to tweet. i mean, that's not entirely bad all the time for the defense it's not entirely bad all the time for the different well yes and no because theoretically the jury is not consuming social media
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are reading about this and quite frankly, the judge will back the jury instructions instructed to disregard other things that they've seen. he told him at the beginning of 20 to not be taking in media and so on. so technically, they're not seeing any of this now on the broader political question of what the public sees when michael cohen or stormy daniel's are popping off in the media. that's a totally separate question. but assuming the system is working as judges presumed that it is the jury, this is irrelevant to the jury, but these press conferences because every time he walks into the courtroom, have nothing to do with the jury, has everything to do with the court of public opinion and trying to build his case that he's being treated unfairly and that this whole thing is a political attack. >> so now i'm just addressing how is this going? how might this affect what happens in the courtroom? and again, there's a little bit of fantasy world that thinking that goes into into this notion that jurors don't read the newspaper, don't turn on the television don't open social media because i think you and i both know they all do and put it
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right and at the end of the trial will say that they didn't, but and i don't mean to be cynical about jurors, but they're human beings and they read the newspaper and they walked down the street and see them on the newsstand and so on. it's just impossible these in the good old days, judges would just say if you see it on tv, just changed the channel and if you've seen in the newspaper, just turn to page now, if you live with it, that's on your phone, no more likely and it's also an honor. it's also the ridiculous notion that the judge merely giving what's called a curative instruction saying, please disregard what you just heard. >> actually the works on people who just heard something that is now for your the droids you're looking for, it works all the time. all right. if you guys can stand by for us ahead, we have some reaction from someone who has been inside of the courtroom all morning. cnn's kara scannell will bring us all the color and details that we haven't heard russia is we're trying to spy on us. we were spying on them i was hadi friday this is the secret
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it yourself for hiring a pro today. let's paint. maybe pair exclusively at the home depot i'm kevin lip ttac at the white house. >> and this is cnn unbelievable you the articles, but the problem is i'm not allowed to because if anything has mentioned against shooting, people and you know who they are, certainly people anything's even mentioned? it wants to put me in jail for that could happen when day and i'd be very proud to go to jail for our constitution because when he's doing is still unconstitutional you know, there's never been anything like it certain people would be witnesses in the case, which is pretty customary witnesses and also prosecutors aside from alvin bragg and family members of those folks, including family members of the judge. this is not that outlandish, but certainly a lot of discussion question about what some of the witnesses are
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saying, including michael cohen and stormy daniels is we are back now with our special coverage. if former president trump's criminal hush money trial, let's bring in robert hirshhorn. he is a jury consultant and an attorney. and i just wonder robert obviously the jury is not supposed to be paying attention to media coverage. they're not supposed to be hearing trump's say that or reading stormy daniels tweets or listening to michael cohen opine. but what are the chances that some of them actually are hearing, say, trump's say something like what he just said. >> well, maybe the two wires on the jury won't. but of course, we're humans rights, human nature. it's curiosity. they're not going to decide the case based on what trump says before he goes into core to what he says after, because everybody knows he's talking to his base, he's he's fund raising. and it's a lot cheaper to do that. now, he's got the whole country riveted on his words. it's a lot cheaper to do it this way than
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to fire up that 7507 and go to one of his gig. so the jury is going to have some access to it. they're not going to decide this case based on that they're taking this really seriously. it is a president, a former president of the united states, that's on trial. they understand the historical significance of this and they're going to require the government or the prosecution to prove their case. and if they don't, they're going to quit the former president and if they do meet their burden of proof, there we're going to find donald j. trump guilty it's interesting you brought up the two lawyers on a jury and there are so you think they are going to find him guilty based on what they've heard so far. >> tell me tell me why that is. considering. we're still way this is a fault. >> sorry. yes yeah. >> no, that's not what i was saying. what i was saying is in terms of watching the news access when the cations. okay.
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>> right? correct. what i'm saying is if the prosecution proves their case the whole jury will find them guilty. if they don't. >> they're going to find him not guilty. >> and i got to tell you, briana, i think the prosecution has got some problems up to this point what you saw with stormy daniels is like the warm-up act compared to what's going to happen next week, because next week you're going to have the fixer versus the fixture, right? trump is a fixture in our life now, trump hired the fixer. it's going to be fascinating to see what happens next week. stay tuned everybody, because this is going to be something do you think okay. so as you said, maybe those two lawyers on the jury aren't paying attention to the fact that michael cohen is going to be on the stand next week or we're expecting that to happen right some of them may know you know, they may know that. and i wonder what you are expecting from a juror perspective considering what we he did just see of the
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stormy daniels testimony yes. >> so stormy was a really good witness. i mean, you could see why trump has attracted to it because she's a really powerful woman, right but stormy is not going to decide this case. it's gonna be, this is an accounting case, right? so we're finally getting to the point of the accounting piece of the case were finally behind the salacious part of the case. >> the jury all knows that michael cohen is going to come and testify. >> the only question is, how is he going to do as a witness embryonic. i've been saying this over and over. for cases are won and lost on cross-examination, not direct because of direct, the prosecutors just pitch it up softballs and the witness is knocking it out of the park, but i'm cross-examination the witnesses getting 105 myelin our nolan ryan fastballs to see what the witness can do and i got to tell you that the defense is going to spend this whole weekend figuring out
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every key way to get under michael cohen skin. because if they can get under his skin and get him to yell at the lawyer or act out. that's going to be the best thing that could happen for team trump. >> yeah. no, that would certainly work in their favor robert great to have your perspective. robert hirshhorn, jury consultant. we appreciate your time thank you. and. it, had dramatic moments today from the historic trial in manhattan, we have cnn's kara scannell, who is in the courtroom ahead. we're going to speak with a quick break scopus torres was the absolute peak of his celebrity in olympic heroes, shocking murder trial, we learned of a much darker individual. how would really happen with jesse l. martin sunday at nine on cnn? the all new temper p-adic adapt actress was designed to help me aches and pains. a thing of the past, because only temper material eases your pressure points in a way no other mattress can for a
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families. >> if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with ms ophelie oma call us now the third week of testimony just wrapped up moments ago and donald trump's criminal hush money. trial. >> and court is set to resume on monday. prosecutors do plan to call their star witness to the stand. that is trump's former attorney, michael cohen. i'm here again with cnn, chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid, also without cnn's chief domestic correspondent, phil mattingly. paula, there's a lot for michael cohen to button up for the prosecution they also have indicated today next week might be the end of their case. so they they actually are laying this all at michael cohen's feet yeah, he is not de as a witness. >> he is the witness because as of now, they have not established a direct link between the defendant and this alleged falsifying business records. they certainly have testimony from jeff mcconney. they have notes from allen weisselberg who won't be called but this is the prosecution's
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only direct link. and unfortunately for the prosecution not only is he he has multiple convictions included lying to congress and pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations. but he also his entire identity, his career, the way he makes a living is attacking the defendants. so the prosecution is really going to have to do a lot of work to convince the jury that they should try whatever it is. he says, yeah, i mean, michael cohen's vendetta to a degree. maybe it's justified or not. but he has a personal reason to want donald trump to feel the kinds of consequences that he believes that he's fell. and the prosecution is going to have to address that it preemptively, but then the defense will have their turn at cross in which michael cohen's going to get grilled oh, i don't think there's any question. >> i think if you thought susan necheles says cross-examination of stormy daniels was sharp or aggressive or perhaps kind of sending in some ways get ready. i think that was the preview if you want to know how they're going to go after another
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person who is kind of the last couple of years off of their role against donald trump are being attacked by donald trump stormy daniels was that except multiplied by about three thousand? and that's where they're going to be with michael cohen. i think what's been fascinating to watch over the course of the last four weeks has been how prosecutors have kind of subtly or not so subtly laid the groundwork for making clear. michael cohen is not a wonderful individual. michael cohen is not liked by many people. michael cohen is what was it hope hicks said he's he's a fix-it guy. and assistant. he fixer in the sense that he breaks them and then he fixes them. and i don't think they minded that statement being out there, whether or not it's enough to get in front of what we know is coloring from the cross-examination is gonna be fascinating to watch play out. >> i also want to now paula, whether michael cohen really has the goods because we've all heard him talk about this case so often over the many the last many, many years. but does he have more than just his own word? what kind of proof can you bring to the table?
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>> so we know that he recorded a lot of xom conversations it's the jury's already heard one where they appear to be talking about a hush money payment to karen mcdougal, but to your point, a lot of this does fall on his recollection and his account of what exactly happened, because trump is very adept at not leaving a paper trail, which is why it's so remarkable in that he's he's really charged with not a paperwork crime. i don't want to diminish the charges, but really it's falsifying business records. and this is going to be in terms of the cross, i mean, this is the defense cross-examination of michael cohen is the defense case is everything. todd blanche is focused on, and it's gonna be very multimedia yeah, we're going to hear michael cohen's twitter posts were hearing his tiktok posts. we're going to hear those recordings used against him. his own words used against him. it's going to be unlike anything else we've seen so far in this case, we were talking in the break about donald trump demeanor as he walked out a court today, phil he was a happy camper ending this week. it's been a bit of a mixed bag in terms of where all the
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evidence lined up for the prosecution and the defense, but trump, at the moment he's pretty happy with where things are going to think he was happy because the judge seemed to try and move towards telling people to have michael cohen stop talking, which when you've been sitting in court for six to eight hours a day for the better part of four weeks, silently have having a difficult time in terms of help people were testifying about you. you take any way you can get i think he's probably that there wasn't an explicit gag order, wasn't expanded in any way, but it was told prosecutors supposed to message to michael cohen, maybe stop doing the things that you've been doing. i think what's interesting is kind of how the prosecution has built this case up, as paul has repeatedly pointed out, there's no direct link and that will forever be up to this point. the whole and the case. but how do the accountants how do the people outside the kind of trump cohen weisselberg? triumvirate. >> how do they lay the groundwork for what's coming? >> we know that madeleine westerhout was aware of the meeting that occurred in february and the oval office,
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we know people have testified to phone calls that the two had at various points in this process. we know david pecker testified about various connections as well. how are they able to take those and use them with michael cohen? look, we've got this evidence that this happened. we have testimony that this happened. now fill in the blanks for us where they kind of put it on a tie for him. it's not entirely at least doesn't appear to the jury. it's entirely based on his word. there are things surrounding it that maybe helped make the case and they have tried to do that with some of these other witnesses that are not a sexy stormy daniels, it's not as as fun to talk about, but they're so important in a lot of ways, way more important in terms of the content of what they have to say, speaking to exactly that pollen fell. thank you for all of that. and up next for us with every twist and turn in this trial seed on reporters have had a front row seat deep to what's been going on at that courthouse, will have that every weekday morning. cnn's five things as what you need to get going with your day. if the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less
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>> find it at walmart i'm tom forming in washington. >> and this is cnn we are back with our breaking news coverage of donald trump's hush money trial. today, we heard from several witnesses who walked the jury through the checks, the phone records, and the tweets all of which the prosecution says are tied to the heart of the charges, allegedly faking business records. let's go straight to cnn's kara scannell, who was in the courtroom this morning. so kara the gist of the testimony today really got back to the nuts and bolts of this case, which is the documents. what did they say? the communications what stood out to you in all yeah. >> i mean, we saw four witnesses today, all involved in putting into evidence from phone calls, a lot of these calls related to michael cohen, we expect him to be testifying as soon as monday. so in a little bit today with setting
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up what will come on monday, michael cohen and the the phone calls, the text messages, the conversations that he's had. several these records related to calls that he had between allen weisselberg, the former chief financial officer of the trump organization, david pecker, at ami, who was involved in two of the catch-and-kill deals and dylan howard, who is also involved in the stormy daniels deal to some extent. so all laying the groundwork for cohen and what he will be talking about when he comes onto the witness stand out interestingly, trump's attorneys asked the judge to ask cohen to stop making public statements about the trial and about donald trump. the judge said that he would direct the prosecution shin to tell michael cohen not to say anything else about trump or the trial, and to tell cohen that this was coming from the bench. so a warning to cohen to stop talking ahead of his testimony, which is expected to go next week. now, prosecutors also said that they may rest there case by the end of next week after calling two witnesses, they did not identify cohen, but it's the elephant in the room because
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everyone's talking about how he has not yet testified in the case and he's obviously a person at the center of the payment and also in the reimbursement which led to the charges the fall alsaffar documents that donald trump is facing. we also saw today what is often called a summary chart that pulls together what the alleged crimes were. one of the paralegals for the da's office brought that in and it lays out but 34 counts in this case. and that's the paperwork those are the checks, the invoices, and the vouchers that tied to the general ledger that prosecutors say were falsified. so a little bit on the dryer, sayyed of testimony when you're coming off the de with stormy daniels but certainly testimony that is very important to this case, and that is important to setting up michael cohen, whose testimony could begin on monday, abby qarrah, also, as part of that sidebar with the judge at the end there that got into the issue of with michael cohen, there was a conversation about another person who is not actually a witness. what was the judge getting out there in that conversation so
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prosecutors wanted to enter into evidence. >> allen weisselberg, the former cfo severance agreement in this that he had that's what the trump organization, he is currently at rikers island in new york city jail, serve in a five-month prison sentence for perjury charges unrelated to this case, but to a different case. so prosecutors want it enter into evidence the severance agreement to suggest that allen weisselberg is fully aligned with the trump organization? that's part of the terms of this agreement. he's not supposed to give any testimony adverse to the trump organization. he's still waiting for three payments. more than half 1 million now, the defense that objective to that saying that this should not come in, they think that their the prosecution is you don't trying to not call allen weisselberg in this case and they pointed out that have questioning whether they even did so what the judge said was he asked both sides, did anyone tried to compel allen weisselberg to come here to see if he would even testify. and the prosecutors said that they had it and the judge said it would be helpful to him to know
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what allen weisselberg would do. so there's this suggestion out there that prosecutors, if they want to get this document and might have to call allen weisselberg the scan and outside the presence of the jury, they would question him and c would he assert his fifth amendment right and not answer questions or would he and he is another person who is central to this because he is someone that the prosecution alleges is part of this conspiracy, had helped falsify these documents the center of this case, and then directed his employees to falsify them in the company's records. so big question of what would happen if they do call allen weisselberg. the other option is a prostitution can decide they don't want to bring this piece of evidence in the seventh agreement and they could leave it there, but the judge said he will wait to hear what they want to do. so we might learn more about that also on monday yeah, a big cliffhanger there could be potentially consequential for someone who is at the heart of this, but is not at the moment on anybody's witness list. >> kara scannell. thank you for all of that from inside the courthouse. we have much more on the criminal hush money trial of former president
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771853. call now i'm spotlights 12th pioneers changing the world intimate look at how these champions make the world a better place. champions for change next week on cnn sponsored by charles schwab closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law reza three oma victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 and we're back now with our panel as we follow this historic criminal trial of a former president and the trump hush money trial. >> all right. let's let's kinda backup a little bit here. big picture. it's to conclusion of the fourth week, week three of testimony in this trial. where are we?
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>> oh, my gosh. i mean, i'm going to kick that to you it will legal errors where are we? the prosecution has made a very compelling case that something didn't smell right when with regard to the behavior of the trump campaign, the trump organization and trying to trying to conceal his conduct from someone have they gotten all the way to establishing that that that cover up if you want to call it, that was to hide the conduct from voters or related to the campaign? no, absolutely not. now, to be clear, there's still at least a week or several more days of testimony. and who knows what comes from michael cohen but certainly, here's where we see the difference between common sense and reasonable doubt. where as matter of comfortable just didn't look right and clearly, the former president and the folks around him did find that some of the conduct with respect to the sexual behavior with stormy daniel's was embarrassing in some way. now, does that rise to having
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ben so problematic that they wanted to hide it from campaign and voters. that's just not there yet. well and politically, we've settled into this kind of routine where trump will come out, he'll say some stuff help fundraise off from something, whether or not it's true, for example he said that he was going to be blocked from going to his son's graduation from high school. >> he's not he's able to go he complains about not being able to campaign. >> and then fundraises off of that and also scheduled a rally. he actually filled bomb, had this a great piece on the washington post either today or yesterday, really breaking in down, how much trump had would've been able to campaign of less 25 days or so. he said 12, three days and he hasn't really spent all of that campaigning. there's been a couple of rallies here and there, there's one saturday, there's wanna ohio after that. >> but really he could have been kept failing a lot more than he said, i think he's would fundraising a lot off of the accusation that he's not allowed to campaign than actually campaigning some of
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the not campaigning certainly would keep him from violating the gag order in there have been many violations as well, but as we're looking, adi towards michael cohen, i mean, this is, this is going to be monday i'm really looking. >> i wonder what you're looking for in this because i'm really looking to see how these two interact when they have so much bad blood between them, how that's going to affect michael cohen's testimony how that's going to affect how trump reacts to it. >> i loved that you live for the drama. i'm here for that and i'm excited to see you on monday during that, i think for me, i'm looking at this past testimony that was laying the foundation for the idea that this somehow was about the election, right? so we heard a lot of testimony around that we've also heard a lot of testimony around the bookkeeping. right? what kind of pen he used. so just all of these basic facts that help people who don't know very much about this case understand what
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the prosecutor was saying when he announced that this would be an election? for firenze case this week it was interesting because there were so many people who were in trump's inner circle, or at least in that contacts list of whatever 31,000, 39,000 people and getting to have those people on the stand, people who felt affection for trump right? people who weren't necessarily there to tear him down. they're also supposed to be there to build a case. what cohen why cohen is interesting is because we heard a week of people saying he's terrible and all those people had one reason or another to say why they didn't think he was a good guy. so once he gets up there, they are going to finally have to make this case with him that he did something at the behest of trump, and that that is part of this process about the election. >> and as to the question of does this case all come down to my go, cohen? it does. it does. but he's also not testifying in a vacuum. it's not as if there has been no evidence you throw michael cohen on the
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stand and say, now we want to conviction and there's sort of built-in structural advantages both ways. the prosecutors advantages they've had now three weeks to build up to michael cohen to support him to introduce texts, emails documents, other witness testimony effect counter those other issues. exactly right. exactly right. to offset all the stuff about the drama around michael cohen the institutional advantage on the defense sayyed, is the prosecution bears the burden of proving the case unanimously and beyond a reasonable doubt. and mark my words and the defense closing todd blanche is gonna get up and say would you leave your children with michael cohen? would you trust michael cohen beyond a reasonable doubt and if the answer is not, if you trust and 51% if you don't trust him beyond a reasonable doubt, you have to vote not guilty. so this will be the whole piece is that they have heard all of the concrete evidence to say, in spite of whatever you have heard about this person these are the facts that contribute to his actions, isn't that the whole point of this leadup? >> exactly what the prosecutors will say in response that they'll say it's folks, this
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is not about what you like michael cohen, whether you prove move, things he's done, it's about whether you believe him and when you're making that decision, you don't have to take him at his word on the key points. you can look at all this other evidence and then you hear elie honig having prosecuted mobsters, me, having prosecuted gangs. if you've ever dealt with a violent crime case for you, do you deal with these distasteful folks who did really horrible things that you put on his witnesses. jury's still managed to trust bad witnesses all the time. it's just a question of what is the quantum of evidence throughout the trial and to what extent did the prosecution laying out all these 35 checks and so on? to what extent does that get them over the hump of of dealing with a witness's credibility. >> wanted michael cohen babysitting, but maybe they'll believe him in the case of this, we have so much more than talk about ahead. everyone stayed with me. we have much more of our special coverage of the donald trump hush money trial. stay with us sanity need to save space you have a show.
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them to her ancestry dna can show her who then you get that hello george, can you use it all right? >> thank you, george for what by more than liebermann at the pentagon and this cnn this is cnn special live coverage of the first criminal trial of a former president.
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i'm abby phillip in new york city outside of the courthouse with briana keeler in washington and much of the de 15 testimony in donald trump's hush money trial laid the groundwork for the star witness and everyone's expecting in the prosecution's case that is former trump fixer and personal attorney, michael cohen. he will take the stand or is expected to on monday. cohen is also expected to provide some key evidence directly linking in trump to those hush money payments that are at the heart of this case, briana. >> yeah. we'll be looking for that. abby, the prosecution intending to wrap their case next week, we've learned right before court ended today, trump's attorneys asked the judge to put a gag order on cohen to stop him from talking about the trial. the judge just previously said he cannot impose one on a witness, but he did order prosecutors to direct cohen and tell him that it was the judge with that direction to not speak on the case. trump with this reaction a short time ago no gag got to michael. what
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the judge did who is amazing actually was amazing. everybody can say whatever they want. >> they good. so whatever they want i'm not allowed to say anything about anybody it's a disgrace. it shouldn't have been brought. but it was going to be brought. it should have been brought seven years ago let's turn now to cnn, senior legal analyst, elie honig elie take us through what happened today. well, briana, we had an abbreviated day in corporate think of everything that happened today as setting the stage for michael cohen's testimony. next week. now, we heard continued testimony from madeleine westerhout, and she told us about how when she worked in the white house, she sat right outside the oval office and she would bring checks from the trump organization into donald trump. he would sign them and then she would send the back. and so we know we're going to see some of these checks when it comes time for michael cohen to testify, process scooters are laying a groundwork so they understand how those checks were processed. we also heard today
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from a couple of representatives from phone companies. now, why is this relevant because prosecutors are going to use phone records showing frequent contacts between michael cohen, between allen weisselberg, the cfo of the trump organization, to keith davidson, the lawyer for karen mcdougal and stormy daniels. so when michael cohen says, i was on the phone with allen weisselberg all the time. i had a phone call with keith davidson on whatever date prosecutors are going to say, see, here's a record from at&t or verizon confirming that there was a phone call. similarly, we saw a paralegal take the stand to testify about certain texts that have been exchanged between michael oh, and dylan howard, who worked for the national enquirer stormy daniels and her team. and again, when michael cohen says, well, i was infrequent touch with dylan howard as we negotiated with stormy daniels, they'll have texts that they can show the jury again to support michael cohen. and finally, we heard from another paralegal in the da's offices of memorable experience for these paralegals, by the way who went through some tweets and read tweets, including this one to the jury where donald trump tweeted in august of
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2018, shortly after he had his falling out with michael cohen, quote, if anyone is looking for a good lawyer, i would strongly suggest that you don't retain the surfaces of michael cohen. i think prosecutors are trying to lay the groundwork there for how and when this relationship went bad, given this is in preview, elie of what to expect from michael cohen on monday. >> yeah. so briana, it's hard to remember. i know you remember, but there was a time when michael cohen was donald trump's most loyal, fiercest defender, and he's going to take the jury back to that time, 2016, in particular, michael cohen is going to detail for the jury the catch-and-kill scheme does that we've heard about throughout this trial that really lie at the heart of the case here. he's going to talk about how he and david pecker from the national enquirer first work out a deal to silence karen mcdougal and then later and really this is where the charges lie to silence stormy daniels. and let's just remember because the stormy daniels payments are the most important here to the crime. the way worked was about a week before the 2016 election, michael cohen paid stormy
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daniels $130,000. he essentially made that payment out of his own pocket. he drew down on his mortgage to get that money and then over the year that followed, basically 2017, donald trump and the trump organization reimbursed michael cohen $420,000 to cover for this payment, plus some other costs, plus his tax liability. cohen's going to lay this out and i think it's safe to guess michael cohen will say donald trump knew all about it. he designed it this way with me in order to hide these payments from campaign finance regulations. and finally, another thing that we had set the stage for us today madeleine westerhout testified that there was an important feeding february 5, 2017. she doesn't know what was said, but she showed an email showing that this meeting happened. michael cohen meeting one-on-one with donald trump in the white house. and i expect michael cohen's going to say that's a meeting where we discuss this whole scheme and laid it out. that'll be a crucial piece of testimony on monday. it's going to be a fascinating week. briana, i think michael cohen will be on the stand for most or all of it, and i do think the case ultimately will rise and fall on his testimony. yeah, it was
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after that that the checks started coming from the personal account of donald trump's. >> so we'll have to see some of the details as michael cohen lays them out. elie. thank you so much for that. let's go back to abby now in new york, gabby thanks, briana, cnn's phil mattingly is here with me. the former president just spoke outside of the court today. he was talking about gas prices inflation. >> but this case is looming over his entire presidential reelection and it strikes me that one of the things he was the most irritated about with stormy daniels was the resurrection of this narrative about this alleged affair that he had with her that could very well be damaging to him. >> how is he taking all of this going into this election cycle? >> i think what you've seen from both his legal team in their public, the way they presented the case, the way they frankly cross-examined stormy daniels. i don't think it insignificant amount of that was related to trying to ensure that their client was happy or at least felt better about things. there's a recognition that it was a rough couple of
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days. i think there's a lot of frustration. the fact that he can't talk about it. i think we've heard is made even angry are to some degree, what's really interesting right now is he overcame bested all of these stories, right? whether it's access hollywood, whether it's the hush money payments, whether it's the catch-and-kill schemes, he became president united states. and when he was president the united states in more and more details about these things came out. he was still pressing the united states. yes, he lost in 2020, but none of these were major issues in the 2020 campaign. now, they are thrust back to the forefront. i think the one question that everybody needs to be fairly humble about right now and they try and answer it is what effect does this have politically, we don't know. we've seen pulling it doesn't seem like it's moved the needle a lot. we don't really know because really this election is about 23, 40,000 people on five or six or seven states. how do they feel about it if they don't like either candidate, does this change their perception of things? one thing that intent will be fascinating is the president's rally tomorrow. you know, he's had his political rallies basically outside of court in front of reporters, very small, small stage where he talks about some of the economic
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issues, talks about some of the issues that are central to his campaign. tomorrow i was going to be in new jersey about 150 miles away from here. he'll have an opportunity to talk about the political side of things, but also whether or not he wants to let off some steam about what happened in court. that very far to have this political rally. >> and i don't think new jersey is on the mat on republicans right now, so i'm not totally sure. >> it's a little bit more convenience. certainly, jersey shore area it's an area has been before we'll see amazing because he has been complaining that the court has prevented him from campaigning. >> he's had wednesday's are not court dates. he could spend those days every single time doing something for his campaign. this weekend is another example why isn't he taking advantage of these opportunities to actually campaign? >> i mean, i think it is the great question you get a number of explanations. one, they've been raising, they've been raising money. he's had some fundraisers when he was down in florida is raising money as well the reality is the crux of his camp complaint about this being used to keep him off the trail. >> he's had opportunities to
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go on the trail it has not gone on the trail. what they're doing behind the scenes with it's building out their infrastructure that some question about that when you talk to state officials, whether or not they're raising money that clearly had a lot of ground and makeup against president biden. they've been doing that. it says has been doing that raising tens of millions of dollars over the last couple of weeks is that going to hurt him in the long run? it's a real question because yes, he has absolutely been restricted monday, tuesday, thursday, friday for the better part of a month and maybe for a week or two more. and that's problematic for presidential campaign. you've heard this. how many, millions of times have advisers told us the most valuable thing for presidential candidate is their time. his time has been spent 678 two, eight hours a day and a quarterly has he used those opportunities outside of the courthouse to actually execute a message? he did so a little bit today on israel and some other issues, but he hasn't done it that consistently. but uh, going back to what we were talking about earlier today, people may or may not be following the legal minutia of this case. >> but the other part of this case is a character case against donald trump that i
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think is the under appreciated aspect of how all of this might be sinking into the electorate going into 2024, it's a reminder of some old stories, but some stories about who he is or might be as a person. and i think the big questions a little repetitive, but i think it's really important point this out. does it matter? and i don't mean that in a flippant way, do people already baked that? you talk to republican efficiency, say, look, everybody knows that dr. republicans on capitol hill mostly because they want to stop talking about it. hey, everybody knows that. but where are the voters who maybe don't like either candidate haven't made up their mind. there are not a lot of people who haven't made up their mind. he has 100% name id, president biden has 100% name it. there's a very small sliver. they're fighting for. if you don't like either candidate, does this change your calculation? does this remind you of a reason maybe in 2016, you didn't like the candidate or press more importantly, and i think this has been something on democrats. to talk to you mentioned. people don't necessarily remember those four years in office, right? like the biden campaign, they will talk constantly about like, why
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is there amnesia of the four years that happens to every former president? does this bring that back to the table? it is an unanswered question and it may be one that is central well to what decides things in november. yeah. one of the other things we learned this week is that this might very well be the only case that gets tried in court, involving the former president phil. thank you very much. and from our perspective, let's discuss this with former florida judge jeff schwartz judge. thank you for being here with us in the proceedings. trump's defense objected to this 1999 interview from larry king when trump was asked about campaign finance laws judge merchan, he sided with the defense ruling that if you tried to draw an inference from an old video about what trump knew back in 1999 and what he knew in 2015 or 2017? that's a step too far. but the question of what trump knew about campaign finance is pretty relevant here. do you agree with the decision the judge made i'm not really
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going to agree with that. >> i think at that point he said, i know everything there is to know about campaign finance because i'm a big contributor and now all of a sudden we're talking about a difference of yeah, 15, 16 years when this happened. but still, again, the history seems to show that mr. trump spent a lot of money over all those years contributing to a lot of campaigns including hillary clinton's campaigns when she was running for senate. so i think he knows very well. i'm not sure that i agree with it. >> i think that judge marsha is going to try to keep things as tight as he possibly can at this point because he's very close to the end. >> he sees the light at the end of the tunnel. and i think he just doesn't want to create anything which could be error at this point yeah, things that could come up on appeal perhaps as being unrelated to the case are too prejudicial, perhaps to the defendant. >> but leading up to this trial at the defense had actually argued that trump's about
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michael cohen's retainer should be protected by presidential immunity. they actually wanted judge merchan to delay the trial until the supreme court could rule on that immunity issue, which they are currently deliberating on how would you have ruled? >> hold on. this issue of whether presidential immunity even comes into play here when it comes to tweets i will take a look at it to make a decision on that. >> you just look at united states versus nixon and the fact of the matter and that there were many things that he said which would be covered by immunity the things he said to ehrlich min and haldeman all came into evidence in the past so therefore, i don't see the difference between what he talked about with michael cohen and what they talked about with richard nixon. the fact of the matter is that i don't think that that's really an issue, and i think that the whole nixon matter has somehow been shuffled off into history and i think wasn't even considered by
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the supreme court. i think that i would have gone along with what the dc circuit said. there is no such thing as presidential immunity. when you commit a crime in or out of office yeah yeah. it's interesting that the court decided to essentially reopen that issue judge schwartz. thank you very much for joining us on all of those issues my pleasure. have a great day, brianna well. president biden is facing some growing backlash over his decision to withhold some weapons from israel, some rather large size bombs for 502,000 pound bombs. >> this as the biden administration gets ready to release a high-stakes report on israel's fight in gaza. did they violate internet? national humanitarian law using us weapons will have new details next sunday on the whole story. >> the debate over transgender athletes. >> i believed i needed to
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sacrifice sans in order to swim. we can't neglect it's fairness in hopes to be inclusive. >> the whole story with anderson cooper on sunday at eight on cnn bring into saving this moving season with pod save up to 25%. now i'm moving in storage in the lipids, it's been trusted with over 6 million move, but don't wait you've up to 25% now visited today well done viv, you got the presence, the balloons, and the rafter cake now how about something to put a smile on your face aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans for everyone quality care at a price where it celebrating its one more way, aspen dental is in your corner? trees don't have hearts but they do have something like a heartbeat
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years, and more. >> but we will do what we have to do to protect our country. and that means to protect our future and that means we will we will defeat hamas, including in rafah. we have no other choice in the meantime ceasefire talks are on pause, but military operations in rafah continue with israel carrying out airstrikes in the city overnight, and israel security cabinet just approved an expansion of its current operations in rafah. >> cnn's jeremy diamond is with us now on the story. jeremie, in that interview, netanyahu talked about his long 40 year relationship with biden, which is a relationship with its share of highs. and now certainly a low point here and other lows as well. where do things stand after this ultimatum from the president? >> well, it certainly seems that that rift between the united states and israel over a potential israeli ground offensive into rafah is certainly not narrowing. instead, the israeli government as well as the prime minister's seem to be defiance
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in the face of these latest threats from president biden to withhold further us weapons ship dimens to israel if it proceeds with what he described as an all-out offensive into rafah is population centers, the areas where there are about 1.4 million people in a very densely populated area. the israeli security cabinet, i'm told by an israeli official last night approving a quote-unquote expansion of the area of operations in rafah. this essentially empowers the israeli war cabinet to continue making decisions about those military operations, about that expansion of military activity in rafah. it's not necessarily an indication of any imminent expansion of military activity, but at this point, given the statements that we've heard from the prime minister from other israeli government officials combined with this security cabinet decision it does seem that it is a question of when not if those israeli military operations in rafah will indeed expand now so far what we've seen is what the israeli military is describing
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is limited operations in eastern rafah. but those limited operations are having enormous implications on the grounds already the rafah border crossing has been closed all week. we have seen one of rafah's three partially functioning hospitals shut down as patients and staff were forced to evacuate 110,000 people have evacuated that city of rafah, but the israeli military and its political leadership say they need to do more. they need to expand these military operations in rafah where they say that this is hamas's last bastion. they say that there are four hamas battalions embedded in those population centers in rafah briana. >> yeah, it's stopping the critical entrance of humanitarian aid. there. and jeremie today, the un general assembly overwhelmingly backed a new post push for palestinian membership. what can you tell us about this vote and how is his real responding to this well, i mean, first of all, i think this vote is really quite a statement of where the world stands at this moment in terms of endorsing a palestinian state, this vote was
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overwhelming, 143 to nine with 25 nations staining, overwhelmingly voting to approve a resolution declaring the palestinians have met the grounds to be considered a full member at the united nations, urging un security council to reconsider the member status of the palestinian authority as it stands the united states has previously vetoed resolutions that would do so at the un security council, we've heard reaction in israel with the israeli foreign minister slamming this resolution as quote, absurd, you saw this antic, by the israeli ambassador to the united nations shredding the un charter but accusing members of member states states that voted for this resolution of doing that symbolically. >> we've also heard reaction, of course, from the palestinian authority president abbas calling on the united states to withdraw its veto, allow palestine to become a full member state at the united
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nations, the us, of course supports the notion of a palestinian state, but it wants to see that happen at the negotiating table. it wants to see a two-state solution and it does not believe that that should happen via these kinds of votes at the united nations. they want to see that happen through negotiations and through a long-term solution to this conflict, briana, jeremy diamond, life worse and jerusalem. thank you for that report. and biden's ultimatum to israel is coming under heavy criticism for many republicans and also from some members of the president's own party. cnn's mj lee is at the white house for us, mj. what more do we know about what went into the president's decision and where did things go from here? >> well, we know briana that this was a slow building and tough decision for president biden after a months of internal deliberations, consultations with israeli officials, including direct warnings that were offered to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, all in an effort to basically try to get israel to
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do a course correction. but ultimately, as the war was entering its eighth month, the assessment was made here at the white house that the president's warnings were not being heated, at least not enough with the rafah invasion really looming in the very real possibility i should say. and all of that, of course, led to what we now know as the first pause in the bombs being sent to israel. and then of course, president telling are erin burnett that more arms shipments could certainly be paused if israel were let's go ahead with a full-scale invasion of rafah, not just bonds, what other kinds of artillery as well. and this certainly ended up marking the most significant rupture that we have seen between not just us and israel, but also between president biden and prime minister netanyahu. we've seen of course, the quick reaction from across the world,
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including, of course, israeli officials expressing equator and shock. here in washington lawmakers, both republicans and some democrats as well, expressing their concern. but when you talk to white house officials, what they have said is that nobody should be surprised that this was the decision that the president ended up making public. for example, john kirby telling reporters yesterday, i can assure you the direct and forthright nature with which president biden expressed himself and his concerns in that interview with erin burnett is consistent with how he has expressed himself to prime minister netanyahu and two israeli officials now, briana, you were asking the question of where do things go from here? i think white house officials would say that entirely depends on what israel decides to do or doesn't do going forward, including, of course, again, that crucial question of whether they decide to fully go into rafah the other thing, of course, to watch is though ceasefire
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negotiations, you know, earlier in the week, we thought that there was real optimism and potentially real movement towards getting to a final deal. but that again, appears to be stalled in there so much on the line with those negotiations, the president has been pushing for that for months and months to get a pause in the fighting and also to get those hostages out. >> yeah. he has been mj. thank you. mj lee live from the white house and still to come much more on the hush money trial of former president donald trump, a prosecutor from the manhattan da's offices. they could rest their case by the end of next this week. so what should we be expecting? we're going to talk about that after the break is to play offs. what do you see? >> my first championship in easton charles, not winning a championship this trial. stay positive. or positive. he didn't win a ring oh, my god not flossing well, then add the wo of listerine to your
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mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? it today, go chu pretty litter, i'm dr. cohen and washington. >> and this is cnn week three of witness testimony and former president trump's criminal hush money trial. >> now, a wrap, the focus moves now to former trump attorney and fixer, michael cohen. he's expected to take the stand on monday. the prosecution says it's entirely possible that they will actually rest their entire case by the end of next week. and we are back with our panel as we are looking elliott towards michael cohen this testimony here he's very possibly the prosecution's final witness. what could the defense look like here i've dealings credibility, number one, and this is not unique to michael cohen. >> it is incredibly common for defense attorneys to attack number one, inconsistent
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statements that someone has made. now, we all make mistakes if i were to ask you where you were, eight years ago on a given day, you'd probably mess up the de are the outfit you were wearing or whatever else. now in front of a jury? that's not good even though it's an honest team and mistake. now, you amplify that into things you signed under oath statements you made under oath. now, michael cohen himself has convictions for lying as well. so all of these things can be used to pick apart him and his memory. and then finally, you've just got bias like a tremendous amount and all of this popping off on youtube and twitter where there is a very long record of statements here he's made that the defense can confront him with in their closing statements, say, ladies and gentlemen, the star witness for the prosecution hates the defendant. can you really believe a word this man says? now, again? the important takeaway in all of this is we were talking about a little bit earlier in the hour people are convicted all the time over the testimony of complicated witnesses. and you can still
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have a conviction, but it's just something that has to deal with and he isn't defendant that comes with baggage. you just is one thing about him is he has a podcast right? i'm on it and i don't know. i just mean interested. >> but he actually in the opening of it, his whole premise to the listener is, i've lost my friends, family, i've been humiliated. >> i've been convicted. i have none nothing to lose, but i'm spending my time this way because i strongly believe xx about donald trump and it's going to be interesting for me to listen to him actually play that out. again, it's one thing to do it on a mic or no one can stop. you or ask a question. it's gonna be another thing when you have trump's attorneys poking holes and saying, well, actually what is your motivation? what is your motivation? what is your in front of him, right in front of him. and he knew in prepping is what i'm saying. he has been spoiling for this fight for very long, but i think they hate each other. now these to back in the de, when you used to try to get a hold of trump, you would call michael cohen and he would connect you when
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when i was when during the 2016 election like that's who i would call to talk to not then president trump candidate trump now and he was also the enforcer. he would threaten reporters. he probably threatened other people, but these two are really close. trump trusted him now, the fact that they're going to be faced at literally facing off and we know that trump was agitated at the beginning of the stormy daniels testimony from reporting in the room. >> i think it's going to be fascinating just from body language, how they react to seeing each other being in that room. you can't prep for that. there. i'm sorry. there are glimmers. we've seen glimmers of this phenomenon about described in earlier witnesses were on direct where it's a friendly questioner. it's much easier on the witness and the questions are open-ended and the person can narrate unless the judge cuts them off. cross-examination happens with leading questions that are often hostile, maybe even combative and contentious, and
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particularly for a witness that has known for getting a little bit hot under the collar that could be a real vulnerability for cohen. and i calling. so unusual joel, so unique i've never seen a witness with bigger credibility problems that michael cohen, i've definitely seen witnesses. i've definitely use witnesses who've done the way worse things than michael cohen but i've never seen a witness who has lied to congress, whose lighting court, whose lied to the irs, who's lived to the southern district of new york, who liked to his banker. they entire prosecution witness team has been lied to by michael cohen. but as already pointed out, he has a kind of good narrative as two, i've turned a page. now, i am what i am. >> i'm an open book. i lived my face off every day when i was with donald trump. i've come clean since it's not quite exactly accurate, he's continued to lie since but it's a plausible narrative for the jury as to why you should believe this former liar. now, you can see it's a narrative that people would want to believe. i wonder though we've seen some of the testimony set up late this week for michael
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cohen, which is this february meeting at the white house, that madeleine westerhout, the gatekeeper at the white house setup between him and donald trump? no doubt cohen's going to explain what that meeting was about. >> what wouldn't be kind of like the smoking guns sort of thing that he might test to fight, well, nothing coming out of michael collins mouth will be a smoking gun because it will be subject to cross and undermining. but yeah, that meeting is going to be key because let's be clear, it's not a crime to pay hush money, not a crime to know about paying hush money, not a crime to reimburse michael cohen with a bunch of checks for hush money the crime is in let's set this up. in this sort of unusual way with retainer fees paid every 12 months, 35,000 hours. let's do it that way. so it looks like attorney's fees, but we really know what this is is i'm paying you back for hush money. so we can evade campaign finance wire to provide a link what does that look like in a way that it is believed to the jury, right. >> so the way if michael the square just shot that michael
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cohen could land is to say at that meeting one-on-one with me and donald trump we talked about what we're gonna do here and look, this is the stormy daniels money we paid to shut her up. obviously, what we're gonna do to hide this is we're going to set up this structure, me and allen weisselberg on being michel called me and allen weisselberg sort of worked out this thing. we're going to make it look like you're paying me are illegal retainer. and trump said, sounds good to me. let's do it that way. >> but one that would be smoking is that that is something that relies on his testimony in his it's not corroborated that so far there has not been a piece of paper that has passed before. is this correct? that is passed before the jurors that says this piece of paper indicates the falsifications you've got you've got the checks, and you've got the business records within the trump organization that again both prosecutors hate the term smoking gun because it almost never has the most persuasive piece of evidence would be one sentence in that meeting, donald trump told me to falsify these records to help my campaign. now, that can be set
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in more vague terms i understood donald trump to be saying blank, less persuasive, but good. donald trump linkedin may, when he said any of these things could be but that's how you would establish it, elie reminded me of something in the commercial break which was so interesting, which was okay, see like the completely by michael cohen, they completely by stormy daniels. >> the jury does. let's see the convict donald trump he may not get jail. in fact, he really probably does not get jail time. he's probably more likely headed towards probation. right. >> and in that case, i think it's so informative about how donald trump is looking at this trial, this prism that it is so much more three political lens for him. how do you think that informs how he is kind behaving and relating to this jackie? >> i mean, i think he trying to win in the court of public opinion which is again, we've talked about earlier why he's going out and saying the things that he says right when he walks out of the courtroom talking about fairness at his
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rally is talking about how he is being disbursed amendment right. is being is being violated he's trying to, he's trying, he's talking directly to voters and he's making that case that he is the victim here over and over and over again. and you're trying to make that sticky and take root. >> he's got a rally this weekend. he's going to do that. we'll have to see how he does it. everyone stay with me still ahead. you've heard a bomb cyclones you've heard of giant hail will now it's a very different type of storm that's set to hit earth for the first time in almost 20 years. we're going to tell you what it is and what this means for you next the trump hush money trial gavel to gavel coverage, the way only cnn can bring it to you, legal insight, expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows cnn there are giant so mug they are the
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our firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ms ophelie oma call us now starting tonight's solar storms could potentially disrupt the power grid navigation systems, radio, and satellites. the space weather prediction center just issued what is known as a severe geomagnetic storm watch the last such watch was back in 2005 on the plus side here for the storms could also trigger some amazing views of the northern lights cross the us as far south as alabama. cnn's chad myers is joining us now. all right. that would be something to behold, chad. but at what cost here, what should we expect? >> there's, there's an awful lot of cost to pop a possibility here. this is almost like a y2k event. we don't know if it's actually going to happen, but if it does, it could be really bad that remember that was 24 years ago when we didn't know whether the computers were be able to get it to use zero, zero for the last two digits
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well, yes, the auroras will be farther south, but the possible grid surges could really ruin some electronics, could ruin a lot of things out there, and satellite navigation may actually be disrupted because some of the satellite providers may actually have to turn off the satellites. now, we already have had one surge here of the six that i'm coming. there are so many surges still to come. and so far so good on this one surge that happened about an hour or so ago, haven't heard of any big disruptions, but there are more of these coronal mass ejections not solar flares. they are plasma blobs that are flying toward the earth that are going to get into our atmosphere. and they are going to charge our atmosphere. and they may charge are power lines they may do a lot of other things too. and those power lines really could be the biggest threat to everyone. in fact, right now, i have moines washer and dryer turned off by the breaker. there's the first one just came through another one right behind it. so these ejections,
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these little puffs of almost smoke but it's not smoke. its plasma and it's really, really hard to describe what that is other than a big magnetic ball and makes this yes, or flares didn't do this too. but what i want you to notice is this, this is what all day long the solar wind has looked like just a little flat law, nothing, nothing a lot like, you know, like when you look at the seismometer out in california, nothing, nothing, nothing then all of a sudden bang. and here's your earthquake. >> well, this isn't an earthquake. >> this is actually the solar wind fluctuating in speed fluctuating in power, and probably fluctuating some power lines as well. so take care of your electronics say if you can, but it should be a very pretty sight. if we get these views all the way down to the south, there's a lot more, lot more bad than there is good. but hopefully everybody gets to see the good or at least half the population gets. all right. tell me about this. a washer, dryer situation. i mean, should i be linked shutting it all down in my garage?
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>> yes, you should. >> in fact, i have my microwave is off, my stove is off to my wife's chagrin. my dishwasher is disconnected. you can't unplug some of those things, so you can go to the breaker and you can read the word that says washer, click drier, click, it's the computer in that you don't want to fry if there's a power surge, you can unplug the back of the dryer maybe, but that's a lot of power, so don't do it. use the breaker, it's a lot safer very good information there, chad. >> thank you so much for that. we do appreciate it and do not miss are special tonight at ten eastern. cnn news night, solar storm with abby phillip and bill. we're new outrage after a virginia school board votes to bring back the names of confederate leaders that had been banned ahead here from residents who say the school board is taking students back to a time in history that was very cruel.
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back, we can use less new plastic. bottles are to be remadeconsultation.
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again, that's one this is cnn the world's news a dramatic about face in virginia where a local school board has just voted to restore the names of confederate leaders at two public schools. >> the late night decision reversed a move made by a different group of board members four years ago in the wake of george floyd's death cnn's rafael romo is following this for us tell us what's happening here. raphael, briana, it's been less than four years is the shenandoah county school board changed the names of two schools in their district named after confederate leaders. >> that 2020 move was part of a resolution condemning racism and affirming its commitment to an inclusive school environment according to school board documents. but in a marathon meeting that started thursday evening and ended early friday morning, the board voted five
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to one in favor of restoring those names. this cools have been called mountain view high school and honey run elementary school since july 2020 now, they will be called stonewall jackson high school and ashby billy elementary school. the schools had been named after confederate generals thomas stonewall jackson, robert e lee, and turner ashby. the meeting was tense with parents and residents expressing both opposition and support to restoring the names. one of those speaking was a student who said it's the board's job to make decisions that are in the best interest of all students your job to make our schools and a place for all students are your names view and honeywell. t-value entire race well but names and i jackson they honored that i was value and worth because i'm
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glad this board decides to restore the names. >> i would not feel like that is valued did you not be doing your job briana cnn reached out to the shenandoah county school board members, a gloria carlineo, one of those members told us her vote was based on how the names were changed in 2020, carlineo said the decision was made in a matter of days and with covid-19 restrictions that limited the community she is input. >> but other said this is also about preserving a part of american history that is important to some people, especially in the south and erasing history. >> wow, dr. navy she'll bring is exactly what adolf hitler did shenandoah county public schools serves more than 5,600 students according to data from the state's department of education, about 75% are white, 18% hispanic, and 3% are black. >> you may ask, what has changed since thousand 20 when the decision was first made it
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to get rid of confederate names. well, the composition of the school board is completely different now, brianna, than it was during the 2020 decision. all six seats are now held by different people back to you very interesting. raphael romo, thank you for following that story for us and still to come. why former president trump said he'd be proud to go to jail every piece of evidence tells a story how we really happy. jesse l. martin, sunday's at nine on cnn xhaka, allergy relief works fast. >> it lasts a full 24 hours, so they can be the deliverer dance okay. >> dave let's be more than our allergies seize the de with xhr tech with fast create factory
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tag all right, so i'm gonna go ahead and put these two tree tags so this is row 21, tree nine, trees are the lungs the plan. with the plan, our mission is to help keep the world's trees healthy. >> think of us as a connector for the tree universe to the cloud and to ai from being people on a planet to being actually the caretakers of the planet is something that i feel really he passionately aboutgoof
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filter, revisit lee today, i'm kaitlin polantz at the federal court in washington. >> and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money call when
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8085920400. that's when 8085920400 the former fixer. now fixing to take the stand, the big news today in former president trump's hush money trial is that michael cohen trump's former lawyer, who is expected to link, prompt directly to the alleged reimbursement payments, will testify on monday. court is over for the day today. hey, but just before concluded, trump's defense asked the judge to put a gag order on cohen after his recent social media posts attacking trump, the judge denying that request. cnn's kara scannell is going inside the courtroom every day this trial and care the judge rejecting the gag order request for cohen, but he did tell prosecutors to tell cohen to stop talking about the case. will more can you tell us you every honest so lawyers for trump brought this up at the end of the day and they were
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saying that earlier this week, michael cohen and post so now on tiktok and in his post, who is wearing a t-shirt that had an image of trump in an orange jumpsuit behind bars. they asked the judge she extend the gag order in the case to cover cohen. and the judge has said all along that he doesn't have the authority to tell witnesses what to do in a case. but the prosecution said that they have repeatedly ask the witnesses does not just michael cohen to refrain from making public statements about the trial or donald trump, but they can't control their witnesses either. so the judge then said to the people, he said, i direct the people to communicate to mr. cohen that the judge is asking him to refrain from making any more statements about the case or mr. cohen and mr. trump, and that comes from the bench in your communicating that on behalf after the bench. so just short of being able to directly order michael cohen not to do something he's saying he wants prosecutors tell them that the judge is saying from the bench that he firmly doesn't want him to say of course, michael cohen is expected on the witness stand on monday where he will begin his testimony and he is the center person in this case.
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he was in the middle of the hush money payment humans that's the issue of this case. and he's also involved in the reimbursement. he's expected to testify that he and donald trump met in the oval office in february of 20 he 18. and when according to prosecutors, this alleged reimbursement screen was hatched and it is this reimbursement the cover of the hush money payments that prosecutors say resulted in those falsified business records. those 34 counts that donald trump is facing. so his testimony is expected to last a few days, but prosecutors said today in court that it is possible that they will rest their case by the end of next week. briana and kara, the prosecution and the defense sparring over whether evidence should be allowed relating to former trump org ceo allen weisselberg, tell us about that right? >> i mean, it sounds like he could possibly be a surprise witness in this case. prosecutors want to get in a severance agreement that weisselberg had with the trump organization and they say that they want to use that to suggest to the jury that
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that's why he's not being i'm called in this case. he is someone that is part of this alleged conspiracy hatching the reimbursement with donald trump, michael cohen and himself. so they want to show the severance agreement which says that weisselberg can't say anything negative about the trump org and as if he wants to still receive the remaining payments. now, you remember allen weisselberg, is at rikers island jail in new york, serving a five-month sentence for perjury in connection to a different trump investigation. so trump's lawyers have said, well, we don't think this document should come and the judge said it would be helpful to him to know if anyone has tried to get allen weisselberg to testify, would he come in because maybe that's the way to get this document in. and so prosecutors that they had an ask that question. the judge said, well, might be helpful if you do, and he suggested that weisselberg common outside of the presence of the jury and see what answer questions or would he? assert his fifth amendment judge saying that would be good to know for me to make this decision. so it's entirely possible prosecutors decide that they don't need this piece of evidence to get
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in, or maybe we will see allen weisselberg show up in court to see if he will testify in this case. briana very interesting. kara scannell. thank you so much. let's talk about this now with their panel. we're going to talk about the big moments from the week. but first, elie, just that allen weisselberg piece of things considerations here are what? >> well prosecutors are worried about the missing witness this is a factor are a lot of trials they are worried correctly that the defense is going to stand up and say, where's all the weisselberg folks? he's the one in the middle of this. you heard so much about him they're the ones with the burden of proof. they didn't call him and what they wanna do prosecutors is be able to explain to the jury why they didn't call him. now, the fact that he's in prison makes it more difficult, but that actually doesn't take someone off the word people a brought in from prison to testify all the time. and what prosecutors want to do is get in evidence of his severance agreement with the trump organization, which first of all pays him. i think it's $2 million. second of all, has a non disparagement clause. now, i don't think a non-dispersive great clause can legally prevent someone from testifying in court under subpoena. i mean, imagine if it did, but prosecutors want to
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have some reason to explain to the jury why they didn't hear from allen weisselberg in a way that's not used against them. >> it's interesting. remember that loyalty bit from the book. think big book and it seems that there have been little, easter eggs or something here. here are there that the prosecution has been dropping just i think that speaks maybe to a lot of witnesses or potential witnesses, but that might be one, two, as well. >> all right. big moments from the week, elliott. so let me say three that may not have been the splashy us moments of the week, but they're important legally important to the outcome of the trial. >> and the first one, i think was geoff mcconney, four former trump organization executive, walking through checks and invoices and books. we had this testimony from jeff mcconney and deborah tarasoff to trump organization employees. it might have put jurors to sleep, but prosecutors can't establish a case about financial improprieties without getting those documents and people have sort of law and order or perry mason notion of how trials work. but witnesses like this were critically important
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another one that i would point to is the denial of a mistrial. and i think america god, it's introduction to the concept of a mistrial this week where an error happens at trial fireball that is so grave that it deprives the defendant of his ability to have a fair trial and the defense made the argument this week that stormy daniels is testimony that got into all kinds of salacious details about sex and positions and pajamas and all that business was so precious, sorry, a jackie prejudicial we, can about with your alliteration. >> know the illinois we chuckle about it because it is preposterous and absurd that you're talking about a foreign president of the united states in this context, then the argument they made was that it jeopardizes ability to get a fair trial. >> the judge denied that rightly. so because he can instruct the jurors later on to disregard some of that other stuff, but it really was a big moment. i thank. in my frankly american legal history, all of
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this, i think the last one i would point to stormy daniel's the second day of her testimony and the first day, i think was pretty effective as a as a cross-examination because what the defense did was attack her credibility by saying that she'd signed a statement saying that she did not have sex with donald trump. she made a statement publicly that she did not. and also that she had financial interest in doing so. in an engaging in all this behavior, they could have stopped right there and cut things off instead, they brought her back for a second day of cross examination and got into all this stuff where she was quite effective at lobbying shots back and saying, you know, one of the questions was, you've made money off of this then she said, yeah, just like donald trump and it just sort of i think she had the defense on their heels as opposed their toes and really got the upper hand that secondary they could have cut it off, know when to say when, like the bud light commercial, your second point that's actually one of the things i found most striking were these heated attempts to call for a mistrial, but with one of them
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ending with the judge basically telling them that they were bad at their jobs, saying to trump's attorneys, look, i don't know why you let that go. that is your job to stop that moment and that i feel like is one of those moments that people can look back on and see in the record as being kind of a turning point. if anything, it's not that unusual. >> so here's the thing one someone we haven't talked a lot about this week is that prosecutors and the judge can also step in at a certain point and the judge and ellie and i talked about those one day earlier in the week where you're you're asking questions and the judge just says objection. sustained. where the other side didn't didn't object to it, but they should have and he sort of slapping them on the wrist for not having done so. and if the judge truly felt that evidence should not have been getting into court, he had every right and ability to cut it off right there are worlds where he wouldn't wan to be jumping in,
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right? in a case so high profile, this is where i think the judge was actually quite unfair to trump's team when it came to ruling because he said, well, it's your fault. you should have been objecting. first of all, trump's team raised it before the day started, and the judge said, i'm with you we're not going to get out of control with the details. and second of all, trump's team did object three, four times and the judge said, i agree. objection. sustained. so what are they supposed to do? pop up every question you look horrible. >> and finally, over open the door to all of these things, and i don't think that was all that different from some of the the analysis that came out of that day where many of you on this panel we're even saying, hey why did they go back for more? >> why did this go longer? and the answer with some reporting was that perhaps trump's himself wanted to extend, but i just think it's an interesting moment of maybe overreach. and it just founded striking. >> i'd say a couple of things. one, the judge, if in fact a lot of bad evidence that shouldn't have gotten in got in. it's still on the judge on a pill potentially. now because it's still would obtain to the trial now, it depends on when
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the defense raise their objections in response to the evidence, but it's still on him if the failure so there's a lot of blame to go around in the judge wagged his finger at the defense. the one thing i disagree with you a little bit la is the thing that they went back and forth on in the morning was the specifics about it spoils trigger warning. donald trump's genitalia was one of the questions that stormy daniels, what can she bring in a discussion of that or not? now, it turned into on questioning all this discussion about all this other stuff. but your points well taken that they did get in good morning into the question of how much should we limit these things that we talk about when she comes out instead, we did get into let's say pajamas, et cetera. but what we're saying before and i think those are just some of these details these are the things clearly that donald trump is getting very frustrated by. we're seeing some of, and i'm not talking just about pajamas. i'm talking about a number of details that he has reacted to in court. are people who are
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they're observing are saying it. they're seeing it and telling us this is what he seems to be worried about in some cases, that this is what the world is hearing about, right? yes, in business, this is about reputation, this is about him, his family hearing about and which he said and it's embarrassing i mean, i think anybody who's having someone talked about like that he doesn't he's he's not someone who is levs himself. >> he's not someone that can brush things off. he's someone who's used to being in control. and the authority in the room. and he's not all of those things have been removed for him. and he can't make it stop and he can't also i mean, again, this was what the gag order which we've talked about. >> he can't he can't refute anything. >> she's saying and public because of this gag order, he's also a captive audience. yes. he cannot turn off the channel. he cannot choose not to read you did it is happening before him and he knows that everyone else is getting word of what's going on. thank you so much to all of you for your
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wonderful insights. today, we appreciate she had it and still ahead. the family of a florida airman is demanding answers and accountability after a police deputy shot and killed him last week, what the sheriff's office is saying about claims that the deputy went to the wrong apartment moscow pistorius was the absolute peak of his celebrity. >> olympic heroes shots, shot can you murder trial. >> we learned of a much darker individual power would really happen with jesse l. martin sunday at nine on cnn, you introducing nets plaque psoriasis he thinks is flaky red patches are all people see on tesla is the number one prescribed pill to treat blacks rice's. >> oh, tesla can help you get clears. don't use a tesla if you're allergic to it serious allergic reactions can happen oh, tesla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people take new tesla had
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around 21 tree nine trees are the lungs of the planet with the plan from is to help keep the world's trees healthy think of us as a connector for the tree universe to a cloud and ai from being people on a planet to being actually the caretakers of the planet is something that i feel really passionately i beat mundane at reagan national airport. this is cnn israel's security cabinet has just approved expansion of its military operation in the southern gaza city of rafah. this follows president biden's threat to withhold some weapons from israel if it launches an offensive there. but the white house says it's not seeing
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indications of a large-scale invasion of rafah at this point, a defiant prime minister netanyahu says, israel is prepared to stand alone and fight with its fingernails in its campaign to wipe out hamas. despite biden's ultimatum, israel has stepped up its ground operation around rafah and continues carrying out airstrikes in the city with ceasefire talks on pulled cnn's nic robertson is joining us now. nick, the us and israel they've had some tough relations here. they've really reached a crossroads where did things go i think abilites he the idf is poised for that. >> pot potential expansion of operations either have to pull out uh, rafah, or they have to get on with the operation and the government's indicated every step of the way that it believes that there are four hamas battalions still hiding out there. i think if you look at the development style late the saf the noon, the idf said there were nine rockets fired out of rafah, hamas rockets fired out of rafah to shiva
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that's like 30 miles away, that hasn't happened in months and months and months. one of those rockets was intercepted, several landed. one lady was lightly injured but if the idf wearing your military options and hamas is firing rockets out of the most your poised to have an operation in. it does seem like you're more likely to go ahead with that operation than hold back and we know that there's a big military deployment just over the border at the rafah crossing on the gaza side. so the troops are available. the plan is available. it just depends at what level the idf and the government want to execute it out. and you could pass the language of full-blown operation small increase in operation. but the un officials involved the palestinian officials involved in rather talking about the closing of hospitals 110,000 people leaving the area more people leaving the area nowhere really for them to go. that's safe
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for where they've got food or adequate shelter or adequate sanitation, or all of these things. so i think where does it stand at the moment in terms of of rafah? the indications are run slow, attract them. we were perhaps, but we're still on track for that military operation there in nyc just quickly, just to be clear, even without these 502,000 pound bombs it's not as if israel does not have considerable firepower in its proposed offensive here. >> it does. >> one of the things that the idf toobin went in the very beginning seven months ago, they they put a premium on protecting soldiers lives. so they did use big ordinance on operations to spare soldiers lives. what did we hear from the idf? yes. that a ground operation involving i think it was nine or 11 soldiers as they said, hit a hornets nest, the hamas hornets nest is how they described it inside of rafah and they say nine of those soldiers were lightly injured.
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one was a bit more seriously injure. they say, those soldiers got stung. that's metaphoric language, but it comes down to the same thing that the idf is going to find themselves if they're not using those heavy weapons, then then the soldiers are likely going to be in greater harm's way than they would have been previously, not exclusively, but that that is a potential and of course that can have a potential backlash for the prime minister of israel two, if there are higher troop casualties in the rafah operation, then let's say the operation in the north of gaza than this could, this could turn turn sentiment against them. we're not there yet but i think without those heavy weapons, it's harder for the troops on the ground all right. >> nic robertson. thank you so much for that report. we do appreciate it. >> a florida sheriff is disputed claims from the family of a black airman fatally shot by a deputy last week, the okaloosa county sheriff's department has released bodycam video of the deputy shooting
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roger fortson. >> his family says police went to the wrong apartment officials, though, deny that. the family says the details that the police are giving, just don't add up i need you guys to tell the truth about my son i need you to get his reputation right? >> yes. >> if you have a heart, if you have a niece or nephew ending person in your life, tell the truth about my son the families legal team also released their own video, which was from the facetime call between fortson and his girlfriend, which captures the aftermath of the shooting. >> cnn's nick valencia is in atlanta now, nick talk to us a little bit about how this unfolded, and i think really in a way, there's a question of whether both sides it's maybe correct here in that the police may have gone to the apartment that some sort of apartment manager told them to go to. but was that really the apartment they should have been going to in terms of where a disturbance was. >> well, we just listened to the dispatch audio and it's
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very clear in that audio that they say to go to room 1401 apartment 1401. >> but when the deputy gotten in the scene, there seems to be some confusion with the woman whose escorting him to the area where this alleged disturbance was taking place. so there's some dispute about some of the facts. initially, though this all happened last week because of a 911 call about a physical disturbance in progress. the family those pushed back on that claim. in fact, in that press conference that you saw just a short time ago from yesterday, ben crump, who is now representing the family, he says that the initial statement from police was misleading, so much so that it seemed as though that the shooting happened not inside of roger fortson department, but outside and that the deputy feared for his life. were about to show you that video. but before we do want to warn you it is graphic shuts off the top of the door open the door so we
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stopped the video there in real time. the audio shows just about three seconds between the time that door opens and the first shot is fired, the victim identified as a veteran of us air force senior airman, roger fortson. he'd been a part of the us air force since 2019. fortson was on the phone facetime call with his girlfriend. she was a witness to the whole thing. and after the for shots were fired, she began recording. we've obtained that recording. want to show you an in this you could hear fortson struggling to breathe as the deputy calls for an ambulance. >> for you we're now getting
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back to those facts that are in dispute. >> the sheriff is adamant that his deputy went to the right address the family, though, pushing back on that claim. but listen to the sheriff in his own words, have how he saw things go down what we do know at this time is that the deputy did announce himself not once, but twice. mr. fortson's comments indicate that he did acknowledge it was law enforcement at the door and he arrived at the door with a firearm in his hand. the deputy knocked on the correct door. he did not cover the peephole or otherwise obscured its view in any way that daddy is now on paid administrative leave. meanwhile, the fda florida department of law enforcement, they're the lead on this investigation are just very quickly, briana, i just got off the phone with a chief assistant in the state attorney's office there in oakland it was a county they said they have no comment on the video. they've seen it, but they're going to wait for the fda lee to finish their investigation before they
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decide anything about charges briana all right. >> nick, we know you continue to follow this story. nick valencia. thank you you bet. >> ahead. we'll talk with a former attorney for former president donald trump and get his take on how trump's legal team has handling the hush money trial so far he was trump's former lawyer and fixer. >> now, michael cohen is expected to testify against his old boss. will we hear any new? bombshells from this key player witness testimony in the trump hush money trial monday at nine eastern on cnn sentenced you make a sale is now odd with race from 1909 per person per night. >> this is sad or call one 800 sandals today at america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade and a whole new way thanks to you. >> we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to
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light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. visit ai or download the app i'm kdigo lois in washington and this cnn welcome back to our special coverage. >> a former president trump's hush money trial testimony is
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done for the day with the prosecution saying it could rust. it's case by the end of the week, and it's a week the could start with the bang on monday, former president trump's former fixer, michael cohen, is expected to take the stand let's discuss with former trump attorney jim trusty and jim, we will talk about cohen here in just a second. first though, i do want to ask you that if you were still trump's lawyer, if there was anything different that you would have done on cross-examination of stormy daniels and i asked specifically because there were a lot of questions about whether susan necheles when overboard on cross the second day was stormy daniels because trump may have wanted her to what would you have done if you had a client demanding you do something you don't think it's the best strategy well, you've got to stick to your guns and get good apology later rather than permission on the front end. but look here, here's the bottom line. i think that the overall strategy for the defense has made sense and she and stormy became the flash of
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the strategy. and i'll explain in a second basically, make it all about michael cohen through all of your cross-examinations, you want to get and you want to get out. you want concessions. you don't want it to seem like it's a big battle because none of this other stuff is really hurt you. it's not really the primary focus of the case. the more you make this trial a referendum on the credibility of failed cooperator perjure, hateful michael cohen the better you have a chance as defense now, stormy created a problem because i think they started off that way thinking they're not going to dignify her too much. you're not going to cross too much on that first day where they started to cross the mischief was when they had a day off to think about it. and so they sat back, they didn't object a whole lot. she got in some gratuitous stuff and that opened the door where they felt they had to start going out with guns blazing which opened another door on redirect for her to say more scurrilous stuff. so the strategy kinda got off kilter a little bit this week bye, bye again dignifying her as a witness a little too much, but i'll say this. i mean, she's a
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little bit of a target rich environment when you're cross-examining a witness about how they they made money talking to dead people. you got stuff to play with. it might resonate with the new york jury. i just think it was a little long, but not crazy long. and there'll be forgotten because we're right now it's the calm before the storm when we get to monday, it's a whole new trial. >> what are you expecting monday? >> well, monday, i expected cohen is going to try to come off as a very cerebral painted guy on direct. all i did was because this mystical president trump guy forced me to do it the direct we just have to listen and take it with a grain of salt across is just the best drama it down. i mean, the case has all sorts of circus elements to it. but cross-examining cohen is if you're a lawyer, if you've ever been a litigator, you're like, oh god, can i please be the one to cross this guy? he's got convictions for crimes of falsehood he's said that he lied to a federal judge when he pled guilty. he goes on air hundreds of times saying how much she hates president trump's. so he's biased. i
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mean, look, if he's the star witness, there's a reason sdny walked away from the federal case and alvin bragg may learned the hard way that that was the right call i want to listen to something that trump said this was what he said when he went to the microphones after court today. that could happen one day. >> i'd be very proud to go to jail for our constitution because when he's doing is still us to do is never been anything like it jim, the jail threat from the judge, of course, has to do with the gag order, which is to stop former president trump from talking about witnesses or talking about family members of the judge we're talking about prosecutors, aside from alvin bragg, trump has two days and he's got a rally this weekend before cohen's expected testimony monday, how important is it for trump to adhere to
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his gag order, even if cohen, who is now facing a wall morning from the judge, takes jabs at him yeah. >> i mean, look, it's just a it's a difficult challenge for anybody, much less somebody running for president to keep taking blows. even stormy had the talk to the press and taunt him after her testimony. so it's a real challenge. i'm sure he's going to say something, but whether it really rises to the left level of being contemptible for the court, i think is a different issue. i mean, look, i've got a lot of problems with a gag order for a defendant in a criminal trial. if he says something that's obstructionist, if he says like go kill this witness or go attack these juries are here's where they live. that's all subject to contempt and two other penalties already. so it's not really a gag order right now. i was really an egotistical challenge where the judge is just trying to show you can control the court. i don't think the judge wants to put them in jail. i don't think president trump really wants to be in jail, and i don't think it's going to result that way. but but it'll be an interesting weekend just to see how loose the tongue gets in terms of talking about people like cohen
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to be clear, he has mentioned family members, for instance, of the judge and you don't have to say where someone lives, that's easy to figure out. if you put a target on their back just to be clear there. but i do wonder jim, if you were a betting man what would the odds be in your view at this point? that trump will take the stand in his own defense i'm terrible at bedding, but i would say slimmer, none. >> and look, there's a couple of reasons. number one is they had a standard kind of preliminary determination of what could be used for cross-examination patient and it went all the government's way. so if he takes the stand, it's not just about stormy and the nda, it's going to be about e. jean carroll and all sorts of stuff that i think is really pretty collateral to this case, but could reflect on credibility. so it's fair game. according to judge marsha. so that's one thing. the other thing is look the strategy is all about cohen, like why distract. you really
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don't want to put anybody else in play for credibility battle. leave it cohen and turnaround until the jury. if you couldn't buy a car from this guy, you sure can't convict based on his words. i think the smart strategy that i think even hopefully president trump will understand when they talk talk about it is no chance. sometimes when i was a prosecutor, which i was for 27 years, every now and then i would laugh about how a weak defense bailed me out. i had a fairly tough case. i had problems with maybe a witness or two or somebody doesn't show up and the defense put on some sort of case that ultimately helped me. they would have been better off just resting and going right two arguments, i think right here that the best move is look at it, scoff and say, we're not putting anything on light of that stuff. and then go to closing arguments. >> it's a really interesting point jim trusty. thank you so much. appreciate it. >> sure. >> good to see you a health care hack may expose data to hackers. >> but one is now having a real-world impact, even hitting ambulance in hospital's
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like the impact is really kinda ballooning here, right? >> briana, as often the case as you see with these incidents where you get glimpses of what happened, you get an announcement of vague announcement from the victim saying we're having computer issues and then over the next days and hours, you start to get more details about the impact. and right now, what we're seeing is that this massive hospital network, which owns 140 hospitals and 19 states, is diverting ambulances from some of those hospitals because of the cyber attack. there's issues with access to electronic health records that doctors and patients use and there's other impacts as well. so it's really much a developing situation and it's just the latest example of a health care provider in america that is a and has a big impact on patient care having to deal with a debilitating hack just a couple of months ago, there was a ransomware attack on the united health group which is responsible for a large portion
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of billing in this country for health insurance and senators and lawmakers were asking tough questions. and the athlon of that about why that company was not better prepared for that hack. so right now, in talking with my sources and the government, than the private sector, there's a lot of consternation and head scratching and soul searching about why some of these big health organizations are not better defended for this type of hacker briana, because it's not very complicated how the hackers are getting in. but they're able to disrupt in some cases, patient care. in some cases, business operations and when you're hacked like this, you're faced with an option. do i pay the ransom in the case of united health group? they paid $22 ransom to try to protect patient data. but the fbi advisers, if companies can not to pay the ransom because in some cases that incentivizes follow-on hacks and that's definitely what we've seen over the years with the health care sector for briana? >> yeah. you're also describing me to you during the commercial breaks ahead of your hits ram like sean, again, how
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did this not get stopped? are they supposed to be ready for this and hopefully more companies are getting ready for this kind of thing. shawn really appreciate it. thank you so much and this is a report that the white house does not want you you to see when it comes to how people view the economy. cnn's matt egan is joining us. matt tell us what we're talking about here. >> well, briana, consumer sentiment, plunging by the most in almost three years, three big concerns that stood out here jobs interest rates, and of course, inflation know this this was a surprise. economists thought that consumer sentiment was going to hold steady instead, it plunged. now, we know that consumer sentiment, the reading right now is 67 point for some context we're going to look where things were right before covid in may of 2019. this was at 100 sentiment had been moving in the right direction more recently. but now you can see on that chart, it's taken a bit of a drop here. now, this is moving in
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the wrong direction and it does likely reflect frustrations with him depletion, which is also moving in the wrong direction. prices are no longer skyrocketing. they were two years ago, but inflation is higher than what is considered healthy. the big problems of course, food, housing, car insurance, that the cost to repair your car, all of those things have gotten more expensive and consumers are worried that this trend is going to continue. the university of michigan survey found that consumer inflation expectations went higher. now, that is exactly the opposite of what the fed wants to see. they monitor inflation expectations very closely and they've been trying to reassure the public that inflation is going to go back down. i clearly, americans are skeptical, as you mentioned, briana, this is another indicator that has got to alarm officials in the white house because it really does capture the mood of americans and clearly that mood has
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started to sour again, and that is never a good recipe for the party in power. >> no, it is not. matt egan. thank you for the report how does an ordinary airliner become a so-called doomsday plane ahead, we'll look at how these commercial jets could become a pentagon in the sky every piece of evidence tells a story how would really happen jesse l on sundays at night, on cnn he there, brenda. it's carroll actually, which like are we operating on? >> you mean arm? >> it's all connected, asking the right question can greatly impact your future. >> you share your an orthopedist actually, i'm a sagittarius, especially when it comes to your finances. give a question are us certified financial planner? yes. i'm a cfp professional.
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>> i'm are let signs at the white house. and this is cnn now to the big by for what literally involves the worst-case scenario, us contractor just purchased five passenger jets planning to convert them i'm into next level doomsday planes. >> think of these as flying command centers when there's mass destruction on the ground, like from a nuclear attack,
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cnn's tom foreman is here with the details on this. it's kind of out of a movie here, tom the er for saying that a doomsday plane right now is on alert, and these purchased airliners will be the next generation we forget about this kind of stuff going on. >> all the time. my father used to be in the air force is strategic air command, bombers, missiles, all of that. and i was always aware of the child, but it's always going on though we forget about the doomsday planes very interesting this purchase of five, sevens from korean air, which will be retrofitted to become from the doomsday planes. what are their, they're designed to be command and control centers for us military during national emergency. essentially a pentagon in the sky will have the president on board, secretary of defense, the joint chiefs, and about 100 other people who would then operate military operations around the world in the event of armageddon, essentially, it's built to withstand the effects of an electromagnetic pulse. you may have seen that in movies, wiping out other electronics and at least one is
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on alert 24 hours a day, seven days a week at a us military base somewhere in the world. so these jets will be brought in there a little bigger than the ones that were used before. they will be retrofitted, built out in dayton, ohio by this company called sierra nevada out of colorado. but other than that, briana, we don't get a lot of detail because as you might guess, this is kind of secret work yeah, it does seem kinda like maybe we shouldn't know everything. but if there's something to know, movies where you gotta, you gotta update them because you don't want to be prepared for yesterday's doomsday, you gotta have today's doomsday. >> that's right. >> it's constantly evolving. tom foreman. thank you so much for that report and we'll be right back. >> every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less. >> cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming weekdays exclusively on max. depicts and
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entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 a model killed by her olympic athlete boyfriend on valentine's day. and all new episode of how it really happened investigates the oscar pistorius case early in the morning of february the 14th, the neighbors woke up to the first people who arrived found a really gruesome scene they saw a man carrying a woman down the stairs and he was hysterical he laid her body at the bottom of the stairs on the tiles he was bathed in blood and shrieking and howling and crying i was with certain with third way to full evidence to rock i felt hopeless to take goods hospital. i was trying to
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stop the bleeding oscar pistorius tried to save her others. they're trying to save her but there was nothing that they could do for her how it really happened. >> ehrs this sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern and a good reason for some stargazing this weekend, maybe something to worry about two right now, our planet is experiencing a severe her geomagnetic storm. tonight, people as far south as alabama may be able to see this. the aurora borealis, the government space weather prediction center, issued a severe geomagnetic storm watch for friday evening. they're saying that we're experiencing a level four out of five conditions right now, the last watch like that was night thank teen years ago. the downside of these storms is the damage that they can cause. one actually knocked out the power grid and quebec back in 1989, a similar event today could cause trillions of dollars worth of damage. so don't miss are special tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. cnn newsnight, solar


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