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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  May 11, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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stomach settle down not planning on slowing down anytime soon your assignment with hadi cornish listen wherever you get your podcasts during the cnn newsroom. >> hi everyone. i'm jessica dean in new york. and after spending most of the week in a new york city courtroom, former president donald trump is down the shore in new jersey this weekend and he's speaking to supporters now, just south of atlantic city or his name was a top casinos and hotels years ago until they went bankrupt trump has been bristling against the gag order in the hush money trial, the judge saying trump may not publicly talk about stormy daniels testimony this week or his former fixer and lawyer, michael cohen? it was due to take the stand for the prosecution on monday. cnn's alayna treene is there in new jersey. she's joining us now. alina, what's the president telling his supporters well it's really interesting, jessica, because we actually did here trump just moments ago, really hammer president
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joe biden over what he is arguing is being bombed >> behind the criminal indictments, he is basic. now we talked about the criminal indictments. more generally, he did not specifically discuss his new york hush money case, which of course he was just returning from this week from being out of the courtroom. so i found that very interesting. i think a big question that still remains as donald trump is probably halfway through his remarks right now. we know that he's is still currently under a gag order despite his attorneys earlier in the week trying to see if they could alter that gag order to allow him to talk about witnesses more generally but they said that he could not do that. so we're still unclear whether or not he's going to go back to discuss this case in more detail. i can tell you, jessica, from my conversations with trump still in behind the scenes, his lawyers are really urged him not to do that, not to delve too much into that. but again, we'll see if that changes for the rest of his speech. i also just want to bring up a couple other things that i found really interesting that he talked about. one is that he claimed that he's going to win new jersey now, trump has made
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these kind of comments in the past, but this is the most public way he's done that yet. and look, i talked to many of his advisers about this yesterday about why are you coming to new jersey, which is not really considered a critical battleground state. they actually argue luck. we know we're not probably going to win this state, but wild wood, which is where we are on the jersey shore, is a very pro-trump area. there's a lot of people well here as you can see behind me, who are very enthusiastic and the crowd, they thought that this could be good for trump after a very explosive and really embarrassing week for him. in court. >> but they also argue that they could get some people from pennsylvania and the philly suburbs to come here as well. >> not necessarily. the expectation that they could win as donald trump is claiming, jessica accident. >> all right. alayna treene for us and wound would new jersey. thanks so much for that reporting and let's bring in our political panel now, joining me cnn political commentators, maria cardona, a democratic strategists, and alice stewart, a republican strategist. the two of them
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co-host the podcast hot mics from left to right. good to see you both so alice, let's start first with you. trump has been complaining and complaining that he's stuck in court. he can't get out on the campaign trail. he gets this weekend off and he stayed nearby where he lives in new jersey and went to a blue state. it is a red area to be sure, in a blue state, but still going to new jersey, what do you make of that? >> look, it's hard to find anything wrong with a crowd that size and anywhere estimates from 40,000 100,000. that's a pretty good crowd. and look, he's not going to win new jersey. he lost it and 2020 almost 19 points in 2016 by around 13 points. he's back in double-digits it's right now, but right beside new jersey pennsylvania, that's a key battleground state. he's doing well there. he needs to continue to do well there and look to his defense. he has been cooped up in a courtroom. he has been miserable. you has been frustrated with that and
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good for his campaign to get them out, to get them in a large crowd of strong supporters even got to have a hot dog on his way into the events. so good for them to get them out there and look. he's addressing a large crowd here, but he's getting massive, massive earned media. there's many outlets that are covering this live. he's going to get more than earned media yeah, that he can possibly imagine whether he was in new jersey or if he was in the heart of wisconsin, he's going to get tremendous amounts of earned media. and this is certainly a trip not far from where he lives, but as the trip very well spent i, will say as a former philadelphia resident, we did cover when i worked in philly, you cover southern new jersey. so that is in the philly market which is an interesting point. maria trump this week strongly insulted american jews that support president biden. i want to play what he said the fact is a crooked joe. hates israel and
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he hates the jewish people. there's no question about that. and if jewish people are going to vote for joe biden, they have to have their head examined. he's a disaster for israel the problem is that he hates the palestinians also. and even more so and he just doesn't know what to do. he's a confused man maria. >> obviously, he's trying to chip away at a particular demographic, but how can that be effective? >> well, it's certainly going to be effective in strengthening the bond between jewish voters and president biden and democrats because he thinks it's a good idea to attract voters by insulting those same voters, then he's the one who needs to have his head examined. >> but look, jessica the more that he is out there talking what he really feels and i think this is what he really feels. then the better it is for joe biden and for democrats because he sounds nothing less
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than like an anti-semite. he sounds loony. he sounds a little bit crazy. he sounds like this past week which was horribly hard on him and his ego has gone to his head, not in a good way. and i think frankly, it helps at the end of the day, the contrast, the president biden and democrats know is going to be the important one going into the november elections between a steady, a thoughtful an experienced, a diplomatic president joe biden, who knows how to handle these really incredibly difficult and really complicated world stage global problems versus somebody who speaks his, his will and in his brain. and every second and doesn't make any sense. and it's full of hatred and retribution that is not what the american people want in a president of the united states. and so the more that he's
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speaking like that, but he's speaking freely the better it is for president biden going into the november elections because the contrast could not be clearer what do you think alice go ahead yeah. just if i can push back on. friend maria, they're look don't biden has a problem with jewish people. you go across this country, look at any college campus, look at any, a major streets. where they're having these anti-israel protests. and that is on joe biden. he has split in the democratic party because of the far left progressives in the democratic party that are anti-semitic, anti-jewish, and they are pushing back on joe biden. and that is a tremendous problem for him and for him to come out this week until erin burnett that he is in the face of hamas putting palestinians in the crosshairs of the crossfire to tell israel to stand down, or we're going to withhold some american military important ammunition that they need. that is, that is just
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unfathomable. and he is getting tremendous push-back, not just by republicans, but by jewish people, by him basically taking the side of hamas over the people of israel. that's where he's got a problem with the jewish people. >> jessica, i do have to jump in here because this is really important. >> president biden did not has never, never underscore, never will ever take the side of hamas alice, for you to say that i think it's irresponsible. i love you, but that's just not true. and the fact that republicans are using that talking point, i think really underscores how much they lack the knowledge the expertise, and the nuance to really understand what's going on here with the israeli hamas for what joe biden did on cnn and what he has done repeatedly from the beginning of this conflict is he has embraced israel with fervor and in ways that cannot be challenged from
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frankly the very beginning. >> and what he is doing now, however is he is actually telling netanyahu that there is, there are ways to go into rafah where he does not have to put the lives of innocent palestinians, not hamas, innocent palestinians on the line or endanger while he well, netanyahu goes after hamas. >> those are the conversations and the diplomatic negotiations that are going on behind the scenes. and joe biden is not going to be talking publicly about every single conversation and pushback or embrace that he has with netanyahu because that is not how diplomacy works. and the fact that republicans are clueless about that, i think underscores the reason why joe biden is exactly the right president to have at this moment in time and the right president to be reelected as these issues continue to be something that are flaring up on the global stage. >> i want to get to one more topic before we run out of time. i want to talk about potential vp picks for trump and it kind of a theme that
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we've seen with them. allison, senator tim scott, south carolina he's been courting trump for that vp slot. new york representative elise stefanik neither of them have committed war in these situ in certain situations, wouldn't commit to accepting the results of the election. we can listen to what they said at the end of the day. >> the 47th president united states volvo donald shop. and i'm excited to get back to low inflation, low unemployment senator, yes or no? yes or no. will you accept the election results of 2024, no matter who wins? >> that is my statement well, what about constantly four what about 20:24? >> we will see if this is a legal and volatile june. >> what we're seeing so far is that democrats are so desperate, they're trying to remove a president trump from the ballot. that is the suppression of the american people alice, is this some sort of litmus test to get on trump's shortlist. and those
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are two people that, you are smart individuals that understand that the democracy is functioning and the 2020 results, i think i don't want to speak for them, but that there's no evidence that any election was stolen in 2020 let me just start off by saying, i think all three of us agree here that there was no widespread voter fraud in 2020. >> joe biden as a duly elected president, we should not have tried to stop the certification of the election. but donald trump thinks otherwise, and his supporters just think otherwise and yes to your question, jessica, there is somewhat of a litmus test if you want to be included on the vp list and you must go along with that mindset, that there was widespread voter fraud and doe biden is not the duly elected president. that's just the reality of it. and not only is that a key factor about loyalty? the unequivocal loyalty to donald trump is another factor. and look, that might be not be the best way to
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go about it, but that's clearly what donald trump has in his, in his head that's what a supporters believe. and that's the person that he wants on the ticket. certainly needs to embrace that mindset. >> okay. i'm going to have to we could talk much more, but unfortunately, we are out of time, but it will hopefully see you both again next week, maria cardona and alice stewart. thanks so much thanks so much. >> jessica. >> still ahead. the idf ordered the immediate evacuation of neighborhoods in eastern rafah as operations intensify, we're going to look at the human toll on civilians, their plus, we're going to be joined by democratic congressman jake aacn, class of massachusetts to talk about how the us is supporting israel. >> and you could get another rare chance to see the northern lights tonight. look at that amazing. >> it says the most intense solar storm in decades hits earth this weekend, we're gonna explain what's going on here in the state and newsroom moscow was the absolute peak of his celebrity in olympic
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engineered to minimize noise and built for adventure. >> which can also be your own quiet kanban in the 1s the fully electric qa hr in electric vehicle that recharges, you how we get there? matters i'm on raja capitol hill. >> this the sienna you have another chance to catch the northern lights tonight and places where you almost never get to see them. take a look of a sampling of the incredible sites green pink with bright swirls of yellow. other waves of color all up and down the eastern seaboard. cnn meteorologist derek van dam joining us now from the van dam, only family farm. is this the sign i see behind you there in atlanta? it's in your backyard. i love that very
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official looking and i see cute little arm tapping you on the shoulder to that, i think is coming in in a moment, but first, tell us what's happening, why people are seeing this in the sky well, i mean, you got the garden name, right? >> the van dam leaf i'm seeing that some of my vegetables that i've been growing have gone supersized since we've had this go make storms i'm wondering what kind of produce i'm going to be creating this week. look, we've got a really unique opportunity to see something absolutely historic. and once in a lifetime four people here in atlanta, all the way down to florida. and the reason being is this. what's called a sunspot cluster that has formed on the sun it is 17 times the size of planet earth. this is just absolutely incredible and you remember those little solar eclipse glasses that we got last month for april 8 solar eclipse. while you can use them and see that sun, sunspot cluster in real life with the naked eye. and that is
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incredible. well, because to be able to witness that is the reason why we're having this brilliant display of northern lights. and so what i want to show you, it's just this coronal mass ejection right? that is a solar flare of highly energized particles that are screaming towards the earth. and this is interacting with what is known when asked, are magnetic poles. and that creates these beautiful blues and violets and reds. it's almost like a roman guard using his shield and he's holding it up and deflecting. this plasma that is being ejected towards earth and it goes towards the poles and it makes it more difficult to see it in lower latitudes, like where we are here in atlanta, that is why it is so rare and it is even more rare when you start seeing the aurora borealis with a palm tree in front of it, jessica, this is an exceptionally, exceptionally rare event to have witness that you probably notice something here on my shoulder tapping you okay, now
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it's your turn, maya, i was wondering when you were going to end, she could not wait for this moment it's this tdt. this is, this is my daughter, maya, and we have used this as a teachable moment to talk about the northern lights and what it is that mr. defies at least me as a meteorologist, but trying to bestow this on my, on my own children as well. so my i want to show you something. maybe, you know, we've been talking about the northern lights lately and what we see in the sky. what do you think about them yes. >> albia, for just, like you hey, look, i want you to see this picture. >> my see that look at those colors. how incredible is that? that look at that. i took that picture in our backyard last sayyed and there's a chance that we see that again, what do you think it is beautiful and i really want to go out to space and like in outer space, elon musk, if you're watching, maybe your opportunity but this is so
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cool because maya, you're going to see the sky light up potentially with blues and violets and reds. >> you don't get to see that that often. i mean, what do you think it is the medulla is day. >> i raised entire you've been rehearsing that one. >> i think i can see those beautiful pictures. yeah. okay. so that is an incredibly rare to see here in atlanta and your own backyard. so i'm going to stay awake with my kids way past their bedtime. jessica. and i'm going to use this opportunity. she's going to hold me to it by the way. we're gonna we're gonna show them this great wonder. that is the northern lights that all of america and all of the world is getting excited about. i mean, we've seen pictures from our hometown in michigan and also from where our extended family in south africa is witnessing this celestial events and you know what to share that with your kids is really, really special, especially when i have
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fairy wings on that best viewed with very winx they look really good. >> my well, i think you guys are making memories tonight and i feel she's going to hold you to it, no problem. show make sure you stay up past bedtime. i'll keep her all right, guys, derrick in, maya, thanks so much. we'll be right back again. >> thanks for having the keepsake frames app makes it ridiculously easy to frame your favorite photos. >> just choose a photo that you love.
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dozen prosecution witnesses over three unprecedented weeks in donald trump's criminal hush money trial but the case could hinge on a witness expected to take the stand on monday, and that is michael cohen, trump's former lawyer turned enemy cnn's thom four men has more about him and his history with trump jessica, this is almost a shakespearean tale of two men united for so long and so many dealings and now standing so far apart in a blaze of insults, accusations, and bitterness, the long private partnership of michael cohen and donald trump, easy imploding and most public way michael cohen is a convicted liar and he's got no credibility whatsoever. put your hands together and receive him as he comes. my friend, mr. michael cohen it was one so different with their friendship and business dating back to 2006, cohen, the lawyer had no bigger clients. trump the want to be president. no better cheerleader. >> he's a good man. he's a
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man who cares deeply about this country a former personal injury lawyer knew a little about politics. a democrat, most of his life he wants campaign for seats on the new york city council and the state senate losing both times when trump was still feeling his way forward, cohen helped launch a website. should trump run and all along, he clearly relished his rule pool in the trump organization. >> they say, mr. trump's pitbull that in his um, his right-hand man. my trump liked it. >> michael cohen is a very talented lawyer, is a good lawyer in my firm. >> others noticed i'm not averse to threatening people. here's a guy who carries a pistol in an ankle holster. he makes it clear people that he's a tough guy. >> any moment now, donald trump's longtime attorney and fixer, michael cohen, is reporting to prison. then it all fell apart cohen's tough-guy tactics drew federal investigators. he wound up pleading guilty to tax evasion, campaign finance violations, and more after three years in
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jail and under house pressed, he came out singing a very different tune i am ashamed that i chose to take part in concealing mr. trump's elicit acts rather than listening to my own conscience. >> he is a racist he, is a con man and he's achieved critically cohen continued talking about one of the things that put him into prison paying off women alleging affairs with trump, then falsifying records to hide the hush money. trump denied involvement and now calls the lawyer. he wants praised a convicted felon and liar. say stone called loser real loser for a long time, both men stood together relying on loyalty and discretion and winks and nods when business got dirty, according to cohen. but now donald trump and his old lawyer or standing firmly a part in court and that could prove costly. jessica thom. >> form. and thank you. still
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ahead hundreds of thousands of palestinians fleeing rafah, israel's military continues to strike parts of gaza we have new reporting on the extreme suffering by civilians. there plus will be joined by democratic congressman jake arkin, class of massachusetts to talk about us support for israel and how the biden administration is sending a message here on the cnn newsroom every weekday morning, cnn five things has what you need to get going with your day. it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less. >> cnn's five things with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays exclusively on macs there are giant so mug they are the men and women building davies next generation submarines. they are giant and what they do because they work in a place where they can grow where they can learn the skills to build careers as powerful as the beast.
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and as a thousands of palestinians are fleeing the city of rafah amid a looming major assault by israel's military today, the idf ordering the immediate evacuation more neighborhoods in the southernmost city of gaza israel estimates about 300,000 people have already fled, and those evacuations coming amid deadly strikes in the north and central parts of the enclave cnn's scott mclean gives us a glimpse into the dire humanitarian situation in gaza. >> and we want to warn you the report includes graphic images that may be disturbing the bomb that hit this building in central gaza, didn't leave much of anything or anyone intact. local say it hit in the middle of the night while families were sleeping without any warning with little more than flashlights and their own hands rescuers dig for survivors. but find the bodies as this child is loaded into an ambulance next to another, their pulses are checked. it
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seems on the in vain these are the victims of a series of strikes across central and northern gaza that killed scores of civilians. many of them children. israel defense forces declined to comment on specific airstrikes. and said it was operating to dismantle hamas military and administrative capabilities at the hospitals, they save who they can. the dead are placed in body bags. this one is big enough for three are bloodied soot covered faces are wiped off. >> a small measure of dignity in death inside a field hospital, shell-shocked kids lie on dusty gurneys. >> even after seven months living in a war zone sound of a nearby airstrike is no less terrifying from an ambulance. this man is rushed inside through the hospital and hoisted frantically onto a bed but it's quickly apparent he's dead for a moment. a relative sits with him in stunned silence before more
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family arrive at overwhelmed by daybreak, there's still pulling bodies from the rubble like this one crushed under the weight of a cement slab without heavy equipment, the process is slow but the biggest body part we've recovered was half a child is man says, oh, been council kinda ginormous it. >> we're all civilians. there were no militants here. what did the children do to deserve this? >> this man wonders meanwhile, the idf has now towards civilians and parts of central rafah to leave, signed the ground operation. there is about to pick up streets, look increasingly empty as people pack up and leave by car, horse, cart, or on foot it's horrible, is the world happy to see this? this woman asks, again, look, we can't find a place to stay. >> we don't know where we're going israel is directing people here to a designated area along the coast now
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flooded with tense but little infrastructure to accommodate the roughly 300,000 people. >> it estimates are now they're with ceasefire talks seemingly at a standstill the citizens of gaza are just waiting for this nightmare to end. >> and some of the people packing up and leading rafah told are cnn stringer on the ground that this is the seventh or eighth it's time since the war began, that they're being displaced one man who had kids with him said that they were the only reason why he had chosen to leave. he doesn't care if he dies. he said, is this a life death is more honorable than this humiliation? >> jessica scott mclean for us. >> thank you for that reporting. and here with us now is democratic congressman jake often cost of massachusetts congressman. thanks so much for making time to be here with us on a saturday night. i first just want to get your thoughts on that report from scott mclean on the humanitarian situation in gaza. what more do you think can be done? and to help the civilians there,
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especially the children it's good to be with you, jessica, and it's a tragedy. >> no person of good conscience can watch that report and not ache for a permanent ceasefire in the region, not want to make sure that this never happens again and the way to make sure that this never happens again is to dismantle hamas because hamas has spent the last 15 years building terror tunnels instead of infrastructure, it broke six ceasefires, including on october 7, it's promised to break more, and it's now refusing to negotiate in good faith. in cairo. and this is the path to a permanent ceasefire. it requires that hamas be eliminated from the equations so that the palestinian people can have the governance that delivers humanitarian services, economic development, and ultimately dignity and statehood and benjamin netanyahu has said that his objective is to eliminate hamas. that's when they will feel like they have
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really gotten through there. they have they have achieved their objective. do you think that's possible to completely eliminate hamas? >> i was a marine officer for four years. jessica, one of the first books that marine officer candidates read as clausewitz, 19th century theorists who wrote that all war is an extension of politics by other means. and what he meant by that is that engaging in military operations without a political end game is a fool's errand. and what i think president biden is doing right now with prime minister netanyahu is insisting that the israeli war cabinet present a plan for governance for north central and south gaza. so that their military operations are ultimately nested in an end state of governance because no amount of military success, no amount of kinetic operations against hamas is ultimately going to be successful unless there is an alternative in gaza for governance that provides humanitarian services, that provides economic development that supports infrastructure.
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whether that's the palestinian authority, whether that is a weak constituted fattah is yet to be determined. but what is clear is that the israeli war cabinet does have the responsibility to communicate and converge on that strategy with president biden. and that is why he has become so frustrated. >> and so it sounds like you think he is justified in becoming frustrated. with this. do you agree with what he's done in withholding that shipment of the super bombs to israel it's regrettable that this daylight has had to emerge between two allies because the united states and israel should have an iron alliance when it comes to security matters. >> but president biden now for seven months has said to the israeli war cabinet your military operation needs to be nested in with a strategy for governance in gaza, for post-war success. and prime minister netanyahu has been far too intransigent in providing
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that. now, i think there's two kind of bad takes right now, though. one bad take his saying, oh, president biden, he's letting domestic political concerns wag the dog and he's more worried about michigan then he is about israel. that's not true. president biden is rock salt and his support for israel security. the other bad take is, oh, this is too little too late. and israel is still going to go out there and commit war crimes and that's unfair as well. the truth is that president biden israel remains strategically aligned yet president biden is trying to help israel articulate and communicate and ultimately architect postwar governance for gaza that can actually ensure a permanent ceasefire. and israel is within its rights to defend itself against hamas, including through a limited surgical rafah operation. >> and there are dozens of hostages that remain in gaza, including five americans who are believed to be alive and
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still being held hostage. do you fear that an expanded invasion into rafah could derail any hopes of a hostage deal. we heard from john kirby that perhaps going in in a bigger way and rafah could, could give hamas and upper hand at the negotiating table. what do you think? >> it's also true that unilaterally handcuffing israel's ability to conduct military operations would let up all leverage over hamas altogether. and that point, what imperative, what hamas have to release any hostages. there's clearly the necessity for both negotiations and diplomacy and both the threatened actuality of military force. but they have to be paired together. they have to be synergistic. and this is where i think president biden has the bigger vision. he saying that cairo and rafah have to be aligned and working together. they cannot be intentioned with one another. and that's where he's getting frustrated with prime minister netanyahu. i think president biden is doing this from a
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place of love for israel and genuine aspiration for a humanitarian and economic better place for the palestinian people. >> and i've got just about 30 seconds left. i want to come back here to america for a second and ask you about your new bill to increase safety for kids it's online. and what made you put that together jessica, i'm the youngest pare, >> i got a four-year-old three-year-old, one-year-old, that means i'm i'm gonna erase i'm gonna erase to regulate social media. and so my four-year-old starts scrolling. screen time has been devouring family time. these social media corporations have been monetizing our children's attention spans i think families are fed up. i think schools are fed up with the decline in kids mental health, and it's time for congress to act and say that the social media corporations need to have a duty of care for what's in the best interests of children. >> all right. so we will see where that goes. congressman jake og and cause thanks so much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> good evening we'll be right back oscar pistorius was the
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deck, it's like the previous owner is still hanging around so today, let's stay with bear, the number one rated
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i'm someone's are fatty in washington and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by skechers, hands-free slip ends what's the greatest invention of all time? >> new hands-free sketcher slip ends. you just slip in and they're on. it's like they have an invisible built-in shoe horn. so your foot and slides into place hands-free sketch your equipments we are taking a look this weekend at champions for change, unsung people whose ideas are making the world better for people, business and society. and today, we're shining a light on a ukrainian engineer in new york who's using artificial intelligence to help fellow ukrainians who have lost limbs in the war the groundbreaking technology could change the way we use
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end-user it's social duty for us it's not a business market our program works, where people come three weeks two six month, we bring them to clinic, get them fitted so z or everyday come in, do exercising and do physical therapy initial, mechanical hand can substitute the real one, but it is making my life so much easier and the loves me to function for me prosthetics where made in such a way that time returning back to the army approximately 40% of patients that v fitted when back to front line. it's shocks me. but z are looking for opportunity to go back and held which to swedes a day.
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hearts but they do have something like a heartbeat every night, a tree gets a little get bigger, and every day it actually shrinks just a teeny bit. >> and that motion which has less than a human hair, is what we measure with the tree tag. all right, so i'm gonna go ahead and put these to treat tags so this is row 21, tree nine trees are the lungs of the planet with the plan, our mission is to help keep the world's trees healthy think of us as a connector for the tree universe to the cloud and to ai from being people on a planet to being actually the caretakers of the planet is something that i feel really passionately about water would
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three-to-one today sanity needs a safe space. he had a show. we're right and left talk to cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher next on cnn let's the qaeda's are coming the noisy red-eye, crunchy bugs are starting to come out of the ground in force, force you workers in illinois put out this psa to explain why and the weirdest funniest way possible. here's jeanne moos it's the next best thing ever the same block out of this are going to take a break okay. >> to having a cicada crawl on, you oh, oh my god to prepare
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illinois residents for the thrumming 17 years cicada invasion. that's about to occur and emerge when the temperatures are right, it's roughly around 64 degrees soil temperature. >> employees from the dupage county forest preserve and they will crawl out of their exoskeletal shell recreated the life cycle of cicadas are wings because this really bright orange complete with red eyes and cardboard and cellophane weighings the males will go crawl up to the tops of the trees and start singing to attract mates jennifer reduce ski played the lead female, cicada in a video. she describes as really cheesy and kind of low quality, but intentionally so she will flick the wings at him and they will make the video went viral. this is cicada gold educational and
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unhinged everyone's favorite part was an insect pickup blonde, add led by arranged your name smoky, say girl, if i was a fruit fly, and land on new first because you're so sweet, the female lays eggs on a branch, kisses them goodbye. >> they hatch, portrayed with dazzling special effects. >> what was your whole budget for this thing? >> basically $0. >> they snack on trees sap, then fall back to earth. >> you'll start burrowing into the ground where they feed on plant roots 17 years later, they re-emerge. >> the only thing missing, you guys didn't re-enact the maidan. >> know, we kind of skipped right over that part. >> i'll cicada rom-com minus the xy parts ginny most cnn, new, you land on new first because you're so sweet and your welcome america thank you for joining me this evening. i'm jessica dean. i'll see you
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again tomorrow night starting