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tv   Real Time With Bill Maher  CNN  May 11, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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really, it was the discovery of how well people had behaved. i think they were less selfish than we are. the bravery was quite extraordinary. [music playing] over a century after the wreck, titanic is still coming up with amazing stories about her passengers and crew. a nurse in the titanic infirmary was ordered into a lifeboat to show passengers the small craft was safe, so she was picked up by the carpathia and became a lucky survivor. then undeterred by the ordeal, she signed on during the first world war with the britannica, an ocean liner converted into a floating hospital. and when it hit a german sea mine, remarkably, the nurse survived the second time. i'm jesse l. martin, thank you for watching. good night. [music playing]
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no the hbo original series. real-time. we still i hi
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monica okay right after thank you very much. all i know. i know it's exciting. it's very well, it's mother's day, sunday isn't that right? >> thing? pick up the phone and call your mom or if you're gen z, just go upstairs the kids, they love it. >> i'm kelly yeah. mothers are a little different in texas it's called if you don't go through, you'll be in jail day and kristi noem, her kids got her a everybody but bracing
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whether they got her a lovely gift ever must schuster where favorite brand, hush puppy god last let's get to what you came here to hear about storm, stormy, daniel's. >> this is the week in the trump trial. we finally they heard from stormy daniels. trump posted the whole world is watching i hate to tell you, don not even your family is watching stormy had a lot to get offered. just i mean, she yes we heard all about her background. >> she grew up in louisiana. she started dancing at the strip clubs at 18, moved into adult films at 23 what in louisiana they call the career fasttrack i get what but then
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we got to we had to hear about the actual sex with donald trump and she said, well, it was not exactly consensual, it was unwanted, but you did not resist what most women called married sex now. now, of course, the looming question is, will trump take the stand and we know for sure he will not because he said he would that's how we know for sure he will not. but come on. trump, take the stand. he put his hand on the bible will be sizzle like a fajitas but there's a thing now because the details from stormy were so salacious. >> i mean, even the judge had to say to her honey tmi kids
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watching but now trump's team has pushed being for a mistrial. oh, and by the way, you miss trial is also trump's dragged name it has missed trump has been cited ten times for contempt of court because he can't keep his mouth shut and anybody else who tend times, they would put you in jail. >> and he i think he wants to go to jail because it would make him a martyr he's practically begging the judge to put him in jail. there's a switch, lock me up i love this over on fox news. jesse watters, have you seen this guy? interesting guy keep finding him over there he said,
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if trump does go to jail he's going to work out a lot and it'll come out rip it, right. i could just stop with that but no. >> do you see water said he's going to come out ripped with a jail bad oh gosh fox election coverage, you're number one source for a gay fanfiction and development in the presidential race. >> i didn't see forthcoming bobby kennedy right revealed some medical news this week. >> he said he's fine to run, but full disclosure, a warm did eat his brain i'm not making that up. i mean, not not reason. there's like 15 years ago and the warm is dead. >> the worm is dead ladies and
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gentlemen. >> a worries about the worm i think this says everything about the presidential race. these 70 year-old man with a worm-eaten brain is the youth candidate. kristi noem. now it says we've got to shoot him because because he has worms. >> all right. >> we've got a great show we have frank bruni and douglas murray are here first off, he's a contributing writer at the atlantic, author of the bestseller fast food de shoot producer of the documentary food inke two, which is available to stream. now, eric schweitzer, eric big fan by the way thank you, loved that book. how are you today? i'm good. oh, yeah. well, i want to ask you about i wanted to have you here basically because we have a presidential election which seems to be a lot about eggs
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seasonally, what the whole thing is turning on, people or exhibit worms. well i was going to ask you about that. yeah. >> well, let's go to that first because it is on my mind, not in my mind i mean the bird flu is now in the milk could the word, how do you get a worm in your brain? >> let's just go right there you know, bobby on i'm sorry that you couldn't talk to them about this when he because yeah, you're on your show yeah. >> maybe some bad sushi, maybe pork, but it is of all the food that's how you do that. >> but of all the foodborne problems we've got the united states warm and the brain is not in the top 5,000, right? we have avian with avian influenza being spread by cows and scientists had no idea until a few weeks ago that this influenza could even be in cows at all.
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>> how do they get from the birds to the account? well, that's a very good question. there are wild birds that overfly dairies there's all this inter mixture of viruses that's going on. and what's very concerning about it as right now the federal government is not allowed to go into these mega dairies that have 10,000, cows and test them for avian influenza. the federal government can't go onto these mega dairies and test the workers, many of whom are undocumented and quite fearful of if they test positive, what's going to happen to them. you have big ag and the big dairy companies preventing the cdc from investigating what could be a life threatening illness eventually to people. and it's a perfect example of how the public health is being threatened by private interests. >> yeah, i mean, i've all the industries that own the government i'd have to say in a pharmaceuticals very high up, but yeah, nobody higher than the food. the food companies
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spend more on lobbying and the defense industry, right? >> yeah it's i feel like the big picture story from your book, your movie, is that this system really works for nobody. >> it's not good for the land, right? it's certainly not good for the animals, right? it's not good for the workers who work in the fact, even and fast food and the farm workers. and it's not good for the consumer it's uncle for the person who eats this food. it's good for a handful of enormous corporations, right? there are basically taken over our food supply in the last 40 years that sounds crazy. that sounds conspiratorial. but when you go into a supermarket and you see thousands of different products, they're all being made by three or four different companies and they hide behind these different brands. i mean, i just found out from this book that i read recently called barons by austin free records great book that the biggest seller of coffee in the united
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states is a german company, not starbucks. but they sell it under all these different brands. so you think that there's choice, but it's really an illusion of choice and i feel like the problem at bottom is that food is two delicious that's why people don't care is that were seduced by the food the trojan horse is in our stomach, right so i mean, we have these amine you mentioned ever for cigarettes are great too, by the way, i used to i loved them but these food companies are carefully formulated formulating these ultraprocessed foods so that they taste really good. and you want to eat them again and again and again. >> okay, that's a word. i just came across recently from reading you ultra i've heard a process food. yeah, i've never heard ultraprocessed. that's something new or is it just a word we hadn't heard before? and how is it different than just project isn't new so a process food would be something
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like canned corn. >> you know, they cook the corn, they add some salt and some water or it's in the can you open it up? get it that's just fine and ultra time. >> yeah. >> i mean, frozen vegetables. canned vegetables, as long as they don't have all kinds of additives that's healthy try disagree vehemently that vegetables have to be eaten fresh or it's and corn is shifted. know, but ideally, yes, but in terms of of harming your health, it's not going to hurt you. what's going to hurt you? if you look at the label and there are all these chemical names that you would never have in your kitchen that's an ultraprocessed food and what they're doing is they're creating flavor additives at these factories mainly in new jersey okay no offense. >> there are some wonderful things that are coming out of that state. waiver additives may not be trust me, there are worse smells the food factory yeah. i can say that in new
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jersey. >> right. can tell where you are on the the jersey turnpike by what it sounds like. anyway, flavor flavor additives, emulsifiers, all these like artificial sweeteners that human beings have never consumed before. so we're basically guinea pigs for these chemical additives and who knows what they're doing to our body. but now, increasingly people are concerned, but they're giving costs about health effect, are giving it cancer obesity. well, maybe all kinds of neurological problems lots of problems, but i think i think there's a direct link between that prevalence of cancer and the we eat and the problem is when you eat these foods, i think is that you're not getting nutrients. you're getting calories so your body's still wants more food because it wants nutrients once the good stuff, yeah. so you keep eating, you get fat and here's where i was empiric comes in which i know is the
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wonder drug. and we all love it i don't, i don't see it that way. it's an enabler it's an enabler to eap, keep eating food. it's this miracle where you can keep or maybe you don't eat as much, but you don't have to improve the diet. so i don't think it's going to make us healthier in the future. it might make you thinner and i'm think if you're still not getting the nutrients that you know we, keep on creating problems with technology. and then looking for a new technology to solve them. so this ultraprocessed food is absolutely linked to obesity. so people become obese and then the pharmaceutical companies come up with a drug to help with obesity. now, i am not an expert on ozempic, but i think that for people who are severely obese already, that what's the choice gastric bands surgery, or terrible health problems, or taking this drug. we don't know what the long-term implications of being on this drug is. it's gonna be, but the long-term implications of being obese are really bad the people who
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probably shouldn't be injecting this drug are people who are maybe a little too vain. and are probably already slender and want to be even more slender. but for people who are really unhealthy because of their weight, it may be a good thing, but what we need to do is prevent children from becoming obese. and that means in schools we need to be serving real foods, not these ultraprocessed processed foods right now. in the american diet, the typical american child is getting 60 to 70% of their calories from ultraprocessed food. and that's just a recipe for disaster. >> it also there's no variety our diet needs variety you know, when we were nomadic, yeah, we had a great variety. this is a great book, sapiens, he makes that great point that once we settled down in factory, well, not factory farm to farm to run. and then fact refarm. >> we'd like three things. >> right? we cows, pigs, and chickens, and very are sucking
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sacred chickens, right? >> check. i mean, you import chickens, you get them at breakfast, you dinner, you get it. >> i mean, that's not good for the body. >> it's not good for the body. and as the co-producer of this film and my friend mike coupon put it we should be eating real food not so much, mainly plants. and the latest science is that you should be having 30 different types of plant in one week because it's so much better to get your vitamins from real foods then to get them from supplements, or additives, et cetera, et cetera i remember at the very beginning of the covered epidemic, four years ago, the very first editorial i did here, well, i don't think it was here. >> it was in my backyard right. >> because we were yeah. and home. yeah. but it was all about factory farming and it was about luck. because we've thought at the time it came
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from the wu han wet market and maybe it did. we don't know what either game from the lab and the market. it's shouldn't be a political issue. yeah, typic issue. we don't know but certainly that didn't help my point was, as long as you keep torturing animals we are going to be the ones to suffer, even if you don't have compassion for an animal, italy, right okay, so what's the future here? >> because i worry that so next one is coming, or it's worse. i mean, one may be right now percolating in texas where this avian influenza was discovered in cows accidentally by a veterinarian. and you should look up the secretary of agriculture and texas who's this far right wing, conservative. i don't mind that is conserved conspiracy theorist who is basically blocking and trying to block the cdc from investigating this epidemic. factory farms are a crime against nature and i'm not a vegan. i'm not a vegetarian. >> these are sentient creatures
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that we're treating like industrial commodities and mother nature is going to get back at us for us thank you. >> we needed to hear that message has always we're here to get your side of the store. beyers library prostitution. why do we keep ending up? you can't write this stuff. united states of scandal with jake tapper. now on max the de you get your clear choice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. >> it changes how you eat, how you feel and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile. and now others smile at you clear choice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants and they can change yours too. because a clear choice de, changes every day schedule a free
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>> start your hair growth journey at neutrophil this is a secret. secrets and supplies premier sunday, june 2, attempt bomb cnn. >> all right, let's get our panel hi guys how are you? >> all right. he is a columnist for the new york coast and best-selling author of the book, the war on the west, douglas mary's back when a contributing writer at the new york times and author of them bestseller, the age of grievance. frank bruni are returning champion okay so let's start off talking about israel and gaza because we finally have someone here on the show who was there. >> that's not something you find a lot in the media these days. it's very hard to get into gaza, very hard to know what's going on there so i just wanted to ask you before we get to the politics of it all because there's a lot of that this week what does it look like? there are people starving. and if they are,
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whose fault is that i've been in israel and gaza for the last six months since the war began i can't speak to whether anyone is starving. >> i mean, it's it's it's a bad situation in gaza because i'm as started a war and i'm israeli stuck in his very, very strange position of having to supply food to the area controlled by its enemy. >> and are they yes, they are i mean, food trucks going through all the time, but i mean, of course the situation is terrible because the situation could end at any point if hamas did what they've been asked to do repeatedly for six months just to give back the hostages now my my view is that there's i've seen the conflict up and i still believe that first of all, you can't just put out 80% of a fire. >> you have to put out the
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whole thing. you can't destroy 80% of hamas. you can't not get the leader who masterminded the seventh sinwar and that's all in rapper the second thing is, i don't think there's any law of war that says you can start a war. and then when you begin to lose it, you say, let's pretend we didn't start it but that is always what israel faces chore i mean, it's very strange a year before i was in ukraine as with the ukrainian armed forces, when they're retaking land from the russians. >> and nobody was saying oh, hold on, don't win too much. >> everyone was egging them on every western leader gets a shot of testosterone whenever they talk about the ukrainian armed forces. and yet the israelis never allowed to win. >> yeah, very strange what, do, what do we attribute that to why is that antisemitism? would you say that? >> why they have a set of rules
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for them? >> i mean, they truly are the chosen people there are chosen to not win the war. i agree, yeah i mean, you for some some reason, i think anti-semitism is one of the reasons whenever israel is involved in the conflict, the whole world goes bananas. and you can't even have a eurovision song contest without it becoming an israel gaza thing it's crazy. nothing. everyone gets obsessed with this conflict. i think one reason is by the way, is because a lot of people, democrats and republicans and people of all stripes have said for generation until the palestinian issue is solved, there won't be peace in the middle east as if you solve with palestinian israeli issue and then the economy of yemen starts to boom. and then uranium molars give women rights and a saudis become really keen on the gaze, know it's an issue for sure. >> so biden says he's going to stop giving armaments known to israel. what do you think about that? is that appropriate?
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>> i don't think it's going to please anybody. do i no, of course not i mean, he he's obviously trying to, you know, he believes famously in a two-state solution which is minnesota and michigan and he's trying trying to please. >> he's trying to police the few hundred thousand people in america, i think is going to please anyone. but the fact that he gave a speech on tuesday saying that he would always defend the right of the jewish people, defend themselves. and later that day stopped arms shipments to israel suggests to me that this is a problem. >> you can't devastating if the end of this conflict comes about in another stalemate, if there's a stalemate at the end of this, mazda's through and in the gaza, the war will happen again in two years time and again two years after that and on and on for the rest of our lives i don't disagree with any of that but you're asking
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about the eye or at israel and the criticism of israel. i think there's one other thing going on, which is right now, there's this paradigm that people like to apply to every situation if you have more power, you're probably in the wrong and if you have less, you're probably in the right if you have more affluence, you're probably in the wrong and if you have less, you're probably in the right. there are situations jim tone, right? >> there are situations to which that paradigm applies, but the problem is, we apply it indiscriminately wantonly regardless of the circumstances and what has been so strange to me about all of this as almost saw october 7 happens from october 8th forward. people are blaming israel, right? there was a ceasefire in place. we're looking for one now there was one in place hamas cross the border, invaded and the savagery, the brutality was incredible we have to have a conversation now about the magnitude of the retaliation, about how many civilian casualties there are, about whether this is indiscriminate. but let us not forget how this began. and so much of the conversation seems to wipe october 7, off the plate is
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absolutely fine i couldn't i couldn't agree more. >> i mean, remember about ten years ago, the boko haram stole 300 schoolchildren in nigeria, bring back our girls and every on bring back how girls everywhere. where has been the celebrity response? >> the hollywood response, the decent people response, the any reasonable person responsive, bring back the jewish children. >> where is it well, it's not a columbia know here's a bulletin from academia. >> yes, columbia in new york city announced monday, they're canceling their graduation. usc also canceled commencement here in los angeles. emory university in atlanta, changing the location of its ceremony
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internet, i guess it's dangerous i mean, what can i tell you these kids are such drama queens editor's at the columbia law review. they said that they were the ones who agitated for canceling the finals. they said because the violence of the police clearing, it wasn't violent left them. it irrevocably shaken even if you were this fragile, would you say it out loud you would today. >> i would because we live in a culture where if you can portray yourself as the victim and as the person has been taken advantage of it, somehow has cultural and political currency. so they're just doing what they see polit politicians do every day. >> but it's not just it's not just what just not just the fragilities, the narcissism who the hell is so badly brought up that they honestly believe that
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if they holler on a corner of a campus in america, the war cabinet in israel is going to stop like maybe benjamin netanyahu, whatever you think and does not take his lead from a 19-year-old student whose parents have read mortgage the house in order to send them to college, them come stupid they're not thinking strategically, they're not thinking tactically. >> they liked to holler, right? >> this is a moment where everyone likes to holler and the message that people get from the way our congress behaves, look at them, is that they who shout the loudest and use the most hyperbolic language and are the most provocative when the new site i call, say hello to marjorie taylor greene i mean, of course there's no there's no bigger whiny little the new norm words, not my words. >> and i sent them 1 million times and i'll repeat them millions the windy is little
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beds deborah was he's an emblem of our time talking about i'm talking about trump. who i time. >> we shouldn't overestimate the power of politicians. i don't think the average student loan looks to congress for behavior, do they? >> i think they get permission. i don't think they look and say that's what i want to be liked, but i think a kind of culture, a set, a kind of tone is set in which confrontation is confused with conviction, in which being provocative is confused with being bold and brave. i think that is a culture that are politicians absolutely feed so let me read a quote thanks we're making this opera. >> this isn't really prevalent, but it really is. and i thought a bit because i've been reading your book and your book has about grievance, the age of grievance okay. >> this is a 20-year-old ucla students when you are a. part of any oppressed group. i don't know who, what this person's background is. i assume she is a part of some group that she sees herself as
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a breadth, especially people that are experiencing direct state violence okay. kids call everything violence. so right there, you lose credibility with me because you think everything is violence like being part of the pan african diaspora within the united states that's certainly happened in the united states. there are shameful history which is built on enslavement and dehumanization and degree degradation of african peoples that does politicize you i'm just asking, does this reflect america in 2024? >> who raises a child to feel this way about the country right now, i keep saying, can we just live in the year we're living in whose not whitewashed the past but live in the present. >> i mean, that someone feels that you're at ucla khuza'a pressing you. >> let's the question is into two raises them to feel this way. it's who educates them to
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feel this way, right if you look at curricula and a lot of secondary schools, probably the kind of secondary school that a lot of ivy league students n2, if you look at the curricula at a lot of elite schools and i teach it one of them. there is the paradigm i spoke of before. there are all of these buzzwords. >> and that's what produces this in part. what are the other buzzwords you mean like a press are oppressed, colonize a colonized victim, victimizer. everything falls into this binary and if you can claim the top victim status, then you win a whereas in america and in britain and other countries in the west, we use to celebrate heroism and achievement i still like those, but there's by the way, and also i mean, i think we should also realized that some people hello, they used to be said in history of warfare that people fight the last war in iraq, you fight vietnam and in vietnam you fight career and so on, right? >> and it's, it's one of the reasons why a lot of awards go
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wrong. i'd argue also that people are fighting the last culture war i mean, a lot of people would just love the clarity of 1968 and they honestly believe that they would be the heroes. whereas of course they've just most likely be like everyone else and not particularly you've read recently about allan bloom, right? yeah, i've come late 80s, early 90s. you had a show called politically incorrect correct? right. if you go back and i do in the book, if you go back and you look at the late 80s and the early 90s it's the same conversation we're having now, just different words. >> so i was watching a video of robert bork, the other de from i think the early 1990s. and he was talking about radical egalitarianism it was in vain against it. that's just wokeness with more syllables, right? so the more things change, the more they remain the same one, the variance thing, things about that with bork bloom and others is that they, they've diagnose people diagnosis in late 80s as you know, and we've known the problems that are going on. >> this this victim hood culture we've known this for 40 years now. and everyone's been great at diagnosing it,
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but we haven't solved it. we haven't reversed it is just got worse. >> well, i mean, we have an ex-president maybe to be a next president who's the victim and chief, right? there's entire political currency is making himself the world's biggest victor. of the deepstate of those awful elites have democrats of everyone, right? he, won election because people saw themselves in him and he said, he encouraged that. and he said, i am i'm a symbol of your victimisation vote for me, and it is your revenge against the people who are pressed you. and he said it more bluntly than ever, this cycle here he said, i am your retribution. i think those are some of the most meaningful words referred in the long and that's why i think he wants to be sent to jail for a night, but i don't know that he wants use the gel toilet i don't know. >> i mean, like that's gotta be every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less.
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absolutely free doctors preferred better science, better results what does it mean to be out front? >> it's going there. we aren't just about three miles from the gaza border it's finding out something unexpected. i relish all of our conversations, its context, the economy is by far the top issue for americans in this election curiosity someone else did a jump in the race and devolve all. it's about sharing that so you can be out front two. >> let's go out front. >> erin burnett outfront grant week nights. it's seven on cnn close captioning brought to you by meso are firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ms ophelie oma call us now i did mention graduation most of the college who are still having graduation, but it's little different this year. >> now, every year we as a
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customer on the show, we show the hats when kids graduate, there are some of the real ones that they have. thanks, mom and dad hire me on to the next adventure this year, they're a little different was you're like this i do we'd mom and dad i'm coming home i'm gen z and i might possibly vote loved to my family death to america not anti-symmetric. i just hate jews very different year thanks for the checks, mr. gates the job i haven't started yet already sucks. >> i quit they said i couldn't
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phi. one shot soup right? [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪
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ice, two do you think that our democracy is at risk? we have to be very concerned. >> this is a damning report for the president. >> why do you think he's doing this? and can he be talked out of wood republicans? be willing to support this aid package. >> we need a functioning legislative branch are you willing to let people in the west bank vote why do you think so many republican this have downplayed this. >> do you think he's guilty the lead with jake tapper weekdays if for on cnn glows captioning brought to you by, feel away, optimum, enhanced
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calming for cats if your cat sprays outside the litter box, fights with other cats were scratches the furniture, they could be telling you they're stressed to help them feel more calm i feel away optimum we're all the celebrities aware of these ridiculous outfits. to the met gala have to answer the question, how do you go? for the bathroom or get a drink or dance, or do any the thing one typically does at a gala and then there's the embarrassment when you have to tell your mother i was out all night pulling a train euro someone has to ask the man who was in the news because he raised a
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the form of old lion and plays with him in his yard. you know how this ends, right yes congratulations by a friend you're going to be in the news again one more time unlike everyone who imagined, they can make a pet out of an apex predator. >> your last words will be, don't worry, he's just playing euro between kristi noem saying she shot her dog and rfk saying he found a dead worm and is brian politicians seem to go back to lying what. >> this is so much information. >> it's not helping your chances when i hear a guy found a dead worm in his brain it
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makes me think just one thing. you can stop asking me to try sushi i'm sure it's delicious, but i think the cave men were onto something when they started cooking with fire neural level at the boy scouts of america is changing its name to scouting america. someone has to tell them that's still sounds kind of creepy maybe even more so, we're scouting america for young boys. yeah, that doesn't sound good either neural don't be surprised these $800 designer jeans with the stain that looks like you your pants are sold out. hey, the kids loved streaming and
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young voters and the key to this election and these pants say, i love joe biden so much. i want to dress just lanka we're living up to what we're then joe's and farley new rule. now that the campus protesters are finally packing up their tents and delousing their hair it's time for the media to admit that they blew the whole thing way out of proportion because there's always with media these days they don't cover what's most important, just what's most fund to watch there are 15.2 million college students in the and 2,300 has been arrested. that's one 67th of 1% and half are the ones in new york weren't even students but we were given the we were given the false impression at these protesters are the voice of their generation, having found a cause for which they were willing to go to the tenths and to the barricades oh, please.
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these kids are more violent when their team wins a championship hey harvard youth poll proved it. they asked people 18 to 29 what issues mattered most to them. and out of 16 choices, palestine came in 15 the vast majority just want to do what they went to college for in the first place to experiment with being a lesbian but when these kids chant the whole world is watching their right. but only because you with the cameras won't show anything else, isn't there a bear in a swimming pool you somewhere you should be covering so i thought as a public service, since it's so hard to find reliable news these days tonight, i would provide a few rules of
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thumb for trying to follow the news in our modern age starting with if the headlines in your preferred news outlet routinely feature words like shreds destroys pummels bashes you're outlet is a partisan piece of either that or you're reading a batman comic oh with obliterates, roasts, annihilates and owns is supposed to be a source for information, not nikki glaser at the tom brady roast the lawsuit was good to any news source that quotes the internet or rights twitter says are a bunch of hacks too lazy to do real journalism you can pretend you wrote a piece on the zeitgeist. but what you're really did was look on your phone and quote the three angry as people with the most time on their hands three if you're
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news outlet consistently reduces everything that happens in the world to who the president of america is. get rid of it. it's just thoughtless reflexive team politics trust me, no one lighting attire, fire in haiti is thinking he wouldn't have done this under trump, but given the weakness of the biden administration, why not? every problem in the world is caused by the president. when that train derailed and east palestine, it wasn't because trump deregulated the brakes and the container ship didn't hit the bridge because of biden's woke dei agenda. these aren't news stories. there story lines pumped into your bubble for always be aware that once the news became a profit division of media companies,
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they stopped being in the newest business and are now in the audience stroking business the goal is no longer to inform opinions, it's to reinforce them. walter cronkite used to say that's the way it is. now, it's that's our story and worst they can do it narrative first whole story never on fox, a venezuelan migrant is always stabbing a white lady. and on npr, where they stop bashing the wretched long enough only to begged for money jamaica is a paradise and nebraska is a no go zone news nation reported this year that the us was on track for nearly a 300% increase in measles cases. 300%. wow, that sounds like it could be millions it was 35 because they just want to manipulate you into clicking. look, i have ten fingers. you
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want to see me suddenly have 80% lasts okay dr. never trust the initial reports, the media cares way more about being first than being right. they love a scoop, but it's a scoop of because it always turns out to be wrong this goes way back to remember columbine. remember that the first school shooting where it was widely reported that the shooters were members of a trench coat mafia. they weren't that they were being bullied, not true. and they targeted jocks, no evidence of that so they got everything right except for all of it you have to care about the truth. the media doesn't care about it because they know you don't
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care, but you just want to hear your side. so at some point you need to take a step back, look around and be really honest. are you actually as as your news feed tells you, you are, are you miserable? some people are and we should help them. are you destitute some people are. >> we should help them, but most people who take this away get to work alive most don't fall out of a plane with the missing door odds are you actually catch bird flu during a school shooting or be living on the street because a squatter snatched your house be honest. >> are you really that sad about the present sorry about the past and scared less about the future people come up to me a lot these days and they say, bill, what are we going to do if he wins?
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>> then even ever have to say who i know, who they mean the guy who always looked like he's jerking off two guys when he fan favorite well, you know what? i don't know what we'll do if he wins, but my guess is, we'll keep on living trump could absolutely blow up the world on day one of term two, he's a dangerous, erratic, insane, awful person, and i'd love to help them get not elected but he didn't actually start world war three last time, or nuka hurricane or trade puerto rico for greenland sure sure. sequel is usually worse, but until he does, i'm going to live my life and not
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the one the media wants me to live, hating half the country and my pants 24/7 is this guy really falling? >> i don't know. >> maybe maybe it's just the door from a boeing airplane in minneapolis, july 13, rather soggy milwaukee on the 14th. >> and they endure music hall in boston, july 26. i want to thank douglas very frank slash are now go watch over time on youtube thank you very much, gentlemen hings may seem fine
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out there that you need to watch out with diseases to help you. >> okay. >> does this look okay how do i protect myself? but didn't you skulls health plus lawn food
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa!
11:00 pm
what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.


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