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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 12, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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you ready? -showtime. this is gonna be epic. [ barking ] it's what the poster said. do you want to make out or? nope. i meant yes. he's a bon garçon. i give amazing sponge-baths. can i get a room? [ chuckling ] ♪ ♪ chef's kiss. anywhere anytime.
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>> join me. a i'm zachary cohen and washington. and this cnn welcome to all you want to miss here in the united states, canada, and all around the world, i'm kimberly hubert. >> this is cnn newsroom what i'm we have to evacuate. >> we have no choice if i stay, i will die either death or displacement hundreds of thousands of palestinians fleeing rafah as israel's military continues to strike parts of gaza level live report on the pushback israel's receiver being for their evacuation orders, plus the former president goes from the courtroom to the campaign trail. we'll look at why donald trump was rallying in a non battleground state possible soggy mother's day for millions across the us today. the forecast ahead from the cnn weather center live from
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atlanta this is cnn newsroom with kim brune hoover i ian's in gaza, say they have no safe place to go as israel conduct strikes from the north to the south israeli military says about 300,000 palestinians have vacua that rafah to what is israel calls expanded humanitarian areas. >> the presence of the european council calls those areas unsafe zones. and unacceptable. so here's a look at them on a map. the original humanitarian area is al-mawasi, marked in white and area largely composed of sand dunes. the expanded area is around khan younis, martin yellow. now, this was the scene in rafah. you can see smoke rising into the air. hospital officials there say 15 palestinians were killed in strikes on saturday with more wounded. >> the group made sets off halt, yell says it's transferring the remaining patients from his hospital in rafah thing it no can low longer guarantee their safety meanwhile, us president joe
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biden said on saturday that there would be a ceasefire tomorrow if hamas would release the hostages, it's holding journalist elliott gucken joins us now, live with more on the situation. >> so elliot, more evacuations, more people who say they have nowhere safe to go that's right. kim. >> we understand that israel has issued evacuation orders to more than a dozen neighborhoods in central and eastern rafah, telling people living there or staying there, many of whom have been displaced from other parts of the gaza strip to go to those humanitarian areas. >> now, you mentioned al-mawasi, which is due the west of khan younis on the beach. it's a barren stretch of beach lacking all basic infrastructure. we also understand that despite those drawbacks, it's filling up. we understand at the same time, we've got people moving to khan younis to the north of rafah. other places and what you're also finding is that people in those neighborhoods where israel says hamas activities have been taking place, which is why it's advising them to evacuate via
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flyers and also online posts and text messages and the like. so a lot of people who are in those areas are evacuating if they can be also getting people in other parts of round which haven't been told to evacuate. also taking the decision to do so, if they can because they take the view that look, if at some point we are going to be told to evacuate better to do it sooner than later so that they can find a safer, safer place. to go to. now rather than find that the places that are relatively safer are actually full already. and of course, amid all of that, we've also got the situation in terms of getting humanitarian aid into the gaza strip, becoming even more problematic, not least, because not a single truck. according to the authorities in hamas-run i'm not a single truck over the past six days has gone in from the egyptian side of the border into a rafah because egyptian officials tell us they cannot guarantee the safety of humanitarian aid trucks while
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israeli forces are on the ground there because hamas and other militant groups might take aim at them. and that's not an unreasonable concern given what we saw from hamas firing rockets towards the kerem shalom crossing to the south between israel and the gaza strip about a week ago, something that killed some four israeli soldiers that was temporarily closed. israel says that that has since reopened and about 200,000 liters of fuel and flour have gotten through. but this is still nowhere near enough, kim? >> yeah, that's right. and then elliott, as i mentioned earlier, president biden said there would be a ceasefire tomorrow in gaza of hamas would release as hostages. so where do the talks actually stand right now? >> they stand where they have stood for the past few months. kim, namely at an impasse. now, there was some hope given that israel and hamas delegations in cairo for those talks that are being mediated by the egyptian, egyptians and the categories. but those talks haven't gone anywhere. hamas, of course, we noted last week, hood said that it had reached that it had agreed to a ceasefire deal that
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would see a number of israeli hostages, 33 hostages released. but it seems that hamas agreed to a deal that israel had not signed up to. and we have a situation now where those talks have i suppose the best way of describing them have taken a breather the delegations are no longer there in cairo there is still hope that at some point a deal can be done that perhaps some verbal gymnastics would allow a deal to be done that would allow hamas to say that israel has agreed to end the war completely, and israel to say that it hasn't, but we're not there yet. >> all right. thanks so much for that update. elliott gucken in london, appreciate that ukrainian drones went after the largest refinery in southern russia, causing a brief fire this morning. that's from the governor of the volgograd region who says the attack was repelled, but at least one drone crashed and caused an explosion. he says there were no casualties meanwhile, russia is claiming progress in its new offensive in northern ukraine
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moscow says it has captured five villages in the kharkiv region, but ukraine says they are still contested local officials say at least three people were killed in russian strikes on the region. overnight, residents lenski says, ukraine is now rushing in reinforcements and strengthening its positions there more than 1,700 people have been evacuated from the region since russia launched the incursion on friday. and last hour, i spoke with alexander merits, co, the chair of the foreign affairs committee in ukraine's parliament. and i asked him if the russian offensive is only a probing attack are part of a larger operation, areas russia doesn't have enough manpower and capabilities to do that. russia claimed that it wants to establish so-called buffer zone to protect russian city of belgorod city and also russia is trying to advance further nir to kharkiv to bring gloves, artillery, and to be able to shell civilian reza areas in
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kharkiv so you say that they have made some advances their friday, the us national security spokesperson predicted russia would make further advances in the coming weeks do you think that's accurate? i don't think that there will be major advancement. you see, putin is trying to put under control to occupy the whole territory of dumb bombs two regions which were later previously included in russian constitution and he tried to do it twice, but so far, you fail to do that. >> so he's major goal is to occupy at least two regions of ukraine donetsk, luhansk called blasts, but he failed to do so the us has given ukraine billions in aid recently friday forum hundred million more. how quickly can this be deployed? do you think in the northeast
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well, it's crucial to be capable to defend ourselves successfully, effectively. >> we need major military aid, especially artillery shells, atacms, and all kinds of longer french missiles these aid is getting to our troops at the front line. and luckily, americans have a prearranged and started to deliver artillery shells as soon as possible. but at the same time, but we haven't received everything right now. we expect more military aid within the next days or weeks some 50,000 protesters marched through the streets of georgia's capital saturday here's another, mass demonstration against so-called foreign agents bill that some believe will squash georgia's
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chance of joining the european union. >> the kremlin's dal measure would force organizations receiving more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as foreign agents, parliament is set to begin committee hearings on the bills. third and final reading on monday former president donald trump was back on the campaign trail saturday after an explosive week of testimony in his hush money trial in new york he held a beach front rally in new jersey estate. he lost a president, joe biden in 2020 by about 60 points cnn's alayna treene was there former president donald trump traded the courtroom for the jersey shore this weekend where he held a massive rallied in wild would now new jersey isn't exactly a battleground state. no hate on new jersey. it is my home state, but it's typically been very blue. trump lost the state to joe biden in 2020 however, donald trump claimed on saturday that he thinks he could be competitive in new jersey come november, he
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claimed that he thinks he is going to win and that comes despite my conversations with many trump advisers who like that they don't think trump could likely when here in november, even though they think he's performing better than he may have in the past. and luck i also think that part of the reason we saw such big crowds in wild would is because why would is part of cape may county? it is a very ready district within new jersey, more broadly, a lot of people from pennsylvania as one well, traveled to the state for the rally on saturday. now, i also just want to bring your attention to what donald trump said about the current war in the middle east. teeth made in one of his most explicit comments yet showing his support for israel and specifically israel's military presence in gaza. take a listen to how he put it. >> i support israel's right to win its war on terror. i don't know if that's good or bad politically. i don't care. >> now, the former president also spoke more so generally about his trial. and at one point did bring up his hush
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money case in new york. however, he spoke about it in more general terms and did not do anything that could be seen as it's violating the gag order. and my whole return to court on monday where his former fixer, michael cohen is expected to begin his testimony. alayna treene, cnn, wild one new jersey joe biden was on the road saturday as well. and as you made some very critical remarks about trump and how he handled his 2020 loss, talking to supporters at a private fundraiser in seattle, washington, biden said, quote, it's clear that when he lost in 2020, something snapped in him he's not only obsessed with losing in 2020, he's clearly unhinged, just listened to what he's telling people all right. still ahead, a massive solar storm we've been watching is expected to ramp up today, creating more spectacular views of the northern and southern lights. >> and prince harry and meghan, duchess of sussex, are wrapping up their tour of nigeria after the break, we'll go live to lagos and catch up with popular royals. >> that's coming up, stay with
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medicines that only treat bipolar one, capital ayta is proven to deliver significant in symptom relief from both bipolar one and two depression. >> and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain, we're not common capital ida can cause serious side effects. >> call your doctor about sudden it changes behaviors are suicidal thoughts right away. antidepressants may increase these risks and young adults, elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. capitalize has not approved for dementia-related psychosis, report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles which may be life-threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements which may be permanent. common side effects include sleepiness in this nausea and try mouth. these aren't all the side effects. >> and the darkness of bipolar one and two depression capsulated can help you let in the light ask your doctor about capital find savings and support a prince harry and meghan, duchess of sussex, are wrapping up their three-day tour of nigeria in lagos, the country's economic capital, where they're set to attend to giants of africa
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exhibition basketball game the sussexes have been incredibly popular and well received on each stop of their tour so far today, shouldn't be any different. >> i'm joined now by cnn, stephanie busari, is there in lagos, nigeria. so stephanie take us through what harry and meghan will be doing there and how they're being received yes. >> so in the last few minutes, harry and meghan just arrived at this grammar school. this government grammar school in lagos. and they were greeted with absolutely rapturous applause and a display of acrobatic dancing and if you couldn't hear just a little bit behind me, i don't know if you can hear the music that they're reception going on right now. and this is a special place. they set this site that court is one of ten. that's been built by giants of africa my sayyed would join us earlier and his organization
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staging is much here today for the for prince harry and meghan to just showcase the work that they're doing with sports. and young people and some of them are disabled, some of them in wheelchairs, given them a new lease of life to play sports, to play basketball. so it's really on-brand for the sussexes that they'd been focused on charities, sports charities and mental health, and women's empowerment in the strip, kim all right. >> and stephanie, it was interesting to you here. i'm megan. during this talking about her nigerian heritage, i guess that's something that would've gone over well with the local, sir absolutely absolutely. we heard from the nigerian defence authorities before harry and meghan arrived that one of the reasons that they to calm was for meghan to discover this part of our
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heritage she previously revealed that she discovered she was 43% nigerian. and yesterday evening at reception for women leaders meghan said that she was feeling absolutely welcomed and she called nigeria her country, and that again, just gained such a huge response, huge positive. and what response and many on the audience wanted to give her a nigerian name from their tribe. and you just really very facts and very open to finding out that this part of heritage she said and she did reveal that the first person she called when she found out about this ancestry was her mother to do ask a question about what she meant? i have known about their nigerian past, but yeah, this trip has just been a very, very warm and and engage in welcome for the sussexes skimming
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absolutely. all right. great to have you there. stephanie was sorry. in lagos. thanks so much the severe solar storm is hitting the earth, giving many around the world another shot at seeing auroras light up the sky tonight. the space weather prediction center says we could see a spectacle similar to friday show in the the northern lights could shop as far south as alabama. the storm peaked on friday night at level five out of five think that hasn't happened in more than 20 years. so you meteorologist derek van dam explains what's behind these dazzling displays the historic geomagnetic storm continues. >> we're just getting word from noah's space prediction center that the geomagnetic storm watch continues right through the de on sunday as we we continue to get these highly charged particles hurdle towards earth from what is known as a sunspot cluster that is 17 times the size of the
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entire planet. in fact, you can see it with the naked eye, as long as you pull up your old eclipse glasses from last april and you can actually see a black spots that is visible in the bottom corner of the sun. so how to look for that? because that is the reason we are experiencing this beautiful display of northern lights. we are getting these coronal mass ejection, a solar flare that travels that 93 million miles to reach us here on earth. and interacts with our magnetic poles. and it creates that beautiful display that we are all seeing. this is so rare, i like to coin the term. i once in a lifetime opportunity because a lot, let's think about the pictures that we have seen with this palm trees in key largo, florida with a northern lights display behind it that is just flabbergasted. and for me to witness something like that here in my own backyard in atlanta, georgia this far south is really saying
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something and we've got more opportunities for northern lights aurora borealis. so the on the lookout for that as the sunset, it is going to be quite the spectacle. cnn meteorologist derek van dam, atlanta, georgia today is mother's day here in the and depending on where you are, you may want to rethink any outdoor plans for mom from here all just allison char has the latest forecast. yes, it is, unfortunately going to be quite a psaki mother's day for some across the us today, namely places like new york philadelphia, and even pittsburgh, looking at some pretty rainy conditions throughout the day to day, when you shift towards the central us, a lot of places not just dealing with rain, but also some thunderstorms as well. kansas city, oklahoma city, down through dallas, houston, and even a little bit farther back into denver. also looking at some showers and thunderstorms into the forecast. but well out to the west, very nice conditions here. las vegas, phoenix, and even los angeles getting some sunshine in the forecast there
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in terms of the strongest storms in the head heaviest rainfall that's once again going to be focused across much of the central us. you can see as we go into sunday afternoon, that system begins to spread eastward. now, you're starting to see some of that heavier rainfall pushing from dallas down through houston, even shreveport, louisiana. then once we spread into monday, you'll notice that moisture continuing along the gulf coast. so now going into play this is like mobile, alabama new orleans, even spreading into areas of little rock and then also portions a little bit farther to the north and to say like areas of missouri also into illinois before the system spreads eastward. so looking at sunday, there is the potential for some excessive rainfall. you'll notice the highest point is really from dallas stretching down through houston, the unfortunate the part is that does mean that we are likely going to see some flooding in very close places to where we saw the flooding just a week ago, north and eastward of the houston suburbs there, but also spreading into louisiana. then by monday is the system spreads eastward. so does the greatest potential for that flooding. you can see
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it's really heavily focused right here alone on the gulf coast. but one to three inches is possible for a lot of these areas, you can see right down there, but some of those areas seeing that orange color indicates four or even five inches is not out of the question, even though that won't necessarily be the widespread amounts that we end up seeing. another concern monday two is actually going to be the return of some strong to severe veer thunderstorms. same thing, we're looking at houston up through dallas over to shreveport, down into new orleans. the main threats here are going to be damaging winds. the potential for some large hail, and yes, even having some possible tornadoes as well. >> wildfire evacuation orders and alert are in effect into canadian provinces more than 3,000 people in northern british columbia have been ordered to leave their homes as nearby flames covered nearly 1,700 hectares, some people are refusing to go the government warns that resins are likely to be impacted by wildfire smoke for the rest of the weekend. meanwhile, there's an evacuation alert for fort mcmurray in neighboring
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alberta. officials say the out-of-control wildfire there is nearly 2000 hectares in size and extremely dangerous, but there's no immediate risk to the communities now all of this after authority last year's wildfire season was the worst in canada's history. so ban, thick smoke spread across the us more than 300 people are dead after heavy flooding ravaged northern afghanistan. that's according to the world food program. a un agency says the heavy flooding damage nearly 2000 homes with thousands stranded without access to services. the international rescue committee is calling the disaster a major humanitarian emergency. the ruling taliban says, it has asked its government and local officials to use all available resources to rescue those stranded heavy rains and floods continue to ravage southern brazil. at least 136 people are dead and more than 100 people are missing in the state of rio grande do sul's according to the local civil defense agency, the storms of effective nearly
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2 million people in brazil displacing hundreds of thousands in chaos and destruction are far from over. meteorologists warned intense rain is expected to continue in parts of southern brazil until sunday, with some areas expected to receive six inches of rain according to a brazilian forecasters. now cnn has gathered a list of vetted organizations that are on the ground responding to the humanity during crisis in brazil. and you can find details on how you can help a special section of our website at the cult film maker roger corman has died modern-day moviegoers may not know the name or his low budget cult classics with memorable titles like a bucket of blood and death race, 2000 what they would recognize the impact he had on the film industry you gave future stars like francis ford coppola martin scorsese, and ron howard. their early breaks in the business known as the king of the b movies, corman produced a direct
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hundreds of films. most of the made on a shoestring. and it should be posted on x. ron howard called corman a mentor who launched many careers and gave me my first shot at directing hormone was 98 years old all right. i'm kimberly, who are familiar is here in north america. have more cnn newsroom in a moment for our international viewers, african voices, changemakers isn't it ? >> salon pods, lidocaine flex, but super thin, flexible paths with maximum otc strength
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that altered my brain chemistry. new hands-free sketcher lipids, it's likes lipids have an invisible built-in shoe horn, so my foot slides in placed mind blown welcome back. >> all you watching us here in the united states and canada in kimberley hoovered, this is cnn newsroom when i get to one of our top stories were falling this morning, the israeli military says about 300,000 palestinians have fled rafat to what israel falls expanded humanitarian areas. the european union calls them unsafe and unlivable. once israel now conducting airstrikes and artillery strikes in northern central and southern gaza. and that's leaving few places where palestinians feel safe and a new state department report investigating whether israel violated international humanitarian law threatens to widen the rift between the leaders of the us and israel. now that report says it's reasonable to assess that israeli forces have used us
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weapons in gaza in ways inconsistent with international humanitarian in but the report stopped short of concluding that israel committed violations. cnn's priscilla alvarez has more tensions remain high between the united states and israel. >> with report released by the state department on friday, a high-stakes report that marks yet another stark moment between us and israel in the report that was put together by the biden administration, they found that quote, it's reasonable to assess that us weapons have been used by israeli forces in gaza, in ways that are inconsistent with international humanitarian law. but stopped short of saying that israel violated the law. of course this stemming from a february national security memorandum random that requires a determination on this matter and also whether israel withheld humanitarian aid into gaza in violation of us law. of course it's all of this serving as another data point that the biden administration is using in their ongoing discussions with israel. but it
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also comes against the backdrop of the interview that president biden had. would cnn, where he said for the first time that he is willing to withhold weapons from israel if they launched that major ground operation of rafah area with more than 1 million displaced palestinians. now, those conversations are ongoing and the president said that he would continue defensive weapons, but there could be he had on offensive weapons, but all of this together still making quite clear that their continued to be underlined tensions between the us and israel as it wages its war against hamas gaza. priscilla alvarez, cnn, seattle, washington pro-palestinian protests continue across some college campuses in the at virginia commonwealth university, at least a dozen students walked out during the commencement ceremony saturday. >> the situation was similar at the university of california berkeley where the graduation ceremony was interrupted several times by demonstrators i but you allow the program to continue okay as cnn's camila
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bernal reports. >> it's not just these two universities. in fact, many graduating ceremonies have been different this semester due to the protests there are so many students that are frustrated right now. no matter what side of the conflict you are on it was a celebration but it wasn't a traditional commencement. >> a joke that's going around our class. it's kind of funny, but it's kinda sad. our last normal graduation was eighth grade much of the class of 2024 impacted by the pandemic in high school. >> and i barely had a graduation it was 60 feet apart mass can i haven't guessed beyond your immediate family? so it was not normal. and now college graduation also, not normal for logan barth and many others graduating this year
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number of colleges and universities around the country changing, adjusting, or even canceling commencement ceremonies getting safety concerns after campus protests at columbia university, the school says they decided to make class days and school-level ceremonies. >> the centerpiece of commencement and a similar focus across the country at usc the university said the intensity of feelings fueled by both social media and the ongoing conflict in the middle east created substantial risks relating to security and disruption at commencement, they built it correctly by closing because the campus. and why cleaning colon police to cleanse encampment best some people, and they were trying to avoid this at the university of michigan in ann arbor pro-palestinian protesters at briefly disrupted the university's commencement
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ceremony. >> i think i was less concerned with the protests and the encampment impacting graduation. i wasn't more disappointed in the university's response to everything and how they handle things at usc graduation events went on without any apparent disruption but it's still wasn't what many hoped for or expected did it definitely would have been nice to have like a traditional commencement ceremony, especially for a class who was already impacted four years ago, camila bernal, cnn, los angeles coming up drugs like ozempic were created to help patients manage heart disease or diabetes. >> but now, for many americans, their primary use is for weight loss. and that's it's making them fly off the shelves for better and for worse, lot more on that coming up, please stay with us skin craving next level hydration, neutrogena hydro boost, water cream, a vital boost of nine times more hydration that's clinically
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info, physicians mutual physicians, mutual i'm on roger capitol hill. this is c gonna mute health survey finds that one in eight american adults
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have taken prescription weight loss drugs like ozempic or wegovy as those medicines become more popular, they become harder to find and that can be especially difficult for people who rely on them to treat chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease. cnn's medical correspondent, meg tirrell has more we know that these medications have been incredibly popular and widely used. >> and this polls suggests really just how much it finds that one in eight adults are about 12% the us say that you've ever taken one of these medications. they're in a class known as glp-1 receptor agonists that includes ozempic and mounjaro, which are approved for type two diabetes and wegovy and zepbound which are approved for chronic weight management. now, 6% of the people in this poll, which was done by company called kff say that they are currently taking one of these medications that's about 15 million people. and the manufacturers of these drugs, novo nordisk and eli lilly have actually been struggling to keep up with
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demand. so presumably even more people would be on these medications if the companies could make more and they are desperately trying to ramp up the manufacturing now among the people who report ever taking one of these medications, folks with diabetes, we're most likely to have said they've taken one more than 40% among people with heart disease, 26% said they taken one of these drugs and among people whose doctor said they had obesity or overweight, 22% said they had ever taken one. now affordability of these medications is huge problem in the united states. they cost more than $1,000 out of pocket each month without insurance and insurance coverage can be really difficult in this poll. more than half say that these medicines have been difficult to afford even with insurance. and 22% say they'd been very difficult one group that's had a special trouble with this has been people over the age of 65 who may be covered by medicare because medicare can't cover drugs that are approved just for weight loss.
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>> but a lot of people in this poll say that that should change more than 60% say that medicare should cover these medications for weight-loss purposes for people who are overweight, even when told that this could raise premiums across the board for everybody. >> these are very widely used medications expected to only be come more so and will continue to follow these trends and joining me now is dr. fatema codis stanford. >> she's see obesity medicine, physician, scientists and associate professor at harvard medical school and is the equity director at massachusetts general hospitals and the cream division. so thank you so much for joining me here. so what do you make the fact that one in eight americans have taken the drug and we can expect that number, i guess to grow right? >> absolutely well, we do know that obesity is the largest and most predominant chronic disease in human history, right? this is affecting over 1 billion people worldwide and
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over 140 million people here in the united states of america. >> when we look at the fact that this is the most predominant chronic disease in human history does make sense that these medications would be taken for this purpose with that large number base. >> and particularly when we look at the fact that these medications have been shown to reduce many chronic diseases and illnesses. for example, we know that this has been shown to reduce all cause mortality we've shown to reduce the rates of stroke and heart attack admissions for heart failure and improve kidney composite outcomes. and so when we look at these numbers and the efficacy of these drugs, it's no surprise to me that we've seen these numbers in terms of just the use of these medications you mentioned obesity. we saw in that report will bring up the numbers here is of americans use it for weight loss or because of diabetes and of that number obviously many struggled with
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obesity as you point out, some hundred and 50 million people living with the disease. but i mean this drug isn't a holy grail right absolutely. >> so we have to recognize that with this chronic disease that not everyone is going to be a responder to these medications when we're looking at this, we're seeing about 15 to 20% of individuals that do take these medications are not going to be responders to these medications. now, i said 15 to 20% will not be responders. but then that still leaves a large percentage of individuals that would be responders to these medications and the beginning of this segment, we talked about the numbers of individuals that can't get these medications. that's still a large number of individuals that could respond to these medications with those really important outcome reducing the likelihood of individuals that have issues like heart failure and individuals that are going to see improvements in major adverse coronary events are things like obstructive sleep
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apnea when treated with these medications. >> so we're talking about the high demand there. we also saw from that kff poll 76% founded either difficult or very difficult to afford, which is presumably why we're seeing such a rise in cases of fake ozempic, for instance, what are you seeing out there? >> i'm seeing very similar issues and even for getting these from my patients, i'm seeing patients are really straubing four unfortunately, things that are not scientifically proven. these medications are exorbitant and costs and that's really unfortunate. and a lot of this has to do with the fact that it was a lot when it's a research and development of these medications. and so when we're looking at the studies, looking at those big articles that came out in the new england journal, the wilding steady for the semaglutide. semaglutide is that drug we see ozempic and wegovy and trees epitaph, which that dual agonists that you talked about, the majority the
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zap balance of the world. a lot of research and development went into that, but despite all of that, we can't get access to these drugs because of the sheer volume of money that went into it to producing these medications. what really just affects is on the ground getting access and you talked about my role in equity and i want to make sure that everyone when that needs these medications is able to get access particularly individuals that come from backgrounds like myself, those that are underrepresented in this country, those that are racial, ethnic minorities that are disproportionately suffering from conditions like diabetes and obesity. those that are descendants of enslaved in this country, i want to make sure that those persons get access, but right now, the reality is, those are not the individuals that are getting access to these medications that really need them. >> yeah. and that's why so many are turning to cheaper fake products that they can get online. i want to ask you before we go about something that we have reported on phenomenon, so-called ozempic
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pick babies. i mean, there have been reports that this drug could lead to more pregnancies. why is that so what we've seen with these medications, if they really do seem to improve fertility and there's a lot of questions as to why this is. >> but what we do know is this really seems to reduce inflammation with than the body. and we are seeing on the ground and i can tell you a month to my patient population individuals that have really had a hard time conceiving are seeing reductions have inflammation and improved ability to conceive. we're seeing this with our reproductive and phrenologist individuals that have had really significant challenges for quite some time, seeing improved milieu within the reproductive process. and even individuals that are going into perimenopause and thinking they're in menopause, conceiving after quite some difficulties i'm moving into that process. so this is a real phenomenon, but really important thing i need to state what really from a safety and
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efficacy see process is we do ask people stop these medications two months prior to conception. so if you're really in this process of thinking that you really can't conceive. we do ask that you stop these medications, the glp-1 receptor agonists two months prior to conceiving that's what the safety data shows so i really just want to give that safety the announcement right now here on cnn international as we're going into that. so just want to make that clear. >> yeah important reminder for folks that they're listening. we really appreciate your expertise on this. dr. stanford. thank you so much. >> thanks so much for having me. >> and we'll be right back their tech allergy relief works fast. >> and last one all 24 hours. so dave can be the deliverer. dance. >> okay. dave let's be more than our allergies xi's day with zero start your de with
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14, nothing run. and brown not just talking the talk he was walking, finishing with 20 one, eight points in this one, jayson tatum. meanwhile, he had a game-high 33 along with 13 rebounds, six assists showing off that slick spin move and a baseline sam then seal in with this fadeaway j celtics reassert their dominance, taken the two once series lead meanwhile, the mavericks, showing they're not just a one man band or even dynamic duo. they have a full ensemble for the second straight game, pj washington leading dallas hitting five three-pointers, scoring 20 points. and how about the high-flying derek lively, soren, and score and he had 12 points off the bench. this game was intense. kim dallas up three with a minute 30 to go. huge collision. luka doncic already with a bad knee sore ankle. now, a stiff back after fohlin heart to the floor after hidden lu dort going for that loose ball, lucas finished with 22 kyrie or vaping also with 22 in this one, the final
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minute, he put the game away, skating around the defender, hitting that float or maps, gut out a 105101. when go two games to one over the top-seeded okc on the ice, the hurricanes down but not out in their series against the rangers facing the o3 deficit, then blowing a 3-1 lead in game four. but brady, shai making like tom brady coming up clutch ripping a onetime or eventual game winner from the blue line with just over three minutes ago, carolina keeping this series alive with a 4-3 when lana braves fan is waking up this morning probably thinking why max freed on the mount for atlanta face in the mess and brace faithful, we're thinking he's about to do some. we haven't seen in 30 years of atlanta picture no-hitters. michael harris with an awesome catching the bottom of the seven, keeping freed's no, no alive. but then atlanta took freed out of the games seven nas hundred nine pitches, five strikeouts, no hits. for watching the bottom of the knife rise cell eeg laziest on the bump. now for atlanta two outs just need one more to
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party, but that no, it is gone after jd martinez hits a home run atlanta gets the wind, but they are still with the fourth longest drought with a no-hitter there. last one was in 1994. >> all right. if finally, as any parent knows, it's all about safety first and now know back djokovic knows that too, after his match friday at the italian open, joker took a water bottle to the head, fortunately end up being just a bump. thankfully, also, it was a complete accident. the tournament organizers releasing this video showing that it's slipped out of a fans backpack. well, yesterday, joker came prepared the world but number one, show it up wearing a bike helmet. he posted on social sad today, i came from fair that's good. yeah. i get to he has a sense of humor about it. going wire. thanks so much. you guys i want to share this with you before we go, have a look at this it was a chaotic and
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controversial eurovision song contest was you can see there this year's winner is pure joy. there's with singer and rapper nemo one the affection of the audience and judges with their song, the code, a celebration of the artist accepting their non-binary identity the first eurovision, when ever for a non-binary person and switzerland's first win since 1988 i hope this contest can live, live to, it's promising, continuing to stem for peace and think maybe we're happy the musical extravaganzas took place while protests against the war in
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gaza raged outside. some people inside the arena booed and left theory is israeli singer eden golan gave her performance all right, so that wraps this. hour of cnn newsroom. i'm kim brune hoover for viewers in north america, cnn this morning is next for the rest of the world. >> it's marketplace ur biggest challenge uncertainty hidden fees, surcharges.
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